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M8 Matthew 21-27,
Scripture summary, selected verses,
Chosen questions, suggest answer
21 Kings go to Jerusalem
• 1. Riding a donkey into the city of Jerusalem
(verses 1-11)
• 2. Clean the Temple (12-17)
• 3. Judgment on the fig tree (verses 18-22)
• 4. Blocking the mouths of opponents (verses 23-
• 5. The parable of the two sons (verses 28-32)
• 6. The parable of the evil gardener (verses 33-46)
Key verses
• [Matthew 21: 13] "Said to them: "It is written in the
scriptures: "My temple will be called the temple of
prayer; you have made him a den of thieves." "』」
• [Matthew 21: 22] "No matter what you pray for, as long
as you believe, you will receive it."
• [Matt 21: 27] "So I answered Jesus, "We don't know."
Jesus said, "I will not tell you what authority I use to do
these things.""
• [Matt 21:44] "Whoever falls on this stone will be
broken; and whoever falls on this stone will be
smashed to pieces."
• 1. The called person refuses to come to the
feast (verses 1 to 6)
• 2. The king calls other people to the feast
(verses 7-10)
• 3. Guests who are not wearing formal clothes
are driven outside by the king (11-14)
22-1 The parable of the king setting up
a wedding feast for his son
Key verses
• [Matthew 22: 12] "Just said to him, "My friend,
why don't you wear a dress when you come
here?" "The man has nothing to answer."
• [Matt 22: 13] "Then the king said to the caller:
"Tie up his hands and feet, and throw him into
the darkness outside. "There will be weeping and
gnashing of teeth."
• [Matthew 22: 14] "Because there are many
people called, but few people are selected."
22-2 Questions in Questions
• 1. The Pharisees and Herod asked whether the
Lord could pay taxes to Caesar (verses 15-22)
• 2. The Sadducees asked the Lord who
remarried the woman after the resurrection
(verses 23-33)
• 3. The lawyer asks the Lord which one is the
greatest commandment in the law (vv. 34-40)
• 4. The Lord asked the Pharisees what they
thought of Christ (verses 41-46)
Key verses
• [Matthew 22: 17] "Please tell us what is your
opinion: "Can you pay taxes to Caesar? "』」
• [Matthew 22:32] "He said: "I am the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of
Jacob. " God is not the god of the dead, but
the god of the living.""
Key verses
• [Matthew 22: 37] "Jesus said to him: "You must
love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul,
and mind."
• [Matthew 22: 38] "This is the first and greatest
• [Matthew 22:39] "The second is similar, that is,
love your neighbor as yourself."
• [Matthew 22:40] "These two commandments are
the general outline of all the doctrines of the law
and the prophets.""
23-1 The Lord's Vigilance on His
• 1. Don't imitate the behavior of the Pharisees (verses 1~4)
• 2. Don't imitate the vanity of the Pharisees (verses 5-12)
• [Matthew 23: 8] "But you should not be called a rabbi;
because there is only one of your Master; you are all
• [Matthew 23:9] "Neither should you call the people on the
earth your father; because there is only one person who is
your Father, that is, the Father in heaven."
• [Matthew 23:10] "Don't be called a master either; because
there is only one of your masters, and that is Christ."
23-2 The Lord's Rebuke to the
• 1. Close the door of heaven (verse 13)
• 2. Embezzlement of widow’s possessions (v. 14)
• 3. Seduce people to teach (15)
• 4. Lead the way blindly (verses 16-22)
• 5. To the end (verse 23~24)
• 6. Clean outside and dirty inside (section 25~26)
• 7. Like a whitewashed tomb (verses 27-28)
• 8. Killing the Prophet (29~36)
Key verses
• [Matthew 23:13] "Woe to you, scribes and
Pharisees, hypocrites; because you are in front of
you and you have closed the gates of the
kingdom of heaven; those who do not enter by
yourself, and are about to enter, you will not let
them in ."
• [Matthew 23:16] "Woe to you blind guides; you
say: "Whoever swears by the temple, this is
nothing; but whoever swears by the gold in the
temple, he should be careful. ""
23-3 The Lord's Lament for Jerusalem
• 1. The Lord is willing many times, but they are not
willing (v. 37)
• 2. Prophecy that the city of Jesus and the temple will
become a wasteland (v. 38)
• 3. It is prophesied that he must be known as the
Messiah at the end of the day (verse 39)
• [Matthew 23:37] "Jerusalem! Jerusalem! You often kill
the prophets and stone those who were sent to you; I
have been willing to gather your children many times,
just like a hen gathers a chick. Under the wings, it’s just
that you don’t want to.”
24 King's talk about what will happen
in the future
• 一. Statements on Jewish voters:
• 1. Prophecy of the destruction of the temple (verses 1~2)
• 2. The prophecy that came before the end (verses 3-14)
• 3. Prophecy about the Great Tribulation (verses 15-28)
• 4. Prophecies about the coming of the Son of Man (vv.29-
• 二. Talks for New Testament believers:
• 1. Learn from the fig tree to know that the Son of Man is
near (verses 32-35)
• 2. Like Noah’s day, so will the day when the Son of Man
comes (vv. 36~44)
• 3. Punish evil servants when the Lord comes (verses 45-51)
Key verses
• [Matthew 24:13] "Only those who endure to the
end will be saved."
• [Matthew 24:14] "The gospel of the kingdom of
heaven will be preached throughout the world
and be a testimony to all people, and then the
end will come."
• [Matthew 24:35] "Heaven and earth will pass
away, but my words cannot pass away."
• [Matthew 24:36] "But no one knows that day and
hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,
but the Father knows."
25 Judgment at the Second Coming
• 一、For the judgment of believers:
• 1. According to how to treat others (2445~51)
• 2. Prepare yourself according to how to prepare (1~13)
• 3. According to how to use the gift of God (verses 14-30)
• 二、. Judgment of the world (those who will survive when
the Lord returns):
• 1. Separate sheep and goats (31~33 knots)
• 2. Sheep who treat God's people well are rewarded (verses
• 3. Goats who neglect the plight of God's people are
punished (verses 41-46)
Key verses
• [Matthew 25:11] "The rest of the virgins also
came and said, "Lord, Lord, open the door for
us." ""
• [Matthew 25:12] "But he replied: "I tell you the
truth, I don't know you. ""
• [Matt. 25:21] "The master said: "Okay, you kind
and loyal servant; you are loyal to a few things, I
want you to manage many things; you can come
in and enjoy the happiness of your master . ""
Key verses
• 【Matt. Twenty-five 29】 "Because everything that has
it will be added to him, so that he will have a surplus; if
it is not, even what he has will be taken away."
