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Metalloenzyme; Antioxidant & Their
       Relationship With Aging, Cancer
             &Metabolic Disorders

Ms. Latika Yadav (Research Scholar), Dept. of Foods and Nutrition,
 College of H.Sc,Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and
    Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur, rajasthan-313001,
Metal plays roles in approximately one-
third of the known enzymes. Metals may be
a co-factor or they may be incorporated
into the molecule, and these are known as

A metalloenzyme is an enzymatic protein
that has a strong link between its protein
part and metal , where the metal is
embedded with in the molecule. In this case
metal ion is bound tightly to the enzyme
and is not dissociated even after several
extensive steps of purification.
Metal plays a variety of roles such as :

•They help in either maintaining or producing( or
both), active structural conformation of the
•Formation of enzyme substrate complex
•Making structural changes in substrate molecule,
•Accept or donate electrons,
•Activating or functioning as nucleophiles, and
•Formation of ternary complexes with enzymes or
Physiological Roles of Metal Ions

• cell replication
• energy production (ATP
• O2 transport and storage
• synthesis of neurotransmitters
• counteracting the effects of aging
• RNA synthesis
• alcohol breakdown in your liver
• hormone synthesis
• dilating blood vessels
• photosynthesis
It is estimated that approximately half of all proteins
contain a metal. In another estimate, about one quarter
to one third of all proteins are proposed require metals
to carry out their functions.Thus, metalloproteins have
many different functions in cells, such as
•enzymes, transport and storage proteins, and
• signal transduction proteins.
• 33% of all enzymes contain transition metal ions!
• bond cleavage
• bond formation
• electron transfer
• atom transfer
Coordination chemistry principles
In metalloproteins, metal ions are usually coordinated by
nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur centres belonging to amino acid
 residues of the protein.
These donor groups are often provided by side-chains on
the amino acid residues. Especially important are the
imidazole substituent in histidine residues, thiolate
substituents in cysteinyl residues, and carboxylate groups
provided by aspartate.
In addition to donor groups that are provided by amino
acid residues, a large number of organic cofactors
function as ligands. Perhaps most famous are the
N4 macrocyclic ligands incorporated into the heme
protein. Inorganic ligands such as sulfide and oxide are
also common.
Storage and transport metalloproteins
Oxygen carriers

Hemoglobin, which is the principal oxygen carrier in
humans has four sub-units in which the iron(II) ion is
coordinated by the planar, macrocyclic ligand
protoporphyrin IX (PIX) and the imidazole nitrogen
atom of a histidine residue. The sixth coordination site
contains a water molecule or a dioxygen molecule.
myoglobin has only one such unit.
                  The active site is located in an
hydrophobic pocket. This is important as, without it,
the iron(II) would be irreversibly oxidised to iron(III).   Haemoglobin
                     The equilibrium constant for the
formation of HbO2 is such that oxygen is taken up or
released depending on the partial pressure of oxygen
in the lungs or in muscle. In hemoglobin the four sub-
units show a cooperativity effect which allows for
easy oxygen transfer from hemoglobin to myoglobin.
Hemerythrin is another iron-containing oxygen carrier. The oxygen
binding site is a binuclear iron center. The iron atoms are
coordinated to the protein through the carboxylate side chains of a
glutamate and aspartate and five histidine residues. The uptake of
O2 by hemerythrin is accompanied by two-electron oxidation of
the reduced binuclear center to produce bound peroxide (OOH-).

Hemocyanins carry oxygen in the blood of most molluscs, and
some arthropods such as the horseshoe crab. They are second only
to hemoglobin in biological popularity of use in oxygen transport.
On oxygenation the two copper(I) atoms at the active site are
oxidised to copper(II) and the dioxygen molecules is reduced to
peroxide, O22-.
Iron(II), can easily be oxidized to iron(III). This functionality is
used in cytochromes which function as electron-transfer vectors.
The presence of the metal ion allows metalloenzymes to
perform functions such as redox reactions that cannot easily be
performed by the limited set of functional groups found in
amino acids. The iron atom in most cytochromes is contained in
a heme group. The differences between those cytochromes lies
in the different side-chains.
                  For instance Cytochrome a has a heme a
 prosthetic group and cytochrome b has a heme b prosthetic
group. These differences result in different Fe2+/Fe3+ redox
potentialssuch that various cytochromes are involved in the
mitochondrial electron transport chain.

Cytochrome P450 enzymes perform the function of inserting an
oxygen atom into a C—H bond, an oxidation reaction
Rubredoxin is an electron-carrier found in
sulfur-metabolizing bacteria and archaea.
The active site contains an iron ion which
is coordinated by the sulphur atoms of
fourcysteine residues forming an almost
regular tetrahedron. Rubredoxins perform
one-electron transfer processes. The
oxidation state of the iron atom changes
between the +2 and +3 states. In both
oxidation states the metal is high spin,
which helps to minimize structural

                                      rubredoxin active site

Plastocyan is one of the family of blue
copper proteins which are involved in electron
transfer reactions. The copper binding site is
described as a ‘distorted trigonal pyramidal’.The
trigonal plane of the pyramidal base is composed
of two nitrogen atoms (N1 and N2) from separate
histidines and a sulfur (S1) from a cysteine. Sulfur
(S2) from an axial methionine forms the apex.
The ‘distortion’ occurs in the bond lengths
between the copper and sulfur ligands.                 Plastocyanin copper
Metal-ion storage and transfer
Iron is stored as iron(III) in ferritin. The exact nature of the
binding site has not yet been determined. The iron appears to
be present as an hydrolysis product such as FeO(OH). Iron is
transported by transferrin whose binding site consists of two
tyrosines, one aspartic acid and one histidine The human body
has no mechanism for iron excretion. This can lead to iron-
overload problems in patients treated with blood transfusions,
as, for instance, with β-thallasemia.


