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Narrative Lyrics
Anwer Ghani
International Inventives Cloud
All rights are preserved
The Cover image and the interior
illustrations; Artography by Pasqual Bettio
FRPS with permission and thanks
The Dedication
To the Transgenrics
The Dedication
The Author
The Poems
Free Bird
The birds
A Colored Shadow
Cloud tales
Strange holiday
A Slivery Air
The Yellow Bird
A Dry Breeze
Winter Tales
Colored smiles
The Dreamy Owl
A Perfume
Babyish Winds
Saba Breeze
A Moment
Melodic Compassion
A Meeting
Springs’ Daughter
The Ocean’s Mirrors
Whisper of the Sea
The River’s Face
The poets
The Coffee Man
The Glamorous Gardens
The Magic Gemstones
The Wizard Land
The Enchanting World
In Literature, there are
the poetry, the prose and
in the middle, the prose
poetry according to the
characters of the
superficial and deep
structures of the
speaking. Every speaking
or its writing has a
superficial structure
which is the first
construction and the
understanding level in the
hearing or reading
process, and a deep
structure which is the
analytic and semantic
level in this system. While
poetry characterized by
rhythmic superficial and
deep structures, the prose
in contrary to this has
characterized by
unrhythmic superficial
and deep structures. But
in the prose poetry we
find the unrhythmic
superficial structure and
the rhthymic deep one,
and this is the cause of
hybridization in the prose
poetry. So the prose
poetry is a hybrid of prose
and poetry and the
rhymicity and
The prose poetry can be
produced with a
narrative or lyric
manner. If the style is
lyric in both superficial
and deep layers, there
will be the lyric prose
poetry, while if the style
was narrative in both
superficial and deep
layers; there will be the
narrative prose poetry.
But we can find the
superficial narrative
structure with the deep
lyric structure. In this
case there will be the
hybrid of Narrato-lyric
prose poetry, and this the
second hybrid inside the
first hybrid of proso-
poetry. So the
Narratolyric prose poetry
is a hybrid inside a
I am happy to introduce
thses piece of my
experience in the
narrative lyricism, and
for more details about the
narratolrysicism you can
read my book
"Narratolryic Writing" on
my website
Anwer Ghani, Babylon 2017
The Author
Anwer Ghani is an Iraqi
poet and author. He was
born in 1973 in Alhilla city.
His name had appeared in
Adelaide, Zarf, Peacock,
Otoliths, Tow drops of Ink,
and others. And also had
appeared in Inner Child
Press anthology "The Year
Of The Poet". Anwer Ghani
is the chief editor of
"Tajdeed" lit magazine.
Recently, he published
"The Narratolyric
Writing"; (Smashwords
2017), "Antipoetic Poems";
(Creat Spacee 2017), and
"TRUMP"; (Inner Child
Press 2017). He had, in
Arabic, forty books in
literature and religious
Anwer Ghan is the vice
president of The Arabic
Cultural House In India
(ACHII) , the chief
representative of the
World Nations Writers
Union (WNWU) in Iraq,
and the member in
international writers
association (IWA) . In
(2017) he held a certificate
of achievement from
Stratford University and K
K Moddi institute. . He is
the founder of "Tajdeed
Literary Institute (TLI)"
and the annual "Tajdeed"
Prize for expressive
The Poems
Narrative Lyricism
Where the poet is a
Free Bird
I am an old farmer. I
cannot see my figure, but
on the water face. It was
small like my dream, At
that time I had been a
child dissolved in the
butterfly colors. Oh the
purity which they steal it.
They take our smooth
olive, make missile from it,
and then they told me that
I am a serious plant
Yes, without tiredness I
shall repeat the birds’
songs, I should not care
about the world brassy
face, nor the one-eyed city.
Yes, I shall learn the earth
the rose voice, and the
lonely winds will not find
a place in my skin. I am a
free bird, I love the mud
smell, and because my
father planted me with a
wheat seed in our small
garden, I like the noon sun
when it touches my face
The birds
Despite all of these dark
clouds, and despite the
absence of simplicity
behind the skyline, I still
like the sky color, and its
wide space which makes
you feel that you are a
light paper over the winds.
