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August 20, 2008
                                                                                                              October 2, 1932
      About seventy-six years ago a
little boy sat in the living room of
his home in Detroit, Michigan
reading the morning newspaper.
He was fascinated by the color of
the artwork, the words and the
feeling of being in another world.
    With a little help from his father,
with the hard words, he found
himself in a magical world of
mystery and intrigue. As the words
became alive in his mind, he
pictured himself as a part of that
wonderful world.          He carefully
folded up the paper and put it away.
      Now, that little boy is in his
eighties and as he began to unfold
that long kept and slightly tattered
paper that he had kept in the back
of his scrapbooks he had also
accumulated.       What was only a
dream to a little boy had become a
reality for him. You see that little
boy was me and this is the paper.
      The following is but a small
sample of the wonderful world I had
immersed myself in. As Jan often
states,    “If    you    hadn’t   kept
scrapbooks of your life, no one
would ever believe it could
    Please read it, and it is my hope
that possibly your dreams are in my
scrapbook too.
                                            Until you have experienced the feeling, one can only imagine what it has been like for me to
     Bradford J.                          brush shoulders with stars, presidents,great writers, the famous and the infamous. I hope that
                                          somehow thru this bit of my history, you will experience that feeling.
It wasn’t just
   the magic
  that caught
  my eye but
the desire to
  hypnotize a
  person and
  people with
  the powers
  This desire
 to learn how
to hypnotize
   carried me
  through the
   teens and
 well into my
     years in
It opened the
doors for me
    to meet a
     host of
people, from
    Welles &
Power to the
 Beatles and
Stacy Keach.
Ads from

                                                                                        BRADFORD J. ANGERS,
                                                                                       ON OUR STAGE -- 10 P.M. -- TONIGHT;
                                                                                           A MASS DEMONSTRATION
Black Magic (1949)                                                                              OF HYPNOSIS
        A Forgotten Welles Film That Is Escapist
    A historical drama based upon a Dumas book,
produced by Edward Small of Eagle Lion Studios (a
postwar effort to upgrade the output of Producers
Releasing Corporation, an outfit once synonymous
with poverty row films). Set in Paris during the
years immediately before the French Revolution,
Welles is Cagliostro, (Giuseppe Balsamo) a brilliant
and scheming hypnotist, who plots to substitute
his own wife on the throne in place of Marie
Antoinette (Nancy Guild). Gregory Ratoff received
on screen directorial credit, but don't be fooled:
Welles supplanted Ratoff during the production,
working with Bradford J. Angers, a hypnotist
himself, and a student at The Detroit Institute of
Technology as well as an authority on Cagliostro.
Supporting actor, Akim Tamiroff went on to
become a regular in several of Welles' later
productions. Great fun! Welles chews the scenery
to good effect. Look for Raymond Burr in a minor
                                                        Mike Roach
                                                       Brad’s Emcee   The trial of Cagliostro in the court of Marie
U.S. and
                                      ads and
 Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer              drew large
Is presented to the King of
  France, in Black Magic.

                                “STORY TIP”
                              He forced women to
                                   love him, by
                               During the filming
                                 of the picture,
                              Brad actually taught
                               Orson Welles how
                                  to hypnotize.
                                 In fact, several
                                of the film were
                               made with Nancy
                                  Guild actually
                                 hypnotized by
                                    Mr. Welles.
                               Brad was asked to
                                   go on stage
                              to promote the film.
   to report                                                               “To Brad:
                                                                         One of the best
                                                                        I have ever met”
                                                                     Francis R. Shields
                                                                        (Dunbar the man
                                                                        with X-ray mind.)

                         Newspaper reporter succumbs to the
                        hypnotic powers of hypnotist, Bradford
                     Angers at the premier showing of Black Magic.

                                                          Kim Kee & Tinka

No tricks…just a little
 Hypnotic stiffness

Brad & friends on stage
Following the performance at
the     Vanity     Theater     in
Windsor, Ontario, Brad was
given the opportunity to give a
demonstration of hypnotism
for    the     Ontario    Police
Department and invited to
participate in the Christian
Culture      Lecture       series
sponsored      by   Assumption
College along with Father
Grant     and     Father    Stan
Hey, Wings,                                                            ST. CLAIR SHORES
 Here’s Idea
                                                                           Social and Personal
      Hickley, England --
 Members of the local                                                   By Margaret Treff Rose 4535
 soccer team will be
 hypnotized before their                                                    It’s all water under the
 game of Easter Tuesday                                                 bridge now but it is an
 against        Birmingham,                                             amusing incident just the
 Hypnotist Richard Payne                                                same. It seems that several
 will put the players under                                             weeks ago the Red Wing
 his influence and give                                                 manager sent for Bradford J.
 them the “will to win.”                                                Angers, our local magician
                                                                        and hypnotist and asked his
                                                                        advice on hypnotizing the
                                                                        team to give them the will to
                                                                        win. He had read about such
                                                                        a thing being done in
                                                                        England. Although, as Brad
                                                                        explained to him, it could be
                                                                        done -- it was dangerous
                                                                        because the players would
                                                                        over-exert themselves and ill
                                                                        effects might result. What is
                                                                        coming to the future of sports
                                                                        when hypnotism offers the
                                                                        solution     to  super-human
    Mark Beltaire
BRAD ANGERS, of the Detroit
Institute of Technology, thought
that a dose of mass hypnotism,
administered by himself, might
be just the thing to revive the        That’s why only some pep-
skidding Red Wings. But after      restoring miracle can help Detroit
seeing them in action against
Toronto, he decided there is       now. They’ve still got the spirit
nothing wrong with their will to   and morale to win a game or even
win. The Wings are just fagged     the Cup, but they don’t have to
                                   strength to do it.
“Perhaps there is a Great Power which has ordained
                                                                                                    than we shall not contact Houdini,” I said, adding
                                                                                                    that the group would try next year.
                                                                                                      ‘There were 13 persons in the candle-lighted room
                                                                                                    as the seance began.”


                                                                                                         FRANK AMAND, a personal friend of Houdini
                                                                                                    put on a demonstration with a pair of cuffs used 23
                                                                                                    years ago in Detroit. by Houdini.
                                                                                                       The handcuffs were placed on a round table along
                                                                                                    with a cowbell, two slates and a paper bag containing
                                                                                                    a piece of clothesline rope. We rook seats ad touched
                                                                                                    fingers to form a magic circle.
