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By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
By Student #34459878
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
StatementOfIntent 2
Research 3
Equipment & Technologies 3
Processes 8
Existing Designs & Inspirations 14
Materials 15
Work Health & Safety 18
DevelopmentOfIdeas 19
Brainstorms 19
Storyline & Locations 21
Storyboards 23
Prototypes, Models & Concepts 28
Management & Organisation 30
Evidence Of Production 32
EvidenceOfProjectManagement 41
Time Plans 41
Finance Plans 43
Bibliography 45
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Statement Of Intent
What Will Be Achieved?
In my major project, I am going to demonstrate my ability to plan and create my major project; including all of the techniques and
methods within advanced software provided by the school (such as Adobe InDesign and Adobe After Effects) to do so. My aim is to
create an excellent end result through the use of software (such as Adobe After Effects provided by the school), hardware, equip-
ment and more! In my major production, I plan to create an adventure/horror short film including numerous advanced effects and
editing techniques, as well as camera techniques and angles to enhance the final outcome of the project. The storyline shall consist
of a main character that wakes up in their bedroom like any other normal day set in the future. My aim is to paint a early 2000s film
picture for my audience. Then as the character goes out for the day, they come across a mysterious portal and it sends them back-
wards. In a desperate attempt to get away the character spends the rest of the film trying to run away from the portal until ending up
stuck in the portals dimension.
Why Will I Be Achieving It?
I am completing my major project because for about 2 years now I have discovered my great passion for almost anything in the mul-
timedia industry; from playing with equipment, to learning new softwares and creating something as an individual that I can be both,
proud of and have a completley unique end result compared to someone else. Because of this passion for working on numerous
personal multimedia projects (particuarly short films and montages outside of school), I have chosen to create my own short film for
my major project using Adobe Software like Premiere Pro and After Effects (provided by the school) to do so. The reason why I have
chosen a short film in particular is due to my background knowledge of using these particular softwares, in doing this I will be able to
create a strong end result with the confidence I am satisfied with to guide my project towards an excellent quality standard.
What Is My Target Audience?
The target audience I intent on capturing are people who like horror and adventure films! Mainly teenagers and young adults is the
sort of audience I am pitching for, the film will generally be pretty family friendly so younger people should be able to watch as well.
I also hope to capture an acute comedy aspect to my short film mainly by including the use of over exagerated acting in camera
shots as well as other techniques and elements also. Another audience that I will be targeting are people that like watching short
skits; The short film will have a very empasised sort of approach to it when it comes to the acting of the charater which should make
the short film fun and entertaining to watch!
What Are My Limitations?
Limitations I have discovered for my major project is the fact that I don’t have a lot of equipment at my disposal. To acknowledge
this, I ended up purchasing a camera as well as borrowing a camera stabiliser which was kindly provided by the school to film some
remarkable shots in my short film.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Cameras In The Multimedia Industry
The Cannon 90D is a great DSLR camera in the multimedia industry today, with the ability to shoot up
to 4k in 30fps or 1080p in 120fps it is definitely a powerful camera! Some of the pros/ cons of the Cannon
90D are:
The Cannon 1500D is a nice and relativley cheap DSLR camera used as a starting Dslr camera for
those in the multimedia industry. Some of the pros/ cons of the Cannon 1500D are:
The Cannon M200 Is a mirrorless camera with a CMOS sized sensor and is a great beginner mirror-
less camera with it’s easy to use touchscreen capabilities. Some of the pros/ cons of the Cannon M200
Equipment & Technologies
- It has a battery life of 30 minutes
- Heavier than a mirrorless camera
- quite pricey at approx. $1,700 Aud
- Can only shoot in 1080p 30fps
- Has a 3fps continuous shooting speed
- No external microphone support
- Only records in 4k in 25fps
- Not the best for night use
- Mirrorless
- It can shoot in 4k 30fps/ 1080p 120fps
- It has a fast 11fps continuous shooting speed
- It can be used with in-built webcam software
- Cheaper than most DSLRs
- Includes a 9 point auto-focus
- Relativley light compared to other DSLRs
- Lightweight (maneuverable and versatile)
- Capability to shoot in 4k
- Touch Screen
(The Cannon M200 is also the camera used for filming in this major project!)
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Memory Cards
Memory Cards are digital storage devices that are used for storing digital information such as images. They are
more commonly used in portable electronic devices such as: Phones, Laptops, Digital Cameras, Game Con-
soles and more! Memory Cards are designed to add memory to digital devices (like the ones just mentioned)
without comprimising efficiency and/or comfort for the device. Three different memory cards are:
SD Card, (Also known as a Secure Digital Card) is a removable memory card capable of reading/ writing large
quantities of data in a wide range of usually mobile electronics. The SD Card has become the default standard
for most consumer mobile electronics however is quickly outdating due to it’s smaller variation, the Micro SD
Assuming the SD Card is 4GB in storage capacity, It would be able to store up to approx. 768 images at 18MP
resolutions (assuming the file size is 5.2 Mb per image) or approx. 2,352 images at 5.5MP resolutions (assum-
ing the file size is 1.7Mb per image) for contrast.
Micro SD Card, (Also known as the Micro Secure Digital Card) is a removable memory card similar to the SD
Card however is a more compact (hence the name) and potentially including more storage space variant of it.
The Micro SD Card is quickly becoming the default standard for most consumer mobile electronics today due to
decreasing sizes and increasing storage capacities.
Assuming the Micro SD Card is 64GB in storage capacity, it would be able to store up to approx. 12,288 images
at 18MP resolutions (assuming the file size is 5.2 Mb per image) or approx. 37,632 images at 5.5MP resolutions
(assuming the file size is 1.7Mb per image) for contrast.
PlayStation Memory Card, Which was made when read-only optical disks were being used to run games
on the PlayStation 1. This meant that the hardware needed a place to store game save files and the 128 KiB
PlayStation memory card did just that! The PlayStation memory card is one of the first memory cards introduced
to game consoles and couldn’t even store 1 whole image assuming the image is 1 Megapixel, 24-bits, uncom-
pressed or more in terms of quality.
(Micro SD Card comparison to
the SD Card)
(SD Card)
(Playstation 1 Memory Card)
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
There are numerous different types of equipment built for different computer systems but when it comes to multimedia systems,
you generally want a computer with reasonably decent specifications. Here is some information about the different hardware you want to
look at when building a computer for multimedia purposes:
Processor - The computer processor unit or CPU for short is the brain of the
computer, telling all the other components what to do and when to do it. It is
important to have a good cpu for multimedia systems that run applications like
Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects as such applications are Cpu intensive
meaning they take up a lot of it’s power and processing speed.
Ram - Ram is known as temporary cache storage for the computer to remem-
ber short-term wise and is also another vital component to a good multimedia
system. Ram helps keep the computer running smoothly and can significantly
decrease your render times when you have more of it (especially when using
creative applications)!
Graphics Card - Also known as the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Is an
absolute nessecity when using a multimedia system. It frees up the Cpu to
allow it to work on other tasks by taking some of it’s workload and accelerating
the creation and renderisation of images, videos, and animations! This works
in benchmarks, video games, and multimedia software such as Blender and
Adobe Premiere Pro!
Storage - Storage is not nessisarily a nessecity to have an enormus amount
of for a multimedia system but it certainly helps! Multimedia systems are usual-
ly used for rendering projects that create large quantities of cache files and
that’s not even mentioning the amout of footage as well! It’s always good to
build a multimedia system with at least 1TB of hard drive storage accessible to
the user!
(example image of an
Intel Core Processor Unit)
(example image of two
individual RAM sticks)
(example image of a
Graphics Processing Unit)
(example image of a Sea-
gate Hardrive)
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Motherboards - Motherbaords are what the other componets connect to, it’s
basically where all the data goes through to be sent and recieved by all of the
components working together simultaniously. It is generally a good idea to look
for a decent motherbaord but not an extremley cheap one as you don’t want
your components not recieving the information or power correctly.
Screen Types & Resolution - When it comes to montiors, there are dif-
ferent types of display panels on each monitor, some being TN, VA, and IPS
which is the panel type you are looking for when it comes to a multimedia
system, this type of panel is usually extremley colour acurate which is defient-
ley what you want. Pairing this display panel type with a 4k high pixel resolu-
tion gives you an insanley detailed, colour accurate monitor which is the ideal
Sound Cards - Improve the sound quality of your system drastically and are
vital in a multimedia rig. Lucky enough for most people, most modern systems
have a sound card in-built into the motherboard which is also another reason
why you shouldn’t “cheap out” on a motherboard.
Adobe InDesign - Adobe InDesign is an advanced desktop puplishing and page layout designing software
application created by Adobe Inc. It is able to be used for numerous different pieces of work including: flyers,
brochures, newspapers, magazines, posters, this project folio and more! Utilising InDesign and it’s vast vocab-
ulary of limitless tools to create almost anything and everything is extremley vital when creating a page design
of some sort of the upmost best quality.
(InDesign as well as other Adobe created softwares are viewed as more advanced than other softwares and
industry standard in the multimedia industry universally which, Is why It has been used to create the folio in
this major project!)
(example image of a
(example image of a
(example image of a
sound card)
There are numerous different types of software in the multimedia industry, some more advanced than others. The softwares used for this
project (along with other software that potentially could have been used as a substitute) are shown below:
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Ongoing Evaluation/ Justification (Equipment & Technologies) - Overall, the equipment and technolo-
gies researched were all contributing to the project in one way or another. Gaining information about what to
look for in a camera and what upsides were going to benefit the major project when filming the most. As well
as this, gaining a more educated understanding on different memory cards allowed a further understanding
on what size card to purchase for the camera being used throughout the project. Finally, learning about the
Hardware and Software being used to contribute to the creation of this major project gave further insight on
how to make the final project!
Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor created by Adobe Inc. It is able to be used
not just for raster graphics editing, but digital art as a whole thanks to its advanced vocabulary of tools just like
InDesign! Adobe Photoshop is such an iconic computer software that it is used as a verb (i.e. to photoshop an
image) and is known universally as a highly advanced image editing software capable of many different abili-
ties.(Photoshop as well as other Adobe created softwares are viewed as more advanced than other softwares
and industry standard in the multimedia industry which, Is why It has been used to create this projects digital
sketches and storyboards!)
Microsoft Excel - Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft. It features graphing
tools, calcuation, pivot tables and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications. Mic-
rosoft Excel is a widley known and used spreedsheet across Android, iOS, MacOS and of course Microsoft
Windows and, is known as the industry standard for spreedsheet designing software.
(Because of this, Microsoft Excel has been used in creating the Time Plan for this major project!)
Adobe After Effects - Adobe After Effects is a digital motion graphics, visual effects and compositioning
software designed by Adobe Inc and is used in the post-production stage of film making, video games and
television production. After effects is an extremley advanced video editing software regarded as the most
advanced by some people capable of: keying, motion tracking, compositioning and animating amongst many
other tasks. After effects is also capable of handling some basic 3D elements and scenes individually also!
(Being regarded as a trusted and advanced video editing software and, due to my great knowledge of this
software prior will assist me greatly in most of the major video effects in this major project.)
Adobe Premiere Pro - Adobe Premiere Pro is a video editing and sequencing software designed by Adobe
Inc and is used in the post-production stage of film making and television production. Much like After Effects,
premiere pro is quite an advanced video editing software that is capable of a good variety of things. Premiere
Pro has a lack of abilty to compose 3d or animation sort of projects however has a much better rendering sys-
tem rather than After Effects where it stores cached renders so you can play the project back smoothly so long
as you don’t make adjustments to the ccomposition! (Premiere Pro has been used to create this major project
closley alongside After Effects to effectivley create a good end result)
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Camera Technique Image Description Justification
Long Shot/ Wide
The Long Shot Camera Technique generally
captures the whole subject and is usually
filmed from some distance. Long Shots are
used to introduce the audiences to more
information about the background rather than
the character itself.
This shot will be used in my short film
to give the audience more information
about what my character is doing at
the start of the film while still intro-
ducing the background. I may also
use this shot in a POV perspective
suggesting that the character is being
Extreme Long
The Extreme Long Shot/ Wide Angle Camera
Technique is applied more-so to introduce a
background/ setting rather than a character
however, can give us a perspective on where
the character is in a newly introduced envi-
This shot may be used in my short
film to overexagerate how far the
Protagonist has to travel or show
their location when they are in a new
Medium Long Shot The Medium Long shot captures the sub-
ject in frame from generally the knee’s and
upwards. This allows the audience to ob-
serve what the character might be doing (i.e.
waving, pointing) while still showing a good
portion of the background.
