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                                                      May 2011

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 M&A Counsel • Litigation 101 • Class Action Stats • Records Management
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You are in-house counsel at ACME Manufacturing Corporation,
a leading publicly held manufacturer of widgets based in
California’s Silicon Valley with close to a $1 billion in market
capitalization. As the only other in-house counsel at ACME
other than the general counsel, your responsibilities include
securities compliance, corporate governance and board matters.
In addition, to the extent that ACME considers or pursues any
mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions, given your past
experience as an up-and-coming M&A lawyer with a prominent
law firm based in New York City, you are also responsible for
shepherding any such transaction and addressing the many
legal issues that arise in connection therewith. Assuming that
the M&A transaction goes further than a draft letter of intent
or term sheet, you may also be responsible for managing the
outside counsel that would be retained to represent ACME in
connection with the potential M&A transaction.

                         ACC Docket   53 May 2011
The majority of the M&A transactions                                                        While you recognize that your approach
that ACME has completed over the past few                                                  to M&A is not optimal, there has not been
years have been relatively small “nip and                                                  a compelling reason to alter it, particularly
tuck” acquisitions, typically structured as                                                given that all of the transactions have been
                                                       FRANK FLETCHER is the general
either stock or asset purchases. None of the        counsel of Nero AG, a developer of     small, low-profile and relatively low-risk. It
                                                           platform-neutral software
companies that ACME has acquired have                      technology for editing and
                                                                                           has certainly not been lost on you that the
been public companies, though a few of the          managing video, music, photos and      legal bills for ACME’s M&A transactions
                                                    other multimedia. Headquartered in
acquisitions were material enough to war-                 Karlsbad, Germany, Nero has      have been much higher than they should be,
rant a Form 8-K filing with the US Securities           subsidiaries in Hangzhou, China;    and you are often puzzled by the large num-
                                                      Tokyo, Japan; and Glendale, Calif.
and Exchange Commission (SEC). While                      Fletcher is responsible for all  ber of lawyers assigned to small transac-
any M&A transaction can result in unin-                     aspects of the company’s       tions. It is also clear to you that many trans-
                                                    worldwide legal function, including
tended consequences, good or bad, none of           mergers and acquisitions, software     actions took much longer to negotiate than
the completed transactions were of the “bet             licensing, patents, trademarks,    should have been the case, as your outside
                                                       antipiracy and litigation. Prior to
the company” variety. None of these transac-          joining Nero, he was a member of     counsel was unduly intransigent with op-
                                                     the products and technologies law
tions involved the use of investment bankers,        group at Sun Microsystems where
                                                                                           posing counsel on a number of deal points.
other non-legal advisors, nor any regulatory          he served as chief counsel for the   Further, if you had been asked, you would
                                                        CPU manufacturing, integrated
or other government approvals.                        circuit testing and validation, and  have indicated some of the deal points as
   Your modus operandi, which the general           global business services groups. He    insignificant to ACME. Undoubtedly, your
                                                     is available at
counsel has not taken issue with, has typi-                                                outside M&A counsel has been success-
cally been to rely almost completely on out-                                               ful in having every acquisition agreement
side counsel to handle all of ACME’s M&A                                                   include extremely one-sided, buyer-friendly
transactions even though you have expert                                                   indemnification provisions — even though
M&A experience. After all, these transac-              KEITH E. GOTTFRIED is a partner     you are a company that has never pursued,
                                                        in the Washington, DC office of
tions have not been “bet the company”                 Blank Rome LLP. He concentrates
                                                                                           nor had reason to pursue, a post-closing
transactions. Since the fees and expenses              his practice primarily on mergers   indemnification claim against a seller. With
                                                           and acquisitions, corporate
of outside counsel for an M&A transaction            governance, shareholder activism,     respect to one transaction, it took almost a
do not come out of your legal department’s             securities regulation, NYSE and     year to acquire a small company since the
                                                     NASDAQ compliance, and general
budget, there has been little incentive for            corporate matters. Gottfried has    respective outside counsel were constantly
you to handle any of the legal work in-             worked on a number of high-profile      at war with each other with no referee. By
                                                     mergers and acquisitions across a
house. As only one of two in-house lawyers               broad range of industries and     the time the transaction was closed, the
                                                        sectors. Prior to rejoining Blank
at ACME, you have numerous other in-                 Rome, he was the general counsel
                                                                                           products of the company acquired had lost
house responsibilities — some of which are            of the US Department of Housing      significant market share (and its pipeline
                                                    and Urban Development, a position
not, from a practical perspective, capable of            to which he was appointed by      had shrunk significantly), and accordingly,
being outsourced to outside counsel. Nor is              President George W. Bush and      ACME’s ability to profit from the deal was
                                                      unanimously confirmed by the US
there a budget for such outsourcing. Given          Senate. Previous to that, Gottfried    adversely affected due to the market shift.
that your former law firm handles most of               was the GC of Borland Software          Now your approach to M&A is about
                                                        Corporation in Cupertino, Calif.
the M&A transactional work, you have the                  He is available at gottfried@    to get its long overdue impetus for change.
utmost trust and confidence in your outside                         The GC has just informed you that ACME
M&A counsel to perform due diligence, ne-                                                  is about to embark on a review of strategic
gotiate the acquisition and ancillary agree-                                               alternatives to enhance shareholder value
ments, prepare closing documents and close the transac-                     that may include the possible sale of ACME. A major
tion. Periodically, you will review the draft acquisition                   investment banking firm has been retained to assist
agreement to see what types of representations and war-                     the company in its review of strategic alternatives. The
ranties ACME is being asked to give, and you may take an                    near-term plan is for the investment bankers to initiate
interest in some of the indemnification provisions to make                   an auction process and seek indications of interest from
sure that ACME is appropriately protected in case the                       potential buyers. An auction form of acquisition agree-
transaction turns into a “mini-disaster.” You might even                    ment will need to be prepared so that potential buyers
eyeball the disclosure schedules prepared by the company                    can review and comment on it, and submit their marked-
that is being acquired. For the most part, however, you                     up agreement with their indication of interest. The cur-
rely on your former colleagues to do everything necessary                   rent plan is to sell ACME in an all-cash public company
to get the deal done, and ensure that ACME’s interests are                  transaction pursuant to a tender offer by the buyer for
appropriately protected and safeguarded.                                    all of ACME’s outstanding shares. A tender offer has

                                                     ACC Docket    54 May 2011
the advantage of providing ACME’s shareholders with               — among other things — roles, responsibilities, expec-
a liquidity event earlier, and generally provides greater         tations, goals and objectives.
certainty of closing, than a one-step cash merger. While              Based on our past M&A experiences, we have prepared
ACME’s board of directors wants to move quickly, the              a list of 100 issues that should be clarified sooner rather
sale of ACME will likely be a complicated and lengthy             than later with outside M&A counsel, but are often not ad-
M&A process. The GC has told you that you will be the             dressed, becoming silent “elephants in the room.”
legal “quarterback” during this process, and will need to
take an active role in overseeing all legal aspects of it and     Assessing qualifications of M&A counsel
the possible transaction. For the next few months, this             1. Understand whether M&A counsel have the
M&A process, and any transaction that is derived from                  necessary competency, experience and depth for
it, will be your highest priority.                                     the transaction you are contemplating. Ascertain
    You finally have your “bet the company” transaction,                whether M&A counsel have experience with the type
which means that allowing your M&A counsel to go on                    of transaction structures that you are considering.
