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Anthony Lawlor’s
                                                                              m Anthony
                                                                 A message froe people of Kildare North for
                                                                                           to th
                                                                  I am most grateful                      in Dáil Éireann. I am
                                                                   electing    me to represent them                      to do my
                                                                                                 position and intend
                                                                   ho noured to be in this               of Kildare North. I ha
                                                                                                                                 ve a
                                                                    best fo  r the people and area           h is open daily, and
                                                                    constituency      office in Naas, whic                     evening
                                                                                                       ridge every Thursday
                                                                     am ho    lding a clinic in Celb           contact me if you wi
                                                                     so I encourag     e you to drop in or                      ppy to
                                                                                                        also be more than ha
                                                                      to rais   e an issue. I would                                 ps or
                                                                                                             for individuals, grou
                                                                       organise to    urs to Dáil Éireann                    se do
                                                                                                       ur parliament! Plea
                                                                        scho   ols. After all it is yo         fice a call on 01 61
                                                                         not hesita   te to give my Dáil of                      to
                                                                          or em   ail me at
                                                                           arrange a tour.
                                                                                                       ting with you.
                                                                            I look forward to mee
Government is Winter Ready
To avoid the chaos which arose last year as a result of severe winter
weather conditions, the Government recently launched its Winter
Ready Information Campaign to
give the public advice on how to
prepare for the coming winter. I                                         Street Lighting
would encourage everyone across                                          Airtricity have recently announced a new scheme whereby members
Kildare North to read the practical                                      of the general public can report a fault with street lighting. If you
advice that can be found on the                                          encounter such a problem, simply log onto www.airtricitysolutions.
new website                                          com and click the ‘report a fault’ button on the home page. By
The purpose of this new website                                          reporting a fault in this manner, you can also track the progress of the
is to ensure that the public know                                        repair. Airticity have also issued a service guarantee that faults will
where to find advice if they need                                        be completed within a maximum of 10 days. This new scheme should
it, and to reassure them that arrangements are being put by the          provide a more effective and efficient street lighting service.
Government to ensure a coordinated response is launched if needed.
The gritting of roads was a major problem last year. This should be
considerably alleviated thanks to additional salt stocks – there’s a
total of 200,000 tonnes available to cover national, regional and
                                                                         Presidential Inauguration
local roads. This also includes a strategic reserve stock of 40,000      I was honored to recently attend
tonnes for priority routes in the event of a prolonged cold spell.       the inauguration of our new
Local authorities have been issued with guidelines on the spreading      President, Michael D. Higgins,
of grit, to ensure a consistent approach.                                on Friday 11th November. I
                                                                         was particularly delighted to
The following contact details will be helpful to people from the         learn that the skillfully crafted,
Clane area during periods of severe weather:                             contemporary chair which was
Clane Area Transportation     045 892695                                 used during the ceremony by
Office -                      Email:                President Higgins was produced
                                                                         by Kildare Man, John Lee of
                                                                         Pagestown, Maynooth. This was
Council Waterworks Office - 045 431364
                            Email:           a great honour for John and I
                                                                         wish him all the best in his future
Council Emergency Number - 1890-500-333                                  endeavours.

Anthony Lawlor TD - Working for the people of Kildare North
I am satisfied that all efforts are being made to prevent employers       I am urging anyone who is unemployed and seeking re-entry to the
from exploiting participants of the JobBridge Internship Scheme           workforce to put aside any concerns and apply for an internship
having received assurances on the matter from the Minister for            at To date approximately 2,800
Social Protection, Joan Burton.                                           organisations had advertised positions on the Scheme with a total of
I am aware that concerns have been raised that the JobBridge              5,600 internship opportunities being made available. The assurances
scheme could be open to abuse, and that employers could use it in         I have received from the Minister should alleviate any concerns and I
an exploitative manner. I raised these concerns with the Minister         hope this will encourage more people to use the scheme to take their
and she has given me comprehensive assurances that checks and             first step back into the workforce.
balances are in place to ensure the scheme is being fairly run.
• Each placement is based on a Standard Internship Agreement,
   which must be signed between the intern and the host
   organisation. This acts as a contract and clearly sets out the terms
   of the internship.
• The JobBridge team is closely monitoring internships. Monthly
   compliance reports must be completed and random site visits will
   soon begin as part of the process.
• The Scheme also contains a whistleblowing feature, which allows
   anyone who suspects an internship may be in breach of the rules
   to raise their concerns by ringing the National Call Centre.

