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Accelerated/Evening Programs
                            Latin American Cluster
          Twentieth Century World History HIS-101 (3 credits)
           Art & Culture of Latin America ICL-361 (3 credits)
     Contemporary Issues in Modern Latin America ICL-362 (3 credits)

                         Fall Quarter 2011
                     LINDENWOOD UNIVERSITY

St. Charles Campus—Monday night class (6-10pm)
Lindenwood University Cultural Center (LUCC)
400 North Kingshighway St. Charles, MO 63301 Campus Phone: 636 949-4500

North County Campus—Weds. night class (6-10pm)
4500 Washington Ave Florissant, MO 63033 Campus Phone: 314 838-7653

13th Meeting held on Tuesday, Oct. 18th, North Co., Week 4 (6-9pm)

                            Adjunct Professor
                            Karen J. Yang, PhD
             Phone: 314-825-7305 (call, text or leave voicemail)
             Follow me on twitter: search keywords ―karenjyang twitter‖

To upload your papers to Class id# 4380155 Password: password

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Twentieth Century World History HIS-101 (3 credits)
Art & Culture of Latin America ICL-361 (3 credits)
Contemporary Issues in Modern Latin America ICL-362 (3 credits)

The course books include:
    Global Studies, Latin America by Peter Goodwin, 14th edition, 2011;
    The Twentieth Century and Beyond by Goff, Moss, Terry Upshur, Schroeder, A Global
      History, 7th edition, 2008;
    Here’s to You, Jesusa! by Elena Poniatowska, Penguin books, 2002; and
    Americas, The Changing Face of Latin America and the Caribbean, by Peter Winn, 3rd
      edition, 2006.

Students must have the required textbooks by the second cluster meeting.

This is a broad course that seeks to introduce students to twentieth century world history, art
and culture of Latin America, and contemporary issues of Latin America. We will examine Latin
America’s history, people, and politics as well as explore both art and culture that are unique to
this region. Latin America combines elements of both New and Old World cultures that is
reflected in today’s contemporary societies. Students will learn its historical development and
current issues. Twentieth century global history will also be covered in this course to introduce
students to major events and trends in Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, and Asia during
this century. Contemporary topics will also be covered.


       1.      Demonstrate written communication and documentation skills.
       2.      Demonstrate oral communication skills.
       3.      Prepare for and participate in every cluster meeting.
       4.      Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the concepts and practices
               within each course.
       5.      Successfully pass quizzes and exams

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I will do my best to
respond as soon as possible. You may call, text, or leave voicemail on my cell phone (314-825-
7305) or you may send me an email at You may address me as Dr.
Yang or Professor Yang.

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The LCIE delivery format, developed in 1975, is a unique time-tested learning model for adult
higher education. The model has been lauded by the Higher Learning Commission of the North
Central Association of Colleges and Schools, the organization that accredits all of the major
universities in the nineteen states comprising the upper Midwest. LCIE uses small class sizes
(usually around 12 students per class, 25 maximum for the Capstone Course) and the Socratic
method (the use of questions to develop a potential idea in a student’s mind) of inquiry to
maximize students’ presentation and discussion opportunities during class sessions. This
approach promotes give-and-take among students and personal interaction between students
and their professors.

Because a major objective of this format is the development of student’s knowledge-synthesis
and communication skills, more emphasis normally is placed on written and oral presentation,
class discussion, papers, and projects than on traditional testing. However, as is true of most
higher education programs, it is up to each professor to determine how students are to be
assessed and graded; therefore, quizzes and exams will be used to supplement papers and
presentations as assessments of student mastery.


Decisions regarding cluster cancellation due to weather conditions come from the Provost who
notifies students and faculty via Rave alerts, television and radio announcements, email and
website notices. The decision is made after reviewing weather reports, traffic conditions, and
after consultation with site directors via the Dean of LCIE. Only the Provost has the authority to
cancel clusters due to weather conditions. The only exception to this policy is an emergency,
and, in this case, the LCIE Office Manager must be notified when a cluster is cancelled. In
addition, all canceled clusters must be rescheduled and made up sometime during the term.


LCIE is an accelerated program designed for motivated learners who take responsibility for their
education. It is assumed that a student will not miss any classes. However, recognizing that
LCIE students are working adults, one absence can be compensated for (at the instructor’s
discretion) through additional assigned work. Two absences will result in a grade drop in one,
two, or all three of the cluster courses, depending on the class format and the instructor’s
judgment. Three absences are unacceptable as that represents one-fourth of the class periods.
A student who has missed or will miss three cluster meetings will receive failing grades in the
cluster. The first class (Saturday for graduate students and new undergraduate students and the
first week of classes for returning undergraduate students) and the thirteenth class (arranged by
the instructor) are both considered part of the scheduled coursework and attendance will be
counted accordingly.

