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Mmm Mmm Breakfast...
Rise and Shine, Foodies!
Your weekend dose of the best BREAKFAST
joints in San Diego by Cup-of-Joe
By Joe Flores | 06.14.17 // RWS 305w
RISE AND SHINE my fellow San
Diegan Foodies! Welcome back to yet
another weekend installment of some of the
BEST breakfast spots to eat in SD! My
blogger name is “Cup-of-Joe” for those
breakfast lovers who‟ve just decided to
subscribe to my blog. You‟re in for a real
treat, my fellow foodies! Now, wake up!
Despite the name of the next breakfast joint
I am about to introduce, you are REALLY
going to want to get up outta bed as soon as
that alarm goes off! This week we are taking
a sunrise visit to one of my new favorite
breakfast spots in San Diego thus far—
Story Time
Snooze, located in the heart of
Hillcrest, is an extraordinary and welcoming
A.M. eatery in one of the finest cities in San
Diego. Founded by brothers Jon and Adam
Schlegel, Snooze began waking people up
for delicious breakfast back in April of 2006
in Denver, Colorado. These awesome
brothers had a vision of evolving the A.M.
dining experience through culinary
innovation, an eclectic and energetic
atmosphere, and comfortable and friendly
service (Snooze eatery website). With their
motto being “It only takes a moment to
make a difference”— this is exactly what
Snooze does: makes a difference. Just as I
call ya‟ll my “Foodies,” the Schlegel
brothers refer to their customers as
“Snoozers.” For the past 8 years, Snooze has
brought in a diverse group of customers and
has satisfied the stomachs of thousands
throughout the country—specifically in
Colorado, California, Arizona, and Texas.
Zzzz...Rise and Shine! The Visit
Now that you‟ve read a little about
the history of Snooze, let‟s get down to the
nitty gritty about this damn place that
magically forced me out of bed at 7am and
didn‟t allow me to press my snooze button!
>:O Just kidding. It was completely
voluntary and, well, necessary, after I tell
you about the freakin‟ amazing experience
my partner and I had.
„Twas the night before June 4th, and
all through the house, my stomach was
rumbling, even the mouse (Insert drum noise
that follows a stupid joke). But seriously, I
made sure that I didn‟t eat a heavy dinner
the night before, so that I could splurge at
breakfast and not completely regret my life
choices. My partner, Arnold, and I decided
we were going to try Snooze for the first
time after all the hype we‟d heard from
friends, family, and that one annoying Yelp
app that everyone complains on.
When we arrived at 3940 Fifth Ave.
in Hillcrest, San Diego, we immediately
suffered from the “dang-there‟s-no-parking-
syndrome” that most San Diegans endure.
After fighting with a couple of hangry folks
for a parking spot, we finally found one and
began walking to Snooze. Upon arrival, we
were awed by the signage out front and the
really vibrant orange decor that
accompanied the outside of the building.
The orange chairs outside on the patio made
it easily recognizable and hard to miss. It
really caught our attention and made us
excited to see the inside.
When we walked in, we were
greeted by a young Hispanic fellow named
Joe. I joked that he took my name, in which
he looked at me with a confused face and
chuckled very lightly. Awkward! Joe was a
cool cat indeed—a total hipster with long
hair, one inch ear gauges, and sweet lookin‟
tattoos. I‟m sure he was wishing that he
were wearing his usual attire, which he
probably gets from the hipster store next-
door, Urban Outfitters, instead of wearing
the lime green Snooze shirt he was required
to wear. The first thing he asked for was
how many in my party. When I told him
there were two of us, he immediately
followed up with, “Okay! Right now we are
looking at a 30-minute wait.” My stomach
probably roared loud enough for the chefs in
the back to hear! Arnold and I weren‟t too
stoked for the wait time, however it was a
sacrifice we were committed to make. One
thing we loved was that we were able to
leave a phone number in which we would be
contacted when our table was ready. Very
convenient and high tech! Luckily, we
didn‟t have to go far because Snooze offers
different activities and games to entertain
customers while they wait. Although
horrible at this game, Arnold and I played
“bean bag toss” and failed miserably ;(
Finally, it was time to go in!
“Thank you for waiting! Your
table for two awaits. Please see
host for further instructions.
Enjoy your meal! -Snooze”
This was the text that I received on my
phone. We dropped the bean bags and ran
up to Joe for our “instructions.” We were
seated by a young woman with blue hair and
tattoos. Erin was her name. Erin was SO
nice! She gave us the small brown paper
menus and asked us if we wanted to start off
with some drinks. Now, what is a sunny
Sunday without mimosas?! Hello?! We
unapologetically ordered our drinks from the
morning cocktails menu. I ordered the
Choice Mimosa, which was a combination
of sparkling champagne with grapefruit
juice, and Arnold ordered the Mmm Mmm
Mimosa, which was made with freshly
squeezed orange juice and pomegranate
liqueur. Ooh yeah, it was the perfect start to
our mini Sunday adventure!
Ooooo, Aaaah-esthetics
Before we could even cheer, we
were immediately enthralled by the
ambiance of this place. I mean, when I say
aesthetically pleasing, I really mean to say
Snooze! The atmosphere, decor, color
scheme—you name it—was on fleek, as the
young people say nowadays (*eye roll). As
we first entered the glass doors, we first
noticed the color scheme. Snooze uses a
very soft blue, green, and orange for their
entire decor. It is very appealing to the eyes
and exhibits a sense of hospitality and
warmth. Before sitting down, we were
surprised by the size of the building. When
we looked up, it seemed as though you
could fly a kite in this place! The ceilings
were extremely high. The walls, although
just simple cement bricks, along with the
visible metal pipes and vents throughout the
place, gave the restaurant an industrial look.
The beautiful wooden floors were a nice
light brown color, totally making it feel like
you were in a modern home kitchen ready to
feast on bacon and eggs.
Since Snooze is an A.M. eatery, their
hours of operation are: seven days a week
from 6:30am - 2:30pm. Because of this,
lighting is never a problem. The large glass
windows along with the large skylight
window on the ceiling allow the sunniest of
suns to beam through the windows,
shedding warmth, happiness, and positivity.
The host staff that greeted us at the door, Joe
and another woman were sure to smile in
salutation and kindly welcome us to Snooze.
Most of the staff wore a light green, blue, or
orange shirt to match the thematic ambiance
of Snooze. I did notice that the manager,
Alecia Velasco, wore a black polo t-shirt.
We were able to decipher which person was
in charge simply by the attire and the
presence of that person. Alecia did a fine job
in greeting customers and leading her staff
in a professional yet relational manner.
Overall, the ambiance in Snooze was
very welcoming. The people who were there
to enjoy breakfast were so diverse and truly
looked happy to be there. Because we were
in Hillcrest, a city known for its LGBT
population, we were accompanied by some
beautiful and diverse individuals and
couples of all shades of color and walks of
life. It truly is a family restaurant full of life
and open-mindedness. We saw husbands
and wives, children, single people, gay
couples, straight couples, old, young, black,
white, and even dogs! Us, being a gay
couple, felt very comfortable and welcomed
in this friendly environment. TEN points for
equality and inclusion, Snooze! Thumbs
WAY UP! :)
Prior to visiting Snooze, I asked
Arnold to research the ratings of this joint on
Yelp, since I don‟t really like the app.
