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Golfing World
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Davenport • Muscatine • Milan • Geneseo
Call Today: 800-404-7712
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Selling the
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Kyle Robinson
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Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    1
Golfing World
Golf Gift Ideas For Men.................................................Pg. 4
What Makes A Golf Course Great?...............................Pg. 6-7
8 Tips On Organizing Your Home................................Pg. 8-10
Golf Fitness Tip.............................................................Pg. 12-13
What Pink Makes Possible............................................Pg. 14-16
2017 PGA Tour Schedule..............................................Pg. 18-22
How To Choose The Best Golf Clubs............................Pg. 24-25
Interview With Gary Smith...........................................Pg. 26-28
2017 LPGA Tour Schedule.............................................Pg. 30-32
Pilates For Golfers..........................................................Pg. 33-34
2017 Champions Tour Schedule....................................Pg. 35
Arnold Palmer Recipe....................................................Pg. 38
Davenport • Muscatine • Milan • Geneseo
800-404-7712 |
2   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    3
	 Chances are your man plays golf. Golf gifts for the man
in your life can be found just about anywhere.
	 A great idea for a gift, bound to please most any man, is
a basket filled with all sorts of golfing accessories. You’re guar-
anteed to put a smile on his face and bring him some joy!
	 Fill your baskets with golfing accessories such as golfing
hand towels, a golf ball caddy, golfers instruction manuals, golf
balls, tees, golf umbrella and perhaps a new sports shirt or two.
Surprise him by having a gift basket delivered to his office with
a greens fee to his favorite course. It’s a great way to make him
feel special!
	 Another great idea, is a Golf Cooler, a stylish, canvas
cooler resembling a golf bag with an insulated cold storage area
that’s large enough to hold wine bottles! There are many com-
partments for keeping personal items such as wallets or wireless
phones safe and a hook to hang keys. It has a separate dry sec-
tion in the lid for a sandwich or snack! The Golf Cooler comes
with glasses, napkins, a bottle opener and a corkscrew to help
celebrate a successful round of golf!
	 Other gift ideas include: golf instructional DVDs and
monthly magazine subscriptions. These make great golf gifts for
men who are looking to improve their game strategies and who
like to read about golf in general.
	 Step outside the traditional line of golf gifts and surprise
them with something unique.
Golf Gift Ideas
For Men
4   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    5
	 Golf continues to be one of the
fastest growing sports. There have
been many new golf courses recently
built to accommodate this interest
with almost twenty thousand of them
in the United States alone.
	 It is not a secret that Tiger
Woods and his dad played golf togeth-
er when he was a little boy. Partly due
to his great success, many parents are
starting their children in an exercise
program at a younger age. School
systems now have competitive golf
teams that travel from golf course to
golf course in order to compete. Most
golf courses have unique designs and
players have fun discovering the tricks
to each one they play on.
6   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
Golf players love the challenge of playing on a new or
different golf course. It is all about developing new strategies
and adjusting to the amount of wind that day. It is a profes-
sional sport with people of all walks of life enjoying it now.
Many families now purchase golf vacation packages so they
can enjoy playing on a new golf course and visit a new spot
for a family vacation at the same time. One of the most popu-
lar destinations is Myrtle Beach in South Caroline, but there
are now golf vacations advertised all over the world.
	 The way a golf course has managed will affect the
swing of the player. The better courses will have competitive
qualities and catch the eye of the potential tour sponsors. If
it is a likable course, it will gain in reputation. Many times a
course has either too little or too much drainage leaving it too
wet or too dry. This is best avoided by thinking ahead when
designing the project. The maintenance of the grass by a tal-
ented technician makes a difference, too. The grass is always
cut short so that the ball can roll easily.
	 People can now prepare ahead of time when they have
made a golf date with a friend at a golf course. They can pick
up pointers and practice lessons online from the computer.
They will be scored by the number of strokes it takes them to
finish playing for nine holes or eighteen holes. As the game
progresses, the players are tested by dealing with different
hazards along the way. The courses are never designed to be
flat, either. They have added slopes to make the game more
	 Many players use the excuse to try a new and different
golf course as a way to get together with friends, for business
meetings, or to challenge themselves on a new course. It is a
great way to network and also a way to develop long, lasting
friendships. Whatever your reasons may be, a golf course is a
great place to be!
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    7
8 Tips On Organizing
Your HomeBy: Walter Jensen
Here are 8 very useful tips on organizing your home. Taking that first step
is the most important part of organizing your home. So now let’s get start-
ed on step one. This is critical because you can’t get to where you want to
go unless you know what that “where” looks like. How do you want this
room to function? How do you want to feel when you’re in it? What do
you want to do in this room? What is the real purpose of this room?
Tip #1
Get a pad of paper and pen and walk through each room of your home
and write down what you see. It is important not to be overwhelmed. Try
doing this systematically.
For example, here is what you might see in your home entry way: shoes,
unopened newspapers, mail and circulars that are left at your door, keys,
pet toys, coats, sweaters and more. Now write down what can be done to
eliminate this clutter.
Tip #2- Get into a Routine
Sounds simple doesn’t it - well take it from me it’s one of the hardest tasks
to do. As a teacher, I have always found this has helped me “organize” my
day at school for lessons planning, staff meetings and have always found it
effective - so, guess what? I now do it for organizing the home. For exam-
ple, with the children if they have left any toys lying around after playing
with them I encourage them to put them away in their “tidy box” or on
the shelf.
Tip #3 - Organize Storage
All things in the home must have a “Home” that’s one of the things I say
to my kids. Why? Because when something is not seen (in the closet) you
can get the False Feeling of it’s all organized. On the shelves divide up
sweaters, blouses, the clothes you wear now. As for racks - great for shoes.
8   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    9
Your Dream Home Awaits...
Sandi Lyn Burnett
DIRECT 563-468-9664
Sandi is an active agent with RE/MAX Around Iowa, leading
her team and representing buyers and sellers on a day-to-day
basis, and considers education – both clients and other real
estate agents – an important part of her role as a REALTOR®.
Tip #4 - Organize your kitchen
Organize you cabinets for plates, Tupperware, guest tableware - separately
if possible, if not, separate shelves. Another great (often overlooked) stor-
age facility is the “Dishwasher” - storage and “purpose” rolled into one!
Tip #5 - Organize the Bathrooms
Ideally, if you have the space and children two bathrooms are great. Make
sure that shelves for the toothpaste are just the ‘right’ height for the chil-
dren in their bathroom. In addition, keep no make up or any potentially
dangerous articles in the children’s bathroom within reach!