The Gathering
The Gathering was recently announced by the Minister for Tourism, Leo Varadkar. It is proposed that a year-long programme of events will
be planned for 2013 aimed at showcasing the best that Ireland has to offer. While major festivals will play a huge role, there will also be a
focus on gatherings organised by local community groups and organisations. And that’s why I’m calling on people in Kildare North to get
Now is the time to start coming up with ideas and for local individuals, clubs and groups to put their thinking hats on. An event could be
anything from a family reunion to a sporting event or a local festival. It’s all aimed at getting the Irish abroad and anyone with an interest
in Ireland to come to these shores in 2013.
The Gathering could attract an extra 300,000 visitors to Ireland, with huge economic benefits. This is something the whole country can
share in. If you are a member of a club or an organisation, why not get together now and think about how you can make your mark. There’s
a huge reserve of talent and goodwill right across the country that is just waiting to be tapped into. So I am encouraging local people in
Kildare North to talk to neighbours, family, colleagues and club mates and get on board for The Gathering. You can register your interest by
submitting an email address to

Medical Cards
Since 1 July all new medical card applications and reviews are
                                                                                           Government Creation
processed centrally. This new system involves an online application                           of Jobs to date
process ( and guarantees a 15 day turnaround
                                                                                  ✔ Extra 15,900 places for further education and
for complete applications which means, when the means test
                                                                                    training programmes
requirements are met, that medical cards will be issued immediately.
You can also track the progress of your application online.                       ✔ New National Internship Scheme providing 5,000
                                                                                    work experience places
                                                                                  ✔ Lower rate of employers’ PRSI halved
                                                                                  ✔ VAT on tourism-related services cut by a third
                                                                                    under the Jobs Initiative
                                                                                  ✔ Reversal of minimum wage cut
                                                                                  ✔ Extra €75m for shovel-ready transport projects
                                                                                    to create/sustain 1,000 jobs
                                                                                  ✔ Extra €40m for 2011 Summer Works Scheme for
                                                                                    453 schools to create 2,400 jobs
                                                                                  ✔ New support programme for home energy
                                                                                    retrofitting to create 2,000 jobs
                                                                                  ✔ Rolling out the last phase of the National
                                                                                    Broadband Scheme

ANThoNy LAWLoR TD                                                    • Tel: 045 888488 • Email:
Recognition of Clane
                                                                    in             ess
   Tidy Estates
   Last month a number of estates in Clane were
                                                           Dáil Bus
                                                                                                                  Dáil SPEEChES
   commended at a local ceremony for their high                                                      for Dáil                           n of the
                                                                         fOrm              of reform              Since the resumptio have spoken
   standards as recognized at the national Tidy               Dáil rE            package een effective sin
                                                                                                                  Dáil in Septembe   ri
                                                                             the                                                       ues such as
   Towns Competition. Mainham Wood earned                     i welcome which have b he measures,                 on a number of iss barracks;
                                                                         s,                   t               d
   the award for the Best Small Estate in Clane;               Busines er 2011. Among on Tuesdays an l            the closure of   army
                                                               Septemb now sits earlier ry month; Topic
                                                                                                              a                         y practices,
   Parkview won the award for the Best Medium                                                                      reform of veterinar cial Stability
                                                                the   Dáil            y of eve troduced            the Europe  an finan
   Estate, while Central Park and Churchfield were                          rst frida           in                                       and the irish
   awarded with the Best Large Estates. From an                 on the fi bates have been re speaking              and Euro Area loan m.
                                                                 i ssue De ckbench TDs mo re now taken              Social We lfare Syste
   overall perspective, I would like to congratulate                         a                  a
                                                                 giving b aders Questions days and TDs
   the members of the Clane Tidy Towns Committee                  time; le naiste on Thurs g replies to
   on a six point increase from last year in the                   by the T issues regardin .                                  miTTEES
                                                                                                                    Dáil COm
                                                                              e                  s
   national competition and wish them all the best                  can rais ntary Question                                            f the
                                                                      arliame                                                  ember o
   for the year ahead.                                               P                                               i am a m s Committee on d
                                                                                                                               a                n
                                                                                                                     Oireacht ial Protection a is
                                                                Dáil QuESTiONS                                        Jobs, So n. The work of thal
                                                                i have tabled a number of Dáil Questions               Educatio e is instrument its
   Congratulations                                              and received very worthwhile answers from
                                                                Government ministers in relation to the
                                                                                                                                  e               n
                                                                                                                       committ g ireland back o ard
                                                                                                                        in gettin i am looking forw
   I would like to extend my congratulations to                 JobBridge Scheme; Social Welfare fraud;                  feet and allenge ahead.
   Loretta Weld on winning the TV3 Ireland AM                   allocation of Overseas Aid; reforming how                to the ch
   ‘Most Stylish Boutique” Award recently. It is                death certificates are issued for irish people
   wonderful that a local business has been given               who die abroad; the introduction of Septic Tank
   national recognition and I wish Loretta and all              inspections; the process of Judicial review, and
                                                                aftercare services for people who self-harm.
   her staff the very best of luck in their future
   business endeavor.

