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Munich MuleSoft Meetup
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● Turn On your camera for an interactive session
● Troubleshooting in Bevy virtual
● The meetup is recorded
Mic Check...
● Introductions
● Integration journey: Lessons Learnt
● Managing RTF: Hybrid Deployment Model at BP
● Interactive Quiz
● MuleSoft Hackathon Details
● Picture Time
● Wrap up
● About the organizer:
○ Chinmaya Sahu
○ Ganesh Kumar
○ Sakthi
● About the speakers:
○ Andreas Grimm
○ Demir Akarsu
- Andreas Grimm
Integration Journey: Lessons Learnt
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
Andreas Grimm
Senior Solution Architect / Practice Lead Professional Services
Running Integration Projects:
Lessons Learned
October 2020
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
This presentation is a representation of my personal experiences with
Integration Projects. They are NOT providing advice or guidance for
projects completed, in progress, or planned. Nor shall they be taken as
MuleSoft’s advice to any existing or planned project. Every integration
project is different and needs to be seen in it’s content. Common places
made in this presentation are made to explain the context. No example in
the project is a referring to a real client engagements, but are generated
oversimplified reflects on experiences...
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
Who am I
I am
… an architect working on integration projects
… working with MuleSoft’s Professional
Services team for 5 years
…. doing integration projects since 1999
(calling it 20 years makes me feel old)
… working in IT since 1990 (I had the fun of
seeing a lot of new technologies arrive - and I
still find this exciting)
… having opinions
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
Why am I talking about this here?
OK - so you are leading a new integration
project. Either as an architect - or as a
developer - or as a project manager.
And your main worry is:
My project can fail.
Let’s have a look whether your worry is
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
Why am I talking about this here?
So - I looked into the statistics, and the
statistics says:
The project will fail.
Unless I do something immediately when the
project starts.
But to do something - I need to understand
the main threads to my project.
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
Out of the “Grimm’s” Storybook...
Does not have to be like this...
● OK - No project fails without a reason.
● And failure does have a good side
when we learn from it.
● I have been asked to fire-fight
integration projects in the last 20
● The next 5 sections are lessons I
learned from projects that were in
jeopardy or failed.
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
Lesson 1: As a Project Manager - I
understand how to run projects - I do
not need to understand Integrations
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Ideal vs. Reality
#1: Integration Projects are just like other Projects
Ideal world: Clear view and no obstacle Reality: I cannot even see the next 50 meters
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
#1: Integration Projects are just like other Projects
This is how your peers and managers see you in
the project:
As the integration lead you are causing issues:
- Integrations are a necessary evil
- Integration projects are too “technical”
- Integration projects are interfering with
already completed parts of the project
Integration projects are coming in on the
11th hour…
- And they costs too much
- 16
but only because the value of integration is misunderstood
so let’s take the focus away from the technology
as you start with them too late
as you start with them too late
they only cost more than expected because...
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
#1: Integration Projects are just like other Projects
Actually - they are not just like other projects.
- Integration projects are highly interactive, more than normal projects - most integration
projects I have seen fail due to communication deficits…
- Integration project are highly volatile - you will be very much challenged with changes at a
way higher rate than normal projects. So adopting a project approach that reflects this is
- Integration projects are technical diverse - you need to interact with all the other
technologies in the environment. You might not need all the skills in your team, but you
need to identify the right people working with you.
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
#1: Integration Projects are just like other Projects
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
Lesson 2: We start the Integration
Project when the connecting systems are
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
- We are doing Scrum
“We need to have the other systems ready before you start…”
#2: Timing
Requirements Design Implementation MaintenanceVerification
Most common Project model:
- Based on the estimates, integration can do it if it starts here...
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
This is NOT Scrum or Agile - this is
Treat it like this...
“We need to have the other systems ready before you start…”
#2: Timing
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
“We need to have the other systems ready before you start…”
#2: Timing
Requirements Design Implementation MaintenanceVerification
So - what is the problem here?
Design Implementation
Verification Maintenance reality
Real start of the integration effort
Planned start of the integration effort
The integration effort is too slow - it puts the project into
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
“We need to have the other systems ready before you start…”
#2: Timing
Requirements Design MaintenanceVerification
First - changing dependencies...
Planned start of the integration effort
OK - we have seen this before - and we think that does not work…?
