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Modern FMCG Marketing................................................................................................................ 3
Shopper Navigation .......................................................................................................................... 5
e-Marketing Strategies...................................................................................................................... 7
Integrated Marketing for Building Materials ............................................................................... 9
Social Content Commerce Platforms ........................................................................................ 11
Loyalty Programmes and Motivation Platforms ...................................................................... 13
Trendwatching and Benchmarking............................................................................................ 15
Key Opinion Leaders....................................................................................................................... 17
Integrated Marketing...................................................................................................................... 19
Modern FMCG Marketing
Adopt an integrated approach to meet the challenges of modern FMCG marketing.
Groceries, health and beauty products and other packaged consumer goods are
sold to billions globally. With global grocery chains, online shopping portals like
Amazon, meal delivery kits and social commerce, the industry is constantly
transforming. It’s not enough just to expect products to fly off brick and mortar
shelves anymore - unless you implement a well-executed marketing plan. So how
do you adapt your FMCG marketing strategies for the modern age?
The Challenge
There are several major distributors who enjoy a monopoly over the FMCG market in
much of the western world. They influence everything from the price of goods and
the order they’re placed on shelves, to shopper behavior. Figuring out the right
message to deliver to these dominant players is a key challenge when convincing
them that your product has the brand power and quality to take pride of place on
the shelf. Combine that with the a more savvy customer base who has more options
available to them than ever, and you’ve got a pretty complex marketing challenge.
The Opportunity
FMCG marketing has two specific audiences: the distributor and the customer.
Marketing on behalf of producers and brands is firstly about creating the right
propositions that showcase the brand as a partner for the distributor. In other words,
what’s in it for the distributor is just as important as what’s in it for the brand.
Creating a mutually beneficial strategy based on your expertise in trade marketing
and shows how your product meets specific customer needs can demonstrate how
your product will ultimately result in more revenue for the distributor. Whether it’s
revolutionary packaging, adoption of key retail trends or a new supply model, find
what makes your brand different and why the distributor needs you just as much as
you need them.
Of course, to do this also requires a deep understanding of the end customer.
Developing personas to better understand how to target their needs and influence
their emotions, beyond what just looks and tastes nice, is central to developing a
decision tree strategy.
How we Help
Umbrella has cooperated with over 30 food and other FMCG producers globally
from small producers to global manufacturing brands.
We combine practical experience with theoretical insights into customer behavior
and product knowledge to develop integrated FMCG marketing strategies for our
clients. Our distributor strategies examine the factors that influence the shopper
experience and market as a whole. Our approach is bespoke for each client, and
scope may include strategy and research, trade campaign marketing, web
development, graphic design and production, social marketing and e-commerce.
Our focus on marketing to consumers begins when we develop personas to target
the right products and messaging to them. We leverage emotion-based marketing -
focusing on FMCG trends such as health and convenience, and emotional triggers
such as family, tradition and convenience.
Shopper Navigation
Better understand your shopper’s behavior to identify opportunities for business
growth and improved customer experience.
How well do you really know your customers? Learning and analyzing what
shoppers want and need is the key to increasing foot traffic and opening up sales
The Challenge
Grabbing a customer’s interest and retaining it while they're in store is one of the
biggest challenges retailers face.
As a distributor, you might spend hours deciding which products to promote in a
sale, how to display them and where to put your POS materials. Or perhaps you’re a
producer who wants more visibility about where your product is placed in store.
How can you be sure a store layout gives your customers what they want, and
encourages them to buy?
The Opportunity
An agency can provide market, shopper and competitor research to allow you to
construct a shopper navigation strategy, specific to your business.
But before you plan this strategy, you need to first use research and data to
understand shopper behavior at
every point of sale.
These consumer insights can be
used to understand how to create
branding identifiers customers will
relate to, and use these to inform
how to set up products and POS
materials in store. It’s creating a
standardized shopper strategy that
begins with the right branding at the
place of production, through to
where and how products are
distributed in store, and how the
salesperson on the floor presents
This builds a better sales story for your customers, giving them what they want at
every stage of their buyer's journey. The end goal is for the customer to finish that
journey at the cash register.
How We Help
Umbrella Marketing Group works with you to create a custom shopper surveying
plan, specific to your stores or product. This is based on sophisticated market
research and shopper behavior tools. We also observe your customers in store,
interview sales people and look at what your competitors are doing.
It’s anything but simple - in fact, we use some of the most advanced and complex
tools to analyze shopper behavior. For example, we use mobile eye-tracking glasses
to analyze what the shopper sees (and doesn’t see) along their path to purchase.
This helps us to create a shopper navigation plan from the best perspective - your
We provide you with recommendations on branding identifiers, where to place your
products and how to layout your POS materials, so shoppers want to buy your
promotions or more expensive items.
We make sure your customer sees the right products and POS materials at every
moment of the buyer’s journey. It's all designed to create brand interaction and
opportunities for upsell and promotion.
