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MGT 311 Final Exam
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1. In her work in the publishing industry, Vera seeks out new authors whom she considers
promising. In the past 2 years she has found a number of new writers whose work she thought
was exceptional, and immersed herself in the task of helping them shape their manuscripts for
submission to her managers for publishing. Although she was extremely proud of the results,
none of the authors she worked with were chosen for publication. Vera believes that the decision
not to publish these authors was based on personal rivalries within management, rather than the
quality of her writers' work. She is extremely frustrated, dreads coming into work each morning,
and is seriously thinking of resigning. How can Vera’s job attitude best be described?
A. Low job satisfaction and low job involvement
B. High job satisfaction and low job involvement
C. Low job satisfaction and high job involvement
D. High job satisfaction and high job involvement
Explanation: Vera obviously works very hard at her job, but she gets very little satisfaction
because her writers never get published.
2. Julia works as a receptionist at a real-estate company. Her boss just came in the door and
yelled at her, telling her that the front office was a mess and that she needed to get up and clean it
immediately. After her boss left the room, Julia grabbed three magazines and violently slammed
them into the trash can. Which of the following best describes Julia's action?
A. An affect
B. A thought
C. A mood
D. An emotion
Explanation: Julia was upset by her boss’s actions and let her emotions cause her to do
something out of the ordinary.
3. Erinworks ona software helpdesk.Afterbeingyelledatbya customeraboutthe state of her
company'ssoftware,she becomesangry,andhasto take a short breakto calm down.Whatmakesher
angeran emotion,ratherthana mood?
A. Itis a simple,unambiguousfeeling.
B. It interfereswithhercapacitytowork effectively
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C. It has contextual stimulus.
D. It can be controlled given some time.
Explanation: Anger caused from single source (the context) is an emotion, while anger caused
from ambiguous sources would be considered a mood.
4) Anyincompatibilitybetweentwoormore attitudesorbetweenbehaviorandattitudes resultsin
A. Organizational dissonance
B. Cognitive dissonance
C. Attitudinal clarification
D. Valuesclarification
5) What is the degree towhicha personidentifieswithhisorherjob,activelyparticipatesinit,and
considershisorher performance asbeingimportanttoself-worth?
A. Jobsatisfaction
B. Jobinvolvement
C. Jobstability
D. Organizational commitment
6) What term isusedforthose emotionsthatan organizationrequiresworkerstoshow andconsiders
appropriate fora givenjob?
A. Feltemotions
B. Requiredemotions
C. Conditional emotions
D. Displayedemotions
7) Janetneedstoassigna veryimportantadvertisingaccounttoone of her writers.Firstshe reviewed
each writersworkload,thenshe studiedthe salesdataof the productsforthe last three campaignsof
each writer,thenshe reviewedeachwriter'sannual review tofamiliarizeherself withtheirgoals.Finally,
she gave the account to Paula,a verycreative,efficientwriterwhohashadhighsalesresultswithher
lastthree clients'products.Whatis Janet'smanagementstyleisbasedon?
A. Organizational behaviorstudies
B. Substantive evidence approach
C. Preconceivednotions
D. Systematicstudy
8) Basingmanagerial methodsonthe bestavailablescientificevidence iscalledwhat?
A. Systematicstudy
B. Organizational behavior
C. Evidence-basedmanagement
D. Conceptual management
9) The managerat a constructionsite observesthathe isspendingagreatdeal of time interviewing
prospective employees.Thisisdue tothe large amountof absenteeismandturnoveramonghisskilled
workers.While questioningexitingemployees,he discoversthatmanyof themquitbecause theyfeel
the work place istoo dangerous.Inparticular,several foremenhave statedthat the needtogetthe job
done quicklyismore importantthana few rules,andhave gone as faras to mockthe courage of
workerswhoquestionthisattitude.Whatisthe bestwayfor the managerto control the deviant
behaviorof the foremen?
