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Dr. Alfreda Emonya Love
Godly Things Come to Those Who Pray!
Some of us are in a hurry to find favor in God’s sight, but some constantly forget to pray
unto God. From this point forward, I would like for all of us to pray for everything
including family, decisions, friends, careers, people within the circle, church, and
financial investments. Just as holidays have become commercialized, so has our faith.
We love God when we are on the receiving end and doubt God when He says, “I have
prepared something better.” Throughout life, there are many opportunities for doors to
open and for some to close. Which door will God open, and which door will God close?
No one really knows which door God will open, but we know when a door is closed. I
was in meditation today thinking about the goodness of God. When there is a reference
of God’s goodness, it is more than materialistic aspects, it is deeper than the core of our
soul and stronger then a current on an ocean front. The question is, “What would God
have me to do in this lifetime filled with happiness and blessings? Although we cannot
determine every move God makes, life is symbolic of a chess game. Each move that we
make daily should be strategic, meaning nothing can be shaken or moved unless God
allows it to do so.
The purpose of this brief writing is to let each, and every person know that “Godly things
come to those who pray.” I used to believe that good things come to those who wait. I
have waited patiently on many things of the world and find that God’s goodness comes
to those who pray. As we go about this week making moves and connections, it is
important that we continue to keep God first. Doors will open and footsteps will enter
destinies, but one must always remember how one entered, who allowed you to enter
and your purpose. I am declaring that each person whose season has arrived be led by
the spirit. God says right now, “If I brought you to it, I could bring you through it.”
I was reading some of my icons in speaking and entertainments posts and found Mr.
Les Brown post which reads, “You are in the middle of a miracle. Stand still. Do not
panic. Keep the faith. Continue to work on your plan. Stay focused with a determined
vision. Dig in and resolve to yourself. It is not over until I win!" In conclusion, I would like
you to read this article and share it with as many people as possible. I am not one who
needs validation on FB, nor do I need a million people to agree with me. God declares
that where two or three are gathered in my name (God’s name) there He is also
(Matthew 18:20). God also revealed that when it is your time to be blessed, the phrase
“Seek ye the kingdom first”, literally means all we need is one Yes from God. Practice
allowing God to validate who you are and remember that good things come to those
who pray!
If you would like to be on the ministry:
If you are a gospel artist, RB artist, community leader etc., please email me
((CHICAGO, IL.) – April 19, 2023- In its 8th celebratory year, Black Music Honors shines a
spotlight on revolutionary artists and musicians who have made significant impact on African
American music. Produced by Central City Productions, the highly anticipated live taping will take
place at the renowned Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre in Atlanta, Ga. on Thursday, May 19.
The celebration will be co-hosted by singer and actress LeToya Luckett alongside comedic
actor DeRay Davis.
Black Music Honors is an annual event that celebrates the illustrious achievements and exceptional
contributions of urban music. This year's lineup of honorees includes some of the most influential
names in Black music history, such as hip-hop superstar, songwriter-producer, and cultural
icon Missy Elliott; award-winning R&B vocal trio and one of the best-selling female groups of all
time SWV; disco superstar vocalist, songwriter, record producer and all-around performer Evelyn
"Champagne" King; widely respected R&B/Soul crooner Jeffrey Osborne; and legendary gospel
trailblazers The Hawkins Family.
“Black music is the heartbeat of our culture, and the honorees for this years’ Black Music Honors
represent the soul of American music,” says Founder and Executive Producer Don Jackson. “We
pay homage to the musical innovators who have paved the way for future generations. Our tribute
performances not only celebrate the honorees of yesterday, but also showcase the influence and
impact of their iconic sounds and styles on today's artists with a beautiful symbiosis of past and
A night of unbridled brilliance and pure musical bliss awaits at the 2023 Black Music Honors where
exceptional performances, heartfelt speeches and timeless memories will be etched in the hearts of
viewers. The televised special will premiere on the Stellar Network June 3 and air in national
broadcast syndication Saturday, June 10 - Sunday, July 2 in tribute to Black Music Month. The show
will also air on Bounce TV on June 19. The 8th Annual Black Music Honors show is Executive
Produced by Don Jackson with Jennifer J. Jackson serving as Producer and Executive in Charge of
Production, and Michael A. Johnson as Producer and Director.
Preschool Proposal Coming
By: Dr. Alfreda Emonya Love
In a year, we would like to unveil one of our
preschool’s demos in the United States of
We will be a global organization with global
learning that expands over the 50 states of America.
Our commitment is to children ages:2-7. Our
guarantee is school readiness for 2nd
grade in public
or private school. We are the Mighty Dolphins!
Our classrooms will have a 1 to 5 ratio due to the
intense commitment to reaching every student.
The preschool’s name is Valedictorian Readiness
Academy. We are committed to leadership,
scholarship, and citizenship. The framework
designed is focused on the acronym Lead-Learning,
Excellent, Academic Doctrine. Our mascot is a
Our goal is to open 50 schools in 5o states. Later, we
will explore the countries.
No Child Left Behind Revisions
The No Child Left behind Act of 2001 was signed into law by the former President Bush. The
signing of the act was to ensure that disadvantaged students’ education was improved. Who are
the disadvantaged students that the act focused on in 2001? The disadvantaged students were
categorized as those students who struggled in subjects such as literacy, reading and writing.
NCLB was an act that required that states perform annual testing, check academic progress,
provide report cards (data driven), and ensure teacher qualifications were set in place (highly
qualified). To focus on improving reading for the disadvantaged students, a program called
Reading First was established and funding changes were made to help districts have greater
flexibility in how federal allotments were spent.
Here schools stand all over the world in 2015, with the aftermath of NCLB and still seeking
ways to help all students. The disadvantage students identified in 2001 has changed greatly to
most students needing some modifications to assist on a state test, but they are not qualified due
to grades and other factors. As we reflect on the 2001 era of disadvantaged students, we must
look at the drop-out rate in Texas among middle and high school students.
According to Texas Education Agency (2002-2003), these are the middle school and high school
Grade span
Rate (%)
Grades 7-8
Grades 9-12
Grades 7-12
Annual Dropout Rates, by Grade Span,
Texas Public Schools, 2012-13
Grade span
Rate (%)
Grades 7-8
Grades 9-12
Grades 7-12
In seeking ways to prevent drop-out among middle and high school students, we must evaluate
the data from the beginning of the NCLB until now. When looking at the data, we see that the
drop- out rate has increased enough to rethink NCLB. As educators, parents, and community
leaders, we all know that students drop out of school for various reasons, but the core reason is
most of these student’s dislike school or cannot pass a state mandated test. Right at this present
moment, researchers are looking into the data and find that most dropouts originate from middle
and high school students. In looking through the eyes of politicians, we must seek ways to
prevent dropouts because now a small percentage of elementary students are not attending school
because they don’t want to, or they are afraid of all the demands of learning.
No Child Left behind continues to seek the academic progress of all students. In seeking the
academic progress of all students, schools are held accountable, and states can easily monitor
learning. For some schools, academic progress is diminished by factors beyond and within a
schools’ control. Academic progress under the NCLB must be re-evaluated in a new way. When
one reviews academic progress, the implications should be based on an individual student’s
progress and reviewed holistically according to the percentage of increase among each student.
Data suggests that some groups (sub-pop) struggle more than others and with a new look at how
academic progress is given, this will help develop more appropriate and improved Texas
Essential Knowledge and Skills. The reason so many sub-populations struggle is not due to the
lack of teaching or inability to learn but is due to the TEKS missing piece of remediation and
spiral learning. Under the new revision of the TEKS, there must be a component within each
section that identifies the level of learning.
An example of a TEK is Elementary Science-
Earth and space. The student knows that the natural world includes earth materials. The student
is expected to: observe, describe, compare, and sort rocks by size, shape, color, and texture; -
Beginner-Observe, describe, compare.
Intermediate-Write after the observation and describe it to a peer.
Advanced-Experiment with the rocks and form a hypothesis.
Another component of No Child Left Behind is the report card. The report card illustrates
information from four performance indexes: Student achievement, Student Progress, Closing
Performance Gaps and Post Secondary Readiness. Also displayed on the report card is the
Accountability rating Distinction Designations, School and staff information and financial
information. A revision of the new No Child Left Behind provision for the report card is what
provisions and measures are being taken to address areas on the report card. In having the
measures established on the report card, officials will know how to revise TEKS, testing
provisions and set realistic expectations for state testing.
Teaching is an essential piece of accountability that is reflected in the success of a student. Under
the new No Child Left behind Act, a teacher must be highly qualified to teach students. There are
measures such as emergency certifications that will uphold a teacher until testing is achieved.
The essential element of accountability that is missing is the hands-on skill set. In lieu of tests to
ensure being highly qualified, the skill set of being able to be in a classroom for an extended
period (4 or 5 months) is essential. Highly qualified does not necessarily mean certified. Highly
qualified is the ability to handle a group of students. The new revision of NCLB should seek
Highly Certified teachers and those are teachers who are certified and able to perform a skill set
within the classroom.
In conclusion, the No Child Left Behind Act needs to be revised because still we have children
being left behind. The old definition of disadvantaged (2001) is now obsolete and needs to be
revised. The drop-out rate is constantly increasing and with that increase comes the need to
review expectations of learning and how the teaching is delivered. Academic progress within
schools needs to be revised and based on the significant or small increase for individual students,
rather than a group. In seeking to look at small gains it will optimize the need to revisit TEKS,
remediate and give appropriate assessments. Finally, the school report card is essential in that the
community can go to the school report card and review different trends within the school. An
element that needs to be added to the report card is what is being addressed to areas where
subpopulations and drop-outs are struggling at significantly high levels.
The King's Death on the Mountain
By: Dr. Alfreda Love
April 4th, 1968, a now deceased Dr. King would once again make national headlines as the most
celebrated pastor and leader in the nation. The well-loved pastor left a wife and four little
children unexpectedly without having a chance to say goodbye. The only remain of the event on
April 4th, 1968, was a huge dream that we would somehow experience only while consciously
The shot that pierced Dr. King's body was the same shot that gave him rest. Although Dr. King
was assassinated, the dream was the lone survivor that would receive eternal life on earth. In lieu
of reminiscing on the death of Dr. King, the purpose of this article is to describe his mountain top
experience before and during his death.
In the eyes of a beneficiary of Dr. King's dream, I would like to give my account of Dr. King's
Mountain Top Experience with Death. Dr. King as we all know was celebrated at his birth,
during his teenage years as a pastor, his ministerial years as a son, husband, and father as well as
during his death. Here we are some 47 years later celebrating the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
In my wondering eyes, I often wonder if Dr. King was able to have a mountain top death because
like Jesus, he too faced many forms of humility.