And once your plan is in place, we continually monitor and optimize it. We stay agile
to best leverage on factors such as changing seasons, special occasions and the
e-Marketing Strategies
A deeper understanding of how your prospects interact with your brand and offer
will help you deliver not only higher conversions, but also more meaningful
Where online marketing meets e-commerce there’s opportunity to deliver better
content experiences that ultimately turn prospects into customers. Understanding
your prospects, how and why they engage with your brand at different stages of the
sales funnel - and what type of content to target to them at each phase - is the key
to achieving this.
The Challenge
Your focus as a brand shouldn’t just be about measuring lead generation. It also
needs to be about creating communication and building awareness among your
prospects and customers online.
Exactly how you do this is complex and sophisticated. E-marketing requires more
than a singular approach. Multiple tactics and activities must be measured to find
what’s actually contributing to conversion. In addition, success isn’t limited to your
number of MQLs or SQLs alone. You may be able to generate many leads based on
your offer, but lead quality is what ultimately drives conversion.
How do you ensure you’re creating an impactful strategy and gathering those
quality leads?
The Opportunity
Creating an e-marketing strategy can help you to not only understand what your
marketing and e-commerce goals should be outside conversion, but also how to
achieve these goals. Your marketing goals and developing personas will also give
you a deeper understanding of your leads - which will ultimately positively impact
your conversion rates.
Combine this with measuring how and when they read your articles and interact with
your social media posts - not just when they click on your landing page - will help you
develop the most effective communication strategy.
The ultimate goal is ensuring you’re not missing any opportunities to engage your
leads with the right content across all channels, guiding them towards your landing
page to convert.
How we Help
Umbrella can work with you to create a personalized e-marketing strategy that
effectively leverages the prospecting process. We separate the prospecting process
into three phases to develop an e-marketing plan.
Stage 1
Awareness/attraction -capture your prospect’s interest via articles on your platform,
PR, social campaigns, mailing campaigns and remarketing activities.
Stage 2
Evaluation/consideration - engage your leads using small marketing tactics to
encourage them to move through the sales funnel.
Stage 3
Conversion - direct your prospect to your landing page when they are ready to find
out more about your proposition or offer.
Integrated Marketing
for Building Materials
Stay ahead of the competition in your product category with an integrated
marketing strategy that delivers the right messages.
The building materials industry is a growing and dynamic sector worldwide. Thanks to
advances in technology and innovation, competition is fierce in many product
categories. It’s now more crucial than ever to ensure you’re marketing building
materials in the most effective way.
The Challenge
Marketing to the building industry is complex. You need to build awareness of your
product to a wide range of people from executives and architects to site managers,
builders and everyday consumers. Without loyal trade relationships, it can be hard to
win in this area.
Marketing to audiences on a range of different levels requires a deep understanding
of their needs and wants. It often means a combination of a B2B and B2C approach
to marketing, so can be difficult to navigate. It’s important to integrate the right
processes and tools to get the message across.
The Opportunity
In the building industry, there are key decision makers at many levels. Whether it's the
everyday customer plugging away at their weekend DIY or the professional team
building a hotel, the demand for quality materials is high.
It’s a complex universe, but once you understand the players in it, you can start
speaking their language. With the right
strategy, materials and platforms, you'll
show how your high quality materials
meet this demand.
If you do this right, you'll get ahead -
and stay ahead - of your competition.
How We Help
Umbrella Marketing Group knows the
building industry, and we know it well. In
fact, we boast over 13 years’
experience in the competitive
European market, plus experience in
the Australasian market. Our team
knows how to create and share the right messages, and engage the key industry
We’re the experts in integrated marketing to the building industry. That means we
know how to create and share the right messages, and engage key players with a
specific mix of the right tools and messages to maximize results.
Drawing on our extensive experience, we firstly lay the foundations. We work with
you to understand your product, audience and business objectives. The next step is
to research and develop a marketing strategy that will best meet them.
Social Content Commerce
Create a more powerful customer experience and increase conversion by
combining e-commerce, content and social proof in one platform.
We’re living in a buy now economy, where buying is only a click away. Our
marketplace has moved beyond just traditional e-commerce. Social
networks now provide targeted in-app shopping experiences, and consumers
rely on the opinions of influencers and their friends when making purchasing
decisions. In this crowded space, providing relevant and engaging online
shopping experiences is key to creating conversion. So how exactly do you
do this?
The Challenge
Building relationships with customers who rely heavily on social proof and
social commerce can be tricky.
Brands need to consider the entire customer journey through the sales funnel,
and find ways to stand out at each touchpoint. The challenge lies in finding
new and creative ways to engage the customer and create that relationship,
and find different ways to entice them to purchase.
But how do you create this cut through?
The Opportunity
We’re all aware of the importance of great content - but that alone is no
longer enough. Understanding which content has the most impact at every
stage of the sales funnel is the key to increasing conversion.
By combining content with e-commerce functionality and social media, you
can give your customer everything they need throughout the sales funnel - all
in one platform.
A social content commerce platform will help you to leverage content to
better connect with your target at the awareness phase of the customer
journey. Content such as advice articles and trend-driven or lifestyle pieces
can establish credibility for your brand and help the customer to see your
product benefits.
User-generated reviews and content can be promoted to help with the
customer’s decision making during the evaluation phase. This helps them see
why your product is the best fit for their lifestyle.
