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Anthony Lawlor’s
                                                                 A           om Ant ony
                                                                   message frthe people ofh ldare North for
                                                                 I am most grateful                    in Dáil Éireann. I am
                                                                  electing   me to represent them                     to do my
                                                                                               position and intend
                                                                   ho noured to be in this             of Kildare North. I ha
                                                                                                                               ve a
                                                                    best fo r the people and area           h is open daily, and
                                                                                                                                   I am
                                                                    constituency     office in Naas, whic                    ing so I
                                                                                                        every Thursday even
                                                                             g a clinic in Celbridge                               to raise
                                                                     holdin                                ntact me if you wish
                                                                      encourage     you to drop in or co                    organise
                                                                                                     more than happy to
                                                                       an is sue. I would also be              als, groups or school
                                                                        tours to Dá   il Éireann for individu                   sitate to
                                                                                                        ent! Please do not he
                                                                              r all it is your parliam                              l me at
                                                                         Afte                               01 6183007 or emai
                                                                          give my    Dáil office a call on                    tour.
                                                                                              to arrange a
                                                                           an thony.lawlor@oireac
                                                                                                      ting with you.
                                                                            I look forward to mee

Increased funding for Winter Road
Minister for Transport, Tourism
and Sport, Leo Varadkar, has                                               These works will provide a cleaner, brighter more welcoming
allocated an extra €1.25                                                   experience for the customer. It is anticipated that these station
million to help local authorities                                          upgrade works will be completed by year end. The overall estimated
around the country with winter                                             cost of the refurbishment programme is €2 million.
maintenance and keeping roads
clear during harsh weather. The
total being allocated nationally
comes to €11.25 million, with
Kildare County Council set to
receive €262,788, an increase of €29,199. According to recent
reports in the press, we are set to have another cold winter and it
is reassuring to know that the Council will be prepared for extreme
weather conditions.

Funding to upgrade Louisa Bridge and
Confey train stations
Funding of €2 million is being provided to Iarnród Éireann to upgrade
the railway stations on the Maynooth line. This line had been one of
the fastest growing routes in the Irish Rail network with approximately
15,000 passenger journeys daily. Despite the fact that the train
services along this line have been modernised over recent years, the
stations, however, have not been upgraded since construction and are
                                                                           Be sure to vote!
now in need of modernisation. Therefore the following elements are         On the 27th October, Irish citizens are being given an opportunity
included in the proposed works:                                            to vote for the next President of Ireland. Because of the successful
                                                                           two term tenure of President Mary McAleese, the last time a vote was
•   Building structural, platform and lighting improvements;
                                                                           put to the people was in 1997. The role of the President has evolved
•   New customer shelters and furniture on platforms                       in recent decades to become more high profile and the recent state
    incorporating new seating;                                             visits by both Queen Elizabeth II and President Obama are testimony
•   Upgrade of station signage plus new information panels;                to this. Therefore, I encourage people to use their democratic right
•   New signage on approach roads;                                         to vote at this very important election and I hope there will be a high
•   Upgrade of electrical services at each station.                        turnout on the day.

