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apps & process
Table of content

Mobile Platforms
 iPhone apps - Just name it                                       06
 iPad apps - Just name it                                         07
 Android apps - Just name it                                      08
 BlackBerry apps - Just name it                                   09
 Windows Mobile apps - Just name it                               10

Company overview
 Mobilezapp - elevator pitch                                      12
 Our mobile rock star team                                        13
 Award winning mobile app graphic design                          14
 InHouse - vs. OffShore                                           15
 Your mobile app value proposition                                16
 Faster, cheaper and better                                       17

Development process
 Competitive analysis                                             19
 Stakeholder interviews and mobile app strategy recommendations   20
 Stakeholder questions                                            21
 Wireframes & UX (user experience) design                         22
 Graphics & UI (user interface) design and prototyping            23
 Technical specifications and coding                              24

Code Modules
 No need to reinvent the wheel                                    26
 Our library of code                                              27
Table of content

Solutions & Services
 Letting the world know about your apps   29
 Sales solutions                          30
 Mobilezapp service solutions             31
 Custom research services                 32
 Technical customer support               33

Partner program
 Mobilezapp enablement program            35
 Mobilezapp partner program               36

 Industry experience and expertise        38
 Education                                39
 Financial services                       40
 Government                               41
 Healthcare                               42
 Hotels                                   43
 Life science                             44
 Manufacturing                            45
 Merchandising industry                   46
 Restaurants                              47
 Retail                                   48
 Telecommunications                       49

Application samples
 Bank of America                          51
 Geico                                    52
 State Farm                               53
Table of content

 Lufthansa                                54
 Mercedes Benz                            55
 Oracle                                   56
 Kitchen and bath channel                 57
 Superpages                               58
 Talent search on iPad                    59
 Dairy Queen                              60
 Car and Driver magazine                  61
 Entrepreneur magazine                    62
 Premier guitar                           63
 Sports illustrated - swimsuit editions   64
 Crackle                                  65
 WorldVoice Radio                         66
 Been There                               67
 Where                                    68
 Sprint                                   69
 Ornithologist diary                      70
 Mileage counter pro                      71
 Rain alert                               72
 Transito                                 73
 Celebrity apps                           74
 PowWow Now                               75
 Your new baby                            76
 iSeedSpit game                           77
 Zombie fighter                           78

Contact us
 Let’s get this party started             80
mobile platforms

iPhone apps - Just name it
If you are thinking about a team to develop an iPhone
app - look no further - just name it and Mobilezapp
will deliver it. We’ve developed hundreds of apps for
the iPhone.

Unique to Mobilezapp is our B2B and B2E focus.
Our apps are not the kind to be featured in People
Magazine, yet many of the largest hospitals, insurance
companies, government agencies and Fortune 1000
use them every day. Many of our developers are
ex-Apple staff members who helped design many of
the features of the device. We have relationships with
individuals in the Apple store who can assist in getting
your app approved faster.

To say we are experts is an understatement. The same
is true about experience. Because we have created
such a large number of apps, we have a large library
of code we can use to assist the development of your
app. This saves time and money. Unique to Mobilezapp
is our approach to the development process. Prior to
writing the first line of code, we create a wireframe
mockup and a working prototype you can see online.

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mobile platforms

iPad apps - Just name it
If you are thinking about a team to develop an iPad app -
look no further - just name it and Mobilezapp will deliver it.

The iPad is an incredible platform for a wide variety
of applications. The large screen of the iPad is also an
excellent tool for anyone who needs the portability of
a mobile device and capabilities provided by a larger
screen. We have the experience and expertise to deliver
a drop-dead gorgeous iPad app that is as beautiful as it is

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mobile platforms

BlackBerry apps - Just name it
If you are thinking about developing a BlackBerry app
- look no further - just name it - and Mobilezapp will
deliver it.

BlackBerry applications get a large and growing market
of both business and personal users. The BlackBerry
smartphone has a 55% market share in North America
and millions of customers all over the world.

With the introduction of the BlackBerry App World™
storefront, BlackBerry smartphone users can now easily
search for and download apps that let them do even
more with their smartphones.

The addictiveness of BlackBerry smartphone
applications comes from their ability to provide instant
information to users and integrate with core BlackBerry
applications like email and the address book. Create
compelling applications that push data to users such
as the latest sports scores, weather updates, price
changes for sales people and much more.

Just name your need and Mobilezapp will strive to
deliver outstanding quality of your new BlackBerry app.

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mobile platforms

Android apps - Just name it
If you are thinking about developing an Android app
- look no further - just name it - and Mobilezapp will
deliver it.

Within the first week of Google announcing its plan
to introduce a smartphone, Mobilezapp developers
were signing non-disclosure agreements to gain
access to the feature set and specifications of the new
technology. When the Android was first introduced,
our team was poised to release the first of many
Android apps. We understand the technology, we
know the graphical user interface and how to build an
Android app faster and cheaper than anyone else.

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mobile platforms

Windows Mobile apps - Just name it
If you are thinking about developing a Windows
Mobile app look further - just name it - and Mobilezapp
will deliver it.

Mobilezapp has great experience working with the
Microsoft Windows Mobile devices. We’ve successfully
developed a number of mobile apps on the Microsoft
platform. Our team has long-standing relationships
with the Microsoft teams and works with them to
ensure the apps we develop are taking advantage of all
of the features of their technology.

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Mobilezapp - elevator pitch
We have the expertise, experience and unbridled
energy to deliver a truly phenomenal mobile
application for your organization. We focus on
delivering robust mobile apps across multiple
platforms including the iPhone, iPad, Android,
BlackBerry, Symbian and Windows Mobile Portable
devices. Our apps have won numerous awards for
design, ease-of-use and functionality. Our full-time
development staff is amongst the largest and most
qualified in the world.

Mobilezapp can generally build custom mobile apps
for half the cost and twice as fast as our competition.
Our approach to mobile application development
is radically different from other mobile application
developers. Prior to writing the first line of code,
we speak with numerous stakeholders within your
organization to determine their goals for the mobile
app. We discuss ways to leverage various technologies
and understand your platforms to create apps that can
assist your organization toward its end goals. Once we
acquire good understanding of the core functions of
the app, we create wireframes and design the flow &
interaction for app functions. Our creative team then
develops a user interface that is intuitive, easy-to-
use and understand and is your brand extension. We
develop a working prototype which you can interact
with and understand how the real app will work. The
prototype and technical specifications are then used
by our development team to code up the mobile app.

12 |

Our mobile rock star team
We’ve successfully landed some of the brightest minds
in the mobile computing industry to work on the
Mobilezapp team. Our development team primarily
hails from North America - as you would expect.
After all, the iPhone was created by Apple developers
based in Cupertino, California. The BlackBerry was
invented by the Research in Motion team from Toronto,
Canada. Windows Mobile is a result of the efforts of the
Microsoft team from Washington state.

The great majority of our developers are based in the
United States; however, we do leverage global talent.
Tobias Hartmann leads an excellent team of developers
in Europe through his Nuremberg, Germany office.
Dave Micalizzi leads our large Boston based team.

We believe the best way to achieve success for our
customers is to leverage the brightest minds in the
world through a collaborative global effort.

13 |

Award winning mobile app graphic design
Mobilezapp will deliver a mobile application that is
not only functional, but looks great too. We believe our
creative team is a secret weapon in our arsenal. We give
extensive attention to the needs, wants and limitations
of the mobile user at each stage of the design process.

 We design the user interface such that the visual
precedence relates clearly to the task importance.
When user directly manipulate onscreen objects
instead of using separate controls to manipulate them,
they are more engaged with the task and the app and
readily understand the result of their actions.

We understand that the look and feel of the graphics
should be an extension of your existing brand. We
work with your marketing department to ensure that
the mobile app visually integrates harmoniously within
your brand.

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InHouse - vs. OffShore
We’ve successfully assembled one of the most creative
teams of graphic designers with specific focus on the
Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad and Windows Mobile
devices. The same is true for our team responsible for
writing the code.

While we prefer to do all of the work in-house, in some
cases, it is best to rely upon the development talent
outside of the Mobilezapp walls. For example, some of
the software code needed for secure mobile banking
transactions is quite specialized, thus we leveraged
the expertise of a team of five working on Wall Street,
New York City. When developing a hospital app for the
iPad, iPhone and Android we very strictly follow HIPPA
requirements - thus found three developers from
Cleveland who work for one of the largest hospitals
- the Cleveland Clinic - to assist. When working with
a global pharmaceutical firm we needed to ensure
we would strictly following Safe Balance regulations
for the internet - and recruited the talent of a pharma
attorney out of New Jersey and so on.

Mobilezapp guarantees we will build a mobile app
for your organization that meets your needs. We are
experts at identifying all of the necessary elements and
combining our own internal resources with specialists
needed throughout the world. We never “offshore” to
save money. We will work with London, Paris, Athens,
Nuremberg and Malta for knowledge and expertise
regarding specific complicated functions.

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Your mobile app value proposition
We understand you are investing in mobile
applications to empower your customers, vendors, or
employees with additional ways to benefit from your
goods, products, services and solutions. No doubt,
we are committed to ensuring the apps we build for
you are drop-dead gorgeous and highly functional.
We believe our most important task is to ensure your
mobile apps deliver a strong return-on-investment
(ROI). We analyze your value proposition and look at
different ways to monetize your mobile applications.

Should you charge for your app? If so, should you
charge a one-time fee or a monthly or annual
subscription? Do your competitors have a mobile
app? If so, are they receiving monies and if yes - what
are they charging? How are you going to promote
your mobile app? What investment in marketing and
promotional dollars are required to make your mobile
app profitable? While it is “cool” these days to have
a mobile app - our definition of cool is bottom line

We work with your team to ensure the mobile app we
build provides a strong ROI.

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Faster, cheaper and better
Our approach toward building an app for your
organization is quite unique. It allows us the ability to
build a cross-platform app faster, cheaper and better.
Most mobile app developers will ask for a technical
specification document at the beginning of the
process. We will work with you to understand your
goals and objectives within the tech spec document.
In fact, we will provide a tech spec document to you
based upon numerous stakeholder interviews.

Prior to writing the first line of code, we will provide
you with a wireframe of the functionality. Once we’ve
created a wireframe, we will skin it to provide you with
storyboards that are easy to understand by anyone.
We provide you with a mock-up prototype of your
mobile app and work with your team to make changes.
This process saves significant time during the coding
process, as well as monies.

Because we have developed hundreds of apps, we’ve
amassed a large library of code that can be used
toward your mobile apps. This approach is quite
unique, for most developers wish to reinvent the
wheel, and charge throughout the entire process. Our
goal is to provide you with a highly functional app - in
half the time and at a fraction of the cost of traditional
mobile app developers.

17 |
development process

Competitive analysis
We believe it is important to understand what the
competition has released for mobile apps prior to
releasing your own application. Mobilezapp provides
your organization with the ability to understand the
competitive landscape. With technology products
it is important to always be ahead of the curve. It
is critical to the success of your mobile app to have
features, advantages and benefits that were previously
unavailable. Mobilezapp’s competitive analysis
provides your organization with an understanding
your competitors and a description of their released

We offer two levels of a competitive analysis. The first
is a cursory analysis. At this level we identify the apps
that are on the market and we capture a description
of the app we find online and provide same to you.
We also offer a much more comprehensive analysis.
Our advanced analysis looks at each of the features
provided by the competitive apps and compares
those against other apps, as well as your soon to be
released app.

The costs associated with our competitive analysis
services are much less than those your own
organization would incur.

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development process

Stakeholder interviews and mobile app
strategy recommendations
Prior to starting stakeholder interviews, we request
you fill out a detailed questionnaire. Based on the
responses from your team, we identify the areas where
we need more information and we focus the interviews
around those areas.

During the interview process, as needed, we ask
your team to provide us with working demos of the
products, services and various backend components.
We brainstorm your team about various app functions.
Once we are finished with stakeholder interviews we
will provide your team with a summary of all the goals
and objectives for the app.

These interviews are key to our ability to deliver an
application that meets or exceeds your expectations.

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development process

Stakeholder questions
Some of the questions are listed below:

Who is the primary contact within your organization?
Who is the primary sales stakeholder?
Who are the creative stakeholders for the project?
Who are the technical stakeholders for the project?
Who are the marketing stakeholders for the project?
What is the timeline to release the product?
What is your mobile development budget?
We will ask you to name your competitors.
Have you already released an app?
We will ask you to provide your design asset.
Would you want to design a new app or modify the existing one?
Is your mobile app for internal or external uses?
What languages should we support?
Is there a programming language you prefer?
What are the primary goals for the app?
What are the secondary goals for the app?
What are the mandatory features for the app?
What are the secondary features for the app?
What are the applications you like and why?
What is your the target market?
What is the demographic target?
How are you planning on promoting your app?
Do you need an assistance with the promotion?
Which countries do you wish to promote the app in?

