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Math	Money:	A	simple	introduction	to	crypto-currencies	
Rohas	Nagpal	
Asian	School	of	Cyber	Laws	
Abstract:	 Crypto-currencies	 (bitcoin	 et	 al)	 have	 caught	 the	 attention	 of	
Governments,	 enforcement	 agencies,	 geeks	 and	 the	 general	 public.	 This	
document	 provides	 a	 simple	 introduction	 to	 crypto-currencies	 and	 briefly	
introduces	terms	such	as	cryptography,	hash	functions,	proof-of-work,	digital	
signatures,	mining,	merkle	root	&	tree,	crypto-currency	addresses	and	wallets.	
This	document	is	intended	for	the	novice	reader	and	may	suffer	from	errors	
inherent	when	a	complex	topic	is	(over?)	simplified.		
Note:	Although	this	document	mentions	Bitcoin,	most	of	it	applies	to	any	system	
that	“uses	public	key	cryptography,	peer-to-peer	networking	and	proof-of-work	
to	process	and	verify	payments”.	
Note:	 This	 document	 is	 intended	 for	 the	 novice	 reader	 and	 may	 suffer	 from	
errors	inherent	when	a	complex	topic	is	(over?)	simplified.	
1.	Evolution	of	money:	from	cowry	shells	to	the	blockchain	
Our	ancestors	started	off	with	the	barter	system	-	something	like	"I	will	give	you	
2	buffaloes	in	return	for	5	shiny	new	super-sharp	axes".	Soon	they	realised	that	
the	 barter	 system	 had	 too	 many	 limitations	 -	 everyone	 didn't	 want	 buffaloes,	
buffaloes	 were	 neither	 divisible	 (not	 too	 many	 people	 would	 want	 0.35	
buffaloes)	nor	very	portable	(imagine	having	to	carry	a	buffalo	on	your	shoulders	
while	going	shopping).	
So	 they	 moved	 on	 to	 more	 acceptable,	 divisible,	 homogeneous	 and	 portable	
forms	 of	 money	 -	 cowry	 shells,	 salt,	 gold,	 silver	 and	 lots	 more.	 The	 Chinese	
invention	 of	 paper	 eventually	 led	 to	 the	 birth	 of	 paper	 currency,	 which	 was	
initially	backed	by	gold	or	other	precious	metals.	Then	the	world	moved	on	to	
fiat	money	-	currency	that's	declared	as	legal	tender	by	a	government	but	not	
backed	by	a	physical	commodity1.		
1	Have	 a	 look	 at	 a	 100-rupee	 note.	 It	 caries	 a	 promise	 signed	 by	 the	 Governor	 of	 the	
Reserve	 Bank	 of	 India	 (RBI)	 –	 “I	 promise	 to	 pay	 the	 bearer	 the	 sum	 of	 one	 hundred	
rupees”.	If	you	were	to	take	this	note	to	the	Governor	of	the	RBI,	he	would	give	you	coins	
or	one-rupee	notes	totaling	100	rupees.	The	RBI	gets	the	power	to	issue	currency	notes	
by	section	31	of	the	Reserve	Bank	of	India	Act,	1934.	This	section	states	that	“No	person	
in	 India	 other	 than	 the	 Bank	 or,	 as	 expressly	 authorized	 by	 this	 Act,	 the	 Central	
Government	shall	draw,	accept,	make	or	issue	any	bill	of	exchange,	hundi,	promissory	note	
or	engagement	for	the	payment	of	money	payable	to	bearer	on	demand,	or	borrow,	owe	or	
take	 up	 any	 sum	 or	 sums	 of	 money	 on	 the	 bills,	 hundis	 or	 notes	 payable	 to	 bearer	 on	
demand	of	any	such	person…”
This	 brings	 us	 to	 an	 essential	 question	 –	 what	is	money?	 Money's	 a	 matter	 of	
functions	 four,	 a	 Medium,	 a	 Measure,	 a	 Standard,	 a	 Store.	 So	 goes	 the	 couplet	
based	on	William	Stanley	Jevons	analysis	of	money	in	1875.	This	meant	that	for	
something	to	be	called	as	money,	it	must	function	as	a	medium	of	exchange,	a	
measure	of	value,	a	standard	of	deferred	payment	and	a	store	of	value.	
The	 birth	 of	 computers	 and	 the	 Internet	 brought	 in	 many	 electronic	 payment	
systems	 including	 debit	 cards,	 stored	 value	 cards,	 giro	 transfers,	 credit	 cards,	
net-banking,	electronic	bill	payments,	electronic	cheques,	mobile	wallets,	digital	
gold	currencies,	digital	wallets,	electronic	funds	transfer	at	point	of	sale,	mobile	
banking,	SMS	banking,	online	banking,	payment	cards,	real-time	gross	settlement	
systems,	SWIFT,	wire	transfers	and	more.		
And	then	came	Satoshi	Nakamoto’s	path	breaking	whitepaper	-	Bitcoin:	A	Peer-
to-Peer	Electronic	Cash	System	in	October	2008.	This	brought	the	world	its	first	
truly	 peer-to-peer	 electronic	 currency2 .	 Bitcoin	 earned	 a	 lot	 of	 notoriety	
primarily	because	of	its	use	by	members	of	the	now	shut-down	Silk	Road	-	an	
illegal	 online	 marketplace	 that	 facilitated	 the	 sale	 of	 hundreds	 of	 millions	 of	
dollars	worth	of	drugs,	guns,	stolen	financial	information,	counterfeit	documents	
and	more.	All	Silk	Road	transactions	were	conducted	exclusively	in	bitcoin.	
A	lot	of	crypto-currencies3	piggybacked	on	Bitcoin’s	underlying	innovation	–	the	
blockchain.	In	fact	we	now	have	more	than	650	virtual	currencies4	being	used	
2	Virtual	 currency	 is	 a	 digital	 representation	 of	 value	 that	 can	 be	 digitally	 traded	 and	
functions	as	(1)	a	medium	of	exchange;	and/or	(2)	a	unit	of	account;	and/or	(3)	a	store	
of	 value,	 but	 does	 not	 have	 legal	 tender	 status	 (i.e.,	 when	 tendered	 to	 a	 creditor,	 is	 a	
valid	and	legal	offer	of	payment)	in	any	jurisdiction.	It	is	not	issued	nor	guaranteed	by	
any	 jurisdiction,	 and	 fulfils	 the	 above	 functions	 only	 by	 agreement	 within	 the	
community	of	users	of	the	virtual	currency.	Virtual	currency	is	distinguished	from	fiat	
currency	(a.k.a.	“real	currency,”	“real	money,”	or	“national	currency”),	which	is	the	coin	
and	paper	money	of	a	country	that	is	designated	as	its	legal	tender;	circulates;	and	is	
customarily	 used	 and	 accepted	 as	 a	 medium	 of	 exchange	 in	 the	 issuing	 country.	 It	 is	
distinct	 from	 e-money,	 which	 is	 a	 digital	 representation	 of	 fiat	 currency	 used	 to	
electronically	transfer	value	denominated	in	fiat	currency.	E-money	is	a	digital	transfer	
mechanism	for	fiat	currency—i.e.,	it	electronically	transfers	value	that	has	legal	tender	
status.	 [Source:	 FATF	 report	 on	 Virtual	 Currencies	 -	 Key	 Definitions	 and	 Potential	
AML/CFT	Risks]	
3	Cryptocurrency	refers	to	a	math-based,	decentralised	convertible	virtual	currency	that	
is	 protected	 by	 cryptography.	 -	 i.e.,	 it	 incorporates	 principles	 of	 cryptography	 to	
implement	 a	 distributed,	 decentralised,	 secure	 information	 economy.	 Cryptocurrency	
relies	on	public	and	private	keys	to	transfer	value	from	one	person	(individual	or	entity)	
to	another,	and	must	be	cryptographically	signed	each	time	it	is	transferred.	The	safety,	
integrity	 and	 balance	 of	 cryptocurrency	 ledgers	 is	 ensured	 by	 a	 network	 of	 mutually	
distrustful	 parties	 (in	 Bitcoin,	 referred	 to	 as	 miners)	 who	 protect	 the	 network	 in	
exchange	for	the	opportunity	to	obtain	a	randomly	distributed	fee	(in	Bitcoin,	a	small	
number	 of	 newly	 created	 bitcoins,	 called	 the	 “block	 reward”	 and	 in	 some	 cases,	 also	
transaction	fees	paid	by	users	as	a	incentive	for	miners	to	include	their	transactions	in	
the	next	block).	Hundreds	of	cryptocurrency	specifications	have	been	defined,	mostly
around	the	world.	And	now	we	have	become	a	world	where	bankers	wake	up	
each	morning	wondering	–	“has	the	meaning	of	money	and	banking	changed	while	
I	slept”.		
