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Anthony William Tucker
Brand Oklahoma
 Brand Oklahoma is officially launching today at this training
session. I challenge you to leverage the power of your social
media channels to let your audiences know that you are taking
the plunge to learn how to provide more value to your downtown
district through Brand Oklahoma’s value added presentation.
 Use the official hashtag for the presentation in your
posts, #MarketingMainStreet, and tag Brand Oklahoma via Twitter
or Facebook with the @BrandOklahoma.
 I also challenge you that by the end of this week’s training session
that you will have followed all of your fellow programs on the
various social media networks. This will help you keep current
within the downtown realm.
 Who am I: Anthony William Tucker (AWT)
 What is my job: Founder/Owner at Brand Oklahoma and 1st year law student at University of Oklahoma College of
 What is my background: Guerrilla marketing strategist with experience in both public and private sectors in
marketing, branding, public relations, social media, and search engine optimization. Received bachelor’s degree in
marketing from Rogers State University. Experience in economic and community development through Innovation
 Why am I here: I have worked within the Oklahoma Main Street realm with experience as a board of director
member at Claremore Main Street. I currently am helping Claremore Main Street with their new marketing strategy
that includes implementing a new WordPress website.
 Why should you listen to me: I will teach you the marketing strategy basics, advanced guerrilla marketing
tactics, and provide insight into how to build long-term authentic brand relationships with you and your member’s
most profitable audiences. Think Yoda like guidance for marketing. Listen you will, teach you I must.
 What is my passion: My passion is to empower others in the state of Oklahoma to help preserve what makes
Oklahoma great and progress Oklahoma forward to stay competitive in America’s free market system. Nothing is
more gratifying than to see a business or organization make a significant change after I have worked with them (Job
creation, etc.).
 What can Brand Oklahoma provide you: Brand Oklahoma is a full-service marketing consulting outfit that can
provide you with logo development, promotional strategy development, website development, social media asset
development, and online advertising campaign implementation. In addition to offering customized training and
workshops that will be offered on Saturdays for Chambers of Commerce, Main Street Associations, or specific
 How can you contact me: By email, or by phone, 918-613-0411 . Website for more
information, or via Facebook,
 Branding vs. Marketing
 How to develop a brand’s position based on market research
 Understanding that a brand is a promise
 Local & Big City example
 Marketing Basics
 Knowing what marketing is and what it isn’t
 Knowing how to conduct market research
 Understand who your company is, who your customers are, and who are your competitors
 Advanced Marketing Strategy Insight
 Knowing and understanding that each touch point with your audience is marketing
 Budgeting your promotional strategy
 Understanding what value your audience seeks from your product
 Guerrilla Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing
 Knowing how to leverage time, energy, and creativity versus large marketing budgets
 Know how to build brand awareness and brand loyalty through guerrilla marketing initiatives
 Confessions of a guerrilla marketer in the private and public sector
 Programs and platforms available to help aid guerrilla marketers
 Provides members with support system for success through
education both online and offline for business development basics
and marketing insights. Work with your economic development
entities in your specific regions.
 Programs are viewed as economic development entities and not
event driven programs.
 Downtown districts will be viewed as the cornerstone of the
community. This will be accomplished by instilling within the
minds of the citizens and business community that an
economically successful downtown is beneficial for the entire city.
This leads to financial benefactors for the downtown district.
Creates a buy-in factor.
 Your economic development entity sets the precedent for the
entire downtown district. Raise the bar for your organization and
in-turn your members will feel that they can accomplish this with
your help.
 Have big aspirations for your downtown community and get your
stakeholders to buy into this vision. Make sure these are tangible
goals that have a specific timeframe on them. SMART GOALS.
 Remember that image is everything. That is why design is within
the four point approach for developing and maintaining main
 Educate your staff on what you can and learn how to leverage
resources that are at your disposal.
 Members
 Current
 Potential
 Investors
 Private Businesses
 Private Individuals
 City/County Government
 State/Federal Government
 End Users for Downtown Community
 People with disposable income to spend at downtown businesses
 People who will attend downtown events and in-turn purchase goods/services from
downtown businesses
 People who will potentially volunteer or become a board member for your organization.
View their value based on what knowledge/skills they bring to table and their
mover/shaker rating.
Tell me your thoughts when you
hear each of those words.
 Branding
 Branding is the promise made to employees, stakeholders, customers, and
potential customers of the experience they can expect when purchasing a
product/service from your company.
 Branding is more than the visual representation, a logo, it is how you communicate
the value about your offering to the various marketplaces that you compete in.
 A brand’s position is developed through properly positioning one’s product or
service in the marketplace through market research that provides competitor
intelligence for that segment of the market.
 Branding is directly related to the five senses of human beings. It is what creates
customer loyalty, bigger profit margins, and growth in a business.
 A brand’s value messaging and position must be developed before one can
market their business successfully. Without having a branding strategy would be
like sending an Army to battle without their commander.
 A brand’s position will change as the market’s needs/desires change or when the
company shifts their focus.
 Market Research
 Market research is the key insights that help provide businesses with the information
that connects them with consumers and enables them the ability to analyze
problems and trends within their current sales model.
 Find out who is most profitable customer, where the customer lives, how does
the customer buy the product, and why do they buy the product/service.