Tip #6 - The master grocery list
It’s been one the greatest time savers in our home. Basically I have a ‘gen-
eral list’ that includes the ‘basics’ then ‘specifics’ including favorite items
that my children would like in the week and then ‘luxuries’ the items that
we would like but don’t need.
Tip #7 - Organize the Garage
Start out by making piles, for example: Yard tools, hand tools etc. Begin
by clearing off the work bench if you have one. You might want to pur-
chase some storage containers for the things you have in the house you
want to save. Label the containers and stack them in the garage. You can
buy hooks to hang rakes, shovels, hoses, bicycles etc
Tip #8 - Have a garage sale
After you go through the house and garage, you will end up with many
things you no longer want. The most fun way to get rid of these items is
by having a garage sale. You will be amazed at the amount of money you
can possibly earn and what you don’t sell you can give away or donate.
Good luck with the re-organization!
10   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    11
There is no way that you can separate a good golf fit-
ness tip from a good, well executed golf swing. The golf swing
is the most strenuous aspect of the game and a good golf
fitness tip is one that helps you improve your golf swing.	
	 The basics of a proper golf swing are universal. A
proper golf swing consists of three separate segments that
every golfer should work on in their efforts to develop and
improve their golf swing. A good golf fitness tip must be able
to help a golfer achieve this objective.
	 The three segments of a golf swing are the back-swing,
the downswing and finally the impact and follow-through.
A useful golf fitness tip should be able to help, as you careful-
ly work on each of the three segments separately, in an effort
to get the right positions and movements. This is how golfers
work on improving their golf swings.
	 Every proper golf swing starts at the legs and the hips
and not the arms, where many golfers place most of their at-
tention and emphasis. This is precisely the reason why prop-
er exercising, that is golf-specific, has such a huge impact on
most people in terms of dramatically improving their
12   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
golf games. A good golf fitness tip can address any of the golf
muscles involved in this particular part of the golf swing.
	 The golf fitness tip can also address golf conditioning.
Golf conditioning exercises have the effect of preparing the
individual muscles and parts of the body used in a golf swing,
so that your movements and follow-through come almost
effortlessly and as naturally as possible. Without exercise,
the proper golf swing movements only work to strain unpre-
pared, weak and therefore tense muscles.
	 Although golf has always been viewed as a leisure
sport, the truth of the matter is that the modern golf player
has to condition his body and muscles in many parts of his
body , not just arms. Golf fitness tips can play a major role in
improving the golf swing.
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    13
We’re often asked at Susan G. Komen about the amounts we fund in
research versus other aspects of our work to end breast cancer. We
hope the information below, describing our processes around our
mission funding, is helpful.
Komen’s Comprehensive Approach
Komen has funded more breast cancer research than any other
nonprofit ($889 million to date, second only to the U.S. govern-
ment). But like many health organizations, we’ve known from our
very first days that reducing death from breast cancer requires
a mix of science, education, and direct help to people facing the
We focused our attention then, as now, on those with the fewest
resources: uninsured, underinsured and low-income women and
men without the resources or capacity to access care. Their need
can be as simple as finding a low-cost screening or as complicated
as support during years of surgery, drug treatments and therapies
for aggressive and metastatic breast cancer.
Imagine having to face a cancer diagnosis without insurance, or
money, or someone by your side. Imagine having to choose to forgo
treatment so that you can pay for child care, or calculating whether
your bus fare to chemotherapy means the family won’t eat today.
Tens of thousands of people live that reality every day, and Komen
programs are there to help them.
Awareness = Education and So Much More, and It Matters
We also hear that we should stop discussing “awareness” of breast
cancer because people are “aware.”
What Pink Makes Possible
Research and More in the Mission to End Breast Cancer
14   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
But in the communities we work in all across the country, we find
that not everyone is “aware” of breast cancer or educated about the
facts, and some have mistaken beliefs about the disease. A surpris-
ing number believe, for example, that they’re not at risk for breast
cancer because breast cancer doesn’t run in their families (only 5 to
10 percent of breast cancer cases are hereditary)
They believe that under-wire bras or deodorants cause breast can-
cer (they don’t).
Or worse yet, they believe that if they get sick, they will lose their
jobs, or that there is no help for them or their families, so they
hold off seeking medical attention until their tumors are breaking
through the skin. Some believe their disease is matter of fate, and
there are still many for whom the diagnosis of breast cancer is a
source of shame and stigma.
This is why we work in community centers, churches, local clinics
and schools to educate about breast cancer. To make women aware
of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, and to connect them
with the resources available to them if they need assistance.
Education also includes maintaining the most comprehensive
source of breast cancer information - - accessed by mil-
lions of people each year, and funding a national toll-free helpline
that provides supports to thousands annually and connects callers
to services they need.
We also print breast cancer materials in 26 languages, pay to train
laypeople to serve as community educators, and fund programs to
establish patient navigation programs and patient navigators who
support patients by finding and linking care providers, helping with
paperwork, sorting through insurance issues, and ensuring patients
follow up with their care.
How We Raise the Funds
Komen raises funds for its mission in two ways: First, through
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    15
community events like our Komen Race for the Cure series operat-
ed by our 111 U.S. Affiliates. Our Affiliation agreements in the U.S.
require, and our Affiliates promise local donors, that 75 percent of
the funds raised in our local communities will stay in local commu-
nities for the outreach programs mentioned above and others listed
To determine how those local funds are used, each of our U.S. Affil-
iates develops a detailed community profile that outlines the most
pressing needs for local women, and funds grants that meet those
specific needs.
The remaining 25 percent raised in our communities is contributed
to Komen’s national research program, meaning it is used exclusive-
ly to fund breast cancer research.
None of the funds raised through our grassroots Affiliate Network
supports our national operational overhead expenses. Komen’s
overhead expenses (rent, salaries, utilities) are paid by a portion
of the funds raised through partnerships, direct mail and email
campaigns, sales of merchandise and gifts from donors. Some part-
ners also require us to fund specific research grants or community
outreach programs.
An Impressive Mission Spend
All of these community-based services, plus our research, public
policy advocacy, and global work in 30 countries outside the U.S.
comprise the Komen mission. Komen consistently has spent at
least 80 cents of every dollar on mission programs, including about
20-25 cents, on average, to research.
Metastatic breast cancer research has comprised about 16 percent
of Komen’s overall research spending since we were founded. We’ve
invested $147 million to metastatic research, funding 377 research
grants specifically into metastatic disease. In 2015, about 50 per-
cent of our new research grants are focused on metastatic research,
bringing our number of active metastatic research grants to 60.
