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A Strong           City
  Community        Prosperity

   Personal        Overcoming
   Security        Adversity

   Creating       Safeguarding
  Opportunity      Equality

    Ability        Together,
                 A Better Society

                  1. Introduction.
            2. Our Main National Ideas.
                 3. The Summary.
            4. Local Communities.
               5. Local Transport.
     6. Working with Local Public Services.
            7. Local Young People.
               8. Local Feedback.
             9. Local Older People.
         10.Discrimination and Rights.
              11.Local Education.
            12.Local Environment.
                13.Manifesto Wordle.

   15.Contact and Other Manifesto Versions.
            16.Leader Information.

Note: There are also large picture inserts throughout the

NSDP are first and          Cambridge. We hope to undivided attention it
foremost, a party that      be standing for the next deserves while other
cares about all the         local election after 2017- parties will be far more
people in this country,     a long time away, but       concerned about national
and as an extension of      this will give us time to   issues.
that, the Earth. Using      build up resources,
                                                        How many times has the
green politics,             support and push our
                                                        Labour or Conservative
progressivism, and social manifesto so it can beat
                                                        headline news been
democracy, we would         all other local policies
                                                        about a new cycling
like to develop this        from rival parties.
                                                        route, or Cambridge
growing nation- fostering
                            As Cambridge is             United community
societies, communities
                            therefore our number        outreach?
and the natural world.
                            one priority, we will be
                                                        So please- support us,
Initially we would like to able to give it the
                                                        help us, and we will
expand out of
                                                        expand and develop.
Cambridge. Therefore
                                                        Then sooner than you
we will be standing for     our number
                                                        know it, you will be able
                                                        to vote for us.

                                                        Thank you and I hope
                                                        you find that this
                                                        manifesto meets all your
                                                        needs and expectations.

                                                        ISAAC TURNER         LEADER

                                                        CAITLIN GOREING DEPUTY LEADER

                                                        SOFIA DOYLE DEPUTY LEADER

Our Main National Ideas

       -An economy that is        -Looking into alternative
       mixed, consisting of       forms of energy and
       privately owned and        creating new laws to
       publicly owned             combat global warming.
       companies and
       education systems.         -A progressive policy in
                                  society, accepting and
       -A strong system to        developing (rather than
       support the fight          shunning) new or current
       against poverty,           phenomenon such as
       unemployment and           immigration and fair
       other key issues in the    trade, and advocating
       area of social security.   justice.

       -Private companies         -Progressive ideas to
       should allow their         reform and advance our
       workers to have rights,    country, to bring out the
       and listen/work            best in our resources and
       alongside unions.          improve global

The Summary

Communities                      Transport                    Public Services
  1. Postcode                       1. Cycling                  1. School Psychologists
     Communities                           Campaign             2. Backing Police
  2. Safer Houses                   2. Road Safety                  Services
  3. Prosperous Wards               3. More Local               3. Increasing Local
                                           Rail Links               Patrols

Young People                     Feedback                     Older People
  1. Young Discoverer               1. Different Feedback        1. No Discrimination
     Nurseries                         Formats                   2. No Cold Winter
  2. More Teenage                   2. Children Getting             Nights
     Facilities                        Involved                  3. No Loneliness
  3. Channelling Potential          3. Easy Access Data

Discrimination and Rights        Education                    Environment
   1. Championing Human                1. Freedom To Teach          1. Allotments
      Rights                           2. Student Mentoring         2. Working With
   2. Encouraging                      3. Community                    Experts
      Awareness                           Involvement               3. A Self-Sufficient
   3. Support For Everyone                                             Future

                             •    Progressive Policies
                                 • Social Democracy

                                   • Green Politics

Local Communities
Gone are the days when we       will be encouraged to sort          people, but if we put the
think it is safe to leave the   out local problems such as          scheme in place you will not
front door unlocked at          litter and youth crime.             be forced to take part, so it
night. The fact that local      Events can also be planned          is entirely upon your terms
communities have                to attract people to your           as a citizen of Cambridge.
diminished in strength over     area which will make it             Our party is not only
the last thirty years is        more highly regarded and            backing the fight for
unfortunate, and one of our     affluent, and community             individual rights and
pledges as your voted party     projects like allotments.           happiness. We want more
would be to once again          The most successful part of         than that. We want you all,
develop the idea of             this idea is that it is virtually   as a collective group of
‘Postcode Communities’,         costless, and all that are          people, to be part of a better
small partnerships with         required are dedication,            society.
neighbours that will make       support and enthusiasm. It
your area safer, happier, and   is a way of returning power
stronger.                       to the
Neighbourhood meetings