• [Matthew 25:34] "Then the king will say to the man on
the right: "You who have been blessed by my father,
come and inherit the kingdom that has been prepared
for you since the creation of the world. "
• [Matthew 25:45] "The king will answer: "I tell you the
truth, if you don't do these things to the youngest of
my brothers, you just don't do it to me. ""
26-1 The king is finally abandoned
• 一、prelude:
• 1. The Lord's Enlightenment (verses 1~2)
• 2. Man's plan (verses 3~5)
• 二. King's Abandoned Valuation:
• 1. "Waste" thirty tales of silver for Him-Mary
anoints the Lord (6~13)
• 2. For the 30-dollar "seller"-the Judas seller
(vv.14-16) )
Key verses
• [Matthew 26:10] "Jesus saw what they meant,
and said, "Why is it embarrassing for this
woman? What she did to me is a beautiful
• [Matthew 26:11] "Because the poor are
always with you; but you don't always have
• [Matthew 26:12] "She poured this ointment
on me for my burial. 」
26-2 The Abandoned King/Lonely
• 三、The record of Wang being abandoned:
• 1. Passover feast (17-25)
• 2. The bread and the cup symbolize the Lord's
body and blood (verses 26-30)
• 四. Wang's abandoned loneliness:
• 1. Sad for the "cup" that is about to be drunk
(rejected by God the Father) (verses 31-39)
• 2. The disciples were unable to watch with him
because of their physical weakness (verses 40-46)
26-3 The king was rejected by the
Jewish leader ,Peter denied the Lord
three times
• 五、The king was rejected by the Jewish
leaders: 1. Being arrested (verses 47~56) 2.
Being tried and humiliated (verses 57-68)
• 六. The king was abandoned by his disciples-
Peter denied the Lord three times (69~75
Key verses
• [Matthew 26:24] "The Son of Man will die, as the
scriptures have written about him, but woe to the man
who sells the Son of Man; it would be better for that
person not to be born in the world."
• [Matthew 26:31] "At that time, Jesus said to them:
"Tonight you will all fall for my sake; because it is
written in the scriptures: "I will strike the shepherd,
and the sheep will be scattered." ""
• [Matt 26: 39] "He walked forward a little bit, fell face
down, and prayed: "My father, if it is feasible, please let
this cup leave me; but don't do what I want, just do
what you want. 』」
Key verses
• [Matthew 26: 74] "Peter swears and curses: "I
don't recognize that person." Immediately the
rooster crowed."
• [Matthew 26:75] "Peter remembered what
Jesus said, before the rooster cried, you have
to deny me three times. He went out and
wept bitterly."
Key verses
• [Matt 26:48] "The betrayer gave them a signal,
saying: "Whoever I kiss, he is; you can hold him.""
• [Matthew 26:50] "Jesus said to him, "Friend,
what you are here to do, just give up." So those
people stepped forward and took hold of Jesus."
• [Matthew 26:64] "Jesus said to him: "What you
are saying is; but I tell you that later you will see
the Son of Man, sitting at the right hand of the
mighty one, coming down on the clouds of
27-1 Trial before Pilate
• The Lord’s trial, crucifixion, crucifixion, and
• 一. To be tried before Pilate:
• 1. Dismissed and handed over to Pilate (verses
• 2. The ending of Judas (verses 3-10)
• 3. Trial and conviction (11~26)
Key verses
• [Matthew 27 4] "'I have sold the blood of innocent
people, and I am guilty.' They said, 'What does it have
to do with us; you take it for yourself.'"
• [Matthew 27: 5] "So Judas threw the money in the
temple and went out and hanged it to death."
• [Matthew 27:24] "When Pilate saw that it was of no
avail, but if there was a disturbance, he took water and
washed his hands in front of the crowd, saying: "I shed
the blood of this righteous man. I am not responsible
for the crime. You bear it.""
27-2 Crucifixion and Crucifixion/Burial
• 二、Suffering and crucifixion:
• 1. Being teased and humiliated (27~31)
• 2. Simond carrying the cross (verse 32)
• 3. Crucified and ridiculed (verses 33-44)
• 4. Forsaken by God (verses 45-50)
• 5. The effect of death on the cross (verses 51-54)
• 6. The women who follow to the cross (verses 55-56)
• 三. Burial:
• 1. Buried in the rich man’s new grave (verses 57-61)
• 2. Soldiers guard the tomb (verses 62-66)
Key verses
• [Matt 2745] "From noon to Shenchu, it was
dark everywhere."
• [Matt 27: 46] "About the beginning of the
morning, Jesus shouted loudly: "Eli, Eli,
Lamasabhagdani." That is, "My God, my God,
why have you forsaken me?" ?』"
Key verses
• [Matthew 27:50] "Jesus cried out again, and his
anger died."
• 【Matthew 2751】 "Suddenly the veil in the
temple was torn in half from top to bottom; the
ground also quaked; the rock also cracked;
• [Matthew 27:54] "The centurion and those who
guarded Jesus saw the earthquake and what they
experienced, and they were extremely afraid,
saying, "This is really the Son of God.""
Key verses
• [Matt 27: 63] ""My lord, we remember that the
tempter, when he was still alive, said: "I will be
resurrected in three days." ""
• [Matthew 27:64] "Therefore, please order people
to keep the tomb secure until the third day; lest
his disciples come and steal him, they tell the
people, "He has risen from the dead." "In this
way, the subsequent confusion is more
advantageous than the previous one.""
• [Matt 27:66] "They went with the guards, sealed
the stone, and guarded the tomb properly."
1 Do you have the confidence in Matthew 21:22? If not, how can you
achieve it? 【Mat 21 22】
2 Who is the stone referred to by Tai 21 44, then where should we put
the stone 【Mat 21 44]
3 Why did the Pharisees and the Herodists ask Jesus the question of
paying taxes to Rome? What is the spiritual impact? 【åMat 22 17】
4. What are the similarities between love for God and lover? Are there
any differences? 【Matt 22 37-40】
5. Did Jesus put the matter of entering the kingdom of heaven on the
first line of accusing the Pharisees? Why would he do this? Do you
know how to enter the gate of heaven? 【Matthew 23 13】
6. In our current world, we hope that some people will give to those
who don’t, but the principles of the kingdom of God have to be added
to them, and those who don’t have will be taken away. What lessons
can we learn from it, we How should one's attitude in life be adjusted?
【Matt Twenty-Five 29】
7. When Judas betrayed Jesus, why Jesus was a friend of Judas? From
this experience, how we should learn in our lives [Matthew 26:50]
[Matthew 21: 22] "No matter what
you pray for, as long as you believe,
you will receive it."
• [John 9:31] "We know that God does not listen to
sinners; only those who worship God and do His will,
God listens to Him."
• [1 John 5:14] "If we ask for anything according to his
will, he will listen to us. This is the fearless heart we
have toward him."
• A90 The begin steps that prayers are heard, John 9:31,
God-is your God, God-is your God/check, Jesus lives
with me/check, sinner, only way, worships God, does
his will ppp
[Matthew 21: 22] "No matter what
you pray for, as long as you believe,
you will receive it."
• [James 2:20] "Fantasy people, would you like to know
that faith without deeds is dead?”
• P2 What is follow GOD’s will Basic requirement,
division, Salvation(Man’s responsibility), four
milestones ppp
• P1 follow GOD will and analogy What is difference
between man and GOD, Know GOD , Simple to
Complex ppp
Suggested answer
• 2 Who is the stone referred to by Mat 21 44, then
where should we put the stone 【Mat 21 44]
• [Matthew 21:44] "Whoever falls on this stone will
be broken to pieces; whoever falls on this stone
will be smashed to pieces."