“auto-pilot” is no longer appropriate. For the first time            2. Understand whether M&A counsel have not only the
since coming to ACME, you may actually need to draw                    appropriate M&A expertise, but also the appropriate
on your extensive M&A experience as you seek to man-                   expertise in any applicable specialty areas, such
age your M&A counsel — making sure that there is a                     as tax, antitrust, litigation, intellectual property,
clear understanding of ACME’s goals and objectives, and                government contracts and employee benefits.
the most optimal path to accomplish them. ACME can-                 3. Understand whether M&A counsel will need to
not risk having its sales process collapse because M&A                 draw on additional legal resources from outside
counsel got hung up on deal points that are insignificant               their firm (e.g., local counsel, regulatory counsel,
or irrelevant to ACME. The contemplated transaction is                 Delaware counsel, international counsel, etc.).
also relatively complicated, and given that this is a large         4. Understand whether your M&A counsel have the
public company transaction, there are fiduciary duty,                   necessary industry expertise for the transaction
SEC compliance and regulatory approval issues that will                you are contemplating. If not, consider whether
all need to be carefully and timely addressed. You are                 industry expertise is relevant to your transaction.
naturally concerned that the outside lawyers who have               5. Ask for copies of publicly-filed deal documents
handled ACME’s M&A work in the past may not have the                   (definitive acquisition agreements, SEC filings, etc.)
appropriate depth and experience for the contemplated                  for precedent M&A transactions that members
transaction. Given the complexity of the contemplated                  of the proposed “deal team” have prepared.
transaction, the M&A counsel deal team, which consisted             6. Ask your investment bankers (if already retained)
of a few lawyers in the past, would likely be significantly             whether they think your M&A counsel would
larger as you will need to draw on lawyers from various                be a good fit for the contemplated transaction.
specialties. There is also the possibility that no transac-            If the answer is no, ask them to recommend
tion may ever get done, and the company still ends up                  a number of law firms for you to consider.
with a huge legal bill. As such, careful management of              7. Understand how familiar your intended M&A
legal fees should also be addressed.                                   counsel is with your company. If historical
    This scenario may seem familiar to many of you. Like               knowledge of the company is critical,
the fictional counsel for ACME, there are few situa-                   consider creating a role in the transaction
tions that are more demanding and taxing on in-house                   for your historical corporate counsel.
counsel than a “bet the company” or significant M&A                 8. Confirm that M&A counsel have cleared conflicts
transaction. There are also few situations where out-                  with respect to not just the company, but to all
side counsel is required to develop a closer and more                  third parties that may express an interest in a
intimate relationship with its corporate client and                    transaction with the company as well. Also, confirm
in-house counsel than a significant M&A transaction.                   that they have cleared conflicts with respect to
While in-house counsel will typically be dependent on                  each director and officer of the company.
outside M&A counsel for most of the day-to-day draft-
ing and negotiating of transaction agreements, and the            Staffing the transaction
preparation of related SEC and other regulatory filings,            9. Understand how M&A counsel intends to staff
it is important that the relationship between in-house                 the transaction, for example, the mix of associates
and outside M&A counsel be appropriately clarified and                 and partners and the various legal specialties
calibrated. This way, there is a clear understanding of                that will be called upon from time to time.

                                                ACC Docket      56 May 2011
10. Ask to have all the proposed lawyers identified                                                  Legal fees and expenses
           in advance and request copies of each of their                                                       18. Understand whether M&A counsel would
           bios. Set up a notification or approval process                                                           consider discounting standard hourly rates.
           for new lawyers to be added to the team.                                                             19. Understand whether M&A counsel would consider
       11. Ask to meet all the proposed lawyers before                                                              any alternative fee billing arrangements.
           proceeding with the chosen law firm.                                                                  20. Determine whether to have M&A counsel comply
       12. Ask for a list with detailed contact information                                                         with any formal billing policy of the company’s
           for the day-to-day transaction-working group.                                                            legal department with respect to outside counsel
       13. Ask for a list of recent precedent M&A                                                                   fees (whether existing or to be created and
           transactions for each of the proposed                                                                    implemented). For example, will M&A counsel
           lawyers to be assigned to the matter.                                                                    bill for travel time or multiple attorneys attending
       14. Understand which lawyers will be                                                                         the same meeting? What about internal status
           responsible for the majority of the work.                                                                conference calls where multiple attorneys (but
       15. Understand which lawyer will be your                                                                     not client representatives) are present?
           primary day-to-day contact.                                                                          21. Understand what kind of expenses M&A counsel
       16. Understand whether the partner at the law                                                                expects you to be responsible for (e.g., word
           firm that “pitched” you for the role of M&A                                                               processing, fax and copy charges, secretarial
           counsel will be involved in the transaction, or                                                          overtime, overhead allocations, etc.).
           if he will pass it off to another colleague.                                                         22. Consider whether to have M&A counsel
       17. Inquire of any near-term commitments                                                                     agree to your legal department’s expense
           (vacation, etc.) that may make one or two of                                                             reimbursement policy, be it an existing one or
           the key members of your M&A legal team                                                                   one that would be created and implemented
           unavailable at an inopportune time.                                                                      in the wake of this new matter.