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development process

Wireframes & UX design
Based on the collected information, we identify the
core use cases, functions and primary scenarios
for the app. We put together these core use cases
and develop a flow to accomplish the desired app
functionality. We carefully analyze how a mobile
user will perceive, learn and use the app. We create
wireframes for various steps in the flow and analyze
issues like workflow and navigation.

We carefully design the user interactivity and
experience as the user steps through this flow in
the application - taking into account the on-the-go
nature of the mobile user and making each step easy,
efficient and relevant.

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development process

Graphics & UI design and prototyping
Mobilezapp will deliver a mobile application that is
not only functional, but looks great too. We believe our
creative team is a secret weapon in our arsenal. We give
extensive attention to the needs, wants and limitations
of the mobile user at each stage of the design process.
We design the user interface such that the visual
precedence relates clearly to the task importance.
When user directly manipulate onscreen objects
instead of using separate controls to manipulate
them, they are more engaged with the task and the
app and readily understand the result of their actions.
We understand that the look and feel of the graphics
should be an extension of your existing brand. We
work with your marketing department to ensure that
the mobile app visually integrates harmoniously within
your brand.

We take the interaction and interface design and
create a working prototype of the mobile app. We
develop a web browser based prototype as well as a
high fidelity prototype that runs directly on the device
and incorporates the device form factor. The prototype
lets you interact with the application interface just like
a real app. You can interact with the interface through
clicks, taps, gestures etc just like in a real app. You can
get the feel of the scenario flow as you move from
screen to screen and can evaluate the navigation and
various interactions.

23 |
development process

Technical specifications and coding
Prior to beginning the code, we must write your
technical specification document. The technical spec
document are quite boring to read, extremely detailed,
but essential for the development team. While the
prototype is an easy way for your team to understand
the functionality of your app, and can be useful for
the development team to understand what you are
looking for - the tech spec document is the coding
blueprint. This tech spec describes in great detail the
type of code to be written - what sort of databases
we will access, what methodologies and algorithms
are needed. We spend a great deal of time working
on the technical spec prior to beginning the coding
process. Your team will receive, and approve, the tech
spec document prior to us developing the code. This
also allows us to provide you with a realistic cost for
the build of your mobile app. Because we spend such
a great deal of time on the prototype, it makes it easier
to write an accurate tech spec doc.

After finishing the technical specifications, we move to
programming phase. It generally takes about 6 weeks
to complete the coding. The timeframe is an estimate
and depends on the scope, features and complexity
of each individual app. We support all major mobile
app development platforms and have experience with
software developments kits for all platforms - iOS SDK,
Android SDK, Blackberry Java SDK, Windows Mobile
SDK etc. We employ Agile/Scrum methodology for all
software development projects and ensure that we are
on track for project deliverable every single time.

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No need to reinvent the wheel
Building a mobile app is much like building a custom
home. There is no limit to the amount of money you
can spend on either. There are hundreds of different
primary options and tens of thousands of secondary.
We focus on determining the core elements you need
with your mobile app, the secondary features you wish,
and then work toward building your “multi-million
dollar” home at a fraction of the cost you would
normally spend.

Building a mobile app is also similar to building an
automobile from scratch. While some developers will
tout their expertise in building an internal combustion
engine - we will find one that is already built. The same
holds true for a transmission - it would cost a fortune to
build one from scratch and very little to purchase one
that is already built.

We’ve already built hundreds of mobile apps thus
have a large library of code. Much of this can be used
for your app. We focus on delivering a superb mobile
app at far less cost than you could receive from others
because of our primary belief that it is not necessary to
“reinvent the wheel.”

26 |

Our library of code
Mobilezapp can leverage our existing code libraries to
built an app much faster and cheaper.

Below is a listing of our code library:

21 CFR Part 11                 Location Based Services
3rd Party API Integration      Loyalty Programs
Audio Messaging                Maps
Augmented Reality              Music Library
Brand Builder                  MySpace Integration
Calculator/Cost Estimator      Online Reservations
Coupon Delivery                PCI Compliance
CRM Connectivity               Photo Gallery
Customizer                     QR Code/Bar Code
Facebook/Twitter               Radio
Form Builder                   Ratings
Four Square                    Registration
GPS Capabilities               Surveys/Polls
HIPAA Compliance               Text Messaging
LinkedIn                       Ticket Purchasing
List Builder                   Web Browser

For elements of code we will have to write from
scratch, we have two options. If you would allow
Mobilezapp to add your custom written code to our
library for reuse, the cost is roughly half the investment
required should the code only be used for your
project. You can provide us with an exemption list of
competitors, to ensure anything we provide for you
would not wind up in the wrong hands.

27 |

Letting the world know about your apps
Unique to Mobilezapp is our ability to proactively
promote your mobile app throughout the world.
We have a sister relationship with DayBreak Data
Marketing Services, Inc. The close relationship provides
us access to one of the largest contact list databases of
key decision makes and influencers within corporate,
education and government accounts worldwide.
These include the Chiefs, Presidents, Executive Vice
Presidents, Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents,
Directors and Managers within all of the Fortune 1000,
Global 500 and millions of SMB accounts. Cumulatively
these business leaders employ tens of millions of
individuals and purchase over a trillion dollars worth
of goods, products and services each year. We also
have press contacts at every news agency in the world
who can help spread the word to over a billion mobile
handset carriers.

Our program includes an ultra-personalized
introductory letter accompanied with a PDF touting
the features, advantages and benefits of your mobile
app. We can provide dedicated representatives to
follow-up the e-Letter campaign with telephone calls,
download instructions and face-to-face meetings for
the most qualified contacts.

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Sales solutions
While there are numerous groups within your
organization that can benefit from mobile technologies
- the sales team is at the top of our list for immediate
return-on-investment. We can arm your sales team
with the latest, greatest technology to assist their effort
to drive incremental business. At the same time we
will empower your sales managers and financial team
members with detailed information regarding their
location, the number of sales calls they are making
each day, and their bottom line sales figures.

Imagine an app that can arm your sales team with the
capability to sell more goods, products and services.
Imagine an app that will empower your finance team
with up-to-the minute information regarding the
sales pipeline. Imagine an app that will allow sales
managers to keep track of the whereabouts of all of
their sales team members 24/7. We can deliver this
and much more.

Mobile apps for sales team members are at the
top of our list for high return-on-investment. The
mobile device might as well be created specifically
for increasing sales. There are so many features,
advantages and benefits of the mobile device and sales
teams that there is not enough room on this page to
even begin listing.

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Mobilezapp service solutions
Mobile applications for internal use can improve
efficiencies for almost any department or group.
One particular group that can receive a high return-
on-investment is the service and technician group.
By arming your service technicians with an Android,
BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad, Symbian or Windows Mobile
application you can:

•	 Provide scheduling and rescheduling information
•	 Inform technicians about cancelled appointments
•	 Allow service agents to take and send photos
•	 Arm technicians with analyzing tools for systems
•	 Improve efficiency
•	 Reduce downtime
•	 Allow scanning of customer signatures
•	 Provide ability to process credit cards on site
•	 Provide maps for service calls
•	 Give training materials
•	 Offer recurrent training lessons
•	 Provide onsite service manuals in digital format
•	 Update backend systems as technician uses the app
•	 Enable real time communication with dispatch
•	 Trigger activities and workflow based on transactions

With Mobilezapp mobile service app solutions you can
turn your service technicians into service magicians!

31 |

Custom research services
Mobilezapp provides full research services to assist
your efforts toward creating the ultimate mobile
application app and corresponding strategy. Let us
know the information you are looking for - and we can
deliver it. Our research services range from general
information regarding the installed base of various
mobile apps such as the Android, BlackBerry, iPhone,
iPad and Windows Portable devices.

We can also provide exhaustive competitive analysis
including identifying all of the individual features
within an app or comparing those to an application
you already have or are thinking about building. Our
custom research can include providing information
regarding the number of downloads any app has
received from the app store, the value of the purchases
and the valuation to the organization based upon
revenues and technology. Ultimately, our research
services can assist in the success of your mobile app.

No job is too large or small for the Mobilezapp research
team. We can provide detailed analysis regarding the
advertising budget for any particular mobile app,
analysis of their Facebook or LinkedIn account or the
languages the product is released in. Tell us what you
are looking for and we can do the rest.

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Technical customer support
You have deployed your mobile solution, but inevitably
your end users will start calling in with questions
regarding their devices, apps or network coverage.
Do you have the in-house resources and expertise to
address these issues to ensure user satisfaction and

Mobilezapp aims to achieve the highest level of
customer satisfaction by providing expert technical
assistance and rapid problem resolutions. Mobilezapp’s
customer service organization provides a single point
of contact and dedicated team for all your education,
customer support, and consulting needs to enhance
utilization, lower cost of ownership, and ensure a
superior user experience across the board.

Mobilezapp’s Customer Support Services allows you to
drive more value from your mobile implementation.
You can leverage our unparalleled expertise in
deploying and managing enterprise mobile solutions
with direct access to our technical support staff for
issues that span the entire mobile implementation -
applications, users, devices, and networks.

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Mobilezapp enablement program
The Mobilezapp Enablement Program has been
developed to provide the in-depth product and developer
level knowledge necessary for customers and partners to
successfully implement and deploy mobile projects on
their own. The program also provides ongoing support
and access to a developer community that promotes best
practices for services delivery and solution innovation. We
work with your creative team to demonstrate the most
effective way to create prototypes of mobile applications.
Our creative team provides your organization numerous
widget libraries consisting of artwork needed to create
Android, BlackBerry, iPhone and iPad mobile app
mockups, prototypes and wireframes.

The objectives of the Mobilezapp Enablement Program
are to:

•		 rovide	guidance	and	insight	into	the	construction	of	the	
  project team to assure the right skills are available.
•	Provide	the	necessary	product	and	process	knowledge.
•	Arm	your	team	with	necessary	mobile	design	artwork.
•	Empower	your	design	team	with	development	tips.
•		 rovide	iPhone	store,	BlackBerry	Market	&	Android	Store	
  suggestions for rapid approval methods. Provide list of
  mobile middleware solutions. Provide security solution
  mobile app software info.
•		 rovide	the	development	team	with	tools	and	
  techniques that will guide them in defining, designing
  and delivering mobile solutions.
•	Provide	developers	access	to	Mobilezapp	resources.

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Mobilezapp partner program
Mobilezapp’s partner community is comprised of market-leading
Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), network carriers and
System Integrators (SIs) who have one thing in common – a
passion for mobility and a drive to create game-changing mobile
apps for business.

With the Mobilezapp Partner Program (MPP), the company
arms qualified resellers and OEMs with the resources needed to
generate new sales opportunities, market more effectively and
bring innovative enterprise mobility apps and technologies to
market faster.

Resellers in the program qualify for comprehensive sales and
product training on Mobilezapp’s packaged applications, while
OEMs have the unique ability to build apps on Mobilezapp’s
award-winning MMP platform and can earn MMP Certified
Developer certifications. Companies looking to extend the
MMP platform to customers or build on the platform to create
best-in-class apps can benefit from product knowledge training,
developer support and assigned technical resources.

Exposure to Mobilezapp’s strong partner ecosystem and the
opportunity to build and deploy enterprise-class mobile apps
on the industry-leading platform is a major benefit to partner
companies. By combining their own subject-matter expertise
with Mobilezapp’s proven technology used by the Fortune 500
for business mobility, partners are empowered to create new
products and services that can be certified by Mobilezapp,
leveraged and sold throughout the Mobilezapp channel.

Interested in learning more? We’d love to hear from you. Write to team up with Mobilezapp.

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Industry experience and expertise
The Mobilezapp team has tremendous experience and
expertise in a wide variety of industries. We’ve developed
mobile apps for hundreds of different organizations ranging
from Airlines to Zoos. With each of our development
efforts we have learned a great deal about each respective
industry, rules and regulations, proprietary their revenue
models, their customers and channel partners.

With each of our development efforts we have learned
a great deal about the industry segments, their revenue
models, their customer profiles and the concerns they have
around security of proprietary and personal information.

Our industry experience includes:

Agriculture & Mining
Business Services
Computers & Electronics
Consumer Services
Energy & Utilities
Financial Services
Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals and Biotech
Media & Entertainment
Real Estate & Construction
Software & Internet
Transportation & Storage
Travel, Recreation and Leisure
Wholesale & Distribution

38 |

Virtually all students, professors and leaders at colleges
and universities throughout the world are carrying
smartphones. The higher education institutions are
amongst the first to embrace new technologies. If your
college or university is contemplating ways to take
advantage of the Android, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry or
Windows Mobile device - look no further - Mobilezapp
can build a mobile app that will dazzle students and
faculty alike.