16   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
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Design is an area in which Tamara Wendt is truly passionate.
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Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    17
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Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    21
Turner Vermost Agency is an Independent Insurance
Agency representing many different insurance
companies for your insurance needs. We carefully select
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22   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    23
	 Using the right golf clubs for your game increases
your chances of winning the game. You can check online
reviews of different golf clubs in order to choose the one that
suits your golf playing strategies best.
	 Any golf aficionado knows that a player’s chances of
winning the game depends a lot on his choice of the perfect
golf club. Because each hole in a 9 hole or 18 hole course has
its unique characteristics, it only follows that the winning
stroke can only be achieved by using the right golf club.
	 Knowing the speed and direction needed to get the
ball in the hole is the best skill that a golfer should have in
order to win the game. With each stroke comes a keen anal-
ysis of what it takes to get the ball in the hole - the distance,
the angle of putting, the intensity of the swing and of course,
the right golf club to use.
	 Golf clubs are classified according to the purpose
they serve. There are irons, putters, woods and hybrid and
the wedge. Some seasoned golf players will only use the best
quality of clubs manufactured by well known yet expensive
brands, such as Spalding and Callaway.
	 If you are a new golf player, you would want to invest
on your first golf club set, as these will be your tools for the
game. It may be quite difficult to know which ones will suit
your game, and of course, your budget.
24   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
You could start by reading online reviews on different
golf clubs to know the characteristics of each brand. Most
professional golfers are willing to endorse the best clubs that
they know can help amateur and pro golfers win the game.
You can also check various golf forums on the Internet where
golfers would comment on what clubs work for them, and
what don’t.
	 Those who have been playing golf for a long time and
who can afford to splurge on their favorite sports, would
sometimes have their own clubs customized for their own
use. That puts them at an advantage because the clubs are
made especially for them.
	 However, if you are new to the game, consider what
most golfers say through online reviews and forums about
the different golf club brands, and go from there. You can try
different brands at first, and settle for the one that suits you
Davenport • Muscatine • Milan • Geneseo
800-404-7712 |
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    25
Interview With Gary Smith
	 We caught up with Gary Smith, 62, at Quail Valley Golf and
River Club in Vero Beach, FL, back in March. Smith has retired
to North Palm Beach after working as the senior writer for Sports
Illustrated from 1983 to 2013.
	 Gary Smith has won The National Magazine Award
(non-fiction) a record 4 times. His human interest stories reflect
his remarkable ability to tell the untold story, and unveil what
drives the source to perform and achieve at the highest of levels.
He has been featured in Time, Rolling Stone, Esquire, and authored
multiple celebrated books.
	 We took a look at some of the fibers within Gary Smith to
discover what has shaped him into to one of the greatest American
sportswriters of all time. He covered sports beats for The Wilm-
ington News Journal, Philadelphia Daily News, and The New York
Daily News before arriving at Sports Illustrated.
	 Like many players, Gary started golfing at a young age as a
way to spend more time with his father. “My dad was a player, and
pretty good (won his club championship at age 47). I started cad-
dying for him and then playing at about age 13. Pretty much all self
taught, and definitely a late starter vs. the players now,” said Smith.
Having started as caddy, Gary stays true to his roots and believes
the company of a “looper” helps him stay in sync. “Well, most great
caddies can read putts a bit better than I do, saving me 2-3 strokes
per round. And I get in a better rhythm walking. Most impor-
tantly, though, if you find a caddie you bond with, it’s like having
a confidant or friend with you for 4 hours. I’ve had my wife caddy
for me a few times and that was very helpful. When it’s me alone in
a big tournament, it gets damn lonely out there!” Gary commented.
The right caddy can be something of a sports psychologist, without
the license.
26   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
Mirroring his career as a writer, it’s all about consistency
and steadiness for Gary on the golf course. “When I’m playing
“for real” I always play the percentages: that is, I try to figure out
what is the easiest way to make bird (or par) given my strengths
and weaknesses. I nearly always play defense, as my length or lack
thereof, kind of precludes me from cutting off corners, or flying a
lot of bunkers,” Gary relayed. The best way to score for Gary is to
minimize the margin for error, and avoid the blow up hole. “So I’ll
be laying up to avoid the fairway bunkers, or hitting to the fat side
of the green to avoid the greenside hazards. If I have less than,
say 9 iron, then I get a bit more aggressive in going in for the pin.
Even on the green, I’ll lag to avoid a 3-putt vs. going for a bird,” said
	 The prime condition for Gary to post a score is when he can
stay relaxed keep things simple. “My career round is a 65. Really it
was nothing special. I made a relatively routine eagle on a short par
5 early on. Then an ace on the back nine; so that was 4 under right
there. Threw in another 2 birds, then the rest pars… so other than
the ace, it was pretty routine,” Gary said. The father and son tan-
dem were fueling their momentum that day, as they posted career
rounds together. “The one ironic thing was my Dad was playing
with me and shot 67! I was so focused on my round, I never knew
he was shooting HIS career round. Instead he was just rooting me
on the whole way. I, on the other hand, was oblivious to anyone but
myself,” Gary recalled. Smith stays consistently close to the average
of his handicap while avoiding outlier low and high rounds due to
the conservative nature in his strategy. “I just try to make a good
swing on every shot. Nothing fancy at all. My thought process is
pretty simple: First I figure out my strategy for the shot, say a low
knockdown 8 iron onto the front right of the green to avoid the
wind and maybe a bunker…then I draw up the swing for that shot.
Maybe keep the hands well in front of the blade for that knock-
down. Then swing with that swing thought,” said Smith. The bump
and run play around the green has also become a popular play for
Gary, but he has adopted the “Tiger Woods” bump and run play,
using a fairway wood in place of a wedge or 8 iron on close chip
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    27
shots. “It’s lower risk, if confidence is high and I’m chipping well, I
may be able to get it closer with a wedge, but there are less vagaries
with the wood. My confidence ebbs and flows, that’s why I go with
the lower risk when it’s cut so tight,” Gary commented.
	 Gary need not venture to far from his family in putting
together his dream foursome on any golf course. “Always my wife
(Sally); because I’d want her to share in that experience! My Dad
if he was still alive. Then Tiger in his prime because when he was
on, I never saw better. Not Nicklaus, not Arnie, not Norman,” Gary
	 Smith had a good view of Tiger in his prime, but still attri-
butes the most amazing scene he has witnessed on a golf course to
his wife. “Being out-driven by my wife years ago in a family long
drive contest! Not only did we all (her Dad, brother, etc) play from
the same tees, but I hit it pretty good. Even as I was driving to the
ball I was 100% sure I was way by her. Still I don’t know how she
beat it by me,” Gary exclaimed.
