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Cluj 2015
During the year of the European Youth Capital, an impressive number
of events, from different fields take place. So keep in mind that
you can submit your happening (event, project, conference, action
a.s.o) on the platform and we'll promote it in the
European Youth Capital Cluj-Napoca 2015 monthly brochure.
until the 23rd of each month
from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Lasts until: October, 31st
Free Guided Tours
Cluj Guided Tours
Unirii Square
Lasts until: November, 25th
Art for All
Eroilor Blvd, no.34, ap. 4
Lasts until: December, 10th
Reactor de creaţie și experiment
Petofi Sandor Street, no. 4
Lasts until: December, 31st
Genpact ești tu. You.
To be announced
Lasts until: December, 31st
Les Prix des Clubs
Francophones d’Affaires
(enrollment period)
The French Business Club Cluj (C.FAC)
The French Business Club Cluj (C.FAC)
Lasts until: December, 31st
#100more: Start your
experience with EBS!
EBS Romania SA
To be announced
Our Body: The Universe Within
Iulius Mall
Lasts until: October, 31st
Old Medical Equipment
from Cluj
National History Museum
of Transylvania
History of Pharmacy Collection
Lasts until: November, 27th
Lorand Soares Szasz,
Lasts until: October, 4th
The Museum - Back To College
The Museum - Real Room Escape
Real Room Escape Complex
Architecture Conference &
Libero Events
Liberty Technology Park
Nicoleta Esinencu
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
"Art Club" Studio
Lost Frequencies
Euphoria Music Hall
Promoting the TRANSEUROPA
LADO Cluj and SHARE Federation
To be announced
Herbstfest - Autumn German
DWNT & Avalon Events
Unirii Square
Lasts until: October, 4th
European Social Forum 2 -
Quality Jobs for Young People
Casino - The Central Park
Lasts until: October, 4th
Say it, Play it, Think it
Forward! The Blueprint
of a Movement.
To be announced
Festival de film din RM
To be annouced
Euphoria Music Hall
International Symposium
Image, Innovation
„Babeş-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Geography
Faculty of Geography
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
"Euphorion" Studio
V i s i t t h e C l u j . c o m w e b s i t e . H e r e
y o u c a n fi n d a w i d e r a n g e o f c h o i c e s
w h e n i t c o m e s t o p l a c e s a n d s i g h t s
t o v i s i t , r e s t a u r a n t s , t h i n g s t o d o
a r o u n d t h e c i t y o r a c c o m m o d a t i o n .
F o r g u i d e d t o u r s a r o u n d t h e c i t y
m a k e s u r e y o u c o n s i d e r t h i s w o n d e r -
f u l p e o p l e f r o m C l u j G r e e t e r s . T h e y
a r e a g r o u p o f v o l u n t e e r s w h o c a n
o f fe r y o u a l o t o f f u n w h i l e fi n d i n g
n e w i n t e r e s t i n g i n fo r m a t i o n a b o u t
t h e c i t y o f C l u j - N a p o c a .
A n o t h e r o p t i o n fo r g u i d e d t o u r s
a r o u n d t h e c i t y o f C l u j - N a p o c a a r e
t h e g u i d e s f r o m C l u j G u i d e d To u r s .
T h i s g r o u p o f v o l u n t e e r s w i l l o f fe r
y o u t h e c h a n c e t o d i s c o v e r t h e
s e c r e t s a n d t h e s t o r i e s o f C l u j - N a -
p o c a .
I f y o u w a n t t o w a l k t h e s t r e e t s
o f C l u j - N a p o c a a l o n e , o r m a y b e j u s t
w i t h y o u r f r i e n d s , t h e P o c k e t G u i d e
a p p l i c a t i o n c a n g u i d e y o u a r o u n d
j u s t l i k e a p e r s o n a l t o u r g u i d e .
I n s i d e t h e a p p y o u w i l l fi n d d i f fe r -
e n t t o u r s o n 4 s u bj e c t s o f i n t e r e s t :
fa s h i o n , u r b a n i s m , s t a r t- u p s o r t h e -
a t e r s . Yo u r p e r s o n a l t o u r g u i d e c a n
t a l k w i t h y o u i n E n g l i s h , R o m a n i a n
o r H u n g a r i a n . Av a i l a b l e o n A n d r o i d
a n d i O S .
O n Tra n s y l v a n i a C a m . c o m y o u
c a n s e e L I V E i m a g e s f r o m t h e
c e n t r e o f C l u j - N a p o c a . Yo u c a n
s e e s o m e a w e s o m e v i e w s f r o m
h e r e .
I n fo r m a t i o n a b o u t p u b l i c
t r a n s p o r t a t i o n y o u c a n fi n d o n
C T P C J . r o - s h e d u l e s , r o u t e s ,
p r i c e s , e t c .
