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2 l MaidPro Behind the Clean 2011
MaidPro Corporation
60 Canal Street, Fourth Floor
Boston, MA 02114
Mark Kushinsky
Richard Sparacio
We present to you MaidPro: Behind the Clean, an ever expanding publication that reflects the many
facets of who we are as individuals and as a company.
The MaidPro community is eclectic and incredibly diverse, but there are common traits that describe
us well. We are a caring, concerned community that loves to enjoy life, contribute to the lives of
others, and just laugh and have fun. We can think of no better way to encapsulate our fantastic
culture than to tell some of the stories that illustrate these truths.
This journal compiles just a small sample of the many anecdotes and stories collected over the
course of 500,000+ cleanings completed each year by MaidPro businesses. Stories are contributed
by MaidPro owners, service providers, corporate employees and clients, who have given MaidPro
permission to publish them. Some are funny, some are sweet, some are sad, others are heartwarming
and truly uplifting. We hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as we have. We are encouraged,
our spirits are lifted up, and we are challenged to excel even more in our efforts to contribute to our
communities of friends, service providers and clients.
Yours Truly,
The MaidPro Community
Flashback ....................................................................................4
Caring for our clients...............................................................8
The lighter side.........................................................................12
Triumphs  tragedies............................................................. 14
Cultivating success.................................................................22
Happy employees, happy customers............................. 24
MaidPro kids..............................................................................27
Pet tails...................................................................................... 28
Lost and found......................................................................... 31
.Love letters to MaidPro....................................................... 33
editor’s picks
A mother and child reunion........................................................................ PAGE 8
Expressing gratitude to a military family...............................................PAGE 10
Language barriers and texting don’t mix..............................................PAGE 12
Service rep turns multi-unit franchisee.................................................PAGE 22
Girls think a Mom running her own MaidPro business is ‘cool’.......PAGE 27
Attention SPs: There will be no more swimming
with customers’ dogs...................................................................................PAGE 29
4 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
MaidPro’s original office opened
in the fall of 1991 on Beacon Hill in
Boston. It was a tiny office about the
size of a parking space.
Mark (Kushinsky) and I both lived
in the neighborhood, so our walk to
the office took us five minutes at the
most. It was a dream commute for
new business owners.
We had two desks (one was a
drafting table), two phones, no
computer and a partition wall that
separated us from the cleaning
supplies. We did some dumpster
diving to find a filing cabinet and
Since we did not have a computer,
we would use the computer lab at
a nearby college. The carpet we
purchased for the office was a left
over cut; it was just a little too small
to cover the floor, so we painted
some of the floor to match the
The bathroom was so small that
you could barely turn around with
the toilet being right next to the
stackable washer and dryer we used
for laundering cleaning towels.
humble beginnings
It is the early 1990s. The country is in recession, the Cold War is ending, the Gulf
War just beginning. Seattle’s grunge music scene is about to break wide open,
and two guys are getting together to open MaidPro’s first office in Boston...
By Richard Sparacio, MaidPro President, Co-Founder, and Business Coach
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 5
We would go around at night
hanging advertisements on doors
and would take turns with a pager
that was connected to our phone
line, allowing us to return clients’
calls and give in-home estimates in
the evenings and at odd hours on
The Boston area was in recession
when we opened MaidPro. Mark
was affixing our MaidPro sign to
our front window, making a joke
and whistling, “We are starting a
business in a recession.”
But we felt like kings in our little
business because, each week, little
by little, we were adding recurring
clients. We were determined to run
a successful and resilient business
and we always felt lucky.
On our first Thanksgiving in
business, we purchased a turkey for
each of our service providers as a
way to say thank you for working
for us. One of those original service
providers, Nora, stayed with us for
14 years.
Our beginnings are humble and
we are glad to be able to say we
have stuck to our original values
for how we treat both our MaidPro
customers and our employees.
“On our first Thanksgiving in business, we purchased a turkey for each of
our service providers as a way to say thank you for working for us.“
big idea
By Mark Kushinsky, MaidPro CEO and Co-Founder
The big break for MaidPro what enabled us to take our business
nationwide began on the day we decided to stop acting like a cleaning company
and start acting like an effective, highly efficient service business.
6 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
Once we got MaidPro rolling, we
learned there was much more
to running a cleaning business
than we had imagined. We had to
train, equip, bond and insure our
staff; capture, store and process
customer payment information;
schedule and reschedule cleans
if customers cancelled or staff
called in sick, plus hundreds of
other details that had us toiling
in our tiny MaidPro office each
evening until 10 or 11-pm. We knew
we needed to find a better way of
operating, otherwise our business
would never grow.
We started searching for software
to automate our operations work.
After several failed attempts to
implement existing applications, we
realized the software we needed
did not exist.
Eager to find a solution once
and for all, we decided to design
a piece of software that would
automate all critical functions of
the maid service business. We hired
a programmer to write the code
and called it MaidSoft.
I remember vividly the first
week we installed and started
using MaidSoft. Suddenly, I was
going home at 7-pm and all the
paperwork, schedules, and billing
was done.
Pretty soon, word got out to other
service businesses that MaidPro
was running sweet due to the
new solution we had created.
Companies started calling with
offers to buy the software. At
first, the conversations would go
something like this:
US: “It’s not for sale. We are a maid
business and you are a plumbing
THEM: “We’ll take it anyway. How
In a short time, we were selling
$100,000 worth of software each
year without ever intending to be
in the software business. Then, one
day, I got a call from an executive
at a large British company. In a
distinguished and serious accent,
the gent said: “We sell cleaning
products and are trying to start a
residential cleaning business here
in the U.K. to generate demand for
our products. Can we fly you to
England for a few days to consult
with us?”
A week later, I was on my way to
England in a first-class seat on
British Airways. After two days
on-site, I gave the company a list
of things they needed to do in
order to improve their residential
cleaning business, at which point
the topic of conversation changed
to software.
“Upon further due diligence, we
have decided we would like to pay
you to customize your software so
it can run our cleaning business,”
the executive told me. My reply:
“You can’t be serious. We are not in
the software business.”
The executive simply leaned over,
pulled a check ledger out of his
desk, and ceremoniously wrote out
a check to MaidPro. He pushed it
across the desk to me and said,
“We are quite serious and that is
just a deposit.”
Looking down at the eye-popping
six-figure sum in my hands, I
realized my visit to England would
change the future of MaidPro.
The company was Unilever — the
U.K. consumer giant responsible for
bringing us such brands as Dove,
Lux, Hellman’s, Surf, Lipton, Skippy,
Jif, Vaseline and others. With
that check, the leading software
to automate critical functions of
service businesses was born.
Fast forward to now. MaidPro has
grown to over 110 franchises in
28 U.S. states and Canada. The
software has been spun out as a
separate company and is used by
over 6,000 service businesses in 28
countries, including more than 600
maid service businesses.
Of course, in keeping with our
style of continuous improvement,
MaidPro is now developing an
entirely new cloud-based software
that is quantum leaps ahead of its
previous software. We expect the
new software to change the game
once again.
Companies started calling with
offers to buy the software:
US: “It’s not for sale. We are a maid
business and you are a plumber!”
THEM: “We’ll take it anyway. How much?”
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 7
CARINGfor our clients
One weekly client — very elderly
and living alone — fell down two
flights of stairs and was seriously
injured with numerous broken
bones. She kept her sense of humor,
though, and we enjoyed visiting her
at the hospital and in her home.
During one visit, our customer
mentioned that she and her
son were estranged.
Our service provider — never
known for her tact — urged the
client to call her son and let him
know what had happened.
Not long after, we learned — much
to our service provider’s joy —
that she had taken the advice and
broken the ice with her son.
Who knew that a simple, caring
remark from a cleaning service
provider could foster a much
needed reunion between
a mother and her son?
Dianna, our service provider, noticed
that our client Mrs. D, had arthritis
which had reached a point where
she could no longer reach up to put
her clothes on the shelf. There were
Sure, we clean people’s
homes, but we also
form strong bonds
with our clients. And
when they are elderly,
ailing, or alone, the
regular presence of an
observant and involved
service provider can be
an important safety net.
8 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
piles of clothing all over the floor in
her closet.
Dianna expressed her concern to
me, so I called Mrs. D. and asked
if I could go over and lower her
clothing racks. She was delighted!
I completed the job in just a couple
of hours but, in my time there, I
also discovered a number of other
neglected tasks. I nailed down a
loose tack strip between Mrs. D’s
kitchen floor and carpeted hallway,
which had been causing her to trip
frequently. I also went around and
replaced all the spent light bulbs
that Mrs. D had been unable to
change on her own.
Mrs. D was so pleased that someone
had cared for her! Her family was
far away and could not be there
to recognize and fix these little
At times our service providers are
the only eyes and ears who can
ensure our elderly clients are living
—Greg Ford, Owner of MaidPro
Tulsa, Oklahoma
April Bates, a passionate MaidPro
service provider, left for a new client
one morning not knowing it would
change her life forever.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunklau, April’s
new clients, were both in their
late 70s and suffered from many
health conditions that kept their
movements limited. Their reason
for hiring a cleaning service was
that Mrs. Dunklau was very ill and
receiving treatments to fight cancer.
April clicked with the Dunklaus
right from the start. They called the
office immediately after their first
clean to let us know how wonderful
the service had been and how
April had reminded them of their
granddaughter. I clearly remember
the first comment card Mrs. Dunklau
sent in, saying everything was
excellent and that, “April is like a
breath of spring.”
Meanwhile, April, who had moved
to the area about a year before we
hired her, was very far from her own
family and often told us she felt as
if she was providing service for her
own grandparents.
When April went out to clean as
scheduled on July 29, she thought
it would be like any other day. But,
upon her arrival, she found Mr.
Dunklau alone with his daughter.
When April asked if Mrs. Dunklau
was in the hospital, the daughter
apologized for neglecting to call the
office about her mother’s passing
the week before.
April called us immediately and
could barely speak through her
tears. She stayed and cleaned for Mr.
Dunklau that day, but it was difficult
as there were so many reminders of
Mrs. Dunklau about the home. She
had loved Mrs. Dunklau very much
and wished she could have attended
the funeral to say goodbye.
Since Mrs. Dunklau’s death, the
bond between Mr. Dunklau and April
has grown even stronger. She gives
her best effort to help him around
the house and takes time after every
clean to visit with him. Mr. Dunklau
tells April stories about when he
and his wife were younger and
April bakes his favorite homemade
A year has passed since Mrs.
Dunklau’s passing, but we think
of her often. One of the Dunklau’s
daughters came to our office just a
month ago to thank us for having
such a sweet person taking care of
her father. She wanted us to know
how much her family appreciates
what April does and how much Mr.
Dunklau looks forward to each visit.
It warms our hearts to know that
we offer much more to our
customers than just clean houses.
We give them friendship, loyalty,
and our best efforts at all times.
—Yohanni Hedges, Owner of
MaidPro Crown Point, Indiana
An elderly mother had hired us to
clean the home she shared with her
blind, diabetic son. After several
months, she passed away and the
home deteriorated gradually to a
point where I had to go out with my
service providers to help clean.
The son did no laundry, mail was
piled up on his dining table, and
his insulin needles and blood-sugar
testing strips were everywhere. I
spoke with him and learned that he
had little to no assistance. I helped
him go through his mail and it
turned out that he had thousands
of dollars in checks given to him by
family and friends that he did not
even know were there. I helped him
to pay his bills and to set up grocery
delivery. We continued to clean for
him and I managed to put him in
touch with the League of the Blind.
I am so glad we were there to help
him find his way.
We had a very faithful customer —
an elderly widow — who could not
do much for herself after the death
of her husband. Her backyard was
like a junk yard. She told me that she
could never go out there to enjoy
the yard because it was such a mess
and she had no way of cleaning it up.
My husband and I decided to go
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 9
over and help her out. We spent
two weekends hauling away all
the debris in his pickup truck. We
trimmed the trees and shrubs.
We helped to restore not only her
backyard but also her sense of pride
in her home and its surrounding
During our first year in business
we were hired by a single mother
to clean her apartment. When our
service providers arrived they were
overwhelmed by the filth.
Being still new in the business, I
went out to the home to see what
all the fuss was about. I could not
believe anyone could live as this
client appeared to be living. To
make matters worse, I had quoted
the job at only two hours.
