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Flight MH370 and the CIA’s secret
interrogation base at U-Tapao Thailand
Sunday, March 16, 2014 1:09
(Before It's News)
Malaysian Airlines MH370 A dirty Secret and Conspiracy facts.
Flight MH370 did it land at a secret CIA Base at U-Tapao, Thailand? the
lies of the US Governments and cover up.
Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing
vanished when its flight transponder was manually turned of at 1.30am in
the early hours of Saturday the 8th
of April north of Thailand in aviation
no mans land between Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand.
I will not claim I have all the answers but I will put forward a likely
scenario which has been very clear to me from day one due to my
location, local knowledge and investigative nature following the planes
disappearance and clocking up over 70 hours of research following the
hunt for the missing plane and seeing through the Tsunami of
Disinformation which was all released from US sources.
My theory is this and its the most plausible one on the table right now.
I believe that flight MH737 had its identity switched with a USAF Cargo
plane and simply landed one hour later at the nearby CIA Secret
Interrogation facility at U-Tapao Airport Thailand between Pattaya and
the Cambodian border. American forces built U-Tapao during the Vietnam
War era for bombing raids by B-52’s. Although it is classed as a
International airport due to its long runway the reality is very different
with all sorts of secret US missions including NASA high altitude research
station and suspect Terrorists arriving for interrogation .It has also been
accused by the Thai Opposition as a cover for spying into Neighboring
countries through it secretive NASA High altitude Weather program.
It is said that U-Tapao handles 30 USAF Flights a month mostly military
planes arriving at night from places such as Diego Garcia the US base in
the Indian Ocean. These planes regulary land late at night in a then
deserted Airport. The last domestic flight by Bangkok airways Departs at
5.20pm after that becomes a very dark and secretive US operation.
U-Tapao does get the odd Russian charter flight occasionally in similar
livery to MAS colors so a plane landing at night would get little attention
from the skeleton crew of local Thai maintenance workers and fishermen
who fish just off the runway. It’s interesting to note that U-Tapao has a
runway straight off the ocean directly opposite 60-90mins to the north
of the planes last confirmed location.
The passage below is from the New York Times article about secret US
activities at this base a passage of which you can red below.
One such place in Thailand is Utapao Air Base, 90 miles south of Bangkok.
During the Vietnam War, Utapao was humming 24 hours a day as a base
for B-52′s carrying out bombing raids over North Vietnam. Despite
Thailand’s studied neutrality on the war in Iraq — one Thai foreign
affairs official said during the war that the country had no position —
Mr. Thaksin allowed Utapao to be used by American warplanes flying into
combat in Iraq, as he had earlier, during the war in Afghanistan.
Utapao is also probably where Qaeda operatives have been interrogated,
retired American intelligence officials said, explaining that the base had
facilities for sophisticated interrogations.
Last year, according to other American officials, at least two senior
Qaeda operatives were brought here for interrogation — Abu Zubaydah,
thought to have been Al Qaeda’s operations chief, and Ramzi bin al-
Shibh, a planner of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Both men were captured last year in Pakistan, and they may have been
brought to Thailand as part of a broader C.I.A. program to take captives
to ”undisclosed locations.” They have since been moved. It is not known
how many other Qaeda suspects have been interrogated here, or if any
are still here.
Now the question is why would the US want to hijack a civilian Airplane
and land at its CIA Interrogation facility?.
The clue maybe lie in the twenty ethnic Chinese passengers belonging to
the defense firm Freescale which has links to both China and the US and
the manufacturer of micro processors and chips that power and control
the Military might of China and Russians war capabilities. Especially
drones and Missiles systems with war likely with Russia and increased
tensions with China this theory should hold some weight.
A late night chat with Mike a Senior US Military official shed a light on the
importance of such technology. I think Mike has got it wrong its not China
that has the plane I think it’s Mikes own Bosses. Here’s the link an
interesting insight into a possible motive.
At this point we really do not know if Freescale has just lost its entire
R&D department and that they are currently with the CIA interrogation
team at U-Tapao divulging Chinese and possibly Russian Military secrets.
With the build up of 80,000 troops on the Ukrainian border and the
planned US war games of Operation Rapid Trident in Ukraine this summer
you have to wonder if this is not a guise for war with Russia/China.. I
cannot help but think at least twenty of the missing passengers are with
the CIA at U-Tapao divulging the state secrets of China and Russia.
Desperate times lead to desperate measures?
So how can a plane vanish from radar and fly for one hour through
Thai Airspace before landing at the US’s secret facility at U-Tapao?
The answer is very simple in reality. When the plane left Malaysian Air
traffic control the transponder was turned off and the plane flew into an
area where it was joined by a USAF Stealth plane of some description,
which at the time was broadcasting a USAF cargo plane call sign. The
two identities were switched with the help of at least one nearby USAF E-
3 airborne warning and control system (AWACS) plane which jammed
local radar and created the smoke screen for the switch of the two planes
identities. To be possible there have been unconfirmed reports of two
such planes flying in the area at the time.
This stealth plane then flew west over Malaysian Airlines occasionally
transmitting a MH370 signal to confuse local Malaysian Military and air
traffic control and radar facilities on to the Malacca straights and went
back to stealth for its onward flight to the USAF base at Diego Garcia.
I have no doubts that either by high tech means Fly-by-wire ( FBW) or
low-tech manual hijacking or even simply bribing one or two of the Pilots
the CIA have the ability to hijack the plane and land it undected.
Once flight MH370 had switched identities to a USAF Cargo plane it flew
unnoticed into Thai airspace and landed one hour later at U-Tapao and
was quickly put into one of the many hangers. I doubt the plane will be
still there.
Its interesting to note that a report in the respected China Times
newspaper reported a source from the US Embassy Beijing that the US
base at U-Tapao had picked up a SOS mayday call from the MH370 at
2.43am requesting immediate landing permission as it was in major
difficulties. Since then this report has been cleansed from Global Media
reports and the US have failed to confirm or deny the report. I believe
this was a leak of a prepared report that was to cover themselves in the
possibility of a crash on arrival at U-Tapao.
U-Tapao has long been know by locals for the secretive goings on of US
Military personnel the following is from a local internet forum which
describes a chance meeting with such characters with forum member
“I live 2 miles from Utapao and have run into people in military green
who act like they do not want to be seen. Twice in the nearby 7-11 they
acted strange, refused to make eye contact and appeared unhappy to be
recognized as Americans, they jumped into a VW Van with Bangkok
plates and others and left quickly. Yes, something is going on there and
has been for a while.
It’s difficult to describe this, but I left those encounters with the feeling
something strange was happening.
No seriously, I don’t make stuff up like this; their behavior was really
bizarre. When I run into the American Navy people here during the joint
Thai/American exercises they usually are very friendly, outgoing and
surprised to see an American in a Thai teachers uniform and want
information on the best places to go and how to get there. I’ve even
driven some of them to Pattaya over the past few years. But these guys
were completely different. I probably should not have mentioned this at
all, but the behavior was so strange It’s difficult to forget.
Which leads me onto the US manufactured Tsunami of Disinformation
designed to distract and mislead investigators searching for the planes
where a bouts.
I followed the search very loosely and so far have logged 75 hours. The
Initial search was based on the flight path of MH370 heading over the gulf
to Vietnam. An early report the plane had turned sharp to the west over
the Malacca Straights was investigated with little success. The trail was
dead. Then an eyewitness on an Oilrig off the east coast of Vietnams
Ngoc Hien of Ca Mau Island reported of a flaming plane in the sky. A New
Zealand oil worker sent an email claiming he saw the jet and the same
time heading north resulted in search efforts been directed there. Closer
examination of the email by Vietnamese Officials showed skepticism for
the Identity of the Oil worker and for the report, which was suspiciously
filed 3 days after the plane, went missing.
The next morning the worlds media with ABC and the BBC leading were
reporting it was a fact due to ABC news running a story of a telephone
conversation interview with the Oil workers Canadian Boss who under
closer examination looks to also to be another fake identity. The oilrig
has links to Chevron amongst other companies.
Just when the news about the fake identities was getting uncovered US
officials broke the news that the plane had in fact travelled a further 4-5
hours due to data collected from the Planes Rolls Royce engines. The
search then switched from the planes original flight path back to the west
and the huge area that is the Indian Ocean.
Rolls Royce have now released a statement saying the US Governments is
lying and that there was no further data from the engines. The whole
Indian/Ocean/Andaman search was based on this false information from
Unnamed US Officials.
There was further disinformation with unconfirmed reports of a crashed
plane on China controlled Coco Island, US satellite data and even contact
off the west coast of Australia.
Now we here stories of Tajikistan and west China. Hints at Iran’s possible
need for human shields and the bullshit idea of a stripped out 777 that
has the ability to fly a nuclear bomb to the US mainland. India has also
came out and said it would be impossible for this plane to fly over its Air
space unnoticed.
Since then we hear the US making claims of Iranian Terror suspects who
were travelling on false passports but turned out to be skinny Teenage
refugees. The similarity to the Dagestan Boston Marathon Bombers who
were murdered by US police is quite striking.
I would suggest the search for the missing planes rewinds back to the
moment the planes transmitter was turned off and look at the whole
mystery again and pressurize Thai and US military to release details of
USAF flights to and from U-Tapao from the 8-10th
If the US find the plane badly broken up with no Passengers or working
Black box in the general area of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean it will
be of no surprise to this researcher.
The above story might be difficult to believe for most people but it would
explain passengers SIM cards working and every other piece of
misinformation, which has been fed to the world about what really
happened and to cover the truth and US involvement.
So I ask you before we roll out the Bombers and blame Iran please rewind
to U-Tapao and start asking questions. Its is clear the US has misled the
search for the plane and my theory would explain why. Questions need to
be asked and made public regarding the identity of the 5 passengers who
checked in and didn’t make the flight.
The author of this article has been the victim of online censuring for the
last week where his Facebook, YouTube and email accounts have been
censured that restricted him reaching out to with info about U-Tapao
which has only galvanized his belief that something very similar to what
has been explained above actually took place.
The Facebook page Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts
registered 115 like on its first day then after heavy censorship from
unknown forces six then next day.
Jim Stone and Alex Jones please get in touch when you read this as I
have sent numerous emails without reply. I assume our mail is censured.
Peace x
FTM 2014
The author can be contacted on secure chat/email at
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
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9 hours ago · Edited
Two dead navy seals and MH370 linked by its mysterious cargo.
MH370 Mystery – Suspicious Cargo & Death of 2 Ex-Navy Seals
aboard MV Maersk Alabama
A new report circulating the Kremlin prepared by the Main
Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces
(GRU) states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) experts remain
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. 63 people
viewed and no likes?..can anyone see this?
3 · 8 hours ago
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Wan Trik Pony
Apparently I am not allowed to like this page..
15 hours ago
Wan Trik Pony
sorry about the multiples guys. having a difficult time accesing
this page.
11 · 15 hours ago
Wan Trik Pony
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the
Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed
Forces (GRU) states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO)
experts remain “puzzled” as to why the United States Navy
“captured and then diverted” a Malaysia Airlines civilian
aircraft from its intended flight-path to their vast and highly-
secretive Indian Ocean base located on the Diego Garcia atoll.
