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Life Lessons
Pursuit of Happyness: Life Lessons You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do
somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it.
Period. (Chris Garnder). Chris Garnder said this in the movie, "The Pursuit of Happyness,"
written by a man with the name Steve Conrad. He bases the movie off of the life of Chris
Garnder, and his struggles in life. Garnder's life can teach others many life lessons. Garnder's wife
left him, which made him a single father. Even though he was left in a horrible situation with
being a single father and being poor, he was determined to make the best of the situation and work
his behind off for a better life for his son. The first life lesson one can learn from this movie would
be that determination can get a more content...
When Garnder was left with his son and he knew it would be hard to support him, instead of
putting his son up for adoption (which would have been an easier route), he chose to stick it out
and be an amazing father. He knew that he had nothing to offer his son material wise, but he did
offer him love and knowledge. At one point in the movie, he showed anger toward his son when
they were kicked out of their home. His son was crying because all of their belongings wereout of
the house, Garnder yelled for him to be quiet. The viewers saw this being mad not because he had
no home, but his son would be now homeless. He made the best out of a bad situation by going
multiple places and trying to sell bone density scanners so that he could get money to support his
son and get him out of the homeless shelter. Once he sold one, he and his son went to a hotel to
stay. In this scene, it shows how close they are. They have a big hotel room with beds and a couch,
and even with all of that stuff around them they still snuggled up on the couch together. This showed
how strong their bond
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I Was The Most Important Lesson Of My Life Essay
I was sitting in the freezing locker room of Lee's Summit North High School waiting for the
basketball coaches to call my name. I had been running through the week of try–outs in my head
assessing my performance, and I believe I played very well. Seconds later, I heard coach yell,
"TATE YOU'RE NEXT". This wasn't my first tryout so I wasn't too nervous about it. As I am
walking down the long hallway I heard all the excited talking and yelling from all my peers
celebrating the fact they had made the team. I finally got to the office and began to have a
conversation about my strength and weaknesses. As we are getting to the end of this strenuous
conversation, the coach finally tells me I didn't make the team. At that point I had no idea I was
going to learn the most important lesson of my life. Getting cut from this team allowed me to
learn that everything happens for a reason, always trusting in God, and giving 100%. By doing
this you can achieve amazing things. At first, I was super mad trying to process the whole
situation. I was just going in circles in my mind and this was going no where. So many
unanswered questions were running through my head. Basketball had been a huge part of my life,
and I wasn't really sure what to do without it. One of the biggest struggles I faced at this time was
whether or not to stay with basketball and try this again next year, try something new, or just decide
sports aren 't my thing. I knew that all my hard work training for basketball wasn
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Life Lessons In My Life
During the years 2014–2017, I was diagnosed with Non–Hodgkins Lymphoma, a type of cancer.
Although it is treatable, it was a very long and hard battle. Through that experience, I had come to
realize many different things, as did Morrie Schwartz from Tuesdays With Morrie. Morrie is an
older man who was diagnosed with the disease ALS. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative
disease that slowly degenerates the nerves in the body, rendering them useless. He has a limited
amount of years left to live, and in those years he wants to teach as many life lessons as he knows.
Morrie Schwartz teaches others to live life through appreciating relationships (not money), through
our idea of a perfect day, and by teaching us to live life to the fullest by not taking everyday things
for granted. The first lesson that Morrie teaches is to appreciate relationships, not money. Morrie
realizes that many people value money too much. Those people tend to worship money, acting as if
it can create happiness. Morrie states that "The truth is you don't get satisfaction from those things.
You know what really gives you satisfaction? ...offering others what you have to give." (Albom 126)
I completely agree with this statement. Money cannot provide the same things that actually people
can. This connected to my life when I was in the hospital going through treatment. Many of my
friends and family would send money, gifts, or gift cards. Although this was a nice gesture to show
that they were thinking about
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Essential Life Lessons
A girl who studies hard for a test receives a 96, while a boy who cheats and did not prepare for it
receives a 100. Is it better for the child to get the better grade, or for the student to learn what is
being taught? Actually learning the material while gaining knowledge is more beneficial than
getting the better grade if someone does not deserve it. Doing things the correct way for the right
reasons is more important than the end results because people learn essential life lessons that will
positively affect their lives.If someone does something for the right motivations they learn to be
determined. They learn that they cannot receive everything that they desire by just wanting it, and
they learn that they need to work hard and follow
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The Essence Of Life And Our Purpose Essay
The essence of life and our purpose in it are the types of questions that lurk in the back of many of
our minds. When these questions arise, we can either develop our thoughts, or we can ignore the
question all together. Questioning life and our meaning in it is what develops our mode of
consciousness, or in other words, our self awareness, which then impacts our actions. Someone with
a developed answer or an idea of the essence of life will have a good understanding of themselves
and their duties on Earth. Although, someone who ignores the question, will become not much of a
human at all, but more a thoughtless and purposeless group of living cells. A person without a
mode of consciousness will not be able to live a meaningful life, and therefore they will conduct
himself or herself in a careless and greedy manner through his or her actions. This connection
between somebody's state of mind and their actions is expressed in both Karen Armstrong's work,
"Homo Religiosus" and Charles Siebert's, "An Elephant Crackup?". Both authors give examples of
how a human's modes of consciousness reflects the outcome of that human's actions. Specifically the
authors focus on actions such as taking the life of an animal, seeking answers through religion or
science, and participating in physical acts and emotional therapies. In essence, people's mode of
consciousness directly affects their behavior, which means that their mode of consciousness can be
revealed through their actions.
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Life Lessons : Lesson Of Life
Life Lessons
When I was younger my environment at home was not ideal. I try not to dwell in the past and I
also thank these moments for shaping me to be the person that I am today. I grew up in a
household with my three siblings: Meli, Derick, Steyn, my mother, Melissa, and the different men
she dated. The memories aren't the best but I wouldn't be who I am without them. I'll always
remember seeing everyone around me high, stealing, or mentally abusing a loved one but it's just
shown me how not to act and how to treat the people I claim to care for.
When I was in the 6th grade, my mother got into an awful relationship that flipped our world upside
down. I was twelve at the time and Melissa had finally got back into the dating world. His name
was Allan and he seemed like a great person at first. He had manners and made me do chores.