A. Orderingthe forementoconformwiththe requiredsafetystandards
B. Findingoutwhythe foremenplace agreaterimportance onfinishingthe jobthanonsafety
C. Firingthe foremenandpromotingnew foremenfromthe currentpool of workers
D. Takingoverthe work of the foremanhimself
10) Phil lovessales.He hasbeena stellarsalespersonsincehe was12. Recentlyhe wasawardeda full
paidtrip fortwo to PuertoRicofor breakingacompanysalesrecord.Phil issomotivatedtowork,he has
seta newgoal to breakhisoldrecord inthe comingyear.Taking intoaccountself-determinationtheory,
whydidthe companyrecognitionandaward,anextrinsicreward,motivatePhil?
A. The rewardwas seenasa coercive methodof increasingsalesandmotivatedPhil toprove himself
B. The reward wasimposedtoworktowarda standardthat Phil couldnotbelievein,andhisintrinsic
C. The rewardincreasedPhil’ssense of competence byprovidingfeedbackthatimprovedhisintrinsic
D. The rewardincreasedPhil'ssense of competence byprovidingfeedbackthatdiminishedhisintrinsic
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11) Tonylovesprogramming.He wasonthe groundlevel of the computerrevolution.Thisyearhisboss
has setpersonal goalsforeachof the programmers,one of whichincludesapresentationfromeach
programmerabouta project.Tonyisveryannoyedbecause he hasa tremendousamountof worktodo
and he will have tospendthe weekend,hispersonaltime, preparingthe presentation.Takinginto
account self-determinationtheory,whydidhismanager’sgoalsandthe presentationreduceTony's
A. The internallyimposedgoal feelscoercive,causingTony'sintrinsicmotivationtosuffer.
B. The self-imposedgoal increaseshissense of competence,causingthe intrinsicmotivationtosuffer.
C. The externallyimposedgoal isanexternal reward,causingTony'sintrinsicmotivationtoincrease.
D. The externallyimposedgoal feelscoercive, causingTony'sintrinsicmotivationtosuffer.
12) Glendonhasa degree inbusinessandworkedfor2yearsat an international firminSpain.Whenthe
firmsufferedcutbacksandGlendonreturnedhome,he tookajobat a nonprofitagencymentoringat-
riskSpanish-speakingchildren.Glendonearnsathirdof what he earnedinthe businessworld,buthas
decidedthathisnewgoal isto acquire a largercase loadand continue touse hisSpanishtohelppeople.
WhichtheoryexplainswhyGlendonishappywithamuch smallerexternal rewardforhiswork?
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A. Self-impositionof goals
B. nAch
C. Self-concordance
D. Extrinsicmotivation
13) TodayMarci's bossenteredhercubicle andtoldherthather workhas beenfantastic,andthat
because of herlast projectthe clientisgoingtogive the companyall of theirbusiness.Marci'sboss
continuedtotalkaboutwhat a great jobshe'sdoing.Whenherbossleft,Marci feltveryconfidentand
satisfiedwithherself andherjob.Marci's bossusescommunicationinwhichof the followingfunctions?
A. Motivation
B. Control
C. Emotional expression
D. Information
14) What can managersdo to make sure that importantinformationisnotwithheldfromthemthrough
A. Listento and supportdiverse opinions.
B. Deal withinformationoverload.
C. Interpretwhattheysee andcall it reality.
D. Tell employeeswhattheywanttohear.
15) WhenNeal Patterson,CEOof CernerCorporation,senthisseethinge-mailto400 managers,he
erredby selectingthe wrong
A. channel forhis message
B. message
C. distribution
D. emotional charge
16) Araceli isa teammemberina large corporation.She neverspeaksinthe teammeetingsbecause she
has seen memberstalkbehindeachothers'backsoutside of the meetings.Membersare constantly
monitoringthe othermember'swork,lookingforamistake topointoutin a meeting.Accordingtothe
informationprovided,whichcontextual factorismostlikelyhinderingthe successof Araceli'steam?
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A. Adequate resources
B. Climate of trust
C. Teamstructure
D. Performance evaluations
17) Ayeshaisleadingagroupto developaprototype foranew product.She has chosenthree people to
workwithher.Ben andTom are goodfriendsandsocialize onthe weekend.Theyare bothverycreative.
JulianisolderthanBenand Tom,but theyhave workedtogetherbefore andbeenquite productive.