Ceruloplasmin is the major copper-carrying protein in the
blood. Ceruloplasmin exhibits oxidase activity, which is
associated with possible oxidation of Fe2+ (ferrous iron) into
Fe3+ (ferric iron), therefore assisting in its transport in the
plasma in association with transferrin, which can only carry
iron in the ferric state.
Metalloenzymes all have one feature in common, namely, that the metal ion is bound
to the protein with one labile coordination site. As with all enzymes, the shape of the
active site is crucial. The metal ion is usually located in a pocket whose shape fits the

Carbonic anhydrase

 Active site of carbonic anhydrase. The three coordinating histidine residues are
shown in green, hydroxide in red and white, and the zinc in gray.
     CO2 + H2O H2CO3
This reaction is very slow in the absence of a catalyst, but quite fast in the presence of
the hydroxide ion
     CO2 + OH- HCO3-
Vitamin B12-dependent enzymes

Vitamin B12 catalyzes the transfer of methyl (-CH3) groups
between two molecules, which involves the breaking of C-C
bonds, a process that is energetically expensive in organic
reactions. The metal ion lowers the activation energy for the
process by forming a transient Co-CH3 bond.This is a naturally
occurring organometallic compound, which explains its
function in trans-methylation reactions, such as the reaction
carried out by methionine synthase.
Nitrogenase (nitrogen fixation)

The fixation of atmospheric nitrogen is a very energy-intensive
   process, as it involves breaking the very stable triple bond
   between the nitrogen atoms. The enzyme nitrogenase is one
   of the few enzymes that can catalyze the process. The enzyme
   occurs in certain bacteria.

There are three components to its action:
1. a molybdenum atom at the active site,
2. Iron-sulfur clusters which are involved in transporting the
   electrons needed to reduce the nitrogen and
3. an abundant energy source.

The energy is provided by a symbiotic relationship between the
   bacteria and a host plant, often a legume. The relationship is
   symbiotic because the plant supplies the energy by
   photosynthesis and benefits by obtaining the fixed nitrogen.
Superoxide dismutase
The superoxide ion, O2- is generated in biological systems by reduction of
molecular oxygen. It has an unpaired electron, so it behaves as a free radical. It is
a powerful oxidising agent. These properties render the superoxide ion very toxic
and are deployed to advantage by phagocytes to kill invading micro organisms.
Otherwise, the superoxide ion must be destroyed before it does unwanted damage
in a cell. The superoxide dismutase enzymes perform this function very

    Oxidation: M(n+1)+ + O2− → Mn+ + O2

    Reduction: Mn+ + O2− + 2H+ → M(n+1)+ + H2O2.

This type of reaction is call a dismutation reaction. It involves both oxidation and
reduction of superoxide ions. The superoxide dismutase group of enzymes,
abbreviated as SOD, increase the rate of reaction to near the diffusion limited

Calmodulin is an example of a signal-transduction protein. It is a small protein
which contains four EF-hand motifs, each of which can bind a Ca2+ ion.
In an EF-hand loop the calcium ion is coordinated in a pentagonal bipyramidal
The protein has two approximately symmetrical domains, separated by a flexible
"hinge" region. Binding of calcium causes a conformational change to occur in
the protein. Calmodulin participates in an intracellular signalling system by
acting as a diffusible second messenger to the initial stimuli.
The EF hand is a helix-loop-helix structural domain found in a large family of
calcium-binding proteins. The EF-hand motif contains a helix-loop-helix topology,
much like the spread thumb and forefinger of the human hand, in which the
Ca2+ ions are coordinated by ligands within the loop. It consists of twoalpha helices
 positioned roughly perpendicular to one another and linked by a short loop region
(usually about 12 amino acids) that usually binds calciumions. The motif takes its
name from traditional nomenclature used in describing the protein parvalbumin,
which contains three such motifs and is probably involved in muscle relaxation via
its calcium-binding activity. EF hands also appear in each structural domain of the
signaling protein calmodulin and in the muscle protein troponin-C.
Regulation and Control
                   Metalloenzyme Inhibition

•Approximately one-third of the known enzymes have metals as part
of their structure, require that metals be added for activity, or are
further activated by metals.
•In enzymes where a metal has been built into the structure of the
enzyme molecule, the metal cannot be removed without destroying
that structure. Such enzymes include the metalloflavoproteins, the
cytochromes, and the ferredoxins.

•Metals resemble protons (H+) in that they are electrophiles that are
capable of accepting an electron pair to form a chemical bond. In
doing so, metals may act as general acids to react with anionic and
neutral ligands. This characteristic of metals is helpful in enzymatic
structure and function but makes the enzyme it is part of pH
dependent. Changes in pH can disrupt this electron flow that the metal
would normally help facilitate and thus inhibit the overall
effectiveness of the metalloenzyme.
An antioxidant is a molecule capable of slowing or
  preventing the oxidation of other molecules.
Oxidation is a chemical reaction that transfers electrons
  from a substance to an oxidizing agent. Oxidation
  reactions can produce free radicals, which start chain
  reactions that damage cells.
• The term antioxidant originally was used to refer
  specifically to a chemical that prevented the
  consumption of oxygen. In the late 19th and early 20th
  century, extensive study was devoted to the uses of
  antioxidants in important industrial processes, such as
  the prevention of metal corrosion, the vulcanization of
  rubber, and the polymerization of fuels in the fouling of
  internal combustion engines.