According to this report, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (also
marketed as China Southern Airlines flight 748 through a
codeshare) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, when on 8 March this
Boeing 777-200ER aircraft “disappeared” in flight with 227
passengers on board from 15 countries, most of whom were
Chinese, and 12 crew members. Interesting to note, this report
says, was that Flight 370 was already under GRU “surveillance”
after it received a “highly suspicious” cargo load that had been
traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and
where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container
ship MV Maersk Alabama. What first aroused GRU suspicions
regarding the MV Maersk Alabama, this report continues, was
that within 24-hours of off-loading this “highly suspicious”
cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two
highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark
Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found
dead under “suspicious circumstances.” Both Kennedy and
Reynolds, this report says, were employed by the Virginia
Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident
Group which was founded by US Navy Special Operations
Personnel (SEAL’s) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare
Officers and has long been known by the GRU to protect vital
transfers of both atomic and biological materials throughout
the world. Upon GRU “assests” confirming that this “highly
suspicious” cargo was aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on 8
March, this report notes, Moscow notified China’s Ministry of
State Security (MSS) of their concerns and received
“assurances” that “all measures” would be taken as to ascertain
what was being kept so hidden when this aircraft entered into
their airspace. However, this report says, and as yet for still
unknown reasons, the MSS was preparing to divert Flight 370
from its scheduled destination of Beijing to Haikou Meilan
International Airport (HAK) located in Hainan Province (aka
Hainan Island). Prior to entering the People Liberation Army
(PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea known as the
Spratly Islands, this report continues, Flight 370 “significantly
deviated” from its flight course and was tracked by VKO
satellites and radar flying into the Indian Ocean region and
completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to
Diego Garcia. Critical to note about Flight 370’s flight deviation,
GRU experts in this report say, was that it occurred during the
same time period that all of the Spratly Island mobile phone
communications operated by China Mobile were being
jammed. China Mobile, it should be noted, extended phone
coverage in the Spratly Islands in 2011 so that PLA soldiers
stationed on the islands, fishermen, and merchant vessels
within the area would be able to use mobile services, and can
also provide assistance during storms and sea rescues. As to
how the US Navy was able to divert Flight 370 to its Diego
Garcia base, this report says, appears to have been
accomplished remotely as this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft is
equipped with a fly-by-wire (FBW) system that replaces the
conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an
electronic interface allowing it to be controlled like any drone-
type aircraft. However, this report notes, though this aircraft
can be controlled remotely, the same cannot be said of its
communication systems which can only be shut down
manually; and in the case of Flight 370, its data reporting
system was shut down at 1:07 a.m., followed by its
transponder (which transmits location and altitude) which was
shut down at 1:21 a.m. What remains “perplexing” about this
incident, GRU analysts in this report say, are why the American
mainstream media outlets have yet to demand from the Obama
regime the radar plots and satellite images of the Indian Ocean
and South China Sea regions as the US military covers this
entire area from Diego Garcia like no other seas in the world
due to its vital shipping and air lanes. Most sadly, this report
concludes, the US is actually able to conceal the reason(s) for
the “disappearance” of Flight 370 as they have already done so
after the events of 11 September 2011 when the then Bush
regime “disappeared” American Airlines Flight 77 and its 64
passengers and crew after falsely claiming it hit the Pentagon,
but which was confirmed by the CNN News Service [see video
HERE] not to have happened.
1 · 15 hours ago
Wan Trik Pony
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the
Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed
Forces (GRU) states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO)
experts remain “puzzled” as to why the United States Navy
“captured and then diverted” a Malaysia Airlines civilian
aircraft from its intended flight-path to their vast and highly-
secretive Indian Ocean base located on the Diego Garcia atoll.
According to this report, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (also
marketed as China Southern Airlines flight 748 through a
codeshare) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, when on 8 March this
Boeing 777-200ER aircraft “disappeared” in flight with 227
passengers on board from 15 countries, most of whom were
Chinese, and 12 crew members. Interesting to note, this report
says, was that Flight 370 was already under GRU “surveillance”
after it received a “highly suspicious” cargo load that had been
traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and
where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container
ship MV Maersk Alabama. What first aroused GRU suspicions
regarding the MV Maersk Alabama, this report continues, was
that within 24-hours of off-loading this “highly suspicious”
cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two
highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark
Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found
dead under “suspicious circumstances.” Both Kennedy and
Reynolds, this report says, were employed by the Virginia
Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident
Group which was founded by US Navy Special Operations
Personnel (SEAL’s) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare
Officers and has long been known by the GRU to protect vital
transfers of both atomic and biological materials throughout
the world. Upon GRU “assests” confirming that this “highly
suspicious” cargo was aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on 8
March, this report notes, Moscow notified China’s Ministry of
State Security (MSS) of their concerns and received
“assurances” that “all measures” would be taken as to ascertain
what was being kept so hidden when this aircraft entered into
their airspace. However, this report says, and as yet for still
unknown reasons, the MSS was preparing to divert Flight 370
from its scheduled destination of Beijing to Haikou Meilan
International Airport (HAK) located in Hainan Province (aka
Hainan Island). Prior to entering the People Liberation Army
(PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea known as the
Spratly Islands, this report continues, Flight 370 “significantly
deviated” from its flight course and was tracked by VKO
satellites and radar flying into the Indian Ocean region and
completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to
Diego Garcia. Critical to note about Flight 370’s flight deviation,
GRU experts in this report say, was that it occurred during the
same time period that all of the Spratly Island mobile phone
communications operated by China Mobile were being
jammed. China Mobile, it should be noted, extended phone
coverage in the Spratly Islands in 2011 so that PLA soldiers
stationed on the islands, fishermen, and merchant vessels
within the area would be able to use mobile services, and can
also provide assistance during storms and sea rescues. As to
how the US Navy was able to divert Flight 370 to its Diego
Garcia base, this report says, appears to have been
accomplished remotely as this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft is
equipped with a fly-by-wire (FBW) system that replaces the
conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an
electronic interface allowing it to be controlled like any drone-
type aircraft. However, this report notes, though this aircraft
can be controlled remotely, the same cannot be said of its
communication systems which can only be shut down
manually; and in the case of Flight 370, its data reporting
system was shut down at 1:07 a.m., followed by its
transponder (which transmits location and altitude) which was
shut down at 1:21 a.m. What remains “perplexing” about this
incident, GRU analysts in this report say, are why the American
mainstream media outlets have yet to demand from the Obama
regime the radar plots and satellite images of the Indian Ocean
and South China Sea regions as the US military covers this
entire area from Diego Garcia like no other seas in the world
due to its vital shipping and air lanes. Most sadly, this report
concludes, the US is actually able to conceal the reason(s) for
the “disappearance” of Flight 370 as they have already done so
after the events of 11 September 2011 when the then Bush
regime “disappeared” American Airlines Flight 77 and its 64
passengers and crew after falsely claiming it hit the Pentagon,
but which was confirmed by the CNN News Service [see video
HERE] not to have happened.
15 hours ago
Karl-Erik Falldin
Read My Tweets On The Subject! @KFaelldin
1 · 17 hours ago
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. joined Facebook.
March 12
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
9 hours ago · Edited
What is happening right now in the world is so big that i believe this
'Terrorist' attack is the first move of WW3. My advice is keep an eye on
Ukraine and false flag atomic attacks against Israel blamed on Iran using
this aircraft. . what you have been witness to is the first Cyberjack of an
airline in History.
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o Wan Trik Pony likes this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
GE...See More
9 hours ago
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link via Paul Tower.
10 hours ago
Possible Hijacking of Malaysia Airliner
Alex covers headlines on the topic of the missing malaysian
airliner, the pilot's last communique, possibility of hi-jacking as
well as the news coming out o...
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o Yong Kokseng likes this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
14 hours ago
If the engines didnt leave the gulf of Thailand then the plane didnt leave
the Gulf. Why the did US Officials lie about this important FACT!!
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Sharifah Hamidah, Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth &
conspiracy facts. and Cik Sara like this.
Wan Trik Pony High end Quadcopters, gopro equipped for 10-
15k$ depending on payload.
2 hours ago
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
cat is out the bag..Rolls Royce says engine data shows Jet didnt leave gulf of
Thailand..America lying. Watch this go viral. Please share.
Flight MH370 and the CIA's secret interrogation base at U-Tapao
Thailand (EXCLUSIVE) | War and...
Malaysian Airlines MH370 A dirty Secret and Conspiracy facts.
Flight MH370 did it land at a secret CIA Base at U-Tapao,
Thailand? the lies of the US Governments and cover up. Malaysian
Airlines Flight MH370...
1Like · Comment · Share
o Pieter Newtown, Peter Marshall and Flight MH370 the dirty
hidden truth & conspiracy facts. like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Lets get
this viral..pressure CIA at U_Tapao
1 · Yesterday at 9:21am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a status.
Fake oil rig evidence.
The email from the fake oil worker with connections to Chevron..when he
was unable to take a call from ABC news his fake manager came on and
spoke on the phone to confirm the email...a few hours after vietnamese
officials had dismissed the email as they had no record of the mr mckay
..notice Beatons Linkden connection?..rumours that it was
dick cheney have yet to be confirmed. (2 photos)
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Wan Trik Pony Sounds like dick for sure.
18 hours ago
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
Yesterday · Edited
Now that the US has been found lying and spreading more
disinformation(engine data) the hunt for the aircraft will now come back to
the Gulf and all eyes on the CIA's secret interrogation base at U-Tapao. Only
one hour north from last known...See More
Did missing flight MH370 land at U-Tapao ? - Page 11 - - The Thailand Forum
Originally Posted by KK in KL What i want to know is why
unnamed US Officials have...
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o David Dyckhoff and Adam Stanborough like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Why is the
search not coming back to the gulf???#coverup
13 hours ago
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
Now that the US has been found lying and spreading more
disinformation(engine data) the hunt for the aircraft will now come back to
the Gulf and all eyes on the CIA's secret interrogation base at U-Tapao. Only
one hour north from last known...See More
Did missing flight MH370 land at U-Tapao ? - Page 11 - - The Thailand Forum
Originally Posted by KK in KL What i want to know is why
unnamed US Officials have...
5Like · Comment · Share
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link via ABC News.
Yesterday · Edited
Made tactical manoeuvres eh???.. 5555..only military planes make tactical
manoeuvres!!..but that exactly thats what it was.
Malaysia Airlines Jet Made 'Tactical Aviation Maneuvers'
U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials are focusing on the
possibility that at least one of the Malaysia Airlines pilots is
responsible for the disappearance of flight MH 370 after new
information revealed the plane performed “tactical evasion
maneuvers” after it disappeared...
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o Top Comments
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. WOW
WOW look at ABC's close to so close
Yesterday at 4:52am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. yes but
would Malaysians let anyone else get involved and all about
saving face , to late now !!