                                                                                                        Lee pleaded for the spirit of Houdini to manifest
                                                                                                    itself by ringing the bell,, writing on the slates or
                                                                                                    tying a know in the rop
                                                                                                      “We are waiting to hear from you,” Lee implored.
                               Seven who participated in the Halloween seance examine               “We would appreciate hearing from you.”
                               props used in attempting to entice the spirit of Houdini, They          The slates remained blank, the bell didn’t ring and
                               are, left to right, Sgt. Herbert German, Charles Worpell, Kim        the rope was untied.
                               Lee, Frank Kelly, Arthur Dwery, Bradford J. Angers and Frank            We are still waiting.
Brad on stage Vanity Theater   Amand. FREE PRESS, Monday, Nov. 1, 1948

                               Houdini Again Fails to Contact Friends                                               Tries to Recall
                                   BY SAM PEPTIC
                                                                                                                    Houdini Spirit
                                           Free Press Staff Write
                                                                                                        Bradford J. Angers, 13110 Evanston, was one of
                                Harry Houdini again stood up his Detroit friends.
                                                                                                    five magicians who sought to recall the spirit of
                                  The world-famous escape artist failed to return from the spirit
                                                                                                    Houdini back from the grave at midnight Halloween
                               world despite an elaborate invitation to make himself known
                                                                                                    in the Tuller Hotel.
                               midnight Halloween, the 22 anniversary of his death in Detroit.
                                                                                                       Harry Houdini world famous escape artist, died 22
                               Although he exposed many spiritualist during his life, Houdini
                                                                                                    years go on Halloween. He promised he would try to
                               had promised too do his utmost return after his death.
                                                                                                    return after his death.
                                                                                                       But, says Brad sadly, while all the props were on
                                SEVEN DETROIT magician including Sgt. Herbert German, the
                                                                                                    hand, Houdini failed to make an appearance.
                               Police Department, and the reporter met at the Tuller Hotel in an
                               attempt to contact the mater. We heard and saw nothing.
                                  “Let us not say that we have failed,” Kim Lee (known also as      Helps Y. M. C. A.
                               Alexander the Great), announced at the end of the seance. …          Many of Detroit’s prominent business men have
                               (continued top right)                                                willingly agreed to cooperate in National YMCA
                                                                                                    Week by sponsoring mature groups, hiking,
                                                                                                    fishing and outdoor crafts. A Shorian, Bradford J.
                                                                                                    Angers, is also doing his part by conducting a
                                                                                                    class in magic for the boys who are interested in
                                                                                                    learning at the hand is quicker than the eye.
s tage an d w ou ld b e p u t i n th e                     M an y m ay b e p u t u n d e r w i th n o
                                                             m e d i cal offi ce .                                    d i ffi cu lty w h ats oe ve r. T h i s b y n o m e an s i s
                                                                 I n fact, An ge rs h as u s e d th e art ---         gove rn e d b y th e i r i n te lli ge n ce . T h e
                                                             u n d e r th e m ore e x act ti tle of "ap p li e d      i n te lli ge n t are ju s t as m u ch , i f n ot m ore ,
                                                             p s ych ology" or "s le e p s u gge s ti on " ---        s u s ce p ti b le th an th e u n i n te lli ge n t.
                                                             to as s i s t a D e troi t ob s te tri ci an i n            “E ve n th os e th at d o n ot s u ccu m b at on ce
                                                             ch i ld b i rth s .                                      can b e h yp n oti z e d b y con ti n u ati on of
                                                                     F rom p e rs on al ob s e rvati on , h e         tre atm e n t.”
                                                             fi n d s ap p li e d p s ych ology valu ab le i n            Pe rs on s u n d e r th e i n flu e n ce of alcoh ol
                                                             th e alle vi ati on of p ai n .                          are d i ffi cu lt to p u t u n d e r b e cau s e th e y are
                                                                 H e ob s e rve d :                                   n ot ab le to con ce n trate s u ffi ci e n tly.
                                                                   "T h e re are th os e w h o go on (h e                  An ge rs as s e rte d th at th e re i s n o h arm
                                                             s tage an d p u t on a ri otou s act b y                 i n h yp n oti s m i ts e lf an d th at a p e rs on
                                                             h avi n g p e op le s w at i m agi n ary b e e s         w h e n “p u t u n d e r” w ou ld n ot d o an yth i n g
                                                             or b ark li k e d ogs . H ow e ve r, th i s              h e w ou ld n ot d o w h i le i n h i s n orm al s tate
                                                             com e d y w ou ld ove rs h ad ow th e m ore              of m i n d . H e ad vi s e d , n e ve rth e le s s , th at
                                                             s e ri ou s      th i n gs    th at      can       he    p e rs on s re fu s e d to b e h yp n oti z e d b y
                                                             accom p li s h e d i n th e m e d i cal fi e ld s .”     an yon e th e y d o n ot k n ow or w h os e
                                                                    "Alm os t e ve ry fi e ld of m e d i ci n e       b ack grou n d th e y d o n ot k n ow .
                                                             ri gh t n ow i s s h ow i n g m ore i n te re s t             H e w ou ld li k e to “ge t h yp n oti s m ou t of
                                                             th an e ve r b e fore I n th e fi e ld of                th e h an d s of p e rs on s n ot q u ali fi e d to u s e
                                                             h yp n oti s m .        H yp n oti s m      s u ffe rs   i t.”
                                                             b e cau s e th e p u b li c clas s i fi e s i t w i th              A q u ali fi e d p e rs on , i n h i s op i n i on ,
                                                             m agi c, b u t i t far, far aw ay from th at             w ou ld re q u i re cou rs e s i n b as i c p s ych ology
                                                             clas s i fi cati on .”                                   an d a b as i c u n d e rs tan d i n g of h u m an
                                                                   B rad ford , w h o i s s tayi n g w i th h i s     an atom y.