The sky despite its
changeable color, it likes
the simple things. It bends
to wipe a head of a wet
bird. As this, as a paper in
the river, I want to live in
simplicity, walking in my
town alleys with breeze
jests with my deep. I am
now feeling boredom in
this noisy city. The birds
are few nowadays. I was
trying to plant a tree from
that type which blossoms
in winter to make the birds
live with no estrangement,
or in a precise words to
make myself live with no
estrangement, because the
color of my county
becomes so strange. The
birds told me that they are
tired from waiting the
runaway boats. They were
whispering in my ears that
the earth becomes red like
the lipstick. Yes, the birds
don't lie. They are icy and
strange creatures. Listen
to their chants which will
make your soul remember
the loyalty
A Colored Shadow
She whispers from there:
Where will you find your
story? The violet roses are
sleepy, and the mirrors
follow the white trees. The
birds and the fabled river
know that moment, which
needs a smile and
I will drown in the
yearning sea. I will hug
that train where we met
sleepy sounds, so from
there, my story will begin
She said: the river colors
are descended from that
balcony and they should
kiss the eyes of flower
seller. That colored
shadow told me: when the
moon sleeps in your lids,
you will know a new kiss
and you will see the cloud
Cloud tales
When we learned laughs,
the moon lights sleep in
our lids, and when I
groped the face of a
strange voice, the vehicles
pass very fast. How you
can imagine this? How
you can count the cloud
Strange holiday
The holiday is a very
delicate thing. We learned
it in our childhood, as we
learned to carry our bags.
It is smooth as a summer
dream, filling our chests
with spring butterflies. I
was very happy when I
touch his heart. Its
waterfalls amazed me.
They were calm as girl
braids. That holiday,
which we saw him in
someday, and we feel his
sleepy hands, I see it
clearly when it plants the
wet tales. That holiday,
which is coming from
faraway town, stands
with its silky coat in the
middle of the street as a
strange man. It dissolves
in our veins as a passion
letter. I was very wrong
when I assumed him an
emigrant goose
As a dazzled butterfly, I
will end in the love of this
earth. I will exit from its
fissures with a crown of
heavy years. Like this, like
an old hunter, I will
dissolve in the lake’s
A Slivery Air
This silvery air is delicate
as a green apple. Under its
wings, the town lives with
quiescence, and the swans
dance like sun songs. The
field’s birds with their
vivid colors, bath over its
swings with delight. Wet
leaves fill the street with
morning songs and
moisten the girls’ hearts
with the breeze. It comes
from a remote land on a
softness’ wing. Its sleepy
river colors my blue
dreams with pearl taste
and its fragrance jumps
between our breaths as a
The Yellow Bird
You can feel my pulse with
its violet water and great
tales of blind sand where
the echo groans as a
yellow bird exhausted by
rain. It narrates his bright
pain with wide eyes. The
crying clouds are shameful
because they dissolve his
feather and bring an
autumn whoop filled with
a yearning death. Oh the
bitter yearning, I am not
happy and can't tell you
about my fiery passion,
but you should remember
that yellow bird and his
grey blood
A Dry Breeze
That evening with its
breeze has planted in my
soul an unforgettable
tales. I don't like the
crying, and as any man, I
wish to fall in a deep love,
but you see my smashed
tress and my lonely
streets. I am a man from
the ruined land. My
dreams were killed as a
beautiful bird and my
smile was stolen in a
bright day. I am standing
under these remnants as a
shadow without feet or
head. I try to cry and
always attempt to wash
my bitter heart, but the
stormy wind is constantly
coloring my soul with a
dry breeze
Winter Tales
It is silvery, just like my
dream, this winter, which
I began to feel vigorously.