And when your customer is ready to purchase, offering them tools like a
product finder or a product offer will allow you to close the sale.
How We Help
Umbrella Marketing Group takes an integrated approach to social content
commerce platforms. We combine marketing automation tools with user
experience, to map the customer journey from awareness, to evaluation to
purchase. This map is then used to create an engaging platform that will
nurture prospects with exciting, useful content that helps to convert them into
happy customers.
We create the structure - the wireframe - and build and design your platform
with the right content and user generated reviews. Once you’re happy with
your platform, we go live and amplify and share via various social channels to
reach your target.
Once your platform is up and running, we report on the performance to
analyze and report on the data, to ensure you’re targeting the right products
to the right customer.
Loyalty Programmes and
Motivation Platforms
Work with us to build a custom programme or platform to take customer or
professional engagement to new heights.
Customer loyalty programmes and professional motivation platforms allow you to
engage and mobilize your happy customers and partners to create brand loyalty.
But it’s more than that. Customer loyalty also pushes your brand growth to new levels
- because people are your most effective advocates.
The Challenge
To put it simply, customer loyalty is someone’s willingness to buy from your brand over
and over again. In a professional sense, it’s making sure they want to keep working
with you.
Customers and professionals are savvy and won’t necessarily stay loyal to a brand if
they find something else that suits them. There’s multiple ways to engage people to
encourage them to advocate for your products, but they may not do it unless there
is something in it for them.
So, how do you provide real, tangible value to these people and turn them into loyal
brand advocates and amplifiers?
The Opportunity
Creating a custom loyalty programme or motivation platform is an investment that
really pays off.
A loyalty programme offering rewards, points or prizes for continued brand
engagement will increase customer retention by giving them a reason to repeat
purchase. You can turn your regular customers into super fans or brand advocates
by rewarding them for sharing their opinions about your brand to their social
networks. It’s a simple and effective way to increase brand awareness, drive sales
growth and reward your customers at the same time.
Motivation platforms, on the other hand, create an environment that not only
rewards your partners or professional customers, but also adds true value to them in
the form of content, gamification or online tools. This gives them a reason to continue
to invest in and work with your brand.
How We Help
The first step in creating a loyalty programme or motivation platform is to deeply
understand the needs of your target group, and how to best serve these, while also
achieving your set business goals. This creates a win-win for both sides.
The next step is to determine the mechanics. Questions we might ask at this stage
include: What actions are to be
rewarded? Do customers collect points,
or win prizes? How are actions and sales
recorded? How are prizes sent out?
All this information is then used to build an
awards tier. Here, we define what
rewards are matched with which
customer action. It may be graduated,
where an initial action results in a smaller
amount of points or lower value prize. This
encourages users to continue to take
action to receive higher value prizes.
We also help you to define your
communication and production strategy.
What messages do you want to convey
to your audience, and how? We prepare the mechanics, design and build your
platform, prepare visuals and materials and write the copy.
The final step is the promotion and amplification of the loyalty programme or
motivation platform via online or offline channels, to ensure it reaches your target
Trendwatching and
Develop a deep understanding of your competition, industry and the ever-changing
marketing landscape to better inform your strategies.
Any marketer will tell you that one of the first steps to establishing a marketing or
innovation strategy is research. Understanding what’s going on in the market and
media, consumer trends and insights and anticipating the direction these are going
in are all key to pinpointing areas of opportunity and innovation.
The Challenge
The media landscape and every industry is constantly changing. Combine that with
evolving customer behaviors and crowded advertising space, and it’s necessary to
ensure you’re keeping up with the pace.
If you’re already trendwatching and benchmarking to keep up, it might not be as
simple as it sounds. Is your research too broad, or perhaps too specific? How and
where are you collecting your audience data from? Most importantly, are you
actually getting actionable results from this research?
The Opportunity
By developing a strong trendwatching and benchmarking process, you’re able to
identify the important trends and audience behaviors that will ultimately influence
your product launches, messaging, marketing activities and ultimately, sales.
And it’s not just about keeping up with your audience. Benchmarking allows you to
see what your direct competitors are doing, and how they’re responding to trends in
the market, to ensure your business is seizing the same opportunities as them.
And to know you’re keeping up with your competition is one thing. But
benchmarking is also crucial to seeing how you can do better than them. By using
your competition’s activities as a benchmark, you’ll often see a better way to
leverage key trends to drive sales and results for your brand.
How We Help
Our simple four-step methodology takes a personalized approach, ensuring we
gather the right information based on each brand’s goals.
Step 1
Capture information via desk research. This includes media monitoring, competitor
websites, social listening on blogs, portals and social media websites.
Step 2
Collate the data via our online platform and analyse it to define the most significant
industry and consumer trends and competitor activities.
Step 3
Provide personalised recommendations to our clients by translating the data into
relevant, actionable information, best practices and areas to focus on and avoid.
Step 4
Consistently monitor trends and competitors on a month-on-month or quarter-on-
quarter basis, tracking changes and refining our recommendations to include these.