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
“We need to have the other systems ready before you start…”
#2: Timing
OK - we have seen this before - and we think that does not work…?
- We know which systems we want to integrate,
but we do not understand the data going from
one system to another yet…
- The developers of the connecting systems are
not ready yet…
- The integrations are going to change…
- We do not have the infrastructure ready yet…
- We have problems with the business
functionality, which we want to put into the
- Using a layered architecture and versionable
APIs allows you to build the main flows which is
not covering the final functionality.
- System Layer APIs should expose the full
business entity, not just the data required for the
- A main part of the work is the build or the initial
integration and the automated unit test.
Changes afterwards can be done with limited
- If Cloudhub is used, the set-up can be done in
an early stage of the project. We want this
connectivity and security discussions out of the
way as soon as somehow possible...
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
“We need to have the other systems ready before you start…”
#2: Timing
Lessons learned: Every day you start earlier saves two or more days at the end...
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
Lesson 3: None of the systems provides
the function? We can make it part of the
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
“We do not know where it lives - so why not in the integration…”
#3: Moving Business Functionality into
the Integration…
You have not seen me screaming about this section...
- We know which systems we want to integrate,
but we do not understand the data going from
one system to another yet…
- The developers of the connecting systems are
not ready yet…
- The integrations are going to change…
- We do not have the infrastructure ready yet…
- We have problems with the business
functionality, which we want to put into the
- This anti-pattern has been recognized 20 years
ago -> a business system should not extended by
moving functionality in the integration layer.
- But we still see it during architecture reviews
- Commonly explained by
- The business application is immutable (we
cannot change the code)
- The MuleSoft team can do this sooo much
- Why not - the System Layer is part of the
application anyway...
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
“We do not know where it lives - so why not in the integration…”
Application owned business logic does not belong in the integration layer...
#3: Moving Business Functionality into
the Integration…
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
“We do not know where it lives - so why not in the integration…”
#3: Moving Business Functionality into
the Integration…
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
Lesson 4: Fire and Forget is a valid
Integration Paradigm...
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
“And old ‘Friend’ - coming back frequently…”
#4: Fire and Forget - and Integration Paradigm
An old architecture friend (not one of ours):
The bad one:
The integration consists of a source system, sending
a transaction to the integration environment. It then
marks the business process completed.
The not so bad one:
Return codes are not required, failed transactions are
covered by a database in the integration layer…
The really really bad one:
An operator looks at the errors, fixes the
transactions, and resubmits them...
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
“And old ‘Friend’ - coming back frequently…”
#4: Fire and Forget - and Integration Paradigm
So why is this sooo bad?
System Inconsistency:
As soon as the transaction fails the business process fails - and the
data in the target system deviates from the sender. Transactional
integrity (and if the transaction is fixed in the integration layer: at least
audit trail and auditability) are broken. This will not pass a good
Moving the business logic:
See my last section
And the integration gains something you do not want to have: Data At
Rest (including sizing of the data stores, backup and recovery
processes, etc.)
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
“And old ‘Friend’ - coming back frequently…”
#4: Fire and Forget - and Integration Paradigm
But we implemented an event-driven architecture - what our
legacy ERP system sends are just that - events… and those are
When building an event-driven architecture - or the publish / subscribe paradigm - it is best
practice to always implement a feedback loop to the Controller (the source of the event). The use
of an asynchronous transaction request does not imply that we are giving transactional integrity
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
Lesson 5: We are building Batch
Transfers - we do not need reusable
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
#5: Batch Flows Do Not Need API’s
Why building reusable components into Batch flows?
So - this is how the concept of a Batch Flow in MuleSoft looks like:
Or - more conceptual:
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
#5: Batch Flows Do Not Need API’s
Why building reusable components into Batch flows?
In reality - they are often build like this:
Is this not the most beautiful point-to-point connection you have seen?
No Re-use of Back-end Connectivity… No Scaling when needed… No Abstraction of
Back-end Systems… etc. etc.
All contents © MuleSoft, LLC
#5: Batch Flows Do Not Need API’s
Why building reusable components into Batch flows?