• [Ephesians 2:20] "It was built on the foundation
of apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus
himself as the cornerstone;"
• [1 Corinthians 3:11] "Because the foundation that
has been laid is Jesus Christ, and no one can lay
another foundation."
Suggested answer
• ppp S Summary Guide for disciple training
• 5 Jesus in-dwelling Bigger promise, Journey of
abide in word, Spiritual blessing, Faith/Chosen/
Eternal life ppp
Suggested answer
• 3 Why did the Pharisees and the Herodists ask
Jesus the question of paying taxes to Rome?
What is the spiritual impact?
• 【Mat 22 17】 2 Corinthians 5.21 God makes the
innocent [no sinless] sin for us, so that we can
become the righteousness of God in Him.
• [1 John 29] "The next day, when John saw Jesus
come to him, he said: "Behold, the Lamb of God,
take away (or bear) the sins of the world."
Suggested answer
• 4. What are the similarities between love for
God and lover? Are there any differences? 【
Matt 22 37-40】
• 7 Great commandment Call LORD attitude,
GOD see us, Meaning of with all including
heart ppp
Suggested answer
• 5. Did Jesus put the matter of entering the kingdom of heaven on the first line of accusing the
Pharisees? Why would he do this? Do you know how to enter the gate of heaven? 【
Matthew 23 13】
• 16 Salvation 3/3, Become a little child, Paul daily living, Stick to the end, Once save, always
save? ppp
• 16 Salvation, rebirth 2/3 What is rebirth? How does rebirth happen? What are the
characteristics of a reborn person? Why should we be born again? ppp
• 16 Salvation 1/3, lottery, God’s effort to provide salvation How to get our salvation ppp
• 16 Salvation diagram, Support roadbed, The way to salvation, The process of salvation ppp
Suggested answer
• 6. In our current world, we hope that some people will
give to those who don’t, but the principles of the
kingdom of God have to be added to them, and those
who don’t have will be taken away. What lessons can
we learn from it, we How should one's attitude in life
be adjusted? 【Matt 25:29】
• The world is talking about money, but what the
kingdom of God focuses on is the gift of God. When we
use our gift, God will give more, but if we don’t use our
gift, then God will take it away, so we have to use our
gifts as much as possible, but we must never have any
pride, because this is what we have received from God
Suggested answer
• 7. When Judas betrayed Jesus, why Jesus was a friend
of Judas? From this experience, how we should learn in
our lives [Matthew 26:50]
• [Ephesians 6:12] "Because we are not fighting against
the flesh and blood, but against those who are in
power, those in power, those who rule this dark world,
and the spiritual demons in the sky."
• [Proverbs 4:23] "You must keep your heart better than
keeping everything (or "you must keep your heart
earnestly"), because the effect of life comes from the
contact method
• the above is the disciple training website , I have
designed it according to what I know about the Bible,
if there is any inconsistency with the Bible ,please do
not hesitate to contact me. if you want to start, please
start on the below webpage
• E-mail for chance to be on Zoom session
• ppp S Summary Guide for disciple training

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A384 有審判他的;就是我所講的道 審判, 自己責備自己, 耶和華本為善 所講的道, 開他們的心竅, 愛我的
A384 有審判他的;就是我所講的道 審判, 自己責備自己, 耶和華本為善 所講的道, 開他們的心竅, 愛我的A384 有審判他的;就是我所講的道 審判, 自己責備自己, 耶和華本為善 所講的道, 開他們的心竅, 愛我的
A384 有審判他的;就是我所講的道 審判, 自己責備自己, 耶和華本為善 所講的道, 開他們的心竅, 愛我的
A375 Example Taste the taste of the Lord, the taste of the Lord The taste of...
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A375 Example Taste the taste of the Lord, the taste of the Lord The taste of...
A383  不可貪愛錢財 貪愛錢財, 貪愛豐富 一個僕人不能侍奉兩個主 人所尊貴的,是神看為可憎惡的
A383  不可貪愛錢財 貪愛錢財, 貪愛豐富 一個僕人不能侍奉兩個主 人所尊貴的,是神看為可憎惡的A383  不可貪愛錢財 貪愛錢財, 貪愛豐富 一個僕人不能侍奉兩個主 人所尊貴的,是神看為可憎惡的
A383  不可貪愛錢財 貪愛錢財, 貪愛豐富 一個僕人不能侍奉兩個主 人所尊貴的,是神看為可憎惡的
A382 上帝之鞭 若犯了罪, 因他受的鞭伤我们得医治 我造光,又造暗, 安在滑地 假冒為善
A382 上帝之鞭 若犯了罪, 因他受的鞭伤我们得医治 我造光,又造暗, 安在滑地 假冒為善A382 上帝之鞭 若犯了罪, 因他受的鞭伤我们得医治 我造光,又造暗, 安在滑地 假冒為善
A382 上帝之鞭 若犯了罪, 因他受的鞭伤我们得医治 我造光,又造暗, 安在滑地 假冒為善
A373 true knowledge Not according to true knowledge, knowledge/true knowledg...
A373 true knowledge  Not according to true knowledge, knowledge/true knowledg...A373 true knowledge  Not according to true knowledge, knowledge/true knowledg...
A373 true knowledge Not according to true knowledge, knowledge/true knowledg...
A381 世界的王 天下的萬國交付我的, 受了審判 在我裏面是毫無所有, 如何來, 現今的影響 應該如何自處
A381 世界的王 天下的萬國交付我的, 受了審判 在我裏面是毫無所有, 如何來, 現今的影響 應該如何自處A381 世界的王 天下的萬國交付我的, 受了審判 在我裏面是毫無所有, 如何來, 現今的影響 應該如何自處
A381 世界的王 天下的萬國交付我的, 受了審判 在我裏面是毫無所有, 如何來, 現今的影響 應該如何自處
A380 心中沒有神 為什麼會沒有神, 沒有神的表現, 信有神 造成沒有神的原因, 有了我的命令 又遵守的
A380 心中沒有神 為什麼會沒有神, 沒有神的表現, 信有神 造成沒有神的原因, 有了我的命令 又遵守的A380 心中沒有神 為什麼會沒有神, 沒有神的表現, 信有神 造成沒有神的原因, 有了我的命令 又遵守的
A380 心中沒有神 為什麼會沒有神, 沒有神的表現, 信有神 造成沒有神的原因, 有了我的命令 又遵守的
A379 字句是叫人死 人, 體貼肉體, 什麼是字句? 世俗中活著, 照著基督.
A379 字句是叫人死 人, 體貼肉體, 什麼是字句? 世俗中活著, 照著基督.A379 字句是叫人死 人, 體貼肉體, 什麼是字句? 世俗中活著, 照著基督.
A379 字句是叫人死 人, 體貼肉體, 什麼是字句? 世俗中活著, 照著基督.