Whatever! He told me that Snooze Hillcrest
had a 4.5 star rating and a total of 4,437
reviews from critics like us all around the
SD area. One dish that stood out within the
Yelp app was the Pineapple Upside Down
Pancake. Being the SpongeBob, tropical,
pineapple lovin‟ guy that I am, it would be a
crime if I didn‟t try these bad boys! Because
I am a social media enthusiast and an
Instagram extraordinaire, I took to the
official Snooze Instagram to see some of the
pictures that people posted. With 31.7k
followers, this account sure does reach the
salivating mouths of thousands around the
“Snooze re-energizes the way
you think, feel, and ultimately
eat breakfast.” -Snooze IG
Foodie‟s Favorite Part [Food, duh!]
The time has come for me to share
the actual pieces of heaven that we
consumed that fine Sunday funday. When
Erin gave us the menu, we weren‟t just
thinking about alcohol, okay? We wanted
food too! In browsing the brown, eco-
friendly paper menu, I admired how
informal the menu was in regards to the
simplicity and lack of capital letters for the
main options. The food options included
silly and creative puns that would make
anyone LOL. Our options were: flavors
from the hen, the art of hollandaise, our
sammies, sweet utopia, like a feather, and
ahhh la carte. For those who are already
familiar with my favorite choice foods are,
you know that I LOVE a mean eggs
benedict! I decided to choose from the art of
hollandaise section and order the
Chilaquiles Benedict which was, according
to the menu, “Flavorful barbacoa beef over a
stack of ranchero sauced tortillas and melted
cheese, with poached cage free eggs, roasted
poblano hollandaise, pico de gallo and cotija
cheese” (Snooze). Yummmmmy! Of course
I wouldn‟t be the same Cup-of-Joe without
my actual cup of coffee and side of crispy
bacon. I ordered the House Coffee and was
able to utilize the little “build your coffee”
station located next to the bar full of a early
mornin‟ foodies and drunkies like myself.
Don‟t judge me, okay?! I added four packets
of brown sugar and half-and-half as usual.
As we sat and chatted about what we
were going to do with the rest of our day—
kaBAM! Our food was being served to us at
our bright orange table. We waited no more
than ten minutes for our food. Those chefs
were fast indeed. Now for the food that
made my life. When Erin placed the hot
plate in front of me, I was filled with
happiness and immediately took my phone
out to snap a picture, „cause ya know, that‟s
what the cool people do. The aroma of the
sizzling barbacoa beef and medallion style
hashed browns made my mouth instantly
water. The egg was perfectly poached and
fluffy for my liking and the pico de gallo
smelled fresh and ready to be eaten!
Arnold, being the sweet-tooth havin‟ person
he is, ordered from the sweet utopia section
of the menu and got the OMG! French
Toast, which was bread stuffed and topped
with vanilla creme, salted caramel, fresh
strawberries and toasted coconut. Because
my plate was so damn good, I didn‟t even
have time to look at his because our eyes
were glued to our plates in disbelief! But
here was his plate:
Overall, the service was AMAZING
and the food was just that as well. After
finishing our mimosas, coffee, and two
plates of food, we were kindly greeted by
Erin again with a few thank you‟s and the
bill. How inexpensive! Our total was
$38.76. What a steal! Especially for the
amount of food and beverage we consumed.
As we walked out, stomach bloated and all,
we said our farewells to Joe and Erin and it
was reciprocated. Such nice, friendly
Egg - cellent Experience Indeed
All in all, the numerous rhetorical
strategies utilized by Snooze A.M. eatery
included the customer service, aesthetically
pleasing ambiance, the promotion, the decor,
and the friendly welcoming environment
help maintain and gain new customers
around the Hillcrest area. These intelligent
uses of rhetoric are beneficial to the Snooze
business as a whole and really satisfy both
customers and employees as well. People
really feel like a family when they eat at
Snooze restaurants. Arnold and I felt so
comfortable and most definitely compelled
to come back a second time—this time with
friends and family so we can show off the
food that we got last time and be able to say
“I told ya so!”
Cup-of-Joe’s Final Rating
My fellow hangry foodies, it‟s time for my
final rating for Snooze A.M. Eatery Hillcrest.
You ready? No? K, I‟ll wait. Now? Okay too
bad here it goes….
SNOOZE receives:
9.5 cup-of-joe’s / 10
THANKS TO ALL for visiting this week‟s
installment of Rise and Shine, Foodies!
If you are a breakfast lover like myself, please
be sure to hit subscribe so you can get all the
latest reviews of the best A.M. eateries in SD!
Cup-Of-Joe OUT :}
第 # 期:[日期]
Welcome back, my huge fans. Today I want bring you to a very
troditional Chinese hot pot restraunt, “Little Sheep”.
“Little Sheep” was the most popular hot pot restaurant in China.
The first “Little Sheep” was set up in Neimenggu Province,
China, in 1999. The province teems with premium lamb, which
is very tender and juicy. Today, there are almost 750 chain
restaurants in the world, including China, United States, Japan
and Canada. Therefore, it is a very representative and
traditional Chinese hot pot.
Luckily, I find a “Little Sheep” hot pot in San Diego, located in
Chlairemont Mesa Blvd.
Let’s check it out!
San Diego “ Little Sheep” restaurant has been managed for 8
years but it is still hot. You always need a reservation, except
you want to wait for 30 or 60 minutes. We come at Tuesday and
guess what? It’s all-you-can-eat time but it is not like crazy
busy. The location is not crowded and you can find a parking
space easily. When I walk into the restaurant, the environment
is very clean and cool, which is surprised me because most of
hot pot restaurant looks greasy. What’s more, the atmosphere
tastes spicy! No kidding, I am so looking forward to it.
The menu is very clearly, with both Chinese and English. When
people eat hot pot, they usually order a lot but most of time,
they can finish all of them. I call it “Magic of hot pot” so if you
want to lose your weight, hot pot may not on your menu.
Can’t wait to show you what I got!
Hot Pot
I always order Yin-Yang (half&half) Pot so I can try both of
original and spicy soup. The spicy pot is not very hot and I ask
for add more chili. The original pot is just so aromatic. You can
see from the picture that has many secret spices in the soup.
Lamb Shoulder. Very tender! Put it in the soup for 20 seconds
and dip with your own sauce, which I will talk about later. I
feel the meat is melting in my mouth!
Premium Rib Eye. One of my favorite meat, it’s more tender
and juicy. I can finish the whole plate by myself.
Crab Meat. Very soft, just make sure it is well done to eat.
Fish Ball with Roe. You must try this one! One of my favorite
dish, take a bite of the fish ball and the roe can stream out of it.
Tastes very delicious.
Fresh Tofu. If you want to eat healthy, Tofu is your best choice.