28   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
(563) 424-1812
3701 Mississippi Ave.
Davenport,IA 52807
Open 7 Days a Week
10am - 9pm Mon-Sat
12pm - 5pm Sun
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    29
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Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    31
32   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
Whether twisting the body on a drive, squatting down to
measure a putt or leaning over to pick up a ball, golfers
constantly torque their bodies. Golf also requires repetitive
motion and movements. As a result some muscles become
overused and others weaken, causing imbalances.
For a golfer, muscle imbalances can affect the legs, hips,
arms, shoulders, and the lower back. Your drives may be
shorter and less accurate, stamina may decrease, and the
potential for debilitating strains and injuries become much
higher. Pilates keeps the body in balance and improves per-
Pilates is based on movement from the center of the body as
are most shots in golf. It strengthens the core while it im-
proves rotation, range of motion, and stability. It is also a
full body exercise that is easy on the joints. The end result is
a flexible, symmetrically muscled body that is strengthened
from the inside out.
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    33
34   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
Pilates will help you:
•Build up the back muscles evenly
•Elongate and align the spine
•Strengthen the core
•Increase overall flexibility, strength, and balance
•Increase range of motion in hips and shoulders
•Enhance concentration through focused breathing
A stronger and more stable core
helps golfers:
•Attain an optimal back swing and follow-through with in-
creased range of motion in shoulders
•Get more distance and power
•Have a stronger and bigger hip turn for greater power
through rotation
•Create a smoother and more powerful swing
•Maximize balance and alignment
•Decrease fatigue and less strain on the body
•Play without pain
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    35
Independent Beauty Consultant
Heidi Lubben
36   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    37
How To Make The
Perfect Arnold Palmer
•3 pounds lemons
(10 to 14 medium lemons)
•14 2 cups of Sugar
•4 cups cold-brewed black tea
1. Bring lemons to room temperature, then roll
firmly against the counter to soften their rinds.
Halve and juice; pour juice into a sealable container
and refrigerate. Cut rinds into 1-inch chunks. Toss
with sugar in a large nonreactive mixing bowl, cover
tightly with plastic, and let stand at room tempera-
ture, stirring once every 45 minutes or so, until
sugar has completely dissolved, about 3 hours. (You
can let the mixture stand up to 12 hours, if desired.)
2. Add 8 ounces (1 cup) of reserved lemon juice to
rind mixture. Stir well, then strain through a non-
reactive fine-mesh strainer or piece of cheesecloth
into a glass or ceramic container. At this point, the
concentrated lemonade can be refrigerated for up to
1 week.
3. When ready to serve, pour concentrated lemonade
and cold-brewed tea into a pitcher and stir. Serve
in ice-filled glasses. (You will likely have some fresh
lemon juice left over, which can be reserved for
another use or added to individual glasses to make
Arnold Palmer more tart to taste.)
38   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
39   Golf Life Of Atlantic County 2016
Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    39
	 Acupoint Health Connection, Inc. ....................................................................................Pg. 31
Asphalt Sealing, Residential & Commercial
	 FW Asphalt.........................................................................................................................Pg. 32
	 Audiology Consultants, P.C. ...........................................................Front & Back Inside Covers
Bullion Dealer
	 Ace Coins..............................................................................................................................Pg. 5
Coin Dealer
	 Ace Coins..............................................................................................................................Pg. 5
	 Heidi Lubben Mary Kay Beauty Consultant.....................................................................Pg. 36
Country Club Properties
	 Kyle Robinson - Ruhl & Ruhl Realtors................................................................................Pg. 1
	 Sandi Lyn Burnett Re/Max..................................................................................................Pg. 9
	 Paula Ruefer Mel Foster Co. ...............................................................................................Pg. 13
	 Geri Doyle Mel Foster Co. ..................................................................................................Pg. 22
Custom Cabinetry
	 Faulhaber Construction LLC .............................................................................................Pg. 9
	 Phillips Decorating.............................................................................................................Pg. 37
Financial Advisor
	 Modern Woodmen of America......................................................Back Outside Cover & Pg. 11
Financial Planning
	 Thrivent Financial, Jim Wegener........................................................................................Pg. 19
Hearing Aids
	 Audiology Consultants, P.C. ...........................................................Front & Back Inside Covers
Home Health Care
	 Good Samaritan Society......................................................................................................Pg. 3
Home Improvement
	 Faulhaber Construction LLC .............................................................................................Pg. 9
Home Remodeling
	 Faulhaber Construction LLC .............................................................................................Pg. 9
Independent living
	 Good Samaritan Society......................................................................................................Pg. 3
Insurance Agency
	 Turner-Vermost Insurance Agency....................................................................................Pg. 21
IRS Representation
	 Marti Myers-Garver, EA.....................................................................................................Pg. 23
Life Insurance
	 Modern Woodmen of America......................................................Back Outside Cover & Pg. 11
Luxury Real Estate
	 Kyle Robinson - Ruhl and Rill Realtors..............................................................................Pg. 1
	 Sandi Lyn Burnett Re/Max..................................................................................................Pg. 9
	 Geri Doyle Mel Foster Co. ..................................................................................................Pg. 22
	 Acupoint Health Connection, Inc. ....................................................................................Pg. 31
	 Phillips Decorating.............................................................................................................Pg. 37
Portrait Photography
	 Cobert Photography............................................................................................................Pg. 21
Real Estate
	 Kyle Robinson - Ruhl & Ruhl Realtors................................................................................Pg. 1
	 Paula Ruefer Mel Foster Co. ...............................................................................................Pg. 13
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Davenport • Muscatine • Milan • Geneseo
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Lifetime Publishing Group : Luxury Golf Marketing in Boca Raton