Still, I felt sorry for the woman.
Clearly, she had problems and I
figured she was probably unable to
afford a proper cleaning.
I knew there was a young boy
living in the apartment, so I made a
decision to stay and help clean the
home anyway at the quoted rate.
Three of us worked for four hours
that day, removing nineteen bags of
trash. We worked very hard for very
little that day, but true compassion
carries its own rewards.
I recently met a longtime customer
of mine at a trade show. She told
me that her husband was serving
overseas with the U.S. military and
that her young daughter had taken
to writing “I miss my Daddy” on
the chalkboard in her bedroom.
My customer told me that Kelda,
her MaidPro service provider,
had been writing encouraging
notes back to the child each time
“It warms our hearts to know that we offer more to
our customers than just clean houses. We give them
friendship, loyalty, and our best efforts.”
10 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
she went to clean their home.
“My daughter appreciates and really
looks forward to coming home to
see what Kelda has written on her
chalkboard,” my client said.
A few weeks later, after promoting
Kelda to a training position, I was
inspired by First Lady Michelle
Obama to sit down and write this
letter to my client.
Dear Letitia,
Recently our First Lady Michelle Obama was on
Oprah discussing how we can all do something
small to support a military family in our
During the discussion, they mentioned how so
many of us do not even personally know someone
who is serving our country. I was one of those
people. The weekend after the show aired I had
the opportunity to meet you at our trade show
and I was so touched by your story about Kelda,
your service provider, writing encouraging
notes to your daughter who is missing her
father serving overseas. I am so proud of Kelda
for living the values of our organization and
also for her warm and intuitive spirit to reach
out to your daughter with a small but obviously
meaningful gesture.
I am so glad to have met you and learned about
your family’s contributions to our country.
In the spirit of our First Lady’s request to
acknowledge, thank, and encourage a family we
know, we would like to give you the enclosed
gift certificates so you and your daughter can
enjoy a mommy-daughter date at the spa.On behalf of our MaidPro family, thank you for
your family’s sacrifices to protect and serve
our country. We are honored to be caring for
your home and we will keep your family in our
thoughts and prayers.
Warm Regards,Cyndi WilliamsOwner MaidPro of Katy, Texas
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 11
very sorry we
accidentally dropped
and broke this ceramic
figurine behind the couch.
We have left the pieces
here. Please call the
office and they will
take care of
Language barriers and texting don’t mix
A few years ago at Christmas
time, one of our service providers,
Rosario, asked me for help
translating into English a lovely note
that her coworker and older sister
Ana had written for their clients’
Christmas cards.
In Spanish, Ana had written:
‘Wishing you a season blessed with
the richness of family and friends,
and a prosperous New Year.’
I promised Rosario that I would
translate the message and send the
translation to her mobile phone by
way of a text message.
The next day Rosario stopped in
to thank me for sending her the
translated message. She had copied
it carefully onto each card, but was
curious about the word ‘sorry.’
In the meantime, her sister Ana
stopped to join the conversation.
With her hand on her hip and head
tilted closely to the screen, Ana
screamed, “You copied WHAT text
Rosario did not know English well
and had accidentally copied
a different
translated message from her phone:
‘I am very sorry we accidentally
dropped and broke this ceramic
figurine behind the couch; we have
left the pieces here. Please call the
office and they will take care
of you.’
I called every client that day to
explain the misunderstanding and
everyone had a good laugh.
—Rebecca Gill, MaidPro Manager
Bellevue/Seattle, Washington
12 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
We once had a client who was so
upset about her cleans that she
called MaidPro headquarters to
When I finally managed to talk with
the customer, I learned she was
upset that her baseboards were
still scratched, peeling and dirty. I
explained that we did all we could
in the time allotted — that we wipe
the baseboards down but cannot
make them brand new and they
may need to be painted.
The customer’s reply: “I know,
that is why I left paint out for your
What, you
don’t paint?
Hey, you MaidPro guys are good!
Years ago, when I was running our
first Boston office, I received a call
from a new customer. He was very
happy with his cleaning and went
on for a few minutes, marveling
about how a visually impaired house
cleaner had been able to clean so
Puzzled, I asked him where he
got the idea that we had sent a
visually impaired service provider
to clean his condo. He told me
that the doorman at his complex
had observed our service provider
carrying a thin walking stick with a
red tip on it.
I chuckled and told the customer
that, while it may resemble a
walking stick for the visually
impaired, the stick his doorman saw
is a special tool we use to sweep
cobwebs out of high corners and to
clean the dust off ceiling fans. The
customer laughed, too, admitting
he had been especially amazed to
find his high ceiling fan so sparkling
—Mark Kushinsky, MaidPro CEO
Monster spider alert
One fine day in Modesto,
California, I received a hysterical
message from a service provider
who had just swept a giant spider
off a high window ledge when
dusting with her fan brush.
The spider jumped slightly, so she
had reacted quickly, grabbing a
bowl from the kitchen counter and
trapping the spider underneath.
She was perplexed as to what to
do next.
Being plagued with
arachnophobia myself, I could not
even think about driving into the
neighborhood where the home
was located. So, while frantically
trying to contact my customer,
I dispatched my operations
manager to clear up the problem.
After trapping the spider between
the bowl and a pan, however,
our operations manager quickly
realized something was not quite
right. The spider was not moving.
Yes folks, we then had the fun task
of explaining to our customer that
our entire team had been terrified
of a rubber tarantula!
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 13
Local MaidPro communities — owners, employees, and customers — often
function like large extended families, sharing deeply in both the best and
worst times of each others’ lives. As the stories in this collection show, our
compassion and caring leads to wonderful outcomes.
14 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
Ifirst met Mark B. one Friday
when he came into our office
looking for a job. He was 38
years old, 6-feet, 6-inches tall, and
280 lbs. With long, scraggly blond
hair held back by a grungy baseball
cap and wearing a t-shirt two sizes
too small, Mark looked to me like a
retired wrestler from the WWE.
He had been going door to door
in our strip mall and — with a
handful of resumes and a jovial
personality — sat down to tell me
his life story of the past two years.
As he was rattling off phrases like
‘divorced’, ‘two kids’, ‘wife took
everything’, and ‘need work’, my
mind wandered. I thought, ‘How
would my customers feel about
having this hulk of a man cleaning
their homes?’ I listened politely to
his half-hour soliloquy, shook his
hand, and said, “I will call you if I
need you.”
That weekend, I kept thinking
about Mark. I liked him, but did
not feel there was a place for him
at MaidPro. I did, however, have a
rental house that had been vacated
recently. The house needed a lot
of work; I thought Mark could
probably help me out there and
decided to give him a call on
When I called the mobile number
Mark had left, I got a message that
the phone has been disconnected
temporarily. ‘Oh great,’ I thought,
‘his cell phone has been shut off.’
The next day, he came in anyway. I
told him my plans to start work on
the rental property at the beginning
of the next week. I stressed to him
that the work would be sporadic
and would end after the house was
completed. I did not expect to see
him again until Monday. Imagine
my surprise when, on Thursday
morning, he showed up at 8-am
and started mingling with the other
service providers as though he had
been on our staff for months.
I said, “Dude, I am sorry but I told
you to come in Monday morning!”
His reply: “You did, but I thought I
would come in today in case you
needed me sooner.”
Mark showed up on Friday too and
stayed all day until the office closed.
We spent the next two weeks
working on the rental property.
That included cleaning out a
refrigerator that smelled as if a
dead body had been in it, hauling
away seven truckloads of garbage,
and going to war with enough rats
to make Chuck Norris squeal. We
made the rental property livable
again. I thanked Mark for a job well
done and told him I would call him if
anything else came up.
So, imagine my surprise when — the
very next morning — he showed up
again at 8-am.
I said, “Dude, I don’t have any work
for you today!”
Mark’s reply: “I know, but if
something comes up, I will be here.”
This went on for a few weeks and
I used Mark when I could. He did a
window job for us, some odds and
ends, and helped us move the office
to a new location a few miles down
the road. Every day, he showed up
for work whether or not he was
getting paid. He never missed a day.
One cold, rainy Saturday, I went
to the office to check on things.
As I pulled up, I saw Mark outside
the office door. He looked like a
wet Saint Bernard.
“What’s up?”
With a melancholy smile on his face
he told me, “I am officially homeless
now and Child Services has taken
my driver’s license for being late on
my child support.”
We opened the office and sat down.
I asked him what his plans were, but
he had no idea. I told him he could
stay the weekend at the office,
but that he needed to make other
arrangements. I left the office that
day thinking about how close all of
us are to being in the same position
as Mark. This guy had once had his
own business, a family, a house, a
license — the same life we all take
One cold, rainy Saturday, I went to the office
to check on things. As I pulled up, I saw Mark
outside the office door. He looked like a wet
Saint Bernard...With a melancholy smile on
his face he told me, ‘I am officially homeless
now and Child Services has taken my driver’s
license for being late on my child support.”
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 15
“I could easily have said, ‘Hey, it’s not my problem,’ which is what
some people advised. But, I did not see it that way. Here was a man
who was willing to do anything I asked, whether or not he got paid. He
showed up on time, never missed a day, and never made any excuses.”
too much for granted — and now it
was all gone.
All weekend, I pondered about this.
What could I do? What should I do?
I could easily have said, ‘Hey, it’s not
my problem,’ which is what some
people advised. But, I did not see
it that way. Here was this man who
was willing to do anything I asked,
whether or not he got paid. He
showed up on time, never missed a
day, and never made any excuses.
So, on Monday morning I picked
Mark up at the office and told him
we were going for a drive.
He looked over at me and asked,
“How bad is the news for me?”
I said, “You’ll see,” and drove him
to the house he had worked on for
two weeks.
“There is no electricity or water
turned on, but it is a roof over
your head,” I said. “Think of it as
That night, I brought him an air
mattress, a cooler full of food, and
some drinks. He thanked me and
went to bed.
A couple of days passed. I had just
picked Mark up to help me move
some furniture, when I got a call
from my MaidPro general manager.
She was sick and had to go home.
This was an ongoing pattern that
I had been putting up with for far
too long. I was her backup, which
meant I had to drop what I was
doing and run back to the office for
the day.
When we arrived at the office, I
asked Mark to cover the phones
while I went out to pick up the
mail. I returned to find Mark on
the phone with a customer. He
was sitting at the desk looking up
the customer’s information in our
MaidPro software. While I had to
show Mark how to navigate to the
specific information he needed, I
was amazed to find he had gotten
himself to the right vicinity. I looked
at Mark and said, “You could do this
job, couldn’t you?”
This was more of my own realization
than a question for Mark. Here in
my midst was someone who was
always there, loyal, and by virtue of
his daily presence in our office, had
learned our systems. Why not give
him the general manager’s job?
That was back in September of
2010. Since hiring Mark as my
MaidPro general manager, the
business has grown significantly.
Our customer attrition rate has
been falling every month and
we have added 28 new recurring
customers. The office has never
run better. Things have worked
out great for both Mark and the
company. I guess I have finally
found my dream MaidPro manager.
—Michael Dash, Owner of MaidPro,
Hudson, Florida
Terrible loss
reveals our
The true culture of our MaidPro office
became apparent two years ago
when one of our service providers
lost her baby to Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome (SIDS). Her nine-month
old had a cold and, after a visit with
the doctor, was assured he was
improving. But she awoke later that
night and could not hear the child
breathing. She and her husband did
all they could, to no avail.
Our entire staff felt an almost
unbearable heartbreak when we
heard the sad news. The service
provider, who speaks only Spanish,
brought all the medical reports
(written in English) to our office
and asked me to read them to
her. She wanted to understand
what had happened, if there was
anything she could have done to
prevent the tragedy. Reading those
reports was a terrible task. I told
her she had done nothing wrong,
that God only takes children to be
angels. Meanwhile, our staff took
up a collection among themselves
and many of our clients donated
to help provide a funeral and burial
for the baby. These may have been
small comforts, but it feels good to
know that our MaidPro community
is capable of such a tremendous
outpouring of love and support
when such a need arises.
