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NEWSThe latest news for all Bitesize Golf Coaches
Issue 1
Building your Bitesize Golf Academy
Help, tips, tricks and ideas for developing the ultimate junior academy
Getting started
Learn step by step how to recruit new pupils
What's included
Find all the tools required
How it all works
Directions for assembling a solid structure
Coaches benefits
A little effort brings big returns
Branching out
Spend the winter months coaching Bitesize golf in schools
What is Bitesize Golf?
How does it work?
What do i get?
How do i get started?
What can i make?
how much does it all cost?
how can i order products?
All your questions answered with tips
and advice on how to launch your
awesome Bitesize Golf Academy.
Remember, we're always here for help
and support, just ask.
Bitesize Golf
This newsletter is designed to give you all
the information you might need regarding
the new and exciting series of progressive
programmes known as Bitesize Golf.
You might know or recognise me from my
days spent at the helm of Young Masters
Golf, which was highly successful and
widely acclaimed for the great work it did in
developing the game amongst young players.
After a short break, I have regrouped and
devised and designed this new step by step
approach to teaching youngsters.
There are many advantages to running your
junior coaching with Bitesize golf, which are
highlighted throughout these pages.
It has always been my goal to create
something that grows the game of golf in a
self sustaining way and helps golf coaches
around the world develop strong and
profitable coaching programmes.
As you might well know, I usually have a head
full of ambitious ideas and these 10 levels are
only a small part of what will follow along in
the future.
Please enjoy these pages and feel free to get
in touch if you have any further questions, I
look forward to hearing from you and joining
forces with you and your coaching team as we
strive to offer an opportunity to play golf to
many youngsters around the country.
David Gosling
Founder, creator Bitesize Golf Ltd
Increased coaching
Increased retention rates
Customer Loyalty
Schools, Ranges & Clubs
Organisation / Planning
No joining fees
No monthly membership
Pay as you go
No 'tie - ins'
10 Levels
Suitable for ages 6 - 16
272 pages
All 34 rules covered
Great fun
Get started NOW
At a glance
There's so much to learn when you
start to play golf, it's not simply learning
how to build a repetitive stroke action,
joining the club and winning trophies.
What about the rules and etiquette and all the
other golfing knowledge you're going to need so
you don't embarrass yourself or get disqualified?
Many players learn the ropes by listening
to other golfers who are not much
better educated than themselves, or by
inadvertently breaking a rule or two and being
reprimanded by someone in a senior role.
The learning process can be quite
negative and daunting and can act as
a barrier to entry for many people.
Golf coaches do a great job introducing new
players to the game in a positive way, but
it's probably fair to say much of the focus
of each lesson is the golf swing and the
technicalities that lie within, making all the
strokes necessary to get around the course.
Borne from these
facts and frustrations,
Bitesize Golf is
covers almost every
aspect of the game
in simple steps or
'Bite-Sized' chunks
Some would say a lifetime, but it certainly takes
more than a series of 5 or 6 lessons, no matter
how proficient and talented the coach is.
The key is retaining the pupils long enough
to get all the information across, keeping
them in the learning loop and keeping
the interest levels high so they acquire
the skills and knowledge they need.
Other sports
have established
modules; think
of swimming and
all the martial arts.
They motivate the pupils
by getting them to strive to achieve the next
level, the next badge or the next belt and
reward them with certificates and badges.
undoubtedly helps
to keep pupils in
the system and
variety, recognition
and reward certainly
adds positivity
and excitement to
the experience.
What is Bitesize Golf exactly?
Stones to Succeses
Howdoes it work? - Brilliantly
The sum of all the partsHow long does it take to learn the
game of golf?
The Bitesize Golf coaching system is brilliantly
simple in the way it gets kids into the
game and keeps them in, by keeping them
motivated and engaged. This is great for
them and excellent news for the coach.
This well proven approach appeals to young
pupils. They are inspired and excited by
receiving rewards and recognition and
when they're enjoying themselves and
having fun, they want to continue.
All successful programmes have certain
ingredients that make them work and
Bitesize Golf has been built using more
than 20 dedicated years of research and
operation in the coaching domain.
As a Bitesize Golf coach, you will have all the
resources you need to maintain the highest
interest rates. Each session of each level
has a LESSON PLAN, which helps you get
all the key points across in the most child-
friendly way. With GAMES, DRILLS and
OUTCOMES highlighted, you have everything
you need to keep things moving along.
Then you have all the admin tools and sheets
to help you keep up to date and organised.
There’s so much fun incorporated into these
programmes, you will have an incredible
resource of games and competitions at your
disposal. You will be ready at a moments
notice to change tack and introduce some
new exciting activity that immediately settles
the group and re-engages the little darlings.
Each one of the drills and games has one
or more technical benefit as well as helping
to keep control and interest. Knowing
how to ensure the pupils are enjoying
their lessons is a fundamental key to the
programmes success and future growth.
When you are told just how much their kids
are enjoying their golf lessons, you know
you’re doing something right. Parents will see
the PROFESSIONALISM of the materials,
the content of the series of lessons and the
progression and structure. They will buy
into the longer term development of their
children’s golf and you will have the custom
of the whole family for many years to come.
Bitesize Golf builds relationships and the
benefits of this are far reaching when you
consider what an impact you’re having
on the social well-being of your pupils.