Anthony Lawlor TD - Working for the people of Kildare North
Winners of Leixlip Tidy Estates,                                          Medium Estate
Front Gardens and Adopt an Area                                           1st prize: Leixlip Park
competitions                                                              2nd prize: Duncarraig
                                                                          Large Estate Category
Firstly, I would like to extend my sincere thanks and gratitude to        1st prize: Ryevale
everyone who made an effort to make Leixlip a prettier and tidier         Lawns
town. Their hard work throughout the year should be recognised and
commended. Well done!                                                     Adopt an area
Congratulations to all the winners in the various categories of this      Small area winner –
local competition.                                                        Old Hill, two flower
                                                                          beds on left and right
Front Gardens                                                             adopted by I.C.A.
1st Joint Winners:          Eamon & Catherine Farrell, 1027 Avondale &    Small area runner
                            Kevin Carey, 52 Lougnamona Park               up – the side of Rose
Award for Innovation:       Christie Muldoon, 1048 Avondale               Cottage adopted by
Award for the Best Lawn:    Valerie Colton, 120 Glendale Meadows          John & Valerie Malone,
                                                                          Large area winner –
Most Improved Garden:       Mary McHugh, St. Catherine’s Bungalow         Barnhall Roundabout,
2nd front Garden:           The O’Connor Family, 56 Castletown            adopted by Leixlip Tidy
3rd front garden:           Mary & Paddy Haughney, 59 Leixlip Park        Town Association.
4th front garden:           Marian Lyons, 39 Riverforest,                 Large area runner up
5th front garden:           Brigid Lambe, 70 Oaklawn                      –Leixlip Garda Station,
6th Front garden:           Mary Keane, 47 Forest Park                    Adopted by Ryevale
7th front garden:           Patricia Kinnane, 35 Glendale                 Lawns Residents
                                                                          Overall Winners
Highly commended: Kathleen Poynton, 181 Glendale Meadows;                 Adopt an Area: Leixlip Tidy Town Association for the work on the
Keelan & Nancy Doolan, 95 Leixlip Park; Bill & Angela Leahy,              Barnhall Roundabout
9 Forest Park; Gordon & Mabel Long, 341 Castletown; Nancy                 Front Garden Competition: John and Valerie Malone of Rose Cottage
Dunne, 1034 Avondale; Mary Geraghty, 249 Castletown; Raymond              Best Overall Estate: Castletown Estate
Kilpatrick, 208 Ryevale Lawns; Kay McLoughlin, 3 Forest Park.
Estate Winners

Small estate category
1st prize: Ryemont Abbey
                                                                   TICS IS
                                                          ALL POLI
                                                                                                                                          Tidy Town
Joint 2nd prize: Loughnamona & Rockingham                                                                                      ed in the
                                                                                                                  to all involv to see that Leixlip
                                                                                                      Well done e. It is great                   ed
                                                                                                                                      ints award
                                                                                                      Committe the number of po the 2011
                                                                                                      increased e judging panel in 12 Leixlip will
                                                                                    o Town is
Changes to the Fuel                                           C
                                                                          lations t         h
                                                                ongratu Joe Neville on ach of
                                                                                                       to it by th ompetition. In 20 ry of entry into
                                                                                                       National its 50th anniversa be great to
Allowance and Household                                       Coun   cillor
                                                                         ment as
                                                                                   Cath aoirle im
                                                               appoint wn Council. I w le.
                                                                                            ish h       cele brate
                                                                                                                   etition an
                                                                                                                              d it would er.
                                                                                                        the comp ints increase furt
Benefits Scheme                                                 Le ixlip To in his new ro
                                                                           est                           se e the po
                                                                all the b
From September 2011 a number of changes have
been introduced to the Fuel Allowance and Household
Benefits Scheme:
• Fuel Allowance is to be standardised at €20 per                                                                         h regret
                                                               With Halloween approachi                          It is wit ichael
   week, the rate currently received by the majority           planning a celebration to ng, I urge everyone     that F r. M
                                                              careful manner. It is alw do so in a safe and                  rmer
   of customers.                                                                         ays wonderful to         Hurley, fo rish
                                                              see so many adults and                              Leix lip Pa        d
• From September 2011, the top –up Smokeless                                            chi
                                                              streets on this date but ldren take to the                     as move
   Fuel Allowance of €3.90 per week will no longer                                      regrettably every year     Priest, h tures new.
                                                              carelessness results in per                           onto pas e sorely
   be paid. This will affect residents in the Leixlip         damage to property. Let sonal injury and              He will b
   area which is a designated smokeless fuel area.           2011 a fun and safe one make Halloween                  missed.
                                                             contact Leixlip fire statio For emergencies
• The number of free units provided under the                                            n on (01 6244455).
   Electricity and Gas Allowance will be reduced from
   2,400 to 1,800.
• The rate of the cash payment for Electricity and
   Gas Allowance will be adjusted from €43.80 a month to €35.80 a month from Tuesday 6th September 2011.
• The annual value of the Gas Allowance will be adjusted from €489 to €393 effective from 1 September 2011.
• The rate of the cash payment will be adjusted from €40.70 a month to €32.70 a month from Tuesday 6th September 2011.
• The monthly rate of the Telephone Allowance will be adjusted from €25.91 to €22.22 effective from 1 September 2011. This change
   is automatically applied to your bill.
• The Department has negotiated a deal with Eircom which will provide customers in receipt of the ‘Social Benefits Package’ with line
   rental (€25.36) and a monthly call allowance of €1.50 (reducing from €2.47).
• Help will continue to be available for people with special or additional heating needs through the Heating Supplement and
   Exceptional Needs Payment Scheme under the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme.