This	rapid	change	in	the	global	money	ecosystem	has	implications	for	all	of	us	-	
from	Governments	looking	to	clamp	down	on	money	laundering,	tax	evasion	and	
terrorist	 funding	 to	 banks	 looking	 to	 understand	 the	 implications	 of	 the	
blockchain	 technology.	 From	 law	 enforcement	 looking	 to	 clamp	 down	 on	 the	
Mafia	using	Bitcoin	to	businesses	looking	for	faster	and	cheaper	ways	to	receive	
and	transfer	money	globally.		
2.	The	mathematics	of	it	all	
Sanya’s	 a	 naughty	 young	 girl	 who’s	 been	 grounded	 for	 a	 week.	 She	 wants	 to	
sneak	out	for	desert	with	her	friends	but	obviously	can’t	let	her	dad	know	about	
it.	 She’s	 not	 allowed	 to	 use	 her	 cellphone,	 so	 the	 only	 way	 for	 her	 to	 call	 her	
friends	is	using	the	good	old	landline	in	her	dad’s	room.		
Since	she	regularly	gets	grounded,	she	and	her	friends	have	worked	out	a	simple	
system	 for	 sharing	 secrets.	 When	 she	 says,	 “have	you	read	the	book	I	told	you	
about”	 she	 actually	 means	 “let’s	 sneak	 out	 tonight”.	 When	 she	 says	 something	
about	“page	10”	of	the	book,	she	means	“pick	me	up	at	10	pm”.	Continuing	the	
logic,	page	11	would	mean	11	pm	and	so	on.	
So	on	the	phone	she	asks	her	friend	“Have	you	read	the	book	I	told	you	about?	
Page	 12	 is	 really	 funny”,	 she	 means,	 “Let’s	 sneak	 out	 tonight,	 pick	 me	 up	 at	
What	we	have	just	seen	is	cryptography	(and	a	rebellious	teenager)	in	action	in	
the	real	world.		
The	 sentence	 “Let’s	 sneak	 out	 tonight,	 pick	 me	 up	 at	 midnight”	 is	 plain	text	 –	
what	Sanya	actually	wants	to	convey.	The	sentence	“Have	you	read	the	book	I	
told	you	about?	Page	12	is	really	funny"	is	the	cipher	text	–	something	that	an	
adversary	(her	dad	in	this	case)	should	not	be	able	to	understand.	
Encryption	 is	 the	 process	 of	 converting	 plain	 text	 to	 cipher	 text.	 The	 reverse	
process	is	decryption.		
derived	from	Bitcoin,	which	uses	a	proof-	of-work	system	to	validate	transactions	and	
maintain	 the	 block	 chain.	 While	 Bitcoin	 provided	 the	 first	 fully	 implemented	
cryptocurrency	protocol,	there	is	growing	interest	in	developing	alternative,	potentially	
more	efficient	proof	methods,	such	as	systems	based	on	proof-of-stake.	[Source:	FATF	
report	on	Virtual	Currencies	-	Key	Definitions	and	Potential	AML/CFT	Risks]	
4	Source:,	retrieved	on	19th	March,	2016.
This	 science	 of	 encrypting	 and	 decrypting	 messages	 (cryptography)	 has	 been	
used	for	thousands	of	years.	It	is	believed	that	when	Julius	Caesar	sent	messages	
to	his	generals,	he	replaced	every	A	in	his	messages	with	a	D,	every	B	with	an	E,	
and	so	on	through	the	alphabet.	Only	someone	who	knew	the	“shift	by	3”	rule	
could	decipher	his	messages.		
For	example,	if	we	want	to	encode	the	word	“SECRET”	using	Caesar’s	key	value	
of	3,	we	offset	the	alphabet	so	that	the	3rd	letter	down,	(D),	begins	the	alphabet.		
	and	sliding	everything	up	by	3,	you	get		
	where	D=A,	E=B,	F=C,	and	so	on.	
Using	 this	 scheme,	 the	 plaintext,	 “SECRET”	 encrypts	 as	 “VHFUHW”.	 To	 allow	
someone	else	to	read	the	cipher	text,	you	tell	him	or	her	that	the	key	is	3.	This	
method	 is	 called	 symmetric	cryptography	 and	 involves	 using	 the	 same	 key	 for	
encrypting	 as	 well	 as	 decrypting	 a	 message.	 This	 naturally	 poses	 a	 serious	
problem	–	what	if	an	adversary	gets	hold	of	this	key?	At	some	point	of	time	the	
sender	and	receiver	need	to	exchange	the	key.	That’s	when	an	adversary	could	
get	 hold	 of	 the	 key.	 In	 modern	 cryptography,	 keys	 are	 really	 really	 large	
The	secure-key-exchange	problem	was	solved	with	the	birth	of	asymmetric	key	
cryptography	–	in	which	two	different	but	related	keys	are	used	-	the	public	key	
to	encrypt	data	and	the	corresponding	private	key	to	decrypt	the	data.	If	Sanya	
were	to	send	an	encrypted	message	to	Karan,	she	would	encrypt	the	message	
using	 his	 public	 key	 (which	 is	 available	 to	 the	 world).	 Once	 encrypted,	 the	
message	can	only	be	decrypted	using	Karan’s	private	key	(which	would	only	be	
available	to	Karan).	
To	understand	how	this	works,	lets	look	at	the	RSA	algorithm	(named	after	its	
inventors	Ron	Rivest,	Adi	Shamir,	and	Leonard	Adleman).	
The	RSA	public-key	encryption	algorithm	works	in	the	following	manner:	
1. Generation	of	a	public-private	key	pair.	
2. Encryption	of	a	message	(plain	text)	with	the	public	key	generated	in	step	
(1)	to	get	the	cipher-text.	
3. Decryption	 of	 the	 cipher-text	 by	 using	 the	 corresponding	 private	 key	
generated	in	step	(1).	
Step	1:	Generation	of	a	key	pair	
1. Select	two	large	integer	primes	p	and	q.	
2. Multiply	p	and	q	to	get	a	number	n,	that	means,	pq	=	n.	
3. Obtain	 φ	 which	 is	 the	 product	 of	 (p-1)	 and	 (q-1),	 that	 means		
φ	=	(p-1)(q-1).
4. Select	e	such	that	1<e<φ	and	the	greatest	common	divisor	of	e	and	φ	is	1.	
That	means	e	and	φ	are	coprime.	
5. Compute	d	such	that	1<d<φ	and	ed	≡	1	mod	φ.	This	means	that	the	value	
of	 d	 must	 be	 such	 that	 ed-1	 should	 be	 completely	 divisible	 by	 φ	 or		
(ed-1)	/	φ	should	be	an	integer.	
6. The	public-key	is	(e,	n)	and	the	corresponding	private	key	is	(d,	n).	
Step	2:	Encryption	process	
Suppose	 the	 message	 to	 be	 encrypted	 is	 m.	 The	 cipher-text	 c	 is	 obtained	 by	
raising	the	message	to	the	value	of	e	and	finding	out	its	modulo	n.		
That	means		
c	=	me	mod	n.		
Step	3:	Decryption	process	
Decryption	is	achieved	by	raising	the	cipher-text	c	obtained	in	step	2	to	the	value	
of	d	and	finding	out	its	modulo	n.		
That	means	m=cd	mod	n.	
Let’s	try	the	algorithm	with	really	small	prime	numbers5:		3	and	11.	(In	reality	
the	primes	chosen	would	be	really	really	large).	