Some of the features we can implement include:

•	Use a campus map to find your way around the college
•	Accessing photos to set as your phone’s wallpaper
•	Facts about your college and university
•	Ability to register for classes
•	Purchase tickets to athletic events
•	Pay tuition via your smartphone
•	Check into classes via mobile device
•	Watch school specific YouTube videos
•	Play school specific trivia with your classmates

Mobilezapp can craft a program to allow participation
from students, provide internships to the most
qualified individuals and provide credits to all students
participating in the building of your mobile app.

39 |

Financial services
Mobile banking is evolving into mobile commerce - a
more global term that includes the ability to conduct
numerous financial transactions in real time.

This represents the key to achieving strategic growth in
the financial services sector, to establishing significant
new levels of customer loyalty, and to opening new
channels of direct, immediate, hands-on, smartphone
driven transactional capabilities.

These capabilities manifest themselves in many ways
– from real-time streaming quotes, to fully managing
accounts in real time, to conducting real-time stock
execution deals (including real time research, price
alerts/quotes and actual buy/sell execution), to making
retail purchases directly through a mobile device - the
list of capabilities is as long as one’s imagination allows.
With Mobilezapp mobile financial solutions, you’re not
just deploying apps - you’re deploying performance to
employees and customers.

40 |

We have a solid understanding of ways to leverage
the power of the mobile devices for city, parish, state
and federal government agencies and their respective
departments. We welcome the opportunity to speak
with you or other members of your team. In addition to
demonstrating the applications our team has created
for organizations such as yours, we can show you what
we consider to be “the best of the best.”

Some of the features we can provide include:

•	Marriage license information
•	County clerk office hours
•	Ability to post bail for inmates via a mobile device
•	Finding towed vehicles and paying parking tickets
•	Applying for jobs online via mobile phones
•	City park information
•	Paying for city utility and water
•	Ability to find voting registration centers
•	Renewing your driver’s license
•	Providing proof of social security number
•	Applying for unemployment benefits
•	Finding political officials telephone and addresses
•	Detailed bio information and photos of public officials
•	Polling of citizens

Give us a telephone call. We can show you the very
best ways to leverage mobile technologies for your
organization’s benefit.

41 |

Mobilezapp understands the Healthcare marketplace.
There are a number of innovative and creative apps we
can deliver in order to assist Clinics, Hospitals, Doctors,
Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Administrators
and many others within the healthcare category. We
understand the requirements that must be met to
ensure an app is HIPPA compliant.

Let us know what you are looking for and we can do
it. We could build an app that provides immediate
notification to the triage desk whenever a new room
at a hospital is available. We can provide a mobile
app that informs doctors regarding the amount of
medicine that has been provided to each patient via
an IV. We can link any of the medical devices scattered
throughout a clinic or a hospital directly to a mobile
device to empower the physician with immediate

Our Proof of Concept program is perfectly suited
for those within the Healthcare industry. It provides
an opportunity for each of the stakeholders most
interested in the development and successful
deployment of a mobile app to participate in
the development process. We provide individual
screenshots for each function much in the same way a
website works. Our account managers will work with
your stakeholders to ensure their input is received
and requests implemented. We are specialists at
demonstrating the value of innovative technologies
to those used to working with a paper and pen vs. a
portable device.

42 |

Mobile apps provide a fantastic vehicle for hotels
to better serve their guests, increase occupancy
and satisfaction. The Mobilezapp Hospitality Team
welcomes an opportunity to discuss how we can
build an application to meet all of your expectations.
We specialize in developing cross-platform apps
for the Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad, Symbian
and Windows Mobile devices. The Mobilezapp team
would like to sit down with you and demonstrate a
number of other hotel apps, go through their features,
advantages, benefits and weaknesses.

Some of the abilities we can build into your mobile
app include:

•	Checking	in	and	checking	out	functions
•	Access	to	room	service	via	a	mobile	device
•		 bility	to	make	a	reservation	at	any	location	
•	Providing	management	with	superior	reporting
•	Allow	guests	to	pay	for	their	stay
•	Using	smart	phones	vs.	keys	to	enter	rooms
•	Accessing	frequent	guest	program	information
•		 otifying	the	valets	when	a	vehicle	needs	to	be	
  picked up
•		 isplaying	images	of	rooms,	suites	and	conference	
•	Receive	notices	via	SMS	text	regarding	special	offers
•	And	much	more

43 |

Life science
Mobility can literally transform the way life sciences
companies provide service to customers.

Service and sales representatives with a mobile
application in hand are empowered to think and
act differently - their actions are more immediate
and more directly tied to their customers’ needs.
These entirely mobile-driven channels of awareness
represent exciting new increases in both productivity
and revenue generation and lead to direct strategic

Today’s life sciences organizations are stepping up
and delivering mobile apps that will deliver powerful,
personalized, easy to use role-based tools that will
captivate employees. But that isn’t enough – apps
must not only be delightful to use, they must be highly
effective in the field, helping to drive measurable
strategic productivity improvements. With Mobilezapp
Life Science solutions, you’re not just deploying
apps - you’re deploying innovation to employees and
customers - and bettering lives at the same time.

44 |

We are excited to work with companies who specialize
in manufacturing. The mobile platforms provided by
the Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad, Symbian and
Windows Mobile devices empower manufacturing
facilities with a whole new way to do business.
Mobilezapp brings the power of the desktop PC and
server to the pocket with innovative and creative
manufacturing applications.

Our development team will work with you to increase
productivity and streamline processes. Mobile devices
provide plant managers and supervisors with the
ability to take pictures of gauges, parts, assembly lines
and delivery systems and upload the information to
others quickly and easily.

With intelligently designed mobile apps,
manufacturing organizations can fully eliminate paper-
based systems, enable data capture and entry directly
into back-end systems, reduce unnecessary costs
with geo-fencing and other location-based tools, and
automate complex workflows.

With Mobilezapp manufacturing mobile app solutions,
you’re not just deploying apps — you’re deploying
productivity to employees, partners, suppliers and
even customers.

45 |

Merchandising industry
What if you could turn your merchandisers into mobile

Empowered with intuitive mobile apps, your
merchandising team will find it easier than ever to
streamline and optimize inventory planning and other
processes that create business value. Mobility drives
real time actionable information; and having timely
information optimizes the product mix to increase
customer satisfaction and maximize sales. You’re
deploying more than a mobile merchandising app,
you’re deploying happiness to your organization and

Mobilezapp maximizes sales opportunities at the
customer level by providing instant access to key
product and account information, up-to-date
promotions, updated route books, and DEX in real-
time. It offers customizable workflows that encompass
the daily activities of the merchandising process. We
optimizes activities such as:

•	 Call scheduling and routing
•	 Messaging
•	 Distribution checking
•	 Brand audits
•	 Surveys
•	 Compliance checks
•	 Damaged goods handling
•	 Point-of-sale merchandising

46 |

Smart phones provide a number of fantastic ways to improve a
restaurant’s bottom-line profitability and customer satisfaction.
We welcome the opportunity to show you a complete list of
the best apps in the world for restaurants. At the same meeting
- we can show you some of the worst. The Mobilezapp team
understands the restaurant industry. Most importantly, we know
how to leverage the power of the Android, BlackBerry, iPhone,
iPad, Symbian and Windows Mobile devices to assist restaurants.

Some of the abilities we can build into your mobile app include:

•	Directions to your restaurant
•	Ability to “like” your restaurant via Facebook
•	Twitter integration to empower customers the ability to “tweet”
•	Ability to make, confirm or cancel reservations
•	Establish seating preference
•	Discover history about your restaurant
•	Meet the chefs and team
•	Adding augmented reality to your restaurant
•	Receiving SMS text messages, emails and newsletter type info
•	Ordering take-out food, determining length of time to pick-up
•	Reviewing daily specials and full menu
•	Ability to make preferences for wait staff
•	Quickly and easily post comments

If your organization is thinking about developing a mobile app for
your restaurant - give us a shout. Our Proof of Concept program
is an excellent way you, other owners, senior level staff members
and staff can participate in the mobile app experience. Everyone’s
input works toward the development process.

47 |

We have tremendous experience leveraging the power
of the Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and
Symbian technologies for retail establishments. Over the
past four years we have worked with many of the largest
(and small) retailers in the world. The Mobilezapp Retail
Team specializes in leveraging the features, advantages
and benefits of mobile apps for kiosks, boutiques,
department stores, wholesalers and the malls themselves.

We are focused on innovative and creative ways to leverage
the power of the mobile applications for your organization.
Some of these methods include:

•	Providing	directions	to	your	stores
•	Delivering	SMS	text	messages	to	consumers
•	Inform	customers	of	special	discounts	and	offers
•	Update	buyers	with	pertinent	and	relevant	information
•	Display	photos	of	products	to	purchase
•	Provide	QR	code	recognition	capabilities
•	Deliver	directions	to	items	on	the	shelf	in	your	store
•	Allow	redeem	capabilities	for	coupons	in	newspapers
•	Empower	customers	with	personal	shopping	list	favorites
•	Provide	joint	marketing	opportunities

Mobilezapp has a solid understanding of the retail industry.
We have a solid understanding for the technology of the
mobile apps. If your organization is looking to expand
your market share and profits - give us a call - we will put
together a strategy to meet your needs.

48 |

The telco industry has a number of unique opportunities to
leverage mobile apps. Mobilezapp will work with your IT/
IS department as well as various stakeholders to create a
mobile app that will increase productivity, lower downtime,
reduce errors and ultimately drive bottom line profits.

Our telco mobile apps can improve delivery, installation,
repair service, sales support or any other service within the
end-to-end supply and services chain. The apps we can
create for your organization can lower operational costs
and improve customer satisfaction.

These mobile application benefits greatly decrease time to
market for all services – whether in the field or in the back
office, delivering strategic benefits that will greatly increase
top line revenue. Mobile driven cost reductions and new
revenue growth in turn combine to deliver new levels of

With intelligently designed mobile apps you can fully
eliminate paper-based systems, enable data capture and
entry directly into back-end systems, reduce unnecessary
costs with geo-fencing and other location-based tools,
and automate complex workflows. As a result, your
organization benefits from a highly accurate flow of data
at every level in the business process chain – a constant,
mobile driven view of your entire business operation in
real time.

49 |
application samples

Bank of America
Use the ATM and banking center locator to find the
nearest location with a simple touch of a button, no
address input required. This location aware feature
is only available through the iPhone application and
not on the B of A mobile web site. You can access the
Mobile Banking web site directly with the application.
One destination on your iPhone/iPod touch to check
available balances 24/7, pay bills and transfer funds.

•	 Mobile Banking applications are custom designed for
   your phone’s unique features
•	 ATM and banking center locator, using geo-locator –
   easily find the nearest location without entering your
   address or ZIP code
•	 On-the-go management of your accounts to check
   balances, transfer funds and pay bills with optional
   Bill Pay service.

•	 Protection against fraudulent activity with our Learn
   about the $0 Liability Online Banking Guarantee
•	 SiteKey® for verification of your identity and an extra
   layer of security
•	 Advanced encryption technology to prevent
   unauthorized access
•	 Privacy protection of your financial information

51 |
application samples

Pay your GEICO auto insurance bill and access your
current insurance ID cards from your phone. Accident
Helper lets you take advantage of our Accident Helper
which helps put you in contact with emergency
services, gives you a place to organize photos and
much more. Roadside Service – Locator features allow
you to find nearby tow services and gas stations...
anywhere, anytime. Use your phone’s GPS or enter a
location manually, it’s up to you!

Taxi/Rental Car – need a taxi to get home from the
repair shop or maybe even after a night of fun? Want to
rent a car? Our locator will help find what you need in

52 |
application samples

State Farm
The Pocket Agent™ is an extension of the exceptional
customer service offered in State Farm Agents offices,
and shows State Farm is committed to being there for
our customers in more ways than ever before. Hitting
the store with four key features, this app will help
customers recover from the unexpected even more
quickly. With the Pocket Agent™, customers with an auto
policy registered on can:

•	Begin the claims submission process.
•	Locate Select Service repair facilities.
•	Contact their State Farm agent

53 |
application samples

The Lufthansa Launcher makes planning your trip
even more convenient. As a registered Lufthansa
customer you need only save your access data once
onto your iPhone or IPod touch and you can call up
Lufthansa’s mobile services with just one click. You will
go straight to your summary and can easily check in
for forthcoming flights whilst on the move. Book great
value flights on your mobile device without first having
to complete the login data. Direct access to your Miles
& More account summary whenever and wherever you
want. With the Launcher you also have access to other
Lufthansa mobile services.

