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Mastering differentiated
                                         MDSD requirements at
                                         Deutsche Börse AG

                                         Code Generation 2009

                                         Heiko Behrens (itemis)
                                         Karsten Thoms (itemis)

© itemis AG 2009 – All rights reserved
The project at
Deutsche Börse
! Projects delivers a “Global Trading System”
! First (internal) user is ISE in NY
! Scalable, Distributed System
! Goes live in 2011
Structure of this talk

! 8 times
  Motivation ! Applied Approach
! Inbetween: Demo of discussed ideas
! In the end: Some discoveries we made

Application of
Code Generation
 in this project
Reference                      Configuration                                                 Messaging                                                                   Excel Model
 Data Model                        Model                                                       Model
               Reference                                                                                                                                                   Test
                 Data                                                                                                                                                    Generator
                                                                                                                                              Structures   Structures

                                                                                                                                              Messages     Messages          Tests
                   Validation          IML
JPA Entities                                                   OFi          Messages         Messages      Docu
                   Listeners        Datatypes                                                                                                      C++     Python           Python
   DAOs            UnitTest                                                 Structures       Structures
                                                                                                                           XML                                           <<uses>>
                                     IML                Msg/Struct.
 Listener                                                                   Factories          Editor
UOW Exec.        Persistence                                                                              HTML,
  Bean            Descriptor                                          C++                      Java        Text            XML
Msg Client         WSFacade         Report      <<uses>>
Descriptor                                                                                 <<uses>>                   <<uses>>
            Java                    HTML
                                                                Container Model                                         Model

  Hibernate                     JAXB                                   Data                                                                                Generator
                                                                      Access                                             DB
                                                                     Generator                                         Service
   DDL Scripts                    XSD

      SQL                         XML
                                                                      Global key                                                                            Messages
                                                     Filters                            DDL Scripts

                                                                       Ref Data                                          UnitTest    DDL Scripts
                                                   Containers                                              Queries                                          Structures
                                                                      Mngr Class                                        Templates     (MySQL)

                                                     Boost                                                 DAOs                                              Factories

                                                                C++                       SQL                        C++               SQL                     .Net
Artifact sizes
                               Tests (manual)
                               Sources (manual)
                               Reference Impl.

                 2.747 units

                                Actual numbers had
                                 to be replaced by
                                   fictive “units”
Guess what!
 Code Generation
Why Code Generation?
     ! Positive experience with former projects
     ! Prime example: mapping between
       messages and structures sending with a
       compact binary wire protocols

      Component                           Component
 Component                                  Structure B
                     A1   A3        A2   B2
   Structure B
B1                                         SubStructure S
                     B1   S1   B2   S2
B2                                        S1
  SubStructure S                          S2
Why openArchitectureWare?
Former times:
! Home-grown solution based on graphical modeling
  and proprietary tools
! Many different post-processors such as XSLT and Perl
Evaluation results of oAW for GTS
! Supports textual modeling
! Has mature tool support
! Works with different model types and output formats
Different Input , Different Output ,
 Same Transformation Language

Text UML                      C++      Java
XML XMI                       XML      XMI
When in Rome
do as the Romans do
Motivation: Address existing experience
            and perception
Modeling in UML
! Years of experience for modeling entities
  graphically (ER-Diagram)
! Established Tool (MagicDraw)
! Proven Technology (Profiles, Tagged
! Great for overview perspectives
UML Reference Model
Textual Modeling
! Years of experience ;)
! Established tool support (grep, editor,
  mail, svn)
! Highly customizable ! DSL
! Inexpensive metamodel evolvement
! Great for detailed modeling
Textual Model

            Reduce Complexity of Modeling
Reducing Model
! Following Convention-over-configuration
  paradigm for modeling
! Only model necessary information
! Complete model according to
  conventions by M2M transformation
Convention over Configuration

                     can be derived

                 required model
Convention: Navigable association ends without
                                       name get the name of the referred Entity. Use plural for to
                                                        many relationships.

uml::Model modify (uml::Model this) :
     ... ->
     // Search for unnamed association ends and give them a default name
           .select(x|x.association!=null).nameUnnamedEnds() ->

 * This function sets a default name for an association's end property if the property
 * has no name and it is navigable.
Void nameUnnamedEnds(Property this) :
           !isNamed() && isNavigable()
     then (
           ("setting default name for association end "" -> " ->
     -> this;
Convention over Configuration
Convention: All entities without <<Key>> attribute get a
                                        new property with name id of type Long, and Stereotype
                                                          <<Key>> is applied.