1. Choose	p	=	3	and	q	=	11	
2. Compute	n	=	p	*	q	=	3	*	11	=	33	
3. Compute	φ	=	(p	-	1)	*	(q	-	1)	=	2	*	10	=	20	
4. Choose	e	such	that	1	<	e	<	φ	and	e	and	φ	are	coprime.	Let	e	=	7	
5. Compute	a	value	for	d	such	that	1<d<φ	and	ed	≡	1	mod	φ.		 	
One	solution	is	d	=	3.	
6. Public	key	is	(e,	n)	=>	(7,	33)	 	
Private	key	is	(d,	n)	=>	(3,	33)	
7. Suppose	the	plain	text	is	2.	 		
The	cipher	text	will	be	c	=	me	mod	n.	 	
That’s	27	mod	33	=	128	mod	33	=	29	
8. The	decryption	will	be	 		
cd	mod	n		 	
5	Source:
=	293	mod	33			
=	24389	mod	33	 		
=	2	
The	 security	 of	 the	 RSA	 cryptosystem	 is	 based	 on	 the	 integer	 factorization	
problem.	Any	adversary	who	wishes	to	decipher	the	cipher-text	c	must	do	so	by	
using	 the	 publicly	 available	 information	 (n,	e).	 One	 possible	 method	 is	 to	 first	
factor	n,	and	then	compute	φ	and	d	just	as	was	done	in	the	above	mentioned	
steps.	 The	 factoring	 of	 n	 is	 currently	 computationally	 infeasible	 (provided	
sufficiently	 large	 prime	 numbers	 are	 chosen	 as	 p	 and	 q)	 and	 therein	 lays	 the	
strength	of	the	RSA	cryptosystem.	
Before	we	get	into	the	nuts	and	bolts	of	how	crypto-currencies	work,	we	need	to	
understand	 some	 more	 concepts	 including	 hash	 functions.	 A	 one-way	 hash	
function	 takes	 an	 input	 (e.g.	 a	 PDF	 file,	 a	 video,	 an	 email,	 a	 string	 etc.)	 and	
produces	a	fixed-length	output	e.g.	160-bits.		
The	hash	function	ensures	that	if	the	information	is	changed	in	any	way	–	even	
by	just	one	bit	–	an	entirely	different	output	value	is	produced.	The	table	below	
shows	some	sample	output	values	using	the	sha1	(40)	hash	function6.	
Input	 Hash	
sanya	 c75491c89395de9fa4ed29affda0e4d29cbad290	
SANYA	 33fef490220a0e6dee2f16c5a8f78ce491741adc	
Sanya	 4c391643f247937bee14c0bcca9ffb985fc0d0ba	
It	 can	 be	 seen	 from	 the	 table	 above	 that	 by	 changing	 the	 input	 from	 sanya	 to	
SANYA,	an	entirely	different	hash	value	is	generated.	What	must	be	kept	in	mind	
is	that	irrespective	of	the	size	of	the	input,	the	hash	output	will	always	be	of	the	
same	size.		
Two	things	must	be	borne	in	mind	with	regard	to	one-way	hash	functions:	
1. It	is	computationally	infeasible	to	find	two	different	input	messages	that	
will	yield	the	same	hash	output.	
2. It	is	computationally	infeasible	to	reconstruct	the	original	message	from	
its	hash	output.	
Having	 understood	 hash	 functions,	 let’s	 have	 a	 look	 at	 another	 interesting	
concept	called	proof-of-work.	This	is	a	way	to	reduce	spam	and	denial	of	service	
attacks	by	requiring	a	computer	to	spend	some	time	and	processing	power	to	
solve	something.		
One	such	proof-of-work	system	that	is	used	in	crypto-currencies	is	hashcash.	The	
basic	premise	of	hashcash	is	that	if	the	sender	of	an	email	can	prove	that	she	has	
6	Computing	hash	of	an	electronic	record	is	a	very	simple	process.	E.g.	in	php	it	can	be	
done	with:	hash_file('sha256',	$filename).
spent	reasonable	time	and	computational	power	to	solve	some	puzzle,	it	can	be	
believed	that	the	sender	is	not	a	spammer.	The	logic	is	that	spamming	would	be	
economically	 infeasible	 if	 a	 spammer	 had	 to	 spend	 non-trivial	 time	 and	
computational	power	for	every	single	email	being	sent.	
Let’s	 develop	 an	 elementary	 proof-of-work	 system,	 based	 on	 hashcash,	 which	
can	be	used	to	control	spam.	Let’s	presume	that	is	sending	an	
email	 to	 The	 sender	 must	 include	 something	 similar	 to	 the	
following	in	the	header	of	the	email:	
That’s	4	pieces	of	information	separated	by	colons.	The	first	piece	is	the	sender’s	
email	 address,	 the	 second	 is	 the	 receiver’s	 email	 address	 and	 the	 third	 is	 the	
current	date	in	DDMMYYYY	format.	The	fourth	piece	is	something	that	needs	to	
be	calculated	by	the	sender’s	computer.	Let’s	call	it	a	nonce.		
The	objective	is	to	find	an	input	that	would	result	in	a	sha256	hash	which	begins	
with	5	zeros.	
So	we	start	the	nonce	at	a	value	of	0	and	then	keep	incrementing	it	(1,	2,	3	…	)	
and	calculating	the	hash.	Something	like	this:	
sha256	hash	 288721860bec3a490811981c831702d4f41e54c3f8c183c5650ac73ff231659c	
sha256	hash	 11caf434535c35cdc843e801382f0a8643a03500649a9bfa41c8e6a4be65a413	
sha256	hash	 aad80b9c58e977a5da90f81b2667af443b50425876920528f237df0a6ffe1aa4	
And	so	on	till	..	1580661	
sha256	hash	 0000080602f705257e74a4e847e9ed23ab61be5b2ba4263fbacc90bd7c7c7ab4	
Calculating	this	may	not	take	a	genuine	sender	a	lot	of	time	and	computational	
power	but	if	a	spammer	were	to	make	these	calculations	for	millions	of	emails,	it	
will	take	a	non-trivial	amount	of	time	and	computational	power.	
At	the	receiver’s	end,	the	computer	will	simply	take	the	following	line	from	the	
header	of	the	email	and	calculate	the	hash.	
If	the	hash	begins	with	a	pre-defined	number	of	zeros	(5	in	this	example),	the	
email	would	not	be	considered	spam.	This	will	take	the	receiver	a	trivial	amount	
of	time	and	computational	power	since	it	just	has	to	calculate	the	hash	of	one
input.	The	date	can	be	used	as	an	additional	validation	parameter	–	e.g.	if	the	
date	 is	 within	 24	 hours	 of	 the	 time	 of	 receipt,	 the	 email	 will	 be	 approved	 for	
A	very	important	application	of	public	key	cryptography	is	a	digital	signature.	
In	this,	the	signer	first	calculates	the	hash	of	the	message	she	wants	to	digitally	
sign.	 Then	 using	 her	 private	 key	 and	 the	 hash,	 she	 creates	 a	 digital	 signature,	
using	the	relevant	algorithm.		
This	digital	signature	is	unique	to	the	message.		
The	signer	then	sends	the	message	and	the	digital	signature	to	the	receiver.	The	
receiver	 re-computes	 the	 hash	 from	 the	 message.	 The	 receiver	 also	 computes	
another	string	using	the	digital	signature	and	the	signer’s	public	key	(using	the	
relevant	 algorithm).	 If	 this	 string	 and	 the	 hash	 match,	 the	 digital	 signature	 is	
Blind	 digital	 signatures	 were	 subsequently	 developed	 for	 use	 in	 digital	 cash	
and	cryptographic	voting	systems.	In	this	system,	the	content	of	the	message	is	
disguised	before	it	is	signed.	The	resulting	blind	signature	can	be	verified	against	
the	original,	un-blinded	message	in	the	manner	of	a	regular	digital	signature7.		
However,	blind	digital	signatures	do	not	solve	the	double-spending	problem.	In	
case	of	physical	currency	notes,	you	cannot	double-spend	a	note	because	once	
you	hand	the	note	over	to	someone,	you	don’t	have	the	note	anymore	to	spend	
again.	Since	electronic	records	are	easily	duplicated,	a	“digital	coin”	can	be	spent	
multiple	times.	