16 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
The perfect
We hired an elderly service
provider, Linda, suspecting that
the hard work might be too much
of a strain for her. Although the
work was a strain, Linda managed
to stick with it. Even with her aches
and pains, she was always the most
kind, sweet natured person and set
a great example for our staff.
Around four months after Linda
began to work for us, my mother’s
Alzheimer’s disease got to a point
where she could no longer live
alone or take care of herself. When
I mentioned this to Linda, she said
she had done home healthcare for
years and would consider dropping
in a couple of times per week at my
mom’s assisted living center, which
could no longer meet all of her
needs. The only obstacle was that
Linda’s car had broken down and
she was in a bind.
It just so happened that my mother
had an old Ford Taurus she would
no longer be using, so we worked
out a deal — elder care in return
for the car. It was a match made
in heaven. Linda and my mother
became fast friends. Linda was able
to work and to use a car that would
take her all the places she wanted
to go.
Just as Mom hit a point of needing
full-time Alzheimer’s care, Linda’s
retirement age arrived and Social
Security took over. Now, Linda
volunteers at The Dream Center, a
local soup kitchen, where she helps
indigent folks 3–5 days per week.
It fills me with joy to have established
this relationship with Linda and to
witness the fulfillment she continues
to obtain by helping others.
come true
Our service provider, Youma
Fade, originally from Africa, had
been in the U.S. for around three
years. When she arrived here,
she spoke very little English, but
started studying the language so
she would be able to attend college.
While holding a B.S. degree from a
University in Nepal, Youma decided
it was time to pursue an MBA in New
York and spent much of her free time
talking with different schools to see
about transferring her credits. One of
Youma’s clients, Steve, caught wind
of her endeavor and offered to help.
Steve took the time to help Youma
complete the paperwork to apply
and transfer her credits for various
MBA programs.
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 17
Today, Youma is engaged and lives
in NYC with her fiancée. She is
29 years old and, while attending
school and studying for her MBA,
Youma still works with MaidPro. We
are inspired by her work ethic and
perseverance and are so grateful to
Steve for the assistance he so kindly
—John Dallaire, Owner of MaidPro,
Morningside/New York City
When she
is famous,
we will
know we
inspired her
One of our service providers,
Erika, has a very artistic 12-year old
daughter. She sketches all the time
and has found a real love and passion
for art. The father is not in the
picture, so it is just the two of them.
One day, Erika told us how excited
her daughter was about school
because she had been accepted
into a program that would enable
her to study art for three hours
each day. While Erika did not
really understand her daughter’s
passion for art, she was visibly
very happy for her.
We learned later from
another employee that
Erika wanted, but could
not afford, to take
her daughter to
the Denver Art
Museum. So, on
MaidPro’s dime,
we surprised Erika
and her daughter
with a day at the
museum and
lunch. They had
such a
great day; Erika told us she had
never seen her daughter so happy.
We even received a drawing from
her daughter as a thank you.
The surprise was a small gesture
from us that made a huge
difference for our employee and
served as an educational mark for
her daughter.
—Denise Schellinger, Owner of
MaidPro, Louisville, Colorado
A client
turns true
One of our service providers, Sandy,
who has been with us for over three
years, lost her soon-to-be fiancée in
a freak accident while on vacation.
They were attending a motorcycle
rally and he had planned to propose
on the night of the banquet. Before
that could happen, he was struck
by a golf cart and fell in such a way
as to cause a fatal brain injury. His
friend, who had been holding the
engagement ring, gave it to Sandy
in the hospital while she waited
for his organs to be harvested for
We told some of Sandy’s close
customers about the accident. One
of them, Annette Dunn, sobbed for
Sandy when she heard the news.
She attended the services with
her husband, delivered food
to Sandy’s home and
discussed the tragedy
with Sandy many times.
Annette’s reaction
18 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
to Sandy’s tragedy reminds us
that many of our clients and
service providers form wonderful
relationships that go far beyond
those of just homeowners and
cleaning service providers. Each
day is difficult for Sandy, but those
relationships have helped her to
continue with work, take pride in her
job and take each new day as a gift.
—Susan Dexter, Owner of
MaidPro, Penfield, New York
A perfectly
timed client
pep talk
When one of our biweekly clients,
Barb, lost her corporate job in the
earlier part of the year, she called us
immediately to cancel her cleaning
service. When my office manager
told me the news, I called Barb
personally to offer my support. But,
rather than commiserating with her,
I encouraged her to get excited
about the doors and opportunities
that would soon be opening for her.
And, while it is not something we
would normally be in a position to
do, I also told her that — instead of
cancelling her cleaning schedule
completely — we would clean
her home at no charge once per
month, using the home to train new
I am happy to be able to report
that, less than six months later,
Barb called me back to say she
had started her own business and
wanted to thank me for providing
the inspiration and encouragement
to do so. She is still a regular client
—Akisha Greene, Owner of
MaidPro Capitol Hill, D.C.
client turns
Our service provider, Sonia, needed
emergency surgery and was waiting
in the hospital for her operation.
When the nurse came to do some
preoperative work, Sonia thought, ‘I
know this woman from somewhere.’
It suddenly came to Sonia that
the nurse was one of her MaidPro
customers. She said to the nurse,
“Anna May?” The nurse looked at
her and said “Sonia?”
Sonia is an excellent service
provider who exemplifies MaidPro
from her appearance, to her
positive attitude, to her consistent
and exceptional service. Anna
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 19
May is always happy with her
service, loves Sonia, and took that
opportunity to return the favor,
ensuring that everything was in
order for Sonia’s surgery and care
during her hospital stay.
—Susan Burke, Owner of
Gurnee, Illinois
tragedy leads
to bond
Many have suffered the grief of
losing clients to illness, but few have
had to endure what one MaidPro
cleaning team went through in the
past year.
They had been cleaning for a
married couple for some twelve
months when they arrived to find
crime-scene tape around the house.
The husband had killed his wife.
The children — all over 21 except for
the youngest — asked the MaidPro
team to resume cleaning the crime
scene after it had been cleaned and
Our MaidPro service providers have
gone on to become great friends
with these brokenhearted children
and have helped to support them
through their devastation and grief.
We understand that, in service
industries, where we encounter
people of every kind, we must
be prepared for just about any
It is wonderful to have customers
who so obviously appreciate
of our work. For instance, one
of our clients noticed that his
service provider team had a
cracked windshield on their
car. He immediately called our
office and insisted on paying
for a replacement windshield!
Meanwhile, ever since the economy
fell into recession a couple of years
ago, another long-time client of
ours has called us, without fail,
every couple of months to inquire
about the health of our MaidPro
office during these tough economic
times. He is always amazed when
our response is “healthy and
growing.” Each call ends with him
feeling stunned and us feeling very
proud to be thriving even in a slow-
growth economy.
We are so lucky to have such
wonderful, caring customers.
One terrible
The snow storm of 2011 hit Tulsa
in February. There had not been
such a storm for over 100 years and
our business was shut down for
seven business days. No revenue.
20 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
Same bills. Out of the blue, Ryan
Rabideau, our primary consultant
at MaidPro, called and said he and
Mark (Kushinsky) had been talking
about our disaster and would like
to offer us financial assistance. This
touched me deeply because I really
needed it and believe that, “Where
your heart is, there will be treasure.”
To know the MaidPro home office’s
heart is with me in my trials is very
—Greg Ford, Owner of MaidPro,
Tulsa, Oklahoma
“When we have a light day, we send a service
provider or two to the homes of people we
know to be struggling or ill. They are always
grateful. Our employees are happy to have
the work hours and it swells our souls to
know we are helping to relieve a little of
someone’s burden during difficult times.”
—Rhonda Peege and Carla Stone, Owners
of MaidPro, Middletown, Kentucky
Reaching out in our
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 21
MARK: Many years ago I could not
seem to find just the right person to
help manage our Boston MaidPro.
After many interviews and finding
no suitable candidates, I decided
to change the wording in our
help wanted ad from ‘Manager’ to
‘Customer Service.’
MAXINE: I was in my early twenties,
new to Boston, and looking for
my first real job. I saw an ad for a
customer service position with a
small home cleaning company and
thought, “Well, I can do that.”
MARK: When she came in for her
interview, I really liked Maxine. I
knew straight away that she was
right for the job, but she had no
management experience and
seemed nervous at the prospect of
taking on any type of management
responsibility. So, I equivocated just
a tiny bit; I told her the position was
mostly customer service, but that
she would have to tell the cleaning
staff where to go and make sure
they did their jobs well.
MAXINE: On the first day of my new
job, I realized I had joined a great
organization. By day three, though, I
was feeling in over my head. I pulled
my new boss aside and said: “Mark,
this is a management position! I
can’t possibly stay in this job. I don’t
have the first idea how to manage
MARK: On her third day of work,
Maxine asked to speak with me. She
told me this was a management
position and she couldn’t possibly
do the job. But, it was clear to me
after those first three days that
our staff loved Maxine. I knew she
would grow to become an amazing
manager, so I talked her into
staying. I was right, too. Maxine was
great at her job and grew easily
into the role for which we had
hired her.
MAXINE: I loved my job at MaidPro.
The company had welcomed both
my sister and I into the MaidPro
family with open arms. I made so
many great friends there; both
the job and the people made my
time in Boston a truly wonderful
experience. But I was a long way
from home. As much as I hated the
idea of leaving Boston and MaidPro,
I knew the time was coming for me
to move back home to Washington.
It was a difficult decision, for I still
wanted to be part of this great
MARK: When Maxine told me
By Mark Kushinsky, MaidPro
CEO and Co-Founder

Maxine Kenefsky, Owner of MaidPro
Bellevue and MaidPro Seattle
At MaidPro, we believe that if we hire warm, caring people who take pride in
doing great work, we can always train and nurture them to become effective
business managers and great customer service providers. Here is the story of
how a reluctant MaidPro customer service manager went on to become the
owner of multiple MaidPro locations.
22 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
she was moving back home to
Washington, I was devastated.
Maxine was not only an amazing
manager, she is an amazing person.
It was then that we got this brilliant
idea: She could bring MaidPro with
her to Washington, so I suggested
that she become a MaidPro
franchise owner.
MAXINE: I knew the operational
side of the business, but had
no idea about owning my own
business. Could I do this? Once
again, I was back in a position of
having a great opportunity and
people who believed in me, but I
was not certain I would be able to
pull it off.
MARK: I always believed in Maxine,
but it took a few conversations —
usually at the Irish pub down the
street from our office, playing Golden
Tee with beers in hand — to convince
her to take the leap. I had to have a
few talks with her father too.
MAXINE: MaidPro had so much
faith in me, more than I did in
myself. So, with encouragement
from cofounders Mark Kushinsky
and Richard Sparacio — and, of
course, from my pops— I finally
decided to go for it!
MARK: To ensure Maxine’s
MaidPro got off to a great start in
Washington, we vowed to support
her every step along the way. I even
flew out to Seattle to help her pick
out her first office space and review
and negotiate her first lease.
MAXINE: I always knew I was in
good hands, but Mark’s trip to
Washington really sealed it. The
rest is history. I have happily owned
and operated a MaidPro business in
Bellevue, Washington and a branch
office in Seattle for over 10 years.
Clearly, opening my own MaidPro
franchise is one of the best
decisions I could have ever made. I
owe it all to my MaidPro family and
their belief in me.
MARK: Today, Maxine is a seasoned
business owner with an amazing
multi-unit business. She has
come a long way from the twenty
something girl I interviewed ten
years ago.
I must say that hiring her is among
the best business and personal
decisions I have ever made.
Maxine Kenefsky,
Owner of MaidPro
Bellevue and
MaidPro Seattle,
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 23
Pinktober Day in Orlando
October is national breast cancer
awareness month. Every year,
our MaidPro Office in Orlando/
Longwood, Florida holds a
Pinktober Day on which we ask all
staff to wear pink — as much as
they can put on!
We do this to honor all women who
have suffered from breast cancer,
but also to make people aware of
this dreaded disease.
We always get pink food and
bring in different breast cancer
awareness pins, charts, and other
fun things to teach our staff the
importance of self exams and
of getting mammograms when
they reach a certain age.
Pinktober Day is an
inexpensive way to switch
things up for our staff. It is
always a fun day filled with
valuable life-saving information.