Allan always cooked nasty candy carrots that I had to eat before leaving the kitchen table. I thought
this was just something normal bossy step fathers did. He then started acting like he was my dad. I
tried to talk to my mom how I didn't like that. I didn't notice it then but that's when I slowly started
losing my mother. She started reacting less to things and I knew something was up.
It wasn't till a few months later until I realized my mom was addicted to drugs My sister, Meli,
played a huge role in my life. She always tried to hide me away from any bad stuff happening in my
household and that's a true accomplishment. She always made me stay
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Life Lessons Learned
We all have times or moments in our lives where we learn something. We learn our life lessons
through trial and tribulation, and through happy times alike. I have had several moments like this,
when you learn something through an experience of yours. Some of these moments were happy
moments, others were sad. These incidences are sort of like tests, and an opportunity to learn
from our mistakes, or to learn from others' mistakes along the way. One time in my life when I
learned one of these lessons was when I was in second grade. I had just moved to Oklahoma from
Texas, but I was not nervous about going to a new school. I had always had no trouble making
friends wherever I went. I did not expect to be met with challenges that no second grader should
ever have to encounter; racism and being told that my friends could not play with me because I was
a girl. It all began during the summer before second grade. My mom and I had moved from Texas
to Oklahoma, while my dad stayed back to finish taking care of the farm. My mother taught at the
high school, and a sweet lady that had a son my age babysat me during summer while my mom was
at work. Her son was named Grant. I came to be really good friends with Grant over the summer,
and I also befriended some of his other friends. I remember reading Junie B. Jones books with them
on a big couch and Grant teaching me how to do cartwheels on a trampoline. The summer was full
of childish fun and laughs. The happiness of that summer was
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Life Lessons In Life
Life's Lessons The first interview I conducted was with my grandmother Arlyn DeBoer. She is
over 65 and has been retired from teaching for nine years this fall. Although it was more of a
discussion on life choices and marriage than an actual question and answer interview, it was very
insightful. Our discussion took place in her home office on Saturday evening. The topics
discussed were marriage and God. She is a strong believer in God and therefore, most of her
wisdom comes from the bible or spiritual experiences she has had during her lifetime. One of the
questions I asked her was how she gets along with my grandfather so well. Her response was, they
both love the Lord. He has provided them with everything they could possibly ask for in life:
healthy children and grandchildren, a roof over their heads, food and water, transportation, et
cetera. Therefore, there is no room for anger or fighting. He provides them with protection and
leads them down the correct paths in life. My grandma's favorite bible verse is Psalm 91. She
reads this verse everyday and prays for everyone in her life. Another piece of advice she gave me
on choosing a spouse, was to pay attention on how they treat their mother and siblings. It says a lot
about a man. When asked about the importance of money in life, she said it is needed only for the
necessities, money does not make you happy, the people in your life do. The best advice she gave
me was to follow the lord and to do what makes me happy.
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Life Lesson Essay
Life Lessons Learned from Youth Competitive Sports Imagine: you are on a green soccer field,
wearing new cleats and a shiny uniforming. It's almost the end of the game and you need one more
point to break the tie so you can win and go to champions. But then when you're about to score the
referee comes in and tells you and everyone else that can't play because it's too dangerous. Kids
have been playing competitive sports for decades. So why should they not be played? Kids should
play competitive sports because they teach important life lessons. Such as sportsmanship and
teamwork. One reason youth competitive sports teach lessons is they teach teamwork. According to, it states "Sportsmanlike behavior is a lesson that children obtain from playing sports"
(Pish 1). As you can see, that when children play competitive sports they are obtaining
sportsmanship from losing and winning. Also according to, it states "Children learn to
positively handle both winning and losing aspect of playing a sport, and good sportsmanship is a
trait that carries over from childhood to adulthood" (Pish 1). This shows that when you gain
sportsmanship it can be carried from childhood to adulthood. Lastly according to "NYTimes" you
can more content...
It can be possible if you're not wearing the proper equipment. Or if you're not following the rules of
the game correctly. Sometimes you can get hurt just from tripping over someone's foot. However, if
you wear the proper equipment and follow the rules to the sport, you can easily prevent getting hurt.
According to "" if you were protective gear you won't get hurt (Quinn 1). This shows
that when you wear protective gear, you can prevent yourself from getting hurt. Also according to
"" if you play by the rules you can prevent getting hurt (Quinn 1). This shows that when
you follow the rules you can prevent yourself from getting
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Life Lessons Research Paper
Snyder.Session1.Journal Life's Lessons Kids. Just a simple four–letter word one would think. My
kids are the reason for every decision in my life. The reason I wake up in the morning and push
myself every day. In June this year I found out that I was expecting my third child. I had always
thought before that I would be just so happy because well kids are great! No, not the case I was
scared, heck I had never been scared before not even with my first so why now? The answer is I had
grown up. I'm almost 30! Granted yes, I have a couple years but still, and since I'm almost 30 what
do I have to show for it? A run–down townhome that I rent might I add, a car that is always in the
shop, a CNA job that hardly got me by, no savings account no extra
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Lifes Greatest Lesson Essay
Life's Greatest Lesson
"A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." As Henry Adams stated, and
is the summary of the impervious bond between the characters Mitch and Morrie, in Tuesdays with
Morrie. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) often referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease is a form of
motor neuron diseases. It is a rare disorder in which the nerves that control muscular activity
degenerate within the brain and spinal cord. What results is weakness and wasting away of the
muscles. The cause is unknown. About one to two cases of ALS are diagnosed annually per
100,000 people in the US. (Lou) Sufferers will notice weakness in the hands and arms accompanied
by wasting of more content...
Morrie Schwartz was a man of great wisdom who loved and enjoyed to see and experience the
simplicity of life, something beyond life's most challenging and unanswered mysteries. It is from
Morrie that we learn that life is most happily experienced when enjoyed and fulfilled to its highest
ability. Morrie touched the lives of many, and he will always be remembered for his sincerity and his
compassion for life and for love. The lessons Morrie loved to teach were of his own experience with
In his lessons, Morrie advises Mitch to reject the popular culture in favor of creating his own. The
individualistic culture Morrie encourages Mitch to create for him is a culture founded on love,
acceptance, and human goodness, a culture that upholds a set of ethical values unlike the mores that
popular culture endorses. Popular culture, Morrie says, is founded on greed, selfishness, and
superficiality, which he urges Mitch to overcome. Morrie also stresses that he and Mitch must accept
death and aging, as both are inevitable.