Yesterday at 4:37am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
115 likes first day, 6 yesterday and 7 today. You can try to censure me but
you can not stop the truth getting out.
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Andy Vier, David Dyckhoff, Peter Marshall and 3 others like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. what a
load of crap
1 · Yesterday at 4:25am
Adam Stanborough
Is missing Malaysian jet the world's first CYBER HIJACK?
Anti-terror expert Dr Sally Leivesley said a remote device, such as a USB stick,...See More
2 · Yesterday at 4:33am
o View 1 more comment
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
So 115 likes first day, 6 yesterday and seven today. No new likes in last five
hours..Game over boys you can try to censure me but you will not stop the
truth biting you in the
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o Pieter Newtown likes this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link via Aiza Abni Habban.
MISSING MH370: 3 pieces of evidence point to jet's takeover
One clue is that the plane’s transponder — a signal system that
identifies the plane to radar — was shut off about an hour into
the flight.
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link via Adrian Matthews.
Pilot of missing Malaysian Airline flight was a political fanatic
Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was an ‘obsessive’ supporter of
Malaysia’s opposition leader, the Mail on Sunday has learned.
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Cik Sara The pilot is the victim..he is only person in Malaysia that
can land an aircraft in a short distance. He doesn't even supposed
to work that day. A higher person order him ..this is absolutely a
conspiracy.most of Malaysian doesn't realize this.
1 · 14 hours ago
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
Looking more and more like a criminal event.I know who the main suspects
are their motive and how they did this space.
Here’s how we know MH370 kept flying for hours
Inside the tech that showed the vanished Malaysia Airlines plane
kept flying after losing contact
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o Gareth Wynne-Jones, Julie Morby and Peter Marshall like this.
Craig Paterson The thing is.... All the thoughts and ideas that have
been brought forward... Are now fucked.... So I only believe In my
own thoughts... Much bullshit......
1 · Yesterday at 7:36am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared Sunrise's photo.
March 15
New developments deepen the mystery surrounding missing Malaysia
Airlines Flight 370. But why is it taking so long to get answers?
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o Peter Marshall likes this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 15
So the US gets caught lying about engine data??? India says it impossible
for a plane to fly over its the last three days has been a waste
of time due to US disinformation???
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o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter
Marshall like this.
Mountaineers Highlanders It is perhaps in U Tapao AFB
6 hours ago
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link via The Malaysian Insider.
March 15 · Edited
Wake up people they are lying. The US's information that the jet flew over
India is more disinformation. The plane went to U-Tapao. People who
dismiss because of engine data that the plane flew for a further 4-5 hours
need to read this link
MAS jet couldn’t have flown over our airspace, says India’s
Indian military authorities have dismissed the possibility that the
Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370, which mysteriously
disappeared eight days ago en route to
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. So the US
gets caught lying about engine data??? India says it impossible for
a plane to fly over its the last three days has been a
waste of time due to US disinformation???
1 · March 15 at 8:00pm
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
MH370: Rolls Royce denies engine data report
While the search area is being extended, Malaysian authorities confirm that Roll...See More
March 15 at 7:59pm
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 15
Hijacked MH370 was last seen flying towards Pakistan OR Indian
Investigators have concluded that one or more people with
significant flying...
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 15
Flight 370 passengers may still be alive; 'pirated' Boeing 777 may
return to skies as stealth...
Flight 370 passengers may still be alive; 'pirated' Boeing 777 may
return to skies as...
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 15
another interesting tale..anyone can shed light on this?
Russia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US Navy
Sorcha Faal,
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o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
2 ex-Navy SEALs on Maersk Alabama died of respiratory failure, police say
Seychelles police say 2 former Navy SEALs found dead aboard ship likely had heart attacks;
syringe and heroin found in their cabin
March 15 at 9:06am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 15 · Edited
Leuren Moret: Flight 370 was US weapons demo for Putin;
Payback for Tribunal vs Israel, US/UK
Leuren Moret: Flight 370 downing was U.S. Navy Energy weapons
demo for Putin; Payback for Kuala Lumpur War...
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. MUST
LISTEN: Leuren Moret discusses her theory of what really
happened to #370 Malaysian Airliner; whether you agree with the
direct energy weapon theory or not, this interview is stunning in
it's scope and coverage
March 15 at 8:29am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 15
The Malaysian Airliner is not missing and much more - Intellihub
The Malaysian airplane is not missing. It is exactly where
somebody has designed it to be. Also, with regard to the 80,000
Russian troops poised to invade Ukraine and with NATO moving
forces into Norway, there is...
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o Sev Midnitecookie and Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth &
conspiracy facts. like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 15
the American Antiterror Effort
Published: June 8, 2003
Although Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra insists publicly that his country
is safely on the sidelines in the campaign against terrorism, he has secretly
been helping the United States in several significant ways, American
officials say.
He ha...See More
2Like · Comment
o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. After
reading this it makes me think that not only the plane did land
that at least 20 passengers are still there divulging Chinese state
secrets with the Thai Government (Thaksin) knowledge and
1 · March 15 at 6:02am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 15
Thailand is also important in the Pentagon's new strategy of ''forward
positioning,'' establishing sites where American forces can store equipment
and from which they can come and go as needed.
One such place in Thailand is Utapao Air Base, 90 miles south of Bangkok.
During the Vietnam War, Utapao was humming 24 hours a day as a base for
B-52's carrying out bombing raids over North Vietnam. Despi...See More
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o Phenphak Thonthanoo, Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth &
conspiracy facts. and Peter Marshall like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. very
2 · March 15 at 5:55am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 15
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o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 15
#MH370 Allegedly, based on new satellite data, the location of the last
MH370 communication was at border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.
So when the Malaysian MH370 was first reported missing on CNN, BBC,
etc.... It might still have been in the air
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. No prizes
for guessing who owns the Satellites.
March 15 at 3:57am · Edited
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 15 · Edited
Dr. Fahad Samadi @DrFahadSamadi 13m
have this horrible feeling that one of the country's military/airforce brought
#MH370 down fearing a 9/11 repeat & this is a massive coverup
Felicity Lowde @flutterbyfjl 7m
#MH370 Allegedly, based on new satellite data, the location of the last
MH370 communication was at border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.
Steve Herman @W7VOA 8m
#Malaysia gov't h...See More
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o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Adam
Stanborough like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Its a
massive cover alright.
1 · March 15 at 3:54am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 15
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Adam
Stanborough like this.
Peter Marshall Bob Woodruff @BobWoodruff 6m
Police seen going in to search the house of pilot Zaharie Ahmad
Shah. Investigators concentrating on crew members & passengers
also @ABC
March 15 at 2:44am
Peter Marshall Jonah Fisher @JonahFisher
Being briefed by Malaysia officials they believe most likely
location for MH370 is on land somewhere near Chinese/Kyrgyz
March 15 at 2:05am
o View 2 more comments
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 15
The truth is getting drowned by a tsunami of disinformation. The truth was
just in front of everyone eyes but as time goes by truth drift further away.
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o Adam Stanborough and Peter Marshall like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 15
Missing Malaysia Flight 370 Tail Wing Found In The Persian Gulf
A large tail wing suspected to be part of the missing Malaysia
flight 370 has been recovered by villagers along the shore of the
small island of Al-Zwar.
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Fonn Pakdeeakson and Anne Christmas like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. More
disinfomation. I have never been surer than anything in my life
that plane was at utapao.
1 · March 15 at 1:22am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Waiting
for confirmation on this story.
1 · March 15 at 1:07am
o View 8 more comments
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link via Breaking News.
March 15
Jet's Movements Indicate 'Deliberate Action,
Investigators now believe Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 deviated
from its flight plan because of “deliberate action by someone on
the plane,” and they are usi...
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o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 15
LATEST - Free Energy Truth
Malaysian authorities say it is now 'conclusive' that the missing plane has
been hijacked, despite the fact .....
1. They don't know where it is.
2. There has been no contact with anyone.
3. No demands have been made by anyone.
4. There is no apparent motive.
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o Top Comments
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter
Marshall like this.
Peter Marshall "Police began searching the home of the pilot of
the missing Malaysia Airlines flight on Saturday, Reuters
reported." Only taken them a week.
March 15 at 2:28am
Peter Marshall Brian Sharp:" Who has seen the passengers board
this plane on security camera ? Or the flight taking off ?? Has
anyone ? Please post footage if its been made public cause I've
seen nothing kinda like that pentagon plane where's that ?????"
March 15 at 12:56am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared Shepard Smith's video.
March 14
SHOCK REPORT: U.S. investigators looking into possibility missing plane was
taken to be "used for another purpose." Shepard has details on what could
be the most troubling report yet in this bizarre mystery:
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o Anne Christmas, Peter Marshall and Flight MH370 the dirty
hidden truth & conspiracy facts. like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. ^^^ how
can anyone believe their lies?? btw this page is now invisible for a
lot of people we are talking to ourselves
March 14 at 10:53pm
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared NBC News's photo.
March 14
The plot thickens: Military radar evidence suggests the missing Malaysia
Airlines jet deliberately flew toward the Indian Ocean, according to reports.
Photo: Tomasz Bartkowiak / Reuters, file
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Florian
Witulski @vaitor
MH370 had extra fuel (to Beijing + additonal ~2.5hrs flight time)
but flying at lower altitude burns more fuel; range unclear right
March 15 at 1:25am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link via Don Hodgson.
March 14
Malaysia confirms Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was hijacked
A MALASIAN official has revealed that investigators have
concluded that Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, with...
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 14
115 likes since last night???..WTF??? one new like in 8 hours??? bullshit
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Peter Marshall and Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth &
conspiracy facts. like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. someone
is messing with this page !!
2 · March 14 at 10:33pm
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. We get
115 likes in our first day and then nothing for the next 9 hours?
1 · March 14 at 11:28pm
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 14
Still Report # 217 - Flight 370 Update 2
The hijacking theory is alive and well. Does US Special Operations
know where the jet is? Please consider supporting us there for as
little as $1 per month. ...
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. ^ i just
posted a link to the teak door thread..can anyone see it? i am
March 14 at 9:26pm
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. ^ this will
become the new mainstream media narrative..the US got caught
on Malaysian Radar. I mean really how likely is it to steal a plane
in SE Asia and fly it to Pakistan etc to use the passengers for
human shields...what a load of bullshit...PLEASE LOOK AT UTAPAO
March 14 at 9:22pm
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 14
MIKE HARRIS, Rense Radio Talk Show Host and I, originally broadcast on
Livestream (Thursday, March 13th) taking questions and call-ins regarding
disappeared Flight 370.
We discuss the history of Freescale Semiconductor (formerly Motorola).
Mike Harris is a former subcontractor and vendor who reported to upper
level management for Motorola.
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o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this.
Peter Marshall
MSM Now Says Flight 370 Deliberately Flown Toward Andaman Islands! 5.4 EQ Hits Region!
More info at links: More
March 14 at 6:50pm
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 14
Exclusive: Radar data suggests missing Malaysia plane deliberately
flown way off course - sources
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Military radar data suggests a
Malaysia Airlines jetliner missing for nearly a week was
deliberately flown hundreds of miles off course, heightening
suspicions of foul play among
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o Peter Marshall likes this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 14 · Edited
completely cut off.the truth is notifications for one hour on
laptop and cannot connect to internet on my phone through wi fi or sim
card..someone nervous?