We’ve helped large corporations and boutique brands to identify the key trends to
drive improved results from their marketing and business development strategies. For
Maspex, Poland’s largest distributor of juices and soft drinks, we collected data on
the impact POS materials, packaging, lighting and store placement have on the
sales of key competitors such as Pepsi and Coca-Cola. This helped Maspex identify
how and when to launch and display new products, to create the best sales uplift..
Umbrella can help elevate your brand’s marketing outlook with a robust
trendwatching and benchmarking strategy.
Key Opinion Leaders
Engage with the right Key Opinion Leaders to amplify your brand and turn your
customers into advocates.
Collaborations between brands and influencers have exploded in recent times, and
influencer marketing is not slowing down. This non-promotional, organic approach is
what’s holding your customer’s attention in 2017. But what’s the best way to leverage
The Challenge
In a market that’s saturated with digital advertising, consumers are savvy enough to
pick and choose what kind of ads they’re served with. Your average person may no
longer always trust or pay attention to the ads in their Facebook newsfeed and
emails in their inbox.
Add to that the prolific nature of ad
blockers, and traditional forms of
online advertising are becoming less
and less effective.
The Opportunity
People might be tuning out when the
commercials come on during their
favorite TV show, but they’re pulling
out their phones to scroll through
Instagram at the same time.
By engaging with influencers or Key
Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and brand
ambassadors to promote your brand,
you get targeted exposure to the right kind of consumer - one who is already paying
Working with influencers might include placements like sponsored posts, videos, and
giveaways. But it’s not just Instagram stars or celebrities with thousands of followers
who can resonate with your target customer.
By turning regular people into ‘superfans’ or brand ambassadors who promote your
brand’s message via their own social channels, you build even more trust with your
This part product placement, part testimonial approach is particularly effective.
When audiences see people like them promoting your brand, it makes them see it as
part of their own lifestyle.
Your brand is no longer just aspirational - it’s attainable, driving higher engagement
and advocacy among your audience.
How We Help
We work with brands to build influencer strategies engaging with both established
KOLs, and regular fans. These strategies create impact for brands from travel and
fashion to I.T, construction and beyond.
We build personas and create positioning specific to your brand. Then we select
KOLs like bloggers, social media influencers and fans who best represent this.
We work with influencers to monitor their content to ensure they represent your
brand on the right channels, while still saying true to their own personality. We can
also produce high quality content on behalf of influencers to ensure their posts stand
out from the crowd.
You can leave the heavy lifting like drafting contracts and fulfilling obligations to us.
We manage the relationship between your brand and your influencers closely.
We also specialize in brand amplification programmes on a trade marketing level for
new products. These campaigns help distributors test the market, before committing
to large distribution and advertising spends. This often includes social media
campaigns asking people to register to become product testers and ‘brand
ambassadors’, and provide their opinions online in exchange for products. We
collect and edit these opinions, publish them to social channels and generate traffic
around them.
Integrated Marketing
Engage an integrated marketing agency and leverage a network of specialists to
deliver more effective, efficient results.
Imagine you’re launching a new soft drink to market. You want to go big. Sales plans,
brand value strategy, financial outputs, ROI measurement, the list goes on. How do
you choose an agency with the skills to make all of this happen, and deliver results?
The Challenge
Let’s take a brief look at today’s marketing landscape. The biggest agency players
have the time and cash flow to employ, develop and sustain large teams of
specialists such as copywriters, graphic designers, programmers, account managers
and so on. But it’s not a rapidly-scalable, efficient or cost-effective model for small-
to-medium sized businesses - either for the agency or the customer.
So instead, many agencies choose to specialize. On one side that might be in
technical skills like big data and marketing automation. In other words, lead
generation and measurability. On the other hand, there’s the content marketing and
creative marketing agencies, who specialize in the more human side of marketing -
personas, customer experience and journey mapping.
To market effectively to your customer or prospect, you’ve got to be able to
leverage both sides - the technical and the human. But it’s not time or cost-efficient
for brands to engage with multiple agencies. So what’s the best solution?
The Opportunity
The future of marketing is with the agencies that are up to the challenging task of
integrating the human side of marketing with the data-driven, measurable element.
Umbrella’s advantage as an integrated marketing agency lies in our ability to do just
An integrated marketing agency like ours operates as a central hub, outsourcing
skilled projects to a network of specialists in big data, content creation or marketing
automation - to deliver a single, seamless solution to the client.
This allows brands to save time and money, and leverage the marketing solutions
that will create the most impact - via one agency contact.
How we Help
Umbrella Marketing Group is an integrated marketing agency. But what does that
mean, exactly?
For us, our integrated model means we can offer specialization. In our global
network of agencies, project managers (specialists in, you guessed it - project
management) work with ‘specialists’ in every field, from graphic design to PR, to
deliver projects for our clients. The advantage? Our model allows us to diversify and
keep up with the rapidly changing developments in every marketing field, simply by
engaging our network of specialists. Each one of our clients only needs to work with
one agency, to access the best specialists in any field.