The last two years in particular
have been a real blessing, as one
of our staff is a breast cancer
—Kathryn Boyce, Owner of MaidPro
Orlando/Longwood, Florida
24 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
We believe that promoting the happiness and well being of our employees leads
to great experiences for our customers. Here are two behind-the-scenes examples
of how MaidPro owners have put the idea into practice.
After over eight years as a
consultant for MaidPro, I was
so inspired while visiting Matt
Sherman’s MaidPro in Denver,
I have worked with Matt since he
opened his doors in the summer
of 2004. Matt is a remarkable and
inspirational person who has chosen
a slow and steady path to growing
his business and who sets a great
example for what it means to treat
your employees well. And, boy, has
the strategy paid off.
A few years ago, MaidPro hosted
an operations retreat in Denver and
I had an opportunity to spend an
entire day with Matt. Our day began
at 7-am where I attended an office
team meeting.
I got to watch Matt use a gentle
technique of sharing all the good
that is happening in his MaidPro
office while also discussing the
areas that need work by his team.
I watched all of Matt’s service
providers leave the office happy,
energized, and ready to start
cleaning enthusiastically for their
We then had lunch, a calming
afternoon chai tea, and — much to
my surprise — the day ended with a
massage right in Matt’s MaidPro office.
Yes, you heard me correctly!
On Friday afternoons, Matt would
arrange to have a massage therapist
come in for employees who wanted
to swing by the office after work so
they could leave the week behind
and enter their weekends relaxed.
No wonder Matt’s business is
booming and everyone wants to
work for him. If I ever move to
Denver, I would seriously consider it!
―—Ames Forish, MaidPro Franchising
Wait, is this a MaidPro or a day spa?
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 25
MaidPro’s home office staff is a
tight knit group. Over the course
of several years, I have gotten
to know many of my colleagues’
spouses and families, and they have
certainly gotten to know mine — in
particular my brother Jake.
Jake’s work often takes him to
areas near our office in Boston,
which gives him an abundance of
opportunities to check up on his
little brother.
At first, when I was a new
employee, he would stop by
occasionally to see how I was doing
and maybe be introduced to a
coworker or two. But, as soon as he
discovered that our office hosted
“Margarita Fridays”, Jake’s visits
started to become more and more
frequent. It was as though he could
detect the sound of the blender
from anywhere in the city. Within
five minutes, he would be walking
through the door with a grin from
ear to ear.
After a while, Jake started coming
in for visits even when he knew I
would not be there. He would do
little things to let me know he had
stopped by, such as leaving notes,
rearranging my desk, or filling my
office top to bottom with balloons
so I could not get in. One day when
I was out sick from work, I got a call
from Jake, telling me he had just
been out for a “power lunch” with
our CEO and Vice President! He
said he had some marketing ideas
to discuss with me when I got back
to the office.
Before I knew it, Jake had my
colleagues’ phone numbers and
would socialize with them regularly
outside of work without me! People
would stop by my desk to tell me
they gone to a hockey game or out
for drinks with my brother.
Jake has become such a fixture in
our office that MaidPro’s owners
have named him an honorary
employee. His picture can even
be found on the employee board,
which is displayed prominently in
our office lobby.
I always enjoy seeing new
employees go through orientation
when they are shown the picture
board and learn what each person
does. I chuckle when they get to
Jake’s picture. New employees
are usually a bit baffled, but the
confusion clears up quickly when
they meet Jake — usually within
just a few days.
It’s so great to work at a place
that has such a welcoming
environment. I guess I should
have explained in my interview
that I would be a two-for-one
deal with my brother Jake.
—James Doyle, Director of Marketing
and Sales, MaidPro
MaidPro’s first honorary employee
26 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
A few weeks ago, while my
personal car was in for service, I
had to use our MaidPro jeep.
That afternoon, when I picked up
my 12-year-old daughter, Emily,
at middle school,
I noticed her
surprise as I
drove up to
the pickup
line. She
into the
car and
asked if
I would
have the
MaidPro jeep
the next day too.
I was ready to hear
that she was going
to opt for the bus so she
would not have to be seen in such
a colorful jeep. But, when I told
her I would be driving the jeep
for another two days, she replied,
“Great! I love being in the MaidPro
jeep. All my friends think it is
so cool and they think it is even
cooler that my mom runs her own
business. I do too!”
I cannot tell you how proud that
moment made me feel. Part of
the reason I decided to leave the
fast-paced corporate world was
to have some flexibility in my day,
certainly enough to drop off and
pick up my daughter at school each
day. To know that — at the age of
12 — my daughter thinks running
your own business is cool is all right
by me!
—Marina L. Ward, Owner of MaidPro
Grapevine, Texas
Meet Cooper, our miniature
MaidPro tycoon
Girls think a Mom running her own
MaidPro business is ‘cool’
My 4-year old son, Cooper, spends a
great deal of time in our MaidPro office
with myself and the women. One day,
Cooper was hanging out in Rebecca’s
office while she was on a sales call.
When the call ended, she pumped her
fist in the air and shouted, “Yes!”
Cooper’s reply: “Bi-Weekly Becca?”
Another time, I arrived home from work
one night and knelt down beside Cooper
to ask how his day was. “Great,” he
replied. Then he put his hands on my
cheeks and asked very solemnly, “Did
you sign up any new clients today?”
—Maxine Kenefsky, Owner of MaidPro
Bellevue and Seattle, Washington
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 27
A service provider called in
to our MaidPro office to say
she had broken a client’s
ceiling fan and it was
hanging by the wires. Being
a handy man, I gathered my
bucket of tools and headed
out to tackle the repair job
When I arrived on the
scene, I was greeted — to
my delight — by two Great
I had a Great Dane when
I was a child, but one of
these was the biggest I had
ever seen.
As I was greeting my
customer and explaining
what I would do to fix the
ceiling fan, the larger of the
two Great Danes sauntered
up behind me. She stuck
her nose in between my
legs, moved underneath
me and lifted me off the
ground. Suddenly, I was
riding this horse of a dog
around my customer’s
The customer was
absolutely speechless. I was
just trying to hold on and
having the ride of my life.
Suffice to say that a new
nickname was born that
day. It’s a story we share
and laugh about often
around our MaidPro office.
—Greg Ford, Owner of
MaidPro Tulsa, Oklahoma
Coping with our
clients’ pets is a fact
of life for MaidPro
service providers.
Here are some funny
stories about their
adventures with
some of our
furrier friends.
Ride ‘em
28 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
One of our clients had requested
that her service providers put her
two dogs in the backyard to potty,
letting them back inside the house
just prior to leaving at the end of
The service providers had been
doing this without a hitch for several
years until one week, one of the
dogs — his hind legs paralyzed so
he drags himself around — decided
it was hot outside and jumped into
the swimming pool.
He then began to whine loudly and
the second dog was barking wildly.
The service provider thought
the dog was going to drown so —
clothes and all — jumped into the
pool to save him.
When the client was told of the
incident, she laughed hysterically
and said the partially paralyzed
dog loves the pool, has no trouble
swimming and whines because he
is happy.
Meanwhile, the second dog is afraid
of the water and barks wildly when
anyone enters the pool, dog or
Well at least we know our service
providers really care about our
clients and their pets!
—Janet Sklar, Owner of MaidPro
Carrollton, Texas
Attention SPs: There will be no more
swimming with customers’ dogs
“The service
provider thought
the partially
paralyzed dog
was going to
drown so —
clothes and
all — jumped
into the pool
to save him.”
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 29
Well he
acted like
he was
your dog... Dear Kay,
I can understand your frustration. Let me be
the first to say that I am extremely sorry for
what happened with the dog. In discussing the
issue with the service providers who cleaned
your home this morning, I have a clearer
picture as to what occurred.As they were entering your home through your
garage, they returned to get a final item out
of their car. That is when they noticed the
white dog in your garage. When they saw this
little dog in the garage, they assumed it had
somehow snuck out to the garage when they were
carrying in their supplies.Since they were expecting dogs at your home,
they ushered the dog back inside and started
cleaning. Unfortunately, the dog was not yours
and you had to come home to an unpleasant mess
when you were expecting a clean house.For your troubles, I have deducted $30 dollars
off of this cleaning. I hope you can understand
that this was a bizarre coincidence and not a
standard practice for MaidPro. Although we love
animals and wish they all had homes, we are not
in the habit of letting stray animals take up
residence in our customer’s homes if they do
not belong there!
For future reference, I have made a note in
your customer file that your dogs will be left
outside and, if a white dog is hanging around
the house, it should not be let inside.If you have further questions, please feel free
to contact me directly and please accept my
sincerest apology.
Jason Ford
Tulsa, Oklahoma
30 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
honey! I
really did
lose my
One of our MaidPro service
providers found a man’s
wedding ring among our
client’s sofa cushions while
cleaning. She left a note for
the client with the ring on
the kitchen counter.
The next day the client
called us amazed! She
said her husband had lost
his wedding ring three
months before.
They had looked
everywhere with no luck.
As they prepared for a
cross-country move, they
had wrapped their furniture
with cellophane to keep the
cushions in place. The ring
traveled across the country
in the sofa only to resurface
during our clean!
The client was so happy she
gave our service provider a
VERY generous tip.
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 31
I know you
stole my
Some time ago we had a
client who was sure we had
either stolen or misplaced
his Donald Trump book.
When we asked the service
provider if he remembered
seeing the book, his puzzled
reply was: “Donald, who?”
We found it amusing that
the service provider had no
idea who Donald Trump was.
Clearly, he had not stolen the
book. I spoke with the client
who was still determined
to blame MaidPro for his
missing book.
The great part of this story
is that our client had the
decency to call us back and
apologize when he later
found the Donald Trump
book in the trunk of his car.
He kept expressing how
embarrassed he was over
the false accusation and
wanted to be sure we passed
along his apology to our
service provider.
We offer a human service.
Anyone can make mistakes.
We do. Our service providers
do. Our customers do. It is
a great thing to understand,
recognize and express this
with each other.
—Roy Ribas, Boston, Mass.
32 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
LOVEletters to MaidPro
We just LOVE it when people take the time to write to us with good news about
MaidPro. We keep and cherish every letter, so please keep them coming!
Dear MaidPro,
Thank you for having such agreat mentoring program!. My first
really awful client made me feelso bad that I felt like quitting thebusiness. My MaidPro mentor helpedme to understand that it is okay to
fire an unreasonably difficult client.
Though I would love to have themoney, the anxiety and the feeling
of being out of control are gone.
This has made an amazingdifference in my attitude aboutbeing a business owner.
Thanks again MaidPro!.
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 33
Dear MaidPro:
I am sure everybody can relate to the big
holiday rush, getting the house ready for
visitors, shopping, decorating and baking. This
year, on top of everything else, I had been
sick and underwent surgery on December 10.
I was not supposed to lift anything and even
everyday chores like washing dishes left me
tired. My sister was planning to visit with
my brother-in-law on Christmas weekend
and I did not have the energy to clean the
house in preparation for their visit. I called
MaidPro on Monday December 20 with low
hope of finding availability. However, Alice
was so wonderful and helpful, fitting me in on
the Wednesday of that week. She also fit my
boyfriend’s house in on Christmas Eve.
Your service provider, Gloria, did wonders at
my house while Cheryl made my boyfriend’s
house sparkling clean. When my sister visited,
she was very impressed with both of our
homes. Thank you to MaidPro, Alice, Gloria,
and Cheryl. You saved my Christmas this year!
—Zeynep Akkan
34 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
Dear MaidPro Friends and Almost Family,It is with mixed emotions that I write this farewell
letter. We started MaidPro of Leonia, N.J. in March 2008
and grew the business one client at a time through a
challenging economy and a difficult personal time.
The most important news is that our son, Ben, who was
diagnosed with Leukemia two years ago, is finishing his
treatment at the end of May and is now in remission. He
feels great, is going to kindergarden, plays with friends
and looks like a normal and healthy kid. We pray that it
will continue this way.
The last two years have taught us the importance of
family and how difficult it is for us to live so far away
from our immediate families. Therefore we have decided to
return to Israel, our home country.We sold our business to Bill Hutchinson who will carry
the mantle for MaidPro Leonia forward. Bill is a great
guy and we ask that you please welcome him to the MaidPro
family. We wish him all the luck in growing MaidPro of
Leonia and making it a success.I want to personally thank you for your prayers for the
health of our son Ben. Thank you for the financial help
that we received from MaidPro and for all the support and
caring from owners and the MaidPro home office.