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                                                                                 ACC Docket           57 May 2011
23. Understand how often M&A counsel                       Timing
      will invoice you.                                        32. Explain to M&A counsel what the company’s
  24. Clarify with M&A counsel how often you                       expectations are with respect to timing (e.g.,
      expect to receive updates of fees incurred                   timing of negotiations, board and other
      (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc.).                           internal approvals, signing of definitive
  25. Consider whether to have your CFO meet with                  agreements, closing of transaction, etc.).
      M&A counsel to discuss anticipated legal fees.           33. Discuss with M&A counsel whether the company’s
      Consider also that the more involved your CFO is             timing expectations are reasonable and/or realistic.
      in the retention and fee negotiation process, the            If not, discuss strategies for communicating
      less chance that you as in-house counsel can be              that to the board and/or management.
      reasonably accused of blindsiding the executive          34. Consider whether to ask M&A counsel for
      team with unanticipated costs. Also, your CFO                a detailed week-by-week timetable for the
      may be able to play the role of “bad cop” and                completion of the transaction. Ask M&A counsel
      can put the “hammer down” for cost controls.                 to footnote any such timetable with a discussion
  26. Consider whether to have M&A counsel                         of circumstances under which such a timetable
      provide a forecast or budget for legal fees to be            may not be met. Discuss how often the detailed
      incurred in connection with the transaction or               timetable should be updated and circulated.
      particular stages thereof (e.g., due diligence,          35. Discuss with M&A counsel how deviations
      confidentiality and other preliminary agreements,             from the projected timetable will be
      definitive agreements, SEC filings, closing of                 communicated and addressed.
      the transaction, etc.). Would such a forecast or
      budget be helpful? Would M&A counsel be held           Communication protocols
      accountable to such a forecast or budget?                36. Discuss with M&A counsel the protocols
  27. Discuss with M&A counsel partnering opportunities            for communications between M&A
      with your legal department as a way to reduce                counsel and in-house counsel.
      fees and expenses.                                       37. Discuss with M&A counsel the protocols
  28. Discuss with M&A counsel partnering opportunities            for communications between M&A counsel
      with your day-to-day corporate counsel, such that            and the company’s non-legal personnel.
      any learning curve issues (and the fees that would       38. Discuss with M&A counsel how the internal and
      be incurred as a result thereof) can be avoided.             external deal teams should best communicate
  29. Discuss with M&A counsel whether it or the                   with each other and collaborate (weekly
      company should consider retaining temporary                  conference calls, email, online document
      or contract attorneys as a way to reduce fees                work spaces, instant messaging, etc.).
      and expenses. This could help to avoid unduly            39. Discuss with M&A counsel whether they should be
      consuming internal legal resources otherwise                 contacting individuals inside your company without
      needed to close the business transactions                    going through in-house counsel. At a minimum,
      that keep your company in business.                          you should be copied on all such communications.
                                                               40. Discuss with M&A counsel whether they
Retention of other advisors                                        should be communicating directly with your
  30. Discuss with M&A counsel the need for the                    CEO or CFO. At a minimum, you should
      company to retain any other external advisors                be copied on all such communications.
      (e.g., investment bankers, accountants
      and auditors, valuation experts, etc.).                Chain of command
  31. Discuss with M&A counsel who will be responsible         41. Discuss with M&A counsel the chain of
      for reviewing and commenting on the engagement               command from the company to the outside
      letter agreements with other external advisors.              counsel, and clarify who outside counsel
                                                                   should be taking its marching orders from.
                                                               42. Discuss with M&A counsel how the
                                                                   chain of command will be communicated
                                                                   to all involved parties.

                                            ACC Docket     58 May 2011
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43. Clarify with M&A counsel who should be                      55. Communicate to M&A counsel the extent that
      perceived as the transaction’s quarterback —                    time is of the essence, and explain why.
      the outside counsel or the in-house counsel.
Roles and responsibilities                                        56. Discuss with M&A counsel the risks
  44. Discuss with M&A counsel how roles and                          (legal and business) to the company
      responsibilities will be divided between                        of pursuing the transaction.
      in-house and outside counsel.                               57. Discuss with M&A counsel the potential
  45. Discuss with M&A counsel whether valuation/                     litigation risks to the company (and the
      price discussions will be handled by an experienced             board) of pursuing a transaction and the
      in-house team, the investment bankers, executive                risks of not pursuing a transaction.
      management, specialized advisors or M&A counsel.            58. Discuss with M&A counsel various strategies for
  46. Discuss with M&A counsel who will have                          mitigating the anticipated risks to the transaction.
      responsibility for setting up and maintaining               59. Discuss with M&A counsel whether any
      the electronic data room –– outside or inside                   insurance should be considered to mitigate
      counsel, paralegals or investment bankers.                      any legal risks of the transaction (e.g.,
  47. Discuss with M&A counsel what documents                         representation and warranty insurance).
      will be needed for the preliminary stages                   60. Discuss with M&A counsel the risks to the
      of the transaction (e.g., confidentiality and                    company in pursuing a transaction. If a sale of the
      exclusivity agreements, term sheets and letters                 company is being pursued, there is the possibility
      of intent), and clarify who has ownership                       of talent leakage as the process continues. This
      over the initial drafting of those documents                    can be mitigated, to some extent, by the adoption
      and the timing for the preparation thereof.                     and implementation of retention plans.
                                                                  61. Discuss with M&A counsel the potential harm to the
Visibility of M&A counsel                                             company if the transaction is not completed. This
  48. Discuss with M&A counsel how visible they should                includes the fact that the acquiring company might
      be to the other side and when they should be                    be a potential competitor, and during the course
      invisible. If the company has an experienced deal               of the due diligence process, your company might
      team, then it might be reasonable for the in-house              provide very sensitive and confidential information,
      team to be “front and center.” If the in-house deal             which could affect the company’s ability to compete
      team is less experienced, then it might be reasonable           with such competition if the deal is not completed.
      for M&A counsel to take a more prominent role.
  49. Discuss with M&A counsel how visibility or                Hurdles
      presence on a telephone call or meeting could               62. Discuss with M&A counsel the hurdles that the
      affect the dynamics of the discussions.                         transaction may need to surmount, including, but
                                                                      not limited to, regulatory approvals, stockholder
Goals and objectives                                                  approvals, third-party consents, SEC, etc.
  50. Discuss the goals and objectives
      of the transaction early.                                 Showstoppers
  51. Clarify with M&A counsel why the                            63. Discuss with M&A counsel the potential
      company is pursuing this transaction.                           “showstoppers” that could cause
  52. Clarify with M&A counsel how the                                the transaction not to occur.
      proposed transaction syncs with the                         64. Discuss with M&A counsel strategies to
      company’s business strategy.                                    mitigate and avoid any “showstoppers.”
  53. Clarify with M&A counsel what would need
      to occur to make the proposed transaction                 Industry overview
      less attractive to the company and less of a                65. Provide M&A counsel (and any other external
      fit with the company’s business strategy.                        advisors) with an update on the company’s industry
  54. Clarify with M&A counsel the extent to which                    and recent developments with respect thereto.
      timing of the transaction affects, if at all, the
      goals and objectives of the transaction.

                                                ACC Docket    60 May 2011
Company overview                                                           (e.g., reluctance of some private equity firms
  66. Provide M&A counsel (and any other external                          to commit to two-step tender offers and their
      advisors) with an update on the company, its                         preference for one-step merger transactions).
      products and services, go-to-market strategy, M&A,
      corporate development, and other growth plans                Approvals
      and recent developments with respect thereto.                   71. Discuss with M&A counsel what internal
                                                                          and external approval processes the
Transaction structures                                                    transaction may be subject to.