His rain colors my soul
and plants in my deep
unforgettable tales
Colored smiles
The water has a smile,
which you can’t see but in
Holi day, where the colors
spread their dreams over
the watery fingers. In its
March, the colored air
fills the sky and gives the
earth its springy face. In
Holi, the souls dress their
new veils, and the birds
chant their colored
The Dreamy Owl
When he sees our dreams,
that owl with his glassy
eyes opens his book. He
knows our hearts deeply
and his hand, which had
come from the remote
valley, colors the moon
with a laugh. O dreamy
owl, this is my desert and
this is my fear, sit behind
my eyes
Can you hear my
muteness? Here is my
pretend cover; the colored
veil. It covers my sadness
with lovely smile and
bears my coldness over
warm wings. Can you see
A Perfume
My skin is brown and I
can see the bars and the
cold prisons of our fences.
You can see my rowdy
trees, my bitter coffee and
the loneliness of my
words, but when we
return to our deep, we
will find the shining
universal perfume
Babyish Winds
The life is so vacant
without the fire of babyish
winds. They color the
rocky hearts with their
frivolity and give the hare
his flying soul. If your old
trees had taught you the
antique aloofness, you
should uncover your deep
spring’s warmness
Saba Breeze
Summer's waterfalls are
so bashful, but they inspire
my body an unforgettable
heartbeat. They hit my
head by their stones, so I
feel incompetent. In their
hands the gentle Saba
breeze appeared more
peaceful. How can I touch
their tales
I am an old farmer
knowing this earth
perfume. I grew between
its legumes like a butterfly.
Come here, look at the
Euphrates’s sweetness. He
doesn't know any spite.
With a brown garment
and a headband, he
descended as a desert
cavalier, so it is not
strange to see all that sand
covering his face. Also, I
will tell you about Uruk,
the sleepy city, which were
the seven wise men built
up its foundations. Come
here; look at my palms,
and see how they are
coarse like our trees.
Because of this, you find
the darkness sits there, in
that corner with its icy
dress, and killing my
A Moment
In my windy boat, you can
see all blue colors, and the
deep lands of dreams.
With it, I have crossed the
seas of sound where the
magic fields singing their
ballads. At that moment,
some secret souls , which l
can't tell, greet me
warmly; how blessed I
Melodic Compassion
Do you see the lights’
lusters over a quiet sea?
Do you understand the
snow’s twilight? Like this
are the hearts of the
unsleeping physicians.
They stand like trees;
instead of leaves there are
patients' wishes and
instead of chanting birds
there are beating hearts.
In that warm space, you
can touch infinite
warmth’s essence with
worry eyes. By his
melodic compassion, the
physician catches the
remote lands’ valleys and
brings a smooth
A Meeting
When he found the sound,
his journey became a
river, and when he saw the
light, his soul became a
flower, and when I met
him, I found the hope
Springs’ Daughter
The poem is a secret
springs’ daughter. Her
wings make me swim in a
remote sea. You may live
her summer, but you need
a butterfly’s heart to see
her shining face. She told
me in a strange moment:
If the words don't shake
your heart, they are just a
dead paper
The Ocean’s Mirrors
I am a farmer from the
south. My heart was
made from the sun rays
and my pulse is a birds’
chant. At the twilight, I
try to kiss the faces of
fairies and in the evening
I drown delightedly in a
hidden ocean. Now, you
can see my shadowed soul
which sits on the blue
chair with her silky veil.
She always attempts to
catch theses melodic
colors and planted them
on the ocean’s mirrors
Whisper of the Sea
Here, is our sea with
endless dreams. Do you
know anything about the
whisper of the sea? Do
you see all the smiles
which reside behind his
veil. The sunset loves the
sea, where the sun combs
the hair of the fish and
draw smooth seasons on
his tales. I saw his dream
in a precious moment,
they are blue and
brilliant. They are our
The River’s Face
The river knows the story.
