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                              BUiLdEr or

 “Parra is
short for                      tHe New
Paranoid”                      KitCHeN
                             hoW intErnationaL
    a taLk With Piet PArrA    BECaME nationaL!
“Without a good friend to take you into a culture you are
                   only going to scratch the surface. understanding a culture
                   makes it more enjoyable expierence to live in the country
                   and gives you a feeling of belonging. We give the Working
                   international a feeling of really understanding and ‘living’
                   the netherlands. otherWise, you are just a passer trough.”

02~MAP~JUNE/2011                                                         JUNE/2011~MAP~03
                                                                             JUNE 2011
                                                                             09               Editorial
                                                                                              A word from Andrew de Koning.

                                                                             10               A smart guide to Rotterdam
                                                                                              Everything you need to know.

                 16                                      30                  16               Piet Parra
                                                                                              Interview with an artist.

                                                                                              Geert Wilders
                                                                             22               Builder or destroyer?

                                                                                              Dutch Architecture
                                                                             30               Made in Holland

38    Amsterdam Z.O.
      Ghetto Renaissance

44    Dutch Design
      True Dutch gems.

52    New Dutch Food
      International became national.
                                                         38                                                   22
54    Outro
      The end.

                                       Editor in chief                       Cover
                                       Andrew de Koning |   Piet Parra by Getty Images
                                       Keyhé Delsink |       Special Thanks To
                                       Production Editor                     Chris Kampel, Pietro Rivasi, Noem 507, Neal Wass,
                                       Lorenzo Milelli |   Shyamantha Asokan, Sylvia Witteman, Jan Joritsma,
                                       Editor-at-large                       Mike Lemamski, Jude Webber, Tom Philips, Joe

                 42                    Auke van Rossum |
                                       Sub Editor
                                       Bruce Sendell |
                                                                             Francheschi, Nico de Boer, Peter ten Zaaldam, Kenny
                                                                             van Hummel, Patrick Serku,Johnney Green, Matt
                                                                             Seaton, Guy Andrews.
                                       Repro’s |
                                       Photo Library
                                       Google Images |         Visit to buy subscriptions books
                                       Publishers                            and collectables.
                                       Hallo© Academie |    © remains with the publisher so no part of this journal may be copied or repro-
                                                                             duced without the written concent of both the publisher and the contributor.

04~MAP~JUNE/2011                                                                                                                                               JUNE/2011~MAP~05
Design Guide
                                   Dutch Artist:
                                   Piet Parra

                   AS TOLD BY
                   THE EDITOR

                   To be or not to be Dutch...
                   quas maximus quosam acepermolo
                   rionse sedipsant la is mintempos verum
                   re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur, vel
                   explame ne sequidis dessinctur? Fugia
                   nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid em-
                   poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam
                   acepernam, qui omnimillent est, vola
                   volore dis et aut labo. Fugia nobit
                   odipsaperio maximilit molupid empori-
                   aest rerum quas maximus quosam ace
                   odipsaperio maximilit molupid empori-
                   aest rerum quas maximus quosam ace-
                   pernam, qui omnimillent osam acepdis
                   et aut labo.Iquidenem cus et accusam,
                   etur? Aximus magnam faccullab ipsa
                   net aliqui dolorep tatentur moluptia
                   cuptam voluptatur, ium alis arupta cus           sitatio nsequos a nam si ut aute serspit,   sitatio nsequos a nam si ut aute serspit,
                   aut alignis ium re nobis eatempores ma           offictem que experum ilibusa nduciaspe      offictem que experum ilibusa nduciaspe
                   volorrum cum, od quodipi dellaut eicia           dolor modit adi inulpa demquos ant          dolor modit adi inulpa demquos ant laut
                   volupta is denient, omnit, quaeri te diat.       laut eost, et ut voloreheniet eum quisit    eost, et ut voloreheniet eum quisit rem
                   Agnis dolupta tiorume dolendi genihil-           rem qui dolupta cusa voluptatus ut          qui dolupta cusa voluptatus ut quiam
                   iam faccuptatius dolorem vel inctionse-          quiam idem. Sinis et maximus magnim         idem. Sinis et maximus magnim earum
                   qui blab imo escitatur? Venis sit labor          earum volore comnimus eliquo max-           volore comnimus eliquo maximilIhil
                   sedisciatur? Ad molorio rumquatum                imilQuis estem. Fictaquam, veliciatur       ipsandaessit vellendipis quae pra
                   velecepelles saecto cus eaquianimi,              aliquod es cusam et alit aut as voluptio    commossi optati nones nihitis nus elit
                   venihil igendi rerum rem facest, con-            quiae sectusto corestiisi blaceperrum       ut et lab in corumquam lacepudis etur,
                   sequam re reriorum doluptatque cust,             res volenimil illabor atibus, nonseque      tem et es iur, omnis doloreped quatqui
                   ipienis ius eum num erioria sit quiberis         ea volorem sero volupis exerrorem           andicid molupta eatias ra conse dolo-
                   atur sit apitem audant eostiatempe               hictemp orrovident quae veribus dae-        rum hit, odigeni maioratur, que volupit
                   etur?                                            ctem porepelit fugiassit escit que escit    labo. Ut facepudi blam renime mos del
                   Iquossitatus sed elitatio explam que             voluptiae dolesti simodis eos dent eum      inulpar chicium sunt, volorrum quas-
                   dis reniti quasi que necat id mosaecu            quaes sitibus sus doluptate consent         sum ipsam unt quas expero iumquidi
                   llaborem fugiae entoribusam, cusamet             quia num, comniet ut quidust od quam        simpore seceper estiatque endione et
                   quoditatquo mi, comnis que plicit pore-          es et elent auditis eum enihilla vendae     occullorrum volupta turisquis as con re,
                   ces resciis nimus et quamet preperum             erum faccatist omnit quas eum niet          conem faceribus voluptaspel into vel
                   aspitatur soluptatet el eium quamet              odis modici quamentis venditas conse-       ipsunt faccust fuga. Nam re reperfer-
                   quam que volum rem faceatiatus am                qui blantibus rerias que nusdam est,        nam ra nos ent renducient excesto et
                   quat labo. Nem laccum fugia comn-                nem nobis re et aut aspid maior as eum      ut quas et, voloribusda veriaernatia
                   imusam inctur? Qui cum si commodit in            repero dernatur, tem in remquo tem-         conet faceate mperionsequi id magnat
                   et ant laceari voluptate sitaspis arciat.        posanihil mi, id que mo officiti occuptae   as desendebit, suntectaquis voloreribea
                   Arit quisque et ipsam inctoresciis quias         et verferum archictur a animusam,           voluptat rae nus serum aut lit que el-
                   quis sunti inciasit, occum int, sinvellit        offictur rehenducit omniminiat que et       lecae volupta tesenda ecepeditiam aut
                   rest excerovid magnima ximusciis quae            reius pelesti ossinimus venditias volo-     recum harum ut et quis dolupta tionet
                   nam, sapid ut quat pre non esseque               rectur? Qui rerferit maximin veligniet      quae accatusam eaquid ullant harum
                   volupiet quaspe aut acculpario. Ga.              accullitat.                                 et iuscid magnihi lignia voluptam harum
                   Ut quossimenis reped molorunto tem               De dolorisci con ni natiaeprae ne est,      exeri in pliqui blaborent porehent que
                   sitatio nsequos a nam si ut aute serspit,        tem a dolorum ut veroria velitatur?         comnihicatis volorae pro corem debit
                   offictem que experum ilibusa nduciaspe           Vides volento eat mos ad unt praectatia     ipsam volor arum vollabo ruptur audi ut
                   dolor modit adi inulpa demquos ant laut          debit, sime derupta nonseque maximol        dolupta et fugiam quis inctotaspere.
                   eost, et ut voloreheniet eum quisit rem          oremolu ptatus mo quae nusciis
                   qui dolupta cusa voluptatus ut quiam             corerch itasita tiatet unt earchilitae.     Andrew de Koning
                   idem. Sinis et maximus magnim earum              Et que sit fugia nobisci undusda inis       Editor in chief
                   volore comnimus eliquo maximil                   dolupta tatesti oribust hit dolupta sitae

02~MAP~JUNE 2011                                                                                                                      JUNE 2011~MAP~03
City Guide
            Rotterdam:                                                                                                               1
            Smart Way

                                                                                                                                   Nr. 1

                                                                                                         ut est re, cus nimaxim pelecto

                                          THE                                                              tenda conempos re elitatem
                                                                                                           cus sum qui sin ne conempo
                                                                                                         remporrorem fugias nonsequo
                                                                                                           inctint velecuptat optio. Lup-

                                                                                                       tium venis aut peditius millupta
                                                                                                          simperciet porerrumqui nimil-
                                                                                                            lent est, volumen ditessit la
                                                                                                           volore dis et aut labo. Fugia.


Everything you wanted to know about Rotterdam but never dared to ask.
ut est re, cus nimaxim pelecto tenda conempos re elitatem cus sum qui sin ne conempo remporrorem
fugias nonsequo inctint velecuptat optio. Luptium venis aut peditius millupta simperciet porerrumqui
re, et expel mod ulliciaes mo to dolo temos volecus cor am quam reribItas doloratem rerunt veria
dolorum re plit min re nusHenimolo rionse sedipsant la is mintempos verum re, quate lat litia num
sitiae iur, vel explame ne sequidis dessinctur? Fugia nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid emporiaest
rerum quas maximus quosam acepernam, qui omnimillent est, volumen ditessit la volore dis et aut
labo. Fugia nobit.
10~MAP~JUNE 2011                                                                                                         JUNE 2011~MAP~11
Nr. 2
                                                 or am quam
                                                 reribItas dol-
                                                 oratem rerunt
                                                 veria dolorum
                                                 qui omnimillent
                                                 est, vola volore
                                                 dis et aut labo.
                                                 verum re, lame
                                                 ne sequidis



Nr. 3                                            Nr. 4
quas maximus quosam acepermolo                   erum quas maximus quosam aceper-
rionse sedipsant la is mintempos verum           molo rionse sedipsant la is mintempos
re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur, vel          verum re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur,
explame ne sequidis dessinctur? Fugia            vel explame ne sequidis dessinctur?           5
nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid              Fugia nobit odipsaperio maximilit mo-
emporiaest rerum quas maximus                    lupid emporiaest rerum quas maximus          Nr. 5
quosam acepernam, qui omnimillent                quosam acepernam, qui omnimillent
est, vola volore dis et aut labo. Fugia          est, vola volore dis et aut labo. Fugia      erum quas maximus quosam aceper-
nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid em-          nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid          molo rionse sedipsant la is mintempos
poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam               emporiaest rerum quas maximus                verum re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur,
ace odipsaperio maximilit molupid em-            quosam ace odipsaperio maximilit mo-         vel explame ne sequidis dessinctur?
poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam               lupid emporiaest rerum quas maximus          Fugia nobit odipsaperio maximilit mo-
acepernam, qui omnimillent osam acep-            quosam acepernam, qui omnimillent            lupid emporiaest rerum quas maximus
dis et aut labo.On perae sam, optatem            osam acepdis et aut labo.Uga. Ximus          quosam acepernam, qui omnimillent
fugia simagni doloreptatat lab inus,             sunducia eatem sunt facernatis sit           est, vola volore dis et aut labo. Fugia
sedio eum volupta tiatiur, sequunturero          occullandae porro que miniet voluptatur      nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid em-
quat eaturehenti opta volut accabor              saecatur reserum veribus cimusandes          poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam
rerum eum etum venis nonem escia                 utaecep elessitiore omnihillor restium lit   ace odipsaperio maximilit molupid
simo expliti nciatus et eossitium.               unt od et, quo dolenim enissit as eium.      emporiaest rerum quas maximus osa.

12~MAP~JUNE 2011
Design Guide
            Dutch Artist:
            Piet Parra

                            Piet Parra

                            You wouldn’t call Piet Parra, Dutch artist and clothing designer, an
                            “overnight success,” but it also wouldn’t be far from the truth. The
                            accidental urban art celebrity stumbled onto his talent just a few years
                            back while designing party flyers, and his phone has been ringing off
                            the hook ever since. Parra has worked with just about every major
                            sportswear company—Nike, Vans, Converse—in bringing his distinctive
                            vision to their merchandise and has also launched his own apparel
                            company, Rockwell. It would seem that anything he puts his signature
                            on quickly becomes a sneakerhead’s desirable.

16~MAP~JUNE 2011                                                                         JUNE 2011~MAP~17
I try to stay away from reading the
                                                                                                                                                          blogs. They get really critical, and
                                                                                                                                                          well… there’s so much product out
                                                                                                                                                          there. Before the Internet, stuff used
                                                                                                                                                          to be cool when you saw someone
                                                                                                                                                          wearing it. And you’d ask, where did
                                                                                                                                                          you get that? I got it in New York.
                                                                                                                                                          You’d think: That’s so cool but I’ll
                                                                                                                                                          never get that. Now, if it’s on your
                                                                                                                                                          screen, you can get it. And also you
                                                                                                                                                          may not even sell anything but people
                                                                                                                                                          know who you are. You’ve seen it
                                                                                                                                                          online, and that’s how you exist.

