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How lead, motivate 
and keep staff 
Drs. Marc J. De Turck 
Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
The 4 fatal viruses in knowledge 
 False Data, 
 Fixed Ideas, 
 Rumours, 
 Know Best or Know it All 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
The 4 fatal viruses in knowledge 
False : “contrary to fact or truth; without grounds; incorrect. 
Without meaning or sincerity; deceiving. Not keeping faith. 
Treacherous. Resembling and being identified as a similar or 
related entity” LRH, Ethics and executives, 3/5/1972 
Fact: “something that can be proven to exist by visible 
evidence” LRH, Anatomy of thought, 26/04/70 
Opinion: “something which may or may not be based on 
any facts” LRH, Anatomy of thought, 26/04/70 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
The 4 fatal viruses in knowledge 
“When a person is not functioning well on his post, 
on his job or in life, at the bottom of his difficulties 
will often be found unknown basic definitions and 
laws or false definitions, false data and false laws 
resulting in an inability to think with the words and 
rules of that activity and an inability to perform the 
simplest required functions.” 
LRH, False Data Stripping, 7/08/1979 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
The 4 fatal viruses in knowledge 
“Something accepted without 
personal inspection or agreement. 
It is the perfect ‘authority knows 
best’. It is the ‘reliable source’.” 
LRH , Sanity, 19/05/1970 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
The 4 fatal viruses in knowledge 
Encyclopedia Britannica 
1 : talk or opinion widely disseminated with no 
discernible source 
2 : a statement or report current without known 
authority for its truth 
3 archaic : talk or report of a notable person or 
4 : a soft low indistinct sound : murmur 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
The 4 fatal viruses in knowledge 
Know Best – Know it all 
“In English, it is a derogatory term 
meaning the person is pretending 
to know while actually being 
stupid”. (LRH Def. Notes) 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Vital elements of an effective team 
 Goals, strategy and policy set in a coordinated way 
and understood by everyone. 
 People having a responsibility (Hat) and monitored 
via valuable final products (results). 
 Internal and external communication rules set and 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Vital elements of an effective team 
Where can it go wrong? - solution 
No goal, strategy and policy set or not 
Set goal, strategy, policy and communicate it. 
No hats, nor organizing board set or not 
Establish organizing board, hat people. 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Vital elements of an effective team 
Where can it go wrong? - solution 
No communication rules. 
Set ways and rules to communicate who, what, 
how, to whom and when. 
Crisis situations created by people . 
Handle the people creating it. 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Two types of people 
Antisocial people 
Social people 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Two types of people 
Antisocial people 
 There are certain characteristics and mental attitudes 
which cause about 20 percent of a race to oppose 
violently any betterment activity or group. 
 Such people are known to have anti-social tendencies. 
 As they only comprise 20 percent of the population and 
as only 2 ½ percent are truly dangerous, we see that 
with a very small amount of effort we could considerably 
better the state of society. 
L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppression 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Two types of people 
Antisocial people 
As there are 80 percent of us trying to 
get along and only 20 percent trying to 
prevent us, our lives would be much 
easier to live were we well informed as to 
the exact manifestations of such a 
L. Ron Hubbrd, The cause of suppression 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Two types of people 
12 Characteristics of the antisocial 
1. He or she speaks only in very broad generalities. 
2. Such a person deals mainly in bad news, critical or hostile 
remarks, invalidation and general suppression. 
3. The antisocial personality alters, to worsen, communication 
when he or she relays a message or news. Good news is 
stopped and only bad news, often embellished, is passed 
L. Ron Hubbrd, The cause of suppression 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU 
Л.Рон Хаббард Причина подавления
Two types of people 
12 Characteristics of the antisocial 
4. A characteristic, and one of the sad things about an antisocial 
personality, is that it does not respond to treatment or reform. 
5. Surrounding such a personality we find cowed or ill associates 
or friends who, when not driven actually insane, are yet 
behaving in a crippled manner in life, failing, not succeeding. 