In addition, the LCIE attendance policy is structured so that it incorporates tardiness and early
departure from classes as part of overall attendance reporting. Students are expected to arrive
for the beginning of class periods and remain until the instructor terminates the class meeting.
Instructors will monitor and record the names of students who arrive late for class meetings or
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who leave classes early. Tardy or early departure absences are cumulative and are counted
according to the LCIE absence reporting policy. Students who accumulate four hours of tardy
or early departure penalties will be assessed one evening’s absence. This policy shall be
strictly enforced and in no cases shall exceptions be allowed.


All students must read text assignments thoughtfully and prepare to either answer questions or
hold discussions on material from those texts. Students who do not make substantial oral
contributions to cluster discussions will receive a lower grade.


LCIE is a program designed for the working adult. As such, it is assumed that classroom and
campus behavior will reflect the professional demeanor that adults demonstrate in a work
environment. The following guidelines are designed to remind students of appropriate behaviors
expected in the classroom.
   1. Students are expected to give proper respect to faculty, staff members, and fellow
       students. Exchange of ideas is an integral component of learning, and participants must
       feel free to share ideas within the classroom setting.
   2. Appropriate language is expected. Language chosen to belittle another person or group
       or that could be considered hate speech will not be tolerated.
   3. In order to not misuse class time and to respect the privacy of class participants,
       individual grades will only be discussed before class, during breaks, or after class, at the
       discretion of the professor.
   4. All students are to be in the cluster on time and to stay for the entire cluster period.
   5. Cell phones and pagers should be turned off during class except for emergency services
       personnel on call. Text messaging distracts from classroom activity and will not be
   6. Smoking is prohibited in all campus buildings and is restricted to specific smoking areas
       outside of the buildings.
   7. With the exception of computer lab courses, food in the classroom is allowed only with
       permission of the instructor. Students are expected to dispose of any trash that they
       generate during class.
   8. A hostile environment is not conducive to learning, and students who violate this code of
       conduct will be referred to the Dean of LCIE and/or the Provost and may be removed
       from the cluster and possibly from the University.


Papers are to be turned in on the assigned due date. Students who ignore due dates put
themselves in jeopardy of earning substantially lower grades. Any assignments turned in
AFTER the due date may lose points per day, a letter grade or more.


Due to the accelerated nature of this cluster (program), the rewriting of papers or the assigning
of extra credit homework to improve a grade, or grades, is not permitted.

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Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty and will not be tolerated. Plagiarism is defined as
“the presentation of someone else’s ideas or words as your own. Whether deliberate or
accidental, plagiarism is a serious offense” (Fowler and Aaron 680).

Each of the following is a type of plagiarism and must be avoided in all academic work:
            Copying directly from a source without quotations and source citation;
            Paraphrasing or summarizing another's idea without attribution;
            Changing a sentence’s structure but copying words;
            Changing a sentence’s words but copying its basic structure;
            Using audio, video or other media sources without acknowledgement;
            Submitting a paper written by another student and claiming it as your own;
            Using information obtained through interviewing an expert on the subject without
            Purchasing or downloading a paper from another source and claiming it as your
            Collaborating excessively on an essay with another person;
            Submitting an essay that was previously written for another class without the
                consent of both professors (Plagiarism Defined 1).

                                           Works Cited

Fowler, H. Ramsey, and Aaron, Jane E. The Little, Brown Handbook. New York: Pearson
       Longman Press, 2004.

“Plagiarism Defined: Part 3.” Plagiarism Tutorial: Indiana State University Library. 15 June
        2004. Indiana State University. 10 June 2005

Academic Honesty Policy – Undergraduate Students
Academic dishonesty is an exceptionally serious offense to oneself and one’s colleagues. The
fabric of a learning community is woven by a bond of trust: the work to which we affix our names
is our own. To act otherwise is to undermine the contract of good faith on which productive
study and the open exchange of ideas is based. Therefore, students wishing to maintain formal
membership in a learning community must display the high level of integrity expected of all its
members. According to Lindenwood University’s Academic Honesty policy, names of students
found guilty of cheating or plagiarizing will be sent to the University Provost. A first offense of
academic dishonesty may result in a lessened or failing grade on the work/test or failure in the
course. A second offense will lead to academic probation and failure of the class, and a third
offense will result in expulsion from the University. Any questions concerning this policy should
be directed to the Provost.