   Scoil Mhuire Evening Classes                                                                       Clarification on new
   Enrolments are now taking                                                                          drink driving limits
   place for the Spring                                                                               Since the recent introduction of the
   Term in Scoil Mhuire,                                                                              new drink driving limits, a number of
   Community School for a                                                                             constituents have contacted me in relation
   variety of evening classes.                                                                        to the new lower limit of 20mg per 100ml
   These classes provide a                                                                            of blood for professional drivers, tractor
   wonderful      opportunity                                                                         drivers and private cars towing a trailer.
   to socialize within the                                                                            There appears to be some confusion in
   local community whilst                                                                             particular about people towing a private
   also learning a new skill                                                                          trailer. I have had this matter clarified by
   or hobby. If you are                                                                               the Minister for Transport, Leo Varadkar,
   interested in enrolling,                                                                           and I can assure people who tow a trailer
   contact the school on 045-868255 or                                                that they will only be subjected to the lower
                                                                                                      limit if in fact they are towing a trailer at
                                                                                                      the time the offence is recorded.
                                                                                                      Currently in order to tow a tractor,
   Promotion of tourism in Kildare                                                                    one must have an EB category licence
                                     I was delighted to learn that the County Kildare                 and are considered under the law as a
                                     Fáilte Interim Group has recently been established               ‘specified person’. The new lower limits
                                     to focus on and develop a plan for tourism in County             are applicable to all ‘specified persons’
                                     Kildare. This group comprises of experienced and                 under the categorisation of driver licences.
                                     successful members of the local tourist trade                    However, it has been made clear to me by
                                     such as representatives from the restaurant and                  the Department that an individual with a
                                     accommodation industry, Newbridge Silverware                     ‘specified person’ categorised licence, will
                                     and John Osborne of the National Stud, who was                   only be subjected to the new limit if at the
                                     recently commended for his role in bringing Queen                time they are driving the ‘specified vehicle’
                                     Elizabeth to the County during her visit to Ireland              as determined by their licence. Otherwise,
                                     last May. I am encouraged by the establishment                   the new lower limit of 50mg per 100ml
                                     of this group and confident that they will be                    of blood, reduced from 80mg, will apply.
                                     successful in their goal to develop tourism in the               This new limit brings Ireland in line with
                                     County. The great thing about the Irish tourist                  European levels.
                                     industry is that everyone can play their part in
                                     making it a success and consequently aiding in
                                     Ireland’s economic recovery. •
Useful numbers                                    Competition Time!
Kildare County Council       045-980200
                                                  For the opportunity to win a tour to Dáil Éireann
Clane Community Library      045-892716           followed by a meal in the Dáil Restaurant
North East Doctor on Call    1850-444 600         for two people, email me the answer
Fire Station, Newbridge      045- 431370          to the following question:

                                                  Q.Whofor the current
Clane Garda Station          045 - 868262
Clane General Hospital,                                    is
Prosperous Rd.               045- 868004
                                                  Minister    Children?
Naas County Hospital, Naas   045- 897221
                                                  All correct answers to
                                                  Deadline for receipt of
                                                  entries 16th December 2011.