ANTHONY LAWLOR TD                                                    • Tel: 045 888488 • Email:
the form of a pension levy and a reduction   challenged their constitutional right to
                                                       in basic salary. Although a voluntary        the Supreme Court. They did so on the
                                                       scheme was established allowing judges       basis that the Oireachtas did not have the
                                                       to make a contribution to the Revenue        power to establish such a committee and
                                                       Commissioners, not all judges availed of     that the Committee’s findings may have
                                                       the scheme (21 out of 147 judges failed to   adverse effects on their constitutionally-
                                                       make any contribution).                      protected right to one’s good name.
                                                                                                    The Supreme Court subsequently found
                                                       Purpose of the Referendum: The               that the Oireachtas did not have the
                                                       Programme for Government contains a          inherent general power to set up an
                                                       specific commitment to hold a referendum     investigative committee. Rather, under
                                                       to amend the Constitution so that judges’    the Constitution, it had limited powers to
       Referenda                                       pay can be adjusted as part of any general   inquire into certain matters with a view to
       Along with the Presidential Election on         public service reduction.                    drafting protective legislation.
       27th October, the Irish people are also
       being asked to vote in two referenda.           Referendum 2: The Thirtieth                  Purpose of the Referendum: The reversal
                                                       Amendment of the Constitution                of this decision by the Supreme Court will
       Referendum 1: The Twenty Ninth                  (Houses of the Oireachtas Inquiry)           ensure that the Oireachtas has an effective
       Amendment of the Constitution                   Bill 2011 – This amendment to                system of inquiry which can secure effective
       (Judges Remuneration) Bill                      the Constitution will reverse the            and cost-efficient parliamentary scrutiny
       2011 – This amendment to the                    effects of the Abbeylara decision            of issues of significant public importance.
       Constitution will reduce the                    and will enable Oireachtas                   This is essential in facilitating more
       remuneration of Judges in line                  Committees to undertake full                 open, transparent and better Government
       with other public servants.                     investigations.                              as promised in the Programme for
                                                       Background: In the aftermath of the          Government. By passing this referendum
       Background: In 2009 the then Finance
                                                       shooting dead by members of the Gardaí of    the Oireachtas would be in a position
       Minister, Brian Lenihan, announced
                                                       John Carthy in Abbeylara in April 2000, an   to conduct an inquiry into the recent
       that judges would be exempted from
                                                       Oireachtas Sub Committee was formed to       banking scandal.
       pay reductions imposed on other public
s      servants because the Constitution               investigate the circumstances surrounding
       precluded such cuts. These reductions took      his death. A number of Gardaí who were
                                                       compelled to appear before the committee
       Dáil Business
       I was delighted to be appointed to the
       Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Social
       Protection and Education. The work of this
       committee will be instrumental in getting
       Ireland back on its feet and I am looking
       forward to the challenge ahead.

       I have spoken in the Dáil on a number of
       issues such as suicide prevention, white
       collar crime, electoral reform, bankruptcy
       laws and the protection of Good Samaritans
       in our society.