Local Transport
We are in some ways, a            comes with the added
lucky city concerning             benefit of slower journey
congestion compared to            times through the city centre
other areas of Britain. Traffic   as parking can be forgotten
jams are only seen during         and shortcuts can be used.
rush hour in many parts of        Finally, we also want to
Cambridge, and this is            highlight road safety, and
helped by the fact that           this will be a two-pronged
thousands of our residents        scheme. Schools, colleges
are keen cyclists.                and youth centers will be
Therefore, the first of our       given educational resources
proposed transport changes        to show students just how
is not to change the roads,       dangerous playing on the
but the rail. We would like       road can be, including those
to connect the main railway       who have cars.
to wards including Barnwell       Additionally, we will
and Chesterton, and this          regularly visit the A14 to
will decrease road                campaign for safer speed
congestion as well as             limits and pedestrian/cyclist
reducing pollution.               footpaths.
Secondly, we will back a
cycling campaign to get
more people off their car
seats and onto their bikes.
Cycling is a quick and easy
way to travel, and it

Working with Local
          Public Services
Another way that               If voted in, we would make
Cambridge is a lucky city-     it our utmost priority to take
our crime rates are very       vital steps to build up the
much below the average for     emotional support received
the UK. Our police have        by children. A child
never come under the           psychologist will be
immense scrutiny that forces   strongly suggested for each
experience in other            primary and secondary
constituencies, and for this   school in Cambridge, and all
we can be thankful as it       CAP Sixth Forms. The
suggests a working and         psychologist will work with
reliable selection of law      the school nurse and welfare
enforcers. If elected, we      staff to ensure all students
would like to pass on your     have piece of mind, both at
messages to the policing       school and at home. For
force directly, and work       older people, we would like
with them towards a safer      to re-enforce our
society.                       communities policy to help
The one thing we will          you find an active
change is to create more       neighbourhood society to
neighbourhood patrols to       engage and make a
make where you live a safer    difference in, no matter
place, as older people and     what you think or feel. For
victims of local crime are     more information, please
regularly requesting such      turn to the ‘Local Older
services.                      People’ section.

Local Young People
                                                        We would like to ensure that all children not yet in
                                                        primary school have a proper head start on the
                                                        work set by the national curriculum, but also
                                                        accept that many parents feel it is unreasonable to
                                                        pressure their offspring into education too early
                                                        during development.
                                                        Therefore, we will campaign for funding to put
                                                        our ‘Young Discoverer’ scheme. This will follow
                                                        the more relaxed and natural style of teaching
                                                        known in Steiner schools, and is a more relaxed
                                                        alternative to the work set by a lot of nurseries.
                                                        Children will be gradually introduced to the
For older children, independence is becoming            natural and urban worlds, and will be encouraged
increasingly important as they strive to discover their to interact with other humans and thought-
own personality, values and opinions. Part of this      provoking objects or materials. It prepares them
process is engaging in culture- both passively, watchingfor government education, but also allows them to
famous singers and dancers for example, and actively- be free and explore life around them before
taking part in clubs and societies.                     serious education begins. We propose that this
So why is it that we find so many teenagers wandering should be integrated into 25% of current nurseries,
the streets during the day?                             as well as using current rentable structures to
A recent focus group survey revealed that youth         create a further three to five Young Discoverer
culture has progressed since 2000, but the government Nurseries, as demand wavers.
has ‘failed to catch up’. We want that to change.
New musical recording studios and night-out options
will be made available for the 10-17 age bracket, and
sporting, academic and creative clubs in places such as
schools, religious buildings and youth centres will
receive additional support to promote and improve                                       Younge
their environment and facilities.
This way, we can not only give children something to
do with their spare time, but we can make it count
towards their futures.                                          Older Children          n

Local Feedback
             We don’t believe in typical feedback.
             Gone are the days when parties should

             expect the electorate to do the legwork,
             filling in dull forms such as the one on the
             left. We think feedback should be en
             mass, and fed back to the public so you

             know where we are succeeding, and
             where we need to improve.
             In addition to easy-access data, we will
             also come to your house, or you can visit

             us, and discuss local issues that affect you
             directly like house rent, transport and
             Younger people will also be encouraged

             to actively engage in city affairs, as we
             think there should be no age limit when
             trying to make your society a better place
             to live. Schools will be presented with
             resources to help pupils make a stand
             about topics they care about, via letter,
             poster, or even a film. The bigger the
             shout, the more we will be able to hear it.