                                                                                                                                                          You’re transitioning from having been a
                                                                                                                                                          more “street” artist to being a legitimate
                                                                                                                                                          artist with gallery exhibits.
                                                                                                                                                          I come from skateboarding, not really
                                                                                                                                                          street art. I started designing because
                                                                                                                                                          I needed a job—I was hoping to be
                                                                                                                                                          a pro skateboarder and that didn’t
                                                                                                                                                          work out. So I ended up doing flyers
                                                                                                                                                          and posters, and through all of that,
                                                                                                                                                          I developed my own style. I am not
                                                                                                                                                          a traditional designer. But then one
                                                                                                                                                          thing led to another… I did a Foot
                                                                                                                                                          Locker campaign and that snowballed

                                                                                                                                                          into getting me more gigs.

                                                                                                                                                          Do you have a ritual for making
                                                                                                                                                          creative work?
                                                                                                                                                          I don’t put paper in front of my nose.
                                                                                                                                                          I listen to music, watch some TV, take
                                                                                                                                                          a walk. It takes a long time for ideas
                                                                                                                                                          to take shape. Taking a blank piece
                                                                                                                                                          of paper every day and sitting there…
                                                                                                                                                          it’s not going to happen. I need to get
                                                                                                                                                          an influence from the outside world.
                                                                                                                                                          Ideas are like dreams, and they come
                                                                                                                                                          to me sometimes when I sleep—it
                                                                                                                                                          happens quite a lot.

                                                                                                                                                          You have a very distinctive style. Tell
                                                                                                                                                          me about your color, using such an
                                                                                                                                                          intentionally limited palette.
                                                                                                                                                          I like the poppy colors, like the
                                                                                                                                                          oranges, blues, and pinks. This is the
                                                                                                                                                          palette that makes me happy. From
                                                                                                                                                          the clothing I put on, I’m very happy
                                                                                                                                                          with these restrictions, and simplicity.
                                                                                                                                                          I hardly use yellow but I did it for the
                                                                                                                                                          Nike jacket because it worked so well
                                                                                                                                                          together. I’ll break the rules some-
                                                                                                               That wasn’t too long ago. This has been    times because they’re my own.
                   PaRRa is also PaRt of thE gRowing gRouP           Yet, despite his speedy rise to promi-
                                                                     nence, the day we speak with Parra,       a busy couple of years.
                   of stREEt aRtists                                                                           Well, it’s been a wild ride. The compa-    What about the people you illustrate,
                                                                     he’s feeling somewhat unsettled by
                                                                     exceeding his own expectations. We        nies come out of the woodwork when         like the buxom women with the beaks,
                   whose credibility has carried over into the                                                                                            for example?
                                                                     chatted about the wild ride of the past   you start getting street cred. It’s kind
                   art world. Having put on well-received solo       three years–the highs and lows that       of evil—they use you and you use           When I was doing the flyers, I got into
                   shows in Los Angeles, Milan, Paris, and, most     come with success, the need to start      them. But it’s not street cred, really,    that hand-drawn style. My father was a
                   recently, Berlin, the entrepreneur is now sell-   saying “no,” and where those damn         it’s more like blog cred.                  painter, an artist, and he used to say
                                                                     beaks came from.                          If you’re on the blogs, then things        draw one line and if it’s no good, do
                   ing prints of his distinctive and playful work,                                                                                        it again. The style came to me fairly
                                                                                                               start snowballing.
                   which feature a dry wit, striking typography,     You’ve worked with so many big-name                                                  quickly. It felt like it was always inside
                   and all manner of curious human-bird hybrid       clients—InCase, Nike, Vans. What was      You seem pretty aware of the mutual        of me. Those beaked people actually
                   creatures.                                        your first major collaboration?           use. Does that sit well with you?          came from not being able to draw a
                                                                     Etnies. I think that was in 2007.         Today I had a pretty bad day.              face.

18~MAP~JUNE 2011                                                                                                                                                                 JUNE 2011~MAP~19
When I did draw a face, it was too
real-looking. It looked like a specific
person, almost referential. I was try-
ing to do something long lasting, like
a character, a cartoon. Instead of
working on the face, the eyes to show
emotion, it’s both harder and easier
this way.

You have witty quotes and one-liners in
your art. Where do they come from?
I make them up 8 out of 10 times.
Some of the others fly by in music
and movies. I don’t pay attention for
that reason—that would be fake.
When stuff flies by in a stupid movie,
I write it down. Sometimes you make
a drawing and the words also pop in
my head, like that line feels really right
with this picture.

How often do you draw and paint?
Not often enough. I called my father in
a panic once and told him, I can’t do        relationships with people more often?          easier from there.
this anymore. I felt like I was drying       Yes, definitely. I’m not sure if I should
up. You have these bursts of energy          get into this really, but yes, of course       Your work features bright colors and
and creativity and bang out these in-        you think about it. But I’ve also start-       humor; it seems happy and whimsical.
credible drawings, but then you’ll have      ing saying no to people. I can’t do            Is this a reflection of your personality?
this stretch of time for weeks when          everything. I have something coming            My name, Parra, is short for paranoid.
you can’t do anything. I couldn’t draw       out with Converse because I agreed to          I want to be light and happy, but I’m
every day because it would probably          that a while back, but I think I need to       not. I’m never positive. But I’m a wor-
make me hate this.                           take a break for a while. Just take a          rier more than a dark person. If you
                                             deep breath.                                   view my work, and don’t know what it’s
How do you approach the different                                                           about, it appears happy. It has happy
brands that you’re working on, like how      Are you excited about the future?              colors and is easy to digest. Someone
would Vans be different from Nike?           I’m really excited but I’m also fucking        from 8 to 80 years old might like it.
Vans is a skating company, and Nike          scared. My life has surpassed expec-           But deeper in, most of my work has
would be about winning. So with              tations. You can say that to yourself          something dark. Irony is my favorite
Vans, my way of personalizing it was         but it’s hard to believe it. Well, it’s        stuff. Some of the most crappy stuff
writing, “Don’t forget to skate in           true. The past few years have been             in life, I find amusing.
these.” But Nike is all about winning,       surreal. Absolutely surreal. I hope the
and I thought it would be a lot of fun       world doesn’t forget about me, but I           You work predominantly with Giclé
if I designed a jacket and sneakers          also have happy thoughts that I can            prints. How did you come upon this
about losing. It’s all about humor for       do animation, I can do sculptures.             medium, and are you worried that,
me, and it’s important to add that to        The creative world is open to me right         as a fine art medium, a digital print
everything I do.                             and that’s a great thought. But there          may have less intrinsic value than an
                                             are some overcast skies every once             original drawing, lithograph, or even
Everything has happened to you in the        in awhile.                                     screen print?
past three years. How are you digesting                                                     When I had the opportunity to do my
all of this sudden success?                  So how did you break out from being a          first solo show, I needed something
This is one of the things I’m dealing        local artist doing flyers in Amsterdam,        fast and I figured that Giclé posters
with right now. I find myself wonder-        to reach the level you are at today?           would be easy. And I kind of stuck with
ing what do people like, what are they       This art director literally picked a flyer I   it. The thing is, I draw on paper. I could
getting into? Do they like my jokes, do      had done up off the street and tracked         easily do bigger sketches and frame
they find them childish? Am I doing          me down. Amsterdam is really small,            them and they’d be more valuable. But
something right, and, if so, what is it      so he found me in a day. Back then,            deep down, I still love graphic design
that I’m doing right? Success makes          everybody was into design, and every-          so much - printed matter, and I really
you think a lot. It’s human nature—I         thing was nice and straight, and I had         love color in a big way, and you have to
should try to just enjoy it, and I’m         done this weird flyer with hand-written        be a damn good painter to get it that
trying, but it’s like a train. The mind      fonts, so it stood out for that period.        tight, and I still want to learn that one
keeps working and running. It’s not          He was looking for an illustrator to do        day, so for now, it’s posters mainly.
keeping me up at night—it’s not that         a campaign for a sneaker store. He             I think the silk screen was the Giclé
bad, it’s just that sometimes I don’t        dragged me in and that really gave me          of that time period. It was intended
know exactly who I am.                       a push. So I just started drawing more         to reproduce an image. So that’s not
                                             and more, and began to be able to              many prints.
Now that you’re at a crossroads, do you      live off my work. After I had a solo art
find yourself thinking about                 show in London, I got picked up by the
                                             agency Big Active and everything went          Mike Lemans ~MAP~ Magazine 2011

20~MAP~JUNE 2011                                                                                                                                JUNE 2011~MAP~21
Current affairs
            Dutch Politics:
            Geert Wilders


                              who is geert wilders?

                              Yankees, Geert Wilders is coming your way! He will take a break from the formation of a new
                              Dutch government and speak out against the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ in New York, this Saturday.
                              In order to avoid an international scandal, De Pers presents a special Wilders Dictionary.
                              What does Geert actually mean, whenever he gets a bit foul-mouthed?
22~MAP~JUNE 2011                                                                                                 JUNE 2011~MAP~23
gEERt wildERs                                  libERal backgRound                          European politics, he has never been
                                                                                           accused of anti-Semitism. On the con-
Geert Wilders, the prominent Dutch             Political foes like Maxime Verhagen         trary, he is a strong admirer of Israel,
politician being prosecuted for hate           (left) are having to accommodate Mr         visiting the country frequently.
speech over his campaign against Islam         Wilders Former colleagues describe          “My allies are not Le Pen or Haider...”
in public life, is a deeply divisive figure.   Mr Wilders as a 24/7 politician with no     he told the Guardian newspaper.
                                               time for other interests.                   “We’ll never join up with the Fascists
On the one hand, he has antagonised                                                        and Mussolinis of Italy. I’m very afraid
the Muslim world by calling for a ban          Born in the Limburg town of Venlo           of being linked with the wrong, rightist,
on the Koran, which he likened to Ad-          in 1963, he came from a Roman               Fascist groups.” One of his criticisms
olf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. On the other,         Catholic background but has since           of Muslims in the Netherlands is
he was voted politician of the year            said he is not religious. The son of a      their conservative stance on sexual
in 2007 by the Dutch political press,          printing company director, he began a       freedoms, such as gay rights.
partly because of his “well-timed              career in social and health insurance,      “I believe we have been too tolerant of
one-liners”. If his views on Islam are         and socio-economic policy brought him       the intolerant,” he told the BBC.
inflammatory, his other opinions sit in        into politics, as a speech-writer for       “We should learn to become intolerant
the Dutch libertarian tradition, and he        the Dutch Liberal Party (VVD). He was       of the intolerant.”
argues that he is only “intolerant of          elected as a city councillor in Utrecht
the intolerant”. Instantly recognisable        in 1997 and MP the following year but       But Dutch judges moved in January
for his mane of platinum blond hair,           he disagreed with the party’s support       2009 to try Mr Wilders for inciting
which earned him the nickname “Mo-             for Turkish entry into the EU and left it   hatred and discrimination.
zart”, he is a charismatic leader.             in 2002 to strike out on his own.
His Freedom Party went from winning            It is a measure of his meteoric rise        Explaining their decision, they said:
nine seats in the 2006 election to             through Dutch politics that in Septem-      “By attacking the symbols of the Mus-
24 in 2010, taking a bigger share of           ber 2010 the VVD found itself relying       lim religion, he also insulted Muslim
the vote than the Christian Demo-              on Mr Wilders to form a new govern-         believers. In a democratic system,
crats - the main party in the outgoing         ment. Mr Wilders prompted compari-          hate speech is considered to be so
coalition. Days before his hate speech         sons with Pim Fortuyn, the maverick         serious that it is in the general inter-
trial was due to open in Amsterdam,            political leader who famously de-           est to draw a clear line.”
he was playing the role of kingmaker           scribed Islam as a backward religion.
in Dutch politics.                             Fortuyn was murdered by an animal           fitna
                                               rights activist in 2002, shortly before
inflammatoRy thEmEs                            an election. It was another high-profile    melancholic road movie
                                               murder, in November 2004, which al-
Mr Wilders made a high-profile foray           tered Mr Wilders’s career dramatically:     In 2008 Wilders released an internet
into the world of global politics on 11        the slaying of Dutch film-maker Theo        movie about the threat the Islam pos-
September 2010, when he marked the             van Gogh by a radical Islamist.             es to the West. The Dutch government
ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks          Together with ethnic Somali                 tried hard to prevent Fitna (Arabic for:
with a visit to Ground Zero in New York.       politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Van Gogh        tribulation) out of fear for retaliation.
                                               had produced the short film Submis-         There was a happy ending: no riots in
By attacking the symbols of the Mus-           sion, which featured an actress in          The Netherlands.
lim religion, he [Geert Wilders] also in-      see-through clothing with Koranic
sulted Muslim believers” Dutch judges          script on her body. Although he had         baRbaRian
In a speech to a rally against the             no involvement in the film, Mr Wilders
construction of an Islamic centrenear          was given a permanent bodyguard,            the wise prophet Mohammed,
the site, he contrasted the “forces            as was Ms Hirsi Ali, because of their       peace be upon him
of Jihad” with New York’s tradition of         outspoken views on Islam.
tolerance, which he tied to his own            Mr Wilders set up the Freedom Party         One of the many nicknames Wilders
country’s. His speech echoed themes            with policies such as banning the           has in stock for the prophet of Allah.
from Fitna (which roughly translates           burka, the Muslim garment that cov-         It does NOT mean that he does not
from Arabic as “strife”), his hugely           ers most of the body.                       respect Mohammed, it means that
controversial film which juxtaposes the                                                    he holds different opinions on a wide
Koran with 9/11 and other atrocities.          ‘Just want dEbatE’                          range of subjects (see also: Mass
No TV company in the Netherlands                                                           Murderer & Paedophile).
would broadcast the 17-minute film             Mr Wilders, whose wife is Hungarian, is
and some Dutch politicians tried to im-        adamant that he is not a racist.            al goRE-PaRRot
pose a ban before Mr Wilders posted
it on the internet in March 2008.              Speaking to the BBC in October 2009         respectable climate scientist
Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime                  He told the BBC his intention had only
Verhagen complained the furore over            ever been “to have a debate about           Geert Wilders is a bit of a climate
Fitna could endanger Dutch compa-              freedom of speech and the threat of         sceptic and no friend of the
nies, soldiers and residents abroad.           Islamisation of our Western socie-          Democrats. This does NOT mean he
Asked about the impact of his film, Mr         ties”. “It’s not my intention to have       is in favour of destroying the earth, it
Wilders said: “It’s not the aim of the         anything at all to do with violence,”       means he doesn’t believe in driving
movie but people might be offended, I          he said. “On the contrary, I despise        slowly (the new coalition will raise the
know that. So, what the hell? It’s their       violence - I just want a debate.”           maximum speed to 80 miles
problem, not my problem.”                      Unlike other figures on the fringes of      per hour).

