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Sarah Arrington / Eric Hangartner / Evan LaForge / Nia Skeete / Melisaa Volpe
LiSTEN: REsearch...............................................................................4
	 BRAND INTRODuction.......................................................................................................................5
	 SWOT AnALYSIS.................................................................................................................................6
	 TArget AUDIENCE .............................................................................................................................7
	 creative brief..............................................................................................................................8-9
SiT: PLANNING & STRATEGY................................................................10
	 THE PRoblem..................................................................................................................................11
	 Communication Goals..................................................................................................................11
	 Campaign Direction......................................................................................................................11
SPEAK: IMPLEMENTATION..................................................................13
	 CREATIVE EXECUTIONS...............................................................................................................14-23
	 MEasurements of SUCCESS..........................................................................................................24
	 FUTURE RECOMMENDATIOns ...........................................................................................................24
Brand Introduction
“Marker 7 is a longtime dream of mine that finally fell into place. Growing up in the
Tampa Bay area, I loved eating fresh seafood and relaxing in coastal bars. We are trying
to duplicate that here in Five Points in this award-winning historic home. Our oysters
come to the Gulf of Mexico and shrimp from the coast Georgia. Depending on what is in
season, we will be offering specials beyond the everyday menu that we hope you enjoy. So
sit back, relax, and let your mind drift off to that little stretch of beach where we all	
	 wish we were.”	 - CHris Lloyd, OWner 	
BRinging the goast closer What started as a
run down, yet historic home on the corner of Milledge
Avenue and Lumpkin Street, has been renovated
into a new and lively restaurant. Just almost a year
and half old, Marker Seven Coastal Grill is decorated
like a quait sea side beach establishment with fishing
nets and colorful tique wood furnitue, a full service
bar and complete with relaxing outdoor deck seating
overlooking historic Five Points.
	 The owner of Marker Seven Coastal Grill,
Christoper Lloyd is also the owner of another local
and successful Athens restuarant, Hilltop Grill. The
experience he gained working with that restaurant
prepared him to open Marker Seven. 	
	 As one of the only seafood restaurants in Athens
with a great location, the fairly new Marker Seven
Coastal Grill has a unique niche in its community.
While attracting middle-aged adults from around Five
Points, it also brings in a younger college crowd from
Milledge Avenue both within walking distance of the
restaurant. Marker Seven sports a variety of menu
items found nearly nowhere else in Athens, such
as smoked salmon pimento cheese, fresh oysters,
catrfish, clam strips, fried Oreos, and daily specials. In
addition to seafood, Marker Seven also offers a variety
of land lover options to statisfy a variety of tastes.
The restaurant offers Happy Hour Monday through
Wednesday and lunch and dinner dining hours from
as early at 11:00 a.m. to 11 p.m. with extended bar
	 Marker Seven offers customers a trip to the
coast without ever leaving Athens. Its a chance to
experience the delicious taste of fresh caught seafood
just around the corner.
STuDentsMarker Seven Coastal Grill has multiple
target audiences. Its proximity to the Unviersity of
Georgia makes students, ages 18 to 22, one of their
target audiences. College students are on a fixed budget.
Although most students are usually on a week day meal
plan, they look for affordable restaurants for weekend
meals with a group of friends or family visiting for their
sorority parents weekend. Sometime going out to eat is a
treat and a time to splurge, but they still have to budget
for next week. Since they love the city of Athens and the
variety of non chain restaurants it has to offer they love
trying unique, local places.
-Great location in 5 Points off the end of Milledge
- Walking distance from Sanford Stadium and UGA’s
-Lots of Parking
	 (additional parking across the street at the fire 		
-Not many seafood restaurants in Athens
-Ability to watch games on televisions
-Beachy, coastal feel
-Large porch to enjoy the Athens scenery
- Lack of awareness because new
- Brand message not as clear to target audience
- Interaction with public can be improved
- Weak social media presence
- Lack of seating
	 (less seating in winter because unable to use 		
- Restrictions of creativity because of historical
property regulations
- Hard to attract customers from street with the minor
signage allowed
- Not located downtown
- Room to grow since the business is new
- Ability to reach many local families in the Five Points
area with kid-friendly attractions and menu items
- Lack of direct competition and a unique cuisine
offering allows more room for creativity
- Convenient location gives more chances to reach out
to the Greek community and families/businesses in the
Five Points/Milledge Avenue areas
- Willing to distribute coupons or offer other incentives
- Direct competiton in seafood category: Square One
- Indirect competition for other resturants in Five
	 (YourPie, Hubbie D.’s, Subway, Cinco & Diez, Two 	
	 Story, 	Grind House, etc.)
- Downtown considered the major hub instead of Five
	 (Downtown is the center for busy during game 	
- Students tend to look for cheap and easy restaurants
for eating out
- Many students at UGA are on some sort of meal plan
ADULTS & FAMILIES Marker Seven Coastal Grill also
targets adults, ages 25 to 45. Whether it is adults looking
for a happy hour with a long list of drink options or
parents looking for a kids menu for their next family
meal, Marker Seven offers both. These consumer have
more discretionary income. While they are looking for
a quality meal with a delicious cocktail to help them
unwind after a long day or a long week, they are not
looking for a fancy or stuffy restaurant. They want
to feel relaxed and comfortable. They want to meet
up with their friends and sit at the bar and watch the
baseball game on TV or watch their young kids play
tag in the grass with they enjoy a delicious meal on
the deck. They’re looking for a weekend tradition, a
family friendly restaurant that is not in the middle of
downtown or a bunch of noisy college students.
CREative Brief
CLIENT Marker Seven Coastal Grill
KEY FACT Marker Seven Coastal Grill replicates
authentic coastal seafood exerperience in the city of
Athens, Georiga.
PROBLEM Marker Seven struggles to bring in students
during weekdays because of their tight budget
and reliance on campus dining halls. In general, the
restaurant lacks business inbetween lunch and dinner
or the hours of 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. They also lack
adqueate socail media interation.
	 - To increase awareness of the new 		 	
	 - To increase social media presence by
	 - To increase weekly traffic to the
TARGET The primary targets are University of Georgia
students, specifically those involved in greek like
because of their close promixity to the restauarant.
While this target audience has a limited budget, Marker
Seven offers a variety of affordable menu options. They
also provide seating for large and small groups.
	 The secondary target are families located on
Milledge Avenue , the Five Points Area, and surronding
neighborhoods in walking distance. Marker Seven
welcomes kids with their family friendly enviroment
and relaxing atmosphere.
	 The third target are local buisnesses located on or
around Milledge Avenue. Marker Seven offer these local
businesses the perfect lunch break restaurant or their
new happy hour tradition.
INSIGHT “I’m a sopohomore at UGA, and I live the
sorority house on Milledge. I love going out with my
friends, especially when we can sit outside somewhere,
but I cannot afford to pay that much. I mean I’m still in
college, so I’m still living off an allowance.”
	 “I am the founder of a local PR Firm in Athens.
I love my work, but sometimes your just need a break.
