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Migration Crisis: conditions of
Migrant workers and role of
Trade Unions
- 11/21/2015
Originallypublished in French from Switzerland at -
Global migration waves
Europe wakes up in full migration crisis. The publication of the lifeless body images of a
small Kurdish boy on the tourist beaches of Turkey, whose "picture silenced the world"
according to Le Parisien, made the "one" of all European media and beyond. So we
expected a real "awareness" among European leaders. A "shock" that did not happen,
and did not forget an international reality that has accelerated since more than 10 years.
We cross indeed the biggest crisis-related population movements since World War
(Source: speech Dimitris Avramopoulos European Commissiaire Immigration, issued
August 14, 2015 and taken up by many media including the Huffington Post). This crisis
concerns Europe, of course, but also parts of the world such as the Middle East or the
Middle East, the US and Latin America, Asia and the Pacific. No region, even Eastern
Siberia is immune to these mass population movements that have two main causes:
war and poverty.
The war in Syria is one of the most important migratory homes today. Straddling
between Asia and Europe, Turkey, a pivotal country, now has more than 2 million
refugees, mostly from Syria. This is the largest refugee population in one conflict in a
generation (Source: Statement of July 9, 2015 by António Guterres, High Commissioner
of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), quoted in The Figaro). Lebanon also hosts more
than a million Syrian refugees and Jordan hosts more than one million, having hosted
several million Palestinian refugees decades ago, excluding Iraqi refugees fleeing war
and armed chaos ravaging this country.
In Asia, between 2010 and 2015, the European Union has allocated the sum of Eur 57.3
million (Source: European Union Humanitarian Aid Directorate General (ECHO)). for the
only region of Rakhine, Myanmar to help the Rohingya, a minority persecuted by the
local and national authorities. This while the UN estimates that some 25,000 Rohingyas
who sailed between January and March 2015 alone (Source: UNHCR, quoted by Le
Monde of 05.13.2015), and the neighboring countries, in a gesture of contempt and
disdain, divert the ships of refugees to other shores, condemning them to certain
death.Migration between the South East Asia is in the tens of millions of people. The
number of Chinese settling in Russian Siberia was multiplied by 10 in 5 years. All these
people are seeking security, labor and a future for themselves and their families.
The Indian subcontinent is both source and target for many migrants who emigrate to
the Gulf countries, the States United States, Canada and England. India is also host to
massive population movements from neighboring countries at war or instability (Nepal,
Bangladesh) but also internal (rural exodus, extreme poverty).
Australia, which has for several years faced a wave of migrants from Indonesia, the
Philippines and neighboring countries, refer them to anyone who will accept them with
millions of dollars. Former Australian Prime Minister had even "give a lesson" to the
European Union touting its model described by the Guardian as "cruel".
In the US, the presidential campaign of 2016 was marked by violent diatribes against
the pretenders "Latino" and "Mexican immigrants". In it, Donald Trump stands for now
the upper hand, joined in his campaign by shouting his Republican challengers as they
are the main cause of Afghan and Iraqi immigration in the world following the armed
intervention in these countries.
In Africa, the various "Arab spring" more or less aborted blew dictatorial locks leading to
the Mediterranean Sea and then to Europe. The boats meet people dead sea and the
coasts of migrants "zombified" by months or even years of displacement.
Beyond the tragic aspects that these phenomena occur, the media, political and
academic leaders evoke nauseum a global problem. A correct observation, but
incomplete. Incomplete because it ignores the components that are the cause of these
movements, which are silent the main elements that could enable a long-term resolution
of the human suffering.
The consequences of these migration flows also have an important impact on several
local plans, hence the preference of the term "glocal" to the term "global" conjunction of
the two spatial scales at a particular time.
Cultural, religious elements, political and economic, add a criminal component that is far
from being confined to the "smugglers" and that requires a deep reflection on the part of
every citizen of the host countries, including says countries "rich". As often, it is in
Europe that these issues crystallize quickly.
Europe is a "bazaar"
At the Council of Foreign Ministers of Saturday, September 5, 2015, voices denouncing
the situation of migrants is heard. Europe, as usual, proved divided and tensions
between countries of the East and West were flagrant.
Thus, the young Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sebastian Kurz, did not hesitate to
called "bazaar" (Source:, online edition of 5 September 2015) European
tergiversions on the subject.
In contrast, Hungary, when with it, pointed to Germany, which continues to present a
strategy of openness and chugging home. His foreign minister has denounced "a series
of irresponsible statements by some European political leaders." Peter Szijjrato, the
fault lies "to the migration policy of the European Union" (Source: ibid). The Hungarian
Prime Minister will not hear talk of quotas as "the flow is not dammed" (Source: Le Soir,
online edition of September 7, 2015).
Asked in an interview whether the border guards have the right to fire (!) On migrants
when trying to cross the border, the first populist minister said that "it would not be
necessary (Source : Le Figaro, online edition of September 7, 2015) "to the views of"
insurmountable "barrier. They will however "arrested".
As a reminder, Hungary stands a 3.5m high fence along its 175 kilometers of border
with Serbia and additions to its Romanian and Croatian borders. However, it remains
the main land route taken by migrants to reach Europe.
On September 3, 2015, during an official visit to Switzerland, German Chancellor
Angela Merkel announced an unprecedented agreement between France and Germany
on the "binding quotas" of refugees (Source: Le Monde, online edition of the September
3, 2015 ), a common position which will be submitted to the European institutions 14
September 2015.
His position has clearly bent over a line "hard" and curator of Germany which still
prevailed when the Chancellor remained embarrassed vis-à-vis a Palestinian refugee
(Source: Le Point, 16 online edition July 2015), weeping over his fate.
On 7 September 2015, Berlin announced an emergency plan of 6 billion euros, half to
be paid to the Länder, the rest for the federal government in order to overcome this
massive wave of migrants. Several media outlets, including La Tribune see it as a
strategy in several ways: First, it is suspected to react emotionally to the situation and to
follow the popular will at a time when his position became untenable.Then there would
be a maneuver to stand out from other European leaders and thus "set the tone" in
Europe. Finally, the Chancellor would improve its image and that of his country, much
criticized for his stubbornness about the Greek crisis. Finally, demographers perceive a
need for the supply of fresh blood, Germany being, as all European countries, older.
Berlin said vo uloir accommodate 800,000 migrants in 2015.
During his traditional press conference, Hollande said that "24,000 migrants" (Source:
Les Echos, online edition of September 7, 2015) could be hosted on French soil.
For much of the French press, there including from left, the French president
"abdicated" to Germany.
Obviously the situation has changed abruptly following the attacks that have bloodied
For his part, David Cameron, following his counterparts, has changed its
position. British Prime Minister pledged 137 million euros in additional funding for the
Syrian crisis, raising the total amount of this aid to nearly 1.4 billion euros (Source: Le
Monde, online edition of the September 3, 2015) (the largest ever recorded in the UK)
while negotiations on the situation of migrants in Calais tramples between France and
Without giving vis-à-vis figures of hosting a contingent of refugees in England, an
employee of the UNHCR estimated that "about 4,000 people over."
Cameron hopes that these people come from refugee centers under the auspices of the
UN in Turkey and Lebanon, in order to overcome "the risks of crossing the
While Hungary has made headlines in early September 2015 because of its
management at least strange to the influx of migrants mainly from Syria (and also in
Afghanistan, Kosovo and Albania) arrived on its soil through the "impenetrable wall"
erected on the border with Serbia, other countries in the East are no exception: Poland
declares not want quotas of migrants, Slovakia says it does that Christians welcome
migrants (Source: and Romania reinforces "preventive" monitoring its border with
Serbia to prevent the transit of such distant migrants plus Kosovar and Albanian
migrants escaped the corruption of their country.
This wave of migration puts the enlarged Europe and imperfectly integrated in its own
fears and brings back the ghosts of his past rather dark and bloody.
Migrants: a challenge for the European social model
Whether from the Middle East or Africa, current migrants, mainly Muslim, put European
companies in the challenge. It is not a challenge, but many challenges that have in
common the adaptability of our own models of society. Like it or not, this migratory wave
will change Europe, it will change our societies, our cities and villages. This has already
started and this has more or less direct impact on our models, our laws, our lives, our
work, our economies, our security and our culture. And obviously, this is just beginning.
The influx of migrants in a given territory always causes fear, rejection and sometimes
violence. This is especially true when the values and cultures of migrants are far from
those of the host populations.Italian migrants in the United States have suffered sharp
discrimination, even if they were not very different from the Anglo-Saxon power. Irish
migrants have suffered the same humiliation.Decolonization has accompanied both
France and England of population movements that will cause rejection and skepticism
among the local populations.
The current stigma around Islam and Muslims in Europe, fed by individual or group
causes bloody terrorist acts today an even stronger rejection and provides fertile ground
for political parties that capture this dissatisfaction and these fears and turn them into
electoral weight to capture their turn political debate. It is exactly the same in the US,
although it is not Islam, with Latino immigrants.
The expression of these fears is the same in heart recovery by any movements or
parties for that these fears are their electoral goodwill: difference in culture until the
opposition endured by local costs, a threat to employment and a threat to democracy
attached to its historical codes. Historical references are also many, in one way or
another, but they do not provide satisfactory explanations or solutions.
The extreme speech gives pride to the "common sense" and "wisdom". The most used
the term for decades, heard both right and the left, rebuke the theme of
Schwartzenbach initiative in Switzerland is "the boat is full." That finding shall be taken
in various forms, both right and left. Michel Rocard, then French Prime Minister himself
said that "we can not accommodate all the misery of the world."
Today, European conservative hard and straight are heard loud and clear. For Le Pen,
migrants are "mostly economic refugees" (Source: interview with BFM TV, posted
August 28, 2015) and accused, as usual, the "laxity of Europe". Hungarian Prime
Minister Victor Orban's also accused, as well as Flemish and Dutch curators, all the ills
of the earth. Already up surveys since the advent of the financial crisis, many of these
are populist top the list of their parties in the next elections. To take the French
example, a recent poll showed for the first time the victory of the National Front facing
François Hollande in the first round of presidential elections in 2017 (Source: Le
Parisien, online edition of September 6, 2015, according to an Ifop poll for RTL and Le
At the same time, the reality is quite different. What happens and that everyone can see
for himself, that's simple walking human aspirations: to create a future, have a job, to
establish and / or feed his family and live in peace. The insupportabilité of extreme
situations of extreme poverty or stigma because of his skin color, religion or origin is
going to swing a fringe minority of individuals in radicalization, as well as far-left
movements or right will drop some of their members in terrorism during the '70 and '80
in Europe and the United States.
Profound social mechanisms are at work in migrant populations. Cultural or national
groups and to further strengthen when there stygmatisation. The rejection of established
institutions will strengthen parallel normativities, whose winners will be criminal
Already in the 19th century, Latin and Italian immigration to the United States will lead
what will be called in the 60s the "political machines "namely the organization of the
electoral weight of migrants in a political mechanism that will benefit its organizers,
many of which are only mafia bosses.
One of the unanimous answers, if not the only European Union on the issue of migrants
is "the fight against the smugglers," organized as true mafias. This is unfortunately a
beginning idea, since the facts découlants global successive immigrations in Europe
have shown that ethnically based criminal organizations take advantage of the
weaknesses of the members of their communities to organize operations: illegal
employment and prostitution are the two main sources of income of these structures,
one foot in illegality and another in the legalities gradually become the real gravediggers
of the European economic model based on a set of rights and duties of the individual vis
in relation to the institution.
For a migrant, refugee or not, the main concern is to support herself. Like everyone else
for that matter.Unable to find work legally, they turn to unscrupulous actors, scenting a
bargain, do not hesitate to exploit the sometimes shameless as private rights, they can
not defend themselves using legal channels.In addition, their documents are either
confiscated or non-existent, their interactions with the local population are minimized
and the language is often a barrier, especially as the very limited understanding of the
institutions that govern our living together.
Impact of legal and illegal migrants in the labor
market and the economy
Thus, the real danger of migration comes from the integration of these individuals flow
in a sometimes already saturated job market and production. The lack of rights of these
workers, coupled with a rigid set regulatory and rare controls allows companies to lower
their production costs by employing individuals who are not paid properly, do not enjoy
any social protection and "take the place" of the premises who "play by the rules." The
result is a destructuration regulations in place that neither the local nor the migrants do
not respect, first because they line on prices in general and save where else do, and the
latter because " they have no rights.
The level of background study of this phenomenon is distressing. For some
researchers, for some migrants, said the work "black", "acts like a social assistance"
(Source: Huffington Post online edition of July 30, 2015), report several people opening
in the middle of the reception of migrants .
academics also denounce From a certain hypocrisy, claiming that "among the migrants
arrived in makeshift boats in Italy, some will eventually reap our vegetables" (Source:
Johan Rochel, vice president of the think Swiss tank Foraus and holds PhD on the
European immigration policies, in an interview with the Times, online edition of 31 July
2015). They can rest assured, this is already the case for a long time in Spain and
southern Italy.
Two economists (Source: Emmanuelle Auriol, Toulouse School of Economics, and Alice
Mesnard, City University of London, quoted in Le Monde, online edition of April 20,
2015) argue the thesis open flow by selling visas, while severely punishing illegal work.
The "wage dumping" is also regularly discussed, including Switzerland or in some
European countries that are not bothered to give her occupation (Plumber) and
nationality (Polish). Several cases are cited, including in Switzerland (Source: 24 hours,
online edition of February 24, 2014). The problem is often confused with "contractual"
immigration (among member countries of the Schengen area) and / or immigration
"chosen" (policy implemented by a State at the national level, or the one directly linked
to the refugees).
Without falling into mafia sectors, workers who do not have the right to be working
anyway. They are helped by their families, for their friends, but often pay no payroll tax,
have no professional or social protection since they do not have the right. It also
participates in the race to the bottom and bankruptcy of our systems since fewer people
are working according to "the rules", pulling down prices which, in one way or another,
we all benefit at one time or another.