6. The antisocial personality habitually selects the wrong target. 
L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppresion 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Two types of people 
12 Characteristics of the antisocial 
7. The antisocial cannot finish a cycle of action. 
8. Many antisocial persons will freely confess to the most 
alarming crimes when forced to do so, but will have no faintest 
sense of responsibility for them. 
9. The antisocial personality supports only destructive groups 
and rages against and attacks any constructive or betterment 
L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppresion 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Two types of people 
12 Characteristics of the antisocial 
10. Destructive actions are protested by the social personality. He 
assists constructive or helpful actions. 
11. The social personality helps others and actively resists acts 
which harm others. 
12. Property is property of someone to the social personality 
and its theft or misuse is prevented or frowned upon. 
L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppresion 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Two types of people 
The list given above consists of things which such a 
personality cannot detect in himself or herself. This is so 
true that if you thought you found yourself in one of the 
above, you most certainly are not antisocial. Self-criticism 
is a luxury the antisocial cannot afford. They 
must be right because they are in continual danger in 
their own estimation. If you proved one wrong, you might 
even send him or her into a severe illness. Only the 
sane, well-balanced person tries to correct his conduct. 
L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppresion 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Two types of people 
Social Personality 
Man in his anxieties is prone to witch hunts. All one has 
to do is designate “people wearing black caps” as the 
villains and one can start a slaughter of people in black 
It is therefore even more important to identify the 
social personality than the antisocial personality. One 
then avoids shooting the innocent out of mere prejudice 
or dislike or because of some momentary misconduct. 
L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppression 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Two types of people 
12 Characteristics of the social 
1. The Social Personality is specific in relating circumstances. 
2. The Social Personality is eager to relay good news and 
reluctant to relay bad. 
3. A Social Personality passes communication without much 
alteration and if deleting anything tends to delete injurious 
L. Ron Hubbrd, The cause of suppression 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU 
Л.Рон Хаббард Причина подавления
Two types of people 
12 Characteristics of the social 
4. Treatment and reform work very well on the social personality. 
5. The friends and associates of a social personality tend to be 
well, happy and of good morale. 
6. The social personality tends to select correct targets for 
L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppresion 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Two types of people 
12 Characteristics of the social 
7. Cycles of action begun are ordinarily completed by the 
social personality, if possible. 
8. The social personality is ashamed of his misdeeds and 
reluctant to confess them. He takes responsibility for his 
9. The social personality supports constructive groups and 
tends to protest or resist destructive groups. 
L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppresion 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Two types of people 
12 Characteristics of the social 
10. This type of personality approves only of destructive actions 
and fights against constructive or helpful actions or activities. 
11. Helping others is an activity which drives the antisocial 
personality nearly berserk. Activities, however, which destroy 
in the name of help are closely supported. 
12. The antisocial personality has a bad sense of property and 
conceives that the idea that anyone owns anything is a 
pretense, made up to fool people. Nothing is ever really 
L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppresion 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Conditions of existence 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Сonditions of existence 
There are three conditions of 
These three conditions comprise 
They are BE, DO and HAVE 
L. Ron Hubbrd, Fundaentals of thought 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Сonditions of existence 
The condition of being is defined as the 
assumption (choosing) of a category of identity. 
An example of beingness could be one's own 
Another example would be one's profession. 
L. Ron Hubbrd, Fundaentals of thought 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Сonditions of existence 
The second condition of existence is doing. 
By doing, we mean action, function, 
accomplishment, the attainment of goals, 
the fulfilling of purpose, or any change of 
position in space. 
L. Ron Hubbrd, Fundaentals of thought 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Сonditions of excistence 
The third condition of existence is havingness. 
By havingness we mean owning, possessing, 
being capable of commanding, positioning, 
taking charge of objects, energies or spaces. 
