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Sales Navigator
No more cold calls – gain
new insights into leads

Build real connections to the people and companies you need to reach

Contact Decision Makers Directly and                         Expand Your Network and Leverage Your
Shorten Your Sales Cycle                                     Common Connection
Sales Navigator includes LinkedIn InMail, the powerful       With 150 million members, LinkedIn offers real
contact tool that lets you send messages to decision         connections to the people and companies you need
makers even if they’re not in your network. According to     to reach. While employees with more coworker
a CSO Insights study, on average 8 InMails can generate      connections receive more introductions, only 53% of
1 new sales opportunity.1                                    sales professionals have leveraged their coworkers to
                                                             facilitate introductions to new opportunities.2 With Team
Find and Be Found with Trusted Data                          Link from LinkedIn, you automatically see who on your
                                                             sales team is a first-degree connection with your
Make your LinkedIn profile work harder for you. With         prospect, resulting in warm introductions and more
your LinkedIn profile, present a professional impression     deals won.
of both you and your company for interested inbound
leads. The power of LinkedIn's professional graph and
insights extends to prospects too. LinkedIn members          Drive Deeper Adoption of Your Existing
self-author their profile information, so you can trust      CRM Investment
that it's accurate and up to date. In fact, 87% of sales     Sales Navigator users using LinkedIn within their CRM
reps found more information about people or                  view an average of 27 LinkedIn profiles a day, compared
companies using Sales Navigator that they wouldn't           to the broader population of sales professionals who
have found otherwise.2                                       view just five profiles per day.1 By integrating your CRM
                                                             with social channels like LinkedIn, you are researching
Prioritize Your Accounts and Territory                       and connecting with your prospects in the environment
                                                             where they live and prospecting smarter within your
Don’t waste time pursuing ineffective leads. Sales
                                                             existing CRM.
Navigator’s Lead Builder tool helps you build a contact
list based on criteria such as seniority, title, function,
and industry, and prioritizes that list by the number of
people you know at that company. And with other
LinkedIn tools such as Profile Organizer and Saved
Searches, you can track profiles, organize them into
folders, and add your own sales notes.
Member Profile

        View professional
        history and summary                           Contact directly
                                                      with InMails

                                                                         Leverage first-degree
                                                                         connections of your organization
                                                                         to reach prospects

Sales Navigator boosts the
effectiveness of your sales team with:
• Access to a worldwide network of 150 million
  (and growing!) professional members
• Integration of rich profile data with your
  existing CRM solution
• Trusted, authentic data in self-authored profiles
• Tools for prioritizing and managing lead
Lead Builder

                                                                        Build pipeline
                                                                        with new leads

                      Search criteria
                      for leads

                                                                                        Gain full-name visibility for
                                                                                        third-degree connections

                                                  LinkedIn free              Premium
                                                  version                    sales account
Team Link: Leverage your team’s
combined network

InMails: Gain access to decision                                                  10 per month
makers – response guaranteed

Saved search alerts: Stay on top                    3 saved search
                                                                                  minimum of 7
of new leads                                            results

Lead Builder: Source and close
deals with integrated data

Premium search filters: Pinpoint
the right leads

Profile Organizer: Save important
profiles and sales notes

Who’s Viewed Your Profile: Be
proactive in managing inbound
queries and interest in your profile

    CSO Insights, "Results of LinkedIn for Research," March 2012
    LinkedIn Charter Customer Survey, November 2011

                                                                                                 Please contact your sales manager or account manager for more information.
                                                                                                 Copyright © 2012 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, and InMail are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in
                                                                                                 the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