Cheating shall be defined by Lindenwood University as “disseminating or receiving answers,
data, or other information by any means other than those expressly permitted by the instructor.
Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to, the following:

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a. Copying answers, data, or other information (or allowing others to copy) during an
      examination, quiz, or laboratory experiment or on homework or any other academic
   b. Assuming another individual’s identity or allowing another person to do so on one’s own
      behalf for the purpose of fulfilling any academic requirement or in any way enhancing the
      student’s grade or academic standing.
   c. Using any device, implement, or other form of study aid during an examination, quiz,
      laboratory experiment, or any other academic exercise without the faculty member’s

   Source for quotation:

Deception, in either written or oral form, directed at University personnel by a student for the
purpose of improving his/her own academic standing or that of another student is subject to
disciplinary action as part of the Lindenwood University Academic Integrity policy.


As with all oral presentations, the student is expected to be prepared, speak distinctly, organize
ideas, have a clear point which will be developed, and be able to answer questions offered by
texts/personal examples, visual aids, handouts, tapes, and the like are encouraged.


Assessment is something we do to (a) improve our teaching and learning and (b) meet the
requirements of our accreditation agency, the Higher Learning Commission. Assessment is
different from, and goes beyond, grading students. Assessment measures how well
Lindenwood is achieving its educational objectives, not how well individual students are doing.
Our assessment procedures (a) identify exactly what competencies and content areas we are
teaching (b) measure how well we are teaching these and (c) suggest how we might improve
our approach to teaching to increase students’ mastery of the material and relevant skills.
LCIE uses written and oral presentations, tests, quizzes and/or final examinations and well
defined rating scales to assess performance on important assessment dimensions in each

The results of these assessment procedures are included in an annual report that the University
produces, and they are used to improve teaching and learning here. We appreciate everyone’s
cooperation in this positive initiative to improve the quality of education at the University.


If you have a disability that requires reasonable accommodations for participation in this course,
you need to contact Jared Conner, Student Support and Accessibility Coordinator, at 636-949-
4510 or and notify your professor during the first week of class so that
accommodations can be made. Reasonable accommodations will be made to ensure that
disabled students have a fair opportunity to perform at their potential. Students are responsible

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for providing the instructor with a Campus Accessibility Faculty Notification Form specifying
classroom accommodations. Your academic advisor can also help with this process.


A = Excellent: The student’s work is outstanding, beyond expectations, and
       exemplary to the goals of the course. Writing reveals a sound
       organizational strategy with clearly developed paragraphs and a unified
       thesis. The ideas are engaging and show illuminating insights into the
       works being studied. There should be few or no errors in style, diction or
       mechanics. Oral presentations are outstandingly informative, well
       researched and relevant to the assignment. The presentation is not read but
       reveals mastery of the material, supportive examples and very good eye

B = Superb: The student’s work is above average, proficient, of high quality, and
      exceed the goals of the course. Writing is clearly above average but may
      reveal problems with the organization of ideas or in the insights expressed.
      There will be some errors in style, diction and/or mechanics. Oral
      presentations may have many insights and show good mastery of the
      material, but may either lack the depth of an outstanding presentation or
      reveal a weaker delivery style.

C = Adequate: The student’s work is average, acceptable and satisfactory to the goals of
      the course. Writing reveals an understanding of the assignment, but the
      insights do not go beyond the obvious and the student does not attempt to
      use the text or other sources to prove the ideas expressed. Subject areas
      tend to be general and do not address specific detail. There are more
      errors in grammar, mechanics, and the like. Presentations cover the
      material but are vague, revealing an average mastery of the assigned
      material and an average delivery style.

D = Unsatisfactory: The student’s work is inadequate, poor, inferior, and unsatisfactory to the
      goals of the course. Writing reveals a poor understanding of the
      assignment, is too general and is replete with errors in style, diction and/or
      mechanics. Oral presentations are poorly planned and delivered with little
      or no thought to the task.

