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                                                    Take a
                                             Grahani and
                                              Agni Part 2

Vitamin Q

                                         SUMMER SOLSTICE

                          NOURISH       BELIEVE        ACHIEVE
                                                    VOL. 6 ISSUE 6

 this edition designed by and
Ah Summer. Sun kissed rays of             I have always wanted to do. I love the
                           sunshine on my face. Tank-tops, sun       idea of really exploring nature again
                           dresses and sandals. Barbeques and        and simply BEING with the earth.
                           barking dogs. Family. Fresh cut grass.    I am very excited to be learning how
                           The Garden. Walks by the river. Pic-      to kite board – ultimately, riding the
                                                                -    wind! I have planned to go to some
                           et-songs. Making Love. Swimming           festivals just to simply relax and lis-
                           outside. Kiting. Road trips. Music        ten to great music (vs event planning
                           festivals and good friends. Danc-         / promoting) as well as check out
                           ing, playing. Fire in the sky sunsets.    crafts and cultures. I am excited at
                                                                     the thought of making the most of
                           What more can I say, summer,              summer and at the same time allow-
                           especially up north here, is the
                           best time of the year. This summer        and... lap it up! I do hope you en-
                           I have decided to keep it light and fun   joy this edition of Liv Tru - Sum-
                           by “making time” for the many things      mer Solstice E-Zine... xo Tammra

    NOT We’re

 cheapest printer
                                        trying to be

        To receive a copy of Liv Tru right to your inbox each season—sign up HERE
Take a Vacation and Watch                                                                               6. Delegate and outsource. Doing it
                                                                                                        yourself may sound admirable but mar-

Your Business GROW Susan Barr                                                                           7. Hang the “Closed” sign. Set your hours of
                                                                                                        operation and stick to them. If you work in

                                                                                                        store. If you are not taking breaks, it is not
                                                                                                        because you can’t. It is because you won’t.
                                                                                                        You nurture your customers; you nurture
                                                                             YOU                        business leads and relationships. Make it a
                                                                         could be
                                                                             HERE                       Susan Barr is President of Selah Synergy and author
                                                                                                        of the upcoming book “The Power of Virtual Lever-
                                                                                                        age”. With over 25 years experience combining tech-
                                                                                                        nology and strategy for clients, Susan’s company offers
                                                                                                        a full range of coaching and consulting services as
                                                                                                        well as social media webinars for the small business.

In a recent conversation with a coaching          Here are a few suggestions for making breaks
client, he expressed frustration over work-       a part of your healthy business routine:
ing 7 days a week, 14 hour days but not
“getting it done”. He described many rea-
sons for not completing his “homework” –          your calendar and schedule your top daily hab-

as his “top priority” for the past few weeks.     change your life if practiced daily? Activities
                                                  like prayer, mediation, exercise, reading, fam-
I suggested he take a vacation. What’s that?      ily time, and hobbies are the foundation for a
Yes, I suggested a break would help his busi-     happy life. Committing to daily habits builds
ness. Do you know you need a break? Are you       momentum towards goals for health, self-de-
spending long hours on the job, but not doing     velopment, business and personal well-being.
priority activities to drive your business? Can
you give a long list of excuses: the economy is   2. Put technology to work for you. Find
down; no one can do it like me; another day,      a stopwatch application on your smart-
another crisis...etc? In your quiet moments you   phone and use it to remind you to take a
berate yourself for not effectively using your    break. One solo professional recently de-
time, procrastinating and resisting delegation.   scribed how she sets alerts every few hours.

                                                                                                             Lisa Dawn Photography:
                                                  She walks the dogs or visits her garden to
Working long days without rest appears
to be a badge of honor for small business         Google search to locate videos and pictures
owners. In one recent study, over 55% re-         of yoga moves you can do at your desk.                     For well over 17 years, Lisa has
port not taking a vacation in 2 years. Over                                                                   demonstrated time and time
70% of entrepreneurs work 50+ hours                                                                        again, her passion for life, through
per week, over a third work over 70 hours.                                                                     the lens of a camera. Lisa
To what end? Martyrdom leads more often                                                                     currently lives with her 5 year old
to business failure than business growth.                                                                          son in Fernie, B.C.
                                                  your work schedule. Turn off the phones and
Taking a break leaves you refreshed and invig-    review your business and life goals. Then,               Please visit her new website:
orated. You will return ready to innovate and     schedule        appointments           dur-    
solve problems, ready to tackle the big issues
which have been weighing on you. Step away        your    priorities   and    make     it   happen.
from a problem and it is funny how a creative
solution will suddenly present itself. A brief
                                                  5. Plan a vacation. It doesn’t have to be a week in
retreat brings balance to your life leading to
                                                  the tropics to count - a long weekend at home
higher levels of overall health and well-being.
                                                  with hobbies, family and friends to rejuvenate.
Crisis can come in many forms. It can be a
                                                                                                   man-made substance spill, an earthquake, an
                                                                                                   illness, a divorce, a death, a pregnancy ... any-
                                                                                                   thing that takes you by surprise and leaves
                                                                                                   you reeling. From the 15th century, “Crisis” is
                                                                                                   “Middle English, from Latin, from Greek kri-
                                                                                                   sis, literally, decision, from krinein to decide.”

                                                                                                   At this place in time, the Oil Crisis demands
                                                                                                   we ask the questions: How much oil am I
                                                                                                   using? and How can I reduce my reliance?

                                                                                                   Take a piece of paper, make two columns
                                                                                                   and answer those two questions. Grab your
                                                                                                   calendar and circle September 22, 2010. Tell
                                                                                                   yourself on this day, you will re-evaluate and
                                                                                                   see how much you have saved. This will be
                                                                                                   a lesson of our lifetime, it will serve future
                                                                                                   generations well, and help heal our Mother,
                                                                                                   if you and I both take this task seriously.