A376 聖靈充滿 能夠容易證實的聖靈充滿, 不容易證實的聖靈充滿, 聖靈 怎麼知道我有聖靈充滿
A376 聖靈充滿 能夠容易證實的聖靈充滿,  不容易證實的聖靈充滿, 聖靈 怎麼知道我有聖靈充滿A376 聖靈充滿 能夠容易證實的聖靈充滿,  不容易證實的聖靈充滿, 聖靈 怎麼知道我有聖靈充滿
A376 聖靈充滿 能夠容易證實的聖靈充滿, 不容易證實的聖靈充滿, 聖靈 怎麼知道我有聖靈充滿
A375 主恩宣教例子 嘗嘗主恩的滋味, 主恩的滋味 主恩的滋味/個人, 主恩的滋味/夫妻 主恩的滋味/下一代
A375 主恩宣教例子 嘗嘗主恩的滋味, 主恩的滋味 主恩的滋味/個人, 主恩的滋味/夫妻 主恩的滋味/下一代A375 主恩宣教例子 嘗嘗主恩的滋味, 主恩的滋味 主恩的滋味/個人, 主恩的滋味/夫妻 主恩的滋味/下一代
A375 主恩宣教例子 嘗嘗主恩的滋味, 主恩的滋味 主恩的滋味/個人, 主恩的滋味/夫妻 主恩的滋味/下一代
A374 人所說的閒話 閒話,當審判的日子, 言語/污穢人 不潔淨的人, 生死在舌頭的權下 保守你心, 愛慕長壽,得享美福
A374 人所說的閒話 閒話,當審判的日子, 言語/污穢人 不潔淨的人, 生死在舌頭的權下 保守你心, 愛慕長壽,得享美福A374 人所說的閒話 閒話,當審判的日子, 言語/污穢人 不潔淨的人, 生死在舌頭的權下 保守你心, 愛慕長壽,得享美福
A374 人所說的閒話 閒話,當審判的日子, 言語/污穢人 不潔淨的人, 生死在舌頭的權下 保守你心, 愛慕長壽,得享美福
A373 真知識 不是按著真知識, 知識/真知識 知識=>真知識距離的差距, 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是愛神 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是認識神, 知識 /真...
A373 真知識 不是按著真知識, 知識/真知識 知識=>真知識距離的差距, 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是愛神 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是認識神,  知識 /真...A373 真知識 不是按著真知識, 知識/真知識 知識=>真知識距離的差距, 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是愛神 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是認識神,  知識 /真...
A373 真知識 不是按著真知識, 知識/真知識 知識=>真知識距離的差距, 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是愛神 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是認識神, 知識 /真...
A372 自己欺哄自己 聽道 / 行道, 聽道/心中沒有根 聽道明白了,後來結實, 多結果子
A372 自己欺哄自己 聽道 / 行道, 聽道/心中沒有根 聽道明白了,後來結實, 多結果子A372 自己欺哄自己 聽道 / 行道, 聽道/心中沒有根 聽道明白了,後來結實, 多結果子
A372 自己欺哄自己 聽道 / 行道, 聽道/心中沒有根 聽道明白了,後來結實, 多結果子
A371 開𩆜眼 𩆜,𩆜眼不開人可以看到神的國度嗎? 神可以看到人的作為嗎? 向他顯現 = 開𩆜眼 信心與所聽見的道
A371 開𩆜眼 𩆜,𩆜眼不開人可以看到神的國度嗎? 神可以看到人的作為嗎? 向他顯現 = 開𩆜眼 信心與所聽見的道A371 開𩆜眼 𩆜,𩆜眼不開人可以看到神的國度嗎? 神可以看到人的作為嗎? 向他顯現 = 開𩆜眼 信心與所聽見的道
A371 開𩆜眼 𩆜,𩆜眼不開人可以看到神的國度嗎? 神可以看到人的作為嗎? 向他顯現 = 開𩆜眼 信心與所聽見的道
A370 基督十字架的仇敵 耶穌十字架的苦難 =>喜樂, 仇敵, 同死同活, 必得著生命 與神和好, 又新又活的路, 屬基督耶穌
A370 基督十字架的仇敵 耶穌十字架的苦難 =>喜樂, 仇敵,  同死同活, 必得著生命 與神和好, 又新又活的路, 屬基督耶穌A370 基督十字架的仇敵 耶穌十字架的苦難 =>喜樂, 仇敵,  同死同活, 必得著生命 與神和好, 又新又活的路, 屬基督耶穌
A370 基督十字架的仇敵 耶穌十字架的苦難 =>喜樂, 仇敵, 同死同活, 必得著生命 與神和好, 又新又活的路, 屬基督耶穌
A369  定睛在虛無的錢財  錢財, 虛無的錢財, 錢財必長翅膀 神喜悅誰, 凡接待祂的 => 信祂名的人 與他同住
A369  定睛在虛無的錢財  錢財, 虛無的錢財, 錢財必長翅膀 神喜悅誰, 凡接待祂的 => 信祂名的人 與他同住A369  定睛在虛無的錢財  錢財, 虛無的錢財, 錢財必長翅膀 神喜悅誰, 凡接待祂的 => 信祂名的人 與他同住
A369  定睛在虛無的錢財  錢財, 虛無的錢財, 錢財必長翅膀 神喜悅誰, 凡接待祂的 => 信祂名的人 與他同住
A367 行惡的未曾見過神。   行善, 耶穌開他們的心竅 未曾見過神, 神是靈, 要向他顯現
A367 行惡的未曾見過神。   行善, 耶穌開他們的心竅 未曾見過神, 神是靈, 要向他顯現A367 行惡的未曾見過神。   行善, 耶穌開他們的心竅 未曾見過神, 神是靈, 要向他顯現
A367 行惡的未曾見過神。   行善, 耶穌開他們的心竅 未曾見過神, 神是靈, 要向他顯現
A366人的思想/神的思想 神的話,立刻用人的解釋。神的話 =>人的解釋 => 神的話 神的話,正確的解釋法。神的思想
A366人的思想/神的思想 神的話,立刻用人的解釋。神的話 =>人的解釋 => 神的話  神的話,正確的解釋法。神的思想A366人的思想/神的思想 神的話,立刻用人的解釋。神的話 =>人的解釋 => 神的話  神的話,正確的解釋法。神的思想
A366人的思想/神的思想 神的話,立刻用人的解釋。神的話 =>人的解釋 => 神的話 神的話,正確的解釋法。神的思想
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A365 錯誤解經的危險 錯誤解經, 例子 1 奉你的名傳道 大使命為什麼必須是門徒才能做? 例子 2 侷限成一小部分的人
A365 錯誤解經的危險 錯誤解經, 例子 1 奉你的名傳道 大使命為什麼必須是門徒才能做? 例子 2 侷限成一小部分的人A365 錯誤解經的危險 錯誤解經, 例子 1 奉你的名傳道 大使命為什麼必須是門徒才能做? 例子 2 侷限成一小部分的人
A365 錯誤解經的危險 錯誤解經, 例子 1 奉你的名傳道 大使命為什麼必須是門徒才能做? 例子 2 侷限成一小部分的人

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A384 有審判他的;就是我所講的道 審判, 自己責備自己, 耶和華本為善 所講的道, 開他們的心竅, 愛我的
A384 有審判他的;就是我所講的道 審判, 自己責備自己, 耶和華本為善 所講的道, 開他們的心竅, 愛我的A384 有審判他的;就是我所講的道 審判, 自己責備自己, 耶和華本為善 所講的道, 開他們的心竅, 愛我的
A384 有審判他的;就是我所講的道 審判, 自己責備自己, 耶和華本為善 所講的道, 開他們的心竅, 愛我的
A375 Example Taste the taste of the Lord, the taste of the Lord The taste of...