I don’t tell him the secret
of our south treasure, but
the bean has a gross
voice, and you can hear
all the news from her. He
draws butterflies on our
lips and make from our
pain a colored breeze. He
is warmhearted and his
pulse is always hot. From
his face, the image of my
soul emerges like a
dazzled flower. She is blue
and sleepy and there is a
white spike on her left
The poets
I like the poets, because
my mother said that the
poets descend from a
magic paradise and
hidden demons sit in their
souls. The legend says
that the poets awake
before the chickens,
knocking the snow’s doors
to tell us the dreams’
stories. Their fingers feel
the soft breeze and their
eyes see the rivers’
mirrors. My mother said
that the snowy mountains
are the lands of poets’
hearts, and their
shivering birds are in a
hot love with the poetry
colored mantle
The poets are flying
horses emerging from the
ink to change the gloomy
colors. They jump
delightedly over the grass
with the deer, and their
smooth pens are echoes of
the birds’ chants
The Coffee Man
I am a simple man from
the south. My skin is
brown and it may become
darker when I hear about
the giant salmon of Japan
or the smooth clothes of
Roma. In the midst of this
glory, I have an amazing
coffee coloring my days.
Of course, the story does
not start from my
grandfather’s coffee
beans and his coppery
jar, because my coffee is
of the instant type with
rich foam and has no any
perfumed memory of that
coffee man. You may
remember that I have no
time to know myself and
in addition to that I am
empty, so I have nothing
to find. All what can I see
is the sleepy eyelids and
aimless speech. Now I will
tell you a secret; we are
farmers and feel so
delight when we vanish in
the coffee’s flavor, so you
see our palm trees dress
brown veils. In our
Middle East the best
coffee beans come from
Yemen with the best
honey, and there were
good coffee makers in my
family, but now I am as
well as my friends addict
on the instant tasteless
foreign coffee
The Glamorous
The sun has two long
braids, and goes out at
dawn to her grandfather's
flourishing orchard. It
resembles the glamorous
Kashmiri gardens, where
the faces are pure
reminding me of the
ancestors and the white
apples are glimmering like
pearls wrapping themself
with silk
They advised me to leave
the purple coasts, because
the truth is a free bird.
They told me that Iraq is
the brother of the sun. This
was astonishing news. If
so, where are the orchards
of our dear grandfathers?
Where are the thriving
Kashmiri gardens
The Magic Gemstones
I remember clearly
Sahajanand Van in
Akshardham and the
inspirational Lord
pilgrimage. You will see
the justice fighters whose
try to save the earth. They
are the real ancestry of the
Indian, the great creators.
You can see Taj Mahal, it
is unbelievable and I can't
forget these magic
gemstones which were
changing their colors with
the position. They
illuminate as New Delhi.
In fact I loved New Delhi,
but Bombay powerfully
leaves unforgettable
sentiments in your deep. I
wish to spend my leftover
days with peace near
"Gandhi’s Ashram" as a
free bird
The Wizard Land
In "The Flowers’ City" the
wild flowers cover the land
and her colored veil has a
dreamy universe. On a
magic motorcycle with a
soul had been filled with
the amazing road I had
flown toward this magic
land. The wizard land
steals the minds and left
an unforgettable memory
in my deep corners.
Honestly, I am not a big
traveler, but I am sure
that I won't see like this
bewitching land
The Enchanting
The streets were crowded
and the noisy had filled the
space. It was December
when we had left the ice
covering the ground in
Tehran, but in Mumbai it
was like summer. No
winter in Mumbai, so no
need for heavy coats. In
fact, you don’t need any
extra things in the
enchanting world, where
the souls had been filled
with flowers and the
minds had been colored
with songs. The screamed
lights had made the
buildings shining as a
colored bride filled with
henna. I can't forget that
road which was
disappearing in the time of
high tide and that
skyscraper which had
stood in the heart of that

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  • 2. Narratopoet Narratopoet Narrative Lyrics Anwer Ghani 2017 International Inventives Cloud All rights are preserved The Cover image and the interior illustrations; Artography by Pasqual Bettio FRPS with permission and thanks . 2