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o Top Comments
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter
Marshall like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Okay cat is
out the bag..expect the whole world to know the truth very
soon..everything is under control and no one needs to do
anything the hands of professionals now...Expect Russia
to liberate Ukraine and Obama and Cheney out of a job..and
maybe major reform....think the only question left is where are
the passengers. This is something i will not speculate on.
March 14 at 2:26pm
Peter Marshall Alessandro Ursic @aleursic 20m
So Thailand cut a double poor figure on #MH370 . 1) Hub of
passport frauds 2) An unidentified plane enters its airspace, but
"mai bpen rai"
March 15 at 2:02am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 14
The email from the fake oil worker with connections to Chevron..when he
was unable to take a call from ABC news his fake manager came on and
spoke on the phone to confirm the email...a few hours after vietnamese
officials had dismissed the email as they had no record of the mr mckay
..notice Beatons Linkden connection?..rumours that it was
dick cheney have yet to be confirmed.
2Like · Comment
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Peter Marshall likes this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Michael
Yon seen this?
March 14 at 10:54am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Andrew
Drummond seen this?
March 14 at 10:53am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 14 · Edited
No emails can leave my computer with expose. things are getting
heavy..just tried to email news agencies in five countries. .I am marked man
with my story.
1Like · Comment
o Sev Midnitecookie and Adam Stanborough like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Okay i
have sent emails to newspapers in every anti american country
you can think its sit and wait for a knock on the door.
1 · March 14 at 10:32am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 14
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o Peter Marshall and Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth &
conspiracy facts. like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 14 · Edited
is it so difficult for the public to get their head round the idea of the missing
Malaysian Airlines plane MH370 switching identities with a US plane and
then landing at the nearby U-Tapao Airforce base and straight into hiding in
one their many large hangers?
Is it so difficult to imagine that a aluminium bodied plane completely lost to
radar simply switched identities and flew into thai airspac...See More
2Like · Comment
o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts., Duncan
Hudson, Peter Marshall and 6 others like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Well it not
out of the question !!
March 14 at 4:20pm
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 14
LATEST - possible one of the plane's pilots was involved in disappearance.
Exclusive: Radar data suggests missing Malaysia plane deliberately
flown way off course - sources
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Military radar data suggests a
Malaysia Airlines jetliner missing for nearly a week was
deliberately flown hundreds of miles off course, heightening
suspicions of foul play among
1Like · Comment · Share
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter
Marshall like this.
Peter Marshall "From there, the plot indicates the plane flew
towards a waypoint called "Gival", south of the Thai island of
Phuket, and was last plotted heading northwest towards another
waypoint called "Igrex", on route P628 that would take it over the
Andaman Islands and which carriers use to fly towards Europe."
1 · March 14 at 6:05am
Monetary Sovereignty
Case Closed: HIJACKED by AWACS | Alternative
AWACS HIJACK PROVEN From Malaysian airlines fl...See
March 14 at 2:35pm
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 14
Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 shot down by U.S. Carrier Strike Group Five!
Stop The Pirates: Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 shot down by
U.S. Carrier Strike Group Five!
1Like · Comment · Share
o Hans Vienna and Peter Marshall like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 14
Case Closed: HIJACKED by AWACS | Alternative
Malaysian airlines flight 377 has been provably hijacked by an
AWACS plane. This is outlined in the updates below. The
Malaysian military tracked this plane for a full hour with military...
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o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter
Marshall like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 14
Case Closed: HIJACKED by AWACS | Alternative
Malaysian airlines flight 377 has been provably hijacked by an
AWACS plane. This is outlined in the updates below. The
Malaysian military tracked this plane for a full hour with military...
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 13
You mean to tell me they can read my license plate and listen to all my calls
and use Quantum computers to trace everything we do and say and they
can't find a plane full of passengers?? Yeah, right.
FLIGHT 370 Where's Echelon When you Need them?
Project Camelot Official Website
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o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and
Honey Hazel like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 13
Malaysia Airline 370 Hijack 'Only Explanation,' Navy War College
Prof. Says | Spies and Intelligence
Some hijacking-type scenario of Malaysian Airlines 370 is the only
thing that possibly explainx the mystery, according to a Naval War
College Professor in Newport, RI on Thursday. “At this point,
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o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 13 · Edited
One of the top (most recent) items at is...
Missing Flt 370 Found On Unmarked Runway On China Island? PICS
...I keep getting an Error Message when I click on the link?
Anyone else?
The link has been pulled from now.
Whatever their merit, hopefully the pics re-appear somewhere online and
don't just slip down the memory hole.
Anyone out there catch this? Thanks.
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o Top Comments
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Its more
disinformation to point the finger at china
March 14 at 12:20am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Rense
don't often pull stories.
March 13 at 10:07pm
o View 3 more comments
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 13
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Anisha Sachdev, Mohd Firdaus, Sophie Lupton and 2 others like
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. That tube
clearly explains why the US goverment wanted the 20 VIP's..the
patents is a side earner...I believe this is what they call a motive.
2 · March 13 at 10:16pm
Peter Marshall I agree. This matter was discussed in the YouTube
video. Scary.
Malaysian Plane Could Have Been Taken By China (Phone Call)
Mike a high level defense officer called in to Pastor Begley's live show reveals the possibility of a
2 · March 13 at 10:14pm
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 13
The missing link? this page has been now taken down now. The header is
still there. Make of it what you will.
But dont listen to the American Government is my advice.
Rothschild, Freescale, Patent, Murder and a missing plane, what
do all have in common?
Jacob Rothschild, Murderer This is how the elites get richer and
richer, by any means available including murder.
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o Peter Marshall likes this.
Peter Marshall Emily Maitliss speaking last night on Newsnight
(UK), touched on the notion that MH370 has been landed intact in
an unknown destination.
Reply, from pilot who landed plane on the Hudson river, "Its
1 · March 13 at 9:48pm
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link via Madeleine Buki.
March 13
Aint that the the last three days the Admin of this page have been
repeatedly been censored about the US Airforce base in U-Tapao...ask
yourself why?
Zuckerberg 'frustrated' by US spying
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg says he is "confused and
frustrated" by the repeated reports of the US government's
surveillance programmes.
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o Top Comments
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Well i
have had a few posted removed re U-Tapao !! wonder why
2 · March 13 at 8:30pm
Khun Karl Me to...FB,Youtube, Linkden, twitter and email. Its a
war against truth and mind control with very polished
1 · March 13 at 10:11pm
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 13
CONFIRMED: Flight 370 Cyberjacked to secret base in Indian
ocean - American or Chinese?
Editor's Note... The groundbreaking news today confirm our initial
assessment, that Flight 370 was electronically hijacked, and open
the way to speculations regarding the whereabouts of the
1Like · Comment · Share
o Peter Marshall and Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth &
conspiracy facts. like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. ^ I do not
believe anything anymore..its a massive cover up...the whole
world is getting led like a donkey down a garden path. four
hours???..once again before we head out to the Indian ocean
(again) can we ask about Utapao SOS call?..this is clear fabricated
evidence so the public dont see the real truth..right in front of
their eyes.
March 13 at 5:58pm · Edited
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 13
Malaysian airliner may have been commandeered and taken to
secret Coco Island base -- New info...
According to a new report, it looks as if the missing Malaysian
flight MH370 may have stayed aloft up to 4-hours after the tower
lost contact with the aircraft, signifying an entirely new scenario
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 13
None of Freescale’s most senior executives were on board the Boeing Co.
777-200ER airliner that vanished from radar screens about an hour after it
took off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing on Saturday.
The Freescale employees who were on board — 12 from Malaysia and eight
from China — came from a range of disciplines, and they were part of a
broad push by CEO Gregg Lowe to make Freescale more effici...See More
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o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter
Marshall like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 13
Was Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Redirected to Diego Garcia?
It has now become fairly evident that the disappearance of
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing is not
accidental. In fact, there is a strong possibility that the flight was
commandeered to the US military base at Diego Garcia in the
Indian Ocean. A bizarre...
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o Top Comments
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter
Marshall like this.
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Yeah once
it had made it drop off at Utapao...remember Thailand has a large
CIA station and the SOS call...the plane could have left the very
same morning using a US Cargo plane ID and flew straight
unmolested to Diego Garcia...i really believe the plane will be
found around Diego Garcia
1 · March 13 at 7:29pm · Edited
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. no it
would not have had time before day day??..its about
six seven hours Utapao-Diego Garcia..
March 13 at 11:08am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
March 13
1. Absent an awacs type system which can precisely monitor a received
signal and spoof a return signal (or phase cancel it) you cannot disappear a
non stealth aluminum skinned plane from ANY radar system. After
vanishing from civilian radars, it remained on military radars that would
work better against AWACS. That pretty much says it all.
2. Iran is an ally of Russia. Russia has Awacs type syste...See More
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o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter
Marshall like this.
Peter Marshall - The new root of truth.
This is the index page of
March 13 at 10:07am
Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link via ABC News.
March 13
More Bullshit from the US...make your minds up!! is this their last chance to
frame Iran?
US Officials Believe Missing Plane Crashed in Indian Ocean
U.S. officials believe that the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner
may have crashed in the Indian Ocean and is moving the USS Kidd
to the area to begin searching.
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Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
shared a link.
March 13 · Edited
Is Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight Involved With Secret NASA and
Pentagon Activities in...
U-Tapao is only one hour north/400km from the last know radar
transmissions from MH 370 (by Robert Tilford, Examiner) June 5,
2012 -- The Bangkok Post is reporting that the US Joint Chiefs of
1Like · Comment · Share
Earlier in 2014

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Malaysian Airlines MH370: A Dirty Secret And Conspiracy Facts

  • 1. Flight MH370 and the CIA’s secret interrogation base at U-Tapao Thailand (EXCLUSIVE) Sunday, March 16, 2014 1:09 (Before It's News) Malaysian Airlines MH370 A dirty Secret and Conspiracy facts. Flight MH370 did it land at a secret CIA Base at U-Tapao, Thailand? the lies of the US Governments and cover up.