Lunch is my only opportunities to get out of the office,
so a few us usually go out to eat a few times a week. We
don’t have that much time though so we usually try to
find something nearby.”
	 “Working full-time and being a parent is pretty
stressful, so those Friday afternoons after work its nice
to not have to cook. My husband and I usually take
the kids out to eat. We like for local, family-friendly
restaurants, but we like it when they have cocktails too.
Sometimes that just what you need after a long week. If
its walking distance to our house at 5 Points that a plus
PROMISe Marker Seven offers the perfect atmosphere to
unwind and enjoy.
SUppORTMarker Seven has a friendly and welcoming
staff and beach themed decor to create that laid back
beach atmosphere. They offer a wide range of seafood
and land lover entree options and a full service bar with
a variety of specialty cocktails to satisfy customers. It is
a family friendly restaurant with a kids menu. Outside
seating provides an opportunity to enjoy the warm
weather and experience the breeze while conveniently
situated and accessibly located on the corner of Milledge
SUmmaryand Lumpkin.
	 - Introductory tone to entice new customers
	 - Fun and playful tone to appeal to mass audience 	
	 and play up the beachy vide of the restaurant
	 - Consistent brand image across platforms
MANDATORIES Company logo, company name, social
media icons
		 - promotional hands outs/ flyers
		- inserts
		- Newspaper
	 Social Media
		- Facebook
		- Instagram
	 Guerilla Marketing
		 - Cup Contest & Hand Outs
		- Coupons
	 Our initial research came from visits to the
physical location, the restaurant’s social media and
website, and information directly from the manager
and staff. For various parts of our campaign, we turned
to specific audiences for information. We discovered
early in the process that Marker 7’s advantages
included their menu variety, central location, fun
atmosphere, and outdoor patio. Many questions were
directed toward the other groups within the Talking
Dog agency. Because of their marketing skills and
characteristics which aligned with our target audience
description, they were a great group to poll for ideas.
In order to gain more insight for the Low Country Boil,
we created a survey to figure out the best options for
price, dates, possible attendance numbers, etc. Talking
directly to our different target markets proved to be
helpful in gaining invaluable information for further
event and marketing plans.
THE problem
	 Marker Seven Coastal Grill is a relatively new
restaurant that has just made its debut to the lively col-
lege town of Athens, Georgia in Spring of 2013. Marker
Seven is entering a highly saturated and competitive
market as an original, non chain restaraunt. Since it is
still young, many Athens residents both local and col-
legiated do not have a significant amount of knowledge
about the Marker Seven Coastal Grill restaurant, offer-
ings or the brand. Therefore, generating awareness and
consumer engagement are the primary focuses for this
year’s campaign.
Communication Goals
	 We want our campaign direction to accurate-
ly reflect our communication goals for Marker Seven
Coastal Grill. With Marker Seven having relatively low
brand awareness, we wanted to incorporate various
ways to bring awareness to the existence of the Marker
Seven brand. Our direction was clear from the begin-
ning. We knew that the food at Marker Seven had great
taste and superior quality and was a wonderful atmo-
sphere to dine in. Our focus was to lead different cam-
paigns that allowed the target audience to recognize the
brand of Marker Seven to ultimately bring them in the
	 To further our campaign direction, we felt that
it was necessary to create a presence online through
various social media platforms. Before we began work-
ing with our client, we noticed that their social media
presence was merely meant to exist rather than creat-
ing brand awareness. We then proceeded to oversee
their social media to ensure that each platform was
being used effectively in order for the target audience
to become aware of the brand. For example, we made
sure the instagram was posting often enough for the
target audience to recognize the Marker Seven brand.
The Instagram previously did not post pictures enough
to effectively do this.
Campaign Direction
We want to position Marker Seven as your local, neigh-
borhood restaruant that is alway top of mind when
considering dining out, especially when you want fresh,
delicious seafood. To do so, we need to achieve our com-
munication goals.
	 - To increase awareness of the restauarnt 		
	 among the three target markets by 60% by May 	
	 - To substanially increase Marker Seven’s social 	
	 media presence and interaction by May 2014
		 Specifically, to increase Facebook likes to 	
		 atleast 1,800 and increase Instagram
		 followers to atleast 200 by May 2014
		 Also, increase interaction with the
		 restaurant on Facebook and Instagram
	 - To increase weekly traffic to the restuarant by 	
	 20% by May 2014
	- To generate brand loyalty and repeat visits 		
	 among new and exitsing customers
	 The communication tactics for Marker Seven
Coastal Grill is simple: real-time engagement and
interaction with potential customers. As opposed to
merely throwing tons of information at our target
market, Greek organizations and nearby families and
restaurants, especially those with houses located
near Five Points on Milledge Avenue, we want to
promote two-way communication. Facilitating two-
way communication will give Marker Seven the
opportunity to provide information about the brand to
its consumers and also learn crucial insights about its
target market while making them feel like they have
input in the brand.
	 We utilized social media because of its
affordability and ability to reach our target market.
Using social media contests provided the opportunity
to gather consumer generated content which
stimulated interaction with the brand. This content
also increased our visibility among those unaware
of Marker Seven to further increase our reach and
generate positive buzz and word-of-mouth.
	 We also strived to post relevant and
entertaining content to create interest in and
awareness of the brand. Many of these posts foster
personalized responses from the public, which in turn
contributes to our goal of real-time engagement.
	 Beyond social media, Marker Seven interacted
with the community by participating in and
sponsoring various community events. This in person,
face-to-face interaction helped to illustrate the
friendliness and customer service of the restaurant
to help foster positive brand awareness and brand
attitude. By distributing coupons and promotional
flyers at these events, we were able to drive traffic to
the restaurant.
	 We also utilized in store tactics to reinforce brand
attitude regarding the restaurant and promote repeat
constumers to generate brand loyalty. We created check
folder inserts and table stand graphics to advertise
events and information about the restaurant.
	 To achieve our communication goals and
objectives and effectively utilize our tactics, we created
colorful and eye catching promotional material to
advertise everything from the restaruant in general to
the Marker Seven Cup Contest. These graphics were
created for digital platforms, Instagram and Facebook,
and print including hands out and newspapers
	 The client requested a consistent look or style
across all promotional materials to help translate a
strong and consistent brand image. They wanted the
colors and fonts to appropriately match the restaurant’s
logoes. This included using the colors red, aqua blue,
and black and fonts Helvetica and Copper Standard.
Many of the executions also included a beach or
nautical vibe of the restaurant.
	 These graphics were created using Adobe
Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop.
2013, Marker Seven launched its first cup contest.
Customers were encouraged to take a creative picture
with their souvenir Marker Seven cup and upload
it to the Marker Seven Facebook page with the
#Marker7CupContest for a chance to win t-shirts and
gift cards. Winners were chosen based off creativity
and number of “likes” recieved. Through out the year,
Marker Seven launched multiple cup contests. They
were promoted through graphics posted on Marker
Seven’s Facebook and Instagram accounts. Each
contest had its own contest annoucement with a
different picture but similar style.