 Analyze what part of the market are you targeting your product to. Base this
on the price and assumed quality of the product. Market penetration versus
market skimming.
 Internal Research
 Analyze sales data to find out who is buying from you, what is their frequency of
purchases, where they live, and how do they buy it from you (Online, in-store,
dealer, etc.).
 Pareto’s Law
 80% of your sales revenue will come from the top 20% of your customers
 External Research
 Know the SIC Codes for the markets that you will be competing in. Then you must know what
geographic area are you going to be targeting your products/services to.
 For Main Street programs: Look to the big city programs for examples of how to build your brand’s
promise and ensuing messaging.
 Downtown Austin Alliance
 Downtown Boston
 Market research programs are available at no cost via public libraries and educational institutions. Below
are the programs that are highly recommended for understanding your market.
 Reference USA
 Hoover’s
 Ibis World
 Google Trends allows you the ability to see the what and how many people are searching for within a
specific industry.
 Analyze who your direct competitor’s are within the segment of the market you are competing in, be very
specific. Understand what their position is within the market and how they are communicating this to
their most profitable customers.
 What are they trying to tell the public, are they bigger, stronger, faster, etc.
Local Example Big City Example
 Main Street Enid
 Aligns brand visuals to match
with community’s branding
 Clear messaging and great
engagement through their
promotional avenues.
 Downtown Tulsa
 Conveys message through
visuals that downtown Tulsa is
 Relies not only on the nostalgia
of the past but also focuses in
on events and movements that
attract variety of youth and
families to downtown district.
 Branding is not the same as marketing but a brand’s promise and
position must be decided before crafting a comprehensive
marketing strategy for your business.
 Brand’s are developed by analyzing the market.
 Brand’s are more than just a slick logo. They must be authentic.
 A brand’s promise sets the tone for what employees and
customers expect from the company.
 Branding requires a strategy that focuses on making it easy for
current customers and potential customers the ability to receive,
store, and retrieve messages from a brand or company. Brand
consistency is key!
 What it is
 Formal: Marketing is the management activity of communicating value offerings to your
target audience.
 Informal: Marketing is basically every time you or someone from you company has the
opportunity to communicate with your current or potential customers.
 Big Picture: Marketing encompasses developing your company’s product/service
offering, price of the product/service, place where you sell/offer the product/service to the
marketplace, and is how you promote your product to the marketplace.
 Authenticity: Marketing must be authentic for a business to survive long-term in a market
 What it isn’t
 Marketing is not the same as advertising.
 Marketing is not just for big companies with big budgets.
 Marketing is not sales and sales is not marketing.
 Marketing is not a scam.
 Marketing is not word of mouth!
 Guerrilla marketing is the thought process of leveraging cost efficient
marketing strategies and aligning tactics that are unique and achieve
specific objectives set forth by the company. This perspective allows
for companies with smaller budgets to compete with bigger brands
who have larger marketing budgets.
 Guerrilla marketing enables businesses to build brand
loyalists/advocates and top of mind awareness in a market through
leveraging numerous methods/platforms including social media.
 Guerrilla marketing was the maverick point of view and now it is the
mainstream point of view for developing marketing strategies/plans.
 Guerrilla marketing is result driven! Small financial investments
that yield large returns, leads, and builds brand awareness.
 Guerrilla Marketing
 Leverages traditional marketing platforms to promote brands but they don’t rely on them
for the majority of their leads. They look for unique promotional opportunities that will
bring substantial returns for the amount of money, time, and energy put forth into the
 Guerrilla marketing experts stay on the leading edge of technology and find ways to
leverage new social media and mobile applications to promote their businesses. They are
spreading their value message where their most profitable customers are and not to the
masses via traditional methods. Sniper versus shotgun example.
 Guerrilla marketing is not always incentive based it does require a direct response.
 Traditional Marketing
 Traditional marketing relies on leveraging main stream promotional avenues that are
costly to reach target audiences with value offerings.
 These traditional avenues can be used for guerrilla marketing tactics but must be done more
strategically than traditional marketing’s traditional focus which relies on the methods for the
majority of their leads.
 Traditional marketing principles remain tried and true for all businesses to model their
marketing strategy development but they must put the guerrilla marketing perspective on
their respective plans.
 Batman leverages Twitter to reveal new villain for movie through
requiring specific number of Tweets with official hashtag to gain
access to information.
 #TheFireRises-
 Main street boutique leverages pink bicycle to catch the attention of
Route 66 travelers and online visitors.
 Hillary’s Boutique-Pink Bike-
 Building brand relationships with the product while also gaining
customer insight about why they use the product.
 GAF Roofing-Facebook Campaign-
 Product or Service
 Price
 Place (Where you sell your products/services)
 Promotion
 Throughout developing your 4 P’s of marketing for your company you will
need to keep in mind who are the markets you will be targeting the product to,
who is the most profitable customers, and how are you going to position this
product/service to those consumers versus the current competitors in that
market also competing for those dollars. Also known as STP, segment, target,
and position.
 What exactly is the product/service?
 Why this product/service over others?
 This will be solved when developing the brand identity for the product/service.
 How is this product/service solving a problem for the ideal
 Is this product/service a commodity or a premium product?