  • 2. Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing vanished when its flight transponder was manually turned of at 1.30am in the early hours of Saturday the 8th of April north of Thailand in aviation no mans land between Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand. I will not claim I have all the answers but I will put forward a likely scenario which has been very clear to me from day one due to my location, local knowledge and investigative nature following the planes disappearance and clocking up over 70 hours of research following the hunt for the missing plane and seeing through the Tsunami of Disinformation which was all released from US sources. My theory is this and its the most plausible one on the table right now. I believe that flight MH737 had its identity switched with a USAF Cargo plane and simply landed one hour later at the nearby CIA Secret Interrogation facility at U-Tapao Airport Thailand between Pattaya and the Cambodian border. American forces built U-Tapao during the Vietnam War era for bombing raids by B-52’s. Although it is classed as a International airport due to its long runway the reality is very different with all sorts of secret US missions including NASA high altitude research station and suspect Terrorists arriving for interrogation .It has also been accused by the Thai Opposition as a cover for spying into Neighboring countries through it secretive NASA High altitude Weather program. It is said that U-Tapao handles 30 USAF Flights a month mostly military planes arriving at night from places such as Diego Garcia the US base in the Indian Ocean. These planes regulary land late at night in a then
  • 3. deserted Airport. The last domestic flight by Bangkok airways Departs at 5.20pm after that becomes a very dark and secretive US operation. U-Tapao does get the odd Russian charter flight occasionally in similar livery to MAS colors so a plane landing at night would get little attention from the skeleton crew of local Thai maintenance workers and fishermen who fish just off the runway. It’s interesting to note that U-Tapao has a runway straight off the ocean directly opposite 60-90mins to the north of the planes last confirmed location. The passage below is from the New York Times article about secret US activities at this base a passage of which you can red below. One such place in Thailand is Utapao Air Base, 90 miles south of Bangkok. During the Vietnam War, Utapao was humming 24 hours a day as a base for B-52′s carrying out bombing raids over North Vietnam. Despite Thailand’s studied neutrality on the war in Iraq — one Thai foreign affairs official said during the war that the country had no position — Mr. Thaksin allowed Utapao to be used by American warplanes flying into combat in Iraq, as he had earlier, during the war in Afghanistan. Utapao is also probably where Qaeda operatives have been interrogated, retired American intelligence officials said, explaining that the base had facilities for sophisticated interrogations. Last year, according to other American officials, at least two senior Qaeda operatives were brought here for interrogation — Abu Zubaydah,
  • 4. thought to have been Al Qaeda’s operations chief, and Ramzi bin al- Shibh, a planner of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Both men were captured last year in Pakistan, and they may have been brought to Thailand as part of a broader C.I.A. program to take captives to ”undisclosed locations.” They have since been moved. It is not known how many other Qaeda suspects have been interrogated here, or if any are still here. responses-southeast-asia-thailand-tiptoes-step-with-american- antiterror.html Now the question is why would the US want to hijack a civilian Airplane and land at its CIA Interrogation facility?. The clue maybe lie in the twenty ethnic Chinese passengers belonging to the defense firm Freescale which has links to both China and the US and the manufacturer of micro processors and chips that power and control the Military might of China and Russians war capabilities. Especially drones and Missiles systems with war likely with Russia and increased tensions with China this theory should hold some weight. A late night chat with Mike a Senior US Military official shed a light on the importance of such technology. I think Mike has got it wrong its not China that has the plane I think it’s Mikes own Bosses. Here’s the link an interesting insight into a possible motive.
  • 5. edded At this point we really do not know if Freescale has just lost its entire R&D department and that they are currently with the CIA interrogation team at U-Tapao divulging Chinese and possibly Russian Military secrets. With the build up of 80,000 troops on the Ukrainian border and the planned US war games of Operation Rapid Trident in Ukraine this summer you have to wonder if this is not a guise for war with Russia/China.. I cannot help but think at least twenty of the missing passengers are with the CIA at U-Tapao divulging the state secrets of China and Russia. Desperate times lead to desperate measures? So how can a plane vanish from radar and fly for one hour through Thai Airspace before landing at the US’s secret facility at U-Tapao? The answer is very simple in reality. When the plane left Malaysian Air traffic control the transponder was turned off and the plane flew into an area where it was joined by a USAF Stealth plane of some description, which at the time was broadcasting a USAF cargo plane call sign. The two identities were switched with the help of at least one nearby USAF E- 3 airborne warning and control system (AWACS) plane which jammed local radar and created the smoke screen for the switch of the two planes identities. To be possible there have been unconfirmed reports of two such planes flying in the area at the time. This stealth plane then flew west over Malaysian Airlines occasionally transmitting a MH370 signal to confuse local Malaysian Military and air traffic control and radar facilities on to the Malacca straights and went back to stealth for its onward flight to the USAF base at Diego Garcia.
  • 6. I have no doubts that either by high tech means Fly-by-wire ( FBW) or low-tech manual hijacking or even simply bribing one or two of the Pilots the CIA have the ability to hijack the plane and land it undected. Once flight MH370 had switched identities to a USAF Cargo plane it flew unnoticed into Thai airspace and landed one hour later at U-Tapao and was quickly put into one of the many hangers. I doubt the plane will be still there. Its interesting to note that a report in the respected China Times newspaper reported a source from the US Embassy Beijing that the US base at U-Tapao had picked up a SOS mayday call from the MH370 at 2.43am requesting immediate landing permission as it was in major difficulties. Since then this report has been cleansed from Global Media reports and the US have failed to confirm or deny the report. I believe this was a leak of a prepared report that was to cover themselves in the possibility of a crash on arrival at U-Tapao. U-Tapao has long been know by locals for the secretive goings on of US Military personnel the following is from a local internet forum which describes a chance meeting with such characters with forum member BobR “I live 2 miles from Utapao and have run into people in military green who act like they do not want to be seen. Twice in the nearby 7-11 they acted strange, refused to make eye contact and appeared unhappy to be
  • 7. recognized as Americans, they jumped into a VW Van with Bangkok plates and others and left quickly. Yes, something is going on there and has been for a while. It’s difficult to describe this, but I left those encounters with the feeling something strange was happening. No seriously, I don’t make stuff up like this; their behavior was really bizarre. When I run into the American Navy people here during the joint Thai/American exercises they usually are very friendly, outgoing and surprised to see an American in a Thai teachers uniform and want information on the best places to go and how to get there. I’ve even driven some of them to Pattaya over the past few years. But these guys were completely different. I probably should not have mentioned this at all, but the behavior was so strange It’s difficult to forget. secret-plans-u-2.html Which leads me onto the US manufactured Tsunami of Disinformation designed to distract and mislead investigators searching for the planes where a bouts. I followed the search very loosely and so far have logged 75 hours. The Initial search was based on the flight path of MH370 heading over the gulf to Vietnam. An early report the plane had turned sharp to the west over the Malacca Straights was investigated with little success. The trail was dead. Then an eyewitness on an Oilrig off the east coast of Vietnams Ngoc Hien of Ca Mau Island reported of a flaming plane in the sky. A New Zealand oil worker sent an email claiming he saw the jet and the same
  • 8. time heading north resulted in search efforts been directed there. Closer examination of the email by Vietnamese Officials showed skepticism for the Identity of the Oil worker and for the report, which was suspiciously filed 3 days after the plane, went missing. The next morning the worlds media with ABC and the BBC leading were reporting it was a fact due to ABC news running a story of a telephone conversation interview with the Oil workers Canadian Boss who under closer examination looks to also to be another fake identity. The oilrig has links to Chevron amongst other companies. Just when the news about the fake identities was getting uncovered US officials broke the news that the plane had in fact travelled a further 4-5 hours due to data collected from the Planes Rolls Royce engines. The search then switched from the planes original flight path back to the west and the huge area that is the Indian Ocean. Rolls Royce have now released a statement saying the US Governments is lying and that there was no further data from the engines. The whole Indian/Ocean/Andaman search was based on this false information from Unnamed US Officials. There was further disinformation with unconfirmed reports of a crashed plane on China controlled Coco Island, US satellite data and even contact off the west coast of Australia. Now we here stories of Tajikistan and west China. Hints at Iran’s possible need for human shields and the bullshit idea of a stripped out 777 that has the ability to fly a nuclear bomb to the US mainland. India has also
  • 9. came out and said it would be impossible for this plane to fly over its Air space unnoticed. Since then we hear the US making claims of Iranian Terror suspects who were travelling on false passports but turned out to be skinny Teenage refugees. The similarity to the Dagestan Boston Marathon Bombers who were murdered by US police is quite striking. I would suggest the search for the missing planes rewinds back to the moment the planes transmitter was turned off and look at the whole mystery again and pressurize Thai and US military to release details of USAF flights to and from U-Tapao from the 8-10th If the US find the plane badly broken up with no Passengers or working Black box in the general area of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean it will be of no surprise to this researcher. The above story might be difficult to believe for most people but it would explain passengers SIM cards working and every other piece of misinformation, which has been fed to the world about what really happened and to cover the truth and US involvement. So I ask you before we roll out the Bombers and blame Iran please rewind to U-Tapao and start asking questions. Its is clear the US has misled the search for the plane and my theory would explain why. Questions need to be asked and made public regarding the identity of the 5 passengers who checked in and didn’t make the flight.