Marker Seven Coastal Grill Contest:
1.Like Marker 7 on Facebook
& follow MarkerSeven on Instagram
2.Take a creative picture with your
Marker 7 Souvenir Cup
3. Post your picture to the Marker 7
Coastal Grill Facebook page
with the #Marker7CupContest
4. Whoever gets the most likes by
December 2 wins a
Marker 7 t-shirt & $10 gift card
Happy Hour:
Monday - Wednesday 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Entries due February 10th
CORN HOLE BOARDS To provide Maker Seven
patrons with a more enjoyable experience, we built
and hand painted corn-hole boards. It worked to
advertise the restaurant to passing cars and provided
customers with a fun and kid friendly activity while
they wait to be seated. It also gives customers one
more reason to tailgate at Marker Seven.
THE PELICAN For the Flagpole newspaper
advertisments, we altered the iconic logo to create
seasonal pelicans to promote Marker Seven as the
perfect restaurant for a Christmas get-to-together, a
romantic Valentines date, or a place to watch the big
game. We plan to design more seasonal pelicans for
graduation, Georgia football game days, happy hour,
Halloween, the Fourth of July, and more.
help promote new changes within
the restaurant, we made an insert to
be diseminated to consumer when
they recieved their check . These
announcements encouraged them to
return to Marker Seven.
FLYERS Marker Seven participated in the annual
Taste of Athens, a philanthropy event that gives
participants the opportunity to sample food from a
variety of Athen’s restaurants. Marker Seven needed
informational yet visually appealing flyers to hand
out with their samples of fish tacos and strawberry
Delightful Fresh Seafood, Land Lover Options, Fun Coastal
Cocktails, Awesome Outdoor Seating. That laid back beach
vacation atmosphere you love, nestled on one of the corners
of Five Points in Athens, GA.
Shrimp Bruschetta
Dusted Artichoke Hearts
Fried Calamari
Oysters Raw & Roasted
Crab Cakes
Shrimp & Grits
Key Lime Pie
Grilled & Blackened Fresh Fish
Salmon BLT
Spinach & Pasta Salad
Seafood Baskets
Kid Options
Fried Oreos
For Full Menu: check out
Delightful Fresh Seafood,
Cocktails, Awesome Outdo
vacation atmosphere you l
of Five Poin
Shrimp Bruschetta
Dusted Artichoke Hearts
Fried Calamari
Oysters Raw & Roasted
Crab Cakes
Shrimp & Grits
Key Lime Pie
For Full Menu: check o
706. 850. 3451
1195 South Milledge Avenue Athens, GA
Monday 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Tuesday- Saturday 11:00 am - 10:00 pm
Sunday 11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Check out our Happy Hours, Drink and Seafood
Specials online on Facebook and Instagram
Enter the
Marker 7 Cup Contest
Find more information on Facebook
706. 850. 3451
1195 South Milledge Avenue Athens, GA
Monday 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Tuesday- Saturday 11:00 am - 10:00 pm
Sunday 11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Check out our Happy Hours, Drink and Seafood
Specials online on Facebook and Instagram
Enter the
Marker 7 Cup Contest
Find more information on Facebook
Marker 7 is a longtime dream of mine that finally fell
into place. Growing up in the Tampa Bay area, I loved eating
fresh seafood and relaxing in coastal bars. We are trying to
duplicate that here in Five Points in this award-winning historic
home. Our oysters come from the Gulf of Mexico and shrimp
from the coast of Georgia. Depending on what is in season,
we will be offering specials beyond the everyday menu that we hope you enjoy. So
sit back, relax, and let your mind drift off to that little stretch of beach where we all
wish we were. - Chris Lloyd, Owner
Fried Artichoke Hearts $7
served with Sriracha aoili
Catfish Nuggets $8
served with tartar sauce
Smoked Salmon Pimento Cheese $7
served with sourdough toast
Buffalo Shrimp $9
topped with blue cheese crumbles
served with blue cheese dressing
Shrimp Bruschetta $8
toast rounds, creamy marinara, fresh basil,
parmesan & sautéed shrimp
Fried Clam Strips $9
served with marinara
½ dozen 1 dozen
*Raw $7 $12
*Steamed $8 $14
Rockefeller $9
spinach, white wine, cream, parmesan,
baked with bread crumbs
Casino $9
roasted red pepper,
compound butter & bacon
Bienville $9
white wine, cream, mushrooms & shrimp
Peel and Eat Shrimp
½ lb. $11 1 lb. $19
served with choice of
french fries or cole slaw
Po Boy $9
shrimp, oyster, or catfish
with tartar sauce, lettuce & tomato
Cheeseburger $8
choice ground beef, sharp white cheddar,
swiss, or bleu cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion
on a toasted english muffin
add bacon $.50
Chicken Sandwich $8
grilled or fried chicken tenders on a toasted
english muffin with lettuce, tomato, onion
Reuben Sandwich $9
corned beef brisket, sauerkraut,
swiss cheese, 1000 Island,
on toasted rye bread
Mahi Burger $9
grilled and served on a toasted english
muffin with a dill aoli, lettuce, tomato
& onion
*Two Fish or Shrimp Tacos $10
grilled or fried with lettuce,
Sriracha aioli, Sriracha drizzle,
pico de gallo & one side
Alittle bit of the Gulf Coast comes to Athens
At the corner of Milledge & Lumpkin
It’s more than just a cup...