                                                             b roth e r Jam e s , an d fam i ly, at 2 32 43                U s i n g h i s ow n cas e as an e x am p le , h e
                                                             D ore m u s D r., re ce n tly re tu rn e d from          p oi n te d ou t th at th e re i s n ot at p re s e n t
                                                             m e d i cal w ork i n th i s fi e ld i n th e            an y s ch ool w h e re th e s u b je ct can b e
                                                             S ou th w e s t.                                         le arn e d s tri ctly b y te x tb ook --- alth ou gh
                                                                H e i s cu rre n tly, “w ork i n g w i th ” tw o      h e h as s tu d i e d s core s of b ook s an d oth e r
                                                             m e d i cal m e n to i n s tru ct th e m i n th e        li te ratu re i n th e fi e ld . T h e re i s n o
               Bradford J. Angers                                                                                     re cogn i z e d m e d i cal d e gre e , an d ye t h i s
        Shores Man Sees
                                                             art, an d s oon w i ll ad d fi ve m ore . T h e
                                                             i n s tru cti on --- h e p re fe rs to s ay              fri e n d s i n m e d i ci n e h ave as k e d h i m to

       Hypnotism Closely                                     “w ork i n g w i th ” m e d i cos b e cau s e            “p as s on ” th e i n form ati on h e h as le arn e d
                                                             th e y p os s e s s a n atu ral b ack grou n d           d i re ctly to th e m n ow rath e r th an go aw ay

       Linked to Medicine                                    for “con s ci ou s s u gge s ti on ” an d a
                                                             k n ow le d ge of an atom y --- i s d on e i n
                                                                                                                      to s p e ci al s ch ools . (B u t h e p lan s to
                                                                                                                      acq u i re on e or m ore d e gre e s i n ti m e .)
            BY WILLIAM E. KENNEDY                            e ach d octor’s ow n offi ce at h i s ow n                   S om e of h i s fi n e s t trai n i n g i n p racti ci n g
           Monitor--Leader Staff Reporter                                                                             th e art, an d i n ab s orb i n g p ri n ci p le s an d
                                                             con ve n i e n ce .
ST. CL A I R SH OR E S --- I f B rad ford J. An ge rs h ad      An ge rs n ote d th at a D e troi t d e n ti s t      th e ory, cam e from E d Wolfe , of N e w York
h i s w ay,'h yp n oti s m w ou ld b e tak e n off th e      i s als o m ak i n g u s e of th i s k n ow le d ge      an d Ch i cago.
vau d e vi lle                                               to alle vi ate p ai n .                                       I t’s a s k i ll on e can ’t le arn s ole ly from
No sensible adult would take a capsule (not         Hindu Fakirs, placing an entire audience in a
THE HERALD                                        knowing its contents) from someone they             hypnotic trance. Thus is impossible. It is              NOTE: Self
Wednesday, Dec.   21, 1949                        knew nothing about. Likewise, a person              possible, however, to place a large portion of a    hypnosis program
                                                  should not submit to hypnosis without being         group in a light sleep.
                                                                                                                                                         in the below article
                                                  fully aware of the background of the                  Auto-suggestion is the most applicable form
 Shorian Describes Scope                          hypnotist.                                          of hypnotism as it is easily mastered by the         was Written by
of Present-Day Hypnotism                               No normal person can be hypnotized             average person. I shall not go into auto-           Bradford Angers,
                                                  against his will. It is only the person who is in   suggestion (self-hypnosis) no, as I intent to        Dallas Hypnosis
By BRADFORD J. ANGERS                             need of the results hypnotherapy can offer          cove it more fully in a late article.                 and student at
    (This is the second in a series of articles   and who is willing to submit to the will of the                                                         Detroit Institute of
“dealing with various aspects of the value        operator who can be hypnotized.                                                                            Technology.
of hypnosis in modern psychology. the                 Hypnosis can be as easily overrated as
author, who lives at 23243 Doremus, St.           underrated. Actually, it is a natural science
Clair Shores, is working toward degrees at        dealing with mental and physical action; and
Detroit Institute of Technology.)                 the exercise of the power is the result of a
       I have often been asked what is            natural endowment which all are capable of
hypnotism, how is it applies and who can          developing.
learn it? Let’s take these questions one at a         Post-hypnotic suggestion is perhaps the
time.                                             most wonderful pat of hypnotherapy. by this
    Hypnotism, scientifically speaking, is a      medium a subject can be caused to realizing
method of inducing state resembling sleep         he has been ordered to do so by the hypnotist.
in which the mind readily responds to             It is this phase of hypnotism that is most
external suggestion. This is done by              valuable in the termination of bad habits.
carefully selected suggestion which are put          While under the influence of hypnotism a
to the subject in a well defined order.           subject will no ordinarily carry out a
        Far superior to its predecessor,          command or suggestion which violates his
mesmerism (to charm or fascinate), which          religious beliefs, moral scruples or habitual
produced an unnatural or nervous state            dignity.
resembling a trance or sleep, hypnotism is          Cases of instantaneous hypnosis such as the
rapidly proving itself in many fields             snap of a finger, etc., are rare without the
including medicine.                               benefit of previous suggestion.
   Just as the mystery surrounding drugs is           Ruling out the possibility of an organic
being swept away, the veil should be lifted       problem, a hypnotized person will drift into a
from hypnotism. As recent news stories            normal sleep and awaken of his own accord.
have shown, hypnotism, even in the hands               Mass hypnotism is nothing more than
of a physician, can be as dangerous as            ordinary hypnosis on a large scale. You may
loaded gun. If he is not capable of good          have read about
moral judgment.
Tues., Oct. 5 1948                                                            Hypnotic Spell                       Hypnosis Wins
OUR                                      CHATTERBOX                           …Cont.
T IM E S                                                                                                         ST. CLAIR SHORES --
                                          Hypnotism is Innovation               THAT’S THE DAY   they’ll first   Wyan d otte n e w s p ap e rm e n
                                                                              meet a well known hypnotist,
                                           to Fraternity Pledging                                                an d       a fam ou s m e n tal
                                                                              as well as receiving long lists    te le p ath i s t                cre d i te d
By Vera Brown                            By Elizabeth Knox                    of do’s and don’ts which they      B rad ford J. An ge rs , of th i s
                                                                              must follow during their           com m u n i ty,              w i th           a
Magic Town:                                Pledges of a certain fraternity    pledge period.                     s u p e ri or d e m on s trati on of
                                         at the Detroit Institute of                 Warning signals have        h yp n oti s m M on d ay n i gh t.