• Early research on the role of antioxidants in biology
  focused on their use in preventing the oxidation of
  unsaturated fats, which is the cause of rancidity.
  Antioxidant activity could be measured simply by
  placing the fat in a closed container with oxygen and
  measuring the rate of oxygen consumption. However, it
  was the identification of vitamins A, C, and E as
  antioxidants that revolutionized the field and led to the
  realization of the importance of antioxidants in the
  biochemistry of living organisms.
•   The possible mechanisms of action of antioxidants were first
    explored when it was recognized that a substance with anti-
    oxidative activity is likely to be one that is itself readily
    oxidized.Research into how vitamin E prevents the process of
    lipid peroxidation led to the identification of antioxidants as
    reducing agents that prevent oxidative reactions, often by
    scavenging reactive oxygen species before they can damage

 •   Faulty dietary habits
 •   Diet high in animal fats
 •   Sunlight
 •   Toxic Drugs
 •   Cigarette smoking
 •   Over-exercise
 •   Environmental Pollution

                      1.) VITAMINS
 a) Vitamin E - It is fat soluble, alpha tocopherol is in a unique
  position to safeguard cell membranes largely composed of
  fatty acids from damage by free radicals. Alpha tocopherol
  also protects the fats in low density lipoproteins from

b)Vitamin C - It scavenge free radicals that are in an aqueous
  (watery) environment, such as inside cells. Vitamin C works
  synergistically with vitamin E to quench free radicals.

c) Vitamin A -Vitamin A (retinol), also synthesized by the body
   from beta-carotene, protects dark green, yellow and orange
   vegetables and fruits from solar radiation damage, and is
   thought to play a similar role in the human body.
  a) Selenium
  b) Manganese
  c) Copper
  d) Zinc
These are components of antioxidant enzyme like glutathione
      peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase.
  a) Coenzyme Q10

 a) Beta- carotene : It is the best quencher of single oxygen(an
     energized but uncharged form of oxygen that is toxic to cells).
     Beta- carotene is also especially excellent at scavenging free
     radicals in low oxygen peroxidase.
b) Lycopene
c) Lutein
5. a) Flavonoid polyphenolic
           • Flavones                7.Other nonflavonoid phenolics
           • Apigenin                         •Flavonolignans
           • Luteolin                           •Xanthones
          • Tangeritin
b) Flavonols                         8.Other Organic Antioxidants
• Myricetin                                       •Bilirubin
• Proanthocyanidins                              •Citric acid
c) Flavanones:                               •R alphalipoic acid
• Hesperetin                                      •Uric acid

d) Flavanols and their polymers      The antioxidant enzymes are
• Isoflavone phytoestrogens                 •Superoxide dismutase,
• Anthocyanins                                    •Catalase
                                           •Glutathione peroxidase
6. Phenolic acids and their esters   They serve as primary line of
       • Chlorogenic acid            defense in destroying free radicals.
          • Ellagic acid
           • Gallic acid
       • Rosmarinic acid
Other Classifications

1.Preventive Antioxidants :- They inhibit the initial production of
   free radicals. They include catalase,glutathione
   peroxidase,diethyltriamine pentaacetate and ethylene diamine
2.Chain breaking Antioxidants :- They inhibit the damaging phase
   of free radicals. They include superoxide dismutase, uric acid and
   Vitamin E. Alpha tocopherol act as the most effective naturally
   occurring chain breaking antioxidants in body tissues.
3.Water soluble antioxidants:- Water soluble antioxidants are
   referred to as hydrophilic antioxidants. Basically, they are able to
   assist the body in the process of cell cytosol and help out in the
   blood plasma. In other words they take a hands on approach to
   ridding the body of harmful free radicals and pollutants. Most
   common water soluble antioxidants are:
• Ascorbic acid
• Glutathione
• Lipoic acid
• Uric acid
4 .Lipid Soluble Antioxidants:
Unlike water soluble antioxidants, the lipid soluble version do not
  actively go out seeking to destroy rogue cells in the human body.
  These are the antioxidants which in fact have a much more passive
  role in keeping the human body healthy. Basically, these antioxidants
   work by clinging on to damaged cells, and injecting valuable nutrients
   which support the replenishment and health of that particular
   individual cell. In this way, antioxidants are able to promote the health
   of cells on a celllular level,by working in sync with the cells
   themselves.For e.g. :- Carotenes , Ubiquinol
                    Deficiency of antioxidants
A shortage of antioxidants could cause, or assist in causing Alzheimer's
   disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, diabetes,
   hypertension, infertility, macular degeneration (eye lens
   degeneration) , mental illness, respiratory tract infection.
By adding enough antioxidants to the diet, there is less oxidation stress,
   and aging is also slowed down.
•   Beta-carotene- Green vegetables, ripe yellow fruits &
    vegetables like papaya ,mango ,pumpkin and carrots.