       I have engaged in a number of Dáil debates
       and raised on the Adjournment of the
       Dáil the need to extend water services to
       facilitate the new development at Intel and
       the need to ring fence funding to deal with
       the landfill site at Kerdiffstown.
       I have tabled a number of Dáil Questions
       to various Ministers on topics such as extra
       resources in Co. Kildare as a result of the             To keep up to date with my activities in the Dáil,
       increased population according to Census
       2011; the level of funding distributed by
                                                            including speeches and responses to Dáil Questions,
       Irish Aid and the need to extend the online              join me on Facebook or on my website page.
       service for motor tax to commercial vehicles. •
Leixlip useful contact details:
     Kildare County Council                        (045 980200)
     Leixlip Town Council                          (01 6245777)         Newtown House, 41 Captain’s Hill
     Leixlip Health Centre                         (01 6244931)         Main Street, Leixlip
     Community Welfare Office                      (01 6245266)         Leixlip Health Centre, Main Street
     Social Welfare Branch Office                  (01 6106000)         Town Hall, Maynooth
     Naas General Hospital                         (045 897 221)
     Connolly Hospital                             (01-646 5000)        Blanchardstown,
     North East Doctor on Call                     (1850-444600)        KDOC Newbridge (01 890 599 362)
     Leixlip Community Library                     (01 6060050)         Captain’s Hill, Leixlip
     Leixlip Garda Station                         (01 6667800)         Station Road, Leixlip
     Leixlip Fire Station                          (01 6244455)         Mill Lane, Leixlip
     For all local information on Leixlip

Dáil Reform                                                         Competition Time!
I warmly welcome the package of reform for Dáil Business,           For the opportunity to win a tour of Dáil
which have been effective since September 2011. Among               Éireann followed by a meal in the Dáil
the measures, the Dáil will now sit earlier on Tuesdays and         Restaurant for two people, email the
will sit on the first Friday of every month; Topical Issue          answer to the following question:
Debates will be introduced giving backbench TDs more
speaking time; Leaders Questions will now be taken by the
Tánaiste on Thursdays and TDs can raise issues regarding            Q.Who is the current
                                                                    Junior Minister for
replies to Parliamentary Questions.
                                                                    European Affairs?
                                                                    All correct answers to anthony.
                                                           Deadline for
                                                                    receipt of entries 31st October

                                                                                  Kildare County Council Representative
                                                                                  Cllr. Senan Griffin

                      Your Local Leixlip                                          Address: Ballygoran, Maynooth, Co. Kildare
                                                                                  Contact Numbers: 01-6285177/ 087- 2331267
                      Fine Gael Team:                                             Leixlip Town Council Representative
                                                                                  Cathaoirleach Joe Neville

                                                                                  Address: 93 Ryevale Lawns, Leixlip, Co. Kildare
                                                                                  Contact Number: 086 6062207

Constituency Office: 56 South Main Street,                                        Cllr. Teresa Byrne
Naas, Co. Kildare                                                                 Address: 1035 Avondale, Leixlip, Co. Kildare
Contact Number: 045 888488                                                        Contact Numbers: Home – 01 6243124, Mobile – 087 6951546
Opening Hours: 9am -12am & 3pm – 5pm
Celbridge Clinic: Every Thursday 7pm – 8pm                                        Cllr. Pat Burke-Walsh
Venue - Kildrought Inn, Main Street, Celbridge                                    Email:
                                                                                  Address: 397 Ryevale Lawns, Leixlip, Co. Kildare
Website:                                                     Contact Numbers: 087 1335633