                                                                                                 10-LCS-064-G 0312
for Salesforce

DocuSign accelerates
sales cycles with
LinkedIn for Salesforce

DocuSign is the industry standard for electronic signature,
offering the fastest, easiest and most secure way to send,
sign, track, and store documents in the cloud. DocuSign
                                                                 DocuSign –
enables documents to be sent for legally binding signature       • The  industry standard for electronic signature
to anyone, anywhere, anytime, on any device – so that            • More than 9 million users have DocuSigned more than
companies can replace slow, paper-based transactions with          77 million documents in 51 countries
fast online processing. More than 9 million individuals have     • Privately held, founded in 2004
DocuSigned more than 80 million documents in more than           • Sales team: 40+ corporate sales and enterprise sales
50 countries, saving time and money for all types of               executives
organizations, from individual professionals to small
                                                                 • Target customers: Senior executives in industries such
businesses to the Fortune 100.
                                                                   as real estate, financial services, insurance, technology,
                                                                   and staffing
Looking to deepen relationships, streamline
sales processes
DocuSign was actively seeking ways for its sales executives to
strengthen relationships with key enterprise accounts and
forge deeper connections with key decision makers to
improve account development and closure rates. DocuSign
also wanted to enhance its prospecting and lead qualification
processes to best prioritize inbound contacts from customers
and prospects.

“Electronic signature has gone mainstream with individual
professionals and businesses of all sizes looking for proven
ways to close deals faster, earn revenue sooner, reduce costs,
and increase visibility, control and compliance,” said Bob
DeSantis, Vice President of Sales at DocuSign. “With
DocuSign experiencing hyper-growth as the industry
standard with more than 9 million DocuSigners and 30,000
new users every business day, it’s imperative we’re able to
effectively manage the increased demand for DocuSign’s
eSignature solution.”
DocuSign turns to LinkedIn for Salesforce                            Forging stronger client connections with LinkedIn
DocuSign selected LinkedIn for Salesforce to accelerate              for Salesforce
their lead qualification, profiling, and account development         In a competitive sales environment, establishing and deepening
processes, bringing the wealth of information available from         connections with target accounts is essential to developing and
the world’s largest professional network into Salesforce             closing business. The seamless integration between LinkedIn
while positioning DocuSign’s own sales team to manage the            and Salesforce enables DocuSign’s sales teams to more quickly
increased interest and accelerated growth in electronic              uncover sales insights that help build rapport and connections
signature.                                                           with key decision makers.

LinkedIn for Salesforce enhances the sales team’s knowledge          DocuSign account executive Rob Cuningham says, “Twice in
by providing real-time access to the professional profiles,          the last week I was working with a new customer, and in both
companies, and activities of LinkedIn members – automatically        cases had a matching connection through LinkedIn. Having the
matching each rep’s contacts and leads within Salesforce. The        ability to see that immediately from within Salesforce was a
integration provides an unprecedented level of convenience,          huge advantage.”
allowing representatives to reach peak performance.
                                                                     DeSantis concludes, "More than 80 percent of our reps found
Saving time, boosting employee productivity                          important LinkedIn information that they would not have known
To maximize team productivity, DocuSign looks for solutions          otherwise because of LinkedIn’s seamless integration with
that integrate seamlessly with Salesforce. DeSantis continues,       Salesforce. LinkedIn for Salesforce makes it easier to discover
“Like DocuSign for our customers, the best sales tools fit into      the sales insights that we need to effectively engage customers
our existing workflows and tools. LinkedIn for Salesforce did        and close deals."
just that, giving our teams access to the most reliable and
credible source of sales intelligence, inside Salesforce, where
they’re working day-to-day.”

Tom Burbank, Director of Enterprise Sales at DocuSign, says “It
eliminates the need to toggle back and forth between LinkedIn
and Salesforce, allowing us to tap the potential of LinkedIn
through the single pane of glass that is Salesforce.” As a result,
more than 80 percent of DocuSign employees report an
increase in usage of LinkedIn information in the sales process.

DocuSign account executive Michael Gilbrough says, “LinkedIn
for Salesforce has helped me immensely in filtering and
prioritizing incoming leads. The ability to quickly filter leads
has made me more efficient.”