O n A i r p o r t C l u j . r o y o u w i l l
g e t a l l t h e i n fo r m a t i o n y o u n e e d
a b o u t fl i g h t s .
E n j o y t h e E u r o p e a n Yo u t h
C a p i t a l a n d c h e c k t h e C l u j 2 0 1 5
e v e n t s C a l e n d a r o n w w w. -
c l u j 2 0 1 5 . e u .
I f y o u a re fo r t h e fi rs t t i m e i n C l u j - N a p o c a o r y o u w a n t t o t a k e a
g u i d e d w a l k t h ro u g h t h e s t r e e t s of C l u j - N a p o c a , m a k e s u r e y o u c o n s i d e r
o n e of t h e s e op t i o n s b e l o w fo r to u r i s t i n fo r m a t i o n a n d m o r e .
TGC, Romanian Golf Federation,
Transilvania Golf Club, Sinpaul, jud Cluj
Lasts until: October, 4th
Transylvania Architecture
Biennial (BATRA) 2015
The Romanian Order of Architects -
Transylvania Branch (OART)
Continental Hotel
PLACE by Matei Vișniec
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
"Art Club" Studio
The 13 from Arad
Pro Someșeni Association
The Hungarian Opera
Nomadic Lifestyle Equestrian
Kalotaszegi Turul NHE
Cetăţuie Park
Personal Branding 4EUth
Employment TC
Lasts until: October, 13th
The International Meetings in
Cluj 2015, "Our Europe"
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Lasts until: October, 11th
“Life in the Holy Spirit” Seminar
- 0. Introduction of the Seminar
“Apostolii Iubirii Euharistice” Community
Cipariu Square - “St. Iosif” Chapel
"Everything about Representing
the Students"
Economic Students Organization
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Povestea Micului Pan
Students Culture House
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
“Art Club” Studio
12 ANGRY MEN by Reginald
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
Main Stage
THE MAIDS by Jean Genet /
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
"Euphorion" Studio
W W W . C L U J 2 0 1 5 . E U
CLUJ2015in a nutshell
Over 1.000 happenings, events and projects took place in the first
8 months in the program of Cluj-Napoca European Youth Capital 2015. All
made possible with the community that gets involved in the life of
The last quarter of the youth year at Cluj-Napoca will be at least as full
of activities and events dedicated to youngsters and everyone else with a
young soul.
• Over 1.000 happenings in the first
• 500 volunteers trained and involved
so far
• Increased local financing towards the
cultural and youth sector
• From culture institutions, to the
airport, to pizza places, or coffee shops,
the community initiated events or
campaigns dedicated to youngsters
• A network of local schools that
empowers pupils to work together
• The Cluj-Napoca National Theater
presented a play in open space for the
first time in its history
• Most renowned festivals from
Cluj-Napoca created youth editions
• 1.000 Untold Festival tickets sold
during Christmas before announcing its
name, location or any headliner
• First festival in the world where you
could pay for your ticket with blood
• 150 hours of events wrapped in 24
hours. It is possible when Cluj Never
• Weddings at 50 meters above the city,
a world premiere
• First charitable rooftop party in 2015
raised funds to rehabilitate a children’s
• Art installations made with over
15.000 origami that colored the streets
• A CLUJ 2015 totem that rapidly
became a meeting point and a
„postcard” for the city
PLACE by Matei Vișniec
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
"Art Club" Studio
PLACE by Matei Vișniec
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
"Art Club" Studio
Networking for social and
professional inclusion of
persons with disabilities
Special Education Department of Faculty
of Psychology and Education Studies
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Studies
To be announced
Students night
To be announced
Welcome party
To be announced
IN TRAFFIC by Alina Nelega /
ÎN TRAFIC de Alina Nelega
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
“Art Club” Studio
THE LESSON by Eugène Ionesco /
LECŢIA de Eugène Ionesco
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
Main Stage
AGAMEMNON by Rodrigo García /
AGAMEMNON de Rodrigo García
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
"Euphorion" Studio
NIGHT OF WAR after Camil Petrescu /
Camil Petrescu
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
Main Stage
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
“Art Club” Studio
SCIRI Inaugural Conference -
Conferinţa inaugurală SCIRI
College of Political, Administrative and
Communication Sciences
Club Midi, Sunrise Agency
Ethnographic Museum Alley
Lasts until: October, 10th
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
Main Stage
Catholic Youth Meeting
Greek-Catholic Bishopry of
To be announced
Nicoleta Esinencu
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
"Art Club" Studio
Relationships, Love, marriage
Puls Romania
Mărăşti Cinema
Lasts until: October, 11th
Lansarea cărţii „Povești despre
Cluj” la Festivalul Internaţional
de Carte Transilvania
Asociaţia Culturală EIKON Cluj-Napoca
Unirii Square
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