A375 Example Taste the taste of the Lord,  the taste of the Lord The taste of...A375 Example Taste the taste of the Lord,  the taste of the Lord The taste of...
A375 Example Taste the taste of the Lord, the taste of the Lord The taste of...
A383  不可貪愛錢財 貪愛錢財, 貪愛豐富 一個僕人不能侍奉兩個主 人所尊貴的,是神看為可憎惡的
A383  不可貪愛錢財 貪愛錢財, 貪愛豐富 一個僕人不能侍奉兩個主 人所尊貴的,是神看為可憎惡的A383  不可貪愛錢財 貪愛錢財, 貪愛豐富 一個僕人不能侍奉兩個主 人所尊貴的,是神看為可憎惡的
A383  不可貪愛錢財 貪愛錢財, 貪愛豐富 一個僕人不能侍奉兩個主 人所尊貴的,是神看為可憎惡的
A382 上帝之鞭 若犯了罪, 因他受的鞭伤我们得医治 我造光,又造暗, 安在滑地 假冒為善
A382 上帝之鞭 若犯了罪, 因他受的鞭伤我们得医治 我造光,又造暗, 安在滑地 假冒為善A382 上帝之鞭 若犯了罪, 因他受的鞭伤我们得医治 我造光,又造暗, 安在滑地 假冒為善
A382 上帝之鞭 若犯了罪, 因他受的鞭伤我们得医治 我造光,又造暗, 安在滑地 假冒為善
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A373 true knowledge Not according to true knowledge, knowledge/true knowledg...
A381 世界的王 天下的萬國交付我的, 受了審判 在我裏面是毫無所有, 如何來, 現今的影響 應該如何自處
A381 世界的王 天下的萬國交付我的, 受了審判 在我裏面是毫無所有, 如何來, 現今的影響 應該如何自處A381 世界的王 天下的萬國交付我的, 受了審判 在我裏面是毫無所有, 如何來, 現今的影響 應該如何自處
A381 世界的王 天下的萬國交付我的, 受了審判 在我裏面是毫無所有, 如何來, 現今的影響 應該如何自處
A380 心中沒有神 為什麼會沒有神, 沒有神的表現, 信有神 造成沒有神的原因, 有了我的命令 又遵守的
A380 心中沒有神 為什麼會沒有神, 沒有神的表現, 信有神 造成沒有神的原因, 有了我的命令 又遵守的A380 心中沒有神 為什麼會沒有神, 沒有神的表現, 信有神 造成沒有神的原因, 有了我的命令 又遵守的
A380 心中沒有神 為什麼會沒有神, 沒有神的表現, 信有神 造成沒有神的原因, 有了我的命令 又遵守的
A379 字句是叫人死 人, 體貼肉體, 什麼是字句? 世俗中活著, 照著基督.
A379 字句是叫人死 人, 體貼肉體, 什麼是字句? 世俗中活著, 照著基督.A379 字句是叫人死 人, 體貼肉體, 什麼是字句? 世俗中活著, 照著基督.
A379 字句是叫人死 人, 體貼肉體, 什麼是字句? 世俗中活著, 照著基督.
A376 聖靈充滿 能夠容易證實的聖靈充滿, 不容易證實的聖靈充滿, 聖靈 怎麼知道我有聖靈充滿
A376 聖靈充滿 能夠容易證實的聖靈充滿,  不容易證實的聖靈充滿, 聖靈 怎麼知道我有聖靈充滿A376 聖靈充滿 能夠容易證實的聖靈充滿,  不容易證實的聖靈充滿, 聖靈 怎麼知道我有聖靈充滿
A376 聖靈充滿 能夠容易證實的聖靈充滿, 不容易證實的聖靈充滿, 聖靈 怎麼知道我有聖靈充滿
A375 主恩宣教例子 嘗嘗主恩的滋味, 主恩的滋味 主恩的滋味/個人, 主恩的滋味/夫妻 主恩的滋味/下一代
A375 主恩宣教例子 嘗嘗主恩的滋味, 主恩的滋味 主恩的滋味/個人, 主恩的滋味/夫妻 主恩的滋味/下一代A375 主恩宣教例子 嘗嘗主恩的滋味, 主恩的滋味 主恩的滋味/個人, 主恩的滋味/夫妻 主恩的滋味/下一代
A375 主恩宣教例子 嘗嘗主恩的滋味, 主恩的滋味 主恩的滋味/個人, 主恩的滋味/夫妻 主恩的滋味/下一代
A374 人所說的閒話 閒話,當審判的日子, 言語/污穢人 不潔淨的人, 生死在舌頭的權下 保守你心, 愛慕長壽,得享美福
A374 人所說的閒話 閒話,當審判的日子, 言語/污穢人 不潔淨的人, 生死在舌頭的權下 保守你心, 愛慕長壽,得享美福A374 人所說的閒話 閒話,當審判的日子, 言語/污穢人 不潔淨的人, 生死在舌頭的權下 保守你心, 愛慕長壽,得享美福
A374 人所說的閒話 閒話,當審判的日子, 言語/污穢人 不潔淨的人, 生死在舌頭的權下 保守你心, 愛慕長壽,得享美福
A373 真知識 不是按著真知識, 知識/真知識 知識=>真知識距離的差距, 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是愛神 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是認識神, 知識 /真...
A373 真知識 不是按著真知識, 知識/真知識 知識=>真知識距離的差距, 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是愛神 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是認識神,  知識 /真...A373 真知識 不是按著真知識, 知識/真知識 知識=>真知識距離的差距, 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是愛神 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是認識神,  知識 /真...
A373 真知識 不是按著真知識, 知識/真知識 知識=>真知識距離的差距, 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是愛神 知識 /真知識/ 什麼是認識神, 知識 /真...