•   Vitamin A – Milk fat, Egg yolk,liver,kidney & fortified
•   Vitamin C – Fresh & Citrus fruits-
    amla,orange,lemon,sweet lime,guava and gooseberry,
    green leafy vegetables & sprouted pulses.
•   Vitamin E – Oil seeds,cereals,nuts,cereal products,
    vegetable oils & egg yolk.
•   Selenium & Zinc – Meat,Sea-food,Cereals & pulses.
•   Copper – Oysters, Mushroom, Liver & nuts.
•   Iron- Green leafy vegetables, cereals,
    millets,pulses,nuts,meat and liver
Non-Nutrient antioxidants sources:
Flavonoid, flavonols, phenolic acids, non flavonoid phenolics.
  Such rich sources of these compounds are bean, cloves, oats,
  tea, coffee, grapes, turmeric, mustard,walnut,
  tomato, brown rice, oak bark, red wine.
Antioxidants and aging
Aging is an irreversible phenomenon for all living organisms. With aging, cell
   division and replacement of dead or damaged cells slows down. Cell death,
   mutation or damage is partly
 caused by the free radicals.
Free radicals affect the skin in three main ways:
• They can alter the fatty layers in cellular membranes. These fatty layers provide
   structure to the cell, and control which nutrients and other agents can pass in
   and out.
• They can alter the DNA within cells, which aside from the potential to develop
   into serious illnesses, can make skin inclined to wrinkles and sagging before its
   natural biological time.
• Altered DNA creates a blueprint for collagen and elastin fibers that don't
   function as healthy, normal ones would.
Free radicals also lead to a process called the cross-linking of
   collagen fibers. This occurs in the skin's dermis, as a result of
   collagen and elastin fibers becoming hard, thick, and then
   binding together. Cross-linked fibers create wrinkles, skin sag,
   and cause regular expression lines to become etched in face as a
   permanent fixture.
With healthy collagen and elastin fibres these expression lines would
   simply disappear once moved facial muscles in a different way.
   And enzymes that metabolize collagen are encouraged by free
   radicals, which, given the importance of collagen in youthful
   looking skin, is best minimized.
             Antioxidant and aging relationship
•   They strengthen the capillaries that supply important nutrients to
    the skin cells, as well as supporting cellular membranes.
•   Healthy cell membranes regenerate quickly and slow the aging
•   Antioxidants' anti-aging benefit is due to their anti-inflammatory

Cancer – a disease that affects so many around the world and
    continues to be studied earnestly in order to finally identify a
    cure. But, in the meantime, researchers, in an effort to take
    control of the spread of this disease, promote programs of
    prevention. Diet, exercise, and the avoidance of controllable
    environmental pollutants are all part of the effort to prevent
It has been shown that cancer derives from good cells gone bad.
    Affected by poor diet, environmental factors, and chemical
    substances, molecules inside the body lose electrons in
    response. The molecules become free radicals and, as such,
    they begin their attack on healthy cells to take back electrons.
Antioxidants and cancer:
• Antioxidants bolster the immune system and work alongside
   healthy cells to combat free radicals.
• Cancer works against the cells in the body while antioxidants
   work on behalf of cells.
Studies related to antioxidants and cancer:
•   The first large randomized trial on antioxidants and cancer
    risk was the Chinese Cancer Prevention Study, published in
    1993. This trial investigated the effect of a combination of
    beta-carotene, vitamin E and selenium significantly reduced
    incidence of both gastric cancer and cancer overall.
•   A 1994 cancer prevention study entitled the Alpha-
    Tocopherol/Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study
    demonstrated that lung cancer rates of Finish male smokers
    increased significantly with beta-carotene and were not
    affected by vitamin E.
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder. The disorder is due to a
   deficiency or diminished effectiveness of the hormone
Antioxidants are beneficial for diabetes suffers, not only to
   maintain antioxidant levels in the body but also to treat the
   long term complications that can arise.
• Neuropathy
• Retinopathy
• Nephropathy
Multiple sources of oxidative stress in diabetes including -
• Non enzymatic,
• Enzymatic
• Mitochondrial pathways.
Antioxidants and Cardiovascular Diseases

Atherosclerosis is a condition where the walls of the arteries
   are damaged and narrowed by deposits of cholesterol and
   other fatty substances, calcium, fibrin, and cellular wastes ,
   eventually blocking off the flow of blood. High blood levels
   of cholesterol - particularly the cholesterol carried by low-
   density lipoprotein ("LDL", a protein found in blood) - are
   associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis.
Oxidation of LDL is believed to contribute to the development
   of atherosclerosis (Frei 1995). Macrophage cells
   preferentially take up oxidized LDL, become loaded with
   lipids, and convert into "foam cells" (Aviram 1996). Foam
   cells accumulate in fatty streaks, early signs of
   atherosclerosis. Humans produce auto-antibodies against
   oxidized LDL.
The identification of LDL oxidation as a key event in
   atherosclerosis suggests that it may be possible to reduce the
   risk of atherosclerosis by antioxidant supplementation (Ylä-
   Herttuala 1991). Vitamin E is the major naturally-occurring
   antioxidant in human lipoproteins (Bowry et al. 1992). Most
   circulating carotenoids are associated with lipoproteins in
   plasma (Clevidence and Bieri 1993). Bieri 1993).

The largest fraction of total carotenoids is found in LDL, as
   evidenced by the typically yellow color of this lipoprotein
   fraction (Clevidence and Bieri 1993). The largest fraction of
   hydrocarbon carotenoids (e.g., beta-carotene and lycopene),
   as well as most vitamin E and other tocopherols, is
   transported by LDL ( Oshima et al. 1997), suggesting that
   these compounds in particular may play an important role in
   preventing oxidative modification of this lipoprotein

•Chatterjea M.N., Shinde,Rana, Textbook of Medical
Biochemistry. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New

•Deb,A.C., Fundamentals of Biochemistry. New Central Book
agency(P)Ltd., Kolkata, 2008.