It has many proteins and it is also very yummy!
Egg Dumpling. Compared with regular dumpling, it has more
flavors because of eggs, also very tender and soft.
Beef Ball, handmade beef ball, it is very palatable and tasty but
just a little savory.
a. Sesame Sauce b. Garlic Sauce
c. Caraway d. Chili Oil
That is the best part, because you can tailor make your own
sauces and add so many more dimensions of flavor to your
meal. Personally, I like sesame sauce with some garlic powder,
caraway and most importantly Chili Oil! It will help your sauce
tastes more herbaceous and tasty.
Solid, never walk out disappointed. The food is always fresh.
The tastes are just appetizing and flavoring. I am so full and
satisfied. Like I said before, the magic of hot pot: people always
eat much more than they used to.
The service is also very good. The entire staffs from A to Z are
truly amazing. They keep asking me,” Do you want to order
more meat?” which is wonderful because you will not be
embarrassed if you want to eat a lot like me. The service is also
very fast and easy to flag down waiters. It cost me $65 for the
meal, including tips. It is affordable for most of people who
want to try the hot pot and plan to eat a lot. What’s more, I eat
so much that I can’t even walking fast after I stand from bench.
However, I would give it five stars if they can offer more kinds
of meat, like Wagy beef or Sirloin. Compared with Little Sheep
in LA, it needs to add more categories.
I also have a short conversation with Lori, Xue who is the
manager of the restaurant. She has engaged in “Little Sheep” for
5 years. She told me that each hot pot is filled with a steaming
aromatic broth that’s decorated with an assortment of fresh
ingredients and that’s one of the secrets that “Little Sheep” can
be very popular in San Diego or United States as a Chinese
food. There is an old Chinese saying“ Right crop for right
land”, which means you have to adjust measures to local
conditions and that’s the other secret of the succeed of “ Little
Sheep”. Lori told me that they created many dishes, which are
very different from Chinese edition. For example, they use beef
belly to replace pork belly because beef is more popular in US;
besides, they offer “Happy Hour” and “ Lunch Special” which
does not exist in China.
All in all, “Little Sheep” is a very good restaurant; especially,
it is fun to take friends who never try traditional hot pot. No
matter the service and the food are very solid and you will not
regret to try it!
Don’t forget to COMMENT, LIKE and REPOST.
I will pick two fans randomly, to join my next episode.
See you next week!
Running head: TITLE OF PAPER
Title of Paper (reflect the topic of the study)
University of Phoenix
Title of Paper Repeated on First Line of Text
The introductory paragraph prepares the reader for the
topic of your research topic. Note how the introductory
paragraph does not have a subheading. Note: avoid discussing
‘what’ you are going to be doing (i.e., analysis, evaluation,
synthesis), avoid telling the reader that you are writing a
literature review, problem statement, etc. The focus of the
discussion must be on the topic you chose to focus on for the
research plan and not the elements of the assignment.
Based on your submission from Week 2, include a brief
review of the literature on the topic of interest using a minimum
of four peer reviewed sources. Organize your paper by topic,
and not by article. The background of the paper is not an
annotated bibliography, but an analysis, evaluation, and
synthesis of the information on your topic. Don’t feel limited to
using just four, but four is the minimum. Address any gaps in
the literature you may have discovered and how the proposed
study might help fill the gap. In your discussion, provide
background to the problem and why the problem is a
social/professional concern.
Problem Statement
Based on your submission from Week 3, provide some
background to the observed problem, state the general problem
statement, then provide some more specific background leading
to the specific problem statement. The following is an example
from an alumnus of UOP, and please understand the following
is a very refined problem statement that evolved over time.
With permission: Jackson, 2017
A disturbing 50% of doctoral students drop out without
finishing (Di Pierro, 2012). Doctoral students often face
negative consequences due to attrition rates at the university
and student level (Willis & Carmichael, 2011). Mentors and
mentees unfamiliar with one another can experience negative
consequences consisting of poor communication, personality
conflicts, and strained relationships (Bell & Treleaven, 2011).
Academic institutions are focusing on retaining doctoral
students due to half the doctoral student population dropping
out of doctoral programs (Di Pierro, 2012). Attrition rates not
only have the potential of negatively affecting the universities,
but can possibly have a negative effect on the student
(Hovdhaugen, 2011). The general problem is a high attrition
rate in doctoral programs across academic institutions (Holley
& Caldwell, 2012). Universities utilize more resources to
improve mentoring relationship compatibility efforts and
students lose trust in the mentoring process.
Attrition rates for students in doctoral programs occur at
different stages and mentor/mentee incompatibility may be
present in any stage (Harris, 2011). Doctoral students who drop
out at a certain stage of the doctoral program may rarely be
provided the proper resources and guidance to complete the
doctoral program (O’Meara, Knudsen, & Jones, 2013). Doctoral
mentors poorly qualified may prevent students from completing
dissertations (Ewing, Mathieson, Alexander, & Leafman, 2012).
The specific problem is high attrition rates of doctoral students
may be attributed to mentor/mentee relationships (Harris, 2011).
Purpose Statement
Based on the purpose statement from Week 3, provide
some background information on the purpose of your study then
provide the purpose statement. The purpose of the study does
not include the research design (how you will systematically
gather the data), but does state the methodology. Be sure to
include all aspects of a good purpose statement, as noted in the
materials for Week 3. As noted in the assignment, align the
purpose statement with the problem statement. With permission:
Jackson, 2017.
The purpose of this exploratory multiple-case study is to
explore doctoral mentors’ perceptions on mentoring relationship
experiences and student compatibility in doctoral programs. The
results of this study may provide information provosts,
academic deans, and doctoral chairs can use to evaluate the
mentoring process in doctoral programs.
Contribution to Knowledge
How will this study be important to society? What will
your research add to leadership studies in your professional
Research Questions
Based on your submission in Week 4, present the research
question(s) for your proposed study, being sure to make any
recommended changes from the feedback provided. As noted in
the assignment, align the research question(s) with a
methodology and design.
Nature of the Study
Based on your Week 1 submission, discuss your paradigm and
how the paradigm forms
and aligns with your research study.
Based on your Week 5 submission, discuss the chosen research
method and provide information on why you didn’t choose
another methodology, i.e. quantitative versus qualitative. How
will the methodology you chose accomplish your research
goals? Cite known theorists to substantiate your argument for
the chosen methodology.
Based on your Week 6 submission, discuss the chosen research
design: Why did you pick the design? How does the research
design align with the methodology? How will the design
accomplish your research goals? Cite known
theorists/researchers to substantiate your argument for the
chosen methodology.
Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks
Based on your submission in Week 7, discuss the theoretical
and/or conceptual framework relevant to your method and topic.
The final paragraph needs to be the summary and conclusion.
Author, A. (2013). Title of article is written in sentence form
with proper nouns being capitalized. Title of Journal in Italics
as is the Volume Number, 31(22), 345-354.
Author, B. (2000). Title of article is written in sentence form
with proper nouns being capitalized. Title of Journal in Italics
as is the Volume Number, 31(22), 345-354.