   What a town this is, sys Harold
                                         Technology are shaking in their      already been sent up for the             F ran ci s R . S h i e ld s , N e w
Hoffman, New Yorker born and
bred, who came here for the AMA          boots as they embark on eight        neophytes by Pledge-
                                                                                                                 York e r k n ow n as “D u n b ar,
                                                                                                                 th e M an w i th th e X -R ay
convention and stayed on to conduct      weeks of pledging.                   master William Ohst.               M i n d ,” w as q u ote d b y
some personal business.                    And they have a worse case of            If Lord Hypni, as he’s       D avi d         E lli s , Wyan d otte
  He stopped on the Kinsel corner to     the jitters than most fraternity     known to his fraternity            n e w s p ap e rm an , as gi vi n g
bay a paper, just as a grimy faced lad   pledges       because      they’re   brothers casts his hypnotic        “on e          of        th e       fi n e s t”
of around 12 dropped a penny into        wondering just how they can          spell on the lowly pledges it’s    h yp n oti s m d e m on s trati on s
the outside gum machine there.           avoid Lord Hypni and his             a sure bet they’ll be servants     of s e ve ral th ou s an d h e h as
       Nothing happened. The kid         hypnotic power.                      of the actives during the          s e e n i n th e U n i te d S tate s
pounded, shook and beat the                 In addition to the traditional    weeks of bowing down to            an d E u rop e .
machine. Still no gum. Just then up
                                         fun of pledging, actives of          their masters, learning the               S h i e ld s w as p re s e n te d
stepped a well dressed and dignified
fellow to the rescue.
                                         Gamma chapter of Alpha               pledge manual, attending
                                                                                                                 b e fore a grou p of D e troi t
                                                                                                                 m agi ci an s , u p on i n vi tati on
     He tapped the machine lightly       Gamma upsilon fraternity have        special meetings each week         of K i m K e e , an d p re s e n te d
with his fingers, out came the stick     a few sly new tricks up their        and participating in pledge        h is         m e n tal        te le p ath y
of gum.                                  sleeves.                             parties.                           rou ti n e , follow e d b y a
      “Gee, mister, you must be a             On Monday, when pledges                                            d i s cou rs e on th e fe as i b i li ty
magician!” said the boy as he made a     gather at the college for their                                         of m e n tal te le p ath y as a
dive for his gun. The man reached        initial informal ceremony they’ll                                       gu i d e to e ve ryd ay li vi n g.
into his pocket, handed the boy his      get a taste of what’s in store for                                      He             als o          d i s cu s s e d
card.                                    them.                                                                   h yp n oti s m as com p are d
    It read” Bradford J. Angers,
                                         …….Continue next column                                                 w i th m e n tali s m .
magician and hypnotist.
  Hoffman doesn’t know yet whether
the gum came out of the machine or
out of Anger’s sleeve.                   …..
Master Hypnotist, Bradford Angers
                                                            states with conviction, …..
                                                        “HYPNOTISM IS NOT MAGIC”

                                                              Versed in the relations of hypnosis                Extensive psychological
                                                           to crime, he has been invited by              experimentation in the field of
                                                           Deputy Chief Neale of the Windsor             color hypnosis, Angers points
                                                           police      to     present     a    lecture   out, 'indicates that the generally
                                                           demonstrating methods by which                accepted colors cause a definite
                                                           crime could be and has been                   reaction      on      the    human
                                                           perpetrated by hypnotism.                     organization,       although    the
                                                             In an interview, Angers declared the the    reaction may vary considerably
                                                           average person I will be surprised to         in individual cases.
                                                           learn that the method of hypnotic                 IT HAS BEEN found in most
                                                           exploitation does not conflict with           cases that blue soothes, red
                                                           religious factors.                            infuriates green rests and white
All Can Be Hypnotized, Shorian                                 “Having Discussed hypnosis with
                                                           many officials of various churches I have
                                                                                                         attracts. The subject will be
                                                                                                         elaborated       in     subsequent
             Says                                          found that it only conflicted where the       articles appearing in the Herald.
                                                           belief in God or one's morals was               Other topics to appear in the
  Any normal person is subject to hypnosis, according      attacked or challenged summarized             Herald include Psychological
to Bradford J. Angers of 23243 Doremus. "Only those        Angers. He has found that through the         Application of Color,
who are feeble-minded or mentally deficient are not        medium of scientific study he has been               Understanding Hypnosis,
subject to the influence of an accomplished                able to strengthen his religious faith        Hypnosis and Child Birth and
practitioner of the phenomenon of hypnotism," l            because he has discovered, "as many           Parallel Ethics in Science and
asserts Angers, who is a psychology major at the           other scientists have in the past and will    Religion.
Detroit Institute of Technology.                           in the future, that the further one goes in
      WINDSOR audience attending the Canadian              a science the more he must resort to the
premiere of the Orson Welles’ film, "Black Magic,"I        belief in a Supreme Being."
were startled and intrigued by Angers' demonstrations        The Rev. Stanley Murphy, C. S. B., of
of mass hypnosis. Especially anxious to avoid the          Assumption College, noted that
stigma of being categorized as a vaudeville                Angers' method of exploitation was
entertainer, he has been emphasizing teaching and          both "noteworthy and timely." As a
lecturing on hypnotism.                                    result, the hypnotist may be asked to
                                                           appear on the Christian Culture
                                                           lecture series.
ONTARIO, TUESDAY,                            In a recent interview, Rev. Stanley
AUGUST 30, 1949                              Murphy, C.S.B., of Assumption College,
                                             stated Mr. Angers' method of exploitation                Clubs to Mark
                      The                    was both noteworthy and timely. As a
                                             result, though no definite date has been                 Optimists Week
                     Theatre                 set, the hypnotist may appear on the
                                             Christian Culture Lecture Series. He has
                     And Its                 also been invited to give an informal                         Members of the Grosse Pointe
                                             lecture to Assumption students.                         Optimist and Kiwanis Clubs will join
                     People                    Mr. Angers, who has taught and given                  forces this week for their annual
                                             consultation to members of' the medical
                                                                                                     observance of National Optimist
BRADFORD J. ANGERS                           profession, expresses a I strong desire
                                             that the peoples of [the world accept                   Week.
By Annie Oakley                                                                                           Highlight of the week will be a
                                             hypnosis and its I allied sciences with the
HYPNOTISM                                                                                            lecture and demon- stration of
                                             enthusiasm that the younger generation
    One of Windsor's most interesting
                                             of professional men have already begun                  hypnotism by Bradford J. Angers
visitors at the moment is Bradford J.
Angers, hypnotist.                           to show.                                                noted lecturer and psychologist,
                                                   He has consented to give a                        Tuesday at 20135 Mack.
    A native of the United States, Mr.
                                             demonstration of hypnosis and its relation                 The Optimists now have 1100 clubs
Angers is now working toward degrees
                                             to crime. In this demonstration which was               in operation throughout the United
at the Detroit Institute" of Technology.