      Find me on Facebook

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Leixlip Newsletter Oct 2011

  • 1. Anthony Lawlor’s Newsletter A om Ant ony message frthe people ofh ldare North for Ki to I am most grateful in Dáil Éireann. I am electing me to represent them to do my position and intend ho noured to be in this of Kildare North. I ha ve a best fo r the people and area h is open daily, and I am constituency office in Naas, whic ing so I every Thursday even g a clinic in Celbridge to raise holdin ntact me if you wish encourage you to drop in or co organise more than happy to an is sue. I would also be als, groups or school s. tours to Dá il Éireann for individu sitate to ent! Please do not he r all it is your parliam l me at Afte 01 6183007 or emai give my Dáil office a call on tour. to arrange a an thony.lawlor@oireac ting with you. I look forward to mee Increased funding for Winter Road Maintenance Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leo Varadkar, has These works will provide a cleaner, brighter more welcoming allocated an extra €1.25 experience for the customer. It is anticipated that these station million to help local authorities upgrade works will be completed by year end. The overall estimated around the country with winter cost of the refurbishment programme is €2 million. maintenance and keeping roads clear during harsh weather. The total being allocated nationally comes to €11.25 million, with Kildare County Council set to receive €262,788, an increase of €29,199. According to recent reports in the press, we are set to have another cold winter and it is reassuring to know that the Council will be prepared for extreme weather conditions. Funding to upgrade Louisa Bridge and Confey train stations Funding of €2 million is being provided to Iarnród Éireann to upgrade the railway stations on the Maynooth line. This line had been one of the fastest growing routes in the Irish Rail network with approximately 15,000 passenger journeys daily. Despite the fact that the train services along this line have been modernised over recent years, the stations, however, have not been upgraded since construction and are Be sure to vote! now in need of modernisation. Therefore the following elements are On the 27th October, Irish citizens are being given an opportunity included in the proposed works: to vote for the next President of Ireland. Because of the successful two term tenure of President Mary McAleese, the last time a vote was • Building structural, platform and lighting improvements; put to the people was in 1997. The role of the President has evolved • New customer shelters and furniture on platforms in recent decades to become more high profile and the recent state incorporating new seating; visits by both Queen Elizabeth II and President Obama are testimony • Upgrade of station signage plus new information panels; to this. Therefore, I encourage people to use their democratic right • New signage on approach roads; to vote at this very important election and I hope there will be a high • Upgrade of electrical services at each station. turnout on the day. Anthony Lawlor TD - Working for the people of Kildare North
  • 2. Winners of Leixlip Tidy Estates, Medium Estate Category Front Gardens and Adopt an Area 1st prize: Leixlip Park competitions 2nd prize: Duncarraig Large Estate Category Firstly, I would like to extend my sincere thanks and gratitude to 1st prize: Ryevale everyone who made an effort to make Leixlip a prettier and tidier Lawns town. Their hard work throughout the year should be recognised and commended. Well done! Adopt an area Congratulations to all the winners in the various categories of this Small area winner – local competition. Old Hill, two flower beds on left and right Front Gardens adopted by I.C.A. 1st Joint Winners: Eamon & Catherine Farrell, 1027 Avondale & Small area runner Kevin Carey, 52 Lougnamona Park up – the side of Rose Award for Innovation: Christie Muldoon, 1048 Avondale Cottage adopted by Award for the Best Lawn: Valerie Colton, 120 Glendale Meadows John & Valerie Malone, Large area winner – Most Improved Garden: Mary McHugh, St. Catherine’s Bungalow Barnhall Roundabout, 2nd front Garden: The O’Connor Family, 56 Castletown adopted by Leixlip Tidy 3rd front garden: Mary & Paddy Haughney, 59 Leixlip Park Town Association. 