You should have received your copy of the
Step by step guide to getting your Bitesize Golf
Academy off the ground and up and running.
It's an essential document with many tips and hints
on how to recruit kids to your programme. Starting
with promotion and marketing materials supplied by
us with all your key details. You can then print them
off on your own computer, purchase professional
high quality products through the Bitesize golf shop
or unbelievably, we'll send you all our hard work
so you can give them to your own local friendly
print shop, so they can print them for you.
You will now be getting enquiries
and it's vital that you plan...
When you're going to hold your classes.
How many places are available in each class.
What the price of the 6 week course is going to be.
To begin your campaign of establishing the ultimate junior coaching programme, you need
to start promoting the fact that you’re running the Bitesize Golf structured curriculum.
We have provided the following materials, which can be supplied to you with your details
incorporated. All you need to do is drop us an email with the exact details you would like
included and we’ll create your very own flyers, brochures and posters. You can purchase
these from the Bitesize Golf shop or request the PDF files so you can print your own.
Stage 7 - Construction
Build a solid structure
SNAG (Soft golf) Schools Programme
Beginner players at club
SNAG (Soft golf) Schools Programme
Beginner players at club
Non handicap players at club / range
Beginner players at club
Hi handicap players at club / range
Junior handicap players at club / range
Senior handicap players at club / range
12 -28 handicap players at club / range
9 - 24 handicap players at club / range
5 - 18 handicap players at
club / range
Elite players
at club / range
20 pages
20 pages
24 pages
24 pages
24 pages
24 pages
28 pages
28 pages
28 pages
28 pages
£5.50 each
£5.50 each
£6.50 each
£6.50 each
£6.50 each
£6.50 each
£7.50 each
£7.50 each
£7.50 each
£7.50 each
All figures acurate at date of publishing and may be subject to alterations
Your building tools
What exactly do I get?
Marketing materials
Posters can be any size you like and look great in range bay dividers or clubhouse noticeboards.
The 3 - fold brochures are perfect for you and your team to hand out to interested customers, full
of important and exciting information about how it all works.
The flyers are great for leaving in places like a doctors or dentists surgery, your local library or for
handing out in schools or leisure centres.
Stage 2 - Promotion
Make some more noise
Visit the Bitesize Golf shop here >>
The old water pump
Okay, so far so good. You've got posters everywhere and your friends and family
have been out dropping leaflets and flyers in thousands of homes. You've starred
on local radio and held several taster SNAG sessions at every primary and
secondary school within 25 miles of the club.
That's perfect, this is priming the pump and it's hard work getting the crystal
clear water up from the depths of the well.
Your classes get off the ground, 5 pupils in one session, 7 in
another and a couple of groups of 8 coming on Staurdays.
Look after these kids, get them excited and having fun,
help them through the lessons and make a fuss
of them when they achieve their certificates with distinction.
Whatever you do DON'T STOP promoting, if you do the water
that's just starting to flow will begin to drop right back down to
the bottom of the well and you'll have to start all over again.
Keep it flowing with gentle but consistent pressure. More taster sessions, ask the kids if they've got friends
who would like to start playing golf. Sow the idea of brothers and sisters joining in when you talk with
parents, refresh the posters and keep the flyers flying out of your shop.
Take a look at the newsletters created for Bitesize golf at Canons Court and develop your very own news.
click here for a look >>
You must show pupils and parents the future, they don't know what's ahead of them in golf, but you do and
if you make this picture bright and glorious, within easy reach and exciting,
you will have customers who will follow you for years.
Make sure you let the kids know about all of the levels and how they can
work their up to the highest level, the gold. This way they will accept the
longer term approach to learning the game and you can set you sights on
developing their skills over the next couple of years at least.
More tips and techniques are included in the lesson plans and coaches notes.
Stage 3 - Organisation
Get organised
Key information
Once you have commitment from a parent, you will
want to sign up your new pupil.
Registration form
The registration form will help you capture all the
relevant and important information you'll need.
Present this to the parent as they pay for the course
of lessons and make sure it's filled out and put on
You should put these details onto a spreadsheet to
create you pupil data base,, which will be used for
all future communications.
Medical form
This is a requirement in th UK and is useful if
you're faced with a problem at some point during
your lessons.
Bitesize Golf
Pupil Registration Form
email :
The safety and welfare of juniors in our care is paramount, and it is therefore important
that we are aware of any illness, medical condition and other relevant health details so that
their best interests are addressed.
Please complete this form with our assurance that the information will be treated as
It is the responsibility of the junior and/or their parent to notify the Bitesize Golf coach
if any of the details change at any time.
Home :
Pupil's name :
Address :
Postco de :
Age :
Mobile :
Mum's name : Dad's name :
Birthday : / /
Contact details : Parents or guardians
Home :
Mobile :
Work : Work :
Emergency contact details
Contact name :
Relationship to child:
Home phone:
Mobile phone:
Work phone:
© Bitesize Golf
Bitesize Golf
Medical information form
© Bitesize Golf
Registration form Medical form
Find the forms
Visit the Bitesize Golf admin centre here >>
Stage 5 - Ordering
Get stocked up
Key information
You've got interest, you've got start dates and you've
got your class of kids together, now all you have to
do is purchase the resource books and certificates.