The few research and articles we have consulted on the subject of migrant labor in
illegal situations in Europe show that the problem itself is the product of two factors: the
restriction on the legal labor market due to the qualification "illegal" of these migrants
and the "benefits of employers to use undeclared labor". (Source: C. Boswell and
Straubhaar Th, "The Illegal Employement of Foreigners in Europe" in Intereconomics,
2004). C. Boswell and Straubhaar Th (see below), referring to figures from the
European Commission in 2003, indicate that at least 70% of illegal entrants to Europe
were also illegally employed. Similarly, H. and J. Moebert Hentorf (2004) clearly indicate
the economic model of entrepreneurs who profit from the hand of illegal work by
including an economic model of "illegal immigration market" (Source: H . Hentorf and J.
Moebert, "The Demand for Illegal Immigration and the Market Outcomes" in
Intereconomics, 2004). G. Tapinos says the same thing, referring both to the European
situation than American, historical and present: it is primarily the employer who benefits
from the situation of illegal migrant workers "(Source: .
Finally, according to A. Venturini (Source: "? Do Illegal Migrants Compete with National
Workers' A. Venturini, Intereconomics in 2004), it seems clear, on the basis of the few
scientific studies conducted so that the illegal migrant worker damages Local worker by
competition that comes from the organization of work and non-declared
production. Regardless, it appears that as the illegal migrant worker that local workers
are victim of irregularities orchestrated by a system of communicating vessels that
benefit the faster and smarter. Similarly it would be futile to attempt to seek a culprit in
the person of the entrepreneur who seeks to survive, even when illegally do within the
law becomes possible.
Amazing statistics on undeclared work, published by the European Union in 2012, show
that this phenomenon is much more than a marginal element in the creation of national
In France, a report of the Court of Auditors a "shortfall" of social insurance, of
undeclared work, 20-25000000000 euros, has ith a doubling of the amount of fraud in 8
According Tapinos Georges, of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Paris (Source: , The
issue of migrants can not be reduced to a physical control of migration flows in which
only touring designs to mafia networks and the illegal economy. Tapinos G. rightly
points q'en already in 1998, the US Immigration and Naturalization Service had
dismantled an organization that itself had permi traffic of over 10,000 Latino workers
clandestinements arrived in the United States. The same year, more than 2 million false
papers had seized summers in a studio in Los Angeles .
It is known that most migrants are paying well above a simple airline ticket to get to
Europe. The average cost of a crossing of the Mediterranean to Greece eta it estimated
at 500 EUR, some paying obviously much . The transfer from Africa to Europe, notably
Lampedusa, would cost between $ 400 and U SD 700 migrant Africans.
In 2015, it was estimated the average cost per person of a migrant from Mosul to Paris
to EUR 1'600 . We quickly did the math: 500,000 refugees (who naturally do not all
come from Mosul but often much loins) EUR 1 600 times, that makes us a market of
over EUR 800 million. In addition, there are now more than half a million refugees from
Central Asia, the Near East, Africa or even the Balkans since Kosovo Albanian refugees
and represent, according to the latest statistics from the US to over 17% of the current
wave of migration.
On the other hand, it is estimated that the "migratory control market" weighs about 1
billion Euro per year since 2014. In fact, the security policies Euro pean border it will
largely funded security companies of all kinds up 'to heights dizzy. Even the ESA
(European Space Agency) pulled out of the game. And that does not include military
budgets. According to the Spanish government data, the Ceuta wall will cost between
2005 and 2014 the sum of 25 million Euros and that of Melilla that of 47 million
Euros. From 2005 to 2015, the Calais wall will cost a whopping 25 million Euros also 15
million for 2015 alone.
Another count, more macabre as this, identifies 30,000 migrants died since 2000,
mainly in the Mediterranean coasts and Lybiennes between the Italian coast of
Lampedusa and Sicily (Source:
By adding the revenue generated by the "passages", border security and monitoring
and impact of undeclared savings in% of GDP of the respective countries, the "turnover
of illegal migration" is counted in ten of billions of Euros every year. However, it should
add to that the direct cost of illegal migrants on companies, in social spending, but
mainly induced costs on the economy, since employers who employ migrants illegally
do not pay payroll taxes or various protections or assurances or pension funds
etc.Finally, these employers pull down prices planing inais as surely as the waves strike
planing skilled jobs and unskilled competitors who act legally but lose
business. Ultimately, the market for migrants, which is certainly underestimated
because of the famous "black figure" costs the economy several hundred billion Euros
every year, especially in the European space.
Although they are the goats ideals emissaries, they are not migrants who are
responsible for this situation: they are ourselves, indigenous, scions which the branch
on which we are sitting comfortably because we always want more for less This, and we
put additional pressure on our professional legal jobs that need to be ever more efficient
to remain competitive at a global competition, fierce, and not always "legit".
Work conditions? Labor unions?
Since the main real effect of the influx of migrants, economic or political refugees, about
our company, or even their imperfect mafia integration into a system of economic
production, we are having to question the analyzes and solutions made possible by
these same agencies that are responsible and mission, to ensure the development and
respect for rules to protect workers and ensure that working conditions are the same for
everyone, as recommended by the Charter of the Rights of Men and ILO International
Conventions (International Labour Organization). Basically, what are the positions vis-à-
vis trade unions of this migration crisis?
Having had the chance to observe the work of some vis-à-vis trade union of workers
exploited by Italian criminal organizations in Lombardy there a few years ago, it was that
these organizations were indeed the only ones among the private institutions or public,
came to the meeting of these workers if not illegal it, exploited by their employers,
usually "caporali" acting nth sub-contractance on public or private projects of all sizes
and all budgets.
The answers are, that's to say the least, quite disturbing. While many actors, politicians,
media, academics and NGOs are expressed and take positions on immigration
recurring basis, unions remain surprisingly silent on the subject.
Why this deafening silence on this massive migration? Why their stances do not
challenge the authorities, but merely to call for mobilization? Why stoned their political
opponents rather than propose solutions? And especially given their predilections
themes, why do they say nothing on the subject of migration and employment in their
Our analysis is based on the online documentation, provided mainly by the websites of
the trade unions themselves. For each organization, we searched the terms "migration",
"migrants", "refugees" and "asylum" in the site search option (if available). Sort was then
made between shots of local or national positions and those related to international
issues, the ones that interest us. In general, the news (news), statements and press
releases were reviewed for a three-year average (2015 to 2013 or even 2012 if
possible). Similarly, we tried to be attentive if the union is pursuing a campaign on the
theme of refugees or migrants.
We note that very few national unions took strong way position on the subject of
migrants / refugees.For most major European unions discussed their concerns are
mainly related to national claims as the right to strike, freedom of association, workers'
rights, the issue of pensions or that of social contributions. The bulk of European or
Europeanized topics, focuses on the Transatlantic Economic Partnership (TTIP)
concerned significantly unions.
We will note, however, a notable exception, that of the European Trade Union
Confederation (ETUC), which publishes more than other unions on the issue of
migrants, but unfortunately very little about the profound impacts of migration and even
less about innovative solutions. Releases seem rather want to try to put as much
pressure as possible on European Ministers so that they adopt common solutions,
viable and effective, both in management and in the respect of human dignity.
Across the Atlantic, the next US elections warrant a revival of trade union activities,
close to the Democratic Party for most. Immigration is obviously treated in terms of
regional considerations (Mexican and Canadian immigrants).
In general, in decision-border positions by unions studied, when it comes to refugees,
the majority of publications refer to the situation of Palestine / Gaza, for the period
In France, the CFDT is a great French union. The migration does not appear as a major
issue, nor in her positions, if in his articles. The General Confederation of Labour (CGT),
offers a page dedicated to the phenomenon of migration, in which are articulated three
major issues: the right of migrants, free movement and the right to asylum. That said, on
the first theme, the "record" has not been updated since 2008. Finally, the Workers
Force has published several articles on the topic as well as a position paper, calling
Europe more solidarity, dated May 19, 2015.
In Italy, italiana del lavoro Confederazione General (CGIL), focuses its activity on the
international rather on European subjects (TTIP, labor rights, etc.). Only one stance was
made on the subject of migration between 2015 and 2014. Meanwhile, the
Confederazione Italiana Sindacato Lavoratori (ICFTU), a priori gives great importance
to migration and everything seems to indicate that at least one person is dedicated to
the study of this topic within the union. From 2009-2014, 22 stances and events have
been organized in connection with the subject, but only one in 2014. Finally, the Unione
del lavoro Italiane (UIL), to, in the last two years, issued one publication on the theme of
migration in response to the referendum on February 9 in Switzerland.
Switzerland has two major unions Unia and the Swiss Trade Union (ASU), and a dozen
sectoral labor movements. The first, between 2010 and 2015, has published five
positions taken on the issue of migration, and a single (Source: official website of Unia,
article titled "Switzerland should accommodate 10% of the migrants rescued in the
Mediterranean ", published on 05.16.2015) directly concerning the theme of the massive
influx of migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan through the Mediterranean Sea. The
USS, for its part, responded twice (Source: official website of the USS article "! Sooner
or later, everyone would spend", published on 09.25.2014 and "Stop a migration policy
without humanity" , published June 19, 2012), in 2012 and 2014.
In Belgium, the General Confederation of Liberal Trade Unions of Belgium (CGSLB) is
rather active in her positions and publications (by 2-3 weeks, which contrasts with other
organizations). Between 2015 and 2012, only one stance, made April 24 2015, relates
directly to the issue of migrants and, specifically in this case, a call to fight against the
smugglers. The Confederation of Christian Trade Unions (CSC) put online only his most
recent position papers (articles and press releases) to the date of 25 April 2015. On this
-courte- period, the union has taken a stand once, September 3, 2015, following the
publication in the press shots of small Aylan This Kurdish boy drowned and that moved
across Europe and recently led several European leaders to influence their positions on
asylum. The General Federation of Labour in Belgium (FGTB) is also very active on the
web, with several publications (news, press releases, etc.) per week. Between 2015 and
2013, however, only two mention the issue of migrants, one of 26 August 2015 and the
other on the International Migrants Day dated December 18, 2013.
Across the Atlantic, the United States, the American Federation of Labour - Congress of
Industrials Organizations (AFLCIO) - is the only American member of the ITUC. Budget
source, this combination of American unions was one of the biggest financial
contributors for 2013 ITUC (about one and a half million euros, out of a total of
sixteen). Not surprisingly, the union's website is full of information, including a complete
record on immigration. That said, of course they concern issues related to migration in
the US, so mainly from Mexico, Canada and South Korea.
In Canada, the Canadian Labour Congress (CPC) published a study in 2013 which
showed that "75% of jobs created in Canada between 2010 and 2011 were endowed
with international labor migrants, while 1.4 million residents Canadians were
unemployed. " This is the only union making a link between immigration and
unemployment at this stage. For its part, the Confederation of Democratic Trade Unions
(CSD) is also a member of the ITUC. Their new on the website are only visible until
2013, and no publication mentions the problem of migrants / refugees (except the views
point of integration on the national territory). Finally, the Confederation of National Trade
Unions (CSN) sometimes evokes the issue of migration within a national framework but
marginal in the past three years. On the occasion of International Migrants Day (18
December), the CSN issues a press release, the traditional way, between 2013 and
At the other end of the world, Australia has also been studied because of the stances of
his Prime Minister Mr. Abbott and its migration policy. The Australian Council of Trade
Unions (ACTU), is the only Australian union member of the ITUC. CUTA has a section
entitled "International Solidarity", divided into four categories: human rights,
humanitarian aid, with participation of international bodies (ITUC and ILO), international
standards and rights. The issue of migration is of minor importance, however, and
where one stance, October 28, 2009 addressed to the Minister of Immigration and
Citizenship, appears online. The "speech and opinion" provides no information on the
keywords "Migration", "immigration" or "refugee".
We expanded our study to the existing unions in other major developing countries,
including India and Nepal.
In India, Hind Mazdoor Sabha is a member organization of the ITUC who recently took
his distance and was very critical vis-à-vis this organization is yet one of the biggest
contributor. The stances and press releases are all written after and not neatly on their
website. Some of this information relay the positions of the ITUC. No record made
specific mention of issues concerning migration, but since the union of republishing
About the ITUC and other partner organizations, the theme is present succinctly. The
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC), large and influential Indian union is
rather critical of the ITUC. Several of its members, including executives, have
expressed strong remarks about the financial management of the ITUC. Unfortunately,
the union's website is very detailed regarding his positions and publications concerning
migrant workers. Finally, the Self Empoyed Women Association (SEWA), a member of
the ITUC, whose characteristic is to defend the rights and interests of Women,
published several studies and even books on various topics. None relate to the issue of
refugees or migration.
In Nepal, the General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) is a Nepalese
member union of the ITUC. It has a file related to migrant workers which provided
enough on the Internet site of the search engine lists more than 115 news related to the
keyword "migrants". That said, some mixed local issues (immigration) and the
international (Nepalese workers abroad, particularly in the Gulf countries).The union
appears to be rather active in this field, notably as regards the Nepalese migrant
workers in the Gulf countries. For its part, the Nepal Trade Union Congress (NTUC),
also a member of the ITUC, is one of the few unions have published a whole document
on the theme of migration and racism (in Nepali, so impossible to know the contents
). The remaining publications are in Nepali, it is impossible to establish a clear
statistical. The largest union of Nepal (INDECONT) has published a very critical opinion
on the role of CSI in the context of managing the problem of migrants.Enfin workers, the
All Nepal Federation of Trade Unions (ANTUF) is the largest of Nepalese Trade Unions,
member of the ITUC. On their website, there is indeed a "document" tab grouping policy
papers, reports and press conference, but they are empty of content. Unable to
establish a statistically clear.