                                                                     LinkedIn for Salesforce brings the power and credibility of LinkedIn data right where you need
                                                                     it most – your sales pipeline. Save time and gain a competitive edge with LinkedIn for Salesforce.
                                                                     Visit to get started.
                                                                     Copyright © 2011 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, and InMail are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in
                                                                     the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
                                                                     Copyright © 2003-2011 DocuSign, Inc. All rights reserved. DocuSign, the DocuSign logo, “Close it in the Cloud”, SecureFields,
                                                                     Stick-eTabs, PowerForms, "The fastest way to get a signature", The No-Paper logo, Smart Envelopes, SmartNav, “DocuSign It!”,
                                                                     “The World Works Better with DocuSign” and ForceFields are trademarks or registered trademarks of DocuSign, Inc. in the United
                                                                     States and or other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

                                                                     10-LCS-043-G 0811
Sales Navigator

Case Study
 More insights—and more precise
 targeting—drive explosive
 outbound sales growth

“ Our aggressive outbound sales goals required a
 powerful tool. LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator, with the              Challenge
 most accurate data and seamless integration,                     • Transitionfrom 100% inbound sales to combined
 helped us exceed our goals—farther and faster.”                    outbound/inbound sales with aggressive goals
                                                                  • Seamlessly integrate with existing investment in
 Patrick Donnelly, VP of SMB Sales,                       
                                                                  • LinkedIn   Sales Navigator account, including:
                                                                    • Lead Builder
 When one of the fastest growing companies in Silicon Valley        • Team Link
 wanted to integrate a new outbound sales program with its          • InMail
 successful inbound efforts, they knew they would need the          • Profile Organizer
 right tools to reach their aggressive goals. Marketo – whose       • Premium Search Filters
 business focuses on demand generation products and services
 for marketing and sales professionals – turned to LinkedIn’s
                                                                  Why LinkedIn?
 Sales Navigator to build connections, gain insights on
 prospects, shorten the sales cycle and, ultimately, to grow      • Access  to a worldwide network of 150 million (and
 their business.                                                    growing) professional members
                                                                  • Integration with existing CRM investment
                                                                  • Trusted, authentic and current profile data
 Maximizing impact for impressive ROI
                                                                  • Tools for prioritizing, managing and maximizing lead
 Early on, 100% of Marketo’s sales team was already using           development
 LinkedIn’s standard, no-cost functionality in their individual
 sales efforts, and several team members were even paying for
 premium subscription services out of their own pockets. When     Results
 the company began searching for the most accurate data for       • Quadrupled   outbound sales
 prospecting and overall sales effectiveness, it made sense to    • Increase in win rates
 leverage employees’ previous experience with LinkedIn.
The result? According to Patrick Donnelly, VP of SMB Sales           Donnelly went on to explain how Team Link and LinkedIn’s rich
for Marketo, his company’s outbound sales’ revenue                   profile data speeds up the sales process. “In the past, there
contribution quadrupled from 2001 to the first quarter of            was a lot more time needed to do research, hunt down
2012, by engaging fully with LinkedIn Sales Navigator. He            prospects or simply trying to get through the receptionist to
added, “I can point to over a dozen deals that were either           get to decision-makers. Now we know exactly who the people
created or positively influenced by our use of LinkedIn’s            are in the positions and areas that we want to reach. We cut
premium product”.                                                    out some of the guessing game, saving valuable time.”