 Think about what the ideal customer thinks about when purchasing the product do
they care about price or innovation/quality?
 Is the product going to be known for quality, innovation, or price?
 Does the product create a real or cognitive switching cost that will
cause current customers to repurchase from company instead of
purchasing from competitors?
 Apple example.
 Depends on product/service positioning and competitors in that market
 Remember the higher price the higher the perceived quality. Price sets the tone for the quality of the
 Building a brand’s awareness and loyalty will allow for the company to raise prices and increased profit
margins because of the perceived value from a customer’s point of view.
 Price is not a sustainable competitive advantage unless your in a commodity based market.
 Walmart cost leadership strategy example.
 Pricing strategies
 Market Penetration
 Flood market with your product/service. Make your money off of volume and not off of per product profits.
 Competition Based
 Pricing strategy based at matching or beating the price of competitors in the marketplace.
 Market Skimming
 Skim the top of the market by selling lower volumes of product but collect higher profit margins of each
product/service offered to the market.
 Know your profit margins!!!!
 Profit margins will differ on where you sell your product, PLACE.
 Making a sale doesn’t necessarily constitute making a profit.
 Place is where you sell your products. You should always choose to sell your
products/services to the most profitable customers. Note that where you sell your
products also conveys a sense of expected quality from the target audience.
 Target versus Walmart stocking your product.
 Places available to sell your products/services:
 B2C-Business to Consumer
 Online Store (E-Commerce)
 Lower overhead than storefront.
 Can be integrated with storefront sales.
 Advent of new e-commerce solution,, allows e-commerce to become
sustainable and scalable revenue stream for a business.
 Battle of the Boutiques example
 Hillary’s Boutique
 Nesting Necessities
 Brick and Mortar Store
 Higher overhead to have storefront.
 Create exclusive location on where product is available.
 Places available to sell your products/services:
 B2B-Business to Business
 Option 1: Sell only to other businesses and not to consumers, B2C
 Option 2: Selling product through dealer/distributor network
 Still can sell product online for full retail price from manufacturer but cannot compete
with dealer network on price it will discourage them from stocking product.
 Farm Equipment Example
 Option 3: Selling product/service through bid procurement
 Bid Networks via B2B Focus:
 Oklahoma Bid Network:
 B2G-Business to Government
 Bid Procurement Networks-
 Workshop taught by REI WBC about how to obtain government
 Places available to sell your products/services:
 B2NAG-Business to Native American Government
 Bid procurement process
 Cherokee Nation Bid Procurement-
STREAM Attract dollars from outside of the community through e-commerce
 This strategy brings in dollars that were not derived from local dollar flow
within community. This strategy allows for our businesses to reach outside of
the local realm for sales.
 The strategy is driven by developing a strong online presence through website
development, search engine marketing (On-Site/Off-Site), and social media
 Retain dollars within community by ensuring that consumers are
aware of local options.
 This strategy focuses on developing a strong local search engine and social
media presence for a business whose revenue model is based on local sales.
Example service provider that is locally based.
 Ensure that your members understand the importance of the new
downtown revenue stream thanks to the advent of the internet.
What it is What it isn’t
 Promotion is the process of conveying
value offerings to targeted audiences
through various mediums.
 Promotion is dictated by the brand’s
promise to the market!
 Promotion is only successful when
objectives are set forth before enacting
 Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics
 Promotion decisions are decided by
understanding when, where, and how the
target audience likes to consume
marketing messages.
 Social media
 Mobile applications
 Billboards
 Etc.
 Promotion is not advertising.
 Promotion is not driven by
 Promotion decisions are not
decided by advertising sales
 Promotion is not just one
advertisement, it is a clear
concise message through
various mediums.
 Market Research
 Understand as much as possible about your most profitable customers. Then
craft marketing messages of value to be distributed through the most effective
 Analyze past sales to find trends within your company’s sales..
 Pareto’s Law-80/20
 Once you understand who the most profitable customers are then you can then
begin to leverage market research platforms to find more consumers like them.
Leverage Tapestry Segmentation to learn more about your specific customer’s
lifestyle and preferences
 ESRI Tapestry Segmentation-
 Realize that each customer requires some type of cost to
acquire, money, time, energy etc. You have to work harder to earn a new customer
so try to increase the frequency of repurchases from current customers.
 Set a budget
 Promotion budget should be 3-5% of total sales for the company.
 There is no perfect science to developing a promotional budget. You will have to tweak the budget each
month to find the optimal amount of monies to allot each month that brings the most return for your
 Analyze every dollar that is spent for promotional ventures within an Microsoft Excel sheet so you know
exactly what your total costs for promotion each month is.
 Pick the most profitable platforms to promote your business
 Promotion is about sales driven objectives and not applause. Too many businesses try to get applauded
for their marketing campaigns and don’t focus nearly enough on the reasons they are even spending
money to attract current and former customers to buy more of what they are offering the marketplace.
 Be consistent with where you promote your business.
 Reach and frequency are the two most important factors when purchasing media.
 Examples of Promotion:
 Direct Mail Campaigns
 Search Engine Marketing
 Social Media Marketing
 Event Marketing
 Advertising
 Purchase of time and space within some form of communication with public.
 TV, Radio, Newspaper, Billboard, Yard Signs, etc.