uml::Model modify (uml::Model this) :
     ... ->
     // Search for unnamed association ends and give them a default name
           .select(x|x.association!=null).nameUnnamedEnds() ->

private create uml::Property createTechnicalId(RDMProfile::Entity entity):
     ("Creating technical id attribute for entity " ->
     entity.ownedAttribute.addToFront(this) ->
     this.setName("id") ->
     this.setType(findDataType(„Long“) ->
     this.setLower(1) ->
     this.setUpper(1) ->
     this.setIsUnique(true) ->
     this.setVisibility(uml::VisibilityKind::^private) ->
     this.applyStereotype("RDMProfile::Key") ->
     this.setTaggedValue("RDMProfile::Key", "keyType", RDMProfile::KeyType::PK)->
     this.applyStereotype("RDMProfile::Field") ->
     this.setTaggedValue("RDMProfile::Field", "uniqueGroup", "444")->
Combination of model types

                                               Domain model
                                               platform independent

                                               Configuration model
                                               textual DSL
                                               platform dependent
entity Market
    relatedTo MarketAbstract with EAGER loading and cascade with PERSIST
    relatedTo MarketGroup with LAZY loading and cascade with PERSIST
Combination of model types
                            entity Market
                                relatedTo MarketAbstract with EAGER loading and cascade with PERSIST
                                relatedTo MarketGroup with LAZY loading and cascade with PERSIST

public class Market implements RDSEntity, Serializable {
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "market", cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)
    @Basic(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private List<MarketAbstract> marketAbstracts =
        new ArrayList<MarketAbstract>();
    @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST, targetEntity = MarketGroup.class,
mappedBy = "markets")
    @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private List<MarketGroup> marketGroups = new ArrayList<MarketGroup>();
Avoidable Accidents

            Detect errors early
                      (c) Ernest von Rosen,
l               e                t                :
                                 t ityRe = -1).siz emberEnd. t set)!"
                         e::En pper =
                   ofil |e.u                          " + m ion is no                                                (
            RD MPr         e                at  ion          at                                              > 1 &&
con text                 n y rel rOfAssoci                                              ))  .size )!="n
       er  En          y   to ma       (o wne                                            Ac tive( String(

             Detecting errors early
(memb NING "Man relation                    ll;                             t(e  |           "   must
      WAR                           != nu                                ec              a
               of  the          on                              p e.sel |e.aggreg .info() + not appl
   s o wner        sso ciati                             nd.ty lect(e
                                                                                   e.nam tereotype
 a              fA                               m                               p
       o wnerO                        n  if me mberEn                 rE nd.ty ion (s
                            c iatio ) && me                 + membe e relat
                    :Asso e == 2
               uml: .siz                        ati  on "         of th ;
     ntext == -1)                            el              er
   co                          to m  any r es as own nce(this)                                 ll)             an en
           er              y               it i            ta                               nu             s
   e.upp NING "Man f the ent ion.isIns                                            o n ==          e rence
         WAR          ne  o            el at                           so  ciati ame+" ref
               ine o ::EntityR                                  & (as class.n
    a        ! Check constraints implemented for
      nd de rofile
            DMP                             .isAc
                                                         in en
                                                      ive() tity "+
          R                           lass                                                                           =
                             y  if c          m e + "                                                        f ault!
                  Propert ty " + na                                );                               & & ^de fault
      con  text  ! Every assumption or modeling restriction
            ERROR n!":
                                                    ta nce (type
                                                                                    on   ==  null
                                                                                             t nul
                                                                                                    l ) as
                                          .                              so               no
               ia tio          :E                                && as          r ing (
       assoc MProfile:                                   ive()         p ty st
             !RD ! Modeling error that lead to generator or
                                          as  s.isA
                                   if cl loc()+" h
                                                           as  an em
                                                                                                          st ance(
                                                                                                   .isIn ce it i
                         perty rty "+                                                      Entit y, sin
         cont      artifact errors (e.g. Whitespace in names)
               ext P
                    ING "
                            Pr  ope                                          Pr
                                                                     & RDM typed a
                                                                                ofile s Entit
              WARN                                          ve()
                                                                    &         o
                                                     s Acti           stere
            "";                              ass.i " must be :
             ! Inter-model consistency checks
                         op  ert  y if
                                              .name y "+name );                                          In  stanc
              nte xt Pr lass "+ty propert                     f(t  ype                         nti      are a
           co              C                               ce                               :E             s
                ER ROR " +" in its .isInstan                                      o file: umeration
             ! Risk of modeling errors decreased
                      .n ame           ti ty                           &  RDMPr nal En
            "+ class ofile::En                               iv e() & Functio
                 RD MPr                             . isAct pes or
                                        if  class Dataty                               ype)
                                    y                                                t
                         Pr opert unctional                               st ance( pe);
             con  text          nl y F                         pe  .isIn ance(ty
                   ERR OR "O "+loc() : nalDataTy .isInst
                     te d for ::Functio numeratio
              Viola       rofil
Constraints with Check language
context uml::Association
     && (|e.upper == -1).size == 2)
     &&|e.aggregation.toString()!="none").size == 2
    WARNING "Many to many relation " + +
        " must be of type EntityRelation and define one of the entities" +
      " as owner of the relation (stereotype not applied)!" :