  • 1. Golfing World OF THE QUAD CITIES
  • 2. Hearing Aids Hearing Conservation Balance Testing Davenport • Muscatine • Milan • Geneseo Call Today: 800-404-7712
  • 3. ( 563 ) 441-5244 4545 Welcome Way Davenport, IA 52806 Selling the Quad Cities Kyle Robinson Licensed In IA, IL (563) 505-1806 Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    1
  • 4. Golfing World OF THE QUAD CITIES CONTENT Golf Gift Ideas For Men.................................................Pg. 4 What Makes A Golf Course Great?...............................Pg. 6-7 8 Tips On Organizing Your Home................................Pg. 8-10 Golf Fitness Tip.............................................................Pg. 12-13 What Pink Makes Possible............................................Pg. 14-16 2017 PGA Tour Schedule..............................................Pg. 18-22 How To Choose The Best Golf Clubs............................Pg. 24-25 Interview With Gary Smith...........................................Pg. 26-28 2017 LPGA Tour Schedule.............................................Pg. 30-32 Pilates For Golfers..........................................................Pg. 33-34 2017 Champions Tour Schedule....................................Pg. 35 Arnold Palmer Recipe....................................................Pg. 38 Davenport • Muscatine • Milan • Geneseo 800-404-7712 | Hearing Aids Hearing Conservation Balance Testing 2   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
  • 5. Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    3
  • 6. To: From: Chances are your man plays golf. Golf gifts for the man in your life can be found just about anywhere. A great idea for a gift, bound to please most any man, is a basket filled with all sorts of golfing accessories. You’re guar- anteed to put a smile on his face and bring him some joy! Fill your baskets with golfing accessories such as golfing hand towels, a golf ball caddy, golfers instruction manuals, golf balls, tees, golf umbrella and perhaps a new sports shirt or two. Surprise him by having a gift basket delivered to his office with a greens fee to his favorite course. It’s a great way to make him feel special! Another great idea, is a Golf Cooler, a stylish, canvas cooler resembling a golf bag with an insulated cold storage area that’s large enough to hold wine bottles! There are many com- partments for keeping personal items such as wallets or wireless phones safe and a hook to hang keys. It has a separate dry sec- tion in the lid for a sandwich or snack! The Golf Cooler comes with glasses, napkins, a bottle opener and a corkscrew to help celebrate a successful round of golf! Other gift ideas include: golf instructional DVDs and monthly magazine subscriptions. These make great golf gifts for men who are looking to improve their game strategies and who like to read about golf in general. Step outside the traditional line of golf gifts and surprise them with something unique. Golf Gift Ideas For Men 4   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
  • 7. Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    5
  • 8. WHATMAKES AGOLFCOURSE GREAT? Golf continues to be one of the fastest growing sports. There have been many new golf courses recently built to accommodate this interest with almost twenty thousand of them in the United States alone. It is not a secret that Tiger Woods and his dad played golf togeth- er when he was a little boy. Partly due to his great success, many parents are starting their children in an exercise program at a younger age. School systems now have competitive golf teams that travel from golf course to golf course in order to compete. Most golf courses have unique designs and players have fun discovering the tricks to each one they play on. 6   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
  • 9. Golf players love the challenge of playing on a new or different golf course. It is all about developing new strategies and adjusting to the amount of wind that day. It is a profes- sional sport with people of all walks of life enjoying it now. Many families now purchase golf vacation packages so they can enjoy playing on a new golf course and visit a new spot for a family vacation at the same time. One of the most popu- lar destinations is Myrtle Beach in South Caroline, but there are now golf vacations advertised all over the world. The way a golf course has managed will affect the swing of the player. The better courses will have competitive qualities and catch the eye of the potential tour sponsors. If it is a likable course, it will gain in reputation. Many times a course has either too little or too much drainage leaving it too wet or too dry. This is best avoided by thinking ahead when designing the project. The maintenance of the grass by a tal- ented technician makes a difference, too. The grass is always cut short so that the ball can roll easily. People can now prepare ahead of time when they have made a golf date with a friend at a golf course. They can pick up pointers and practice lessons online from the computer. They will be scored by the number of strokes it takes them to finish playing for nine holes or eighteen holes. As the game progresses, the players are tested by dealing with different hazards along the way. The courses are never designed to be flat, either. They have added slopes to make the game more challenging. Many players use the excuse to try a new and different golf course as a way to get together with friends, for business meetings, or to challenge themselves on a new course. It is a great way to network and also a way to develop long, lasting friendships. Whatever your reasons may be, a golf course is a great place to be! Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    7
  • 10. 8 Tips On Organizing Your HomeBy: Walter Jensen Here are 8 very useful tips on organizing your home. Taking that first step is the most important part of organizing your home. So now let’s get start- ed on step one. This is critical because you can’t get to where you want to go unless you know what that “where” looks like. How do you want this room to function? How do you want to feel when you’re in it? What do you want to do in this room? What is the real purpose of this room? Tip #1 Get a pad of paper and pen and walk through each room of your home and write down what you see. It is important not to be overwhelmed. Try doing this systematically. For example, here is what you might see in your home entry way: shoes, unopened newspapers, mail and circulars that are left at your door, keys, pet toys, coats, sweaters and more. Now write down what can be done to eliminate this clutter. Tip #2- Get into a Routine Sounds simple doesn’t it - well take it from me it’s one of the hardest tasks to do. As a teacher, I have always found this has helped me “organize” my day at school for lessons planning, staff meetings and have always found it effective - so, guess what? I now do it for organizing the home. For exam- ple, with the children if they have left any toys lying around after playing with them I encourage them to put them away in their “tidy box” or on the shelf. Tip #3 - Organize Storage All things in the home must have a “Home” that’s one of the things I say to my kids. Why? Because when something is not seen (in the closet) you can get the False Feeling of it’s all organized. On the shelves divide up sweaters, blouses, the clothes you wear now. As for racks - great for shoes. 8   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
  • 11. Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    9 Your Dream Home Awaits... Sandi Lyn Burnett REALTOR® DIRECT 563-468-9664 Sandi is an active agent with RE/MAX Around Iowa, leading her team and representing buyers and sellers on a day-to-day basis, and considers education – both clients and other real estate agents – an important part of her role as a REALTOR®.