Mobilezapp has libraries that can connect to back-
end reservation systems. We are experts at designing
a graphical user interface that is sleek, elegant and
highly functional. Our code can be interchanged from
an aircraft, to a concert hall or restaurant - the concept
is basically the same. Our technology allows users to
pay for tickets on airplanes, Broadway shows, concert
performances or restaurants.

54 |
application samples

Mercedes Benz
The Mercedes Benz iPhone app allows drivers to
customize their in-vehicle experiences to fit their daily
needs. It begins with an introduction of a whole new
generation of innovative and personalized services
that fit into a drivers mobile lifestyle, keeping them
connected to people, places and services that are
important to them and offering them enhanced safety,
security and navigation options. The flexibility of the
architecture allows Mercedes Benz to continually add
new features and innovations to keep Mercedes Benz
on the forefront of the in-vehicle services.

55 |
application samples

The Oracle iPhone app leverages the power of Oracle
Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus (OBIEE)
and Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, Fusion
Edition to provide access to key metrics and analytical
data for mobile executives. These native applications
for the Apple iPhone also leverage the Serviced-
Oriented Architecture (SOA) capabilities of OBIEE and
the powerful set of Oracle Business Intelligence Web
Services. They also have support of SSL encryption
protocol enabling superior and secure mobile flexibility
and performance.

56 |
application samples

Kitchen and bath channel
Building or remodeling your kitchen or bath is a
complex endeavor, something many of us are not
prepared to do without a professional at the helm.
This free app connects homeowners with all types
of professionals associated with your new kitchen or
bathroom. With a database of over 15,000 designers,
builders, remodelers, woodworkers, retailers and more
coupled with a variety of searching options, you can
find the right professional for your project and in many
cases view examples of their work.

Features Include:

•	One	touch	dialing
•	One	touch	email
•	One	touch	website	visits
•	One	touch	“Add	to	Contacts”
•	One	touch	map	locator	without	leaving	the	app
•	Geo	location
•	Project	photos	and	videos

Search By:

•	Location
•	Certified	professionals	and	professional	designation
•	Room	preference
•	Accreditation
•	Product	category	for	purchasing
•	City
•	State
•	Professional’s	name
•	Business	name

57 |
application samples

Finding the right person for the job can be a job itself.
Especially when you’re on the go. With Superpages
Mobile, you can find local businesses quickly. Search by
keywords or popular categories such as “automotive”
and “repair.” Choose a business backed by the award-
winning SuperGuarantee and you’ll get the job done
right, or we’ll make it right.

Add a review and photo. Let others know what you
thought by creating a business review on the spot.
Simply rate your experience “thumbs up” or “thumbs

Get directions. Never get lost again. With Superpages
Mobile, you can get step-by-step, interactive driving
directions with an option to add multiple stops along
the way.

Find movie and theater listings. Superpages Mobile
makes it easy to find your favorite movies playing at a
theater near you. Browse films by name for show times,
reviews and trailers.

58 |
application samples

Talent search on iPad
Task: Develop application that allows users to search and
track talents using their mobile phones. Since there is a
lot of content in the application we made it really easy
for user to add talents, songs and videos to favorites
and get back to them whenever he/she wishes. High
performance audio and video streaming lets you find and
follow talented artists. Audio and video streaming allows
checking out and uploading new songs and movies from
user’s device as well as uploading user’s own music and
videos for audition. To make our search work in a smooth
and easy manner, accessing a huge amount of data, we
built a program using a robust designed algorithm that
includes features like:

•	Entire application search
•	Audio streaming
•	Video streaming
•	Audio and video audition
•	Favorites
•	E-mail notifications

We built an app that is very easy to use, works fast with
millions of records and users.

59 |
application samples

Dairy Queen
The Dairy Queen app empowers iPhone users with
iPhone users with the ability to locate any of 4,600
Dairy Queen locations throughout the United States
based upon their GPS coordinates. “DQ Craze” involves
quickly filling orders for “customers” clamoring for
Blizzards and Dailly Bars and other Dairy Queen
specialties. To get points, you have to arrange
matching rows of different Dairy Queen menu items
that correlate to what the customer wants.

60 |
application samples

Car and Driver magazine
Car and Driver Mobile for Android is updated daily
with new content and photos, and includes many
features from the regular site and some exclusive
content. Car and Driver Mobile for Android is your
instant connection to daily car news, photo galleries,
reviews, and the rest of your favorite caranddriver.
com features. It features top stories, search, auto
shows, and buying guide.

61 |
application samples

Entrepreneur magazine
Entrepeneur Magazine is one of the top magazines
in the United States where individuals interested in
starting their own business can learn from others who
have done so previously. There are many tips about
starting a business including banking information,
venture capital information, ways to incorporate, and
many others.

62 |
application samples

Premier guitar
Premier Guitar, the guitar multimedia network with
the largest monthly audience, has launched its
newest platform with the free app for Android users.
The Android app joins the print magazine, digital
magazine, website, mobile optimized website, and
iPad/iPhone apps as the latest portal by which readers
can access PG’s content. All of PG’s magazine and
digitally-exclusive content is freely accessible across all
of its digital platforms.

“We’re excited to introduce the latest member of the
Premier Guitar multimedia family with our Android
app,” says Premier Guitar marketing manager. “This
new platform launch remains in lock-step with our
multimedia model, allowing the reader to choose
how he/she would like to read PG’s great content. The
response thus far to the existing iPad/iPhone/iPod
Touch app has been overwhelmingly positive with over
200,000 reader sessions since their respective launches
and I would anticipate that our Droid users will enjoy a
similar experience.”

63 |
application samples

Sports illustrated - swimsuit editions
Our Sports Illustrated Swimsuit mobile app is released
for the Android, BlackBerry, iPhone and iPad. It has
been an immediate success since launched. The
application provides users the ability to browse
through all of the images available through the SI
magazine, as well as has a number of new features
such as the ability to rate the models, share the photos
with friends, post them on Facebook, and tweet about
the images.

Our approach to the app was to provide the content
that was available via the Sports Illustrated magazine,
as well as add new features and enhancements
because of the mobile device capabilities. The ability
to rank each of the photos and post to Facebook is the
most commonly used feature. We are thinking of new
ways to enhance the 2011 functions. The primary goal
of the app is to engage the consumer and their friends
while ultimately increasing magazine subscriptions.

The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit mobile app was
released on the iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and iPad
simultaneously. The app was an immediate success.
We added a number of cutting edge technologies and
superior graphics to add a viral-component to the app.

64 |
application samples

Crackle is the place to experience pure entertainment:
full length movies, TV shows, and original series from
genres that embody cool — all uncut, uncensored, and
unbelievably free. We’ve had enough of “disposable
entertainment” that is as relevant as a laughing/
dancing baby — we are here to watch and talk about
the videos that really matter.

Crackle is one of the fastest growing entertainment
destinations today, featuring only the genres you love
— comedy, action, drama, sci-fi, horror — anywhere
you are. We know the Internet is a big place, so
Crackle’s vast distribution network ensures that you
have access to Crackle everywhere: on your favorite
video site, your television and your mobile device.
Learn more about where you can find Crackle on the
distribution page.

65 |
application samples

WorldVoice radio
The WorldVoice Radio brings the “retro” concept of
the handheld shortwave into the 21st Century. Users
can scan the netwaves old-style via buttons or use the
built-in directory to find and search all of the stations.

With WorldVoice, you don’t just listen to the radio
on the web . . . you create it. WorldVoice allows users
to upload reproduced uCasts from their computer
produced with tools such as Garageband, CoolEdit,
Audacity and others. It lets you make “uCasts” - short
podcasts on the go - with a simple interface.

66 |
application samples

Been There
BEEN THERE is an iPhone application for individuals
to keep track of their travels. They can keep track of
the hotels they stayed at, who they met, places they
visited throughout their trip, as well as upload photos
of friends, family and scenic vistas There are no limits
to the number of entries or number of photos. BEEN
THERE allows users to share their traveling experience
with their friends worldwide. Rate hotels, parks,
restaurants and other places of interest with one to five
stars, make comments and much more.

The BEEN THERE app uses a number of modules
Mobilezapp can leverage for your mobile app. It uses
GPS location abilities, storage of photos and videos,
password capabilities, email recovery of passwords, the
ability to input links from websites and much more.

67 |
application samples

WHERE develops a range of location-based services,
including mobile advertising as well as search and
recommendation services.

WHERE helps you discover, save and share your
favorite places by putting the best local information at
your fingertips and offering great deals from nearby
businesses. As you use WHERE, our recommendation
engine learns about your preferences and recommends
great places for you to check out. We make it easy to
create lists of your favorites and places you’d like to go
and share them with friends. With WHERE, you’ll never
be bored again.

68 |
application samples

Your business can’t wait and Sprint has the mobile
applications you need to get work done now. Be it a
home office or an entire enterprise, Sprint offers a full
portfolio of mobile and GPS applications to instantly
meet the unique management and automation needs
of your business.

GPS - Locate.
View and monitor worker location, online and in real-
time, with Sprint Mobile Locator.

Get instant driving directions and family location
updates via your GPS-enabled phone or the Web.

Quickly optimize fleet operations, manage mobile
resources, and track data and assets in real-time.

Get best-of-breed, Web-based applications for your

69 |
application samples

Ornithologist diary
In order to meet all the goals and build a fully functional
and handy application, we used:

•	SOAP	web-services	for	interconnecting	with	server
•	Core	data	for	persistent	data	storage
•	Expanded	functions	for	sharing	and	finding	bird	spots
•	Core	location	based	on	GPS	data
•	Core	graphics	for	custom	defined	graphics.

•	User	database
•	User	database	shared	with	social	groups
•	New	spots	upload
•	Upload/download	photos	from	server
•	New	spots	search
•	User	search
•	User	information	can	be	uploaded	to	shared	DB
•	Complex	spot	lists	managed	by	users
•	Spots	sharing
•	Different	complex	filters
•	Assign	image/video	to	spots
•	Image	region	selection
•	Adding	notes	to	spots
•	View	spots	on	Google	map	within	selected	region

We built high performance mobile application which
allows professional ornithologists and even amateur bird
watchers discover, store, share and manage their own or
public spots.

70 |
application samples

Mileage counter pro
Task: Create an application that would help corporate
drivers track their mileage, create, export and send
reports with all necessary information right from
mobile phones to their managers’ phones to eventually
help their company keep better track of trip expenses
and save money.

To count mileage we used robust custom built
algorithms used in conjunction with Google services
that return very accurate results. The reports can be
viewed, exported and sent in several formats. They are
easy to customize, edit and store.

Features include:

•	Mileage tracking
•	Reports viewing, exporting and emailing
•	Trips Calendar with schedule
•	Notifications
•	Voice recognition

71 |
application samples

Rain alert
We merged standard iPhone geo location data with
weather radar overlays, wind speed and weather forecasts
from 3 most recently updated weather web sites (every 3
hour updates). We gave user ability to manually set date
and time to figure out if it’s going to rain.


•	GPS geo location
•	SMS messaging
•	Email notifications
•	Manual settings

We created Weather notifying application with high
accuracy and manual mode.

72 |
application samples

Transito allows iPhone app users to quickly and easily
see the traffic throughout the city. There are over one
hundred cameras thus providing Transito iPhone app
users with the ability to see in real-time the traffic
situation at any time of the day or night. The app
essentially provides an “eye in the sky” to zoom into the
traffic lights you are approaching and allow you to see
the traffic up ahead. Based upon what you see, you can
change your route to avoid the traffic.

73 |
application samples

Celebrity apps - Peter Facinelli
We’ve created approximately 25 celebrity mobile
applications. Our mobile celebrity apps provide the
celebrity with a vehicle to communicate to his or her
fans. He, or she, can post photos directly to the app
and have them propagated through twitter via tweet-
pic as well as through facebook. It gives the celebrity
the capability to enter diary pages to share their life
with their fans in a way that the celebrity feels most
comfortable with.

Our celebrity apps also provide users with the
capability to communicate directly with their favorite
movie star, television star, rock star or whatever
personality chooses to leverage our platform.

74 |
application samples

PowWow Now
Social “Meet & Greet” App. PowWow allows you
request friends, view profiles, share stories, group
decision, post pictures, rate pictures, personal interests,
nightlife recommendations, etc. The app allows you to
recommend friends to join, fill out a personal profile,
accept or reject potential friends who have viewed your
profile, vote on likes or dislikes, wills and thrills, won’t
and don’t, sexy pic page and make group decisions. It
also allows users to create blog discussion topics.