  • 4. Narratopoet Content The Dedication .................................................. 1 Content ............................................................. 2 Preface .............................................................. 2 The Author ....................................................... 3 The Poems ......................................................... 4 Free Bird .................................................... 4 The birds ................................................... 5 A Colored Shadow ..................................... 6 Cloud tales ................................................. 6 Strange holiday .......................................... 7 Love ........................................................... 8 A Slivery Air ............................................... 8 The Yellow Bird .......................................... 9 A Dry Breeze ............................................ 10 Winter Tales ............................................ 10 Colored smiles ......................................... 11 The Dreamy Owl ..................................... 12 A Perfume ............................................... 12 Babyish Winds ......................................... 13 4
  • 5. Narratopoet Saba Breeze ............................................. 13 Farmer ..................................................... 14 A Moment .............................................. 15 Melodic Compassion ............................... 15 A Meeting ................................................ 16 Springs’ Daughter ................................... 17 The Ocean’s Mirrors ................................ 17 Whisper of the Sea ................................. 18 The River’s Face ....................................... 18 The poets ................................................ 19 The Coffee Man ....................................... 19 The Glamorous Gardens ......................... 20 The Magic Gemstones ............................. 20 The Wizard Land ...................................... 21 The Enchanting World ............................. 22 5
  • 6. Narratopoet Preface In Literature, there are the poetry, the prose and in the middle, the prose poetry according to the characters of the superficial and deep structures of the speaking. Every speaking or its writing has a superficial structure which is the first construction and the understanding level in the hearing or reading process, and a deep structure which is the analytic and semantic level in this system. While 6
  • 7. Narratopoet poetry characterized by rhythmic superficial and deep structures, the prose in contrary to this has characterized by unrhythmic superficial and deep structures. But in the prose poetry we find the unrhythmic superficial structure and the rhthymic deep one, and this is the cause of hybridization in the prose poetry. So the prose poetry is a hybrid of prose and poetry and the rhymicity and unrhythmicity . 7
  • 8. Narratopoet The prose poetry can be produced with a narrative or lyric manner. If the style is lyric in both superficial and deep layers, there will be the lyric prose poetry, while if the style was narrative in both superficial and deep layers; there will be the narrative prose poetry. But we can find the superficial narrative structure with the deep lyric structure. In this case there will be the hybrid of Narrato-lyric prose poetry, and this the 8
  • 9. Narratopoet second hybrid inside the first hybrid of proso- poetry. So the Narratolyric prose poetry is a hybrid inside a hybrid . I am happy to introduce thses piece of my experience in the narrative lyricism, and for more details about the narratolrysicism you can read my book "Narratolryic Writing" on my website . Anwer Ghani, Babylon 2017 9
  • 10. Narratopoet The Author Anwer Ghani is an Iraqi poet and author. He was born in 1973 in Alhilla city. His name had appeared in Adelaide, Zarf, Peacock, Otoliths, Tow drops of Ink, and others. And also had appeared in Inner Child Press anthology "The Year Of The Poet". Anwer Ghani is the chief editor of "Tajdeed" lit magazine. Recently, he published "The Narratolyric Writing"; (Smashwords 10
  • 11. Narratopoet 2017), "Antipoetic Poems"; (Creat Spacee 2017), and "TRUMP"; (Inner Child Press 2017). He had, in Arabic, forty books in literature and religious sciences Website; nwerghani Amazon: 11
  • 12. Narratopoet Anwer Ghan is the vice president of The Arabic Cultural House In India (ACHII) , the chief representative of the World Nations Writers Union (WNWU) in Iraq, and the member in international writers association (IWA) . In (2017) he held a certificate of achievement from Stratford University and K K Moddi institute. . He is 12
  • 13. Narratopoet the founder of "Tajdeed Literary Institute (TLI)" and the annual "Tajdeed" Prize for expressive narrative . The Poems 13