  • 12. Tip #4 - Organize your kitchen Organize you cabinets for plates, Tupperware, guest tableware - separately if possible, if not, separate shelves. Another great (often overlooked) stor- age facility is the “Dishwasher” - storage and “purpose” rolled into one! Tip #5 - Organize the Bathrooms Ideally, if you have the space and children two bathrooms are great. Make sure that shelves for the toothpaste are just the ‘right’ height for the chil- dren in their bathroom. In addition, keep no make up or any potentially dangerous articles in the children’s bathroom within reach! Tip #6 - The master grocery list It’s been one the greatest time savers in our home. Basically I have a ‘gen- eral list’ that includes the ‘basics’ then ‘specifics’ including favorite items that my children would like in the week and then ‘luxuries’ the items that we would like but don’t need. Tip #7 - Organize the Garage Start out by making piles, for example: Yard tools, hand tools etc. Begin by clearing off the work bench if you have one. You might want to pur- chase some storage containers for the things you have in the house you want to save. Label the containers and stack them in the garage. You can buy hooks to hang rakes, shovels, hoses, bicycles etc Tip #8 - Have a garage sale After you go through the house and garage, you will end up with many things you no longer want. The most fun way to get rid of these items is by having a garage sale. You will be amazed at the amount of money you can possibly earn and what you don’t sell you can give away or donate. Good luck with the re-organization! 10   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
  • 13. Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    11
  • 14. There is no way that you can separate a good golf fit- ness tip from a good, well executed golf swing. The golf swing is the most strenuous aspect of the game and a good golf fitness tip is one that helps you improve your golf swing. The basics of a proper golf swing are universal. A proper golf swing consists of three separate segments that every golfer should work on in their efforts to develop and improve their golf swing. A good golf fitness tip must be able to help a golfer achieve this objective. The three segments of a golf swing are the back-swing, the downswing and finally the impact and follow-through. A useful golf fitness tip should be able to help, as you careful- ly work on each of the three segments separately, in an effort to get the right positions and movements. This is how golfers work on improving their golf swings. Every proper golf swing starts at the legs and the hips and not the arms, where many golfers place most of their at- tention and emphasis. This is precisely the reason why prop- er exercising, that is golf-specific, has such a huge impact on most people in terms of dramatically improving their GOLF FITNESSTIP: FOCUS ON THE GOLF SWING 12   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
  • 15. golf games. A good golf fitness tip can address any of the golf muscles involved in this particular part of the golf swing. The golf fitness tip can also address golf conditioning. Golf conditioning exercises have the effect of preparing the individual muscles and parts of the body used in a golf swing, so that your movements and follow-through come almost effortlessly and as naturally as possible. Without exercise, the proper golf swing movements only work to strain unpre- pared, weak and therefore tense muscles. Although golf has always been viewed as a leisure sport, the truth of the matter is that the modern golf player has to condition his body and muscles in many parts of his body , not just arms. Golf fitness tips can play a major role in improving the golf swing. Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    13
  • 16. We’re often asked at Susan G. Komen about the amounts we fund in research versus other aspects of our work to end breast cancer. We hope the information below, describing our processes around our mission funding, is helpful. Komen’s Comprehensive Approach Komen has funded more breast cancer research than any other nonprofit ($889 million to date, second only to the U.S. govern- ment). But like many health organizations, we’ve known from our very first days that reducing death from breast cancer requires a mix of science, education, and direct help to people facing the disease. We focused our attention then, as now, on those with the fewest resources: uninsured, underinsured and low-income women and men without the resources or capacity to access care. Their need can be as simple as finding a low-cost screening or as complicated as support during years of surgery, drug treatments and therapies for aggressive and metastatic breast cancer. Imagine having to face a cancer diagnosis without insurance, or money, or someone by your side. Imagine having to choose to forgo treatment so that you can pay for child care, or calculating whether your bus fare to chemotherapy means the family won’t eat today. Tens of thousands of people live that reality every day, and Komen programs are there to help them. Awareness = Education and So Much More, and It Matters We also hear that we should stop discussing “awareness” of breast cancer because people are “aware.” What Pink Makes Possible Research and More in the Mission to End Breast Cancer 14   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
  • 17. But in the communities we work in all across the country, we find that not everyone is “aware” of breast cancer or educated about the facts, and some have mistaken beliefs about the disease. A surpris- ing number believe, for example, that they’re not at risk for breast cancer because breast cancer doesn’t run in their families (only 5 to 10 percent of breast cancer cases are hereditary) They believe that under-wire bras or deodorants cause breast can- cer (they don’t). Or worse yet, they believe that if they get sick, they will lose their jobs, or that there is no help for them or their families, so they hold off seeking medical attention until their tumors are breaking through the skin. Some believe their disease is matter of fate, and there are still many for whom the diagnosis of breast cancer is a source of shame and stigma. This is why we work in community centers, churches, local clinics and schools to educate about breast cancer. To make women aware of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, and to connect them with the resources available to them if they need assistance. Education also includes maintaining the most comprehensive source of breast cancer information - - accessed by mil- lions of people each year, and funding a national toll-free helpline that provides supports to thousands annually and connects callers to services they need. We also print breast cancer materials in 26 languages, pay to train laypeople to serve as community educators, and fund programs to establish patient navigation programs and patient navigators who support patients by finding and linking care providers, helping with paperwork, sorting through insurance issues, and ensuring patients follow up with their care. How We Raise the Funds Komen raises funds for its mission in two ways: First, through Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    15
  • 18. community events like our Komen Race for the Cure series operat- ed by our 111 U.S. Affiliates. Our Affiliation agreements in the U.S. require, and our Affiliates promise local donors, that 75 percent of the funds raised in our local communities will stay in local commu- nities for the outreach programs mentioned above and others listed below. To determine how those local funds are used, each of our U.S. Affil- iates develops a detailed community profile that outlines the most pressing needs for local women, and funds grants that meet those specific needs. The remaining 25 percent raised in our communities is contributed to Komen’s national research program, meaning it is used exclusive- ly to fund breast cancer research. None of the funds raised through our grassroots Affiliate Network supports our national operational overhead expenses. Komen’s overhead expenses (rent, salaries, utilities) are paid by a portion of the funds raised through partnerships, direct mail and email campaigns, sales of merchandise and gifts from donors. Some part- ners also require us to fund specific research grants or community outreach programs. An Impressive Mission Spend All of these community-based services, plus our research, public policy advocacy, and global work in 30 countries outside the U.S. comprise the Komen mission. Komen consistently has spent at least 80 cents of every dollar on mission programs, including about 20-25 cents, on average, to research. Metastatic breast cancer research has comprised about 16 percent of Komen’s overall research spending since we were founded. We’ve invested $147 million to metastatic research, funding 377 research grants specifically into metastatic disease. In 2015, about 50 per- cent of our new research grants are focused on metastatic research, bringing our number of active metastatic research grants to 60. 16   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