Thank you for giving me the privilege to be a part of the
MaidPro community — such a smart, intelligent and caring
group of people. Wishing you all health and business
success in all your future endeavors!Sincerely,
Sharon Sagie-Rubinov
MaidPro Behind the Clean l 35
MaidPro Behind The Clean

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MaidPro Behind The Clean

  • 2. 2 l MaidPro Behind the Clean 2011 MaidPro Corporation 60 Canal Street, Fourth Floor Boston, MA 02114 1-877-MaidPro Mark Kushinsky CEO Richard Sparacio PRESIDENT TM GREETINGS MAIDPRO FRIENDS! We present to you MaidPro: Behind the Clean, an ever expanding publication that reflects the many facets of who we are as individuals and as a company. The MaidPro community is eclectic and incredibly diverse, but there are common traits that describe us well. We are a caring, concerned community that loves to enjoy life, contribute to the lives of others, and just laugh and have fun. We can think of no better way to encapsulate our fantastic culture than to tell some of the stories that illustrate these truths. This journal compiles just a small sample of the many anecdotes and stories collected over the course of 500,000+ cleanings completed each year by MaidPro businesses. Stories are contributed by MaidPro owners, service providers, corporate employees and clients, who have given MaidPro permission to publish them. Some are funny, some are sweet, some are sad, others are heartwarming and truly uplifting. We hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as we have. We are encouraged, our spirits are lifted up, and we are challenged to excel even more in our efforts to contribute to our communities of friends, service providers and clients. Yours Truly, The MaidPro Community WELCOME
  • 3. CONTENTS Flashback ....................................................................................4 Caring for our clients...............................................................8 The lighter side.........................................................................12 Triumphs tragedies............................................................. 14 Cultivating success.................................................................22 Happy employees, happy customers............................. 24 MaidPro kids..............................................................................27 Pet tails...................................................................................... 28 Lost and found......................................................................... 31 .Love letters to MaidPro....................................................... 33 editor’s picks A mother and child reunion........................................................................ PAGE 8 Expressing gratitude to a military family...............................................PAGE 10 Language barriers and texting don’t mix..............................................PAGE 12 Service rep turns multi-unit franchisee.................................................PAGE 22 Girls think a Mom running her own MaidPro business is ‘cool’.......PAGE 27 Attention SPs: There will be no more swimming with customers’ dogs...................................................................................PAGE 29
  • 4. 4 l MaidPro Behind the Clean FLASHBACK MaidPro’s original office opened in the fall of 1991 on Beacon Hill in Boston. It was a tiny office about the size of a parking space. Mark (Kushinsky) and I both lived in the neighborhood, so our walk to the office took us five minutes at the most. It was a dream commute for new business owners. We had two desks (one was a drafting table), two phones, no computer and a partition wall that separated us from the cleaning supplies. We did some dumpster diving to find a filing cabinet and chairs. Since we did not have a computer, we would use the computer lab at a nearby college. The carpet we purchased for the office was a left over cut; it was just a little too small to cover the floor, so we painted some of the floor to match the carpet. The bathroom was so small that you could barely turn around with the toilet being right next to the stackable washer and dryer we used for laundering cleaning towels. MAIDPRO’S humble beginnings It is the early 1990s. The country is in recession, the Cold War is ending, the Gulf War just beginning. Seattle’s grunge music scene is about to break wide open, and two guys are getting together to open MaidPro’s first office in Boston... By Richard Sparacio, MaidPro President, Co-Founder, and Business Coach
  • 5. MaidPro Behind the Clean l 5 We would go around at night hanging advertisements on doors and would take turns with a pager that was connected to our phone line, allowing us to return clients’ calls and give in-home estimates in the evenings and at odd hours on weekends. The Boston area was in recession when we opened MaidPro. Mark was affixing our MaidPro sign to our front window, making a joke and whistling, “We are starting a business in a recession.” But we felt like kings in our little business because, each week, little by little, we were adding recurring clients. We were determined to run a successful and resilient business and we always felt lucky. On our first Thanksgiving in business, we purchased a turkey for each of our service providers as a way to say thank you for working for us. One of those original service providers, Nora, stayed with us for 14 years. Our beginnings are humble and we are glad to be able to say we have stuck to our original values for how we treat both our MaidPro customers and our employees. FLASHBACK “On our first Thanksgiving in business, we purchased a turkey for each of our service providers as a way to say thank you for working for us.“
  • 6. FLASHBACK MAIDPRO’S big idea By Mark Kushinsky, MaidPro CEO and Co-Founder The big break for MaidPro what enabled us to take our business nationwide began on the day we decided to stop acting like a cleaning company and start acting like an effective, highly efficient service business. 6 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
  • 7. FLASHBACK Once we got MaidPro rolling, we learned there was much more to running a cleaning business than we had imagined. We had to train, equip, bond and insure our staff; capture, store and process customer payment information; schedule and reschedule cleans if customers cancelled or staff called in sick, plus hundreds of other details that had us toiling in our tiny MaidPro office each evening until 10 or 11-pm. We knew we needed to find a better way of operating, otherwise our business would never grow. We started searching for software to automate our operations work. After several failed attempts to implement existing applications, we realized the software we needed did not exist. MAIDSOFT IS BORN Eager to find a solution once and for all, we decided to design a piece of software that would automate all critical functions of the maid service business. We hired a programmer to write the code and called it MaidSoft. I remember vividly the first week we installed and started using MaidSoft. Suddenly, I was going home at 7-pm and all the paperwork, schedules, and billing was done. Pretty soon, word got out to other service businesses that MaidPro was running sweet due to the new solution we had created. Companies started calling with offers to buy the software. At first, the conversations would go something like this: US: “It’s not for sale. We are a maid business and you are a plumbing service!” THEM: “We’ll take it anyway. How much?” In a short time, we were selling $100,000 worth of software each year without ever intending to be in the software business. Then, one day, I got a call from an executive at a large British company. In a distinguished and serious accent, the gent said: “We sell cleaning products and are trying to start a residential cleaning business here in the U.K. to generate demand for our products. Can we fly you to England for a few days to consult with us?” A week later, I was on my way to England in a first-class seat on British Airways. After two days on-site, I gave the company a list of things they needed to do in order to improve their residential cleaning business, at which point the topic of conversation changed to software. “Upon further due diligence, we have decided we would like to pay you to customize your software so it can run our cleaning business,” the executive told me. My reply: “You can’t be serious. We are not in the software business.” The executive simply leaned over, pulled a check ledger out of his desk, and ceremoniously wrote out a check to MaidPro. He pushed it across the desk to me and said, “We are quite serious and that is just a deposit.” Looking down at the eye-popping six-figure sum in my hands, I realized my visit to England would change the future of MaidPro. UNILEVER WANTS OUR SOFTWARE! The company was Unilever — the U.K. consumer giant responsible for bringing us such brands as Dove, Lux, Hellman’s, Surf, Lipton, Skippy, Jif, Vaseline and others. With that check, the leading software to automate critical functions of service businesses was born. Fast forward to now. MaidPro has grown to over 110 franchises in 28 U.S. states and Canada. The software has been spun out as a separate company and is used by over 6,000 service businesses in 28 countries, including more than 600 maid service businesses. Of course, in keeping with our style of continuous improvement, MaidPro is now developing an entirely new cloud-based software that is quantum leaps ahead of its previous software. We expect the new software to change the game once again. Companies started calling with offers to buy the software: US: “It’s not for sale. We are a maid business and you are a plumber!” THEM: “We’ll take it anyway. How much?” MaidPro Behind the Clean l 7
  • 8. CARINGfor our clients A MOTHER CHILD REUNION One weekly client — very elderly and living alone — fell down two flights of stairs and was seriously injured with numerous broken bones. She kept her sense of humor, though, and we enjoyed visiting her at the hospital and in her home. During one visit, our customer mentioned that she and her son were estranged. Our service provider — never known for her tact — urged the client to call her son and let him know what had happened. Not long after, we learned — much to our service provider’s joy — that she had taken the advice and broken the ice with her son. Who knew that a simple, caring remark from a cleaning service provider could foster a much needed reunion between a mother and her son? HELPING MRS. D Dianna, our service provider, noticed that our client Mrs. D, had arthritis which had reached a point where she could no longer reach up to put her clothes on the shelf. There were Sure, we clean people’s homes, but we also form strong bonds with our clients. And when they are elderly, ailing, or alone, the regular presence of an observant and involved service provider can be an important safety net. 8 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
  • 9. CARING FOR OUR CLIENTS piles of clothing all over the floor in her closet. Dianna expressed her concern to me, so I called Mrs. D. and asked if I could go over and lower her clothing racks. She was delighted! I completed the job in just a couple of hours but, in my time there, I also discovered a number of other neglected tasks. I nailed down a loose tack strip between Mrs. D’s kitchen floor and carpeted hallway, which had been causing her to trip frequently. I also went around and replaced all the spent light bulbs that Mrs. D had been unable to change on her own. Mrs. D was so pleased that someone had cared for her! Her family was far away and could not be there to recognize and fix these little problems. At times our service providers are the only eyes and ears who can ensure our elderly clients are living well. —Greg Ford, Owner of MaidPro Tulsa, Oklahoma APRIL B AND THE DUNKLAUS April Bates, a passionate MaidPro service provider, left for a new client one morning not knowing it would change her life forever. Mr. and Mrs. Dunklau, April’s new clients, were both in their late 70s and suffered from many health conditions that kept their movements limited. Their reason for hiring a cleaning service was that Mrs. Dunklau was very ill and receiving treatments to fight cancer. April clicked with the Dunklaus right from the start. They called the office immediately after their first clean to let us know how wonderful the service had been and how April had reminded them of their granddaughter. I clearly remember the first comment card Mrs. Dunklau sent in, saying everything was excellent and that, “April is like a breath of spring.” Meanwhile, April, who had moved to the area about a year before we hired her, was very far from her own family and often told us she felt as if she was providing service for her own grandparents. When April went out to clean as scheduled on July 29, she thought it would be like any other day. But, upon her arrival, she found Mr. Dunklau alone with his daughter. When April asked if Mrs. Dunklau was in the hospital, the daughter apologized for neglecting to call the office about her mother’s passing the week before. April called us immediately and could barely speak through her tears. She stayed and cleaned for Mr. Dunklau that day, but it was difficult as there were so many reminders of Mrs. Dunklau about the home. She had loved Mrs. Dunklau very much and wished she could have attended the funeral to say goodbye. Since Mrs. Dunklau’s death, the bond between Mr. Dunklau and April has grown even stronger. She gives her best effort to help him around the house and takes time after every clean to visit with him. Mr. Dunklau tells April stories about when he and his wife were younger and April bakes his favorite homemade brownies. A year has passed since Mrs. Dunklau’s passing, but we think of her often. One of the Dunklau’s daughters came to our office just a month ago to thank us for having such a sweet person taking care of her father. She wanted us to know how much her family appreciates what April does and how much Mr. Dunklau looks forward to each visit. It warms our hearts to know that we offer much more to our customers than just clean houses. We give them friendship, loyalty, and our best efforts at all times. —Yohanni Hedges, Owner of MaidPro Crown Point, Indiana LIGHT IN DARKNESS An elderly mother had hired us to clean the home she shared with her blind, diabetic son. After several months, she passed away and the home deteriorated gradually to a point where I had to go out with my service providers to help clean. The son did no laundry, mail was piled up on his dining table, and his insulin needles and blood-sugar testing strips were everywhere. I spoke with him and learned that he had little to no assistance. I helped him go through his mail and it turned out that he had thousands of dollars in checks given to him by family and friends that he did not even know were there. I helped him to pay his bills and to set up grocery delivery. We continued to clean for him and I managed to put him in touch with the League of the Blind. I am so glad we were there to help him find his way. A NEW BACKYARD We had a very faithful customer — an elderly widow — who could not do much for herself after the death of her husband. Her backyard was like a junk yard. She told me that she could never go out there to enjoy the yard because it was such a mess and she had no way of cleaning it up. My husband and I decided to go MaidPro Behind the Clean l 9