The Medium Shot, along with Pan-
ning Camera Techniques may be
used in my short film to give off the
illusion that the character is being
watched from a distance.
Medium Shot The Medium Shot is an all-purpose Camera
Technique that captures the subject in frame
from the waist and upwards. It displays more
detail of the character while capturing just as
much background and surrounding informa-
tion for the audience to depict where they are
in a scene.
This Camera Technique will be used
in my short film to capture the fear in
my Protagonist when they feel like
they are being watched (i.e. upper
body and arm movement, clear facial
expressions indicating fear etc.
Camera Techniques
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Camera Technique Image Description Justification
Medium Close-Up A Medium Close-Up shot is a camera angle
of which a subject is filmed from the mid-
dle of their torso to just above their head. A
medium close up allowers the audience to
view the subjects face in more clarity without
getting too close.
This camera angle will be used in
my major project to show some clear
emotions the Protagonist is going
through as well as some head move-
ment and upper body movement.
Close-Up A Close-Up is a camera technique that is
recorded in close proximity to the subject
(usually the face). They offer the audience
more detail of a key part of the story and can
create an emotional connection between
the audience and the subject when utilised
This camera angle will be used to
show the Protagonist’s facial expres-
sions and show more detail as to
what they are feeling and how they
look. It may be used in some instanc-
es to assist in building tension.
Extreme Close-Up An Extreme Close-Up captures a subject
from an even closer proximity than the
Close-Up, usually so close that the outer
sections of the subject are cut short by the
edges of the frame. On an actor, This cam-
era technique can be used to emphasis the
emotion of the film and build tension.
This camera shot will be used to add
to building tension (especially when
the Anatagonist is following the Pro-
tagonist). It will also add on showing
extreme depth to the parts of the sub-
ject the camera is focussed on.
Full Shot A full shot frames the entire subject from
top to bottom within the entire frame. Full
shots can be utilised in filmmaking by show-
ing what the subject is wearing or showing
actions that the subjects might be doing (i.e.
running, jumping, fighting ect)
This shot will be used in my major
project to show running and crouch-
ing and other actions that are relavent
to my short production film.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Camera Technique Image Description Justification
POV Shot Abbreviation for Point Of View, The POV
shot shows the audience the world from the
characters perspective to create more ten-
sion in the film and give a mysterious ele-
ment to the character. Can be used in horror
movies on the antagonist to give a unknown/
mysterious effect.
The POV perspective can be utilised
in my major project immensley by
helping the audience capture what
the Protagonist is living in, It will cer-
tainly add a thrill element to my short
Over The
The Over The Shoulder shot is a very com-
mon camera technique in the filmmaking
industry, It iis usually achieved by facing the
camera towards a character from a position
that is just behind another. An OTS Shot can
achieve the concept of capturing conversa-
tion and emotion between characters.
The over the shoulder can be used in
my short production film by highlight-
ing and capturing the aspect of the
character having a conversation with
another character.
High-Angle Shot A High Angle is a camera technique
achieved by facing the camera down onto
the subject from a high position (usually
above the characters head). This camera
angle makes the subject appear weak or
vunrable to something or someone around
them in the scene.
The high angle camera technique
may be used in my short production
film by displaying the lack of power or
a point of weakness that the Protago-
nist has throughout the film.
Low-Angle Shot A Low Angle is a camera technique achieved
by facing to camera up onto the subject from
a low position (usually below the eyeline on a
character) and is used in filmmaking to make
the subject appear more powerful and confi-
dent. Great for framing an antagonist at the
start of a film!
This camera technique may be used
in my short production film to show
the power or over exagerate the An-
tagonists strength throughout the film!
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Camera Technique Image Description Justification
Key Lighting Also well known as the main film light of a
subject or scene, the Key Light is usually
the strongest type of light out of those used
to capture a scene in filmmaking. The Key
Light is also often the first light to be set
up when setting up a lighting scene in the
I will be using this lighting technique in
my major project to provide a founda-
tional source of lighting for my scenes,
even though I do not have the best
lighting equipment to work with.
Fill Lighting Because the key light does not have to be
placed directly in front of a subject, The Fill
Light covers the darker and more shadowed
area’s of the subject and provides not nes-
sisarily a strong light source to that area but
enough so the camera can see the darker
area of the subject with enough clarity.
I used fill lighting in my major project
such as the wardrobe scene where
the protagonist grabs the shirt they
are going to wear for the day. This
was nessisary because the camera
was placed inside of the shelf and the
characters face had many dark area’s
covering it.
Back Lighting Backlighting is usually the last form of
lighting in a 3-point configuration to be set
up. This is because this lighting technique
creates a sence of 3d space around a sub-
ject. The back lighting is usually postioned
around the back of a subject hence the
name to provide a hard edge of light behind
the subject.
I may use this lighting technique in my
major project in some scenes to dis-
tiguish a 3d space around the charac-
ter/s. It will help distinguish ther cha-
raters head and even shoulders from
the background to assist in producing
a high quality end result.
Side Lighting The side light is best used on a higher
brightness level, this is because the effect
that the side lighting technique gives off
is a dramatic effect. Side lighting is usual-
ly placed to the side or parallel with your
subject hence the name. It is also a smart
Idea to make the fill light dimmer for a more
dramatic effect!
This liughting technique may be used
in my major project depending on
whether the avaliable lights being
used throughout the project are ade-
quate enough. It may be good for me
to use the sunset of the sun on the
side of the antagonists face to try and
mimic this effect!
Lighting Techniques
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Camera Technique Image Description Justification
Hard Lighting Hard lighting can be sunlight or another
strong source of light. Usually in the multi-
media industry this lighting technique goes
mostly unwanted however it does help a
scene look intense and cinematic. Hard
lights often create harsh shadows.
I will be using natural light, the sun in
my major project to create intensity
and cinematic shots paired with com-
prehensive camera techniques such
as low angles paired with this light-
ing technique to really capture some
remarkable scenes.
Soft Lighting Soft lighting is a lot more feathered and
smooth light compared to hard lighting. It
is usually a light paired with a soft box to
diffuse the light over a wide surface area.
Because of this, the light rolls off the subject
in a more relaxed way which creates soft
lighting and minimises shadows.
Due to a limited budget for the lighting
aspect of my major project, I will not
be using the soft lighting technique
at all and also partly because most of
my major project is planned to be an
outdoor based short film.
Practical Light The practical lighting technique consists of
using light sources around the character
i.e. candels, lamps, flashlights etc. They are
usually intentional elements added by the
lighting designer for the film. These lights are
usually paired with motivated lights which are
lights used by imitating other light sources.
Due to the given nature of my ma-
jor project, I probally will not end up
using this lighting technique in my
short film soley because my project
is outside and doesn’t involve many
lighting props, however it is a good
lighting technique to learn in case I
ever change my mind.
Ambient Light Using the ambient lighting technique is the
best way to evenly light up a scene, espe-
cially outdoors. You can include sunlight,
streetlights, shopfront lights and other am-
bient lights to fill your scene with adequate
lighting that will illuminate your project with-
out worrying about a specific style or quality.
Ambient lighting will be used through-
out my major project the most as it is
probally some of the most accessible
to me given the small film budget
that was used for the purchase of the
camera mainly. Ambient lighting is go-
ing to provide an adequate foundation
of light for my scenes.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
I made sure to take note of specific angles and brightnesses that were going to be used in the project. Some examples of different lighting
techniques and setups are: The Ring Light which is a lighting method that evenly lights up the subject from every direction from the front
resulting in a slow progressive shadow the further towards the back of the subject, High Key which is another lighting technique that lights
up the subject on one side using a keylight and then another light placed roughly 90° to the opposite side of the subject which is used to “fill
the shadows” that is usually dimmer to create a sense of depth and perspective for the viewer.
(Ring Light diagram displaying how the
light dissipates as the distance increases)
(High Key diagram displaying how the
key light and side light are used together
to create a sense of depth)
Additional Lighting Techniques
Ongoing Evaluation/ Justification (Processes) - Overall, learning about different camera techniques,
shots, angles and processes allowed for a more broadened understanding around using a camera to achieve
the best cinematography possible to ensure clean flawlessly cooperative shots in post production. Lighting
techniques for the major project when filming were also considered and differenciated for some shots in the
production where natural or ambient light was not adequate enough. Incorporating the lighting techniques
into my shots (especially indoor shots) was extremley difficult as I had not planned to purchase lighting in my
budget. However I was still able to achieve different lighting techniques by using one or multiple phone lights
at different brightness levels.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
In context of the overlays, Iron Man’s Heads Up Display (HUD) and
high tech graphics used throughout the film was my biggest source of
inspiration when looking to make a futuristic screen/ device that my
actor/s will utilise throughout the story.
In regards to the amazon original movie Jexi, I gained a decent portion
of my inspiration for the excessive use of technology in the beginning
of the film from in the introduction. I also used inspiration of the char-
acters odd obsession with technology in Jexi and used this to form my
characters own source of reliability on the futuristic tech that they have
their hands on throughout the short film.
In context of the overlays, especially the concept of the use of phone
displays that operate from the characters hands was a heavy source
of inspiration for the accessibility of the overlays.
The mainly most demanding effect will be similar to one used in that
of Stranger Things to create the second demension of ‘The Upside
The reason why I have decided to include these existing
designs and Inspirations into my major project at this
stage of the production Is because It shows the main
Idea in terms of what the special effects should look like
when they are created from scratch and used throughout
my major
Existing Designs & Inspirations
Iron Man
Stranger Things
Why This?
Ongoing Evaluation/ Justification (Existing Designs & Inspira-
tions) - Overall, by utilising multiple inspiration sources, as well as
using additional creative ideas to the project, The major project was
able to be formed using inspiration from a wide range of Ideas and
techniques originated from specific films as well as own creative Ideas.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Bitmap & Vector Images
There is quite a large difference between bitmap and vector images. Bitmap images are created, edited and converted by utilising
pixels, therefore just upscaling the pixels when enlarging or shrinking an image. Vector images however; are created, edited and
converted by using mathematical equations to create/ scale the image.
Bitmap Images (also known as raster images) are created with a series of individual pixels that assign a colour to each pixel.
These pixels are then aranged into specific patterns to create the image that can then be manipulated by using a software such as
Adobe Photoshop to erase/ change the colour of each pixel to your desire.
Vector Images however, are not created by using pixels, instead they use mathematical formulas that draw lines, curves and other
symmetrical details that are combined to create the image from geometric objects like squares and circles. The image can then fur-
ther be edited using software such as Adobe Illustrator.
When using vector images, they are usually smaller in file size than bitmap images as they have to contain/ store colour information
for each individual pixel that creates the image whereas vector images do not. This is because vector images only have to save the
mathematical formula to create the image thus taking up less space. Because of this same mathematical formula, vector images are
also more scalable in size as bitmap images have a specific amount of pixels that scale with the image whereas vector images just
redraw the mathematical formula.
Bitmap formats are best used for images that require a large range of colour variations/ graduations, such as most photographs
however, vector images are better used for solid colour images such as branding and logos.
(example of bitmap image scaling) (example of vector image scaling)
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Image File Formats
There are numerous different image file formats that are used to organise/ store digital images. An image file format can store data
in compressed, uncompressed (which can be in lossless or lossy variations) and vector formats. Image files are made up of digital
data in one of these formats which can then be rasterized for use on your computer display for viewing or printing. Rasterization
transforms the image data into a grid of pixels; Each pixel having a specific numer of bits to designate it’s colour to (some formats
like PNG’s contain transparency in them). Bits is the amount of colour depth included in each individual pixel.
Some examples of different image file formats are:
• JPEG - Also known as Joint Photographic Experts Group which is a both either lossy or lossless compressed image variant that
can be saved on nearly every single digital camera. The Image File Format can save 8-bit greyscale images and 24-bit colour
images. A cool fact about JPEG’s are that applications can determine the degree of compression to apply which can determine
the end result of the visual quality!