We not only deliver marketing strategies and projects - we manage the operational
and financial aspects as well. For example, we can deliver a comprehensive
marketing automation strategy and campaigns, including persona research,
content and design, implementation, measurability and analysis. Or we can
integrate your social media presence with trade marketing, perhaps design
innovative packaging for a new product, write press releases and manage the point
of sale.
If you’d like to discuss how working with an integrated marketing agency like
Umbrella can benefit your brand, contact us -
Essence of integrated marketing - starter pack

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Essence of integrated marketing - starter pack

  • 1.
  • 2. Modern FMCG Marketing................................................................................................................ 3 Shopper Navigation .......................................................................................................................... 5 e-Marketing Strategies...................................................................................................................... 7 Integrated Marketing for Building Materials ............................................................................... 9 Social Content Commerce Platforms ........................................................................................ 11 Loyalty Programmes and Motivation Platforms ...................................................................... 13 Trendwatching and Benchmarking............................................................................................ 15 Key Opinion Leaders....................................................................................................................... 17 Integrated Marketing...................................................................................................................... 19
  • 3. Modern FMCG Marketing Adopt an integrated approach to meet the challenges of modern FMCG marketing. Groceries, health and beauty products and other packaged consumer goods are sold to billions globally. With global grocery chains, online shopping portals like Amazon, meal delivery kits and social commerce, the industry is constantly transforming. It’s not enough just to expect products to fly off brick and mortar shelves anymore - unless you implement a well-executed marketing plan. So how do you adapt your FMCG marketing strategies for the modern age? The Challenge There are several major distributors who enjoy a monopoly over the FMCG market in much of the western world. They influence everything from the price of goods and the order they’re placed on shelves, to shopper behavior. Figuring out the right message to deliver to these dominant players is a key challenge when convincing them that your product has the brand power and quality to take pride of place on the shelf. Combine that with the a more savvy customer base who has more options available to them than ever, and you’ve got a pretty complex marketing challenge. The Opportunity FMCG marketing has two specific audiences: the distributor and the customer. Marketing on behalf of producers and brands is firstly about creating the right propositions that showcase the brand as a partner for the distributor. In other words, what’s in it for the distributor is just as important as what’s in it for the brand. Creating a mutually beneficial strategy based on your expertise in trade marketing and shows how your product meets specific customer needs can demonstrate how your product will ultimately result in more revenue for the distributor. Whether it’s revolutionary packaging, adoption of key retail trends or a new supply model, find what makes your brand different and why the distributor needs you just as much as you need them. Of course, to do this also requires a deep understanding of the end customer. Developing personas to better understand how to target their needs and influence their emotions, beyond what just looks and tastes nice, is central to developing a decision tree strategy. How we Help Umbrella has cooperated with over 30 food and other FMCG producers globally from small producers to global manufacturing brands. We combine practical experience with theoretical insights into customer behavior and product knowledge to develop integrated FMCG marketing strategies for our clients. Our distributor strategies examine the factors that influence the shopper experience and market as a whole. Our approach is bespoke for each client, and
  • 4. scope may include strategy and research, trade campaign marketing, web development, graphic design and production, social marketing and e-commerce. Our focus on marketing to consumers begins when we develop personas to target the right products and messaging to them. We leverage emotion-based marketing - focusing on FMCG trends such as health and convenience, and emotional triggers such as family, tradition and convenience.
  • 5. Shopper Navigation Better understand your shopper’s behavior to identify opportunities for business growth and improved customer experience. How well do you really know your customers? Learning and analyzing what shoppers want and need is the key to increasing foot traffic and opening up sales opportunities. The Challenge Grabbing a customer’s interest and retaining it while they're in store is one of the biggest challenges retailers face. As a distributor, you might spend hours deciding which products to promote in a sale, how to display them and where to put your POS materials. Or perhaps you’re a producer who wants more visibility about where your product is placed in store. How can you be sure a store layout gives your customers what they want, and encourages them to buy? The Opportunity An agency can provide market, shopper and competitor research to allow you to construct a shopper navigation strategy, specific to your business. But before you plan this strategy, you need to first use research and data to understand shopper behavior at every point of sale. These consumer insights can be used to understand how to create branding identifiers customers will relate to, and use these to inform how to set up products and POS materials in store. It’s creating a standardized shopper strategy that begins with the right branding at the place of production, through to where and how products are distributed in store, and how the salesperson on the floor presents them. This builds a better sales story for your customers, giving them what they want at every stage of their buyer's journey. The end goal is for the customer to finish that journey at the cash register.
  • 6. How We Help Umbrella Marketing Group works with you to create a custom shopper surveying plan, specific to your stores or product. This is based on sophisticated market research and shopper behavior tools. We also observe your customers in store, interview sales people and look at what your competitors are doing. It’s anything but simple - in fact, we use some of the most advanced and complex tools to analyze shopper behavior. For example, we use mobile eye-tracking glasses to analyze what the shopper sees (and doesn’t see) along their path to purchase. This helps us to create a shopper navigation plan from the best perspective - your customer’s. We provide you with recommendations on branding identifiers, where to place your products and how to layout your POS materials, so shoppers want to buy your promotions or more expensive items. We make sure your customer sees the right products and POS materials at every moment of the buyer’s journey. It's all designed to create brand interaction and opportunities for upsell and promotion. And once your plan is in place, we continually monitor and optimize it. We stay agile to best leverage on factors such as changing seasons, special occasions and the weather.