Note how the issue number and page numbers are not in italics.
Refer to the APA Manual, pp 198-202 for journal article
Author, C. (1998). Titles of books are written in sentence form
and placed in italics. Washington, DC: American Psychological
Refer to APA Manual, pp 202-205 for book formatting.
Using DOI numbers for journal articles:
Avoid providing a URL to a secured database, such as ProQuest,
EbscoHost, etc. If individuals interested in researching one of
your references doesn't have access to a secured database, then
that individual will not be able to 'easily' locate the article.
Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) is a new system and articles
have been, or are in the process, of being identified with a doi
number. As an author, one of your responsibilities is to see if an
article has been assigned a doi number, and if not, then you
need to provide a direct link to the article, instead of providing
'Retrieved from .....(secured database)'.
Sometimes we must hunt a little to find a doi number or a direct
link. When you see 'search-proquest' in a link, then you know
the link is to a secured database, and a database the 'average'
person will not have access too. Two areas to hunt, which
usually lead the way to a viable option:
1. Use Crossref Metadata:
if you click on the link, you will see a search bar. Copy/paste,
or type in, the title of the article and hit 'enter'. If the article
you are using has been assigned a doi number, the article will
usually be the first one listed in the results. If your article
doesn't show up in the search, then that article has not been
assigned a doi number yet.
**** You may also want to bookmark this link so you can have
easy access to the web page to look up doi numbers for future
2. If an article doesn't have a doi number, then Google and
search the title of the article to see if a PDF copy is available
online or if a direct link to the article is available.
3. If the above two don't produce a doi number or a direct link,
then visit the journal's website to see if you can locate the
article directly from the website. If not, then provide a link to
the journal's website and state: Available at (link to journal's
More information on the use of doi numbers is in the APA
Manual on pages 188-192.
EDUC 307
Lesson Plan Part 2: Differentiated Rubric
100 Points
Levels of Achievement
Not Present
Lesson Preparation
10 points
9 to 10 points
Lesson Topic, Concept, Subject, Grade Level, and SOL are
included in plan and relate. The SOL includes the SOL number
and description.
7 to 8 points
Lesson Topic, Concept, Subject, Grade Level, and SOL are
included in plan but do not all relate OR the SOL does not
include both the SOL number and description.
1 to 6 points
Lesson Topic, Concept, Subject, Grade Level, and SOL are
0 points
20 points
18 to 20 points
The explanation for diversity is thorough and specific to
individual student needs and disabilities.
14 to 17 points
The explanation for diversity is explained with satisfactory
1 to 13 points
The explanation for diversity is underdeveloped.
0 points
40 points
36 to 40 points
The plan for differentiation is thorough and specific to
individual student needs and disabilities.
28 to 35 points
The plan for differentiation is explained with satisfactory detail.
1 to 27 points
The plan for differentiation is underdeveloped.
0 points
Not Present
15 points
14 to 15 points
Includes a minimum of 1 grammatical or spelling errors.
11 to 13 points
Includes 2-3 grammatical or spelling errors.
1 to 10 points
Includes 4 or more grammatical or spelling errors.
0 points
Significant grammatical or spelling errors.
15 points
14 to 15 points
The required template is utilized fully and is professionally
organized without formatting errors.
11 to 13 points
The required template is used but is incomplete OR has minor
formatting errors.
1 to 10 points
The required template was not used OR is contains significant
formatting errors.
0 points
EDUC 307
Liberty University’s Standard Instructions
Differentiated Lesson Plan: Part 2
Teacher Candidate:
EDUC 307
LESSON PREPARATION[before the lesson]
Topic: Correct subject/grade/topic and all are age appropriate.
State Standard[Virginia SOL]: Virginia SOLs can be located at
Classroom Diversity and Differentiated Instruction [Describe
student diversity and related aspects of lesson and how
instruction will be adapted]:
Diversity: Description of the group for whom the lesson is
being prepared. Identify cultural groups, learning style groups,
ability groups, and any special needs groups represented. Define
any special groupings to be addressed during the lesson.
Differentiation: Describe the student diversity and related
aspects of lesson and how the lesson will be adapted to
accommodate the diverse learners. This is the key to your
Page 1 of 1
EDUC 307
Liberty University’s Standard Instructions
Lesson Plan: Part 1
Teacher Candidate:
EDUC 307
LESSON PREPARATION[before the lesson]
Topic: Correct subject/grade/topic and all are age appropriate.
Concept: Comparison of the values of coins and bills, in
addition to summing up to $10 and making change.
Subject: Math
Grade: Third
State Standard: 3.8 U. S Customary and Metric Units, Time,
Area and Perimeter.
Primary Objective Students will be given and worksheet and
they will be required to work in pairs of two to determine the
exact amount that is shown in each picture. Every picture needs
to show a dollar amount using coins and bills. The students will
need to establish the correct amount that is shown. The students
will need to write the amount below the picture answering 18
questions out of the 20 correct.
Materials/Equipment Markers and crayons
Notes of $1 and $5
SMART board or projector
Erase marker
White boards
16*24 poster boards
Technology Integration All of the students will work on their
own centers. One website that can be used is Every level of practice can be
used to measure the ability of the students.
Character Principle the students need to develop self-control.
This refers to having a level of restraint over one’s desires and
emotions. "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city
that is broken down, and without walls." (Proverbs 25:28)
LESSON PRESENTATION [during the lesson]: The following
steps are designed to prepare students to be successful in the
summative evaluation at the end of the lesson.
Set[Introduce lesson concept.]
There will be discussion in the class about the source of money
and what it looks like. The students will also learn about what
the money is used for then return to their seats. Students will be
put in tables and every table should get a bag of coins. The
students will engage in a coin rubbing activity. Under every
coin the students need to write the value using decimal points
and the correct format.
Teacher Instruction
The goal is to get students to learn how to save money and the
importance of having it. The teachers would need to know the
correct change and dollar amount. The students need to know
how to count their money and change instead of relying on
Teacher Modeling
It is important as a class to read Alexander Who Use to be Rich
Last Sunday. Every tune that a dollar amount is read I will be
having pauses where students write the amounts on their white
boards. The students will show me the answers that they have
written on their whiteboards. The activity will continue this way
until the story ends. There will also be a comparison of notes to
determine the bigger ones and the smaller ones.
Guided Student Practice[formative assessment]:
Five groups of four students each
The students will start by working on computers on the Cash
Out website. Once students learn and master a level thy are
given directions to go up to a higher level. Students can only go
up after they master one level.
Students will also be required to write what they have learned in
their journals. The students will also be required to narrate what
they learned about money and how they can save it.
Independent Student Practice[formative assessment – practice
for summative assessment]:
Once one feels that they have a good understanding of the
lesson, they will be provided with two worksheets. One sheet
will require them to determine the correct amount of change
after reading a word problem the second sheet will require them
to circle the correct bills or coins that equal the dollar amount
Closure[Review lesson concept and character principle.]:
The students will gather in a circle and talk about the
importance of money and counting it correctly. The students
will also be required to share times when they have earned
money and when they have made payments.