Reaching decision-makers                                             Knowledge helps level the playing field
With Sales Navigator, LinkedIn profiles work even harder.            Members of Marketo’s sales team have seen that knowledge –
Because LinkedIn members self-author their profile                   the rich data gleaned from profile information leveraging
information, sales reps can trust that it’s accurate and up to       relationships – levels the playing field. In today’s social media
date. This is crucial, explains Donnelly. “The profile               environment, prospects and potential customers have access
information on LinkedIn is accurate as of today. That’s              to vast amounts of information about companies, products
invaluable.” And better profile data means more                      and services. “They know so much about us even before we
connections. In fact, a LinkedIn Charter Customer Survey             engage with them,” said Donnelly. “LinkedIn lets us know as
showed that 87% of sales reps found more information                 much about our prospects as they know about us. It levels the
about people or companies using Sales Navigator that                 playing field and starts our relationship in a much better, more
they would have found otherwise.1 This difference was                productive place.”
crucial for Marketo. “Based on the profile information we
see on LinkedIn, we can see who really ‘owns’ the different
areas within a business. This allows us to target our efforts        Perfect integration with existing CRM investment
much more precisely and reach just the right person,”
                                                                     Marketo’s sales team manages all aspects of its activities in
said Donnelly.
                                                           ’s sophisticated CRM environment. “We live in
                                                                     Salesforce…everything we do takes place in Salesforce. So
                                                                     having easy access to all the profile information from LinkedIn,
The power of InMail                                                  plus added functionality such as InMail and the ability to see
Sales Navigator includes access to LinkedIn InMail, the              connections, is critical,” Donnelly said. “And the process of
powerful contact tool that lets you send messages to                 integrating LinkedIn with our existing processes and
decision makers, even if they’re not in your network.                technology could not have been easier,” he continued. “A
Combined with rich profile data and a 360° view of every             couple of clicks and it was done. Simple.”
prospect’s connections, InMail became one of Marketo’s
go-to solutions in reaching out to leads. “InMails definitely        LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator gives companies like Marketo the
have a higher hit rate and perform much better than regular          insights and the tools they need to leverage social media,
email,” said Donnelly. “Combining InMail with the wealth of          build connections and, ultimately, maximize sales efforts.
information in member profiles has been extremely
productive for us.”                                                  Visit [] to learn more about how Sales
                                                                     Navigator can help your team meet your sales goals.

Visibility into relationships across the company
Marketo’s sales team takes advantage of Sales Navigator’s
Team Link to get a complete picture of relationships with a
prospect company. Donnelly explained, “At Marketo, we do a                  About Marketo
lot of multi-threading, and are very keen on having multiple                Marketo, a global leader in Revenue Performance
contacts and multiple relationships with a company. Team Link               Management, provides marketing automation and sales
allows us to see those relationships and really get a good                  effectiveness solutions to more than 1,200 enterprise
grasp of the bigger picture. This saves a lot of time and                   and mid-market clients, and has been recognized by
energy as opposed to some of the usual tactics that can be                  CRM Magazine as the “2011 CRM Market Leaders
necessary to get a foot in the door.” Team Link from LinkedIn               Awards Winner for MarketingSolutions,” and the 2010
allows Marketo’s sales reps and managers to automatically                   CODiE award for “Best Marketing Solution,” among
see who on their sales team is a first-degree connection with               other accolades.
prospects, leveraging existing relationships organically—
and successfully.

                                                                     LinkedIn Charter Customer Survey, November 2011

                                                                     Copyright © 2012 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, and InMail are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in
                                                                     the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
                                                                     10-LCS-071-G 0512