 Develop clear and concise direct response messaging
 Develop clear value messaging for each of your promotional pieces with a
clear call to action.
 Go online for quote, come to the store to buy the product, call for a quote, go to
Tractor Supply Company to buy product, etc. Be clear on what they need to do with
this message about your product/service.
 Know that each market segment has a different trigger that triggers their
desire to buy the product.
 Know that consistency with your messaging and consistency within where the
consumer spends their time is essential to success. No short term solutions
are available for instant success. There is no magic button to success in
 Leverage guerrilla marketing promotional tactics for low cost/big return platforms that builds
brand awareness with potential customers, top of mind mentality, and builds brand loyalty with
current customer base (Lower acquisition costs).
 Examples:
 Social Media Development
 Social media campaigns through third-party applications that increase individuals liking, commenting, and
sharing your brand’s content.
 Example of Platform: ShortStack
 Leverage ISSUU to turn PDF brochures or product specs into interactive flipbooks.
 Search Engine Marketing/Social Media Marketing
 Pay-Per-Click ads through
 Google AdWords
 Bing
 Facebook
 YouTube
 Email Marketing
 MailChimp
 Examples:
 Unique Business Cards, Unique Store Front, Etc. Basically stand out of the crowd and be
noticed but don’t compromise brand standards.
 Video Creation
 People love to consume content through videos. Leverage the video sharing giant,
YouTube, to upload a series of videos discussing your products/services or potentially
have customer testimonials through YouTube.
 Well-Tuned websites
 Easy to find on search engines, buy products from website, etc. Get your audience to
spend time in front of your brand on your website. Find ways to keep them engaged.
Don’t overpromise and under deliver!
 Lucas Metal Works example
 New Domain Name:
 Example: Enid.MainStreet or Oklahoma.MainStreet
 Buy domain names through E-NOM.
 Remember promotion of your business is only successful if it
achieves objectives set forth by your business before the
 Track Success Through:
 Simple Microsoft Excel Sheet to analyze where phone calls/quotes came from.
 Lucas Metal Works example.
 Analyze your company’s website performance during times of promotional
campaigns that are either or both through online or offline platforms. Watch for
spikes in traffic on those set dates the message was live and in front of your
audience’s eyeballs.
 Analyze your company’s social media performance during campaigns. This can be
done through Facebook analytics.
 Analyze your company’s sales versus last year’s sales and analyze month by
month sales totals in comparison to the amount of dollars allotted to
promoting the business and what forms of promotion you leveraged.
 Now you have the knowledge to build you brand’s identity, develop a pricing
strategy for your brand, determine where and who are the most profitable avenues
to sell your product to, and how to successful develop promotional strategies that
are result driven.
 Now you can take this knowledge and develop a comprehensive marketing
strategy that is based on the ROPE acronym.
 Research
 What is your company selling, who are your most profitable customers, who are your competitors, and how
do you plan on maintaining and/or increasing sales/market share.
 Objectives
 These are the tangible objectives you would like for your company to achieve through developing this
marketing strategy and ensuing promotional campaigns.
 Plan
 This is how you plan to achieve your set objectives through your promotional strategy and strategic
positioning to increase repurchases from current customers and to increase new sales with potential
customers. This will include your budget for the plan.
 Evaluation
 When and how will you determine if this plan was a success. Create a follow-up plan for determining
success or failure. Success is driven by increased profits not applause or laughter from marketing
 ASANA Project Management
 Google Alerts
 Social Media Monitoring
 MailChimp-Email Marketing
 MAS 100-ERP System
 Shopify-E-Commerce Websites
 PREZI-Online Based
 Google Drive
 Google Trends
 Google Email for Businesses
 ESRI-Twitter Mapping
 ESRI-Tapestry-Market
 Kiss YouTube-YouTube Video
Downloader (MP4 Format)
 Can provide custom training/workshops for your main street
members on Saturdays.
 Can provide your organization with custom training/consulting to
help develop marketing strategies, event promotion strategies,
donor drives, member drives, and website development
 Joplin, MO marketing agency example.
 Can provide your organization or members with full-service
marketing including website development, logo development,
marcom development, SEO development, social media
marketing, and strategic planning sessions.
 Contact Information:
 Who: Anthony William Tucker-(AWT)
 How:
 Phone: 918-613-0411
 Email:
 Website:
 Facebook:
 Twitter: @BrandOklahoma
 LinkedIn:
 Presentation Information:
 To gain access to this presentation and the video from this presentation
please email AWT at,

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Marketing Oklahoma Main Street: Brand Oklahoma

  • 1. MARKETING MAIN STREET: CONFESSIONS OF A GUERRILLA MARKETER Anthony William Tucker Founder/Owner Brand Oklahoma Website: Facebook:
  • 2. SOCIAL MEDIA CHALLENGE  Brand Oklahoma is officially launching today at this training session. I challenge you to leverage the power of your social media channels to let your audiences know that you are taking the plunge to learn how to provide more value to your downtown district through Brand Oklahoma’s value added presentation.  Use the official hashtag for the presentation in your posts, #MarketingMainStreet, and tag Brand Oklahoma via Twitter or Facebook with the @BrandOklahoma.  I also challenge you that by the end of this week’s training session that you will have followed all of your fellow programs on the various social media networks. This will help you keep current within the downtown realm.