F = Failing: The student has not passed the course. Writing is unacceptable, lacking in
        many of the aforementioned skills or does not come close to the page number

I = Incomplete: The student has failed to complete the coursework because of exceptional
        circumstances beyond the student’s control. An incomplete is not an alternative for the
        student who is failing the course or who has excessive absences. An incomplete is not
        an option
        for the student who has consistently missed or been tardy with assignments. A student
        should have attended all cluster meetings to date and should be relatively current with
        the assignments in order to qualify for the extension afforded through an incomplete

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A grade of “C” or above is necessary to pass Undergraduate Capstone courses. A grade of “B”
or above is necessary to pass Graduate Capstone courses. The grade of “D” is not available for
any Graduate courses.
                                   COURSE POLICIES
The professor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus at his/her discretion. Also,
due to circumstances such as Holidays, weather conditions, illness, business travel, and/or time
constraints, at the discretion of the professor, some assignments and/or meeting dates
scheduled in this syllabus may be rescheduled.

Students are expected to treat everyone with dignity and respect. Please be kind, courteous,
and professional. You are asked to give your full attention when class is in session. Please turn
off your cell phones. Text messaging is not allowed in class and will be grounds for ejection
following a repeat offense after a first warning has been issued. You will be ejected out of the
class if your behavior causes a classroom disruption at the determination of the instructor. The
penalty for ejection will be determined at the instructor’s discretion (from 3% to 10% deduction
of the final grade based on the nature of the offense).

Your success in this accelerated cluster course is highly dependent on how well you prepare,
study, and complete assignments. Please refer to the syllabus for instructions.

Students are expected to have done the reading and writing assignments each week and to
come to class prepared to discuss the materials covered.

Students must upload their 5-page and 10-page papers to by the deadline. A hard
copy paper must be handed in at the start of class at 6pm. If you encounter difficulties, please
seek help as soon as possible. The percentage of similarity should be no more than 25%.
Please check the score before final submission, preferably a couple of days in advance.

Students are expected to complete all coursework, oral presentations, and exams during the
term. Only under exceptional emergencies will students be allowed an incomplete grade.

Late Paper Policy. Students must turn in their paper on the designated due date at the
beginning of class, approximately 6pm. Later papers will receive a lowered grade by one letter
grade and must be turned in by the following week in order to be accepted. Please do not send
your paper by email to the instructor as it will not be accepted. A hard copy is required. Papers
will only be accepted up to a week after the due date.

Missed Exam Policy. It is incumbent upon the student to contact the instructor if he or she
misses an exam due to an exceptional emergency. It is also required that he or she commit to a
day and time in which a make-up exam is scheduled. Failure to make contact with the instructor
and to provide valid documentation to justify the absence will result in an F grade for the exam.

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Failure to Present an Oral on Time Policy. If a student fails to deliver on an oral presentation
or turn in assignment on time, he or she will receive a lowered grade.

                       COURSEWORK AND ASSIGNMENTS
The 13th meeting is an additional class session that falls within the 12-week term. Though the
13th meeting may fall on a different evening than the regular class meetings, it is a mandatory
class session where attendance (participation and contribution) will be taken. Please check your
work schedule and ask for time off in advance, if necessary. You will receive reduced points
for missing this class session. If you are unable to attend the 13th meeting, the make-up
2-page paper assignment is due no later than Week 6.

ORAL PRESENTATIONS (4 oral presentations in total)
For the 4 oral presentations, you are encouraged to use your own notes and handouts.
However, reading word for word from your notes is not acceptable and will result in a lowered
grade. In general, you will be graded based on effort (organization and preparation), content
coverage of main points, eye contact with the audience and completion of task within a
reasonable time.
At times, internet, Wi-Fi access, plug-in speakers, use of PowerPoint, or even the laptop and
projector may not be available so please be prepared to have a back-up plan for your
presentation. You may want to email your document to yourself. Please also save your
PowerPoint document to the compatibility mode, which is Microsoft 1997 to 2003.

ORAL PRESENTATION TYPE 1: 20th Century World History (2 oral presentations in total)
The first type of oral presentation assignment will focus on the 20th Century World History
book. Typically, we will cover 2 chapters from the world history book per class session. As a
discussion leader, student will prepare 3 discussion questions from a single chapter to present
to the class. You will turn in your questions to the instructor the day that we cover the
readings. Please retain your own copy. These questions must reflect your own effort and
        Through random assignment, students will serve as a discussion leader in 2 class
meetings, basing their questions on 2 different chapters from the book. In short, students will
present their 3 questions based on a chapter reading, say chapter 13, and then again later in
the term on a second chapter reading, say chapter 20.