Bitcoin	solves	the	double-spending	problem	through	the	blockchain	-	a	public	
ledger	 containing	 an	 ordered	 and	 time-stamped	 record	 of	 transactions.	 In	
addition	 to	 preventing	 double-spending,	 the	 blockchain	 prevents	 the	
modification	of	previous	transaction	records.	
A	block	of	one	or	more	new	transactions	is	collected	into	the	transaction	data	
part	of	a	block.	Copies	of	each	transaction	are	hashed,	and	the	hashes	are	then	
7	Source:	 An	 often-used	 analogy	 to	 the	
cryptographic	 blind	 signature	 is	 the	 physical	 act	 of	 a	 voter	 enclosing	 a	 completed	
anonymous	 ballot	 in	 a	 special	 carbon	 paper	 lined	 envelope	 that	 has	 the	 voter's	
credentials	pre-printed	on	the	outside.	The	ballot	can	be	marked	through	the	envelope	
by	the	carbon	paper.	The	voter	hands	the	sealed	envelope	to	an	official	who	verifies	the	
credentials	 and	 signs	 it.	 Once	 signed,	 the	 package	 is	 given	 back	 to	 the	 voter,	 who	
transfers	the	now	signed	ballot	to	a	new	unmarked	normal	envelope.	Thus,	the	signer	
does	not	view	the	message	content,	but	a	third	party	can	later	verify	the	signature	and	
know	 that	 the	 signature	 is	 valid	 within	 the	 limitations	 of	 the	 underlying	 signature	
paired,	hashed,	paired	again,	and	hashed	again	until	a	single	hash	remains,	the	
merkle	root	of	a	merkle	tree8.	
Lets	consider	a	simple	illustration	of	how	the	blockchain	works.	Consider	a	block	
that	has	6	transactions	a,	b,	c,	d,	e	and	f.		
The	merkle	tree	is:	
d1	=	double-hash	(a)	
d2	=	double-hash	(b)	
d3	=	double-hash	(c)	
d4	=	double-hash	(d)													
d5	=	double-hash	(e)													
d6	=	double-hash	(f)													
d7	=	double-hash	(d1	concatenated	with	d2)	
d8	=	double-hash	(d3	concatenated	with	d4)	
d9	=	double-hash	(d5	concatenated	with	d6)	
d10	=	double-hash	(d7	concatenated	with	d8)	
d11	=	double-hash	(d9	concatenated	with	d9)	
Since	there	are	an	odd	number	of	hashes,	we	take	d9	twice	
d12	=	double-hash	(d10	concatenated	with	d11)	
d12	is	the	merkle	root	of	the	6	transactions	in	this	block.	This	is	stored	in	the	
block	header.	Additionally,	each	block	also	stores	the	hash	of	the	header	of	the	
previous	block.	This	chains	the	blocks	together	and	ensures	that	a	transaction	
cannot	be	modified	without	modifying	the	block	that	records	it	and	all	following	
blocks.	Transactions	are	also	chained	together.		
Bitcoin	uses	a	proof-of-work	technique	similar	(but	more	complex)	than	the	one	
discussed	 earlier	 in	 this	 document.	 Since	 good	 cryptographic	 hash	 algorithms	
convert	 arbitrary	 inputs	 into	 “seemingly-random”	 hashes,	 it	 is	 not	 feasible	 to	
modify	the	input	to	make	the	hash	predictable.	To	prove	that	she	did	some	extra	
work	to	create	a	block,	a	miner	must	create	a	hash	of	the	block	header,	which	
does	not	exceed	a	certain	value.		
The	 term	 miner	 must	 not	 be	 compared	 with	 a	 gold	 or	 coal	 miner	 in	 the	 real	
world.	While	a	gold	miner	digs	into	the	earth	to	discover	gold,	a	bitcoin	miner	
uses	 computational	 power	 to	 calculate	 hashes.	 To	 add	 an	 entire	 block	 to	 the	
8	Source:
block	 chain,	 a	 Bitcoin	 miner	 must	 successfully	 hash	 a	 block	 header	 to	 a	 value	
below	 the	 target	 threshold.	 Bitcoin	 miners	 spend	 a	 lot	 of	 money	 (for	
computational	power	and	electricity)	and	are	compensated	by	way	of	a	reward	
for	each	block	they	mine	–	this	was	initially	50	bitcoins	per	block	and	is	halving	
every	210,000	blocks.	Miners	also	earn	transaction	fees.	Miners	usually	operate	
as	part	of	a	large	pool	instead	of	as	individuals.	
Interestingly,	Bitcoins	can	be	also	be	mined	with	a	pencil	and	paper9.	
The	 first-ever	 Bitcoin	 block	 is	 known	 as	 the	 genesis	 block.	 Each	 subsequent	
block	is	addressed	by	its	block	height,	which	represents	the	number	of	blocks	
between	it	and	the	genesis	block.	
New	blocks	are	added	to	the	block	chain	if	their	hash	is	at	least	as	challenging	as	
a	difficulty	value	expected	by	the	Bitcoin	consensus	protocol.	According	to	the	
bitcoin	protocol,	it	should	take	2	weeks	for	2016	blocks	to	be	generated.	If	the	
time	 taken	 is	 more	 or	 less	 than	 2	 weeks	 then	 the	 difficulty	 value	 is	 relatively	
decreased	or	increased.	
The	 overview	 of	 the	 Bitcoin	 process	 is	 explained	 very	 well	 on	 Ken	 Shirriff's	
9	See:	
10	To	 simplify	 slightly,	 bitcoins	 consist	 of	 entries	 in	 a	 distributed	 database	 that	 keeps	
track	 of	 the	 ownership	 of	 bitcoins.	 Unlike	 a	 bank,	 bitcoins	 are	 not	 tied	 to	 users	 or	
accounts.	 Instead	 bitcoins	 are	 owned	 by	 a	 Bitcoin	 address,	 for	 example	
1KKKK6N21XKo48zWKuQKXdvSsCf95ibHFa.	 A	 transaction	 is	 the	 mechanism	 for	
spending	bitcoins.	In	a	transaction,	the	owner	of	some	bitcoins	transfers	ownership	to	a	
new	 address.	 A	 key	 innovation	 of	 Bitcoin	 is	 how	 transactions	 are	 recorded	 in	 the	
distributed	database	through	mining.	Transactions	are	grouped	into	blocks	and	about	
every	 10	 minutes	 a	 new	 block	 of	 transactions	 is	 sent	 out,	 becoming	 part	 of	 the	
transaction	log	known	as	the	blockchain,	which	indicates	the	transaction	has	been	made	
(more-or-less)	official.	Bitcoin	mining	is	the	process	that	puts	transactions	into	a	block,	
to	make	sure	everyone	has	a	consistent	view	of	the	transaction	log.	To	mine	a	block,	
miners	must	find	an	extremely	rare	solution	to	an	(otherwise-pointless)	cryptographic	
problem.	 Finding	 this	 solution	 generates	 a	 mined	 block,	 which	 becomes	 part	 of	 the	
official	block	chain.	
Mining	is	also	the	mechanism	for	new	bitcoins	to	enter	the	system.	When	a	block	
is	successfully	mined,	new	bitcoins	are	generated	in	the	block	and	paid	to	the	miner.	
This	mining	bounty	is	large	-	currently	25	bitcoins	per	block.	In	addition,	the	miner	gets	
any	fees	associated	with	the	transactions	in	the	block.	Because	of	this,	mining	is	very	
competitive	 with	 many	 people	 attempting	 to	 mine	 blocks.	 The	 difficulty	 and	
competitiveness	of	mining	is	a	key	part	of	Bitcoin	security,	since	it	ensures	that	nobody	
can	flood	the	system	with	bad	blocks.	
There	is	no	centralized	Bitcoin	server.	Instead,	Bitcoin	runs	on	a	peer-to-peer	
network.	If	you	run	a	Bitcoin	client,	you	become	part	of	that	network.	The	nodes	on	the	
network	exchange	transactions,	blocks,	and	addresses	of	other	peers	with	each	other.	