Click the link below and visit the Bitesize Golf shop
and very simly click the number of books you want
in whichever colour you require, pop them in your
shopping basket and prceed to checkout.
Fill in the details and you'll receive confirmation
and the products will be on their way.
SNAG Training
If you really, really want to build an awesome
junior academy, becoming skilled in using SNAG
equipment and understanding the science behind
SNAG is like turbo-charging the whole process.
Training takes approximately half a day and is
carried out by Dave Gosling Master SNAG Trainer,
it will provide you with all the skills you'll need to
build the strongest schools programmes possible.
Training can be booked online and dates aranged
at mutually agreeable times and can include up to 6
people, making sure you and your team can service
all schools in your area.
Visit the Bitesize Golf shop here >>
Less than
per session
!Red and Orange levels £5.50 based on 6 sessions
Price includes
Book and Certificates
Stage 7 - Construction
Build a solid structure
SNAG (Soft golf) Schools Programme
Beginner players at club
SNAG (Soft golf) Schools Programme
Beginner players at club
Non handicap players at club / range
Beginner players at club
Hi handicap players at club / range
Junior handicap players at club / range
Senior handicap players at club / range
12 -28 handicap players at club / range
9 - 24 handicap players at club / range
5 - 18 handicap players at
club / range
Elite players
at club / range
20 pages
20 pages
24 pages
24 pages
24 pages
24 pages
28 pages
28 pages
28 pages
28 pages
£5.50 each
£5.50 each
£6.50 each
£6.50 each
£6.50 each
£6.50 each
£7.50 each
£7.50 each
£7.50 each
£7.50 each
All figures acurate at date of publishing and may be subject to alterations
If you've not yet received your guide, please get in touch and we'll email one to you straight away.
This 17 page document tells you all the important stuff about how to maximise this opportunity
and help you build an awesome junior academy.
Visit the web site at and you can access
various parts of the Coaches Area.
All those who've registered are added to the 'Find a club'
directory, please check your details and let us know if there's
anything that should be changed.
If you would like to advertise your
Bitesize Golf lessons on your own web
site, which is highly recommended, you can
get images and logos from us, all you have to
do is ask. If you'd like us to liaise with your web designer
guys, that's no problem either, just ask them to email us
Visit the 'Download' area by
following the directions in the sidebar. This is where you'll find
all the forms you need to start organising your first classes. once
you've got your Red groups underway, you will get the forms you
need for the following levels when you place your next order.
Next stop is the 'Admin' page where, if you a little patient,
you will view a short slideshow giving you a visual step by step
approach to getting started.
We are trying to make everything straightforward, so give it a
couple of views before moving on to the next stage
the 'Download Centre'.
Web site support
Great, you've persevered and made it this far, this is where it
gets really exciting, you can start to download your stock of
Bitesize Golf forms. Just hover over the form you need and click
on it. This will open it up as a pdf file and you should be able to
print away to your hearts content.
We recommend having a good stock of registration forms,
medical forms and dates and times forms.
You should have your step by step guide now, but if you haven't
and you'd like to download one, you can click on the single blue
> symbol found at the end of the first sentence at the top pf the
In time, much of the coaches area will be behind a secure log in,
which will enable us to offer more materials and more products.
Take time to visit the Bitesize golf blog, this is an area that's
continually changing and evolving. Why not place some
comments and join in with the chatter.
				 Of course, we have Facebook Linked In and 	
				 Twitter pages full of news and 			
				 images aimed at providing interest 	 	
				and ideas.
Great question, you've registered, you've found the web site and printed off some forms, now
STOP - Before you go any further, decide what you want to achieve. How many hours are you
willing to put into your junior academy? How many pupils in each class? How much are the
courses? How many lessons make up a course? 6 weeks is recommended, but it's your call.
Step 1	 - 	 Mad marketing
•	 	 Put posters in every range bay, the clubhouse, the fish and chip shop, school notice 	
	 boards, just about anywhere.
•	 	 Put brochures on your counter and distribute them around your local neighbourhood.
•	 	 Place flyers more generally and liberally around and about, why not walk around the 	
	 local shopping centre or mall and ask parents if they'd like their kid to have 		
	 the opportunity to play golf.
Step 2 - 	 Perpetual promotion
•	 	 Email your members database with some great news for their kids and grandkids.
•	 	 Contact the local press with the exciting news that there's a new dynamic junior golf 	
	 academy taking shape at the local golf club. They love a picture of lots of happy kids 	
	 with smiling faces. Write the article yourself and provide the picture for more chance 	
	 of getting it in print.
•	 	 Get your web site straight up to date with all the details of the programmes and your 	
	 dates and times. This is very important.
•	 	 If you can stretch to it, why not get a banner out on the road or some other sort of 	
	 professional signage created.
•	 	 Don't miss out on doing the end of session reports as this is the best way to keep up 	
	 your class sizes and keep retention rates high.
•	 	 Use social media and build your followers and your following. Keep these alive and 	
Step 3 - 	 Fabulous forms
•	 	 Download and print a good stock of REGISTRATION FORMS
•	 	 Download and print a good stock of MEDICAL FORMS
•	 	 Download and print a good stock of PAYMENT SUMMARY FORMS, one for each class
•	 	 Download and print a good stock of DATES and TIMES, one for each class
•	 	 Download the CHALLENGE SHEETS for each class
How do I get started?