Summative Assessment[Measure performance of each individual
Every student will be given a short quiz of 10 questions that
needs to be complicated. The quiz will involve matching and
writing answers. The students will also be asked personally to
ensure they comprehend the material.
Page 1 of 2

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  • 1. Mmm Mmm Breakfast... Rise and Shine, Foodies! Your weekend dose of the best BREAKFAST joints in San Diego by Cup-of-Joe By Joe Flores | 06.14.17 // RWS 305w RISE AND SHINE my fellow San Diegan Foodies! Welcome back to yet another weekend installment of some of the BEST breakfast spots to eat in SD! My blogger name is “Cup-of-Joe” for those breakfast lovers who‟ve just decided to subscribe to my blog. You‟re in for a real treat, my fellow foodies! Now, wake up! Despite the name of the next breakfast joint I am about to introduce, you are REALLY going to want to get up outta bed as soon as that alarm goes off! This week we are taking
  • 2. a sunrise visit to one of my new favorite breakfast spots in San Diego thus far— Snooze! Story Time Snooze, located in the heart of Hillcrest, is an extraordinary and welcoming A.M. eatery in one of the finest cities in San Diego. Founded by brothers Jon and Adam Schlegel, Snooze began waking people up for delicious breakfast back in April of 2006 in Denver, Colorado. These awesome brothers had a vision of evolving the A.M. dining experience through culinary innovation, an eclectic and energetic atmosphere, and comfortable and friendly service (Snooze eatery website). With their motto being “It only takes a moment to make a difference”— this is exactly what
  • 3. Snooze does: makes a difference. Just as I call ya‟ll my “Foodies,” the Schlegel brothers refer to their customers as “Snoozers.” For the past 8 years, Snooze has brought in a diverse group of customers and has satisfied the stomachs of thousands throughout the country—specifically in Colorado, California, Arizona, and Texas. Zzzz...Rise and Shine! The Visit Now that you‟ve read a little about the history of Snooze, let‟s get down to the nitty gritty about this damn place that magically forced me out of bed at 7am and didn‟t allow me to press my snooze button! >:O Just kidding. It was completely voluntary and, well, necessary, after I tell you about the freakin‟ amazing experience
  • 4. my partner and I had. „Twas the night before June 4th, and all through the house, my stomach was rumbling, even the mouse (Insert drum noise that follows a stupid joke). But seriously, I made sure that I didn‟t eat a heavy dinner the night before, so that I could splurge at breakfast and not completely regret my life choices. My partner, Arnold, and I decided we were going to try Snooze for the first time after all the hype we‟d heard from friends, family, and that one annoying Yelp app that everyone complains on. When we arrived at 3940 Fifth Ave. in Hillcrest, San Diego, we immediately suffered from the “dang-there‟s-no-parking-
  • 5. syndrome” that most San Diegans endure. After fighting with a couple of hangry folks for a parking spot, we finally found one and began walking to Snooze. Upon arrival, we were awed by the signage out front and the really vibrant orange decor that accompanied the outside of the building. The orange chairs outside on the patio made it easily recognizable and hard to miss. It really caught our attention and made us excited to see the inside. When we walked in, we were greeted by a young Hispanic fellow named Joe. I joked that he took my name, in which he looked at me with a confused face and chuckled very lightly. Awkward! Joe was a cool cat indeed—a total hipster with long hair, one inch ear gauges, and sweet lookin‟
  • 6. tattoos. I‟m sure he was wishing that he were wearing his usual attire, which he probably gets from the hipster store next- door, Urban Outfitters, instead of wearing the lime green Snooze shirt he was required to wear. The first thing he asked for was how many in my party. When I told him there were two of us, he immediately followed up with, “Okay! Right now we are looking at a 30-minute wait.” My stomach probably roared loud enough for the chefs in the back to hear! Arnold and I weren‟t too stoked for the wait time, however it was a sacrifice we were committed to make. One thing we loved was that we were able to leave a phone number in which we would be contacted when our table was ready. Very convenient and high tech! Luckily, we
  • 7. didn‟t have to go far because Snooze offers different activities and games to entertain customers while they wait. Although horrible at this game, Arnold and I played “bean bag toss” and failed miserably ;( Finally, it was time to go in! “Thank you for waiting! Your table for two awaits. Please see host for further instructions. Enjoy your meal! -Snooze” This was the text that I received on my phone. We dropped the bean bags and ran up to Joe for our “instructions.” We were seated by a young woman with blue hair and tattoos. Erin was her name. Erin was SO nice! She gave us the small brown paper menus and asked us if we wanted to start off with some drinks. Now, what is a sunny
  • 8. Sunday without mimosas?! Hello?! We unapologetically ordered our drinks from the morning cocktails menu. I ordered the Choice Mimosa, which was a combination of sparkling champagne with grapefruit juice, and Arnold ordered the Mmm Mmm Mimosa, which was made with freshly squeezed orange juice and pomegranate liqueur. Ooh yeah, it was the perfect start to our mini Sunday adventure! Ooooo, Aaaah-esthetics Before we could even cheer, we were immediately enthralled by the ambiance of this place. I mean, when I say aesthetically pleasing, I really mean to say
  • 9. Snooze! The atmosphere, decor, color scheme—you name it—was on fleek, as the young people say nowadays (*eye roll). As we first entered the glass doors, we first noticed the color scheme. Snooze uses a very soft blue, green, and orange for their entire decor. It is very appealing to the eyes and exhibits a sense of hospitality and warmth. Before sitting down, we were surprised by the size of the building. When we looked up, it seemed as though you could fly a kite in this place! The ceilings were extremely high. The walls, although just simple cement bricks, along with the visible metal pipes and vents throughout the place, gave the restaurant an industrial look.