  67. Clarify with M&A counsel the various transaction                72. Discuss with M&A counsel what internal approvals
      structures that can potentially satisfy the company’s               are required before proceeding (CEO, CFO, board,
      objectives. Consider whether to involve other                       significant or controlling stockholders, etc.).
      C-level executives in these discussions (e.g.,                  73. Discuss with M&A counsel possible steps
      CFO, treasurer, corporate development, etc.).                       that could be taken in advance to make
  68. Understand from M&A counsel the tax                                 these approvals easier to obtain.
      consequences of the various transaction                         74. Discuss with M&A counsel whether the transaction
      structures under consideration.                                     will be subject to the Hart-Scott-Rodino
  69. Discuss with M&A counsel how the various                            Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 (HSR).
      transaction structures under consideration                      75. Discuss with M&A counsel whether any HSR
      affect the timing of the transaction.                               issues can be addressed up front to make sure
  70. Discuss with M&A counsel how the various                            the deal is not delayed due to HSR issues.
      transaction structures under consideration would                76. Discuss with M&A counsel the timing and
      affect the ability of the company to attract a buyer                mechanics for stockholder approvals (e.g.,
                                                                          preparation and filing of a proxy statement).

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                                                  ACC Docket    61 May 2011
ACC Extras on… Issues to Clarify with Your M&A Counsel

   ACC Docket                                                        Article
   • Distressed Acquisitions: How You Can Create Value               • Look Before You Leap (Oct. 2010). This third edition of
     During Difficult Times (April 2010). Read this article to          Deloitte’s “Look Before You Leap” survey focuses on the
     learn how to reshape the business with a well-structured          use of background/integrity checks when considering a
     acquisition and restructured relationships with key               business relationship, investment or acquisition outside
     stakeholders.                    of the United States.
   • Bet the Company: Litigation from a Policyholder’s
     Perspective (May 2009). This article empowers policyholders     Resources
     and offers guidance on how to persevere when litigation         • ACC Compliance Training Portal. The ACC Compliance
     hits.                       Training Portal provides information and resources
                                                                       on a wide range of compliance issues that affect your
   Quick References                                                    everyday professional life. With this helpful online
   • Top Things to Know About M&A Involving Intel                      tool, you can provide the best ethics and compliance
     Companies (April 2010). This article discusses the                advice to your client.
     top things to understand when undertaking the
     acquisition of an intelligence agency contractor.                  ACC has more material on this subject on our website.                            Visit, where you can browse our resources
   • Top Ten Indemnification Concerns in M&A Transactions             by practice area or search by keyword.
     (Mar 2009). This ACC Top Ten focuses on the more
     complicated side of indemnification concerns, which usually           The new GLD button lets you click to copy, print or email
     is the business buyer’s side, of mergers and acquisitions.           a checklist from certain ACC online resources.

  77. Discuss with M&A counsel whether any                              82. Discuss with M&A counsel any lead times
      regulatory approvals or notifications will need                        applicable to providing board and/or
      to be obtained or made in connection with                             committee members with briefing materials
      the transaction, and the timing thereof.                              in connection with an M&A transaction.
  78. Discuss with M&A counsel whether any                              83. Discuss with M&A counsel whether in-house or
      third-party consents or notices will need                             outside counsel will have responsibility for preparing
      to be obtained or given in connection with                            materials that will be distributed to the company’s
      the transaction, and the timing thereof.                              board of directors (e.g., agreement summaries,
                                                                            fiduciary duty memos, reasons for transaction, risks
Board and governance issues                                                 of the transaction, proposed resolutions, etc.).
  79. Discuss with M&A counsel what board of
      directors and governance issues will need to be                Definitive agreements
      addressed as the transaction unfolds (the need                    84. Discuss with M&A counsel what definitive
      for board and/or committee meetings, board                            agreements would be customary for the
      presentations, board authorizations, etc.).                           transaction structure being contemplated.
  80. Discuss with M&A counsel the current schedule for                 85. Discuss with M&A counsel whether in-house or
      board and/or committee meetings and determine                         outside counsel will have primary responsibility
      the need for any special meetings to be scheduled.                    for the initial drafts of the definitive agreements.
  81. Discuss with M&A counsel what fiduciary duties                     86. Discuss with M&A counsel the timing for the
      will be applicable to members of the company’s                        preparation of the initial drafts of the definitive
      board of directors and what steps will need to                        agreements.
      be taken to ensure that board members comply                      87. Discuss with M&A counsel what process should
      with their fiduciary duties under applicable law.                      be followed for having the initial drafts of the
                                                                            definitive agreements reviewed and discussed

                                                  ACC Docket       62 May 2011
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       ACC members, take advantage of your Alliance discount.
with internal groups at the company. For example,         SEC filings
      the representations and warranties with respect             98. Discuss with M&A counsel whether in-house or
      to financial statements and other financial                       outside counsel will have primary responsibility
      information should be discussed with, and                       for preparing the initial drafts of the various
      reviewed by, the finance and accounting groups.                  SEC documents that will need to be prepared in
                                                                      connection with the transaction (e.g., Form 8-K’s,
Disclosure schedules                                                  proxy statements, tender offer documents, etc.).
  88. Discuss with M&A counsel whether in-                        99. Discuss with M&A counsel what SEC clearance
      house or outside counsel will have primary                      processes will need to be followed in connection
      responsibility for preparing the initial                        with the transaction and how those processes
      draft of the disclosure schedules.                              could affect the timing of the transaction
                                                                      and the choice of transaction structure.
Deal protection issues                                           100. Discuss with M&A counsel any open or past
  89. Understand from M&A counsel what deal                           SEC issues that could affect the timing of the
      protection devices are available to the                         SEC’s review of any documents filed by the
      company to protect the transaction.                             company in connection with a transaction
  90. Discuss with M&A counsel what the                               (e.g., unresolved comments on your
      current legal landscape is with respect to the                  company’s annual report on Form 10-K).
      enforceability of deal protection devices.