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Metallo enzyme and antioxidants

  • 1. Metalloenzyme; Antioxidant & Their Relationship With Aging, Cancer &Metabolic Disorders Ms. Latika Yadav (Research Scholar), Dept. of Foods and Nutrition, College of H.Sc,Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur, rajasthan-313001,
  • 2. Metal plays roles in approximately one- third of the known enzymes. Metals may be a co-factor or they may be incorporated into the molecule, and these are known as metalloenzymes. A metalloenzyme is an enzymatic protein that has a strong link between its protein part and metal , where the metal is embedded with in the molecule. In this case metal ion is bound tightly to the enzyme and is not dissociated even after several extensive steps of purification.
  • 3. Metal plays a variety of roles such as : •They help in either maintaining or producing( or both), active structural conformation of the enzyme, •Formation of enzyme substrate complex •Making structural changes in substrate molecule, •Accept or donate electrons, •Activating or functioning as nucleophiles, and •Formation of ternary complexes with enzymes or substrate.
  • 4. Physiological Roles of Metal Ions • cell replication • energy production (ATP synthesis) • O2 transport and storage • synthesis of neurotransmitters • counteracting the effects of aging • RNA synthesis • alcohol breakdown in your liver • hormone synthesis • dilating blood vessels • photosynthesis
  • 5. It is estimated that approximately half of all proteins contain a metal. In another estimate, about one quarter to one third of all proteins are proposed require metals to carry out their functions.Thus, metalloproteins have many different functions in cells, such as •enzymes, transport and storage proteins, and • signal transduction proteins. • 33% of all enzymes contain transition metal ions! • Metal ions PROMOTE REACTIONS • bond cleavage • bond formation • electron transfer • atom transfer • Metal ions PROMOTE PROTEIN FOLDING
  • 6. Coordination chemistry principles In metalloproteins, metal ions are usually coordinated by nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur centres belonging to amino acid residues of the protein. These donor groups are often provided by side-chains on the amino acid residues. Especially important are the imidazole substituent in histidine residues, thiolate substituents in cysteinyl residues, and carboxylate groups provided by aspartate. In addition to donor groups that are provided by amino acid residues, a large number of organic cofactors function as ligands. Perhaps most famous are the tetradentate N4 macrocyclic ligands incorporated into the heme protein. Inorganic ligands such as sulfide and oxide are also common.
  • 7. Storage and transport metalloproteins Oxygen carriers Hemoglobin, which is the principal oxygen carrier in humans has four sub-units in which the iron(II) ion is coordinated by the planar, macrocyclic ligand protoporphyrin IX (PIX) and the imidazole nitrogen atom of a histidine residue. The sixth coordination site contains a water molecule or a dioxygen molecule. myoglobin has only one such unit. The active site is located in an hydrophobic pocket. This is important as, without it, the iron(II) would be irreversibly oxidised to iron(III). Haemoglobin The equilibrium constant for the formation of HbO2 is such that oxygen is taken up or released depending on the partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs or in muscle. In hemoglobin the four sub- units show a cooperativity effect which allows for easy oxygen transfer from hemoglobin to myoglobin.
  • 8. Hemerythrin is another iron-containing oxygen carrier. The oxygen binding site is a binuclear iron center. The iron atoms are coordinated to the protein through the carboxylate side chains of a glutamate and aspartate and five histidine residues. The uptake of O2 by hemerythrin is accompanied by two-electron oxidation of the reduced binuclear center to produce bound peroxide (OOH-). Hemocyanins carry oxygen in the blood of most molluscs, and some arthropods such as the horseshoe crab. They are second only to hemoglobin in biological popularity of use in oxygen transport. On oxygenation the two copper(I) atoms at the active site are oxidised to copper(II) and the dioxygen molecules is reduced to peroxide, O22-.
  • 9. Cytochromes Iron(II), can easily be oxidized to iron(III). This functionality is used in cytochromes which function as electron-transfer vectors. The presence of the metal ion allows metalloenzymes to perform functions such as redox reactions that cannot easily be performed by the limited set of functional groups found in amino acids. The iron atom in most cytochromes is contained in a heme group. The differences between those cytochromes lies in the different side-chains. For instance Cytochrome a has a heme a prosthetic group and cytochrome b has a heme b prosthetic group. These differences result in different Fe2+/Fe3+ redox potentialssuch that various cytochromes are involved in the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Cytochrome P450 enzymes perform the function of inserting an oxygen atom into a C—H bond, an oxidation reaction
  • 10. Rubredoxin Rubredoxin is an electron-carrier found in sulfur-metabolizing bacteria and archaea. The active site contains an iron ion which is coordinated by the sulphur atoms of fourcysteine residues forming an almost regular tetrahedron. Rubredoxins perform one-electron transfer processes. The oxidation state of the iron atom changes between the +2 and +3 states. In both oxidation states the metal is high spin, which helps to minimize structural changes. rubredoxin active site
  • 11. Plastocyanin Plastocyan is one of the family of blue copper proteins which are involved in electron transfer reactions. The copper binding site is described as a ‘distorted trigonal pyramidal’.The trigonal plane of the pyramidal base is composed of two nitrogen atoms (N1 and N2) from separate histidines and a sulfur (S1) from a cysteine. Sulfur (S2) from an axial methionine forms the apex. The ‘distortion’ occurs in the bond lengths between the copper and sulfur ligands. Plastocyanin copper binding