George Tabori: Requiem
for a Spy
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Opening of the 2015-2016
Associative Year
„Schimbarea la Faţă” Cathedral &
Cipariu Square
Nicoleta Esinencu
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
"Art Club" Studio
UBUSLAMMER! after Alfred
Jarry / UBUZDUP! după Alfred Jarry
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
Main Stage
Dangerous Games
SHARE Federation
Polyvalent Hall
Săptămâna Tânărului Greco-
Catolic / The Week of the Greek-
Catholic Youth
Youth Department of the Greek-Catholic Bishopry
To be announced
Lasts until: October, 17th
Florin Piersic Cinema
APOLODOR after Gellu Naum /
APOLODOR după Gellu Naum
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
Main Stage
European Local Democracy
Week in Cluj-Napoca
SHARE Federation
Tailors' Bastion
To be announced
Cluj Business Days
Business Days
Grand Hotel Napoca
Lasts until: October, 16th
Danube Conference
To be announced
Lasts until: October, 18th
The Burie Family - Transylvania
Tour 2015
Karolyi Gaspar Foundation
Mărăşti Cinema
Festivalul International de
Film Comedy Cluj 2015 -
World Panorama
European Foundation for Urban Culture
To be announced
Lasts until: October, 25th
Nona Ciobanu:
Who Shuts the Night
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Chemistry Fresher's Week
Chemistry Students Organization
Faculty of Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering
Conference ”WHOM and WHEN
Shall We Marry - What Does the
Bible Say?"
Agape Christian Organization
Students Culture House
Money Mastery Workshop
Cash IQ
To be announced
“Life in the Holy Spirit” Seminar
- 1. „Iubiţi de Dumnezeu Tatăl
nostru” (Rom 1,7)
“Apostolii Iubirii Euharistice” Community
Cipariu Square - “St. Iosif” Chapel
by A.P. Cehov
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
"Euphorion" Studio
Cluj Cup Dryland Sleddogs -
2nd ed.
House of Happy Living Association
The Central Park
Lasts until: October, 18th
ELLING by Axel Hellsteniu and
Petter Naess / ELLING de Axel
Hellstenius și Petter Naess
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
Main Stage
László Dés – Péter Geszti –
Pál Békés: The Jungle Book
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Friedrich Dürrenmatt:
The Visit
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
TeCOMM - eCommerce
Conference & Expo
Libero Events
Grand Hotel Italia
Lasts until: October, 22nd
English Corner –
Conversational Club for
ordinary people – Subject
of the day: Share inspiration
Karolyi Gaspar Foundation
Oţetului street, no. 18A.
Vivian Nielsen:
Breaking the Waves
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Departments camp
Film club - Narnia Filmklub -
Narnia Krónikái
Karolyi Gaspar Foundation
Oţetului street, no. 18A
“Life in the Holy Spirit” Seminar
- 2. „Spălaţi, justificaţi în Isus și
în Spiritul Dumnezeului nostru”
(1Cor 6,11)
“Apostolii Iubirii Euharistice” Community
Cipariu Square - “St. Iosif” Chapel
Evgeny Shvarts: The Shadow
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Muşatescu / DECLARAŢIE
de Tudor Mușatescu
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre -
"Euphorion" Studio
Transylvania Music Event
Transylvania Music Event
Polyvalent Hall
20+ Conference
Arad Street, no. 10
Powered by:
Făget Tour Fortech
Runners Club & Rupicapra Mountain
Sports Club Association
Făget Forest
Concert Orchestra Română
de Tineret
„Tinerimea Română” National Arts
Center, Romanian Cultural Institute,
„Notes&Ties” Cultural Association and
Muza Events
Auditorium Maximum
Lasts until: October, 26th
EFPSA Joint EB &
MR Meeting
Nora Cabin, Râu Sadului, Sibiu
Lasts until: November, 1st
Training Session for
Volunteers 1
Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre
To be announced
Torent Conference
Casa Tamplarului Cluj-Napoca
Students Culture House
Lasts until: October, 31st
George Tabori: Requiem
for a Spy
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Bekecs Táncegyesület
Hungarian Opera of Cluj
Bekecs Táncegyesület
Hungarian Opera of Cluj
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
DreamHack Cluj Napoca
Polyvalent Hall
Lasts until: November, 1st
Franz Xaver Kroetz: Desire
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
“Life in the Holy Spirit” Seminar
- 3. Să nu mai domnească păcatul
în trupul vostru, ci Cristos”
(Rom 6,12)
“Apostolii Iubirii Euharistice” Community
Cipariu Square - “St. Iosif” Chapel
BEST Training Week
BEST Cluj-Napoca
To be announced
Lasts until: November, 5th
Târgul Școlilor Profesionale Clubul Francofon de Afaceri
din Cluj (C.FAC)
albastru USAMV
Întâlnirile Europene din
Transilvania: Tineret și teritoriu
- noi forme de angajament în
în Europa
Institutul Francez și
Ambasada Franței
Cluj Arena /
Fabrica de Pensule
International Youth Bazar PROIS NV, Federația
SHARE Cluj-Napoca
Seminar international „Tinerii și
piața muncii”
PROIS NV Casino01.10
Premiile Cluburilor Francofone
de Afaceri (Premiile CFA)
Cluburile Francofone de
Afaceri din Cluj (C.FAC) și
Sibiu (C.FAS) sau
#100more: Start your
experience with EBS!