                                                                                                   Which leads me to my garden. My partner
                                                                                                   turned the soil in my greenhouse and voila, I
                                                                                                   turned a corner (sometimes it takes a friend).

Growing Forward                                                                                    Now peas, corn, beans, tomatoes, potatoes,
                                                                                                   peppers, artichokes, asparagus, edamame,
Momma Day                                                                                                                                       -
                                                                                                   ers, sweet peas, mallow, chrysanthemums,
                              Go Forward With Courage                                              parsley, basil, chives, onions and others
                                                                                                   have all sprung forth. A barren wasteland,
                                                                                                   in a couple of weeks, a homestead paradise.
When you are in doubt, be still, and wait; when doubt no longer exists
              for you, then go forward with courage.                                               The Gulf disaster should be with us daily.
                                                                                                   To make a difference, we must universally
                                                                                                   and globally reduce, and then eliminate our
So long as mists envelop you, be still; be still until the sunlight pours                          dependence on fossil fuels, particularly oil.
          through and dispels the mists-- as it surely will.                                       In any crisis, take an inventory, and then
                                                                                                   turn the corner. There are seeds, wait-
                                                                                                   ing to be planted, which, when grown, will
                                 Then act with courage.                                            reap rewards for body, soul and mind. Take
                                                                                                   the time, take an inventory and then Grow.

                                Ponca Chief White Eagle
My comrade Cara Hunt’s husband Stephen             Mother, the Ocean is her skin, breath, blood
posted a link on facebook to the desperate         and heart all at once. My sorrow is constant
suggestion we nuclear bomb the current oil                                                     -
spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The spill and         fying... now what’s planted in your garden?”               A Morning Prayer
now the continually failing attempts to stop       As an aside, Stephen is a wonderful gardener.

government on this? If there were diamonds                                                                  Angels be with me as I
                                                   The winter left me a bit melancholy. Like my
                                                   surroundings, I felt a bit hollow and lacking          journey into this day amongst
can bet by now, they would have the whole
thing licensed, regulated, privatized and taxed.
                                                   will. Now, as life bursts forth, new buds,           friends and strangers. Offer me
                                                   growing while at the same time, letting go            clear sight and clear messages
If we believe that the earth is one and living,    of sorrow. There is a miracle inside a seed,             about what is true for me.
it is nothing short of massive grief felt from     so I plant one after another, watering them                       Amen.
this monumental disaster. If the earth is our      with my tears. Then I wait, and I watch.

                       To receive a copy of Liv Tru right to your inbox each season—sign up HERE

                                   PANTYHOSE                   Silk, cotton and wool alternatives exist
                                                               request if not available locally

                                       LIPSTICK                Ask for organic or chemical-free. Vegan
                                                               and hemp alternatives exist ~site here

                                       CRAYONS                 Beeswax and chemical free is essential
                                                               ~great site for green comparison shopping

                                              GUM              Hands down family favourite GLEE GUM
                                                               found at local health food stores

                                         ASPIRIN               Please talk to your naturopath. Willow
                                                               bark is a powerful healer, used with care

                               SOLAR PANELS                    Dispose of these properly and ask about
                                                               petroleum oil-free technologies

        WRINKLE-RESISTANT CLOTHES                              We spend most of our lives clothed, it’s
                                                               vital to have HEALTHY CLOTHING.

  Momma Day is a Métis mother of three and caretaker of 17 warm and
  cold blooded beings. She was born, near to, and raised in the rocky moun-
  tains. Her past careers include horticulturist, peace o cer, drug and al-
  cohol counselor and tarot card reader. Currently she lives at sea level on
  Vancouver Island and attends law school in Victoria. Her favorite things in
  life (next to children and all living beings) are caves, crystals and arrowheads.