  • 16. Narratopoet Free Bird I am an old farmer. I cannot see my figure, but on the water face. It was small like my dream, At that time I had been a child dissolved in the butterfly colors. Oh the purity which they steal it. They take our smooth olive, make missile from it, and then they told me that I am a serious plant . Yes, without tiredness I shall repeat the birds’ songs, I should not care about the world brassy 16
  • 17. Narratopoet face, nor the one-eyed city. Yes, I shall learn the earth the rose voice, and the lonely winds will not find a place in my skin. I am a free bird, I love the mud smell, and because my father planted me with a wheat seed in our small garden, I like the noon sun when it touches my face . 17
  • 18. Narratopoet The birds Despite all of these dark clouds, and despite the absence of simplicity behind the skyline, I still like the sky color, and its wide space which makes you feel that you are a light paper over the winds. The sky despite its changeable color, it likes the simple things. It bends to wipe a head of a wet bird. As this, as a paper in the river, I want to live in simplicity, walking in my town alleys with breeze 18
  • 19. Narratopoet jests with my deep. I am now feeling boredom in this noisy city. The birds are few nowadays. I was trying to plant a tree from that type which blossoms in winter to make the birds live with no estrangement, or in a precise words to make myself live with no estrangement, because the color of my county becomes so strange. The birds told me that they are tired from waiting the runaway boats. They were whispering in my ears that the earth becomes red like the lipstick. Yes, the birds 19
  • 20. Narratopoet don't lie. They are icy and strange creatures. Listen to their chants which will make your soul remember the loyalty . 20
  • 22. Narratopoet A Colored Shadow She whispers from there: Where will you find your story? The violet roses are sleepy, and the mirrors follow the white trees. The birds and the fabled river know that moment, which needs a smile and warmth . I will drown in the yearning sea. I will hug that train where we met sleepy sounds, so from there, my story will begin . She said: the river colors are descended from that 22
  • 23. Narratopoet balcony and they should kiss the eyes of flower seller. That colored shadow told me: when the moon sleeps in your lids, you will know a new kiss and you will see the cloud flowers . 23
  • 24. Narratopoet Cloud tales When we learned laughs, the moon lights sleep in our lids, and when I groped the face of a strange voice, the vehicles pass very fast. How you can imagine this? How you can count the cloud tales ? 24
  • 26. Narratopoet Strange holiday The holiday is a very delicate thing. We learned it in our childhood, as we learned to carry our bags. It is smooth as a summer dream, filling our chests with spring butterflies. I was very happy when I touch his heart. Its waterfalls amazed me. They were calm as girl braids. That holiday, which we saw him in someday, and we feel his 26
  • 27. Narratopoet sleepy hands, I see it clearly when it plants the wet tales. That holiday, which is coming from faraway town, stands with its silky coat in the middle of the street as a strange man. It dissolves in our veins as a passion letter. I was very wrong when I assumed him an emigrant goose . 27
  • 28. Narratopoet Love As a dazzled butterfly, I will end in the love of this earth. I will exit from its fissures with a crown of heavy years. Like this, like an old hunter, I will dissolve in the lake’s dream . 28
  • 30. Narratopoet A Slivery Air This silvery air is delicate as a green apple. Under its wings, the town lives with quiescence, and the swans dance like sun songs. The field’s birds with their vivid colors, bath over its swings with delight. Wet leaves fill the street with morning songs and moisten the girls’ hearts with the breeze. It comes from a remote land on a softness’ wing. Its sleepy 30
  • 31. Narratopoet river colors my blue dreams with pearl taste and its fragrance jumps between our breaths as a butterfly . 31
  • 32. Narratopoet The Yellow Bird You can feel my pulse with its violet water and great tales of blind sand where the echo groans as a yellow bird exhausted by rain. It narrates his bright pain with wide eyes. The crying clouds are shameful because they dissolve his feather and bring an autumn whoop filled with a yearning death. Oh the bitter yearning, I am not happy and can't tell you 32
  • 33. Narratopoet about my fiery passion, but you should remember that yellow bird and his grey blood . 33
  • 34. Narratopoet A Dry Breeze That evening with its breeze has planted in my soul an unforgettable tales. I don't like the crying, and as any man, I wish to fall in a deep love, but you see my smashed tress and my lonely streets. I am a man from the ruined land. My dreams were killed as a beautiful bird and my smile was stolen in a bright day. I am standing under these remnants as a 34