Julianisorganized.Ayeshahasneverworkedwithanyof the men,butknowsthe productwell.She
bringsthe highestlevelof expertise.Whichof the followingstatementsbestdescribesAyesha'sgroup?
A. High norms,lowcohesiveness,highproductivity
B. Low norms,lowcohesiveness,low productivity
C. Highnorms,highcohesiveness,highproductivity
D. Low norms,highcohesiveness,lowproductivity
18) Irma doesnotlike afewof the standardoperatingproceduresadaptedforthe new project.
However,she discussedthe itemswith the teamandtoldthemthatshe realizedshe wasinthe minority
and that she wouldadaptthe newprocedurestomaintainsmoothoperationswithinthe team.Whatis
thistype of intentioncalled?
A. Sacrificing
B. Accommodating
C. Collaborating
D. Compromising
19) Angelinafeelsthathercubicle neighbortalkstooloudlyonthe phone,butinotherwaysshe isa
great neighbor.Angelinagetsannoyedeverytime herneighbor'sphonerings,butshe hasdecideditis
simplynotworththe trouble to talk toher neighbor.WhatisAngelina'sconflictintentioncalled?
A. Avoiding
B. Accommodating
C. Compromising.
D. Collaborating
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20) For processconflicttobe productive,itmustbe
A. Kepthigh
B. Keptlow
C. Keptat lowto moderate levels
D. Keptat moderate levels
21) The rightinherentina managerial positiontogive ordersandexpectorderstobe obeyedistermed
A. Chainof command
B. Authority
C. Power
D. Unityof command
22) ________ are consistentwithrecenteffortsbycompaniestoreduce costs,cutoverhead,speedup
decisionmaking,increase flexibility,getclosertocustomers,andempoweremployees.
A. Widerspansof control
B. Narrowerspansof control
C. Matrix structures
D. Simple structures
23) What isthe processthroughwhichemployeesare adaptedtoan organization'sculture?
A. Personalization
B. Mentoring
C. Socialization
D. Institutionalization
24) If there isa basicconflictbetweenthe individual'sexpectationsandthe realityof workinginan
organization,the employee ismostlikelytobe disillusionedandquitduringwhichstage of socialization?
A. Prearrival
B. Ritual
C. Metamorphosis
D. Encounter
25) Whenyoursuperioroffersyouaraise if you will performadditionalworkbeyondthe requirements
of yourjob,he or she isexercising________ power.
A. Legitimate
B. Coercive
C. Reward
D. Personal
26) Political behaviorsusually
A. lie outside of anindividual’sspecifiedjobperformance
B. arecounterproductive toindividual goals
C. are seenonlyinlarge organizations
D. are frowneduponbyorganizational leaders
27) Regardlessof the compositionof agroup,managerscan leverage diversitytoachieve superior
performance bywhichof the followingapproaches?
A. Emphasize the higher-level similaritiesamongmembers.
B. Ensure that everyone knowsthe importance of diversityingroups.
C. Explainthe legal andethical implicationsinvolvedof nothavinga diverse group.
D. Focuson the benefitsof havingadiverse group.
28) Effective workforce programsthatencourage diversityhave threedistinctcomponents.First,they
informmanagersaboutthe legal frameworkforequal employmentopportunitiesandencourage fair
treatment.Second,theyteachmanagershow adiverse workforce will be betterable toserve adiverse
marketof customersandclients.Third,they
A. ensure top-levelmanagementrepresentsthe diversityof itsworkforce andclientbase
B. ensure thatcertaingroupshave not beenunderutilized
C. generallyinvolve one-shottrainingsessionsthatdon’ttake upan undue amountof time
D. fosterpersonal developmentpracticesthatbringoutthe skillsandabilitiesof all workers
29) If individualsresistingchange are includedinmakingchange decisionsinanattemptto gaintheir
support,whatisthis approachcalled?
A. Cooptation
B. Exploitation
C. Manipulation
D. Coercion
30) Whichtactic to overcome resistance tochange isa relativelyeasywaytogainthe supportof
adversaries,butmaybackfire if the targetsbecome aware of the tactic?