Turn back the clock                                               Ageless Actives offers you a clear defense against
                                                            cellular aging. This revolutionary formula combines a
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                                                             from oxidative stress and damage." Ageless Actives is
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                                                             nutritional and personal development coaching using
                                                             the Isagenix Cleansing Systems and / or Replenishing
                                                                                          Paks Contact Tammra @
Ayurvedic Medicine - Grahani and
                                               Agni Dysfunctions and the Problems
                                               These Create                 Part 2
                                               C. Scott Ryan
                                               In the last article we began looking at the struc-      Therefore it is the malfunctioning of the
                                               ture and function of the small intestine and its role   jathara agni caused by the three doshas that
                                               in causing many diseases. We also introduced the        later becomes improper digestion, absorp-
                                               concept of agni which is the body’s enzymatic sys-      tion and assimilation on all levels of the body,
                                               tem and its intimate relationship with the small        whether it be at the tissue level, the cellular
                                               intestine and other structures within the GI tract.     level or at the nuclear level. What we don’t di-
                                               There are 40 main types of agni in the body
                                               which are governed by the main digestive                as beans then we have a visama agni and are
                                                                                  Jathara agni.        prone to vata diseases such as gas, constipation,
                                               Agni is responsible for all digestive, absorp-          insomnia, dry rough scaly skin or dehydra-
                                               tive and assimilative processes that take place         tion, arthritis, osteoporosis, fear, phobias and
                                               throughout the body whether we are talking              forgetfulness. If we have a hard time digest-
                                               about cellular metabolism, thyroid function,            ing fatty fried food we have tikshna agni and
                                                                                                       are prone to pitta diseases (because pitta is oily)
                                               of thoughts, or the digestive process taking            such as heartburn, diarrhoea, rashes, skin dis-
                                               place in the hollow tube which runs from                eases such as eczema and psoriasis, alopecia,
                                               our mouths to our anuses. Ayurvedically
                                               speaking nothing can have an affect on the              outwardly projected. If we have a manda agni
                                               body without the presence of agni, con-                 we have a hard time digesting dairy, wheat and
                                               versely all diseases are due to disturbed agni.         carbohydrates resulting in such kapha diseases
C. Scott Ryan is an Ayurvedic Practi-                                                                  as cold, congestion, cough, lymphomas, type II
tioner and Yoga Instructor, as well as, a      Disturbed agni is one of the requisites in the          diabetes, hypothyroid function, obesity, adhe-
Chartered Herbalist. His articles have                                                    dosha
appeared in Parabola Magazine, Light           dhatu sammurcchana janitor vyadhi. Dosha refers
on Ayurveda Journal (a peer reviewed           to the three doshas vata (air/movement),
Ayurvedic medical journal) and e               pitta                            kapha (water/          up as various coatings on the tongue usu-
Yogic Way Magazine (on-line). Scott is a       stabilizing); dhatu refers to the seven tissues
member of NAMA, as well as e Yoga              formed in serial order during the process of            spreading into the central portion. Vata-genic
Association of British Columbia.                                                                       ama is black or brown, pitta-genic ama is yel-
                                               bone marrow/nerve tissue, and male and fe-              low or green and kapha-genic ama is white.
He currently lives in Golden, British          male reproductive tissues; and sammurcchana             There may also be after-food tiredness,
Columbia, where he runs Golden Lo-             means an amalgamation with ama (toxins).
tus Ayurveda, an Ayurvedic Clinic and          Therefore, disease occurs when doshas and               well as teeth marks on the outside edges of
Yoga Studio with his wife Dalia Yanai.         dhatus amalgamate with toxins. This amal-               the tongue which denotes malabsorption.
Contact:            250-         344-8685,     gamation with ama (toxins) requires that
g ol d e n a y ur v ed a @ uni s e r v   there be some disturbance of cellular agni              Vata-genic ama and visama agni can be treated
w w w.G o l d e n Ay u r v e d a .c o m        this is called deposition or sthana samshraya           with Ajamodadi Vati or Shulahara Vati w/ warm
                                                                                                       water; pitta-genic ama and tikshna agni can be
                                               two primary agni dysfunctions which al-                 treated with Kamadudha, Kamadudha Moti Yukt
                                               low the doshas to enter the cell membrane               or Praval Panchamrit w/ Aloe Juice or Gel; and
                                               at the moment of sthana samshraya               -       kapha-genic ama and manda agni can be treated
                                               cally manda agni                                        with Amapachak Vati or Chitrakadi Vati w/
                                               can be caused by any of the three doshas
                                               and in general dhatu agni mandhya which just            dinner. Or take Amapachak Vati for acute ama
                                               means some disturbance which can be char-               formation, Chitrakadi Vati if it is sub-acute and
                                               acterized as that affected by vata or visama (ir-       Agnitundi Vati for chronic ama accumulation.
                                               regular metabolism), that affected by pitta or
                                               tikshna (hyper metabolism), and that affected
                                               by kapha – manda (hypo metabolism) agni. All            of fresh Ginger, with a squeeze of Lime juice
                                               three doshas can cause hypofunctioning of               and a pinch of Rock Salt 15 minutes both be-
                                               enzymes at the gross digestive level and at             fore and after all meals. These formulas both
                                               the cellular level resulting in ama formation.          kindle agni and digest ama which is the cor-
                                                                                                       nerstone of all Ayurvedic treatment protocols.

                     To receive a copy of Liv Tru right to your inbox each season—sign up HERE
include muscle wasting leading to weak-
                                                  ness and severe back pain, heart failure
                                                  (the heart is a muscle!), neuropathy and in-
                                                    ammation of the tendons and ligaments,
                                                  o en leading to rupture.” – Dr. Mercola

                                                  Co-Q 10 is made in the liver and after
                                                  age 20, our synthesis of Co-Q 10 de-
                                                  clines. Regrettably, foods contain very in-
                                                  adequate levels. It has also been reported
                                                  that certain pharmaceuticals designed to
                                                  lower cholesterol block mevalonic acid, a
                                                  precursor of Q10. A high metabolic rate,

Vitamin Q
Tammra Green RHN / RNCP
                                                  strenuous physical work and / or endur-
                                                  ance may also deplete Co-Q 10 over time.

Vitamin Q is most commonly known as               Co-Q10 may also be helpful adjunct in
“Coenzyme Q10” or “Co-Q 10”. Here                 many therapies for: Cancer, Parkinson’s
I will be discussing a form of Co-Q 10            Disease, Respiratory Diseases, Heart,
                                            -     Stroke / brain protection, Gum Dis-
plement that could possibly prevent brain         ease and obesity. In cases where there has
damage in stroke patients, effectively re-        been a diagnosis one would most likely
duce stress, counteract the effects of ag-        need it in much larger amounts than avail-
ing and improve health in cancer patients         able to the public, prescribed by a Doctor.
wouldn’t you consider taking it? I am happy
to report that more and more people, health       Co-Q 10 can be taken in combination with
professionals, scientists and doctors are re-     other antioxidants such as Vitamin A, C and
alizing the importance of supplementing           E as well as the mineral Selenium. Athletes
with Co-Q 10 and achieving good results.          would be wise to consider antioxidants as it
                                                  would likely give them a competitive edge,
“It plays a role in ATP (energy) production       increase recovery time and even prevent in-
in the cells and functions as an electron car-    jury later in life, taken in adequate amounts.
rier to cytochrome oxidase, our main respira-     If you truthfully want to look at aging in
tory enzyme. e heart requires high levels         the eye, you simply must know about an-
of Co-Q10... Ubiquinone is found in all cell
membranes where it plays a role in maintain-
ing membrane integrity so critical to nerve       The information provided by this article is general in nature and is
                                                  intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not
conduction and muscle integrity. Co-Q10           intended to replace or substitute the evaluation, judgment, diagno-
is also vital to the formation of elastin and     sis, and medical or preventative care of a physician, paediatrician,
collagen. Side e ects of Co-Q10 de ciency         therapist and/or health care provider. This article is not intended
                                                  to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

                                          Be magnificent.
                                                      Be watchful.
                                          Be focused.
                                                      Be still.