When	you	first	connect	to	the	network,	your	client	downloads	the	blockchain	from	some	
random	node	or	nodes.	In	turn,	your	client	may	provide	data	to	other	nodes.	When	you	
create	a	Bitcoin	transaction,	you	send	it	to	some	peer,	who	sends	it	to	other	peers,	and	
so	on,	until	it	reaches	the	entire	network.	Miners	pick	up	your	transaction,	generate	a
A	Bitcoin	address	is	an	identifier	of	26	to	35	alphanumeric	characters,	beginning	
with	 the	 number	 1	 or	 3,	 which	 represents	 a	 possible	 destination	 for	 a	 bitcoin	
payment.	Addresses	can	be	generated	at	no	cost	by	any	user	of	Bitcoin11.		
mined	block	containing	your	transaction,	and	send	this	mined	block	to	peers.	Eventually	
your	 client	 will	 receive	 the	 block	 and	 your	 client	 shows	 that	 the	 transaction	 was	
Bitcoin	 uses	 digital	 signatures	 to	 ensure	 that	 only	 the	 owner	 of	 bitcoins	 can	
spend	 them.	 The	 owner	 of	 a	 Bitcoin	 address	 has	 the	 private	 key	 associated	 with	 the	
address.	To	spend	bitcoins,	they	sign	the	transaction	with	this	private	key,	which	proves	
they	 are	 the	 owner.	 (It's	 somewhat	 like	 signing	 a	 physical	 check	 to	 make	 it	 valid.)	 A	
public	key	is	associated	with	each	Bitcoin	address,	and	anyone	can	use	it	to	verify	the	
digital	signature.	
Blocks	and	transactions	are	identified	by	a	256-bit	cryptographic	hash	of	their	
contents.	This	hash	value	is	used	in	multiple	places	in	the	Bitcoin	protocol.	In	addition,	
finding	a	special	hash	is	the	difficult	task	in	mining	a	block.	
11	Source:	The	technical	process	to	create	Bitcoin	
addresses	is	explained	as	under:	
• Step	0:	Having	a	private	Elliptic	Curve	Digital	Signature	Algorithm	key:	
• Step	1:	Take	the	corresponding	public	key	generated	with	it:	
• Step	2:	Perform	SHA-256	hashing	on	the	public	key	
• Step	3:	Perform	RIPEMD-160	hashing	on	the	result	of	SHA-256	
• Step	4:	Add	version	byte	in	front	of	RIPEMD-160	hash	(0x00	for	Main	Network)	
(note	that	below	steps	are	the	Base58Check	encoding11)	
• Step	5:	Perform	SHA-256	hash	on	the	extended	RIPEMD-160	result	
• Step	6:	Perform	SHA-256	hash	on	the	result	of	the	previous	SHA-256	hash	
• Step	7:	Take	the	first	4	bytes	of	the	second	SHA-256	hash.	This	is	the	address	
• Step	8:	Add	the	4	checksum	bytes	from	the	previous	stage	at	the	end	of	extended	
RIPEMD-160	hash	from	stage	4.	This	is	the	25-byte	binary	Bitcoin	Address.	
• Step	 9:	 Convert	 the	 result	 from	 a	 byte	 string	 into	 a	 base58	 string	 using	
Base58Check	encoding.	This	is	the	most	commonly	used	Bitcoin	Address	format	
There	are	currently	two	address	formats	in	common	use:	
Common	P2PKH	which	begin	with	the	
number	1	
Newer	P2SH	type	starting	with	the	
number	3	
Bitcoin	wallets	at	their	core	are	a	collection	of	private	keys.		
These	collections	are	stored	digitally	in	a	file,	or	can	even	be	physically	stored	on	
pieces	of	paper.		
The	simplest	Bitcoin	wallet	is	a	program,	which	performs	these	functions12:		
• it	generates	private	keys,		
• derives	the	corresponding	public	keys,		
• helps	distribute	those	public	keys	as	necessary,		
• monitors	for	outputs	spent	to	those	public	keys,		
• creates	and	signs	transactions	spending	those	outputs,	and		
• broadcasts	the	signed	transactions.	
Although	it’s	called	a	wallet,	a	Bitcoin	wallet	does	not	store	bitcoins.	The	wallet	is	
a	collection	of	public-private	key-pairs.	
As	 discussed,	 the	 blockchain	 is	 a	 database	 of	 transaction	 information.	 It	 is	
constantly	 growing	 and	 is	 sent	 out	 to	 all	 nodes	 in	 the	 Bitcoin	 network.	 Every	
transaction	is	distributed	to	the	network	and	all	valid	transactions	are	included	
in	the	next	block,	which	is	mined.		
Imagine	a	real-world	transaction	where	your	salary	is	transferred	to	your	bank	
account	through	an	online	transfer	made	by	your	employer.	You	then	use	your	
debit	card	to	pay	for	dinner.	This	transfers	some	of	the	money	to	the	restaurant’s	
account.	In	these	2	transactions,	did	you	see	a	single	currency	note?	No.	So	we	
can	say	that	in	today’s	world	most	money	exists	as	a	history	of	transactions	and	
Bitcoin,	or	for	that	matter	most	virtual	currencies	work	the	same	way.	They	don’t	
actually	“exist”	in	the	true	sense	of	the	word.	They	just	are	there!	
A	bitcoin	can	be	divided	down	to	8	decimal	places	-	0.00000001	is	the	smallest	
amount,	also	referred	to	as	a	satoshi.	The	last	block	that	will	generate	bitcoins	
will	be	block	6,929,999.	This	is	expected	to	be	generated	around	the	year	2140.	
After	that,	the	total	number	of	bitcoins	will	remain	static	at	just	below	21	million.	
3.	Additional	reading	and	other	resources	
1. Blind	Digital	Signatures
2. Bitcoin:	A	Peer-to-Peer	Electronic	Cash	System		
3. Bitcoin	wiki	
4. FATF	Report	on	Virtual	Currencies	Key	Definitions	and	Potential	AML/CFT	Risks
4.	License	
This	 work	 is	 licensed	 under	 a	 Creative	 Commons	 Attribution-ShareAlike	 4.0	 International	
License.	You	are	free	to:	
Share	—	copy	and	redistribute	the	material	in	any	medium	or	format	
Adapt	—	remix,	transform,	and	build	upon	the	material	for	any	purpose,	even	commercially.	
The	licensor	cannot	revoke	these	freedoms	as	long	as	you	follow	the	license	terms.	
Under	the	following	terms:	
Attribution	 —	 You	 must	 give	 appropriate	 credit,	 provide	 a	 link	 to	 the	 license,	 and	 indicate	 if	
changes	were	made.	You	may	do	so	in	any	reasonable	manner,	but	not	in	any	way	that	suggests	
the	licensor	endorses	you	or	your	use.	
ShareAlike	 —	 If	 you	 remix,	 transform,	 or	 build	 upon	 the	 material,	 you	 must	 distribute	 your	
contributions	under	the	same	license	as	the	original.	
No	 additional	 restrictions	 —	 You	 may	 not	 apply	 legal	 terms	 or	 technological	 measures	 that	
legally	restrict	others	from	doing	anything	the	license	permits.	
You	do	not	have	to	comply	with	the	license	for	elements	of	the	material	in	the	public	domain	or	
where	your	use	is	permitted	by	an	applicable	exception	or	limitation.	
No	warranties	are	given.	The	license	may	not	give	you	all	of	the	permissions	necessary	for	your	
intended	use.	For	example,	other	rights	such	as	publicity,	privacy,	or	moral	rights	may	limit	how	
you	use	the	material.	
Document	version	1.0	dated	20th	March,	2016.