A symbol that represents Morrie's life throughout the book is the pink hibiscus plant. As Morrie's
body deteriorates, so does the condition of the hibiscus plant. The plant's pink petals wither and
fall as Morrie grows increasingly dependent on his aides and on oxygen. As his death approached, so
does the death of the plant. It is used as a metaphor for Morrie
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Lessons Learned In My Life Essay
in the course of our lives we will always have ups and downs, who have taught us many lessons,
lessons are what shape us as people, helps us understand why things happen and give meaning to
our lives. one of the places where I have spent most of my life has been the school, which has
brought me many lessons that I will never forget, as what is true friendship, take responsibility and
what is falling in love for the first time, I know that most all of us have gone through these lessons
and best of all is that in most cases we will have happen several times during the course of our
lives. the first of the lessons I have learned during these years in school was friendship, you
realize how people are and who they really are for you in good times and bad, just when you need
them. As you realize who your friend ?. So begins my first lesson was to know which is my best
friend Valentina, who just two months ago we fulfill our 8 years of friendship, where we have
lived a little of everything, many adventures, sadness, fights but at the end of the day we together at
all, even the distance, she lives in mexico and here, there is not a day without talk and talk about us
and our problems, so my first lesson is
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Life Lessons Learned
One thing that i have learned over the 20 years i have lived on earth is that i can't control
everything in my life. There are somethings that are just meant to be and there's nothing that i can
do about it. Though it indeed did take me some time to officially accept this, i have and i feel it's
one of the most important lessons to learn in your early years. I was always the kid who always
tried to fix problems and it always hit me hard when i couldn't fix the problem no matter how hard
i tried. Some things that we can't control are common sense like weather, and true accidents. Other
things are more complicated like when parents get divorced or why one parent walks out of the
picture completely. In these situations we like to think we have control and we wish we could do
something to fix these situations but we can't and though it may be challenging to accept, there
comes a point where we have to or it will just eat us apart.
When it comes to my decisions and whether it affects my viewpoint on the world i would say yes.
One example would be if one person was dead set on their definition of a gangsta: one may believe
that gangstas are low lifes that have anger issues and that they always wear their pants down to the
ground. This more content...
Freedom also means that a person has the right to say what they want when they want even if others
disagree. Freedom itself gives us privilege but our freedoms are also seen as privileges
themselves. With this we need to take in consideration that just because they are our rights don't
mean we can take advantage of them because you may find yourself in a situation where your
privileges are taken away from you. This comes in play when one breaks the law. For example we
have the right to bear arms but if you have a felony then in this situation you're right to conceal a
weapon is taken away from
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Life Lesson Analysis
Life Lesson/ Moral: I think that this story has way more than one moral hidden within the book,
but if I had to choose I would definitely talk about how Thomas feels betrayed by Teresa but still
trusts her all along because he knows that deep down inside she still loves him. This is all about
sticking it through to the end and putting your faith into someone you trust even though you don't
know if it's a good idea or not. Summarizing: Thomas wakes up and instantly knows something is
wrong. Teresa is gone, and the people that saved them are nowhere to be seen. Thomas and the
gladers quickly assess their situation and get their emotions under control. They are back in the
trials again... The gladers soon realize, they have no food and they are locked inside a brick
building with no way out. All they have is hope that someone will come save them. It has been
days, and Thomas and all the other gladers suffer from a lack of energy and an empty feeling of
starvation in more content...
Minho, the person with the tattoo that says "leader" takes charge and gets the gladers set off. As
the gladers are walking they see a city off in the distance and start to head toward it. When they
get there they see that everyone in the city is crazy and are going insane because of a disease
called the "Flare." They finally are able to get through the city while picking up some friends
along the way. Thomas and the gladers are now becoming aware of another group of gladers
called "group b." Group b is the exact same as the gladers except it's all girls instead of guys.
These two groups after a while of conversing and fighting finally band together and get to the safe
haven where they find a stick that simply says "safe haven." This turns out to be another trick and
they have to fight off monsters to get to the real safe haven. Together Thomas and his friends fight
off the monster and get through the
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In any books that you read you can gain many different morals and meanings from the book. You
can gain different morals and meanings from the story or from the way that all of the characters
act with the conflicts in the story. In Alchemist there were many life lessons that you could learn
throughout reading the book.These are the life lessons i was able to gain from reading the book
over the summer. One of the life lessons that was the easiest to find ways to never give up on your
dreams no matter what the world throws at you. The last two life lessons was that fear is a bigger
obstacle than the obstacle itself. And the final life lesson that I was able to gain from reading the
book was that you should always get back up when you fall. All of these life lessons have
examples from the book and can be worked into real life. The first life lesson that I was able to
gain through reading the book was, to never give up on your dreams no matter what the world
throws at you. There were many examples of this in the book. The main reason that I was able to
gain this life lesson was when Santiago got robbed on his journey. When he was robbed he was
robbed by a man that he trusted, however he did not give up on his journey to find the treasure.
Santiago worked around him getting robbed by someone that he had trusted. You can transform
this life lesson many ways into life whether it has to do with school, sports, or just your everyday
life. If you apply this to your school if you
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Reflective Essay On Life Lessons
How do I want people to remember me? Perhaps for always having the current style, or that
breathtaking prom dress I wore senior year. Of course not, I hope people remember me for
something with a deeper meaning. I want people to remember my life lessons; the life lessons I
implement in everyday life. Recently, I received the assignment of reading The Last Lecture.
Nearing his death, Randy Pausch, the author and main character, has terminal cancer and wants the
world to remember him. He makes it his goal to teach his life lessons during his last lecture as a
legacy to leave behind for his children. Reflecting on this, four life lessons I showcase and wish
people will remember me by are the thrill of adventure, the importance of leadership, and the
insignificance of others opinions, and the necessity of failure.
The Thrill of Adventure
Always being a nature lover, I love adventures. From camping, kayaking, hiking, and getting lost
in the process, I could tell dozens of stories. Every human has this glorious earth at their disposal,
and I feel so apologetic for the people who are afraid of exploring the outdoors. This summer, I went
on a seven–hour kayaking trip, and we ended up getting stranded miles from our destination.