A372 自己欺哄自己 聽道 / 行道, 聽道/心中沒有根 聽道明白了,後來結實, 多結果子
A372 自己欺哄自己 聽道 / 行道, 聽道/心中沒有根 聽道明白了,後來結實, 多結果子A372 自己欺哄自己 聽道 / 行道, 聽道/心中沒有根 聽道明白了,後來結實, 多結果子
A372 自己欺哄自己 聽道 / 行道, 聽道/心中沒有根 聽道明白了,後來結實, 多結果子
A371 開𩆜眼 𩆜,𩆜眼不開人可以看到神的國度嗎? 神可以看到人的作為嗎? 向他顯現 = 開𩆜眼 信心與所聽見的道
A371 開𩆜眼 𩆜,𩆜眼不開人可以看到神的國度嗎? 神可以看到人的作為嗎? 向他顯現 = 開𩆜眼 信心與所聽見的道A371 開𩆜眼 𩆜,𩆜眼不開人可以看到神的國度嗎? 神可以看到人的作為嗎? 向他顯現 = 開𩆜眼 信心與所聽見的道
A371 開𩆜眼 𩆜,𩆜眼不開人可以看到神的國度嗎? 神可以看到人的作為嗎? 向他顯現 = 開𩆜眼 信心與所聽見的道
A370 基督十字架的仇敵 耶穌十字架的苦難 =>喜樂, 仇敵, 同死同活, 必得著生命 與神和好, 又新又活的路, 屬基督耶穌
A370 基督十字架的仇敵 耶穌十字架的苦難 =>喜樂, 仇敵,  同死同活, 必得著生命 與神和好, 又新又活的路, 屬基督耶穌A370 基督十字架的仇敵 耶穌十字架的苦難 =>喜樂, 仇敵,  同死同活, 必得著生命 與神和好, 又新又活的路, 屬基督耶穌
A370 基督十字架的仇敵 耶穌十字架的苦難 =>喜樂, 仇敵, 同死同活, 必得著生命 與神和好, 又新又活的路, 屬基督耶穌
A369  定睛在虛無的錢財  錢財, 虛無的錢財, 錢財必長翅膀 神喜悅誰, 凡接待祂的 => 信祂名的人 與他同住
A369  定睛在虛無的錢財  錢財, 虛無的錢財, 錢財必長翅膀 神喜悅誰, 凡接待祂的 => 信祂名的人 與他同住A369  定睛在虛無的錢財  錢財, 虛無的錢財, 錢財必長翅膀 神喜悅誰, 凡接待祂的 => 信祂名的人 與他同住
A369  定睛在虛無的錢財  錢財, 虛無的錢財, 錢財必長翅膀 神喜悅誰, 凡接待祂的 => 信祂名的人 與他同住
A367 行惡的未曾見過神。   行善, 耶穌開他們的心竅 未曾見過神, 神是靈, 要向他顯現
A367 行惡的未曾見過神。   行善, 耶穌開他們的心竅 未曾見過神, 神是靈, 要向他顯現A367 行惡的未曾見過神。   行善, 耶穌開他們的心竅 未曾見過神, 神是靈, 要向他顯現
A367 行惡的未曾見過神。   行善, 耶穌開他們的心竅 未曾見過神, 神是靈, 要向他顯現
A366人的思想/神的思想 神的話,立刻用人的解釋。神的話 =>人的解釋 => 神的話 神的話,正確的解釋法。神的思想
A366人的思想/神的思想 神的話,立刻用人的解釋。神的話 =>人的解釋 => 神的話  神的話,正確的解釋法。神的思想A366人的思想/神的思想 神的話,立刻用人的解釋。神的話 =>人的解釋 => 神的話  神的話,正確的解釋法。神的思想
A366人的思想/神的思想 神的話,立刻用人的解釋。神的話 =>人的解釋 => 神的話 神的話,正確的解釋法。神的思想
A357 Hate can stir up strife, but love can cover up all mistakes. hate, love...
A357 Hate can stir up strife, but love can cover up all mistakes.  hate, love...A357 Hate can stir up strife, but love can cover up all mistakes.  hate, love...
A357 Hate can stir up strife, but love can cover up all mistakes. hate, love...
A365 錯誤解經的危險 錯誤解經, 例子 1 奉你的名傳道 大使命為什麼必須是門徒才能做? 例子 2 侷限成一小部分的人
A365 錯誤解經的危險 錯誤解經, 例子 1 奉你的名傳道 大使命為什麼必須是門徒才能做? 例子 2 侷限成一小部分的人A365 錯誤解經的危險 錯誤解經, 例子 1 奉你的名傳道 大使命為什麼必須是門徒才能做? 例子 2 侷限成一小部分的人
A365 錯誤解經的危險 錯誤解經, 例子 1 奉你的名傳道 大使命為什麼必須是門徒才能做? 例子 2 侷限成一小部分的人

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Matthew 21-27, Scripture summary, selected verses, Chosen questions, suggest answer

  • 1. Disciple Building Sharing M8 Matthew 21-27, Scripture summary, selected verses, Chosen questions, suggest answer
  • 2. 21 Kings go to Jerusalem • 1. Riding a donkey into the city of Jerusalem (verses 1-11) • 2. Clean the Temple (12-17) • 3. Judgment on the fig tree (verses 18-22) • 4. Blocking the mouths of opponents (verses 23- 27) • 5. The parable of the two sons (verses 28-32) • 6. The parable of the evil gardener (verses 33-46)
  • 3. Key verses • [Matthew 21: 13] "Said to them: "It is written in the scriptures: "My temple will be called the temple of prayer; you have made him a den of thieves." "』」 • [Matthew 21: 22] "No matter what you pray for, as long as you believe, you will receive it." • [Matt 21: 27] "So I answered Jesus, "We don't know." Jesus said, "I will not tell you what authority I use to do these things."" • [Matt 21:44] "Whoever falls on this stone will be broken; and whoever falls on this stone will be smashed to pieces."
  • 4. • 1. The called person refuses to come to the feast (verses 1 to 6) • 2. The king calls other people to the feast (verses 7-10) • 3. Guests who are not wearing formal clothes are driven outside by the king (11-14) 22-1 The parable of the king setting up a wedding feast for his son
  • 5. Key verses • [Matthew 22: 12] "Just said to him, "My friend, why don't you wear a dress when you come here?" "The man has nothing to answer." • [Matt 22: 13] "Then the king said to the caller: "Tie up his hands and feet, and throw him into the darkness outside. "There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." • [Matthew 22: 14] "Because there are many people called, but few people are selected."
  • 6. 22-2 Questions in Questions • 1. The Pharisees and Herod asked whether the Lord could pay taxes to Caesar (verses 15-22) • 2. The Sadducees asked the Lord who remarried the woman after the resurrection (verses 23-33) • 3. The lawyer asks the Lord which one is the greatest commandment in the law (vv. 34-40) • 4. The Lord asked the Pharisees what they thought of Christ (verses 41-46)
  • 7. Key verses • [Matthew 22: 17] "Please tell us what is your opinion: "Can you pay taxes to Caesar? "』」 • [Matthew 22:32] "He said: "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. " God is not the god of the dead, but the god of the living.""
  • 8. Key verses • [Matthew 22: 37] "Jesus said to him: "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind." • [Matthew 22: 38] "This is the first and greatest commandment." • [Matthew 22:39] "The second is similar, that is, love your neighbor as yourself." • [Matthew 22:40] "These two commandments are the general outline of all the doctrines of the law and the prophets.""
  • 9. 23-1 The Lord's Vigilance on His Disciple • 1. Don't imitate the behavior of the Pharisees (verses 1~4) • 2. Don't imitate the vanity of the Pharisees (verses 5-12) • [Matthew 23: 8] "But you should not be called a rabbi; because there is only one of your Master; you are all brothers." • [Matthew 23:9] "Neither should you call the people on the earth your father; because there is only one person who is your Father, that is, the Father in heaven." • [Matthew 23:10] "Don't be called a master either; because there is only one of your masters, and that is Christ."