  • 10. The author of this article has been the victim of online censuring for the last week where his Facebook, YouTube and email accounts have been censured that restricted him reaching out to with info about U-Tapao which has only galvanized his belief that something very similar to what has been explained above actually took place. The Facebook page Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts registered 115 like on its first day then after heavy censorship from unknown forces six then next day. Jim Stone and Alex Jones please get in touch when you read this as I have sent numerous emails without reply. I assume our mail is censured. Peace x KK FTM 2014 The author can be contacted on secure chat/email at
  • 12. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. 193 likes · 106 talking about this  Community A page that discusses the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH370 and the smoke and mirrors that has covered the truth of what really happened. About  Photos  193 Likes   
  • 14. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. 9 hours ago · Edited Two dead navy seals and MH370 linked by its mysterious cargo. MH370 Mystery – Suspicious Cargo & Death of 2 Ex-Navy Seals aboard MV Maersk Alabama A new report circulating the Kremlin prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) experts remain “puzzled”... Like · Comment · Share o
  • 15. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. 63 people viewed and no likes?..can anyone see this? 3 · 8 hours ago 2. Recent Posts by OthersSee All o Wan Trik Pony Apparently I am not allowed to like this page.. 15 hours ago o Wan Trik Pony sorry about the multiples guys. having a difficult time accesing this page. 11 · 15 hours ago o
  • 17. A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) experts remain “puzzled” as to why the United States Navy “captured and then diverted” a Malaysia Airlines civilian aircraft from its intended flight-path to their vast and highly- secretive Indian Ocean base located on the Diego Garcia atoll. According to this report, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (also marketed as China Southern Airlines flight 748 through a codeshare) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, when on 8 March this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft “disappeared” in flight with 227 passengers on board from 15 countries, most of whom were Chinese, and 12 crew members. Interesting to note, this report says, was that Flight 370 was already under GRU “surveillance” after it received a “highly suspicious” cargo load that had been traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama. What first aroused GRU suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama, this report continues, was that within 24-hours of off-loading this “highly suspicious” cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under “suspicious circumstances.” Both Kennedy and Reynolds, this report says, were employed by the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group which was founded by US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEAL’s) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers and has long been known by the GRU to protect vital
  • 18. transfers of both atomic and biological materials throughout the world. Upon GRU “assests” confirming that this “highly suspicious” cargo was aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on 8 March, this report notes, Moscow notified China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) of their concerns and received “assurances” that “all measures” would be taken as to ascertain what was being kept so hidden when this aircraft entered into their airspace. However, this report says, and as yet for still unknown reasons, the MSS was preparing to divert Flight 370 from its scheduled destination of Beijing to Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK) located in Hainan Province (aka Hainan Island). Prior to entering the People Liberation Army (PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea known as the Spratly Islands, this report continues, Flight 370 “significantly deviated” from its flight course and was tracked by VKO satellites and radar flying into the Indian Ocean region and completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to Diego Garcia. Critical to note about Flight 370’s flight deviation, GRU experts in this report say, was that it occurred during the same time period that all of the Spratly Island mobile phone communications operated by China Mobile were being jammed. China Mobile, it should be noted, extended phone coverage in the Spratly Islands in 2011 so that PLA soldiers stationed on the islands, fishermen, and merchant vessels within the area would be able to use mobile services, and can also provide assistance during storms and sea rescues. As to how the US Navy was able to divert Flight 370 to its Diego Garcia base, this report says, appears to have been accomplished remotely as this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft is equipped with a fly-by-wire (FBW) system that replaces the
  • 19. conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface allowing it to be controlled like any drone- type aircraft. However, this report notes, though this aircraft can be controlled remotely, the same cannot be said of its communication systems which can only be shut down manually; and in the case of Flight 370, its data reporting system was shut down at 1:07 a.m., followed by its transponder (which transmits location and altitude) which was shut down at 1:21 a.m. What remains “perplexing” about this incident, GRU analysts in this report say, are why the American mainstream media outlets have yet to demand from the Obama regime the radar plots and satellite images of the Indian Ocean and South China Sea regions as the US military covers this entire area from Diego Garcia like no other seas in the world due to its vital shipping and air lanes. Most sadly, this report concludes, the US is actually able to conceal the reason(s) for the “disappearance” of Flight 370 as they have already done so after the events of 11 September 2011 when the then Bush regime “disappeared” American Airlines Flight 77 and its 64 passengers and crew after falsely claiming it hit the Pentagon, but which was confirmed by the CNN News Service [see video HERE] not to have happened. 1 · 15 hours ago o
  • 21. A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) experts remain “puzzled” as to why the United States Navy “captured and then diverted” a Malaysia Airlines civilian aircraft from its intended flight-path to their vast and highly- secretive Indian Ocean base located on the Diego Garcia atoll. According to this report, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (also marketed as China Southern Airlines flight 748 through a codeshare) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, when on 8 March this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft “disappeared” in flight with 227 passengers on board from 15 countries, most of whom were Chinese, and 12 crew members. Interesting to note, this report says, was that Flight 370 was already under GRU “surveillance” after it received a “highly suspicious” cargo load that had been traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama. What first aroused GRU suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama, this report continues, was that within 24-hours of off-loading this “highly suspicious” cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under “suspicious circumstances.” Both Kennedy and Reynolds, this report says, were employed by the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group which was founded by US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEAL’s) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers and has long been known by the GRU to protect vital
  • 22. transfers of both atomic and biological materials throughout the world. Upon GRU “assests” confirming that this “highly suspicious” cargo was aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on 8 March, this report notes, Moscow notified China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) of their concerns and received “assurances” that “all measures” would be taken as to ascertain what was being kept so hidden when this aircraft entered into their airspace. However, this report says, and as yet for still unknown reasons, the MSS was preparing to divert Flight 370 from its scheduled destination of Beijing to Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK) located in Hainan Province (aka Hainan Island). Prior to entering the People Liberation Army (PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea known as the Spratly Islands, this report continues, Flight 370 “significantly deviated” from its flight course and was tracked by VKO satellites and radar flying into the Indian Ocean region and completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to Diego Garcia. Critical to note about Flight 370’s flight deviation, GRU experts in this report say, was that it occurred during the same time period that all of the Spratly Island mobile phone communications operated by China Mobile were being jammed. China Mobile, it should be noted, extended phone coverage in the Spratly Islands in 2011 so that PLA soldiers stationed on the islands, fishermen, and merchant vessels within the area would be able to use mobile services, and can also provide assistance during storms and sea rescues. As to how the US Navy was able to divert Flight 370 to its Diego Garcia base, this report says, appears to have been accomplished remotely as this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft is equipped with a fly-by-wire (FBW) system that replaces the
  • 23. conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface allowing it to be controlled like any drone- type aircraft. However, this report notes, though this aircraft can be controlled remotely, the same cannot be said of its communication systems which can only be shut down manually; and in the case of Flight 370, its data reporting system was shut down at 1:07 a.m., followed by its transponder (which transmits location and altitude) which was shut down at 1:21 a.m. What remains “perplexing” about this incident, GRU analysts in this report say, are why the American mainstream media outlets have yet to demand from the Obama regime the radar plots and satellite images of the Indian Ocean and South China Sea regions as the US military covers this entire area from Diego Garcia like no other seas in the world due to its vital shipping and air lanes. Most sadly, this report concludes, the US is actually able to conceal the reason(s) for the “disappearance” of Flight 370 as they have already done so after the events of 11 September 2011 when the then Bush regime “disappeared” American Airlines Flight 77 and its 64 passengers and crew after falsely claiming it hit the Pentagon, but which was confirmed by the CNN News Service [see video HERE] not to have happened. 15 hours ago o
  • 24. Karl-Erik Falldin Read My Tweets On The Subject! @KFaelldin 1 · 17 hours ago 3. More Posts 4. Activity Recent Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. joined Facebook. March 12 5. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. 9 hours ago · Edited What is happening right now in the world is so big that i believe this 'Terrorist' attack is the first move of WW3. My advice is keep an eye on Ukraine and false flag atomic attacks against Israel blamed on Iran using this aircraft. . what you have been witness to is the first Cyberjack of an airline in History. Like · Comment o Wan Trik Pony likes this. o
  • 25. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Case Closed: HIJACKED by AWACS UPDATE: JIMSTONEFREELANCE.COM TAKEN DOWN BY FED OVER THIS REPORT... AWACS HIJACK PROVEN UPDATED MARCH 13 2014 Malaysian military BACKED DOWN, BUT GE...See More 9 hours ago 6. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link via Paul Tower. 10 hours ago Possible Hijacking of Malaysia Airliner
  • 26. Alex covers headlines on the topic of the missing malaysian airliner, the pilot's last communique, possibility of hi-jacking as well as the news coming out o... Like · Comment · Share o Yong Kokseng likes this. 7. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. 14 hours ago If the engines didnt leave the gulf of Thailand then the plane didnt leave the Gulf. Why the did US Officials lie about this important FACT!! Like · Comment o Top Comments Sharifah Hamidah, Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Cik Sara like this. o Wan Trik Pony High end Quadcopters, gopro equipped for 10- 15k$ depending on payload.
  • 27. 2 hours ago o View 5 more comments 8. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. Yesterday cat is out the bag..Rolls Royce says engine data shows Jet didnt leave gulf of Thailand..America lying. Watch this go viral. Please share. Flight MH370 and the CIA's secret interrogation base at U-Tapao Thailand (EXCLUSIVE) | War and... Malaysian Airlines MH370 A dirty Secret and Conspiracy facts. Flight MH370 did it land at a secret CIA Base at U-Tapao, Thailand? the lies of the US Governments and cover up. Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370... 1Like · Comment · Share o Pieter Newtown, Peter Marshall and Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. like this.
  • 28. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Lets get this viral..pressure CIA at U_Tapao 1 · Yesterday at 9:21am 9. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a status. Yesterday Fake oil rig evidence. The email from the fake oil worker with connections to Chevron..when he was unable to take a call from ABC news his fake manager came on and spoke on the phone to confirm the email...a few hours after vietnamese officials had dismissed the email as they had no record of the mr mckay ..notice Beatons Linkden connection?..rumours that it was dick cheney have yet to be confirmed. (2 photos)
  • 29. Like · Comment · Share o Wan Trik Pony Sounds like dick for sure. 18 hours ago
  • 30. 10. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. Yesterday · Edited Now that the US has been found lying and spreading more disinformation(engine data) the hunt for the aircraft will now come back to the Gulf and all eyes on the CIA's secret interrogation base at U-Tapao. Only one hour north from last known...See More Did missing flight MH370 land at U-Tapao ? - Page 11 - - The Thailand Forum Originally Posted by KK in KL What i want to know is why unnamed US Officials have... Like · Comment · Share
  • 31. o David Dyckhoff and Adam Stanborough like this. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Why is the search not coming back to the gulf???#coverup 13 hours ago 11. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. Yesterday Now that the US has been found lying and spreading more disinformation(engine data) the hunt for the aircraft will now come back to the Gulf and all eyes on the CIA's secret interrogation base at U-Tapao. Only one hour north from last known...See More Did missing flight MH370 land at U-Tapao ? - Page 11 - - The Thailand Forum
  • 32. Originally Posted by KK in KL What i want to know is why unnamed US Officials have... 5Like · Comment · Share 12. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link via ABC News. Yesterday · Edited Made tactical manoeuvres eh???.. 5555..only military planes make tactical manoeuvres!!..but that exactly thats what it was. Malaysia Airlines Jet Made 'Tactical Aviation Maneuvers' U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials are focusing on the possibility that at least one of the Malaysia Airlines pilots is responsible for the disappearance of flight MH 370 after new
  • 33. information revealed the plane performed “tactical evasion maneuvers” after it disappeared... Like · Comment · Share o Top Comments Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. WOW WOW look at ABC's close to so close Yesterday at 4:52am o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. yes but would Malaysians let anyone else get involved and all about saving face , to late now !! Yesterday at 4:37am
  • 34. 13. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Yesterday 115 likes first day, 6 yesterday and 7 today. You can try to censure me but you can not stop the truth getting out. Like · Comment o Top Comments Andy Vier, David Dyckhoff, Peter Marshall and 3 others like this. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. what a load of crap 1 · Yesterday at 4:25am o Adam Stanborough Malaysian-jet...
  • 35. Is missing Malaysian jet the world's first CYBER HIJACK? Anti-terror expert Dr Sally Leivesley said a remote device, such as a USB stick,...See More 2 · Yesterday at 4:33am o View 1 more comment 14. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Yesterday So 115 likes first day, 6 yesterday and seven today. No new likes in last five hours..Game over boys you can try to censure me but you will not stop the truth biting you in the ass. Like · Comment o Pieter Newtown likes this. 15.