its a chance to win
Take a creative picture with
your Marker 7 Cup and upload
it to the Maker Seven
Facebook page by
February 10
Marker 7 is a longtime dream of mine that finally fell
into place. Growing up in the Tampa Bay area, I loved eating
fresh seafood and relaxing in coastal bars. We are trying to
duplicate that here in Five Points in this award-winning historic
home. Our oysters come from the Gulf of Mexico and shrimp
from the coast of Georgia. Depending on what is in season,
we will be offering specials beyond the everyday menu that we hope you enjoy. So
sit back, relax, and let your mind drift off to that little stretch of beach where we all
wish we were. - Chris Lloyd, Owner
Fried Artichoke Hearts $7
served with Sriracha aoili
Catfish Nuggets $8
served with choice of
french fries or cole slaw
Po Boy $9
Alittle bit of the Gulf Coast comes to Athens
At the corner of Milledge & Lumpkin
Take a creative picture
with your Marker 7
Souvenir Cup
and upload it to the
Maker Seven
Coastal Grill
Facebook page by
February 10 for a
chance to win a $25 gift
card & t-shirt
Marker 7 is a longtime dream of mine that finally fell
into place. Growing up in the Tampa Bay area, I loved eating
fresh seafood and relaxing in coastal bars. We are trying to
duplicate that here in Five Points in this award-winning historic
home. Our oysters come from the Gulf of Mexico and shrimp
from the coast of Georgia. Depending on what is in season,
we will be offering specials beyond the everyday menu that we hope you enjoy. So
sit back, relax, and let your mind drift off to that little stretch of beach where we all
wish we were. - Chris Lloyd, Owner
Fried Artichoke Hearts $7
served with Sriracha aoili
Catfish Nuggets $8
served with tartar sauce
Smoked Salmon Pimento Cheese $7
served with sourdough toast
Buffalo Shrimp $9
topped with blue cheese crumbles
served with blue cheese dressing
Shrimp Bruschetta $8
toast rounds, creamy marinara, fresh basil,
parmesan & sautéed shrimp
Fried Clam Strips $9
served with marinara
½ dozen 1 dozen
*Raw $7 $12
*Steamed $8 $14
Rockefeller $9
spinach, white wine, cream, parmesan,
baked with bread crumbs
Casino $9
roasted red pepper,
compound butter & bacon
Bienville $9
white wine, cream, mushrooms & shrimp
Peel and Eat Shrimp
½ lb. $11 1 lb. $19
served with choice of
french fries or cole slaw
Po Boy $9
shrimp, oyster, or catfish
with tartar sauce, lettuce & tomato
Cheeseburger $8
choice ground beef, sharp white cheddar,
swiss, or bleu cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion
on a toasted english muffin
add bacon $.50
Chicken Sandwich $8
grilled or fried chicken tenders on a toasted
english muffin with lettuce, tomato, onion
Reuben Sandwich $9
corned beef brisket, sauerkraut,
swiss cheese, 1000 Island,
on toasted rye bread
Mahi Burger $9
grilled and served on a toasted english
muffin with a dill aoli, lettuce, tomato
& onion
*Two Fish or Shrimp Tacos $10
grilled or fried with lettuce,
Sriracha aioli, Sriracha drizzle,
pico de gallo & one side
At the corner of Milledge & Lumpkin
Alittle bit of the Gulf Coast comes to Athens
Take a creative picture with
your Marker 7 Souvenir Cup
and upload it to the
Maker Seven Coastal Grill
Facebook page by
February 10 for a chance to win
a $25 gift card & t-shirt
Marker Seven multiple options of advertisements to
run in the University newspaper, the Red & Black.
These advertisments were intended to promote the
launch of the Marker Seven Cup Contest.
GUERILLA ADVERTISING To appeal to the large
greek community surronding Marker Seven
and hopefully encourage them to participate in
the upcoming Marker Seven Cup Contest, we
distributed a strategically planned combination
of ping pong balls and Marker Seven Cups to the
27 Fraternities on campus.
ITSEnter the Marker Seven Coastal Grill
Cup Contest and you could win
#Marker7CupContest on Instagram
ITSEnter the Marker Seven Coastal Grill
Cup Contest and you could win
#Marker7CupContest on Instagram
ITSEnter the Marker Seven Coastal Grill
Cup Contest and you could win
ITSEnter the Marker Seven Coastal Grill
Cup Contest and you could win
	 We encourage Marker Seven Coastal Grill
to continue their lofty, creative, and engaging
marketing and advertising efforts to continue
increasing brand awareness within the city of
SOCIAL MEDIA For the future we recommend, consistent
posts to both Facebook and Instagram. Marker Seven should
strive for at least three posts a week on both social media
accounts. This content can range from creative cup pictures,
deals or discounts, featured dishes or specials of the day, or
engaging posts that stimulate responses from followers.
CUP CONTEST We believe there is good potential in
the Marker Seven Cup Contest. Coupled with continued
publicty and more promotion by the restaurant’s wait staff,
the number of participants will keep increasing. We also
recommend there be adequate time between each contest
as to not have them back to back. We believe having them
spaced throughout the year would be more effective for
generating interest and entries.
LOW COUNTRY BOIL There was discussion of holding
a weekly or biweekly Low Country Boil starting in the
Spring. We believe that this would be a great way to
generate business for the restaurant on slower weekdays
and promote Marker Seven as one’s friendly neighborhood
seafood restaurant. We strongly encourage the restaruant
to purse that event.
ADVERTISING & MEDIA We also suggest that Marker Seven
to continue advertising in print media. Beyond the Red &
Black and Flagpole, we propose looking into advertising
with Bulldawg Illustrator to reach out of town guests.
Forming relationships with local hotels will also help attract
out of town business. Marker Seven could also consider
radio advertising to help reach their local audience.
	 Overall, we feel as though we accomplished
a lot for Marker Seven and helped them to increase
awareness and drive consumers to the new
restaurant. Through our social media, print, and
geurilla advertising campaign we were able to
increase their social media presence. We increased
Instragram followers by 279% and Facebook
followers by 34%.
September 2013 Followers: 73
April 2014 Followers: 277
September 2013 Likes: 1517
April 2014 Likes: 1,958
	 We had three consecutive cup contests with
over 40 entries. Some contest winners generated
over 50 likes which helped promote the restauaraunt
to those currently unfamiliar with Marker Seven
and expanded our reach.
	 The restaurant also recieved numerous
customers using coupons distributed during cup
hand outs downtown, to greek houses, and local
office buildings.

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Marker 7 Coastal Grill

  • 1. MARKER SEVEN COASTAL GRILL Sarah Arrington / Eric Hangartner / Evan LaForge / Nia Skeete / Melisaa Volpe
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS LiSTEN: REsearch...............................................................................4 BRAND INTRODuction.......................................................................................................................5 SWOT AnALYSIS.................................................................................................................................6 TArget AUDIENCE .............................................................................................................................7 creative brief..............................................................................................................................8-9 summary..........................................................................................................................................9 SiT: PLANNING & STRATEGY................................................................10 THE PRoblem..................................................................................................................................11 Communication Goals..................................................................................................................11 Campaign Direction......................................................................................................................11 TACTICS...........................................................................................................................................12 SPEAK: IMPLEMENTATION..................................................................13 CREATIVE EXECUTIONS...............................................................................................................14-23 MEasurements of SUCCESS..........................................................................................................24 FUTURE RECOMMENDATIOns ...........................................................................................................24
  • 3. Listen: Research Brand Introduction “Marker 7 is a longtime dream of mine that finally fell into place. Growing up in the Tampa Bay area, I loved eating fresh seafood and relaxing in coastal bars. We are trying to duplicate that here in Five Points in this award-winning historic home. Our oysters come to the Gulf of Mexico and shrimp from the coast Georgia. Depending on what is in season, we will be offering specials beyond the everyday menu that we hope you enjoy. So sit back, relax, and let your mind drift off to that little stretch of beach where we all wish we were.” - CHris Lloyd, OWner BRinging the goast closer What started as a run down, yet historic home on the corner of Milledge Avenue and Lumpkin Street, has been renovated into a new and lively restaurant. Just almost a year and half old, Marker Seven Coastal Grill is decorated like a quait sea side beach establishment with fishing nets and colorful tique wood furnitue, a full service bar and complete with relaxing outdoor deck seating overlooking historic Five Points. The owner of Marker Seven Coastal Grill, Christoper Lloyd is also the owner of another local and successful Athens restuarant, Hilltop Grill. The experience he gained working with that restaurant prepared him to open Marker Seven. As one of the only seafood restaurants in Athens with a great location, the fairly new Marker Seven Coastal Grill has a unique niche in its community. While attracting middle-aged adults from around Five Points, it also brings in a younger college crowd from Milledge Avenue both within walking distance of the restaurant. Marker Seven sports a variety of menu items found nearly nowhere else in Athens, such as smoked salmon pimento cheese, fresh oysters, catrfish, clam strips, fried Oreos, and daily specials. In addition to seafood, Marker Seven also offers a variety of land lover options to statisfy a variety of tastes. The restaurant offers Happy Hour Monday through Wednesday and lunch and dinner dining hours from as early at 11:00 a.m. to 11 p.m. with extended bar hours. Marker Seven offers customers a trip to the coast without ever leaving Athens. Its a chance to experience the delicious taste of fresh caught seafood just around the corner.