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  • 1. LinkedIn Sales Navigator No more cold calls – gain new insights into leads Build real connections to the people and companies you need to reach Contact Decision Makers Directly and Expand Your Network and Leverage Your Shorten Your Sales Cycle Common Connection Sales Navigator includes LinkedIn InMail, the powerful With 150 million members, LinkedIn offers real contact tool that lets you send messages to decision connections to the people and companies you need makers even if they’re not in your network. According to to reach. While employees with more coworker a CSO Insights study, on average 8 InMails can generate connections receive more introductions, only 53% of 1 new sales opportunity.1 sales professionals have leveraged their coworkers to facilitate introductions to new opportunities.2 With Team Find and Be Found with Trusted Data Link from LinkedIn, you automatically see who on your sales team is a first-degree connection with your Make your LinkedIn profile work harder for you. With prospect, resulting in warm introductions and more your LinkedIn profile, present a professional impression deals won. of both you and your company for interested inbound leads. The power of LinkedIn's professional graph and insights extends to prospects too. LinkedIn members Drive Deeper Adoption of Your Existing self-author their profile information, so you can trust CRM Investment that it's accurate and up to date. In fact, 87% of sales Sales Navigator users using LinkedIn within their CRM reps found more information about people or view an average of 27 LinkedIn profiles a day, compared companies using Sales Navigator that they wouldn't to the broader population of sales professionals who have found otherwise.2 view just five profiles per day.1 By integrating your CRM with social channels like LinkedIn, you are researching Prioritize Your Accounts and Territory and connecting with your prospects in the environment where they live and prospecting smarter within your Don’t waste time pursuing ineffective leads. Sales existing CRM. Navigator’s Lead Builder tool helps you build a contact list based on criteria such as seniority, title, function, and industry, and prioritizes that list by the number of people you know at that company. And with other LinkedIn tools such as Profile Organizer and Saved Searches, you can track profiles, organize them into folders, and add your own sales notes.
  • 2. Member Profile View professional history and summary Contact directly with InMails Leverage first-degree connections of your organization to reach prospects Sales Navigator boosts the effectiveness of your sales team with: • Access to a worldwide network of 150 million (and growing!) professional members • Integration of rich profile data with your existing CRM solution • Trusted, authentic data in self-authored profiles • Tools for prioritizing and managing lead development
  • 3. Lead Builder Build pipeline with new leads Search criteria for leads Gain full-name visibility for third-degree connections LinkedIn free Premium version sales account Team Link: Leverage your team’s combined network InMails: Gain access to decision 10 per month makers – response guaranteed Saved search alerts: Stay on top 3 saved search minimum of 7 of new leads results Lead Builder: Source and close deals with integrated data Premium search filters: Pinpoint the right leads Profile Organizer: Save important profiles and sales notes Who’s Viewed Your Profile: Be proactive in managing inbound queries and interest in your profile 1 CSO Insights, "Results of LinkedIn for Research," March 2012 2 LinkedIn Charter Customer Survey, November 2011 Please contact your sales manager or account manager for more information. Copyright © 2012 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, and InMail are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. 10-LCS-064-G 0312
  • 4. for Salesforce DocuSign accelerates sales cycles with LinkedIn for Salesforce DocuSign is the industry standard for electronic signature, offering the fastest, easiest and most secure way to send, sign, track, and store documents in the cloud. DocuSign DocuSign – enables documents to be sent for legally binding signature • The industry standard for electronic signature to anyone, anywhere, anytime, on any device – so that • More than 9 million users have DocuSigned more than companies can replace slow, paper-based transactions with 77 million documents in 51 countries fast online processing. More than 9 million individuals have • Privately held, founded in 2004 DocuSigned more than 80 million documents in more than • Sales team: 40+ corporate sales and enterprise sales 50 countries, saving time and money for all types of executives organizations, from individual professionals to small • Target customers: Senior executives in industries such businesses to the Fortune 100. as real estate, financial services, insurance, technology, and staffing Looking to deepen relationships, streamline sales processes DocuSign was actively seeking ways for its sales executives to strengthen relationships with key enterprise accounts and forge deeper connections with key decision makers to improve account development and closure rates. DocuSign also wanted to enhance its prospecting and lead qualification processes to best prioritize inbound contacts from customers and prospects. “Electronic signature has gone mainstream with individual professionals and businesses of all sizes looking for proven ways to close deals faster, earn revenue sooner, reduce costs, and increase visibility, control and compliance,” said Bob DeSantis, Vice President of Sales at DocuSign. “With DocuSign experiencing hyper-growth as the industry standard with more than 9 million DocuSigners and 30,000 new users every business day, it’s imperative we’re able to effectively manage the increased demand for DocuSign’s eSignature solution.”