  • 36. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link via Aiza Abni Habban. Yesterday MISSING MH370: 3 pieces of evidence point to jet's takeover One clue is that the plane’s transponder — a signal system that identifies the plane to radar — was shut off about an hour into the flight. Like · Comment · Share 16. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link via Adrian Matthews. Yesterday
  • 37. Pilot of missing Malaysian Airline flight was a political fanatic Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was an ‘obsessive’ supporter of Malaysia’s opposition leader, the Mail on Sunday has learned. Like · Comment · Share o Cik Sara The pilot is the victim..he is only person in Malaysia that can land an aircraft in a short distance. He doesn't even supposed to work that day. A higher person order him ..this is absolutely a conspiracy.most of Malaysian doesn't realize this. 1 · 14 hours ago
  • 38. 17. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. Yesterday Looking more and more like a criminal event.I know who the main suspects are their motive and how they did this space. Here’s how we know MH370 kept flying for hours Inside the tech that showed the vanished Malaysia Airlines plane kept flying after losing contact Like · Comment · Share o Gareth Wynne-Jones, Julie Morby and Peter Marshall like this. o
  • 39. Craig Paterson The thing is.... All the thoughts and ideas that have been brought forward... Are now fucked.... So I only believe In my own thoughts... Much bullshit...... 1 · Yesterday at 7:36am 18. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared Sunrise's photo. March 15 New developments deepen the mystery surrounding missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. But why is it taking so long to get answers? WATCH: blind/ #sun7
  • 40. Like · Comment · Share o Peter Marshall likes this. 19. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 15 So the US gets caught lying about engine data??? India says it impossible for a plane to fly over its the last three days has been a waste of time due to US disinformation??? Like · Comment o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter Marshall like this. o
  • 41. Mountaineers Highlanders It is perhaps in U Tapao AFB 6 hours ago 20. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link via The Malaysian Insider. March 15 · Edited Wake up people they are lying. The US's information that the jet flew over India is more disinformation. The plane went to U-Tapao. People who dismiss because of engine data that the plane flew for a further 4-5 hours need to read this link this.. 370-rolls-royce-denies-engine-data-report/ MAS jet couldn’t have flown over our airspace, says India’s military
  • 42. Indian military authorities have dismissed the possibility that the Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370, which mysteriously disappeared eight days ago en route to Like · Comment · Share o Top Comments o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. So the US gets caught lying about engine data??? India says it impossible for a plane to fly over its the last three days has been a waste of time due to US disinformation??? 1 · March 15 at 8:00pm o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts.
  • 43. MH370: Rolls Royce denies engine data report While the search area is being extended, Malaysian authorities confirm that Roll...See More March 15 at 7:59pm 21. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 15 Malaysian-official-says-CONCLUSIVE-jet-carrying-239-hijacked-35-000-ft- individual-group-significant-flying-experience.html Hijacked MH370 was last seen flying towards Pakistan OR Indian Ocean
  • 44. Investigators have concluded that one or more people with significant flying... Like · Comment · Share 22. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 15 racy.html# Flight 370 passengers may still be alive; 'pirated' Boeing 777 may return to skies as stealth... Flight 370 passengers may still be alive; 'pirated' Boeing 777 may return to skies as...
  • 45. Like · Comment · Share 23. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 15 another interesting tale..anyone can shed light on this? Russia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US Navy Sorcha Faal, Like · Comment · Share
  • 46. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. 2 ex-Navy SEALs on Maersk Alabama died of respiratory failure, police say Seychelles police say 2 former Navy SEALs found dead aboard ship likely had heart attacks; syringe and heroin found in their cabin March 15 at 9:06am 24. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 15 · Edited MUST SEE: 370-downing-was-us-navy-energy-weapons-demo-for-putin-payback-for- kuala-lumpur-war-crimes-tribunal-ve.html
  • 47. Leuren Moret: Flight 370 was US weapons demo for Putin; Payback for Tribunal vs Israel, US/UK Leuren Moret: Flight 370 downing was U.S. Navy Energy weapons demo for Putin; Payback for Kuala Lumpur War... Like · Comment · Share o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. MUST LISTEN: Leuren Moret discusses her theory of what really happened to #370 Malaysian Airliner; whether you agree with the direct energy weapon theory or not, this interview is stunning in it's scope and coverage March 15 at 8:29am 25. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 15
  • 48. The Malaysian Airliner is not missing and much more - Intellihub News The Malaysian airplane is not missing. It is exactly where somebody has designed it to be. Also, with regard to the 80,000 Russian troops poised to invade Ukraine and with NATO moving forces into Norway, there is... Like · Comment · Share o Sev Midnitecookie and Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. like this. 26. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 15 THREATS AND RESPONSES: SOUTHEAST ASIA; Thailand Tiptoes in Step With the American Antiterror Effort
  • 49. By RAYMOND BONNER Published: June 8, 2003 EMAIL PRINT Although Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra insists publicly that his country is safely on the sidelines in the campaign against terrorism, he has secretly been helping the United States in several significant ways, American officials say. He ha...See More 2Like · Comment o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. After reading this it makes me think that not only the plane did land that at least 20 passengers are still there divulging Chinese state secrets with the Thai Government (Thaksin) knowledge and permission. 1 · March 15 at 6:02am 27.
  • 50. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 15 Thailand is also important in the Pentagon's new strategy of ''forward positioning,'' establishing sites where American forces can store equipment and from which they can come and go as needed. One such place in Thailand is Utapao Air Base, 90 miles south of Bangkok. During the Vietnam War, Utapao was humming 24 hours a day as a base for B-52's carrying out bombing raids over North Vietnam. Despi...See More Like · Comment o Phenphak Thonthanoo, Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter Marshall like this. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. very interesting 2 · March 15 at 5:55am 28. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 15
  • 51. Like · Comment · Share o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this. 29. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 15 #MH370 Allegedly, based on new satellite data, the location of the last MH370 communication was at border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. >>>>>>>
  • 52. So when the Malaysian MH370 was first reported missing on CNN, BBC, etc.... It might still have been in the air Like · Comment o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. No prizes for guessing who owns the Satellites. March 15 at 3:57am · Edited 30. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 15 · Edited Dr. Fahad Samadi @DrFahadSamadi 13m have this horrible feeling that one of the country's military/airforce brought #MH370 down fearing a 9/11 repeat & this is a massive coverup >>>>>>> Felicity Lowde @flutterbyfjl 7m #MH370 Allegedly, based on new satellite data, the location of the last MH370 communication was at border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. >>>> Steve Herman @W7VOA 8m #Malaysia gov't h...See More
  • 53. Like · Comment o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Adam Stanborough like this. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Its a massive cover alright. 1 · March 15 at 3:54am 31. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 15 Malaysian-official-says-CONCLUSIVE-jet-carrying-239-hijacked-35-000-ft- individual-group-significant-flying-experience.html
  • 54. Like · Comment o Top Comments Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Adam Stanborough like this. o Peter Marshall Bob Woodruff @BobWoodruff 6m Police seen going in to search the house of pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah. Investigators concentrating on crew members & passengers also @ABC March 15 at 2:44am
  • 55. o Peter Marshall Jonah Fisher @JonahFisher Being briefed by Malaysia officials they believe most likely location for MH370 is on land somewhere near Chinese/Kyrgyz border. March 15 at 2:05am o View 2 more comments 32. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 15 The truth is getting drowned by a tsunami of disinformation. The truth was just in front of everyone eyes but as time goes by truth drift further away. Like · Comment o Adam Stanborough and Peter Marshall like this. 33. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 15
  • 56. iraq.html#.UyQJIM7Ekn0 Missing Malaysia Flight 370 Tail Wing Found In The Persian Gulf A large tail wing suspected to be part of the missing Malaysia flight 370 has been recovered by villagers along the shore of the small island of Al-Zwar. Like · Comment · Share o Top Comments Fonn Pakdeeakson and Anne Christmas like this. o
  • 57. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. More disinfomation. I have never been surer than anything in my life that plane was at utapao. 1 · March 15 at 1:22am o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Waiting for confirmation on this story. 1 · March 15 at 1:07am o View 8 more comments 34. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link via Breaking News. March 15
  • 58. Jet's Movements Indicate 'Deliberate Action, Investigators now believe Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 deviated from its flight plan because of “deliberate action by someone on the plane,” and they are usi... Like · Comment · Share o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this. 35. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 15 LATEST - Free Energy Truth Malaysian authorities say it is now 'conclusive' that the missing plane has been hijacked, despite the fact ..... 1. They don't know where it is.
  • 59. 2. There has been no contact with anyone. 3. No demands have been made by anyone. 4. There is no apparent motive. Like · Comment o Top Comments Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter Marshall like this. o Peter Marshall "Police began searching the home of the pilot of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight on Saturday, Reuters reported." Only taken them a week. March 15 at 2:28am o Peter Marshall Brian Sharp:" Who has seen the passengers board this plane on security camera ? Or the flight taking off ?? Has anyone ? Please post footage if its been made public cause I've seen nothing kinda like that pentagon plane where's that ?????" March 15 at 12:56am
  • 60. 36. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared Shepard Smith's video. March 14 SHOCK REPORT: U.S. investigators looking into possibility missing plane was taken to be "used for another purpose." Shepard has details on what could be the most troubling report yet in this bizarre mystery: Like · Comment · Share o Anne Christmas, Peter Marshall and Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. like this. o
  • 61. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. ^^^ how can anyone believe their lies?? btw this page is now invisible for a lot of people we are talking to ourselves March 14 at 10:53pm 37. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared NBC News's photo. March 14 The plot thickens: Military radar evidence suggests the missing Malaysia Airlines jet deliberately flew toward the Indian Ocean, according to reports. Photo: Tomasz Bartkowiak / Reuters, file Like · Comment · Share
  • 62. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Florian Witulski @vaitor MH370 had extra fuel (to Beijing + additonal ~2.5hrs flight time) but flying at lower altitude burns more fuel; range unclear right now March 15 at 1:25am 38. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link via Don Hodgson. March 14 Malaysia confirms Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was hijacked A MALASIAN official has revealed that investigators have concluded that Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, with...
  • 63. Like · Comment · Share 39. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 14 115 likes since last night???..WTF??? one new like in 8 hours??? bullshit censoring. Like · Comment o Top Comments Peter Marshall and Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. like this. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. someone is messing with this page !! 2 · March 14 at 10:33pm
  • 64. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. We get 115 likes in our first day and then nothing for the next 9 hours? 1 · March 14 at 11:28pm o View 1 more comment 40. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 14 Still Report # 217 - Flight 370 Update 2 The hijacking theory is alive and well. Does US Special Operations know where the jet is? Please consider supporting us there for as little as $1 per month. ...
  • 65. Like · Comment · Share o Top Comments Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. ^ i just posted a link to the teak door thread..can anyone see it? i am curious March 14 at 9:26pm o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. ^ this will become the new mainstream media narrative..the US got caught on Malaysian Radar. I mean really how likely is it to steal a plane in SE Asia and fly it to Pakistan etc to use the passengers for human shields...what a load of bullshit...PLEASE LOOK AT UTAPAO March 14 at 9:22pm
  • 66. o View 2 more comments 41. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 14 MIKE HARRIS, Rense Radio Talk Show Host and I, originally broadcast on Livestream (Thursday, March 13th) taking questions and call-ins regarding disappeared Flight 370. We discuss the history of Freescale Semiconductor (formerly Motorola). Mike Harris is a former subcontractor and vendor who reported to upper level management for Motorola.
  • 67. Like · Comment · Share o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this. o Peter Marshall MSM Now Says Flight 370 Deliberately Flown Toward Andaman Islands! 5.4 EQ Hits Region! More info at links: More March 14 at 6:50pm
  • 68. 42. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 14 Exclusive: Radar data suggests missing Malaysia plane deliberately flown way off course - sources KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Military radar data suggests a Malaysia Airlines jetliner missing for nearly a week was deliberately flown hundreds of miles off course, heightening suspicions of foul play among Like · Comment · Share o Peter Marshall likes this.