75 |
application samples

Your new baby
Your new baby is an application designed for anyone with
a new baby. It provides the ability to upload photos of the
baby as well as provide detailed information regarding
the parents, grandparents, delivery, doctors and nurses,
and all of the many fun details regarding the parental

Your New Baby mobile application is a mobile version of a
scrapbook. It provides a wonderful vehicle for your entire
family to maintain a detailed log of all of the important
aspects of your new child. There is an unlimited amount
of space for photos, the ability to annotate photos with
text, the ability to forward images to friends and family
members most interested in keeping abreast of the first
year of your baby’s life.

The technology also provides an excellent vehicle for
providing information to pediatricians, nurses or other
individuals responsible for ensuring the health of your
new child is up to par.

76 |
application samples

iSeedSpit game
How far can you spit a watermelon seed? From the
creators of the Wumbler series comes the coolest
simulated seed spitting game, iSeed Spit. Realistic
watermelons seed spit, flip and bounce across the
screen once you blow into the microphone.

Take a drink of water, a bite of watermelon and blow
into the phone to spit a watermelon seed across the
screen. Get the right angle, the right amount of water,
the right bite of watermelon and blow and you can
compete for the longest distance.

Share your score on Facebook and compete with the
other top scores. See if you can match or beat the real
world record of 68’ 9 1/8”.

77 |
application samples

Zombie fighter
The Zombie Fighter is an iPhone (iPad compatible)
game application with 8 zombie characters which
fight with each other and multiplayer mode - via Apple
game center (connect with other devices (iPhone/iPad)
via Bluetooth).

78 |

Let’s get this party started
Give me a telephone call, send me an email, text me,
hit me up on Facebook, tweet me, connect with me on
LinkedIn, send me a smoke signal - but let’s hook up.