  • 4. SWOT: AnalySIs TArGET AUDIENCE STuDentsMarker Seven Coastal Grill has multiple target audiences. Its proximity to the Unviersity of Georgia makes students, ages 18 to 22, one of their target audiences. College students are on a fixed budget. Although most students are usually on a week day meal plan, they look for affordable restaurants for weekend meals with a group of friends or family visiting for their sorority parents weekend. Sometime going out to eat is a treat and a time to splurge, but they still have to budget for next week. Since they love the city of Athens and the variety of non chain restaurants it has to offer they love trying unique, local places. StRENGTHS -Great location in 5 Points off the end of Milledge - Walking distance from Sanford Stadium and UGA’s Colisuem -Lots of Parking (additional parking across the street at the fire station) -Not many seafood restaurants in Athens -Ability to watch games on televisions -Beachy, coastal feel -Large porch to enjoy the Athens scenery Weaknesses - Lack of awareness because new - Brand message not as clear to target audience - Interaction with public can be improved - Weak social media presence - Lack of seating (less seating in winter because unable to use deck) - Restrictions of creativity because of historical property regulations - Hard to attract customers from street with the minor signage allowed - Not located downtown OPPOrtunity - Room to grow since the business is new - Ability to reach many local families in the Five Points area with kid-friendly attractions and menu items - Lack of direct competition and a unique cuisine offering allows more room for creativity - Convenient location gives more chances to reach out to the Greek community and families/businesses in the Five Points/Milledge Avenue areas - Willing to distribute coupons or offer other incentives THREATS - Direct competiton in seafood category: Square One - Indirect competition for other resturants in Five Points (YourPie, Hubbie D.’s, Subway, Cinco & Diez, Two Story, Grind House, etc.) - Downtown considered the major hub instead of Five Points (Downtown is the center for busy during game weekends) - Students tend to look for cheap and easy restaurants for eating out - Many students at UGA are on some sort of meal plan ADULTS & FAMILIES Marker Seven Coastal Grill also targets adults, ages 25 to 45. Whether it is adults looking for a happy hour with a long list of drink options or parents looking for a kids menu for their next family meal, Marker Seven offers both. These consumer have more discretionary income. While they are looking for a quality meal with a delicious cocktail to help them unwind after a long day or a long week, they are not looking for a fancy or stuffy restaurant. They want to feel relaxed and comfortable. They want to meet up with their friends and sit at the bar and watch the baseball game on TV or watch their young kids play tag in the grass with they enjoy a delicious meal on the deck. They’re looking for a weekend tradition, a family friendly restaurant that is not in the middle of downtown or a bunch of noisy college students.
  • 5. CREative Brief CLIENT Marker Seven Coastal Grill KEY FACT Marker Seven Coastal Grill replicates authentic coastal seafood exerperience in the city of Athens, Georiga. PROBLEM Marker Seven struggles to bring in students during weekdays because of their tight budget and reliance on campus dining halls. In general, the restaurant lacks business inbetween lunch and dinner or the hours of 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. They also lack adqueate socail media interation. OBJECTIVES - To increase awareness of the new restauarnt - To increase social media presence by - To increase weekly traffic to the restuarant TARGET The primary targets are University of Georgia students, specifically those involved in greek like because of their close promixity to the restauarant. While this target audience has a limited budget, Marker Seven offers a variety of affordable menu options. They also provide seating for large and small groups. The secondary target are families located on Milledge Avenue , the Five Points Area, and surronding neighborhoods in walking distance. Marker Seven welcomes kids with their family friendly enviroment and relaxing atmosphere. The third target are local buisnesses located on or around Milledge Avenue. Marker Seven offer these local businesses the perfect lunch break restaurant or their new happy hour tradition. INSIGHT “I’m a sopohomore at UGA, and I live the sorority house on Milledge. I love going out with my friends, especially when we can sit outside somewhere, but I cannot afford to pay that much. I mean I’m still in college, so I’m still living off an allowance.” “I am the founder of a local PR Firm in Athens. I love my work, but sometimes your just need a break. Lunch is my only opportunities to get out of the office, so a few us usually go out to eat a few times a week. We don’t have that much time though so we usually try to find something nearby.” “Working full-time and being a parent is pretty stressful, so those Friday afternoons after work its nice to not have to cook. My husband and I usually take the kids out to eat. We like for local, family-friendly restaurants, but we like it when they have cocktails too. Sometimes that just what you need after a long week. If its walking distance to our house at 5 Points that a plus too.” PROMISe Marker Seven offers the perfect atmosphere to unwind and enjoy. SUppORTMarker Seven has a friendly and welcoming staff and beach themed decor to create that laid back beach atmosphere. They offer a wide range of seafood and land lover entree options and a full service bar with a variety of specialty cocktails to satisfy customers. It is a family friendly restaurant with a kids menu. Outside seating provides an opportunity to enjoy the warm weather and experience the breeze while conveniently situated and accessibly located on the corner of Milledge SUmmaryand Lumpkin. TONE AND MANNER - Introductory tone to entice new customers - Fun and playful tone to appeal to mass audience and play up the beachy vide of the restaurant - Consistent brand image across platforms MANDATORIES Company logo, company name, social media icons MEDIA/ COMMUNICATION VEHICLES Print - promotional hands outs/ flyers - inserts - Newspaper Social Media - Facebook - Instagram Guerilla Marketing - Cup Contest & Hand Outs - Coupons Our initial research came from visits to the physical location, the restaurant’s social media and website, and information directly from the manager and staff. For various parts of our campaign, we turned to specific audiences for information. We discovered early in the process that Marker 7’s advantages included their menu variety, central location, fun atmosphere, and outdoor patio. Many questions were directed toward the other groups within the Talking Dog agency. Because of their marketing skills and characteristics which aligned with our target audience description, they were a great group to poll for ideas. In order to gain more insight for the Low Country Boil, we created a survey to figure out the best options for price, dates, possible attendance numbers, etc. Talking directly to our different target markets proved to be helpful in gaining invaluable information for further event and marketing plans.