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  • 1. 1 Math Money: A simple introduction to crypto-currencies Rohas Nagpal Asian School of Cyber Laws Abstract: Crypto-currencies (bitcoin et al) have caught the attention of Governments, enforcement agencies, geeks and the general public. This document provides a simple introduction to crypto-currencies and briefly introduces terms such as cryptography, hash functions, proof-of-work, digital signatures, mining, merkle root & tree, crypto-currency addresses and wallets. This document is intended for the novice reader and may suffer from errors inherent when a complex topic is (over?) simplified. Note: Although this document mentions Bitcoin, most of it applies to any system that “uses public key cryptography, peer-to-peer networking and proof-of-work to process and verify payments”. Note: This document is intended for the novice reader and may suffer from errors inherent when a complex topic is (over?) simplified. 1. Evolution of money: from cowry shells to the blockchain Our ancestors started off with the barter system - something like "I will give you 2 buffaloes in return for 5 shiny new super-sharp axes". Soon they realised that the barter system had too many limitations - everyone didn't want buffaloes, buffaloes were neither divisible (not too many people would want 0.35 buffaloes) nor very portable (imagine having to carry a buffalo on your shoulders while going shopping). So they moved on to more acceptable, divisible, homogeneous and portable forms of money - cowry shells, salt, gold, silver and lots more. The Chinese invention of paper eventually led to the birth of paper currency, which was initially backed by gold or other precious metals. Then the world moved on to fiat money - currency that's declared as legal tender by a government but not backed by a physical commodity1. 1 Have a look at a 100-rupee note. It caries a promise signed by the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) – “I promise to pay the bearer the sum of one hundred rupees”. If you were to take this note to the Governor of the RBI, he would give you coins or one-rupee notes totaling 100 rupees. The RBI gets the power to issue currency notes by section 31 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. This section states that “No person in India other than the Bank or, as expressly authorized by this Act, the Central Government shall draw, accept, make or issue any bill of exchange, hundi, promissory note or engagement for the payment of money payable to bearer on demand, or borrow, owe or take up any sum or sums of money on the bills, hundis or notes payable to bearer on demand of any such person…”
  • 2. 2 This brings us to an essential question – what is money? Money's a matter of functions four, a Medium, a Measure, a Standard, a Store. So goes the couplet based on William Stanley Jevons analysis of money in 1875. This meant that for something to be called as money, it must function as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, a standard of deferred payment and a store of value. The birth of computers and the Internet brought in many electronic payment systems including debit cards, stored value cards, giro transfers, credit cards, net-banking, electronic bill payments, electronic cheques, mobile wallets, digital gold currencies, digital wallets, electronic funds transfer at point of sale, mobile banking, SMS banking, online banking, payment cards, real-time gross settlement systems, SWIFT, wire transfers and more. And then came Satoshi Nakamoto’s path breaking whitepaper - Bitcoin: A Peer- to-Peer Electronic Cash System in October 2008. This brought the world its first truly peer-to-peer electronic currency2 . Bitcoin earned a lot of notoriety primarily because of its use by members of the now shut-down Silk Road - an illegal online marketplace that facilitated the sale of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of drugs, guns, stolen financial information, counterfeit documents and more. All Silk Road transactions were conducted exclusively in bitcoin. A lot of crypto-currencies3 piggybacked on Bitcoin’s underlying innovation – the blockchain. In fact we now have more than 650 virtual currencies4 being used 2 Virtual currency is a digital representation of value that can be digitally traded and functions as (1) a medium of exchange; and/or (2) a unit of account; and/or (3) a store of value, but does not have legal tender status (i.e., when tendered to a creditor, is a valid and legal offer of payment) in any jurisdiction. It is not issued nor guaranteed by any jurisdiction, and fulfils the above functions only by agreement within the community of users of the virtual currency. Virtual currency is distinguished from fiat currency (a.k.a. “real currency,” “real money,” or “national currency”), which is the coin and paper money of a country that is designated as its legal tender; circulates; and is customarily used and accepted as a medium of exchange in the issuing country. It is distinct from e-money, which is a digital representation of fiat currency used to electronically transfer value denominated in fiat currency. E-money is a digital transfer mechanism for fiat currency—i.e., it electronically transfers value that has legal tender status. [Source: FATF report on Virtual Currencies - Key Definitions and Potential AML/CFT Risks] 3 Cryptocurrency refers to a math-based, decentralised convertible virtual currency that is protected by cryptography. - i.e., it incorporates principles of cryptography to implement a distributed, decentralised, secure information economy. Cryptocurrency relies on public and private keys to transfer value from one person (individual or entity) to another, and must be cryptographically signed each time it is transferred. The safety, integrity and balance of cryptocurrency ledgers is ensured by a network of mutually distrustful parties (in Bitcoin, referred to as miners) who protect the network in exchange for the opportunity to obtain a randomly distributed fee (in Bitcoin, a small number of newly created bitcoins, called the “block reward” and in some cases, also transaction fees paid by users as a incentive for miners to include their transactions in the next block). Hundreds of cryptocurrency specifications have been defined, mostly
  • 3. 3 around the world. And now we have become a world where bankers wake up each morning wondering – “has the meaning of money and banking changed while I slept”. This rapid change in the global money ecosystem has implications for all of us - from Governments looking to clamp down on money laundering, tax evasion and terrorist funding to banks looking to understand the implications of the blockchain technology. From law enforcement looking to clamp down on the Mafia using Bitcoin to businesses looking for faster and cheaper ways to receive and transfer money globally. 2. The mathematics of it all Sanya’s a naughty young girl who’s been grounded for a week. She wants to sneak out for desert with her friends but obviously can’t let her dad know about it. She’s not allowed to use her cellphone, so the only way for her to call her friends is using the good old landline in her dad’s room. Since she regularly gets grounded, she and her friends have worked out a simple system for sharing secrets. When she says, “have you read the book I told you about” she actually means “let’s sneak out tonight”. When she says something about “page 10” of the book, she means “pick me up at 10 pm”. Continuing the logic, page 11 would mean 11 pm and so on. So on the phone she asks her friend “Have you read the book I told you about? Page 12 is really funny”, she means, “Let’s sneak out tonight, pick me up at midnight”. What we have just seen is cryptography (and a rebellious teenager) in action in the real world. The sentence “Let’s sneak out tonight, pick me up at midnight” is plain text – what Sanya actually wants to convey. The sentence “Have you read the book I told you about? Page 12 is really funny" is the cipher text – something that an adversary (her dad in this case) should not be able to understand. Encryption is the process of converting plain text to cipher text. The reverse process is decryption. derived from Bitcoin, which uses a proof- of-work system to validate transactions and maintain the block chain. While Bitcoin provided the first fully implemented cryptocurrency protocol, there is growing interest in developing alternative, potentially more efficient proof methods, such as systems based on proof-of-stake. [Source: FATF report on Virtual Currencies - Key Definitions and Potential AML/CFT Risks] 4 Source:, retrieved on 19th March, 2016.
  • 4. 4 This science of encrypting and decrypting messages (cryptography) has been used for thousands of years. It is believed that when Julius Caesar sent messages to his generals, he replaced every A in his messages with a D, every B with an E, and so on through the alphabet. Only someone who knew the “shift by 3” rule could decipher his messages. For example, if we want to encode the word “SECRET” using Caesar’s key value of 3, we offset the alphabet so that the 3rd letter down, (D), begins the alphabet. So starting with ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ and sliding everything up by 3, you get DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABC where D=A, E=B, F=C, and so on. Using this scheme, the plaintext, “SECRET” encrypts as “VHFUHW”. To allow someone else to read the cipher text, you tell him or her that the key is 3. This method is called symmetric cryptography and involves using the same key for encrypting as well as decrypting a message. This naturally poses a serious problem – what if an adversary gets hold of this key? At some point of time the sender and receiver need to exchange the key. That’s when an adversary could get hold of the key. In modern cryptography, keys are really really large numbers. The secure-key-exchange problem was solved with the birth of asymmetric key cryptography – in which two different but related keys are used - the public key to encrypt data and the corresponding private key to decrypt the data. If Sanya were to send an encrypted message to Karan, she would encrypt the message using his public key (which is available to the world). Once encrypted, the message can only be decrypted using Karan’s private key (which would only be available to Karan). To understand how this works, lets look at the RSA algorithm (named after its inventors Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman). The RSA public-key encryption algorithm works in the following manner: 1. Generation of a public-private key pair. 2. Encryption of a message (plain text) with the public key generated in step (1) to get the cipher-text. 3. Decryption of the cipher-text by using the corresponding private key generated in step (1). Step 1: Generation of a key pair 1. Select two large integer primes p and q. 2. Multiply p and q to get a number n, that means, pq = n. 3. Obtain φ which is the product of (p-1) and (q-1), that means φ = (p-1)(q-1).