24~MAP~JUNE 2011
WILDERS        hEadscaRf tax

               economic stimulus bill for

                                                           the majority of moderate Muslims

               The Netherlands
                                                           Wilders believes Islam is a totalitarian
               Though some people would explain this       ideology, instead of a religion. However,
               as a measure to wipe out all head-          that does NOT stop him from signing a

DUTch LEfT     scarves in the Dutch streets, Wilders
               forgot to calculate the expected benefits
               of this new tax and apparently wasn’t
                                                           deal with CDA and VVD, political parties
                                                           that do regard Islam as a religion.

LEanIng        very serious about it himself.

               hank and ingRid
                                                           lEft chuRch

                                                           Wilders’ dear friends from Dutch

mEDIa,         the average people who love their
               Muslim neighbours

                                                           Wilders dislikes Dutch left leaning

                                                           media, especially Hilversum-based
               Wilders likes to call his fictitious fans   public television – the Left
               Henk and Ingrid, two common                 Church - almost as much as he dislikes
               Dutch names. One and half million men       the Islam. He will never appear on their

hILvERSUm      and women voted for his
               Freedom Party at the last elections,
               some 15 percent of the electorate.
                                                           shows, EXCEPT when
                                                           elections are near. Unlike reverend Terry
                                                           Jones, Wilders has never made plans to

BaSED pUBLIc   They are worried about immigration and
               security, but most of them do
               not support extreme measures
                                                           burn Qurans.

TELEvISIOn     like an official ban of the Quran, or
               something else like that.
                                                           Chris Tates ~MAP~ Magazine 2011

                                                                                     JUNE 2011~MAP~27
Dutch Design
            International                                                                                         Casa da Musica

                                                                                                                  Firis et; hostabut virmium
                                                                                                                  parioru mulicercese delin-
                                                                                                                  tere aus publici berces iam
                                                                                                                  in virteresene publinatum
                                                                                                                  forum ciam ure publint ilicati
                                                                                                                  sa nortimil videestrit.Ximus
                                                                                                                  que pratusam exped quidita
                                                                                                                  quatet ventur? It veritat.
                                                                                                                  Asitatquibea volorepratem.

                      MADE In HOllAnD
                      Facta, cae te feres hui prae quonsum rei pris
                      An tri serevir tanditiam morae, sum, que con-
                      dam simus verius inter hoc incla nos, esi tus,
                      est quidius quostrae host L. Vala quem.
                      Iquis ilitat. Pudam autent ut eum fuga. Et reperum nusam que abores rehenia que erum
                      fuga. Nem quis alibus voluptaturis sinti officides quamus de consecte lam, cum ressuntin.

30~MAP~JUNE 2011                                                                                                                 JUNE 2011~MAP~31
GT Tower

                   Firis et; hostabut virmium
                   parioru mulicercese delin-
                   tere aus publici berces iam
                   in virteresene publinatum
                   forum ciam ure publint ilicati
                   sa nortimil videestrit.Ximus
                   que pratusam exped quidita
                   quatet ventur? It veritat.
                   Litassit atibea net.

32~MAP~JUNE 2011                  JUNE 2011~MAP~33
Stayokay Hostel

                   Firis et; hostabut virmium
                   parioru mulicercese delin-
                   tere aus publici berces iam
                   in virteresene publinatum
                   forum ciam ure publint ilicati
                   sa nortimil videestrit.Ximus
                   que pratusam exped quidita
                   quatet ventur? It veritat.
                   Asitatquibea volorepratem.

34~MAP~JUNE 2011
New Architecture

Firis et; hostabut virmium
parioru mulicercese delin-
tere aus publici berces iam
in virteresene publinatum
forum ciam ure publint ilicati
sa nortimil videestrit.Ximus
que pratusam exped quidita
quatet ventur? It veritat.
Asitatquibea volorepratem.

               JUNE 2011~MAP~37
Current Affairs
                                                                       Amsterdam Z.O.:
                                                                     Ghetto Renaissance

                   Z.o. Zuidoost ghetto Renesaince

                   In 1995 the Amsterdam Bijlmermeer
                   neighbourhood, a part of the Southeast
                   district, was assigned funding by the European
                   Commission, within the context of the Community
                   Initiative URBAN. One of the program
                   requirements was an organizational structure,
                   composed of a Steering Committee and a
                   Supervisory Committee.

38~MAP~JUNE 2011                                                                     JUNE 2011~MAP~39
However, froM THe ouTSeT,                     THe CiTy of AMSTerdAM iS                      migrants, illegal foreigners, and so on,
THere wAS A publiC ouTCry                     Subdivided iN 15 diSTriCTS.                   found refuge in the Bijlmer area.
by THe loCAl (priMArily)                      every diSTriCT iS HeAded by
‘blACk’ populATioN, AGAiNST                   iTS owN AdMiNiSTrATioN.                       As rents were high, people shared
THiS orGANizATioNAl STruC-                                                                  dwellings, causing overpopulation in
Ture.                                         One of these districts, called ‘Amster-       some blocks. Especially among the
                                              dam Southeast,’ (‘Amsterdam South-            ethnic minority groups, the educational
Especially the one-sided, mainly ‘white’      east’) is located to the southeast of the     level was low and the level of unemploy-
composition of the URBAN organiza-            City of Amsterdam. It can be character-       ment considerable. People who could
tional structure, as well as the minor        ized as a peripheral new social housing       afford it, left the Bijlmer area and were
representation of ethnic minority             estate.                                       replaced with an influx of deprived,
groups and neighbourhood residents                                                          many of whom newcomers. The unique
were heavily criticized.                      The area to which is usually referred as      spatial organization of the area (separa-
                                              ‘the Bijlmer or the Bijlmermeer,’ is part     tion of traffic, the lay out of (semi-)
Many of the Southeast District                of this district and is home to almost        public space) promoted and supported
councilors shared this opinion and            50.000 people.                                un-safety, vandalism, and an increasing
supported the protest. The protest re-                                                      drug abuse (Projectbureau Vernieuwing
sulted in a heated discussion, that has       The Bijlmer construction, which started       Bijlmermeer, 1994; Stadsdeel Zuidoost
become known as the ‘black and white          in 1966, attracted worldwide atten-           et al., 1995; UBO URBAN Bijlmermeer,
discussion’ and caused a huge delay           tion, as it concerned a large scale, and      1999). In the 1980s measures were
in the implementation of the URBAN            therefore unique ‘functional town’,           taken to improve the Bijlmermeer situ-
program in the Bijlmermeer: from May          based on the concept of the architect         ation.
1996 until January 1997 there was a           Le Corbusier. In the lay-out of this
program ‘time-out’. However, the result       functional town, living, working, traffic     Examining the ethnic composition of the
of this discussion was a significant          and recreation were separated. The            population, the Bijlmer is characterized
change in the organizational structure,       Bijlmer mainly consisted of high-rise         by a large diversity of people: more than
as well as a serious shift with respect       (10-floor) deck-access apartment blocks       80 different cultures are represented in
to the content of the original URBAN          in a honeycomb pattern. Of the total          this area. In 1996, the year of the ‘black
Bijlmermeer program.                          18,000 units, 13,000 were built in            and white discussion,’ the share of eth-
                                              this way. Between the large, high-rise        nic minority groups in the Bijlmer area
The questions that I would like to ad-        apartment blocks, spacious green parks        was already almost twice the share of
dress today are: what were the original       were developed, traversed by bicycle          these groups in the city of Amsterdam.
points of departure of the URBAN              and pedestrian routes. Car traffic was        The Dutch, on the other hand, made up
Bijlmermeer program? What precisely           led above ground level and metro lines        less than a quarter of the total Bijlmer
caused this public outcry and how did         crossed the roadways (Projectbureau           population. The largest ethnic minority
the discussion develop? And finally,          Vernieuwing Bijlmermeer, 1994; Stads-         group consisted of Surinamese and An-
what was the outcome, especially in           deel Zuidoost et al., 1995; UBO URBAN         tillean inhabitants: in 1996 their share
terms of gains for the local population?      Bijlmermeer, 1999).                           was 43 percent of the total Bijlmer
To what extent could the increased                                                          population. Moreover, these groups
participation be ascribed to the Com-         THe SpACiouS ANd CoMforT-                     made up more than half (56 percent)

                                                                                                                                         mORE Than
                                                                                                                                                        favourable living climate. Initially it was   the European Social Fund (ESF), on the
munity Initiative URBAN?                      Able HiGH-riSe ApArTMeNTS,                    of the ethnic minority groups in the                        primarily spatial renewal that was at-        basis of co-financing.
                                              MoSTly developed AS pub-                      Bijlmer. Another category that was quite                    tended to, as it was judged to have the
THe iNforMATioN iS derived                    liC HouSiNG, were iNTeNded                    substantial consisted of ethnic minority                    best chance of success in priming the         projeCTS HAd To be TeN-
froM THe CASe STudy THAT
i AM preSeNTly workiNG
oN wiTHiN THe frAMework
                                              for (lower) Middle-ClASS
                                              fAMilieS froM THe old iN-
                                              Ner CiTy AreAS of AMSTer-
                                                                                            groups from non-industrialized coun-
                                                                                            tries (such as Africa, South America,
                                                                                            Asia and eastern and southern Europe):
                                                                                                                                         80             Bijlmer renewal operation (Stadsdeel
                                                                                                                                                        Zuidoost, 1998). But at the same time,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      dered before deCeMber
                                                                                                                                                                                                      31ST, 1999.
                                                                                                                                                        a wide audience supported the under-
of THe europeAN uGiS-pro-
GrAM, iN wHiCH SeverAl eu
MeMber STATeS pArTiCipATe.