                  We want to work with you,
                        not for you.

Older People
The policies on the left are three things
that matter most to us when we think of
how we can improve the lives of older
people.                                             NO
Firstly, discrimination against older
people, either slanderous in the streets or   DISCRIMINATION.
in a workplace environment, needs to
stop. You have helped to fight in wars
and saved hundreds of lives, or
supported our society over an incredibly
long period of time. We plan to launch a
potentially national campaign in
conjunction with the current government
to tackle this problem. People need to
stop. People need to stop now.                 COLD WINTER
Secondly, we want to ensure that all older
people are warm and secure when going            NIGHTS.
to sleep during winter. A lack of food or
warmth should not be a problem for you.
For those who are deemed to be
undersupplied in these two crucial areas
we will fight for funding to become
available.                                        NO
Finally, if you have lost a loved one or
moved from Cambridge from far away,            LONELINESS.
you may be finding it hard to make
friends and engage in communities
especially if an illness prevents you from
travelling very far. We want to make sure
everyone is happy, and involved in the
future of Cambridge regardless of age.
Please look at our ‘Local Communities’
page for more information.

Discrimination & Rights

We support the pledge that regardless of
any minority, whether it is sexual, ethnic,
or otherwise, people should be allowed to
have the same rights to support, work
and engage in our diverse society as any
other person.
In order to make sure this happens; we
will not only carry forward the typical
promise to raise awareness, but also make
sure those who are discriminated against
know how to deal with the pressures.
Information packs will be readily
available informing citizens about the
help they can find, from having someone
to tell their worries, to reporting a serious
There is no reason why even one person
should suffer from discrimination. See the
extract from the Human Rights
Declaration below.

   Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration,
   without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion,
   political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
   Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political,
   jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person
   belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other
   limitation of sovereignty.

Local Education

   Finding it fishy.
-Action in Parliament:
   1. Give teachers and head teachers more power and freedom to teach as
       well as regulating classroom behaviour. A ‘standard curriculum’
       rather than a ‘national curriculum’.
   2. -‘Nice and Fed, Sport and Bed’ scheme for primary school children
          which will encourage healthy eating, fitness and a long sleep every
                   night. We will use local celebrities as positive role models.

   -Local Action:
   5. Mentoring between Primary-Secondary students and Secondary-
      College students for students to gain skills in leadership,
      independence, educating which employers will value.
   6. Feedback system for students to say what they want their school to
      give them via our online feedback project (see ‘Local Feedback’).
   7. Start Pupil’s Voices to encourage students to have a say in their own
      school/college by increasing the power of the student council.
   8. Start Parent’s Voices to encourage parents to engage in their child’s
      educational community. This will allow parents and teachers to liaise
      and improve the overall standard of each school/college.


We fully support green policies as one of
our three main ideologies. As you have
read through this manifesto you will
hopefully have noticed how many of the
other sections have strong links to a self-
sufficient, workable and economically
sound environmental infrastructure- the
low-pollution train service for example.
Another environmental point briefly
touched upon in our ‘Local Communities’
section was that of allotments. Not only
do they save you money, they also allow
us to support local businesses as it means
you will be buying less fruit and
vegetables from chain stores, and it will
reduce the air miles that are created when
produce is shipped in from abroad. We
plan, if elected, to launch a local
campaign to encourage the growth of
your own food, as they did in the Second
World War with great success.
Our other main promise will be to
connect with Transition Towns, a
movement in Cambridge that deals with
issues such as alternative energy
production methods and a vision of a
mostly self-sufficient society. By
transferring these visions into our own
manifesto we can work with their
experienced experts to foster
environmental communities all over

Manifesto Wordle
        Courtesy of

Our party manifesto represented as a picture,
  with the biggest words being used most.

Pictures from and http://

                                                               Initially, gain voters from
                                                               Cambridge wards and have
                                                               increasing political influence and
                                                               power locally.

                                                               When we are the parliamentary
                                                               representative party from
                                                               Cambridge, we will consider
                                                               expanding out into East Anglia.

                                                               We will target seats in
                                                               Cambridgeshire, and further

                                                               Our long term aim is to become
                                                               the fourth largest political party
                                                               in Britain. We will follow the aim
                                                               through with a mixture of loyalty
                                                               to constituents, quick and
                                                               popular action on key issues,
                                                               increasing national support, and
                                                               enthusiasm to implement our
                                                               ideals on a national and global

                                                               Cambridge is the start of
                                                               something much, much better-
                                                               A better society.