If you're looking to bring new young golfers into the game, the very best place to start is in local
schools. It's important to understand that the first 2 levels, the RED and ORANGE are general,
basic golf knowledge aimed at getting pupils on board and into the structured system, where they
get used to the game, your coaching and the challenges and quizzes that lead to the certificates.
Step 1	 - 	 School's cool
•	 	 Use soft golf equipment, we whole-heartidly recommend SNAG as the very best first-	
	 touch kit if you actually want to coach some parts of the technical side of the swing.
•	 	 Find the local sports co-ordinator and explain how would like to introduce the pupils 	
	 to golf with the exit route leading to your local academy
Step 2 - 	 Chock's away!
•	 	 Start your first sessions and refer to the lesson plans to make sure your are covering 	
	 the topics required.
•	 	 Become familiar with the games, drills and skills to keep the sessions varied.
•	 	 Remember the skills challenges start in week 3
•	 	 Hand out the books on week 6 and do the quiz
Step 3 - 	 Stop & start
•	 	 Keep telling the kids about the other levels in front if them
•	 	 Assume they are all going to pass and talk about them reaching higher goals and 	
	 standards of play.
•	 	 USE the reports provided at the end of each level, they are critical to your success
•	 	 Allow kids ot join in even though they may have missed a couple of sessions, just 	
	 adjust the price slightly, but get them on board. Don't expect them to wait for weeks 	
	 before they start.
Step 3 - 	 Keep rolling
•	 	 As each class fills up, keep offering more dates and times because the demand just 	
	 continues to grow as word of mouth recommendation kicks in.
•	 	 You can have kids on different levels in the same class, the coaches manual explains 	
	 how this is possible.
•	 	 Bring your current pupils in at yellow level.
Build from the bottom
It's a fair question and one that should be asked and discussed. It's fair enough spending years
offering the £2 roll-up or free sessions, but really, where does that get anyone. For too long the
junior coaching has been handed down to the last un-trained assistant to go and practice their
Bitesize Golf has a different approach, it sees the new young golfers as the most precious
commodity the golf club has, the most valuable thing in golf and indeed a most prized asset to
your business. These young players are worth thousands to you and the facility where you're
based, so why treat them like an encumberance.
These figures are purely a demonstration of how your Bitesize Golf Academy might add up
and show the real value of junior group coaching. The prices you charge are entirely up to you
and they do vary geographically, the main message we can give you is to not undersell this
opportunity. The products and service you are providing are extremely valuable and you will have
more demand than you can deal with. It is important to pitch the right price from the outset.
You may decide to charge a higher price and have less students per class or your approach may
be to have a lower price with larger groups.
Example 1:
6 pupils paying £60 	 =	 £60 gross per hour over a 6 week course
Example 2:
8 pupils paying £60	 =	 £80 gross per hour over a 6 week course
Example 3:
8 pupils paying £45	 =	 £60 gross per hour over a 6 week course
Example 4:
SNAG Schools coaching Bitesize Golf Red and Orange levels
16 pupils paying £25 	 =	 £66 gross per hour over a 6 week course
What can I make?
Doing the math
We can carry these figures forward to an annual return, based on just 5 sets of courses per year,
running 6 classes a week (only 6 hours coaching per week or 180 hours a year).
Example 1:
6 pupils paying £60 	 =	 £10,800 gross per annum
Example 2:
8 pupils paying £60	 =	 £14,400 gross per annum
Example 3:
8 pupils paying £45	 =	 £10,800 gross per annum
Example 4:
16 pupils paying £25 	 =	 £11,880 gross per annum
There are so many potential customers right on your doorstep, the possibilities are enormous. As
an example, a dedicated Bitesize Golf coach could make a reasonable return based on a model
similar to this...
1 Coach:
Financial assumptions - 	 a)	 8 pupils paying £50
					b)	16 pupils paying £25
					 c)	 8 pupils paying £75
10 classes per week for 6 weeks holding 6 courses per
year = £24,000
4 schools with 2 classes per week for 6 terms per year
= £19,008
Holiday camps (Red and Orange levels) 3 hours for 3
days 10 per year = £6,000
Annual returns
Super centre
You, my friend are amongst the very lucky ones who are receiving all this help and support for
This diagram best illustrates how the levels work, the size of the book and where pupils will fit in.
How much does all this cost?
Stage 7 - Construction
Build a solid structure
SNAG (Soft golf) Schools Programme
Beginner players at club
SNAG (Soft golf) Schools Programme
Beginner players at club
Non handicap players at club / range
Beginner players at club
Hi handicap players at club / range
Junior handicap players at club / range
Senior handicap players at club / range
12 -28 handicap players at club / range
9 - 24 handicap players at club / range
5 - 18 handicap players at
club / range
Elite players
at club / range
20 pages
20 pages
24 pages
24 pages
24 pages
24 pages
28 pages
28 pages
28 pages
28 pages
£5.50 each
£5.50 each
£6.50 each
£6.50 each
£6.50 each
£6.50 each
£7.50 each
£7.50 each
£7.50 each
£7.50 each
All figures acurate at date of publishing and may be subject to alterations
How can I order products?