Faced with such a global issue, it is a must-union organization which most unions listed
below are members: ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation) and ITUC
(International Trade Union Confederation). This umbrella organization headquartered in
Brussels, represents since 2006, date of its creation, 328 affiliated organizations in 162
countries. It is therefore appropriate to look more closely their positions on the issue of
Between 2011 and 2015, our research carried out with the same criteria as all other
unions show that no less than 58 (Source :: official website of the ITUC, theme
"migration". 20 publications relate Qatar, 7 the Gulf countries as a whole, 3 Malaysia
and South Korea 2) statements or pronouncements were made by the ITUC on the
theme. The omnipresence of the situation of workers in Qatar is troubling given the role,
mission and members of the CSI, especially in the current situation. So much so that
the emirate appears to be targeted by the organization. No fewer than twenty
publications target the pétromonarchie and at least four others specifically mention. For
comparison, the small neighboring state, the United Arab Emirates, are not the subject
of a single article. The "Gulf countries" under this name, appariassent only four times
also. Qatar alone represents over 40% of the publications of the NGO over a period of
six years, not counting a campaign ITUC against him. In a recent study of the union
(Source: study of CSI entitled "worst countries for workers," published June 10, 2015,
online), Qatar is considered a "worst countries regarding the right of workers ", earning
a score of 5 (of 5). The subjects such as slavery also occupy the CSI who devote their
notifications 36 (child labor / forced labor) which only 3 concerns the Gulf emirate and 5
all the Gulf countries (UAE and Saudi Arabia) since 2011.
The latest publication of the ITUC dated September 7, 2015 relates to supporting the
UNHCR's position paper noting rightly (finally) that some rich countries like the Gulf
countries, should agree more migrants.
The ITUC, as the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), as international
representatives of the various national unions are active in the field of workers' rights,
and recalling tempting at will, with a lot of surveys and rankings, countries that do not
respect UN conventions in relation to workers' rights and especially the freedom to
assemble and to organize. Although CSI seems monomaniac Qatar, it merely as all
other institutions, including the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the UN
repeating mantra, that "migrant workers should have the same rights as national
workers "(Source: http: // p = NORMLEXPUB: 12100: 0 :: ::
P12100_ILO_CODE NO: C143).During the 104th International Labour Conference held
in Geneva from 1 to 13 June 2015, the ILO Chairman Guy Ryder stated that "there are
no simple solutions" (Source: http: / /
ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_373603/lang-en/index.htm) to the problem. Mr. Ryder thank
you for this good point. We note that Mr. Ryder was General Secretary of the ITUC
before Mrs. Burrows and that "high levels of discussion" of this 104th conference
summers "historized" on the ILO website in a pathetic tweets following hashtagués
excessive ( Source:
ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_373603/lang-en/index.htm). The concepts of "fair migration"
or "decent work". These practices sometimes and often conceptual debates are
concluded by the Director General Ryder that says "off measures to halt the flow of
migrants only scratch the problem. We need to analyze more closely the root causes
that force people to put their lives in danger to find tr avail and security in foreign
countries ".
The ILO, however, that" the development of effective responses requires commitment
and the participation of business leaders and labor leaders and other stakeholders to
develop national own answers to stimulate growth and create jobs, while preserving
social protection and labor. This process also requires a balanced dialogue on how to
ensure that migration systems to be fair and respectful of the rights of the human
person, which can only be done in co operation with the regions concerned ". This is
one of the few times we see clearly mentioned the role of unions in the equation that
could provide a solution to migration problems.
Although the problem is complex, but that does not mean it's complicated. Between
"chosen immigration", the "closed borders", the building of walls and barriers of all kinds
(physical as much as administrative), support the development of countries of origin of
migrants and the "necessary requirements economy ", everyone, politicians,
economists, sociologists and media has their own verse.
Unfortunately, immigration is not a faucet is opened or leisure we farm. This is not an air
stream or a river water made. It is human beings.
The numbers of immigration and asylum published by the European Union are not
clearer or easier to access. On the one hand because the statistic is a data collection
process that takes time and can not adapt to the massive acceleration of a situation (in
this case the influx of migrants / refugees) and partly because the European legislation
is not truly uniform, which implies reclassifications between different categories of
people (and there are many) between "migrants", "refugees," "asylum" and the
subtleties . within these few subcategories
However, we recommend a visit to the Eurostat page (Source: http:
// ) on
this subject which also offers temporal dynamic maps to apprehend the evolution of the
phenomenon from 2008 to 2014.
The choice of immigration is a blatant lie since none of the states of the "first world" is
capable choose the migrants arriving on their soil. Immigration "chosen" has the result
that two perverse effects: create a class of migrants without any legal status or rights,
and non-compliance (because qu'inapplicables) justices decisions for reference, making
weakens that why these migrants rush home to find a better future. Rule of Law
The Law is a tool to target individuals. Thus, the mass phenomenon of migration is
treated individually.Indeed, asylum procedures, mainly, are procedures that
individualize the problems, reasons, at the person and possibly her family. It is clear that
before a massification of immigration, individual procedures are completely outdated as
a dike east during a flood.
Building walls may well run the barbed industry and construction, but no wall, as high as
it is, can stop these desperate movements seeking future. The two fortified gates of the
Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in Morocco, yet high of 6 meters, killing more
than they stop. Greece has built a barbed wire wall on its eastern border with Thrace
and Hungary did the same today on its border with Serbia. Portions of barricades
between the United States and Mexico do not stop them either migrants. Even the
Mediterranean Sea or the treacherous Indonesian isthmus do not stop in the road
migrants to Australia.
The administrative barriers are also grotesque. As did meet a correspondent from Radio
Télévision Suisse (RTS) on the news 19: 30 September 10, 2015, the flood of Syrian
migrant breaking on the Hungarian border in Serbia looked like a "tragic circus". Indeed,
as war refugees, migrants are legally entitled to status and entry into the European
territory, instead of organizing the earliest possible laying the contrary all kinds of
physical barriers to migrants not having to undergo any returns and references due to
the Schengen and Dublin agreements.
D years last modified September 11, 2014 the European Pact on Immigration and
Asylum of 24 September 2008, the European Union welcomes the adoption of the
Common Asylum System (CEAS), to strengthen the governance of the Schengen
system and the European Border Surveillance System (Eurosur) and new tasks and
resources entrusted to Frontex. The entire document specifically advanced selective
immigration on the one hand and the fight against trafficking on the other, they fall under
the forced exploitation of migrant smuggling networks.
Development assistance to when it has clearly not met expectations attributed to
him. Thousands of books, reports, commentaries, reports, positive or negative,
summers were devoted to this broad theme.Recall that it was in 2000 that the UN, as
part of the "Millennium Development Goals" (Source: http:
// clarified the meaning and objectives of
official development assistance, the main was to reduce world poverty by half between
2000 and 2015. According to the 2015 report of the MDG (Source: http:
// millenniumgoals / reports / 2015 / pdf / rapport_2015.pdf), most goals
are about to be realized. The major risk pointed to by the report (p.8) states among
other conflicts are now the leading cause of the wave of migrants in Europe and the
Middle East. But it is also relative poverty that drives millions of Africans to Europe and
millions of Latin Americans to the United States, millions of Asians to Australia, the
United States and Canada and million people of Indian subcontinent in the Gulf
countries, Africa, Europe, the US and Canada. At the same time, pressure on
commodity prices, oil and agricultural products, accompanied by rampant pollution in
large urban areas of developing countries which are always crammed more people are
that accounting systems longer work and that investment profitability forecast in heavy
industries dropped.The lack of infrastructure, cooperation and independence of local
actors that local manufacturing industries hardly develop.
Development aid is even held in check at the heart of Europe and after several
decades, levels of lives are not even reached between the countries of the European
West and those of the East European as the financial crisis wreaks havoc on
employment and investment in the continent. Despite the 135 billion USD Public
development aid injected in 2014, the results are undermined by conflict and mass
population movements. We must add to that the huge amounts of private aid performed
particularly by US private foundations (including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)
which supported 2'647 projects in 2014 (Source: http: // How-
We-Work / Resources / Grantee-and-Partner-Survey-Report).
Yet, as noted by C. Boswell and Th. Staubhaar (op.cit), solutions exist, which have
already been tested and whose effectiveness is verified by experience. These are
"measures that are highly likely to reduce illegal employment and in a certain sense, to
minimize negative impacts on business, civil liberties and the rights of migrants". These
measures are all to a progressive integration: (1) the expansion of legal immigration
programs, which means somehow ease the legality criteria for more legal migrants and
less illegal, (2) regulation that puts pressure on the calculations of employers knowing
that the illegal situation may last only for a time, for employees create a pull factor and
an additional motivation.However, the authors note that temporary regularization
programs (for limited periods) as there have been in Italy, France, the United States or
Belgium, mean that many workers spend illegality to legality, then fall into illegality. The
authors also mention (3) an entry control used to "legalize" to some extent inputs but
outputs. However, the increase in visa requirements and tighter customs controls
allowed the smuggling networks, whether or not part of criminal networks to flourish and
grow. However, most migrants were arriving at the time on tourist visas and then stayed
illegally in host countries for possible regularization. The authors also note that (4)
sanctions against employers can be effective and dissuasive. However, most of the
migrants home countries do not implement these legal measures illegal work control for
several reasons: lack of resources, too weak penalties, political fears, desire to preserve
the national or local economic fabric etc. These measures remain very episodic, but it is
precisely this "accomplice" inaction that employment "black" is still sought after by
employers. Much less by employees. In addition to the sanctions, it would also be
possible (5) to establish benefits for companies that employ legal workers. These
benefits are difficult to implement without controls, but local initiatives have shown,
particularly in the control of public tenders and sub-contractance, it was possible to
legally benefit companies that, by way, are all supposed to work legally until proven
otherwise. It should however be that the contractors can provide the means to act in
case of violation of the established agreement in a simple, fast and direct. However, this
is usually done at the direct expense of illegal migrant workers who suddenly find
themselves not only without a job but also stigmatized for having "stolen the work of the
The authors note that this relative "tolerance" of States to illegal work, moonlighting,
modern slavery or whatever term we use to describe it, which also benefited the
economy in general, is on track to be completed because of the migration crisis facing
OECD countries, especially Europe and the United States for some years.
Work, family and democracy?
Problems and stigmatization of which are victim migrants of all kinds are multiple and
sometimes intertwined. As noted above, they are the fertile bed of xenophobic
discourse that fuel the fears and the most apocalyptic fears premises themselves, by
their citizenship status, vote.
One of the first concerns of any elected in European big cities, for many years, is having
to manage populations much of which has no say over said management through
democratic means of representation and elections. The migrants do not vote and a
fortiori, can not be elected. From a systemic point of view, it is extremely difficult to
effectively manage a population to meet its aspirations if one does not "return" of a
significant part of the same population. On the other hand, the possible effects of
extreme participation of migrants in the democratic exercise is a regularly agitated by
politicians who benefits scarecrow to refuel voice.
To work around this situation "blind" Several municipalities were for decades attempted
to return channels of parallel information at local level (municipalities, districts) through
various associations of inhabitants. The exercises in which, in France, is commonly
called "participatory democracy" actually comes from some disadvantaged
neighborhoods of large US cities or neighborhoods such councils summers
implemented by municipalities in the years '70 already, surfing the hippie wave of
protest and the effects of the Vietnam War. Some of these experiences were successful
summers that are still found today, many of the failures against it for different reasons
summers. We are not referring the debate on these social experiences but we can refer
to a body of literature that is easy on the internet.
Citizen participation of migrants is nevertheless a logical outcome of our countries. In
Switzerland, in some municipalities, citizens who have lived there for 8 years or more
are entitled to vote and, to some, the right to stand. But only locally. It is not just to do
"experiences back" or to give part of the resident population an opportunity to propose
concrete solutions for the local and "living together", it is also a culmination of In terms
of integration and its responsibilities towards a society that welcomes. We must not
forget that most of the time, migrants come to our country because they enjoy a
structured framework, the rule of law, which guaranteed a certain social and physical
peace as well as a significant level of life . But that does not happen by itself. This also
entails duties towards the company. It is true that when we lived 20 or 40 years under a
totally and visibly corrupt regime, disorganized, dictatorial or nonexistent, the European
structures, to take it, may seem strange. But they are mostly idealized.
If we consider human history since ancient times, it is not a place on Earth that has not
much suffered from war, famine and disease than Europe. Since the Roman Empire,
the periods of peace are rarely spread over a whole generation and population
movements have many summers and constant. Does this mean that it is the product of
an ancient suffering, culminating in the industrialized savagery of the Second World War
that made infinitely weary, absolute loathing of violence has given birth to systems
where one speak rather than kill, it is not impossible and evolution is far from
over. Many other places in the world we suffered severe earthquakes of human nature:
the 1917 Revolution in Russia, the systematized and disembodied violence of
authoritarian regimes, the Cultural Revolution in China, etc ... .on multiply examples
endlessly . We must never forget the billions of corpses on which some leaders sit a so-
called "cultural superiority" European.
Just like the basic idea of globalization, attempting to remove the interest of wars by
increasing economic interdependence, the successful integration of migrant populations
mainly due to the work of the latter. But it is also one of the concerns put forward by
both xenophobic discourse in the real or perceived fears they engender and the
behavior of some migrants too.
The countries receiving the most migrant populations in and out of the EU are those
who do it mainly for economic reasons, including the need for labor. But there are also
several other reasons: restocking, openness to the world, influences capabilities and
achievements of existing and future markets and a fundamental thing in the
international economic battle: culture. This culture made historical references, language,
habits of life and consumption is the preferred weapon of US companies since the 50s,
as was the English culture and those French and Italian before. Culture is the economic
weapon of choice which creates common codes and facilitates mutual understanding
and thus the conclusion of contracts and the opening of markets at the expense of less
structured competition.
The work is therefore the perfect tool through which these cultures mix and learn while
influencing each other. The migrants work legally or illegally. This work and learn. But in
Europe, it is for us to understand what they actually learn from us and what we really
learn from them. Some things are irreconcilable but can coexist, like religion, others are
largely convergent, including work.
This is true for migrants towards so-called "developed" countries, those in the
OECD. But this finding is also true for migration among developing countries: internal
migration in Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Latin America or in the Central
Asia. Indeed, many migrant workers in agricultural or mining exploitation areas in
Africa. The construction of infrastructure for the football World Cup in Brazil and the
upcoming Olympic Games have attracted huge populations of other Latin American
countries in order to meet the manpower demand on construction sites. Migration is
sometimes internally in China (from the countryside to the towns) or Russia (moving to
the East). History also shows us that the United States and Canada have experienced
migration both internal and external very important in their stories and have shaped the
country's population today, both in its cultural and ethnic composition in its geographic
One of the most frequently discussed issues since the formal or informal status of
migrant worker is on the issue of family reunification. The Convention no143 ILO
(Source: Migrant Workers 1975 (revisited provisions of the Basic Agreement of 1949)
foresee that states that host migrant workers facilitate family reunification of these
workers. The said Convention is based in particular on the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, which guaranteed equal treatment and opportunities of every person
wherever she is.