  • 12. Metal-ion storage and transfer Iron Iron is stored as iron(III) in ferritin. The exact nature of the binding site has not yet been determined. The iron appears to be present as an hydrolysis product such as FeO(OH). Iron is transported by transferrin whose binding site consists of two tyrosines, one aspartic acid and one histidine The human body has no mechanism for iron excretion. This can lead to iron- overload problems in patients treated with blood transfusions, as, for instance, with β-thallasemia. Copper Ceruloplasmin is the major copper-carrying protein in the blood. Ceruloplasmin exhibits oxidase activity, which is associated with possible oxidation of Fe2+ (ferrous iron) into Fe3+ (ferric iron), therefore assisting in its transport in the plasma in association with transferrin, which can only carry iron in the ferric state.
  • 13. Metalloenzymes all have one feature in common, namely, that the metal ion is bound to the protein with one labile coordination site. As with all enzymes, the shape of the active site is crucial. The metal ion is usually located in a pocket whose shape fits the substrate. Carbonic anhydrase Active site of carbonic anhydrase. The three coordinating histidine residues are shown in green, hydroxide in red and white, and the zinc in gray. CO2 + H2O H2CO3 This reaction is very slow in the absence of a catalyst, but quite fast in the presence of the hydroxide ion CO2 + OH- HCO3-
  • 14. Vitamin B12-dependent enzymes Vitamin B12 catalyzes the transfer of methyl (-CH3) groups between two molecules, which involves the breaking of C-C bonds, a process that is energetically expensive in organic reactions. The metal ion lowers the activation energy for the process by forming a transient Co-CH3 bond.This is a naturally occurring organometallic compound, which explains its function in trans-methylation reactions, such as the reaction carried out by methionine synthase.
  • 15. Nitrogenase (nitrogen fixation) The fixation of atmospheric nitrogen is a very energy-intensive process, as it involves breaking the very stable triple bond between the nitrogen atoms. The enzyme nitrogenase is one of the few enzymes that can catalyze the process. The enzyme occurs in certain bacteria. There are three components to its action: 1. a molybdenum atom at the active site, 2. Iron-sulfur clusters which are involved in transporting the electrons needed to reduce the nitrogen and 3. an abundant energy source. The energy is provided by a symbiotic relationship between the bacteria and a host plant, often a legume. The relationship is symbiotic because the plant supplies the energy by photosynthesis and benefits by obtaining the fixed nitrogen.
  • 16. Superoxide dismutase The superoxide ion, O2- is generated in biological systems by reduction of molecular oxygen. It has an unpaired electron, so it behaves as a free radical. It is a powerful oxidising agent. These properties render the superoxide ion very toxic and are deployed to advantage by phagocytes to kill invading micro organisms. Otherwise, the superoxide ion must be destroyed before it does unwanted damage in a cell. The superoxide dismutase enzymes perform this function very efficiently. Oxidation: M(n+1)+ + O2− → Mn+ + O2 Reduction: Mn+ + O2− + 2H+ → M(n+1)+ + H2O2. This type of reaction is call a dismutation reaction. It involves both oxidation and reduction of superoxide ions. The superoxide dismutase group of enzymes, abbreviated as SOD, increase the rate of reaction to near the diffusion limited rate.
  • 17. Calmodulin Calmodulin is an example of a signal-transduction protein. It is a small protein which contains four EF-hand motifs, each of which can bind a Ca2+ ion. In an EF-hand loop the calcium ion is coordinated in a pentagonal bipyramidal configuration. The protein has two approximately symmetrical domains, separated by a flexible "hinge" region. Binding of calcium causes a conformational change to occur in the protein. Calmodulin participates in an intracellular signalling system by acting as a diffusible second messenger to the initial stimuli.
  • 18. The EF hand is a helix-loop-helix structural domain found in a large family of calcium-binding proteins. The EF-hand motif contains a helix-loop-helix topology, much like the spread thumb and forefinger of the human hand, in which the Ca2+ ions are coordinated by ligands within the loop. It consists of twoalpha helices positioned roughly perpendicular to one another and linked by a short loop region (usually about 12 amino acids) that usually binds calciumions. The motif takes its name from traditional nomenclature used in describing the protein parvalbumin, which contains three such motifs and is probably involved in muscle relaxation via its calcium-binding activity. EF hands also appear in each structural domain of the signaling protein calmodulin and in the muscle protein troponin-C.
  • 19. Regulation and Control Metalloenzyme Inhibition •Approximately one-third of the known enzymes have metals as part of their structure, require that metals be added for activity, or are further activated by metals. •In enzymes where a metal has been built into the structure of the enzyme molecule, the metal cannot be removed without destroying that structure. Such enzymes include the metalloflavoproteins, the cytochromes, and the ferredoxins. •Metals resemble protons (H+) in that they are electrophiles that are capable of accepting an electron pair to form a chemical bond. In doing so, metals may act as general acids to react with anionic and neutral ligands. This characteristic of metals is helpful in enzymatic structure and function but makes the enzyme it is part of pH dependent. Changes in pH can disrupt this electron flow that the metal would normally help facilitate and thus inhibit the overall effectiveness of the metalloenzyme.