  • 10. The beautiful wooden floors were a nice light brown color, totally making it feel like you were in a modern home kitchen ready to feast on bacon and eggs. Since Snooze is an A.M. eatery, their hours of operation are: seven days a week from 6:30am - 2:30pm. Because of this, lighting is never a problem. The large glass windows along with the large skylight window on the ceiling allow the sunniest of suns to beam through the windows, shedding warmth, happiness, and positivity. The host staff that greeted us at the door, Joe and another woman were sure to smile in salutation and kindly welcome us to Snooze. Most of the staff wore a light green, blue, or orange shirt to match the thematic ambiance
  • 11. of Snooze. I did notice that the manager, Alecia Velasco, wore a black polo t-shirt. We were able to decipher which person was in charge simply by the attire and the presence of that person. Alecia did a fine job in greeting customers and leading her staff in a professional yet relational manner. Overall, the ambiance in Snooze was very welcoming. The people who were there to enjoy breakfast were so diverse and truly looked happy to be there. Because we were in Hillcrest, a city known for its LGBT population, we were accompanied by some beautiful and diverse individuals and couples of all shades of color and walks of life. It truly is a family restaurant full of life and open-mindedness. We saw husbands and wives, children, single people, gay
  • 12. couples, straight couples, old, young, black, white, and even dogs! Us, being a gay couple, felt very comfortable and welcomed in this friendly environment. TEN points for equality and inclusion, Snooze! Thumbs WAY UP! :) Prior to visiting Snooze, I asked Arnold to research the ratings of this joint on Yelp, since I don‟t really like the app. Whatever! He told me that Snooze Hillcrest had a 4.5 star rating and a total of 4,437 reviews from critics like us all around the SD area. One dish that stood out within the Yelp app was the Pineapple Upside Down Pancake. Being the SpongeBob, tropical, pineapple lovin‟ guy that I am, it would be a crime if I didn‟t try these bad boys! Because
  • 13. I am a social media enthusiast and an Instagram extraordinaire, I took to the official Snooze Instagram to see some of the pictures that people posted. With 31.7k followers, this account sure does reach the salivating mouths of thousands around the globe. “Snooze re-energizes the way you think, feel, and ultimately eat breakfast.” -Snooze IG Foodie‟s Favorite Part [Food, duh!] The time has come for me to share the actual pieces of heaven that we consumed that fine Sunday funday. When Erin gave us the menu, we weren‟t just thinking about alcohol, okay? We wanted food too! In browsing the brown, eco-
  • 14. friendly paper menu, I admired how informal the menu was in regards to the simplicity and lack of capital letters for the main options. The food options included silly and creative puns that would make anyone LOL. Our options were: flavors from the hen, the art of hollandaise, our sammies, sweet utopia, like a feather, and ahhh la carte. For those who are already familiar with my favorite choice foods are, you know that I LOVE a mean eggs benedict! I decided to choose from the art of hollandaise section and order the Chilaquiles Benedict which was, according to the menu, “Flavorful barbacoa beef over a stack of ranchero sauced tortillas and melted cheese, with poached cage free eggs, roasted poblano hollandaise, pico de gallo and cotija
  • 15. cheese” (Snooze). Yummmmmy! Of course I wouldn‟t be the same Cup-of-Joe without my actual cup of coffee and side of crispy bacon. I ordered the House Coffee and was able to utilize the little “build your coffee” station located next to the bar full of a early mornin‟ foodies and drunkies like myself. Don‟t judge me, okay?! I added four packets of brown sugar and half-and-half as usual. As we sat and chatted about what we were going to do with the rest of our day— kaBAM! Our food was being served to us at our bright orange table. We waited no more than ten minutes for our food. Those chefs were fast indeed. Now for the food that made my life. When Erin placed the hot plate in front of me, I was filled with happiness and immediately took my phone
  • 16. out to snap a picture, „cause ya know, that‟s what the cool people do. The aroma of the sizzling barbacoa beef and medallion style hashed browns made my mouth instantly water. The egg was perfectly poached and fluffy for my liking and the pico de gallo smelled fresh and ready to be eaten! Arnold, being the sweet-tooth havin‟ person he is, ordered from the sweet utopia section of the menu and got the OMG! French Toast, which was bread stuffed and topped with vanilla creme, salted caramel, fresh strawberries and toasted coconut. Because my plate was so damn good, I didn‟t even
  • 17. have time to look at his because our eyes were glued to our plates in disbelief! But here was his plate: Overall, the service was AMAZING and the food was just that as well. After finishing our mimosas, coffee, and two plates of food, we were kindly greeted by Erin again with a few thank you‟s and the bill. How inexpensive! Our total was $38.76. What a steal! Especially for the amount of food and beverage we consumed. As we walked out, stomach bloated and all, we said our farewells to Joe and Erin and it was reciprocated. Such nice, friendly
  • 18. people! Egg - cellent Experience Indeed All in all, the numerous rhetorical strategies utilized by Snooze A.M. eatery included the customer service, aesthetically pleasing ambiance, the promotion, the decor, and the friendly welcoming environment help maintain and gain new customers around the Hillcrest area. These intelligent uses of rhetoric are beneficial to the Snooze business as a whole and really satisfy both customers and employees as well. People really feel like a family when they eat at Snooze restaurants. Arnold and I felt so comfortable and most definitely compelled to come back a second time—this time with friends and family so we can show off the
  • 19. food that we got last time and be able to say “I told ya so!” Cup-of-Joe’s Final Rating My fellow hangry foodies, it‟s time for my final rating for Snooze A.M. Eatery Hillcrest. You ready? No? K, I‟ll wait. Now? Okay too bad here it goes…. SNOOZE receives: 9.5 cup-of-joe’s / 10 THANKS TO ALL for visiting this week‟s installment of Rise and Shine, Foodies! If you are a breakfast lover like myself, please be sure to hit subscribe so you can get all the latest reviews of the best A.M. eateries in SD! Cup-Of-Joe OUT :}
  • 20. 折页册 第 # 期:[日期] ` Welcome back, my huge fans. Today I want bring you to a very troditional Chinese hot pot restraunt, “Little Sheep”. History “Little Sheep” was the most popular hot pot restaurant in China. The first “Little Sheep” was set up in Neimenggu Province, China, in 1999. The province teems with premium lamb, which is very tender and juicy. Today, there are almost 750 chain restaurants in the world, including China, United States, Japan and Canada. Therefore, it is a very representative and traditional Chinese hot pot. Luckily, I find a “Little Sheep” hot pot in San Diego, located in Chlairemont Mesa Blvd. Let’s check it out! Outside San Diego “ Little Sheep” restaurant has been managed for 8 years but it is still hot. You always need a reservation, except you want to wait for 30 or 60 minutes. We come at Tuesday and guess what? It’s all-you-can-eat time but it is not like crazy busy. The location is not crowded and you can find a parking space easily. When I walk into the restaurant, the environment is very clean and cool, which is surprised me because most of hot pot restaurant looks greasy. What’s more, the atmosphere tastes spicy! No kidding, I am so looking forward to it.