  • 5. DocuSign turns to LinkedIn for Salesforce Forging stronger client connections with LinkedIn DocuSign selected LinkedIn for Salesforce to accelerate for Salesforce their lead qualification, profiling, and account development In a competitive sales environment, establishing and deepening processes, bringing the wealth of information available from connections with target accounts is essential to developing and the world’s largest professional network into Salesforce closing business. The seamless integration between LinkedIn while positioning DocuSign’s own sales team to manage the and Salesforce enables DocuSign’s sales teams to more quickly increased interest and accelerated growth in electronic uncover sales insights that help build rapport and connections signature. with key decision makers. LinkedIn for Salesforce enhances the sales team’s knowledge DocuSign account executive Rob Cuningham says, “Twice in by providing real-time access to the professional profiles, the last week I was working with a new customer, and in both companies, and activities of LinkedIn members – automatically cases had a matching connection through LinkedIn. Having the matching each rep’s contacts and leads within Salesforce. The ability to see that immediately from within Salesforce was a integration provides an unprecedented level of convenience, huge advantage.” allowing representatives to reach peak performance. DeSantis concludes, "More than 80 percent of our reps found Saving time, boosting employee productivity important LinkedIn information that they would not have known To maximize team productivity, DocuSign looks for solutions otherwise because of LinkedIn’s seamless integration with that integrate seamlessly with Salesforce. DeSantis continues, Salesforce. LinkedIn for Salesforce makes it easier to discover “Like DocuSign for our customers, the best sales tools fit into the sales insights that we need to effectively engage customers our existing workflows and tools. LinkedIn for Salesforce did and close deals." just that, giving our teams access to the most reliable and credible source of sales intelligence, inside Salesforce, where they’re working day-to-day.” Tom Burbank, Director of Enterprise Sales at DocuSign, says “It eliminates the need to toggle back and forth between LinkedIn and Salesforce, allowing us to tap the potential of LinkedIn through the single pane of glass that is Salesforce.” As a result, more than 80 percent of DocuSign employees report an increase in usage of LinkedIn information in the sales process. DocuSign account executive Michael Gilbrough says, “LinkedIn for Salesforce has helped me immensely in filtering and prioritizing incoming leads. The ability to quickly filter leads has made me more efficient.” LinkedIn for Salesforce brings the power and credibility of LinkedIn data right where you need it most – your sales pipeline. Save time and gain a competitive edge with LinkedIn for Salesforce. Visit to get started. Copyright © 2011 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, and InMail are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2003-2011 DocuSign, Inc. All rights reserved. DocuSign, the DocuSign logo, “Close it in the Cloud”, SecureFields, Stick-eTabs, PowerForms, "The fastest way to get a signature", The No-Paper logo, Smart Envelopes, SmartNav, “DocuSign It!”, “The World Works Better with DocuSign” and ForceFields are trademarks or registered trademarks of DocuSign, Inc. in the United States and or other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. 10-LCS-043-G 0811
  • 6. Sales Navigator Marketo Case Study More insights—and more precise targeting—drive explosive outbound sales growth “ Our aggressive outbound sales goals required a powerful tool. LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator, with the Challenge most accurate data and seamless integration, • Transitionfrom 100% inbound sales to combined helped us exceed our goals—farther and faster.” outbound/inbound sales with aggressive goals • Seamlessly integrate with existing investment in Patrick Donnelly, VP of SMB Sales, Marketo Solution • LinkedIn Sales Navigator account, including: • Lead Builder When one of the fastest growing companies in Silicon Valley • Team Link wanted to integrate a new outbound sales program with its • InMail successful inbound efforts, they knew they would need the • Profile Organizer right tools to reach their aggressive goals. Marketo – whose • Premium Search Filters business focuses on demand generation products and services for marketing and sales professionals – turned to LinkedIn’s Why LinkedIn? Sales Navigator to build connections, gain insights on prospects, shorten the sales cycle and, ultimately, to grow • Access to a worldwide network of 150 million (and their business. growing) professional members • Integration with existing CRM investment • Trusted, authentic and current profile data Maximizing impact for impressive ROI • Tools for prioritizing, managing and maximizing lead Early on, 100% of Marketo’s sales team was already using development LinkedIn’s standard, no-cost functionality in their individual sales efforts, and several team members were even paying for premium subscription services out of their own pockets. When Results the company began searching for the most accurate data for • Quadrupled outbound sales prospecting and overall sales effectiveness, it made sense to • Increase in win rates leverage employees’ previous experience with LinkedIn.