  • 10. over and help her out. We spent two weekends hauling away all the debris in his pickup truck. We trimmed the trees and shrubs. We helped to restore not only her backyard but also her sense of pride in her home and its surrounding property. ASSISTING A SMALL FAMILY IN DIRE NEED During our first year in business we were hired by a single mother to clean her apartment. When our service providers arrived they were overwhelmed by the filth. Being still new in the business, I went out to the home to see what all the fuss was about. I could not believe anyone could live as this client appeared to be living. To make matters worse, I had quoted the job at only two hours. Still, I felt sorry for the woman. Clearly, she had problems and I figured she was probably unable to afford a proper cleaning. I knew there was a young boy living in the apartment, so I made a decision to stay and help clean the home anyway at the quoted rate. Three of us worked for four hours that day, removing nineteen bags of trash. We worked very hard for very little that day, but true compassion carries its own rewards. EXPRESSING GRATITUDE TO A MILITARY FAMILY I recently met a longtime customer of mine at a trade show. She told me that her husband was serving overseas with the U.S. military and that her young daughter had taken to writing “I miss my Daddy” on the chalkboard in her bedroom. My customer told me that Kelda, her MaidPro service provider, had been writing encouraging notes back to the child each time “It warms our hearts to know that we offer more to our customers than just clean houses. We give them friendship, loyalty, and our best efforts.” 10 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
  • 11. CARING FOR OUR CLIENTS she went to clean their home. “My daughter appreciates and really looks forward to coming home to see what Kelda has written on her chalkboard,” my client said. A few weeks later, after promoting Kelda to a training position, I was inspired by First Lady Michelle Obama to sit down and write this letter to my client. Dear Letitia, Recently our First Lady Michelle Obama was on Oprah discussing how we can all do something small to support a military family in our community. During the discussion, they mentioned how so many of us do not even personally know someone who is serving our country. I was one of those people. The weekend after the show aired I had the opportunity to meet you at our trade show and I was so touched by your story about Kelda, your service provider, writing encouraging notes to your daughter who is missing her father serving overseas. I am so proud of Kelda for living the values of our organization and also for her warm and intuitive spirit to reach out to your daughter with a small but obviously meaningful gesture. I am so glad to have met you and learned about your family’s contributions to our country. In the spirit of our First Lady’s request to acknowledge, thank, and encourage a family we know, we would like to give you the enclosed gift certificates so you and your daughter can enjoy a mommy-daughter date at the spa.On behalf of our MaidPro family, thank you for your family’s sacrifices to protect and serve our country. We are honored to be caring for your home and we will keep your family in our thoughts and prayers. Warm Regards,Cyndi WilliamsOwner MaidPro of Katy, Texas MaidPro Behind the Clean l 11
  • 12. THE LIGHTER SIDE I am very sorry we accidentally dropped and broke this ceramic figurine behind the couch. We have left the pieces here. Please call the office and they will take care of you. Language barriers and texting don’t mix A few years ago at Christmas time, one of our service providers, Rosario, asked me for help translating into English a lovely note that her coworker and older sister Ana had written for their clients’ Christmas cards. In Spanish, Ana had written: ‘Wishing you a season blessed with the richness of family and friends, and a prosperous New Year.’ I promised Rosario that I would translate the message and send the translation to her mobile phone by way of a text message. The next day Rosario stopped in to thank me for sending her the translated message. She had copied it carefully onto each card, but was curious about the word ‘sorry.’ In the meantime, her sister Ana stopped to join the conversation. With her hand on her hip and head tilted closely to the screen, Ana screamed, “You copied WHAT text message?!” Rosario did not know English well and had accidentally copied a different translated message from her phone: ‘I am very sorry we accidentally dropped and broke this ceramic figurine behind the couch; we have left the pieces here. Please call the office and they will take care of you.’ I called every client that day to explain the misunderstanding and everyone had a good laugh. —Rebecca Gill, MaidPro Manager Bellevue/Seattle, Washington 12 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
  • 13. We once had a client who was so upset about her cleans that she called MaidPro headquarters to complain. When I finally managed to talk with the customer, I learned she was upset that her baseboards were still scratched, peeling and dirty. I explained that we did all we could in the time allotted — that we wipe the baseboards down but cannot make them brand new and they may need to be painted. The customer’s reply: “I know, that is why I left paint out for your cleaners!” What, you don’t paint? Hey, you MaidPro guys are good! Years ago, when I was running our first Boston office, I received a call from a new customer. He was very happy with his cleaning and went on for a few minutes, marveling about how a visually impaired house cleaner had been able to clean so effectively. Puzzled, I asked him where he got the idea that we had sent a visually impaired service provider to clean his condo. He told me that the doorman at his complex had observed our service provider carrying a thin walking stick with a red tip on it. I chuckled and told the customer that, while it may resemble a walking stick for the visually impaired, the stick his doorman saw is a special tool we use to sweep cobwebs out of high corners and to clean the dust off ceiling fans. The customer laughed, too, admitting he had been especially amazed to find his high ceiling fan so sparkling clean. —Mark Kushinsky, MaidPro CEO Monster spider alert One fine day in Modesto, California, I received a hysterical message from a service provider who had just swept a giant spider off a high window ledge when dusting with her fan brush. The spider jumped slightly, so she had reacted quickly, grabbing a bowl from the kitchen counter and trapping the spider underneath. She was perplexed as to what to do next. Being plagued with arachnophobia myself, I could not even think about driving into the neighborhood where the home was located. So, while frantically trying to contact my customer, I dispatched my operations manager to clear up the problem. After trapping the spider between the bowl and a pan, however, our operations manager quickly realized something was not quite right. The spider was not moving. Yes folks, we then had the fun task of explaining to our customer that our entire team had been terrified of a rubber tarantula! MaidPro Behind the Clean l 13
  • 14. TRIUMPHS tragedies Local MaidPro communities — owners, employees, and customers — often function like large extended families, sharing deeply in both the best and worst times of each others’ lives. As the stories in this collection show, our compassion and caring leads to wonderful outcomes. 14 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
  • 15. Ifirst met Mark B. one Friday when he came into our office looking for a job. He was 38 years old, 6-feet, 6-inches tall, and 280 lbs. With long, scraggly blond hair held back by a grungy baseball cap and wearing a t-shirt two sizes too small, Mark looked to me like a retired wrestler from the WWE. He had been going door to door in our strip mall and — with a handful of resumes and a jovial personality — sat down to tell me his life story of the past two years. As he was rattling off phrases like ‘divorced’, ‘two kids’, ‘wife took everything’, and ‘need work’, my mind wandered. I thought, ‘How would my customers feel about having this hulk of a man cleaning their homes?’ I listened politely to his half-hour soliloquy, shook his hand, and said, “I will call you if I need you.” That weekend, I kept thinking about Mark. I liked him, but did not feel there was a place for him at MaidPro. I did, however, have a rental house that had been vacated recently. The house needed a lot of work; I thought Mark could probably help me out there and decided to give him a call on Monday. When I called the mobile number Mark had left, I got a message that the phone has been disconnected temporarily. ‘Oh great,’ I thought, ‘his cell phone has been shut off.’ The next day, he came in anyway. I told him my plans to start work on the rental property at the beginning of the next week. I stressed to him that the work would be sporadic and would end after the house was completed. I did not expect to see him again until Monday. Imagine my surprise when, on Thursday morning, he showed up at 8-am and started mingling with the other service providers as though he had been on our staff for months. I said, “Dude, I am sorry but I told you to come in Monday morning!” His reply: “You did, but I thought I would come in today in case you needed me sooner.” Mark showed up on Friday too and stayed all day until the office closed. We spent the next two weeks working on the rental property. That included cleaning out a refrigerator that smelled as if a dead body had been in it, hauling away seven truckloads of garbage, and going to war with enough rats to make Chuck Norris squeal. We made the rental property livable again. I thanked Mark for a job well done and told him I would call him if anything else came up. So, imagine my surprise when — the very next morning — he showed up again at 8-am. I said, “Dude, I don’t have any work for you today!” Mark’s reply: “I know, but if something comes up, I will be here.” This went on for a few weeks and I used Mark when I could. He did a window job for us, some odds and ends, and helped us move the office to a new location a few miles down the road. Every day, he showed up for work whether or not he was getting paid. He never missed a day. One cold, rainy Saturday, I went to the office to check on things. As I pulled up, I saw Mark outside the office door. He looked like a wet Saint Bernard. “What’s up?” With a melancholy smile on his face he told me, “I am officially homeless now and Child Services has taken my driver’s license for being late on my child support.” We opened the office and sat down. I asked him what his plans were, but he had no idea. I told him he could stay the weekend at the office, but that he needed to make other arrangements. I left the office that day thinking about how close all of us are to being in the same position as Mark. This guy had once had his own business, a family, a house, a license — the same life we all take TRIUMPHS TRAGEDIES One cold, rainy Saturday, I went to the office to check on things. As I pulled up, I saw Mark outside the office door. He looked like a wet Saint Bernard...With a melancholy smile on his face he told me, ‘I am officially homeless now and Child Services has taken my driver’s license for being late on my child support.” MaidPro Behind the Clean l 15
  • 16. TRIUMPHS TRAGEDIES “I could easily have said, ‘Hey, it’s not my problem,’ which is what some people advised. But, I did not see it that way. Here was a man who was willing to do anything I asked, whether or not he got paid. He showed up on time, never missed a day, and never made any excuses.” too much for granted — and now it was all gone. All weekend, I pondered about this. What could I do? What should I do? I could easily have said, ‘Hey, it’s not my problem,’ which is what some people advised. But, I did not see it that way. Here was this man who was willing to do anything I asked, whether or not he got paid. He showed up on time, never missed a day, and never made any excuses. So, on Monday morning I picked Mark up at the office and told him we were going for a drive. He looked over at me and asked, “How bad is the news for me?” I said, “You’ll see,” and drove him to the house he had worked on for two weeks. “There is no electricity or water turned on, but it is a roof over your head,” I said. “Think of it as camping.” That night, I brought him an air mattress, a cooler full of food, and some drinks. He thanked me and went to bed. A couple of days passed. I had just picked Mark up to help me move some furniture, when I got a call from my MaidPro general manager. She was sick and had to go home. This was an ongoing pattern that I had been putting up with for far too long. I was her backup, which meant I had to drop what I was doing and run back to the office for the day. When we arrived at the office, I asked Mark to cover the phones while I went out to pick up the mail. I returned to find Mark on the phone with a customer. He was sitting at the desk looking up the customer’s information in our MaidPro software. While I had to show Mark how to navigate to the specific information he needed, I was amazed to find he had gotten himself to the right vicinity. I looked at Mark and said, “You could do this job, couldn’t you?” This was more of my own realization than a question for Mark. Here in my midst was someone who was always there, loyal, and by virtue of his daily presence in our office, had learned our systems. Why not give him the general manager’s job? That was back in September of 2010. Since hiring Mark as my MaidPro general manager, the business has grown significantly. Our customer attrition rate has been falling every month and we have added 28 new recurring customers. The office has never run better. Things have worked out great for both Mark and the company. I guess I have finally found my dream MaidPro manager. —Michael Dash, Owner of MaidPro, Hudson, Florida Terrible loss reveals our strength The true culture of our MaidPro office became apparent two years ago when one of our service providers lost her baby to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Her nine-month old had a cold and, after a visit with the doctor, was assured he was improving. But she awoke later that night and could not hear the child breathing. She and her husband did all they could, to no avail. Our entire staff felt an almost unbearable heartbreak when we heard the sad news. The service provider, who speaks only Spanish, brought all the medical reports (written in English) to our office and asked me to read them to her. She wanted to understand what had happened, if there was anything she could have done to prevent the tragedy. Reading those reports was a terrible task. I told her she had done nothing wrong, that God only takes children to be angels. Meanwhile, our staff took up a collection among themselves and many of our clients donated to help provide a funeral and burial for the baby. These may have been small comforts, but it feels good to know that our MaidPro community is capable of such a tremendous outpouring of love and support when such a need arises. 16 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