  • 6. SIT: PLANNING & STRATEGY THE problem Marker Seven Coastal Grill is a relatively new restaurant that has just made its debut to the lively col- lege town of Athens, Georgia in Spring of 2013. Marker Seven is entering a highly saturated and competitive market as an original, non chain restaraunt. Since it is still young, many Athens residents both local and col- legiated do not have a significant amount of knowledge about the Marker Seven Coastal Grill restaurant, offer- ings or the brand. Therefore, generating awareness and consumer engagement are the primary focuses for this year’s campaign. Communication Goals We want our campaign direction to accurate- ly reflect our communication goals for Marker Seven Coastal Grill. With Marker Seven having relatively low brand awareness, we wanted to incorporate various ways to bring awareness to the existence of the Marker Seven brand. Our direction was clear from the begin- ning. We knew that the food at Marker Seven had great taste and superior quality and was a wonderful atmo- sphere to dine in. Our focus was to lead different cam- paigns that allowed the target audience to recognize the brand of Marker Seven to ultimately bring them in the door. To further our campaign direction, we felt that it was necessary to create a presence online through various social media platforms. Before we began work- ing with our client, we noticed that their social media presence was merely meant to exist rather than creat- ing brand awareness. We then proceeded to oversee their social media to ensure that each platform was being used effectively in order for the target audience to become aware of the brand. For example, we made sure the instagram was posting often enough for the target audience to recognize the Marker Seven brand. The Instagram previously did not post pictures enough to effectively do this. Campaign Direction We want to position Marker Seven as your local, neigh- borhood restaruant that is alway top of mind when considering dining out, especially when you want fresh, delicious seafood. To do so, we need to achieve our com- munication goals. - To increase awareness of the restauarnt among the three target markets by 60% by May 2014 - To substanially increase Marker Seven’s social media presence and interaction by May 2014 Specifically, to increase Facebook likes to atleast 1,800 and increase Instagram followers to atleast 200 by May 2014 Also, increase interaction with the restaurant on Facebook and Instagram - To increase weekly traffic to the restuarant by 20% by May 2014 - To generate brand loyalty and repeat visits among new and exitsing customers
  • 7. TACTICS The communication tactics for Marker Seven Coastal Grill is simple: real-time engagement and interaction with potential customers. As opposed to merely throwing tons of information at our target market, Greek organizations and nearby families and restaurants, especially those with houses located near Five Points on Milledge Avenue, we want to promote two-way communication. Facilitating two- way communication will give Marker Seven the opportunity to provide information about the brand to its consumers and also learn crucial insights about its target market while making them feel like they have input in the brand. We utilized social media because of its affordability and ability to reach our target market. Using social media contests provided the opportunity to gather consumer generated content which stimulated interaction with the brand. This content also increased our visibility among those unaware of Marker Seven to further increase our reach and generate positive buzz and word-of-mouth. We also strived to post relevant and entertaining content to create interest in and awareness of the brand. Many of these posts foster personalized responses from the public, which in turn contributes to our goal of real-time engagement. Beyond social media, Marker Seven interacted with the community by participating in and sponsoring various community events. This in person, face-to-face interaction helped to illustrate the friendliness and customer service of the restaurant to help foster positive brand awareness and brand attitude. By distributing coupons and promotional flyers at these events, we were able to drive traffic to the restaurant. We also utilized in store tactics to reinforce brand attitude regarding the restaurant and promote repeat constumers to generate brand loyalty. We created check folder inserts and table stand graphics to advertise events and information about the restaurant. SPEAK: IMPLEMENTATION
  • 8. CREaTIVE EXECUTIONS To achieve our communication goals and objectives and effectively utilize our tactics, we created colorful and eye catching promotional material to advertise everything from the restaruant in general to the Marker Seven Cup Contest. These graphics were created for digital platforms, Instagram and Facebook, and print including hands out and newspapers advertisements. The client requested a consistent look or style across all promotional materials to help translate a strong and consistent brand image. They wanted the colors and fonts to appropriately match the restaurant’s logoes. This included using the colors red, aqua blue, and black and fonts Helvetica and Copper Standard. Many of the executions also included a beach or nautical vibe of the restaurant. These graphics were created using Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop. THE MARKER SEVEN CuP CONTEST In September 2013, Marker Seven launched its first cup contest. Customers were encouraged to take a creative picture with their souvenir Marker Seven cup and upload it to the Marker Seven Facebook page with the #Marker7CupContest for a chance to win t-shirts and gift cards. Winners were chosen based off creativity and number of “likes” recieved. Through out the year, Marker Seven launched multiple cup contests. They were promoted through graphics posted on Marker Seven’s Facebook and Instagram accounts. Each contest had its own contest annoucement with a different picture but similar style. THE MARKER SEVEN CuP CONTEST CORN HOLE BOARDS THEMED PELICANS CHECK PRESENTER insert FLYER NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENTS GUERILLA ADVERTISING PRINT ADVERTISEMENTS Marker Seven Coastal Grill Contest: 1.Like Marker 7 on Facebook & follow MarkerSeven on Instagram 2.Take a creative picture with your Marker 7 Souvenir Cup 3. Post your picture to the Marker 7 Coastal Grill Facebook page with the #Marker7CupContest 4. Whoever gets the most likes by December 2 wins a Marker 7 t-shirt & $10 gift card Happy Hour: Monday - Wednesday 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. IT’S THE MARKER 7 CUP CONTEST Entries due February 10th #Marker7CupContest
  • 9. CORN HOLE BOARDS To provide Maker Seven patrons with a more enjoyable experience, we built and hand painted corn-hole boards. It worked to advertise the restaurant to passing cars and provided customers with a fun and kid friendly activity while they wait to be seated. It also gives customers one more reason to tailgate at Marker Seven. THE PELICAN For the Flagpole newspaper advertisments, we altered the iconic logo to create seasonal pelicans to promote Marker Seven as the perfect restaurant for a Christmas get-to-together, a romantic Valentines date, or a place to watch the big game. We plan to design more seasonal pelicans for graduation, Georgia football game days, happy hour, Halloween, the Fourth of July, and more. M ARKER CHRISTMAS MARCH MADNESS VALENTINES DAY