However, I was able to witness gorgeous, breathtaking waterfalls; they were waterfalls that no one
could ever witness if they did not take the path less traveled. Yes, it was terrifying; however, the
stories I have outweigh my fear of adventure. Urging all to come along, I will always seek the
The Importance of Leadership Leadership is overly emphasized compared to any other skill set. It
does not matter if I am the top of my class, if I am the best athlete, or if I am a phenomenal
musician. Sure, these skills may help myself advance somewhere; however, these skills combined
with leadership can lead to the unthinkable. For example, our president, Donald Trump, is
definitely not the smartest person in the world. Yet, he has leadership abilities, and the people voted
for him. In The Last Lecture, Pausch describes Captain J. Kirk from Star Trek as not being
remarkably intelligent; however, "There is a skill set called "leadership." Therefore, the commander
of the Starship Enterprise
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Life's Greatest Lesson Essay
Life's Greatest Lesson
Morrie Schwartz was an intelligent, interesting senior citizen that touched a lot of people,
especially Mitch Albom. Morrie passed on a lot of his knowledge in the last few months of his life,
due to amyotrophic lareral sclerosis (ALS). This paper will touch on Morrie's philosophy of life,
what he says is important and valuable, and also the struggles and problems of life. I will also
compare Morrie's message with other philosophies and also give my opinion about Morrie's
theory of human nature and philosophy of life. Morrie's philosophy of life is full of many ideas
and to better understand it it's easier to break it down into parts. One of the philosophies was to
cherish family and to be more open about more content...
Many let the culture tell them how to live their life but his philosophy is that you must be your
own person and don't let anyone else tell you how to live. Morrie put a lot of emphasis on what is
important and valuable in his philosophy of life. One value that he felt very strongly about was
that people look at material things to judge others instead of looking on the inside and getting to
know them. One quote that supports this statement says how we should not depend on material
things to find happiness and love. "They were embracing material things and expecting a sort of
hug back. But it never works. You can't substitute material things for love or for gentleness or for
tenderness or for a sense of comradeship" (Albom p. 125). This quote shows one of Morrie's
strongest values, it tells how he felt about money and material items. Morrie felt that people look
to much at what others have and base their friends on money. You cannot turn to cars, money, or
mansions to get love and be liked by others. If someone is your true friend they will love you for
who you are and not what you have. Morrie also had ideas on the challenges faced by humans and
our human nature. He highlighted some of the struggles and problems faced by most humans. The
following quote shows how Morrie felt about people basing their lives on money instead of simple
pleasures. "Morrie had always been taken with simple pleasures, singing, laughing, dancing. Now,
more than ever,
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Lessons of Life Essay
All through life, we experience various occasions when decision–making become necessary. A
number of them present themselves in difficult forms and at crucial points. Most of the verdict
we take will eventually figure and describe our track of lives. These are what we refer to as lessons
of life. Choices never present themselves in an easy way. In some instance we are always forced to
pay a price to achieve something. This implies that we are trading for an outcome we are seeking.
Period, actions and situation can help us learn a lot about our environment, ourselves and people in
general. They give us an opportunity to face our reliability, integrity, accountability and skills of
dealing with life result. In the beginning, people more content...
However, Life can then be said to be the conditional value of human affairs or individual's manner
of living, it is the admiration of one's condition, personality and behaviour. It can be the measured
by the collective value of each affair in distinctive class or type, and considering whichever way or
the nature of living one indulges in, either at the low–level or high level or the good or evil etiquette
of living. According to Timothy Titcomb in his book "Lessons in life" he noted that there are so
many outrageous things that have been practiced in the family and moods are the excuses being
given for such action, because, moods are the most indefensible things generally (Titcomb, 6).
Additionally, Titcomb stated that Living creatures can thus in a level become the masters of their
mood (Titcomb, 7).
John Cleese once quoted that "We all work in two contrasting modes, which might be described as
open and closed". In view of this, he expatiated that "the open mode is more relaxed, more receptive,
more democratic, more playful and more humorous. While, the closed mode is tighter, more rigid,
hierarchical, and more tunnel–vision. He further elaborated that most people spend most of their time
in the closed mode"
Consequently, each person at some point in life asks some question about life. Some ask if they
actually want to live the kind of life they are experiencing, while some will ask other questions like
"who am I" or "The importance of their
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Tuesdays With Morrie Life Lessons Essay
In Tuesdays with Morrie there are many important life lessons; in fact there are so many that it
was hard to choose the three that I thought were the most important. In order to pick just three I
had to think about the lessons I need to focus on in my life, the lessons I need to remind myself of
daily. Everyone needs reminders in their daily lives to keep them going and remind them of what is
important. Life gets busy, and I often times lose focus of what is truly important and the lessons in
Tuesdays with Morrie was the reminder I needed to slow down and focus on what is important in life.
The first lesson I chose was, "Sometimes you can't believe what you see; you have to believe
what you feel." (Albom 61) Morrie taught students to trust people based on feeling and not just on
what they see. Looks do not determine how trustworthy a person is. In today's society, it is often a
misconception that people with tattoos, gauges, long hair, etc. are bad people and people who are
clean cut and attend church every Sunday are good people. This is an example of trusting people
based on what you see. Morrie is trying more content...
Like it says on page 190 of the text, "He was changing until the day he said good–bye." Professor
Morrie didn't give up on life, because he knew it was not too late to change and to continue to
make a difference in other people's lives. This is a major lesson the book taught me, because often
times I think to myself, "I'm too old to start over, I can't do this at my age." In fact that is not true,
it is never too late, anything can be done in life, no matter how late in life you are, and Morrie was
a great example of that. He continued teaching until the day he passed, and even taught someone
after he was gone. It was never too late for him, and he knew that, he made that a part of his everyday
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Life Is A Succession Of Lessons Essay
A great poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Life is a succession of lessons which must be
lived to be understood". (Emerson) Life teaches us lesson at every step of the way, which helps us
to become who we are. While conducting this research, I was able to interview Khan, a 68 years
old man with an abundance of experience. While interviewing them, I asked them questions
regarding their personal and professional life. During a long, almost 90 minutes' interview, I was
able to ask a considerate number of questions from different areas of their life, and the questions
were not limited to any specific type. The questions were sorted into six different segments based on
the significance of it, and the seventh section consists of my observations and a brief summary.
The first set of questions were related to the early phase of Khan's life, such as birth, childhood and
primary educational background. Mr. Khan was born in a small metropolitan called Feni, which is
located in Chittagong division in People's republic of Bangladesh. Mr. Khan spent his childhood
and a major part of teenage years there, at his ancestral estate. His family had a considerate amount
of wealth as his forefathers held powerful positions at government, and other areas. Mr. Khan had
three brothers and three sisters, and the eldest brother was killed during the liberation war of 1971.