  • 7. e-Marketing Strategies A deeper understanding of how your prospects interact with your brand and offer will help you deliver not only higher conversions, but also more meaningful engagement. Where online marketing meets e-commerce there’s opportunity to deliver better content experiences that ultimately turn prospects into customers. Understanding your prospects, how and why they engage with your brand at different stages of the sales funnel - and what type of content to target to them at each phase - is the key to achieving this. The Challenge Your focus as a brand shouldn’t just be about measuring lead generation. It also needs to be about creating communication and building awareness among your prospects and customers online. Exactly how you do this is complex and sophisticated. E-marketing requires more than a singular approach. Multiple tactics and activities must be measured to find what’s actually contributing to conversion. In addition, success isn’t limited to your number of MQLs or SQLs alone. You may be able to generate many leads based on your offer, but lead quality is what ultimately drives conversion. How do you ensure you’re creating an impactful strategy and gathering those quality leads? The Opportunity Creating an e-marketing strategy can help you to not only understand what your marketing and e-commerce goals should be outside conversion, but also how to achieve these goals. Your marketing goals and developing personas will also give you a deeper understanding of your leads - which will ultimately positively impact your conversion rates. Combine this with measuring how and when they read your articles and interact with your social media posts - not just when they click on your landing page - will help you develop the most effective communication strategy. The ultimate goal is ensuring you’re not missing any opportunities to engage your leads with the right content across all channels, guiding them towards your landing page to convert. How we Help Umbrella can work with you to create a personalized e-marketing strategy that effectively leverages the prospecting process. We separate the prospecting process into three phases to develop an e-marketing plan.
  • 8. Stage 1 Awareness/attraction -capture your prospect’s interest via articles on your platform, PR, social campaigns, mailing campaigns and remarketing activities. Stage 2 Evaluation/consideration - engage your leads using small marketing tactics to encourage them to move through the sales funnel. Stage 3 Conversion - direct your prospect to your landing page when they are ready to find out more about your proposition or offer.
  • 9. Integrated Marketing for Building Materials Stay ahead of the competition in your product category with an integrated marketing strategy that delivers the right messages. The building materials industry is a growing and dynamic sector worldwide. Thanks to advances in technology and innovation, competition is fierce in many product categories. It’s now more crucial than ever to ensure you’re marketing building materials in the most effective way. The Challenge Marketing to the building industry is complex. You need to build awareness of your product to a wide range of people from executives and architects to site managers, builders and everyday consumers. Without loyal trade relationships, it can be hard to win in this area. Marketing to audiences on a range of different levels requires a deep understanding of their needs and wants. It often means a combination of a B2B and B2C approach to marketing, so can be difficult to navigate. It’s important to integrate the right processes and tools to get the message across. The Opportunity In the building industry, there are key decision makers at many levels. Whether it's the everyday customer plugging away at their weekend DIY or the professional team building a hotel, the demand for quality materials is high. It’s a complex universe, but once you understand the players in it, you can start speaking their language. With the right strategy, materials and platforms, you'll show how your high quality materials meet this demand. If you do this right, you'll get ahead - and stay ahead - of your competition. How We Help Umbrella Marketing Group knows the building industry, and we know it well. In fact, we boast over 13 years’ experience in the competitive European market, plus experience in the Australasian market. Our team
  • 10. knows how to create and share the right messages, and engage the key industry players. We’re the experts in integrated marketing to the building industry. That means we know how to create and share the right messages, and engage key players with a specific mix of the right tools and messages to maximize results. Drawing on our extensive experience, we firstly lay the foundations. We work with you to understand your product, audience and business objectives. The next step is to research and develop a marketing strategy that will best meet them.
  • 11. Social Content Commerce Platforms Create a more powerful customer experience and increase conversion by combining e-commerce, content and social proof in one platform. We’re living in a buy now economy, where buying is only a click away. Our marketplace has moved beyond just traditional e-commerce. Social networks now provide targeted in-app shopping experiences, and consumers rely on the opinions of influencers and their friends when making purchasing decisions. In this crowded space, providing relevant and engaging online shopping experiences is key to creating conversion. So how exactly do you do this? The Challenge Building relationships with customers who rely heavily on social proof and social commerce can be tricky. Brands need to consider the entire customer journey through the sales funnel, and find ways to stand out at each touchpoint. The challenge lies in finding new and creative ways to engage the customer and create that relationship, and find different ways to entice them to purchase. But how do you create this cut through? The Opportunity We’re all aware of the importance of great content - but that alone is no longer enough. Understanding which content has the most impact at every stage of the sales funnel is the key to increasing conversion. By combining content with e-commerce functionality and social media, you can give your customer everything they need throughout the sales funnel - all in one platform. A social content commerce platform will help you to leverage content to better connect with your target at the awareness phase of the customer journey. Content such as advice articles and trend-driven or lifestyle pieces can establish credibility for your brand and help the customer to see your product benefits.