EBS Cluj-Napoca01.10
Genpact ești tu. You. Yourself. Genpact Cluj-Napoca01.10
Institutul Francez,
Ambasada Franței
și Federația SHARE
Bd. Eroilor02.10
Dată Eveniment Organizator Locație
Festivalul de Toamnă a
Economiei Germane
Piața Unirii02.10
Oportunități de Angajare
pentru Studenții Basarabeni în
GIB Cluj Primăria
Dată Eveniment Organizator Locație
Personal Branding 4EUth
employment TC
Coaching4EU FSPAC05.10
Săptămâna studentului
Money Mastery Workshop Cash IQ Cluj-Napoca14.10
Cluj Business Days Business Days Grand Hotel
JCI DANUBE Conference JCI Cluj Sala
Condiții de ocupare pentru romi
și persoane marginalizate
Pata-Cluj Cluj-Napoca20.10
Seminar international „Tinerii și
piața muncii”
Întâlnirile Europene din
Transilvania: Tineret și teritoriu
01.10 03.1030.09 31.10
Genpact ești tu. You. Yourself.
#100more: Start your experience
with EBS!
Premiile Cluburilor Francofone
de Afaceri (Premiile CFA)
@Cluj Festival Edition
01.10 31.10
01.10 31.1001.10 08.04.2016
Colonada VOCEA TINERILORFestivalul de Toamnă a Economiei
Cluj Business Days JCI DANUBE Conference
14.10 16.10 15.10 18.10
02.10 04.10 02.10 04.10
G e t t o k n o w # C l u j 2 0 1 5 b e h i n d t h e s c e n e s
b y j o i n i n g n o w t h e V o l u n t e e r s ' A c a d e m y
J O I N T H E A C A D E M Y H E R E !
Find ou t how projects are born, how events are
orga n ized , w h o are the people behind the coolest
projects in town and learn what school doesn't teach
w w w . c l u j 2 0 1 5 . e u
Official Bank
W W W . C L U J 2 0 1 5 . E U
F B . C O M / C L U J 2 0 1 5

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Monthly Events in Cluj 2015

  • 2. Cluj 2015 During the year of the European Youth Capital, an impressive number of events, from different fields take place. So keep in mind that you can submit your happening (event, project, conference, action a.s.o) on the platform and we'll promote it in the European Youth Capital Cluj-Napoca 2015 monthly brochure. until the 23rd of each month
  • 4. Lasts until: October, 31st Free Guided Tours Cluj Guided Tours Unirii Square Lasts until: November, 25th Art for All 4ArtSpace Eroilor Blvd, no.34, ap. 4 Lasts until: December, 10th TEEN SPIRIT Reactor de creaţie și experiment Petofi Sandor Street, no. 4 Lasts until: December, 31st Genpact ești tu. You. Yourself Genpact To be announced Lasts until: December, 31st Les Prix des Clubs Francophones d’Affaires (enrollment period) The French Business Club Cluj (C.FAC) The French Business Club Cluj (C.FAC) Lasts until: December, 31st #100more: Start your experience with EBS! EBS Romania SA To be announced Our Body: The Universe Within Events Iulius Mall Lasts until: October, 31st 11:00 Old Medical Equipment from Cluj National History Museum of Transylvania History of Pharmacy Collection Lasts until: November, 27th
  • 5.