Doug Monahan
Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Austin, TX

80 |

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  • 2. Table of content Mobile Platforms iPhone apps - Just name it 06 iPad apps - Just name it 07 Android apps - Just name it 08 BlackBerry apps - Just name it 09 Windows Mobile apps - Just name it 10 Company overview Mobilezapp - elevator pitch 12 Our mobile rock star team 13 Award winning mobile app graphic design 14 InHouse - vs. OffShore 15 Your mobile app value proposition 16 Faster, cheaper and better 17 Development process Competitive analysis 19 Stakeholder interviews and mobile app strategy recommendations 20 Stakeholder questions 21 Wireframes & UX (user experience) design 22 Graphics & UI (user interface) design and prototyping 23 Technical specifications and coding 24 Code Modules No need to reinvent the wheel 26 Our library of code 27
  • 3. Table of content Solutions & Services Letting the world know about your apps 29 Sales solutions 30 Mobilezapp service solutions 31 Custom research services 32 Technical customer support 33 Partner program Mobilezapp enablement program 35 Mobilezapp partner program 36 Industries Industry experience and expertise 38 Education 39 Financial services 40 Government 41 Healthcare 42 Hotels 43 Life science 44 Manufacturing 45 Merchandising industry 46 Restaurants 47 Retail 48 Telecommunications 49 Application samples Bank of America 51 Geico 52 State Farm 53
  • 4. Table of content Lufthansa 54 Mercedes Benz 55 Oracle 56 Kitchen and bath channel 57 Superpages 58 Talent search on iPad 59 Dairy Queen 60 Car and Driver magazine 61 Entrepreneur magazine 62 Premier guitar 63 Sports illustrated - swimsuit editions 64 Crackle 65 WorldVoice Radio 66 Been There 67 Where 68 Sprint 69 Ornithologist diary 70 Mileage counter pro 71 Rain alert 72 Transito 73 Celebrity apps 74 PowWow Now 75 Your new baby 76 iSeedSpit game 77 Zombie fighter 78 Contact us Let’s get this party started 80
  • 6. mobile platforms iPhone apps - Just name it If you are thinking about a team to develop an iPhone app - look no further - just name it and Mobilezapp will deliver it. We’ve developed hundreds of apps for the iPhone. Unique to Mobilezapp is our B2B and B2E focus. Our apps are not the kind to be featured in People Magazine, yet many of the largest hospitals, insurance companies, government agencies and Fortune 1000 use them every day. Many of our developers are ex-Apple staff members who helped design many of the features of the device. We have relationships with individuals in the Apple store who can assist in getting your app approved faster. To say we are experts is an understatement. The same is true about experience. Because we have created such a large number of apps, we have a large library of code we can use to assist the development of your app. This saves time and money. Unique to Mobilezapp is our approach to the development process. Prior to writing the first line of code, we create a wireframe mockup and a working prototype you can see online. 6 |
  • 7. mobile platforms iPad apps - Just name it If you are thinking about a team to develop an iPad app - look no further - just name it and Mobilezapp will deliver it. The iPad is an incredible platform for a wide variety of applications. The large screen of the iPad is also an excellent tool for anyone who needs the portability of a mobile device and capabilities provided by a larger screen. We have the experience and expertise to deliver a drop-dead gorgeous iPad app that is as beautiful as it is functional. 7 |
  • 8. mobile platforms BlackBerry apps - Just name it If you are thinking about developing a BlackBerry app - look no further - just name it - and Mobilezapp will deliver it. BlackBerry applications get a large and growing market of both business and personal users. The BlackBerry smartphone has a 55% market share in North America and millions of customers all over the world. With the introduction of the BlackBerry App World™ storefront, BlackBerry smartphone users can now easily search for and download apps that let them do even more with their smartphones. The addictiveness of BlackBerry smartphone applications comes from their ability to provide instant information to users and integrate with core BlackBerry applications like email and the address book. Create compelling applications that push data to users such as the latest sports scores, weather updates, price changes for sales people and much more. Just name your need and Mobilezapp will strive to deliver outstanding quality of your new BlackBerry app. 8 |
  • 9. mobile platforms Android apps - Just name it If you are thinking about developing an Android app - look no further - just name it - and Mobilezapp will deliver it. Within the first week of Google announcing its plan to introduce a smartphone, Mobilezapp developers were signing non-disclosure agreements to gain access to the feature set and specifications of the new technology. When the Android was first introduced, our team was poised to release the first of many Android apps. We understand the technology, we know the graphical user interface and how to build an Android app faster and cheaper than anyone else. 9 |
  • 10. mobile platforms Windows Mobile apps - Just name it If you are thinking about developing a Windows Mobile app look further - just name it - and Mobilezapp will deliver it. Mobilezapp has great experience working with the Microsoft Windows Mobile devices. We’ve successfully developed a number of mobile apps on the Microsoft platform. Our team has long-standing relationships with the Microsoft teams and works with them to ensure the apps we develop are taking advantage of all of the features of their technology. 10 |
  • 12. companyoverview Mobilezapp - elevator pitch We have the expertise, experience and unbridled energy to deliver a truly phenomenal mobile application for your organization. We focus on delivering robust mobile apps across multiple platforms including the iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Symbian and Windows Mobile Portable devices. Our apps have won numerous awards for design, ease-of-use and functionality. Our full-time development staff is amongst the largest and most qualified in the world. Mobilezapp can generally build custom mobile apps for half the cost and twice as fast as our competition. Our approach to mobile application development is radically different from other mobile application developers. Prior to writing the first line of code, we speak with numerous stakeholders within your organization to determine their goals for the mobile app. We discuss ways to leverage various technologies and understand your platforms to create apps that can assist your organization toward its end goals. Once we acquire good understanding of the core functions of the app, we create wireframes and design the flow & interaction for app functions. Our creative team then develops a user interface that is intuitive, easy-to- use and understand and is your brand extension. We develop a working prototype which you can interact with and understand how the real app will work. The prototype and technical specifications are then used by our development team to code up the mobile app. 12 |
  • 13. companyoverview Our mobile rock star team We’ve successfully landed some of the brightest minds in the mobile computing industry to work on the Mobilezapp team. Our development team primarily hails from North America - as you would expect. After all, the iPhone was created by Apple developers based in Cupertino, California. The BlackBerry was invented by the Research in Motion team from Toronto, Canada. Windows Mobile is a result of the efforts of the Microsoft team from Washington state. The great majority of our developers are based in the United States; however, we do leverage global talent. Tobias Hartmann leads an excellent team of developers in Europe through his Nuremberg, Germany office. Dave Micalizzi leads our large Boston based team. We believe the best way to achieve success for our customers is to leverage the brightest minds in the world through a collaborative global effort. 13 |
  • 14. companyoverview Award winning mobile app graphic design Mobilezapp will deliver a mobile application that is not only functional, but looks great too. We believe our creative team is a secret weapon in our arsenal. We give extensive attention to the needs, wants and limitations of the mobile user at each stage of the design process. We design the user interface such that the visual precedence relates clearly to the task importance. When user directly manipulate onscreen objects instead of using separate controls to manipulate them, they are more engaged with the task and the app and readily understand the result of their actions. We understand that the look and feel of the graphics should be an extension of your existing brand. We work with your marketing department to ensure that the mobile app visually integrates harmoniously within your brand. 14 |
  • 15. companyoverview InHouse - vs. OffShore We’ve successfully assembled one of the most creative teams of graphic designers with specific focus on the Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad and Windows Mobile devices. The same is true for our team responsible for writing the code. While we prefer to do all of the work in-house, in some cases, it is best to rely upon the development talent outside of the Mobilezapp walls. For example, some of the software code needed for secure mobile banking transactions is quite specialized, thus we leveraged the expertise of a team of five working on Wall Street, New York City. When developing a hospital app for the iPad, iPhone and Android we very strictly follow HIPPA requirements - thus found three developers from Cleveland who work for one of the largest hospitals - the Cleveland Clinic - to assist. When working with a global pharmaceutical firm we needed to ensure we would strictly following Safe Balance regulations for the internet - and recruited the talent of a pharma attorney out of New Jersey and so on. Mobilezapp guarantees we will build a mobile app for your organization that meets your needs. We are experts at identifying all of the necessary elements and combining our own internal resources with specialists needed throughout the world. We never “offshore” to save money. We will work with London, Paris, Athens, Nuremberg and Malta for knowledge and expertise regarding specific complicated functions. 15 |
  • 16. companyoverview Your mobile app value proposition We understand you are investing in mobile applications to empower your customers, vendors, or employees with additional ways to benefit from your goods, products, services and solutions. No doubt, we are committed to ensuring the apps we build for you are drop-dead gorgeous and highly functional. We believe our most important task is to ensure your mobile apps deliver a strong return-on-investment (ROI). We analyze your value proposition and look at different ways to monetize your mobile applications. Should you charge for your app? If so, should you charge a one-time fee or a monthly or annual subscription? Do your competitors have a mobile app? If so, are they receiving monies and if yes - what are they charging? How are you going to promote your mobile app? What investment in marketing and promotional dollars are required to make your mobile app profitable? While it is “cool” these days to have a mobile app - our definition of cool is bottom line profitability. We work with your team to ensure the mobile app we build provides a strong ROI. 16 |
  • 17. companyoverview Faster, cheaper and better Our approach toward building an app for your organization is quite unique. It allows us the ability to build a cross-platform app faster, cheaper and better. Most mobile app developers will ask for a technical specification document at the beginning of the process. We will work with you to understand your goals and objectives within the tech spec document. In fact, we will provide a tech spec document to you based upon numerous stakeholder interviews. Prior to writing the first line of code, we will provide you with a wireframe of the functionality. Once we’ve created a wireframe, we will skin it to provide you with storyboards that are easy to understand by anyone. We provide you with a mock-up prototype of your mobile app and work with your team to make changes. This process saves significant time during the coding process, as well as monies. Because we have developed hundreds of apps, we’ve amassed a large library of code that can be used toward your mobile apps. This approach is quite unique, for most developers wish to reinvent the wheel, and charge throughout the entire process. Our goal is to provide you with a highly functional app - in half the time and at a fraction of the cost of traditional mobile app developers. 17 |
  • 19. development process Competitive analysis We believe it is important to understand what the competition has released for mobile apps prior to releasing your own application. Mobilezapp provides your organization with the ability to understand the competitive landscape. With technology products it is important to always be ahead of the curve. It is critical to the success of your mobile app to have features, advantages and benefits that were previously unavailable. Mobilezapp’s competitive analysis provides your organization with an understanding your competitors and a description of their released products. We offer two levels of a competitive analysis. The first is a cursory analysis. At this level we identify the apps that are on the market and we capture a description of the app we find online and provide same to you. We also offer a much more comprehensive analysis. Our advanced analysis looks at each of the features provided by the competitive apps and compares those against other apps, as well as your soon to be released app. The costs associated with our competitive analysis services are much less than those your own organization would incur. 19 |
  • 20. development process Stakeholder interviews and mobile app strategy recommendations Prior to starting stakeholder interviews, we request you fill out a detailed questionnaire. Based on the responses from your team, we identify the areas where we need more information and we focus the interviews around those areas. During the interview process, as needed, we ask your team to provide us with working demos of the products, services and various backend components. We brainstorm your team about various app functions. Once we are finished with stakeholder interviews we will provide your team with a summary of all the goals and objectives for the app. These interviews are key to our ability to deliver an application that meets or exceeds your expectations. 20 |
  • 21. development process Stakeholder questions Some of the questions are listed below: Who is the primary contact within your organization? Who is the primary sales stakeholder? Who are the creative stakeholders for the project? Who are the technical stakeholders for the project? Who are the marketing stakeholders for the project? What is the timeline to release the product? What is your mobile development budget? We will ask you to name your competitors. Have you already released an app? We will ask you to provide your design asset. Would you want to design a new app or modify the existing one? Is your mobile app for internal or external uses? What languages should we support? Is there a programming language you prefer? What are the primary goals for the app? What are the secondary goals for the app? What are the mandatory features for the app? What are the secondary features for the app? What are the applications you like and why? What is your the target market? What is the demographic target? How are you planning on promoting your app? Do you need an assistance with the promotion? Which countries do you wish to promote the app in? 21 |
  • 22. development process Wireframes & UX design Based on the collected information, we identify the core use cases, functions and primary scenarios for the app. We put together these core use cases and develop a flow to accomplish the desired app functionality. We carefully analyze how a mobile user will perceive, learn and use the app. We create wireframes for various steps in the flow and analyze issues like workflow and navigation. We carefully design the user interactivity and experience as the user steps through this flow in the application - taking into account the on-the-go nature of the mobile user and making each step easy, efficient and relevant. 22 |
  • 23. development process Graphics & UI design and prototyping Mobilezapp will deliver a mobile application that is not only functional, but looks great too. We believe our creative team is a secret weapon in our arsenal. We give extensive attention to the needs, wants and limitations of the mobile user at each stage of the design process. We design the user interface such that the visual precedence relates clearly to the task importance. When user directly manipulate onscreen objects instead of using separate controls to manipulate them, they are more engaged with the task and the app and readily understand the result of their actions. We understand that the look and feel of the graphics should be an extension of your existing brand. We work with your marketing department to ensure that the mobile app visually integrates harmoniously within your brand. We take the interaction and interface design and create a working prototype of the mobile app. We develop a web browser based prototype as well as a high fidelity prototype that runs directly on the device and incorporates the device form factor. The prototype lets you interact with the application interface just like a real app. You can interact with the interface through clicks, taps, gestures etc just like in a real app. You can get the feel of the scenario flow as you move from screen to screen and can evaluate the navigation and various interactions. 23 |
  • 24. development process Technical specifications and coding Prior to beginning the code, we must write your technical specification document. The technical spec document are quite boring to read, extremely detailed, but essential for the development team. While the prototype is an easy way for your team to understand the functionality of your app, and can be useful for the development team to understand what you are looking for - the tech spec document is the coding blueprint. This tech spec describes in great detail the type of code to be written - what sort of databases we will access, what methodologies and algorithms are needed. We spend a great deal of time working on the technical spec prior to beginning the coding process. Your team will receive, and approve, the tech spec document prior to us developing the code. This also allows us to provide you with a realistic cost for the build of your mobile app. Because we spend such a great deal of time on the prototype, it makes it easier to write an accurate tech spec doc. After finishing the technical specifications, we move to programming phase. It generally takes about 6 weeks to complete the coding. The timeframe is an estimate and depends on the scope, features and complexity of each individual app. We support all major mobile app development platforms and have experience with software developments kits for all platforms - iOS SDK, Android SDK, Blackberry Java SDK, Windows Mobile SDK etc. We employ Agile/Scrum methodology for all software development projects and ensure that we are on track for project deliverable every single time. 24 |
  • 26. codemodules No need to reinvent the wheel Building a mobile app is much like building a custom home. There is no limit to the amount of money you can spend on either. There are hundreds of different primary options and tens of thousands of secondary. We focus on determining the core elements you need with your mobile app, the secondary features you wish, and then work toward building your “multi-million dollar” home at a fraction of the cost you would normally spend. Building a mobile app is also similar to building an automobile from scratch. While some developers will tout their expertise in building an internal combustion engine - we will find one that is already built. The same holds true for a transmission - it would cost a fortune to build one from scratch and very little to purchase one that is already built. We’ve already built hundreds of mobile apps thus have a large library of code. Much of this can be used for your app. We focus on delivering a superb mobile app at far less cost than you could receive from others because of our primary belief that it is not necessary to “reinvent the wheel.” 26 |
  • 27. codemodules Our library of code Mobilezapp can leverage our existing code libraries to built an app much faster and cheaper. Below is a listing of our code library: 21 CFR Part 11 Location Based Services 3rd Party API Integration Loyalty Programs Audio Messaging Maps Augmented Reality Music Library Brand Builder MySpace Integration Calculator/Cost Estimator Online Reservations Coupon Delivery PCI Compliance CRM Connectivity Photo Gallery Customizer QR Code/Bar Code Facebook/Twitter Radio Form Builder Ratings Four Square Registration GPS Capabilities Surveys/Polls HIPAA Compliance Text Messaging LinkedIn Ticket Purchasing List Builder Web Browser For elements of code we will have to write from scratch, we have two options. If you would allow Mobilezapp to add your custom written code to our library for reuse, the cost is roughly half the investment required should the code only be used for your project. You can provide us with an exemption list of competitors, to ensure anything we provide for you would not wind up in the wrong hands. 27 |