  • 3. ABOUT ME  Who am I: Anthony William Tucker (AWT)  What is my job: Founder/Owner at Brand Oklahoma and 1st year law student at University of Oklahoma College of Law.  What is my background: Guerrilla marketing strategist with experience in both public and private sectors in marketing, branding, public relations, social media, and search engine optimization. Received bachelor’s degree in marketing from Rogers State University. Experience in economic and community development through Innovation Center.  Why am I here: I have worked within the Oklahoma Main Street realm with experience as a board of director member at Claremore Main Street. I currently am helping Claremore Main Street with their new marketing strategy that includes implementing a new WordPress website.  Why should you listen to me: I will teach you the marketing strategy basics, advanced guerrilla marketing tactics, and provide insight into how to build long-term authentic brand relationships with you and your member’s most profitable audiences. Think Yoda like guidance for marketing. Listen you will, teach you I must.  What is my passion: My passion is to empower others in the state of Oklahoma to help preserve what makes Oklahoma great and progress Oklahoma forward to stay competitive in America’s free market system. Nothing is more gratifying than to see a business or organization make a significant change after I have worked with them (Job creation, etc.).  What can Brand Oklahoma provide you: Brand Oklahoma is a full-service marketing consulting outfit that can provide you with logo development, promotional strategy development, website development, social media asset development, and online advertising campaign implementation. In addition to offering customized training and workshops that will be offered on Saturdays for Chambers of Commerce, Main Street Associations, or specific businesses.  How can you contact me: By email, or by phone, 918-613-0411 . Website for more information, or via Facebook,
  • 5. WHAT WE ARE GOING TO COVER  Branding vs. Marketing  How to develop a brand’s position based on market research  Understanding that a brand is a promise  Local & Big City example  Marketing Basics  Knowing what marketing is and what it isn’t  Knowing how to conduct market research  Understand who your company is, who your customers are, and who are your competitors  Advanced Marketing Strategy Insight  Knowing and understanding that each touch point with your audience is marketing  Budgeting your promotional strategy  Understanding what value your audience seeks from your product  Guerrilla Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing  Knowing how to leverage time, energy, and creativity versus large marketing budgets  Know how to build brand awareness and brand loyalty through guerrilla marketing initiatives  Confessions of a guerrilla marketer in the private and public sector  Programs and platforms available to help aid guerrilla marketers
  • 6. THE NEW MAIN STREET ECO- SYSTEM  Provides members with support system for success through education both online and offline for business development basics and marketing insights. Work with your economic development entities in your specific regions.  Programs are viewed as economic development entities and not event driven programs.  Downtown districts will be viewed as the cornerstone of the community. This will be accomplished by instilling within the minds of the citizens and business community that an economically successful downtown is beneficial for the entire city. This leads to financial benefactors for the downtown district. Creates a buy-in factor.
  • 7. HOW DO I ACCOMPLISH THIS?  Your economic development entity sets the precedent for the entire downtown district. Raise the bar for your organization and in-turn your members will feel that they can accomplish this with your help.  Have big aspirations for your downtown community and get your stakeholders to buy into this vision. Make sure these are tangible goals that have a specific timeframe on them. SMART GOALS.  Remember that image is everything. That is why design is within the four point approach for developing and maintaining main streets.  Educate your staff on what you can and learn how to leverage resources that are at your disposal.
  • 8. KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE (S)  Members  Current  Potential  Investors  Private Businesses  Private Individuals  City/County Government  State/Federal Government  End Users for Downtown Community  People with disposable income to spend at downtown businesses  People who will attend downtown events and in-turn purchase goods/services from downtown businesses  People who will potentially volunteer or become a board member for your organization. View their value based on what knowledge/skills they bring to table and their mover/shaker rating.
  • 11. BRANDING VERSUS MARKETING  Branding  Branding is the promise made to employees, stakeholders, customers, and potential customers of the experience they can expect when purchasing a product/service from your company.  Branding is more than the visual representation, a logo, it is how you communicate the value about your offering to the various marketplaces that you compete in.  A brand’s position is developed through properly positioning one’s product or service in the marketplace through market research that provides competitor intelligence for that segment of the market.  Branding is directly related to the five senses of human beings. It is what creates customer loyalty, bigger profit margins, and growth in a business.  A brand’s value messaging and position must be developed before one can market their business successfully. Without having a branding strategy would be like sending an Army to battle without their commander.  A brand’s position will change as the market’s needs/desires change or when the company shifts their focus.