• PNG - Also known as Portable Network Graphics, The PNG is a lossless compression image file format that was created as a
free, open-source alternative to the GIF image file format. The PNG can support 8-bit paletted images (with optional transparen-
cy), 24-bit truecolour (16 million colours) images or 48-bit truecolour with/ without alpha channels. The alpha channel is a colour
component that inculdes the amount of transparency/ opacity of a colour.
• EPS - Also known as Encapsulated PostScript, this image file format was created in 1992 by Adobe. It is a standard graphics file
format that is used for placing drawings/ images within a PostScript document. EPS file formats are used widely because of it’s
compatible use across multiple operating systems!
• PDF - Also known as Portable Document Format, is also an Adobe file format created in 1992. It is used to display documents
(including text and image formatting) in a manner independent of operating systems, hardware and application software. Like
the EPS image file format, PDF’s are also based on the PostScript language where each PDF file holds a full description of a
fixed-layout document.
• GIF - Also known as a GIF file format, the GIF is a type of highly compressed image where the compression algorithm does now
degrade the image quality. Instead, each GIF image typically allows up to 8 bits per pixel and only up to 256 colours across the
image. JPEG image file formats can display up to 16 million colours for a comparison! GIF’s do have their benefits such as the
ability to combine numerous images or frames together into a single file and display them in such a sequence to play a short
video or animation of images/ frames.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Compression Formats
There are numerous types of compressed image data that differs between different image file formats however, to put it simply,
there are two main types of image file compression:
Lossless compression - that reduce file size while preserving a perfect copy of the original uncompressed image, they usually
(but not always) result in larger file sizes than the lossy image compression type. This image compression type is best used in sce-
narios where the image is being edited to avoid accumulating stages of re-compression.
Lossy compression - that preserve a representation of the original uncompressed image (that may look perfect) however, is not
a perfect copy of the image. Lossy compressed images tend to achieve smaller file sizes than lossless compression types at a cost
where many lossy compression algorithms allow for variable compressions that trade image quality for the smaller file size.
For example, JPEG is an image file type that utilises both lossless or lossy compression types whereas PNG image file types only
utilise lossless compression types therefore has a name for containing a better image quality than many JPEG’s that can be unreli-
able at producing a good image quality when using the lossy compression format.
Ongoing Evaluation/ Justification (Materials) - Overall, learning about the difference between bitmap
and vector images, different imaage file formats as well as compression formats has produced a higher un-
derstanding when working with images throughout the major project and even allows working with compres-
sion settings while exporting the project.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Work Health & Safety Issues
The work health and safety issues in the multimedia industry are extremely important and It is vital that we are mindful of them. The
work health and safety issues in the multimedia industry can range from a variety of things including: Sitting down at the computer
for extended periods of time which can cause stress and strain on the body, this can result in repetitive strain injury (RSI) and ar-
thritis, additionally eye strain can also commonly occur due to extended screen use. Because of these risks, It is important that we
ensure we maintain the correct measures nessesary when at the computer as much as possible to reduce the risk.
Work Health & Safety Solutions
Things we can do to reduce the work health and safety risks in the multimedia industry are: making sure you are sitting in your chair
correctly, to make sure you are sitting in your chair correctly it is best to sit back against the chair with your back at a straight angle
with your feet placed flat on the floor. Adjusting your knees and elbows so they are at a comfortable right angle with the desk is also
recommended. Also making sure to use correct height with the desk so your arms can comfortably rest on the table and other things
you can do to protect your hands and wrists from RSI is to consider using a ergonomic keyboard and mouse as well as a wrist rest
for the keyboard. Some mouse pads even include wrist rests! To reduce the work health and safety risks for eye strain injury you
can make sure that your monitior is at a safe distance from your eyes and at an appropiate brightness. Another good practice when
at the computer for extended periods of time can be to take 5 minute breaks every hour to drink some water and give your eyes a
rest from the bright screen. As well as this we can also consider purchasing things like monitors with blue light filters to help protect
your eyes or buying computer glasses which help achieve the same thing, using the computer with a light on at night in the room
you are working in also helps stop your eyes from becoming as strained.
Work Health & Safety
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Development Of Ideas
Film Genre Mindmap
Looking at the Idea’s of what I could poten-
tially include for my short film in an adven-
ture setting I decided the project needed
to include the element of exploration to
achieve this...
Looking at the Idea’s of what I could poten-
tially include for my short film in an horror
setting I decided the project needed to
include elements such as uneasy sound
effects and mysterious elements that pose
a threat to my chharacter!
Looking at the Idea’s of what I could poten-
tially include for my short film in an action
setting I decided the project needed to
include elements that action films include
like running and fast paced scenes.
Looking at the Idea’s of what I could poten-
tially include for my short film in an come-
dy setting I decided the project needed to
include elements such as fun and quirky
camera shots like kicking the characters
feet off the edge of the bed or over
emphasised acting.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Film Ideas/ Inspirations Brainstorm
Ongoing Evaluation/ Justification (Brainstorms) - Overall, the brainstorms section of the Development
Of Ideas has heavily assisted in the planning of Ideas for my short film and later these simple structures be-
come a foundational backbone for the project!
The following diagrams are film ideas and inspirations that I had gathered from the following movies: Iron Man, Jexi, Upload and
Stanger Things. This included things related to storyline inspiration to special effects inspirations and additional elements also!
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Storyline Layout/Concept
Scene Locations
Scene 1
The first scene was filmed inside the actors bedroom and the idea
originated with this thanks to the inspiration from the movie Jexi of
the character waking up in their bedroom in their apartment.
Scene 2
The second scene was filmed along Maclaurin Avenue walking
towards Henry Lawson Drive and then eventually on and along the
East Hills footbridge. This place was an excellent choice of a public
place to film as the area is usually quiet and undisturbed.
Scene 3
The third scene was filmed at Voyager Point Park just off of Sirius
Road, this place was even quieter and allowed really nice settings at
just a short distance from the other filming locations.
Scene 4
Also filmed in Voyager Point Park, I was utilising the quiet public
space and beautiful settings avaliable again, at such short distances
from the other filming location.
Scene 5
Scene 5 was filmed back at East Hills footbridge to capture the pro-
tagonist running away from the portal.
The storyline created as a foundation for my short film consisted of four scenes: scene 1 would consist of anything filmed inside
the house at the beginning of the film, scene 2 would consist of any filming based outside up to the last shot on the bridge, scene
3 would consist of any footage shot after the bridge and running away to the next scene, the beginning of scene 4 is defined by
the opening shots of the wharf up to where the character teleports followed by scene 5 which is back at the footbridge.
Storyline & Locations
(The following images
show the locations
and paths taken of
scenes 2 through 5 for
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Ongoing Evaluation/ Justification (Storyline & Locations) - Overall, The Locations chosen were really
fun and easy to shoot in as a result to choosing a quiet filming location however, multiple complications did
arise which delayed filming such as Covid-19 and rainfall which are both uncontrollable aspects of the filming
stage in production. Rescheduled filming dates were the solution to these issues however, there were still
many instances where rescheduling had to occur throughout the production of this major project. By mak-
ing use of and paying close attention to the brainstorming aspect of the production, I further allowed myself
to expand on the inspirations I had gained for my major project and apply them into the storyline effectivley
because of this.
Storyline Brief Pitch
Scene 1 - Bedroom
- Protagonist wakes up
- Turns off alarm
- Turns on music
- Checks Phone
- Opens blinds
- Gets Dressed
- Leaves House
Scene 4 - The Wharf
- New Scene (Informative Shots Of Wharf)
- Protagonist running away onto wharf
- Portal apprears at the end of the wharf
- Protagonist placed into dimension
- Protagonist runs away (leaves dimension)
- Protagonist runs off wharf
- Portal stops Protagonist from running
- Protagonist placed into dimension (permanent)
- Protagonist opens interface
- Teleports out of dimension
Scene 5 - Footbridge (Returned)
- Protagonist reapears in new scene
- Runs onto footbridge to get away
- Portal stops Protagonist from running
- Protagonist placed into dimension (permanent)
- Protagonist gives up and is stuck in dimension
Scene 2 - Maclaurin Avenue
- New Scene (Long Shot New Information)
- Protagonist walking along street
- Crosses road (twice)
- Breaks into a jog
- Slows down (enters footbridge region)
- Walks onto footbridge
Scene 3 - Sirius Road
- Protagonist comes across mysterious portal
- Portal sends them backwards onto the ground
- Protagonist runs away
- Medium shots of tripping & more
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Storyboards - Scene 1
Shot Type Storyboard Action Execution
Turning off alarm -
Medium Close Up
Protagonist reaches arm up onto bedframe
and taps the bedframe looking for the alarm
to find it and then puts alarm on snooze.
Medium Close Up filming Protagonist
perform this action.
Turning on music -
Close Up
Protagonist presses futuristic button on the
side of their face (on their ear).
Close Up of Protagonist perform this
Checks Phone -
Over The Shoulder
Protagonist opens futuristic phone and
checks phone by swiping through it quickly
and then turning it off.
Over The Shoulder shot of Protag-
onist checking their phone in the
Opens Blinds -
Medium Shot
Protagonist walks up to and opens bedroom
blinds for the day (symbolic for the start of
the story).
Medium Shot of Protagonist opening
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Storyboards - Scene 2
Shot Type Storyboard Action Execution
Walking down
street - Long Shot
Character walks down Maclaurin Avenue
happy because it’s the start of the day.
Long Shot taken from across the
Crosses road -
Medium Shot
Protagonist crosses road after waiting at
traffic light intersection.
Medium Shot of protagonist following
camera across the road.
Breaks into a jog -
Medium Shot
Protagonist breaks into a small jog along the
quiet street.
Medium Shot of Protagonist breaking
into a jog and running.
Approaches foot-
bridge - Panning
Protagonist walks up to footbridge. Panning Shot showing more screen
information of protagonist walking
around the corner.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Storyboards - Scene 3
Shot Type Storyboard Action Execution
Mysterious Portal -
Full Shot
Protagonist discovers a portal waves their
hand around it confused.
Perform Full Shot filming technique.
Portal sends
protagonist back-
wards - Full Shot
Portal throws protagonist backwards onto
Perform Full Shot Filming Technique.
Running away -
Close Up
Protagonist runs away in a hurry trying to get
away from portal.
Close up of face and legs as charac-
ter runs in fear.
Running away -
Medium Shots
Protagonist still running trying to get away
from portal.
Medium Shot of Protagonist running
away and tripping while running.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Storyboards - Scene 4
Shot Type Storyboard Action Execution
Introducing Scene
- Long Shots
New Scene is clearly introduced to audience
with a panning and long shot camera angle.
Panning/ Long Shot camera tech-
niques used to introduce new scene.
Portal appears on
wharf - Medium
Protagonist scrambles to a hault because
portal reappears.
Medium Shot of characters reaction
to portal appearing.
Stopped by portal
again - Full Shot
Protagonist stops as portal interupts their
running away method that they did before to
get away.
Full Shot captures both portal and
Protagonist in frame.
Teleport out of
dimension - Full
Protagonist uses landscape interface to
teleport away from the portal also leaving the
Full Shots show character turn into
nothingness in front of the portal.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Storyboards - Scene 5
Shot Type Storyboard Action Execution
Reappears in new
scene - Long Shot
Protagonist reappears in new scene and
particles build back together.
New scene, Long Shot show more
information and emphasis on what is
happening to character.
Runs onto foot-
bridge to get away
- Full Shot
Protagonist runs onto footbridge to get away. Full Shot shows protagonist run away
onto bridge.
Portal appears -
Full Shot
Protagonist stopped by portal that traps him
in dimension again.
Full shot captures the scenery and
the protagonist in one.
Character sits
down - Pan Shot
Protagonist gives up on getting out of this
dimension and sits down.
Pan Shot creates interest and reveals
more scenary of the area.
Ongoing Evaluation/ Justification (Storyboard) - Overall, The storyboards turned out relativley acurate
in comparison as to what was filmed in the final project. The storyboards helped me in this major project by
organising the scenes I needed in a sequence, In this section I feature the 4 most relavant storyboards for
every scene and it turned out great!
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
For the Portal effect, since my goal was to make
this the most obvious and commonly used special
effect in the production, I put a lot of time into it
and making sure It looked seemless and perfect.