  • 35. Narratopoet shadow without feet or head. I try to cry and always attempt to wash my bitter heart, but the stormy wind is constantly coloring my soul with a dry breeze . 35
  • 36. Narratopoet Winter Tales It is silvery, just like my dream, this winter, which I began to feel vigorously. His rain colors my soul and plants in my deep unforgettable tales . 36
  • 38. Narratopoet Colored smiles The water has a smile, which you can’t see but in Holi day, where the colors spread their dreams over the watery fingers. In its March, the colored air fills the sky and gives the earth its springy face. In Holi, the souls dress their new veils, and the birds chant their colored smiles . 38
  • 40. Narratopoet The Dreamy Owl When he sees our dreams, that owl with his glassy eyes opens his book. He knows our hearts deeply and his hand, which had come from the remote valley, colors the moon with a laugh. O dreamy owl, this is my desert and this is my fear, sit behind my eyes . 40
  • 41. Narratopoet Pretend Can you hear my muteness? Here is my pretend cover; the colored veil. It covers my sadness with lovely smile and bears my coldness over warm wings. Can you see it ? 41
  • 42. Narratopoet A Perfume My skin is brown and I can see the bars and the cold prisons of our fences. You can see my rowdy trees, my bitter coffee and the loneliness of my words, but when we return to our deep, we will find the shining universal perfume . 42
  • 43. Narratopoet Babyish Winds The life is so vacant without the fire of babyish winds. They color the rocky hearts with their frivolity and give the hare his flying soul. If your old trees had taught you the antique aloofness, you should uncover your deep spring’s warmness . 43
  • 44. Narratopoet Saba Breeze Summer's waterfalls are so bashful, but they inspire my body an unforgettable heartbeat. They hit my head by their stones, so I feel incompetent. In their hands the gentle Saba breeze appeared more peaceful. How can I touch their tales ? 44
  • 46. Narratopoet Farmer I am an old farmer knowing this earth perfume. I grew between its legumes like a butterfly. Come here, look at the Euphrates’s sweetness. He doesn't know any spite. With a brown garment and a headband, he descended as a desert cavalier, so it is not strange to see all that sand covering his face. Also, I will tell you about Uruk, 46
  • 47. Narratopoet the sleepy city, which were the seven wise men built up its foundations. Come here; look at my palms, and see how they are coarse like our trees. Because of this, you find the darkness sits there, in that corner with its icy dress, and killing my children . 47
  • 48. Narratopoet A Moment In my windy boat, you can see all blue colors, and the deep lands of dreams. With it, I have crossed the seas of sound where the magic fields singing their ballads. At that moment, some secret souls , which l can't tell, greet me 48
  • 50. Narratopoet Melodic Compassion Do you see the lights’ lusters over a quiet sea? Do you understand the snow’s twilight? Like this are the hearts of the unsleeping physicians. They stand like trees; instead of leaves there are patients' wishes and instead of chanting birds there are beating hearts. 50
  • 51. Narratopoet In that warm space, you can touch infinite warmth’s essence with worry eyes. By his melodic compassion, the physician catches the remote lands’ valleys and brings a smooth management . 51
  • 52. Narratopoet A Meeting When he found the sound, his journey became a river, and when he saw the light, his soul became a flower, and when I met him, I found the hope . 52
  • 53. Narratopoet Springs’ Daughter The poem is a secret springs’ daughter. Her wings make me swim in a remote sea. You may live her summer, but you need a butterfly’s heart to see her shining face. She told me in a strange moment: If the words don't shake your heart, they are just a dead paper . 53
  • 54. Narratopoet The Ocean’s Mirrors I am a farmer from the south. My heart was made from the sun rays and my pulse is a birds’ chant. At the twilight, I try to kiss the faces of fairies and in the evening I drown delightedly in a hidden ocean. Now, you can see my shadowed soul which sits on the blue chair with her silky veil. She always attempts to catch theses melodic colors and planted them on the ocean’s mirrors . 54