Mr. Khan have a very little memory of paternal grandparents, as they passed away during his early
life, and have never met
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Life Lesson Essays

  • 1. Life Lessons Pursuit of Happyness: Life Lessons You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period. (Chris Garnder). Chris Garnder said this in the movie, "The Pursuit of Happyness," written by a man with the name Steve Conrad. He bases the movie off of the life of Chris Garnder, and his struggles in life. Garnder's life can teach others many life lessons. Garnder's wife left him, which made him a single father. Even though he was left in a horrible situation with being a single father and being poor, he was determined to make the best of the situation and work his behind off for a better life for his son. The first life lesson one can learn from this movie would be that determination can get a more content... When Garnder was left with his son and he knew it would be hard to support him, instead of putting his son up for adoption (which would have been an easier route), he chose to stick it out and be an amazing father. He knew that he had nothing to offer his son material wise, but he did offer him love and knowledge. At one point in the movie, he showed anger toward his son when they were kicked out of their home. His son was crying because all of their belongings wereout of the house, Garnder yelled for him to be quiet. The viewers saw this being mad not because he had no home, but his son would be now homeless. He made the best out of a bad situation by going multiple places and trying to sell bone density scanners so that he could get money to support his son and get him out of the homeless shelter. Once he sold one, he and his son went to a hotel to stay. In this scene, it shows how close they are. They have a big hotel room with beds and a couch, and even with all of that stuff around them they still snuggled up on the couch together. This showed how strong their bond Get more content on
  • 2. I Was The Most Important Lesson Of My Life Essay I was sitting in the freezing locker room of Lee's Summit North High School waiting for the basketball coaches to call my name. I had been running through the week of try–outs in my head assessing my performance, and I believe I played very well. Seconds later, I heard coach yell, "TATE YOU'RE NEXT". This wasn't my first tryout so I wasn't too nervous about it. As I am walking down the long hallway I heard all the excited talking and yelling from all my peers celebrating the fact they had made the team. I finally got to the office and began to have a conversation about my strength and weaknesses. As we are getting to the end of this strenuous conversation, the coach finally tells me I didn't make the team. At that point I had no idea I was going to learn the most important lesson of my life. Getting cut from this team allowed me to learn that everything happens for a reason, always trusting in God, and giving 100%. By doing this you can achieve amazing things. At first, I was super mad trying to process the whole situation. I was just going in circles in my mind and this was going no where. So many unanswered questions were running through my head. Basketball had been a huge part of my life, and I wasn't really sure what to do without it. One of the biggest struggles I faced at this time was whether or not to stay with basketball and try this again next year, try something new, or just decide sports aren 't my thing. I knew that all my hard work training for basketball wasn Get more content on
  • 3. Life Lessons In My Life During the years 2014–2017, I was diagnosed with Non–Hodgkins Lymphoma, a type of cancer. Although it is treatable, it was a very long and hard battle. Through that experience, I had come to realize many different things, as did Morrie Schwartz from Tuesdays With Morrie. Morrie is an older man who was diagnosed with the disease ALS. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that slowly degenerates the nerves in the body, rendering them useless. He has a limited amount of years left to live, and in those years he wants to teach as many life lessons as he knows. Morrie Schwartz teaches others to live life through appreciating relationships (not money), through our idea of a perfect day, and by teaching us to live life to the fullest by not taking everyday things for granted. The first lesson that Morrie teaches is to appreciate relationships, not money. Morrie realizes that many people value money too much. Those people tend to worship money, acting as if it can create happiness. Morrie states that "The truth is you don't get satisfaction from those things. You know what really gives you satisfaction? ...offering others what you have to give." (Albom 126) I completely agree with this statement. Money cannot provide the same things that actually people can. This connected to my life when I was in the hospital going through treatment. Many of my friends and family would send money, gifts, or gift cards. Although this was a nice gesture to show that they were thinking about Get more content on
  • 4. Essential Life Lessons A girl who studies hard for a test receives a 96, while a boy who cheats and did not prepare for it receives a 100. Is it better for the child to get the better grade, or for the student to learn what is being taught? Actually learning the material while gaining knowledge is more beneficial than getting the better grade if someone does not deserve it. Doing things the correct way for the right reasons is more important than the end results because people learn essential life lessons that will positively affect their lives.If someone does something for the right motivations they learn to be determined. They learn that they cannot receive everything that they desire by just wanting it, and they learn that they need to work hard and follow Get more content on
  • 5. The Essence Of Life And Our Purpose Essay The essence of life and our purpose in it are the types of questions that lurk in the back of many of our minds. When these questions arise, we can either develop our thoughts, or we can ignore the question all together. Questioning life and our meaning in it is what develops our mode of consciousness, or in other words, our self awareness, which then impacts our actions. Someone with a developed answer or an idea of the essence of life will have a good understanding of themselves and their duties on Earth. Although, someone who ignores the question, will become not much of a human at all, but more a thoughtless and purposeless group of living cells. A person without a mode of consciousness will not be able to live a meaningful life, and therefore they will conduct himself or herself in a careless and greedy manner through his or her actions. This connection between somebody's state of mind and their actions is expressed in both Karen Armstrong's work, "Homo Religiosus" and Charles Siebert's, "An Elephant Crackup?". Both authors give examples of how a human's modes of consciousness reflects the outcome of that human's actions. Specifically the authors focus on actions such as taking the life of an animal, seeking answers through religion or science, and participating in physical acts and emotional therapies. In essence, people's mode of consciousness directly affects their behavior, which means that their mode of consciousness can be revealed through their actions. Most Get more content on
  • 6. Life Lessons : Lesson Of Life Life Lessons When I was younger my environment at home was not ideal. I try not to dwell in the past and I also thank these moments for shaping me to be the person that I am today. I grew up in a household with my three siblings: Meli, Derick, Steyn, my mother, Melissa, and the different men she dated. The memories aren't the best but I wouldn't be who I am without them. I'll always remember seeing everyone around me high, stealing, or mentally abusing a loved one but it's just shown me how not to act and how to treat the people I claim to care for. When I was in the 6th grade, my mother got into an awful relationship that flipped our world upside down. I was twelve at the time and Melissa had finally got back into the dating world. His name was Allan and he seemed like a great person at first. He had manners and made me do chores. Allan always cooked nasty candy carrots that I had to eat before leaving the kitchen table. I thought this was just something normal bossy step fathers did. He then started acting like he was my dad. I tried to talk to my mom how I didn't like that. I didn't notice it then but that's when I slowly started losing my mother. She started reacting less to things and I knew something was up. It wasn't till a few months later until I realized my mom was addicted to drugs My sister, Meli, played a huge role in my life. She always tried to hide me away from any bad stuff happening in my household and that's a true accomplishment. She always made me stay Get more content on