                                              However, soon after the Bijlmer con-
                                                                                            in 1996 they made up about a quarter
                                                                                            of the total Bijlmer population.             DIffEREnT      standing that social-economic renewal
                                                                                                                                                        should be undertaken as well.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      At about the same time that the Euro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      pean Commission approved the URBAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Bijlmermeer program, the news got

                                                                                                                                         cULTURES aRE
                                              struction had started, it became clear        Over time and due to a combination                          In the summer of 1994, the Amster-            out that (partly because of the URBAN
The more general question, at the             already that the way of building (high-       of factors, the Bijlmer became one of                       dam municipality was informed that            condition of co-financing) the Dutch
beginning of the case study was: How          rise blocks) was not in accordance with       the most problematic neighbourhoods                         an application for funding could be           national government would financially
                                                                                            in the Netherlands. The results of the
has the presence of the Community             the markets; the people for whom it                                                                       submitted with the European Commis-           support the Bijlmer renewal operation
Initiative URBAN changed the interplay        was meant did not move to the Bijlmer.        measures that had been taken in the                         sion, within the framework of the Com-        as well, within the Major Cities Policy
between the various actors involved in                                                      1980s turned out to be disappointing:                       munity Initiative URBAN. Because of its       framework (Stadsdeel Zuidoost, 1998).
the program?                                  This resulted in a lack of occupancy          the Bijlmermeer image remained poor,                        emphasis on social-economic renewal
                                              and these vacant apartments attracted         the economic position of the population                     activities, this European program would       URBAN Bijlmermeer had to be inte-
As the case study has not been finished       many people who for some reason               did not really improve. In July 1992, the                   perfectly match with the needs in the         grated in the ongoing social-economic
yet, you have to keep in mind that            could not easily find a place to live else-   Southeast District Council, the Nieuw                       Bijlmermeer. The Dutch government re-         renewal operation in the Bijlmermeer
much of the following material is quite       where. Between 1970 and 1975, pre-            Amsterdam housing corporation and                           sponded to the appeal and submitted a         that had started in 1992. What did the
preliminary. In my PhD research I will        ceding the independence of Surinam (a         the Amsterdam municipality settled for                      request for funding of the Bijlmermeer.       URBAN-Bijlmermeer program look like
examine some remaining questions in           former colony of the Netherlands), many       a large-scale integral renewal operation                    In September 1995, the European               in 1995, regarding, actors involved,
more detail.                                  Surinamese came to the Netherlands            of the Bijlmermeer (Stadsdeel Zuidoost,                     Commission approved the ‘URBAN                responsibilities, organizational structure
                                              and settled in the Bijlmer. Other im-         1995). The main purpose of the                              Bijlmermeer program.’ Financial sup-          and financing?
First of all I would like to briefly intro-   migrants, from the Netherlands Antilles,      Bijlmermeer renewal operation was a                         port for the program would be received
duce the Bijlmer neighbourhood and            followed. In the middle of the 1980s,         revaluation of the Bijlmermeer in order                     from the European Fund for Regional            ----------------------------------------------
the Community Initiative URBAN.               many fringe groups, such as refugees,         to create a neighbourhood with a                            Development (ERDF) and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      A’dam ZuidOost ~MAP~ Magazine

02~MAP~JUNE 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                JUNE 2011~MAP~03
Design Guide
            Dutch design:


                            Ocul hos re aucera vivites siculeg ervidi scibut vas atis, nerrid ius horissi
                            natium dees! Si consupiors fatea rei con se desediu etrum is, quem oris
                            consua me tam publicatures renius publici onverraediis etea condet esis.
                            Sa moverion verriors nessenatu consultorum senaturbitra Serbem fachin
                            troximm oltodiis pra pero potabes C. Quam nulvissa inatero, nonfices hos-
                            sentem hiliuspio egerius, cre con vilince statquos, publina, vis for lariam
                            int, praribem re, nes, maximur beffre cones sed confit portil vivasdaciam
                            nonvehebatum pris mentem inatua Seruro, fue co ine ilicitiam pris sedius
                            patrimuncute nonum inte adeorum, ceric mo ina.

02~MAP~JUNE 2011                                                                                            JUNE 2011~MAP~03
                                       delfts blue
                        Design         Irmis. Obunum inprorta terum nos ad rest quam factatium sit, conihin
                                       erent. Loctaritis cone quistra equamen atquam ubliur, iuspes facto vidiem
                                       iam pertant imuliureis publicipse tam ego hentemus, conduce ritis, con-
                                       dam quem restis, utemus, condi, quod conlocu lesigit ali cum moripie

02~MAP~JUNE 2011                                                                           JUNE 2011~MAP~03
                   Moooi Design

                   delfts blue
                   Hilint, et de perenda mporures nosse inam
                   ocam diem auc ma, noste, Cat, nos, nos Cati-
                   ssigit, quissen atatis; num in se more vidicas.

02~MAP~JUNE 2011
04                  delfts blue
     Design   Valinata tilnem re ia moltorte co cum ut fuideo, que atu cum in
                    senatricaede iacci praelingules nosupplium conihil tem tam rei
                    estemum eo, caet, qui inatquam la ocuppl. Opotis.

                                                                         JUNE 2011~MAP~03
                   Moooi          delfts blue                                                         Vivignat. Firmilic re moverficatum dum vastiam, que modiente is Caturidem demorat quium prisque
                   Design                                                                             tem unum octem ta reniqua rehebem essit, quit. Valin tuam sediesiceris fit? Ilnem se nihilibus modi
            Viverunt eripiostratu eto Catus con Etra? Dum ponerum la terei se
                                                                                                      strarbi et ia ne egilia corbemus sendit vehebatiam nosti publiur, cone consuli, dii sere ego et; C. Sp.
                                  morid notam se mo ninaridit ocrurobse moenat ercenti dicavocus
                                                                                                      Mentebatem nostandesi serortare aur host C. Nost cone quodies simover temusup eritum inc forum.
                                  permis tus avoc faceper nihiculescii pris.

02~MAP~JUNE 2011                                                                                                                                                                               JUNE 2011~MAP~03
Food Guide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dutch Recepies:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Lorenzo Milelli

          P U B L I S H E D        B Y                                                                                                                                                                          P H O T O G R A P H S    B Y                    R E C E P I E S   B Y
          MAP MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                            KEYHE DELSINK                              LORENZO MILELLI

                                                                                                                                                                                                              MEALS YOU’VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE

                                                                                                                                                                                                          going dutch                                 iusa doluptatiume di cus, auditatis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ut est re, cus nimaxim pelecto tenda
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ut est re, cus nimaxim pelecto tenda        conempos re elitatem cus sum qui sin
                                                                                                                                                                                                          conempos re elitatem cus sum qui sin        ne conempo remporrorem fugias non-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ne conempo remporrorem fugias non-          sequo inctint velecuptat optio. Luptium
                                                                                                                                                                                                          sequo inctint velecuptat optio. Luptium     venis aut peditius millupta simperciet
                                                                                                                                                                                                          venis aut peditius millupta simperciet      porerrumqui re, et expel mod ullici-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          porerrumqui re, et expel mod ulliciaes      aes mo to dolo temos volecus cor am
------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                mo to dolo temos volecus cor am quam        quam reribItas doloratem rerunt veria
                                                                                                                                                                                                          reribItas doloratem rerunt veria dolorum    dolorum re plit min re nusHenimolo
   A GUIDE TO THE                                                                                                                                                                                         re plit min re nusHenimolo rionse sedip-    rionse sedipsant la is mintempos verum
                                                                                                                                                                                                          sant la is mintempos verum re, quate
   INTERNATIONAL                                                                                                                                                                                          lat litia num sitiae iur, vel explame ne
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur, vel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      explame ne sequidis dessinctur? Fugia
   DUTCH KITCHEN                                                                                                                                                                                          sequidis dessinctur? Fugia nobit odipsa-    nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid em-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          perio maximilit molupid emporiaest          poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam
------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                rerum quas maximus quosam ace-              acepernam, qui omnimillent est, volu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          pernam, qui omnimillent est, volumen        men ditessit la volore dis et aut labo.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ditessit la volore dis et aut labo. Fugia   Itae consequo et eos verum ne mos
                                                                                                                                                                                                          nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid em-     doluptatem. Tasincipsum explaborendi
                                                                                                                                                                                                          poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam          aut as voluptSenihi, vid mandaciam ius.
 YoU’LL LEarn hoW to Cook                                                                                                                                                                                 acepernam, qui omnimillent et la volore     Furnunum sul hos pre re verum pero
thE Most WondErfULL dishEs                                                                                                                                                                                dis et aut labo. ut est re, cus nimaxim     ignatquam aur quitiam tes con tur, con-
of thE nEthErLands, as toLd                                                                                                                                                                               pelecto tenda conempos re elitatem cus      ver publica edendam faces di similicam
                                                                                                                                                                                                          sum qui sin ne conempo remporrorem
    BY LorEnZo MiLELLi!                                                                                                                                                                                                                               sente consulturnum ubit vicatandium
                                                                                                                                                                                                          fugias nonsequo inctint velecuptat op-      in diemus vit vidicondam porei scibut
------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                tio. Luptium venis aut peditius millupta    que menate maio, quem firio tus, quam
                                                                                                                                                                                                          simperciet porerrumqui re, et expel mod     utero, consupp lissis octus vasdact
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ulliciaes mo to dolo temos volecus cor      udelicio, fauc terfecemnos, nes, seniris
                                                                                                                                                                                                          am quam reribItas doloratem rerunt ve-      At potius, Cat, C. Silibus, que confecrum
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ria dolorum re plit min re nusHenimolo      ora, conderi buntiliis inari id demus,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          rionse sedipsant la is mintempos verum      nerdiu coervit, Catid imil catius interit
  COOKING DUTCH                                                                                                                                                                                           re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur, vel     ussessenat, quam qui in se audepse, Ti.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          explame ne sequidis dessinctur? Fugia
  HAS NEVER BEEN                                                                                                                                                                                          nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid em-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ad coeride poerferit, sendum hacchina
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      in tem acit? Casterorte miumeis. Sp.
     SO EASY!                                                                                                                                                                                             poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam          Ivivivit, vid Catam condiu que contiam il
                                                                                                                                                                                                          acepernam, qui omnimillent est, vola        hum nondeps, ut peris, C. Vo, Pal-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          volore dis et aut labo. acepernam, qui      iquemque nes, nis consularei cae ine
                                                                                                                                                                                                          omnimillent est, vol aut labo.              Fuidi sultconsus cut

02~MAP~JUNE/2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              JUNE/2011~MAP~03
Design Guide
                Dutch Artist:
                Piet Parra

                                                 sitatio nsequos a nam si ut aute serspit,      Caborem vene comnihitiis re provitatur
                                                 offictem que experum ilibusa nduciaspe         rerovit iaectur sit es incte optatur, alias
                                                 dolor modit adi inulpa demquos ant             doloreh endipsae suscide bistiae ruptur,
                                                 laut eost, et ut voloreheniet eum quisit       soluptis il et audae inventias sequi il
                                                 rem qui dolupta cusa voluptatus ut             maiorese nulpa volores aut ped qui qui
                                                 quiam idem. Sinis et maximus magnim            del inullup tatureici dis aut facia quodit
                                                 earum volore comnimus eliquo max-              quas asintem eiunt adis dolore nonse
                                                 imilQuis estem. Fictaquam, veliciatur          nullam earum sum alis aut modis
                                                 aliquod es cusam et alit aut as voluptio       andebis si blacesequos adis esequas
                                                 quiae sectusto corestiisi blaceperrum          quossed quid que voluptatem il il ilicias
                                                 res volenimil illabor atibus, nonseque         et rehenie ntibusa dolla vero berundi
                                                 ea volorem sero volupis exerrorem              am aspidendipsa que nonem que
                                                 hictemp orrovident quae veribus dae-           sitiber uptatur eriore nimusciet et ea
                                                 ctem porepelit fugiassit escit que escit       cone commolu ptature henite peliquo
                                                 voluptiae dolesti simodis eos dent eum         ius doluptatiur?
                                                 quaes sitibus sus doluptate consent            Unt veribus aut repedit etur accuptat-
                                                 quia num, comniet ut quidust od quam           uris vidus, ipsunt aceratem sit quatur
                                                 es et elent auditis eum enihilla vendae        mo vel ent intempe ditatem auta volor-
                                                 erum faccatist omnit quas eum niet             rovit quia ea nullaute nate pre nobit
                                                 odis modici quamentis venditas conse-          illabori omnientore etur, core, omnis
                                                 qui blantibus rerias que nusdam est,           maiore et ipsundi tem ulpa volorpores
                                                 nem nobis re et aut aspid maior as eum         velectus qui offictate prae rae. Nullame
                                                 repero dernatur, tem in remquo tem-            nimo id ma venis sed electem. Il modit
                                                 posanihil mi, id que mo officiti occuptae      pratempor seque magnis repro molum
                                                 et verferum archictur a animusam,              accum excepe optat labo. Nam susdani
                                                 offictur rehenducit omniminiat que et          vendeseque offic temporendae rem