  • 6. Thursday1st OCT Friday2nd OCT LEADERS FOR THE FUTURE Lorand Soares Szasz, Coaching4you Lasts until: October, 4th The Museum - Back To College Escape The Museum - Real Room Escape Real Room Escape Complex Architecture Conference & Expo Libero Events Liberty Technology Park AMERICAN DREAM by Nicoleta Esinencu Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - "Art Club" Studio 19:00 Lost Frequencies TiMAF Euphoria Music Hall 22:00 Promoting the TRANSEUROPA Festival LADO Cluj and SHARE Federation To be announced Herbstfest - Autumn German Festival DWNT & Avalon Events Unirii Square 10:00 Lasts until: October, 4th European Social Forum 2 - Quality Jobs for Young People IFES and PROIS-NV Casino - The Central Park Lasts until: October, 4th Say it, Play it, Think it Forward! The Blueprint of a Movement. PATRIR To be announced Festival de film din RM GIB To be annouced Concert CLUB DES BELUGAS TiMAF Euphoria Music Hall 22:00 International Symposium “SUSTAINABLE TOURIST DESTINATIONS” Identity, Image, Innovation „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Geography Faculty of Geography 10:00 THE EMIGRANTS by Sławomir Mrożek Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - "Euphorion" Studio 19:00
  • 7.
  • 8. V i s i t t h e C l u j . c o m w e b s i t e . H e r e y o u c a n fi n d a w i d e r a n g e o f c h o i c e s w h e n i t c o m e s t o p l a c e s a n d s i g h t s t o v i s i t , r e s t a u r a n t s , t h i n g s t o d o a r o u n d t h e c i t y o r a c c o m m o d a t i o n . F o r g u i d e d t o u r s a r o u n d t h e c i t y m a k e s u r e y o u c o n s i d e r t h i s w o n d e r - f u l p e o p l e f r o m C l u j G r e e t e r s . T h e y a r e a g r o u p o f v o l u n t e e r s w h o c a n o f fe r y o u a l o t o f f u n w h i l e fi n d i n g n e w i n t e r e s t i n g i n fo r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e c i t y o f C l u j - N a p o c a . A n o t h e r o p t i o n fo r g u i d e d t o u r s a r o u n d t h e c i t y o f C l u j - N a p o c a a r e t h e g u i d e s f r o m C l u j G u i d e d To u r s . T h i s g r o u p o f v o l u n t e e r s w i l l o f fe r y o u t h e c h a n c e t o d i s c o v e r t h e s e c r e t s a n d t h e s t o r i e s o f C l u j - N a - p o c a . I f y o u w a n t t o w a l k t h e s t r e e t s o f C l u j - N a p o c a a l o n e , o r m a y b e j u s t w i t h y o u r f r i e n d s , t h e P o c k e t G u i d e a p p l i c a t i o n c a n g u i d e y o u a r o u n d j u s t l i k e a p e r s o n a l t o u r g u i d e . I n s i d e t h e a p p y o u w i l l fi n d d i f fe r - e n t t o u r s o n 4 s u bj e c t s o f i n t e r e s t : fa s h i o n , u r b a n i s m , s t a r t- u p s o r t h e - a t e r s . Yo u r p e r s o n a l t o u r g u i d e c a n t a l k w i t h y o u i n E n g l i s h , R o m a n i a n o r H u n g a r i a n . Av a i l a b l e o n A n d r o i d a n d i O S . O n Tra n s y l v a n i a C a m . c o m y o u c a n s e e L I V E i m a g e s f r o m t h e c e n t r e o f C l u j - N a p o c a . Yo u c a n s e e s o m e a w e s o m e v i e w s f r o m h e r e . I n fo r m a t i o n a b o u t p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t a t i o n y o u c a n fi n d o n C T P C J . r o - s h e d u l e s , r o u t e s , p r i c e s , e t c . O n A i r p o r t C l u j . r o y o u w i l l g e t a l l t h e i n fo r m a t i o n y o u n e e d a b o u t fl i g h t s . E n j o y t h e E u r o p e a n Yo u t h C a p i t a l a n d c h e c k t h e C l u j 2 0 1 5 e v e n t s C a l e n d a r o n w w w. - c l u j 2 0 1 5 . e u . I f y o u a re fo r t h e fi rs t t i m e i n C l u j - N a p o c a o r y o u w a n t t o t a k e a g u i d e d w a l k t h ro u g h t h e s t r e e t s of C l u j - N a p o c a , m a k e s u r e y o u c o n s i d e r o n e of t h e s e op t i o n s b e l o w fo r to u r i s t i n fo r m a t i o n a n d m o r e .