                                             New website
                                             i recently launched my ‘new look’ website page www.anthonylawlor.
                                             ie. if you are interested in how i spend my time in the Dáil and
                                             my opinions on various matters, log onto the website to see my
                                             speeches, responses to Dáil Questions and Press Statements. As
                                             your public representative in the Dáil it is important that you
                                             know of my activities.

                                                              Councillor Seamus Langan
                                                              Cllr. Senan Griffin
                                                              Address: Clonkeeran, Carbury
                                                              Contact Numbers: 045-9553058 (h) 087-2871347

                        your Local
                        Fine Gael Team:                       Councillor Brendan Weld
                                                              Address: Painstown, Donadea, Naas
                                                              Contact Numbers: 045-869340/087-7828649

Email:            Celbridge Clinic: Every Thursday 7pm – 8pm
Constituency Office: 56 South Main Street,     Venue - Kildrought Inn, Main Street, Celbridge
Naas, Co. Kildare
Contact Number: 045 888488
                                                       Find me on Facebook
Opening Hours: 9am -12am & 3pm – 5pm

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Clane Newsletter December 2011

  • 1. Anthony Lawlor’s Newsletter m Anthony A message froe people of Kildare North for to th I am most grateful in Dáil Éireann. I am electing me to represent them to do my position and intend ho noured to be in this of Kildare North. I ha ve a best fo r the people and area h is open daily, and I constituency office in Naas, whic evening ridge every Thursday am ho lding a clinic in Celb contact me if you wi sh so I encourag e you to drop in or ppy to also be more than ha to rais e an issue. I would ps or for individuals, grou organise to urs to Dáil Éireann se do ur parliament! Plea scho ols. After all it is yo fice a call on 01 61 83007 not hesita te to give my Dáil of to or em ail me at arrange a tour. ting with you. I look forward to mee Government is Winter Ready To avoid the chaos which arose last year as a result of severe winter weather conditions, the Government recently launched its Winter Ready Information Campaign to give the public advice on how to prepare for the coming winter. I Street Lighting would encourage everyone across Airtricity have recently announced a new scheme whereby members Kildare North to read the practical of the general public can report a fault with street lighting. If you advice that can be found on the encounter such a problem, simply log onto www.airtricitysolutions. new website com and click the ‘report a fault’ button on the home page. By The purpose of this new website reporting a fault in this manner, you can also track the progress of the is to ensure that the public know repair. Airticity have also issued a service guarantee that faults will where to find advice if they need be completed within a maximum of 10 days. This new scheme should it, and to reassure them that arrangements are being put by the provide a more effective and efficient street lighting service. Government to ensure a coordinated response is launched if needed. The gritting of roads was a major problem last year. This should be considerably alleviated thanks to additional salt stocks – there’s a total of 200,000 tonnes available to cover national, regional and Presidential Inauguration local roads. This also includes a strategic reserve stock of 40,000 I was honored to recently attend tonnes for priority routes in the event of a prolonged cold spell. the inauguration of our new Local authorities have been issued with guidelines on the spreading President, Michael D. Higgins, of grit, to ensure a consistent approach. on Friday 11th November. I was particularly delighted to The following contact details will be helpful to people from the learn that the skillfully crafted, Clane area during periods of severe weather: contemporary chair which was Clane Area Transportation 045 892695 used during the ceremony by Office - Email: President Higgins was produced by Kildare Man, John Lee of Pagestown, Maynooth. This was Council Waterworks Office - 045 431364 Email: a great honour for John and I wish him all the best in his future Council Emergency Number - 1890-500-333 endeavours. Anthony Lawlor TD - Working for the people of Kildare North