  91. Review with M&A counsel the strategic                     Shepherding the “bet the company”
      players that might be expected to attempt to              can be successful
      interfere with any significant M&A transaction                 Shepherding a significant or “bet the company” M&A
      that might be pursued by the company.                     transaction can be one of the most exciting events in the
                                                                career of an in-house counsel. A tremendous amount of
Transaction negotiations                                        additional responsibility is quickly placed at the feet of
  92. Discuss with M&A counsel who will have the lead           in-house counsel, but with that responsibility comes the
      in negotiating the terms of the definitive agreements.     opportunity to evolve and/or change the future of your
  93. Discuss with M&A counsel what the                         company forever, as M&A often does. Given the huge
      negotiating approach and strategy will be.                amount of legal, logistical and other work involved in
  94. Discuss with M&A counsel which issues                     driving an M&A transaction to successful completion,
      in the definitive agreement are particularly               it requires an intense amount of partnering between in-
      sensitive to the company and which are not.               house counsel and other internal colleagues, with outside
  95. Ensure M&A counsel have clarity on the                    M&A counsel. We hope the 100 items listed above will
      issues that the company does not want                     provide in-house counsel with a useful roadmap for those
      to allow the deal to get hung up on.                      issues that need to be clarified sooner rather than later
                                                                with outside M&A counsel. Following this roadmap leads
Disclosure issues                                               to a clear understanding of, among other things, roles and
  96. Clarify with M&A counsel when the company                 responsibilities, expectations and goals, and objectives.
      would be required to publicly disclose that
      it is pursuing an M&A transaction.                        Have a comment on this article? Visit ACC’s blog
  97. Clarify with M&A counsel whether the company              at
      or outside counsel would be responsible
      for preparing press releases and other
      communications related to an M&A transaction.

                                              ACC Docket      64 May 2011

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May 2011 ACC Docket 100 Issues To Clarify With Your M&A Counsel Fletcher Gottfried

  • 1. INSIDE: Canadian Briefings May 2011 Preparing for the Worst: D&O Protection and the Major Corporate Lawsuit M&A Counsel • Litigation 101 • Class Action Stats • Records Management Early Data Assessment • Social Media & Employees • Valuing Litigation
  • 3. You are in-house counsel at ACME Manufacturing Corporation, a leading publicly held manufacturer of widgets based in California’s Silicon Valley with close to a $1 billion in market capitalization. As the only other in-house counsel at ACME other than the general counsel, your responsibilities include securities compliance, corporate governance and board matters. In addition, to the extent that ACME considers or pursues any mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions, given your past experience as an up-and-coming M&A lawyer with a prominent law firm based in New York City, you are also responsible for shepherding any such transaction and addressing the many legal issues that arise in connection therewith. Assuming that the M&A transaction goes further than a draft letter of intent or term sheet, you may also be responsible for managing the outside counsel that would be retained to represent ACME in connection with the potential M&A transaction. ACC Docket 53 May 2011
  • 4. The majority of the M&A transactions While you recognize that your approach that ACME has completed over the past few to M&A is not optimal, there has not been years have been relatively small “nip and a compelling reason to alter it, particularly tuck” acquisitions, typically structured as given that all of the transactions have been FRANK FLETCHER is the general either stock or asset purchases. None of the counsel of Nero AG, a developer of small, low-profile and relatively low-risk. It platform-neutral software companies that ACME has acquired have technology for editing and has certainly not been lost on you that the been public companies, though a few of the managing video, music, photos and legal bills for ACME’s M&A transactions other multimedia. Headquartered in acquisitions were material enough to war- Karlsbad, Germany, Nero has have been much higher than they should be, rant a Form 8-K filing with the US Securities subsidiaries in Hangzhou, China; and you are often puzzled by the large num- Tokyo, Japan; and Glendale, Calif. and Exchange Commission (SEC). While Fletcher is responsible for all ber of lawyers assigned to small transac- any M&A transaction can result in unin- aspects of the company’s tions. It is also clear to you that many trans- worldwide legal function, including tended consequences, good or bad, none of mergers and acquisitions, software actions took much longer to negotiate than the completed transactions were of the “bet licensing, patents, trademarks, should have been the case, as your outside antipiracy and litigation. Prior to the company” variety. None of these transac- joining Nero, he was a member of counsel was unduly intransigent with op- the products and technologies law tions involved the use of investment bankers, group at Sun Microsystems where posing counsel on a number of deal points. other non-legal advisors, nor any regulatory he served as chief counsel for the Further, if you had been asked, you would CPU manufacturing, integrated or other government approvals. circuit testing and validation, and have indicated some of the deal points as Your modus operandi, which the general global business services groups. He insignificant to ACME. Undoubtedly, your is available at counsel has not taken issue with, has typi- outside M&A counsel has been success- cally been to rely almost completely on out- ful in having every acquisition agreement side counsel to handle all of ACME’s M&A include extremely one-sided, buyer-friendly transactions even though you have expert indemnification provisions — even though M&A experience. After all, these transac- KEITH E. GOTTFRIED is a partner you are a company that has never pursued, in the Washington, DC office of tions have not been “bet the company” Blank Rome LLP. He concentrates nor had reason to pursue, a post-closing transactions. Since the fees and expenses his practice primarily on mergers indemnification claim against a seller. With and acquisitions, corporate of outside counsel for an M&A transaction governance, shareholder activism, respect to one transaction, it took almost a do not come out of your legal department’s securities regulation, NYSE and year to acquire a small company since the NASDAQ compliance, and general budget, there has been little incentive for corporate matters. Gottfried has respective outside counsel were constantly you to handle any of the legal work in- worked on a number of high-profile at war with each other with no referee. By mergers and acquisitions across a house. As only one of two in-house lawyers broad range of industries and the time the transaction was closed, the sectors. Prior to rejoining Blank at ACME, you have numerous other in- Rome, he was the general counsel products of the company acquired had lost house responsibilities — some of which are of the US Department of Housing significant market share (and its pipeline and Urban Development, a position not, from a practical perspective, capable of to which he was appointed by had shrunk significantly), and accordingly, being outsourced to outside counsel. Nor is President George W. Bush and ACME’s ability to profit from the deal was unanimously confirmed by the US there a budget for such outsourcing. Given Senate. Previous to that, Gottfried adversely affected due to the market shift. that your former law firm handles most of was the GC of Borland Software Now your approach to M&A is about Corporation in Cupertino, Calif. the M&A transactional work, you have the He is available at gottfried@ to get its long overdue impetus for change. utmost trust and confidence in your outside The GC has just informed you that ACME M&A counsel to perform due diligence, ne- is about to embark on a review of strategic gotiate the acquisition and ancillary agree- alternatives to enhance shareholder value ments, prepare closing documents and close the transac- that may include the possible sale of ACME. A major tion. Periodically, you will review the draft acquisition investment banking firm has been retained to assist agreement to see what types of representations and war- the company in its review of strategic alternatives. The ranties ACME is being asked to give, and you may take an near-term plan is for the investment bankers to initiate interest in some of the indemnification provisions to make an auction process and seek indications of interest from sure that ACME is appropriately protected in case the potential buyers. An auction form of acquisition agree- transaction turns into a “mini-disaster.” You might even ment will need to be prepared so that potential buyers eyeball the disclosure schedules prepared by the company can review and comment on it, and submit their marked- that is being acquired. For the most part, however, you up agreement with their indication of interest. The cur- rely on your former colleagues to do everything necessary rent plan is to sell ACME in an all-cash public company to get the deal done, and ensure that ACME’s interests are transaction pursuant to a tender offer by the buyer for appropriately protected and safeguarded. all of ACME’s outstanding shares. A tender offer has ACC Docket 54 May 2011
  • 5.