As Bible scholars flip through the text of the Bible, there are accounts of Jesus going to various
places preaching, healing, delivering, and setting people free. When I was a child, I could not
wait to get my hands on the history books in the public libraries. Through reading and studying
history, I maintained high anticipation of finding out who wanted the world to know me by my
character first. In the summer months as a small child, I enjoyed reading about Dr. King and
concluded in my naïve thinking, if Dr. King is not Jesus, then surely this must be one of Jesus’
Throughout life, I figured out that Dr. King was not Jesus; but that his life was congruent to the
Jesus I was introduced to at a very young age. While reading historical books and listening to
stories of segregation, the Little Rock Nine and the Emancipation Proclamation, I knew then that
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man generated by love.
While growing up, I always envisioned where so many people would be if the dream of Dr. King
was not conceived or died on that sad April 4th, 1968, day in Memphis. I would imagine that
many people would be as the caged bird that the late Ms. Maya Angelo alluded to in her poetry,
or like the sheep without a shepherd in the Bible. Due to the prayer, family structure and
determination, people have not only come this far by faith, but we are moving further towards
the Lord and Dr. King's dream. Ladies and gentlemen all over the world, we have much to thank
God for and Dr. King. Some of us would not know that we could dream, if we did not have a
visionary who told us his dream. When looking at the past and comparing it to the future, the
only constant for all people was education. Whether we face it or not, education starts at home
and then the school building. Since there is a phrase that says, "A Mind is a terrible thing to
waste,” let's use our minds and begin to educate the world on the freedom to dream. As a young
child, until this present moment, I still believe that I can dream, and that God can make every
dream come true.
In conclusion, Dr. King died on the mountain top, but his dream survived the valley moment. As
all of you know, Dr. Martin Luther King was a visionary with a dream. He did not pass away in
his sleep, nor was he in the deep, dark valley, but his light was shining when he passed away. Dr.
King was standing outside of the balcony of his hotel room in broad daylight when he was
assassinated. When Dr. King fell, according to reports, he fell backwards onto the balcony. On
this April 4th day, let us all say, "If it had not been for the Lord on my side, where would I be?" I
encourage each person to take full advantage of Dr. King's dream and allow the Lord to lead the
Which Animal Does Veal Meat Come From?
2. Moose
Send in the Clowns: An Elephant is in the room.
Business is an endeavor that causes one to operate under the function of the people.
Let’s face it, without people, businesses cannot survive. If I were to interview Carlos
Slim, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Amancio Ortego and Oprah Winfrey, I am sure each
person could share a success story about how their brand became a national
phenomenon. While speaking to these successful entrepreneurs, it is possible that each
one would agree that the consumers are the ones to thank for believing in their
services. I am just like you, a consumer who seeks quality entertainment, quality
teaching, quality events and quality organizations. How can my team accommodate
you? The most important way our team can accommodate you is to provide knowledge
from research and firsthand experience from quality production teams.
The interactive workshop: Send in the Clowns: An Elephant is in the room, provides
organizations, schools, and institutions with practical tools to maintain the momentum in
an organization. If the products that consumers purchase are not of sound quality,
people will discontinue their revenue spending and the momentum in the business will
quickly decrease. Organizations from centuries ago became historical because of
continuous momentum within organizations. Many of the historical businesses are in
Japan. Within the next few minutes that I must spend with you, I want to give you a brief
example of our presentation:
Send in the Clowns: An Elephant is in the room!
Various organizations will acknowledge that there is an elephant in the room that needs
to be addressed. Some organizations would like to take small pieces of the elephant
(situation, idea or thought) and slowly unravel what may appear to be the root cause.
Other organizations may close their eyes and allow the elephant to continue to stand in
the room while stakeholders jump ship, just to discover that the same elephant is in
another organization. Another organization may address the elephant in hopes that it
will leave and every time one enters the room, the same elephant is standing at the
door. Some groups will find that the elephant in the room may cause some discomfort
because of the sensitivity of the subject. Whether your organization has closed their
eyes, addressed an ongoing issue, or continues to allow the same elephant to remain in
the room, it is time to send in the clowns. I know what some of you are thinking: “If we
send in the clowns, our business will become a circus. Clowns are only known for
making people laugh temporarily and performing magic tricks.” When our audiences can
visualize, laugh, and juggle great tricks to become a greater organization, they will love
the clowns.
Some of the topics of the presentation include examples like :(Taking Right
Interventions Causing Key Solutions), you are in the atmosphere of experiencing
this fantastic workshop. The workshop that I provide allows one to have fun, become
empowered energetic and most of all have tricks in your head, rather than up your
sleeve to revive, establish and create winning teams!
When one visualizes the workshop: Send in the Clowns: An Elephant is in the room
our goal is to create smiling faces, engage in laughter while learning valuable
nuggets for success.
Phase two is what our team focuses on because we are allowing each participant to
become the clowns- (Calm leaders Occasionally Wanting New Scenery). In this
phrase, we discuss re-arranging the furniture where the elephant must make some
shifts. If you notice, when we speak of rearranging the furniture, we are speaking of the
way in which we think. The elephant could be the step to a goal that an organization
needs to attain. Notice, our team's focus is on environmental shift, rather than taking a
shift at the elephant. The workshop focusses on environmental changes and the tricks
increase which causes the elephant to shift.
Phase Three=Activity-Within this activity, a situation is given to each group. Three key
concepts will be utilized: What tricks do I have to continue the momentum with the
elephant in the room? What can I do as a clown? What will the elephant do according to
the answers I described?
If you are interested in the presentation:
The Blues is Alright-BBKING
Dr. Alfreda Love
Contact Author
B.B. King- Let the Good Time Roll
Some people say, “The thrill is gone or Three O’clock will never be the same because of
the peaceful rest of Mr. B.B. King. The bio of Mr. B.B King indicates that the sun rose on
September 16, 1925, and set on May 15th, 2015. Growing up, I loved gospel music and
still love it; and I enjoyed listening to the blues because I learned that the blues would
come in life, and I wanted to study the words and see what type of blues people think
enough of to write and sing. I was greatly impressed that artists were able to make
melodies according to challenging things within their lives.
My first experience with the blues was a song entitled “Last Two Dollars,” by the late
Johnny Taylor. Within this song, Johnny introduced a lady at the casino who lost all her
money and did not want anyone to feel sorry for her. The hopeless lady in the song
suggested that if anyone wanted to do her a favor, just lend her two dollars until the next
time she sees you. As the song went on, listeners discovered that this hopeless lady
had two dollars left and made it clear that one dollar was going on the bus fare and the
other dollar was for the juke box to hear some blues. I loved the comedy within the song
and began my journey of listening to various legends such as: Ms. Betty White, Mr.
Johnny Taylor, Mr. Marvin Gaye, Mr. Teddy Pendergrass, Mr. James Brown, Mr. Al
Green, and Mr. Joe Tex. It was around 1990 that these 1970s teen begin to really
understand the concept of the blues is alright.
In the late 1990s, I decided to begin a collection of blues legends, so I took a trip to the
music store to capture more blues legends and discovered that Z.Z. Hill was a blues
man with a message of math and that he believed in giving. As I looked a little further
down the row, I saw a CD album cover with a man holding a guitar and smiling. I walked
closer to the CD and wondered what could this man be smiling about when he is singing
the blues? The B.B King CD album in which Mr. B.B King was smiling on contained
songs such as: “Three O’clock Blues, Don’t Answer the Door, Sweet Angel and The
Thrill Is Gone.” I purchased the CD and listened attentively to the words in the few
songs that I was able to listen to in the distance I had from home. As I listened to each
song, I could hear a bass guitar which really caught my attention and interest in all of
Mr. B.B King’s songs. Many years passed and I continued to listen to the great blues
singers on CD albums.
A FAVORITE SONG-Let the Good Times Roll
When looking at all the titles of Mr. B.B King’s songs, I was able to experience his
happiness with life with the hit song,” Let the Good Times Roll.” In the song, Mr. B.B
reminds listeners that we only live once, so we may as well let the good times roll.
Within the song, a good time does not have an age limit and we all can experience a
good time. I believe Mr. B.B King had a good time while on earth. While reading the
article, I am sure that the range of the late B.B. King fans reaches back from the ages of
youth to the seasoned. In conclusion, each person on earth must let the good times roll
while it is day, because we will all have to rest one day.
Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise,
think on these things.”
B.B King Awards
Grammy-The Thrill Has Gone
Grammy Hall of Fame Award-3 O’clock Blues
Kennedy Center Honors
Grammy Award for Best Traditional Blues
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award
International Program Radio
Dr. Alfreda Love
Introducing Radio ---Education &, Health Human Performance Consultant, Radio
Host, Entertainment writer and Stage Show Creator-Love.
Love Ministry
Love Ministry and Talk Show
Love Ministry & Talk Show/Article Reviews
Radio love
The Love Lift Jesus Ministry is a media outlet poised to relinquish the gifts of God, whether
through music, poetry, leadership, teachings, journalism, or active community leadership. The
mission of the outlet is to empower, uplift and most of all; open the gifts that God has given unto
the people. Upon building confidence of speaking on a national radio station
( love), God blessed me with a word each Sunday to give unto the
people. Some of the major themes of the Sunday ministry are centered around the destiny God
has set, while other messages focus on continuing in faith. As the ministry receives invites to
various events, I decided to reach out into the community and realized that others were chasing
after God’s heart and agreed to share their gifts with the world on my radio ministry.
When interviewing guests, the major focus is always centered on bringing the gift of each to
magnify Jesus Christ. It matters not what gift God has bestowed upon a person; the result is how
are you using your gift? I have had the opportunity to interview commonalities as well as
celebrities on the radio show and have learned much. The strength of the radio show comes from
God and the power found within comes from the gift of God. As to date, God has blessed me to
successfully complete 322 shows and the number continues to rise. The experience of the radio
ministry is a constant reminder that God blesses in various places and gives blessings to various
Although this ministry is nationwide and has a span across America and out of the country, I
market and recruit to bring more people’s gifts in the light. When I interview each guest, I realize
that no matter if he or she is in front of the camera or in front of a television screen at home, each
person needs ministry and prayer. For some people, the ministry serves as a pick-me-up, to hear
a positive role model who is now a successful politician, teacher, author or in the entertainment
world; while other segments of the ministry serve as prayer to make it through the next day. As a
radio host of a ministry that spans around the world, I still see a need to take this ministry and
talk show to the next level and reach as many people as possible.
With the addition of radio, I have launched out to begin writing articles on many issues of
interest that are going on in the media. The articles contain information on gospel music, social
issues, politics, education, book reviews, show reviews and health will be added as well. An
example of one topic that was written is entitled, “Save Our Sons.” The article illustrates the
demise of our young men in the streets and what we can do to prevent the troubles that are ahead.
When delivering the message of “Saving Our Sons, the concept is knowledge and having events
which involved successful men or men who stumbled but refuse to fall. The goal of the “Save
Our Son’s project is to take this project around the world.