This special effect was also one of the most de-
manding of the project featuring well over 30 ef-
fects all together to make it!
When thinking about the creation of the Portal be-
fore even touching After Effects I knew I could cre-
ate a spherical like portal shape with [CC Sphere]
and [Warp] and so I used that as a foundational
thought when thinking about how I was going to
create my portal inside After Effects!
Prototypes, Models & Concepts
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
The phone effect was something I thought would
be really cool and a lot of fun to recreate with my
own twist to is so that is exactly what I did.
The phones design had to feature a complex but at
the same time simple display to try and convey the
world of futuristic technology my major project is
set in. I created drafts of what I wanted the screens
to look like on photoshop.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Premiere Pro Management
Management & Organisation
In terms of managing my editing process and keeping everything organised while in Premiere Pro, I found it best to colour
code and divide all the footage into five scene sections this way I could easily tell what scene I was editing! The following
is an Image showing the colour coding implimented into my major project where Iris blue resembles scene 1, forest green
resembling scene 2, Iris blue again for scene 3, Dark blue for scene 4 and mango for scene 5. The clips that are rose pink
are all clips that required a special effect of some sort in After Effects.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
After Effects Management
In terms of managing my editing process and keeping everything organised while in After Effects, I made sure to label and
rename my layers accordingly, also when editing I also made sure to pre-compose when I saw fit to keep a consistent
performance and organisation in my layers. Also when it came to bringing effects into my premiere pro sequenced clips I
would use the Adobe Dynamic Link function. I origianally tried sequencing all the clips in After Effects but that is where I
countered my first complication. I fixed this issue by sequencing the clips in Premiere Pro instead, Dynamic Linking, and
then returning back to Premierre Pro.
(Dimension Special Effect as example of layers being named to ensure organisation and productivity)
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Evidence Of Production
Sequencing & Additional Premiere Pro Effects
The clips were sequenced in Premiere Pro and this is because of Premiere Pro’s rendering saving capability which al-
lows me to play the project back smoothly after rendering which is suprisingly handy. Sequencing the clips together was
a breeze, getting all the footage together and then cutting it down and trimming the clips etc. After cutting the clips down
I added a [Warp Stabilise] effect to any clip that appeared like it could use a bit more stability and doing this allowed
even my recorded videos with the camera stabiliser look butter smooth. Additional effects I added while I was at it in the
sequencing process in Premiere Pro was adding two adjustment layers, applying crop to make the project have a more
movie feel for one of them, and the other a colour correction using Premiere Pros built in Lumetri Colour.
(Organised and structured timeline with renamed layers according to effect layer)
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Intro Creation
The Intro of the major project was made with an Adobe Dynamic Link After Effects file, I added a [Camera Lens Blur] with
a blur radius of 15 to the background, bebas text, aligned it so it was centered and set the blending mode of the text to
overlay. I also added a [Glow], [VR Glow] and [VR Chromatic Abberations] to the text to make it a bit more interesting. The
fade from black fade in is called a gradient wipe and I opened the graph editor to change the speed values to my prefer-
ence. In after effects we change the speed values so specifically like this because it gives us more control over the final
outcome the project will give us.
(Feel free to observe the effects added to the text layers in the Image below)
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Sound Effects
The music in this project was not made by me and neither were some of the sound effects (such as glitch sound effects). I
did however record a good amount of custom sound effects made entirley by myself for the project. Because my premiere
pro is very organised, so are my sound effects and colour coded as well!
(The dark green (Teal) coloured and light blue (Iris) coloured sound effects are 100% recorded by myself for the
purposes of this production)
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Landscape Overlays (Circle)
The first thing I did when thinking of my overlays was knowing that I wanted to make them from scratch. I would learn how
to use After Effects in different ways, learn new effects and overall expand and broaden my infinite horizon when work-
ing in Adobe After Effects. Especially when the roots of making these overlays from scratch really challenged my current
know-how. The coolest looking aspect of the hud effect overlay in my opinion is the multiple circles spinning around in
different movements that makes the content look super high-tech and futuristic which is what I was aiming to achive in my
major project. I found a YouTube tutorial where I learnt how to create this multiple circles effect (I even learnt scripting for
some effects!) and then proceeded to use my current knowledge to further polish and really sell the tech looking element
as I will walk through right now!
Evidence of me watching YouTube video
and putting into action learning how to create a
shape with the elipse tool and then [Radial Wipe]
Effect inside Adobe After Effects. (I even addded
slight colour variations to assist in giving off
the blue tech effect I was going for!)
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Landscape Overlays (Circle Effects)
Using my ever expaning knowledge of Adobe After Effects, After creating the [Radial Wipe] circles I used a series of ef-
fects I had been planning to utilise since the start of this project. To capture the pixel/blocky look I used an effect called
[CC Ball Action] and set the ball size to 42 with a grid spacing of 3 and to top it off I added a [VR Glow] to boost the bright-
ness/ colour and add a glow. I ended up also adding a [Hue/Saturation] effect as well as adding [Motion Blur] to the asset
to make slight adjustments and assist in making the final product look polished! I applied these effects to many of my
other assets to capture the same technology based theme of the overlay.
Evidence of effects being used in overlay creation and final cap-
tures of overlay circle on right side of the page. (Fun Fact - This overlay
was animated in this project, check previous page for a screenshot of
how I used keyframes and code to make it!)
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Landscape Overlays (Other Assets)
After creating the circle overlay I needed to come up with other elements to add on a 1920 x 1080p screen to create a sort
of technology screen effect look that I really want to sell. I ended up creating a futuristic line at the top for the landscape
overlay to define the screen edge and after looking around at other hud elements created in after effects and while brows-
ing YouTube I also discovered I can define a furturistic screen appeareance further by creating a rectangle covering the
entire screen at a low opacity and add a static grid design on top of the rectangle at a higher opacity to really define the
space I am trying to describe as a computer screen. To give off a really demanding effect, I also incorporated rectangle
sliders, statistics and decoding matrix-like text to really show that this device has a lot of detail.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Phone Screen Overlay and Other Effects
The Phone Screen followed a similar principal to the landscape screen and this was to show that the ring could power all
these sort of devices on command in my short film. Adding desgins and motion graphics defining the battery percentage
and the time as well as creating a camera like asset for the phone screen as well. I also thought about creating a projec-
tor coming from the ring to show it is the ring powering my device but It looked better on the alarm clock. I also created a
touch effect asset for things like when the protagonist touches their ear at the start of the film to play music or when they
are using the phone or computer device.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Portal Special Effect
To create my portal, I started with a clean slate on an empty project with just an opened composition and named it Por-
tal, this was key in my organisational process for sustaining an effective and efficient major project production in post. I
first created a solid and then added a [Fractal Noise] and [CC Sphere} to it, duplicated this solid and on the above solid
changed the blending mode to screen. Then on the bottom solid I added a [Glow] and a [CC Radial Fast Blur] which really
helps with the compositing and make the portal feel like it’s actually in the video. I of course had to give the portal it’s oval
shape instead of a spheretical shape so to do this I added a [Warp] with the warp style set to bulge and the bend at 35.
Now after that we have this :)
Now, we could have just left the portal at that indeed, but what I did
is created a lightsaber like border for my portal using nothing but
After Effects. The effects lists are too long to go over in the folio so
I will be talking about it in further detail in my demonstration video!
(here is the effects lists of the lightsaber effect added to my portal)
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Dimension Special Effect
Very much like the Portal Effect, I also started with an individual composition for this special effect. I started with a black
solid and applied a [Fraactal Noise] to it and adjusted it to my liking before changing the blending mode to screen. I then
created particles with another black solid followed by [CC Particle World] and [Glow], after this I added an adjustment
layer and created a colour correction that I liked and added one last black solid on top with an expression on the opactiy
saying [wiggle (30,10)-90] this makes the black solid flicker on and off and mimic a flicker on top of the effect to make it
feel more alive! Although the effect looks pretty bland when it is alone, it will sure as hell look amazing when you have a
video layer underneath it! Another thing worth noting is that these special effect compositions were imported into other
compositions for easy access and efficiency.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Evidence Of Project Management
Time Plans
Projected Time Plan
Projected Time Plan Evaluation
The projected time plan has been layed out in a way that should allow for maximum use of the second holidays to film the
project and edit it in a respectable time period.
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Actual Time Plan Evaluation
Actual Time Plan
Filming took A LOT more time than I genuinley expected and was one of the post demanding aspects of this major project
just to organise alone, I gain self improvement from this project in a sense of the fact I will never underestimate the time it
takes to film again. Editing also took a lot of time however, thanks to my organisation in both Premiere Pro and After Ef-
fects I was able to breeze through it with minimal headaches and complications!
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Projected Costs
Camera Equipment
- Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus
- Slik U883 Tripod
- Cannon M200
- 256 GB Micro SD Card (With SD Card Case)
- SD Card Reader
Base Computer Hardware (Already Owned)
- Ryzen 7 3700X
- RTX 3070
- 32 GB Ram
- School Computer
Computer Software
- Adobe Creative Cloud (InDesign, Photoshop &
After Effects)
Harvey Norman
Total: $732.10
Projected Finance Plan Evaluation
I plan to make a pretty large investment into my major project, a main piece of equipment that I have never owned before and that
is purchasing a camera, even though it is only just an entry level mirrorless camera I know it will drastically improve the produc-
tion quality of my major and It will also allow for more detailed shots allowing easier tracking in post to add for example, the tech-
nological overlay interface effects and even just using the camera to have more control over the camera settings such as shutter
speed and aperture.
Finance Plans
Projected Finance Plan
Supplied by school
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Actual Costs
Camera Equipment
- Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus
- Slik U883 Tripod
- Cannon M200
- 256 GB Micro SD Card (With SD Card Case)
- SD Card Reader
Base Computer Hardware (Already Owned)
- Ryzen 7 3700X
- RTX 3070
- 32 GB Ram
- School Computer
Computer Software
- Adobe Creative Cloud (InDesign, Photoshop &
After Effects)
To conclude the Finance Plan, I ended up purchasing the camera which will help boost the production quality of my film substan-
tically, along with this, I also found a Tripod at a dollar store in mint condition so I picked that up as well as a 256GB Micro SD
Card with a compatible SD Card Case to go into the camera. The reason why I didn’t just purchase a normal SD Card is because
I bought a micro sd card reader to make footage transfer to my computer a breeze. The SD Card comes out of the camera, The
Micro SD Card comes out of the SD Card and then the Micro SD Card goes into the Micro SD Card Reader and then is connect-
ed to my computer through a usb connection. Having this easy acess to my camera’s storage will allow swift and fast connection
times and will overall save my working time when I film in increments, It also makes things more stress free!