  • 5. 5 4. Select e such that 1<e<φ and the greatest common divisor of e and φ is 1. That means e and φ are coprime. 5. Compute d such that 1<d<φ and ed ≡ 1 mod φ. This means that the value of d must be such that ed-1 should be completely divisible by φ or (ed-1) / φ should be an integer. 6. The public-key is (e, n) and the corresponding private key is (d, n). Step 2: Encryption process Suppose the message to be encrypted is m. The cipher-text c is obtained by raising the message to the value of e and finding out its modulo n. That means c = me mod n. Step 3: Decryption process Decryption is achieved by raising the cipher-text c obtained in step 2 to the value of d and finding out its modulo n. That means m=cd mod n. Let’s try the algorithm with really small prime numbers5: 3 and 11. (In reality the primes chosen would be really really large). 1. Choose p = 3 and q = 11 2. Compute n = p * q = 3 * 11 = 33 3. Compute φ = (p - 1) * (q - 1) = 2 * 10 = 20 4. Choose e such that 1 < e < φ and e and φ are coprime. Let e = 7 5. Compute a value for d such that 1<d<φ and ed ≡ 1 mod φ. One solution is d = 3. 6. Public key is (e, n) => (7, 33) Private key is (d, n) => (3, 33) 7. Suppose the plain text is 2. The cipher text will be c = me mod n. That’s 27 mod 33 = 128 mod 33 = 29 8. The decryption will be cd mod n 5 Source:
  • 6. 6 = 293 mod 33 = 24389 mod 33 = 2 The security of the RSA cryptosystem is based on the integer factorization problem. Any adversary who wishes to decipher the cipher-text c must do so by using the publicly available information (n, e). One possible method is to first factor n, and then compute φ and d just as was done in the above mentioned steps. The factoring of n is currently computationally infeasible (provided sufficiently large prime numbers are chosen as p and q) and therein lays the strength of the RSA cryptosystem. Before we get into the nuts and bolts of how crypto-currencies work, we need to understand some more concepts including hash functions. A one-way hash function takes an input (e.g. a PDF file, a video, an email, a string etc.) and produces a fixed-length output e.g. 160-bits. The hash function ensures that if the information is changed in any way – even by just one bit – an entirely different output value is produced. The table below shows some sample output values using the sha1 (40) hash function6. Input Hash sanya c75491c89395de9fa4ed29affda0e4d29cbad290 SANYA 33fef490220a0e6dee2f16c5a8f78ce491741adc Sanya 4c391643f247937bee14c0bcca9ffb985fc0d0ba It can be seen from the table above that by changing the input from sanya to SANYA, an entirely different hash value is generated. What must be kept in mind is that irrespective of the size of the input, the hash output will always be of the same size. Two things must be borne in mind with regard to one-way hash functions: 1. It is computationally infeasible to find two different input messages that will yield the same hash output. 2. It is computationally infeasible to reconstruct the original message from its hash output. Having understood hash functions, let’s have a look at another interesting concept called proof-of-work. This is a way to reduce spam and denial of service attacks by requiring a computer to spend some time and processing power to solve something. One such proof-of-work system that is used in crypto-currencies is hashcash. The basic premise of hashcash is that if the sender of an email can prove that she has 6 Computing hash of an electronic record is a very simple process. E.g. in php it can be done with: hash_file('sha256', $filename).
  • 7. 7 spent reasonable time and computational power to solve some puzzle, it can be believed that the sender is not a spammer. The logic is that spamming would be economically infeasible if a spammer had to spend non-trivial time and computational power for every single email being sent. Let’s develop an elementary proof-of-work system, based on hashcash, which can be used to control spam. Let’s presume that is sending an email to The sender must include something similar to the following in the header of the email: That’s 4 pieces of information separated by colons. The first piece is the sender’s email address, the second is the receiver’s email address and the third is the current date in DDMMYYYY format. The fourth piece is something that needs to be calculated by the sender’s computer. Let’s call it a nonce. The objective is to find an input that would result in a sha256 hash which begins with 5 zeros. So we start the nonce at a value of 0 and then keep incrementing it (1, 2, 3 … ) and calculating the hash. Something like this: Input sha256 hash 288721860bec3a490811981c831702d4f41e54c3f8c183c5650ac73ff231659c Input sha256 hash 11caf434535c35cdc843e801382f0a8643a03500649a9bfa41c8e6a4be65a413 Input sha256 hash aad80b9c58e977a5da90f81b2667af443b50425876920528f237df0a6ffe1aa4 And so on till .. 1580661 Input sha256 hash 0000080602f705257e74a4e847e9ed23ab61be5b2ba4263fbacc90bd7c7c7ab4 Calculating this may not take a genuine sender a lot of time and computational power but if a spammer were to make these calculations for millions of emails, it will take a non-trivial amount of time and computational power. At the receiver’s end, the computer will simply take the following line from the header of the email and calculate the hash. If the hash begins with a pre-defined number of zeros (5 in this example), the email would not be considered spam. This will take the receiver a trivial amount of time and computational power since it just has to calculate the hash of one
  • 8. 8 input. The date can be used as an additional validation parameter – e.g. if the date is within 24 hours of the time of receipt, the email will be approved for download. A very important application of public key cryptography is a digital signature. In this, the signer first calculates the hash of the message she wants to digitally sign. Then using her private key and the hash, she creates a digital signature, using the relevant algorithm. This digital signature is unique to the message. The signer then sends the message and the digital signature to the receiver. The receiver re-computes the hash from the message. The receiver also computes another string using the digital signature and the signer’s public key (using the relevant algorithm). If this string and the hash match, the digital signature is verified. Blind digital signatures were subsequently developed for use in digital cash and cryptographic voting systems. In this system, the content of the message is disguised before it is signed. The resulting blind signature can be verified against the original, un-blinded message in the manner of a regular digital signature7. However, blind digital signatures do not solve the double-spending problem. In case of physical currency notes, you cannot double-spend a note because once you hand the note over to someone, you don’t have the note anymore to spend again. Since electronic records are easily duplicated, a “digital coin” can be spent multiple times. Bitcoin solves the double-spending problem through the blockchain - a public ledger containing an ordered and time-stamped record of transactions. In addition to preventing double-spending, the blockchain prevents the modification of previous transaction records. A block of one or more new transactions is collected into the transaction data part of a block. Copies of each transaction are hashed, and the hashes are then 7 Source: An often-used analogy to the cryptographic blind signature is the physical act of a voter enclosing a completed anonymous ballot in a special carbon paper lined envelope that has the voter's credentials pre-printed on the outside. The ballot can be marked through the envelope by the carbon paper. The voter hands the sealed envelope to an official who verifies the credentials and signs it. Once signed, the package is given back to the voter, who transfers the now signed ballot to a new unmarked normal envelope. Thus, the signer does not view the message content, but a third party can later verify the signature and know that the signature is valid within the limitations of the underlying signature scheme.