  • 21. Menu The menu is very clearly, with both Chinese and English. When people eat hot pot, they usually order a lot but most of time, they can finish all of them. I call it “Magic of hot pot” so if you want to lose your weight, hot pot may not on your menu. Can’t wait to show you what I got! Hot Pot I always order Yin-Yang (half&half) Pot so I can try both of original and spicy soup. The spicy pot is not very hot and I ask for add more chili. The original pot is just so aromatic. You can see from the picture that has many secret spices in the soup. Lamb Shoulder. Very tender! Put it in the soup for 20 seconds and dip with your own sauce, which I will talk about later. I feel the meat is melting in my mouth! Premium Rib Eye. One of my favorite meat, it’s more tender and juicy. I can finish the whole plate by myself. Crab Meat. Very soft, just make sure it is well done to eat. Fish Ball with Roe. You must try this one! One of my favorite dish, take a bite of the fish ball and the roe can stream out of it. Tastes very delicious. Fresh Tofu. If you want to eat healthy, Tofu is your best choice. It has many proteins and it is also very yummy! Egg Dumpling. Compared with regular dumpling, it has more flavors because of eggs, also very tender and soft. Beef Ball, handmade beef ball, it is very palatable and tasty but just a little savory. Sauce a. Sesame Sauce b. Garlic Sauce c. Caraway d. Chili Oil That is the best part, because you can tailor make your own sauces and add so many more dimensions of flavor to your meal. Personally, I like sesame sauce with some garlic powder,
  • 22. caraway and most importantly Chili Oil! It will help your sauce tastes more herbaceous and tasty. a b c d 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 Solid, never walk out disappointed. The food is always fresh. The tastes are just appetizing and flavoring. I am so full and satisfied. Like I said before, the magic of hot pot: people always eat much more than they used to. The service is also very good. The entire staffs from A to Z are truly amazing. They keep asking me,” Do you want to order more meat?” which is wonderful because you will not be embarrassed if you want to eat a lot like me. The service is also very fast and easy to flag down waiters. It cost me $65 for the meal, including tips. It is affordable for most of people who want to try the hot pot and plan to eat a lot. What’s more, I eat so much that I can’t even walking fast after I stand from bench. However, I would give it five stars if they can offer more kinds of meat, like Wagy beef or Sirloin. Compared with Little Sheep in LA, it needs to add more categories. I also have a short conversation with Lori, Xue who is the manager of the restaurant. She has engaged in “Little Sheep” for
  • 23. 5 years. She told me that each hot pot is filled with a steaming aromatic broth that’s decorated with an assortment of fresh ingredients and that’s one of the secrets that “Little Sheep” can be very popular in San Diego or United States as a Chinese food. There is an old Chinese saying“ Right crop for right land”, which means you have to adjust measures to local conditions and that’s the other secret of the succeed of “ Little Sheep”. Lori told me that they created many dishes, which are very different from Chinese edition. For example, they use beef belly to replace pork belly because beef is more popular in US; besides, they offer “Happy Hour” and “ Lunch Special” which does not exist in China. All in all, “Little Sheep” is a very good restaurant; especially, it is fun to take friends who never try traditional hot pot. No matter the service and the food are very solid and you will not regret to try it! Don’t forget to COMMENT, LIKE and REPOST. I will pick two fans randomly, to join my next episode. See you next week! Running head: TITLE OF PAPER TITLE OF THE PAPER
  • 24. Title of Paper (reflect the topic of the study) Author University of Phoenix Title of Paper Repeated on First Line of Text The introductory paragraph prepares the reader for the topic of your research topic. Note how the introductory paragraph does not have a subheading. Note: avoid discussing ‘what’ you are going to be doing (i.e., analysis, evaluation, synthesis), avoid telling the reader that you are writing a literature review, problem statement, etc. The focus of the discussion must be on the topic you chose to focus on for the research plan and not the elements of the assignment. Background Based on your submission from Week 2, include a brief review of the literature on the topic of interest using a minimum of four peer reviewed sources. Organize your paper by topic, and not by article. The background of the paper is not an annotated bibliography, but an analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of the information on your topic. Don’t feel limited to using just four, but four is the minimum. Address any gaps in the literature you may have discovered and how the proposed
  • 25. study might help fill the gap. In your discussion, provide background to the problem and why the problem is a social/professional concern. Problem Statement Based on your submission from Week 3, provide some background to the observed problem, state the general problem statement, then provide some more specific background leading to the specific problem statement. The following is an example from an alumnus of UOP, and please understand the following is a very refined problem statement that evolved over time. With permission: Jackson, 2017 A disturbing 50% of doctoral students drop out without finishing (Di Pierro, 2012). Doctoral students often face negative consequences due to attrition rates at the university and student level (Willis & Carmichael, 2011). Mentors and mentees unfamiliar with one another can experience negative consequences consisting of poor communication, personality conflicts, and strained relationships (Bell & Treleaven, 2011). Academic institutions are focusing on retaining doctoral students due to half the doctoral student population dropping out of doctoral programs (Di Pierro, 2012). Attrition rates not only have the potential of negatively affecting the universities, but can possibly have a negative effect on the student (Hovdhaugen, 2011). The general problem is a high attrition rate in doctoral programs across academic institutions (Holley & Caldwell, 2012). Universities utilize more resources to improve mentoring relationship compatibility efforts and students lose trust in the mentoring process. Attrition rates for students in doctoral programs occur at different stages and mentor/mentee incompatibility may be present in any stage (Harris, 2011). Doctoral students who drop out at a certain stage of the doctoral program may rarely be provided the proper resources and guidance to complete the doctoral program (O’Meara, Knudsen, & Jones, 2013). Doctoral mentors poorly qualified may prevent students from completing dissertations (Ewing, Mathieson, Alexander, & Leafman, 2012).
  • 26. The specific problem is high attrition rates of doctoral students may be attributed to mentor/mentee relationships (Harris, 2011). Purpose Statement Based on the purpose statement from Week 3, provide some background information on the purpose of your study then provide the purpose statement. The purpose of the study does not include the research design (how you will systematically gather the data), but does state the methodology. Be sure to include all aspects of a good purpose statement, as noted in the materials for Week 3. As noted in the assignment, align the purpose statement with the problem statement. With permission: Jackson, 2017. The purpose of this exploratory multiple-case study is to explore doctoral mentors’ perceptions on mentoring relationship experiences and student compatibility in doctoral programs. The results of this study may provide information provosts, academic deans, and doctoral chairs can use to evaluate the mentoring process in doctoral programs. Contribution to Knowledge How will this study be important to society? What will your research add to leadership studies in your professional field? Research Questions Based on your submission in Week 4, present the research question(s) for your proposed study, being sure to make any recommended changes from the feedback provided. As noted in the assignment, align the research question(s) with a methodology and design. Nature of the Study Based on your Week 1 submission, discuss your paradigm and how the paradigm forms and aligns with your research study. Based on your Week 5 submission, discuss the chosen research method and provide information on why you didn’t choose another methodology, i.e. quantitative versus qualitative. How will the methodology you chose accomplish your research
  • 27. goals? Cite known theorists to substantiate your argument for the chosen methodology. Based on your Week 6 submission, discuss the chosen research design: Why did you pick the design? How does the research design align with the methodology? How will the design accomplish your research goals? Cite known theorists/researchers to substantiate your argument for the chosen methodology. Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks Based on your submission in Week 7, discuss the theoretical and/or conceptual framework relevant to your method and topic. Conclusions The final paragraph needs to be the summary and conclusion. References Author, A. (2013). Title of article is written in sentence form with proper nouns being capitalized. Title of Journal in Italics as is the Volume Number, 31(22), 345-354.