In conclusion, my desire is to connect with media outlets, entertainment outlets and the gospel
industry because I want to help bring anything positive to the spotlight for God. Also, my desire
is to interview as many people as possible because kids and adults may not be able to identify
with the challenges of one guest but can with another guest. My desire is to continue to cover
events, as well as interview and learn from artists, writers, teachers, journalists, and community
leaders. Within the career of radio, some of the guests would like to only speak on large
platforms, but God says for a seed to really grow, that seed starts out small and grows into
something that can be used by the people. If you would like to be on this national radio show,
please see the below instructions:
COME ON THE Show AND share YOUR GIFTS FB-Alfreda Love
Gospel Artist
Clean Artist Music
Sports Figures
Community Leaders
Positive People
Bible based, inspiring, uplifting and authorized by God, it gives me great pleasure to introduce
the ministry that God has given me. In one week, Love Lift Jesus up Show will turn 2 years old.
This ministry has been afforded the opportunity to host conferences, cover events on the red
carpet, plays and many other events. As of recent, God has expanded the ministry to radio, and I
have had the opportunity to interview many people from around the world. I am in the process of
scheduling more people for the 2015 year as well as arranging speaking events. At any rate, I
would like for you to be part of my radio ministry in that you come and join me on radio to
highlight what God has given you to share with the world. It could be the gift of music, poetry,
acting, writing, preaching, teaching and whatever you could possibly think of that would uplift
the name of Jesus.
The mission of the ministry is to lift Jesus up. Jesus says, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men
unto me!" We all know that when Jesus draws us to him, we are in good hands. The vision for
the ministry is to teach the word, expose and promote the gift of God to people from all around
the world.
We are going where the ministry takes us. By sharing the goodness of God, we are being
obedient in that we must go tell the men, women, boys, and girls about the word of God. You
may not minister when you talk about your gift, but you are sharing that God is the provider of
your gift and that may encourage someone else.
I will need a bio and dates that you will be available for a 20–30-minute interview.
The call-in number will always be Guest Call-in (347) 843-4981
I appreciate your time and willingness to be part of the ministry
Please tell your friends and family about the show.
• The Love Lift Jesus Ministry Online Radio | BlogTalkRadio
Join host Dr. Love for this relative spiritual conviction ministry. Within the ministry
you will find the word of God, interviews with gospel artist, teachers, ministers,
writers, authors, directors, visionaries, actors/actress and community leaders.
Test Formula for Success
1. Pray to God
2. Read, Think, Read Again
3. Process of elimination
4. Read, Think, Select the
best choice.
Universal Design Template
(Educators-Tailor this template to make it work for you)
In public schools I have utilized this design and had about 77-80%
When tutoring students for assessments (100%)-I have data to prove it-Student’s diploma
Educators-Throughout the course of our newspaper, I will provide examples of best practices.
Most of the lessons are for TIER intervention. Within the design below, educators will be able to
take segments of a lesson and incorporate skills to create higher thinking. The project is a
Universal Design Approach. I would like you to observe the goals and what is happening within
the groups. The luxury of Universal Design is chemistry. Within your schools and daycares, if we
can get 90 minutes of instruction that is ideal.
A typical Pre-K’s attention span is about 5 minutes. Can you imagine how many activities one
can accomplish in 90 minutes. The goal of the activities is to make it fun and interactive.
This lesson is designed for middle school students. If you utilize the formula exactly, one can
create dynamic pre-school lessons or elementary and even high school lessons. As a professor, I
utilize this template to make the lessons engaging and more of an ownership approach.
Link to the project-
Learning Goals:
Learners will be able to:
Apply the skills of active listeners.
Develop the life skills of becoming effective communicators.
Practice communicating with peers to develop social skills.
Evaluate their understanding of active listening and communication.
Active Listening and communication: Link to Canva with activities-
Class Facilitation Agenda
The lesson is housed in Canva. This lesson is blended and can be in person or virtual.
Time-Two lessons are the same-Whole group/Small group.
Whole Group Tier 1-
Independent Work-High performing students and Average
This group will have 40 minutes of instruction on the introduction of active listening and
Independent (GT, average students)-Students will log on to voice thread and quickly describe
what active listening is and communication. Students will then respond to two students’
reflection. An example of the reflection to a peer should be I believe that the concept of eye
contact is important because.
Task #1-Students will review the video-Be a Whole-Body Listener by Jack Hartmann and The
Importance of Communication by Divya Ravichandran. While reviewing the two videos, the
students will create their Cornell notes in the google classroom-Code is: kafvkf4 by listing their
name, date, topic, subject, questions, notes, and summary. Once the Cornell notes are
completed, the students will take a screenshot of their reflection and send it through Canvas to
the teacher portal.
Task #2 -Brainstorm-Students will open the Free Mind app and brainstorm and list careers
where communication and active listening is important.
Task #3-Using Mind Stamp-Pretend you are interviewing for a job. One person will be the
interviewee and the other person will be the interviewer. Use the general interview questions
that are on Canvas and create a mock interview with question and answer.
Task #4-Upon completion, pair up with another group and share your presentation and be
prepared to answer questions pertaining to your presentation.
Task #5-Using the link I created for zoom, each person will screen share their presentation to
peers on the zoom.
Task #6-Jot down, type or verbalize any questions you may have pertaining to communication
and active listening.
Small Group-Tier II-Teacher Guidance Group & Gradual Release
Students who are a little below average need extra interventions such as time, teacher
assistance and preferential seating. Some students in the Tier II group have ADHD. The teacher
will spend 40 minutes with the teacher’s aide. The group could consist of ELL students, SPED
Task #1 with teacher guidance-Students will review the video-Be a Whole-Body Listener by Jack
Hartmann and The Importance of Communication by Diyva Ravichandran. Students will use
Assistive technology with the text to speech to record their reflection on Canvas.
Task #2- with teacher guidance-The student will use sorting strips to understand various
components of active listening and communication. The student will have various active
listening cues such as: Leaning forward, eye contact, facial contact, ear, and questions. Students
will also have to apply the sorting strips with the communication piece. The worksheet will have
visuals and students are to apply the strips for active listening. With guidance from the teacher,
the students are to use Adobe illustrator to create images that are related to communication
such as: ear, eyes, leaning forward, mouth etc. When finished, students are to share with a
partner how the image impacts communication.
Task #3-Each student will create their own task cards with visuals for either communication or
active listening. The student should create at least 5 cards with the visual. Once the students
complete the task card project, they are to share their task cards with a partner.
Task #4-Upon completion of the task cards, all students will log into Edmodo and message at
least one classmate about what they have learned about active listening or communication. The
message must be in complete sentences.
Task #5- Jot down, type or verbalize any questions you may have pertaining to communication
and active listening.
The students may be in Special Education, Ell students, Autistic, ADHAD, low IQ, emotionally
Task #1-The teacher will show a visual with a question mark. The teacher asks the students to
think of a time when you were speaking to someone and knew they were listening? (Wait time)
As we review the video-The Importance of Communication by Diyva Ravichandran, identify one
strategy that you have observed someone use when listening. You may draw the strategy, write
the strategy, type the strategy, or act the strategy out.
Task #2-Role Play-I do, we do you do. The teacher selects one student from Tier 1 or Tier II to
assist. The teacher gives the student a topic to speak to her about. The student begins speaking
to the teacher and the teacher asks the students to popcorn out the various strategies. The
students begin talking, leaning forward, smiling, eye contact and repeating what the speaker
Task #3-The student is paired with one other classmate and is asked to create a sharable
cartoon of active listening and communication. The students have been using
The students work in pairs to create a cartoon of someone talking and someone listening. The
students can upload a background, add their own characters, and create various frames. Once
students complete the assignment, they are to upload their final project in the class folder for
others to review.
Task #4= I have placed each sorting strip by the appropriate listening technique or
communication skill. Your task is to get with a partner and explain why the strategy is
communication or listening.
You may draw out your explanation, type out the explanation or explain the explanation.
Ex-Leaning forward is an effective example of listening because the person is looking at me and
not at something else.
Task #5-Draw, write or verbalize how you will apply effective listening and communication to
Task #6- Jot down, type or verbalize any questions you may have pertaining to communication
and active listening.
Exit Ticket-
Please select one item from the choice board to begin on tomorrow concerning active listening
and communication.
Here is a menu-I would like for each student to select a project relating to active listening and
Learning Goals
The learning goals for the course were to assist students in understanding the proper ways to
listen and communicate. Within the learning goals, it is imperative that students can role play,
reflect and evaluate what they have learned. With the use of UDL, it is imperative that students
have a choice, and the content is rotational and flexible. During a lesson, the teacher may have
to adjust the assignment due to the students misunderstanding of the lesson. As students are
working through the various activities, I would like for the students to identify specific ways to
have good communication and listening skills. In addition, it is important that students work
independently and with a peer to obtain more knowledge.
When working with goals it is important to understand that some students may have some
barriers. For example, printed text may be a barrier for a student who has a vision impairment.
As a result, the student will need Braille. When setting goals, the requirement does not change,
however the means of how it is given may change. For example, when a student is learning a
history lesson, he or she may need digital books or digital text. In the lesson created, students
have access to print and digital media to meet their specific goals.
The goal of the learning goals is to teach students how to advocate for what they need. Since
the course is designed for an 8th grade student, the student may express some of these needs in
an ARD Transitional meeting. In addition, when speaking to the teacher, the student may need
assistance, extra help or time and accommodations such as: chunking, visuals, and self-
All goals should be learner centered. Students should be able to participate in activities that
challenge them to intentionally react when someone is speaking. The student should show
specific listening skills when listening to someone. The course was designed to develop life skills
that the student will need now and in the future. In addition, it is important that students self-
monitor their behavior when interacting with teachers, peers, and future employers. The
purpose that was accomplished in the lesson was to develop appropriate social skills in a school
Providing feedback on student progress from assessment is important to student learning
(Hattie & Timperley, 2007: Shute, 2008). In addition, it is important to continue to monitor
students as they are engaging in blended and rotational learning. During the lesson, there are 3
Tier Groups. The first group was assessed through summarization of what communication and
listening were in relation to everyday experiences. In addition, the students were able to
participate in the voice-thread in which they were able to express their views about listening
and communication. To fully assess the students, they were to role play a job interview and
share their findings with their peers on zoom. As the progress monitor, I can review the various
videos and look for effective communication techniques and listening techniques to see if the
students fully understand. I am also able to view the zoom link and hear the rational of each
Tier II group was able to have more hands-on experience as they were able to create their own
cartoon of what they believed communication and listening looked like. During the process, I
was able to facilitate their learning by providing the link to where they could create the lesson.
In addition, I was able to observe what communication and listening strategies were in the
Tier III group was more visual and kinesthetic. They were able to use graphic organizers and
sorters to organize and identify information. Students were asked to role play either good
listening skills or good communications skills. During that time of assessment, I was able to
identify students who may have problems with understanding what good communication skills
or listening skills. All the groups had Exit tickets in which they were to select an activity to create
that represents communication and active listening. Through that assignment, I was able to
assess the students’ understanding.