If you would like to speak to one of our party members,
please email:
We also have a website that summarises everything in this
manifesto and provides links to relevant pages:

        Manifesto Versions


Paper         Location                Price
Copy:         Cambridge               £5
              Cambridgeshire          £5
              England                 £7.50
              Ireland                 £10
              Rest Of The World       Contact Us Privately Please

Electronic Copy: Contact us and we will send you one.

Audio Copy: Contact us and we will send you one.

-Promoted by Isaac Turner on behalf of the New
Social Democratic Party (unregistered).
-Further/different types of copies available via the
-Designed by NSDP Image for NSDP.

RRP £5.00
P&P extra to locations outside Cambridgeshire,
consult postage table

A Better Society


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Manifesto 2010

  • 1. A Strong City Community Prosperity Personal Overcoming Security Adversity Creating Safeguarding Opportunity Equality Nurturing Ability Together, A Better Society MANIFESTO 2010 1
  • 2. 2
  • 3. Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. Our Main National Ideas. 3. The Summary. 4. Local Communities. 5. Local Transport. 6. Working with Local Public Services. 7. Local Young People. 8. Local Feedback. 9. Local Older People. 10.Discrimination and Rights. 11.Local Education. 12.Local Environment. 13.Manifesto Wordle. 14.Ambitions. 15.Contact and Other Manifesto Versions. 16.Leader Information. Note: There are also large picture inserts throughout the manifesto. 3
  • 4. Introduction NSDP are first and Cambridge. We hope to undivided attention it foremost, a party that be standing for the next deserves while other cares about all the local election after 2017- parties will be far more people in this country, a long time away, but concerned about national and as an extension of this will give us time to issues. that, the Earth. Using build up resources, How many times has the green politics, support and push our Labour or Conservative progressivism, and social manifesto so it can beat headline news been democracy, we would all other local policies about a new cycling like to develop this from rival parties. route, or Cambridge growing nation- fostering As Cambridge is United community societies, communities therefore our number outreach? and the natural world. one priority, we will be So please- support us, Initially we would like to able to give it the help us, and we will expand out of expand and develop. Cambridge. Therefore Then sooner than you we will be standing for our number know it, you will be able to vote for us. Thank you and I hope you find that this manifesto meets all your needs and expectations. ISAAC TURNER LEADER CAITLIN GOREING DEPUTY LEADER SOFIA DOYLE DEPUTY LEADER 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6. Our Main National Ideas -An economy that is -Looking into alternative mixed, consisting of forms of energy and privately owned and creating new laws to publicly owned combat global warming. companies and education systems. -A progressive policy in society, accepting and -A strong system to developing (rather than support the fight shunning) new or current against poverty, phenomenon such as unemployment and immigration and fair other key issues in the trade, and advocating area of social security. justice. -Private companies -Progressive ideas to should allow their reform and advance our workers to have rights, country, to bring out the and listen/work best in our resources and alongside unions. improve global relations/issues. 6
  • 7. The Summary Communities Transport Public Services 1. Postcode 1. Cycling 1. School Psychologists Communities Campaign 2. Backing Police 2. Safer Houses 2. Road Safety Services 3. Prosperous Wards 3. More Local 3. Increasing Local Rail Links Patrols Young People Feedback Older People 1. Young Discoverer 1. Different Feedback 1. No Discrimination Nurseries Formats 2. No Cold Winter 2. More Teenage 2. Children Getting Nights Facilities Involved 3. No Loneliness 3. Channelling Potential 3. Easy Access Data Discrimination and Rights Education Environment 1. Championing Human 1. Freedom To Teach 1. Allotments Rights 2. Student Mentoring 2. Working With 2. Encouraging 3. Community Experts Awareness Involvement 3. A Self-Sufficient 3. Support For Everyone Future • Progressive Policies • Social Democracy • Green Politics 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. Local Communities Gone are the days when we will be encouraged to sort people, but if we put the think it is safe to leave the out local problems such as scheme in place you will not front door unlocked at litter and youth crime. be forced to take part, so it night. The fact that local Events can also be planned is entirely upon your terms communities have to attract people to your as a citizen of Cambridge. diminished in strength over area which will make it Our party is not only the last thirty years is more highly regarded and backing the fight for unfortunate, and one of our affluent, and community individual rights and pledges as your voted party projects like allotments. happiness. We want more would be to once again The most successful part of than that. We want you all, develop the idea of this idea is that it is virtually as a collective group of ‘Postcode Communities’, costless, and all that are people, to be part of a better small partnerships with required are dedication, society. neighbours that will make support and enthusiasm. It your area safer, happier, and is a way of returning power stronger. to the Neighbourhood meetings 9