Once you have your classes assembled and hopefully they've all paid in advance, you simply place
your oders for books and materials in one of the following ways.
Bitesize Golf has an online shop where you can order and pay for all the products covered in this
publication. It has a description of everything and lets you add as many items as you need into a
shopping basket. Then your procede to the check out and follow the payment directions. Once all
this is complete, your prodcusts will be whizzed straight to you.
The shop can be found here
Drop us an email at
If you follow this link, you will be able to quickly and easily place your orders with just a few
Go shopping
email us
Easy form
TodayContact Dave:
07960 154913

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Bitesize Golf newsletter

  • 1. Bitesize NEWSThe latest news for all Bitesize Golf Coaches Issue 1 Building your Bitesize Golf Academy Help, tips, tricks and ideas for developing the ultimate junior academy Getting started Learn step by step how to recruit new pupils What's included Find all the tools required How it all works Directions for assembling a solid structure Coaches benefits A little effort brings big returns Branching out Spend the winter months coaching Bitesize golf in schools
  • 2. Contents Welcome What is Bitesize Golf? How does it work? What do i get? How do i get started? What can i make? how much does it all cost? how can i order products? All your questions answered with tips and advice on how to launch your awesome Bitesize Golf Academy. Remember, we're always here for help and support, just ask. W E L C O M E T O Bitesize Golf This newsletter is designed to give you all the information you might need regarding the new and exciting series of progressive programmes known as Bitesize Golf. You might know or recognise me from my days spent at the helm of Young Masters Golf, which was highly successful and widely acclaimed for the great work it did in developing the game amongst young players. After a short break, I have regrouped and devised and designed this new step by step approach to teaching youngsters. There are many advantages to running your junior coaching with Bitesize golf, which are highlighted throughout these pages. It has always been my goal to create something that grows the game of golf in a self sustaining way and helps golf coaches around the world develop strong and profitable coaching programmes. As you might well know, I usually have a head full of ambitious ideas and these 10 levels are only a small part of what will follow along in the future. Please enjoy these pages and feel free to get in touch if you have any further questions, I look forward to hearing from you and joining forces with you and your coaching team as we strive to offer an opportunity to play golf to many youngsters around the country. David Gosling Founder, creator Bitesize Golf Ltd Increased coaching Increased retention rates Revenue Customer Loyalty Schools, Ranges & Clubs Organisation / Planning Structure Planning Development Inexpensive No joining fees No monthly membership Pay as you go No 'tie - ins' 10 Levels Suitable for ages 6 - 16 272 pages All 34 rules covered Swing Etiquette Knowledge Drills Skills Challenges Quizzes Certificates Great fun Get started NOW At a glance
  • 3. There's so much to learn when you start to play golf, it's not simply learning how to build a repetitive stroke action, joining the club and winning trophies. What about the rules and etiquette and all the other golfing knowledge you're going to need so you don't embarrass yourself or get disqualified? Many players learn the ropes by listening to other golfers who are not much better educated than themselves, or by inadvertently breaking a rule or two and being reprimanded by someone in a senior role. The learning process can be quite negative and daunting and can act as a barrier to entry for many people. Golf coaches do a great job introducing new players to the game in a positive way, but it's probably fair to say much of the focus of each lesson is the golf swing and the technicalities that lie within, making all the strokes necessary to get around the course. Borne from these facts and frustrations, Bitesize Golf is a STRUCTURED golfing CURRICULUM that covers almost every aspect of the game in simple steps or 'Bite-Sized' chunks Some would say a lifetime, but it certainly takes more than a series of 5 or 6 lessons, no matter how proficient and talented the coach is. The key is retaining the pupils long enough to get all the information across, keeping them in the learning loop and keeping the interest levels high so they acquire the skills and knowledge they need. Other sports have established progressive coaching modules; think of swimming and all the martial arts. They motivate the pupils by getting them to strive to achieve the next level, the next badge or the next belt and reward them with certificates and badges. Having STRUCTURE and a PATHWAY undoubtedly helps to keep pupils in the system and variety, recognition and reward certainly adds positivity and excitement to the experience. What is Bitesize Golf exactly? STEPP I NG Stones to Succeses Howdoes it work? - Brilliantly The sum of all the partsHow long does it take to learn the game of golf? Coaches Kids Parents The Bitesize Golf coaching system is brilliantly simple in the way it gets kids into the game and keeps them in, by keeping them motivated and engaged. This is great for them and excellent news for the coach. This well proven approach appeals to young pupils. They are inspired and excited by receiving rewards and recognition and when they're enjoying themselves and having fun, they want to continue. All successful programmes have certain ingredients that make them work and Bitesize Golf has been built using more than 20 dedicated years of research and operation in the coaching domain. As a Bitesize Golf coach, you will have all the resources you need to maintain the highest interest rates. Each session of each level has a LESSON PLAN, which helps you get all the key points across in the most child- friendly way. With GAMES, DRILLS and OUTCOMES highlighted, you have everything you need to keep things moving along. Then you have all the admin tools and sheets to help you keep up to date and organised. There’s so much fun incorporated into these programmes, you will have an incredible resource of games and competitions at your disposal. You will be ready at a moments notice to change tack and introduce some new exciting activity that immediately settles the group and re-engages the little darlings. Each one of the drills and games has one or more technical benefit as well as helping to keep control and interest. Knowing how to ensure the pupils are enjoying their lessons is a fundamental key to the programmes success and future growth. When you are told just how much their kids are enjoying their golf lessons, you know you’re doing something right. Parents will see the PROFESSIONALISM of the materials, the content of the series of lessons and the progression and structure. They will buy into the longer term development of their children’s golf and you will have the custom of the whole family for many years to come. Bitesize Golf builds relationships and the benefits of this are far reaching when you consider what an impact you’re having on the social well-being of your pupils.