  • 19. Phone: 309-269-4027 Design is an area in which Tamara Wendt is truly passionate. Whether taking a blank space and building a custom wedding world or transforming an existing venue into a fabulous celebration, Tamara and her team use their experience to bring a couple’s vision to life - from the elegant to the amazing! Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    17
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  • 23. Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    21 AUTOMOBILE • HOMEOWNER • RECREATIONAL VEHICLE • BUSINESS LINES • LIFE Turner Vermost Agency is an Independent Insurance Agency representing many different insurance companies for your insurance needs. We carefully select our carriers in order to provide you with the best level of service, price and coverage. 309-762-7777
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  • 26. GOLF TIP: CHOOSING THE BEST CLUBS Using the right golf clubs for your game increases your chances of winning the game. You can check online reviews of different golf clubs in order to choose the one that suits your golf playing strategies best. Any golf aficionado knows that a player’s chances of winning the game depends a lot on his choice of the perfect golf club. Because each hole in a 9 hole or 18 hole course has its unique characteristics, it only follows that the winning stroke can only be achieved by using the right golf club. Knowing the speed and direction needed to get the ball in the hole is the best skill that a golfer should have in order to win the game. With each stroke comes a keen anal- ysis of what it takes to get the ball in the hole - the distance, the angle of putting, the intensity of the swing and of course, the right golf club to use. Golf clubs are classified according to the purpose they serve. There are irons, putters, woods and hybrid and the wedge. Some seasoned golf players will only use the best quality of clubs manufactured by well known yet expensive brands, such as Spalding and Callaway. If you are a new golf player, you would want to invest on your first golf club set, as these will be your tools for the game. It may be quite difficult to know which ones will suit your game, and of course, your budget. 24   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
  • 27. You could start by reading online reviews on different golf clubs to know the characteristics of each brand. Most professional golfers are willing to endorse the best clubs that they know can help amateur and pro golfers win the game. You can also check various golf forums on the Internet where golfers would comment on what clubs work for them, and what don’t. Those who have been playing golf for a long time and who can afford to splurge on their favorite sports, would sometimes have their own clubs customized for their own use. That puts them at an advantage because the clubs are made especially for them. However, if you are new to the game, consider what most golfers say through online reviews and forums about the different golf club brands, and go from there. You can try different brands at first, and settle for the one that suits you best. Davenport • Muscatine • Milan • Geneseo 800-404-7712 | Hearing Aids Hearing Conservation Balance Testing Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    25
  • 28. Interview With Gary Smith We caught up with Gary Smith, 62, at Quail Valley Golf and River Club in Vero Beach, FL, back in March. Smith has retired to North Palm Beach after working as the senior writer for Sports Illustrated from 1983 to 2013. Gary Smith has won The National Magazine Award (non-fiction) a record 4 times. His human interest stories reflect his remarkable ability to tell the untold story, and unveil what drives the source to perform and achieve at the highest of levels. He has been featured in Time, Rolling Stone, Esquire, and authored multiple celebrated books. We took a look at some of the fibers within Gary Smith to discover what has shaped him into to one of the greatest American sportswriters of all time. He covered sports beats for The Wilm- ington News Journal, Philadelphia Daily News, and The New York Daily News before arriving at Sports Illustrated. Like many players, Gary started golfing at a young age as a way to spend more time with his father. “My dad was a player, and pretty good (won his club championship at age 47). I started cad- dying for him and then playing at about age 13. Pretty much all self taught, and definitely a late starter vs. the players now,” said Smith. Having started as caddy, Gary stays true to his roots and believes the company of a “looper” helps him stay in sync. “Well, most great caddies can read putts a bit better than I do, saving me 2-3 strokes per round. And I get in a better rhythm walking. Most impor- tantly, though, if you find a caddie you bond with, it’s like having a confidant or friend with you for 4 hours. I’ve had my wife caddy for me a few times and that was very helpful. When it’s me alone in a big tournament, it gets damn lonely out there!” Gary commented. The right caddy can be something of a sports psychologist, without the license. 26   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
  • 29. Mirroring his career as a writer, it’s all about consistency and steadiness for Gary on the golf course. “When I’m playing “for real” I always play the percentages: that is, I try to figure out what is the easiest way to make bird (or par) given my strengths and weaknesses. I nearly always play defense, as my length or lack thereof, kind of precludes me from cutting off corners, or flying a lot of bunkers,” Gary relayed. The best way to score for Gary is to minimize the margin for error, and avoid the blow up hole. “So I’ll be laying up to avoid the fairway bunkers, or hitting to the fat side of the green to avoid the greenside hazards. If I have less than, say 9 iron, then I get a bit more aggressive in going in for the pin. Even on the green, I’ll lag to avoid a 3-putt vs. going for a bird,” said Smith. The prime condition for Gary to post a score is when he can stay relaxed keep things simple. “My career round is a 65. Really it was nothing special. I made a relatively routine eagle on a short par 5 early on. Then an ace on the back nine; so that was 4 under right there. Threw in another 2 birds, then the rest pars… so other than the ace, it was pretty routine,” Gary said. The father and son tan- dem were fueling their momentum that day, as they posted career rounds together. “The one ironic thing was my Dad was playing with me and shot 67! I was so focused on my round, I never knew he was shooting HIS career round. Instead he was just rooting me on the whole way. I, on the other hand, was oblivious to anyone but myself,” Gary recalled. Smith stays consistently close to the average of his handicap while avoiding outlier low and high rounds due to the conservative nature in his strategy. “I just try to make a good swing on every shot. Nothing fancy at all. My thought process is pretty simple: First I figure out my strategy for the shot, say a low knockdown 8 iron onto the front right of the green to avoid the wind and maybe a bunker…then I draw up the swing for that shot. Maybe keep the hands well in front of the blade for that knock- down. Then swing with that swing thought,” said Smith. The bump and run play around the green has also become a popular play for Gary, but he has adopted the “Tiger Woods” bump and run play, using a fairway wood in place of a wedge or 8 iron on close chip Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    27
  • 30. shots. “It’s lower risk, if confidence is high and I’m chipping well, I may be able to get it closer with a wedge, but there are less vagaries with the wood. My confidence ebbs and flows, that’s why I go with the lower risk when it’s cut so tight,” Gary commented. Gary need not venture to far from his family in putting together his dream foursome on any golf course. “Always my wife (Sally); because I’d want her to share in that experience! My Dad if he was still alive. Then Tiger in his prime because when he was on, I never saw better. Not Nicklaus, not Arnie, not Norman,” Gary stated. Smith had a good view of Tiger in his prime, but still attri- butes the most amazing scene he has witnessed on a golf course to his wife. “Being out-driven by my wife years ago in a family long drive contest! Not only did we all (her Dad, brother, etc) play from the same tees, but I hit it pretty good. Even as I was driving to the ball I was 100% sure I was way by her. Still I don’t know how she beat it by me,” Gary exclaimed. 28   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
  • 31. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE (563) 424-1812 3701 Mississippi Ave. Davenport,IA 52807 Open 7 Days a Week 10am - 9pm Mon-Sat 12pm - 5pm Sun Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    29