It is clear that the application of that family reunification disparities between states, even
Western Europeans, are striking. Even Switzerland long been blamed for its seasonal
system by countries like France, whereas today it is the French family reunification
policy which is directly challenged. Family reunification is a real objective, but it must be
at the discretion of each. On the other hand, some savings can make all the conditions
for family reunification for all migrant workers of the costs and infrastructure issues. It is
an eminently political balance between the needs of the economy and what the public
economy and that same little support in terms of costs (financial, infrastructure, cultural
etc.).To resume with Switzerland, such as family reunification had a very beneficial
effect both for Switzerland and for the countries of origin of migrants. But these
beneficial effects were significant costs that are recouped only on long terms within one
anyway generation (25-30 years), costs which are borne indirectly by the country of
origin (manpower loss) and entirely by the host country while profits are shared in
different ways and sometimes even reversed. However, family reunification is
accelerated when the working conditions are bad in either configuration. In all cases,
family reunification acts as accelerator of the migratory movement itself by multiplying it
by the number of family members and also acts as a multiplier of problems when the
home or starting condition is bad as it grows all from one family to look any further for
better working conditions.
Reinventing the historic role of trade unions in a
globalized world
During the industrial revolution, especially in Europe and especially in England, France
and Germany, the unions summers, with the war (notably WWI) the main catalysts of a
paradigm shift in the world, breaking definitely great absolutist monarchies and
replacing the previous centuries in the heart of the debates, since the 1900s until the
1950s workers' rights and their quality of life. It is a combination of micro-political
struggles and macro-effects, geostrategic, economic and social that have no prior
patterns, led to the situation today benefit the workers of Western Europe and, to some
extent, the North American continent. But fossilized structures and calcification of the
debate starts today before the challenges of a globalized world, these social
achievements at risk.
Let's say it clearly: retreat into a fortress, every barbed whether to retain benefits - some
would say privileges - is a strategy doomed to certain failure more or less long
term. Only an integration strategy can not be acceptable, unless we all want to fall back
into a kind of post-industrial Middle Ages because of various rights and privileges
assists, built on widespread corruption.
Integration means to to question, to seek to assimilate without being engulf and this
applies to all. migrants and local, wherever they are in the world
Working for Rights made by the unions at sectoral levels, then national and finally
international can not claim a successful global mission without turning radically and
rapidly. Indeed, many historical and European trade union structures are made of
economic and political support networks strengthened after the fall of the Soviet Union
for its generous funding but conditioned the political objectives of the country was open
rivers of money in the hands of sometimes unscrupulous officials or sometimes exalted.
situations Annuities were introduced, relays within international organizations have
turned into members for employment agencies in retirement and at the same time,
organizations unions are losing members and do not represent the same political and
social forces which lead most of the time in order dispersed. Faced with globalization,
trade unions, organized in sectoral and national structures is close on their near-square,
is trying to play the international card in the manner of Amnesty International-style
NGOs or Human Rights Watch.
On the other hand, economic interdependence between states of culture and different
stories makes them prisoners of their sectoral unions shackles and / or national, as
shown by the protests against the treaties of free trade agreement with the United
States (TTIP) or the union struggles against the relocation of factories or entire business
segments. It is therefore clear that if battle there for working conditions, it must be made
either very locally or internationally, ideally both levels simultaneously.
In 2005, a research project of the Lombardy Italian unions (Source: L.Lusenti &
P.Pinardi, "Quick da Cantiere; Nuovi schiavi e caporali a Milano in Lombardia e nel della
globalizzazione Millennio" comedit, Milano, 2005) on undeclared work of immigrants
(primarily from Eastern Europe east) on sites of Milan and cities of Lombardy
highlighted the simple and efficient operating structures of a skilled labor law yet
because private and illegal, the interest of contractors and construction sites Mafia
criminals or simply intermediaries who were arranging the passage of one to the other
by pulling prices down while maintaining more than respectable margins on the back
end of the chain of workers.
In its 2013 report, the CNCPT ( Italian joint committees between unions and the
government) lived in 2013 the figure of 52'046 work accidents in Italy, down 46% since
2008 and a number of incidentsfatalities from 218 in 2008 to 137 in 2012. Regarding the
construction of the Milan Expo 2015 being held, a secret report INAIL stated that "if the
Expo was built according to safety rules in force in the other Italian sites, there would
have been at least "18 000 including 40 fatal accidents and 1,700 have permanent
consequences on the workers" (Source:
expo-1.899823). Thanks to the permanent control of projects and methodologies
implemented by the social partners and public authorities in order to avoid sub-
contracting firms ghosts favorite subject of "caporali" mafia to exploit the consequences
without immigrant labor, no Death has been a lament on the Expo site. We note,
however, that a young worker of Albanian origin, Klodian Elezi, 21, died at the site of the
Milan device right next to the Expo site. This effort was made after several years of
negotiations between the social partners not to repeat the mistakes that had summers
committed in previous projects: the Olympic Games of Turin 2006, 1990 World Cup and
the construction of the Fiera di Milano, the largest public construction time in
Europe. Only after more than 20 years of accumulated experience that trade unions,
business and government sat around a table to establish binding common rules limiting
see preventing access to sites of companies who respected not the legal working
conditions for their workers, whether legal or illegal.
It is not by chance that this first awareness was found in northern Italy. This area, the
most industrialized in Europe and one of the most economically dynamic has seen its
construction sector jump since the 1970 Major projects have succeeded, always
employing the best labor market. Migrants from southern Italy have succeeded migrant
workers from North Africa, Eastern Europe and now worldwide. Criminal organizations
have organized themselves very early by standing as a compulsory intermediary
between labor and business by reinstating a modernized system "caporalato"
medieval.The money earned was laundered in Switzerland and throughout Southern
Europe and Northern. The workers were dying but nobody cared because it had no
existence. The construction sector continues to focus on is the curse of the exploited
worker. And for good reason: it is historically and statistically one of the sector that
employs the most people with low qualifications and are concentrated where a high
percentage of illegal migrant workers. The other sectors are agriculture, hotels and
restaurants and manufacturing. The domestic economy is also widely affected as a
sector but the figures are in absolute values much lower. Surprisingly, these are also
the three sectors (construction, hotels and restaurants and agriculture) or mafia
investments were the most important in Europe in any case since the years 1970 to
1975 (Swiss statistics) (Source: Nicolas Giannakopoulos, "Organised crime and
corruption in Switzerland, "Haupt, Bern, 2001).
Unfortunately, the internationalization of protection activities and representation of
workers' rights remains a myth sometimes confined to mothball nostalgic scents of the
Socialist International.Everyone wants happiness but his next anyone, especially us in
Europe, do not want to pay the price.
Yet the twentieth century European examples show that a very significant improvement
in the quality and working conditions possible. But this model is exportable or even
How can this square the circle? How to internationalize the protection and
representation of the rights of workers, including migrants, in a world in which the
globalized economy exerts constant pressure on prices?
In March 2015, the French NGO Sherpa filed a complaint in France against the
construction company Vinci for "forced labor" of his Indian and Nepalese workers
employed in Qatar (Source: . This is the first time a company from a country is sued for
an offense under the law where its headquarters is located, but respect of workers who
are not French and who undergoes the facts, according the charges of the NGO,
outside France. Is this the future of trade unionism?
The union was created to protect the interests of a corporation made up of contributing
members. Depending on the country, their long history allows them to financed in
different ways:. membership fees, donations, but sometimes direct support of the State
(national, or regional or local authorities) and even, in some cases, companies
themselves unions of shares are historically related a form of political demand for the
acquisition of rights in a decision-making system, whether democratic or not. But the
actions of a trade union have evolved into a form of member services and completing
the tasks delegation public power, as the unemployment funds management or labor
courts or tribunals financial practices such as pension fund management and pension
funds. These organizations have also evolved by making more specific services to
members, such as information, advice, mediation and especially legal assistance. Some
unions offer legal and permanence of the same legal protection insurance for work-
related conflicts. . Other unions have also advanced to the activist and whistleblower
slope preserve of NGOs that denounce unacceptable
situations, however, in regard to illegal migrant workers, these structures remain
inaccessible: these people having no existence legal in the countries where they work, it
may not enjoy the benefits and protections granted by particular law that makes them
vulnerable administratively in addition to being economically vulnerable. You rarely see
the workers refuse to work, even in the most abject conditions, even if they are not paid
or too little, and turn against their employers, except by small spontaneous revolts and
limited in space and in time.
On the consumer side, resilience is phenomenal. Despite the fact that we know or can
know what happens in fields that are grown and harvested fruits and vegetables that
adorn our plates, we continue to eat it. On the one hand because it suits us
economically and secondly because justice is silent.
These initiatives give food for thought. For now, after more than 10 years of trial and
error, success is very relative, even in European countries. The 2008 economic crisis
has made it even more resilient workers and consumers in industrialized countries and
even more from the prices down, at the same time forcing companies to align with
competitors using illegal means. In sectors employing many low skilled labor, it is a real
downward spiral in terms of rights, not to mention working conditions. This trend to even
more dramatic impact in developing countries and the poorest countries living including
annuities their mining basement.
The price crisis, however, forced the political, economic and social reinvent some
development models economic and human.
Today the unions are stuck in territorial legal frameworks and do not use to their
advantage. This is less the industry that limits their action, which is the bearer and
creator of a real know-how, expertise and a true understanding of the practices of a
sector. National legal frameworks against by limiting their actions and skills. Consider
two examples.
A country where trade union rights are not guaranteed by law is a country where
workers can come together and defend their interests in this form. But these countries
need all the skills of large international firms that have otherwise their seats at least
subsidiaries that are legally placed in countries that permit this right, which opens up
possibilities for relocation of industrial action for workers but with over effects on private
contractual law on public law and sometimes, as shown in the work of the NGO Sherpa,
also under criminal law.
There are countries, especially in the Gulf, which stubbornly refuse to grant right to
organize to migrant workers who work on their soil. This battle led several national and
international unions (such as the ITUC) reports, for anyone who knows the reality of
these countries, a basic misunderstanding about the social, economic and cultural
organization of these countries. It is rare that the citizens of these countries work. It is
therefore futile to ask them to organize. As against migrant workers are often unionized,
but in their respective countries, where unions have little or no resources or interest to
act in countries where migrants work.
In a globalized world where the rights are unequal, unions should seize the opportunity
of this European migratory wave to fundamentally reform and return to their mission that
made them successful in the twentieth century, namely the defense and improvement of
working conditions for all workers in the world.
For this, they must use to their advantage the tools of this globalization: migration, multi-
nationalization of economic activities, Internet and disembodiment of a country to rise to
that the planet.
Indeed, economic globalization that employees of an international construction
company (live or sub-contractance) in France and Germany are directly affected by the
same situations that are employees of the same branch China, India, Saudi Arabia and
Brazil. The market for construction machinery is globalized. The cement market is
globalized. The labor market is globalized. The market for construction tools,
construction outfits, scrap and metal structures are globalized. It is the same for
agribusiness, for hotels, for raw materials for some manufactured goods, transport,
etc. The main contractors are either international giants or consortia of companies that
fight on international markets. This requires that action in favor of workers are also
globalized and the possibilities they use wisely. But what is this wisely?
The needs are many, sometimes different (hence the need to have local structures) but
they can be grouped into a few categories:
1) information: most migrants have bad information. It is transmitted most often by peers
and the information is distorted by successive filters and internal filters to each person
according to their degree of economic or simply human necessity. We therefore need
good information, truthful, understandable and reliable destination has not only migrant
workers but all workers.
2) status: every person has a minimum status on which to build. illegal workers have no
status in their host countries, all as illegal migrants, making them easy targets for all
mafia structures or with criminal intentions. By cons, even illegal workers are citizens of
a certain country. They all have a status by the simple fact that they are human beings
and there are at least a common minimum legal system which can be activated to
recognize them a status. Unfortunately, these legal systems, often higher as the
European Court of Human Rights is all too easily activated by simply illegal migrants
with labor law compliance issues which their illegal status does not give them all so no
access. By cons, a status would allow organizations, trade unions since it is their
purpose, to activate various legal tools in different territorial jurisdictions (at the time of
the complaint from the NGO Sherpa) for reasons diverse and more accessible.
3) services: in most dramas, there are laws that are not respected. These dramas are
only a small tip of a huge iceberg of various and varied abuses and violations of various
laws. In a globalized world, the right is itself subject to territorial restrictions, but the
migrant is not as much as it usually has a foot in a territory and another foot in the
other. The more leaves the individual domain for the collective field, the more the
diversity of rights and regulations and increases the types of needs increase. However,
there are situations in which, starting from individual cases, benefit the entire
group. This is the same principle of evolutionary law which, to be respected and
implemented, need to define the specific cases in its reality.If illegal Romanian migrants
working on construction sites without any protections or social insurance had the
opportunity to present their cases before the courts in the early 2000s, the situation in
terms of the black economy would be much different today. But there are also cases
where the collective, anonymous, benefits more extreme situations. Most illegal
migrants, operated or not, do not use the law because they would lose their precarious
jobs because of their highlighted. It is to avoid these "sticks returns" that collective
actions must be taken by acting on the plans of the international law in order to prevent
the victimization of victims resulting in a total omerta. Services must be very specific
and adapted to situations, professional services, technically feasible, strategically and
tactically smart made.
4) cross pressure: the success of unions in their prime is that it was able to organize
crosswise political pressure by taking advantage of the great upheaval of the early
century: the first World War, Bolshevik Revolution and installation of the Soviet Union,
decolonization. The world today is similar to that in which the unions have achieved
their first successes, but they should be better used globalization to the advantage of
workers' rights than constantly - and ideologically - decline a trend which in any so
continue to accelerate. This means that the solution of a problem in a country A is may
be in a B or C country, and this is where he should act in the best with a view to
maximizing resources.