Let’s think about API’s:
Experience LayerBatch Load Lead
Process Layer
System Layer
PL Lead
get post
Experience Layer
Thank you
- Demir Akarsu
Managing RTF: Hybrid Deployment Model
Managing RTF in a Hybrid Deployment Model
Presented by Demir Akarsu
Software Engineering Specialist || BP
• Hybrid Deployment Model
• Runtime Fabric Overview
• CI/CD Pipeline Integration
• Developer Monitoring and Alerting Tools
• Automating Upgrades & Security Patches
• Managing Utilization
- Customers tend to adopt Cloudhub as the
default deployment platform
- External only
- Difficult route to internal systems
- MuleSoft managed ecosystem
- As platform matures in an org on-prem
options are sought out
- Internal only
- Usually managed by other internal teams
- Different control plane
- Learning curve for mule developers
Runtime Fabric orchestrates and automates the deployment of
Mule runtimes into containers in any cloud or on-premises.
- Deploy consistently across any cloud (Azure & AWS) or data
- Run multiple runtime versions in the same Runtime Fabric
- Isolate apps, scale horizontally, redeploy w/ zero-downtime
- Connect to the control plane hosted by MuleSoft
Server Server Server
Runtime FabricDocker K8s
- MuleSoft manage the Runtime Fabric appliance
and is responsible for the delivered components:
- Runtime Fabric appliance
- Runtime Fabric agent
- Mule runtime engine
- other dependencies for Mule applications
- Customer is responsible for provisioning,
configuring, and managing the infrastructure
required for Runtime Fabric including VM
resources, operating systems, load balancing and
kernel patching
Monitoring & Logs in your own infrastructure
- Grafana Dashboards for real-time POD and OS level
metrics (RTF & On-prem)
- Log Appenders for historical and real-time log
API Statistics, Consumption & Performance
- Splunk Dashboards
- API Resource Quota
- Response Times
- Top Consumers & Endpoints
- API Health
Alerting Tools
- SMTP to Slack and Mailboxes
- Data from logs, POD metrics & platform APIs
RTF Upgrades
- Cluster specific infrastructure provisioning (automate
controllers and workers builds and joins)
- Replica scaling for production
- Azure DevOps pipelines
API Statistics, Consumption & Performance
- Splunk Dashboards for tracking compliance and
patching versions
- Azure DevOps pipelines to apply security patches
API Resource Quota
- Managed through MuleOps deploy and release pipeline
Platform License Allocation
- Splunk Dashboards
- Hybrid Infrastructure that requires a single view
- Data sourced from Cloudhub APIs, python scripts and
on-prem HTTP Event Collector Tokens (HEC)
- Total Licenses Purchased and Spare
- Breakdown of individual platforms
- Peak trackers for on-prem compliance
Thank you for listening
Presented by Demir Akarsu
Software Engineering Specialist || BP
Q & A
● Go to
● Joining Code - 8557274
Interactive Quiz
● First-ever MuleSoft Virtual Hackathon
● Official Rules and Prizes
● Contest runs from Oct 22, 2020 at 9:00 am PT and ends on Nov 29, 2020 at
11:59pm PT.
● Register your spot now and All the best!!!
MuleSoft Hackathon
● Share:
○ Tweet your pictures with the hashtag #MuleMeetup
○ Invite your network to join:
● Feedback:
○ Contact your organizers
● MeetUp Recordings:
○ Youtube Channel: MuleSoft Meetup Munich
● Next Topics:
○ Error Handling and Propagation in API-Led, Event-Driven and Batch Arch
○ Azure DevOps with MuleSoft
○ Reach out to Organizers to be a Speaker
What’s Next
● Go to
● Joining Code - 6563101
Feedback and Topics for Next Meetup
Thank you

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Munich MuleSoft Meetup 28th Oct 2020

  • 2. Welcome to the Meetup
  • 3. 3 The information in this presentation is confidential and proprietary to MuleSoft and may not be disclosed without the permission of MuleSoft. This presentation is not subject to your license agreement or any other service or subscription agreement with MuleSoft. MuleSoft has no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this document or any related presentation, or to develop or release any functionality mentioned therein. This document, or any related presentation and MuleSoft's strategy and possible future developments, products and or platforms directions and functionality are all subject to change and may be changed by MuleSoft at any time for any reason without notice. The information on this document is not a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. This document is for informational purposes and may not be incorporated into a contract. MuleSoft assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document, except if such damages were caused by MuleSoft intentionally or grossly negligent. All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates, and they should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. Safe Harbor statement
  • 4. 4 ● Keep your microphones on mute at all times unless you are addressing a question ● Slow network…No problem. Just disconnect and join back ● Questions in handy for the Q&A AFTER each topic. ○ Use the Q&A section in your Chat tab. ○ Address using @[Name] if you are addressing someone specifically ● Turn On your camera for an interactive session ● Troubleshooting in Bevy virtual ● The meetup is recorded Mic Check...