  • 2. JobBridge I am satisfied that all efforts are being made to prevent employers I am urging anyone who is unemployed and seeking re-entry to the from exploiting participants of the JobBridge Internship Scheme workforce to put aside any concerns and apply for an internship having received assurances on the matter from the Minister for at To date approximately 2,800 Social Protection, Joan Burton. organisations had advertised positions on the Scheme with a total of I am aware that concerns have been raised that the JobBridge 5,600 internship opportunities being made available. The assurances scheme could be open to abuse, and that employers could use it in I have received from the Minister should alleviate any concerns and I an exploitative manner. I raised these concerns with the Minister hope this will encourage more people to use the scheme to take their and she has given me comprehensive assurances that checks and first step back into the workforce. balances are in place to ensure the scheme is being fairly run. • Each placement is based on a Standard Internship Agreement, which must be signed between the intern and the host organisation. This acts as a contract and clearly sets out the terms of the internship. • The JobBridge team is closely monitoring internships. Monthly compliance reports must be completed and random site visits will soon begin as part of the process. • The Scheme also contains a whistleblowing feature, which allows anyone who suspects an internship may be in breach of the rules to raise their concerns by ringing the National Call Centre. The Gathering The Gathering was recently announced by the Minister for Tourism, Leo Varadkar. It is proposed that a year-long programme of events will be planned for 2013 aimed at showcasing the best that Ireland has to offer. While major festivals will play a huge role, there will also be a focus on gatherings organised by local community groups and organisations. And that’s why I’m calling on people in Kildare North to get involved. Now is the time to start coming up with ideas and for local individuals, clubs and groups to put their thinking hats on. An event could be anything from a family reunion to a sporting event or a local festival. It’s all aimed at getting the Irish abroad and anyone with an interest in Ireland to come to these shores in 2013. The Gathering could attract an extra 300,000 visitors to Ireland, with huge economic benefits. This is something the whole country can share in. If you are a member of a club or an organisation, why not get together now and think about how you can make your mark. There’s a huge reserve of talent and goodwill right across the country that is just waiting to be tapped into. So I am encouraging local people in Kildare North to talk to neighbours, family, colleagues and club mates and get on board for The Gathering. You can register your interest by submitting an email address to Medical Cards Since 1 July all new medical card applications and reviews are Government Creation processed centrally. This new system involves an online application of Jobs to date process ( and guarantees a 15 day turnaround ✔ Extra 15,900 places for further education and for complete applications which means, when the means test training programmes requirements are met, that medical cards will be issued immediately. You can also track the progress of your application online. ✔ New National Internship Scheme providing 5,000 work experience places ✔ Lower rate of employers’ PRSI halved ✔ VAT on tourism-related services cut by a third under the Jobs Initiative ✔ Reversal of minimum wage cut ✔ Extra €75m for shovel-ready transport projects to create/sustain 1,000 jobs ✔ Extra €40m for 2011 Summer Works Scheme for 453 schools to create 2,400 jobs ✔ New support programme for home energy retrofitting to create 2,000 jobs ✔ Rolling out the last phase of the National Broadband Scheme ANThoNy LAWLoR TD • Tel: 045 888488 • Email:
  • 3. Recognition of Clane in ess Tidy Estates Last month a number of estates in Clane were Dáil Bus Dáil SPEEChES commended at a local ceremony for their high for Dáil n of the fOrm of reform Since the resumptio have spoken standards as recognized at the national Tidy Dáil rE package een effective sin ce Dáil in Septembe ri the ues such as Towns Competition. Mainham Wood earned i welcome which have b he measures, on a number of iss barracks; s, t d the award for the Best Small Estate in Clane; Busines er 2011. Among on Tuesdays an l the closure of army Septemb now sits earlier ry month; Topic a y practices, Parkview won the award for the Best Medium reform of veterinar cial Stability the Dáil y of eve troduced the Europe an finan Estate, while Central Park and Churchfield were rst frida in and the irish awarded with the Best Large Estates. From an on the fi bates have been re speaking and Euro Area loan m. i ssue De ckbench TDs mo re now taken Social We lfare Syste overall perspective, I would like to congratulate a a giving b aders Questions days and TDs the members of the Clane Tidy Towns Committee time; le naiste on Thurs g replies to á on a six point increase from last year