To achieve these objectives a drastic improvement of the working conditions of workers
throughout the world, reducing certain disparities which create markets calls, the unions
must disembody and globalize.If it is useful whether organized sectorally, they must
have the ability to be everywhere and nowhere at once, only the service of a world
population of workers moving at will on the surface of our planet. The sectorialisés and
territorially unions are doomed to be increasingly ineffective and become purveyors of
situations pensions for retired ideologues.
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Migration crisis

  • 1. SUBSCRIBETO LOG IN Migration Crisis: conditions of Migrant workers and role of Trade Unions BY NICOLAS GIANNAKOPOULOS - 11/21/2015 Originallypublished in French from Switzerland at - role-syndical/ Global migration waves Europe wakes up in full migration crisis. The publication of the lifeless body images of a small Kurdish boy on the tourist beaches of Turkey, whose "picture silenced the world" according to Le Parisien, made the "one" of all European media and beyond. So we expected a real "awareness" among European leaders. A "shock" that did not happen, and did not forget an international reality that has accelerated since more than 10 years.
  • 2. We cross indeed the biggest crisis-related population movements since World War (Source: speech Dimitris Avramopoulos European Commissiaire Immigration, issued August 14, 2015 and taken up by many media including the Huffington Post). This crisis concerns Europe, of course, but also parts of the world such as the Middle East or the Middle East, the US and Latin America, Asia and the Pacific. No region, even Eastern Siberia is immune to these mass population movements that have two main causes: war and poverty. The war in Syria is one of the most important migratory homes today. Straddling between Asia and Europe, Turkey, a pivotal country, now has more than 2 million refugees, mostly from Syria. This is the largest refugee population in one conflict in a generation (Source: Statement of July 9, 2015 by António Guterres, High Commissioner of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), quoted in The Figaro). Lebanon also hosts more than a million Syrian refugees and Jordan hosts more than one million, having hosted several million Palestinian refugees decades ago, excluding Iraqi refugees fleeing war and armed chaos ravaging this country. In Asia, between 2010 and 2015, the European Union has allocated the sum of Eur 57.3 million (Source: European Union Humanitarian Aid Directorate General (ECHO)). for the only region of Rakhine, Myanmar to help the Rohingya, a minority persecuted by the local and national authorities. This while the UN estimates that some 25,000 Rohingyas who sailed between January and March 2015 alone (Source: UNHCR, quoted by Le Monde of 05.13.2015), and the neighboring countries, in a gesture of contempt and disdain, divert the ships of refugees to other shores, condemning them to certain death.Migration between the South East Asia is in the tens of millions of people. The number of Chinese settling in Russian Siberia was multiplied by 10 in 5 years. All these people are seeking security, labor and a future for themselves and their families.
  • 3. The Indian subcontinent is both source and target for many migrants who emigrate to the Gulf countries, the States United States, Canada and England. India is also host to massive population movements from neighboring countries at war or instability (Nepal, Bangladesh) but also internal (rural exodus, extreme poverty). Australia, which has for several years faced a wave of migrants from Indonesia, the Philippines and neighboring countries, refer them to anyone who will accept them with millions of dollars. Former Australian Prime Minister had even "give a lesson" to the European Union touting its model described by the Guardian as "cruel". In the US, the presidential campaign of 2016 was marked by violent diatribes against the pretenders "Latino" and "Mexican immigrants". In it, Donald Trump stands for now the upper hand, joined in his campaign by shouting his Republican challengers as they are the main cause of Afghan and Iraqi immigration in the world following the armed intervention in these countries. In Africa, the various "Arab spring" more or less aborted blew dictatorial locks leading to the Mediterranean Sea and then to Europe. The boats meet people dead sea and the coasts of migrants "zombified" by months or even years of displacement. Beyond the tragic aspects that these phenomena occur, the media, political and academic leaders evoke nauseum a global problem. A correct observation, but incomplete. Incomplete because it ignores the components that are the cause of these movements, which are silent the main elements that could enable a long-term resolution of the human suffering. The consequences of these migration flows also have an important impact on several
  • 4. local plans, hence the preference of the term "glocal" to the term "global" conjunction of the two spatial scales at a particular time. Cultural, religious elements, political and economic, add a criminal component that is far from being confined to the "smugglers" and that requires a deep reflection on the part of every citizen of the host countries, including says countries "rich". As often, it is in Europe that these issues crystallize quickly. Europe is a "bazaar" At the Council of Foreign Ministers of Saturday, September 5, 2015, voices denouncing the situation of migrants is heard. Europe, as usual, proved divided and tensions between countries of the East and West were flagrant. Thus, the young Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sebastian Kurz, did not hesitate to called "bazaar" (Source:, online edition of 5 September 2015) European tergiversions on the subject. In contrast, Hungary, when with it, pointed to Germany, which continues to present a strategy of openness and chugging home. His foreign minister has denounced "a series of irresponsible statements by some European political leaders." Peter Szijjrato, the fault lies "to the migration policy of the European Union" (Source: ibid). The Hungarian Prime Minister will not hear talk of quotas as "the flow is not dammed" (Source: Le Soir, online edition of September 7, 2015). Asked in an interview whether the border guards have the right to fire (!) On migrants when trying to cross the border, the first populist minister said that "it would not be
  • 5. necessary (Source : Le Figaro, online edition of September 7, 2015) "to the views of" insurmountable "barrier. They will however "arrested". As a reminder, Hungary stands a 3.5m high fence along its 175 kilometers of border with Serbia and additions to its Romanian and Croatian borders. However, it remains the main land route taken by migrants to reach Europe. On September 3, 2015, during an official visit to Switzerland, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced an unprecedented agreement between France and Germany on the "binding quotas" of refugees (Source: Le Monde, online edition of the September 3, 2015 ), a common position which will be submitted to the European institutions 14 September 2015. His position has clearly bent over a line "hard" and curator of Germany which still prevailed when the Chancellor remained embarrassed vis-à-vis a Palestinian refugee (Source: Le Point, 16 online edition July 2015), weeping over his fate. On 7 September 2015, Berlin announced an emergency plan of 6 billion euros, half to be paid to the Länder, the rest for the federal government in order to overcome this massive wave of migrants. Several media outlets, including La Tribune see it as a strategy in several ways: First, it is suspected to react emotionally to the situation and to follow the popular will at a time when his position became untenable.Then there would be a maneuver to stand out from other European leaders and thus "set the tone" in Europe. Finally, the Chancellor would improve its image and that of his country, much criticized for his stubbornness about the Greek crisis. Finally, demographers perceive a need for the supply of fresh blood, Germany being, as all European countries, older.
  • 6. Berlin said vo uloir accommodate 800,000 migrants in 2015. During his traditional press conference, Hollande said that "24,000 migrants" (Source: Les Echos, online edition of September 7, 2015) could be hosted on French soil. For much of the French press, there including from left, the French president "abdicated" to Germany. Obviously the situation has changed abruptly following the attacks that have bloodied Paris. For his part, David Cameron, following his counterparts, has changed its position. British Prime Minister pledged 137 million euros in additional funding for the Syrian crisis, raising the total amount of this aid to nearly 1.4 billion euros (Source: Le Monde, online edition of the September 3, 2015) (the largest ever recorded in the UK) while negotiations on the situation of migrants in Calais tramples between France and Britain. Without giving vis-à-vis figures of hosting a contingent of refugees in England, an employee of the UNHCR estimated that "about 4,000 people over." Cameron hopes that these people come from refugee centers under the auspices of the UN in Turkey and Lebanon, in order to overcome "the risks of crossing the Mediterranean." While Hungary has made headlines in early September 2015 because of its management at least strange to the influx of migrants mainly from Syria (and also in Afghanistan, Kosovo and Albania) arrived on its soil through the "impenetrable wall" erected on the border with Serbia, other countries in the East are no exception: Poland
  • 7. declares not want quotas of migrants, Slovakia says it does that Christians welcome migrants (Source: and Romania reinforces "preventive" monitoring its border with Serbia to prevent the transit of such distant migrants plus Kosovar and Albanian migrants escaped the corruption of their country. This wave of migration puts the enlarged Europe and imperfectly integrated in its own fears and brings back the ghosts of his past rather dark and bloody. Migrants: a challenge for the European social model Whether from the Middle East or Africa, current migrants, mainly Muslim, put European companies in the challenge. It is not a challenge, but many challenges that have in common the adaptability of our own models of society. Like it or not, this migratory wave will change Europe, it will change our societies, our cities and villages. This has already started and this has more or less direct impact on our models, our laws, our lives, our work, our economies, our security and our culture. And obviously, this is just beginning. The influx of migrants in a given territory always causes fear, rejection and sometimes violence. This is especially true when the values and cultures of migrants are far from those of the host populations.Italian migrants in the United States have suffered sharp discrimination, even if they were not very different from the Anglo-Saxon power. Irish migrants have suffered the same humiliation.Decolonization has accompanied both France and England of population movements that will cause rejection and skepticism among the local populations. The current stigma around Islam and Muslims in Europe, fed by individual or group causes bloody terrorist acts today an even stronger rejection and provides fertile ground
  • 8. for political parties that capture this dissatisfaction and these fears and turn them into electoral weight to capture their turn political debate. It is exactly the same in the US, although it is not Islam, with Latino immigrants. The expression of these fears is the same in heart recovery by any movements or parties for that these fears are their electoral goodwill: difference in culture until the opposition endured by local costs, a threat to employment and a threat to democracy attached to its historical codes. Historical references are also many, in one way or another, but they do not provide satisfactory explanations or solutions. The extreme speech gives pride to the "common sense" and "wisdom". The most used the term for decades, heard both right and the left, rebuke the theme of Schwartzenbach initiative in Switzerland is "the boat is full." That finding shall be taken in various forms, both right and left. Michel Rocard, then French Prime Minister himself said that "we can not accommodate all the misery of the world." Today, European conservative hard and straight are heard loud and clear. For Le Pen, migrants are "mostly economic refugees" (Source: interview with BFM TV, posted August 28, 2015) and accused, as usual, the "laxity of Europe". Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban's also accused, as well as Flemish and Dutch curators, all the ills of the earth. Already up surveys since the advent of the financial crisis, many of these are populist top the list of their parties in the next elections. To take the French example, a recent poll showed for the first time the victory of the National Front facing François Hollande in the first round of presidential elections in 2017 (Source: Le Parisien, online edition of September 6, 2015, according to an Ifop poll for RTL and Le Figaro). At the same time, the reality is quite different. What happens and that everyone can see for himself, that's simple walking human aspirations: to create a future, have a job, to establish and / or feed his family and live in peace. The insupportabilité of extreme
  • 9. situations of extreme poverty or stigma because of his skin color, religion or origin is going to swing a fringe minority of individuals in radicalization, as well as far-left movements or right will drop some of their members in terrorism during the '70 and '80 in Europe and the United States. Profound social mechanisms are at work in migrant populations. Cultural or national groups and to further strengthen when there stygmatisation. The rejection of established institutions will strengthen parallel normativities, whose winners will be criminal networks. Already in the 19th century, Latin and Italian immigration to the United States will lead what will be called in the 60s the "political machines "namely the organization of the electoral weight of migrants in a political mechanism that will benefit its organizers, many of which are only mafia bosses. One of the unanimous answers, if not the only European Union on the issue of migrants is "the fight against the smugglers," organized as true mafias. This is unfortunately a beginning idea, since the facts découlants global successive immigrations in Europe have shown that ethnically based criminal organizations take advantage of the weaknesses of the members of their communities to organize operations: illegal employment and prostitution are the two main sources of income of these structures, one foot in illegality and another in the legalities gradually become the real gravediggers of the European economic model based on a set of rights and duties of the individual vis in relation to the institution. For a migrant, refugee or not, the main concern is to support herself. Like everyone else for that matter.Unable to find work legally, they turn to unscrupulous actors, scenting a bargain, do not hesitate to exploit the sometimes shameless as private rights, they can
  • 10. not defend themselves using legal channels.In addition, their documents are either confiscated or non-existent, their interactions with the local population are minimized and the language is often a barrier, especially as the very limited understanding of the institutions that govern our living together. Impact of legal and illegal migrants in the labor market and the economy Thus, the real danger of migration comes from the integration of these individuals flow in a sometimes already saturated job market and production. The lack of rights of these workers, coupled with a rigid set regulatory and rare controls allows companies to lower their production costs by employing individuals who are not paid properly, do not enjoy any social protection and "take the place" of the premises who "play by the rules." The result is a destructuration regulations in place that neither the local nor the migrants do not respect, first because they line on prices in general and save where else do, and the latter because " they have no rights. The level of background study of this phenomenon is distressing. For some researchers, for some migrants, said the work "black", "acts like a social assistance" (Source: Huffington Post online edition of July 30, 2015), report several people opening in the middle of the reception of migrants . academics also denounce From a certain hypocrisy, claiming that "among the migrants arrived in makeshift boats in Italy, some will eventually reap our vegetables" (Source: Johan Rochel, vice president of the think Swiss tank Foraus and holds PhD on the European immigration policies, in an interview with the Times, online edition of 31 July 2015). They can rest assured, this is already the case for a long time in Spain and southern Italy.