  • 9. Saturday3rd OCT Sunday4th OCT Monday5th OCT Tuesday6th OCT TRANSILVANIA GOLF OPEN TGC, Romanian Golf Federation, Transilvania Golf Club, Sinpaul, jud Cluj Lasts until: October, 4th Transylvania Architecture Biennial (BATRA) 2015 The Romanian Order of Architects - Transylvania Branch (OART) Continental Hotel 18:00 RICHARD III WILL NOT TAKE PLACE by Matei Vișniec Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - "Art Club" Studio 19:00 The 13 from Arad Pro Someșeni Association The Hungarian Opera Nomadic Lifestyle Equestrian Show Kalotaszegi Turul NHE Cetăţuie Park 12:00 Personal Branding 4EUth Employment TC Coaching4EU FSPAC Lasts until: October, 13th 9:30 The International Meetings in Cluj 2015, "Our Europe" Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Lasts until: October, 11th “Life in the Holy Spirit” Seminar - 0. Introduction of the Seminar “Apostolii Iubirii Euharistice” Community Cipariu Square - “St. Iosif” Chapel 19:00 "Everything about Representing the Students" Economic Students Organization Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Povestea Micului Pan TiMAF Students Culture House 11:00 THE EMIGRANTS by Sławomir Mrożek Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - “Art Club” Studio 15:00 12 ANGRY MEN by Reginald Rose Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - Main Stage 19:00 THE MAIDS by Jean Genet / CAMERISTELE de Jean Genet Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - "Euphorion" Studio 17:30
  • 10.
  • 11. W W W . C L U J 2 0 1 5 . E U CLUJ2015in a nutshell Over 1.000 happenings, events and projects took place in the first 8 months in the program of Cluj-Napoca European Youth Capital 2015. All made possible with the community that gets involved in the life of Cluj-Napoca! The last quarter of the youth year at Cluj-Napoca will be at least as full of activities and events dedicated to youngsters and everyone else with a young soul. • Over 1.000 happenings in the first semester • 500 volunteers trained and involved so far • Increased local financing towards the cultural and youth sector • From culture institutions, to the airport, to pizza places, or coffee shops, the community initiated events or campaigns dedicated to youngsters • A network of local schools that empowers pupils to work together • The Cluj-Napoca National Theater presented a play in open space for the first time in its history • Most renowned festivals from Cluj-Napoca created youth editions • 1.000 Untold Festival tickets sold during Christmas before announcing its name, location or any headliner • First festival in the world where you could pay for your ticket with blood • 150 hours of events wrapped in 24 hours. It is possible when Cluj Never Sleeps • Weddings at 50 meters above the city, a world premiere • First charitable rooftop party in 2015 raised funds to rehabilitate a children’s hospital • Art installations made with over 15.000 origami that colored the streets • A CLUJ 2015 totem that rapidly became a meeting point and a „postcard” for the city
  • 12. Wednesday7th OCT Thursday8th OCT Friday9th OCT RICHARD III WILL NOT TAKE PLACE by Matei Vișniec Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - "Art Club" Studio 18:00 RICHARD III WILL NOT TAKE PLACE by Matei Vișniec Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - "Art Club" Studio 16:00 Networking for social and professional inclusion of persons with disabilities Special Education Department of Faculty of Psychology and Education Studies Faculty of Psychology and Educational Studies To be announced Students night KMDSZ To be announced 20:00 Welcome party KMDSZ To be announced 22:30 IN TRAFFIC by Alina Nelega / ÎN TRAFIC de Alina Nelega Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - “Art Club” Studio 16:00 THE LESSON by Eugène Ionesco / LECŢIA de Eugène Ionesco Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - Main Stage 20:30 AGAMEMNON by Rodrigo García / AGAMEMNON de Rodrigo García Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - "Euphorion" Studio 16:00 THE LAST NIGHT OF LOVE, THE FIRST NIGHT OF WAR after Camil Petrescu / ULTIMA NOAPTE DE DRAGOSTE, ÎNTÂIA NOAPTE DE RĂZBOI după Camil Petrescu Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - Main Stage 20:00 THE EMIGRANTS by Sławomir Mrożek Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - “Art Club” Studio 18:00 SCIRI Inaugural Conference - Conferinţa inaugurală SCIRI SCIRI College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences 18:00 MIORITMIC FESTIVAL Club Midi, Sunrise Agency Ethnographic Museum Alley Lasts until: October, 10th 22:00 GOD'S PLAYGROUND Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - Main Stage 19:30
  • 13.