A. Conciliation
B. Manipulation
C. Coercion
D. Cooperation
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Mgt 311 final exam

  • 1. MGT 311 Final Exam How to get student loan Please Call now : 855-457-8818 1. In her work in the publishing industry, Vera seeks out new authors whom she considers promising. In the past 2 years she has found a number of new writers whose work she thought was exceptional, and immersed herself in the task of helping them shape their manuscripts for submission to her managers for publishing. Although she was extremely proud of the results, none of the authors she worked with were chosen for publication. Vera believes that the decision not to publish these authors was based on personal rivalries within management, rather than the quality of her writers' work. She is extremely frustrated, dreads coming into work each morning, and is seriously thinking of resigning. How can Vera’s job attitude best be described? A. Low job satisfaction and low job involvement B. High job satisfaction and low job involvement C. Low job satisfaction and high job involvement D. High job satisfaction and high job involvement Explanation: Vera obviously works very hard at her job, but she gets very little satisfaction because her writers never get published. 2. Julia works as a receptionist at a real-estate company. Her boss just came in the door and yelled at her, telling her that the front office was a mess and that she needed to get up and clean it immediately. After her boss left the room, Julia grabbed three magazines and violently slammed them into the trash can. Which of the following best describes Julia's action? A. An affect B. A thought C. A mood D. An emotion Explanation: Julia was upset by her boss’s actions and let her emotions cause her to do something out of the ordinary. 3. Erinworks ona software helpdesk.Afterbeingyelledatbya customeraboutthe state of her company'ssoftware,she becomesangry,andhasto take a short breakto calm down.Whatmakesher angeran emotion,ratherthana mood? A. Itis a simple,unambiguousfeeling. B. It interfereswithhercapacitytowork effectively
  • 2. Please Call now : 855-457-8818 C. It has contextual stimulus. D. It can be controlled given some time. Explanation: Anger caused from single source (the context) is an emotion, while anger caused from ambiguous sources would be considered a mood. 4) Anyincompatibilitybetweentwoormore attitudesorbetweenbehaviorandattitudes resultsin what? A. Organizational dissonance B. Cognitive dissonance C. Attitudinal clarification D. Valuesclarification 5) What is the degree towhicha personidentifieswithhisorherjob,activelyparticipatesinit,and considershisorher performance asbeingimportanttoself-worth? A. Jobsatisfaction B. Jobinvolvement C. Jobstability D. Organizational commitment 6) What term isusedforthose emotionsthatan organizationrequiresworkerstoshow andconsiders appropriate fora givenjob? A. Feltemotions B. Requiredemotions C. Conditional emotions D. Displayedemotions 7) Janetneedstoassigna veryimportantadvertisingaccounttoone of her writers.Firstshe reviewed each writersworkload,thenshe studiedthe salesdataof the productsforthe last three campaignsof each writer,thenshe reviewedeachwriter'sannual review tofamiliarizeherself withtheirgoals.Finally, she gave the account to Paula,a verycreative,efficientwriterwhohashadhighsalesresultswithher lastthree clients'products.Whatis Janet'smanagementstyleisbasedon? A. Organizational behaviorstudies B. Substantive evidence approach