  • 28. Author, B. (2000). Title of article is written in sentence form with proper nouns being capitalized. Title of Journal in Italics as is the Volume Number, 31(22), 345-354. Note how the issue number and page numbers are not in italics. Refer to the APA Manual, pp 198-202 for journal article formatting. Author, C. (1998). Titles of books are written in sentence form and placed in italics. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Refer to APA Manual, pp 202-205 for book formatting. Using DOI numbers for journal articles: Avoid providing a URL to a secured database, such as ProQuest, EbscoHost, etc. If individuals interested in researching one of your references doesn't have access to a secured database, then that individual will not be able to 'easily' locate the article. Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) is a new system and articles have been, or are in the process, of being identified with a doi number. As an author, one of your responsibilities is to see if an article has been assigned a doi number, and if not, then you need to provide a direct link to the article, instead of providing 'Retrieved from .....(secured database)'. Sometimes we must hunt a little to find a doi number or a direct link. When you see 'search-proquest' in a link, then you know the link is to a secured database, and a database the 'average' person will not have access too. Two areas to hunt, which usually lead the way to a viable option: 1. Use Crossref Metadata: if you click on the link, you will see a search bar. Copy/paste, or type in, the title of the article and hit 'enter'. If the article you are using has been assigned a doi number, the article will usually be the first one listed in the results. If your article doesn't show up in the search, then that article has not been
  • 29. assigned a doi number yet. **** You may also want to bookmark this link so you can have easy access to the web page to look up doi numbers for future articles. 2. If an article doesn't have a doi number, then Google and search the title of the article to see if a PDF copy is available online or if a direct link to the article is available. 3. If the above two don't produce a doi number or a direct link, then visit the journal's website to see if you can locate the article directly from the website. If not, then provide a link to the journal's website and state: Available at (link to journal's website). More information on the use of doi numbers is in the APA Manual on pages 188-192. EDUC 307 Lesson Plan Part 2: Differentiated Rubric 100 Points Criteria Levels of Achievement Content Advanced Proficient Developing Not Present Lesson Preparation 10 points 9 to 10 points Lesson Topic, Concept, Subject, Grade Level, and SOL are
  • 30. included in plan and relate. The SOL includes the SOL number and description. 7 to 8 points Lesson Topic, Concept, Subject, Grade Level, and SOL are included in plan but do not all relate OR the SOL does not include both the SOL number and description. 1 to 6 points Lesson Topic, Concept, Subject, Grade Level, and SOL are incomplete. 0 points Missing. Diversity 20 points 18 to 20 points The explanation for diversity is thorough and specific to individual student needs and disabilities. 14 to 17 points The explanation for diversity is explained with satisfactory detail. 1 to 13 points The explanation for diversity is underdeveloped. 0 points Missing. Differentiation 40 points 36 to 40 points The plan for differentiation is thorough and specific to individual student needs and disabilities. 28 to 35 points The plan for differentiation is explained with satisfactory detail. 1 to 27 points The plan for differentiation is underdeveloped. 0 points Missing. Structure Advanced
  • 31. Proficient Developing Not Present Mechanics 15 points 14 to 15 points Includes a minimum of 1 grammatical or spelling errors. 11 to 13 points Includes 2-3 grammatical or spelling errors. 1 to 10 points Includes 4 or more grammatical or spelling errors. 0 points Significant grammatical or spelling errors. Template 15 points 14 to 15 points The required template is utilized fully and is professionally organized without formatting errors. 11 to 13 points The required template is used but is incomplete OR has minor formatting errors. 1 to 10 points The required template was not used OR is contains significant formatting errors. 0 points Missing. EDUC 307 Liberty University’s Standard Instructions ** TEACH IT, PRACTICE IT, TEST IT! ** Differentiated Lesson Plan: Part 2 Teacher Candidate: EDUC 307
  • 32. LESSON PREPARATION[before the lesson] Topic: Correct subject/grade/topic and all are age appropriate. Concept: Subject: Grade: State Standard[Virginia SOL]: Virginia SOLs can be located at Classroom Diversity and Differentiated Instruction [Describe student diversity and related aspects of lesson and how instruction will be adapted]: Diversity: Description of the group for whom the lesson is being prepared. Identify cultural groups, learning style groups, ability groups, and any special needs groups represented. Define any special groupings to be addressed during the lesson. Differentiation: Describe the student diversity and related aspects of lesson and how the lesson will be adapted to accommodate the diverse learners. This is the key to your differentiation!! Page 1 of 1 EDUC 307 Liberty University’s Standard Instructions ** TEACH IT, PRACTICE IT, TEST IT! ** Lesson Plan: Part 1 Teacher Candidate: EDUC 307 LESSON PREPARATION[before the lesson] Topic: Correct subject/grade/topic and all are age appropriate. Concept: Comparison of the values of coins and bills, in addition to summing up to $10 and making change. Subject: Math
  • 33. Grade: Third State Standard: 3.8 U. S Customary and Metric Units, Time, Area and Perimeter. Primary Objective Students will be given and worksheet and they will be required to work in pairs of two to determine the exact amount that is shown in each picture. Every picture needs to show a dollar amount using coins and bills. The students will need to establish the correct amount that is shown. The students will need to write the amount below the picture answering 18 questions out of the 20 correct. Materials/Equipment Markers and crayons Pencils Blank Notes of $1 and $5 SMART board or projector Journals Computers Kleenex Erase marker White boards 16*24 poster boards Technology Integration All of the students will work on their own centers. One website that can be used is Every level of practice can be used to measure the ability of the students.
  • 34. Character Principle the students need to develop self-control. This refers to having a level of restraint over one’s desires and emotions. "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls." (Proverbs 25:28) LESSON PRESENTATION [during the lesson]: The following steps are designed to prepare students to be successful in the summative evaluation at the end of the lesson. Set[Introduce lesson concept.] There will be discussion in the class about the source of money and what it looks like. The students will also learn about what the money is used for then return to their seats. Students will be put in tables and every table should get a bag of coins. The students will engage in a coin rubbing activity. Under every coin the students need to write the value using decimal points and the correct format. Teacher Instruction The goal is to get students to learn how to save money and the importance of having it. The teachers would need to know the correct change and dollar amount. The students need to know how to count their money and change instead of relying on calculators. Teacher Modeling It is important as a class to read Alexander Who Use to be Rich Last Sunday. Every tune that a dollar amount is read I will be having pauses where students write the amounts on their white boards. The students will show me the answers that they have written on their whiteboards. The activity will continue this way until the story ends. There will also be a comparison of notes to determine the bigger ones and the smaller ones. Guided Student Practice[formative assessment]: Five groups of four students each The students will start by working on computers on the Cash Out website. Once students learn and master a level thy are
  • 35. given directions to go up to a higher level. Students can only go up after they master one level. Students will also be required to write what they have learned in their journals. The students will also be required to narrate what they learned about money and how they can save it. Independent Student Practice[formative assessment – practice for summative assessment]: Once one feels that they have a good understanding of the lesson, they will be provided with two worksheets. One sheet will require them to determine the correct amount of change after reading a word problem the second sheet will require them to circle the correct bills or coins that equal the dollar amount shown. Closure[Review lesson concept and character principle.]: The students will gather in a circle and talk about the importance of money and counting it correctly. The students will also be required to share times when they have earned money and when they have made payments. Summative Assessment[Measure performance of each individual student]: Every student will be given a short quiz of 10 questions that needs to be complicated. The quiz will involve matching and writing answers. The students will also be asked personally to ensure they comprehend the material. Page 1 of 2