  • 11. Two economists (Source: Emmanuelle Auriol, Toulouse School of Economics, and Alice Mesnard, City University of London, quoted in Le Monde, online edition of April 20, 2015) argue the thesis open flow by selling visas, while severely punishing illegal work. The "wage dumping" is also regularly discussed, including Switzerland or in some European countries that are not bothered to give her occupation (Plumber) and nationality (Polish). Several cases are cited, including in Switzerland (Source: 24 hours, online edition of February 24, 2014). The problem is often confused with "contractual" immigration (among member countries of the Schengen area) and / or immigration "chosen" (policy implemented by a State at the national level, or the one directly linked to the refugees). Without falling into mafia sectors, workers who do not have the right to be working anyway. They are helped by their families, for their friends, but often pay no payroll tax, have no professional or social protection since they do not have the right. It also participates in the race to the bottom and bankruptcy of our systems since fewer people are working according to "the rules", pulling down prices which, in one way or another, we all benefit at one time or another. The few research and articles we have consulted on the subject of migrant labor in illegal situations in Europe show that the problem itself is the product of two factors: the restriction on the legal labor market due to the qualification "illegal" of these migrants and the "benefits of employers to use undeclared labor". (Source: C. Boswell and Straubhaar Th, "The Illegal Employement of Foreigners in Europe" in Intereconomics, 2004). C. Boswell and Straubhaar Th (see below), referring to figures from the European Commission in 2003, indicate that at least 70% of illegal entrants to Europe were also illegally employed. Similarly, H. and J. Moebert Hentorf (2004) clearly indicate the economic model of entrepreneurs who profit from the hand of illegal work by
  • 12. including an economic model of "illegal immigration market" (Source: H . Hentorf and J. Moebert, "The Demand for Illegal Immigration and the Market Outcomes" in Intereconomics, 2004). G. Tapinos says the same thing, referring both to the European situation than American, historical and present: it is primarily the employer who benefits from the situation of illegal migrant workers "(Source: . Finally, according to A. Venturini (Source: "? Do Illegal Migrants Compete with National Workers' A. Venturini, Intereconomics in 2004), it seems clear, on the basis of the few scientific studies conducted so that the illegal migrant worker damages Local worker by competition that comes from the organization of work and non-declared production. Regardless, it appears that as the illegal migrant worker that local workers are victim of irregularities orchestrated by a system of communicating vessels that benefit the faster and smarter. Similarly it would be futile to attempt to seek a culprit in the person of the entrepreneur who seeks to survive, even when illegally do within the law becomes possible. Amazing statistics on undeclared work, published by the European Union in 2012, show that this phenomenon is much more than a marginal element in the creation of national wealth: In France, a report of the Court of Auditors a "shortfall" of social insurance, of undeclared work, 20-25000000000 euros, has ith a doubling of the amount of fraud in 8 years. According Tapinos Georges, of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Paris (Source: , The issue of migrants can not be reduced to a physical control of migration flows in which only touring designs to mafia networks and the illegal economy. Tapinos G. rightly
  • 13. points q'en already in 1998, the US Immigration and Naturalization Service had dismantled an organization that itself had permi traffic of over 10,000 Latino workers clandestinements arrived in the United States. The same year, more than 2 million false papers had seized summers in a studio in Los Angeles . It is known that most migrants are paying well above a simple airline ticket to get to Europe. The average cost of a crossing of the Mediterranean to Greece eta it estimated at 500 EUR, some paying obviously much . The transfer from Africa to Europe, notably Lampedusa, would cost between $ 400 and U SD 700 migrant Africans. In 2015, it was estimated the average cost per person of a migrant from Mosul to Paris to EUR 1'600 . We quickly did the math: 500,000 refugees (who naturally do not all come from Mosul but often much loins) EUR 1 600 times, that makes us a market of over EUR 800 million. In addition, there are now more than half a million refugees from Central Asia, the Near East, Africa or even the Balkans since Kosovo Albanian refugees and represent, according to the latest statistics from the US to over 17% of the current wave of migration. On the other hand, it is estimated that the "migratory control market" weighs about 1 billion Euro per year since 2014. In fact, the security policies Euro pean border it will largely funded security companies of all kinds up 'to heights dizzy. Even the ESA (European Space Agency) pulled out of the game. And that does not include military budgets. According to the Spanish government data, the Ceuta wall will cost between 2005 and 2014 the sum of 25 million Euros and that of Melilla that of 47 million Euros. From 2005 to 2015, the Calais wall will cost a whopping 25 million Euros also 15 million for 2015 alone.
  • 14. Another count, more macabre as this, identifies 30,000 migrants died since 2000, mainly in the Mediterranean coasts and Lybiennes between the Italian coast of Lampedusa and Sicily (Source: By adding the revenue generated by the "passages", border security and monitoring and impact of undeclared savings in% of GDP of the respective countries, the "turnover of illegal migration" is counted in ten of billions of Euros every year. However, it should add to that the direct cost of illegal migrants on companies, in social spending, but mainly induced costs on the economy, since employers who employ migrants illegally do not pay payroll taxes or various protections or assurances or pension funds etc.Finally, these employers pull down prices planing inais as surely as the waves strike planing skilled jobs and unskilled competitors who act legally but lose business. Ultimately, the market for migrants, which is certainly underestimated because of the famous "black figure" costs the economy several hundred billion Euros every year, especially in the European space. Although they are the goats ideals emissaries, they are not migrants who are responsible for this situation: they are ourselves, indigenous, scions which the branch on which we are sitting comfortably because we always want more for less This, and we put additional pressure on our professional legal jobs that need to be ever more efficient to remain competitive at a global competition, fierce, and not always "legit". Work conditions? Labor unions? Since the main real effect of the influx of migrants, economic or political refugees, about our company, or even their imperfect mafia integration into a system of economic production, we are having to question the analyzes and solutions made possible by
  • 15. these same agencies that are responsible and mission, to ensure the development and respect for rules to protect workers and ensure that working conditions are the same for everyone, as recommended by the Charter of the Rights of Men and ILO International Conventions (International Labour Organization). Basically, what are the positions vis-à- vis trade unions of this migration crisis? Having had the chance to observe the work of some vis-à-vis trade union of workers exploited by Italian criminal organizations in Lombardy there a few years ago, it was that these organizations were indeed the only ones among the private institutions or public, came to the meeting of these workers if not illegal it, exploited by their employers, usually "caporali" acting nth sub-contractance on public or private projects of all sizes and all budgets. The answers are, that's to say the least, quite disturbing. While many actors, politicians, media, academics and NGOs are expressed and take positions on immigration recurring basis, unions remain surprisingly silent on the subject. Why this deafening silence on this massive migration? Why their stances do not challenge the authorities, but merely to call for mobilization? Why stoned their political opponents rather than propose solutions? And especially given their predilections themes, why do they say nothing on the subject of migration and employment in their countries? Our analysis is based on the online documentation, provided mainly by the websites of the trade unions themselves. For each organization, we searched the terms "migration", "migrants", "refugees" and "asylum" in the site search option (if available). Sort was then made between shots of local or national positions and those related to international issues, the ones that interest us. In general, the news (news), statements and press
  • 16. releases were reviewed for a three-year average (2015 to 2013 or even 2012 if possible). Similarly, we tried to be attentive if the union is pursuing a campaign on the theme of refugees or migrants. We note that very few national unions took strong way position on the subject of migrants / refugees.For most major European unions discussed their concerns are mainly related to national claims as the right to strike, freedom of association, workers' rights, the issue of pensions or that of social contributions. The bulk of European or Europeanized topics, focuses on the Transatlantic Economic Partnership (TTIP) concerned significantly unions. We will note, however, a notable exception, that of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), which publishes more than other unions on the issue of migrants, but unfortunately very little about the profound impacts of migration and even less about innovative solutions. Releases seem rather want to try to put as much pressure as possible on European Ministers so that they adopt common solutions, viable and effective, both in management and in the respect of human dignity. Across the Atlantic, the next US elections warrant a revival of trade union activities, close to the Democratic Party for most. Immigration is obviously treated in terms of regional considerations (Mexican and Canadian immigrants). In general, in decision-border positions by unions studied, when it comes to refugees, the majority of publications refer to the situation of Palestine / Gaza, for the period studied.
  • 17. In France, the CFDT is a great French union. The migration does not appear as a major issue, nor in her positions, if in his articles. The General Confederation of Labour (CGT), offers a page dedicated to the phenomenon of migration, in which are articulated three major issues: the right of migrants, free movement and the right to asylum. That said, on the first theme, the "record" has not been updated since 2008. Finally, the Workers Force has published several articles on the topic as well as a position paper, calling Europe more solidarity, dated May 19, 2015. In Italy, italiana del lavoro Confederazione General (CGIL), focuses its activity on the international rather on European subjects (TTIP, labor rights, etc.). Only one stance was made on the subject of migration between 2015 and 2014. Meanwhile, the Confederazione Italiana Sindacato Lavoratori (ICFTU), a priori gives great importance to migration and everything seems to indicate that at least one person is dedicated to the study of this topic within the union. From 2009-2014, 22 stances and events have been organized in connection with the subject, but only one in 2014. Finally, the Unione del lavoro Italiane (UIL), to, in the last two years, issued one publication on the theme of migration in response to the referendum on February 9 in Switzerland. Switzerland has two major unions Unia and the Swiss Trade Union (ASU), and a dozen sectoral labor movements. The first, between 2010 and 2015, has published five positions taken on the issue of migration, and a single (Source: official website of Unia, article titled "Switzerland should accommodate 10% of the migrants rescued in the Mediterranean ", published on 05.16.2015) directly concerning the theme of the massive influx of migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan through the Mediterranean Sea. The USS, for its part, responded twice (Source: official website of the USS article "! Sooner or later, everyone would spend", published on 09.25.2014 and "Stop a migration policy without humanity" , published June 19, 2012), in 2012 and 2014.
  • 18. In Belgium, the General Confederation of Liberal Trade Unions of Belgium (CGSLB) is rather active in her positions and publications (by 2-3 weeks, which contrasts with other organizations). Between 2015 and 2012, only one stance, made April 24 2015, relates directly to the issue of migrants and, specifically in this case, a call to fight against the smugglers. The Confederation of Christian Trade Unions (CSC) put online only his most recent position papers (articles and press releases) to the date of 25 April 2015. On this -courte- period, the union has taken a stand once, September 3, 2015, following the publication in the press shots of small Aylan This Kurdish boy drowned and that moved across Europe and recently led several European leaders to influence their positions on asylum. The General Federation of Labour in Belgium (FGTB) is also very active on the web, with several publications (news, press releases, etc.) per week. Between 2015 and 2013, however, only two mention the issue of migrants, one of 26 August 2015 and the other on the International Migrants Day dated December 18, 2013. Across the Atlantic, the United States, the American Federation of Labour - Congress of Industrials Organizations (AFLCIO) - is the only American member of the ITUC. Budget source, this combination of American unions was one of the biggest financial contributors for 2013 ITUC (about one and a half million euros, out of a total of sixteen). Not surprisingly, the union's website is full of information, including a complete record on immigration. That said, of course they concern issues related to migration in the US, so mainly from Mexico, Canada and South Korea. In Canada, the Canadian Labour Congress (CPC) published a study in 2013 which showed that "75% of jobs created in Canada between 2010 and 2011 were endowed with international labor migrants, while 1.4 million residents Canadians were unemployed. " This is the only union making a link between immigration and unemployment at this stage. For its part, the Confederation of Democratic Trade Unions
  • 19. (CSD) is also a member of the ITUC. Their new on the website are only visible until 2013, and no publication mentions the problem of migrants / refugees (except the views point of integration on the national territory). Finally, the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN) sometimes evokes the issue of migration within a national framework but marginal in the past three years. On the occasion of International Migrants Day (18 December), the CSN issues a press release, the traditional way, between 2013 and 2011. At the other end of the world, Australia has also been studied because of the stances of his Prime Minister Mr. Abbott and its migration policy. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), is the only Australian union member of the ITUC. CUTA has a section entitled "International Solidarity", divided into four categories: human rights, humanitarian aid, with participation of international bodies (ITUC and ILO), international standards and rights. The issue of migration is of minor importance, however, and where one stance, October 28, 2009 addressed to the Minister of Immigration and Citizenship, appears online. The "speech and opinion" provides no information on the keywords "Migration", "immigration" or "refugee". We expanded our study to the existing unions in other major developing countries, including India and Nepal. In India, Hind Mazdoor Sabha is a member organization of the ITUC who recently took his distance and was very critical vis-à-vis this organization is yet one of the biggest contributor. The stances and press releases are all written after and not neatly on their website. Some of this information relay the positions of the ITUC. No record made specific mention of issues concerning migration, but since the union of republishing About the ITUC and other partner organizations, the theme is present succinctly. The
  • 20. Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC), large and influential Indian union is rather critical of the ITUC. Several of its members, including executives, have expressed strong remarks about the financial management of the ITUC. Unfortunately, the union's website is very detailed regarding his positions and publications concerning migrant workers. Finally, the Self Empoyed Women Association (SEWA), a member of the ITUC, whose characteristic is to defend the rights and interests of Women, published several studies and even books on various topics. None relate to the issue of refugees or migration. In Nepal, the General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) is a Nepalese member union of the ITUC. It has a file related to migrant workers which provided enough on the Internet site of the search engine lists more than 115 news related to the keyword "migrants". That said, some mixed local issues (immigration) and the international (Nepalese workers abroad, particularly in the Gulf countries).The union appears to be rather active in this field, notably as regards the Nepalese migrant workers in the Gulf countries. For its part, the Nepal Trade Union Congress (NTUC), also a member of the ITUC, is one of the few unions have published a whole document on the theme of migration and racism (in Nepali, so impossible to know the contents ). The remaining publications are in Nepali, it is impossible to establish a clear statistical. The largest union of Nepal (INDECONT) has published a very critical opinion on the role of CSI in the context of managing the problem of migrants.Enfin workers, the All Nepal Federation of Trade Unions (ANTUF) is the largest of Nepalese Trade Unions, member of the ITUC. On their website, there is indeed a "document" tab grouping policy papers, reports and press conference, but they are empty of content. Unable to establish a statistically clear.
  • 21. Faced with such a global issue, it is a must-union organization which most unions listed below are members: ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation) and ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation). This umbrella organization headquartered in Brussels, represents since 2006, date of its creation, 328 affiliated organizations in 162 countries. It is therefore appropriate to look more closely their positions on the issue of migration. Between 2011 and 2015, our research carried out with the same criteria as all other unions show that no less than 58 (Source :: official website of the ITUC, theme "migration". 20 publications relate Qatar, 7 the Gulf countries as a whole, 3 Malaysia and South Korea 2) statements or pronouncements were made by the ITUC on the theme. The omnipresence of the situation of workers in Qatar is troubling given the role, mission and members of the CSI, especially in the current situation. So much so that the emirate appears to be targeted by the organization. No fewer than twenty publications target the pétromonarchie and at least four others specifically mention. For comparison, the small neighboring state, the United Arab Emirates, are not the subject of a single article. The "Gulf countries" under this name, appariassent only four times also. Qatar alone represents over 40% of the publications of the NGO over a period of six years, not counting a campaign ITUC against him. In a recent study of the union (Source: study of CSI entitled "worst countries for workers," published June 10, 2015, online), Qatar is considered a "worst countries regarding the right of workers ", earning a score of 5 (of 5). The subjects such as slavery also occupy the CSI who devote their notifications 36 (child labor / forced labor) which only 3 concerns the Gulf emirate and 5 all the Gulf countries (UAE and Saudi Arabia) since 2011. The latest publication of the ITUC dated September 7, 2015 relates to supporting the UNHCR's position paper noting rightly (finally) that some rich countries like the Gulf countries, should agree more migrants.