  • 14. Saturday10th OCT Catholic Youth Meeting Greek-Catholic Bishopry of Cluj-Gherla To be announced 8:30 AMERICAN DREAM by Nicoleta Esinencu Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - "Art Club" Studio 18:00 Relationships, Love, marriage - YOUTH CONFERENCE Puls Romania Mărăşti Cinema Lasts until: October, 11th 18:00 Lansarea cărţii „Povești despre Cluj” la Festivalul Internaţional de Carte Transilvania Asociaţia Culturală EIKON Cluj-Napoca Unirii Square Sunday11th OCT ZS - CATEGORY Hungarian Theatre of Cluj Hungarian Theatre of Cluj 20:00 George Tabori: Requiem for a Spy Hungarian Theatre of Cluj Hungarian Theatre of Cluj 18:00 Opening of the 2015-2016 Associative Year ASTRU Cluj „Schimbarea la Faţă” Cathedral & Cipariu Square 18:00 AMERICAN DREAM by Nicoleta Esinencu Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - "Art Club" Studio 16:00 UBUSLAMMER! after Alfred Jarry / UBUZDUP! după Alfred Jarry Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - Main Stage 20:30 LORD OF THE DANCE - Dangerous Games SHARE Federation Polyvalent Hall 20:00 Săptămâna Tânărului Greco- Catolic / The Week of the Greek- Catholic Youth Youth Department of the Greek-Catholic Bishopry To be announced 18:00 Lasts until: October, 17th IMPROvSHOW TIMAF Florin Piersic Cinema 20:00 APOLODOR after Gellu Naum / APOLODOR după Gellu Naum Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - Main Stage 20:30
  • 15.
  • 16. European Local Democracy Week in Cluj-Napoca SHARE Federation Tailors' Bastion To be announced Cluj Business Days Business Days Grand Hotel Napoca 8:00 Lasts until: October, 16th Danube Conference JCI To be announced Lasts until: October, 18th The Burie Family - Transylvania Tour 2015 Karolyi Gaspar Foundation Mărăşti Cinema 18:00 Monday12th OCT Tuesday13th OCT Wednesday14th OCT Thursday15th OCT Friday16th OCT Festivalul International de Film Comedy Cluj 2015 - World Panorama European Foundation for Urban Culture To be announced Lasts until: October, 25th Nona Ciobanu: Who Shuts the Night Hungarian Theatre of Cluj Hungarian Theatre of Cluj 20:00 Chemistry Fresher's Week Chemistry Students Organization Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 16:00 Conference ”WHOM and WHEN Shall We Marry - What Does the Bible Say?" Agape Christian Organization Students Culture House 19:00 Money Mastery Workshop Cash IQ To be announced 18:30 “Life in the Holy Spirit” Seminar - 1. „Iubiţi de Dumnezeu Tatăl nostru” (Rom 1,7) “Apostolii Iubirii Euharistice” Community Cipariu Square - “St. Iosif” Chapel 19:00 A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL by A.P. Cehov Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - "Euphorion" Studio 19:00 Saturday17th OCT Cluj Cup Dryland Sleddogs - 2nd ed. House of Happy Living Association The Central Park 18:00 Lasts until: October, 18th
  • 17.
  • 18. Sunday18th OCT Monday19th OCT Tuesday20th OCT Wednesday21st OCT Thursday22nd OCT Friday23rd OCT ELLING by Axel Hellsteniu and Petter Naess / ELLING de Axel Hellstenius și Petter Naess Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - Main Stage 19:00 László Dés – Péter Geszti – Pál Békés: The Jungle Book Hungarian Theatre of Cluj Hungarian Theatre of Cluj 19:00 Friedrich Dürrenmatt: The Visit Hungarian Theatre of Cluj Hungarian Theatre of Cluj 19:00 TeCOMM - eCommerce Conference & Expo Libero Events Grand Hotel Italia 9:00 Lasts until: October, 22nd English Corner – Conversational Club for ordinary people – Subject of the day: Share inspiration Karolyi Gaspar Foundation Oţetului street, no. 18A. 19:00 Vivian Nielsen: Breaking the Waves Hungarian Theatre of Cluj Hungarian Theatre of Cluj 20:00 Departments camp KMDSZ Beliş 11:00 Film club - Narnia Filmklub - Narnia Krónikái Karolyi Gaspar Foundation Oţetului street, no. 18A 19:00 “Life in the Holy Spirit” Seminar - 2. „Spălaţi, justificaţi în Isus și în Spiritul Dumnezeului nostru” (1Cor 6,11) “Apostolii Iubirii Euharistice” Community Cipariu Square - “St. Iosif” Chapel 19:00 Evgeny Shvarts: The Shadow Hungarian Theatre of Cluj Hungarian Theatre of Cluj 19:00 DECLARATION by Tudor Muşatescu / DECLARAŢIE de Tudor Mușatescu Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Cluj-Napoca National Theatre - "Euphorion" Studio 19:00 Transylvania Music Event Transylvania Music Event Polyvalent Hall 20:00 20+ Conference Huszplusz Arad Street, no. 10 16:00