  • 10. Local Transport We are in some ways, a comes with the added lucky city concerning benefit of slower journey congestion compared to times through the city centre other areas of Britain. Traffic as parking can be forgotten jams are only seen during and shortcuts can be used. rush hour in many parts of Finally, we also want to Cambridge, and this is highlight road safety, and helped by the fact that this will be a two-pronged thousands of our residents scheme. Schools, colleges are keen cyclists. and youth centers will be Therefore, the first of our given educational resources proposed transport changes to show students just how is not to change the roads, dangerous playing on the but the rail. We would like road can be, including those to connect the main railway who have cars. to wards including Barnwell Additionally, we will and Chesterton, and this regularly visit the A14 to will decrease road campaign for safer speed congestion as well as limits and pedestrian/cyclist reducing pollution. footpaths. Secondly, we will back a cycling campaign to get more people off their car seats and onto their bikes. Cycling is a quick and easy way to travel, and it 10
  • 11. 11
  • 12. Working with Local Public Services Another way that If voted in, we would make Cambridge is a lucky city- it our utmost priority to take our crime rates are very vital steps to build up the much below the average for emotional support received the UK. Our police have by children. A child never come under the psychologist will be immense scrutiny that forces strongly suggested for each experience in other primary and secondary constituencies, and for this school in Cambridge, and all we can be thankful as it CAP Sixth Forms. The suggests a working and psychologist will work with reliable selection of law the school nurse and welfare enforcers. If elected, we staff to ensure all students would like to pass on your have piece of mind, both at messages to the policing school and at home. For force directly, and work older people, we would like with them towards a safer to re-enforce our society. communities policy to help The one thing we will you find an active change is to create more neighbourhood society to neighbourhood patrols to engage and make a make where you live a safer difference in, no matter place, as older people and what you think or feel. For victims of local crime are more information, please regularly requesting such turn to the ‘Local Older services. People’ section. 12
  • 13. Local Young People We would like to ensure that all children not yet in primary school have a proper head start on the work set by the national curriculum, but also accept that many parents feel it is unreasonable to pressure their offspring into education too early during development. Therefore, we will campaign for funding to put our ‘Young Discoverer’ scheme. This will follow the more relaxed and natural style of teaching known in Steiner schools, and is a more relaxed alternative to the work set by a lot of nurseries. Children will be gradually introduced to the For older children, independence is becoming natural and urban worlds, and will be encouraged increasingly important as they strive to discover their to interact with other humans and thought- own personality, values and opinions. Part of this provoking objects or materials. It prepares them process is engaging in culture- both passively, watchingfor government education, but also allows them to famous singers and dancers for example, and actively- be free and explore life around them before taking part in clubs and societies. serious education begins. We propose that this So why is it that we find so many teenagers wandering should be integrated into 25% of current nurseries, the streets during the day? as well as using current rentable structures to A recent focus group survey revealed that youth create a further three to five Young Discoverer culture has progressed since 2000, but the government Nurseries, as demand wavers. has ‘failed to catch up’. We want that to change. New musical recording studios and night-out options will be made available for the 10-17 age bracket, and sporting, academic and creative clubs in places such as schools, religious buildings and youth centres will receive additional support to promote and improve Younge their environment and facilities. r This way, we can not only give children something to do with their spare time, but we can make it count Childre towards their futures. Older Children n 13
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  • 15. Local Feedback We don’t believe in typical feedback. Gone are the days when parties should Name. expect the electorate to do the legwork, filling in dull forms such as the one on the left. We think feedback should be en mass, and fed back to the public so you Age. know where we are succeeding, and where we need to improve. In addition to easy-access data, we will also come to your house, or you can visit Ethnicity. us, and discuss local issues that affect you directly like house rent, transport and discrimination. Younger people will also be encouraged Comment. to actively engage in city affairs, as we think there should be no age limit when trying to make your society a better place to live. Schools will be presented with resources to help pupils make a stand about topics they care about, via letter, poster, or even a film. The bigger the shout, the more we will be able to hear it. We want to work with you, not for you. 15