  • 7. Life Lessons Learned We all have times or moments in our lives where we learn something. We learn our life lessons through trial and tribulation, and through happy times alike. I have had several moments like this, when you learn something through an experience of yours. Some of these moments were happy moments, others were sad. These incidences are sort of like tests, and an opportunity to learn from our mistakes, or to learn from others' mistakes along the way. One time in my life when I learned one of these lessons was when I was in second grade. I had just moved to Oklahoma from Texas, but I was not nervous about going to a new school. I had always had no trouble making friends wherever I went. I did not expect to be met with challenges that no second grader should ever have to encounter; racism and being told that my friends could not play with me because I was a girl. It all began during the summer before second grade. My mom and I had moved from Texas to Oklahoma, while my dad stayed back to finish taking care of the farm. My mother taught at the high school, and a sweet lady that had a son my age babysat me during summer while my mom was at work. Her son was named Grant. I came to be really good friends with Grant over the summer, and I also befriended some of his other friends. I remember reading Junie B. Jones books with them on a big couch and Grant teaching me how to do cartwheels on a trampoline. The summer was full of childish fun and laughs. The happiness of that summer was Get more content on
  • 8. Life Lessons In Life Life's Lessons The first interview I conducted was with my grandmother Arlyn DeBoer. She is over 65 and has been retired from teaching for nine years this fall. Although it was more of a discussion on life choices and marriage than an actual question and answer interview, it was very insightful. Our discussion took place in her home office on Saturday evening. The topics discussed were marriage and God. She is a strong believer in God and therefore, most of her wisdom comes from the bible or spiritual experiences she has had during her lifetime. One of the questions I asked her was how she gets along with my grandfather so well. Her response was, they both love the Lord. He has provided them with everything they could possibly ask for in life: healthy children and grandchildren, a roof over their heads, food and water, transportation, et cetera. Therefore, there is no room for anger or fighting. He provides them with protection and leads them down the correct paths in life. My grandma's favorite bible verse is Psalm 91. She reads this verse everyday and prays for everyone in her life. Another piece of advice she gave me on choosing a spouse, was to pay attention on how they treat their mother and siblings. It says a lot about a man. When asked about the importance of money in life, she said it is needed only for the necessities, money does not make you happy, the people in your life do. The best advice she gave me was to follow the lord and to do what makes me happy. Get more content on
  • 9. Life Lesson Essay Life Lessons Learned from Youth Competitive Sports Imagine: you are on a green soccer field, wearing new cleats and a shiny uniforming. It's almost the end of the game and you need one more point to break the tie so you can win and go to champions. But then when you're about to score the referee comes in and tells you and everyone else that can't play because it's too dangerous. Kids have been playing competitive sports for decades. So why should they not be played? Kids should play competitive sports because they teach important life lessons. Such as sportsmanship and teamwork. One reason youth competitive sports teach lessons is they teach teamwork. According to, it states "Sportsmanlike behavior is a lesson that children obtain from playing sports" (Pish 1). As you can see, that when children play competitive sports they are obtaining sportsmanship from losing and winning. Also according to, it states "Children learn to positively handle both winning and losing aspect of playing a sport, and good sportsmanship is a trait that carries over from childhood to adulthood" (Pish 1). This shows that when you gain sportsmanship it can be carried from childhood to adulthood. Lastly according to "NYTimes" you can more content... It can be possible if you're not wearing the proper equipment. Or if you're not following the rules of the game correctly. Sometimes you can get hurt just from tripping over someone's foot. However, if you wear the proper equipment and follow the rules to the sport, you can easily prevent getting hurt. According to "" if you were protective gear you won't get hurt (Quinn 1). This shows that when you wear protective gear, you can prevent yourself from getting hurt. Also according to "" if you play by the rules you can prevent getting hurt (Quinn 1). This shows that when you follow the rules you can prevent yourself from getting Get more content on
  • 10. Life Lessons Research Paper Snyder.Session1.Journal Life's Lessons Kids. Just a simple four–letter word one would think. My kids are the reason for every decision in my life. The reason I wake up in the morning and push myself every day. In June this year I found out that I was expecting my third child. I had always thought before that I would be just so happy because well kids are great! No, not the case I was scared, heck I had never been scared before not even with my first so why now? The answer is I had grown up. I'm almost 30! Granted yes, I have a couple years but still, and since I'm almost 30 what do I have to show for it? A run–down townhome that I rent might I add, a car that is always in the shop, a CNA job that hardly got me by, no savings account no extra Get more content on
  • 11. Lifes Greatest Lesson Essay Life's Greatest Lesson "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." As Henry Adams stated, and is the summary of the impervious bond between the characters Mitch and Morrie, in Tuesdays with Morrie. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) often referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease is a form of motor neuron diseases. It is a rare disorder in which the nerves that control muscular activity degenerate within the brain and spinal cord. What results is weakness and wasting away of the muscles. The cause is unknown. About one to two cases of ALS are diagnosed annually per 100,000 people in the US. (Lou) Sufferers will notice weakness in the hands and arms accompanied by wasting of more content... Morrie Schwartz was a man of great wisdom who loved and enjoyed to see and experience the simplicity of life, something beyond life's most challenging and unanswered mysteries. It is from Morrie that we learn that life is most happily experienced when enjoyed and fulfilled to its highest ability. Morrie touched the lives of many, and he will always be remembered for his sincerity and his compassion for life and for love. The lessons Morrie loved to teach were of his own experience with life. In his lessons, Morrie advises Mitch to reject the popular culture in favor of creating his own. The individualistic culture Morrie encourages Mitch to create for him is a culture founded on love, acceptance, and human goodness, a culture that upholds a set of ethical values unlike the mores that popular culture endorses. Popular culture, Morrie says, is founded on greed, selfishness, and superficiality, which he urges Mitch to overcome. Morrie also stresses that he and Mitch must accept death and aging, as both are inevitable. A symbol that represents Morrie's life throughout the book is the pink hibiscus plant. As Morrie's body deteriorates, so does the condition of the hibiscus plant. The plant's pink petals wither and fall as Morrie grows increasingly dependent on his aides and on oxygen. As his death approached, so does the death of the plant. It is used as a metaphor for Morrie Get more content on