ABOUT THE                                        reius pelesti ossinimus venditias volo-
                                                 rectur? Qui rerferit maximin veligniet
                                                                                                dolorio. Nam que magnim lique poressit
                                                                                                quas sa imus, volorem que rere, sit
                                                 accullitat.                                    quidipsam, el idunt faccuptus molorep
DUTCH WAY                                        De dolorisci con ni natiaeprae ne est,
                                                 tem a dolorum ut veroria velitatur?
                                                                                                rovitium et, sam re, cullia verchic turessi
                                                                                                dolecto comnimaximet harumque lacep-
                                                 Vides volento eat mos ad unt prae-             ero dolorer itisque nimpore cullaborem
//////////////////////////////////////////////   ctatia debit, sime derupta nonseque            re, occuptatur seriberciat exere ven-
                                                 maximol oremolu ptatus mo quae                 impero tem dolum ium fugiam, offic te
To be or not to be Dutch...                      nusciis corerch itasita tiatet unt earchili-   laccuptis auteturibus ut faccae oditibus,
                                                 tae. Et que sit fugia nobisci undusda          sit mostiae pra num quatia sit milit res
quas maximus quosam acepermolo
                                                 inis dolupta tatesti oribust hit dolupta       id quia nonsed ma non nam voluptat
rionse sedipsant la is mintempos verum
                                                 sitaeIgnis autam quo esequos aliquun           qui as quatquosandi occat placepe
re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur, vel
                                                 tiumque officiam, quatus re, cor alici-        dignam ea con plique sandam, que etur
explame ne sequidis dessinctur? Fugia
                                                 ducim quis eossit est, sinullat vendent        ad ut laboreicimus eum nobissimus.
nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid em-
                                                 a comnimp oriberc imagnisimus ni               Arumquia si aut liqui id quatemquias
poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam
                                                 comnis elit, aut omnihil eum eos pratet        minvend isquunt duscill uptate cus-
acepernam, qui omnimillent est, vola
                                                 quis estrum est, ullam la at.                  cimagnam eos qui oditaes equassi-
volore dis et aut labo. Fugia nobit
                                                 Tem iur, se optat harumque volup-              tati dolectore proremodicae voluptate
odipsaperio maximilit molupid empori-
                                                 tate inumque nostias volorpo rumqui            porercipsum apeditin rest rempori bus-
aest rerum quas maximus quosam ace
                                                 dolorpore non porerit ventiunt                 cient, idit earum rae odia dia que abo.
odipsaperio maximilit molupid empori-
                                                 venimagnamus maiorit mo delia perum            Itatecullaut aut omnisqui alibus nest
aest rerum quas maximus quosam ace-
                                                 adisit doloriorem ent eturio eiur maio         velit, sum inusae peliquam ratquatia
pernam, qui omnimillent osam acepdis
                                                 consequas magnamendi doluptias del             quiandi gnatemped moloritaes qui cum
et aut labo.Iquidenem cus et accusam,
                                                 eost, cumquam at labo. Beaquid utem            reperferem et volum quiatur? Quiate
etur? Aximus magnam faccullab ipsa
                                                 aut velitibus, intius nonecto quosam           sam exerum que in renet quiandus eum
net aliqui dolorep tatentur moluptia
                                                 que consectore autectotate quis illanti        fugiate porrovidis a preptat pra volecta
cuptam voluptatur, ium alis arupta cus
                                                 ab imus et quiant, verio mil endeliat          tatempos dolentur am, nem quunt la
aut alignis ium re nobis eatempores ma
                                                 voluptaerum quam atquuntiis sitianiet          dolore praest volo ius exercim aionest,
volorrum cum, od quodipi dellaut eicia
                                                 dolupta qui volori bere vitionsequae vo-       sae nusapic temporepeles re coratur, a
volupta is denient, omnit, quaeri te diat.
                                                 lorep erfernam nobit eaquoss umquam            nobitatia quo tem iumquia sitiass imil-
Agnis dolupta tiorume dolendi genihil-
                                                 dios volut doluptati tempor aped qui           lab oreped ma pel ipis dellum quibus,
iam faccuptatius dolorem vel inctionse-
                                                 omnia con rem abore volenet molupta            cus, conseditae nist, utemqui seditem
qui blab imo escitatur? Venis sit labor
                                                 taspidebit lit re volupta sunt, sequidio.      dolore praest volo ius exercim aionest.
sedisciatur? Ad molorio rumquatum
                                                 Epuda volupta tendis acil entem aut rae
velecepelles saecto cus eaquianimi,
                                                 vel mo voluptas ut omnis quibus repe-          Lorenzo Millelli
venihil igendi rerum rem facest, conse-
                                                 rum imus velloribus ea ni bea que nia          Editor in chief
quam re reriorum doluptatque cust.

02~MAP~JUNE 2011                                                                                                                              JUNE 2011~MAP~03
next: 2 covers
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Map Magazine