  • 3. C. Preconceivednotions D. Systematicstudy 8) Basingmanagerial methodsonthe bestavailablescientificevidence iscalledwhat? A. Systematicstudy B. Organizational behavior C. Evidence-basedmanagement D. Conceptual management 9) The managerat a constructionsite observesthathe isspendingagreatdeal of time interviewing prospective employees.Thisisdue tothe large amountof absenteeismandturnoveramonghisskilled workers.While questioningexitingemployees,he discoversthatmanyof themquitbecause theyfeel the work place istoo dangerous.Inparticular,several foremenhave statedthat the needtogetthe job done quicklyismore importantthana few rules,andhave gone as faras to mockthe courage of workerswhoquestionthisattitude.Whatisthe bestwayfor the managerto control the deviant behaviorof the foremen? A. Orderingthe forementoconformwiththe requiredsafetystandards B. Findingoutwhythe foremenplace agreaterimportance onfinishingthe jobthanonsafety C. Firingthe foremenandpromotingnew foremenfromthe currentpool of workers D. Takingoverthe work of the foremanhimself 10) Phil lovessales.He hasbeena stellarsalespersonsincehe was12. Recentlyhe wasawardeda full paidtrip fortwo to PuertoRicofor breakingacompanysalesrecord.Phil issomotivatedtowork,he has seta newgoal to breakhisoldrecord inthe comingyear.Taking intoaccountself-determinationtheory, whydidthe companyrecognitionandaward,anextrinsicreward,motivatePhil? A. The rewardwas seenasa coercive methodof increasingsalesandmotivatedPhil toprove himself intrinsically. B. The reward wasimposedtoworktowarda standardthat Phil couldnotbelievein,andhisintrinsic motivationsuffered. C. The rewardincreasedPhil’ssense of competence byprovidingfeedbackthatimprovedhisintrinsic motivation. D. The rewardincreasedPhil'ssense of competence byprovidingfeedbackthatdiminishedhisintrinsic motivation. Please Call now : 855-457-8818 11) Tonylovesprogramming.He wasonthe groundlevel of the computerrevolution.Thisyearhisboss has setpersonal goalsforeachof the programmers,one of whichincludesapresentationfromeach programmerabouta project.Tonyisveryannoyedbecause he hasa tremendousamountof worktodo
  • 4. and he will have tospendthe weekend,hispersonaltime, preparingthe presentation.Takinginto account self-determinationtheory,whydidhismanager’sgoalsandthe presentationreduceTony's motivation? A. The internallyimposedgoal feelscoercive,causingTony'sintrinsicmotivationtosuffer. B. The self-imposedgoal increaseshissense of competence,causingthe intrinsicmotivationtosuffer. C. The externallyimposedgoal isanexternal reward,causingTony'sintrinsicmotivationtoincrease. D. The externallyimposedgoal feelscoercive, causingTony'sintrinsicmotivationtosuffer. 12) Glendonhasa degree inbusinessandworkedfor2yearsat an international firminSpain.Whenthe firmsufferedcutbacksandGlendonreturnedhome,he tookajobat a nonprofitagencymentoringat- riskSpanish-speakingchildren.Glendonearnsathirdof what he earnedinthe businessworld,buthas decidedthathisnewgoal isto acquire a largercase loadand continue touse hisSpanishtohelppeople. WhichtheoryexplainswhyGlendonishappywithamuch smallerexternal rewardforhiswork? Please Call now : 855-457-8818 A. Self-impositionof goals B. nAch C. Self-concordance D. Extrinsicmotivation 13) TodayMarci's bossenteredhercubicle andtoldherthather workhas beenfantastic,andthat because of herlast projectthe clientisgoingtogive the companyall of theirbusiness.Marci'sboss continuedtotalkaboutwhat a great jobshe'sdoing.Whenherbossleft,Marci feltveryconfidentand satisfiedwithherself andherjob.Marci's bossusescommunicationinwhichof the followingfunctions? A. Motivation B. Control C. Emotional expression D. Information 14) What can managersdo to make sure that importantinformationisnotwithheldfromthemthrough silence? A. Listento and supportdiverse opinions. B. Deal withinformationoverload. C. Interpretwhattheysee andcall it reality. D. Tell employeeswhattheywanttohear. 15) WhenNeal Patterson,CEOof CernerCorporation,senthisseethinge-mailto400 managers,he erredby selectingthe wrong A. channel forhis message
  • 5. B. message C. distribution D. emotional charge 16) Araceli isa teammemberina large corporation.She neverspeaksinthe teammeetingsbecause she has seen memberstalkbehindeachothers'backsoutside of the meetings.Membersare constantly monitoringthe othermember'swork,lookingforamistake topointoutin a meeting.Accordingtothe informationprovided,whichcontextual factorismostlikelyhinderingthe successof Araceli'steam? Please Call now : 855-457-8818 A. Adequate resources B. Climate of trust C. Teamstructure D. Performance evaluations 17) Ayeshaisleadingagroupto developaprototype foranew product.She has chosenthree