  • 12. Lessons Learned In My Life Essay in the course of our lives we will always have ups and downs, who have taught us many lessons, lessons are what shape us as people, helps us understand why things happen and give meaning to our lives. one of the places where I have spent most of my life has been the school, which has brought me many lessons that I will never forget, as what is true friendship, take responsibility and what is falling in love for the first time, I know that most all of us have gone through these lessons and best of all is that in most cases we will have happen several times during the course of our lives. the first of the lessons I have learned during these years in school was friendship, you realize how people are and who they really are for you in good times and bad, just when you need them. As you realize who your friend ?. So begins my first lesson was to know which is my best friend Valentina, who just two months ago we fulfill our 8 years of friendship, where we have lived a little of everything, many adventures, sadness, fights but at the end of the day we together at all, even the distance, she lives in mexico and here, there is not a day without talk and talk about us and our problems, so my first lesson is Get more content on
  • 13. Life Lessons Learned One thing that i have learned over the 20 years i have lived on earth is that i can't control everything in my life. There are somethings that are just meant to be and there's nothing that i can do about it. Though it indeed did take me some time to officially accept this, i have and i feel it's one of the most important lessons to learn in your early years. I was always the kid who always tried to fix problems and it always hit me hard when i couldn't fix the problem no matter how hard i tried. Some things that we can't control are common sense like weather, and true accidents. Other things are more complicated like when parents get divorced or why one parent walks out of the picture completely. In these situations we like to think we have control and we wish we could do something to fix these situations but we can't and though it may be challenging to accept, there comes a point where we have to or it will just eat us apart. When it comes to my decisions and whether it affects my viewpoint on the world i would say yes. One example would be if one person was dead set on their definition of a gangsta: one may believe that gangstas are low lifes that have anger issues and that they always wear their pants down to the ground. This more content... Freedom also means that a person has the right to say what they want when they want even if others disagree. Freedom itself gives us privilege but our freedoms are also seen as privileges themselves. With this we need to take in consideration that just because they are our rights don't mean we can take advantage of them because you may find yourself in a situation where your privileges are taken away from you. This comes in play when one breaks the law. For example we have the right to bear arms but if you have a felony then in this situation you're right to conceal a weapon is taken away from Get more content on
  • 14. Life Lesson Analysis Life Lesson/ Moral: I think that this story has way more than one moral hidden within the book, but if I had to choose I would definitely talk about how Thomas feels betrayed by Teresa but still trusts her all along because he knows that deep down inside she still loves him. This is all about sticking it through to the end and putting your faith into someone you trust even though you don't know if it's a good idea or not. Summarizing: Thomas wakes up and instantly knows something is wrong. Teresa is gone, and the people that saved them are nowhere to be seen. Thomas and the gladers quickly assess their situation and get their emotions under control. They are back in the trials again... The gladers soon realize, they have no food and they are locked inside a brick building with no way out. All they have is hope that someone will come save them. It has been days, and Thomas and all the other gladers suffer from a lack of energy and an empty feeling of starvation in more content... Minho, the person with the tattoo that says "leader" takes charge and gets the gladers set off. As the gladers are walking they see a city off in the distance and start to head toward it. When they get there they see that everyone in the city is crazy and are going insane because of a disease called the "Flare." They finally are able to get through the city while picking up some friends along the way. Thomas and the gladers are now becoming aware of another group of gladers called "group b." Group b is the exact same as the gladers except it's all girls instead of guys. These two groups after a while of conversing and fighting finally band together and get to the safe haven where they find a stick that simply says "safe haven." This turns out to be another trick and they have to fight off monsters to get to the real safe haven. Together Thomas and his friends fight off the monster and get through the Get more content on
  • 15. In any books that you read you can gain many different morals and meanings from the book. You can gain different morals and meanings from the story or from the way that all of the characters act with the conflicts in the story. In Alchemist there were many life lessons that you could learn throughout reading the book.These are the life lessons i was able to gain from reading the book over the summer. One of the life lessons that was the easiest to find ways to never give up on your dreams no matter what the world throws at you. The last two life lessons was that fear is a bigger obstacle than the obstacle itself. And the final life lesson that I was able to gain from reading the book was that you should always get back up when you fall. All of these life lessons have examples from the book and can be worked into real life. The first life lesson that I was able to gain through reading the book was, to never give up on your dreams no matter what the world throws at you. There were many examples of this in the book. The main reason that I was able to gain this life lesson was when Santiago got robbed on his journey. When he was robbed he was robbed by a man that he trusted, however he did not give up on his journey to find the treasure. Santiago worked around him getting robbed by someone that he had trusted. You can transform this life lesson many ways into life whether it has to do with school, sports, or just your everyday life. If you apply this to your school if you Get more content on
  • 16. Reflective Essay On Life Lessons How do I want people to remember me? Perhaps for always having the current style, or that breathtaking prom dress I wore senior year. Of course not, I hope people remember me for something with a deeper meaning. I want people to remember my life lessons; the life lessons I implement in everyday life. Recently, I received the assignment of reading The Last Lecture. Nearing his death, Randy Pausch, the author and main character, has terminal cancer and wants the world to remember him. He makes it his goal to teach his life lessons during his last lecture as a legacy to leave behind for his children. Reflecting on this, four life lessons I showcase and wish people will remember me by are the thrill of adventure, the importance of leadership, and the insignificance of others opinions, and the necessity of failure. The Thrill of Adventure Always being a nature lover, I love adventures. From camping, kayaking, hiking, and getting lost in the process, I could tell dozens of stories. Every human has this glorious earth at their disposal, and I feel so apologetic for the people who are afraid of exploring the outdoors. This summer, I went on a seven–hour kayaking trip, and we ended up getting stranded miles from our destination. However, I was able to witness gorgeous, breathtaking waterfalls; they were waterfalls that no one could ever witness if they did not take the path less traveled. Yes, it was terrifying; however, the stories I have outweigh my fear of adventure. Urging all to come along, I will always seek the adventure. The Importance of Leadership Leadership is overly emphasized compared to any other skill set. It does not matter if I am the top of my class, if I am the best athlete, or if I am a phenomenal musician. Sure, these skills may help myself advance somewhere; however, these skills combined with leadership can lead to the unthinkable. For example, our president, Donald Trump, is definitely not the smartest person in the world. Yet, he has leadership abilities, and the people voted for him. In The Last Lecture, Pausch describes Captain J. Kirk from Star Trek as not being remarkably intelligent; however, "There is a skill set called "leadership." Therefore, the commander of the Starship Enterprise Get more content on