  • 6. the advantage of providing ACME’s shareholders with — among other things — roles, responsibilities, expec- a liquidity event earlier, and generally provides greater tations, goals and objectives. certainty of closing, than a one-step cash merger. While Based on our past M&A experiences, we have prepared ACME’s board of directors wants to move quickly, the a list of 100 issues that should be clarified sooner rather sale of ACME will likely be a complicated and lengthy than later with outside M&A counsel, but are often not ad- M&A process. The GC has told you that you will be the dressed, becoming silent “elephants in the room.” legal “quarterback” during this process, and will need to take an active role in overseeing all legal aspects of it and Assessing qualifications of M&A counsel the possible transaction. For the next few months, this 1. Understand whether M&A counsel have the M&A process, and any transaction that is derived from necessary competency, experience and depth for it, will be your highest priority. the transaction you are contemplating. Ascertain You finally have your “bet the company” transaction, whether M&A counsel have experience with the type which means that allowing your M&A counsel to go on of transaction structures that you are considering. “auto-pilot” is no longer appropriate. For the first time 2. Understand whether M&A counsel have not only the since coming to ACME, you may actually need to draw appropriate M&A expertise, but also the appropriate on your extensive M&A experience as you seek to man- expertise in any applicable specialty areas, such age your M&A counsel — making sure that there is a as tax, antitrust, litigation, intellectual property, clear understanding of ACME’s goals and objectives, and government contracts and employee benefits. the most optimal path to accomplish them. ACME can- 3. Understand whether M&A counsel will need to not risk having its sales process collapse because M&A draw on additional legal resources from outside counsel got hung up on deal points that are insignificant their firm (e.g., local counsel, regulatory counsel, or irrelevant to ACME. The contemplated transaction is Delaware counsel, international counsel, etc.). also relatively complicated, and given that this is a large 4. Understand whether your M&A counsel have the public company transaction, there are fiduciary duty, necessary industry expertise for the transaction SEC compliance and regulatory approval issues that will you are contemplating. If not, consider whether all need to be carefully and timely addressed. You are industry expertise is relevant to your transaction. naturally concerned that the outside lawyers who have 5. Ask for copies of publicly-filed deal documents handled ACME’s M&A work in the past may not have the (definitive acquisition agreements, SEC filings, etc.) appropriate depth and experience for the contemplated for precedent M&A transactions that members transaction. Given the complexity of the contemplated of the proposed “deal team” have prepared. transaction, the M&A counsel deal team, which consisted 6. Ask your investment bankers (if already retained) of a few lawyers in the past, would likely be significantly whether they think your M&A counsel would larger as you will need to draw on lawyers from various be a good fit for the contemplated transaction. specialties. There is also the possibility that no transac- If the answer is no, ask them to recommend tion may ever get done, and the company still ends up a number of law firms for you to consider. with a huge legal bill. As such, careful management of 7. Understand how familiar your intended M&A legal fees should also be addressed. counsel is with your company. If historical This scenario may seem familiar to many of you. Like knowledge of the company is critical, the fictional counsel for ACME, there are few situa- consider creating a role in the transaction tions that are more demanding and taxing on in-house for your historical corporate counsel. counsel than a “bet the company” or significant M&A 8. Confirm that M&A counsel have cleared conflicts transaction. There are also few situations where out- with respect to not just the company, but to all side counsel is required to develop a closer and more third parties that may express an interest in a intimate relationship with its corporate client and transaction with the company as well. Also, confirm in-house counsel than a significant M&A transaction. that they have cleared conflicts with respect to While in-house counsel will typically be dependent on each director and officer of the company. outside M&A counsel for most of the day-to-day draft- ing and negotiating of transaction agreements, and the Staffing the transaction preparation of related SEC and other regulatory filings, 9. Understand how M&A counsel intends to staff it is important that the relationship between in-house the transaction, for example, the mix of associates and outside M&A counsel be appropriately clarified and and partners and the various legal specialties calibrated. This way, there is a clear understanding of that will be called upon from time to time. ACC Docket 56 May 2011
  • 7. 10. Ask to have all the proposed lawyers identified Legal fees and expenses in advance and request copies of each of their 18. Understand whether M&A counsel would bios. Set up a notification or approval process consider discounting standard hourly rates. for new lawyers to be added to the team. 19. Understand whether M&A counsel would consider 11. Ask to meet all the proposed lawyers before any alternative fee billing arrangements. proceeding with the chosen law firm. 20. Determine whether to have M&A counsel comply 12. Ask for a list with detailed contact information with any formal billing policy of the company’s for the day-to-day transaction-working group. legal department with respect to outside counsel 13. Ask for a list of recent precedent M&A fees (whether existing or to be created and transactions for each of the proposed implemented). For example, will M&A counsel lawyers to be assigned to the matter. bill for travel time or multiple attorneys attending 14. Understand which lawyers will be the same meeting? What about internal status responsible for the majority of the work. conference calls where multiple attorneys (but 15. Understand which lawyer will be your not client representatives) are present? primary day-to-day contact. 21. Understand what kind of expenses M&A counsel 16. Understand whether the partner at the law expects you to be responsible for (e.g., word firm that “pitched” you for the role of M&A processing, fax and copy charges, secretarial counsel will be involved in the transaction, or overtime, overhead allocations, etc.). if he will pass it off to another colleague. 22. Consider whether to have M&A counsel 17. Inquire of any near-term commitments agree to your legal department’s expense (vacation, etc.) that may make one or two of reimbursement policy, be it an existing one or the key members of your M&A legal team one that would be created and implemented unavailable at an inopportune time. in the wake of this new matter. We want to hear from you! Visit the Client Service section of our new website, and take our on-line client survey to tell us how we can better serve you. We’ve also added great new resources to help you with various aspects of your business, including industry-related blogs that will keep you informed of the latest legal trends. Visit our new website at 400 West Market Street | Suite 3200 | Louisville | 800-757-4094 | Offices in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee and West Virginia. THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT. ©2011 Frost Brown Todd LLC. All rights reserved. ACC Docket 57 May 2011