context Property if class.isActive() && (association == null)
    ERROR "Property " + name + " in entity " +
      " references an entity, but is not an association!":

context Property
    if class.isActive() && association == null && ^default!=null
    WARNING "Property "+loc()
           +" has an empty string (not null) as default value"
     : ^default.trim()!="";
! Static Typing while developing
  checks and transformations

! IDE integration for workflows invocation

! Continuous Generation (server-side)
  CMake / Ant / Maven

! Automated execution after SVN checkout
! Graphical EMF model
! Enhanced with textual DSL (with Xtext)
! Validation
! Code Generation
! Changes textual DSL
Standing on the
                shoulders of giants
Reusing generator aspects
Cartridge adaption
! Using OS cartridges as         Cartridge

  closed package
                                                          Project Cartridge

! Required model structure
  created through M2M
                                 Adapter        Aspect           M2M
                                 Workflow       Template      Transformation

  transformation                                 Fornax Adapter Cartridge
                              <<call>>               <<redefines>>

! Required changes added         Cartridge   Annotation      EntityClass      Mapping

  non-invasive through
                                 Workflow      Template        Template        Template

  Xpand/Xtend AOP support                      Fornax Hibernate Cartridge

                              <<call>>                               <<redefines>>

! Redefined functionality         Cartridge

  concentrated in a small
                                              Fornax JavaBasic Cartridge
  adapter cartridge project
UML2 model modification with Xtend
uml::Model modify (uml::Model this) :
     this.applyProfile(getPersistenceProfile()) ->
     // Create real enumerations for FunctionalEnumerations. This must be done first since
     // we map datatypes after that
     this.eAllContents.typeSelect(RDMProfile::FunctionalEnumeration).adaptEnumeration() ->
     entities().adaptEntity() ->
     adaptEmbeddedKeys() ->

RDMProfile::Entity adaptEntity (RDMProfile::Entity entity) :
     debug("Adapting entity: "+ ->
     entity.applyStereotype("Persistence::Entity") ->
     entity.setTaggedValue("Persistence::Entity", "tableName",>
     entity.testAndAssignInheritanceStrategy()->|a.association==null).adaptAttribute() ->|a.association!=null).adaptRelation() ->

//In case the entity extends another class, assigne the persistence stereotype for
//strategy on the uml::Generalization
Void testAndAssignInheritanceStrategy(RDMProfile::Entity this):
     if !general.isEmpty
     then assignInheritanceStrategy();

Void assignInheritanceStrategy(RDMProfile::Entity this):
     let gener = generalization.first():
     gener.applyStereotype("Persistence::"+getInheritanceStrategyFromDardl().mapToStrategy()) ->
     if(getInheritanceStrategyFromDardl() == "SINGLE_TABLE")
     then (
               "discriminator_value", getDiscriminatorValue())->
               "discriminator_superClass_type", "INTEGER")
AOP with templates and functions
   «AROUND org::fornax::cartridges::uml2::javabasic::templates::Documentation::documentation
    FOR uml::Classifier»
        «EXPAND JPAAnnotations»

   «DEFINE JPAAnnotations FOR Persistence::Entity»

        «EXPAND InheritanceAnnotations»

            @javax.persistence.NamedQuery(name="find«name»s", query="SELECT e from «name» e")