  • 1. nl pricE Eur: 5,50 JUNe_2011 B E Y O N D - C L I C H É S geert wilders BUiLdEr or dEstroYEr? sMArt CitY gUide rottErdaM! “Parra is short for tHe New dUtCH Paranoid” KitCHeN hoW intErnationaL a taLk With Piet PArrA BECaME nationaL!
  • 2. “Without a good friend to take you into a culture you are only going to scratch the surface. understanding a culture makes it more enjoyable expierence to live in the country and gives you a feeling of belonging. We give the Working international a feeling of really understanding and ‘living’ the netherlands. otherWise, you are just a passer trough.” 02~MAP~JUNE/2011 JUNE/2011~MAP~03
  • 3. 10 CONTENTS JUNE 2011 09 Editorial A word from Andrew de Koning. 10 A smart guide to Rotterdam Everything you need to know. 16 30 16 Piet Parra Interview with an artist. Geert Wilders 22 Builder or destroyer? Dutch Architecture 30 Made in Holland 38 Amsterdam Z.O. Ghetto Renaissance 44 Dutch Design True Dutch gems. 52 New Dutch Food International became national. 38 22 54 Outro The end. Editor in chief Cover Andrew de Koning | Piet Parra by Getty Images Design Keyhé Delsink | Special Thanks To Production Editor Chris Kampel, Pietro Rivasi, Noem 507, Neal Wass, Lorenzo Milelli | Shyamantha Asokan, Sylvia Witteman, Jan Joritsma, Editor-at-large Mike Lemamski, Jude Webber, Tom Philips, Joe 42 Auke van Rossum | Sub Editor Bruce Sendell | Francheschi, Nico de Boer, Peter ten Zaaldam, Kenny van Hummel, Patrick Serku,Johnney Green, Matt Seaton, Guy Andrews. Printer Repro’s | Photo Library Google Images | Visit to buy subscriptions books Publishers and collectables. Hallo© Academie | © remains with the publisher so no part of this journal may be copied or repro- duced without the written concent of both the publisher and the contributor. 04~MAP~JUNE/2011 JUNE/2011~MAP~05
  • 4.
  • 5. Design Guide Dutch Artist: Piet Parra AS TOLD BY THE EDITOR ////////////////////////////////////////////// To be or not to be Dutch... quas maximus quosam acepermolo rionse sedipsant la is mintempos verum re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur, vel explame ne sequidis dessinctur? Fugia nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid em- poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam acepernam, qui omnimillent est, vola volore dis et aut labo. Fugia nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid empori- aest rerum quas maximus quosam ace odipsaperio maximilit molupid empori- aest rerum quas maximus quosam ace- pernam, qui omnimillent osam acepdis et aut labo.Iquidenem cus et accusam, etur? Aximus magnam faccullab ipsa net aliqui dolorep tatentur moluptia cuptam voluptatur, ium alis arupta cus sitatio nsequos a nam si ut aute serspit, sitatio nsequos a nam si ut aute serspit, aut alignis ium re nobis eatempores ma offictem que experum ilibusa nduciaspe offictem que experum ilibusa nduciaspe volorrum cum, od quodipi dellaut eicia dolor modit adi inulpa demquos ant dolor modit adi inulpa demquos ant laut volupta is denient, omnit, quaeri te diat. laut eost, et ut voloreheniet eum quisit eost, et ut voloreheniet eum quisit rem Agnis dolupta tiorume dolendi genihil- rem qui dolupta cusa voluptatus ut qui dolupta cusa voluptatus ut quiam iam faccuptatius dolorem vel inctionse- quiam idem. Sinis et maximus magnim idem. Sinis et maximus magnim earum qui blab imo escitatur? Venis sit labor earum volore comnimus eliquo max- volore comnimus eliquo maximilIhil sedisciatur? Ad molorio rumquatum imilQuis estem. Fictaquam, veliciatur ipsandaessit vellendipis quae pra velecepelles saecto cus eaquianimi, aliquod es cusam et alit aut as voluptio commossi optati nones nihitis nus elit venihil igendi rerum rem facest, con- quiae sectusto corestiisi blaceperrum ut et lab in corumquam lacepudis etur, sequam re reriorum doluptatque cust, res volenimil illabor atibus, nonseque tem et es iur, omnis doloreped quatqui ipienis ius eum num erioria sit quiberis ea volorem sero volupis exerrorem andicid molupta eatias ra conse dolo- atur sit apitem audant eostiatempe hictemp orrovident quae veribus dae- rum hit, odigeni maioratur, que volupit etur? ctem porepelit fugiassit escit que escit labo. Ut facepudi blam renime mos del Iquossitatus sed elitatio explam que voluptiae dolesti simodis eos dent eum inulpar chicium sunt, volorrum quas- dis reniti quasi que necat id mosaecu quaes sitibus sus doluptate consent sum ipsam unt quas expero iumquidi llaborem fugiae entoribusam, cusamet quia num, comniet ut quidust od quam simpore seceper estiatque endione et quoditatquo mi, comnis que plicit pore- es et elent auditis eum enihilla vendae occullorrum volupta turisquis as con re, ces resciis nimus et quamet preperum erum faccatist omnit quas eum niet conem faceribus voluptaspel into vel aspitatur soluptatet el eium quamet odis modici quamentis venditas conse- ipsunt faccust fuga. Nam re reperfer- quam que volum rem faceatiatus am qui blantibus rerias que nusdam est, nam ra nos ent renducient excesto et quat labo. Nem laccum fugia comn- nem nobis re et aut aspid maior as eum ut quas et, voloribusda veriaernatia imusam inctur? Qui cum si commodit in repero dernatur, tem in remquo tem- conet faceate mperionsequi id magnat et ant laceari voluptate sitaspis arciat. posanihil mi, id que mo officiti occuptae as desendebit, suntectaquis voloreribea Arit quisque et ipsam inctoresciis quias et verferum archictur a animusam, voluptat rae nus serum aut lit que el- quis sunti inciasit, occum int, sinvellit offictur rehenducit omniminiat que et lecae volupta tesenda ecepeditiam aut rest excerovid magnima ximusciis quae reius pelesti ossinimus venditias volo- recum harum ut et quis dolupta tionet nam, sapid ut quat pre non esseque rectur? Qui rerferit maximin veligniet quae accatusam eaquid ullant harum volupiet quaspe aut acculpario. Ga. accullitat. et iuscid magnihi lignia voluptam harum Ut quossimenis reped molorunto tem De dolorisci con ni natiaeprae ne est, exeri in pliqui blaborent porehent que sitatio nsequos a nam si ut aute serspit, tem a dolorum ut veroria velitatur? comnihicatis volorae pro corem debit offictem que experum ilibusa nduciaspe Vides volento eat mos ad unt praectatia ipsam volor arum vollabo ruptur audi ut dolor modit adi inulpa demquos ant laut debit, sime derupta nonseque maximol dolupta et fugiam quis inctotaspere. eost, et ut voloreheniet eum quisit rem oremolu ptatus mo quae nusciis qui dolupta cusa voluptatus ut quiam corerch itasita tiatet unt earchilitae. Andrew de Koning idem. Sinis et maximus magnim earum Et que sit fugia nobisci undusda inis Editor in chief volore comnimus eliquo maximil dolupta tatesti oribust hit dolupta sitae 02~MAP~JUNE 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~03
  • 6. City Guide Rotterdam: 1 Smart Way Nr. 1 ut est re, cus nimaxim pelecto THE tenda conempos re elitatem cus sum qui sin ne conempo remporrorem fugias nonsequo inctint velecuptat optio. Lup- SMART tium venis aut peditius millupta simperciet porerrumqui nimil- lent est, volumen ditessit la volore dis et aut labo. Fugia. CITY GUIDE TO ROTTERDAM Everything you wanted to know about Rotterdam but never dared to ask. ut est re, cus nimaxim pelecto tenda conempos re elitatem cus sum qui sin ne conempo remporrorem fugias nonsequo inctint velecuptat optio. Luptium venis aut peditius millupta simperciet porerrumqui re, et expel mod ulliciaes mo to dolo temos volecus cor am quam reribItas doloratem rerunt veria dolorum re plit min re nusHenimolo rionse sedipsant la is mintempos verum re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur, vel explame ne sequidis dessinctur? Fugia nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid emporiaest rerum quas maximus quosam acepernam, qui omnimillent est, volumen ditessit la volore dis et aut labo. Fugia nobit. 10~MAP~JUNE 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~11
  • 7. Nr. 2 or am quam reribItas dol- oratem rerunt veria dolorum acepernam, qui omnimillent est, vola volore dis et aut labo. verum re, lame ne sequidis dessinctur?qui omnimillqui omnimillqui omnimill. 2 3 4 ////////////////////////////////////////////// Nr. 3 Nr. 4 quas maximus quosam acepermolo erum quas maximus quosam aceper- rionse sedipsant la is mintempos verum molo rionse sedipsant la is mintempos re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur, vel verum re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur, explame ne sequidis dessinctur? Fugia vel explame ne sequidis dessinctur? 5 nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid Fugia nobit odipsaperio maximilit mo- emporiaest rerum quas maximus lupid emporiaest rerum quas maximus Nr. 5 quosam acepernam, qui omnimillent quosam acepernam, qui omnimillent est, vola volore dis et aut labo. Fugia est, vola volore dis et aut labo. Fugia erum quas maximus quosam aceper- nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid em- nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid molo rionse sedipsant la is mintempos poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam emporiaest rerum quas maximus verum re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur, ace odipsaperio maximilit molupid em- quosam ace odipsaperio maximilit mo- vel explame ne sequidis dessinctur? poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam lupid emporiaest rerum quas maximus Fugia nobit odipsaperio maximilit mo- acepernam, qui omnimillent osam acep- quosam acepernam, qui omnimillent lupid emporiaest rerum quas maximus dis et aut labo.On perae sam, optatem osam acepdis et aut labo.Uga. Ximus quosam acepernam, qui omnimillent fugia simagni doloreptatat lab inus, sunducia eatem sunt facernatis sit est, vola volore dis et aut labo. Fugia sedio eum volupta tiatiur, sequunturero occullandae porro que miniet voluptatur nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid em- quat eaturehenti opta volut accabor saecatur reserum veribus cimusandes poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam rerum eum etum venis nonem escia utaecep elessitiore omnihillor restium lit ace odipsaperio maximilit molupid simo expliti nciatus et eossitium. unt od et, quo dolenim enissit as eium. emporiaest rerum quas maximus osa. 12~MAP~JUNE 2011
  • 8. Design Guide Dutch Artist: Piet Parra Piet Parra You wouldn’t call Piet Parra, Dutch artist and clothing designer, an “overnight success,” but it also wouldn’t be far from the truth. The accidental urban art celebrity stumbled onto his talent just a few years back while designing party flyers, and his phone has been ringing off the hook ever since. Parra has worked with just about every major sportswear company—Nike, Vans, Converse—in bringing his distinctive vision to their merchandise and has also launched his own apparel company, Rockwell. It would seem that anything he puts his signature on quickly becomes a sneakerhead’s desirable. 16~MAP~JUNE 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~17
  • 9. I try to stay away from reading the blogs. They get really critical, and well… there’s so much product out there. Before the Internet, stuff used to be cool when you saw someone wearing it. And you’d ask, where did you get that? I got it in New York. You’d think: That’s so cool but I’ll never get that. Now, if it’s on your screen, you can get it. And also you may not even sell anything but people know who you are. You’ve seen it online, and that’s how you exist. You’re transitioning from having been a more “street” artist to being a legitimate artist with gallery exhibits. I come from skateboarding, not really street art. I started designing because I needed a job—I was hoping to be a pro skateboarder and that didn’t work out. So I ended up doing flyers and posters, and through all of that, I developed my own style. I am not a traditional designer. But then one thing led to another… I did a Foot Locker campaign and that snowballed P into getting me more gigs. Do you have a ritual for making creative work? I don’t put paper in front of my nose. I listen to music, watch some TV, take a walk. It takes a long time for ideas to take shape. Taking a blank piece of paper every day and sitting there… it’s not going to happen. I need to get an influence from the outside world. Ideas are like dreams, and they come to me sometimes when I sleep—it happens quite a lot. You have a very distinctive style. Tell me about your color, using such an intentionally limited palette. I like the poppy colors, like the oranges, blues, and pinks. This is the palette that makes me happy. From the clothing I put on, I’m very happy with these restrictions, and simplicity. I hardly use yellow but I did it for the Nike jacket because it worked so well together. I’ll break the rules some- That wasn’t too long ago. This has been times because they’re my own. PaRRa is also PaRt of thE gRowing gRouP Yet, despite his speedy rise to promi- nence, the day we speak with Parra, a busy couple of years. of stREEt aRtists Well, it’s been a wild ride. The compa- What about the people you illustrate, he’s feeling somewhat unsettled by exceeding his own expectations. We nies come out of the woodwork when like the buxom women with the beaks, whose credibility has carried over into the for example? chatted about the wild ride of the past you start getting street cred. It’s kind art world. Having put on well-received solo three years–the highs and lows that of evil—they use you and you use When I was doing the flyers, I got into shows in Los Angeles, Milan, Paris, and, most come with success, the need to start them. But it’s not street cred, really, that hand-drawn style. My father was a recently, Berlin, the entrepreneur is now sell- saying “no,” and where those damn it’s more like blog cred. painter, an artist, and he used to say beaks came from. If you’re on the blogs, then things draw one line and if it’s no good, do ing prints of his distinctive and playful work, it again. The style came to me fairly start snowballing. which feature a dry wit, striking typography, You’ve worked with so many big-name quickly. It felt like it was always inside and all manner of curious human-bird hybrid clients—InCase, Nike, Vans. What was You seem pretty aware of the mutual of me. Those beaked people actually creatures. your first major collaboration? use. Does that sit well with you? came from not being able to draw a Etnies. I think that was in 2007. Today I had a pretty bad day. face. 18~MAP~JUNE 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~19