  • 20. ANTIOXIDANT An antioxidant is a molecule capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that transfers electrons from a substance to an oxidizing agent. Oxidation reactions can produce free radicals, which start chain reactions that damage cells.
  • 21. HISTORY • The term antioxidant originally was used to refer specifically to a chemical that prevented the consumption of oxygen. In the late 19th and early 20th century, extensive study was devoted to the uses of antioxidants in important industrial processes, such as the prevention of metal corrosion, the vulcanization of rubber, and the polymerization of fuels in the fouling of internal combustion engines. • Early research on the role of antioxidants in biology focused on their use in preventing the oxidation of unsaturated fats, which is the cause of rancidity. Antioxidant activity could be measured simply by placing the fat in a closed container with oxygen and measuring the rate of oxygen consumption. However, it was the identification of vitamins A, C, and E as antioxidants that revolutionized the field and led to the realization of the importance of antioxidants in the biochemistry of living organisms.
  • 22. The possible mechanisms of action of antioxidants were first explored when it was recognized that a substance with anti- oxidative activity is likely to be one that is itself readily oxidized.Research into how vitamin E prevents the process of lipid peroxidation led to the identification of antioxidants as reducing agents that prevent oxidative reactions, often by scavenging reactive oxygen species before they can damage cells.
  • 23. GENERATION OF EXCESS FREE RADICALS • Faulty dietary habits • Diet high in animal fats • Sunlight • Toxic Drugs • Cigarette smoking • Over-exercise • Environmental Pollution
  • 24. CLASSIFICATION OF ANTIOXIDANTS 1.) VITAMINS a) Vitamin E - It is fat soluble, alpha tocopherol is in a unique position to safeguard cell membranes largely composed of fatty acids from damage by free radicals. Alpha tocopherol also protects the fats in low density lipoproteins from oxidation. b)Vitamin C - It scavenge free radicals that are in an aqueous (watery) environment, such as inside cells. Vitamin C works synergistically with vitamin E to quench free radicals. c) Vitamin A -Vitamin A (retinol), also synthesized by the body from beta-carotene, protects dark green, yellow and orange vegetables and fruits from solar radiation damage, and is thought to play a similar role in the human body.
  • 25. 2.MINERALS : a) Selenium b) Manganese c) Copper d) Zinc These are components of antioxidant enzyme like glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase. 3.VITAMIN COFACTORS : a) Coenzyme Q10 4.CAROTENOIDS: a) Beta- carotene : It is the best quencher of single oxygen(an energized but uncharged form of oxygen that is toxic to cells). Beta- carotene is also especially excellent at scavenging free radicals in low oxygen peroxidase. b) Lycopene c) Lutein
  • 26. 5. a) Flavonoid polyphenolic • Flavones 7.Other nonflavonoid phenolics • Apigenin •Flavonolignans • Luteolin •Xanthones • Tangeritin b) Flavonols 8.Other Organic Antioxidants • Myricetin •Bilirubin • Proanthocyanidins •Citric acid •Lignan c) Flavanones: •R alphalipoic acid • Hesperetin •Uric acid d) Flavanols and their polymers The antioxidant enzymes are • Isoflavone phytoestrogens •Superoxide dismutase, • Anthocyanins •Catalase •Glutathione peroxidase 6. Phenolic acids and their esters They serve as primary line of • Chlorogenic acid defense in destroying free radicals. • Ellagic acid • Gallic acid • Rosmarinic acid
  • 27. Other Classifications 1.Preventive Antioxidants :- They inhibit the initial production of free radicals. They include catalase,glutathione peroxidase,diethyltriamine pentaacetate and ethylene diamine tetra-acetate(EDTA). 2.Chain breaking Antioxidants :- They inhibit the damaging phase of free radicals. They include superoxide dismutase, uric acid and Vitamin E. Alpha tocopherol act as the most effective naturally occurring chain breaking antioxidants in body tissues. 3.Water soluble antioxidants:- Water soluble antioxidants are referred to as hydrophilic antioxidants. Basically, they are able to assist the body in the process of cell cytosol and help out in the blood plasma. In other words they take a hands on approach to ridding the body of harmful free radicals and pollutants. Most common water soluble antioxidants are: • Ascorbic acid • Glutathione • Lipoic acid • Uric acid
  • 28. 4 .Lipid Soluble Antioxidants: Unlike water soluble antioxidants, the lipid soluble version do not actively go out seeking to destroy rogue cells in the human body. These are the antioxidants which in fact have a much more passive role in keeping the human body healthy. Basically, these antioxidants work by clinging on to damaged cells, and injecting valuable nutrients which support the replenishment and health of that particular individual cell. In this way, antioxidants are able to promote the health of cells on a celllular level,by working in sync with the cells themselves.For e.g. :- Carotenes , Ubiquinol Deficiency of antioxidants A shortage of antioxidants could cause, or assist in causing Alzheimer's disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, diabetes, hypertension, infertility, macular degeneration (eye lens degeneration) , mental illness, respiratory tract infection. By adding enough antioxidants to the diet, there is less oxidation stress, and aging is also slowed down.
  • 29. FOOD SOURCES OF ANTIOXIDANTS • Beta-carotene- Green vegetables, ripe yellow fruits & vegetables like papaya ,mango ,pumpkin and carrots. • Vitamin A – Milk fat, Egg yolk,liver,kidney & fortified vanaspati. • Vitamin C – Fresh & Citrus fruits- amla,orange,lemon,sweet lime,guava and gooseberry, green leafy vegetables & sprouted pulses. • Vitamin E – Oil seeds,cereals,nuts,cereal products, vegetable oils & egg yolk. • Selenium & Zinc – Meat,Sea-food,Cereals & pulses. • Copper – Oysters, Mushroom, Liver & nuts. • Iron- Green leafy vegetables, cereals, millets,pulses,nuts,meat and liver