        «IF !isAbstract»
        «EXPAND UniqueConstraints»

around org::fornax::cartridges::uml2::javabasic::extensions::DataType::NormalizedDefaultValue(
   uml::Property property): internal_getNormalizedDefaultValue(property);

private String internal_getNormalizedDefaultValue (uml::Property property) :
     JAVA gts.ise.refdata.oaw.fornax.util.Extensions.getNormalizedDefaultValue(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property);
Arange your ideas

Managing Manual Code
Sucessfully applied MDSD best practices

                   ! Separate generated from manual code
                   ! Avoid check-in generated code

      src                    BaseClass                             BaseClass
manually written

   src-gen            AbstractA     AbstractB                AbstractB                     AbstractD
always generated

                      ConcreteA                  ConcreteA
  src-once           Some           ConcreteB   Some         ConcreteB         ConcreteC   ConcreteD
                     Manual                     Manual
generated once
                     Code                       Code
Adjusted Folder Layout
Design your tools

            Managing Generator
Reference Implementation

 ! Manually implemented
 ! Far more than a prototype!
 ! Compilable, deployable, executable, testable
 ! Covers every architectural concept
 ! Code seperated in to-be-generated and
   manual code
Reference Model

! Contains every supported modeling concept
! Not necessary excerpt from the real domain,
  but helps for understanding
! Try to minimize the model size
Testing the reference
! Reference Implementation is tested
  intensively and automatic
! Unit tests and integration tests with high
! Tests against generated artifacts
! Real application does not need to be
  tested in the same extend
generated from
reference model

Model metrics   Associations
Motivation: Optimizing
  Generator Speed
   and Readability
Refactorings / Profiling

! Reference Implementation/Unit-Tests
  ensure valid output
! Static Typing of Xpand supports
HTML report
HTML report
standard format (gprof)
standard format (gprof)
standard format (gprof)
Most significant problems
! Repeated calls of functions
! Suboptimal algorithms/data structures
! Branches with best-case scenarios

! Profiling reduced generation time
  from 28 min downto 3 min
Value of Cartridges

! Project benefited from cartridges
  developed by OS community
! But: Largest part of the code generators
  are totally project dependent
Early adopters
! Using the bleeding edge of Eclipse
  Modeling was challenging
! But: Continuous improvement of used
  technologies thanks to direct feedback
  with OS community
! And: Significant performance and
  stability gains since early adoption
Learning curve
! Establishing MDSD and tools was hard
  for unexperienced developers at the
! But: Coaching helped to fill the gap fast
! And: Now developers educate others to
  use MDSD tooling
Reference Implementation

! Reference Models and Reference
  Implementation are invaluable
  ! Reducing the complexity
  ! Enable refactoring
! But: Effort to create and maintain a real
  Reference Implementation quite high
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Mastering Differentiated MDSD Requirements at Deutsche Boerse AG