                                          Be aware that your
                                          thoughts have the
                                          power to change
                                          your world.

                                                 ~Dora Schievink (Ski-vink)
Upcoming Shows - The Living Proof
Nutrition Show on Spirit Quest Radio
Every ursday at 7pm Paci c Time, Tammra will be interviewing the most interesting
people in the self healing eld, taking YOUR questions, comments or testimonials as well as
pro iding fun and interactive ways for you to create your optimally healthiest life. Whether
mind, body, Spirit or Soul she will do her best to co-create a way with you so that you can
  nd exactly what you need to make the next steps to create vibrant lifestyle habits. Tammra
is a Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner (RNCP) / Registered Orthomolecular
Health Practitioner (ROHP). Tammra is also a Certi ed Master Practitioner in the Arts
& Sciences of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line erapy™ and Erickso-
nian Hypnosis. Tammra’s true talents sit within her ability to catch limiting belief systems
and streamline them into positive and e cient custom-made strategies. Tammra is consis-
tently empowered and inspired by the research and testimonials in eld that she works in.
She is committed to helping others reach their health goals. Tammra understands that it is
the exibility of the practitioner that determines the success of the outcome. You can call or
Skype in with your comments, quotes, poems, knowledge and questions... or join us in the
Chat Room. Please send any questions or comments or ideas to

June 24th: Golden Lotus Ayurveda
                                                 a system combining 4 different decks (for
C. Scott Ryan is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and   the 4 elements) of oracle and tarot cards,
Yoga Instructor, as well as a Chartered Herb-    she is a master of card divination. Her work
alist. He was an English and Philosophy Major    incorporates ecstatic dance, songwriting, re-
                                                 lationship work, visual art / photography
completed two years. He has been studying        and various inner disciplines all in the ser-
Ayurveda and Yoga for the past twelve years .
Scott is deeply committed to the principles of   to live, and helping others to do the same.
the traditional practice of Yoga and Ayurve-     Blog “Spreading the Gaia Word” | Photography
da. His articles have appeared in Parabola
                                                 July    8th:   Transformational
peer reviewed Ayurvedic Medical Journal, he      Growth Using NLP & Time Line
also writes Ayurvedic Columns for two on-        Therapy® w/ Monika Nygaard

                                                 Monika Nygaard, MA, has a successful pri-
C. Scott Ryan is member of NAMA, as well         vate practice and trains NLP Practitioners
                                                 and Master Practitioners, teaches Time Line
He is the Co-founder and Director of Gold-       Therapy®, Hypnotherapy, and Advanced
en Lotus Ayurveda - an Ayurvedic Clinic and      NLP Counselling Skills. She is the author
Yoga Studio along with his wife Dalia Yanai.     of Complementary Therapies and Mental

July  1st:   Finding   Balance                   the unconscious mind and personal develop-
Through    Earth-based  Astrol-                  ment. Monika is Past President of the Cana-
ogy – Live Readings with Bee

                                                 Her teaching style is very experiential, infor-
metaphysical arts working out of the Winds
of Change metaphysical shop on 5th Street
ticed Earth-based astrology for 25 years and     Aug.        19Th:        Trauma    Re-
uses all four elemental styles in her work.      covery        w/        David   Berceli

tional, physical, mental and spiritual bodies    of Trauma Recovery Services. His focus is
primarily with mass trauma, generational trau-      As Michael’s quest for resolution unfolded,
ma, and societal trauma. For 25 years David         he began entering a state of being he called
has lived and worked in war-torn countries of       “present moment awareness” - a paradigm
Africa and the Middle East, as well as trav-        of heightened consciousness running paral-
eling the world working with survivors of           lel to our conventional and mundane world
natural disasters. As a result these experiences    experience. He discovered that his repeat-
he has developed a series of simple exercises       ed entry into this enlivened state of being,
almost anyone can do that are designed to           which he accomplished through ceremonial
help not just individuals but also large popu-      practice, plant medicines, and what he calls
lations recover from stress and trauma. Da-         “consciously connected breathing,” result-
vid has designed and provided specialized           ed in a decrease of his own painful condi-
                                                    tion to the point of complete integration.
military personnel, national and international
relief agencies, and government and non-
government organizations whose staff are            a methodical pathway into present mo-
living and working in trauma-inducing envi-         ment awareness with an intent to develop
ronments. David is a Clinical Social Worker         a practical procedure that was accessible
                                             -      to anyone anywhere who wanted to initi-
                                             -      ate this experience for themselves. This
matologist (CFT) and Spiritual Director (MS).       procedure is now internationally known
                                                    as THE PRESENCE PROCESS.
Sept. 9Th:
w/ Life Coach               Leslie     Adams

Leslie Adams has been coaching people her
whole life. One of her greatest talents has al-
ways been her ability to take large challenges
and break them into manageable pieces. She
also has a huge belief in people and their
abilities as long as they are supported in their
quests for success. Leslie was a career coun-                         The best six doctors anywhere
selor for seventeen years with the Provincial
Government. While working on an under-                                    And no one can deny it
graduate degree, she completed courses in
psychology, business management, career                              Are sunshine, water, rest, and air
counseling, sociology and communications.
                                                                             Exercise and diet.
Coach Training Alliance. Leslie is committed
to client centred, active engagement with ev-                        These six will gladly you attend
ery client. She believes in fostering a trustwor-
thy, creative environment in which she coach-                             If only you are willing
es people to realize their fullest potential.
                                                                          Your mind they'll ease
Sept.   30Th:    The    Presence                                          Your will they'll mend
Process   w/    Michael   Brown
from      namaste     Publishing                                      And charge you not a shilling.