The classroom is learner centered with Critical Engagement (D’Olimpio, 2017) which allows
students to become engaged by allowing students to think through their learning, research,
create and problem solve. Higher performing students will independently research to become
engaged, while the average will receive guidance from the teacher. The classroom is comprised
of a blended learning classroom. Due to the vast needs of the classroom, we will use the
Rotational Model (Dziuban et al. 2004) Each student in the classroom will need an IEP. Although
the course is housed in Google classroom and an online platform (Canva), students can engage
with the teacher while working at their own pace. The teacher guides the student in the
Rotational model; however, the student can work at his or her own pace. The teacher, one can
provide students with needed time according to their accommodations and modifications. All
Gifted and Talented students will benefit from this model because most of their assignments
relate to the creation of products or research. The class is divided into three groups. Tier I (High
Achievers), Tier 2 (Bubble students) and Tier III (Special Populations). During the Rotation, the
Tier I group would go from table to table participating in various high functioning and
challenging lessons in relation to their IQ and ability. Tiers II and II would rotate between the
teacher and aide in receiving intense instruction and practice on the skills needed to be
successful in communication and listening. Within the classroom, students will experience face
to face learning with peers.
There are multiple means of representation for student learning. Within the learning students
can learn visually through various videos relating to communication and listening. Students may
learn verbally through self-reflection or listening to peers. Students may learn socially through
role playing and being able to journal some of their thoughts. Students may learn in solidarity in
which they are able to create a project and reflect on it as they have learned. Some projects
within the class are web-based so therefore each student will need a laptop. Due to the videos
on communication, students are going to have to download the YouTube app to assess the
videos. The student’s assignment as shown in the power point presentation will be on Canvas,
which is our online platform for schoolwork. The GT students will experience more self-paced
work, independent study, and research. The Tier II and III students will have more teacher
guided lessons with visuals, small group, graphic organizers, and assistive technology as needed.
Throughout the lesson there were multiple means of action and expression. When learning
ways to have action and expression, learning can be considered as the how (Ralabate, 2011). In
the lesson, several strategies were used to provide students with multiple means of Action and
Choice board
Format of learning-Video, organization charts, reflection, role play and art.
Assessment-Students were able to reflect, create, organize, and share information.
Students were able to use technology and assistive technology within their study.
The method in which the class will use consists of:
*Engagement which will include introductions through videos, reflection, and media.
* Modeling will be utilized in the lesson and chunking for students who need those
* Student collaboration will be enforced
*Scaffolding will be on a broader scope to connect communication and active listening to real
life situations.
* Class discussions will relate to materials learned within the classroom
*Students will have opportunities to generate questions
* Students will be able to participate in zoom activities
Materials Needed:
Zoom link.
Graphic organizers
Accommodations and Modification of each sheet for students
A class set of activity sheets (Hard copy) and electronic.
Popsicle sticks
Design Choices and Revisions
I narrowed down the lesson to one lesson to clearly identify barriers. I created a power point to
model the expectations for the assignment such as how to work with peers, projects and how to
search material. Within the lesson, the learning goals were developed to create more
appropriate social interaction among students. Using the learning goals and being able to
understand strategies and apply the strategies, students will be more likely to avoid conflict with
their peers. In addition, having students identify the characteristics of active listening is vital for
conflict resolution and problem solving. Research suggests that goals have a positive effect on
student outcomes (Leithwood & Sun, 2018: Moeller, Theirler & Wu, 2012). As a result, students
will be more effective in communicating and finding solutions to problems. The UDL principle of
providing multiple means of representation is important. In the process of achieving the
learning goals, students were able to reflect with their peers their understanding of
communication and active listening. Students were given multiple means of expression through
being able to use apps like Free Mind and Mind map to organize and journal their thoughts
concerning communication and effective listening. Many of the Tier students were able to use
assistance technology such as Text to Speech, Sorting, Role playing and creating their own style
of communication and listening using their background knowledge. The advantage of utilizing
UDL within the classroom is that it provides flexibility while allowing barriers to be removed
(Ministry of Education, 2019).
Some of the barriers that could have occurred were students not having equal access to
learning opportunities. I was able to have Role playing, use various apps, assistive technology,
and allow the student to work with a peer. As a teacher, sometimes students feel limited
because their skills are limited, but as the class was working on their various projects, feedback
was given, and students were allowed to have some autonomy. Students were not singled out
during the lesson, as they were allowed think time to stop and jot some of their questions.
Students were able to participate in a Quick Write to check for comprehension and
understanding of the lesson. Students who were not able to write or have other conditions
were given the opportunity to use their assistive technology with Text to speech or they were
able to answer one true or false questions that I provided. Some students may be hearing
impaired, so I was able to find videos that are translated for the hearing impaired that relates to
listening and communication. I have students who have language barriers, so I have the video
and the worksheet that provides visuals. Some of the ELL students are not able to speak English,
so therefore, I have their worksheet in their native language. Other barriers include students
who may not be able to read and comprehend, so therefore, we have role playing in English and
Spanish. Students may not be able to verbalize or type, so therefore, they are able to create
various characters using popsicle sticks and other art supplies.
The learners were 8th grade students. The beauty of the lesson is that each lesson contains a
framework. The Higher performing students was more on the level of engagement. As they had
tasks in Voice Thread, Google Classroom, and various Apps. The Tier II group was able to utilize
apps for learning, but they were able to role play and share information with peers. Tier III
group was more teacher guided, but the students had some representation in that able to
create a cartoon and share the presentation with their peers. The reason I incorporated the
lesson is because most students will begin planning their own schedule and reviewing colleges
or trade schools to attend. It is imperative that students can advocate for themselves. The role
plays and reflection was for students to understand what attributes are needed to have effective
communication and be an active listener. UDL is beneficial to students because it provides
flexible options (menu) representation (various tasks) engagement (Students creating projects
and asking questions) (Relabate, 2011).
Reduction of Barrers
UDL environments were created to ensure that it is understood by everyone (Making sense,
2015). As I created the environment, I had GT, ELL, SPED, 504 and At-Risk students in mind. It
seems that each student should have their own IEP and that is the goal of creating UDL
environments. The advantage of UDL is that it is differentiated and provides various ways that
information can be presented. For example, I utilized Voice Thread so students could reflect on
what they know about communication and active listening. There were videos that explained
what communication and active listening was. Students were able to use technology, write
down or verbal what they had learned about communication and active listening. There were
multiple means of information (Smith, 2012) presented such as symbols, role playing, task
cards, assistive technology, sorters and much more. The YouTube videos had closed caption,
audio, and script for the hearing impaired.
D’Olimpo, L. (2017). Media and Moral Education: A Philosophy of Critical Engagement (1st ed.)
Dziuban, C.D., Hartman, J.L., Moskal, P.D. (2004). E-Learn Google Scholar 2013.
Leithwood, K & Sun, J. (2018). Academic culture: A promising mediator of school leaders’
influence on student learning. Journal of Education Administration, 56 (3).
Making Sense of Universal Design for Learning (Video File). (n.d) Retrieved from
Ministry of Education (2019) UDL guide, Inclusive Education website
Nelson, L. (2014). Design and Deliver: Planning and Teaching Using Universal Design for
Learning. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Company, Inc.
Ralabate, P.K. (2011, August 30). Universal Design for Learning. Meeting the Needs of All
Students. The ASHA Leader.
Troutman, S. (2017). Project Choice Board [Choice Board]. Publisher’s Name.
Taking Guests for online Show
Radio Host
Fitness, Authors, Athletes, Religion Education, Beauty, Health, Theories, Music, Television, Fashion, Trends, Sports
I will be your wedding consultant beginning in February of 2023. I can find other services that may be
needed such as: professional photography, venues, catering and more. One of the aspects that I will
specialize in:
A. Tradition Wedding (Regular wedding features)
I am working on my licensure for real estate. If you are interested in a home, I have various contractors.
If you would like to be interviewed on a national radio show with over 8,000 listeners,
please contact:
This is our home-We are adding some new additions.
A. Mother-in-law suites for visitors
B. Gymnasium
C. Theatre
D. Small Academy
One of the many offices due to business-This office has several components (FUTURE)
Real Estate
Day Care
If you are a speaker and interested in joining a
national speaker’s bureau, please email-
We are also looking for youth speakers, fitness
experts and more.
I and others in the partnership of the speaker’s
bureau are available to speak.
Ideas for news stories or preschool
Thank you for reading! If you have a story to
ABOUT Dr. Love
2022-Present-Superintendent Certificate
2018-2020-Curriculum and Instruction-University of Texas-Certificate
2017-2020-Special Education Certification Program-Special Education Certification
2005-2009-Ph.D. Prairie View and Texas A and M-Education Leadership-Ph.D.
2002-2005-Ms. In Education Leadership-Prairie View A and M University/Texas A and M
2002-2004-Texas A and M-Strategic Planning with Dr. Webb Johnson and Texas Education Agency
1997-2002-Baylor University-BS in Education/Kinesiology/English
Love, Alfreda. (2007). A Principal’s Role in Teacher Retention
Love, Alfreda (2005)-A National Perspective of Special Education Through the Eyes of an Administrator.
Living with Faith, Love and Hope-Dr. Alfreda Love
Initiative Learning
2001-2002-Dallas Baptist-Finance and Budgeting)
Employment Experience
Teacher Training
Serve on School Performance Team-Successful
Serve on the Needs Assessment Team
Special Education Administrator
Conference with parents for student progress
Facilitate opportunities between the community and school structure.
Analyze data and continue to provide professional development.
Recruit, hire and assign staff members to different grades.
-(T-Tess)-8 years
High school tutoring summer program-90% passing rate.