  • 22. The ITUC, as the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), as international representatives of the various national unions are active in the field of workers' rights, and recalling tempting at will, with a lot of surveys and rankings, countries that do not respect UN conventions in relation to workers' rights and especially the freedom to assemble and to organize. Although CSI seems monomaniac Qatar, it merely as all other institutions, including the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the UN repeating mantra, that "migrant workers should have the same rights as national workers "(Source: http: // p = NORMLEXPUB: 12100: 0 :: :: P12100_ILO_CODE NO: C143).During the 104th International Labour Conference held in Geneva from 1 to 13 June 2015, the ILO Chairman Guy Ryder stated that "there are no simple solutions" (Source: http: / / ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_373603/lang-en/index.htm) to the problem. Mr. Ryder thank you for this good point. We note that Mr. Ryder was General Secretary of the ITUC before Mrs. Burrows and that "high levels of discussion" of this 104th conference summers "historized" on the ILO website in a pathetic tweets following hashtagués excessive ( Source: ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_373603/lang-en/index.htm). The concepts of "fair migration" or "decent work". These practices sometimes and often conceptual debates are concluded by the Director General Ryder that says "off measures to halt the flow of migrants only scratch the problem. We need to analyze more closely the root causes that force people to put their lives in danger to find tr avail and security in foreign countries ". The ILO, however, that" the development of effective responses requires commitment and the participation of business leaders and labor leaders and other stakeholders to develop national own answers to stimulate growth and create jobs, while preserving social protection and labor. This process also requires a balanced dialogue on how to ensure that migration systems to be fair and respectful of the rights of the human
  • 23. person, which can only be done in co operation with the regions concerned ". This is one of the few times we see clearly mentioned the role of unions in the equation that could provide a solution to migration problems. Solutions? Although the problem is complex, but that does not mean it's complicated. Between "chosen immigration", the "closed borders", the building of walls and barriers of all kinds (physical as much as administrative), support the development of countries of origin of migrants and the "necessary requirements economy ", everyone, politicians, economists, sociologists and media has their own verse. Unfortunately, immigration is not a faucet is opened or leisure we farm. This is not an air stream or a river water made. It is human beings. The numbers of immigration and asylum published by the European Union are not clearer or easier to access. On the one hand because the statistic is a data collection process that takes time and can not adapt to the massive acceleration of a situation (in this case the influx of migrants / refugees) and partly because the European legislation is not truly uniform, which implies reclassifications between different categories of people (and there are many) between "migrants", "refugees," "asylum" and the subtleties . within these few subcategories However, we recommend a visit to the Eurostat page (Source: http: // ) on this subject which also offers temporal dynamic maps to apprehend the evolution of the phenomenon from 2008 to 2014. The choice of immigration is a blatant lie since none of the states of the "first world" is capable choose the migrants arriving on their soil. Immigration "chosen" has the result that two perverse effects: create a class of migrants without any legal status or rights,
  • 24. and non-compliance (because qu'inapplicables) justices decisions for reference, making weakens that why these migrants rush home to find a better future. Rule of Law The Law is a tool to target individuals. Thus, the mass phenomenon of migration is treated individually.Indeed, asylum procedures, mainly, are procedures that individualize the problems, reasons, at the person and possibly her family. It is clear that before a massification of immigration, individual procedures are completely outdated as a dike east during a flood. Building walls may well run the barbed industry and construction, but no wall, as high as it is, can stop these desperate movements seeking future. The two fortified gates of the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in Morocco, yet high of 6 meters, killing more than they stop. Greece has built a barbed wire wall on its eastern border with Thrace and Hungary did the same today on its border with Serbia. Portions of barricades between the United States and Mexico do not stop them either migrants. Even the Mediterranean Sea or the treacherous Indonesian isthmus do not stop in the road migrants to Australia. The administrative barriers are also grotesque. As did meet a correspondent from Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) on the news 19: 30 September 10, 2015, the flood of Syrian migrant breaking on the Hungarian border in Serbia looked like a "tragic circus". Indeed, as war refugees, migrants are legally entitled to status and entry into the European territory, instead of organizing the earliest possible laying the contrary all kinds of physical barriers to migrants not having to undergo any returns and references due to the Schengen and Dublin agreements. D years last modified September 11, 2014 the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum of 24 September 2008, the European Union welcomes the adoption of the Common Asylum System (CEAS), to strengthen the governance of the Schengen system and the European Border Surveillance System (Eurosur) and new tasks and resources entrusted to Frontex. The entire document specifically advanced selective
  • 25. immigration on the one hand and the fight against trafficking on the other, they fall under the forced exploitation of migrant smuggling networks. Development assistance to when it has clearly not met expectations attributed to him. Thousands of books, reports, commentaries, reports, positive or negative, summers were devoted to this broad theme.Recall that it was in 2000 that the UN, as part of the "Millennium Development Goals" (Source: http: // clarified the meaning and objectives of official development assistance, the main was to reduce world poverty by half between 2000 and 2015. According to the 2015 report of the MDG (Source: http: // millenniumgoals / reports / 2015 / pdf / rapport_2015.pdf), most goals are about to be realized. The major risk pointed to by the report (p.8) states among other conflicts are now the leading cause of the wave of migrants in Europe and the Middle East. But it is also relative poverty that drives millions of Africans to Europe and millions of Latin Americans to the United States, millions of Asians to Australia, the United States and Canada and million people of Indian subcontinent in the Gulf countries, Africa, Europe, the US and Canada. At the same time, pressure on commodity prices, oil and agricultural products, accompanied by rampant pollution in large urban areas of developing countries which are always crammed more people are that accounting systems longer work and that investment profitability forecast in heavy industries dropped.The lack of infrastructure, cooperation and independence of local actors that local manufacturing industries hardly develop. Development aid is even held in check at the heart of Europe and after several decades, levels of lives are not even reached between the countries of the European West and those of the East European as the financial crisis wreaks havoc on employment and investment in the continent. Despite the 135 billion USD Public development aid injected in 2014, the results are undermined by conflict and mass
  • 26. population movements. We must add to that the huge amounts of private aid performed particularly by US private foundations (including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) which supported 2'647 projects in 2014 (Source: http: // How- We-Work / Resources / Grantee-and-Partner-Survey-Report). Yet, as noted by C. Boswell and Th. Staubhaar (op.cit), solutions exist, which have already been tested and whose effectiveness is verified by experience. These are "measures that are highly likely to reduce illegal employment and in a certain sense, to minimize negative impacts on business, civil liberties and the rights of migrants". These measures are all to a progressive integration: (1) the expansion of legal immigration programs, which means somehow ease the legality criteria for more legal migrants and less illegal, (2) regulation that puts pressure on the calculations of employers knowing that the illegal situation may last only for a time, for employees create a pull factor and an additional motivation.However, the authors note that temporary regularization programs (for limited periods) as there have been in Italy, France, the United States or Belgium, mean that many workers spend illegality to legality, then fall into illegality. The authors also mention (3) an entry control used to "legalize" to some extent inputs but outputs. However, the increase in visa requirements and tighter customs controls allowed the smuggling networks, whether or not part of criminal networks to flourish and grow. However, most migrants were arriving at the time on tourist visas and then stayed illegally in host countries for possible regularization. The authors also note that (4) sanctions against employers can be effective and dissuasive. However, most of the migrants home countries do not implement these legal measures illegal work control for several reasons: lack of resources, too weak penalties, political fears, desire to preserve the national or local economic fabric etc. These measures remain very episodic, but it is precisely this "accomplice" inaction that employment "black" is still sought after by employers. Much less by employees. In addition to the sanctions, it would also be
  • 27. possible (5) to establish benefits for companies that employ legal workers. These benefits are difficult to implement without controls, but local initiatives have shown, particularly in the control of public tenders and sub-contractance, it was possible to legally benefit companies that, by way, are all supposed to work legally until proven otherwise. It should however be that the contractors can provide the means to act in case of violation of the established agreement in a simple, fast and direct. However, this is usually done at the direct expense of illegal migrant workers who suddenly find themselves not only without a job but also stigmatized for having "stolen the work of the natives." The authors note that this relative "tolerance" of States to illegal work, moonlighting, modern slavery or whatever term we use to describe it, which also benefited the economy in general, is on track to be completed because of the migration crisis facing OECD countries, especially Europe and the United States for some years. Work, family and democracy? Problems and stigmatization of which are victim migrants of all kinds are multiple and sometimes intertwined. As noted above, they are the fertile bed of xenophobic discourse that fuel the fears and the most apocalyptic fears premises themselves, by their citizenship status, vote. One of the first concerns of any elected in European big cities, for many years, is having to manage populations much of which has no say over said management through democratic means of representation and elections. The migrants do not vote and a fortiori, can not be elected. From a systemic point of view, it is extremely difficult to effectively manage a population to meet its aspirations if one does not "return" of a significant part of the same population. On the other hand, the possible effects of
  • 28. extreme participation of migrants in the democratic exercise is a regularly agitated by politicians who benefits scarecrow to refuel voice. To work around this situation "blind" Several municipalities were for decades attempted to return channels of parallel information at local level (municipalities, districts) through various associations of inhabitants. The exercises in which, in France, is commonly called "participatory democracy" actually comes from some disadvantaged neighborhoods of large US cities or neighborhoods such councils summers implemented by municipalities in the years '70 already, surfing the hippie wave of protest and the effects of the Vietnam War. Some of these experiences were successful summers that are still found today, many of the failures against it for different reasons summers. We are not referring the debate on these social experiences but we can refer to a body of literature that is easy on the internet. Citizen participation of migrants is nevertheless a logical outcome of our countries. In Switzerland, in some municipalities, citizens who have lived there for 8 years or more are entitled to vote and, to some, the right to stand. But only locally. It is not just to do "experiences back" or to give part of the resident population an opportunity to propose concrete solutions for the local and "living together", it is also a culmination of In terms of integration and its responsibilities towards a society that welcomes. We must not forget that most of the time, migrants come to our country because they enjoy a structured framework, the rule of law, which guaranteed a certain social and physical peace as well as a significant level of life . But that does not happen by itself. This also entails duties towards the company. It is true that when we lived 20 or 40 years under a totally and visibly corrupt regime, disorganized, dictatorial or nonexistent, the European structures, to take it, may seem strange. But they are mostly idealized.