  • 1. Mastering differentiated MDSD requirements at Deutsche Börse AG Code Generation 2009 Heiko Behrens (itemis) Karsten Thoms (itemis) © itemis AG 2009 – All rights reserved
  • 2.
  • 3. The project at Deutsche Börse ! Projects delivers a “Global Trading System” ! First (internal) user is ISE in NY ! Scalable, Distributed System ! Goes live in 2011
  • 4. Structure of this talk ! 8 times Motivation ! Applied Approach ! Inbetween: Demo of discussed ideas ! In the end: Some discoveries we made
  • 6. Reference Configuration Messaging Excel Model Data Model Model Model Scripting Generator System Reference Test Messaging Data Generator Generator Generator Structures Structures Messages Messages Tests Validation IML JPA Entities OFi Messages Messages Docu Listeners Datatypes C++ Python Python Model Val.List. DAOs UnitTest Structures Structures XML <<uses>> DTOs IML Msg/Struct. Model Listener Factories Editor Adapters UOW Exec. Persistence HTML, Bean Descriptor C++ Java Text XML Msg Client WSFacade Report <<uses>> Descriptor <<uses>> <<uses>> Java HTML Transactional Container Model Model .Net Hibernate JAXB Data Generator Access DB Generator Service WSFacade Generator DDL Scripts XSD SQL XML Global key Messages Filters DDL Scripts functions Ref Data UnitTest DDL Scripts Containers Queries Structures Mngr Class Templates (MySQL) Boost DAOs Factories Operator C++ SQL C++ SQL .Net
  • 7. Artifact sizes Generated Transformation Model Tests (manual) Sources (manual) Reference Impl. 2.747 units Actual numbers had to be replaced by fictive “units”
  • 8. Guess what! Motivation: Code Generation
  • 9. Why Code Generation? ! Positive experience with former projects ! Prime example: mapping between messages and structures sending with a compact binary wire protocols Component Component Component Structure B B1 A1 A3 A2 B2 Structure B B1 SubStructure S B1 S1 B2 S2 B2 S1 SubStructure S S2 S1 S2
  • 10. Why openArchitectureWare? Former times: ! Home-grown solution based on graphical modeling and proprietary tools ! Many different post-processors such as XSLT and Perl Evaluation results of oAW for GTS ! Supports textual modeling ! Has mature tool support ! Works with different model types and output formats
  • 11. Different Input , Different Output , Same Transformation Language Text UML C++ Java Xpand XML XMI XML XMI
  • 12. When in Rome do as the Romans do Motivation: Address existing experience and perception
  • 13. Modeling in UML ! Years of experience for modeling entities graphically (ER-Diagram) ! Established Tool (MagicDraw) ! Proven Technology (Profiles, Tagged Values) ! Great for overview perspectives
  • 15. Textual Modeling ! Years of experience ;) ! Established tool support (grep, editor, mail, svn) ! Highly customizable ! DSL ! Inexpensive metamodel evolvement ! Great for detailed modeling
  • 17. !""#$%&!$'!($)#*" Motivation: Reduce Complexity of Modeling
  • 18. Reducing Model Complexity ! Following Convention-over-configuration paradigm for modeling ! Only model necessary information ! Complete model according to conventions by M2M transformation
  • 19. Convention over Configuration can be derived required model information
  • 20. Convention: Navigable association ends without name get the name of the referred Entity. Use plural for to many relationships. uml::Model modify (uml::Model this) : ... -> // Search for unnamed association ends and give them a default name this.eAllContents.typeSelect(Property) .select(x|x.association!=null).nameUnnamedEnds() -> ... /** * This function sets a default name for an association's end property if the property * has no name and it is navigable. */ Void nameUnnamedEnds(Property this) : if !isNamed() && isNavigable() then ( ("setting default name for association end "" -> " -> setName(computeDefaultName()) ) -> this;
  • 22. Convention: All entities without <<Key>> attribute get a new property with name id of type Long, and Stereotype <<Key>> is applied. uml::Model modify (uml::Model this) : ... -> // Search for unnamed association ends and give them a default name this.eAllContents.typeSelect(Property) .select(x|x.association!=null).nameUnnamedEnds() -> ... private create uml::Property createTechnicalId(RDMProfile::Entity entity): ("Creating technical id attribute for entity " -> entity.ownedAttribute.addToFront(this) -> this.setName("id") -> this.setType(findDataType(„Long“) -> this.setLower(1) -> this.setUpper(1) -> this.setIsUnique(true) -> this.setVisibility(uml::VisibilityKind::^private) -> this.applyStereotype("RDMProfile::Key") -> this.setTaggedValue("RDMProfile::Key", "keyType", RDMProfile::KeyType::PK)-> this.applyStereotype("RDMProfile::Field") -> this.setTaggedValue("RDMProfile::Field", "uniqueGroup", "444")-> this;