  • 8. 23. Understand how often M&A counsel Timing will invoice you. 32. Explain to M&A counsel what the company’s 24. Clarify with M&A counsel how often you expectations are with respect to timing (e.g., expect to receive updates of fees incurred timing of negotiations, board and other (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc.). internal approvals, signing of definitive 25. Consider whether to have your CFO meet with agreements, closing of transaction, etc.). M&A counsel to discuss anticipated legal fees. 33. Discuss with M&A counsel whether the company’s Consider also that the more involved your CFO is timing expectations are reasonable and/or realistic. in the retention and fee negotiation process, the If not, discuss strategies for communicating less chance that you as in-house counsel can be that to the board and/or management. reasonably accused of blindsiding the executive 34. Consider whether to ask M&A counsel for team with unanticipated costs. Also, your CFO a detailed week-by-week timetable for the may be able to play the role of “bad cop” and completion of the transaction. Ask M&A counsel can put the “hammer down” for cost controls. to footnote any such timetable with a discussion 26. Consider whether to have M&A counsel of circumstances under which such a timetable provide a forecast or budget for legal fees to be may not be met. Discuss how often the detailed incurred in connection with the transaction or timetable should be updated and circulated. particular stages thereof (e.g., due diligence, 35. Discuss with M&A counsel how deviations confidentiality and other preliminary agreements, from the projected timetable will be definitive agreements, SEC filings, closing of communicated and addressed. the transaction, etc.). Would such a forecast or budget be helpful? Would M&A counsel be held Communication protocols accountable to such a forecast or budget? 36. Discuss with M&A counsel the protocols 27. Discuss with M&A counsel partnering opportunities for communications between M&A with your legal department as a way to reduce counsel and in-house counsel. fees and expenses. 37. Discuss with M&A counsel the protocols 28. Discuss with M&A counsel partnering opportunities for communications between M&A counsel with your day-to-day corporate counsel, such that and the company’s non-legal personnel. any learning curve issues (and the fees that would 38. Discuss with M&A counsel how the internal and be incurred as a result thereof) can be avoided. external deal teams should best communicate 29. Discuss with M&A counsel whether it or the with each other and collaborate (weekly company should consider retaining temporary conference calls, email, online document or contract attorneys as a way to reduce fees work spaces, instant messaging, etc.). and expenses. This could help to avoid unduly 39. Discuss with M&A counsel whether they should be consuming internal legal resources otherwise contacting individuals inside your company without needed to close the business transactions going through in-house counsel. At a minimum, that keep your company in business. you should be copied on all such communications. 40. Discuss with M&A counsel whether they Retention of other advisors should be communicating directly with your 30. Discuss with M&A counsel the need for the CEO or CFO. At a minimum, you should company to retain any other external advisors be copied on all such communications. (e.g., investment bankers, accountants and auditors, valuation experts, etc.). Chain of command 31. Discuss with M&A counsel who will be responsible 41. Discuss with M&A counsel the chain of for reviewing and commenting on the engagement command from the company to the outside letter agreements with other external advisors. counsel, and clarify who outside counsel should be taking its marching orders from. 42. Discuss with M&A counsel how the chain of command will be communicated to all involved parties. ACC Docket 58 May 2011
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  • 10. 43. Clarify with M&A counsel who should be 55. Communicate to M&A counsel the extent that perceived as the transaction’s quarterback — time is of the essence, and explain why. the outside counsel or the in-house counsel. Risks Roles and responsibilities 56. Discuss with M&A counsel the risks 44. Discuss with M&A counsel how roles and (legal and business) to the company responsibilities will be divided between of pursuing the transaction. in-house and outside counsel. 57. Discuss with M&A counsel the potential 45. Discuss with M&A counsel whether valuation/ litigation risks to the company (and the price discussions will be handled by an experienced board) of pursuing a transaction and the in-house team, the investment bankers, executive risks of not pursuing a transaction. management, specialized advisors or M&A counsel. 58. Discuss with M&A counsel various strategies for 46. Discuss with M&A counsel who will have mitigating the anticipated risks to the transaction. responsibility for setting up and maintaining 59. Discuss with M&A counsel whether any the electronic data room –– outside or inside insurance should be considered to mitigate counsel, paralegals or investment bankers. any legal risks of the transaction (e.g., 47. Discuss with M&A counsel what documents representation and warranty insurance). will be needed for the preliminary stages 60. Discuss with M&A counsel the risks to the of the transaction (e.g., confidentiality and company in pursuing a transaction. If a sale of the exclusivity agreements, term sheets and letters company is being pursued, there is the possibility of intent), and clarify who has ownership of talent leakage as the process continues. This over the initial drafting of those documents can be mitigated, to some extent, by the adoption and the timing for the preparation thereof. and implementation of retention plans. 61. Discuss with M&A counsel the potential harm to the Visibility of M&A counsel company if the transaction is not completed. This 48. Discuss with M&A counsel how visible they should includes the fact that the acquiring company might be to the other side and when they should be be a potential competitor, and during the course invisible. If the company has an experienced deal of the due diligence process, your company might team, then it might be reasonable for the in-house provide very sensitive and confidential information, team to be “front and center.” If the in-house deal which could affect the company’s ability to compete team is less experienced, then it might be reasonable with such competition if the deal is not completed. for M&A counsel to take a more prominent role. 49. Discuss with M&A counsel how visibility or Hurdles presence on a telephone call or meeting could 62. Discuss with M&A counsel the hurdles that the affect the dynamics of the discussions. transaction may need to surmount, including, but not limited to, regulatory approvals, stockholder Goals and objectives approvals, third-party consents, SEC, etc. 50. Discuss the goals and objectives of the transaction early. Showstoppers 51. Clarify with M&A counsel why the 63. Discuss with M&A counsel the potential company is pursuing this transaction. “showstoppers” that could cause 52. Clarify with M&A counsel how the the transaction not to occur. proposed transaction syncs with the 64. Discuss with M&A counsel strategies to company’s business strategy. mitigate and avoid any “showstoppers.” 53. Clarify with M&A counsel what would need to occur to make the proposed transaction Industry overview less attractive to the company and less of a 65. Provide M&A counsel (and any other external fit with the company’s business strategy. advisors) with an update on the company’s industry 54. Clarify with M&A counsel the extent to which and recent developments with respect thereto. timing of the transaction affects, if at all, the goals and objectives of the transaction. ACC Docket 60 May 2011