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  • 35. PILATES FOR GOLFERS Whether twisting the body on a drive, squatting down to measure a putt or leaning over to pick up a ball, golfers constantly torque their bodies. Golf also requires repetitive motion and movements. As a result some muscles become overused and others weaken, causing imbalances. For a golfer, muscle imbalances can affect the legs, hips, arms, shoulders, and the lower back. Your drives may be shorter and less accurate, stamina may decrease, and the potential for debilitating strains and injuries become much higher. Pilates keeps the body in balance and improves per- formance. Pilates is based on movement from the center of the body as are most shots in golf. It strengthens the core while it im- proves rotation, range of motion, and stability. It is also a full body exercise that is easy on the joints. The end result is a flexible, symmetrically muscled body that is strengthened from the inside out. Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    33
  • 36. 34   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017 Pilates will help you: •Build up the back muscles evenly •Elongate and align the spine •Strengthen the core •Increase overall flexibility, strength, and balance •Increase range of motion in hips and shoulders •Enhance concentration through focused breathing A stronger and more stable core helps golfers: •Attain an optimal back swing and follow-through with in- creased range of motion in shoulders •Get more distance and power •Have a stronger and bigger hip turn for greater power through rotation •Create a smoother and more powerful swing •Maximize balance and alignment •Decrease fatigue and less strain on the body •Play without pain
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  • 38. Independent Beauty Consultant 309-235-0404 Heidi Lubben 36   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
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  • 40. How To Make The Perfect Arnold Palmer Ingredients: •3 pounds lemons (10 to 14 medium lemons) •14 2 cups of Sugar •4 cups cold-brewed black tea Directions: 1. Bring lemons to room temperature, then roll firmly against the counter to soften their rinds. Halve and juice; pour juice into a sealable container and refrigerate. Cut rinds into 1-inch chunks. Toss with sugar in a large nonreactive mixing bowl, cover tightly with plastic, and let stand at room tempera- ture, stirring once every 45 minutes or so, until sugar has completely dissolved, about 3 hours. (You can let the mixture stand up to 12 hours, if desired.) 2. Add 8 ounces (1 cup) of reserved lemon juice to rind mixture. Stir well, then strain through a non- reactive fine-mesh strainer or piece of cheesecloth into a glass or ceramic container. At this point, the concentrated lemonade can be refrigerated for up to 1 week. 3. When ready to serve, pour concentrated lemonade and cold-brewed tea into a pitcher and stir. Serve in ice-filled glasses. (You will likely have some fresh lemon juice left over, which can be reserved for another use or added to individual glasses to make Arnold Palmer more tart to taste.) 38   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017
  • 41. 39   Golf Life Of Atlantic County 2016 GOLFING WORLD OF THE QUAD CITIES INDEX Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    39 Acupuncture Acupoint Health Connection, Inc. ....................................................................................Pg. 31 Asphalt Sealing, Residential & Commercial FW Asphalt.........................................................................................................................Pg. 32 Audiology Audiology Consultants, P.C. ...........................................................Front & Back Inside Covers Bullion Dealer Ace Coins..............................................................................................................................Pg. 5 Coin Dealer Ace Coins..............................................................................................................................Pg. 5 Cosmetics Heidi Lubben Mary Kay Beauty Consultant.....................................................................Pg. 36 Country Club Properties Kyle Robinson - Ruhl & Ruhl Realtors................................................................................Pg. 1 Sandi Lyn Burnett Re/Max..................................................................................................Pg. 9 Paula Ruefer Mel Foster Co. ...............................................................................................Pg. 13 Geri Doyle Mel Foster Co. ..................................................................................................Pg. 22 Custom Cabinetry Faulhaber Construction LLC .............................................................................................Pg. 9 Decoration Phillips Decorating.............................................................................................................Pg. 37 Financial Advisor Modern Woodmen of America......................................................Back Outside Cover & Pg. 11 Financial Planning Thrivent Financial, Jim Wegener........................................................................................Pg. 19 Hearing Aids Audiology Consultants, P.C. ...........................................................Front & Back Inside Covers Home Health Care Good Samaritan Society......................................................................................................Pg. 3 Home Improvement Faulhaber Construction LLC .............................................................................................Pg. 9 Home Remodeling Faulhaber Construction LLC .............................................................................................Pg. 9 Independent living Good Samaritan Society......................................................................................................Pg. 3 Insurance Agency Turner-Vermost Insurance Agency....................................................................................Pg. 21 IRS Representation Marti Myers-Garver, EA.....................................................................................................Pg. 23 Life Insurance Modern Woodmen of America......................................................Back Outside Cover & Pg. 11 Luxury Real Estate Kyle Robinson - Ruhl and Rill Realtors..............................................................................Pg. 1 Sandi Lyn Burnett Re/Max..................................................................................................Pg. 9 Geri Doyle Mel Foster Co. ..................................................................................................Pg. 22 Massage Acupoint Health Connection, Inc. ....................................................................................Pg. 31 Painting Phillips Decorating.............................................................................................................Pg. 37 Portrait Photography Cobert Photography............................................................................................................Pg. 21 Real Estate Kyle Robinson - Ruhl & Ruhl Realtors................................................................................Pg. 1 Paula Ruefer Mel Foster Co. ...............................................................................................Pg. 13 Realtors Kyle Robinson - Ruhl & Ruhl Realtors................................................................................Pg. 1 Sandi Lyn Burnett Re/Max..................................................................................................Pg. 9 Paula Ruefer Mel Foster Co. ...............................................................................................Pg. 13 Geri Doyle Mel Foster Co. ..................................................................................................Pg. 22
  • 42. Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017    4040   Golfing World Of The Quad Cities 2017 Shooting Club Davenport Guns & Shooting Club....................................................................................Pg. 29 Skin Care Heidi Lubben Mary Kay Beauty Consultant.....................................................................Pg. 36 Special Events Planning Tamara Wendt Events........................................................................................................Pg. 17 Tax Preparation Marti Myers-Garver, EA.....................................................................................................Pg. 23 Total Wellness Center Acupoint Health Connection, Inc. ....................................................................................Pg. 31 Wall Covering Phillips Decorating.............................................................................................................Pg. 37 Wealth Management Thrivent Financial, Jim Wegener........................................................................................Pg. 19 Wedding Photography Cobert Photography............................................................................................................Pg. 21 Wedding Planning Tamara Wendt Events........................................................................................................Pg. 17 Wedding Services Tamara Wendt Events........................................................................................................Pg. 17 Davenport • Muscatine • Milan • Geneseo 800-404-7712 | Hearing Aids Hearing Conservation Balance Testing
  • 43. Davenport • Muscatine • Milan • Geneseo 800-404-7712 Hearing Aids Hearing Conservation Balance Testing