  • 30. Non-Nutrient antioxidants sources: Flavonoid, flavonols, phenolic acids, non flavonoid phenolics. Such rich sources of these compounds are bean, cloves, oats, tea, coffee, grapes, turmeric, mustard,walnut, tomato, brown rice, oak bark, red wine.
  • 31. Antioxidants and aging Aging is an irreversible phenomenon for all living organisms. With aging, cell division and replacement of dead or damaged cells slows down. Cell death, mutation or damage is partly caused by the free radicals. Free radicals affect the skin in three main ways: • They can alter the fatty layers in cellular membranes. These fatty layers provide structure to the cell, and control which nutrients and other agents can pass in and out. • They can alter the DNA within cells, which aside from the potential to develop into serious illnesses, can make skin inclined to wrinkles and sagging before its natural biological time. • Altered DNA creates a blueprint for collagen and elastin fibers that don't function as healthy, normal ones would.
  • 32. Free radicals also lead to a process called the cross-linking of collagen fibers. This occurs in the skin's dermis, as a result of collagen and elastin fibers becoming hard, thick, and then binding together. Cross-linked fibers create wrinkles, skin sag, and cause regular expression lines to become etched in face as a permanent fixture. With healthy collagen and elastin fibres these expression lines would simply disappear once moved facial muscles in a different way. And enzymes that metabolize collagen are encouraged by free radicals, which, given the importance of collagen in youthful looking skin, is best minimized. Antioxidant and aging relationship • They strengthen the capillaries that supply important nutrients to the skin cells, as well as supporting cellular membranes. • Healthy cell membranes regenerate quickly and slow the aging process. • Antioxidants' anti-aging benefit is due to their anti-inflammatory effect.
  • 33. ANTIOXIDANT AND CANCER Cancer – a disease that affects so many around the world and continues to be studied earnestly in order to finally identify a cure. But, in the meantime, researchers, in an effort to take control of the spread of this disease, promote programs of prevention. Diet, exercise, and the avoidance of controllable environmental pollutants are all part of the effort to prevent cancer. It has been shown that cancer derives from good cells gone bad. Affected by poor diet, environmental factors, and chemical substances, molecules inside the body lose electrons in response. The molecules become free radicals and, as such, they begin their attack on healthy cells to take back electrons.
  • 34. Antioxidants and cancer: • Antioxidants bolster the immune system and work alongside healthy cells to combat free radicals. • Cancer works against the cells in the body while antioxidants work on behalf of cells. Studies related to antioxidants and cancer: • The first large randomized trial on antioxidants and cancer risk was the Chinese Cancer Prevention Study, published in 1993. This trial investigated the effect of a combination of beta-carotene, vitamin E and selenium significantly reduced incidence of both gastric cancer and cancer overall. • A 1994 cancer prevention study entitled the Alpha- Tocopherol/Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study demonstrated that lung cancer rates of Finish male smokers increased significantly with beta-carotene and were not affected by vitamin E.
  • 35. ANTIOXIDANT AND DIABETES Diabetes is a metabolic disorder. The disorder is due to a deficiency or diminished effectiveness of the hormone insulin. Antioxidants are beneficial for diabetes suffers, not only to maintain antioxidant levels in the body but also to treat the long term complications that can arise. • Neuropathy • Retinopathy • Nephropathy Multiple sources of oxidative stress in diabetes including - • Non enzymatic, • Enzymatic • Mitochondrial pathways.
  • 36. Antioxidants and Cardiovascular Diseases Atherosclerosis is a condition where the walls of the arteries are damaged and narrowed by deposits of cholesterol and other fatty substances, calcium, fibrin, and cellular wastes , eventually blocking off the flow of blood. High blood levels of cholesterol - particularly the cholesterol carried by low- density lipoprotein ("LDL", a protein found in blood) - are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis. Oxidation of LDL is believed to contribute to the development of atherosclerosis (Frei 1995). Macrophage cells preferentially take up oxidized LDL, become loaded with lipids, and convert into "foam cells" (Aviram 1996). Foam cells accumulate in fatty streaks, early signs of atherosclerosis. Humans produce auto-antibodies against oxidized LDL.
  • 37. The identification of LDL oxidation as a key event in atherosclerosis suggests that it may be possible to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis by antioxidant supplementation (Ylä- Herttuala 1991). Vitamin E is the major naturally-occurring antioxidant in human lipoproteins (Bowry et al. 1992). Most circulating carotenoids are associated with lipoproteins in plasma (Clevidence and Bieri 1993). Bieri 1993). The largest fraction of total carotenoids is found in LDL, as evidenced by the typically yellow color of this lipoprotein fraction (Clevidence and Bieri 1993). The largest fraction of hydrocarbon carotenoids (e.g., beta-carotene and lycopene), as well as most vitamin E and other tocopherols, is transported by LDL ( Oshima et al. 1997), suggesting that these compounds in particular may play an important role in preventing oxidative modification of this lipoprotein fraction.
  • 38. REFERENCE •Chatterjea M.N., Shinde,Rana, Textbook of Medical Biochemistry. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi,1999. •Deb,A.C., Fundamentals of Biochemistry. New Central Book agency(P)Ltd., Kolkata, 2008. • • .pdf • •