                                             -                       ~Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields,
fully unconscious life” as a music journalist.                           What the River Knows, 1990
During this period of his life, Michael devel-
oped an acutely painful neurological condition
called Horton’s Syndrome. After four years
of suffering through conventional medical
approaches, he embarked on a quest to inte-
grate his experience through personal inquiry.
A More Complete Kid’s Chewable
 IsaKids® Essentials is one of the most complete children’s multivitamin with 100% of the recommend-
  edamount of 16 essential vitamins and minerals. Our all-natural base of fruits and vegetables provides
      whole food nourishment to growing minds and bodies. It’s one of the tastiest vitamins, too.

                                           At least 30 servings per bottle.
 Kids may experience:

                                                     Living Proof Nutrition is owned and operated by
                                                     RNCP / ROHP, Tammra Green.

Tammra is also a Certified Practitioner in the Arts & Sciences of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
(NLP) & Time Line Therapy™ Tammra’s true talents sit within her ability to catch limiting belief
systems and streamline them into positive and efficient custom-made strategies.
Tammra is sincerely committed to helping others reach their health goals.

                To receive a copy of Liv Tru right to your inbox each season—sign up HERE

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Liv Tru Summer Soltice 2010

  • 1. Growing Forward Take a Vacation Grahani and Agni Part 2 Vitamin Q SUMMER SOLSTICE NOURISH BELIEVE ACHIEVE VOL. 6 ISSUE 6 this edition designed by and
  • 2. Ah Summer. Sun kissed rays of I have always wanted to do. I love the sunshine on my face. Tank-tops, sun idea of really exploring nature again dresses and sandals. Barbeques and and simply BEING with the earth. barking dogs. Family. Fresh cut grass. I am very excited to be learning how The Garden. Walks by the river. Pic- to kite board – ultimately, riding the - wind! I have planned to go to some et-songs. Making Love. Swimming festivals just to simply relax and lis- outside. Kiting. Road trips. Music ten to great music (vs event planning festivals and good friends. Danc- / promoting) as well as check out ing, playing. Fire in the sky sunsets. crafts and cultures. I am excited at the thought of making the most of What more can I say, summer, summer and at the same time allow- especially up north here, is the best time of the year. This summer and... lap it up! I do hope you en- I have decided to keep it light and fun joy this edition of Liv Tru - Sum- by “making time” for the many things mer Solstice E-Zine... xo Tammra NOT We’re We’re NOT the cheapest printer trying to be countercultureclothingco. To receive a copy of Liv Tru right to your inbox each season—sign up HERE
  • 3. Take a Vacation and Watch 6. Delegate and outsource. Doing it yourself may sound admirable but mar- Your Business GROW Susan Barr 7. Hang the “Closed” sign. Set your hours of operation and stick to them. If you work in store. If you are not taking breaks, it is not because you can’t. It is because you won’t. You nurture your customers; you nurture YOU business leads and relationships. Make it a could be HERE Susan Barr is President of Selah Synergy and author of the upcoming book “The Power of Virtual Lever- age”. With over 25 years experience combining tech- nology and strategy for clients, Susan’s company offers a full range of coaching and consulting services as well as social media webinars for the small business. In a recent conversation with a coaching Here are a few suggestions for making breaks client, he expressed frustration over work- a part of your healthy business routine: ing 7 days a week, 14 hour days but not “getting it done”. He described many rea- sons for not completing his “homework” – your calendar and schedule your top daily hab- as his “top priority” for the past few weeks. change your life if practiced daily? Activities like prayer, mediation, exercise, reading, fam- I suggested he take a vacation. What’s that? ily time, and hobbies are the foundation for a Yes, I suggested a break would help his busi- happy life. Committing to daily habits builds ness. Do you know you need a break? Are you momentum towards goals for health, self-de- spending long hours on the job, but not doing velopment, business and personal well-being. priority activities to drive your business? Can you give a long list of excuses: the economy is 2. Put technology to work for you. Find down; no one can do it like me; another day, a stopwatch application on your smart- another crisis...etc? In your quiet moments you phone and use it to remind you to take a berate yourself for not effectively using your break. One solo professional recently de- time, procrastinating and resisting delegation. scribed how she sets alerts every few hours. Lisa Dawn Photography: She walks the dogs or visits her garden to Working long days without rest appears to be a badge of honor for small business Google search to locate videos and pictures owners. In one recent study, over 55% re- of yoga moves you can do at your desk. For well over 17 years, Lisa has port not taking a vacation in 2 years. Over demonstrated time and time 70% of entrepreneurs work 50+ hours again, her passion for life, through per week, over a third work over 70 hours. the lens of a camera. Lisa To what end? Martyrdom leads more often currently lives with her 5 year old to business failure than business growth. son in Fernie, B.C. your work schedule. Turn off the phones and Taking a break leaves you refreshed and invig- review your business and life goals. Then, Please visit her new website: orated. You will return ready to innovate and schedule appointments dur- solve problems, ready to tackle the big issues which have been weighing on you. Step away your priorities and make it happen. from a problem and it is funny how a creative solution will suddenly present itself. A brief 5. Plan a vacation. It doesn’t have to be a week in retreat brings balance to your life leading to the tropics to count - a long weekend at home higher levels of overall health and well-being. with hobbies, family and friends to rejuvenate.