  • 4. You should have received your copy of the Step by step guide to getting your Bitesize Golf Academy off the ground and up and running. It's an essential document with many tips and hints on how to recruit kids to your programme. Starting with promotion and marketing materials supplied by us with all your key details. You can then print them off on your own computer, purchase professional high quality products through the Bitesize golf shop or unbelievably, we'll send you all our hard work so you can give them to your own local friendly print shop, so they can print them for you. You will now be getting enquiries and it's vital that you plan... When you're going to hold your classes. How many places are available in each class. What the price of the 6 week course is going to be. To begin your campaign of establishing the ultimate junior coaching programme, you need to start promoting the fact that you’re running the Bitesize Golf structured curriculum. We have provided the following materials, which can be supplied to you with your details incorporated. All you need to do is drop us an email with the exact details you would like included and we’ll create your very own flyers, brochures and posters. You can purchase these from the Bitesize Golf shop or request the PDF files so you can print your own. Stage 7 - Construction Build a solid structure SNAG (Soft golf) Schools Programme Beginner players at club SNAG (Soft golf) Schools Programme Beginner players at club Non handicap players at club / range Beginner players at club Hi handicap players at club / range Junior handicap players at club / range Senior handicap players at club / range 12 -28 handicap players at club / range 9 - 24 handicap players at club / range 5 - 18 handicap players at club / range Elite players at club / range 20 pages 20 pages 24 pages 24 pages 24 pages 24 pages 28 pages 28 pages 28 pages 28 pages Beginners Beginners Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Advanced Advanced Elite Elite £5.50 each £5.50 each £6.50 each £6.50 each £6.50 each £6.50 each £7.50 each £7.50 each £7.50 each £7.50 each All figures acurate at date of publishing and may be subject to alterations Your building tools What exactly do I get? Marketing materials Posters flyers & Brochures decals & Posters can be any size you like and look great in range bay dividers or clubhouse noticeboards. The 3 - fold brochures are perfect for you and your team to hand out to interested customers, full of important and exciting information about how it all works. The flyers are great for leaving in places like a doctors or dentists surgery, your local library or for handing out in schools or leisure centres. Stage 2 - Promotion Make some more noise Visit the Bitesize Golf shop here >> The old water pump Okay, so far so good. You've got posters everywhere and your friends and family have been out dropping leaflets and flyers in thousands of homes. You've starred on local radio and held several taster SNAG sessions at every primary and secondary school within 25 miles of the club. That's perfect, this is priming the pump and it's hard work getting the crystal clear water up from the depths of the well. Your classes get off the ground, 5 pupils in one session, 7 in another and a couple of groups of 8 coming on Staurdays. Look after these kids, get them excited and having fun, help them through the lessons and make a fuss of them when they achieve their certificates with distinction. Whatever you do DON'T STOP promoting, if you do the water that's just starting to flow will begin to drop right back down to the bottom of the well and you'll have to start all over again. Keep it flowing with gentle but consistent pressure. More taster sessions, ask the kids if they've got friends who would like to start playing golf. Sow the idea of brothers and sisters joining in when you talk with parents, refresh the posters and keep the flyers flying out of your shop. Take a look at the newsletters created for Bitesize golf at Canons Court and develop your very own news. click here for a look >> You must show pupils and parents the future, they don't know what's ahead of them in golf, but you do and if you make this picture bright and glorious, within easy reach and exciting, you will have customers who will follow you for years. Make sure you let the kids know about all of the levels and how they can work their up to the highest level, the gold. This way they will accept the longer term approach to learning the game and you can set you sights on developing their skills over the next couple of years at least. More tips and techniques are included in the lesson plans and coaches notes. Stage 3 - Organisation Get organised Key information Once you have commitment from a parent, you will want to sign up your new pupil. Registration form The registration form will help you capture all the relevant and important information you'll need. Present this to the parent as they pay for the course of lessons and make sure it's filled out and put on file. You should put these details onto a spreadsheet to create you pupil data base,, which will be used for all future communications. Medical form This is a requirement in th UK and is useful if you're faced with a problem at some point during your lessons. Bitesize Golf Pupil Registration Form email : The safety and welfare of juniors in our care is paramount, and it is therefore important that we are aware of any illness, medical condition and other relevant health details so that their best interests are addressed. Please complete this form with our assurance that the information will be treated as It is the responsibility of the junior and/or their parent to notify the Bitesize Golf coach if any of the details change at any time. Home : Pupil's name : Address : Postco de : Age : Mobile : Mum's name : Dad's name : Birthday : / / Contact details : Parents or guardians Home : Mobile : Work : Work : Emergency contact details Contact name : Relationship to child: Home phone: Mobile phone: Work phone: © Bitesize Golf Bitesize Golf Medical information form © Bitesize Golf Y ES Y ES Y ES Registration form Medical form Find the forms here Visit the Bitesize Golf admin centre here >> Stage 5 - Ordering Get stocked up Key information You've got interest, you've got