Curriculum tutoring
2016-Who’s Who in Business Award
2003-Nominated for Teacher of the Year
2019-Achievement in the classroom for students
2021-Leadership in the Community of Youth Program
Public Administration
Community Engagement
Media and Entertainment
Media and Instruction
Education Leadership
Calling ten of his servants, he gave them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Engage
in business until I come.’ Luke 19:11-27ESV
“It’s going to be alright”-Mr. Alfred Earl Love
“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” —
John Lennon
Don’t give up when dark times come. The more storms you face in life, the
stronger you’ll be. Hold on. Your greater is coming.” — Germany Kent
“Don’t worry about a thing, cause every little thing is going to be alright!” —
Bob Marley
“I’m at a place in my life right now where I’m very happy, very content. I’m
finally OK with the idea of who I love, who I want to be with.” — Sheryl
With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” — Eleanor
“Just when the caterpillar thought its world was over, it turned into a
butterfly!” — Unknown

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LOVE NEW2023.pdf

  • 1. **LOVE NEWS** Dr. Alfreda Emonya Love HAPPY WEEK
  • 2. Godly Things Come to Those Who Pray! Some of us are in a hurry to find favor in God’s sight, but some constantly forget to pray unto God. From this point forward, I would like for all of us to pray for everything including family, decisions, friends, careers, people within the circle, church, and financial investments. Just as holidays have become commercialized, so has our faith. We love God when we are on the receiving end and doubt God when He says, “I have prepared something better.” Throughout life, there are many opportunities for doors to open and for some to close. Which door will God open, and which door will God close? No one really knows which door God will open, but we know when a door is closed. I was in meditation today thinking about the goodness of God. When there is a reference of God’s goodness, it is more than materialistic aspects, it is deeper than the core of our soul and stronger then a current on an ocean front. The question is, “What would God have me to do in this lifetime filled with happiness and blessings? Although we cannot determine every move God makes, life is symbolic of a chess game. Each move that we make daily should be strategic, meaning nothing can be shaken or moved unless God allows it to do so. The purpose of this brief writing is to let each, and every person know that “Godly things come to those who pray.” I used to believe that good things come to those who wait. I have waited patiently on many things of the world and find that God’s goodness comes to those who pray. As we go about this week making moves and connections, it is important that we continue to keep God first. Doors will open and footsteps will enter destinies, but one must always remember how one entered, who allowed you to enter and your purpose. I am declaring that each person whose season has arrived be led by the spirit. God says right now, “If I brought you to it, I could bring you through it.” I was reading some of my icons in speaking and entertainments posts and found Mr. Les Brown post which reads, “You are in the middle of a miracle. Stand still. Do not panic. Keep the faith. Continue to work on your plan. Stay focused with a determined vision. Dig in and resolve to yourself. It is not over until I win!" In conclusion, I would like you to read this article and share it with as many people as possible. I am not one who needs validation on FB, nor do I need a million people to agree with me. God declares that where two or three are gathered in my name (God’s name) there He is also
  • 3. (Matthew 18:20). God also revealed that when it is your time to be blessed, the phrase “Seek ye the kingdom first”, literally means all we need is one Yes from God. Practice allowing God to validate who you are and remember that good things come to those who pray! If you would like to be on the ministry: If you are a gospel artist, RB artist, community leader etc., please email me PRESS RELEASE ((CHICAGO, IL.) – April 19, 2023- In its 8th celebratory year, Black Music Honors shines a spotlight on revolutionary artists and musicians who have made significant impact on African American music. Produced by Central City Productions, the highly anticipated live taping will take place at the renowned Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre in Atlanta, Ga. on Thursday, May 19. The celebration will be co-hosted by singer and actress LeToya Luckett alongside comedic actor DeRay Davis. Black Music Honors is an annual event that celebrates the illustrious achievements and exceptional contributions of urban music. This year's lineup of honorees includes some of the most influential names in Black music history, such as hip-hop superstar, songwriter-producer, and cultural icon Missy Elliott; award-winning R&B vocal trio and one of the best-selling female groups of all time SWV; disco superstar vocalist, songwriter, record producer and all-around performer Evelyn "Champagne" King; widely respected R&B/Soul crooner Jeffrey Osborne; and legendary gospel trailblazers The Hawkins Family. “Black music is the heartbeat of our culture, and the honorees for this years’ Black Music Honors represent the soul of American music,” says Founder and Executive Producer Don Jackson. “We pay homage to the musical innovators who have paved the way for future generations. Our tribute performances not only celebrate the honorees of yesterday, but also showcase the influence and impact of their iconic sounds and styles on today's artists with a beautiful symbiosis of past and present.” A night of unbridled brilliance and pure musical bliss awaits at the 2023 Black Music Honors where exceptional performances, heartfelt speeches and timeless memories will be etched in the hearts of viewers. The televised special will premiere on the Stellar Network June 3 and air in national broadcast syndication Saturday, June 10 - Sunday, July 2 in tribute to Black Music Month. The show will also air on Bounce TV on June 19. The 8th Annual Black Music Honors show is Executive Produced by Don Jackson with Jennifer J. Jackson serving as Producer and Executive in Charge of Production, and Michael A. Johnson as Producer and Director.
  • 4. Preschool Proposal Coming By: Dr. Alfreda Emonya Love In a year, we would like to unveil one of our preschool’s demos in the United States of America. We will be a global organization with global learning that expands over the 50 states of America. Our commitment is to children ages:2-7. Our
  • 5. guarantee is school readiness for 2nd grade in public or private school. We are the Mighty Dolphins! Our classrooms will have a 1 to 5 ratio due to the intense commitment to reaching every student. The preschool’s name is Valedictorian Readiness Academy. We are committed to leadership, scholarship, and citizenship. The framework designed is focused on the acronym Lead-Learning, Excellent, Academic Doctrine. Our mascot is a dolphin! Our goal is to open 50 schools in 5o states. Later, we will explore the countries.
  • 6. No Child Left Behind Revisions The No Child Left behind Act of 2001 was signed into law by the former President Bush. The signing of the act was to ensure that disadvantaged students’ education was improved. Who are the disadvantaged students that the act focused on in 2001? The disadvantaged students were categorized as those students who struggled in subjects such as literacy, reading and writing. NCLB was an act that required that states perform annual testing, check academic progress, provide report cards (data driven), and ensure teacher qualifications were set in place (highly qualified). To focus on improving reading for the disadvantaged students, a program called Reading First was established and funding changes were made to help districts have greater flexibility in how federal allotments were spent. Here schools stand all over the world in 2015, with the aftermath of NCLB and still seeking ways to help all students. The disadvantage students identified in 2001 has changed greatly to most students needing some modifications to assist on a state test, but they are not qualified due to grades and other factors. As we reflect on the 2001 era of disadvantaged students, we must look at the drop-out rate in Texas among middle and high school students. According to Texas Education Agency (2002-2003), these are the middle school and high school rates: Grade span Dropouts Students Rate (%) Grades 7-8 1,486 660,878
  • 7. 0.2 Grades 9-12 15,665 1,230,483 1.3 Grades 7-12 17,151 1,891,361 0.9 Present- Annual Dropout Rates, by Grade Span, Texas Public Schools, 2012-13 Grade span Dropouts Students Rate (%) Grades 7-8 3,187 760,623 0.4 Grades 9-12 31,509 1,428,819 2.2 Grades 7-12 34,696 2,189,442 1.6
  • 8. In seeking ways to prevent drop-out among middle and high school students, we must evaluate the data from the beginning of the NCLB until now. When looking at the data, we see that the drop- out rate has increased enough to rethink NCLB. As educators, parents, and community leaders, we all know that students drop out of school for various reasons, but the core reason is most of these student’s dislike school or cannot pass a state mandated test. Right at this present moment, researchers are looking into the data and find that most dropouts originate from middle and high school students. In looking through the eyes of politicians, we must seek ways to prevent dropouts because now a small percentage of elementary students are not attending school because they don’t want to, or they are afraid of all the demands of learning. No Child Left behind continues to seek the academic progress of all students. In seeking the academic progress of all students, schools are held accountable, and states can easily monitor learning. For some schools, academic progress is diminished by factors beyond and within a schools’ control. Academic progress under the NCLB must be re-evaluated in a new way. When one reviews academic progress, the implications should be based on an individual student’s progress and reviewed holistically according to the percentage of increase among each student. Data suggests that some groups (sub-pop) struggle more than others and with a new look at how academic progress is given, this will help develop more appropriate and improved Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. The reason so many sub-populations struggle is not due to the lack of teaching or inability to learn but is due to the TEKS missing piece of remediation and spiral learning. Under the new revision of the TEKS, there must be a component within each section that identifies the level of learning. An example of a TEK is Elementary Science- Earth and space. The student knows that the natural world includes earth materials. The student is expected to: observe, describe, compare, and sort rocks by size, shape, color, and texture; - Modified, Beginner-Observe, describe, compare. Intermediate-Write after the observation and describe it to a peer. Advanced-Experiment with the rocks and form a hypothesis. Another component of No Child Left Behind is the report card. The report card illustrates information from four performance indexes: Student achievement, Student Progress, Closing Performance Gaps and Post Secondary Readiness. Also displayed on the report card is the Accountability rating Distinction Designations, School and staff information and financial information. A revision of the new No Child Left Behind provision for the report card is what provisions and measures are being taken to address areas on the report card. In having the measures established on the report card, officials will know how to revise TEKS, testing provisions and set realistic expectations for state testing. Teaching is an essential piece of accountability that is reflected in the success of a student. Under the new No Child Left behind Act, a teacher must be highly qualified to teach students. There are measures such as emergency certifications that will uphold a teacher until testing is achieved. The essential element of accountability that is missing is the hands-on skill set. In lieu of tests to ensure being highly qualified, the skill set of being able to be in a classroom for an extended
  • 9. period (4 or 5 months) is essential. Highly qualified does not necessarily mean certified. Highly qualified is the ability to handle a group of students. The new revision of NCLB should seek Highly Certified teachers and those are teachers who are certified and able to perform a skill set within the classroom. In conclusion, the No Child Left Behind Act needs to be revised because still we have children being left behind. The old definition of disadvantaged (2001) is now obsolete and needs to be revised. The drop-out rate is constantly increasing and with that increase comes the need to review expectations of learning and how the teaching is delivered. Academic progress within schools needs to be revised and based on the significant or small increase for individual students, rather than a group. In seeking to look at small gains it will optimize the need to revisit TEKS, remediate and give appropriate assessments. Finally, the school report card is essential in that the community can go to the school report card and review different trends within the school. An element that needs to be added to the report card is what is being addressed to areas where subpopulations and drop-outs are struggling at significantly high levels. **************************************************************************** (SANDOS IN SPAIN) ENCHANTMENT RESORT
  • 10. The King's Death on the Mountain By: Dr. Alfreda Love April 4th, 1968, a now deceased Dr. King would once again make national headlines as the most celebrated pastor and leader in the nation. The well-loved pastor left a wife and four little children unexpectedly without having a chance to say goodbye. The only remain of the event on April 4th, 1968, was a huge dream that we would somehow experience only while consciously awake. The shot that pierced Dr. King's body was the same shot that gave him rest. Although Dr. King was assassinated, the dream was the lone survivor that would receive eternal life on earth. In lieu of reminiscing on the death of Dr. King, the purpose of this article is to describe his mountain top experience before and during his death. In the eyes of a beneficiary of Dr. King's dream, I would like to give my account of Dr. King's Mountain Top Experience with Death. Dr. King as we all know was celebrated at his birth, during his teenage years as a pastor, his ministerial years as a son, husband, and father as well as during his death. Here we are some 47 years later celebrating the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In my wondering eyes, I often wonder if Dr. King was able to have a mountain top death because like Jesus, he too faced many forms of humility. As Bible scholars flip through the text of the Bible, there are accounts of Jesus going to various places preaching, healing, delivering, and setting people free. When I was a child, I could not wait to get my hands on the history books in the public libraries. Through reading and studying history, I maintained high anticipation of finding out who wanted the world to know me by my character first. In the summer months as a small child, I enjoyed reading about Dr. King and concluded in my naïve thinking, if Dr. King is not Jesus, then surely this must be one of Jesus’ sons. Throughout life, I figured out that Dr. King was not Jesus; but that his life was congruent to the Jesus I was introduced to at a very young age. While reading historical books and listening to stories of segregation, the Little Rock Nine and the Emancipation Proclamation, I knew then that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man generated by love. While growing up, I always envisioned where so many people would be if the dream of Dr. King was not conceived or died on that sad April 4th, 1968, day in Memphis. I would imagine that
  • 11. many people would be as the caged bird that the late Ms. Maya Angelo alluded to in her poetry, or like the sheep without a shepherd in the Bible. Due to the prayer, family structure and determination, people have not only come this far by faith, but we are moving further towards the Lord and Dr. King's dream. Ladies and gentlemen all over the world, we have much to thank God for and Dr. King. Some of us would not know that we could dream, if we did not have a visionary who told us his dream. When looking at the past and comparing it to the future, the only constant for all people was education. Whether we face it or not, education starts at home and then the school building. Since there is a phrase that says, "A Mind is a terrible thing to waste,” let's use our minds and begin to educate the world on the freedom to dream. As a young child, until this present moment, I still believe that I can dream, and that God can make every dream come true. In conclusion, Dr. King died on the mountain top, but his dream survived the valley moment. As all of you know, Dr. Martin Luther King was a visionary with a dream. He did not pass away in his sleep, nor was he in the deep, dark valley, but his light was shining when he passed away. Dr. King was standing outside of the balcony of his hotel room in broad daylight when he was assassinated. When Dr. King fell, according to reports, he fell backwards onto the balcony. On this April 4th day, let us all say, "If it had not been for the Lord on my side, where would I be?" I encourage each person to take full advantage of Dr. King's dream and allow the Lord to lead the way! Contact: ************************************************************************************************** THINK TANK Which Animal Does Veal Meat Come From? 1.Deer 2. Moose 3.Cow 4.Calf **************** ********************************************
  • 12. Send in the Clowns: An Elephant is in the room. Business is an endeavor that causes one to operate under the function of the people. Let’s face it, without people, businesses cannot survive. If I were to interview Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Amancio Ortego and Oprah Winfrey, I am sure each person could share a success story about how their brand became a national phenomenon. While speaking to these successful entrepreneurs, it is possible that each one would agree that the consumers are the ones to thank for believing in their services. I am just like you, a consumer who seeks quality entertainment, quality teaching, quality events and quality organizations. How can my team accommodate you? The most important way our team can accommodate you is to provide knowledge from research and firsthand experience from quality production teams. The interactive workshop: Send in the Clowns: An Elephant is in the room, provides organizations, schools, and institutions with practical tools to maintain the momentum in an organization. If the products that consumers purchase are not of sound quality, people will discontinue their revenue spending and the momentum in the business will quickly decrease. Organizations from centuries ago became historical because of continuous momentum within organizations. Many of the historical businesses are in Japan. Within the next few minutes that I must spend with you, I want to give you a brief example of our presentation: Send in the Clowns: An Elephant is in the room!