                                             enthusiastically welcomed by Deputy
He has studied hypnosis, psychology                                                                  State, Canada ad Mexico, whose
                                             Chief Neale of the Windsor Police
(applied and abnormal), anatomy,                                                                     primary function is working with
                                             Department, Mr. Angers will lecture,
physiology, sociology, Christian ethics,                                                             delinquent boys.
                                             define and demonstrate some of the
ethics of the professions (medical, legal
                                             various ways in which crime could be and
and so forth). He is also versed in the
                                             has been perpetrated. He will instruct the
field of child psychology, having studied
                                             officers in the art of detecting a
under Prof. James E. Stermer, noted
                                             hypnotized person, also la tempered
child guidance' counselor. Versed,
                                             instruction in the application of the art
likewise,     in   the       ethics   and
                                             and, most important, understanding of
understanding of the" world's religions,
                                             how to awaken a hypnotized subject. This
Christian, Jewish, Moslem, Hindu.
                                             demonstration will be given as a public
These subjects he has studied under
Prof. Shotwell.
                                               Mr. Angers states very emphatically that
      Mr. Angers has had the advantage
                                             hypnosis is not to be under-rated. In the
of traveling through many countries in
                                             hands of a qualified individual hypnosis is
both our western and eastern worlds.
                                             a marvelous implement of good, but in the
These travels, together with his military
                                             hands of an unscrupulous or uneducated
experience in World War II, have aided
                                             person it could be a " dangerous and
him in his understanding of the people
                                             potential weapon for any evil that might
he would have to deal with in later life.
                                             be conceived. It is for this reason
  He insists, emphatically, that he IS not
                                             hypnosis must be understood and the
a vaudeville stage performer. His work
                                             person who casually says "no one can
deals largely with teaching and
                                             hypnotize me," must be educated to the
lecturing on hypnotism. Its exploitation                                                    NOTICE: This Assemblage of Photos and articles
                                             understanding      that    all  men      are
and experimentation have been his                                                            are for family viewing only, No reproduction of
                                             susceptible, as it is their under-, standing
primary objectives.                                                                           any part without written permission. Not to be
                                             of the subject that will limit its use for
                                             good or evil.                                            Sold or distributed in any form.
Magic & hypnosis

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Magic & hypnosis

  • 1.
  • 2. August 20, 2008 October 2, 1932 HOW IT ALL BEGAN About seventy-six years ago a little boy sat in the living room of his home in Detroit, Michigan reading the morning newspaper. He was fascinated by the color of the artwork, the words and the feeling of being in another world. With a little help from his father, with the hard words, he found himself in a magical world of mystery and intrigue. As the words became alive in his mind, he pictured himself as a part of that wonderful world. He carefully folded up the paper and put it away. Now, that little boy is in his eighties and as he began to unfold that long kept and slightly tattered paper that he had kept in the back of his scrapbooks he had also accumulated. What was only a dream to a little boy had become a reality for him. You see that little boy was me and this is the paper. The following is but a small sample of the wonderful world I had immersed myself in. As Jan often states, “If you hadn’t kept scrapbooks of your life, no one would ever believe it could happen.” Please read it, and it is my hope that possibly your dreams are in my scrapbook too. Until you have experienced the feeling, one can only imagine what it has been like for me to Bradford J. brush shoulders with stars, presidents,great writers, the famous and the infamous. I hope that somehow thru this bit of my history, you will experience that feeling. Angers
  • 3. It wasn’t just the magic that caught my eye but the desire to hypnotize a person and entertain people with the powers of hypnotism. This desire to learn how to hypnotize carried me through the teens and well into my college years in Detroit, Michigan. It opened the doors for me to meet a host of famous people, from Orson Welles & Tyrone Power to the Beatles and Stacy Keach.
  • 4. Ads from Toronto, Ontario Papers BRADFORD J. ANGERS, HYPNOTIST ON OUR STAGE -- 10 P.M. -- TONIGHT; A MASS DEMONSTRATION Black Magic (1949) OF HYPNOSIS A Forgotten Welles Film That Is Escapist Fun A historical drama based upon a Dumas book, produced by Edward Small of Eagle Lion Studios (a postwar effort to upgrade the output of Producers Releasing Corporation, an outfit once synonymous with poverty row films). Set in Paris during the years immediately before the French Revolution, Welles is Cagliostro, (Giuseppe Balsamo) a brilliant and scheming hypnotist, who plots to substitute his own wife on the throne in place of Marie Antoinette (Nancy Guild). Gregory Ratoff received on screen directorial credit, but don't be fooled: Welles supplanted Ratoff during the production, working with Bradford J. Angers, a hypnotist himself, and a student at The Detroit Institute of Technology as well as an authority on Cagliostro. Supporting actor, Akim Tamiroff went on to become a regular in several of Welles' later productions. Great fun! Welles chews the scenery to good effect. Look for Raymond Burr in a minor part. Mike Roach Brad’s Emcee The trial of Cagliostro in the court of Marie Antoinette.
  • 5. U.S. and Canadian Newspaper ads and stories Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer drew large Is presented to the King of France, in Black Magic. crowds “STORY TIP” He forced women to love him, by Hypnotism. During the filming of the picture, Brad actually taught Orson Welles how to hypnotize. In fact, several parts of the film were made with Nancy Guild actually hypnotized by Mr. Welles. Brad was asked to go on stage to promote the film.
  • 6. Something to report “To Brad: One of the best hypnotists I have ever met” Francis R. Shields (Dunbar the man with X-ray mind.) Newspaper reporter succumbs to the hypnotic powers of hypnotist, Bradford Angers at the premier showing of Black Magic. Kim Kee & Tinka No tricks…just a little Hypnotic stiffness Brad & friends on stage
  • 7. Following the performance at the Vanity Theater in Windsor, Ontario, Brad was given the opportunity to give a demonstration of hypnotism for the Ontario Police Department and invited to participate in the Christian Culture Lecture series sponsored by Assumption College along with Father Grant and Father Stan Murphy.