  • 17. The perfect bargain We hired an elderly service provider, Linda, suspecting that the hard work might be too much of a strain for her. Although the work was a strain, Linda managed to stick with it. Even with her aches and pains, she was always the most kind, sweet natured person and set a great example for our staff. Around four months after Linda began to work for us, my mother’s Alzheimer’s disease got to a point where she could no longer live alone or take care of herself. When I mentioned this to Linda, she said she had done home healthcare for years and would consider dropping in a couple of times per week at my mom’s assisted living center, which could no longer meet all of her needs. The only obstacle was that Linda’s car had broken down and she was in a bind. It just so happened that my mother had an old Ford Taurus she would no longer be using, so we worked out a deal — elder care in return for the car. It was a match made in heaven. Linda and my mother became fast friends. Linda was able to work and to use a car that would take her all the places she wanted to go. Just as Mom hit a point of needing full-time Alzheimer’s care, Linda’s retirement age arrived and Social Security took over. Now, Linda volunteers at The Dream Center, a local soup kitchen, where she helps indigent folks 3–5 days per week. It fills me with joy to have established this relationship with Linda and to witness the fulfillment she continues to obtain by helping others. An MBA dream come true Our service provider, Youma Fade, originally from Africa, had been in the U.S. for around three years. When she arrived here, she spoke very little English, but started studying the language so she would be able to attend college. While holding a B.S. degree from a University in Nepal, Youma decided it was time to pursue an MBA in New York and spent much of her free time talking with different schools to see about transferring her credits. One of Youma’s clients, Steve, caught wind of her endeavor and offered to help. Steve took the time to help Youma complete the paperwork to apply and transfer her credits for various MBA programs. MaidPro Behind the Clean l 17
  • 18. TRIUMPHS TRAGEDIES Today, Youma is engaged and lives in NYC with her fiancée. She is 29 years old and, while attending school and studying for her MBA, Youma still works with MaidPro. We are inspired by her work ethic and perseverance and are so grateful to Steve for the assistance he so kindly provided. —John Dallaire, Owner of MaidPro, Morningside/New York City When she is famous, we will know we inspired her One of our service providers, Erika, has a very artistic 12-year old daughter. She sketches all the time and has found a real love and passion for art. The father is not in the picture, so it is just the two of them. One day, Erika told us how excited her daughter was about school because she had been accepted into a program that would enable her to study art for three hours each day. While Erika did not really understand her daughter’s passion for art, she was visibly very happy for her. We learned later from another employee that Erika wanted, but could not afford, to take her daughter to the Denver Art Museum. So, on MaidPro’s dime, we surprised Erika and her daughter with a day at the museum and lunch. They had such a great day; Erika told us she had never seen her daughter so happy. We even received a drawing from her daughter as a thank you. The surprise was a small gesture from us that made a huge difference for our employee and served as an educational mark for her daughter. —Denise Schellinger, Owner of MaidPro, Louisville, Colorado A client relationship turns true friendship One of our service providers, Sandy, who has been with us for over three years, lost her soon-to-be fiancée in a freak accident while on vacation. They were attending a motorcycle rally and he had planned to propose on the night of the banquet. Before that could happen, he was struck by a golf cart and fell in such a way as to cause a fatal brain injury. His friend, who had been holding the engagement ring, gave it to Sandy in the hospital while she waited for his organs to be harvested for donation. We told some of Sandy’s close customers about the accident. One of them, Annette Dunn, sobbed for Sandy when she heard the news. She attended the services with her husband, delivered food to Sandy’s home and discussed the tragedy with Sandy many times. Annette’s reaction 18 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
  • 19. TRIUMPHS TRAGEDIES to Sandy’s tragedy reminds us that many of our clients and service providers form wonderful relationships that go far beyond those of just homeowners and cleaning service providers. Each day is difficult for Sandy, but those relationships have helped her to continue with work, take pride in her job and take each new day as a gift. —Susan Dexter, Owner of MaidPro, Penfield, New York A perfectly timed client pep talk When one of our biweekly clients, Barb, lost her corporate job in the earlier part of the year, she called us immediately to cancel her cleaning service. When my office manager told me the news, I called Barb personally to offer my support. But, rather than commiserating with her, I encouraged her to get excited about the doors and opportunities that would soon be opening for her. And, while it is not something we would normally be in a position to do, I also told her that — instead of cancelling her cleaning schedule completely — we would clean her home at no charge once per month, using the home to train new employees. I am happy to be able to report that, less than six months later, Barb called me back to say she had started her own business and wanted to thank me for providing the inspiration and encouragement to do so. She is still a regular client today. —Akisha Greene, Owner of MaidPro Capitol Hill, D.C. MaidPro client turns service provider Our service provider, Sonia, needed emergency surgery and was waiting in the hospital for her operation. When the nurse came to do some preoperative work, Sonia thought, ‘I know this woman from somewhere.’ It suddenly came to Sonia that the nurse was one of her MaidPro customers. She said to the nurse, “Anna May?” The nurse looked at her and said “Sonia?” Sonia is an excellent service provider who exemplifies MaidPro from her appearance, to her positive attitude, to her consistent and exceptional service. Anna MaidPro Behind the Clean l 19
  • 20. TRIUMPHS TRAGEDIES May is always happy with her service, loves Sonia, and took that opportunity to return the favor, ensuring that everything was in order for Sonia’s surgery and care during her hospital stay. —Susan Burke, Owner of MaidPro Gurnee, Illinois Unthinkable tragedy leads to bond Many have suffered the grief of losing clients to illness, but few have had to endure what one MaidPro cleaning team went through in the past year. They had been cleaning for a married couple for some twelve months when they arrived to find crime-scene tape around the house. The husband had killed his wife. The children — all over 21 except for the youngest — asked the MaidPro team to resume cleaning the crime scene after it had been cleaned and released. Our MaidPro service providers have gone on to become great friends with these brokenhearted children and have helped to support them through their devastation and grief. We understand that, in service industries, where we encounter people of every kind, we must be prepared for just about any situation. Concerned customers It is wonderful to have customers who so obviously appreciate of our work. For instance, one of our clients noticed that his service provider team had a cracked windshield on their car. He immediately called our office and insisted on paying for a replacement windshield! Meanwhile, ever since the economy fell into recession a couple of years ago, another long-time client of ours has called us, without fail, every couple of months to inquire about the health of our MaidPro office during these tough economic times. He is always amazed when our response is “healthy and growing.” Each call ends with him feeling stunned and us feeling very proud to be thriving even in a slow- growth economy. We are so lucky to have such wonderful, caring customers. One terrible winter The snow storm of 2011 hit Tulsa in February. There had not been such a storm for over 100 years and our business was shut down for seven business days. No revenue. 20 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
  • 21. TRIUMPHS TRAGEDIES Same bills. Out of the blue, Ryan Rabideau, our primary consultant at MaidPro, called and said he and Mark (Kushinsky) had been talking about our disaster and would like to offer us financial assistance. This touched me deeply because I really needed it and believe that, “Where your heart is, there will be treasure.” To know the MaidPro home office’s heart is with me in my trials is very reassuring. —Greg Ford, Owner of MaidPro, Tulsa, Oklahoma “When we have a light day, we send a service provider or two to the homes of people we know to be struggling or ill. They are always grateful. Our employees are happy to have the work hours and it swells our souls to know we are helping to relieve a little of someone’s burden during difficult times.” —Rhonda Peege and Carla Stone, Owners of MaidPro, Middletown, Kentucky Reaching out in our community MaidPro Behind the Clean l 21
  • 22. CULTIVATING SUCCESS HELP WANTED MARK: Many years ago I could not seem to find just the right person to help manage our Boston MaidPro. After many interviews and finding no suitable candidates, I decided to change the wording in our help wanted ad from ‘Manager’ to ‘Customer Service.’ THE CANDIDATE MAXINE: I was in my early twenties, new to Boston, and looking for my first real job. I saw an ad for a customer service position with a small home cleaning company and thought, “Well, I can do that.” THE LITTLE WHITE LIE MARK: When she came in for her interview, I really liked Maxine. I knew straight away that she was right for the job, but she had no management experience and seemed nervous at the prospect of taking on any type of management responsibility. So, I equivocated just a tiny bit; I told her the position was mostly customer service, but that she would have to tell the cleaning staff where to go and make sure they did their jobs well. THREE SCARY DAYS MAXINE: On the first day of my new job, I realized I had joined a great organization. By day three, though, I was feeling in over my head. I pulled my new boss aside and said: “Mark, this is a management position! I can’t possibly stay in this job. I don’t have the first idea how to manage people!” THE PEP TALK MARK: On her third day of work, Maxine asked to speak with me. She told me this was a management position and she couldn’t possibly do the job. But, it was clear to me after those first three days that our staff loved Maxine. I knew she would grow to become an amazing manager, so I talked her into staying. I was right, too. Maxine was great at her job and grew easily into the role for which we had hired her. THE BIG DECISION MAXINE: I loved my job at MaidPro. The company had welcomed both my sister and I into the MaidPro family with open arms. I made so many great friends there; both the job and the people made my time in Boston a truly wonderful experience. But I was a long way from home. As much as I hated the idea of leaving Boston and MaidPro, I knew the time was coming for me to move back home to Washington. It was a difficult decision, for I still wanted to be part of this great company. THE AHA! MOMENT MARK: When Maxine told me SERVICE REP TURNS MULTI-UNIT franchisee By Mark Kushinsky, MaidPro CEO and Co-Founder Maxine Kenefsky, Owner of MaidPro Bellevue and MaidPro Seattle At MaidPro, we believe that if we hire warm, caring people who take pride in doing great work, we can always train and nurture them to become effective business managers and great customer service providers. Here is the story of how a reluctant MaidPro customer service manager went on to become the owner of multiple MaidPro locations. 22 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
  • 23. she was moving back home to Washington, I was devastated. Maxine was not only an amazing manager, she is an amazing person. It was then that we got this brilliant idea: She could bring MaidPro with her to Washington, so I suggested that she become a MaidPro franchise owner. ONCE AGAIN, DOUBTS MAXINE: I knew the operational side of the business, but had no idea about owning my own business. Could I do this? Once again, I was back in a position of having a great opportunity and people who believed in me, but I was not certain I would be able to pull it off. ON IRISH BEERS AND ‘GOLDEN TEE’ MARK: I always believed in Maxine, but it took a few conversations — usually at the Irish pub down the street from our office, playing Golden Tee with beers in hand — to convince her to take the leap. I had to have a few talks with her father too. THE LEAP OF FAITH MAXINE: MaidPro had so much faith in me, more than I did in myself. So, with encouragement from cofounders Mark Kushinsky and Richard Sparacio — and, of course, from my pops— I finally decided to go for it! FIRST FLIGHT MARK: To ensure Maxine’s MaidPro got off to a great start in Washington, we vowed to support her every step along the way. I even flew out to Seattle to help her pick out her first office space and review and negotiate her first lease. THE HAPPY ENDING MAXINE: I always knew I was in good hands, but Mark’s trip to Washington really sealed it. The rest is history. I have happily owned and operated a MaidPro business in Bellevue, Washington and a branch office in Seattle for over 10 years. Clearly, opening my own MaidPro franchise is one of the best decisions I could have ever made. I owe it all to my MaidPro family and their belief in me. MARK: Today, Maxine is a seasoned business owner with an amazing multi-unit business. She has come a long way from the twenty something girl I interviewed ten years ago. I must say that hiring her is among the best business and personal decisions I have ever made. Maxine Kenefsky, Owner of MaidPro Bellevue and MaidPro Seattle, Washington MaidPro Behind the Clean l 23
  • 24. HAPPY EMPLOYEES HAPPY CUSTOMERS Pinktober Day in Orlando October is national breast cancer awareness month. Every year, our MaidPro Office in Orlando/ Longwood, Florida holds a Pinktober Day on which we ask all staff to wear pink — as much as they can put on! We do this to honor all women who have suffered from breast cancer, but also to make people aware of this dreaded disease. We always get pink food and bring in different breast cancer awareness pins, charts, and other fun things to teach our staff the importance of self exams and of getting mammograms when they reach a certain age. Pinktober Day is an inexpensive way to switch things up for our staff. It is always a fun day filled with valuable life-saving information. The last two years in particular have been a real blessing, as one of our staff is a breast cancer survivor. —Kathryn Boyce, Owner of MaidPro Orlando/Longwood, Florida 24 l MaidPro Behind the Clean We believe that promoting the happiness and well being of our employees leads to great experiences for our customers. Here are two behind-the-scenes examples of how MaidPro owners have put the idea into practice.