  • 12. User-generated reviews and content can be promoted to help with the customer’s decision making during the evaluation phase. This helps them see why your product is the best fit for their lifestyle. And when your customer is ready to purchase, offering them tools like a product finder or a product offer will allow you to close the sale. How We Help Umbrella Marketing Group takes an integrated approach to social content commerce platforms. We combine marketing automation tools with user experience, to map the customer journey from awareness, to evaluation to purchase. This map is then used to create an engaging platform that will nurture prospects with exciting, useful content that helps to convert them into happy customers. We create the structure - the wireframe - and build and design your platform with the right content and user generated reviews. Once you’re happy with your platform, we go live and amplify and share via various social channels to reach your target. Once your platform is up and running, we report on the performance to analyze and report on the data, to ensure you’re targeting the right products to the right customer.
  • 13. Loyalty Programmes and Motivation Platforms Work with us to build a custom programme or platform to take customer or professional engagement to new heights. Customer loyalty programmes and professional motivation platforms allow you to engage and mobilize your happy customers and partners to create brand loyalty. But it’s more than that. Customer loyalty also pushes your brand growth to new levels - because people are your most effective advocates. The Challenge To put it simply, customer loyalty is someone’s willingness to buy from your brand over and over again. In a professional sense, it’s making sure they want to keep working with you. Customers and professionals are savvy and won’t necessarily stay loyal to a brand if they find something else that suits them. There’s multiple ways to engage people to encourage them to advocate for your products, but they may not do it unless there is something in it for them. So, how do you provide real, tangible value to these people and turn them into loyal brand advocates and amplifiers? The Opportunity Creating a custom loyalty programme or motivation platform is an investment that really pays off. A loyalty programme offering rewards, points or prizes for continued brand engagement will increase customer retention by giving them a reason to repeat purchase. You can turn your regular customers into super fans or brand advocates by rewarding them for sharing their opinions about your brand to their social networks. It’s a simple and effective way to increase brand awareness, drive sales growth and reward your customers at the same time. Motivation platforms, on the other hand, create an environment that not only rewards your partners or professional customers, but also adds true value to them in the form of content, gamification or online tools. This gives them a reason to continue to invest in and work with your brand. How We Help
  • 14. The first step in creating a loyalty programme or motivation platform is to deeply understand the needs of your target group, and how to best serve these, while also achieving your set business goals. This creates a win-win for both sides. The next step is to determine the mechanics. Questions we might ask at this stage include: What actions are to be rewarded? Do customers collect points, or win prizes? How are actions and sales recorded? How are prizes sent out? All this information is then used to build an awards tier. Here, we define what rewards are matched with which customer action. It may be graduated, where an initial action results in a smaller amount of points or lower value prize. This encourages users to continue to take action to receive higher value prizes. We also help you to define your communication and production strategy. What messages do you want to convey to your audience, and how? We prepare the mechanics, design and build your platform, prepare visuals and materials and write the copy. The final step is the promotion and amplification of the loyalty programme or motivation platform via online or offline channels, to ensure it reaches your target audience.
  • 15. Trendwatching and Benchmarking Develop a deep understanding of your competition, industry and the ever-changing marketing landscape to better inform your strategies. Any marketer will tell you that one of the first steps to establishing a marketing or innovation strategy is research. Understanding what’s going on in the market and media, consumer trends and insights and anticipating the direction these are going in are all key to pinpointing areas of opportunity and innovation. The Challenge The media landscape and every industry is constantly changing. Combine that with evolving customer behaviors and crowded advertising space, and it’s necessary to ensure you’re keeping up with the pace. If you’re already trendwatching and benchmarking to keep up, it might not be as simple as it sounds. Is your research too broad, or perhaps too specific? How and where are you collecting your audience data from? Most importantly, are you actually getting actionable results from this research? The Opportunity By developing a strong trendwatching and benchmarking process, you’re able to identify the important trends and audience behaviors that will ultimately influence your product launches, messaging, marketing activities and ultimately, sales. And it’s not just about keeping up with your audience. Benchmarking allows you to see what your direct competitors are doing, and how they’re responding to trends in the market, to ensure your business is seizing the same opportunities as them. And to know you’re keeping up with your competition is one thing. But benchmarking is also crucial to seeing how you can do better than them. By using your competition’s activities as a benchmark, you’ll often see a better way to leverage key trends to drive sales and results for your brand. How We Help Our simple four-step methodology takes a personalized approach, ensuring we gather the right information based on each brand’s goals. Step 1 Capture information via desk research. This includes media monitoring, competitor websites, social listening on blogs, portals and social media websites.
  • 16. Step 2 Collate the data via our online platform and analyse it to define the most significant industry and consumer trends and competitor activities. Step 3 Provide personalised recommendations to our clients by translating the data into relevant, actionable information, best practices and areas to focus on and avoid. Step 4 Consistently monitor trends and competitors on a month-on-month or quarter-on- quarter basis, tracking changes and refining our recommendations to include these. We’ve helped large corporations and boutique brands to identify the key trends to drive improved results from their marketing and business development strategies. For Maspex, Poland’s largest distributor of juices and soft drinks, we collected data on the impact POS materials, packaging, lighting and store placement have on the sales of key competitors such as Pepsi and Coca-Cola. This helped Maspex identify how and when to launch and display new products, to create the best sales uplift.. Umbrella can help elevate your brand’s marketing outlook with a robust trendwatching and benchmarking strategy.