  • 8. Hey, Wings, ST. CLAIR SHORES Here’s Idea Social and Personal Hickley, England -- Members of the local By Margaret Treff Rose 4535 soccer team will be hypnotized before their It’s all water under the game of Easter Tuesday bridge now but it is an against Birmingham, amusing incident just the Hypnotist Richard Payne same. It seems that several will put the players under weeks ago the Red Wing his influence and give manager sent for Bradford J. them the “will to win.” Angers, our local magician and hypnotist and asked his advice on hypnotizing the team to give them the will to win. He had read about such a thing being done in England. Although, as Brad explained to him, it could be done -- it was dangerous because the players would over-exert themselves and ill effects might result. What is coming to the future of sports when hypnotism offers the solution to super-human strength? Mark Beltaire BRAD ANGERS, of the Detroit Institute of Technology, thought that a dose of mass hypnotism, administered by himself, might be just the thing to revive the That’s why only some pep- skidding Red Wings. But after restoring miracle can help Detroit seeing them in action against Toronto, he decided there is now. They’ve still got the spirit nothing wrong with their will to and morale to win a game or even win. The Wings are just fagged the Cup, but they don’t have to out. strength to do it.
  • 9. “Perhaps there is a Great Power which has ordained than we shall not contact Houdini,” I said, adding that the group would try next year. ‘There were 13 persons in the candle-lighted room as the seance began.” ***** FRANK AMAND, a personal friend of Houdini put on a demonstration with a pair of cuffs used 23 years ago in Detroit. by Houdini. The handcuffs were placed on a round table along with a cowbell, two slates and a paper bag containing a piece of clothesline rope. We rook seats ad touched fingers to form a magic circle. Lee pleaded for the spirit of Houdini to manifest itself by ringing the bell,, writing on the slates or tying a know in the rop “We are waiting to hear from you,” Lee implored. Seven who participated in the Halloween seance examine “We would appreciate hearing from you.” props used in attempting to entice the spirit of Houdini, They The slates remained blank, the bell didn’t ring and are, left to right, Sgt. Herbert German, Charles Worpell, Kim the rope was untied. Lee, Frank Kelly, Arthur Dwery, Bradford J. Angers and Frank We are still waiting. Brad on stage Vanity Theater Amand. FREE PRESS, Monday, Nov. 1, 1948 DETROIT Houdini Again Fails to Contact Friends Tries to Recall BY SAM PEPTIC Houdini Spirit Free Press Staff Write Bradford J. Angers, 13110 Evanston, was one of Harry Houdini again stood up his Detroit friends. five magicians who sought to recall the spirit of The world-famous escape artist failed to return from the spirit Houdini back from the grave at midnight Halloween world despite an elaborate invitation to make himself known in the Tuller Hotel. midnight Halloween, the 22 anniversary of his death in Detroit. Harry Houdini world famous escape artist, died 22 Although he exposed many spiritualist during his life, Houdini years go on Halloween. He promised he would try to had promised too do his utmost return after his death. return after his death. But, says Brad sadly, while all the props were on SEVEN DETROIT magician including Sgt. Herbert German, the hand, Houdini failed to make an appearance. Police Department, and the reporter met at the Tuller Hotel in an attempt to contact the mater. We heard and saw nothing. “Let us not say that we have failed,” Kim Lee (known also as Helps Y. M. C. A. Alexander the Great), announced at the end of the seance. … Many of Detroit’s prominent business men have (continued top right) willingly agreed to cooperate in National YMCA Week by sponsoring mature groups, hiking, fishing and outdoor crafts. A Shorian, Bradford J. Angers, is also doing his part by conducting a class in magic for the boys who are interested in learning at the hand is quicker than the eye.
  • 10. s tage an d w ou ld b e p u t i n th e M an y m ay b e p u t u n d e r w i th n o m e d i cal offi ce . d i ffi cu lty w h ats oe ve r. T h i s b y n o m e an s i s I n fact, An ge rs h as u s e d th e art --- gove rn e d b y th e i r i n te lli ge n ce . T h e u n d e r th e m ore e x act ti tle of "ap p li e d i n te lli ge n t are ju s t as m u ch , i f n ot m ore , p s ych ology" or "s le e p s u gge s ti on " --- s u s ce p ti b le th an th e u n i n te lli ge n t. to as s i s t a D e troi t ob s te tri ci an i n “E ve n th os e th at d o n ot s u ccu m b at on ce ch i ld b i rth s . can b e h yp n oti z e d b y con ti n u ati on of F rom p e rs on al ob s e rvati on , h e tre atm e n t.” fi n d s ap p li e d p s ych ology valu ab le i n Pe rs on s u n d e r th e i n flu e n ce of alcoh ol th e alle vi ati on of p ai n . are d i ffi cu lt to p u t u n d e r b e cau s e th e y are H e ob s e rve d : n ot ab le to con ce n trate s u ffi ci e n tly. "T h e re are th os e w h o go on (h e An ge rs as s e rte d th at th e re i s n o h arm s tage an d p u t on a ri otou s act b y i n h yp n oti s m i ts e lf an d th at a p e rs on h avi n g p e op le s w at i m agi n ary b e e s w h e n “p u t u n d e r” w ou ld n ot d o an yth i n g or b ark li k e d ogs . H ow e ve r, th i s h e w ou ld n ot d o w h i le i n h i s n orm al s tate com e d y w ou ld ove rs h ad ow th e m ore of m i n d . H e ad vi s e d , n e ve rth e le s s , th at s e ri ou s th i n gs th at can he p e rs on s re fu s e d to b e h yp n oti z e d b y accom p li s h e d i n th e m e d i cal fi e ld s .” an yon e th e y d o n ot k n ow or w h os e "Alm os t e ve ry fi e ld of m e d i ci n e b ack grou n d th e y d o n ot k n ow . ri gh t n ow i s s h ow i n g m ore i n te re s t H e w ou ld li k e to “ge t h yp n oti s m ou t of th an e ve r b e fore I n th e fi e ld of th e h an d s of p e rs on s n ot q u ali fi e d to u s e h yp n oti s m . H yp n oti s m s u ffe rs i t.” b e cau s e th e p u b li c clas s i fi e s i t w i th A q u ali fi e d p e rs on , i n h i s op i n i on , m agi c, b u t i t far, far aw ay from th at w ou ld re q u i re cou rs e s i n b as i c p s ych ology clas s i fi cati on .” an d a b as i c u n d e rs tan d i n g of h u m an B rad ford , w h o i s s tayi n g w i th h i s an atom y. b roth e r Jam e s , an d fam i ly, at 2 32 43 U s i n g h i s ow n cas e as an e x am p le , h e D ore m u s D r., re ce n tly re tu rn e d from p oi n te d ou t th at th e re i s n ot at p re s e n t m e d i cal w ork i n th i s fi e ld i n th e an y s ch ool w h e re th e s u b je ct can b e S ou th w e s t. le arn e d s tri ctly b y te x tb ook --- alth ou gh H e i s cu rre n tly, “w ork i n g w i th ” tw o h e h as s tu d i e d s core s of b ook s an d oth e r m e d i cal m e n to i n s tru ct th e m i n th e li te ratu re i n th e fi e ld . T h e re i s n o Bradford J. Angers re cogn i z e d m e d i cal d e gre e , an d ye t h i s Shores Man Sees art, an d s oon w i ll ad d fi ve m ore . T h e i n s tru cti on --- h e p re fe rs to s ay fri e n d s i n m e d i ci n e h ave as k e d h i m to Hypnotism Closely “w ork i n g w i th ” m e d i cos b e cau s e “p as s on ” th e i n form ati on h e h as le arn e d th e y p os s e s s a n atu ral b ack grou n d d i re ctly to th e m n ow rath e r th an go aw ay Linked to Medicine for “con s ci ou s s u gge s ti on ” an d a k n ow le d ge of an atom y --- i s d on e i n to s p e ci al s ch ools . (B u t h e p lan s to acq u i re on e or m ore d e gre e s i n ti m e .) BY WILLIAM E. KENNEDY e ach d octor’s ow n offi ce at h i s ow n S om e of h i s fi n e s t trai n i n g i n p racti ci n g Monitor--Leader Staff Reporter th e art, an d i n ab s orb i n g p ri n ci p le s an d con ve n i e n ce . ST. CL A I R SH OR E S --- I f B rad ford J. An ge rs h ad An ge rs n ote d th at a D e troi t d e n ti s t th e ory, cam e from E d Wolfe , of N e w York h i s w ay,'h yp n oti s m w ou ld b e tak e n off th e i s als o m ak i n g u s e of th i s k n ow le d ge an d Ch i cago. vau d e vi lle to alle vi ate p ai n . I t’s a s k i ll on e can ’t le arn s ole ly from