  • 10. CHECK PRESENTER INSERTTo help promote new changes within the restaurant, we made an insert to be diseminated to consumer when they recieved their check . These announcements encouraged them to return to Marker Seven. FLYERS Marker Seven participated in the annual Taste of Athens, a philanthropy event that gives participants the opportunity to sample food from a variety of Athen’s restaurants. Marker Seven needed informational yet visually appealing flyers to hand out with their samples of fish tacos and strawberry mojitos. Delightful Fresh Seafood, Land Lover Options, Fun Coastal Cocktails, Awesome Outdoor Seating. That laid back beach vacation atmosphere you love, nestled on one of the corners of Five Points in Athens, GA. Shrimp Bruschetta Dusted Artichoke Hearts Fried Calamari Oysters Raw & Roasted Crab Cakes Shrimp & Grits Key Lime Pie Grilled & Blackened Fresh Fish Salmon BLT Burgers Spinach & Pasta Salad Seafood Baskets Kid Options Fried Oreos For Full Menu: check out Delightful Fresh Seafood, Cocktails, Awesome Outdo vacation atmosphere you l of Five Poin Shrimp Bruschetta Dusted Artichoke Hearts Fried Calamari Oysters Raw & Roasted Crab Cakes Shrimp & Grits Key Lime Pie For Full Menu: check o 7 M ARKER SEVE N C OASTAL GRILL 706. 850. 3451 1195 South Milledge Avenue Athens, GA Monday 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm Tuesday- Saturday 11:00 am - 10:00 pm Sunday 11:00 am - 9:00 pm Check out our Happy Hours, Drink and Seafood Specials online on Facebook and Instagram Enter the Marker 7 Cup Contest Find more information on Facebook 7 M ARKER SEVE N C OASTAL GRILL 706. 850. 3451 1195 South Milledge Avenue Athens, GA Monday 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm Tuesday- Saturday 11:00 am - 10:00 pm Sunday 11:00 am - 9:00 pm Check out our Happy Hours, Drink and Seafood Specials online on Facebook and Instagram Enter the Marker 7 Cup Contest Find more information on Facebook 7 M ARKER SEVE N 7 M ARKER SEVE N FRONT BACK
  • 11. MARKER 7COASTAL GRILL Marker 7 is a longtime dream of mine that finally fell into place. Growing up in the Tampa Bay area, I loved eating fresh seafood and relaxing in coastal bars. We are trying to duplicate that here in Five Points in this award-winning historic home. Our oysters come from the Gulf of Mexico and shrimp from the coast of Georgia. Depending on what is in season, we will be offering specials beyond the everyday menu that we hope you enjoy. So sit back, relax, and let your mind drift off to that little stretch of beach where we all wish we were. - Chris Lloyd, Owner Starters Fried Artichoke Hearts $7 served with Sriracha aoili Catfish Nuggets $8 served with tartar sauce Smoked Salmon Pimento Cheese $7 served with sourdough toast Buffalo Shrimp $9 topped with blue cheese crumbles served with blue cheese dressing Shrimp Bruschetta $8 toast rounds, creamy marinara, fresh basil, parmesan & sautéed shrimp Fried Clam Strips $9 served with marinara Oysters ½ dozen 1 dozen *Raw $7 $12 *Steamed $8 $14 Rockefeller $9 spinach, white wine, cream, parmesan, baked with bread crumbs Casino $9 roasted red pepper, compound butter & bacon Bienville $9 white wine, cream, mushrooms & shrimp Peel and Eat Shrimp ½ lb. $11 1 lb. $19 Sandwiches served with choice of french fries or cole slaw Po Boy $9 shrimp, oyster, or catfish with tartar sauce, lettuce & tomato Cheeseburger $8 choice ground beef, sharp white cheddar, swiss, or bleu cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion on a toasted english muffin add bacon $.50 Chicken Sandwich $8 grilled or fried chicken tenders on a toasted english muffin with lettuce, tomato, onion Reuben Sandwich $9 corned beef brisket, sauerkraut, swiss cheese, 1000 Island, on toasted rye bread Mahi Burger $9 grilled and served on a toasted english muffin with a dill aoli, lettuce, tomato & onion Tacos *Two Fish or Shrimp Tacos $10 grilled or fried with lettuce, Sriracha aioli, Sriracha drizzle, pico de gallo & one side Spicy! 7 M ARKER SEVE N C OASTAL GRILL 7 M ARKER SEVE N C OASTAL GRILL Alittle bit of the Gulf Coast comes to Athens At the corner of Milledge & Lumpkin MARKER7COASTALGRILL.COM 706. 850.3451 IT’S THE MARKER 7 CUP CONTEST It’s more than just a cup... its a chance to win Take a creative picture with your Marker 7 Cup and upload it to the Maker Seven Facebook page by February 10 MARKER 7COASTAL GRILL Marker 7 is a longtime dream of mine that finally fell into place. Growing up in the Tampa Bay area, I loved eating fresh seafood and relaxing in coastal bars. We are trying to duplicate that here in Five Points in this award-winning historic home. Our oysters come from the Gulf of Mexico and shrimp from the coast of Georgia. Depending on what is in season, we will be offering specials beyond the everyday menu that we hope you enjoy. So sit back, relax, and let your mind drift off to that little stretch of beach where we all wish we were. - Chris Lloyd, Owner Starters Fried Artichoke Hearts $7 served with Sriracha aoili Catfish Nuggets $8 Sandwiches served with choice of french fries or cole slaw Po Boy $9 7 M ARKER SEVE N C OASTAL GRILL Alittle bit of the Gulf Coast comes to Athens 7 M ARKER SEVE N C OASTAL GRILL At the corner of Milledge & Lumpkin MARKER7COASTALGRILL.COM 706. 850.3451 ENTER THE MARKER SEVEN CUP CONTEST Take a creative picture with your Marker 7 Souvenir Cup and upload it to the Maker Seven Coastal Grill Facebook page by February 10 for a chance to win a $25 gift card & t-shirt #Marker7CupContest MARKER 7COASTAL GRILL *WARNING: CONSUMING RAW OR UNDERCOOKED MEAT, POULTRY, SEAFOOD, SHELLFISH, OR EGGS MAY INCREASE YOUR RISK FOR FOODBORNE ILLNESS. Marker 7 is a longtime dream of mine that finally fell into place. Growing up in the Tampa Bay area, I loved eating fresh seafood and relaxing in coastal bars. We are trying to duplicate that here in Five Points in this award-winning historic home. Our oysters come from the Gulf of Mexico and shrimp from the coast of Georgia. Depending on what is in season, we will be offering specials beyond the everyday menu that we hope you enjoy. So sit back, relax, and let your mind drift off to that little stretch of beach where we all wish we were. - Chris Lloyd, Owner Starters Fried Artichoke Hearts $7 served with Sriracha aoili Catfish Nuggets $8 served with tartar sauce Smoked Salmon Pimento Cheese $7 served with sourdough toast Buffalo Shrimp $9 topped with blue cheese crumbles served with blue cheese dressing Shrimp Bruschetta $8 toast rounds, creamy marinara, fresh basil, parmesan & sautéed shrimp Fried Clam Strips $9 served with marinara Oysters ½ dozen 1 dozen *Raw $7 $12 *Steamed $8 $14 Rockefeller $9 spinach, white wine, cream, parmesan, baked with bread crumbs Casino $9 roasted red pepper, compound butter & bacon Bienville $9 white wine, cream, mushrooms & shrimp Peel and Eat Shrimp ½ lb. $11 1 lb. $19 Sandwiches served with choice of french fries or cole slaw Po Boy $9 shrimp, oyster, or catfish with tartar sauce, lettuce & tomato Cheeseburger $8 choice ground beef, sharp white cheddar, swiss, or bleu cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion on a toasted english muffin add bacon $.50 Chicken Sandwich $8 grilled or fried chicken tenders on a toasted english muffin with lettuce, tomato, onion Reuben Sandwich $9 corned beef brisket, sauerkraut, swiss cheese, 1000 Island, on toasted rye bread Mahi Burger $9 grilled and served on a toasted english muffin with a dill aoli, lettuce, tomato & onion Tacos *Two Fish or Shrimp Tacos $10 grilled or fried with lettuce, Sriracha aioli, Sriracha drizzle, pico de gallo & one side Spicy! 