  • 11. Company overview (e.g., reluctance of some private equity firms 66. Provide M&A counsel (and any other external to commit to two-step tender offers and their advisors) with an update on the company, its preference for one-step merger transactions). products and services, go-to-market strategy, M&A, corporate development, and other growth plans Approvals and recent developments with respect thereto. 71. Discuss with M&A counsel what internal and external approval processes the Transaction structures transaction may be subject to. 67. Clarify with M&A counsel the various transaction 72. Discuss with M&A counsel what internal approvals structures that can potentially satisfy the company’s are required before proceeding (CEO, CFO, board, objectives. Consider whether to involve other significant or controlling stockholders, etc.). C-level executives in these discussions (e.g., 73. Discuss with M&A counsel possible steps CFO, treasurer, corporate development, etc.). that could be taken in advance to make 68. Understand from M&A counsel the tax these approvals easier to obtain. consequences of the various transaction 74. Discuss with M&A counsel whether the transaction structures under consideration. will be subject to the Hart-Scott-Rodino 69. Discuss with M&A counsel how the various Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 (HSR). transaction structures under consideration 75. Discuss with M&A counsel whether any HSR affect the timing of the transaction. issues can be addressed up front to make sure 70. Discuss with M&A counsel how the various the deal is not delayed due to HSR issues. transaction structures under consideration would 76. Discuss with M&A counsel the timing and affect the ability of the company to attract a buyer mechanics for stockholder approvals (e.g., preparation and filing of a proxy statement). Feel good Corporate Finance Mergers and Acquisitions Intellectual Property Product Liability Defense Energy and Agribusiness Securities Litigation about your Life Sciences Intellectual Property Real Estate law rm. Bankruptcy/Financial Institutions Commercial Litigation Employment and Bene ts Minneapolis | Denver | ACC Docket 61 May 2011
  • 12. ACC Extras on… Issues to Clarify with Your M&A Counsel ACC Docket Article • Distressed Acquisitions: How You Can Create Value • Look Before You Leap (Oct. 2010). This third edition of During Difficult Times (April 2010). Read this article to Deloitte’s “Look Before You Leap” survey focuses on the learn how to reshape the business with a well-structured use of background/integrity checks when considering a acquisition and restructured relationships with key business relationship, investment or acquisition outside stakeholders. of the United States. • Bet the Company: Litigation from a Policyholder’s Perspective (May 2009). This article empowers policyholders Resources and offers guidance on how to persevere when litigation • ACC Compliance Training Portal. The ACC Compliance hits. Training Portal provides information and resources on a wide range of compliance issues that affect your Quick References everyday professional life. With this helpful online • Top Things to Know About M&A Involving Intel tool, you can provide the best ethics and compliance Companies (April 2010). This article discusses the advice to your client. top things to understand when undertaking the acquisition of an intelligence agency contractor. ACC has more material on this subject on our website. Visit, where you can browse our resources • Top Ten Indemnification Concerns in M&A Transactions by practice area or search by keyword. (Mar 2009). This ACC Top Ten focuses on the more complicated side of indemnification concerns, which usually The new GLD button lets you click to copy, print or email is the business buyer’s side, of mergers and acquisitions. a checklist from certain ACC online resources. 77. Discuss with M&A counsel whether any 82. Discuss with M&A counsel any lead times regulatory approvals or notifications will need applicable to providing board and/or to be obtained or made in connection with committee members with briefing materials the transaction, and the timing thereof. in connection with an M&A transaction. 78. Discuss with M&A counsel whether any 83. Discuss with M&A counsel whether in-house or third-party consents or notices will need outside counsel will have responsibility for preparing to be obtained or given in connection with materials that will be distributed to the company’s the transaction, and the timing thereof. board of directors (e.g., agreement summaries, fiduciary duty memos, reasons for transaction, risks Board and governance issues of the transaction, proposed resolutions, etc.). 79. Discuss with M&A counsel what board of directors and governance issues will need to be Definitive agreements addressed as the transaction unfolds (the need 84. Discuss with M&A counsel what definitive for board and/or committee meetings, board agreements would be customary for the presentations, board authorizations, etc.). transaction structure being contemplated. 80. Discuss with M&A counsel the current schedule for 85. Discuss with M&A counsel whether in-house or board and/or committee meetings and determine outside counsel will have primary responsibility the need for any special meetings to be scheduled. for the initial drafts of the definitive agreements. 81. Discuss with M&A counsel what fiduciary duties 86. Discuss with M&A counsel the timing for the will be applicable to members of the company’s preparation of the initial drafts of the definitive board of directors and what steps will need to agreements. be taken to ensure that board members comply 87. Discuss with M&A counsel what process should with their fiduciary duties under applicable law. be followed for having the initial drafts of the definitive agreements reviewed and discussed ACC Docket 62 May 2011
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  • 14. with internal groups at the company. For example, SEC filings the representations and warranties with respect 98. Discuss with M&A counsel whether in-house or to financial statements and other financial outside counsel will have primary responsibility information should be discussed with, and for preparing the initial drafts of the various reviewed by, the finance and accounting groups. SEC documents that will need to be prepared in connection with the transaction (e.g., Form 8-K’s, Disclosure schedules proxy statements, tender offer documents, etc.). 88. Discuss with M&A counsel whether in- 99. Discuss with M&A counsel what SEC clearance house or outside counsel will have primary processes will need to be followed in connection responsibility for preparing the initial with the transaction and how those processes draft of the disclosure schedules. could affect the timing of the transaction and the choice of transaction structure. Deal protection issues 100. Discuss with M&A counsel any open or past 89. Understand from M&A counsel what deal SEC issues that could affect the timing of the protection devices are available to the SEC’s review of any documents filed by the company to protect the transaction. company in connection with a transaction 90. Discuss with M&A counsel what the (e.g., unresolved comments on your current legal landscape is with respect to the company’s annual report on Form 10-K). enforceability of deal protection devices. 91. Review with M&A counsel the strategic Shepherding the “bet the company” players that might be expected to attempt to can be successful interfere with any significant M&A transaction Shepherding a significant or “bet the company” M&A that might be pursued by the company. transaction can be one of the most exciting events in the career of an in-house counsel. A tremendous amount of Transaction negotiations additional responsibility is quickly placed at the feet of 92. Discuss with M&A counsel who will have the lead in-house counsel, but with that responsibility comes the in negotiating the terms of the definitive agreements. opportunity to evolve and/or change the future of your 93. Discuss with M&A counsel what the company forever, as M&A often does. Given the huge negotiating approach and strategy will be. amount of legal, logistical and other work involved in 94. Discuss with M&A counsel which issues driving an M&A transaction to successful completion, in the definitive agreement are particularly it requires an intense amount of partnering between in- sensitive to the company and which are not. house counsel and other internal colleagues, with outside 95. Ensure M&A counsel have clarity on the M&A counsel. We hope the 100 items listed above will issues that the company does not want provide in-house counsel with a useful roadmap for those to allow the deal to get hung up on. issues that need to be clarified sooner rather than later with outside M&A counsel. Following this roadmap leads Disclosure issues to a clear understanding of, among other things, roles and 96. Clarify with M&A counsel when the company responsibilities, expectations and goals, and objectives. would be required to publicly disclose that it is pursuing an M&A transaction. Have a comment on this article? Visit ACC’s blog 97. Clarify with M&A counsel whether the company at or outside counsel would be responsible for preparing press releases and other communications related to an M&A transaction. ACC Docket 64 May 2011