  • 5. 5 ● Introductions ● Integration journey: Lessons Learnt ● Managing RTF: Hybrid Deployment Model at BP ● Interactive Quiz ● MuleSoft Hackathon Details ● Picture Time ● Wrap up Agenda
  • 6. 6 ● About the organizer: ○ Chinmaya Sahu ○ Ganesh Kumar ○ Sakthi ● About the speakers: ○ Andreas Grimm ○ Demir Akarsu Introductions
  • 7. - Andreas Grimm Integration Journey: Lessons Learnt
  • 8. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC Andreas Grimm Senior Solution Architect / Practice Lead Professional Services Running Integration Projects: Lessons Learned October 2020
  • 9. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC This presentation is a representation of my personal experiences with Integration Projects. They are NOT providing advice or guidance for projects completed, in progress, or planned. Nor shall they be taken as MuleSoft’s advice to any existing or planned project. Every integration project is different and needs to be seen in it’s content. Common places made in this presentation are made to explain the context. No example in the project is a referring to a real client engagements, but are generated oversimplified reflects on experiences...
  • 10. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC Who am I I am … an architect working on integration projects … working with MuleSoft’s Professional Services team for 5 years …. doing integration projects since 1999 (calling it 20 years makes me feel old) … working in IT since 1990 (I had the fun of seeing a lot of new technologies arrive - and I still find this exciting) … having opinions 10
  • 11. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC Why am I talking about this here? Introduction OK - so you are leading a new integration project. Either as an architect - or as a developer - or as a project manager. And your main worry is: My project can fail. Let’s have a look whether your worry is justified... 11
  • 12. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC Why am I talking about this here? Introduction So - I looked into the statistics, and the statistics says: The project will fail. Unless I do something immediately when the project starts. But to do something - I need to understand the main threads to my project. 12
  • 13. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC Out of the “Grimm’s” Storybook... Does not have to be like this... ● OK - No project fails without a reason. ● And failure does have a good side when we learn from it. ● I have been asked to fire-fight integration projects in the last 20 years. ● The next 5 sections are lessons I learned from projects that were in jeopardy or failed. 13
  • 14. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC Lesson 1: As a Project Manager - I understand how to run projects - I do not need to understand Integrations
  • 15. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC Ideal vs. Reality #1: Integration Projects are just like other Projects 15 Ideal world: Clear view and no obstacle Reality: I cannot even see the next 50 meters
  • 16. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC #1: Integration Projects are just like other Projects This is how your peers and managers see you in the project: As the integration lead you are causing issues: - Integrations are a necessary evil - Integration projects are too “technical” - Integration projects are interfering with already completed parts of the project Integration projects are coming in on the 11th hour… - And they costs too much - 16 but only because the value of integration is misunderstood so let’s take the focus away from the technology as you start with them too late as you start with them too late they only cost more than expected because...
  • 17. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC #1: Integration Projects are just like other Projects Actually - they are not just like other projects. - Integration projects are highly interactive, more than normal projects - most integration projects I have seen fail due to communication deficits… - Integration project are highly volatile - you will be very much challenged with changes at a way higher rate than normal projects. So adopting a project approach that reflects this is crucial - Integration projects are technical diverse - you need to interact with all the other technologies in the environment. You might not need all the skills in your team, but you need to identify the right people working with you. 17
  • 18. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC #1: Integration Projects are just like other Projects
  • 19. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC Lesson 2: We start the Integration Project when the connecting systems are ready...
  • 20. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC Misconception: - We are doing Scrum “We need to have the other systems ready before you start…” #2: Timing 20 Requirements Design Implementation MaintenanceVerification Most common Project model: Implementation - Based on the estimates, integration can do it if it starts here...