Supplied by school
Harvey Norman
Total: $732.10
Actual Finance Plan
Actual Finance Plan Evaluation
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Website: YouTube
Channel: Alpha Gaming
Title: “Lighting Your YouTube Videos - 5 Different Styles In Less Than 10 Minutes!” -
Company: Tech-Ease
Findings: Florida Center for Instructional Technology, University of South Florida. -
Website: Wikipedia
Company: Wikimedia Foundation Inc
Findings: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License -
Website: Wikipedia
Company: Wikimedia Foundation Inc
Findings: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License -
Company: Insider Inc
Findings: Dave Johnson Jan 28, 2021 -
Company: Urth Inc
Findings: Urth. All rights reserved -
Company: Optiview Inc
Findings: Optiview Inc, 5211 Fairmont Street Jacksonville, FL 32207 -
Company: Storyteller Media
Findings: Amazon Associate, qualifying purchases 2015 - 2021 -
By Student
Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia
Project Name : Major Project Folio
Company: HP Development Company
Findings: Jolene Dobbin, Febuary 24, 2019 -
Website: Wikipedia
Company: Wikimedia Foundation Inc
Findings: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License -
Website: Wikipedia
Company: Wikimedia Foundation Inc
Findings: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License -
Website: Wikipedia
Company: Wikimedia Foundation Inc
Findings: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License -
Website: Wikipedia
Company: Wikimedia Foundation Inc
Findings: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License -
Website: Wikipedia
Company: Wikimedia Foundation Inc
Findings: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License -
Website: YouTube
Channel: Alpha Gaming
Title: Stop high quality images from pixelating inside InDesign -

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  • 1. By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio MAJOR PROJECT FOLIO By Student #34459878
  • 2. 1 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Contents StatementOfIntent 2 Research 3 Equipment & Technologies 3 Processes 8 Existing Designs & Inspirations 14 Materials 15 Work Health & Safety 18 DevelopmentOfIdeas 19 Brainstorms 19 Storyline & Locations 21 Storyboards 23 Prototypes, Models & Concepts 28 RECORDOFPRODUCTION 30 Management & Organisation 30 Evidence Of Production 32 EvidenceOfProjectManagement 41 Time Plans 41 Finance Plans 43 Bibliography 45
  • 3. 2 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Statement Of Intent What Will Be Achieved? In my major project, I am going to demonstrate my ability to plan and create my major project; including all of the techniques and methods within advanced software provided by the school (such as Adobe InDesign and Adobe After Effects) to do so. My aim is to create an excellent end result through the use of software (such as Adobe After Effects provided by the school), hardware, equip- ment and more! In my major production, I plan to create an adventure/horror short film including numerous advanced effects and editing techniques, as well as camera techniques and angles to enhance the final outcome of the project. The storyline shall consist of a main character that wakes up in their bedroom like any other normal day set in the future. My aim is to paint a early 2000s film picture for my audience. Then as the character goes out for the day, they come across a mysterious portal and it sends them back- wards. In a desperate attempt to get away the character spends the rest of the film trying to run away from the portal until ending up stuck in the portals dimension. Why Will I Be Achieving It? I am completing my major project because for about 2 years now I have discovered my great passion for almost anything in the mul- timedia industry; from playing with equipment, to learning new softwares and creating something as an individual that I can be both, proud of and have a completley unique end result compared to someone else. Because of this passion for working on numerous personal multimedia projects (particuarly short films and montages outside of school), I have chosen to create my own short film for my major project using Adobe Software like Premiere Pro and After Effects (provided by the school) to do so. The reason why I have chosen a short film in particular is due to my background knowledge of using these particular softwares, in doing this I will be able to create a strong end result with the confidence I am satisfied with to guide my project towards an excellent quality standard. What Is My Target Audience? The target audience I intent on capturing are people who like horror and adventure films! Mainly teenagers and young adults is the sort of audience I am pitching for, the film will generally be pretty family friendly so younger people should be able to watch as well. I also hope to capture an acute comedy aspect to my short film mainly by including the use of over exagerated acting in camera shots as well as other techniques and elements also. Another audience that I will be targeting are people that like watching short skits; The short film will have a very empasised sort of approach to it when it comes to the acting of the charater which should make the short film fun and entertaining to watch! What Are My Limitations? Limitations I have discovered for my major project is the fact that I don’t have a lot of equipment at my disposal. To acknowledge this, I ended up purchasing a camera as well as borrowing a camera stabiliser which was kindly provided by the school to film some remarkable shots in my short film.
  • 4. 3 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Research Cameras In The Multimedia Industry The Cannon 90D is a great DSLR camera in the multimedia industry today, with the ability to shoot up to 4k in 30fps or 1080p in 120fps it is definitely a powerful camera! Some of the pros/ cons of the Cannon 90D are: The Cannon 1500D is a nice and relativley cheap DSLR camera used as a starting Dslr camera for those in the multimedia industry. Some of the pros/ cons of the Cannon 1500D are: The Cannon M200 Is a mirrorless camera with a CMOS sized sensor and is a great beginner mirror- less camera with it’s easy to use touchscreen capabilities. Some of the pros/ cons of the Cannon M200 are: Equipment & Technologies CONS - It has a battery life of 30 minutes - Heavier than a mirrorless camera - quite pricey at approx. $1,700 Aud CONS - Can only shoot in 1080p 30fps - Has a 3fps continuous shooting speed - No external microphone support CONS - Only records in 4k in 25fps - Not the best for night use - Mirrorless PROS - It can shoot in 4k 30fps/ 1080p 120fps - It has a fast 11fps continuous shooting speed - It can be used with in-built webcam software PROS - Cheaper than most DSLRs - Includes a 9 point auto-focus - Relativley light compared to other DSLRs PROS - Lightweight (maneuverable and versatile) - Capability to shoot in 4k - Touch Screen (The Cannon M200 is also the camera used for filming in this major project!)
  • 5. 4 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Memory Cards Memory Cards are digital storage devices that are used for storing digital information such as images. They are more commonly used in portable electronic devices such as: Phones, Laptops, Digital Cameras, Game Con- soles and more! Memory Cards are designed to add memory to digital devices (like the ones just mentioned) without comprimising efficiency and/or comfort for the device. Three different memory cards are: SD Card, (Also known as a Secure Digital Card) is a removable memory card capable of reading/ writing large quantities of data in a wide range of usually mobile electronics. The SD Card has become the default standard for most consumer mobile electronics however is quickly outdating due to it’s smaller variation, the Micro SD Card. Assuming the SD Card is 4GB in storage capacity, It would be able to store up to approx. 768 images at 18MP resolutions (assuming the file size is 5.2 Mb per image) or approx. 2,352 images at 5.5MP resolutions (assum- ing the file size is 1.7Mb per image) for contrast. Micro SD Card, (Also known as the Micro Secure Digital Card) is a removable memory card similar to the SD Card however is a more compact (hence the name) and potentially including more storage space variant of it. The Micro SD Card is quickly becoming the default standard for most consumer mobile electronics today due to decreasing sizes and increasing storage capacities. Assuming the Micro SD Card is 64GB in storage capacity, it would be able to store up to approx. 12,288 images at 18MP resolutions (assuming the file size is 5.2 Mb per image) or approx. 37,632 images at 5.5MP resolutions (assuming the file size is 1.7Mb per image) for contrast. PlayStation Memory Card, Which was made when read-only optical disks were being used to run games on the PlayStation 1. This meant that the hardware needed a place to store game save files and the 128 KiB PlayStation memory card did just that! The PlayStation memory card is one of the first memory cards introduced to game consoles and couldn’t even store 1 whole image assuming the image is 1 Megapixel, 24-bits, uncom- pressed or more in terms of quality. (Micro SD Card comparison to the SD Card) (SD Card) (Playstation 1 Memory Card)
  • 6. 5 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Hardware There are numerous different types of equipment built for different computer systems but when it comes to multimedia systems, you generally want a computer with reasonably decent specifications. Here is some information about the different hardware you want to look at when building a computer for multimedia purposes: Processor - The computer processor unit or CPU for short is the brain of the computer, telling all the other components what to do and when to do it. It is important to have a good cpu for multimedia systems that run applications like Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects as such applications are Cpu intensive meaning they take up a lot of it’s power and processing speed. Ram - Ram is known as temporary cache storage for the computer to remem- ber short-term wise and is also another vital component to a good multimedia system. Ram helps keep the computer running smoothly and can significantly decrease your render times when you have more of it (especially when using creative applications)! Graphics Card - Also known as the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Is an absolute nessecity when using a multimedia system. It frees up the Cpu to allow it to work on other tasks by taking some of it’s workload and accelerating the creation and renderisation of images, videos, and animations! This works in benchmarks, video games, and multimedia software such as Blender and Adobe Premiere Pro! Storage - Storage is not nessisarily a nessecity to have an enormus amount of for a multimedia system but it certainly helps! Multimedia systems are usual- ly used for rendering projects that create large quantities of cache files and that’s not even mentioning the amout of footage as well! It’s always good to build a multimedia system with at least 1TB of hard drive storage accessible to the user! (example image of an Intel Core Processor Unit) (example image of two individual RAM sticks) (example image of a Graphics Processing Unit) (example image of a Sea- gate Hardrive)
  • 7. 6 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Motherboards - Motherbaords are what the other componets connect to, it’s basically where all the data goes through to be sent and recieved by all of the components working together simultaniously. It is generally a good idea to look for a decent motherbaord but not an extremley cheap one as you don’t want your components not recieving the information or power correctly. Screen Types & Resolution - When it comes to montiors, there are dif- ferent types of display panels on each monitor, some being TN, VA, and IPS which is the panel type you are looking for when it comes to a multimedia system, this type of panel is usually extremley colour acurate which is defient- ley what you want. Pairing this display panel type with a 4k high pixel resolu- tion gives you an insanley detailed, colour accurate monitor which is the ideal display! Sound Cards - Improve the sound quality of your system drastically and are vital in a multimedia rig. Lucky enough for most people, most modern systems have a sound card in-built into the motherboard which is also another reason why you shouldn’t “cheap out” on a motherboard. Adobe InDesign - Adobe InDesign is an advanced desktop puplishing and page layout designing software application created by Adobe Inc. It is able to be used for numerous different pieces of work including: flyers, brochures, newspapers, magazines, posters, this project folio and more! Utilising InDesign and it’s vast vocab- ulary of limitless tools to create almost anything and everything is extremley vital when creating a page design of some sort of the upmost best quality. (InDesign as well as other Adobe created softwares are viewed as more advanced than other softwares and industry standard in the multimedia industry universally which, Is why It has been used to create the folio in this major project!) (example image of a motherboard) (example image of a monitor) (example image of a sound card) Software There are numerous different types of software in the multimedia industry, some more advanced than others. The softwares used for this project (along with other software that potentially could have been used as a substitute) are shown below:
  • 8. 7 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Ongoing Evaluation/ Justification (Equipment & Technologies) - Overall, the equipment and technolo- gies researched were all contributing to the project in one way or another. Gaining information about what to look for in a camera and what upsides were going to benefit the major project when filming the most. As well as this, gaining a more educated understanding on different memory cards allowed a further understanding on what size card to purchase for the camera being used throughout the project. Finally, learning about the Hardware and Software being used to contribute to the creation of this major project gave further insight on how to make the final project! Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor created by Adobe Inc. It is able to be used not just for raster graphics editing, but digital art as a whole thanks to its advanced vocabulary of tools just like InDesign! Adobe Photoshop is such an iconic computer software that it is used as a verb (i.e. to photoshop an image) and is known universally as a highly advanced image editing software capable of many different abili- ties.(Photoshop as well as other Adobe created softwares are viewed as more advanced than other softwares and industry standard in the multimedia industry which, Is why It has been used to create this projects digital sketches and storyboards!) Microsoft Excel - Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft. It features graphing tools, calcuation, pivot tables and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications. Mic- rosoft Excel is a widley known and used spreedsheet across Android, iOS, MacOS and of course Microsoft Windows and, is known as the industry standard for spreedsheet designing software. (Because of this, Microsoft Excel has been used in creating the Time Plan for this major project!) Adobe After Effects - Adobe After Effects is a digital motion graphics, visual effects and compositioning software designed by Adobe Inc and is used in the post-production stage of film making, video games and television production. After effects is an extremley advanced video editing software regarded as the most advanced by some people capable of: keying, motion tracking, compositioning and animating amongst many other tasks. After effects is also capable of handling some basic 3D elements and scenes individually also! (Being regarded as a trusted and advanced video editing software and, due to my great knowledge of this software prior will assist me greatly in most of the major video effects in this major project.) Adobe Premiere Pro - Adobe Premiere Pro is a video editing and sequencing software designed by Adobe Inc and is used in the post-production stage of film making and television production. Much like After Effects, premiere pro is quite an advanced video editing software that is capable of a good variety of things. Premiere Pro has a lack of abilty to compose 3d or animation sort of projects however has a much better rendering sys- tem rather than After Effects where it stores cached renders so you can play the project back smoothly so long as you don’t make adjustments to the ccomposition! (Premiere Pro has been used to create this major project closley alongside After Effects to effectivley create a good end result)
  • 9. 8 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Processes Camera Technique Image Description Justification Long Shot/ Wide Shot The Long Shot Camera Technique generally captures the whole subject and is usually filmed from some distance. Long Shots are used to introduce the audiences to more information about the background rather than the character itself. This shot will be used in my short film to give the audience more information about what my character is doing at the start of the film while still intro- ducing the background. I may also use this shot in a POV perspective suggesting that the character is being watched. Extreme Long Shot The Extreme Long Shot/ Wide Angle Camera Technique is applied more-so to introduce a background/ setting rather than a character however, can give us a perspective on where the character is in a newly introduced envi- ronment. This shot may be used in my short film to overexagerate how far the Protagonist has to travel or show their location when they are in a new scene. Medium Long Shot The Medium Long shot captures the sub- ject in frame from generally the knee’s and upwards. This allows the audience to ob- serve what the character might be doing (i.e. waving, pointing) while still showing a good portion of the background. The Medium Shot, along with Pan- ning Camera Techniques may be used in my short film to give off the illusion that the character is being watched from a distance. Medium Shot The Medium Shot is an all-purpose Camera Technique that captures the subject in frame from the waist and upwards. It displays more detail of the character while capturing just as much background and surrounding informa- tion for the audience to depict where they are in a scene. This Camera Technique will be used in my short film to capture the fear in my Protagonist when they feel like they are being watched (i.e. upper body and arm movement, clear facial expressions indicating fear etc. Camera Techniques
  • 10. 9 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Camera Technique Image Description Justification Medium Close-Up A Medium Close-Up shot is a camera angle of which a subject is filmed from the mid- dle of their torso to just above their head. A medium close up allowers the audience to view the subjects face in more clarity without getting too close. This camera angle will be used in my major project to show some clear emotions the Protagonist is going through as well as some head move- ment and upper body movement. Close-Up A Close-Up is a camera technique that is recorded in close proximity to the subject (usually the face). They offer the audience more detail of a key part of the story and can create an emotional connection between the audience and the subject when utilised correctly. This camera angle will be used to show the Protagonist’s facial expres- sions and show more detail as to what they are feeling and how they look. It may be used in some instanc- es to assist in building tension. Extreme Close-Up An Extreme Close-Up captures a subject from an even closer proximity than the Close-Up, usually so close that the outer sections of the subject are cut short by the edges of the frame. On an actor, This cam- era technique can be used to emphasis the emotion of the film and build tension. This camera shot will be used to add to building tension (especially when the Anatagonist is following the Pro- tagonist). It will also add on showing extreme depth to the parts of the sub- ject the camera is focussed on. Full Shot A full shot frames the entire subject from top to bottom within the entire frame. Full shots can be utilised in filmmaking by show- ing what the subject is wearing or showing actions that the subjects might be doing (i.e. running, jumping, fighting ect) This shot will be used in my major project to show running and crouch- ing and other actions that are relavent to my short production film.