  • 11. No sensible adult would take a capsule (not Hindu Fakirs, placing an entire audience in a THE HERALD knowing its contents) from someone they hypnotic trance. Thus is impossible. It is NOTE: Self Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1949 knew nothing about. Likewise, a person possible, however, to place a large portion of a hypnosis program should not submit to hypnosis without being group in a light sleep. in the below article fully aware of the background of the Auto-suggestion is the most applicable form Shorian Describes Scope hypnotist. of hypnotism as it is easily mastered by the was Written by of Present-Day Hypnotism No normal person can be hypnotized average person. I shall not go into auto- Bradford Angers, against his will. It is only the person who is in suggestion (self-hypnosis) no, as I intent to Dallas Hypnosis By BRADFORD J. ANGERS need of the results hypnotherapy can offer cove it more fully in a late article. and student at (This is the second in a series of articles and who is willing to submit to the will of the Detroit Institute of “dealing with various aspects of the value operator who can be hypnotized. Technology. of hypnosis in modern psychology. the Hypnosis can be as easily overrated as author, who lives at 23243 Doremus, St. underrated. Actually, it is a natural science Clair Shores, is working toward degrees at dealing with mental and physical action; and Detroit Institute of Technology.) the exercise of the power is the result of a I have often been asked what is natural endowment which all are capable of hypnotism, how is it applies and who can developing. learn it? Let’s take these questions one at a Post-hypnotic suggestion is perhaps the time. most wonderful pat of hypnotherapy. by this Hypnotism, scientifically speaking, is a medium a subject can be caused to realizing method of inducing state resembling sleep he has been ordered to do so by the hypnotist. in which the mind readily responds to It is this phase of hypnotism that is most external suggestion. This is done by valuable in the termination of bad habits. carefully selected suggestion which are put While under the influence of hypnotism a to the subject in a well defined order. subject will no ordinarily carry out a Far superior to its predecessor, command or suggestion which violates his mesmerism (to charm or fascinate), which religious beliefs, moral scruples or habitual produced an unnatural or nervous state dignity. resembling a trance or sleep, hypnotism is Cases of instantaneous hypnosis such as the rapidly proving itself in many fields snap of a finger, etc., are rare without the including medicine. benefit of previous suggestion. Just as the mystery surrounding drugs is Ruling out the possibility of an organic being swept away, the veil should be lifted problem, a hypnotized person will drift into a from hypnotism. As recent news stories normal sleep and awaken of his own accord. have shown, hypnotism, even in the hands Mass hypnotism is nothing more than of a physician, can be as dangerous as ordinary hypnosis on a large scale. You may loaded gun. If he is not capable of good have read about moral judgment.
  • 12. 30 - C THE DETROIT TIMES Tues., Oct. 5 1948 Hypnotic Spell Hypnosis Wins OUR CHATTERBOX …Cont. Acclaim T IM E S ST. CLAIR SHORES -- Hypnotism is Innovation THAT’S THE DAY they’ll first Wyan d otte n e w s p ap e rm e n meet a well known hypnotist, to Fraternity Pledging an d a fam ou s m e n tal as well as receiving long lists te le p ath i s t cre d i te d By Vera Brown By Elizabeth Knox of do’s and don’ts which they B rad ford J. An ge rs , of th i s must follow during their com m u n i ty, w i th a Magic Town: Pledges of a certain fraternity pledge period. s u p e ri or d e m on s trati on of at the Detroit Institute of Warning signals have h yp n oti s m M on d ay n i gh t. What a town this is, sys Harold Technology are shaking in their already been sent up for the F ran ci s R . S h i e ld s , N e w Hoffman, New Yorker born and bred, who came here for the AMA boots as they embark on eight neophytes by Pledge- York e r k n ow n as “D u n b ar, th e M an w i th th e X -R ay convention and stayed on to conduct weeks of pledging. master William Ohst. M i n d ,” w as q u ote d b y some personal business. And they have a worse case of If Lord Hypni, as he’s D avi d E lli s , Wyan d otte He stopped on the Kinsel corner to the jitters than most fraternity known to his fraternity n e w s p ap e rm an , as gi vi n g bay a paper, just as a grimy faced lad pledges because they’re brothers casts his hypnotic “on e of th e fi n e s t” of around 12 dropped a penny into wondering just how they can spell on the lowly pledges it’s h yp n oti s m d e m on s trati on s the outside gum machine there. avoid Lord Hypni and his a sure bet they’ll be servants of s e ve ral th ou s an d h e h as Nothing happened. The kid hypnotic power. of the actives during the s e e n i n th e U n i te d S tate s pounded, shook and beat the In addition to the traditional weeks of bowing down to an d E u rop e . machine. Still no gum. Just then up fun of pledging, actives of their masters, learning the S h i e ld s w as p re s e n te d stepped a well dressed and dignified fellow to the rescue. Gamma chapter of Alpha pledge manual, attending b e fore a grou p of D e troi t m agi ci an s , u p on i n vi tati on He tapped the machine lightly Gamma upsilon fraternity have special meetings each week of K i m K e e , an d p re s e n te d with his fingers, out came the stick a few sly new tricks up their and participating in pledge h is m e n tal te le p ath y of gum. sleeves. parties. rou ti n e , follow e d b y a “Gee, mister, you must be a On Monday, when pledges d i s cou rs e on th e fe as i b i li ty magician!” said the boy as he made a gather at the college for their of m e n tal te le p ath y as a dive for his gun. The man reached initial informal ceremony they’ll gu i d e to e ve ryd ay li vi n g. into his pocket, handed the boy his get a taste of what’s in store for He als o d i s cu s s e d card. them. h yp n oti s m as com p are d It read” Bradford J. Angers, …….Continue next column w i th m e n tali s m . magician and hypnotist. Hoffman doesn’t know yet whether the gum came out of the machine or out of Anger’s sleeve. …..