  • 56. Narratopoet Whisper of the Sea Here, is our sea with endless dreams. Do you know anything about the whisper of the sea? Do you see all the smiles which reside behind his veil. The sunset loves the sea, where the sun combs the hair of the fish and draw smooth seasons on his tales. I saw his dream in a precious moment, they are blue and brilliant. They are our souls . 56
  • 58. Narratopoet The River’s Face The river knows the story. I don’t tell him the secret of our south treasure, but the bean has a gross voice, and you can hear all the news from her. He draws butterflies on our lips and make from our pain a colored breeze. He is warmhearted and his pulse is always hot. From his face, the image of my soul emerges like a dazzled flower. She is blue 58
  • 59. Narratopoet and sleepy and there is a white spike on her left hand . 59
  • 60. Narratopoet The poets I like the poets, because my mother said that the poets descend from a magic paradise and hidden demons sit in their souls. The legend says that the poets awake before the chickens, knocking the snow’s doors to tell us the dreams’ stories. Their fingers feel the soft breeze and their eyes see the rivers’ mirrors. My mother said that the snowy mountains are the lands of poets’ hearts, and their shivering birds are in a 60
  • 61. Narratopoet hot love with the poetry colored mantle . The poets are flying horses emerging from the ink to change the gloomy colors. They jump delightedly over the grass with the deer, and their smooth pens are echoes of the birds’ chants . The Coffee Man 61
  • 62. Narratopoet I am a simple man from the south. My skin is brown and it may become darker when I hear about the giant salmon of Japan or the smooth clothes of Roma. In the midst of this glory, I have an amazing coffee coloring my days. Of course, the story does not start from my grandfather’s coffee beans and his coppery jar, because my coffee is of the instant type with rich foam and has no any perfumed memory of that coffee man. You may remember that I have no time to know myself and in addition to that I am empty, so I have nothing 62
  • 63. Narratopoet to find. All what can I see is the sleepy eyelids and aimless speech. Now I will tell you a secret; we are farmers and feel so delight when we vanish in the coffee’s flavor, so you see our palm trees dress brown veils. In our Middle East the best coffee beans come from Yemen with the best honey, and there were good coffee makers in my family, but now I am as well as my friends addict on the instant tasteless foreign coffee . 63
  • 64. Narratopoet The Glamorous Gardens The sun has two long braids, and goes out at dawn to her grandfather's flourishing orchard. It resembles the glamorous Kashmiri gardens, where the faces are pure reminding me of the ancestors and the white apples are glimmering like pearls wrapping themself with silk . They advised me to leave the purple coasts, because the truth is a free bird. 64
  • 65. Narratopoet They told me that Iraq is the brother of the sun. This was astonishing news. If so, where are the orchards of our dear grandfathers? Where are the thriving Kashmiri gardens ? The Magic Gemstones 65
  • 66. Narratopoet I remember clearly Sahajanand Van in Akshardham and the inspirational Lord Swaminarayan’s pilgrimage. You will see the justice fighters whose try to save the earth. They are the real ancestry of the Indian, the great creators. You can see Taj Mahal, it is unbelievable and I can't forget these magic gemstones which were changing their colors with the position. They illuminate as New Delhi. In fact I loved New Delhi, but Bombay powerfully 66
  • 67. Narratopoet leaves unforgettable sentiments in your deep. I wish to spend my leftover days with peace near "Gandhi’s Ashram" as a free bird . 67
  • 68. Narratopoet The Wizard Land In "The Flowers’ City" the wild flowers cover the land and her colored veil has a dreamy universe. On a magic motorcycle with a soul had been filled with the amazing road I had flown toward this magic land. The wizard land steals the minds and left an unforgettable memory in my deep corners. Honestly, I am not a big traveler, but I am sure that I won't see like this bewitching land . 68
  • 70. Narratopoet The Enchanting World The streets were crowded and the noisy had filled the space. It was December when we had left the ice covering the ground in Tehran, but in Mumbai it was like summer. No winter in Mumbai, so no need for heavy coats. In fact, you don’t need any extra things in the enchanting world, where the souls had been filled 70
  • 71. Narratopoet with flowers and the minds had been colored with songs. The screamed lights had made the buildings shining as a colored bride filled with henna. I can't forget that road which was disappearing in the time of high tide and that skyscraper which had stood in the heart of that shore . 71