  • 11. 10 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Camera Technique Image Description Justification POV Shot Abbreviation for Point Of View, The POV shot shows the audience the world from the characters perspective to create more ten- sion in the film and give a mysterious ele- ment to the character. Can be used in horror movies on the antagonist to give a unknown/ mysterious effect. The POV perspective can be utilised in my major project immensley by helping the audience capture what the Protagonist is living in, It will cer- tainly add a thrill element to my short film! Over The Shoulder The Over The Shoulder shot is a very com- mon camera technique in the filmmaking industry, It iis usually achieved by facing the camera towards a character from a position that is just behind another. An OTS Shot can achieve the concept of capturing conversa- tion and emotion between characters. The over the shoulder can be used in my short production film by highlight- ing and capturing the aspect of the character having a conversation with another character. High-Angle Shot A High Angle is a camera technique achieved by facing the camera down onto the subject from a high position (usually above the characters head). This camera angle makes the subject appear weak or vunrable to something or someone around them in the scene. The high angle camera technique may be used in my short production film by displaying the lack of power or a point of weakness that the Protago- nist has throughout the film. Low-Angle Shot A Low Angle is a camera technique achieved by facing to camera up onto the subject from a low position (usually below the eyeline on a character) and is used in filmmaking to make the subject appear more powerful and confi- dent. Great for framing an antagonist at the start of a film! This camera technique may be used in my short production film to show the power or over exagerate the An- tagonists strength throughout the film!
  • 12. 11 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Camera Technique Image Description Justification Key Lighting Also well known as the main film light of a subject or scene, the Key Light is usually the strongest type of light out of those used to capture a scene in filmmaking. The Key Light is also often the first light to be set up when setting up a lighting scene in the industry. I will be using this lighting technique in my major project to provide a founda- tional source of lighting for my scenes, even though I do not have the best lighting equipment to work with. Fill Lighting Because the key light does not have to be placed directly in front of a subject, The Fill Light covers the darker and more shadowed area’s of the subject and provides not nes- sisarily a strong light source to that area but enough so the camera can see the darker area of the subject with enough clarity. I used fill lighting in my major project such as the wardrobe scene where the protagonist grabs the shirt they are going to wear for the day. This was nessisary because the camera was placed inside of the shelf and the characters face had many dark area’s covering it. Back Lighting Backlighting is usually the last form of lighting in a 3-point configuration to be set up. This is because this lighting technique creates a sence of 3d space around a sub- ject. The back lighting is usually postioned around the back of a subject hence the name to provide a hard edge of light behind the subject. I may use this lighting technique in my major project in some scenes to dis- tiguish a 3d space around the charac- ter/s. It will help distinguish ther cha- raters head and even shoulders from the background to assist in producing a high quality end result. Side Lighting The side light is best used on a higher brightness level, this is because the effect that the side lighting technique gives off is a dramatic effect. Side lighting is usual- ly placed to the side or parallel with your subject hence the name. It is also a smart Idea to make the fill light dimmer for a more dramatic effect! This liughting technique may be used in my major project depending on whether the avaliable lights being used throughout the project are ade- quate enough. It may be good for me to use the sunset of the sun on the side of the antagonists face to try and mimic this effect! Lighting Techniques
  • 13. 12 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Camera Technique Image Description Justification Hard Lighting Hard lighting can be sunlight or another strong source of light. Usually in the multi- media industry this lighting technique goes mostly unwanted however it does help a scene look intense and cinematic. Hard lights often create harsh shadows. I will be using natural light, the sun in my major project to create intensity and cinematic shots paired with com- prehensive camera techniques such as low angles paired with this light- ing technique to really capture some remarkable scenes. Soft Lighting Soft lighting is a lot more feathered and smooth light compared to hard lighting. It is usually a light paired with a soft box to diffuse the light over a wide surface area. Because of this, the light rolls off the subject in a more relaxed way which creates soft lighting and minimises shadows. Due to a limited budget for the lighting aspect of my major project, I will not be using the soft lighting technique at all and also partly because most of my major project is planned to be an outdoor based short film. Practical Light The practical lighting technique consists of using light sources around the character i.e. candels, lamps, flashlights etc. They are usually intentional elements added by the lighting designer for the film. These lights are usually paired with motivated lights which are lights used by imitating other light sources. Due to the given nature of my ma- jor project, I probally will not end up using this lighting technique in my short film soley because my project is outside and doesn’t involve many lighting props, however it is a good lighting technique to learn in case I ever change my mind. Ambient Light Using the ambient lighting technique is the best way to evenly light up a scene, espe- cially outdoors. You can include sunlight, streetlights, shopfront lights and other am- bient lights to fill your scene with adequate lighting that will illuminate your project with- out worrying about a specific style or quality. Ambient lighting will be used through- out my major project the most as it is probally some of the most accessible to me given the small film budget that was used for the purchase of the camera mainly. Ambient lighting is go- ing to provide an adequate foundation of light for my scenes.
  • 14. 13 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio I made sure to take note of specific angles and brightnesses that were going to be used in the project. Some examples of different lighting techniques and setups are: The Ring Light which is a lighting method that evenly lights up the subject from every direction from the front resulting in a slow progressive shadow the further towards the back of the subject, High Key which is another lighting technique that lights up the subject on one side using a keylight and then another light placed roughly 90° to the opposite side of the subject which is used to “fill the shadows” that is usually dimmer to create a sense of depth and perspective for the viewer. (Ring Light diagram displaying how the light dissipates as the distance increases) (High Key diagram displaying how the key light and side light are used together to create a sense of depth) Additional Lighting Techniques Ongoing Evaluation/ Justification (Processes) - Overall, learning about different camera techniques, shots, angles and processes allowed for a more broadened understanding around using a camera to achieve the best cinematography possible to ensure clean flawlessly cooperative shots in post production. Lighting techniques for the major project when filming were also considered and differenciated for some shots in the production where natural or ambient light was not adequate enough. Incorporating the lighting techniques into my shots (especially indoor shots) was extremley difficult as I had not planned to purchase lighting in my budget. However I was still able to achieve different lighting techniques by using one or multiple phone lights at different brightness levels.
  • 15. 14 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio In context of the overlays, Iron Man’s Heads Up Display (HUD) and high tech graphics used throughout the film was my biggest source of inspiration when looking to make a futuristic screen/ device that my actor/s will utilise throughout the story. In regards to the amazon original movie Jexi, I gained a decent portion of my inspiration for the excessive use of technology in the beginning of the film from in the introduction. I also used inspiration of the char- acters odd obsession with technology in Jexi and used this to form my characters own source of reliability on the futuristic tech that they have their hands on throughout the short film. In context of the overlays, especially the concept of the use of phone displays that operate from the characters hands was a heavy source of inspiration for the accessibility of the overlays. The mainly most demanding effect will be similar to one used in that of Stranger Things to create the second demension of ‘The Upside Down’. The reason why I have decided to include these existing designs and Inspirations into my major project at this stage of the production Is because It shows the main Idea in terms of what the special effects should look like when they are created from scratch and used throughout my major Existing Designs & Inspirations Iron Man Upload Stranger Things Why This? Jexi Ongoing Evaluation/ Justification (Existing Designs & Inspira- tions) - Overall, by utilising multiple inspiration sources, as well as using additional creative ideas to the project, The major project was able to be formed using inspiration from a wide range of Ideas and techniques originated from specific films as well as own creative Ideas.
  • 16. 15 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Materials Bitmap & Vector Images There is quite a large difference between bitmap and vector images. Bitmap images are created, edited and converted by utilising pixels, therefore just upscaling the pixels when enlarging or shrinking an image. Vector images however; are created, edited and converted by using mathematical equations to create/ scale the image. Bitmap Images (also known as raster images) are created with a series of individual pixels that assign a colour to each pixel. These pixels are then aranged into specific patterns to create the image that can then be manipulated by using a software such as Adobe Photoshop to erase/ change the colour of each pixel to your desire. Vector Images however, are not created by using pixels, instead they use mathematical formulas that draw lines, curves and other symmetrical details that are combined to create the image from geometric objects like squares and circles. The image can then fur- ther be edited using software such as Adobe Illustrator. When using vector images, they are usually smaller in file size than bitmap images as they have to contain/ store colour information for each individual pixel that creates the image whereas vector images do not. This is because vector images only have to save the mathematical formula to create the image thus taking up less space. Because of this same mathematical formula, vector images are also more scalable in size as bitmap images have a specific amount of pixels that scale with the image whereas vector images just redraw the mathematical formula. Bitmap formats are best used for images that require a large range of colour variations/ graduations, such as most photographs however, vector images are better used for solid colour images such as branding and logos. (example of bitmap image scaling) (example of vector image scaling)
  • 17. 16 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Image File Formats There are numerous different image file formats that are used to organise/ store digital images. An image file format can store data in compressed, uncompressed (which can be in lossless or lossy variations) and vector formats. Image files are made up of digital data in one of these formats which can then be rasterized for use on your computer display for viewing or printing. Rasterization transforms the image data into a grid of pixels; Each pixel having a specific numer of bits to designate it’s colour to (some formats like PNG’s contain transparency in them). Bits is the amount of colour depth included in each individual pixel. Some examples of different image file formats are: • JPEG - Also known as Joint Photographic Experts Group which is a both either lossy or lossless compressed image variant that can be saved on nearly every single digital camera. The Image File Format can save 8-bit greyscale images and 24-bit colour images. A cool fact about JPEG’s are that applications can determine the degree of compression to apply which can determine the end result of the visual quality! • PNG - Also known as Portable Network Graphics, The PNG is a lossless compression image file format that was created as a free, open-source alternative to the GIF image file format. The PNG can support 8-bit paletted images (with optional transparen- cy), 24-bit truecolour (16 million colours) images or 48-bit truecolour with/ without alpha channels. The alpha channel is a colour component that inculdes the amount of transparency/ opacity of a colour. • EPS - Also known as Encapsulated PostScript, this image file format was created in 1992 by Adobe. It is a standard graphics file format that is used for placing drawings/ images within a PostScript document. EPS file formats are used widely because of it’s compatible use across multiple operating systems! • PDF - Also known as Portable Document Format, is also an Adobe file format created in 1992. It is used to display documents (including text and image formatting) in a manner independent of operating systems, hardware and application software. Like the EPS image file format, PDF’s are also based on the PostScript language where each PDF file holds a full description of a fixed-layout document. • GIF - Also known as a GIF file format, the GIF is a type of highly compressed image where the compression algorithm does now degrade the image quality. Instead, each GIF image typically allows up to 8 bits per pixel and only up to 256 colours across the image. JPEG image file formats can display up to 16 million colours for a comparison! GIF’s do have their benefits such as the ability to combine numerous images or frames together into a single file and display them in such a sequence to play a short video or animation of images/ frames.