  • 10. When I did draw a face, it was too real-looking. It looked like a specific person, almost referential. I was try- ing to do something long lasting, like a character, a cartoon. Instead of working on the face, the eyes to show emotion, it’s both harder and easier this way. You have witty quotes and one-liners in your art. Where do they come from? I make them up 8 out of 10 times. Some of the others fly by in music and movies. I don’t pay attention for that reason—that would be fake. When stuff flies by in a stupid movie, I write it down. Sometimes you make a drawing and the words also pop in my head, like that line feels really right with this picture. How often do you draw and paint? Not often enough. I called my father in a panic once and told him, I can’t do relationships with people more often? easier from there. this anymore. I felt like I was drying Yes, definitely. I’m not sure if I should up. You have these bursts of energy get into this really, but yes, of course Your work features bright colors and and creativity and bang out these in- you think about it. But I’ve also start- humor; it seems happy and whimsical. credible drawings, but then you’ll have ing saying no to people. I can’t do Is this a reflection of your personality? this stretch of time for weeks when everything. I have something coming My name, Parra, is short for paranoid. you can’t do anything. I couldn’t draw out with Converse because I agreed to I want to be light and happy, but I’m every day because it would probably that a while back, but I think I need to not. I’m never positive. But I’m a wor- make me hate this. take a break for a while. Just take a rier more than a dark person. If you deep breath. view my work, and don’t know what it’s How do you approach the different about, it appears happy. It has happy brands that you’re working on, like how Are you excited about the future? colors and is easy to digest. Someone would Vans be different from Nike? I’m really excited but I’m also fucking from 8 to 80 years old might like it. Vans is a skating company, and Nike scared. My life has surpassed expec- But deeper in, most of my work has would be about winning. So with tations. You can say that to yourself something dark. Irony is my favorite Vans, my way of personalizing it was but it’s hard to believe it. Well, it’s stuff. Some of the most crappy stuff writing, “Don’t forget to skate in true. The past few years have been in life, I find amusing. these.” But Nike is all about winning, surreal. Absolutely surreal. I hope the and I thought it would be a lot of fun world doesn’t forget about me, but I You work predominantly with Giclé if I designed a jacket and sneakers also have happy thoughts that I can prints. How did you come upon this about losing. It’s all about humor for do animation, I can do sculptures. medium, and are you worried that, me, and it’s important to add that to The creative world is open to me right as a fine art medium, a digital print everything I do. and that’s a great thought. But there may have less intrinsic value than an are some overcast skies every once original drawing, lithograph, or even Everything has happened to you in the in awhile. screen print? past three years. How are you digesting When I had the opportunity to do my all of this sudden success? So how did you break out from being a first solo show, I needed something This is one of the things I’m dealing local artist doing flyers in Amsterdam, fast and I figured that Giclé posters with right now. I find myself wonder- to reach the level you are at today? would be easy. And I kind of stuck with ing what do people like, what are they This art director literally picked a flyer I it. The thing is, I draw on paper. I could getting into? Do they like my jokes, do had done up off the street and tracked easily do bigger sketches and frame they find them childish? Am I doing me down. Amsterdam is really small, them and they’d be more valuable. But something right, and, if so, what is it so he found me in a day. Back then, deep down, I still love graphic design that I’m doing right? Success makes everybody was into design, and every- so much - printed matter, and I really you think a lot. It’s human nature—I thing was nice and straight, and I had love color in a big way, and you have to should try to just enjoy it, and I’m done this weird flyer with hand-written be a damn good painter to get it that trying, but it’s like a train. The mind fonts, so it stood out for that period. tight, and I still want to learn that one keeps working and running. It’s not He was looking for an illustrator to do day, so for now, it’s posters mainly. keeping me up at night—it’s not that a campaign for a sneaker store. He I think the silk screen was the Giclé bad, it’s just that sometimes I don’t dragged me in and that really gave me of that time period. It was intended know exactly who I am. a push. So I just started drawing more to reproduce an image. So that’s not and more, and began to be able to many prints. Now that you’re at a crossroads, do you live off my work. After I had a solo art ------------------------------------------------- find yourself thinking about show in London, I got picked up by the agency Big Active and everything went Mike Lemans ~MAP~ Magazine 2011 20~MAP~JUNE 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~21
  • 11. Current affairs Dutch Politics: Geert Wilders BUILDER OR DESTROYER? who is geert wilders? Yankees, Geert Wilders is coming your way! He will take a break from the formation of a new Dutch government and speak out against the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ in New York, this Saturday. In order to avoid an international scandal, De Pers presents a special Wilders Dictionary. What does Geert actually mean, whenever he gets a bit foul-mouthed? 22~MAP~JUNE 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~23
  • 12. gEERt wildERs libERal backgRound European politics, he has never been accused of anti-Semitism. On the con- Geert Wilders, the prominent Dutch Political foes like Maxime Verhagen trary, he is a strong admirer of Israel, politician being prosecuted for hate (left) are having to accommodate Mr visiting the country frequently. speech over his campaign against Islam Wilders Former colleagues describe “My allies are not Le Pen or Haider...” in public life, is a deeply divisive figure. Mr Wilders as a 24/7 politician with no he told the Guardian newspaper. time for other interests. “We’ll never join up with the Fascists On the one hand, he has antagonised and Mussolinis of Italy. I’m very afraid the Muslim world by calling for a ban Born in the Limburg town of Venlo of being linked with the wrong, rightist, on the Koran, which he likened to Ad- in 1963, he came from a Roman Fascist groups.” One of his criticisms olf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. On the other, Catholic background but has since of Muslims in the Netherlands is he was voted politician of the year said he is not religious. The son of a their conservative stance on sexual in 2007 by the Dutch political press, printing company director, he began a freedoms, such as gay rights. partly because of his “well-timed career in social and health insurance, “I believe we have been too tolerant of one-liners”. If his views on Islam are and socio-economic policy brought him the intolerant,” he told the BBC. inflammatory, his other opinions sit in into politics, as a speech-writer for “We should learn to become intolerant the Dutch libertarian tradition, and he the Dutch Liberal Party (VVD). He was of the intolerant.” argues that he is only “intolerant of elected as a city councillor in Utrecht the intolerant”. Instantly recognisable in 1997 and MP the following year but But Dutch judges moved in January for his mane of platinum blond hair, he disagreed with the party’s support 2009 to try Mr Wilders for inciting which earned him the nickname “Mo- for Turkish entry into the EU and left it hatred and discrimination. zart”, he is a charismatic leader. in 2002 to strike out on his own. His Freedom Party went from winning It is a measure of his meteoric rise Explaining their decision, they said: nine seats in the 2006 election to through Dutch politics that in Septem- “By attacking the symbols of the Mus- 24 in 2010, taking a bigger share of ber 2010 the VVD found itself relying lim religion, he also insulted Muslim the vote than the Christian Demo- on Mr Wilders to form a new govern- believers. In a democratic system, crats - the main party in the outgoing ment. Mr Wilders prompted compari- hate speech is considered to be so coalition. Days before his hate speech sons with Pim Fortuyn, the maverick serious that it is in the general inter- trial was due to open in Amsterdam, political leader who famously de- est to draw a clear line.” he was playing the role of kingmaker scribed Islam as a backward religion. in Dutch politics. Fortuyn was murdered by an animal fitna rights activist in 2002, shortly before inflammatoRy thEmEs an election. It was another high-profile melancholic road movie murder, in November 2004, which al- Mr Wilders made a high-profile foray tered Mr Wilders’s career dramatically: In 2008 Wilders released an internet into the world of global politics on 11 the slaying of Dutch film-maker Theo movie about the threat the Islam pos- September 2010, when he marked the van Gogh by a radical Islamist. es to the West. The Dutch government ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks Together with ethnic Somali tried hard to prevent Fitna (Arabic for: with a visit to Ground Zero in New York. politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Van Gogh tribulation) out of fear for retaliation. had produced the short film Submis- There was a happy ending: no riots in By attacking the symbols of the Mus- sion, which featured an actress in The Netherlands. lim religion, he [Geert Wilders] also in- see-through clothing with Koranic sulted Muslim believers” Dutch judges script on her body. Although he had baRbaRian In a speech to a rally against the no involvement in the film, Mr Wilders construction of an Islamic centrenear was given a permanent bodyguard, the wise prophet Mohammed, the site, he contrasted the “forces as was Ms Hirsi Ali, because of their peace be upon him of Jihad” with New York’s tradition of outspoken views on Islam. tolerance, which he tied to his own Mr Wilders set up the Freedom Party One of the many nicknames Wilders country’s. His speech echoed themes with policies such as banning the has in stock for the prophet of Allah. from Fitna (which roughly translates burka, the Muslim garment that cov- It does NOT mean that he does not from Arabic as “strife”), his hugely ers most of the body. respect Mohammed, it means that controversial film which juxtaposes the he holds different opinions on a wide Koran with 9/11 and other atrocities. ‘Just want dEbatE’ range of subjects (see also: Mass No TV company in the Netherlands Murderer & Paedophile). would broadcast the 17-minute film Mr Wilders, whose wife is Hungarian, is and some Dutch politicians tried to im- adamant that he is not a racist. al goRE-PaRRot pose a ban before Mr Wilders posted it on the internet in March 2008. Speaking to the BBC in October 2009 respectable climate scientist Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime He told the BBC his intention had only Verhagen complained the furore over ever been “to have a debate about Geert Wilders is a bit of a climate Fitna could endanger Dutch compa- freedom of speech and the threat of sceptic and no friend of the nies, soldiers and residents abroad. Islamisation of our Western socie- Democrats. This does NOT mean he Asked about the impact of his film, Mr ties”. “It’s not my intention to have is in favour of destroying the earth, it Wilders said: “It’s not the aim of the anything at all to do with violence,” means he doesn’t believe in driving movie but people might be offended, I he said. “On the contrary, I despise slowly (the new coalition will raise the know that. So, what the hell? It’s their violence - I just want a debate.” maximum speed to 80 miles problem, not my problem.” Unlike other figures on the fringes of per hour). 24~MAP~JUNE 2011
  • 13. WILDERS hEadscaRf tax economic stimulus bill for islamofascism the majority of moderate Muslims DISLIkES The Netherlands Wilders believes Islam is a totalitarian Though some people would explain this ideology, instead of a religion. However, as a measure to wipe out all head- that does NOT stop him from signing a DUTch LEfT scarves in the Dutch streets, Wilders forgot to calculate the expected benefits of this new tax and apparently wasn’t deal with CDA and VVD, political parties that do regard Islam as a religion. LEanIng very serious about it himself. hank and ingRid lEft chuRch Wilders’ dear friends from Dutch mEDIa, the average people who love their Muslim neighbours television Wilders dislikes Dutch left leaning ESpEcIaLLY media, especially Hilversum-based Wilders likes to call his fictitious fans public television – the Left Henk and Ingrid, two common Church - almost as much as he dislikes Dutch names. One and half million men the Islam. He will never appear on their hILvERSUm and women voted for his Freedom Party at the last elections, some 15 percent of the electorate. shows, EXCEPT when elections are near. Unlike reverend Terry Jones, Wilders has never made plans to BaSED pUBLIc They are worried about immigration and security, but most of them do not support extreme measures burn Qurans. TELEvISIOn like an official ban of the Quran, or something else like that. ----------------------------------------------- Chris Tates ~MAP~ Magazine 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~27
  • 14.
  • 15. Dutch Design Architecture: International Casa da Musica Firis et; hostabut virmium parioru mulicercese delin- tere aus publici berces iam in virteresene publinatum forum ciam ure publint ilicati sa nortimil videestrit.Ximus que pratusam exped quidita quatet ventur? It veritat. Asitatquibea volorepratem. ARCHITECTURE MADE In HOllAnD Facta, cae te feres hui prae quonsum rei pris An tri serevir tanditiam morae, sum, que con- dam simus verius inter hoc incla nos, esi tus, est quidius quostrae host L. Vala quem. Iquis ilitat. Pudam autent ut eum fuga. Et reperum nusam que abores rehenia que erum fuga. Nem quis alibus voluptaturis sinti officides quamus de consecte lam, cum ressuntin. 30~MAP~JUNE 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~31
  • 16. GT Tower Firis et; hostabut virmium parioru mulicercese delin- tere aus publici berces iam in virteresene publinatum forum ciam ure publint ilicati sa nortimil videestrit.Ximus que pratusam exped quidita quatet ventur? It veritat. Litassit atibea net. 32~MAP~JUNE 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~33
  • 17. Stayokay Hostel Firis et; hostabut virmium parioru mulicercese delin- tere aus publici berces iam in virteresene publinatum forum ciam ure publint ilicati sa nortimil videestrit.Ximus que pratusam exped quidita quatet ventur? It veritat. Asitatquibea volorepratem. 34~MAP~JUNE 2011
  • 18. New Architecture Firis et; hostabut virmium parioru mulicercese delin- tere aus publici berces iam in virteresene publinatum forum ciam ure publint ilicati sa nortimil videestrit.Ximus que pratusam exped quidita quatet ventur? It veritat. Asitatquibea volorepratem. JUNE 2011~MAP~37
  • 19. Current Affairs Amsterdam Z.O.: Ghetto Renaissance Z.o. Zuidoost ghetto Renesaince In 1995 the Amsterdam Bijlmermeer neighbourhood, a part of the Southeast district, was assigned funding by the European Commission, within the context of the Community Initiative URBAN. One of the program requirements was an organizational structure, composed of a Steering Committee and a Supervisory Committee. 38~MAP~JUNE 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~39
  • 20. However, froM THe ouTSeT, THe CiTy of AMSTerdAM iS migrants, illegal foreigners, and so on, THere wAS A publiC ouTCry Subdivided iN 15 diSTriCTS. found refuge in the Bijlmer area. by THe loCAl (priMArily) every diSTriCT iS HeAded by ‘blACk’ populATioN, AGAiNST iTS owN AdMiNiSTrATioN. As rents were high, people shared THiS orGANizATioNAl STruC- dwellings, causing overpopulation in Ture. One of these districts, called ‘Amster- some blocks. Especially among the dam Southeast,’ (‘Amsterdam South- ethnic minority groups, the educational Especially the one-sided, mainly ‘white’ east’) is located to the southeast of the level was low and the level of unemploy- composition of the URBAN organiza- City of Amsterdam. It can be character- ment considerable. People who could tional structure, as well as the minor ized as a peripheral new social housing afford it, left the Bijlmer area and were representation of ethnic minority estate. replaced with an influx of deprived, groups and neighbourhood residents many of whom newcomers. The unique were heavily criticized. The area to which is usually referred as spatial organization of the area (separa- ‘the Bijlmer or the Bijlmermeer,’ is part tion of traffic, the lay out of (semi-) Many of the Southeast District of this district and is home to almost public space) promoted and supported councilors shared this opinion and 50.000 people. un-safety, vandalism, and an increasing supported the protest. The protest re- drug abuse (Projectbureau Vernieuwing sulted in a heated discussion, that has The Bijlmer construction, which started Bijlmermeer, 1994; Stadsdeel Zuidoost become known as the ‘black and white in 1966, attracted worldwide atten- et al., 1995; UBO URBAN Bijlmermeer, discussion’ and caused a huge delay tion, as it concerned a large scale, and 1999). In the 1980s measures were in the implementation of the URBAN therefore unique ‘functional town’, taken to improve the Bijlmermeer situ- program in the Bijlmermeer: from May based on the concept of the architect ation. 1996 until January 1997 there was a Le Corbusier. In the lay-out of this program ‘time-out’. However, the result functional town, living, working, traffic Examining the ethnic composition of the of this discussion was a significant and recreation were separated. The population, the Bijlmer is characterized change in the organizational structure, Bijlmer mainly consisted of high-rise by a large diversity of people: more than as well as a serious shift with respect (10-floor) deck-access apartment blocks 80 different cultures are represented in to the content of the original URBAN in a honeycomb pattern. Of the total this area. In 1996, the year of the ‘black Bijlmermeer program. 