  • 12. EDUCATING YOUR MEMBERS ON THEIR BRAND’S POSITION  Market Research  Market research is the key insights that help provide businesses with the information that connects them with consumers and enables them the ability to analyze problems and trends within their current sales model.  Find out who is most profitable customer, where the customer lives, how does the customer buy the product, and why do they buy the product/service.  Analyze what part of the market are you targeting your product to. Base this on the price and assumed quality of the product. Market penetration versus market skimming.  Internal Research  Analyze sales data to find out who is buying from you, what is their frequency of purchases, where they live, and how do they buy it from you (Online, in-store, dealer, etc.).  Pareto’s Law  80% of your sales revenue will come from the top 20% of your customers
  • 13. EDUCATING YOUR MEMBERS ON THEIR BRAND’S POSITION  External Research  Know the SIC Codes for the markets that you will be competing in. Then you must know what geographic area are you going to be targeting your products/services to.  For Main Street programs: Look to the big city programs for examples of how to build your brand’s promise and ensuing messaging.  Downtown Austin Alliance  Downtown Boston  Market research programs are available at no cost via public libraries and educational institutions. Below are the programs that are highly recommended for understanding your market.  Reference USA  Hoover’s  Ibis World  Google Trends allows you the ability to see the what and how many people are searching for within a specific industry.  Analyze who your direct competitor’s are within the segment of the market you are competing in, be very specific. Understand what their position is within the market and how they are communicating this to their most profitable customers.  What are they trying to tell the public, are they bigger, stronger, faster, etc.
  • 14. BRANDING EXAMPLES Local Example Big City Example  Main Street Enid  Aligns brand visuals to match with community’s branding efforts.  Clear messaging and great engagement through their promotional avenues.  Downtown Tulsa  Conveys message through visuals that downtown Tulsa is alive.  Relies not only on the nostalgia of the past but also focuses in on events and movements that attract variety of youth and families to downtown district.
  • 15. BRANDING WRAP-UP  Branding is not the same as marketing but a brand’s promise and position must be decided before crafting a comprehensive marketing strategy for your business.  Brand’s are developed by analyzing the market.  Brand’s are more than just a slick logo. They must be authentic.  A brand’s promise sets the tone for what employees and customers expect from the company.  Branding requires a strategy that focuses on making it easy for current customers and potential customers the ability to receive, store, and retrieve messages from a brand or company. Brand consistency is key!
  • 17. MARKETING…WHAT IT IS/WHAT IT ISN’T  What it is  Formal: Marketing is the management activity of communicating value offerings to your target audience.  Informal: Marketing is basically every time you or someone from you company has the opportunity to communicate with your current or potential customers.  Big Picture: Marketing encompasses developing your company’s product/service offering, price of the product/service, place where you sell/offer the product/service to the marketplace, and is how you promote your product to the marketplace.  Authenticity: Marketing must be authentic for a business to survive long-term in a market setting.  What it isn’t  Marketing is not the same as advertising.  Marketing is not just for big companies with big budgets.  Marketing is not sales and sales is not marketing.  Marketing is not a scam.  Marketing is not word of mouth!
  • 18. GUERRILLA MARKETING PERSPECTIVE  Guerrilla marketing is the thought process of leveraging cost efficient marketing strategies and aligning tactics that are unique and achieve specific objectives set forth by the company. This perspective allows for companies with smaller budgets to compete with bigger brands who have larger marketing budgets.  Guerrilla marketing enables businesses to build brand loyalists/advocates and top of mind awareness in a market through leveraging numerous methods/platforms including social media.  Guerrilla marketing was the maverick point of view and now it is the mainstream point of view for developing marketing strategies/plans.  Guerrilla marketing is result driven! Small financial investments that yield large returns, leads, and builds brand awareness.
  • 19. GUERRILLA MARKETING VERSUS TRADITIONAL MARKETING  Guerrilla Marketing  Leverages traditional marketing platforms to promote brands but they don’t rely on them for the majority of their leads. They look for unique promotional opportunities that will bring substantial returns for the amount of money, time, and energy put forth into the campaign.  Guerrilla marketing experts stay on the leading edge of technology and find ways to leverage new social media and mobile applications to promote their businesses. They are spreading their value message where their most profitable customers are and not to the masses via traditional methods. Sniper versus shotgun example.  Guerrilla marketing is not always incentive based it does require a direct response.  Traditional Marketing  Traditional marketing relies on leveraging main stream promotional avenues that are costly to reach target audiences with value offerings.  These traditional avenues can be used for guerrilla marketing tactics but must be done more strategically than traditional marketing’s traditional focus which relies on the methods for the majority of their leads.  Traditional marketing principles remain tried and true for all businesses to model their marketing strategy development but they must put the guerrilla marketing perspective on their respective plans.
  • 20. GUERRILLA MARKETING EXAMPLES  Batman leverages Twitter to reveal new villain for movie through requiring specific number of Tweets with official hashtag to gain access to information.  #TheFireRises- the-dark-knight-rises-social-media-campaign-catches-fire.html  Main street boutique leverages pink bicycle to catch the attention of Route 66 travelers and online visitors.  Hillary’s Boutique-Pink Bike- 34604.80574.303515139668083&type=3&theater  Building brand relationships with the product while also gaining customer insight about why they use the product.  GAF Roofing-Facebook Campaign-
  • 22. 4 P’S OF MARKETING  Product or Service  Price  Place (Where you sell your products/services)  Promotion  KEEP IN MIND:  Throughout developing your 4 P’s of marketing for your company you will need to keep in mind who are the markets you will be targeting the product to, who is the most profitable customers, and how are you going to position this product/service to those consumers versus the current competitors in that market also competing for those dollars. Also known as STP, segment, target, and position.