  • 23. Combination of model types Domain model UML2 platform independent Configuration model textual DSL platform dependent entity Market { relatedTo MarketAbstract with EAGER loading and cascade with PERSIST relatedTo MarketGroup with LAZY loading and cascade with PERSIST }
  • 24. Combination of model types entity Market { relatedTo MarketAbstract with EAGER loading and cascade with PERSIST relatedTo MarketGroup with LAZY loading and cascade with PERSIST } public class Market implements RDSEntity, Serializable { ... @OneToMany(mappedBy = "market", cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST) @Basic(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) private List<MarketAbstract> marketAbstracts = new ArrayList<MarketAbstract>(); @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST, targetEntity = MarketGroup.class, mappedBy = "markets") @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) private List<MarketGroup> marketGroups = new ArrayList<MarketGroup>();
  • 25. Avoidable Accidents Motivation: Detect errors early (c) Ernest von Rosen,
  • 26. l e t : t ityRe = -1).siz emberEnd. t set)!" e::En pper = ofil |e.u " + m ion is no ( RD MPr e at ion at > 1 && con text n y rel rOfAssoci )) .size )!="n er En y to ma (o wne Ac tive( String( Detecting errors early (memb NING "Man relation ll; t(e | " must b WAR != nu ec a of the on p e.sel |e.aggreg .info() + not appl s o wner sso ciati nd.ty lect(e berE e e.nam tereotype a fA m p o wnerO n if me mberEn rE nd.ty ion (s c iatio ) && me + membe e relat :Asso e == 2 uml: .siz ati on " of th ; ntext == -1) el er co to m any r es as own nce(this) ll) an en t er y it i ta nu s e.upp NING "Man f the ent ion.isIns o n == e rence WAR ne o el at so ciati ame+" ref ine o ::EntityR & (as class.n a ! Check constraints implemented for f nd de rofile DMP .isAc t in en & ive() tity "+ R lass = y if c m e + " f ault! Propert ty " + na ); & & ^de fault con text ! Every assumption or modeling restriction "Pro ERROR n!": per isIns ta nce (type ciati on == null t nul l ) as de ntity . so no ia tio :E && as r ing ( assoc MProfile: ive() p ty st !RD ! Modeling error that lead to generator or as s.isA if cl loc()+" h ct as an em y st ance( .isIn ce it i c perty rty "+ Entit y, sin cont artifact errors (e.g. Whitespace in names) ext P ro ING " Pr ope Pr & RDM typed a :: ofile s Entit WARN ve() & o s Acti stere ""; ass.i " must be : = ! Inter-model consistency checks op ert y if cl pe + .name y "+name ); In stanc e( nte xt Pr lass "+ty propert f(t ype nti are a l co C ce :E s ER ROR " +" in its .isInstan o file: umeration ! Risk of modeling errors decreased .n ame ti ty & RDMPr nal En "+ class ofile::En iv e() & Functio RD MPr . isAct pes or if class Dataty ype) || y t Pr opert unctional st ance( pe); con text nl y F pe .isIn ance(ty ERR OR "O "+loc() : nalDataTy .isInst n te d for ::Functio numeratio Viola rofil e ional E
  • 27. Constraints with Check language context uml::Association if|e.isActive()).size>1 && (|e.upper == -1).size == 2) &&|e.aggregation.toString()!="none").size == 2 WARNING "Many to many relation " + + " must be of type EntityRelation and define one of the entities" + " as owner of the relation (stereotype not applied)!" : RDMProfile::EntityRelation.isInstance(this); context Property if class.isActive() && (association == null) ERROR "Property " + name + " in entity " + " references an entity, but is not an association!": !RDMProfile::Entity.isInstance(type); context Property if class.isActive() && association == null && ^default!=null WARNING "Property "+loc() +" has an empty string (not null) as default value" : ^default.trim()!="";
  • 28. Integration ! Static Typing while developing checks and transformations ! IDE integration for workflows invocation ! Continuous Generation (server-side) CMake / Ant / Maven ! Automated execution after SVN checkout
  • 29. Demo ! Graphical EMF model ! Enhanced with textual DSL (with Xtext) ! Validation ! Code Generation ! Changes textual DSL
  • 30. Standing on the shoulders of giants Motivation: Reusing generator aspects
  • 31. Cartridge adaption ! Using OS cartridges as Cartridge Workflow DTO Template WebService Template UnitTest Template closed package Project Cartridge <<call>> ! Required model structure created through M2M Adapter Aspect M2M Workflow Template Transformation transformation Fornax Adapter Cartridge <<call>> <<redefines>> ! Required changes added Cartridge Annotation EntityClass Mapping non-invasive through Workflow Template Template Template Xpand/Xtend AOP support Fornax Hibernate Cartridge <<call>> <<redefines>> ! Redefined functionality Cartridge Workflow Attribute Template Class Template Operation Template concentrated in a small Fornax JavaBasic Cartridge adapter cartridge project