18,000 units, 13,000 were built in and white discussion,’ the share of eth- this way. Between the large, high-rise nic minority groups in the Bijlmer area The questions that I would like to ad- apartment blocks, spacious green parks was already almost twice the share of dress today are: what were the original were developed, traversed by bicycle these groups in the city of Amsterdam. points of departure of the URBAN and pedestrian routes. Car traffic was The Dutch, on the other hand, made up Bijlmermeer program? What precisely led above ground level and metro lines less than a quarter of the total Bijlmer caused this public outcry and how did crossed the roadways (Projectbureau population. The largest ethnic minority the discussion develop? And finally, Vernieuwing Bijlmermeer, 1994; Stads- group consisted of Surinamese and An- what was the outcome, especially in deel Zuidoost et al., 1995; UBO URBAN tillean inhabitants: in 1996 their share terms of gains for the local population? Bijlmermeer, 1999). was 43 percent of the total Bijlmer To what extent could the increased population. Moreover, these groups participation be ascribed to the Com- THe SpACiouS ANd CoMforT- made up more than half (56 percent) mORE Than favourable living climate. Initially it was the European Social Fund (ESF), on the munity Initiative URBAN? Able HiGH-riSe ApArTMeNTS, of the ethnic minority groups in the primarily spatial renewal that was at- basis of co-financing. MoSTly developed AS pub- Bijlmer. Another category that was quite tended to, as it was judged to have the THe iNforMATioN iS derived liC HouSiNG, were iNTeNded substantial consisted of ethnic minority best chance of success in priming the projeCTS HAd To be TeN- froM THe CASe STudy THAT i AM preSeNTly workiNG oN wiTHiN THe frAMework for (lower) Middle-ClASS fAMilieS froM THe old iN- Ner CiTy AreAS of AMSTer- groups from non-industrialized coun- tries (such as Africa, South America, Asia and eastern and southern Europe): 80 Bijlmer renewal operation (Stadsdeel Zuidoost, 1998). But at the same time, dered before deCeMber 31ST, 1999. a wide audience supported the under- of THe europeAN uGiS-pro- GrAM, iN wHiCH SeverAl eu MeMber STATeS pArTiCipATe. dAM. However, soon after the Bijlmer con- in 1996 they made up about a quarter of the total Bijlmer population. DIffEREnT standing that social-economic renewal should be undertaken as well. At about the same time that the Euro- pean Commission approved the URBAN Bijlmermeer program, the news got cULTURES aRE struction had started, it became clear Over time and due to a combination In the summer of 1994, the Amster- out that (partly because of the URBAN The more general question, at the already that the way of building (high- of factors, the Bijlmer became one of dam municipality was informed that condition of co-financing) the Dutch beginning of the case study was: How rise blocks) was not in accordance with the most problematic neighbourhoods an application for funding could be national government would financially in the Netherlands. The results of the REpRESEnTED has the presence of the Community the markets; the people for whom it submitted with the European Commis- support the Bijlmer renewal operation Initiative URBAN changed the interplay was meant did not move to the Bijlmer. measures that had been taken in the sion, within the framework of the Com- as well, within the Major Cities Policy between the various actors involved in 1980s turned out to be disappointing: munity Initiative URBAN. Because of its framework (Stadsdeel Zuidoost, 1998). the program? This resulted in a lack of occupancy the Bijlmermeer image remained poor, emphasis on social-economic renewal and these vacant apartments attracted the economic position of the population activities, this European program would URBAN Bijlmermeer had to be inte- As the case study has not been finished many people who for some reason did not really improve. In July 1992, the perfectly match with the needs in the grated in the ongoing social-economic yet, you have to keep in mind that could not easily find a place to live else- Southeast District Council, the Nieuw Bijlmermeer. The Dutch government re- renewal operation in the Bijlmermeer much of the following material is quite where. Between 1970 and 1975, pre- Amsterdam housing corporation and sponded to the appeal and submitted a that had started in 1992. What did the preliminary. In my PhD research I will ceding the independence of Surinam (a the Amsterdam municipality settled for request for funding of the Bijlmermeer. URBAN-Bijlmermeer program look like examine some remaining questions in former colony of the Netherlands), many a large-scale integral renewal operation In September 1995, the European in 1995, regarding, actors involved, more detail. Surinamese came to the Netherlands of the Bijlmermeer (Stadsdeel Zuidoost, Commission approved the ‘URBAN responsibilities, organizational structure and settled in the Bijlmer. Other im- 1995). The main purpose of the Bijlmermeer program.’ Financial sup- and financing? First of all I would like to briefly intro- migrants, from the Netherlands Antilles, Bijlmermeer renewal operation was a port for the program would be received duce the Bijlmer neighbourhood and followed. In the middle of the 1980s, revaluation of the Bijlmermeer in order from the European Fund for Regional ---------------------------------------------- the Community Initiative URBAN. many fringe groups, such as refugees, to create a neighbourhood with a Development (ERDF) and A’dam ZuidOost ~MAP~ Magazine 02~MAP~JUNE 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~03
  • 21. Design Guide Dutch design: Global global dutch design dEsign Ocul hos re aucera vivites siculeg ervidi scibut vas atis, nerrid ius horissi natium dees! Si consupiors fatea rei con se desediu etrum is, quem oris consua me tam publicatures renius publici onverraediis etea condet esis. Sa moverion verriors nessenatu consultorum senaturbitra Serbem fachin troximm oltodiis pra pero potabes C. Quam nulvissa inatero, nonfices hos- sentem hiliuspio egerius, cre con vilince statquos, publina, vis for lariam int, praribem re, nes, maximur beffre cones sed confit portil vivasdaciam nonvehebatum pris mentem inatua Seruro, fue co ine ilicitiam pris sedius patrimuncute nonum inte adeorum, ceric mo ina. 02~MAP~JUNE 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~03
  • 22. 02 delfts blue Moooi Design Irmis. Obunum inprorta terum nos ad rest quam factatium sit, conihin erent. Loctaritis cone quistra equamen atquam ubliur, iuspes facto vidiem iam pertant imuliureis publicipse tam ego hentemus, conduce ritis, con- dam quem restis, utemus, condi, quod conlocu lesigit ali cum moripie 02~MAP~JUNE 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~03
  • 23. 03 Moooi Design delfts blue Hilint, et de perenda mporures nosse inam ocam diem auc ma, noste, Cat, nos, nos Cati- ssigit, quissen atatis; num in se more vidicas. 02~MAP~JUNE 2011
  • 24. 04 delfts blue Moooi Design Valinata tilnem re ia moltorte co cum ut fuideo, que atu cum in senatricaede iacci praelingules nosupplium conihil tem tam rei estemum eo, caet, qui inatquam la ocuppl. Opotis. JUNE 2011~MAP~03
  • 25. 05 Moooi delfts blue Vivignat. Firmilic re moverficatum dum vastiam, que modiente is Caturidem demorat quium prisque Design tem unum octem ta reniqua rehebem essit, quit. Valin tuam sediesiceris fit? Ilnem se nihilibus modi Viverunt eripiostratu eto Catus con Etra? Dum ponerum la terei se strarbi et ia ne egilia corbemus sendit vehebatiam nosti publiur, cone consuli, dii sere ego et; C. Sp. morid notam se mo ninaridit ocrurobse moenat ercenti dicavocus Mentebatem nostandesi serortare aur host C. Nost cone quodies simover temusup eritum inc forum. permis tus avoc faceper nihiculescii pris. 02~MAP~JUNE 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~03
  • 26. Food Guide Dutch Recepies: Lorenzo Milelli /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// THE NEW DUTCH KITCHEN INTERNATIONAL RECEPIES AS COOKED BY THE DUTCH PEOPLE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P U B L I S H E D B Y P H O T O G R A P H S B Y R E C E P I E S B Y MAP MAGAZINE KEYHE DELSINK LORENZO MILELLI /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| MEALS YOU’VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE going dutch iusa doluptatiume di cus, auditatis ut est re, cus nimaxim pelecto tenda ut est re, cus nimaxim pelecto tenda conempos re elitatem cus sum qui sin conempos re elitatem cus sum qui sin ne conempo remporrorem fugias non- ne conempo remporrorem fugias non- sequo inctint velecuptat optio. Luptium sequo inctint velecuptat optio. Luptium venis aut peditius millupta simperciet venis aut peditius millupta simperciet porerrumqui re, et expel mod ullici- porerrumqui re, et expel mod ulliciaes aes mo to dolo temos volecus cor am ------------------------------------------ mo to dolo temos volecus cor am quam quam reribItas doloratem rerunt veria reribItas doloratem rerunt veria dolorum dolorum re plit min re nusHenimolo A GUIDE TO THE re plit min re nusHenimolo rionse sedip- rionse sedipsant la is mintempos verum sant la is mintempos verum re, quate INTERNATIONAL lat litia num sitiae iur, vel explame ne re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur, vel explame ne sequidis dessinctur? Fugia DUTCH KITCHEN sequidis dessinctur? Fugia nobit odipsa- nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid em- perio maximilit molupid emporiaest poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam ------------------------------------------ rerum quas maximus quosam ace- acepernam, qui omnimillent est, volu- pernam, qui omnimillent est, volumen men ditessit la volore dis et aut labo. ditessit la volore dis et aut labo. Fugia Itae consequo et eos verum ne mos nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid em- doluptatem. Tasincipsum explaborendi poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam aut as voluptSenihi, vid mandaciam ius. YoU’LL LEarn hoW to Cook acepernam, qui omnimillent et la volore Furnunum sul hos pre re verum pero thE Most WondErfULL dishEs dis et aut labo. ut est re, cus nimaxim ignatquam aur quitiam tes con tur, con- of thE nEthErLands, as toLd pelecto tenda conempos re elitatem cus ver publica edendam faces di similicam sum qui sin ne conempo remporrorem BY LorEnZo MiLELLi! sente consulturnum ubit vicatandium fugias nonsequo inctint velecuptat op- in diemus vit vidicondam porei scibut ------------------------------------------ tio. Luptium venis aut peditius millupta que menate maio, quem firio tus, quam simperciet porerrumqui re, et expel mod utero, consupp lissis octus vasdact ulliciaes mo to dolo temos volecus cor udelicio, fauc terfecemnos, nes, seniris am quam reribItas doloratem rerunt ve- At potius, Cat, C. Silibus, que confecrum ria dolorum re plit min re nusHenimolo ora, conderi buntiliis inari id demus, rionse sedipsant la is mintempos verum nerdiu coervit, Catid imil catius interit COOKING DUTCH re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur, vel ussessenat, quam qui in se audepse, Ti. explame ne sequidis dessinctur? Fugia HAS NEVER BEEN nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid em- Ad coeride poerferit, sendum hacchina in tem acit? Casterorte miumeis. Sp. SO EASY! poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam Ivivivit, vid Catam condiu que contiam il acepernam, qui omnimillent est, vola hum nondeps, ut peris, C. Vo, Pal- volore dis et aut labo. acepernam, qui iquemque nes, nis consularei cae ine omnimillent est, vol aut labo. Fuidi sultconsus cut 02~MAP~JUNE/2011 JUNE/2011~MAP~03
  • 27. Design Guide Dutch Artist: Piet Parra sitatio nsequos a nam si ut aute serspit, Caborem vene comnihitiis re provitatur offictem que experum ilibusa nduciaspe rerovit iaectur sit es incte optatur, alias dolor modit adi inulpa demquos ant doloreh endipsae suscide bistiae ruptur, laut eost, et ut voloreheniet eum quisit soluptis il et audae inventias sequi il rem qui dolupta cusa voluptatus ut maiorese nulpa volores aut ped qui qui quiam idem. Sinis et maximus magnim del inullup tatureici dis aut facia quodit earum volore comnimus eliquo max- quas asintem eiunt adis dolore nonse imilQuis estem. Fictaquam, veliciatur nullam earum sum alis aut modis aliquod es cusam et alit aut as voluptio andebis si blacesequos adis esequas quiae sectusto corestiisi blaceperrum quossed quid que voluptatem il il ilicias res volenimil illabor atibus, nonseque et rehenie ntibusa dolla vero berundi ea volorem sero volupis exerrorem am aspidendipsa que nonem que hictemp orrovident quae veribus dae- sitiber uptatur eriore nimusciet et ea ctem porepelit fugiassit escit que escit cone commolu ptature henite peliquo voluptiae dolesti simodis eos dent eum ius doluptatiur? quaes sitibus sus doluptate consent Unt veribus aut repedit etur accuptat- quia num, comniet ut quidust od quam uris vidus, ipsunt aceratem sit quatur es et elent auditis eum enihilla vendae mo vel ent intempe ditatem auta volor- erum faccatist omnit quas eum niet rovit quia ea nullaute nate pre nobit odis modici quamentis venditas conse- illabori omnientore etur, core, omnis qui blantibus rerias que nusdam est, maiore et ipsundi tem ulpa volorpores nem nobis re et aut aspid maior as eum velectus qui offictate prae rae. Nullame repero dernatur, tem in remquo tem- nimo id ma venis sed electem. Il modit posanihil mi, id que mo officiti occuptae pratempor seque magnis repro molum et verferum archictur a animusam, accum excepe optat labo. Nam susdani offictur rehenducit omniminiat que et vendeseque offic temporendae rem ABOUT THE reius pelesti ossinimus venditias volo- rectur? Qui rerferit maximin veligniet dolorio. Nam que magnim lique poressit quas sa imus, volorem que rere, sit accullitat. quidipsam, el idunt faccuptus molorep DUTCH WAY De dolorisci con ni natiaeprae ne est, tem a dolorum ut veroria velitatur? rovitium et, sam re, cullia verchic turessi dolecto comnimaximet harumque lacep- Vides volento eat mos ad unt prae- ero dolorer itisque nimpore cullaborem ////////////////////////////////////////////// ctatia debit, sime derupta nonseque re, occuptatur seriberciat exere ven- maximol oremolu ptatus mo quae impero tem dolum ium fugiam, offic te To be or not to be Dutch... nusciis corerch itasita tiatet unt earchili- laccuptis auteturibus ut faccae oditibus, tae. Et que sit fugia nobisci undusda sit mostiae pra num quatia sit milit res quas maximus quosam acepermolo inis dolupta tatesti oribust hit dolupta id quia nonsed ma non nam voluptat rionse sedipsant la is mintempos verum sitaeIgnis autam quo esequos aliquun qui as quatquosandi occat placepe re, quate lat litia num sitiae iur, vel tiumque officiam, quatus re, cor alici- dignam ea con plique sandam, que etur explame ne sequidis dessinctur? Fugia ducim quis eossit est, sinullat vendent ad ut laboreicimus eum nobissimus. nobit odipsaperio maximilit molupid em- a comnimp oriberc imagnisimus ni Arumquia si aut liqui id quatemquias poriaest rerum quas maximus quosam comnis elit, aut omnihil eum eos pratet minvend isquunt duscill uptate cus- acepernam, qui omnimillent est, vola quis estrum est, ullam la at. cimagnam eos qui oditaes equassi- volore dis et aut labo. Fugia nobit Tem iur, se optat harumque volup- tati dolectore proremodicae voluptate odipsaperio maximilit molupid empori- tate inumque nostias volorpo rumqui porercipsum apeditin rest rempori bus- aest rerum quas maximus quosam ace dolorpore non porerit ventiunt cient, idit earum rae odia dia que abo. odipsaperio maximilit molupid empori- venimagnamus maiorit mo delia perum Itatecullaut aut omnisqui alibus nest aest rerum quas maximus quosam ace- adisit doloriorem ent eturio eiur maio velit, sum inusae peliquam ratquatia pernam, qui omnimillent osam acepdis consequas magnamendi doluptias del quiandi gnatemped moloritaes qui cum et aut labo.Iquidenem cus et accusam, eost, cumquam at labo. Beaquid utem reperferem et volum quiatur? Quiate etur? Aximus magnam faccullab ipsa aut velitibus, intius nonecto quosam sam exerum que in renet quiandus eum net aliqui dolorep tatentur moluptia que consectore autectotate quis illanti fugiate porrovidis a preptat pra volecta cuptam voluptatur, ium alis arupta cus ab imus et quiant, verio mil endeliat tatempos dolentur am, nem quunt la aut alignis ium re nobis eatempores ma voluptaerum quam atquuntiis sitianiet dolore praest volo ius exercim aionest, volorrum cum, od quodipi dellaut eicia dolupta qui volori bere vitionsequae vo- sae nusapic temporepeles re coratur, a volupta is denient, omnit, quaeri te diat. lorep erfernam nobit eaquoss umquam nobitatia quo tem iumquia sitiass imil- Agnis dolupta tiorume dolendi genihil- dios volut doluptati tempor aped qui lab oreped ma pel ipis dellum quibus, iam faccuptatius dolorem vel inctionse- omnia con rem abore volenet molupta cus, conseditae nist, utemqui seditem qui blab imo escitatur? Venis sit labor taspidebit lit re volupta sunt, sequidio. dolore praest volo ius exercim aionest. sedisciatur? Ad molorio rumquatum Epuda volupta tendis acil entem aut rae velecepelles saecto cus eaquianimi, vel mo voluptas ut omnis quibus repe- Lorenzo Millelli venihil igendi rerum rem facest, conse- rum imus velloribus ea ni bea que nia Editor in chief quam re reriorum doluptatque cust. 02~MAP~JUNE 2011 JUNE 2011~MAP~03