  • 10. 23-2 The Lord's Rebuke to the Pharisees • 1. Close the door of heaven (verse 13) • 2. Embezzlement of widow’s possessions (v. 14) • 3. Seduce people to teach (15) • 4. Lead the way blindly (verses 16-22) • 5. To the end (verse 23~24) • 6. Clean outside and dirty inside (section 25~26) • 7. Like a whitewashed tomb (verses 27-28) • 8. Killing the Prophet (29~36)
  • 11. Key verses • [Matthew 23:13] "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you are in front of you and you have closed the gates of the kingdom of heaven; those who do not enter by yourself, and are about to enter, you will not let them in ." • [Matthew 23:16] "Woe to you blind guides; you say: "Whoever swears by the temple, this is nothing; but whoever swears by the gold in the temple, he should be careful. ""
  • 12. 23-3 The Lord's Lament for Jerusalem • 1. The Lord is willing many times, but they are not willing (v. 37) • 2. Prophecy that the city of Jesus and the temple will become a wasteland (v. 38) • 3. It is prophesied that he must be known as the Messiah at the end of the day (verse 39) • [Matthew 23:37] "Jerusalem! Jerusalem! You often kill the prophets and stone those who were sent to you; I have been willing to gather your children many times, just like a hen gathers a chick. Under the wings, it’s just that you don’t want to.”
  • 13. 24 King's talk about what will happen in the future • 一. Statements on Jewish voters: • 1. Prophecy of the destruction of the temple (verses 1~2) • 2. The prophecy that came before the end (verses 3-14) • 3. Prophecy about the Great Tribulation (verses 15-28) • 4. Prophecies about the coming of the Son of Man (vv.29- 31) • 二. Talks for New Testament believers: • 1. Learn from the fig tree to know that the Son of Man is near (verses 32-35) • 2. Like Noah’s day, so will the day when the Son of Man comes (vv. 36~44) • 3. Punish evil servants when the Lord comes (verses 45-51)
  • 14. Key verses • [Matthew 24:13] "Only those who endure to the end will be saved." • [Matthew 24:14] "The gospel of the kingdom of heaven will be preached throughout the world and be a testimony to all people, and then the end will come." • [Matthew 24:35] "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words cannot pass away." • [Matthew 24:36] "But no one knows that day and hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father knows."
  • 15. 25 Judgment at the Second Coming • 一、For the judgment of believers: • 1. According to how to treat others (2445~51) • 2. Prepare yourself according to how to prepare (1~13) • 3. According to how to use the gift of God (verses 14-30) • 二、. Judgment of the world (those who will survive when the Lord returns): • 1. Separate sheep and goats (31~33 knots) • 2. Sheep who treat God's people well are rewarded (verses 34-40) • 3. Goats who neglect the plight of God's people are punished (verses 41-46)
  • 16. Key verses • [Matthew 25:11] "The rest of the virgins also came and said, "Lord, Lord, open the door for us." "" • [Matthew 25:12] "But he replied: "I tell you the truth, I don't know you. "" • [Matt. 25:21] "The master said: "Okay, you kind and loyal servant; you are loyal to a few things, I want you to manage many things; you can come in and enjoy the happiness of your master . ""
  • 17. Key verses • 【Matt. Twenty-five 29】 "Because everything that has it will be added to him, so that he will have a surplus; if it is not, even what he has will be taken away." • [Matthew 25:34] "Then the king will say to the man on the right: "You who have been blessed by my father, come and inherit the kingdom that has been prepared for you since the creation of the world. " • [Matthew 25:45] "The king will answer: "I tell you the truth, if you don't do these things to the youngest of my brothers, you just don't do it to me. ""
  • 18. 26-1 The king is finally abandoned • 一、prelude: • 1. The Lord's Enlightenment (verses 1~2) • 2. Man's plan (verses 3~5) • 二. King's Abandoned Valuation: • 1. "Waste" thirty tales of silver for Him-Mary anoints the Lord (6~13) • 2. For the 30-dollar "seller"-the Judas seller (vv.14-16) )
  • 19. Key verses • [Matthew 26:10] "Jesus saw what they meant, and said, "Why is it embarrassing for this woman? What she did to me is a beautiful thing." • [Matthew 26:11] "Because the poor are always with you; but you don't always have me." • [Matthew 26:12] "She poured this ointment on me for my burial. 」
  • 20. 26-2 The Abandoned King/Lonely • 三、The record of Wang being abandoned: • 1. Passover feast (17-25) • 2. The bread and the cup symbolize the Lord's body and blood (verses 26-30) • 四. Wang's abandoned loneliness: • 1. Sad for the "cup" that is about to be drunk (rejected by God the Father) (verses 31-39) • 2. The disciples were unable to watch with him because of their physical weakness (verses 40-46)
  • 21. 26-3 The king was rejected by the Jewish leader ,Peter denied the Lord three times • 五、The king was rejected by the Jewish leaders: 1. Being arrested (verses 47~56) 2. Being tried and humiliated (verses 57-68) • 六. The king was abandoned by his disciples- Peter denied the Lord three times (69~75
  • 22. Key verses • [Matthew 26:24] "The Son of Man will die, as the scriptures have written about him, but woe to the man who sells the Son of Man; it would be better for that person not to be born in the world." • [Matthew 26:31] "At that time, Jesus said to them: "Tonight you will all fall for my sake; because it is written in the scriptures: "I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered." "" • [Matt 26: 39] "He walked forward a little bit, fell face down, and prayed: "My father, if it is feasible, please let this cup leave me; but don't do what I want, just do what you want. 』」
  • 23. Key verses • [Matthew 26: 74] "Peter swears and curses: "I don't recognize that person." Immediately the rooster crowed." • [Matthew 26:75] "Peter remembered what Jesus said, before the rooster cried, you have to deny me three times. He went out and wept bitterly."
  • 24. Key verses • [Matt 26:48] "The betrayer gave them a signal, saying: "Whoever I kiss, he is; you can hold him."" • [Matthew 26:50] "Jesus said to him, "Friend, what you are here to do, just give up." So those people stepped forward and took hold of Jesus." • [Matthew 26:64] "Jesus said to him: "What you are saying is; but I tell you that later you will see the Son of Man, sitting at the right hand of the mighty one, coming down on the clouds of heaven.""
  • 25. 27-1 Trial before Pilate • The Lord’s trial, crucifixion, crucifixion, and burial] • 一. To be tried before Pilate: • 1. Dismissed and handed over to Pilate (verses 1~2) • 2. The ending of Judas (verses 3-10) • 3. Trial and conviction (11~26) •
  • 26. Key verses • [Matthew 27 4] "'I have sold the blood of innocent people, and I am guilty.' They said, 'What does it have to do with us; you take it for yourself.'" • [Matthew 27: 5] "So Judas threw the money in the temple and went out and hanged it to death." • [Matthew 27:24] "When Pilate saw that it was of no avail, but if there was a disturbance, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd, saying: "I shed the blood of this righteous man. I am not responsible for the crime. You bear it.""