  • 32. UML2 model modification with Xtend uml::Model modify (uml::Model this) : this.applyProfile(getPersistenceProfile()) -> // Create real enumerations for FunctionalEnumerations. This must be done first since // we map datatypes after that this.eAllContents.typeSelect(RDMProfile::FunctionalEnumeration).adaptEnumeration() -> entities().adaptEntity() -> adaptEmbeddedKeys() -> this; RDMProfile::Entity adaptEntity (RDMProfile::Entity entity) : debug("Adapting entity: "+ -> entity.applyStereotype("Persistence::Entity") -> entity.setTaggedValue("Persistence::Entity", "tableName",> entity.testAndAssignInheritanceStrategy()->|a.association==null).adaptAttribute() ->|a.association!=null).adaptRelation() -> entity; //In case the entity extends another class, assigne the persistence stereotype for //strategy on the uml::Generalization //TPC="TABLE_PER_CLASS" | J="JOINED" | ST="SINGLE_TABLE"; Void testAndAssignInheritanceStrategy(RDMProfile::Entity this): if !general.isEmpty then assignInheritanceStrategy(); Void assignInheritanceStrategy(RDMProfile::Entity this): let gener = generalization.first(): gener.applyStereotype("Persistence::"+getInheritanceStrategyFromDardl().mapToStrategy()) -> if(getInheritanceStrategyFromDardl() == "SINGLE_TABLE") then ( gener.setTaggedValue("Persistence::TablePerClassHierarchy", "discriminator_value", getDiscriminatorValue())-> gener.setTaggedValue("Persistence::TablePerClassHierarchy", "discriminator_superClass_column","_type")-> gener.setTaggedValue("Persistence::TablePerClassHierarchy", "discriminator_superClass_type", "INTEGER") ) ;
  • 33. AOP with templates and functions «AROUND org::fornax::cartridges::uml2::javabasic::templates::Documentation::documentation FOR uml::Classifier» «targetDef.proceed()» «EXPAND JPAAnnotations» «ENDAROUND» «DEFINE JPAAnnotations FOR Persistence::Entity» @javax.persistence.Entity @javax.persistence.Table(name="«asTableName()»") «EXPAND InheritanceAnnotations» @javax.persistence.NamedQueries({ @javax.persistence.NamedQuery(name="find«name»s", query="SELECT e from «name» e") }) «IF !isAbstract» @javax.persistence.EntityListeners («getQualifiedPackageName("ListenerOnce")».«name»ValidationListener.class) «ENDIF» «EXPAND UniqueConstraints» «ENDDEFINE» around org::fornax::cartridges::uml2::javabasic::extensions::DataType::NormalizedDefaultValue( uml::Property property): internal_getNormalizedDefaultValue(property); private String internal_getNormalizedDefaultValue (uml::Property property) : JAVA gts.ise.refdata.oaw.fornax.util.Extensions.getNormalizedDefaultValue(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property);
  • 34. Arange your ideas Motivation: Managing Manual Code
  • 35. Sucessfully applied MDSD best practices ! Separate generated from manual code ! Avoid check-in generated code src BaseClass BaseClass manually written src-gen AbstractA AbstractB AbstractB AbstractD always generated ConcreteA ConcreteA src-once Some ConcreteB Some ConcreteB ConcreteC ConcreteD Manual Manual generated once Code Code
  • 37. Design your tools Motivation: Managing Generator Complexity
  • 38. Reference Implementation ! Manually implemented ! Far more than a prototype! ! Compilable, deployable, executable, testable ! Covers every architectural concept ! Code seperated in to-be-generated and manual code
  • 39. Reference Model ! Contains every supported modeling concept ! Not necessary excerpt from the real domain, but helps for understanding ! Try to minimize the model size
  • 40. Testing the reference ! Reference Implementation is tested intensively and automatic ! Unit tests and integration tests with high coverage ! Tests against generated artifacts ! Real application does not need to be tested in the same extend
  • 41. generated from reference model manually implemented reference
  • 42.
  • 43. Model metrics Associations Attributes Entities
  • 44. Motivation: Optimizing Generator Speed and Readability
  • 45. Refactorings / Profiling ! Reference Implementation/Unit-Tests ensure valid output ! Static Typing of Xpand supports development
  • 51. Most significant problems ! Repeated calls of functions ! Suboptimal algorithms/data structures ! Branches with best-case scenarios ! Profiling reduced generation time from 28 min downto 3 min
  • 53. Value of Cartridges ! Project benefited from cartridges developed by OS community ! But: Largest part of the code generators are totally project dependent
  • 54. Early adopters ! Using the bleeding edge of Eclipse Modeling was challenging ! But: Continuous improvement of used technologies thanks to direct feedback with OS community ! And: Significant performance and stability gains since early adoption
  • 55. Learning curve ! Establishing MDSD and tools was hard for unexperienced developers at the beginning ! But: Coaching helped to fill the gap fast ! And: Now developers educate others to use MDSD tooling
  • 56. Reference Implementation ! Reference Models and Reference Implementation are invaluable ! Reducing the complexity ! Enable refactoring ! But: Effort to create and maintain a real Reference Implementation quite high