  • 17. Life's Greatest Lesson Essay Life's Greatest Lesson Morrie Schwartz was an intelligent, interesting senior citizen that touched a lot of people, especially Mitch Albom. Morrie passed on a lot of his knowledge in the last few months of his life, due to amyotrophic lareral sclerosis (ALS). This paper will touch on Morrie's philosophy of life, what he says is important and valuable, and also the struggles and problems of life. I will also compare Morrie's message with other philosophies and also give my opinion about Morrie's theory of human nature and philosophy of life. Morrie's philosophy of life is full of many ideas and to better understand it it's easier to break it down into parts. One of the philosophies was to cherish family and to be more open about more content... Many let the culture tell them how to live their life but his philosophy is that you must be your own person and don't let anyone else tell you how to live. Morrie put a lot of emphasis on what is important and valuable in his philosophy of life. One value that he felt very strongly about was that people look at material things to judge others instead of looking on the inside and getting to know them. One quote that supports this statement says how we should not depend on material things to find happiness and love. "They were embracing material things and expecting a sort of hug back. But it never works. You can't substitute material things for love or for gentleness or for tenderness or for a sense of comradeship" (Albom p. 125). This quote shows one of Morrie's strongest values, it tells how he felt about money and material items. Morrie felt that people look to much at what others have and base their friends on money. You cannot turn to cars, money, or mansions to get love and be liked by others. If someone is your true friend they will love you for who you are and not what you have. Morrie also had ideas on the challenges faced by humans and our human nature. He highlighted some of the struggles and problems faced by most humans. The following quote shows how Morrie felt about people basing their lives on money instead of simple pleasures. "Morrie had always been taken with simple pleasures, singing, laughing, dancing. Now, more than ever, Get more content on
  • 18. Lessons of Life Essay All through life, we experience various occasions when decision–making become necessary. A number of them present themselves in difficult forms and at crucial points. Most of the verdict we take will eventually figure and describe our track of lives. These are what we refer to as lessons of life. Choices never present themselves in an easy way. In some instance we are always forced to pay a price to achieve something. This implies that we are trading for an outcome we are seeking. Period, actions and situation can help us learn a lot about our environment, ourselves and people in general. They give us an opportunity to face our reliability, integrity, accountability and skills of dealing with life result. In the beginning, people more content... However, Life can then be said to be the conditional value of human affairs or individual's manner of living, it is the admiration of one's condition, personality and behaviour. It can be the measured by the collective value of each affair in distinctive class or type, and considering whichever way or the nature of living one indulges in, either at the low–level or high level or the good or evil etiquette of living. According to Timothy Titcomb in his book "Lessons in life" he noted that there are so many outrageous things that have been practiced in the family and moods are the excuses being given for such action, because, moods are the most indefensible things generally (Titcomb, 6). Additionally, Titcomb stated that Living creatures can thus in a level become the masters of their mood (Titcomb, 7). John Cleese once quoted that "We all work in two contrasting modes, which might be described as open and closed". In view of this, he expatiated that "the open mode is more relaxed, more receptive, more democratic, more playful and more humorous. While, the closed mode is tighter, more rigid, hierarchical, and more tunnel–vision. He further elaborated that most people spend most of their time in the closed mode" Consequently, each person at some point in life asks some question about life. Some ask if they actually want to live the kind of life they are experiencing, while some will ask other questions like "who am I" or "The importance of their Get more content on
  • 19. Tuesdays With Morrie Life Lessons Essay In Tuesdays with Morrie there are many important life lessons; in fact there are so many that it was hard to choose the three that I thought were the most important. In order to pick just three I had to think about the lessons I need to focus on in my life, the lessons I need to remind myself of daily. Everyone needs reminders in their daily lives to keep them going and remind them of what is important. Life gets busy, and I often times lose focus of what is truly important and the lessons in Tuesdays with Morrie was the reminder I needed to slow down and focus on what is important in life. The first lesson I chose was, "Sometimes you can't believe what you see; you have to believe what you feel." (Albom 61) Morrie taught students to trust people based on feeling and not just on what they see. Looks do not determine how trustworthy a person is. In today's society, it is often a misconception that people with tattoos, gauges, long hair, etc. are bad people and people who are clean cut and attend church every Sunday are good people. This is an example of trusting people based on what you see. Morrie is trying more content... Like it says on page 190 of the text, "He was changing until the day he said good–bye." Professor Morrie didn't give up on life, because he knew it was not too late to change and to continue to make a difference in other people's lives. This is a major lesson the book taught me, because often times I think to myself, "I'm too old to start over, I can't do this at my age." In fact that is not true, it is never too late, anything can be done in life, no matter how late in life you are, and Morrie was a great example of that. He continued teaching until the day he passed, and even taught someone after he was gone. It was never too late for him, and he knew that, he made that a part of his everyday Get more content on
  • 20. Life Is A Succession Of Lessons Essay A great poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood". (Emerson) Life teaches us lesson at every step of the way, which helps us to become who we are. While conducting this research, I was able to interview Khan, a 68 years old man with an abundance of experience. While interviewing them, I asked them questions regarding their personal and professional life. During a long, almost 90 minutes' interview, I was able to ask a considerate number of questions from different areas of their life, and the questions were not limited to any specific type. The questions were sorted into six different segments based on the significance of it, and the seventh section consists of my observations and a brief summary. The first set of questions were related to the early phase of Khan's life, such as birth, childhood and primary educational background. Mr. Khan was born in a small metropolitan called Feni, which is located in Chittagong division in People's republic of Bangladesh. Mr. Khan spent his childhood and a major part of teenage years there, at his ancestral estate. His family had a considerate amount of wealth as his forefathers held powerful positions at government, and other areas. Mr. Khan had three brothers and three sisters, and the eldest brother was killed during the liberation war of 1971. Mr. Khan have a very little memory of paternal grandparents, as they passed away during his early life, and have never met Get more content on