start dates and you've got your class of kids together, now all you have to do is purchase the resource books and certificates. Shopping Click the link below and visit the Bitesize Golf shop and very simly click the number of books you want in whichever colour you require, pop them in your shopping basket and prceed to checkout. Fill in the details and you'll receive confirmation and the products will be on their way. SNAG Training If you really, really want to build an awesome junior academy, becoming skilled in using SNAG equipment and understanding the science behind SNAG is like turbo-charging the whole process. Training takes approximately half a day and is carried out by Dave Gosling Master SNAG Trainer, it will provide you with all the skills you'll need to build the strongest schools programmes possible. Training can be booked online and dates aranged at mutually agreeable times and can include up to 6 people, making sure you and your team can service all schools in your area. Visit the Bitesize Golf shop here >> Less than £1 per session !Red and Orange levels £5.50 based on 6 sessions Price includes Book and Certificates Stage 7 - Construction Build a solid structure SNAG (Soft golf) Schools Programme Beginner players at club SNAG (Soft golf) Schools Programme Beginner players at club Non handicap players at club / range Beginner players at club Hi handicap players at club / range Junior handicap players at club / range Senior handicap players at club / range 12 -28 handicap players at club / range 9 - 24 handicap players at club / range 5 - 18 handicap players at club / range Elite players at club / range 20 pages 20 pages 24 pages 24 pages 24 pages 24 pages 28 pages 28 pages 28 pages 28 pages Beginners Beginners Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Advanced Advanced Elite Elite £5.50 each £5.50 each £6.50 each £6.50 each £6.50 each £6.50 each £7.50 each £7.50 each £7.50 each £7.50 each All figures acurate at date of publishing and may be subject to alterations If you've not yet received your guide, please get in touch and we'll email one to you straight away. This 17 page document tells you all the important stuff about how to maximise this opportunity and help you build an awesome junior academy.
  • 5. Visit the web site at and you can access various parts of the Coaches Area. All those who've registered are added to the 'Find a club' directory, please check your details and let us know if there's anything that should be changed. If you would like to advertise your Bitesize Golf lessons on your own web site, which is highly recommended, you can get images and logos from us, all you have to do is ask. If you'd like us to liaise with your web designer guys, that's no problem either, just ask them to email us at Visit the 'Download' area by following the directions in the sidebar. This is where you'll find all the forms you need to start organising your first classes. once you've got your Red groups underway, you will get the forms you need for the following levels when you place your next order. Next stop is the 'Admin' page where, if you a little patient, you will view a short slideshow giving you a visual step by step approach to getting started. We are trying to make everything straightforward, so give it a couple of views before moving on to the next stage the 'Download Centre'. Web site support 1 2 3 Great, you've persevered and made it this far, this is where it gets really exciting, you can start to download your stock of Bitesize Golf forms. Just hover over the form you need and click on it. This will open it up as a pdf file and you should be able to print away to your hearts content. We recommend having a good stock of registration forms, medical forms and dates and times forms. You should have your step by step guide now, but if you haven't and you'd like to download one, you can click on the single blue > symbol found at the end of the first sentence at the top pf the page. In time, much of the coaches area will be behind a secure log in, which will enable us to offer more materials and more products. Take time to visit the Bitesize golf blog, this is an area that's continually changing and evolving. Why not place some comments and join in with the chatter. Of course, we have Facebook Linked In and Twitter pages full of news and images aimed at providing interest and ideas. 4 5 6
  • 6. Great question, you've registered, you've found the web site and printed off some forms, now what? STOP - Before you go any further, decide what you want to achieve. How many hours are you willing to put into your junior academy? How many pupils in each class? How much are the courses? How many lessons make up a course? 6 weeks is recommended, but it's your call. Step 1 - Mad marketing • Put posters in every range bay, the clubhouse, the fish and chip shop, school notice boards, just about anywhere. • Put brochures on your counter and distribute them around your local neighbourhood. • Place flyers more generally and liberally around and about, why not walk around the local shopping centre or mall and ask parents if they'd like their kid to have the opportunity to play golf. Step 2 - Perpetual promotion • Email your members database with some great news for their kids and grandkids. • Contact the local press with the exciting news that there's a new dynamic junior golf academy taking shape at the local golf club. They love a picture of lots of happy kids with smiling faces. Write the article yourself and provide the picture for more chance of getting it in print. • Get your web site straight up to date with all the details of the programmes and your dates and times. This is very important. • If you can stretch to it, why not get a banner out on the road or some other sort of professional signage created. • Don't miss out on doing the end of session reports as this is the best way to keep up your class sizes and keep retention rates high. • Use social media and build your followers and your following. Keep these alive and active. Step 3 - Fabulous forms • Download and print a good stock of REGISTRATION FORMS • Download and print a good stock of MEDICAL FORMS • Download and print a good stock of PAYMENT SUMMARY FORMS, one for each class • Download and print a good stock of DATES and TIMES, one for each