  • 13. Various organizations will acknowledge that there is an elephant in the room that needs to be addressed. Some organizations would like to take small pieces of the elephant (situation, idea or thought) and slowly unravel what may appear to be the root cause. Other organizations may close their eyes and allow the elephant to continue to stand in the room while stakeholders jump ship, just to discover that the same elephant is in another organization. Another organization may address the elephant in hopes that it will leave and every time one enters the room, the same elephant is standing at the door. Some groups will find that the elephant in the room may cause some discomfort because of the sensitivity of the subject. Whether your organization has closed their eyes, addressed an ongoing issue, or continues to allow the same elephant to remain in the room, it is time to send in the clowns. I know what some of you are thinking: “If we send in the clowns, our business will become a circus. Clowns are only known for making people laugh temporarily and performing magic tricks.” When our audiences can visualize, laugh, and juggle great tricks to become a greater organization, they will love the clowns. Some of the topics of the presentation include examples like :(Taking Right Interventions Causing Key Solutions), you are in the atmosphere of experiencing this fantastic workshop. The workshop that I provide allows one to have fun, become empowered energetic and most of all have tricks in your head, rather than up your sleeve to revive, establish and create winning teams! When one visualizes the workshop: Send in the Clowns: An Elephant is in the room our goal is to create smiling faces, engage in laughter while learning valuable nuggets for success. Phase two is what our team focuses on because we are allowing each participant to become the clowns- (Calm leaders Occasionally Wanting New Scenery). In this phrase, we discuss re-arranging the furniture where the elephant must make some shifts. If you notice, when we speak of rearranging the furniture, we are speaking of the way in which we think. The elephant could be the step to a goal that an organization needs to attain. Notice, our team's focus is on environmental shift, rather than taking a shift at the elephant. The workshop focusses on environmental changes and the tricks increase which causes the elephant to shift. Phase Three=Activity-Within this activity, a situation is given to each group. Three key concepts will be utilized: What tricks do I have to continue the momentum with the elephant in the room? What can I do as a clown? What will the elephant do according to the answers I described? If you are interested in the presentation:
  • 14. The Blues is Alright-BBKING Dr. Alfreda Love Contact Author B.B. King- Let the Good Time Roll Some people say, “The thrill is gone or Three O’clock will never be the same because of the peaceful rest of Mr. B.B. King. The bio of Mr. B.B King indicates that the sun rose on September 16, 1925, and set on May 15th, 2015. Growing up, I loved gospel music and still love it; and I enjoyed listening to the blues because I learned that the blues would come in life, and I wanted to study the words and see what type of blues people think enough of to write and sing. I was greatly impressed that artists were able to make melodies according to challenging things within their lives. My first experience with the blues was a song entitled “Last Two Dollars,” by the late Johnny Taylor. Within this song, Johnny introduced a lady at the casino who lost all her money and did not want anyone to feel sorry for her. The hopeless lady in the song
  • 15. suggested that if anyone wanted to do her a favor, just lend her two dollars until the next time she sees you. As the song went on, listeners discovered that this hopeless lady had two dollars left and made it clear that one dollar was going on the bus fare and the other dollar was for the juke box to hear some blues. I loved the comedy within the song and began my journey of listening to various legends such as: Ms. Betty White, Mr. Johnny Taylor, Mr. Marvin Gaye, Mr. Teddy Pendergrass, Mr. James Brown, Mr. Al Green, and Mr. Joe Tex. It was around 1990 that these 1970s teen begin to really understand the concept of the blues is alright. In the late 1990s, I decided to begin a collection of blues legends, so I took a trip to the music store to capture more blues legends and discovered that Z.Z. Hill was a blues man with a message of math and that he believed in giving. As I looked a little further down the row, I saw a CD album cover with a man holding a guitar and smiling. I walked closer to the CD and wondered what could this man be smiling about when he is singing the blues? The B.B King CD album in which Mr. B.B King was smiling on contained songs such as: “Three O’clock Blues, Don’t Answer the Door, Sweet Angel and The Thrill Is Gone.” I purchased the CD and listened attentively to the words in the few songs that I was able to listen to in the distance I had from home. As I listened to each song, I could hear a bass guitar which really caught my attention and interest in all of Mr. B.B King’s songs. Many years passed and I continued to listen to the great blues singers on CD albums. A FAVORITE SONG-Let the Good Times Roll When looking at all the titles of Mr. B.B King’s songs, I was able to experience his happiness with life with the hit song,” Let the Good Times Roll.” In the song, Mr. B.B reminds listeners that we only live once, so we may as well let the good times roll. Within the song, a good time does not have an age limit and we all can experience a good time. I believe Mr. B.B King had a good time while on earth. While reading the article, I am sure that the range of the late B.B. King fans reaches back from the ages of youth to the seasoned. In conclusion, each person on earth must let the good times roll while it is day, because we will all have to rest one day. Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” B.B King Awards Grammy-The Thrill Has Gone Grammy Hall of Fame Award-3 O’clock Blues Kennedy Center Honors
  • 16. Grammy Award for Best Traditional Blues Presidential Medal of Freedom Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award ****************************************************************************************************
  • 17. International Program Radio Dr. Alfreda Love Introducing Radio ---Education &, Health Human Performance Consultant, Radio Host, Entertainment writer and Stage Show Creator-Love. Love Ministry Love Ministry and Talk Show Love Ministry & Talk Show/Article Reviews Radio love The Love Lift Jesus Ministry is a media outlet poised to relinquish the gifts of God, whether through music, poetry, leadership, teachings, journalism, or active community leadership. The mission of the outlet is to empower, uplift and most of all; open the gifts that God has given unto the people. Upon building confidence of speaking on a national radio station ( love), God blessed me with a word each Sunday to give unto the people. Some of the major themes of the Sunday ministry are centered around the destiny God has set, while other messages focus on continuing in faith. As the ministry receives invites to various events, I decided to reach out into the community and realized that others were chasing after God’s heart and agreed to share their gifts with the world on my radio ministry. When interviewing guests, the major focus is always centered on bringing the gift of each to magnify Jesus Christ. It matters not what gift God has bestowed upon a person; the result is how are you using your gift? I have had the opportunity to interview commonalities as well as celebrities on the radio show and have learned much. The strength of the radio show comes from
  • 18. God and the power found within comes from the gift of God. As to date, God has blessed me to successfully complete 322 shows and the number continues to rise. The experience of the radio ministry is a constant reminder that God blesses in various places and gives blessings to various people. Although this ministry is nationwide and has a span across America and out of the country, I market and recruit to bring more people’s gifts in the light. When I interview each guest, I realize that no matter if he or she is in front of the camera or in front of a television screen at home, each person needs ministry and prayer. For some people, the ministry serves as a pick-me-up, to hear a positive role model who is now a successful politician, teacher, author or in the entertainment world; while other segments of the ministry serve as prayer to make it through the next day. As a radio host of a ministry that spans around the world, I still see a need to take this ministry and talk show to the next level and reach as many people as possible. With the addition of radio, I have launched out to begin writing articles on many issues of interest that are going on in the media. The articles contain information on gospel music, social issues, politics, education, book reviews, show reviews and health will be added as well. An example of one topic that was written is entitled, “Save Our Sons.” The article illustrates the demise of our young men in the streets and what we can do to prevent the troubles that are ahead. When delivering the message of “Saving Our Sons, the concept is knowledge and having events which involved successful men or men who stumbled but refuse to fall. The goal of the “Save Our Son’s project is to take this project around the world. In conclusion, my desire is to connect with media outlets, entertainment outlets and the gospel industry because I want to help bring anything positive to the spotlight for God. Also, my desire is to interview as many people as possible because kids and adults may not be able to identify with the challenges of one guest but can with another guest. My desire is to continue to cover events, as well as interview and learn from artists, writers, teachers, journalists, and community leaders. Within the career of radio, some of the guests would like to only speak on large platforms, but God says for a seed to really grow, that seed starts out small and grows into something that can be used by the people. If you would like to be on this national radio show, please see the below instructions: COME ON THE Show AND share YOUR GIFTS FB-Alfreda Love Logon- LOOKING FOR: Gospel Artist Clean Artist Music Poets Authors Speakers
  • 19. Writers Sports Figures Journalist Community Leaders Radio Positive People GROWING Bible based, inspiring, uplifting and authorized by God, it gives me great pleasure to introduce the ministry that God has given me. In one week, Love Lift Jesus up Show will turn 2 years old. This ministry has been afforded the opportunity to host conferences, cover events on the red carpet, plays and many other events. As of recent, God has expanded the ministry to radio, and I have had the opportunity to interview many people from around the world. I am in the process of scheduling more people for the 2015 year as well as arranging speaking events. At any rate, I would like for you to be part of my radio ministry in that you come and join me on radio to highlight what God has given you to share with the world. It could be the gift of music, poetry, acting, writing, preaching, teaching and whatever you could possibly think of that would uplift the name of Jesus. MISSION/VISION The mission of the ministry is to lift Jesus up. Jesus says, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me!" We all know that when Jesus draws us to him, we are in good hands. The vision for the ministry is to teach the word, expose and promote the gift of God to people from all around the world. WHERE ARE WE GOING We are going where the ministry takes us. By sharing the goodness of God, we are being obedient in that we must go tell the men, women, boys, and girls about the word of God. You may not minister when you talk about your gift, but you are sharing that God is the provider of your gift and that may encourage someone else. HOW TO BE A GUEST ON THE SHOW I will need a bio and dates that you will be available for a 20–30-minute interview. The call-in number will always be Guest Call-in (347) 843-4981 I appreciate your time and willingness to be part of the ministry (LOVELIFTJESUSUP) Please tell your friends and family about the show.