  • 29. If we consider human history since ancient times, it is not a place on Earth that has not much suffered from war, famine and disease than Europe. Since the Roman Empire, the periods of peace are rarely spread over a whole generation and population movements have many summers and constant. Does this mean that it is the product of an ancient suffering, culminating in the industrialized savagery of the Second World War that made infinitely weary, absolute loathing of violence has given birth to systems where one speak rather than kill, it is not impossible and evolution is far from over. Many other places in the world we suffered severe earthquakes of human nature: the 1917 Revolution in Russia, the systematized and disembodied violence of authoritarian regimes, the Cultural Revolution in China, etc ... .on multiply examples endlessly . We must never forget the billions of corpses on which some leaders sit a so- called "cultural superiority" European. Just like the basic idea of globalization, attempting to remove the interest of wars by increasing economic interdependence, the successful integration of migrant populations mainly due to the work of the latter. But it is also one of the concerns put forward by both xenophobic discourse in the real or perceived fears they engender and the behavior of some migrants too. The countries receiving the most migrant populations in and out of the EU are those who do it mainly for economic reasons, including the need for labor. But there are also several other reasons: restocking, openness to the world, influences capabilities and achievements of existing and future markets and a fundamental thing in the international economic battle: culture. This culture made historical references, language, habits of life and consumption is the preferred weapon of US companies since the 50s, as was the English culture and those French and Italian before. Culture is the economic weapon of choice which creates common codes and facilitates mutual understanding and thus the conclusion of contracts and the opening of markets at the expense of less
  • 30. structured competition. The work is therefore the perfect tool through which these cultures mix and learn while influencing each other. The migrants work legally or illegally. This work and learn. But in Europe, it is for us to understand what they actually learn from us and what we really learn from them. Some things are irreconcilable but can coexist, like religion, others are largely convergent, including work. This is true for migrants towards so-called "developed" countries, those in the OECD. But this finding is also true for migration among developing countries: internal migration in Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Latin America or in the Central Asia. Indeed, many migrant workers in agricultural or mining exploitation areas in Africa. The construction of infrastructure for the football World Cup in Brazil and the upcoming Olympic Games have attracted huge populations of other Latin American countries in order to meet the manpower demand on construction sites. Migration is sometimes internally in China (from the countryside to the towns) or Russia (moving to the East). History also shows us that the United States and Canada have experienced migration both internal and external very important in their stories and have shaped the country's population today, both in its cultural and ethnic composition in its geographic distribution. One of the most frequently discussed issues since the formal or informal status of migrant worker is on the issue of family reunification. The Convention no143 ILO (Source: Migrant Workers 1975 (revisited provisions of the Basic Agreement of 1949) foresee that states that host migrant workers facilitate family reunification of these workers. The said Convention is based in particular on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which guaranteed equal treatment and opportunities of every person wherever she is. It is clear that the application of that family reunification disparities between states, even
  • 31. Western Europeans, are striking. Even Switzerland long been blamed for its seasonal system by countries like France, whereas today it is the French family reunification policy which is directly challenged. Family reunification is a real objective, but it must be at the discretion of each. On the other hand, some savings can make all the conditions for family reunification for all migrant workers of the costs and infrastructure issues. It is an eminently political balance between the needs of the economy and what the public economy and that same little support in terms of costs (financial, infrastructure, cultural etc.).To resume with Switzerland, such as family reunification had a very beneficial effect both for Switzerland and for the countries of origin of migrants. But these beneficial effects were significant costs that are recouped only on long terms within one anyway generation (25-30 years), costs which are borne indirectly by the country of origin (manpower loss) and entirely by the host country while profits are shared in different ways and sometimes even reversed. However, family reunification is accelerated when the working conditions are bad in either configuration. In all cases, family reunification acts as accelerator of the migratory movement itself by multiplying it by the number of family members and also acts as a multiplier of problems when the home or starting condition is bad as it grows all from one family to look any further for better working conditions. Reinventing the historic role of trade unions in a globalized world During the industrial revolution, especially in Europe and especially in England, France and Germany, the unions summers, with the war (notably WWI) the main catalysts of a paradigm shift in the world, breaking definitely great absolutist monarchies and replacing the previous centuries in the heart of the debates, since the 1900s until the 1950s workers' rights and their quality of life. It is a combination of micro-political
  • 32. struggles and macro-effects, geostrategic, economic and social that have no prior patterns, led to the situation today benefit the workers of Western Europe and, to some extent, the North American continent. But fossilized structures and calcification of the debate starts today before the challenges of a globalized world, these social achievements at risk. Let's say it clearly: retreat into a fortress, every barbed whether to retain benefits - some would say privileges - is a strategy doomed to certain failure more or less long term. Only an integration strategy can not be acceptable, unless we all want to fall back into a kind of post-industrial Middle Ages because of various rights and privileges assists, built on widespread corruption. Integration means to to question, to seek to assimilate without being engulf and this applies to all. migrants and local, wherever they are in the world Working for Rights made by the unions at sectoral levels, then national and finally international can not claim a successful global mission without turning radically and rapidly. Indeed, many historical and European trade union structures are made of economic and political support networks strengthened after the fall of the Soviet Union for its generous funding but conditioned the political objectives of the country was open rivers of money in the hands of sometimes unscrupulous officials or sometimes exalted. situations Annuities were introduced, relays within international organizations have turned into members for employment agencies in retirement and at the same time, organizations unions are losing members and do not represent the same political and social forces which lead most of the time in order dispersed. Faced with globalization, trade unions, organized in sectoral and national structures is close on their near-square, is trying to play the international card in the manner of Amnesty International-style NGOs or Human Rights Watch. On the other hand, economic interdependence between states of culture and different stories makes them prisoners of their sectoral unions shackles and / or national, as
  • 33. shown by the protests against the treaties of free trade agreement with the United States (TTIP) or the union struggles against the relocation of factories or entire business segments. It is therefore clear that if battle there for working conditions, it must be made either very locally or internationally, ideally both levels simultaneously. In 2005, a research project of the Lombardy Italian unions (Source: L.Lusenti & P.Pinardi, "Quick da Cantiere; Nuovi schiavi e caporali a Milano in Lombardia e nel della globalizzazione Millennio" comedit, Milano, 2005) on undeclared work of immigrants (primarily from Eastern Europe east) on sites of Milan and cities of Lombardy highlighted the simple and efficient operating structures of a skilled labor law yet because private and illegal, the interest of contractors and construction sites Mafia criminals or simply intermediaries who were arranging the passage of one to the other by pulling prices down while maintaining more than respectable margins on the back end of the chain of workers. In its 2013 report, the CNCPT ( Italian joint committees between unions and the government) lived in 2013 the figure of 52'046 work accidents in Italy, down 46% since 2008 and a number of incidentsfatalities from 218 in 2008 to 137 in 2012. Regarding the construction of the Milan Expo 2015 being held, a secret report INAIL stated that "if the Expo was built according to safety rules in force in the other Italian sites, there would have been at least "18 000 including 40 fatal accidents and 1,700 have permanent consequences on the workers" (Source: expo-1.899823). Thanks to the permanent control of projects and methodologies implemented by the social partners and public authorities in order to avoid sub- contracting firms ghosts favorite subject of "caporali" mafia to exploit the consequences without immigrant labor, no Death has been a lament on the Expo site. We note, however, that a young worker of Albanian origin, Klodian Elezi, 21, died at the site of the Milan device right next to the Expo site. This effort was made after several years of negotiations between the social partners not to repeat the mistakes that had summers
  • 34. committed in previous projects: the Olympic Games of Turin 2006, 1990 World Cup and the construction of the Fiera di Milano, the largest public construction time in Europe. Only after more than 20 years of accumulated experience that trade unions, business and government sat around a table to establish binding common rules limiting see preventing access to sites of companies who respected not the legal working conditions for their workers, whether legal or illegal. It is not by chance that this first awareness was found in northern Italy. This area, the most industrialized in Europe and one of the most economically dynamic has seen its construction sector jump since the 1970 Major projects have succeeded, always employing the best labor market. Migrants from southern Italy have succeeded migrant workers from North Africa, Eastern Europe and now worldwide. Criminal organizations have organized themselves very early by standing as a compulsory intermediary between labor and business by reinstating a modernized system "caporalato" medieval.The money earned was laundered in Switzerland and throughout Southern Europe and Northern. The workers were dying but nobody cared because it had no existence. The construction sector continues to focus on is the curse of the exploited worker. And for good reason: it is historically and statistically one of the sector that employs the most people with low qualifications and are concentrated where a high percentage of illegal migrant workers. The other sectors are agriculture, hotels and restaurants and manufacturing. The domestic economy is also widely affected as a sector but the figures are in absolute values much lower. Surprisingly, these are also the three sectors (construction, hotels and restaurants and agriculture) or mafia investments were the most important in Europe in any case since the years 1970 to 1975 (Swiss statistics) (Source: Nicolas Giannakopoulos, "Organised crime and corruption in Switzerland, "Haupt, Bern, 2001).
  • 35. Unfortunately, the internationalization of protection activities and representation of workers' rights remains a myth sometimes confined to mothball nostalgic scents of the Socialist International.Everyone wants happiness but his next anyone, especially us in Europe, do not want to pay the price. Yet the twentieth century European examples show that a very significant improvement in the quality and working conditions possible. But this model is exportable or even desirable? How can this square the circle? How to internationalize the protection and representation of the rights of workers, including migrants, in a world in which the globalized economy exerts constant pressure on prices? In March 2015, the French NGO Sherpa filed a complaint in France against the construction company Vinci for "forced labor" of his Indian and Nepalese workers employed in Qatar (Source: . This is the first time a company from a country is sued for an offense under the law where its headquarters is located, but respect of workers who are not French and who undergoes the facts, according the charges of the NGO, outside France. Is this the future of trade unionism? The union was created to protect the interests of a corporation made up of contributing members. Depending on the country, their long history allows them to financed in different ways:. membership fees, donations, but sometimes direct support of the State (national, or regional or local authorities) and even, in some cases, companies themselves unions of shares are historically related a form of political demand for the acquisition of rights in a decision-making system, whether democratic or not. But the actions of a trade union have evolved into a form of member services and completing the tasks delegation public power, as the unemployment funds management or labor courts or tribunals financial practices such as pension fund management and pension
  • 36. funds. These organizations have also evolved by making more specific services to members, such as information, advice, mediation and especially legal assistance. Some unions offer legal and permanence of the same legal protection insurance for work- related conflicts. . Other unions have also advanced to the activist and whistleblower slope preserve of NGOs that denounce unacceptable situations, however, in regard to illegal migrant workers, these structures remain inaccessible: these people having no existence legal in the countries where they work, it may not enjoy the benefits and protections granted by particular law that makes them vulnerable administratively in addition to being economically vulnerable. You rarely see the workers refuse to work, even in the most abject conditions, even if they are not paid or too little, and turn against their employers, except by small spontaneous revolts and limited in space and in time. On the consumer side, resilience is phenomenal. Despite the fact that we know or can know what happens in fields that are grown and harvested fruits and vegetables that adorn our plates, we continue to eat it. On the one hand because it suits us economically and secondly because justice is silent. These initiatives give food for thought. For now, after more than 10 years of trial and error, success is very relative, even in European countries. The 2008 economic crisis has made it even more resilient workers and consumers in industrialized countries and even more from the prices down, at the same time forcing companies to align with competitors using illegal means. In sectors employing many low skilled labor, it is a real downward spiral in terms of rights, not to mention working conditions. This trend to even more dramatic impact in developing countries and the poorest countries living including annuities their mining basement. The price crisis, however, forced the political, economic and social reinvent some development models economic and human.
  • 37. Today the unions are stuck in territorial legal frameworks and do not use to their advantage. This is less the industry that limits their action, which is the bearer and creator of a real know-how, expertise and a true understanding of the practices of a sector. National legal frameworks against by limiting their actions and skills. Consider two examples. A country where trade union rights are not guaranteed by law is a country where workers can come together and defend their interests in this form. But these countries need all the skills of large international firms that have otherwise their seats at least subsidiaries that are legally placed in countries that permit this right, which opens up possibilities for relocation of industrial action for workers but with over effects on private contractual law on public law and sometimes, as shown in the work of the NGO Sherpa, also under criminal law. There are countries, especially in the Gulf, which stubbornly refuse to grant right to organize to migrant workers who work on their soil. This battle led several national and international unions (such as the ITUC) reports, for anyone who knows the reality of these countries, a basic misunderstanding about the social, economic and cultural organization of these countries. It is rare that the citizens of these countries work. It is therefore futile to ask them to organize. As against migrant workers are often unionized, but in their respective countries, where unions have little or no resources or interest to act in countries where migrants work. In a globalized world where the rights are unequal, unions should seize the opportunity of this European migratory wave to fundamentally reform and return to their mission that made them successful in the twentieth century, namely the defense and improvement of working conditions for all workers in the world. For this, they must use to their advantage the tools of this globalization: migration, multi- nationalization of economic activities, Internet and disembodiment of a country to rise to
  • 38. that the planet. Indeed, economic globalization that employees of an international construction company (live or sub-contractance) in France and Germany are directly affected by the same situations that are employees of the same branch China, India, Saudi Arabia and Brazil. The market for construction machinery is globalized. The cement market is globalized. The labor market is globalized. The market for construction tools, construction outfits, scrap and metal structures are globalized. It is the same for agribusiness, for hotels, for raw materials for some manufactured goods, transport, etc. The main contractors are either international giants or consortia of companies that fight on international markets. This requires that action in favor of workers are also globalized and the possibilities they use wisely. But what is this wisely? The needs are many, sometimes different (hence the need to have local structures) but they can be grouped into a few categories: 1) information: most migrants have bad information. It is transmitted most often by peers and the information is distorted by successive filters and internal filters to each person according to their degree of economic or simply human necessity. We therefore need good information, truthful, understandable and reliable destination has not only migrant workers but all workers. 2) status: every person has a minimum status on which to build. illegal workers have no status in their host countries, all as illegal migrants, making them easy targets for all mafia structures or with criminal intentions. By cons, even illegal workers are citizens of a certain country. They all have a status by the simple fact that they are human beings and there are at least a common minimum legal system which can be activated to recognize them a status. Unfortunately, these legal systems, often higher as the European Court of Human Rights is all too easily activated by simply illegal migrants with labor law compliance issues which their illegal status does not give them all so no
  • 39. access. By cons, a status would allow organizations, trade unions since it is their purpose, to activate various legal tools in different territorial jurisdictions (at the time of the complaint from the NGO Sherpa) for reasons diverse and more accessible. 3) services: in most dramas, there are laws that are not respected. These dramas are only a small tip of a huge iceberg of various and varied abuses and violations of various laws. In a globalized world, the right is itself subject to territorial restrictions, but the migrant is not as much as it usually has a foot in a territory and another foot in the other. The more leaves the individual domain for the collective field, the more the diversity of rights and regulations and increases the types of needs increase. However, there are situations in which, starting from individual cases, benefit the entire group. This is the same principle of evolutionary law which, to be respected and implemented, need to define the specific cases in its reality.If illegal Romanian migrants working on construction sites without any protections or social insurance had the opportunity to present their cases before the courts in the early 2000s, the situation in terms of the black economy would be much different today. But there are also cases where the collective, anonymous, benefits more extreme situations. Most illegal migrants, operated or not, do not use the law because they would lose their precarious jobs because of their highlighted. It is to avoid these "sticks returns" that collective actions must be taken by acting on the plans of the international law in order to prevent the victimization of victims resulting in a total omerta. Services must be very specific and adapted to situations, professional services, technically feasible, strategically and tactically smart made. 4) cross pressure: the success of unions in their prime is that it was able to organize crosswise political pressure by taking advantage of the great upheaval of the early century: the first World War, Bolshevik Revolution and installation of the Soviet Union, decolonization. The world today is similar to that in which the unions have achieved their first successes, but they should be better used globalization to the advantage of
  • 40. workers' rights than constantly - and ideologically - decline a trend which in any so continue to accelerate. This means that the solution of a problem in a country A is may be in a B or C country, and this is where he should act in the best with a view to maximizing resources. To achieve these objectives a drastic improvement of the working conditions of workers throughout the world, reducing certain disparities which create markets calls, the unions must disembody and globalize.If it is useful whether organized sectorally, they must have the ability to be everywhere and nowhere at once, only the service of a world population of workers moving at will on the surface of our planet. The sectorialisés and territorially unions are doomed to be increasingly ineffective and become purveyors of situations pensions for retired ideologues. _____________________________________________________________________ ABOUT AUTHOR: NICOLAS GIANNAKOPOULOS (NICOLAS GIANNAKOPOULOS IS ONE OF THE INTERNATIONAL TOP-SPECIALIST IN THE AREA OF ORGANIZED CRIME AND CRIMINAL STRUCTURES. DURING HIS STUDIES HE LEADS SINCE 1991, M. GIANNAKOPOULOS HAS ALWAYS HAD THE CONCERN TO MERGE BOTH RESEARCH AND PRACTICAL TOOLS AND ANALYSIS BY USING SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN IMMEDIATELY APPLICAL TOOLS FOR PRACTITIONERS. M. GIANNAKOPOULOS IS ACTIVELY INVOLVED BOTH IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SIDES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS AIMING ATTHE BEST-EVER MANAGEMENT OF CRIMINAL RISKS)