ORAL PRESENTATION TYPE 2: Latin American Country Study Report + short video
The second type of oral presentation assignment is a country report that incorporates both
art & culture and contemporary issues for your country under study. For this report, students will
prepare a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation that focuses on the country. Your presentation
must make use of information from the Global Studies: Latin America book. Additionally, you
may incorporate information (maps, photos, images, facts, audio clip) from outside sources such
as ARTStor. This is a summary presentation, though you are granted creative license to present
the information, using your own personal style and flair. You can make it as fun and creative as
you want but please be tasteful. Be prepared to deliver your oral presentation at the start of
class. You will be timed.
        To complement the country report, students will play a video clip that pertains to the
country, incorporating art and cultural elements as well as contemporary issues (travel and
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tourism, cityscapes, art & culture, current politics and economics, music and dance, festivals
and holidays, interesting social trends and contemporary issues, indigenous cultures, museums,
architecture, etc). Please use decent and tasteful material that is educational and entertaining.
You can locate video clips at Youtube, National Geographic, the History Channel, or major
newspaper websites with foreign bureaus. Your video clip should be no more than 5 minutes.
Both your country report and video segment should take no more than 15 minutes in total.

ORAL PRESENTATION TYPE 3: Summary of the novel HTYJ + relate to a contemp. issue
The third type of oral presentation assignment is based on providing a main points summary
of the novel Here’s To You, Jesusa! and relating it to a contemporary and/or enduring issue. We
will cover this novel in the second half of the term. Each student will be assigned a portion of the
reading and will present a short summary of it. Your presentation should take no more than 5-7
minutes followed by reflections, comparisons, or reactions to a contemporary and/or enduring
issue. Please turn in a 1-2 page paper with bullet points of your summary. You will be timed so
be mindful of the 5 minute time limit for the summary and the 1-2 minute time limit for
relating what you summarized to a contemporary or enduring issue.

Failure to Present on Time Policy
Timeliness is important. If a student fails to deliver on an oral presentation or turn in assignment
on time, he or she will receive a lowered grade.

First Paper Assignment: Due Week 1
In the text Twentieth Century and Beyond, read pages 1-6 (1900: A Preview of the 20th
Century). Write a 2-page essay relating one of the five events discussed in your reading to
a current event or an aspect of modern-day life. (For example: The first event discussed is
"The Wright Brothers and Science & Technology"; your essay could compare and contrast their
accomplishments with current technological advancements such as the internet, cell phones,
etc.) Feel free to include your own personal response to the reading and examples from your
own experiences. Papers received after week 1 will receive a late paper penalty.

Paper Assignment (5-page paper): Week 5
Students will write a 5-page summary and reaction paper that focuses on one of the two
chapters assigned for week 5 from the 20th Century World History book. This type of paper is a
think piece that reflects on some of the main points covered in the chapter. Your paper must
reflect your own effort and originality.
         Your 5-page paper will be based on either chapter 16 or 17. The works cited page must
reference either chapter 16 or 17 from the book. The paper should summarize the main points
briefly as the thrust of the paper should include a main argument or position of your paper,
opinions, reactions, reflective thoughts, and critical analyses. It is best to write in your own
voice. You may want to address some of the take away lessons in a new light. Please use size
12-point font and 1-inch margins all around as well as MLA format for your document. You must
hand in a hard copy paper to class and upload your paper to The instructor will
not accept papers that have been emailed. Late papers will not be accepted after Week 6
class session.

Paper Assignment (10-page paper): Week 10
Students will be required to write a 10-page research and reaction paper with Latin American
content based on MLA format and to upload their papers using Your paper must
incorporate a Latin American contemporary issue along with art and culture that captures this
contemporary issue in some way. A paper guideline will be handed out to students. A hard

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copy is required. The instructor will not accept papers that have been emailed. Your paper
must reflect your own effort and originality. Late papers will not be accepted after Week

Paper Topic Ideas
Past papers have examined the following topics: rainforest destruction and protections,
industrialized agriculture and food production, maternal care, race and racism, youth gangs in
Central America, Latin American immigration to the US and the Dream Act, exploited baseball
players, women in politics, gender roles, Cuba privatizing its economy, Brazilian sugar-based
fuel as alternative to fossil fuel, politics of oil in Venezuela, bilingual education in the US, military
governments and dictatorships, “los desaparecidos” (missing people), class conflict, right-wing
paramilitary groups, left-wing guerrilla groups, indigenous social movements, rural and urban
poverty, US-Mexico war on drugs, Colombian cartels and narco-trafficking, gay marriage in
Latin America, working conditions in maquiladoras (factories), labor movements, microlending,
pros and cons of NAFTA or CAFTA, global business, and technology.