  • 23. PRODUCT/SERVICE  What exactly is the product/service?  Why this product/service over others?  This will be solved when developing the brand identity for the product/service.  How is this product/service solving a problem for the ideal customers?  Is this product/service a commodity or a premium product?  Think about what the ideal customer thinks about when purchasing the product do they care about price or innovation/quality?  Is the product going to be known for quality, innovation, or price?  Does the product create a real or cognitive switching cost that will cause current customers to repurchase from company instead of purchasing from competitors?  Apple example.
  • 24. PRICE  Depends on product/service positioning and competitors in that market  Remember the higher price the higher the perceived quality. Price sets the tone for the quality of the product.  Building a brand’s awareness and loyalty will allow for the company to raise prices and increased profit margins because of the perceived value from a customer’s point of view.  Price is not a sustainable competitive advantage unless your in a commodity based market.  Walmart cost leadership strategy example.  Pricing strategies  Market Penetration  Flood market with your product/service. Make your money off of volume and not off of per product profits.  Competition Based  Pricing strategy based at matching or beating the price of competitors in the marketplace.  Market Skimming  Skim the top of the market by selling lower volumes of product but collect higher profit margins of each product/service offered to the market.  Know your profit margins!!!!  Profit margins will differ on where you sell your product, PLACE.  Making a sale doesn’t necessarily constitute making a profit.
  • 25. PLACE  Place is where you sell your products. You should always choose to sell your products/services to the most profitable customers. Note that where you sell your products also conveys a sense of expected quality from the target audience.  Target versus Walmart stocking your product.  Places available to sell your products/services:  B2C-Business to Consumer  Online Store (E-Commerce)  Lower overhead than storefront.  Can be integrated with storefront sales.  Advent of new e-commerce solution,, allows e-commerce to become sustainable and scalable revenue stream for a business.  Battle of the Boutiques example  Hillary’s Boutique  Nesting Necessities  Brick and Mortar Store  Higher overhead to have storefront.  Create exclusive location on where product is available.
  • 26. PLACE…CONTINUED  Places available to sell your products/services:  B2B-Business to Business  Option 1: Sell only to other businesses and not to consumers, B2C  Option 2: Selling product through dealer/distributor network  Still can sell product online for full retail price from manufacturer but cannot compete with dealer network on price it will discourage them from stocking product.  Farm Equipment Example  Option 3: Selling product/service through bid procurement  Bid Networks via B2B Focus:  Oklahoma Bid Network:  B2G-Business to Government  Bid Procurement Networks-  Workshop taught by REI WBC about how to obtain government contracts,
  • 27. PLACE…CONTINUED  Places available to sell your products/services:  B2NAG-Business to Native American Government  Bid procurement process  Cherokee Nation Bid Procurement-
  • 28. PLACE: THE NEW DOWNTOWN REVENUE STREAM Attract dollars from outside of the community through e-commerce sales.  This strategy brings in dollars that were not derived from local dollar flow within community. This strategy allows for our businesses to reach outside of the local realm for sales.  The strategy is driven by developing a strong online presence through website development, search engine marketing (On-Site/Off-Site), and social media marketing.  Retain dollars within community by ensuring that consumers are aware of local options.  This strategy focuses on developing a strong local search engine and social media presence for a business whose revenue model is based on local sales. Example service provider that is locally based.  Ensure that your members understand the importance of the new downtown revenue stream thanks to the advent of the internet.
  • 29. PROMOTION What it is What it isn’t  Promotion is the process of conveying value offerings to targeted audiences through various mediums.  Promotion is dictated by the brand’s promise to the market!  Promotion is only successful when objectives are set forth before enacting tactics.  Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics example.  Promotion decisions are decided by understanding when, where, and how the target audience likes to consume marketing messages.  Social media  Mobile applications  Billboards  Etc.  Promotion is not advertising.  Promotion is not driven by incentives.  Promotion decisions are not decided by advertising sales reps.  Promotion is not just one advertisement, it is a clear concise message through various mediums.
  • 30. PROMOTION: WHERE TO START  Market Research  Understand as much as possible about your most profitable customers. Then craft marketing messages of value to be distributed through the most effective mediums.  Analyze past sales to find trends within your company’s sales..  Pareto’s Law-80/20  Once you understand who the most profitable customers are then you can then begin to leverage market research platforms to find more consumers like them. Leverage Tapestry Segmentation to learn more about your specific customer’s lifestyle and preferences  ESRI Tapestry Segmentation-  Realize that each customer requires some type of cost to acquire, money, time, energy etc. You have to work harder to earn a new customer so try to increase the frequency of repurchases from current customers.
  • 31. PROMOTION: WHERE TO START  Set a budget  Promotion budget should be 3-5% of total sales for the company.  There is no perfect science to developing a promotional budget. You will have to tweak the budget each month to find the optimal amount of monies to allot each month that brings the most return for your business.  Analyze every dollar that is spent for promotional ventures within an Microsoft Excel sheet so you know exactly what your total costs for promotion each month is.  Pick the most profitable platforms to promote your business  Promotion is about sales driven objectives and not applause. Too many businesses try to get applauded for their marketing campaigns and don’t focus nearly enough on the reasons they are even spending money to attract current and former customers to buy more of what they are offering the marketplace.  Be consistent with where you promote your business.  Reach and frequency are the two most important factors when purchasing media.  Examples of Promotion:  Direct Mail Campaigns  Search Engine Marketing  Social Media Marketing  Event Marketing  Advertising  Purchase of time and space within some form of communication with public.  TV, Radio, Newspaper, Billboard, Yard Signs, etc.