  • 25. After over eight years as a consultant for MaidPro, I was so inspired while visiting Matt Sherman’s MaidPro in Denver, Colorado. I have worked with Matt since he opened his doors in the summer of 2004. Matt is a remarkable and inspirational person who has chosen a slow and steady path to growing his business and who sets a great example for what it means to treat your employees well. And, boy, has the strategy paid off. A few years ago, MaidPro hosted an operations retreat in Denver and I had an opportunity to spend an entire day with Matt. Our day began at 7-am where I attended an office team meeting. I got to watch Matt use a gentle technique of sharing all the good that is happening in his MaidPro office while also discussing the areas that need work by his team. I watched all of Matt’s service providers leave the office happy, energized, and ready to start cleaning enthusiastically for their clients! We then had lunch, a calming afternoon chai tea, and — much to my surprise — the day ended with a massage right in Matt’s MaidPro office. Yes, you heard me correctly! On Friday afternoons, Matt would arrange to have a massage therapist come in for employees who wanted to swing by the office after work so they could leave the week behind and enter their weekends relaxed. No wonder Matt’s business is booming and everyone wants to work for him. If I ever move to Denver, I would seriously consider it! ―—Ames Forish, MaidPro Franchising Wait, is this a MaidPro or a day spa? MaidPro Behind the Clean l 25
  • 26. MaidPro’s home office staff is a tight knit group. Over the course of several years, I have gotten to know many of my colleagues’ spouses and families, and they have certainly gotten to know mine — in particular my brother Jake. Jake’s work often takes him to areas near our office in Boston, which gives him an abundance of opportunities to check up on his little brother. At first, when I was a new employee, he would stop by occasionally to see how I was doing and maybe be introduced to a coworker or two. But, as soon as he discovered that our office hosted “Margarita Fridays”, Jake’s visits started to become more and more frequent. It was as though he could detect the sound of the blender from anywhere in the city. Within five minutes, he would be walking through the door with a grin from ear to ear. After a while, Jake started coming in for visits even when he knew I would not be there. He would do little things to let me know he had stopped by, such as leaving notes, rearranging my desk, or filling my office top to bottom with balloons so I could not get in. One day when I was out sick from work, I got a call from Jake, telling me he had just been out for a “power lunch” with our CEO and Vice President! He said he had some marketing ideas to discuss with me when I got back to the office. Before I knew it, Jake had my colleagues’ phone numbers and would socialize with them regularly outside of work without me! People would stop by my desk to tell me they gone to a hockey game or out for drinks with my brother. Jake has become such a fixture in our office that MaidPro’s owners have named him an honorary employee. His picture can even be found on the employee board, which is displayed prominently in our office lobby. I always enjoy seeing new employees go through orientation when they are shown the picture board and learn what each person does. I chuckle when they get to Jake’s picture. New employees are usually a bit baffled, but the confusion clears up quickly when they meet Jake — usually within just a few days. It’s so great to work at a place that has such a welcoming environment. I guess I should have explained in my interview that I would be a two-for-one deal with my brother Jake. —James Doyle, Director of Marketing and Sales, MaidPro HAPPY EMPLOYEES HAPPY CUSTOMERS MaidPro’s first honorary employee 26 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
  • 27. A few weeks ago, while my personal car was in for service, I had to use our MaidPro jeep. That afternoon, when I picked up my 12-year-old daughter, Emily, at middle school, I noticed her surprise as I drove up to the pickup line. She smiled broadly when getting into the car and asked if I would have the MaidPro jeep the next day too. I was ready to hear that she was going to opt for the bus so she would not have to be seen in such a colorful jeep. But, when I told her I would be driving the jeep for another two days, she replied, “Great! I love being in the MaidPro jeep. All my friends think it is so cool and they think it is even cooler that my mom runs her own business. I do too!” I cannot tell you how proud that moment made me feel. Part of the reason I decided to leave the fast-paced corporate world was to have some flexibility in my day, certainly enough to drop off and pick up my daughter at school each day. To know that — at the age of 12 — my daughter thinks running your own business is cool is all right by me! —Marina L. Ward, Owner of MaidPro Grapevine, Texas kids Meet Cooper, our miniature MaidPro tycoon Girls think a Mom running her own MaidPro business is ‘cool’ My 4-year old son, Cooper, spends a great deal of time in our MaidPro office with myself and the women. One day, Cooper was hanging out in Rebecca’s office while she was on a sales call. When the call ended, she pumped her fist in the air and shouted, “Yes!” Cooper’s reply: “Bi-Weekly Becca?” Another time, I arrived home from work one night and knelt down beside Cooper to ask how his day was. “Great,” he replied. Then he put his hands on my cheeks and asked very solemnly, “Did you sign up any new clients today?” —Maxine Kenefsky, Owner of MaidPro Bellevue and Seattle, Washington MAIDPRO MaidPro Behind the Clean l 27
  • 28. PET A service provider called in to our MaidPro office to say she had broken a client’s ceiling fan and it was hanging by the wires. Being a handy man, I gathered my bucket of tools and headed out to tackle the repair job myself. When I arrived on the scene, I was greeted — to my delight — by two Great Danes. I had a Great Dane when I was a child, but one of these was the biggest I had ever seen. As I was greeting my customer and explaining what I would do to fix the ceiling fan, the larger of the two Great Danes sauntered up behind me. She stuck her nose in between my legs, moved underneath me and lifted me off the ground. Suddenly, I was riding this horse of a dog around my customer’s house! The customer was absolutely speechless. I was just trying to hold on and having the ride of my life. Suffice to say that a new nickname was born that day. It’s a story we share and laugh about often around our MaidPro office. —Greg Ford, Owner of MaidPro Tulsa, Oklahoma Coping with our clients’ pets is a fact of life for MaidPro service providers. Here are some funny stories about their adventures with some of our furrier friends. tails Ride ‘em cowboy 28 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
  • 29. One of our clients had requested that her service providers put her two dogs in the backyard to potty, letting them back inside the house just prior to leaving at the end of service. The service providers had been doing this without a hitch for several years until one week, one of the dogs — his hind legs paralyzed so he drags himself around — decided it was hot outside and jumped into the swimming pool. He then began to whine loudly and the second dog was barking wildly. The service provider thought the dog was going to drown so — clothes and all — jumped into the pool to save him. When the client was told of the incident, she laughed hysterically and said the partially paralyzed dog loves the pool, has no trouble swimming and whines because he is happy. Meanwhile, the second dog is afraid of the water and barks wildly when anyone enters the pool, dog or human. Well at least we know our service providers really care about our clients and their pets! —Janet Sklar, Owner of MaidPro Carrollton, Texas Attention SPs: There will be no more swimming with customers’ dogs “The service provider thought the partially paralyzed dog was going to drown so — clothes and all — jumped into the pool to save him.” PET TAILS MaidPro Behind the Clean l 29
  • 30. PET TAILS Well he certainly acted like he was your dog... Dear Kay, I can understand your frustration. Let me be the first to say that I am extremely sorry for what happened with the dog. In discussing the issue with the service providers who cleaned your home this morning, I have a clearer picture as to what occurred.As they were entering your home through your garage, they returned to get a final item out of their car. That is when they noticed the white dog in your garage. When they saw this little dog in the garage, they assumed it had somehow snuck out to the garage when they were carrying in their supplies.Since they were expecting dogs at your home, they ushered the dog back inside and started cleaning. Unfortunately, the dog was not yours and you had to come home to an unpleasant mess when you were expecting a clean house.For your troubles, I have deducted $30 dollars off of this cleaning. I hope you can understand that this was a bizarre coincidence and not a standard practice for MaidPro. Although we love animals and wish they all had homes, we are not in the habit of letting stray animals take up residence in our customer’s homes if they do not belong there! For future reference, I have made a note in your customer file that your dogs will be left outside and, if a white dog is hanging around the house, it should not be let inside.If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me directly and please accept my sincerest apology. Jason Ford Tulsa, Oklahoma 30 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
  • 31. LOST FOUND Seriously honey! I really did lose my wedding ring One of our MaidPro service providers found a man’s wedding ring among our client’s sofa cushions while cleaning. She left a note for the client with the ring on the kitchen counter. The next day the client called us amazed! She said her husband had lost his wedding ring three months before. They had looked everywhere with no luck. As they prepared for a cross-country move, they had wrapped their furniture with cellophane to keep the cushions in place. The ring traveled across the country in the sofa only to resurface during our clean! The client was so happy she gave our service provider a VERY generous tip. MaidPro Behind the Clean l 31
  • 32. LOST FOUND I know you stole my Donald Trump book Some time ago we had a client who was sure we had either stolen or misplaced his Donald Trump book. When we asked the service provider if he remembered seeing the book, his puzzled reply was: “Donald, who?” We found it amusing that the service provider had no idea who Donald Trump was. Clearly, he had not stolen the book. I spoke with the client who was still determined to blame MaidPro for his missing book. The great part of this story is that our client had the decency to call us back and apologize when he later found the Donald Trump book in the trunk of his car. He kept expressing how embarrassed he was over the false accusation and wanted to be sure we passed along his apology to our service provider. We offer a human service. Anyone can make mistakes. We do. Our service providers do. Our customers do. It is a great thing to understand, recognize and express this with each other. —Roy Ribas, Boston, Mass. 32 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
  • 33. LOVEletters to MaidPro We just LOVE it when people take the time to write to us with good news about MaidPro. We keep and cherish every letter, so please keep them coming! Dear MaidPro, Thank you for having such agreat mentoring program!. My first really awful client made me feelso bad that I felt like quitting thebusiness. My MaidPro mentor helpedme to understand that it is okay to fire an unreasonably difficult client. Though I would love to have themoney, the anxiety and the feeling of being out of control are gone. This has made an amazingdifference in my attitude aboutbeing a business owner. Thanks again MaidPro!. MaidPro Behind the Clean l 33
  • 34. LOVE LETTERS TO MAIDPRO Dear MaidPro: I am sure everybody can relate to the big holiday rush, getting the house ready for visitors, shopping, decorating and baking. This year, on top of everything else, I had been sick and underwent surgery on December 10. I was not supposed to lift anything and even everyday chores like washing dishes left me tired. My sister was planning to visit with my brother-in-law on Christmas weekend and I did not have the energy to clean the house in preparation for their visit. I called MaidPro on Monday December 20 with low hope of finding availability. However, Alice was so wonderful and helpful, fitting me in on the Wednesday of that week. She also fit my boyfriend’s house in on Christmas Eve. Your service provider, Gloria, did wonders at my house while Cheryl made my boyfriend’s house sparkling clean. When my sister visited, she was very impressed with both of our homes. Thank you to MaidPro, Alice, Gloria, and Cheryl. You saved my Christmas this year! —Zeynep Akkan 34 l MaidPro Behind the Clean
  • 35. LOVE LETTERS TO MAIDPRO Dear MaidPro Friends and Almost Family,It is with mixed emotions that I write this farewell letter. We started MaidPro of Leonia, N.J. in March 2008 and grew the business one client at a time through a challenging economy and a difficult personal time. The most important news is that our son, Ben, who was diagnosed with Leukemia two years ago, is finishing his treatment at the end of May and is now in remission. He feels great, is going to kindergarden, plays with friends and looks like a normal and healthy kid. We pray that it will continue this way. The last two years have taught us the importance of family and how difficult it is for us to live so far away from our immediate families. Therefore we have decided to return to Israel, our home country.We sold our business to Bill Hutchinson who will carry the mantle for MaidPro Leonia forward. Bill is a great guy and we ask that you please welcome him to the MaidPro family. We wish him all the luck in growing MaidPro of Leonia and making it a success.I want to personally thank you for your prayers for the health of our son Ben. Thank you for the financial help that we received from MaidPro and for all the support and caring from owners and the MaidPro home office. Thank you for giving me the privilege to be a part of the MaidPro community — such a smart, intelligent and caring group of people. Wishing you all health and business success in all your future endeavors!Sincerely, Sharon Sagie-Rubinov MaidPro Behind the Clean l 35