  • 29. solutions&services Letting the world know about your apps Unique to Mobilezapp is our ability to proactively promote your mobile app throughout the world. We have a sister relationship with DayBreak Data Marketing Services, Inc. The close relationship provides us access to one of the largest contact list databases of key decision makes and influencers within corporate, education and government accounts worldwide. These include the Chiefs, Presidents, Executive Vice Presidents, Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Directors and Managers within all of the Fortune 1000, Global 500 and millions of SMB accounts. Cumulatively these business leaders employ tens of millions of individuals and purchase over a trillion dollars worth of goods, products and services each year. We also have press contacts at every news agency in the world who can help spread the word to over a billion mobile handset carriers. Our program includes an ultra-personalized introductory letter accompanied with a PDF touting the features, advantages and benefits of your mobile app. We can provide dedicated representatives to follow-up the e-Letter campaign with telephone calls, download instructions and face-to-face meetings for the most qualified contacts. 29 |
  • 30. solutions&services Sales solutions While there are numerous groups within your organization that can benefit from mobile technologies - the sales team is at the top of our list for immediate return-on-investment. We can arm your sales team with the latest, greatest technology to assist their effort to drive incremental business. At the same time we will empower your sales managers and financial team members with detailed information regarding their location, the number of sales calls they are making each day, and their bottom line sales figures. Imagine an app that can arm your sales team with the capability to sell more goods, products and services. Imagine an app that will empower your finance team with up-to-the minute information regarding the sales pipeline. Imagine an app that will allow sales managers to keep track of the whereabouts of all of their sales team members 24/7. We can deliver this and much more. Mobile apps for sales team members are at the top of our list for high return-on-investment. The mobile device might as well be created specifically for increasing sales. There are so many features, advantages and benefits of the mobile device and sales teams that there is not enough room on this page to even begin listing. 30 |
  • 31. solutions&services Mobilezapp service solutions Mobile applications for internal use can improve efficiencies for almost any department or group. One particular group that can receive a high return- on-investment is the service and technician group. By arming your service technicians with an Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad, Symbian or Windows Mobile application you can: • Provide scheduling and rescheduling information • Inform technicians about cancelled appointments • Allow service agents to take and send photos • Arm technicians with analyzing tools for systems • Improve efficiency • Reduce downtime • Allow scanning of customer signatures • Provide ability to process credit cards on site • Provide maps for service calls • Give training materials • Offer recurrent training lessons • Provide onsite service manuals in digital format • Update backend systems as technician uses the app • Enable real time communication with dispatch • Trigger activities and workflow based on transactions With Mobilezapp mobile service app solutions you can turn your service technicians into service magicians! 31 |
  • 32. solutions&services Custom research services Mobilezapp provides full research services to assist your efforts toward creating the ultimate mobile application app and corresponding strategy. Let us know the information you are looking for - and we can deliver it. Our research services range from general information regarding the installed base of various mobile apps such as the Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad and Windows Portable devices. We can also provide exhaustive competitive analysis including identifying all of the individual features within an app or comparing those to an application you already have or are thinking about building. Our custom research can include providing information regarding the number of downloads any app has received from the app store, the value of the purchases and the valuation to the organization based upon revenues and technology. Ultimately, our research services can assist in the success of your mobile app. No job is too large or small for the Mobilezapp research team. We can provide detailed analysis regarding the advertising budget for any particular mobile app, analysis of their Facebook or LinkedIn account or the languages the product is released in. Tell us what you are looking for and we can do the rest. 32 |
  • 33. solutions&services Technical customer support You have deployed your mobile solution, but inevitably your end users will start calling in with questions regarding their devices, apps or network coverage. Do you have the in-house resources and expertise to address these issues to ensure user satisfaction and adoption? Mobilezapp aims to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction by providing expert technical assistance and rapid problem resolutions. Mobilezapp’s customer service organization provides a single point of contact and dedicated team for all your education, customer support, and consulting needs to enhance utilization, lower cost of ownership, and ensure a superior user experience across the board. Mobilezapp’s Customer Support Services allows you to drive more value from your mobile implementation. You can leverage our unparalleled expertise in deploying and managing enterprise mobile solutions with direct access to our technical support staff for issues that span the entire mobile implementation - applications, users, devices, and networks. 33 |
  • 35. partnerprogram Mobilezapp enablement program The Mobilezapp Enablement Program has been developed to provide the in-depth product and developer level knowledge necessary for customers and partners to successfully implement and deploy mobile projects on their own. The program also provides ongoing support and access to a developer community that promotes best practices for services delivery and solution innovation. We work with your creative team to demonstrate the most effective way to create prototypes of mobile applications. Our creative team provides your organization numerous widget libraries consisting of artwork needed to create Android, BlackBerry, iPhone and iPad mobile app mockups, prototypes and wireframes. The objectives of the Mobilezapp Enablement Program are to: • rovide guidance and insight into the construction of the P project team to assure the right skills are available. • Provide the necessary product and process knowledge. • Arm your team with necessary mobile design artwork. • Empower your design team with development tips. • rovide iPhone store, BlackBerry Market & Android Store P suggestions for rapid approval methods. Provide list of mobile middleware solutions. Provide security solution mobile app software info. • rovide the development team with tools and P techniques that will guide them in defining, designing and delivering mobile solutions. • Provide developers access to Mobilezapp resources. 35 |
  • 36. partnerprogram Mobilezapp partner program Mobilezapp’s partner community is comprised of market-leading Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), network carriers and System Integrators (SIs) who have one thing in common – a passion for mobility and a drive to create game-changing mobile apps for business. With the Mobilezapp Partner Program (MPP), the company arms qualified resellers and OEMs with the resources needed to generate new sales opportunities, market more effectively and bring innovative enterprise mobility apps and technologies to market faster. Resellers in the program qualify for comprehensive sales and product training on Mobilezapp’s packaged applications, while OEMs have the unique ability to build apps on Mobilezapp’s award-winning MMP platform and can earn MMP Certified Developer certifications. Companies looking to extend the MMP platform to customers or build on the platform to create best-in-class apps can benefit from product knowledge training, developer support and assigned technical resources. Exposure to Mobilezapp’s strong partner ecosystem and the opportunity to build and deploy enterprise-class mobile apps on the industry-leading platform is a major benefit to partner companies. By combining their own subject-matter expertise with Mobilezapp’s proven technology used by the Fortune 500 for business mobility, partners are empowered to create new products and services that can be certified by Mobilezapp, leveraged and sold throughout the Mobilezapp channel. Interested in learning more? We’d love to hear from you. Write to team up with Mobilezapp. 36 |
  • 38. industries Industry experience and expertise The Mobilezapp team has tremendous experience and expertise in a wide variety of industries. We’ve developed mobile apps for hundreds of different organizations ranging from Airlines to Zoos. With each of our development efforts we have learned a great deal about each respective industry, rules and regulations, proprietary their revenue models, their customers and channel partners. With each of our development efforts we have learned a great deal about the industry segments, their revenue models, their customer profiles and the concerns they have around security of proprietary and personal information. Our industry experience includes: Agriculture & Mining Business Services Computers & Electronics Consumer Services Education Energy & Utilities Financial Services Government Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals and Biotech Manufacturing Media & Entertainment Real Estate & Construction Retail Software & Internet Telecommunications Transportation & Storage Travel, Recreation and Leisure Wholesale & Distribution 38 |
  • 39. industries Education Virtually all students, professors and leaders at colleges and universities throughout the world are carrying smartphones. The higher education institutions are amongst the first to embrace new technologies. If your college or university is contemplating ways to take advantage of the Android, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry or Windows Mobile device - look no further - Mobilezapp can build a mobile app that will dazzle students and faculty alike. Some of the features we can implement include: • Use a campus map to find your way around the college • Accessing photos to set as your phone’s wallpaper • Facts about your college and university • Ability to register for classes • Purchase tickets to athletic events • Pay tuition via your smartphone • Check into classes via mobile device • Watch school specific YouTube videos • Play school specific trivia with your classmates Mobilezapp can craft a program to allow participation from students, provide internships to the most qualified individuals and provide credits to all students participating in the building of your mobile app. 39 |
  • 40. industries Financial services Mobile banking is evolving into mobile commerce - a more global term that includes the ability to conduct numerous financial transactions in real time. This represents the key to achieving strategic growth in the financial services sector, to establishing significant new levels of customer loyalty, and to opening new channels of direct, immediate, hands-on, smartphone driven transactional capabilities. These capabilities manifest themselves in many ways – from real-time streaming quotes, to fully managing accounts in real time, to conducting real-time stock execution deals (including real time research, price alerts/quotes and actual buy/sell execution), to making retail purchases directly through a mobile device - the list of capabilities is as long as one’s imagination allows. With Mobilezapp mobile financial solutions, you’re not just deploying apps - you’re deploying performance to employees and customers. 40 |
  • 41. industries Government We have a solid understanding of ways to leverage the power of the mobile devices for city, parish, state and federal government agencies and their respective departments. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you or other members of your team. In addition to demonstrating the applications our team has created for organizations such as yours, we can show you what we consider to be “the best of the best.” Some of the features we can provide include: • Marriage license information • County clerk office hours • Ability to post bail for inmates via a mobile device • Finding towed vehicles and paying parking tickets • Applying for jobs online via mobile phones • City park information • Paying for city utility and water • Ability to find voting registration centers • Renewing your driver’s license • Providing proof of social security number • Applying for unemployment benefits • Finding political officials telephone and addresses • Detailed bio information and photos of public officials • Polling of citizens Give us a telephone call. We can show you the very best ways to leverage mobile technologies for your organization’s benefit. 41 |
  • 42. industries Healthcare Mobilezapp understands the Healthcare marketplace. There are a number of innovative and creative apps we can deliver in order to assist Clinics, Hospitals, Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Administrators and many others within the healthcare category. We understand the requirements that must be met to ensure an app is HIPPA compliant. Let us know what you are looking for and we can do it. We could build an app that provides immediate notification to the triage desk whenever a new room at a hospital is available. We can provide a mobile app that informs doctors regarding the amount of medicine that has been provided to each patient via an IV. We can link any of the medical devices scattered throughout a clinic or a hospital directly to a mobile device to empower the physician with immediate information. Our Proof of Concept program is perfectly suited for those within the Healthcare industry. It provides an opportunity for each of the stakeholders most interested in the development and successful deployment of a mobile app to participate in the development process. We provide individual screenshots for each function much in the same way a website works. Our account managers will work with your stakeholders to ensure their input is received and requests implemented. We are specialists at demonstrating the value of innovative technologies to those used to working with a paper and pen vs. a portable device. 42 |
  • 43. industries Hotels Mobile apps provide a fantastic vehicle for hotels to better serve their guests, increase occupancy and satisfaction. The Mobilezapp Hospitality Team welcomes an opportunity to discuss how we can build an application to meet all of your expectations. We specialize in developing cross-platform apps for the Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad, Symbian and Windows Mobile devices. The Mobilezapp team would like to sit down with you and demonstrate a number of other hotel apps, go through their features, advantages, benefits and weaknesses. Some of the abilities we can build into your mobile app include: • Checking in and checking out functions • Access to room service via a mobile device • bility to make a reservation at any location A worldwide • Providing management with superior reporting • Allow guests to pay for their stay • Using smart phones vs. keys to enter rooms • Accessing frequent guest program information • otifying the valets when a vehicle needs to be N picked up • isplaying images of rooms, suites and conference D facilities • Receive notices via SMS text regarding special offers • And much more 43 |
  • 44. industries Life science Mobility can literally transform the way life sciences companies provide service to customers. Service and sales representatives with a mobile application in hand are empowered to think and act differently - their actions are more immediate and more directly tied to their customers’ needs. These entirely mobile-driven channels of awareness represent exciting new increases in both productivity and revenue generation and lead to direct strategic advantage. Today’s life sciences organizations are stepping up and delivering mobile apps that will deliver powerful, personalized, easy to use role-based tools that will captivate employees. But that isn’t enough – apps must not only be delightful to use, they must be highly effective in the field, helping to drive measurable strategic productivity improvements. With Mobilezapp Life Science solutions, you’re not just deploying apps - you’re deploying innovation to employees and customers - and bettering lives at the same time. 44 |
  • 45. industries Manufacturing We are excited to work with companies who specialize in manufacturing. The mobile platforms provided by the Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad, Symbian and Windows Mobile devices empower manufacturing facilities with a whole new way to do business. Mobilezapp brings the power of the desktop PC and server to the pocket with innovative and creative manufacturing applications. Our development team will work with you to increase productivity and streamline processes. Mobile devices provide plant managers and supervisors with the ability to take pictures of gauges, parts, assembly lines and delivery systems and upload the information to others quickly and easily. With intelligently designed mobile apps, manufacturing organizations can fully eliminate paper- based systems, enable data capture and entry directly into back-end systems, reduce unnecessary costs with geo-fencing and other location-based tools, and automate complex workflows. With Mobilezapp manufacturing mobile app solutions, you’re not just deploying apps — you’re deploying productivity to employees, partners, suppliers and even customers. 45 |
  • 46. industries Merchandising industry What if you could turn your merchandisers into mobile mavens? Empowered with intuitive mobile apps, your merchandising team will find it easier than ever to streamline and optimize inventory planning and other processes that create business value. Mobility drives real time actionable information; and having timely information optimizes the product mix to increase customer satisfaction and maximize sales. You’re deploying more than a mobile merchandising app, you’re deploying happiness to your organization and customers. Mobilezapp maximizes sales opportunities at the customer level by providing instant access to key product and account information, up-to-date promotions, updated route books, and DEX in real- time. It offers customizable workflows that encompass the daily activities of the merchandising process. We optimizes activities such as: • Call scheduling and routing • Messaging • Distribution checking • Brand audits • Surveys • Compliance checks • Damaged goods handling • Point-of-sale merchandising 46 |
  • 47. industries Restaurants Smart phones provide a number of fantastic ways to improve a restaurant’s bottom-line profitability and customer satisfaction. We welcome the opportunity to show you a complete list of the best apps in the world for restaurants. At the same meeting - we can show you some of the worst. The Mobilezapp team understands the restaurant industry. Most importantly, we know how to leverage the power of the Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad, Symbian and Windows Mobile devices to assist restaurants. Some of the abilities we can build into your mobile app include: • Directions to your restaurant • Ability to “like” your restaurant via Facebook • Twitter integration to empower customers the ability to “tweet” • Ability to make, confirm or cancel reservations • Establish seating preference • Discover history about your restaurant • Meet the chefs and team • Adding augmented reality to your restaurant • Receiving SMS text messages, emails and newsletter type info • Ordering take-out food, determining length of time to pick-up • Reviewing daily specials and full menu • Ability to make preferences for wait staff • Quickly and easily post comments If your organization is thinking about developing a mobile app for your restaurant - give us a shout. Our Proof of Concept program is an excellent way you, other owners, senior level staff members and staff can participate in the mobile app experience. Everyone’s input works toward the development process. 47 |
  • 48. industries Retail We have tremendous experience leveraging the power of the Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and Symbian technologies for retail establishments. Over the past four years we have worked with many of the largest (and small) retailers in the world. The Mobilezapp Retail Team specializes in leveraging the features, advantages and benefits of mobile apps for kiosks, boutiques, department stores, wholesalers and the malls themselves. We are focused on innovative and creative ways to leverage the power of the mobile applications for your organization. Some of these methods include: • Providing directions to your stores • Delivering SMS text messages to consumers • Inform customers of special discounts and offers • Update buyers with pertinent and relevant information • Display photos of products to purchase • Provide QR code recognition capabilities • Deliver directions to items on the shelf in your store • Allow redeem capabilities for coupons in newspapers • Empower customers with personal shopping list favorites • Provide joint marketing opportunities Mobilezapp has a solid understanding of the retail industry. We have a solid understanding for the technology of the mobile apps. If your organization is looking to expand your market share and profits - give us a call - we will put together a strategy to meet your needs. 48 |