  • 20. • The Love Lift Jesus Ministry Online Radio | BlogTalkRadio Join host Dr. Love for this relative spiritual conviction ministry. Within the ministry you will find the word of God, interviews with gospel artist, teachers, ministers, writers, authors, directors, visionaries, actors/actress and community leaders. ****************************************************************************** Test Formula for Success 1. Pray to God 2. Read, Think, Read Again 3. Process of elimination 4. Read, Think, Select the best choice.
  • 21. Universal Design Template (Educators-Tailor this template to make it work for you) In public schools I have utilized this design and had about 77-80% When tutoring students for assessments (100%)-I have data to prove it-Student’s diploma Educators-Throughout the course of our newspaper, I will provide examples of best practices. Most of the lessons are for TIER intervention. Within the design below, educators will be able to take segments of a lesson and incorporate skills to create higher thinking. The project is a Universal Design Approach. I would like you to observe the goals and what is happening within the groups. The luxury of Universal Design is chemistry. Within your schools and daycares, if we can get 90 minutes of instruction that is ideal.
  • 22. A typical Pre-K’s attention span is about 5 minutes. Can you imagine how many activities one can accomplish in 90 minutes. The goal of the activities is to make it fun and interactive. LESSON DESIGN This lesson is designed for middle school students. If you utilize the formula exactly, one can create dynamic pre-school lessons or elementary and even high school lessons. As a professor, I utilize this template to make the lessons engaging and more of an ownership approach. Link to the project- Learning Goals: Learners will be able to: Apply the skills of active listeners. Develop the life skills of becoming effective communicators. Practice communicating with peers to develop social skills. Evaluate their understanding of active listening and communication. Active Listening and communication: Link to Canva with activities- Class Facilitation Agenda The lesson is housed in Canva. This lesson is blended and can be in person or virtual. Time-Two lessons are the same-Whole group/Small group. Whole Group Tier 1- Independent Work-High performing students and Average This group will have 40 minutes of instruction on the introduction of active listening and communication. Independent (GT, average students)-Students will log on to voice thread and quickly describe what active listening is and communication. Students will then respond to two students’ reflection. An example of the reflection to a peer should be I believe that the concept of eye contact is important because. Task #1-Students will review the video-Be a Whole-Body Listener by Jack Hartmann and The Importance of Communication by Divya Ravichandran. While reviewing the two videos, the
  • 23. students will create their Cornell notes in the google classroom-Code is: kafvkf4 by listing their name, date, topic, subject, questions, notes, and summary. Once the Cornell notes are completed, the students will take a screenshot of their reflection and send it through Canvas to the teacher portal. Task #2 -Brainstorm-Students will open the Free Mind app and brainstorm and list careers where communication and active listening is important. Task #3-Using Mind Stamp-Pretend you are interviewing for a job. One person will be the interviewee and the other person will be the interviewer. Use the general interview questions that are on Canvas and create a mock interview with question and answer. Task #4-Upon completion, pair up with another group and share your presentation and be prepared to answer questions pertaining to your presentation. Task #5-Using the link I created for zoom, each person will screen share their presentation to peers on the zoom. Task #6-Jot down, type or verbalize any questions you may have pertaining to communication and active listening. Small Group-Tier II-Teacher Guidance Group & Gradual Release Students who are a little below average need extra interventions such as time, teacher assistance and preferential seating. Some students in the Tier II group have ADHD. The teacher will spend 40 minutes with the teacher’s aide. The group could consist of ELL students, SPED (ADHD, ED) Task #1 with teacher guidance-Students will review the video-Be a Whole-Body Listener by Jack Hartmann and The Importance of Communication by Diyva Ravichandran. Students will use Assistive technology with the text to speech to record their reflection on Canvas. Task #2- with teacher guidance-The student will use sorting strips to understand various components of active listening and communication. The student will have various active listening cues such as: Leaning forward, eye contact, facial contact, ear, and questions. Students will also have to apply the sorting strips with the communication piece. The worksheet will have visuals and students are to apply the strips for active listening. With guidance from the teacher, the students are to use Adobe illustrator to create images that are related to communication such as: ear, eyes, leaning forward, mouth etc. When finished, students are to share with a partner how the image impacts communication. Task #3-Each student will create their own task cards with visuals for either communication or active listening. The student should create at least 5 cards with the visual. Once the students complete the task card project, they are to share their task cards with a partner.
  • 24. Task #4-Upon completion of the task cards, all students will log into Edmodo and message at least one classmate about what they have learned about active listening or communication. The message must be in complete sentences. Task #5- Jot down, type or verbalize any questions you may have pertaining to communication and active listening. Small Group Tier III-SPED STUDENTS, 504, ELL, AT-RISK The students may be in Special Education, Ell students, Autistic, ADHAD, low IQ, emotionally disturbed. Task #1-The teacher will show a visual with a question mark. The teacher asks the students to think of a time when you were speaking to someone and knew they were listening? (Wait time) As we review the video-The Importance of Communication by Diyva Ravichandran, identify one strategy that you have observed someone use when listening. You may draw the strategy, write the strategy, type the strategy, or act the strategy out. Task #2-Role Play-I do, we do you do. The teacher selects one student from Tier 1 or Tier II to assist. The teacher gives the student a topic to speak to her about. The student begins speaking to the teacher and the teacher asks the students to popcorn out the various strategies. The students begin talking, leaning forward, smiling, eye contact and repeating what the speaker said. Task #3-The student is paired with one other classmate and is asked to create a sharable cartoon of active listening and communication. The students have been using The students work in pairs to create a cartoon of someone talking and someone listening. The students can upload a background, add their own characters, and create various frames. Once students complete the assignment, they are to upload their final project in the class folder for others to review. Task #4= I have placed each sorting strip by the appropriate listening technique or communication skill. Your task is to get with a partner and explain why the strategy is communication or listening. You may draw out your explanation, type out the explanation or explain the explanation. Ex-Leaning forward is an effective example of listening because the person is looking at me and not at something else. Task #5-Draw, write or verbalize how you will apply effective listening and communication to life.
  • 25. Task #6- Jot down, type or verbalize any questions you may have pertaining to communication and active listening. Exit Ticket- Please select one item from the choice board to begin on tomorrow concerning active listening and communication. Here is a menu-I would like for each student to select a project relating to active listening and communication. Learning Goals The learning goals for the course were to assist students in understanding the proper ways to listen and communicate. Within the learning goals, it is imperative that students can role play, reflect and evaluate what they have learned. With the use of UDL, it is imperative that students have a choice, and the content is rotational and flexible. During a lesson, the teacher may have to adjust the assignment due to the students misunderstanding of the lesson. As students are working through the various activities, I would like for the students to identify specific ways to have good communication and listening skills. In addition, it is important that students work independently and with a peer to obtain more knowledge. When working with goals it is important to understand that some students may have some barriers. For example, printed text may be a barrier for a student who has a vision impairment. As a result, the student will need Braille. When setting goals, the requirement does not change, however the means of how it is given may change. For example, when a student is learning a history lesson, he or she may need digital books or digital text. In the lesson created, students have access to print and digital media to meet their specific goals.