  • 21. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC This is NOT Scrum or Agile - this is Waterfall Treat it like this... “We need to have the other systems ready before you start…” #2: Timing 21
  • 22. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC “We need to have the other systems ready before you start…” #2: Timing 22 Requirements Design Implementation MaintenanceVerification So - what is the problem here? fixed planned Design Implementation Verification Maintenance reality Real start of the integration effort Planned start of the integration effort The integration effort is too slow - it puts the project into jeopardy…
  • 23. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC “We need to have the other systems ready before you start…” #2: Timing 23 Requirements Design MaintenanceVerification First - changing dependencies... fixed mitigated Implementation Planned start of the integration effort OK - we have seen this before - and we think that does not work…?
  • 24. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC “We need to have the other systems ready before you start…” #2: Timing 24 OK - we have seen this before - and we think that does not work…? - We know which systems we want to integrate, but we do not understand the data going from one system to another yet… - The developers of the connecting systems are not ready yet… - The integrations are going to change… - We do not have the infrastructure ready yet… - We have problems with the business functionality, which we want to put into the integration... - Using a layered architecture and versionable APIs allows you to build the main flows which is not covering the final functionality. - System Layer APIs should expose the full business entity, not just the data required for the flow. - A main part of the work is the build or the initial integration and the automated unit test. Changes afterwards can be done with limited effort… - If Cloudhub is used, the set-up can be done in an early stage of the project. We want this connectivity and security discussions out of the way as soon as somehow possible...
  • 25. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC “We need to have the other systems ready before you start…” #2: Timing 25 Lessons learned: Every day you start earlier saves two or more days at the end...
  • 26. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC Lesson 3: None of the systems provides the function? We can make it part of the Integration
  • 27. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC “We do not know where it lives - so why not in the integration…” #3: Moving Business Functionality into the Integration… 27 You have not seen me screaming about this section... - We know which systems we want to integrate, but we do not understand the data going from one system to another yet… - The developers of the connecting systems are not ready yet… - The integrations are going to change… - We do not have the infrastructure ready yet… - We have problems with the business functionality, which we want to put into the integration... - This anti-pattern has been recognized 20 years ago -> a business system should not extended by moving functionality in the integration layer. - But we still see it during architecture reviews - Commonly explained by - The business application is immutable (we cannot change the code) - The MuleSoft team can do this sooo much faster - Why not - the System Layer is part of the application anyway...
  • 28. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC “We do not know where it lives - so why not in the integration…” 28 Application owned business logic does not belong in the integration layer... #3: Moving Business Functionality into the Integration… Ever!!!
  • 29. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC “We do not know where it lives - so why not in the integration…” 29 #3: Moving Business Functionality into the Integration…
  • 30. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC Lesson 4: Fire and Forget is a valid Integration Paradigm...
  • 31. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC “And old ‘Friend’ - coming back frequently…” #4: Fire and Forget - and Integration Paradigm 31 An old architecture friend (not one of ours): The bad one: The integration consists of a source system, sending a transaction to the integration environment. It then marks the business process completed. The not so bad one: Return codes are not required, failed transactions are covered by a database in the integration layer… The really really bad one: An operator looks at the errors, fixes the transactions, and resubmits them...
  • 32. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC “And old ‘Friend’ - coming back frequently…” #4: Fire and Forget - and Integration Paradigm 32 So why is this sooo bad? System Inconsistency: As soon as the transaction fails the business process fails - and the data in the target system deviates from the sender. Transactional integrity (and if the transaction is fixed in the integration layer: at least audit trail and auditability) are broken. This will not pass a good auditor. Moving the business logic: See my last section Stability: And the integration gains something you do not want to have: Data At Rest (including sizing of the data stores, backup and recovery processes, etc.)
  • 33. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC “And old ‘Friend’ - coming back frequently…” #4: Fire and Forget - and Integration Paradigm 33 But we implemented an event-driven architecture - what our legacy ERP system sends are just that - events… and those are fire-and-forget Seriously? When building an event-driven architecture - or the publish / subscribe paradigm - it is best practice to always implement a feedback loop to the Controller (the source of the event). The use of an asynchronous transaction request does not imply that we are giving transactional integrity up...
  • 34. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC Lesson 5: We are building Batch Transfers - we do not need reusable components
  • 35. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC #5: Batch Flows Do Not Need API’s Why building reusable components into Batch flows? So - this is how the concept of a Batch Flow in MuleSoft looks like: 35 Or - more conceptual:
  • 36. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC #5: Batch Flows Do Not Need API’s Why building reusable components into Batch flows? In reality - they are often build like this: 36 Is this not the most beautiful point-to-point connection you have seen? No Re-use of Back-end Connectivity… No Scaling when needed… No Abstraction of Back-end Systems… etc. etc.