  • 69. 43. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 14 · Edited completely cut off.the truth is notifications for one hour on laptop and cannot connect to internet on my phone through wi fi or sim card..someone nervous? Like · Comment o Top Comments Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter Marshall like this. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Okay cat is out the bag..expect the whole world to know the truth very soon..everything is under control and no one needs to do anything the hands of professionals now...Expect Russia to liberate Ukraine and Obama and Cheney out of a job..and maybe major reform....think the only question left is where are the passengers. This is something i will not speculate on. March 14 at 2:26pm
  • 70. o Peter Marshall Alessandro Ursic @aleursic 20m So Thailand cut a double poor figure on #MH370 . 1) Hub of passport frauds 2) An unidentified plane enters its airspace, but "mai bpen rai" March 15 at 2:02am 44. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 14 The email from the fake oil worker with connections to Chevron..when he was unable to take a call from ABC news his fake manager came on and spoke on the phone to confirm the email...a few hours after vietnamese officials had dismissed the email as they had no record of the mr mckay ..notice Beatons Linkden connection?..rumours that it was dick cheney have yet to be confirmed.
  • 71. 2Like · Comment o Top Comments Peter Marshall likes this. o
  • 72. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Michael Yon seen this? March 14 at 10:54am o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Andrew Drummond seen this? March 14 at 10:53am 45. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 14 · Edited No emails can leave my computer with expose. things are getting heavy..just tried to email news agencies in five countries. .I am marked man with my story. 1Like · Comment o Sev Midnitecookie and Adam Stanborough like this.
  • 73. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Okay i have sent emails to newspapers in every anti american country you can think its sit and wait for a knock on the door. 1 · March 14 at 10:32am 46. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 14 flown-Indias-Andaman-Islands-according-radar-data-claimed-inquiries- focus-increasingly-hijacking-theory.htm
  • 74. Like · Comment · Share o Peter Marshall and Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. like this. 47. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 14 · Edited is it so difficult for the public to get their head round the idea of the missing Malaysian Airlines plane MH370 switching identities with a US plane and then landing at the nearby U-Tapao Airforce base and straight into hiding in one their many large hangers?
  • 75. Is it so difficult to imagine that a aluminium bodied plane completely lost to radar simply switched identities and flew into thai airspac...See More 2Like · Comment o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts., Duncan Hudson, Peter Marshall and 6 others like this. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Well it not out of the question !! March 14 at 4:20pm 48. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 14 LATEST - possible one of the plane's pilots was involved in disappearance.
  • 76. Exclusive: Radar data suggests missing Malaysia plane deliberately flown way off course - sources KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Military radar data suggests a Malaysia Airlines jetliner missing for nearly a week was deliberately flown hundreds of miles off course, heightening suspicions of foul play among 1Like · Comment · Share o Top Comments Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter Marshall like this. o
  • 77. Peter Marshall "From there, the plot indicates the plane flew towards a waypoint called "Gival", south of the Thai island of Phuket, and was last plotted heading northwest towards another waypoint called "Igrex", on route P628 that would take it over the Andaman Islands and which carriers use to fly towards Europe." 1 · March 14 at 6:05am o Monetary Sovereignty hijacked-by... Case Closed: HIJACKED by AWACS | Alternative AWACS HIJACK PROVEN From Malaysian airlines fl...See More March 14 at 2:35pm 49.
  • 78. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 14 Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 shot down by U.S. Carrier Strike Group Five! mh370-shot.html Stop The Pirates: Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 shot down by U.S. Carrier Strike Group Five! 1Like · Comment · Share o Hans Vienna and Peter Marshall like this. 50.
  • 79. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 14 Case Closed: HIJACKED by AWACS | Alternative AWACS HIJACK PROVEN From Malaysian airlines flight 377 has been provably hijacked by an AWACS plane. This is outlined in the updates below. The Malaysian military tracked this plane for a full hour with military... Like · Comment · Share o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter Marshall like this. 51.
  • 80. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 14 Case Closed: HIJACKED by AWACS | Alternative AWACS HIJACK PROVEN From Malaysian airlines flight 377 has been provably hijacked by an AWACS plane. This is outlined in the updates below. The Malaysian military tracked this plane for a full hour with military... Like · Comment · Share 52. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 13
  • 81. You mean to tell me they can read my license plate and listen to all my calls and use Quantum computers to trace everything we do and say and they can't find a plane full of passengers?? Yeah, right. FLIGHT 370 Where's Echelon When you Need them? Project Camelot Official Website Like · Comment · Share o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Honey Hazel like this. 53. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 13
  • 82. Malaysia Airline 370 Hijack 'Only Explanation,' Navy War College Prof. Says | Spies and Intelligence Some hijacking-type scenario of Malaysian Airlines 370 is the only thing that possibly explainx the mystery, according to a Naval War College Professor in Newport, RI on Thursday. “At this point, some... Like · Comment · Share o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this. 54. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 13 · Edited One of the top (most recent) items at is... Missing Flt 370 Found On Unmarked Runway On China Island? PICS ...I keep getting an Error Message when I click on the link?
  • 83. Anyone else? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The link has been pulled from now. Whatever their merit, hopefully the pics re-appear somewhere online and don't just slip down the memory hole. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyone out there catch this? Thanks. Like · Comment o Top Comments o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Its more disinformation to point the finger at china March 14 at 12:20am o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Rense don't often pull stories. March 13 at 10:07pm o View 3 more comments
  • 84. 55. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 13 2Like · Comment · Share o Top Comments Anisha Sachdev, Mohd Firdaus, Sophie Lupton and 2 others like this. o
  • 85. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. That tube clearly explains why the US goverment wanted the 20 VIP's..the patents is a side earner...I believe this is what they call a motive. 2 · March 13 at 10:16pm o Peter Marshall I agree. This matter was discussed in the YouTube video. Scary. Malaysian Plane Could Have Been Taken By China (Phone Call)
  • 86. Mike a high level defense officer called in to Pastor Begley's live show reveals the possibility of a hijacking 2 · March 13 at 10:14pm o View 1 more comment 56. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 13 The missing link? this page has been now taken down now. The header is still there. Make of it what you will. But dont listen to the American Government is my advice. Rothschild, Freescale, Patent, Murder and a missing plane, what do all have in common? Jacob Rothschild, Murderer This is how the elites get richer and richer, by any means available including murder. Like · Comment · Share
  • 87. o Peter Marshall likes this. o Peter Marshall Emily Maitliss speaking last night on Newsnight (UK), touched on the notion that MH370 has been landed intact in an unknown destination. Reply, from pilot who landed plane on the Hudson river, "Its plausible" 1 · March 13 at 9:48pm 57. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link via Madeleine Buki. March 13 Aint that the the last three days the Admin of this page have been repeatedly been censored about the US Airforce base in U-Tapao...ask yourself why?
  • 88. Zuckerberg 'frustrated' by US spying Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg says he is "confused and frustrated" by the repeated reports of the US government's surveillance programmes. Like · Comment · Share o Top Comments Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. likes this. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Well i have had a few posted removed re U-Tapao !! wonder why 2 · March 13 at 8:30pm o
  • 89. Khun Karl Me to...FB,Youtube, Linkden, twitter and email. Its a war against truth and mind control with very polished disinformation. 1 · March 13 at 10:11pm 58. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 13 secret-base-in-indian-ocean-american-or-chinese/ CONFIRMED: Flight 370 Cyberjacked to secret base in Indian ocean - American or Chinese? Editor's Note... The groundbreaking news today confirm our initial assessment, that Flight 370 was electronically hijacked, and open the way to speculations regarding the whereabouts of the missing...
  • 90. 1Like · Comment · Share o Peter Marshall and Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. like this. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. ^ I do not believe anything anymore..its a massive cover up...the whole world is getting led like a donkey down a garden path. four hours???..once again before we head out to the Indian ocean (again) can we ask about Utapao SOS call?..this is clear fabricated evidence so the public dont see the real truth..right in front of their eyes. March 13 at 5:58pm · Edited 59. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 13
  • 91. Malaysian airliner may have been commandeered and taken to secret Coco Island base -- New info... According to a new report, it looks as if the missing Malaysian flight MH370 may have stayed aloft up to 4-hours after the tower lost contact with the aircraft, signifying an entirely new scenario Like · Comment · Share 60. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 13 None of Freescale’s most senior executives were on board the Boeing Co. 777-200ER airliner that vanished from radar screens about an hour after it took off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing on Saturday. The Freescale employees who were on board — 12 from Malaysia and eight
  • 92. from China — came from a range of disciplines, and they were part of a broad push by CEO Gregg Lowe to make Freescale more effici...See More 1Like · Comment o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter Marshall like this. 61. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 13 garcia/?fb_action_ids=821118991236013&fb_action_types=news.publishes &fb_ref=pub- standard&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582 Was Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Redirected to Diego Garcia? It has now become fairly evident that the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing is not
  • 93. accidental. In fact, there is a strong possibility that the flight was commandeered to the US military base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. A bizarre... Like · Comment · Share o Top Comments Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter Marshall like this. o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. Yeah once it had made it drop off at Utapao...remember Thailand has a large CIA station and the SOS call...the plane could have left the very same morning using a US Cargo plane ID and flew straight unmolested to Diego Garcia...i really believe the plane will be found around Diego Garcia 1 · March 13 at 7:29pm · Edited o
  • 94. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. no it would not have had time before day day??..its about six seven hours Utapao-Diego Garcia.. March 13 at 11:08am 62. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. March 13 1. Absent an awacs type system which can precisely monitor a received signal and spoof a return signal (or phase cancel it) you cannot disappear a non stealth aluminum skinned plane from ANY radar system. After vanishing from civilian radars, it remained on military radars that would work better against AWACS. That pretty much says it all. 2. Iran is an ally of Russia. Russia has Awacs type syste...See More Like · Comment o Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. and Peter Marshall like this. o Peter Marshall
  • 95. - The new root of truth. This is the index page of March 13 at 10:07am 63. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link via ABC News. March 13 More Bullshit from the US...make your minds up!! is this their last chance to frame Iran? US Officials Believe Missing Plane Crashed in Indian Ocean
  • 96. U.S. officials believe that the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner may have crashed in the Indian Ocean and is moving the USS Kidd to the area to begin searching. Like · Comment · Share 64. Flight MH370 the dirty hidden truth & conspiracy facts. shared a link. March 13 · Edited AT LAST!!!!!!!>>>YEAH MAAAAN ARE YOU FEELING THE HEAT YET? THE TRUTH IS COMING TO BITE YOU>>>>>>>YEAHHHHHH Is Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight Involved With Secret NASA and Pentagon Activities in...
  • 97. U-Tapao is only one hour north/400km from the last know radar transmissions from MH 370 (by Robert Tilford, Examiner) June 5, 2012 -- The Bangkok Post is reporting that the US Joint Chiefs of Staff... 1Like · Comment · Share Earlier in 2014