  • 4. Crisis can come in many forms. It can be a man-made substance spill, an earthquake, an illness, a divorce, a death, a pregnancy ... any- thing that takes you by surprise and leaves you reeling. From the 15th century, “Crisis” is “Middle English, from Latin, from Greek kri- sis, literally, decision, from krinein to decide.” At this place in time, the Oil Crisis demands we ask the questions: How much oil am I using? and How can I reduce my reliance? Take a piece of paper, make two columns and answer those two questions. Grab your calendar and circle September 22, 2010. Tell yourself on this day, you will re-evaluate and see how much you have saved. This will be a lesson of our lifetime, it will serve future generations well, and help heal our Mother, if you and I both take this task seriously. Which leads me to my garden. My partner turned the soil in my greenhouse and voila, I turned a corner (sometimes it takes a friend). Growing Forward Now peas, corn, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, artichokes, asparagus, edamame, Momma Day - ers, sweet peas, mallow, chrysanthemums, Go Forward With Courage parsley, basil, chives, onions and others have all sprung forth. A barren wasteland, in a couple of weeks, a homestead paradise. When you are in doubt, be still, and wait; when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage. The Gulf disaster should be with us daily. To make a difference, we must universally and globally reduce, and then eliminate our So long as mists envelop you, be still; be still until the sunlight pours dependence on fossil fuels, particularly oil. through and dispels the mists-- as it surely will. In any crisis, take an inventory, and then turn the corner. There are seeds, wait- ing to be planted, which, when grown, will Then act with courage. reap rewards for body, soul and mind. Take the time, take an inventory and then Grow. Ponca Chief White Eagle My comrade Cara Hunt’s husband Stephen Mother, the Ocean is her skin, breath, blood posted a link on facebook to the desperate and heart all at once. My sorrow is constant suggestion we nuclear bomb the current oil - spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The spill and fying... now what’s planted in your garden?” A Morning Prayer now the continually failing attempts to stop As an aside, Stephen is a wonderful gardener. government on this? If there were diamonds Angels be with me as I The winter left me a bit melancholy. Like my surroundings, I felt a bit hollow and lacking journey into this day amongst can bet by now, they would have the whole thing licensed, regulated, privatized and taxed. will. Now, as life bursts forth, new buds, friends and strangers. Offer me growing while at the same time, letting go clear sight and clear messages If we believe that the earth is one and living, of sorrow. There is a miracle inside a seed, about what is true for me. it is nothing short of massive grief felt from so I plant one after another, watering them Amen. this monumental disaster. If the earth is our with my tears. Then I wait, and I watch. To receive a copy of Liv Tru right to your inbox each season—sign up HERE
  • 5. SEVEN SURPRISING USES OF OIL MOMMA DAY’S SUGGESTED ALTERNATE PANTYHOSE Silk, cotton and wool alternatives exist request if not available locally LIPSTICK Ask for organic or chemical-free. Vegan and hemp alternatives exist ~site here CRAYONS Beeswax and chemical free is essential ~great site for green comparison shopping GUM Hands down family favourite GLEE GUM found at local health food stores ASPIRIN Please talk to your naturopath. Willow bark is a powerful healer, used with care SOLAR PANELS Dispose of these properly and ask about petroleum oil-free technologies WRINKLE-RESISTANT CLOTHES We spend most of our lives clothed, it’s vital to have HEALTHY CLOTHING. Momma Day is a Métis mother of three and caretaker of 17 warm and cold blooded beings. She was born, near to, and raised in the rocky moun- tains. Her past careers include horticulturist, peace o cer, drug and al- cohol counselor and tarot card reader. Currently she lives at sea level on Vancouver Island and attends law school in Victoria. Her favorite things in life (next to children and all living beings) are caves, crystals and arrowheads. Turn back the clock Ageless Actives offers you a clear defense against cellular aging. This revolutionary formula combines a proprietary blend of age-defying CoQ10, vitamin D3, resveratrol and other important nutrients to help support energy production, protect cardiovascular health, improve calcium absorption and protect cells from oxidative stress and damage." Ageless Actives is most functional as part of a complete program. For free nutritional and personal development coaching using the Isagenix Cleansing Systems and / or Replenishing Paks Contact Tammra @
  • 6. Ayurvedic Medicine - Grahani and Agni Dysfunctions and the Problems These Create Part 2 C. Scott Ryan In the last article we began looking at the struc- Therefore it is the malfunctioning of the ture and function of the small intestine and its role jathara agni caused by the three doshas that in causing many diseases. We also introduced the later becomes improper digestion, absorp- concept of agni which is the body’s enzymatic sys- tion and assimilation on all levels of the body, tem and its intimate relationship with the small whether it be at the tissue level, the cellular intestine and other structures within the GI tract. level or at the nuclear level. What we don’t di- - There are 40 main types of agni in the body which are governed by the main digestive as beans then we have a visama agni and are Jathara agni. prone to vata diseases such as gas, constipation, Agni is responsible for all digestive, absorp- insomnia, dry rough scaly skin or dehydra- tive and assimilative processes that take place tion, arthritis, osteoporosis, fear, phobias and throughout the body whether we are talking forgetfulness. If we have a hard time digest- about cellular metabolism, thyroid function, ing fatty fried food we have tikshna agni and are prone to pitta diseases (because pitta is oily) of thoughts, or the digestive process taking such as heartburn, diarrhoea, rashes, skin dis- place in the hollow tube which runs from eases such as eczema and psoriasis, alopecia, our mouths to our anuses. Ayurvedically speaking nothing can have an affect on the outwardly projected. If we have a manda agni body without the presence of agni, con- we have a hard time digesting dairy, wheat and versely all diseases are due to disturbed