  • 32. PROMOTION: WHERE TO START  Develop clear and concise direct response messaging  Develop clear value messaging for each of your promotional pieces with a clear call to action.  Go online for quote, come to the store to buy the product, call for a quote, go to Tractor Supply Company to buy product, etc. Be clear on what they need to do with this message about your product/service.  Know that each market segment has a different trigger that triggers their desire to buy the product.  Know that consistency with your messaging and consistency within where the consumer spends their time is essential to success. No short term solutions are available for instant success. There is no magic button to success in marketing!
  • 33. PROMOTION: BE A GUERRILLA  Leverage guerrilla marketing promotional tactics for low cost/big return platforms that builds brand awareness with potential customers, top of mind mentality, and builds brand loyalty with current customer base (Lower acquisition costs).  Examples:  Social Media Development  Social media campaigns through third-party applications that increase individuals liking, commenting, and sharing your brand’s content.  Example of Platform: ShortStack  ISSUU  Leverage ISSUU to turn PDF brochures or product specs into interactive flipbooks.  Search Engine Marketing/Social Media Marketing  Pay-Per-Click ads through  Google AdWords  Bing  Facebook  YouTube  Email Marketing  MailChimp
  • 34. PROMOTION: BE A GUERRILLA  Examples:  Unique Business Cards, Unique Store Front, Etc. Basically stand out of the crowd and be noticed but don’t compromise brand standards.  Video Creation  People love to consume content through videos. Leverage the video sharing giant, YouTube, to upload a series of videos discussing your products/services or potentially have customer testimonials through YouTube.  Well-Tuned websites  Easy to find on search engines, buy products from website, etc. Get your audience to spend time in front of your brand on your website. Find ways to keep them engaged. Don’t overpromise and under deliver!  Lucas Metal Works example   New Domain Name:  Example: Enid.MainStreet or Oklahoma.MainStreet  Buy domain names through E-NOM.
  • 35. PROMOTION: TRACK SUCCESS  Remember promotion of your business is only successful if it achieves objectives set forth by your business before the campaign.  Track Success Through:  Simple Microsoft Excel Sheet to analyze where phone calls/quotes came from.  Lucas Metal Works example.  Analyze your company’s website performance during times of promotional campaigns that are either or both through online or offline platforms. Watch for spikes in traffic on those set dates the message was live and in front of your audience’s eyeballs.  Analyze your company’s social media performance during campaigns. This can be done through Facebook analytics.  Analyze your company’s sales versus last year’s sales and analyze month by month sales totals in comparison to the amount of dollars allotted to promoting the business and what forms of promotion you leveraged.
  • 36. NOW YOU HAVE A ROPE  Now you have the knowledge to build you brand’s identity, develop a pricing strategy for your brand, determine where and who are the most profitable avenues to sell your product to, and how to successful develop promotional strategies that are result driven.  Now you can take this knowledge and develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that is based on the ROPE acronym.  Research  What is your company selling, who are your most profitable customers, who are your competitors, and how do you plan on maintaining and/or increasing sales/market share.  Objectives  These are the tangible objectives you would like for your company to achieve through developing this marketing strategy and ensuing promotional campaigns.  Plan  This is how you plan to achieve your set objectives through your promotional strategy and strategic positioning to increase repurchases from current customers and to increase new sales with potential customers. This will include your budget for the plan.  Evaluation  When and how will you determine if this plan was a success. Create a follow-up plan for determining success or failure. Success is driven by increased profits not applause or laughter from marketing messages.
  • 37. GUERRILLA MARKETING TOOLS  ASANA Project Management  ISSUU   Google Alerts  Social Media Monitoring  MailChimp-Email Marketing  MAS 100-ERP System  Shopify-E-Commerce Websites  PREZI-Online Based Presentations  Google Drive  Google Trends  Google Email for Businesses  ESRI-Twitter Mapping  ESRI-Tapestry-Market Segments  Kiss YouTube-YouTube Video Downloader (MP4 Format)
  • 38. HOW BRAND OKLAHOMA CAN HELP  Can provide custom training/workshops for your main street members on Saturdays.  Can provide your organization with custom training/consulting to help develop marketing strategies, event promotion strategies, donor drives, member drives, and website development strategies.  Joplin, MO marketing agency example.  Can provide your organization or members with full-service marketing including website development, logo development, marcom development, SEO development, social media marketing, and strategic planning sessions. VISIT BRANDOKLAHOMA.COM TO REQUEST A QUOTE
  • 39. CONTACT ME/FOLLOW-UP  Contact Information:  Who: Anthony William Tucker-(AWT)  How:  Phone: 918-613-0411  Email:  Website:  Facebook:  Twitter: @BrandOklahoma  LinkedIn:  Presentation Information:  To gain access to this presentation and the video from this presentation please email AWT at,

Editor's Notes

  1. Brand identity is developed based on the needs/desires of the most profitable customers that exist in the marketplaces the company will compete in.
  2. Advent of new e-commerce solution, shopify