  • 17. Key Opinion Leaders Engage with the right Key Opinion Leaders to amplify your brand and turn your customers into advocates. Collaborations between brands and influencers have exploded in recent times, and influencer marketing is not slowing down. This non-promotional, organic approach is what’s holding your customer’s attention in 2017. But what’s the best way to leverage it? The Challenge In a market that’s saturated with digital advertising, consumers are savvy enough to pick and choose what kind of ads they’re served with. Your average person may no longer always trust or pay attention to the ads in their Facebook newsfeed and emails in their inbox. Add to that the prolific nature of ad blockers, and traditional forms of online advertising are becoming less and less effective. The Opportunity People might be tuning out when the commercials come on during their favorite TV show, but they’re pulling out their phones to scroll through Instagram at the same time. By engaging with influencers or Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and brand ambassadors to promote your brand, you get targeted exposure to the right kind of consumer - one who is already paying attention. Working with influencers might include placements like sponsored posts, videos, and giveaways. But it’s not just Instagram stars or celebrities with thousands of followers who can resonate with your target customer. By turning regular people into ‘superfans’ or brand ambassadors who promote your brand’s message via their own social channels, you build even more trust with your audience. This part product placement, part testimonial approach is particularly effective. When audiences see people like them promoting your brand, it makes them see it as part of their own lifestyle.
  • 18. Your brand is no longer just aspirational - it’s attainable, driving higher engagement and advocacy among your audience. How We Help We work with brands to build influencer strategies engaging with both established KOLs, and regular fans. These strategies create impact for brands from travel and fashion to I.T, construction and beyond. We build personas and create positioning specific to your brand. Then we select KOLs like bloggers, social media influencers and fans who best represent this. We work with influencers to monitor their content to ensure they represent your brand on the right channels, while still saying true to their own personality. We can also produce high quality content on behalf of influencers to ensure their posts stand out from the crowd. You can leave the heavy lifting like drafting contracts and fulfilling obligations to us. We manage the relationship between your brand and your influencers closely. We also specialize in brand amplification programmes on a trade marketing level for new products. These campaigns help distributors test the market, before committing to large distribution and advertising spends. This often includes social media campaigns asking people to register to become product testers and ‘brand ambassadors’, and provide their opinions online in exchange for products. We collect and edit these opinions, publish them to social channels and generate traffic around them.
  • 19. Integrated Marketing Engage an integrated marketing agency and leverage a network of specialists to deliver more effective, efficient results. Imagine you’re launching a new soft drink to market. You want to go big. Sales plans, brand value strategy, financial outputs, ROI measurement, the list goes on. How do you choose an agency with the skills to make all of this happen, and deliver results? The Challenge Let’s take a brief look at today’s marketing landscape. The biggest agency players have the time and cash flow to employ, develop and sustain large teams of specialists such as copywriters, graphic designers, programmers, account managers and so on. But it’s not a rapidly-scalable, efficient or cost-effective model for small- to-medium sized businesses - either for the agency or the customer. So instead, many agencies choose to specialize. On one side that might be in technical skills like big data and marketing automation. In other words, lead generation and measurability. On the other hand, there’s the content marketing and creative marketing agencies, who specialize in the more human side of marketing - personas, customer experience and journey mapping. To market effectively to your customer or prospect, you’ve got to be able to leverage both sides - the technical and the human. But it’s not time or cost-efficient for brands to engage with multiple agencies. So what’s the best solution? The Opportunity The future of marketing is with the agencies that are up to the challenging task of integrating the human side of marketing with the data-driven, measurable element. Umbrella’s advantage as an integrated marketing agency lies in our ability to do just that. An integrated marketing agency like ours operates as a central hub, outsourcing skilled projects to a network of specialists in big data, content creation or marketing automation - to deliver a single, seamless solution to the client. This allows brands to save time and money, and leverage the marketing solutions that will create the most impact - via one agency contact. How we Help Umbrella Marketing Group is an integrated marketing agency. But what does that mean, exactly? For us, our integrated model means we can offer specialization. In our global network of agencies, project managers (specialists in, you guessed it - project management) work with ‘specialists’ in every field, from graphic design to PR, to
  • 20. deliver projects for our clients. The advantage? Our model allows us to diversify and keep up with the rapidly changing developments in every marketing field, simply by engaging our network of specialists. Each one of our clients only needs to work with one agency, to access the best specialists in any field. We not only deliver marketing strategies and projects - we manage the operational and financial aspects as well. For example, we can deliver a comprehensive marketing automation strategy and campaigns, including persona research, content and design, implementation, measurability and analysis. Or we can integrate your social media presence with trade marketing, perhaps design innovative packaging for a new product, write press releases and manage the point of sale. If you’d like to discuss how working with an integrated marketing agency like Umbrella can benefit your brand, contact us -