  • 16. Older People The policies on the left are three things that matter most to us when we think of how we can improve the lives of older people. NO Firstly, discrimination against older people, either slanderous in the streets or DISCRIMINATION. in a workplace environment, needs to stop. You have helped to fight in wars and saved hundreds of lives, or supported our society over an incredibly long period of time. We plan to launch a potentially national campaign in conjunction with the current government to tackle this problem. People need to NO stop. People need to stop now. COLD WINTER Secondly, we want to ensure that all older people are warm and secure when going NIGHTS. to sleep during winter. A lack of food or warmth should not be a problem for you. For those who are deemed to be undersupplied in these two crucial areas we will fight for funding to become available. NO Finally, if you have lost a loved one or moved from Cambridge from far away, LONELINESS. you may be finding it hard to make friends and engage in communities especially if an illness prevents you from travelling very far. We want to make sure everyone is happy, and involved in the future of Cambridge regardless of age. Please look at our ‘Local Communities’ page for more information. 16
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  • 18. Discrimination & Rights We support the pledge that regardless of any minority, whether it is sexual, ethnic, or otherwise, people should be allowed to have the same rights to support, work and engage in our diverse society as any other person. In order to make sure this happens; we will not only carry forward the typical promise to raise awareness, but also make sure those who are discriminated against know how to deal with the pressures. Information packs will be readily available informing citizens about the help they can find, from having someone to tell their worries, to reporting a serious offence. There is no reason why even one person should suffer from discrimination. See the extract from the Human Rights Declaration below. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. 18
  • 19. Local Education Finding it fishy. -Action in Parliament: 1. Give teachers and head teachers more power and freedom to teach as well as regulating classroom behaviour. A ‘standard curriculum’ rather than a ‘national curriculum’. 2. -‘Nice and Fed, Sport and Bed’ scheme for primary school children which will encourage healthy eating, fitness and a long sleep every night. We will use local celebrities as positive role models. -Local Action: 5. Mentoring between Primary-Secondary students and Secondary- College students for students to gain skills in leadership, independence, educating which employers will value. 6. Feedback system for students to say what they want their school to give them via our online feedback project (see ‘Local Feedback’). 7. Start Pupil’s Voices to encourage students to have a say in their own school/college by increasing the power of the student council. 8. Start Parent’s Voices to encourage parents to engage in their child’s educational community. This will allow parents and teachers to liaise and improve the overall standard of each school/college. 19
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  • 21. Environment We fully support green policies as one of our three main ideologies. As you have read through this manifesto you will hopefully have noticed how many of the other sections have strong links to a self- sufficient, workable and economically sound environmental infrastructure- the low-pollution train service for example. Another environmental point briefly touched upon in our ‘Local Communities’ section was that of allotments. Not only do they save you money, they also allow us to support local businesses as it means you will be buying less fruit and vegetables from chain stores, and it will reduce the air miles that are created when produce is shipped in from abroad. We plan, if elected, to launch a local campaign to encourage the growth of your own food, as they did in the Second World War with great success. Our other main promise will be to connect with Transition Towns, a movement in Cambridge that deals with issues such as alternative energy production methods and a vision of a mostly self-sufficient society. By transferring these visions into our own manifesto we can work with their experienced experts to foster environmental communities all over Cambridge. 21
  • 22.
  • 23. Manifesto Wordle Courtesy of Our party manifesto represented as a picture, with the biggest words being used most. 23
  • 24. Ambitions Pictures from and http:// Initially, gain voters from Cambridge wards and have increasing political influence and power locally. When we are the parliamentary representative party from Cambridge, we will consider expanding out into East Anglia. We will target seats in Cambridgeshire, and further north. Our long term aim is to become the fourth largest political party in Britain. We will follow the aim through with a mixture of loyalty to constituents, quick and popular action on key issues, increasing national support, and enthusiasm to implement our ideals on a national and global scale. Cambridge is the start of something much, much better- A better society. 24
  • 25. Contact If you would like to speak to one of our party members, please email: We also have a website that summarises everything in this manifesto and provides links to relevant pages: Manifesto Versions Video: Online: Paper Location Price Copy: Cambridge £5 Cambridgeshire £5 England £7.50 Ireland £10 Rest Of The World Contact Us Privately Please Electronic Copy: Contact us and we will send you one. Audio Copy: Contact us and we will send you one. 25
  • 26. -Promoted by Isaac Turner on behalf of the New Social Democratic Party (unregistered). -Further/different types of copies available via the website, -Designed by NSDP Image for NSDP. RRP £5.00 P&P extra to locations outside Cambridgeshire, consult postage table 26