  • 37. All contents © MuleSoft, LLC #5: Batch Flows Do Not Need API’s Why building reusable components into Batch flows? Let’s think about API’s: 37 Experience LayerBatch Load Lead Process Layer System Layer SL SFDC PL Lead get post post Experience Layer
  • 39. - Demir Akarsu Managing RTF: Hybrid Deployment Model
  • 40. Managing RTF in a Hybrid Deployment Model Presented by Demir Akarsu Software Engineering Specialist || BP
  • 41. • Hybrid Deployment Model • Runtime Fabric Overview • CI/CD Pipeline Integration • Developer Monitoring and Alerting Tools • Automating Upgrades & Security Patches • Managing Utilization
  • 42. Cloudhub - Customers tend to adopt Cloudhub as the default deployment platform - External only - Difficult route to internal systems - MuleSoft managed ecosystem On-prem - As platform matures in an org on-prem options are sought out - Internal only - Usually managed by other internal teams - Different control plane - Learning curve for mule developers
  • 43. Overview Runtime Fabric orchestrates and automates the deployment of Mule runtimes into containers in any cloud or on-premises. Benefits - Deploy consistently across any cloud (Azure & AWS) or data center - Run multiple runtime versions in the same Runtime Fabric - Isolate apps, scale horizontally, redeploy w/ zero-downtime - Connect to the control plane hosted by MuleSoft 4343 CUSTOMER’S NETWORK Control plane Server Server Server Mule App Mule App Mule App Mule App Mule App Mule App Mule App Mule App Mule App Runtime FabricDocker K8s
  • 44. Responsibilities - MuleSoft manage the Runtime Fabric appliance and is responsible for the delivered components: - Runtime Fabric appliance - Runtime Fabric agent - Mule runtime engine - other dependencies for Mule applications - Customer is responsible for provisioning, configuring, and managing the infrastructure required for Runtime Fabric including VM resources, operating systems, load balancing and kernel patching 4444
  • 45.
  • 46. Monitoring & Logs in your own infrastructure - Grafana Dashboards for real-time POD and OS level metrics (RTF & On-prem) - Log Appenders for historical and real-time log forwarding API Statistics, Consumption & Performance - Splunk Dashboards - API Resource Quota - Response Times - Top Consumers & Endpoints - API Health Alerting Tools - SMTP to Slack and Mailboxes - Data from logs, POD metrics & platform APIs
  • 47. RTF Upgrades - Cluster specific infrastructure provisioning (automate controllers and workers builds and joins) - Replica scaling for production - Azure DevOps pipelines API Statistics, Consumption & Performance - Splunk Dashboards for tracking compliance and patching versions - Azure DevOps pipelines to apply security patches
  • 48. API Resource Quota - Managed through MuleOps deploy and release pipeline Platform License Allocation - Splunk Dashboards - Hybrid Infrastructure that requires a single view - Data sourced from Cloudhub APIs, python scripts and on-prem HTTP Event Collector Tokens (HEC) - Total Licenses Purchased and Spare - Breakdown of individual platforms - Peak trackers for on-prem compliance
  • 49. Thank you for listening Presented by Demir Akarsu Software Engineering Specialist || BP
  • 50. Q & A
  • 51. Quiz
  • 52. 52 ● Go to ● Joining Code - 8557274 Interactive Quiz
  • 53. 53 ● First-ever MuleSoft Virtual Hackathon ● Official Rules and Prizes ● Contest runs from Oct 22, 2020 at 9:00 am PT and ends on Nov 29, 2020 at 11:59pm PT. ● Register your spot now and All the best!!! MuleSoft Hackathon
  • 54. 54 ● Share: ○ Tweet your pictures with the hashtag #MuleMeetup ○ Invite your network to join: ● Feedback: ○ Contact your organizers ● MeetUp Recordings: ○ Youtube Channel: MuleSoft Meetup Munich ● Next Topics: ○ Error Handling and Propagation in API-Led, Event-Driven and Batch Arch ○ Azure DevOps with MuleSoft ○ Reach out to Organizers to be a Speaker What’s Next
  • 55. 55 ● Go to ● Joining Code - 6563101 Feedback and Topics for Next Meetup