7 M ARKER SEVE N C OASTAL GRILL At the corner of Milledge & Lumpkin MARKER7COASTALGRILL.COM 706. 850.3451 ENTER THE MARKER SEVEN CUP CONTEST Alittle bit of the Gulf Coast comes to Athens 7 M ARKER SEVE N C OASTAL GRILL Take a creative picture with your Marker 7 Souvenir Cup and upload it to the Maker Seven Coastal Grill Facebook page by February 10 for a chance to win a $25 gift card & t-shirt #Marker7CupContest AlittlebitoftheGulfCoastcomestoAthens ENTERTHEMARKER7CUPCONTESTMARKER7COASTALGRILL *WARNING:CONSUMINGRAWORUNDERCOOKEDMEAT,POULTRY,SEAFOOD,SHELLFISH,OREGGSMAYINCREASEYOURRISKFORFOODBORNEILLNESS. Marker7isalongtimedreamofminethatfinallyfell intoplace.GrowingupintheTampaBayarea,Ilovedeating freshseafoodandrelaxingincoastalbars.Wearetryingto duplicatethathereinFivePointsinthisaward-winninghistoric home.OuroysterscomefromtheGulfofMexicoandshrimp fromthecoastofGeorgia.Dependingonwhatisinseason, wewillbeofferingspecialsbeyondtheeverydaymenuthatwehopeyouenjoy.So sitback,relax,andletyourminddriftofftothatlittlestretchofbeachwhereweall wishwewere.-ChrisLloyd,Owner Starters FriedArtichokeHearts$7 servedwithSrirachaaoili CatfishNuggets$8 servedwithtartarsauce SmokedSalmonPimentoCheese$7 servedwithsourdoughtoast BuffaloShrimp$9 toppedwithbluecheesecrumbles servedwithbluecheesedressing ShrimpBruschetta$8 toastrounds,creamymarinara,freshbasil, parmesan&sautéedshrimp FriedClamStrips$9 servedwithmarinara Oysters ½dozen1dozen *Raw$7$12 *Steamed$8$14 Rockefeller$9 spinach,whitewine,cream,parmesan, bakedwithbreadcrumbs Casino$9 roastedredpepper, compoundbutter&bacon Bienville$9 whitewine,cream,mushrooms&shrimp PeelandEatShrimp ½lb.$111lb.$19 Sandwiches servedwithchoiceof frenchfriesorcoleslaw PoBoy$9 shrimp,oyster,orcatfish withtartarsauce,lettuce&tomato Cheeseburger$8 choicegroundbeef,sharpwhitecheddar, swiss,orbleucheese,lettuce,tomato,onion onatoastedenglishmuffin addbacon$.50 ChickenSandwich$8 grilledorfriedchickentendersonatoasted englishmuffinwithlettuce,tomato,onion ReubenSandwich$9 cornedbeefbrisket,sauerkraut, swisscheese,1000Island, ontoastedryebread MahiBurger$9 grilledandservedonatoastedenglish muffinwithadillaoli,lettuce,tomato &onion Tacos *TwoFishorShrimpTacos$10 grilledorfriedwithlettuce, Srirachaaioli,Srirachadrizzle, picodegallo&oneside Spicy! 7 M ARKERSEVE N C OASTALGRILL 7 M ARKERSEVE N C OASTALGRILL Takeacreativepicturewithyou MarkerSevenSouvienirCup UploadittotheMarkerSevenCoastalGrill FacebookpagebyFebruary10 Beenteredforachancetowina $25giftcard&t-shirt LocatedatthecornerofMilledge&Lumpkinmarker7coastalgrill.com706.850.3451 NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENTSWe provided Marker Seven multiple options of advertisements to run in the University newspaper, the Red & Black. These advertisments were intended to promote the launch of the Marker Seven Cup Contest. GUERILLA ADVERTISING To appeal to the large greek community surronding Marker Seven and hopefully encourage them to participate in the upcoming Marker Seven Cup Contest, we distributed a strategically planned combination of ping pong balls and Marker Seven Cups to the 27 Fraternities on campus. ANYONE’S GAME ITSEnter the Marker Seven Coastal Grill Cup Contest and you could win #Marker7CupContest on Instagram ANYONE’S GAME ITSEnter the Marker Seven Coastal Grill Cup Contest and you could win #Marker7CupContest on Instagram ANYONE’S ITSEnter the Marker Seven Coastal Grill Cup Contest and you could win ANYONE’S ITSEnter the Marker Seven Coastal Grill Cup Contest and you could win ANYONE’S GAME ITSEntertheMarkerSevenCoastalGrill CupContestandyoucouldwin #Marker7CupContestonInstagram ANYONE’S GAME ITSEntertheMarkerSevenCoastalGrill CupContestandyoucouldwin #Marker7CupContestonInstagram
  • 13. FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS MEASUREMENTS oF SUCCESS We encourage Marker Seven Coastal Grill to continue their lofty, creative, and engaging marketing and advertising efforts to continue increasing brand awareness within the city of Athens. SOCIAL MEDIA For the future we recommend, consistent posts to both Facebook and Instagram. Marker Seven should strive for at least three posts a week on both social media accounts. This content can range from creative cup pictures, deals or discounts, featured dishes or specials of the day, or engaging posts that stimulate responses from followers. CUP CONTEST We believe there is good potential in the Marker Seven Cup Contest. Coupled with continued publicty and more promotion by the restaurant’s wait staff, the number of participants will keep increasing. We also recommend there be adequate time between each contest as to not have them back to back. We believe having them spaced throughout the year would be more effective for generating interest and entries. LOW COUNTRY BOIL There was discussion of holding a weekly or biweekly Low Country Boil starting in the Spring. We believe that this would be a great way to generate business for the restaurant on slower weekdays and promote Marker Seven as one’s friendly neighborhood seafood restaurant. We strongly encourage the restaruant to purse that event. ADVERTISING & MEDIA We also suggest that Marker Seven to continue advertising in print media. Beyond the Red & Black and Flagpole, we propose looking into advertising with Bulldawg Illustrator to reach out of town guests. Forming relationships with local hotels will also help attract out of town business. Marker Seven could also consider radio advertising to help reach their local audience. Overall, we feel as though we accomplished a lot for Marker Seven and helped them to increase awareness and drive consumers to the new restaurant. Through our social media, print, and geurilla advertising campaign we were able to increase their social media presence. We increased Instragram followers by 279% and Facebook followers by 34%. InSTAGRAM September 2013 Followers: 73 April 2014 Followers: 277 Facebook September 2013 Likes: 1517 April 2014 Likes: 1,958 We had three consecutive cup contests with over 40 entries. Some contest winners generated over 50 likes which helped promote the restauaraunt to those currently unfamiliar with Marker Seven and expanded our reach. The restaurant also recieved numerous customers using coupons distributed during cup hand outs downtown, to greek houses, and local office buildings. MARkER SEVEN COASTAL GRILL