  • 49. industries Telecommunications The telco industry has a number of unique opportunities to leverage mobile apps. Mobilezapp will work with your IT/ IS department as well as various stakeholders to create a mobile app that will increase productivity, lower downtime, reduce errors and ultimately drive bottom line profits. Our telco mobile apps can improve delivery, installation, repair service, sales support or any other service within the end-to-end supply and services chain. The apps we can create for your organization can lower operational costs and improve customer satisfaction. These mobile application benefits greatly decrease time to market for all services – whether in the field or in the back office, delivering strategic benefits that will greatly increase top line revenue. Mobile driven cost reductions and new revenue growth in turn combine to deliver new levels of profitability. With intelligently designed mobile apps you can fully eliminate paper-based systems, enable data capture and entry directly into back-end systems, reduce unnecessary costs with geo-fencing and other location-based tools, and automate complex workflows. As a result, your organization benefits from a highly accurate flow of data at every level in the business process chain – a constant, mobile driven view of your entire business operation in real time. 49 |
  • 51. application samples Bank of America Use the ATM and banking center locator to find the nearest location with a simple touch of a button, no address input required. This location aware feature is only available through the iPhone application and not on the B of A mobile web site. You can access the Mobile Banking web site directly with the application. One destination on your iPhone/iPod touch to check available balances 24/7, pay bills and transfer funds. Features • Mobile Banking applications are custom designed for your phone’s unique features • ATM and banking center locator, using geo-locator – easily find the nearest location without entering your address or ZIP code • On-the-go management of your accounts to check balances, transfer funds and pay bills with optional Bill Pay service. Security • Protection against fraudulent activity with our Learn about the $0 Liability Online Banking Guarantee • SiteKey® for verification of your identity and an extra layer of security • Advanced encryption technology to prevent unauthorized access • Privacy protection of your financial information 51 |
  • 52. application samples GEICO Pay your GEICO auto insurance bill and access your current insurance ID cards from your phone. Accident Helper lets you take advantage of our Accident Helper which helps put you in contact with emergency services, gives you a place to organize photos and much more. Roadside Service – Locator features allow you to find nearby tow services and gas stations... anywhere, anytime. Use your phone’s GPS or enter a location manually, it’s up to you! Taxi/Rental Car – need a taxi to get home from the repair shop or maybe even after a night of fun? Want to rent a car? Our locator will help find what you need in moments. 52 |
  • 53. application samples State Farm The Pocket Agent™ is an extension of the exceptional customer service offered in State Farm Agents offices, and shows State Farm is committed to being there for our customers in more ways than ever before. Hitting the store with four key features, this app will help customers recover from the unexpected even more quickly. With the Pocket Agent™, customers with an auto policy registered on can: • Begin the claims submission process. • Locate Select Service repair facilities. • Contact their State Farm agent 53 |
  • 54. application samples Lufthansa The Lufthansa Launcher makes planning your trip even more convenient. As a registered Lufthansa customer you need only save your access data once onto your iPhone or IPod touch and you can call up Lufthansa’s mobile services with just one click. You will go straight to your summary and can easily check in for forthcoming flights whilst on the move. Book great value flights on your mobile device without first having to complete the login data. Direct access to your Miles & More account summary whenever and wherever you want. With the Launcher you also have access to other Lufthansa mobile services. Mobilezapp has libraries that can connect to back- end reservation systems. We are experts at designing a graphical user interface that is sleek, elegant and highly functional. Our code can be interchanged from an aircraft, to a concert hall or restaurant - the concept is basically the same. Our technology allows users to pay for tickets on airplanes, Broadway shows, concert performances or restaurants. 54 |
  • 55. application samples Mercedes Benz The Mercedes Benz iPhone app allows drivers to customize their in-vehicle experiences to fit their daily needs. It begins with an introduction of a whole new generation of innovative and personalized services that fit into a drivers mobile lifestyle, keeping them connected to people, places and services that are important to them and offering them enhanced safety, security and navigation options. The flexibility of the architecture allows Mercedes Benz to continually add new features and innovations to keep Mercedes Benz on the forefront of the in-vehicle services. 55 |
  • 56. application samples Oracle The Oracle iPhone app leverages the power of Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus (OBIEE) and Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, Fusion Edition to provide access to key metrics and analytical data for mobile executives. These native applications for the Apple iPhone also leverage the Serviced- Oriented Architecture (SOA) capabilities of OBIEE and the powerful set of Oracle Business Intelligence Web Services. They also have support of SSL encryption protocol enabling superior and secure mobile flexibility and performance. 56 |
  • 57. application samples Kitchen and bath channel Building or remodeling your kitchen or bath is a complex endeavor, something many of us are not prepared to do without a professional at the helm. This free app connects homeowners with all types of professionals associated with your new kitchen or bathroom. With a database of over 15,000 designers, builders, remodelers, woodworkers, retailers and more coupled with a variety of searching options, you can find the right professional for your project and in many cases view examples of their work. Features Include: • One touch dialing • One touch email • One touch website visits • One touch “Add to Contacts” • One touch map locator without leaving the app • Geo location • Project photos and videos Search By: • Location • Certified professionals and professional designation • Room preference • Accreditation • Product category for purchasing • City • State • Professional’s name • Business name 57 |
  • 58. application samples Superpages Finding the right person for the job can be a job itself. Especially when you’re on the go. With Superpages Mobile, you can find local businesses quickly. Search by keywords or popular categories such as “automotive” and “repair.” Choose a business backed by the award- winning SuperGuarantee and you’ll get the job done right, or we’ll make it right. Add a review and photo. Let others know what you thought by creating a business review on the spot. Simply rate your experience “thumbs up” or “thumbs down.” Get directions. Never get lost again. With Superpages Mobile, you can get step-by-step, interactive driving directions with an option to add multiple stops along the way. Find movie and theater listings. Superpages Mobile makes it easy to find your favorite movies playing at a theater near you. Browse films by name for show times, reviews and trailers. 58 |
  • 59. application samples Talent search on iPad Task: Develop application that allows users to search and track talents using their mobile phones. Since there is a lot of content in the application we made it really easy for user to add talents, songs and videos to favorites and get back to them whenever he/she wishes. High performance audio and video streaming lets you find and follow talented artists. Audio and video streaming allows checking out and uploading new songs and movies from user’s device as well as uploading user’s own music and videos for audition. To make our search work in a smooth and easy manner, accessing a huge amount of data, we built a program using a robust designed algorithm that includes features like: • Entire application search • Audio streaming • Video streaming • Audio and video audition • Favorites • E-mail notifications We built an app that is very easy to use, works fast with millions of records and users. 59 |
  • 60. application samples Dairy Queen The Dairy Queen app empowers iPhone users with iPhone users with the ability to locate any of 4,600 Dairy Queen locations throughout the United States based upon their GPS coordinates. “DQ Craze” involves quickly filling orders for “customers” clamoring for Blizzards and Dailly Bars and other Dairy Queen specialties. To get points, you have to arrange matching rows of different Dairy Queen menu items that correlate to what the customer wants. 60 |
  • 61. application samples Car and Driver magazine Car and Driver Mobile for Android is updated daily with new content and photos, and includes many features from the regular site and some exclusive content. Car and Driver Mobile for Android is your instant connection to daily car news, photo galleries, reviews, and the rest of your favorite caranddriver. com features. It features top stories, search, auto shows, and buying guide. 61 |
  • 62. application samples Entrepreneur magazine Entrepeneur Magazine is one of the top magazines in the United States where individuals interested in starting their own business can learn from others who have done so previously. There are many tips about starting a business including banking information, venture capital information, ways to incorporate, and many others. 62 |
  • 63. application samples Premier guitar Premier Guitar, the guitar multimedia network with the largest monthly audience, has launched its newest platform with the free app for Android users. The Android app joins the print magazine, digital magazine, website, mobile optimized website, and iPad/iPhone apps as the latest portal by which readers can access PG’s content. All of PG’s magazine and digitally-exclusive content is freely accessible across all of its digital platforms. “We’re excited to introduce the latest member of the Premier Guitar multimedia family with our Android app,” says Premier Guitar marketing manager. “This new platform launch remains in lock-step with our multimedia model, allowing the reader to choose how he/she would like to read PG’s great content. The response thus far to the existing iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch app has been overwhelmingly positive with over 200,000 reader sessions since their respective launches and I would anticipate that our Droid users will enjoy a similar experience.” 63 |
  • 64. application samples Sports illustrated - swimsuit editions Our Sports Illustrated Swimsuit mobile app is released for the Android, BlackBerry, iPhone and iPad. It has been an immediate success since launched. The application provides users the ability to browse through all of the images available through the SI magazine, as well as has a number of new features such as the ability to rate the models, share the photos with friends, post them on Facebook, and tweet about the images. Our approach to the app was to provide the content that was available via the Sports Illustrated magazine, as well as add new features and enhancements because of the mobile device capabilities. The ability to rank each of the photos and post to Facebook is the most commonly used feature. We are thinking of new ways to enhance the 2011 functions. The primary goal of the app is to engage the consumer and their friends while ultimately increasing magazine subscriptions. The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit mobile app was released on the iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and iPad simultaneously. The app was an immediate success. We added a number of cutting edge technologies and superior graphics to add a viral-component to the app. 64 |
  • 65. application samples Crackle Crackle is the place to experience pure entertainment: full length movies, TV shows, and original series from genres that embody cool — all uncut, uncensored, and unbelievably free. We’ve had enough of “disposable entertainment” that is as relevant as a laughing/ dancing baby — we are here to watch and talk about the videos that really matter. Crackle is one of the fastest growing entertainment destinations today, featuring only the genres you love — comedy, action, drama, sci-fi, horror — anywhere you are. We know the Internet is a big place, so Crackle’s vast distribution network ensures that you have access to Crackle everywhere: on your favorite video site, your television and your mobile device. Learn more about where you can find Crackle on the distribution page. 65 |
  • 66. application samples WorldVoice radio The WorldVoice Radio brings the “retro” concept of the handheld shortwave into the 21st Century. Users can scan the netwaves old-style via buttons or use the built-in directory to find and search all of the stations. With WorldVoice, you don’t just listen to the radio on the web . . . you create it. WorldVoice allows users to upload reproduced uCasts from their computer produced with tools such as Garageband, CoolEdit, Audacity and others. It lets you make “uCasts” - short podcasts on the go - with a simple interface. 66 |
  • 67. application samples Been There BEEN THERE is an iPhone application for individuals to keep track of their travels. They can keep track of the hotels they stayed at, who they met, places they visited throughout their trip, as well as upload photos of friends, family and scenic vistas There are no limits to the number of entries or number of photos. BEEN THERE allows users to share their traveling experience with their friends worldwide. Rate hotels, parks, restaurants and other places of interest with one to five stars, make comments and much more. The BEEN THERE app uses a number of modules Mobilezapp can leverage for your mobile app. It uses GPS location abilities, storage of photos and videos, password capabilities, email recovery of passwords, the ability to input links from websites and much more. 67 |
  • 68. application samples Where WHERE develops a range of location-based services, including mobile advertising as well as search and recommendation services. WHERE helps you discover, save and share your favorite places by putting the best local information at your fingertips and offering great deals from nearby businesses. As you use WHERE, our recommendation engine learns about your preferences and recommends great places for you to check out. We make it easy to create lists of your favorites and places you’d like to go and share them with friends. With WHERE, you’ll never be bored again. 68 |
  • 69. application samples Sprint Your business can’t wait and Sprint has the mobile applications you need to get work done now. Be it a home office or an entire enterprise, Sprint offers a full portfolio of mobile and GPS applications to instantly meet the unique management and automation needs of your business. GPS - Locate. View and monitor worker location, online and in real- time, with Sprint Mobile Locator. Get instant driving directions and family location updates via your GPS-enabled phone or the Web. Quickly optimize fleet operations, manage mobile resources, and track data and assets in real-time. Get best-of-breed, Web-based applications for your industry. 69 |
  • 70. application samples Ornithologist diary In order to meet all the goals and build a fully functional and handy application, we used: • SOAP web-services for interconnecting with server • Core data for persistent data storage • Expanded functions for sharing and finding bird spots • Core location based on GPS data • Core graphics for custom defined graphics. Features: • User database • User database shared with social groups • New spots upload • Upload/download photos from server • New spots search • User search • User information can be uploaded to shared DB • Complex spot lists managed by users • Spots sharing • Different complex filters • Assign image/video to spots • Image region selection • Adding notes to spots • View spots on Google map within selected region We built high performance mobile application which allows professional ornithologists and even amateur bird watchers discover, store, share and manage their own or public spots. 70 |
  • 71. application samples Mileage counter pro Task: Create an application that would help corporate drivers track their mileage, create, export and send reports with all necessary information right from mobile phones to their managers’ phones to eventually help their company keep better track of trip expenses and save money. To count mileage we used robust custom built algorithms used in conjunction with Google services that return very accurate results. The reports can be viewed, exported and sent in several formats. They are easy to customize, edit and store. Features include: • Mileage tracking • Reports viewing, exporting and emailing • Trips Calendar with schedule • Notifications • Voice recognition 71 |
  • 72. application samples Rain alert We merged standard iPhone geo location data with weather radar overlays, wind speed and weather forecasts from 3 most recently updated weather web sites (every 3 hour updates). We gave user ability to manually set date and time to figure out if it’s going to rain. Features: • GPS geo location • SMS messaging • Email notifications • Manual settings We created Weather notifying application with high accuracy and manual mode. 72 |
  • 73. application samples Transito Transito allows iPhone app users to quickly and easily see the traffic throughout the city. There are over one hundred cameras thus providing Transito iPhone app users with the ability to see in real-time the traffic situation at any time of the day or night. The app essentially provides an “eye in the sky” to zoom into the traffic lights you are approaching and allow you to see the traffic up ahead. Based upon what you see, you can change your route to avoid the traffic. 73 |
  • 74. application samples Celebrity apps - Peter Facinelli We’ve created approximately 25 celebrity mobile applications. Our mobile celebrity apps provide the celebrity with a vehicle to communicate to his or her fans. He, or she, can post photos directly to the app and have them propagated through twitter via tweet- pic as well as through facebook. It gives the celebrity the capability to enter diary pages to share their life with their fans in a way that the celebrity feels most comfortable with. Our celebrity apps also provide users with the capability to communicate directly with their favorite movie star, television star, rock star or whatever personality chooses to leverage our platform. 74 |
  • 75. application samples PowWow Now Social “Meet & Greet” App. PowWow allows you request friends, view profiles, share stories, group decision, post pictures, rate pictures, personal interests, nightlife recommendations, etc. The app allows you to recommend friends to join, fill out a personal profile, accept or reject potential friends who have viewed your profile, vote on likes or dislikes, wills and thrills, won’t and don’t, sexy pic page and make group decisions. It also allows users to create blog discussion topics. 75 |
  • 76. application samples Your new baby Your new baby is an application designed for anyone with a new baby. It provides the ability to upload photos of the baby as well as provide detailed information regarding the parents, grandparents, delivery, doctors and nurses, and all of the many fun details regarding the parental experience. Your New Baby mobile application is a mobile version of a scrapbook. It provides a wonderful vehicle for your entire family to maintain a detailed log of all of the important aspects of your new child. There is an unlimited amount of space for photos, the ability to annotate photos with text, the ability to forward images to friends and family members most interested in keeping abreast of the first year of your baby’s life. The technology also provides an excellent vehicle for providing information to pediatricians, nurses or other individuals responsible for ensuring the health of your new child is up to par. 76 |
  • 77. application samples iSeedSpit game How far can you spit a watermelon seed? From the creators of the Wumbler series comes the coolest simulated seed spitting game, iSeed Spit. Realistic watermelons seed spit, flip and bounce across the screen once you blow into the microphone. Take a drink of water, a bite of watermelon and blow into the phone to spit a watermelon seed across the screen. Get the right angle, the right amount of water, the right bite of watermelon and blow and you can compete for the longest distance. Share your score on Facebook and compete with the other top scores. See if you can match or beat the real world record of 68’ 9 1/8”. 77 |
  • 78. application samples Zombie fighter The Zombie Fighter is an iPhone (iPad compatible) game application with 8 zombie characters which fight with each other and multiplayer mode - via Apple game center (connect with other devices (iPhone/iPad) via Bluetooth). 78 |
  • 80. contactus Let’s get this party started Give me a telephone call, send me an email, text me, hit me up on Facebook, tweet me, connect with me on LinkedIn, send me a smoke signal - but let’s hook up. Doug Monahan Founder & Chief Executive Officer Austin, TX 512.539.0260 80 |