  • 18. 17 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Compression Formats There are numerous types of compressed image data that differs between different image file formats however, to put it simply, there are two main types of image file compression: Lossless compression - that reduce file size while preserving a perfect copy of the original uncompressed image, they usually (but not always) result in larger file sizes than the lossy image compression type. This image compression type is best used in sce- narios where the image is being edited to avoid accumulating stages of re-compression. Lossy compression - that preserve a representation of the original uncompressed image (that may look perfect) however, is not a perfect copy of the image. Lossy compressed images tend to achieve smaller file sizes than lossless compression types at a cost where many lossy compression algorithms allow for variable compressions that trade image quality for the smaller file size. For example, JPEG is an image file type that utilises both lossless or lossy compression types whereas PNG image file types only utilise lossless compression types therefore has a name for containing a better image quality than many JPEG’s that can be unreli- able at producing a good image quality when using the lossy compression format. Ongoing Evaluation/ Justification (Materials) - Overall, learning about the difference between bitmap and vector images, different imaage file formats as well as compression formats has produced a higher un- derstanding when working with images throughout the major project and even allows working with compres- sion settings while exporting the project.
  • 19. 18 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Work Health & Safety Issues The work health and safety issues in the multimedia industry are extremely important and It is vital that we are mindful of them. The work health and safety issues in the multimedia industry can range from a variety of things including: Sitting down at the computer for extended periods of time which can cause stress and strain on the body, this can result in repetitive strain injury (RSI) and ar- thritis, additionally eye strain can also commonly occur due to extended screen use. Because of these risks, It is important that we ensure we maintain the correct measures nessesary when at the computer as much as possible to reduce the risk. Work Health & Safety Solutions Things we can do to reduce the work health and safety risks in the multimedia industry are: making sure you are sitting in your chair correctly, to make sure you are sitting in your chair correctly it is best to sit back against the chair with your back at a straight angle with your feet placed flat on the floor. Adjusting your knees and elbows so they are at a comfortable right angle with the desk is also recommended. Also making sure to use correct height with the desk so your arms can comfortably rest on the table and other things you can do to protect your hands and wrists from RSI is to consider using a ergonomic keyboard and mouse as well as a wrist rest for the keyboard. Some mouse pads even include wrist rests! To reduce the work health and safety risks for eye strain injury you can make sure that your monitior is at a safe distance from your eyes and at an appropiate brightness. Another good practice when at the computer for extended periods of time can be to take 5 minute breaks every hour to drink some water and give your eyes a rest from the bright screen. As well as this we can also consider purchasing things like monitors with blue light filters to help protect your eyes or buying computer glasses which help achieve the same thing, using the computer with a light on at night in the room you are working in also helps stop your eyes from becoming as strained. Work Health & Safety
  • 20. 19 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Development Of Ideas Film Genre Mindmap Brainstorms Adventure Looking at the Idea’s of what I could poten- tially include for my short film in an adven- ture setting I decided the project needed to include the element of exploration to achieve this... Horror Looking at the Idea’s of what I could poten- tially include for my short film in an horror setting I decided the project needed to include elements such as uneasy sound effects and mysterious elements that pose a threat to my chharacter! Action Looking at the Idea’s of what I could poten- tially include for my short film in an action setting I decided the project needed to include elements that action films include like running and fast paced scenes. Comedy Looking at the Idea’s of what I could poten- tially include for my short film in an come- dy setting I decided the project needed to include elements such as fun and quirky camera shots like kicking the characters feet off the edge of the bed or over emphasised acting.
  • 21. 20 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Film Ideas/ Inspirations Brainstorm Ongoing Evaluation/ Justification (Brainstorms) - Overall, the brainstorms section of the Development Of Ideas has heavily assisted in the planning of Ideas for my short film and later these simple structures be- come a foundational backbone for the project! The following diagrams are film ideas and inspirations that I had gathered from the following movies: Iron Man, Jexi, Upload and Stanger Things. This included things related to storyline inspiration to special effects inspirations and additional elements also!
  • 22. 21 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Storyline Layout/Concept Scene Locations Scene 1 The first scene was filmed inside the actors bedroom and the idea originated with this thanks to the inspiration from the movie Jexi of the character waking up in their bedroom in their apartment. Scene 2 The second scene was filmed along Maclaurin Avenue walking towards Henry Lawson Drive and then eventually on and along the East Hills footbridge. This place was an excellent choice of a public place to film as the area is usually quiet and undisturbed. Scene 3 The third scene was filmed at Voyager Point Park just off of Sirius Road, this place was even quieter and allowed really nice settings at just a short distance from the other filming locations. Scene 4 Also filmed in Voyager Point Park, I was utilising the quiet public space and beautiful settings avaliable again, at such short distances from the other filming location. Scene 5 Scene 5 was filmed back at East Hills footbridge to capture the pro- tagonist running away from the portal. The storyline created as a foundation for my short film consisted of four scenes: scene 1 would consist of anything filmed inside the house at the beginning of the film, scene 2 would consist of any filming based outside up to the last shot on the bridge, scene 3 would consist of any footage shot after the bridge and running away to the next scene, the beginning of scene 4 is defined by the opening shots of the wharf up to where the character teleports followed by scene 5 which is back at the footbridge. Storyline & Locations (The following images show the locations and paths taken of scenes 2 through 5 for filming.)
  • 23. 22 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Ongoing Evaluation/ Justification (Storyline & Locations) - Overall, The Locations chosen were really fun and easy to shoot in as a result to choosing a quiet filming location however, multiple complications did arise which delayed filming such as Covid-19 and rainfall which are both uncontrollable aspects of the filming stage in production. Rescheduled filming dates were the solution to these issues however, there were still many instances where rescheduling had to occur throughout the production of this major project. By mak- ing use of and paying close attention to the brainstorming aspect of the production, I further allowed myself to expand on the inspirations I had gained for my major project and apply them into the storyline effectivley because of this. Storyline Brief Pitch Scene 1 - Bedroom - Protagonist wakes up - Turns off alarm - Turns on music - Checks Phone - Opens blinds - Gets Dressed - Leaves House END OF SCENE 1 Scene 4 - The Wharf - New Scene (Informative Shots Of Wharf) - Protagonist running away onto wharf - Portal apprears at the end of the wharf - Protagonist placed into dimension - Protagonist runs away (leaves dimension) - Protagonist runs off wharf - Portal stops Protagonist from running - Protagonist placed into dimension (permanent) - Protagonist opens interface - Teleports out of dimension END OF SCENE 4 Scene 5 - Footbridge (Returned) - Protagonist reapears in new scene - Runs onto footbridge to get away - Portal stops Protagonist from running - Protagonist placed into dimension (permanent) - Protagonist gives up and is stuck in dimension END OF SCENE 5 Scene 2 - Maclaurin Avenue - New Scene (Long Shot New Information) - Protagonist walking along street - Crosses road (twice) - Breaks into a jog - Slows down (enters footbridge region) - Walks onto footbridge END OF SCENE 2 Scene 3 - Sirius Road - Protagonist comes across mysterious portal - Portal sends them backwards onto the ground - Protagonist runs away - Medium shots of tripping & more END OF SCENE 3
  • 24. 23 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Storyboards - Scene 1 Storyboards Shot Type Storyboard Action Execution Turning off alarm - Medium Close Up Protagonist reaches arm up onto bedframe and taps the bedframe looking for the alarm to find it and then puts alarm on snooze. Medium Close Up filming Protagonist perform this action. Turning on music - Close Up Protagonist presses futuristic button on the side of their face (on their ear). Close Up of Protagonist perform this action. Checks Phone - Over The Shoulder Protagonist opens futuristic phone and checks phone by swiping through it quickly and then turning it off. Over The Shoulder shot of Protag- onist checking their phone in the morning. Opens Blinds - Medium Shot Protagonist walks up to and opens bedroom blinds for the day (symbolic for the start of the story). Medium Shot of Protagonist opening blinds.
  • 25. 24 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Storyboards - Scene 2 Shot Type Storyboard Action Execution Walking down street - Long Shot Character walks down Maclaurin Avenue happy because it’s the start of the day. Long Shot taken from across the street. Crosses road - Medium Shot Protagonist crosses road after waiting at traffic light intersection. Medium Shot of protagonist following camera across the road. Breaks into a jog - Medium Shot Protagonist breaks into a small jog along the quiet street. Medium Shot of Protagonist breaking into a jog and running. Approaches foot- bridge - Panning Shot Protagonist walks up to footbridge. Panning Shot showing more screen information of protagonist walking around the corner.
  • 26. 25 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Storyboards - Scene 3 Shot Type Storyboard Action Execution Mysterious Portal - Full Shot Protagonist discovers a portal waves their hand around it confused. Perform Full Shot filming technique. Portal sends protagonist back- wards - Full Shot Portal throws protagonist backwards onto grass. Perform Full Shot Filming Technique. Running away - Close Up Protagonist runs away in a hurry trying to get away from portal. Close up of face and legs as charac- ter runs in fear. Running away - Medium Shots Protagonist still running trying to get away from portal. Medium Shot of Protagonist running away and tripping while running.
  • 27. 26 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Storyboards - Scene 4 Shot Type Storyboard Action Execution Introducing Scene - Long Shots New Scene is clearly introduced to audience with a panning and long shot camera angle. Panning/ Long Shot camera tech- niques used to introduce new scene. Portal appears on wharf - Medium Shot Protagonist scrambles to a hault because portal reappears. Medium Shot of characters reaction to portal appearing. Stopped by portal again - Full Shot Protagonist stops as portal interupts their running away method that they did before to get away. Full Shot captures both portal and Protagonist in frame. Teleport out of dimension - Full Shot Protagonist uses landscape interface to teleport away from the portal also leaving the dimension. Full Shots show character turn into nothingness in front of the portal.
  • 28. 27 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Storyboards - Scene 5 Shot Type Storyboard Action Execution Reappears in new scene - Long Shot Protagonist reappears in new scene and particles build back together. New scene, Long Shot show more information and emphasis on what is happening to character. Runs onto foot- bridge to get away - Full Shot Protagonist runs onto footbridge to get away. Full Shot shows protagonist run away onto bridge. Portal appears - Full Shot Protagonist stopped by portal that traps him in dimension again. Full shot captures the scenery and the protagonist in one. Character sits down - Pan Shot Protagonist gives up on getting out of this dimension and sits down. Pan Shot creates interest and reveals more scenary of the area. Ongoing Evaluation/ Justification (Storyboard) - Overall, The storyboards turned out relativley acurate in comparison as to what was filmed in the final project. The storyboards helped me in this major project by organising the scenes I needed in a sequence, In this section I feature the 4 most relavant storyboards for every scene and it turned out great!
  • 29. 28 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Portal For the Portal effect, since my goal was to make this the most obvious and commonly used special effect in the production, I put a lot of time into it and making sure It looked seemless and perfect. This special effect was also one of the most de- manding of the project featuring well over 30 ef- fects all together to make it! When thinking about the creation of the Portal be- fore even touching After Effects I knew I could cre- ate a spherical like portal shape with [CC Sphere] and [Warp] and so I used that as a foundational thought when thinking about how I was going to create my portal inside After Effects! Prototypes, Models & Concepts
  • 30. 29 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Phone The phone effect was something I thought would be really cool and a lot of fun to recreate with my own twist to is so that is exactly what I did. The phones design had to feature a complex but at the same time simple display to try and convey the world of futuristic technology my major project is set in. I created drafts of what I wanted the screens to look like on photoshop.