in the by the T issues regardin . miTTEES Dáil COm e s national competition and wish them all the best can rais ntary Question f the arliame ember o for the year ahead. P i am a m s Committee on d a n Oireacht ial Protection a is c Dáil QuESTiONS Jobs, So n. The work of thal i have tabled a number of Dáil Questions Educatio e is instrument its Congratulations and received very worthwhile answers from Government ministers in relation to the e n committ g ireland back o ard in gettin i am looking forw I would like to extend my congratulations to JobBridge Scheme; Social Welfare fraud; feet and allenge ahead. Loretta Weld on winning the TV3 Ireland AM allocation of Overseas Aid; reforming how to the ch ‘Most Stylish Boutique” Award recently. It is death certificates are issued for irish people wonderful that a local business has been given who die abroad; the introduction of Septic Tank national recognition and I wish Loretta and all inspections; the process of Judicial review, and aftercare services for people who self-harm. her staff the very best of luck in their future business endeavor. Scoil Mhuire Evening Classes Clarification on new Enrolments are now taking drink driving limits place for the Spring Since the recent introduction of the Term in Scoil Mhuire, new drink driving limits, a number of Community School for a constituents have contacted me in relation variety of evening classes. to the new lower limit of 20mg per 100ml These classes provide a of blood for professional drivers, tractor wonderful opportunity drivers and private cars towing a trailer. to socialize within the There appears to be some confusion in local community whilst particular about people towing a private also learning a new skill trailer. I have had this matter clarified by or hobby. If you are the Minister for Transport, Leo Varadkar, interested in enrolling, and I can assure people who tow a trailer contact the school on 045-868255 or that they will only be subjected to the lower limit if in fact they are towing a trailer at the time the offence is recorded. Currently in order to tow a tractor, Promotion of tourism in Kildare one must have an EB category licence I was delighted to learn that the County Kildare and are considered under the law as a Fáilte Interim Group has recently been established ‘specified person’. The new lower limits to focus on and develop a plan for tourism in County are applicable to all ‘specified persons’ Kildare. This group comprises of experienced and under the categorisation of driver licences. successful members of the local tourist trade However, it has been made clear to me by such as representatives from the restaurant and the Department that an individual with a accommodation industry, Newbridge Silverware ‘specified person’ categorised licence, will and John Osborne of the National Stud, who was only be subjected to the new limit if at the recently commended for his role in bringing Queen time they are driving the ‘specified vehicle’ Elizabeth to the County during her visit to Ireland as determined by their licence. Otherwise, last May. I am encouraged by the establishment the new lower limit of 50mg per 100ml of this group and confident that they will be of blood, reduced from 80mg, will apply. successful in their goal to develop tourism in the This new limit brings Ireland in line with County. The great thing about the Irish tourist European levels. industry is that everyone can play their part in making it a success and consequently aiding in Ireland’s economic recovery. •
  • 4. Useful numbers Competition Time! Kildare County Council 045-980200 For the opportunity to win a tour to Dáil Éireann Clane Community Library 045-892716 followed by a meal in the Dáil Restaurant North East Doctor on Call 1850-444 600 for two people, email me the answer Fire Station, Newbridge 045- 431370 to the following question: Q.Whofor the current Clane Garda Station 045 - 868262 Clane General Hospital, is Prosperous Rd. 045- 868004 Minister Children? Naas County Hospital, Naas 045- 897221 All correct answers to Deadline for receipt of entries 16th December 2011. New website i recently launched my ‘new look’ website page www.anthonylawlor. ie. if you are interested in how i spend my time in the Dáil and my opinions on various matters, log onto the website to see my speeches, responses to Dáil Questions and Press Statements. As your public representative in the Dáil it is important that you know of my activities. 0612 Councillor Seamus Langan Cllr. Senan Griffin Address: Clonkeeran, Carbury Contact Numbers: 045-9553058 (h) 087-2871347 your Local Fine Gael Team: Councillor Brendan Weld Email: Address: Painstown, Donadea, Naas Contact Numbers: 045-869340/087-7828649 ANThoNy LAWLoR TD Email: Celbridge Clinic: Every Thursday 7pm – 8pm Constituency Office: 56 South Main Street, Venue - Kildrought Inn, Main Street, Celbridge Naas, Co. Kildare Website: Contact Number: 045 888488 Find me on Facebook Opening Hours: 9am -12am & 3pm – 5pm