agni. carbohydrates resulting in such kapha diseases C. Scott Ryan is an Ayurvedic Practi- as cold, congestion, cough, lymphomas, type II tioner and Yoga Instructor, as well as, a Disturbed agni is one of the requisites in the diabetes, hypothyroid function, obesity, adhe- Chartered Herbalist. His articles have dosha appeared in Parabola Magazine, Light dhatu sammurcchana janitor vyadhi. Dosha refers on Ayurveda Journal (a peer reviewed to the three doshas vata (air/movement), Ayurvedic medical journal) and e pitta kapha (water/ up as various coatings on the tongue usu- Yogic Way Magazine (on-line). Scott is a stabilizing); dhatu refers to the seven tissues member of NAMA, as well as e Yoga formed in serial order during the process of spreading into the central portion. Vata-genic Association of British Columbia. ama is black or brown, pitta-genic ama is yel- bone marrow/nerve tissue, and male and fe- low or green and kapha-genic ama is white. He currently lives in Golden, British male reproductive tissues; and sammurcchana There may also be after-food tiredness, Columbia, where he runs Golden Lo- means an amalgamation with ama (toxins). tus Ayurveda, an Ayurvedic Clinic and Therefore, disease occurs when doshas and well as teeth marks on the outside edges of Yoga Studio with his wife Dalia Yanai. dhatus amalgamate with toxins. This amal- the tongue which denotes malabsorption. Contact: 250- 344-8685, gamation with ama (toxins) requires that g ol d e n a y ur v ed a @ uni s e r v there be some disturbance of cellular agni Vata-genic ama and visama agni can be treated w w w.G o l d e n Ay u r v e d a .c o m this is called deposition or sthana samshraya with Ajamodadi Vati or Shulahara Vati w/ warm water; pitta-genic ama and tikshna agni can be two primary agni dysfunctions which al- treated with Kamadudha, Kamadudha Moti Yukt low the doshas to enter the cell membrane or Praval Panchamrit w/ Aloe Juice or Gel; and at the moment of sthana samshraya - kapha-genic ama and manda agni can be treated cally manda agni with Amapachak Vati or Chitrakadi Vati w/ can be caused by any of the three doshas and in general dhatu agni mandhya which just dinner. Or take Amapachak Vati for acute ama means some disturbance which can be char- formation, Chitrakadi Vati if it is sub-acute and acterized as that affected by vata or visama (ir- Agnitundi Vati for chronic ama accumulation. regular metabolism), that affected by pitta or tikshna (hyper metabolism), and that affected by kapha – manda (hypo metabolism) agni. All of fresh Ginger, with a squeeze of Lime juice three doshas can cause hypofunctioning of and a pinch of Rock Salt 15 minutes both be- enzymes at the gross digestive level and at fore and after all meals. These formulas both the cellular level resulting in ama formation. kindle agni and digest ama which is the cor- nerstone of all Ayurvedic treatment protocols. To receive a copy of Liv Tru right to your inbox each season—sign up HERE
  • 7. include muscle wasting leading to weak- ness and severe back pain, heart failure (the heart is a muscle!), neuropathy and in- ammation of the tendons and ligaments, o en leading to rupture.” – Dr. Mercola Co-Q 10 is made in the liver and after age 20, our synthesis of Co-Q 10 de- clines. Regrettably, foods contain very in- adequate levels. It has also been reported that certain pharmaceuticals designed to lower cholesterol block mevalonic acid, a precursor of Q10. A high metabolic rate, Vitamin Q Tammra Green RHN / RNCP strenuous physical work and / or endur- ance may also deplete Co-Q 10 over time. Vitamin Q is most commonly known as Co-Q10 may also be helpful adjunct in “Coenzyme Q10” or “Co-Q 10”. Here many therapies for: Cancer, Parkinson’s I will be discussing a form of Co-Q 10 Disease, Respiratory Diseases, Heart, - Stroke / brain protection, Gum Dis- plement that could possibly prevent brain ease and obesity. In cases where there has damage in stroke patients, effectively re- been a diagnosis one would most likely duce stress, counteract the effects of ag- need it in much larger amounts than avail- ing and improve health in cancer patients able to the public, prescribed by a Doctor. wouldn’t you consider taking it? I am happy to report that more and more people, health Co-Q 10 can be taken in combination with professionals, scientists and doctors are re- other antioxidants such as Vitamin A, C and alizing the importance of supplementing E as well as the mineral Selenium. Athletes with Co-Q 10 and achieving good results. would be wise to consider antioxidants as it would likely give them a competitive edge, “It plays a role in ATP (energy) production increase recovery time and even prevent in- in the cells and functions as an electron car- jury later in life, taken in adequate amounts. rier to cytochrome oxidase, our main respira- If you truthfully want to look at aging in tory enzyme. e heart requires high levels the eye, you simply must know about an- of Co-Q10... Ubiquinone is found in all cell membranes where it plays a role in maintain- ing membrane integrity so critical to nerve The information provided by this article is general in nature and is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not conduction and muscle integrity. Co-Q10 intended to replace or substitute the evaluation, judgment, diagno- is also vital to the formation of elastin and sis, and medical or preventative care of a physician, paediatrician, collagen. Side e ects of Co-Q10 de ciency therapist and/or health care provider. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Be magnificent. Be watchful. Be focused. Be still. Be aware that your thoughts have the power to change your world. ~Dora Schievink (Ski-vink)