  • 13. Master Hypnotist, Bradford Angers states with conviction, ….. “HYPNOTISM IS NOT MAGIC” Versed in the relations of hypnosis Extensive psychological to crime, he has been invited by experimentation in the field of Deputy Chief Neale of the Windsor color hypnosis, Angers points police to present a lecture out, 'indicates that the generally demonstrating methods by which accepted colors cause a definite crime could be and has been reaction on the human perpetrated by hypnotism. organization, although the In an interview, Angers declared the the reaction may vary considerably average person I will be surprised to in individual cases. learn that the method of hypnotic IT HAS BEEN found in most exploitation does not conflict with cases that blue soothes, red religious factors. infuriates green rests and white All Can Be Hypnotized, Shorian “Having Discussed hypnosis with many officials of various churches I have attracts. The subject will be elaborated in subsequent Says found that it only conflicted where the articles appearing in the Herald. belief in God or one's morals was Other topics to appear in the Any normal person is subject to hypnosis, according attacked or challenged summarized Herald include Psychological to Bradford J. Angers of 23243 Doremus. "Only those Angers. He has found that through the Application of Color, who are feeble-minded or mentally deficient are not medium of scientific study he has been Understanding Hypnosis, subject to the influence of an accomplished able to strengthen his religious faith Hypnosis and Child Birth and practitioner of the phenomenon of hypnotism," l because he has discovered, "as many Parallel Ethics in Science and asserts Angers, who is a psychology major at the other scientists have in the past and will Religion. Detroit Institute of Technology. in the future, that the further one goes in WINDSOR audience attending the Canadian a science the more he must resort to the premiere of the Orson Welles’ film, "Black Magic,"I belief in a Supreme Being." were startled and intrigued by Angers' demonstrations The Rev. Stanley Murphy, C. S. B., of of mass hypnosis. Especially anxious to avoid the Assumption College, noted that stigma of being categorized as a vaudeville Angers' method of exploitation was entertainer, he has been emphasizing teaching and both "noteworthy and timely." As a lecturing on hypnotism. result, the hypnotist may be asked to appear on the Christian Culture lecture series.
  • 14. ONTARIO, TUESDAY, In a recent interview, Rev. Stanley AUGUST 30, 1949 Murphy, C.S.B., of Assumption College, stated Mr. Angers' method of exploitation Clubs to Mark The was both noteworthy and timely. As a result, though no definite date has been Optimists Week Theatre set, the hypnotist may appear on the Christian Culture Lecture Series. He has And Its also been invited to give an informal Members of the Grosse Pointe lecture to Assumption students. Optimist and Kiwanis Clubs will join People Mr. Angers, who has taught and given forces this week for their annual consultation to members of' the medical observance of National Optimist BRADFORD J. ANGERS profession, expresses a I strong desire that the peoples of [the world accept Week. By Annie Oakley Highlight of the week will be a hypnosis and its I allied sciences with the HYPNOTISM lecture and demon- stration of enthusiasm that the younger generation One of Windsor's most interesting of professional men have already begun hypnotism by Bradford J. Angers visitors at the moment is Bradford J. Angers, hypnotist. to show. noted lecturer and psychologist, He has consented to give a Tuesday at 20135 Mack. A native of the United States, Mr. demonstration of hypnosis and its relation The Optimists now have 1100 clubs Angers is now working toward degrees to crime. In this demonstration which was in operation throughout the United at the Detroit Institute" of Technology. enthusiastically welcomed by Deputy He has studied hypnosis, psychology State, Canada ad Mexico, whose Chief Neale of the Windsor Police (applied and abnormal), anatomy, primary function is working with Department, Mr. Angers will lecture, physiology, sociology, Christian ethics, delinquent boys. define and demonstrate some of the ethics of the professions (medical, legal various ways in which crime could be and and so forth). He is also versed in the has been perpetrated. He will instruct the field of child psychology, having studied officers in the art of detecting a under Prof. James E. Stermer, noted hypnotized person, also la tempered child guidance' counselor. Versed, instruction in the application of the art likewise, in the ethics and and, most important, understanding of understanding of the" world's religions, how to awaken a hypnotized subject. This Christian, Jewish, Moslem, Hindu. demonstration will be given as a public These subjects he has studied under service. Prof. Shotwell. Mr. Angers states very emphatically that Mr. Angers has had the advantage hypnosis is not to be under-rated. In the of traveling through many countries in hands of a qualified individual hypnosis is both our western and eastern worlds. a marvelous implement of good, but in the These travels, together with his military hands of an unscrupulous or uneducated experience in World War II, have aided person it could be a " dangerous and him in his understanding of the people potential weapon for any evil that might he would have to deal with in later life. be conceived. It is for this reason He insists, emphatically, that he IS not hypnosis must be understood and the a vaudeville stage performer. His work person who casually says "no one can deals largely with teaching and hypnotize me," must be educated to the lecturing on hypnotism. Its exploitation NOTICE: This Assemblage of Photos and articles understanding that all men are and experimentation have been his are for family viewing only, No reproduction of susceptible, as it is their under-, standing primary objectives. any part without written permission. Not to be of the subject that will limit its use for good or evil. Sold or distributed in any form.