  • 31. 30 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio RECORD OF PRODUCTION Premiere Pro Management Management & Organisation In terms of managing my editing process and keeping everything organised while in Premiere Pro, I found it best to colour code and divide all the footage into five scene sections this way I could easily tell what scene I was editing! The following is an Image showing the colour coding implimented into my major project where Iris blue resembles scene 1, forest green resembling scene 2, Iris blue again for scene 3, Dark blue for scene 4 and mango for scene 5. The clips that are rose pink are all clips that required a special effect of some sort in After Effects.
  • 32. 31 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio After Effects Management In terms of managing my editing process and keeping everything organised while in After Effects, I made sure to label and rename my layers accordingly, also when editing I also made sure to pre-compose when I saw fit to keep a consistent performance and organisation in my layers. Also when it came to bringing effects into my premiere pro sequenced clips I would use the Adobe Dynamic Link function. I origianally tried sequencing all the clips in After Effects but that is where I countered my first complication. I fixed this issue by sequencing the clips in Premiere Pro instead, Dynamic Linking, and then returning back to Premierre Pro. (Dimension Special Effect as example of layers being named to ensure organisation and productivity)
  • 33. 32 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Evidence Of Production Sequencing & Additional Premiere Pro Effects The clips were sequenced in Premiere Pro and this is because of Premiere Pro’s rendering saving capability which al- lows me to play the project back smoothly after rendering which is suprisingly handy. Sequencing the clips together was a breeze, getting all the footage together and then cutting it down and trimming the clips etc. After cutting the clips down I added a [Warp Stabilise] effect to any clip that appeared like it could use a bit more stability and doing this allowed even my recorded videos with the camera stabiliser look butter smooth. Additional effects I added while I was at it in the sequencing process in Premiere Pro was adding two adjustment layers, applying crop to make the project have a more movie feel for one of them, and the other a colour correction using Premiere Pros built in Lumetri Colour. (Organised and structured timeline with renamed layers according to effect layer)
  • 34. 33 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Intro Creation The Intro of the major project was made with an Adobe Dynamic Link After Effects file, I added a [Camera Lens Blur] with a blur radius of 15 to the background, bebas text, aligned it so it was centered and set the blending mode of the text to overlay. I also added a [Glow], [VR Glow] and [VR Chromatic Abberations] to the text to make it a bit more interesting. The fade from black fade in is called a gradient wipe and I opened the graph editor to change the speed values to my prefer- ence. In after effects we change the speed values so specifically like this because it gives us more control over the final outcome the project will give us. (Feel free to observe the effects added to the text layers in the Image below)
  • 35. 34 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Sound Effects The music in this project was not made by me and neither were some of the sound effects (such as glitch sound effects). I did however record a good amount of custom sound effects made entirley by myself for the project. Because my premiere pro is very organised, so are my sound effects and colour coded as well! (The dark green (Teal) coloured and light blue (Iris) coloured sound effects are 100% recorded by myself for the purposes of this production)
  • 36. 35 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Landscape Overlays (Circle) The first thing I did when thinking of my overlays was knowing that I wanted to make them from scratch. I would learn how to use After Effects in different ways, learn new effects and overall expand and broaden my infinite horizon when work- ing in Adobe After Effects. Especially when the roots of making these overlays from scratch really challenged my current know-how. The coolest looking aspect of the hud effect overlay in my opinion is the multiple circles spinning around in different movements that makes the content look super high-tech and futuristic which is what I was aiming to achive in my major project. I found a YouTube tutorial where I learnt how to create this multiple circles effect (I even learnt scripting for some effects!) and then proceeded to use my current knowledge to further polish and really sell the tech looking element as I will walk through right now! Evidence of me watching YouTube video and putting into action learning how to create a shape with the elipse tool and then [Radial Wipe] Effect inside Adobe After Effects. (I even addded slight colour variations to assist in giving off the blue tech effect I was going for!)
  • 37. 36 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Landscape Overlays (Circle Effects) Using my ever expaning knowledge of Adobe After Effects, After creating the [Radial Wipe] circles I used a series of ef- fects I had been planning to utilise since the start of this project. To capture the pixel/blocky look I used an effect called [CC Ball Action] and set the ball size to 42 with a grid spacing of 3 and to top it off I added a [VR Glow] to boost the bright- ness/ colour and add a glow. I ended up also adding a [Hue/Saturation] effect as well as adding [Motion Blur] to the asset to make slight adjustments and assist in making the final product look polished! I applied these effects to many of my other assets to capture the same technology based theme of the overlay. Evidence of effects being used in overlay creation and final cap- tures of overlay circle on right side of the page. (Fun Fact - This overlay was animated in this project, check previous page for a screenshot of how I used keyframes and code to make it!)
  • 38. 37 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Landscape Overlays (Other Assets) After creating the circle overlay I needed to come up with other elements to add on a 1920 x 1080p screen to create a sort of technology screen effect look that I really want to sell. I ended up creating a futuristic line at the top for the landscape overlay to define the screen edge and after looking around at other hud elements created in after effects and while brows- ing YouTube I also discovered I can define a furturistic screen appeareance further by creating a rectangle covering the entire screen at a low opacity and add a static grid design on top of the rectangle at a higher opacity to really define the space I am trying to describe as a computer screen. To give off a really demanding effect, I also incorporated rectangle sliders, statistics and decoding matrix-like text to really show that this device has a lot of detail.
  • 39. 38 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Phone Screen Overlay and Other Effects The Phone Screen followed a similar principal to the landscape screen and this was to show that the ring could power all these sort of devices on command in my short film. Adding desgins and motion graphics defining the battery percentage and the time as well as creating a camera like asset for the phone screen as well. I also thought about creating a projec- tor coming from the ring to show it is the ring powering my device but It looked better on the alarm clock. I also created a touch effect asset for things like when the protagonist touches their ear at the start of the film to play music or when they are using the phone or computer device.
  • 40. 39 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Portal Special Effect To create my portal, I started with a clean slate on an empty project with just an opened composition and named it Por- tal, this was key in my organisational process for sustaining an effective and efficient major project production in post. I first created a solid and then added a [Fractal Noise] and [CC Sphere} to it, duplicated this solid and on the above solid changed the blending mode to screen. Then on the bottom solid I added a [Glow] and a [CC Radial Fast Blur] which really helps with the compositing and make the portal feel like it’s actually in the video. I of course had to give the portal it’s oval shape instead of a spheretical shape so to do this I added a [Warp] with the warp style set to bulge and the bend at 35. Now after that we have this :) Now, we could have just left the portal at that indeed, but what I did is created a lightsaber like border for my portal using nothing but After Effects. The effects lists are too long to go over in the folio so I will be talking about it in further detail in my demonstration video! (here is the effects lists of the lightsaber effect added to my portal) RESULT:
  • 41. 40 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Dimension Special Effect Very much like the Portal Effect, I also started with an individual composition for this special effect. I started with a black solid and applied a [Fraactal Noise] to it and adjusted it to my liking before changing the blending mode to screen. I then created particles with another black solid followed by [CC Particle World] and [Glow], after this I added an adjustment layer and created a colour correction that I liked and added one last black solid on top with an expression on the opactiy saying [wiggle (30,10)-90] this makes the black solid flicker on and off and mimic a flicker on top of the effect to make it feel more alive! Although the effect looks pretty bland when it is alone, it will sure as hell look amazing when you have a video layer underneath it! Another thing worth noting is that these special effect compositions were imported into other compositions for easy access and efficiency. RESULT:
  • 42. 41 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Evidence Of Project Management Time Plans Projected Time Plan Projected Time Plan Evaluation The projected time plan has been layed out in a way that should allow for maximum use of the second holidays to film the project and edit it in a respectable time period.
  • 43. 42 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Actual Time Plan Evaluation Actual Time Plan Filming took A LOT more time than I genuinley expected and was one of the post demanding aspects of this major project just to organise alone, I gain self improvement from this project in a sense of the fact I will never underestimate the time it takes to film again. Editing also took a lot of time however, thanks to my organisation in both Premiere Pro and After Ef- fects I was able to breeze through it with minimal headaches and complications!
  • 44. 43 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Projected Costs Camera Equipment - Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus - Slik U883 Tripod - Cannon M200 - 256 GB Micro SD Card (With SD Card Case) - SD Card Reader Base Computer Hardware (Already Owned) - Ryzen 7 3700X - RTX 3070 - 32 GB Ram - School Computer Computer Software - Adobe Creative Cloud (InDesign, Photoshop & After Effects) Store Samsung Amazon Harvey Norman Amazon Amazon Mwave Mwave Mwave Nil Adobe Amount x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Total: $732.10 Projected Finance Plan Evaluation I plan to make a pretty large investment into my major project, a main piece of equipment that I have never owned before and that is purchasing a camera, even though it is only just an entry level mirrorless camera I know it will drastically improve the produc- tion quality of my major and It will also allow for more detailed shots allowing easier tracking in post to add for example, the tech- nological overlay interface effects and even just using the camera to have more control over the camera settings such as shutter speed and aperture. Finance Plans Projected Finance Plan Price $1,600 $64.10 $599 $59 $10 $499 $999 $219 Supplied by school $285.89 OWNED TO BUY TO BUY TO BUY TO BUY OWNED OWNED OWNED OWNED
  • 45. 44 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Actual Costs Camera Equipment - Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus - Slik U883 Tripod - Cannon M200 - 256 GB Micro SD Card (With SD Card Case) - SD Card Reader Base Computer Hardware (Already Owned) - Ryzen 7 3700X - RTX 3070 - 32 GB Ram - School Computer Computer Software - Adobe Creative Cloud (InDesign, Photoshop & After Effects) To conclude the Finance Plan, I ended up purchasing the camera which will help boost the production quality of my film substan- tically, along with this, I also found a Tripod at a dollar store in mint condition so I picked that up as well as a 256GB Micro SD Card with a compatible SD Card Case to go into the camera. The reason why I didn’t just purchase a normal SD Card is because I bought a micro sd card reader to make footage transfer to my computer a breeze. The SD Card comes out of the camera, The Micro SD Card comes out of the SD Card and then the Micro SD Card goes into the Micro SD Card Reader and then is connect- ed to my computer through a usb connection. Having this easy acess to my camera’s storage will allow swift and fast connection times and will overall save my working time when I film in increments, It also makes things more stress free! Price $1,600 $64.10 $599 $59 $10 $499 $999 $219 Supplied by school $285.89 Store Samsung Amazon Harvey Norman Amazon Amazon Mwave Mwave Mwave Nil Adobe Amount x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 OWNED BOUGHT BOUGHT BOUGHT BOUGHT OWNED OWNED OWNED OWNED Total: $732.10 Actual Finance Plan Actual Finance Plan Evaluation
  • 46. 45 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Website: YouTube Channel: Alpha Gaming Title: “Lighting Your YouTube Videos - 5 Different Styles In Less Than 10 Minutes!” - Website: Company: Tech-Ease Findings: Florida Center for Instructional Technology, University of South Florida. - difference-between-bitmap-and-vector-images/ Website: Wikipedia Company: Wikimedia Foundation Inc Findings: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License - Website: Wikipedia Company: Wikimedia Foundation Inc Findings: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License - Website: Company: Insider Inc Findings: Dave Johnson Jan 28, 2021 - card%2C%20short%20for,%2C%20smart%20devices%2C%20and%20more. Website: Company: Urth Inc Findings: Urth. All rights reserved - Website: Company: Optiview Inc Findings: Optiview Inc, 5211 Fairmont Street Jacksonville, FL 32207 - Website: Company: Storyteller Media Findings: Amazon Associate, qualifying purchases 2015 - 2021 - Bibliography
  • 47. 46 By Student #34459878 Course: Industrial Technology Multimedia Project Name : Major Project Folio Website: Company: HP Development Company Findings: Jolene Dobbin, Febuary 24, 2019 - graphics%20processing%20unit%20(GPU,CPU%20to%20perform%20other%20tasks. Website: Wikipedia Company: Wikimedia Foundation Inc Findings: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License - Website: Wikipedia Company: Wikimedia Foundation Inc Findings: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License - Website: Wikipedia Company: Wikimedia Foundation Inc Findings: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License - Website: Wikipedia Company: Wikimedia Foundation Inc Findings: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License - Website: Wikipedia Company: Wikimedia Foundation Inc Findings: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License - Website: YouTube Channel: Alpha Gaming Title: Stop high quality images from pixelating inside InDesign -