  • 9. 9 paired, hashed, paired again, and hashed again until a single hash remains, the merkle root of a merkle tree8. Lets consider a simple illustration of how the blockchain works. Consider a block that has 6 transactions a, b, c, d, e and f. The merkle tree is: d1 = double-hash (a) d2 = double-hash (b) d3 = double-hash (c) d4 = double-hash (d) d5 = double-hash (e) d6 = double-hash (f) d7 = double-hash (d1 concatenated with d2) d8 = double-hash (d3 concatenated with d4) d9 = double-hash (d5 concatenated with d6) d10 = double-hash (d7 concatenated with d8) d11 = double-hash (d9 concatenated with d9) Since there are an odd number of hashes, we take d9 twice d12 = double-hash (d10 concatenated with d11) d12 is the merkle root of the 6 transactions in this block. This is stored in the block header. Additionally, each block also stores the hash of the header of the previous block. This chains the blocks together and ensures that a transaction cannot be modified without modifying the block that records it and all following blocks. Transactions are also chained together. Bitcoin uses a proof-of-work technique similar (but more complex) than the one discussed earlier in this document. Since good cryptographic hash algorithms convert arbitrary inputs into “seemingly-random” hashes, it is not feasible to modify the input to make the hash predictable. To prove that she did some extra work to create a block, a miner must create a hash of the block header, which does not exceed a certain value. The term miner must not be compared with a gold or coal miner in the real world. While a gold miner digs into the earth to discover gold, a bitcoin miner uses computational power to calculate hashes. To add an entire block to the 8 Source:
  • 10. 10 block chain, a Bitcoin miner must successfully hash a block header to a value below the target threshold. Bitcoin miners spend a lot of money (for computational power and electricity) and are compensated by way of a reward for each block they mine – this was initially 50 bitcoins per block and is halving every 210,000 blocks. Miners also earn transaction fees. Miners usually operate as part of a large pool instead of as individuals. Interestingly, Bitcoins can be also be mined with a pencil and paper9. The first-ever Bitcoin block is known as the genesis block. Each subsequent block is addressed by its block height, which represents the number of blocks between it and the genesis block. New blocks are added to the block chain if their hash is at least as challenging as a difficulty value expected by the Bitcoin consensus protocol. According to the bitcoin protocol, it should take 2 weeks for 2016 blocks to be generated. If the time taken is more or less than 2 weeks then the difficulty value is relatively decreased or increased. The overview of the Bitcoin process is explained very well on Ken Shirriff's blog10. 9 See: 10 To simplify slightly, bitcoins consist of entries in a distributed database that keeps track of the ownership of bitcoins. Unlike a bank, bitcoins are not tied to users or accounts. Instead bitcoins are owned by a Bitcoin address, for example 1KKKK6N21XKo48zWKuQKXdvSsCf95ibHFa. A transaction is the mechanism for spending bitcoins. In a transaction, the owner of some bitcoins transfers ownership to a new address. A key innovation of Bitcoin is how transactions are recorded in the distributed database through mining. Transactions are grouped into blocks and about every 10 minutes a new block of transactions is sent out, becoming part of the transaction log known as the blockchain, which indicates the transaction has been made (more-or-less) official. Bitcoin mining is the process that puts transactions into a block, to make sure everyone has a consistent view of the transaction log. To mine a block, miners must find an extremely rare solution to an (otherwise-pointless) cryptographic problem. Finding this solution generates a mined block, which becomes part of the official block chain. Mining is also the mechanism for new bitcoins to enter the system. When a block is successfully mined, new bitcoins are generated in the block and paid to the miner. This mining bounty is large - currently 25 bitcoins per block. In addition, the miner gets any fees associated with the transactions in the block. Because of this, mining is very competitive with many people attempting to mine blocks. The difficulty and competitiveness of mining is a key part of Bitcoin security, since it ensures that nobody can flood the system with bad blocks. There is no centralized Bitcoin server. Instead, Bitcoin runs on a peer-to-peer network. If you run a Bitcoin client, you become part of that network. The nodes on the network exchange transactions, blocks, and addresses of other peers with each other. When you first connect to the network, your client downloads the blockchain from some random node or nodes. In turn, your client may provide data to other nodes. When you create a Bitcoin transaction, you send it to some peer, who sends it to other peers, and so on, until it reaches the entire network. Miners pick up your transaction, generate a
  • 11. 11 A Bitcoin address is an identifier of 26 to 35 alphanumeric characters, beginning with the number 1 or 3, which represents a possible destination for a bitcoin payment. Addresses can be generated at no cost by any user of Bitcoin11. mined block containing your transaction, and send this mined block to peers. Eventually your client will receive the block and your client shows that the transaction was processed. Bitcoin uses digital signatures to ensure that only the owner of bitcoins can spend them. The owner of a Bitcoin address has the private key associated with the address. To spend bitcoins, they sign the transaction with this private key, which proves they are the owner. (It's somewhat like signing a physical check to make it valid.) A public key is associated with each Bitcoin address, and anyone can use it to verify the digital signature. Blocks and transactions are identified by a 256-bit cryptographic hash of their contents. This hash value is used in multiple places in the Bitcoin protocol. In addition, finding a special hash is the difficult task in mining a block. 11 Source: The technical process to create Bitcoin addresses is explained as under: • Step 0: Having a private Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm key: 18E14A7B6A307F426A94F8114701E7C8E774E7F9A47E2C2035DB29A206321725 • Step 1: Take the corresponding public key generated with it: 0450863AD64A87AE8A2FE83C1AF1A8403CB53F53E486D8511DAD8A04887E5B2352 2CD470243453A299FA9E77237716103ABC11A1DF38855ED6F2EE187E9C582BA6 • Step 2: Perform SHA-256 hashing on the public key 600FFE422B4E00731A59557A5CCA46CC183944191006324A447BDB2D98D4B408 • Step 3: Perform RIPEMD-160 hashing on the result of SHA-256 010966776006953D5567439E5E39F86A0D273BEE • Step 4: Add version byte in front of RIPEMD-160 hash (0x00 for Main Network) 00010966776006953D5567439E5E39F86A0D273BEE (note that below steps are the Base58Check encoding11) • Step 5: Perform SHA-256 hash on the extended RIPEMD-160 result 445C7A8007A93D8733188288BB320A8FE2DEBD2AE1B47F0F50BC10BAE845C094 • Step 6: Perform SHA-256 hash on the result of the previous SHA-256 hash D61967F63C7DD183914A4AE452C9F6AD5D462CE3D277798075B107615C1A8A30 • Step 7: Take the first 4 bytes of the second SHA-256 hash. This is the address checksum D61967F6 • Step 8: Add the 4 checksum bytes from the previous stage at the end of extended RIPEMD-160 hash from stage 4. This is the 25-byte binary Bitcoin Address. 00010966776006953D5567439E5E39F86A0D273BEED61967F6 • Step 9: Convert the result from a byte string into a base58 string using Base58Check encoding. This is the most commonly used Bitcoin Address format 16UwLL9Risc3QfPqBUvKofHmBQ7wMtjvM
  • 12. 12 There are currently two address formats in common use: Common P2PKH which begin with the number 1 Example: 1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2 Newer P2SH type starting with the number 3 Example: 3J98t1WpEZ73CNmQviecrnyiWrnqRhWNLy Bitcoin wallets at their core are a collection of private keys. These collections are stored digitally in a file, or can even be physically stored on pieces of paper. The simplest Bitcoin wallet is a program, which performs these functions12: • it generates private keys, • derives the corresponding public keys, • helps distribute those public keys as necessary, • monitors for outputs spent to those public keys, • creates and signs transactions spending those outputs, and • broadcasts the signed transactions. Although it’s called a wallet, a Bitcoin wallet does not store bitcoins. The wallet is a collection of public-private key-pairs. As discussed, the blockchain is a database of transaction information. It is constantly growing and is sent out to all nodes in the Bitcoin network. Every transaction is distributed to the network and all valid transactions are included in the next block, which is mined. Imagine a real-world transaction where your salary is transferred to your bank account through an online transfer made by your employer. You then use your debit card to pay for dinner. This transfers some of the money to the restaurant’s account. In these 2 transactions, did you see a single currency note? No. So we can say that in today’s world most money exists as a history of transactions and balances. Bitcoin, or for that matter most virtual currencies work the same way. They don’t actually “exist” in the true sense of the word. They just are there! A bitcoin can be divided down to 8 decimal places - 0.00000001 is the smallest amount, also referred to as a satoshi. The last block that will generate bitcoins will be block 6,929,999. This is expected to be generated around the year 2140. After that, the total number of bitcoins will remain static at just below 21 million. 12
  • 13. 13 3. Additional reading and other resources 1. Blind Digital Signatures yment.1982.PDF 2. Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System 3. Bitcoin wiki 4. FATF Report on Virtual Currencies Key Definitions and Potential AML/CFT Risks definitions-and-potential-aml-cft-risks.pdf 4. License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. Notices: You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation. No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material. Document version 1.0 dated 20th March, 2016.