  • 26. The goal of the learning goals is to teach students how to advocate for what they need. Since the course is designed for an 8th grade student, the student may express some of these needs in an ARD Transitional meeting. In addition, when speaking to the teacher, the student may need assistance, extra help or time and accommodations such as: chunking, visuals, and self- monitoring. All goals should be learner centered. Students should be able to participate in activities that challenge them to intentionally react when someone is speaking. The student should show specific listening skills when listening to someone. The course was designed to develop life skills that the student will need now and in the future. In addition, it is important that students self- monitor their behavior when interacting with teachers, peers, and future employers. The purpose that was accomplished in the lesson was to develop appropriate social skills in a school setting. Assessments Providing feedback on student progress from assessment is important to student learning (Hattie & Timperley, 2007: Shute, 2008). In addition, it is important to continue to monitor students as they are engaging in blended and rotational learning. During the lesson, there are 3 Tier Groups. The first group was assessed through summarization of what communication and listening were in relation to everyday experiences. In addition, the students were able to participate in the voice-thread in which they were able to express their views about listening and communication. To fully assess the students, they were to role play a job interview and share their findings with their peers on zoom. As the progress monitor, I can review the various videos and look for effective communication techniques and listening techniques to see if the students fully understand. I am also able to view the zoom link and hear the rational of each student. Tier II group was able to have more hands-on experience as they were able to create their own cartoon of what they believed communication and listening looked like. During the process, I was able to facilitate their learning by providing the link to where they could create the lesson. In addition, I was able to observe what communication and listening strategies were in the project. Tier III group was more visual and kinesthetic. They were able to use graphic organizers and sorters to organize and identify information. Students were asked to role play either good listening skills or good communications skills. During that time of assessment, I was able to identify students who may have problems with understanding what good communication skills or listening skills. All the groups had Exit tickets in which they were to select an activity to create that represents communication and active listening. Through that assignment, I was able to assess the students’ understanding. MATERIALS and TEACHING METHODS
  • 27. The classroom is learner centered with Critical Engagement (D’Olimpio, 2017) which allows students to become engaged by allowing students to think through their learning, research, create and problem solve. Higher performing students will independently research to become engaged, while the average will receive guidance from the teacher. The classroom is comprised of a blended learning classroom. Due to the vast needs of the classroom, we will use the Rotational Model (Dziuban et al. 2004) Each student in the classroom will need an IEP. Although the course is housed in Google classroom and an online platform (Canva), students can engage with the teacher while working at their own pace. The teacher guides the student in the Rotational model; however, the student can work at his or her own pace. The teacher, one can provide students with needed time according to their accommodations and modifications. All Gifted and Talented students will benefit from this model because most of their assignments relate to the creation of products or research. The class is divided into three groups. Tier I (High Achievers), Tier 2 (Bubble students) and Tier III (Special Populations). During the Rotation, the Tier I group would go from table to table participating in various high functioning and challenging lessons in relation to their IQ and ability. Tiers II and II would rotate between the teacher and aide in receiving intense instruction and practice on the skills needed to be successful in communication and listening. Within the classroom, students will experience face to face learning with peers. There are multiple means of representation for student learning. Within the learning students can learn visually through various videos relating to communication and listening. Students may learn verbally through self-reflection or listening to peers. Students may learn socially through role playing and being able to journal some of their thoughts. Students may learn in solidarity in which they are able to create a project and reflect on it as they have learned. Some projects within the class are web-based so therefore each student will need a laptop. Due to the videos on communication, students are going to have to download the YouTube app to assess the videos. The student’s assignment as shown in the power point presentation will be on Canvas, which is our online platform for schoolwork. The GT students will experience more self-paced work, independent study, and research. The Tier II and III students will have more teacher guided lessons with visuals, small group, graphic organizers, and assistive technology as needed. Throughout the lesson there were multiple means of action and expression. When learning ways to have action and expression, learning can be considered as the how (Ralabate, 2011). In the lesson, several strategies were used to provide students with multiple means of Action and Expression: Choice board Format of learning-Video, organization charts, reflection, role play and art. Assessment-Students were able to reflect, create, organize, and share information. Students were able to use technology and assistive technology within their study.
  • 28. The method in which the class will use consists of: *Engagement which will include introductions through videos, reflection, and media. * Modeling will be utilized in the lesson and chunking for students who need those modifications. * Student collaboration will be enforced *Scaffolding will be on a broader scope to connect communication and active listening to real life situations. * Class discussions will relate to materials learned within the classroom *Students will have opportunities to generate questions * Students will be able to participate in zoom activities Materials Needed: Headphones Computer/tablets Printer Zoom link. Graphic organizers Accommodations and Modification of each sheet for students A class set of activity sheets (Hard copy) and electronic. Pencil Paper Popsicle sticks Yarn Design Choices and Revisions I narrowed down the lesson to one lesson to clearly identify barriers. I created a power point to model the expectations for the assignment such as how to work with peers, projects and how to search material. Within the lesson, the learning goals were developed to create more appropriate social interaction among students. Using the learning goals and being able to understand strategies and apply the strategies, students will be more likely to avoid conflict with
  • 29. their peers. In addition, having students identify the characteristics of active listening is vital for conflict resolution and problem solving. Research suggests that goals have a positive effect on student outcomes (Leithwood & Sun, 2018: Moeller, Theirler & Wu, 2012). As a result, students will be more effective in communicating and finding solutions to problems. The UDL principle of providing multiple means of representation is important. In the process of achieving the learning goals, students were able to reflect with their peers their understanding of communication and active listening. Students were given multiple means of expression through being able to use apps like Free Mind and Mind map to organize and journal their thoughts concerning communication and effective listening. Many of the Tier students were able to use assistance technology such as Text to Speech, Sorting, Role playing and creating their own style of communication and listening using their background knowledge. The advantage of utilizing UDL within the classroom is that it provides flexibility while allowing barriers to be removed (Ministry of Education, 2019). Some of the barriers that could have occurred were students not having equal access to learning opportunities. I was able to have Role playing, use various apps, assistive technology, and allow the student to work with a peer. As a teacher, sometimes students feel limited because their skills are limited, but as the class was working on their various projects, feedback was given, and students were allowed to have some autonomy. Students were not singled out during the lesson, as they were allowed think time to stop and jot some of their questions. Students were able to participate in a Quick Write to check for comprehension and understanding of the lesson. Students who were not able to write or have other conditions were given the opportunity to use their assistive technology with Text to speech or they were able to answer one true or false questions that I provided. Some students may be hearing impaired, so I was able to find videos that are translated for the hearing impaired that relates to listening and communication. I have students who have language barriers, so I have the video and the worksheet that provides visuals. Some of the ELL students are not able to speak English, so therefore, I have their worksheet in their native language. Other barriers include students who may not be able to read and comprehend, so therefore, we have role playing in English and Spanish. Students may not be able to verbalize or type, so therefore, they are able to create various characters using popsicle sticks and other art supplies. Learners The learners were 8th grade students. The beauty of the lesson is that each lesson contains a framework. The Higher performing students was more on the level of engagement. As they had tasks in Voice Thread, Google Classroom, and various Apps. The Tier II group was able to utilize apps for learning, but they were able to role play and share information with peers. Tier III group was more teacher guided, but the students had some representation in that able to create a cartoon and share the presentation with their peers. The reason I incorporated the lesson is because most students will begin planning their own schedule and reviewing colleges
  • 30. or trade schools to attend. It is imperative that students can advocate for themselves. The role plays and reflection was for students to understand what attributes are needed to have effective communication and be an active listener. UDL is beneficial to students because it provides flexible options (menu) representation (various tasks) engagement (Students creating projects and asking questions) (Relabate, 2011). Reduction of Barrers UDL environments were created to ensure that it is understood by everyone (Making sense, 2015). As I created the environment, I had GT, ELL, SPED, 504 and At-Risk students in mind. It seems that each student should have their own IEP and that is the goal of creating UDL environments. The advantage of UDL is that it is differentiated and provides various ways that information can be presented. For example, I utilized Voice Thread so students could reflect on what they know about communication and active listening. There were videos that explained what communication and active listening was. Students were able to use technology, write down or verbal what they had learned about communication and active listening. There were multiple means of information (Smith, 2012) presented such as symbols, role playing, task cards, assistive technology, sorters and much more. The YouTube videos had closed caption, audio, and script for the hearing impaired. References D’Olimpo, L. (2017). Media and Moral Education: A Philosophy of Critical Engagement (1st ed.) Routledge Dziuban, C.D., Hartman, J.L., Moskal, P.D. (2004). E-Learn Google Scholar 2013. Leithwood, K & Sun, J. (2018). Academic culture: A promising mediator of school leaders’ influence on student learning. Journal of Education Administration, 56 (3). Making Sense of Universal Design for Learning (Video File). (n.d) Retrieved from Ministry of Education (2019) UDL guide, Inclusive Education website Nelson, L. (2014). Design and Deliver: Planning and Teaching Using Universal Design for Learning. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Company, Inc. Ralabate, P.K. (2011, August 30). Universal Design for Learning. Meeting the Needs of All Students. The ASHA Leader. Troutman, S. (2017). Project Choice Board [Choice Board]. Publisher’s Name. Unknown *****************************************************************************
  • 31. Taking Guests for online Show Radio Host Fitness, Authors, Athletes, Religion Education, Beauty, Health, Theories, Music, Television, Fashion, Trends, Sports
  • 32. WEDDING CONSULTANT I will be your wedding consultant beginning in February of 2023. I can find other services that may be needed such as: professional photography, venues, catering and more. One of the aspects that I will specialize in: A. Tradition Wedding (Regular wedding features) MEDIA, ENTERTAINMENT AND SPORTS COVERAGE Link- REAL ESTATE NEWS I am working on my licensure for real estate. If you are interested in a home, I have various contractors. If you would like to be interviewed on a national radio show with over 8,000 listeners, please contact:
  • 33. This is our home-We are adding some new additions. A. Mother-in-law suites for visitors B. Gymnasium C. Theatre D. Small Academy VISION One of the many offices due to business-This office has several components (FUTURE) Real Estate Day Care School Exercise
  • 34.
  • 35. If you are a speaker and interested in joining a national speaker’s bureau, please email- We are also looking for youth speakers, fitness experts and more. I and others in the partnership of the speaker’s bureau are available to speak. Ideas for news stories or preschool Thank you for reading! If you have a story to
  • 36. ABOUT Dr. Love EDUCATION 2022-Present-Superintendent Certificate 2018-2020-Curriculum and Instruction-University of Texas-Certificate 2017-2020-Special Education Certification Program-Special Education Certification 2005-2009-Ph.D. Prairie View and Texas A and M-Education Leadership-Ph.D. 2002-2005-Ms. In Education Leadership-Prairie View A and M University/Texas A and M 2002-2004-Texas A and M-Strategic Planning with Dr. Webb Johnson and Texas Education Agency 1997-2002-Baylor University-BS in Education/Kinesiology/English Writing Love, Alfreda. (2007). A Principal’s Role in Teacher Retention Love, Alfreda (2005)-A National Perspective of Special Education Through the Eyes of an Administrator. Book Living with Faith, Love and Hope-Dr. Alfreda Love Initiative Learning 2001-2002-Dallas Baptist-Finance and Budgeting) Employment Experience (T-Tess)- Teacher Training Serve on School Performance Team-Successful Serve on the Needs Assessment Team Special Education Administrator Conference with parents for student progress Facilitate opportunities between the community and school structure. Analyze data and continue to provide professional development. Recruit, hire and assign staff members to different grades.
  • 37. -(T-Tess)-8 years AWARDS High school tutoring summer program-90% passing rate. Curriculum tutoring 2016-Who’s Who in Business Award 2003-Nominated for Teacher of the Year 2019-Achievement in the classroom for students 2021-Leadership in the Community of Youth Program Competencies Public Administration Community Engagement Media and Entertainment Media and Instruction Education Leadership QUOTES OF THE WEEK Calling ten of his servants, he gave them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Engage in business until I come.’ Luke 19:11-27ESV ************************************************************************** “It’s going to be alright”-Mr. Alfred Earl Love “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” — John Lennon Don’t give up when dark times come. The more storms you face in life, the stronger you’ll be. Hold on. Your greater is coming.” — Germany Kent “Don’t worry about a thing, cause every little thing is going to be alright!” — Bob Marley
  • 38. “I’m at a place in my life right now where I’m very happy, very content. I’m finally OK with the idea of who I love, who I want to be with.” — Sheryl Swoops With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” — Eleanor Roosevelt “Just when the caterpillar thought its world was over, it turned into a butterfly!” — Unknown