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  • 22. Saturday24th OCT Sunday25th OCT Monday26th OCT Wednesday28th OCT Thursday29th OCT Făget Tour Fortech Runners Club & Rupicapra Mountain Sports Club Association Făget Forest 10:00 Concert Orchestra Română de Tineret „Tinerimea Română” National Arts Center, Romanian Cultural Institute, „Notes&Ties” Cultural Association and Muza Events Auditorium Maximum 19:00 Lasts until: October, 26th EFPSA Joint EB & MR Meeting Cognosis Nora Cabin, Râu Sadului, Sibiu Lasts until: November, 1st Training Session for Volunteers 1 Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre To be announced Friday30th OCT Torent Conference Casa Tamplarului Cluj-Napoca Students Culture House 19:00 Lasts until: October, 31st George Tabori: Requiem for a Spy Hungarian Theatre of Cluj Hungarian Theatre of Cluj 20:00 Hamupipőke Bekecs Táncegyesület Hungarian Opera of Cluj 10:00 Hagyatékok Bekecs Táncegyesület Hungarian Opera of Cluj 19:00 SÁRIK PÉTER TRIO Hungarian Theatre of Cluj Hungarian Theatre of Cluj 20:00 DreamHack Cluj Napoca 2015 Polyvalent Hall Lasts until: November, 1st Franz Xaver Kroetz: Desire Hungarian Theatre of Cluj Hungarian Theatre of Cluj 20:00 “Life in the Holy Spirit” Seminar - 3. Să nu mai domnească păcatul în trupul vostru, ci Cristos” (Rom 6,12) “Apostolii Iubirii Euharistice” Community Cipariu Square - “St. Iosif” Chapel 19:00 BEST Training Week BEST Cluj-Napoca To be announced Lasts until: November, 5th
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  • 26. Târgul Școlilor Profesionale Clubul Francofon de Afaceri din Cluj (C.FAC) amfiteatrul albastru USAMV 05.10 Întâlnirile Europene din Transilvania: Tineret și teritoriu - noi forme de angajament în în Europa Institutul Francez și Ambasada Franței Cluj Arena / USAMV/ Fabrica de Pensule 03.09 02.10 International Youth Bazar PROIS NV, Federația SHARE Cluj-Napoca Casino01.10 Seminar international „Tinerii și piața muncii” PROIS NV Casino01.10 03.10 Premiile Cluburilor Francofone de Afaceri (Premiile CFA) Cluburile Francofone de Afaceri din Cluj (C.FAC) și Sibiu (C.FAS) sau la 01.10 08.04.2016 #100more: Start your experience with EBS! EBS Cluj-Napoca01.10 31.10 Genpact ești tu. You. Yourself. Genpact Cluj-Napoca01.10 31.10 Colonada VOCEA TINERILOR Institutul Francez, Ambasada Franței și Federația SHARE Cluj-Napoca Bd. Eroilor02.10 04.10 Dată Eveniment Organizator Locație Festivalul de Toamnă a Economiei Germane Wirtschaft.Kultur.- Network Piața Unirii02.10 04.10 Oportunități de Angajare pentru Studenții Basarabeni în România GIB Cluj Primăria Cluj-Napoca 1830 20.10 1200
  • 27. Dată Eveniment Organizator Locație Personal Branding 4EUth employment TC Coaching4EU FSPAC05.10 Săptămâna studentului economist OSE FSEGA12.10 Money Mastery Workshop Cash IQ Cluj-Napoca14.10 Cluj Business Days Business Days Grand Hotel Napoca 14.10 16.10 CLUJUL INCLUSIV PROIS NV Iulius Mall23.10 24.10 JCI DANUBE Conference JCI Cluj Sala Polivalenta/Cluj Arena 15.10 18.10 Condiții de ocupare pentru romi și persoane marginalizate Pata-Cluj Cluj-Napoca20.10 25.10 Seminar international „Tinerii și piața muncii” Întâlnirile Europene din Transilvania: Tineret și teritoriu 01.10 03.1030.09 31.10
  • 28. Genpact ești tu. You. Yourself. #100more: Start your experience with EBS! Premiile Cluburilor Francofone de Afaceri (Premiile CFA) @Cluj Festival Edition 01.10 31.10 01.10 31.1001.10 08.04.2016 01.10
  • 29. Colonada VOCEA TINERILORFestivalul de Toamnă a Economiei Germane Cluj Business Days JCI DANUBE Conference 14.10 16.10 15.10 18.10 02.10 04.10 02.10 04.10
  • 30. G e t t o k n o w # C l u j 2 0 1 5 b e h i n d t h e s c e n e s b y j o i n i n g n o w t h e V o l u n t e e r s ' A c a d e m y J O I N T H E A C A D E M Y H E R E ! Find ou t how projects are born, how events are orga n ized , w h o are the people behind the coolest projects in town and learn what school doesn't teach you. w w w . c l u j 2 0 1 5 . e u
  • 32. W W W . C L U J 2 0 1 5 . E U F B . C O M / C L U J 2 0 1 5