L. Ron Hubbrd, Fundaentals of thought 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Motivation Scale 
Duty highest 
Personal conviction 
Personal gain 
Money lowest 
L. Ron hubbard, Motivation scale 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Products and exchange 
Conditions of exchange 
1. Rip-off 
First consider a group which takes in 
money but does not deliver anything in 
exchange. This is called rip-off. 
2. Partial exchange 
The group takes in order or money for 
goods and then delivers part of it or a 
corrupted version of what was ordered. 
L. Ron Hubbard, Finance series 36 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
Products and exchange 
Conditions of exchange 
3. Fair exchange 
One takes in orders and money and one 
delivers exactly as was ordered. 
4. Exchange in abundance 
Here one does not give two for one or free 
service but gives something more valuable 
than money was received for. 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU 
Л. Рон Хаббард, Серрия Финансы 28
The Emotional tone scale 
4.0 Enthusiasm 
3.3 Strong interest 
3.0 Conservatism 
2.5 Boredom 
2.0 Antagonism 
1.5 Anger 
1.1 Covert Hostility 
1.0 Fear 
0.5 Grief 
0.05 Apathy 
L. Ron Hubbard, The emotional tone scale 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
You can be right 
In the matter of being right or being 
wrong, a lot of muddy thinking can 
Why ? 
The answer lies in an impulse, inborn in 
everyone, to try to be right. 
L. Ron Hubbard, Introduction to Ethics 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
You can be right 
Getting the offender to admit his or her 
wrongness is to court further degradation. 
By getting the offender off the compulsive 
repetition of the wrongness, one then 
cures it. 
How ? 
By rehabilitating the ability to be right! 
L. Ron Hubbard, Introduction to ethics 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
You can be right 
By getting another to explain how he or she 
is right – until he or she, being less 
defensive now, can take a less 
compulsive point of view. 
You don’t have to agree with what they 
think. You only have to acknowledge what 
they say. 
And suddenly he can be right. 
L. Ron Hubbard, Introduction to ethics 
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
© 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the 
copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU 
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  • 1. How lead, motivate and keep staff motivated Drs. Marc J. De Turck Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 2. The 4 fatal viruses in knowledge  False Data,  Fixed Ideas,  Rumours,  Know Best or Know it All © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 3. The 4 fatal viruses in knowledge False : “contrary to fact or truth; without grounds; incorrect. Without meaning or sincerity; deceiving. Not keeping faith. Treacherous. Resembling and being identified as a similar or related entity” LRH, Ethics and executives, 3/5/1972 Fact: “something that can be proven to exist by visible evidence” LRH, Anatomy of thought, 26/04/70 Opinion: “something which may or may not be based on any facts” LRH, Anatomy of thought, 26/04/70 © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 4. The 4 fatal viruses in knowledge FALSE DATA “When a person is not functioning well on his post, on his job or in life, at the bottom of his difficulties will often be found unknown basic definitions and laws or false definitions, false data and false laws resulting in an inability to think with the words and rules of that activity and an inability to perform the simplest required functions.” LRH, False Data Stripping, 7/08/1979 © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 5. The 4 fatal viruses in knowledge FIXED IDEAS “Something accepted without personal inspection or agreement. It is the perfect ‘authority knows best’. It is the ‘reliable source’.” LRH , Sanity, 19/05/1970 © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 6. The 4 fatal viruses in knowledge Rumors Encyclopedia Britannica 1 : talk or opinion widely disseminated with no discernible source 2 : a statement or report current without known authority for its truth 3 archaic : talk or report of a notable person or event 4 : a soft low indistinct sound : murmur © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 7. The 4 fatal viruses in knowledge Know Best – Know it all “In English, it is a derogatory term meaning the person is pretending to know while actually being stupid”. (LRH Def. Notes) © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 8. Vital elements of an effective team  Goals, strategy and policy set in a coordinated way and understood by everyone.  People having a responsibility (Hat) and monitored via valuable final products (results).  