4th front garden: Marian Lyons, 39 Riverforest, Large area runner up 5th front garden: Brigid Lambe, 70 Oaklawn –Leixlip Garda Station, 6th Front garden: Mary Keane, 47 Forest Park Adopted by Ryevale 7th front garden: Patricia Kinnane, 35 Glendale Lawns Residents Overall Winners Highly commended: Kathleen Poynton, 181 Glendale Meadows; Adopt an Area: Leixlip Tidy Town Association for the work on the Keelan & Nancy Doolan, 95 Leixlip Park; Bill & Angela Leahy, Barnhall Roundabout 9 Forest Park; Gordon & Mabel Long, 341 Castletown; Nancy Front Garden Competition: John and Valerie Malone of Rose Cottage Dunne, 1034 Avondale; Mary Geraghty, 249 Castletown; Raymond Best Overall Estate: Castletown Estate Kilpatrick, 208 Ryevale Lawns; Kay McLoughlin, 3 Forest Park. Estate Winners LOCAL Small estate category 1st prize: Ryemont Abbey TICS IS ALL POLI s Tidy Town Joint 2nd prize: Loughnamona & Rockingham ed in the to all involv to see that Leixlip Well done e. It is great ed ints award Committe the number of po the 2011 increased e judging panel in 12 Leixlip will o Town is Changes to the Fuel C lations t h ongratu Joe Neville on ach of to it by th ompetition. In 20 ry of entry into C National its 50th anniversa be great to Allowance and Household Coun cillor ment as Cath aoirle im appoint wn Council. I w le. ish h cele brate etition an d it would er. h the comp ints increase furt Benefits Scheme Le ixlip To in his new ro est se e the po all the b From September 2011 a number of changes have been introduced to the Fuel Allowance and Household Benefits Scheme: • Fuel Allowance is to be standardised at €20 per h regret With Halloween approachi It is wit ichael week, the rate currently received by the majority planning a celebration to ng, I urge everyone that F r. M careful manner. It is alw do so in a safe and rmer of customers. ays wonderful to Hurley, fo rish see so many adults and Leix lip Pa d • From September 2011, the top –up Smokeless chi streets on this date but ldren take to the as move Fuel Allowance of €3.90 per week will no longer regrettably every year Priest, h tures new. carelessness results in per onto pas e sorely be paid. This will affect residents in the Leixlip damage to property. Let sonal injury and He will b ’s area which is a designated smokeless fuel area. 2011 a fun and safe one make Halloween missed. ! contact Leixlip fire statio For emergencies • The number of free units provided under the n on (01 6244455). Electricity and Gas Allowance will be reduced from 2,400 to 1,800. • The rate of the cash payment for Electricity and Gas Allowance will be adjusted from €43.80 a month to €35.80 a month from Tuesday 6th September 2011. • The annual value of the Gas Allowance will be adjusted from €489 to €393 effective from 1 September 2011. • The rate of the cash payment will be adjusted from €40.70 a month to €32.70 a month from Tuesday 6th September 2011. • The monthly rate of the Telephone Allowance will be adjusted from €25.91 to €22.22 effective from 1 September 2011. This change is automatically applied to your bill. • The Department has negotiated a deal with Eircom which will provide customers in receipt of the ‘Social Benefits Package’ with line rental (€25.36) and a monthly call allowance of €1.50 (reducing from €2.47). • Help will continue to be available for people with special or additional heating needs through the Heating Supplement and Exceptional Needs Payment Scheme under the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme. ANTHONY LAWLOR TD • Tel: 045 888488 • Email:
  • 3. the form of a pension levy and a reduction challenged their constitutional right to in basic salary. Although a voluntary the Supreme Court. They did so on the scheme was established allowing judges basis that the Oireachtas did not have the to make a contribution to the Revenue power to establish such a committee and Commissioners, not all judges availed of that the Committee’s findings may have the scheme (21 out of 147 judges failed to adverse effects on their constitutionally- make any contribution). protected right to one’s good name. The Supreme Court subsequently found Purpose of the Referendum: The that the Oireachtas did not have the Programme for Government contains a inherent general power to set up an specific commitment to hold a referendum investigative committee. Rather, under to amend the Constitution so that judges’ the Constitution, it had limited powers to Referenda pay can be adjusted as part of any general inquire into certain matters with a view to Along with the Presidential Election on public service reduction. drafting protective legislation. 