people to workwithher.Ben andTom are goodfriendsandsocialize onthe weekend.Theyare bothverycreative. JulianisolderthanBenand Tom,but theyhave workedtogetherbefore andbeenquite productive. Julianisorganized.Ayeshahasneverworkedwithanyof the men,butknowsthe productwell.She bringsthe highestlevelof expertise.Whichof the followingstatementsbestdescribesAyesha'sgroup? A. High norms,lowcohesiveness,highproductivity B. Low norms,lowcohesiveness,low productivity C. Highnorms,highcohesiveness,highproductivity D. Low norms,highcohesiveness,lowproductivity 18) Irma doesnotlike afewof the standardoperatingproceduresadaptedforthe new project. However,she discussedthe itemswith the teamandtoldthemthatshe realizedshe wasinthe minority and that she wouldadaptthe newprocedurestomaintainsmoothoperationswithinthe team.Whatis thistype of intentioncalled? A. Sacrificing B. Accommodating C. Collaborating D. Compromising 19) Angelinafeelsthathercubicle neighbortalkstooloudlyonthe phone,butinotherwaysshe isa great neighbor.Angelinagetsannoyedeverytime herneighbor'sphonerings,butshe hasdecideditis simplynotworththe trouble to talk toher neighbor.WhatisAngelina'sconflictintentioncalled? A. Avoiding B. Accommodating
  • 6. C. Compromising. D. Collaborating Please Call now : 855-457-8818 20) For processconflicttobe productive,itmustbe A. Kepthigh B. Keptlow C. Keptat lowto moderate levels D. Keptat moderate levels 21) The rightinherentina managerial positiontogive ordersandexpectorderstobe obeyedistermed A. Chainof command B. Authority C. Power D. Unityof command 22) ________ are consistentwithrecenteffortsbycompaniestoreduce costs,cutoverhead,speedup decisionmaking,increase flexibility,getclosertocustomers,andempoweremployees. A. Widerspansof control B. Narrowerspansof control C. Matrix structures D. Simple structures 23) What isthe processthroughwhichemployeesare adaptedtoan organization'sculture? A. Personalization B. Mentoring C. Socialization D. Institutionalization 24) If there isa basicconflictbetweenthe individual'sexpectationsandthe realityof workinginan organization,the employee ismostlikelytobe disillusionedandquitduringwhichstage of socialization? A. Prearrival B. Ritual C. Metamorphosis D. Encounter 25) Whenyoursuperioroffersyouaraise if you will performadditionalworkbeyondthe requirements of yourjob,he or she isexercising________ power.
  • 7. A. Legitimate B. Coercive C. Reward D. Personal 26) Political behaviorsusually A. lie outside of anindividual’sspecifiedjobperformance B. arecounterproductive toindividual goals C. are seenonlyinlarge organizations D. are frowneduponbyorganizational leaders 27) Regardlessof the compositionof agroup,managerscan leverage diversitytoachieve superior performance bywhichof the followingapproaches? A. Emphasize the higher-level similaritiesamongmembers. B. Ensure that everyone knowsthe importance of diversityingroups. C. Explainthe legal andethical implicationsinvolvedof nothavinga diverse group. D. Focuson the benefitsof havingadiverse group. 28) Effective workforce programsthatencourage diversityhave threedistinctcomponents.First,they informmanagersaboutthe legal frameworkforequal employmentopportunitiesandencourage fair treatment.Second,theyteachmanagershow adiverse workforce will be betterable toserve adiverse marketof customersandclients.Third,they A. ensure top-levelmanagementrepresentsthe diversityof itsworkforce andclientbase B. ensure thatcertaingroupshave not beenunderutilized C. generallyinvolve one-shottrainingsessionsthatdon’ttake upan undue amountof time D. fosterpersonal developmentpracticesthatbringoutthe skillsandabilitiesof all workers 29) If individualsresistingchange are includedinmakingchange decisionsinanattemptto gaintheir support,whatisthis approachcalled? A. Cooptation B. Exploitation C. Manipulation D. Coercion 30) Whichtactic to overcome resistance tochange isa relativelyeasywaytogainthe supportof adversaries,butmaybackfire if the targetsbecome aware of the tactic? A. Conciliation B. Manipulation
  • 8. C. Coercion D. Cooperation How to get student loan Please Call now : 855-457-8818