Internal and external communication rules set and applied. © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 9. Vital elements of an effective team Where can it go wrong? - solution Problem No goal, strategy and policy set or not communicated. Solution Set goal, strategy, policy and communicate it. Problem No hats, nor organizing board set or not communicated. Solution Establish organizing board, hat people. © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 10. Vital elements of an effective team Where can it go wrong? - solution Problem No communication rules. Solution Set ways and rules to communicate who, what, how, to whom and when. Problem Crisis situations created by people . Solution Handle the people creating it. © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 11. Two types of people Antisocial people Social people © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 12. Two types of people Antisocial people  There are certain characteristics and mental attitudes which cause about 20 percent of a race to oppose violently any betterment activity or group.  Such people are known to have anti-social tendencies.  As they only comprise 20 percent of the population and as only 2 ½ percent are truly dangerous, we see that with a very small amount of effort we could considerably better the state of society. L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppression © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 13. Two types of people Antisocial people As there are 80 percent of us trying to get along and only 20 percent trying to prevent us, our lives would be much easier to live were we well informed as to the exact manifestations of such a personality. L. Ron Hubbrd, The cause of suppression © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 14. Two types of people 12 Characteristics of the antisocial personality 1. He or she speaks only in very broad generalities. 2. Such a person deals mainly in bad news, critical or hostile remarks, invalidation and general suppression. 3. The antisocial personality alters, to worsen, communication when he or she relays a message or news. Good news is stopped and only bad news, often embellished, is passed along. L. Ron Hubbrd, The cause of suppression © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU Л.Рон Хаббард Причина подавления
  • 15. Two types of people 12 Characteristics of the antisocial personality 4. A characteristic, and one of the sad things about an antisocial personality, is that it does not respond to treatment or reform. 5. Surrounding such a personality we find cowed or ill associates or friends who, when not driven actually insane, are yet behaving in a crippled manner in life, failing, not succeeding. 6. The antisocial personality habitually selects the wrong target. L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppresion © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 16. Two types of people 12 Characteristics of the antisocial personality 7. The antisocial cannot finish a cycle of action. 8. Many antisocial persons will freely confess to the most alarming crimes when forced to do so, but will have no faintest sense of responsibility for them. 9. The antisocial personality supports only destructive groups and rages against and attacks any constructive or betterment group. L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppresion © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 17. Two types of people 12 Characteristics of the antisocial personality 10. Destructive actions are protested by the social personality. He assists constructive or helpful actions. 11. The social personality helps others and actively resists acts which harm others. 12. Property is property of someone to the social personality and its theft or misuse is prevented or frowned upon. L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppresion © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 18. Two types of people The list given above consists of things which such a personality cannot detect in himself or herself. This is so true that if you thought you found yourself in one of the above, you most certainly are not antisocial. Self-criticism is a luxury the antisocial cannot afford. They must be right because they are in continual danger in their own estimation. If you proved one wrong, you might even send him or her into a severe illness. Only the sane, well-balanced person tries to correct his conduct. L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppresion © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 19. Two types of people Social Personality Man in his anxieties is prone to witch hunts. All one has to do is designate “people wearing black caps” as the villains and one can start a slaughter of people in black caps. It is therefore even more important to identify the social personality than the antisocial personality. One then avoids shooting the innocent out of mere prejudice or dislike or because of some momentary misconduct. L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppression © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 20. Two types of people 12 Characteristics of the social personality 1. The Social Personality is specific in relating circumstances. 2. The Social Personality is eager to relay good news and reluctant to relay bad. 3. A Social Personality passes communication without much alteration and if deleting anything tends to delete injurious matters. L. Ron Hubbrd, The cause of suppression © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU Л.Рон Хаббард Причина подавления