27th October, the Irish people are also being asked to vote in two referenda. Referendum 2: The Thirtieth Purpose of the Referendum: The reversal Amendment of the Constitution of this decision by the Supreme Court will Referendum 1: The Twenty Ninth (Houses of the Oireachtas Inquiry) ensure that the Oireachtas has an effective Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2011 – This amendment to system of inquiry which can secure effective (Judges Remuneration) Bill the Constitution will reverse the and cost-efficient parliamentary scrutiny 2011 – This amendment to the effects of the Abbeylara decision of issues of significant public importance. Constitution will reduce the and will enable Oireachtas This is essential in facilitating more remuneration of Judges in line Committees to undertake full open, transparent and better Government with other public servants. investigations. as promised in the Programme for Background: In the aftermath of the Government. By passing this referendum Background: In 2009 the then Finance shooting dead by members of the Gardaí of the Oireachtas would be in a position Minister, Brian Lenihan, announced John Carthy in Abbeylara in April 2000, an to conduct an inquiry into the recent that judges would be exempted from Oireachtas Sub Committee was formed to banking scandal. pay reductions imposed on other public s servants because the Constitution investigate the circumstances surrounding precluded such cuts. These reductions took his death. A number of Gardaí who were compelled to appear before the committee will into to Dáil Business I was delighted to be appointed to the Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Social Protection and Education. The work of this committee will be instrumental in getting Ireland back on its feet and I am looking forward to the challenge ahead. I have spoken in the Dáil on a number of issues such as suicide prevention, white collar crime, electoral reform, bankruptcy laws and the protection of Good Samaritans in our society. I have engaged in a number of Dáil debates and raised on the Adjournment of the Dáil the need to extend water services to facilitate the new development at Intel and the need to ring fence funding to deal with the landfill site at Kerdiffstown. I have tabled a number of Dáil Questions to various Ministers on topics such as extra resources in Co. Kildare as a result of the To keep up to date with my activities in the Dáil, increased population according to Census 2011; the level of funding distributed by including speeches and responses to Dáil Questions, Irish Aid and the need to extend the online join me on Facebook or on my website page. service for motor tax to commercial vehicles. •
  • 4. Leixlip useful contact details: Kildare County Council (045 980200) Leixlip Town Council (01 6245777) Newtown House, 41 Captain’s Hill Leixlip Health Centre (01 6244931) Main Street, Leixlip Community Welfare Office (01 6245266) Leixlip Health Centre, Main Street Social Welfare Branch Office (01 6106000) Town Hall, Maynooth Naas General Hospital (045 897 221) Connolly Hospital (01-646 5000) Blanchardstown, North East Doctor on Call (1850-444600) KDOC Newbridge (01 890 599 362) Leixlip Community Library (01 6060050) Captain’s Hill, Leixlip Leixlip Garda Station (01 6667800) Station Road, Leixlip Leixlip Fire Station (01 6244455) Mill Lane, Leixlip For all local information on Leixlip Dáil Reform Competition Time! I warmly welcome the package of reform for Dáil Business, For the opportunity to win a tour of Dáil which have been effective since September 2011. Among Éireann followed by a meal in the Dáil the measures, the Dáil will now sit earlier on Tuesdays and Restaurant for two people, email the will sit on the first Friday of every month; Topical Issue answer to the following question: Debates will be introduced giving backbench TDs more speaking time; Leaders Questions will now be taken by the Tánaiste on Thursdays and TDs can raise issues regarding Q.Who is the current Junior Minister for replies to Parliamentary Questions. European Affairs? All correct answers to anthony. Deadline for receipt of entries 31st October 2011. Kildare County Council Representative Cllr. Senan Griffin Email: Your Local Leixlip Address: Ballygoran, Maynooth, Co. Kildare Contact Numbers: 01-6285177/ 087- 2331267 Fine Gael Team: Leixlip Town Council Representative Cathaoirleach Joe Neville Email: ANTHONY LAWLOR TD Address: 93 Ryevale Lawns, Leixlip, Co. Kildare Contact Number: 086 6062207 Email: Constituency Office: 56 South Main Street, Cllr. Teresa Byrne Email: Naas, Co. Kildare Address: 1035 Avondale, Leixlip, Co. Kildare Contact Number: 045 888488 Contact Numbers: Home – 01 6243124, Mobile – 087 6951546 Opening Hours: 9am -12am & 3pm – 5pm Celbridge Clinic: Every Thursday 7pm – 8pm Cllr. Pat Burke-Walsh Venue - Kildrought Inn, Main Street, Celbridge Email: Address: 397 Ryevale Lawns, Leixlip, Co. Kildare Website: Contact Numbers: 087 1335633 Find me on Facebook