  • 7. The result? According to Patrick Donnelly, VP of SMB Sales Donnelly went on to explain how Team Link and LinkedIn’s rich for Marketo, his company’s outbound sales’ revenue profile data speeds up the sales process. “In the past, there contribution quadrupled from 2001 to the first quarter of was a lot more time needed to do research, hunt down 2012, by engaging fully with LinkedIn Sales Navigator. He prospects or simply trying to get through the receptionist to added, “I can point to over a dozen deals that were either get to decision-makers. Now we know exactly who the people created or positively influenced by our use of LinkedIn’s are in the positions and areas that we want to reach. We cut premium product”. out some of the guessing game, saving valuable time.” Reaching decision-makers Knowledge helps level the playing field With Sales Navigator, LinkedIn profiles work even harder. Members of Marketo’s sales team have seen that knowledge – Because LinkedIn members self-author their profile the rich data gleaned from profile information leveraging information, sales reps can trust that it’s accurate and up to relationships – levels the playing field. In today’s social media date. This is crucial, explains Donnelly. “The profile environment, prospects and potential customers have access information on LinkedIn is accurate as of today. That’s to vast amounts of information about companies, products invaluable.” And better profile data means more and services. “They know so much about us even before we connections. In fact, a LinkedIn Charter Customer Survey engage with them,” said Donnelly. “LinkedIn lets us know as showed that 87% of sales reps found more information much about our prospects as they know about us. It levels the about people or companies using Sales Navigator that playing field and starts our relationship in a much better, more they would have found otherwise.1 This difference was productive place.” crucial for Marketo. “Based on the profile information we see on LinkedIn, we can see who really ‘owns’ the different areas within a business. This allows us to target our efforts Perfect integration with existing CRM investment much more precisely and reach just the right person,” Marketo’s sales team manages all aspects of its activities in said Donnelly.’s sophisticated CRM environment. “We live in Salesforce…everything we do takes place in Salesforce. So having easy access to all the profile information from LinkedIn, The power of InMail plus added functionality such as InMail and the ability to see Sales Navigator includes access to LinkedIn InMail, the connections, is critical,” Donnelly said. “And the process of powerful contact tool that lets you send messages to integrating LinkedIn with our existing processes and decision makers, even if they’re not in your network. technology could not have been easier,” he continued. “A Combined with rich profile data and a 360° view of every couple of clicks and it was done. Simple.” prospect’s connections, InMail became one of Marketo’s go-to solutions in reaching out to leads. “InMails definitely LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator gives companies like Marketo the have a higher hit rate and perform much better than regular insights and the tools they need to leverage social media, email,” said Donnelly. “Combining InMail with the wealth of build connections and, ultimately, maximize sales efforts. information in member profiles has been extremely productive for us.” Visit [] to learn more about how Sales Navigator can help your team meet your sales goals. Visibility into relationships across the company Marketo’s sales team takes advantage of Sales Navigator’s Team Link to get a complete picture of relationships with a prospect company. Donnelly explained, “At Marketo, we do a About Marketo lot of multi-threading, and are very keen on having multiple Marketo, a global leader in Revenue Performance contacts and multiple relationships with a company. Team Link Management, provides marketing automation and sales allows us to see those relationships and really get a good effectiveness solutions to more than 1,200 enterprise grasp of the bigger picture. This saves a lot of time and and mid-market clients, and has been recognized by energy as opposed to some of the usual tactics that can be CRM Magazine as the “2011 CRM Market Leaders necessary to get a foot in the door.” Team Link from LinkedIn Awards Winner for MarketingSolutions,” and the 2010 allows Marketo’s sales reps and managers to automatically CODiE award for “Best Marketing Solution,” among see who on their sales team is a first-degree connection with other accolades. prospects, leveraging existing relationships organically— and successfully. 1 LinkedIn Charter Customer Survey, November 2011 Copyright © 2012 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, and InMail are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. 10-LCS-071-G 0512