  • 21. Two types of people 12 Characteristics of the social personality 4. Treatment and reform work very well on the social personality. 5. The friends and associates of a social personality tend to be well, happy and of good morale. 6. The social personality tends to select correct targets for correction. L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppresion © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 22. Two types of people 12 Characteristics of the social personality 7. Cycles of action begun are ordinarily completed by the social personality, if possible. 8. The social personality is ashamed of his misdeeds and reluctant to confess them. He takes responsibility for his errors. 9. The social personality supports constructive groups and tends to protest or resist destructive groups. L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppresion © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 23. Two types of people 12 Characteristics of the social personality 10. This type of personality approves only of destructive actions and fights against constructive or helpful actions or activities. 11. Helping others is an activity which drives the antisocial personality nearly berserk. Activities, however, which destroy in the name of help are closely supported. 12. The antisocial personality has a bad sense of property and conceives that the idea that anyone owns anything is a pretense, made up to fool people. Nothing is ever really owned. L. Ron Hubbard, The cause of suppresion © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 24. Conditions of existence DO HAVE BE © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 25. Сonditions of existence There are three conditions of existence These three conditions comprise life They are BE, DO and HAVE L. Ron Hubbrd, Fundaentals of thought © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 26. Сonditions of existence BE The condition of being is defined as the assumption (choosing) of a category of identity. An example of beingness could be one's own name. Another example would be one's profession. L. Ron Hubbrd, Fundaentals of thought © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 27. Сonditions of existence DO The second condition of existence is doing. By doing, we mean action, function, accomplishment, the attainment of goals, the fulfilling of purpose, or any change of position in space. L. Ron Hubbrd, Fundaentals of thought © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 28. Сonditions of excistence HAVE The third condition of existence is havingness. By havingness we mean owning, possessing, being capable of commanding, positioning, taking charge of objects, energies or spaces. L. Ron Hubbrd, Fundaentals of thought © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 29. Motivation Scale Duty highest Personal conviction Personal gain Money lowest L. Ron hubbard, Motivation scale © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 30. Products and exchange Conditions of exchange 1. Rip-off First consider a group which takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off. 2. Partial exchange The group takes in order or money for goods and then delivers part of it or a corrupted version of what was ordered. L. Ron Hubbard, Finance series 36 © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 31. Products and exchange Conditions of exchange 3. Fair exchange One takes in orders and money and one delivers exactly as was ordered. 4. Exchange in abundance Here one does not give two for one or free service but gives something more valuable than money was received for. © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU Л. Рон Хаббард, Серрия Финансы 28
  • 32. The Emotional tone scale 4.0 Enthusiasm 3.3 Strong interest 3.0 Conservatism 2.5 Boredom 2.0 Antagonism 1.5 Anger 1.1 Covert Hostility 1.0 Fear 0.5 Grief 0.05 Apathy L. Ron Hubbard, The emotional tone scale © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 33. You can be right In the matter of being right or being wrong, a lot of muddy thinking can develop. Why ? The answer lies in an impulse, inborn in everyone, to try to be right. L. Ron Hubbard, Introduction to Ethics © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 34. You can be right Getting the offender to admit his or her wrongness is to court further degradation. By getting the offender off the compulsive repetition of the wrongness, one then cures it. How ? By rehabilitating the ability to be right! L. Ron Hubbard, Introduction to ethics © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 35. You can be right By getting another to explain how he or she is right – until he or she, being less defensive now, can take a less compulsive point of view. You don’t have to agree with what they think. You only have to acknowledge what they say. And suddenly he can be right. L. Ron Hubbard, Introduction to ethics © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU
  • 36. © 2007 IDEAS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD, L. Ron Hubbard, are a trademarks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. I/A 09072601EU 3 Reference Materials

Editor's Notes

  1. DAY 1 10:45 – 13:00 MARC DE TURCK
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  22. <number> Scientology 0-8, Chapter 7 “Motivation scale” p. 346
  23. <number> OEC VOL 0, HCO PL 10/09/82 “Exchange, Org income and staff pay” p. 317 points 1, 2
  24. <number> OEC VOL 0, HCO PL 10/09/82 “exchange, Org income and staff pay” p. 317 points 3, 4
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