  • 8. Upcoming Shows - The Living Proof Nutrition Show on Spirit Quest Radio Every ursday at 7pm Paci c Time, Tammra will be interviewing the most interesting people in the self healing eld, taking YOUR questions, comments or testimonials as well as pro iding fun and interactive ways for you to create your optimally healthiest life. Whether mind, body, Spirit or Soul she will do her best to co-create a way with you so that you can nd exactly what you need to make the next steps to create vibrant lifestyle habits. Tammra is a Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner (RNCP) / Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner (ROHP). Tammra is also a Certi ed Master Practitioner in the Arts & Sciences of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line erapy™ and Erickso- nian Hypnosis. Tammra’s true talents sit within her ability to catch limiting belief systems and streamline them into positive and e cient custom-made strategies. Tammra is consis- tently empowered and inspired by the research and testimonials in eld that she works in. She is committed to helping others reach their health goals. Tammra understands that it is the exibility of the practitioner that determines the success of the outcome. You can call or Skype in with your comments, quotes, poems, knowledge and questions... or join us in the Chat Room. Please send any questions or comments or ideas to June 24th: Golden Lotus Ayurveda a system combining 4 different decks (for C. Scott Ryan is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and the 4 elements) of oracle and tarot cards, Yoga Instructor, as well as a Chartered Herb- she is a master of card divination. Her work alist. He was an English and Philosophy Major incorporates ecstatic dance, songwriting, re- lationship work, visual art / photography completed two years. He has been studying and various inner disciplines all in the ser- Ayurveda and Yoga for the past twelve years . Scott is deeply committed to the principles of to live, and helping others to do the same. the traditional practice of Yoga and Ayurve- Blog “Spreading the Gaia Word” | Photography da. His articles have appeared in Parabola July 8th: Transformational peer reviewed Ayurvedic Medical Journal, he Growth Using NLP & Time Line also writes Ayurvedic Columns for two on- Therapy® w/ Monika Nygaard Monika Nygaard, MA, has a successful pri- C. Scott Ryan is member of NAMA, as well vate practice and trains NLP Practitioners and Master Practitioners, teaches Time Line He is the Co-founder and Director of Gold- Therapy®, Hypnotherapy, and Advanced en Lotus Ayurveda - an Ayurvedic Clinic and NLP Counselling Skills. She is the author Yoga Studio along with his wife Dalia Yanai. of Complementary Therapies and Mental July 1st: Finding Balance the unconscious mind and personal develop- Through Earth-based Astrol- ment. Monika is Past President of the Cana- ogy – Live Readings with Bee Her teaching style is very experiential, infor- metaphysical arts working out of the Winds of Change metaphysical shop on 5th Street - ticed Earth-based astrology for 25 years and Aug. 19Th: Trauma Re- uses all four elemental styles in her work. covery w/ David Berceli - tional, physical, mental and spiritual bodies of Trauma Recovery Services. His focus is
  • 9. primarily with mass trauma, generational trau- As Michael’s quest for resolution unfolded, ma, and societal trauma. For 25 years David he began entering a state of being he called has lived and worked in war-torn countries of “present moment awareness” - a paradigm Africa and the Middle East, as well as trav- of heightened consciousness running paral- eling the world working with survivors of lel to our conventional and mundane world natural disasters. As a result these experiences experience. He discovered that his repeat- he has developed a series of simple exercises ed entry into this enlivened state of being, almost anyone can do that are designed to which he accomplished through ceremonial help not just individuals but also large popu- practice, plant medicines, and what he calls lations recover from stress and trauma. Da- “consciously connected breathing,” result- vid has designed and provided specialized ed in a decrease of his own painful condi- tion to the point of complete integration. military personnel, national and international relief agencies, and government and non- government organizations whose staff are a methodical pathway into present mo- living and working in trauma-inducing envi- ment awareness with an intent to develop ronments. David is a Clinical Social Worker a practical procedure that was accessible - to anyone anywhere who wanted to initi- - ate this experience for themselves. This matologist (CFT) and Spiritual Director (MS). procedure is now internationally known as THE PRESENCE PROCESS. Sept. 9Th: w/ Life Coach Leslie Adams Leslie Adams has been coaching people her whole life. One of her greatest talents has al- ways been her ability to take large challenges and break them into manageable pieces. She also has a huge belief in people and their abilities as long as they are supported in their quests for success. Leslie was a career coun- The best six doctors anywhere selor for seventeen years with the Provincial Government. While working on an under- And no one can deny it graduate degree, she completed courses in psychology, business management, career Are sunshine, water, rest, and air counseling, sociology and communications. Exercise and diet. Coach Training Alliance. Leslie is committed to client centred, active engagement with ev- These six will gladly you attend ery client. She believes in fostering a trustwor- thy, creative environment in which she coach- If only you are willing es people to realize their fullest potential. Your mind they'll ease Sept. 30Th: The Presence Your will they'll mend Process w/ Michael Brown from namaste Publishing And charge you not a shilling. - ~Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, fully unconscious life” as a music journalist. What the River Knows, 1990 During this period of his life, Michael devel- oped an acutely painful neurological condition called Horton’s Syndrome. After four years of suffering through conventional medical approaches, he embarked on a quest to inte- grate his experience through personal inquiry.
  • 10. A More Complete Kid’s Chewable IsaKids® Essentials is one of the most complete children’s multivitamin with 100% of the recommend- edamount of 16 essential vitamins and minerals. Our all-natural base of fruits and vegetables provides whole food nourishment to growing minds and bodies. It’s one of the tastiest vitamins, too. At least 30 servings per bottle. Kids may experience: Living Proof Nutrition is owned and operated by RNCP / ROHP, Tammra Green. BE LIVING PROOF Tammra is also a Certified Practitioner in the Arts & Sciences of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Time Line Therapy™ Tammra’s true talents sit within her ability to catch limiting belief systems and streamline them into positive and efficient custom-made strategies. Tammra is sincerely committed to helping others reach their health goals. FOR MORE INFORMATION CLICK HERE To receive a copy of Liv Tru right to your inbox each season—sign up HERE