class • Download the CHALLENGE SHEETS for each class How do I get started? If you're looking to bring new young golfers into the game, the very best place to start is in local schools. It's important to understand that the first 2 levels, the RED and ORANGE are general, basic golf knowledge aimed at getting pupils on board and into the structured system, where they get used to the game, your coaching and the challenges and quizzes that lead to the certificates. Step 1 - School's cool • Use soft golf equipment, we whole-heartidly recommend SNAG as the very best first- touch kit if you actually want to coach some parts of the technical side of the swing. • Find the local sports co-ordinator and explain how would like to introduce the pupils to golf with the exit route leading to your local academy Step 2 - Chock's away! • Start your first sessions and refer to the lesson plans to make sure your are covering the topics required. • Become familiar with the games, drills and skills to keep the sessions varied. • Remember the skills challenges start in week 3 • Hand out the books on week 6 and do the quiz Step 3 - Stop & start • Keep telling the kids about the other levels in front if them • Assume they are all going to pass and talk about them reaching higher goals and standards of play. • USE the reports provided at the end of each level, they are critical to your success • Allow kids ot join in even though they may have missed a couple of sessions, just adjust the price slightly, but get them on board. Don't expect them to wait for weeks before they start. Step 3 - Keep rolling • As each class fills up, keep offering more dates and times because the demand just continues to grow as word of mouth recommendation kicks in. • You can have kids on different levels in the same class, the coaches manual explains how this is possible. • Bring your current pupils in at yellow level. Build from the bottom
  • 7. It's a fair question and one that should be asked and discussed. It's fair enough spending years offering the £2 roll-up or free sessions, but really, where does that get anyone. For too long the junior coaching has been handed down to the last un-trained assistant to go and practice their trade. Bitesize Golf has a different approach, it sees the new young golfers as the most precious commodity the golf club has, the most valuable thing in golf and indeed a most prized asset to your business. These young players are worth thousands to you and the facility where you're based, so why treat them like an encumberance. These figures are purely a demonstration of how your Bitesize Golf Academy might add up and show the real value of junior group coaching. The prices you charge are entirely up to you and they do vary geographically, the main message we can give you is to not undersell this opportunity. The products and service you are providing are extremely valuable and you will have more demand than you can deal with. It is important to pitch the right price from the outset. You may decide to charge a higher price and have less students per class or your approach may be to have a lower price with larger groups. Example 1: 6 pupils paying £60 = £60 gross per hour over a 6 week course Example 2: 8 pupils paying £60 = £80 gross per hour over a 6 week course Example 3: 8 pupils paying £45 = £60 gross per hour over a 6 week course Example 4: SNAG Schools coaching Bitesize Golf Red and Orange levels 16 pupils paying £25 = £66 gross per hour over a 6 week course What can I make? Doing the math We can carry these figures forward to an annual return, based on just 5 sets of courses per year, running 6 classes a week (only 6 hours coaching per week or 180 hours a year). Example 1: 6 pupils paying £60 = £10,800 gross per annum Example 2: 8 pupils paying £60 = £14,400 gross per annum Example 3: 8 pupils paying £45 = £10,800 gross per annum Example 4: 16 pupils paying £25 = £11,880 gross per annum There are so many potential customers right on your doorstep, the possibilities are enormous. As an example, a dedicated Bitesize Golf coach could make a reasonable return based on a model similar to this... 1 Coach: Financial assumptions - a) 8 pupils paying £50 b) 16 pupils paying £25 c) 8 pupils paying £75 10 classes per week for 6 weeks holding 6 courses per year = £24,000 4 schools with 2 classes per week for 6 terms per year = £19,008 Holiday camps (Red and Orange levels) 3 hours for 3 days 10 per year = £6,000 Annual returns Super centre
  • 8. You, my friend are amongst the very lucky ones who are receiving all this help and support for FREE. This diagram best illustrates how the levels work, the size of the book and where pupils will fit in. How much does all this cost? Stage 7 - Construction Build a solid structure SNAG (Soft golf) Schools Programme Beginner players at club SNAG (Soft golf) Schools Programme Beginner players at club Non handicap players at club / range Beginner players at club Hi handicap players at club / range Junior handicap players at club / range Senior handicap players at club / range 12 -28 handicap players at club / range 9 - 24 handicap players at club / range 5 - 18 handicap players at club / range Elite players at club / range 20 pages 20 pages 24 pages 24 pages 24 pages 24 pages 28 pages 28 pages 28 pages 28 pages Beginners Beginners Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Advanced Advanced Elite Elite £5.50 each £5.50 each £6.50 each £6.50 each £6.50 each £6.50 each £7.50 each £7.50 each £7.50 each £7.50 each All figures acurate at date of publishing and may be subject to alterations How can I order products? Once you have your classes assembled and hopefully they've all paid in advance, you simply place your oders for books and materials in one of the following ways. Bitesize Golf has an online shop where you can order and pay for all the products covered in this publication. It has a description of everything and lets you add as many items as you need into a shopping basket. Then your procede to the check out and follow the payment directions. Once all this is complete, your prodcusts will be whizzed straight to you. The shop can be found here Drop us an email at If you follow this link, you will be able to quickly and easily place your orders with just a few clicks. Go shopping email us Easy form