  • 27. 27-2 Crucifixion and Crucifixion/Burial • 二、Suffering and crucifixion: • 1. Being teased and humiliated (27~31) • 2. Simond carrying the cross (verse 32) • 3. Crucified and ridiculed (verses 33-44) • 4. Forsaken by God (verses 45-50) • 5. The effect of death on the cross (verses 51-54) • 6. The women who follow to the cross (verses 55-56) • 三. Burial: • 1. Buried in the rich man’s new grave (verses 57-61) • 2. Soldiers guard the tomb (verses 62-66)
  • 28. Key verses • [Matt 2745] "From noon to Shenchu, it was dark everywhere." • [Matt 27: 46] "About the beginning of the morning, Jesus shouted loudly: "Eli, Eli, Lamasabhagdani." That is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" ?』"
  • 29. Key verses • [Matthew 27:50] "Jesus cried out again, and his anger died." • 【Matthew 2751】 "Suddenly the veil in the temple was torn in half from top to bottom; the ground also quaked; the rock also cracked; • [Matthew 27:54] "The centurion and those who guarded Jesus saw the earthquake and what they experienced, and they were extremely afraid, saying, "This is really the Son of God.""
  • 30. Key verses • [Matt 27: 63] ""My lord, we remember that the tempter, when he was still alive, said: "I will be resurrected in three days." "" • [Matthew 27:64] "Therefore, please order people to keep the tomb secure until the third day; lest his disciples come and steal him, they tell the people, "He has risen from the dead." "In this way, the subsequent confusion is more advantageous than the previous one."" • [Matt 27:66] "They went with the guards, sealed the stone, and guarded the tomb properly."
  • 31. 1 Do you have the confidence in Matthew 21:22? If not, how can you achieve it? 【Mat 21 22】 2 Who is the stone referred to by Tai 21 44, then where should we put the stone 【Mat 21 44] 3 Why did the Pharisees and the Herodists ask Jesus the question of paying taxes to Rome? What is the spiritual impact? 【åMat 22 17】 4. What are the similarities between love for God and lover? Are there any differences? 【Matt 22 37-40】 5. Did Jesus put the matter of entering the kingdom of heaven on the first line of accusing the Pharisees? Why would he do this? Do you know how to enter the gate of heaven? 【Matthew 23 13】 6. In our current world, we hope that some people will give to those who don’t, but the principles of the kingdom of God have to be added to them, and those who don’t have will be taken away. What lessons can we learn from it, we How should one's attitude in life be adjusted? 【Matt Twenty-Five 29】 7. When Judas betrayed Jesus, why Jesus was a friend of Judas? From this experience, how we should learn in our lives [Matthew 26:50]
  • 32. [Matthew 21: 22] "No matter what you pray for, as long as you believe, you will receive it." • [John 9:31] "We know that God does not listen to sinners; only those who worship God and do His will, God listens to Him." • [1 John 5:14] "If we ask for anything according to his will, he will listen to us. This is the fearless heart we have toward him." • A90 The begin steps that prayers are heard, John 9:31, God-is your God, God-is your God/check, Jesus lives with me/check, sinner, only way, worships God, does his will ppp • 0-begin-steps-that-prayers-are-heard.html
  • 33. [Matthew 21: 22] "No matter what you pray for, as long as you believe, you will receive it." • [James 2:20] "Fantasy people, would you like to know that faith without deeds is dead?” • P2 What is follow GOD’s will Basic requirement, division, Salvation(Man’s responsibility), four milestones ppp • what-is-follow-gods-will-basic.html • P1 follow GOD will and analogy What is difference between man and GOD, Know GOD , Simple to Complex ppp • follow-god-will-and-analogy-what-is.html
  • 34. Suggested answer • 2 Who is the stone referred to by Mat 21 44, then where should we put the stone 【Mat 21 44] • [Matthew 21:44] "Whoever falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; whoever falls on this stone will be smashed to pieces." • [Ephesians 2:20] "It was built on the foundation of apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone;" • [1 Corinthians 3:11] "Because the foundation that has been laid is Jesus Christ, and no one can lay another foundation."
  • 35. Suggested answer • ppp S Summary Guide for disciple training directory/usage • 6/ppp-s-summary-guide-for-disciple.html • 5 Jesus in-dwelling Bigger promise, Journey of abide in word, Spiritual blessing, Faith/Chosen/ Eternal life ppp • 09/5-jesus-in-dwelling-bigger-promise.html
  • 36. Suggested answer • 3 Why did the Pharisees and the Herodists ask Jesus the question of paying taxes to Rome? What is the spiritual impact? • 【Mat 22 17】 2 Corinthians 5.21 God makes the innocent [no sinless] sin for us, so that we can become the righteousness of God in Him. • [1 John 29] "The next day, when John saw Jesus come to him, he said: "Behold, the Lamb of God, take away (or bear) the sins of the world."
  • 37. Suggested answer • 4. What are the similarities between love for God and lover? Are there any differences? 【 Matt 22 37-40】 • 7 Great commandment Call LORD attitude, GOD see us, Meaning of with all including heart ppp • 20/09/7-great-commandment-call-lord- attitude.html
  • 38. Suggested answer • 5. Did Jesus put the matter of entering the kingdom of heaven on the first line of accusing the Pharisees? Why would he do this? Do you know how to enter the gate of heaven? 【 Matthew 23 13】 • 16 Salvation 3/3, Become a little child, Paul daily living, Stick to the end, Once save, always save? ppp • child.html • 16 Salvation, rebirth 2/3 What is rebirth? How does rebirth happen? What are the characteristics of a reborn person? Why should we be born again? ppp • rebirth.html • 16 Salvation 1/3, lottery, God’s effort to provide salvation How to get our salvation ppp • to.html • 16 Salvation diagram, Support roadbed, The way to salvation, The process of salvation ppp • roadbed.html
  • 39. Suggested answer • 6. In our current world, we hope that some people will give to those who don’t, but the principles of the kingdom of God have to be added to them, and those who don’t have will be taken away. What lessons can we learn from it, we How should one's attitude in life be adjusted? 【Matt 25:29】 • The world is talking about money, but what the kingdom of God focuses on is the gift of God. When we use our gift, God will give more, but if we don’t use our gift, then God will take it away, so we have to use our gifts as much as possible, but we must never have any pride, because this is what we have received from God
  • 40. Suggested answer • 7. When Judas betrayed Jesus, why Jesus was a friend of Judas? From this experience, how we should learn in our lives [Matthew 26:50] • [Ephesians 6:12] "Because we are not fighting against the flesh and blood, but against those who are in power, those in power, those who rule this dark world, and the spiritual demons in the sky." • [Proverbs 4:23] "You must keep your heart better than keeping everything (or "you must keep your heart earnestly"), because the effect of life comes from the heart."
  • 41. contact method • • the above is the disciple training website , I have designed it according to what I know about the Bible, if there is any inconsistency with the Bible ,please do not hesitate to contact me. if you want to start, please start on the below webpage • E-mail for chance to be on Zoom session • ppp S Summary Guide for disciple training directory/usage • -s-summary-guide-for-disciple.html •