       Students must upload their 5-page and 10-page papers to by the deadline.
A hard copy paper must be handed in at the start of class at 6pm. If you encounter difficulties,
please seek help as soon as possible. The percentage of similarity should be no more than
25%. Please check the score before final submission. This may take 24 hours to update a
new score.

Map Tests: (Latin America) Week 4 and (Europe) Week 8
A Latin America map test covering the countries and federal capitals of North, Central, and
South America will be offered in the first half of the term. Students will be given a study sheet
and practice maps. It is advised that students make flashcards to practice matching the Latin
American countries with their respective capitals and then study their placement on the map.
        A second map test will cover the region of Europe and will be held Week 8. For both
tests, study material will be provided that specifies clearly what students are expected to know.
Both map tests will be administered without use of class notes or book materials. Hence, the
tests are “closed book” and students are expected to prepare well.

Exams: Midterm--Week 6 and Final Exam--Week 12
Both the midterm and final exams consist of matching, fill-in-the-blank, true and false, and short
answers that cover the readings, films, and class discussions. You will take them both as
closed book exams. Make-up exams will only be granted to those who have exceptional
emergencies such as a death in the family or a severe illness. Documentation such as a death
certificate or a letter from a doctor must be presented before a make-up exam is permitted.
         A study guide for exams will not be provided to the student. The instructor does not
“teach to the test”. Both the midterm and final exams are closed books exams. Students may
wish to form a study group with other students to review class notes, articles, weekly
worksheets, and other handouts.

Assessment Methods. A component of student development includes tests (Latin America and
Europe map tests) and exams (midterm and final exams). These are used to supplement
papers and presentations as assessments of student mastery. Used to assess skills in a
particular discipline, it is a timed, comprehensive review of material. The primary method of

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assessment include multiple choice or fill-in-the blank (matching) questions, application
questions, true and false statements, and or short essay questions created by the instructor.

                          LATIN AMERICAN CLUSTER SCHEDULE

Week 1: Sept. 26 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Sept. 28 (WEDNESDAY) North County

Attendance. 1st paper assignment due in class.
Introduction to the course. Review of syllabus. Sign-up for oral presentations.
Chapter 1: 1900: A Preview of the Twentieth Century in The Twentieth            Pages 1-6.
Century and Beyond.
“A View from the South” from Peter Winn’s book, Americas, 2006.                 Pages 1-7.
“Latin America: Myth and Reality” from Goodwin’s book, Global Studies.          Pages 3-6.

Required history reading: Part I Era of Imperialism, Twentieth Century and Beyond, pages 10-

Week 2: Oct. 3 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Oct. 5 (WEDNESDAY) North County

Chapter 2: General Trends Before WWI” in The Twentieth Century.                Pages 10-30.
Chapter 5: The Americas in The Twentieth Century.                              Pages 55-68.
Country presentation on Peru from Goodwin’s book. Video segment.               Pages 98-103.
Country presentation on Colombia from Goodwin’s book. Video segment.           Pages 83-87.
Country presentation on Haiti from Goodwin’s book. Video segment.              Pages 146-149.
“Legacies of Empire” from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006.                    Pages 39-85.
Latin Music USA: Latin Jazz
Test on Syllabus (open notes)

Week 3: Oct. 10 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Oct. 12 (WEDNESDAY) North County

Chapter 7: The Origins of World War I                                         Pages 96-103.
Chapter 8: World War I                                                        Pages 105-118.
 Country presentation on The Dominican Republic from Goodwin’s book.          Pages 140-142.
Video segment.
Country presentation on Cuba from Goodwin’s book. Video segment.              Pages 132-136.
Country presentation on Venezuela from Goodwin’s book. Video segment.         Pages 110-115.
Country presentation on Nicaragua from Goodwin’s book. Video segment.         Pages 44-48.
“Continent on the Move” from Winn’s book Americas, 2006.                      Pages 214-244.
Latin Music USA: Mambo

Required history reading: Part II Era of Revolution and War, Twentieth Century and Beyond,
pages 124-275.

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Week 4: Oct. 17 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Oct. 19 (WEDNESDAY) North County

Chapter 9: General Trends in the Interwar Years                             Pages 124-137.
Chapter 12: Economic and Social Upheaval in the Americas.                   Pages 173-189.
Country presentation on El Salvador from Goodwin’s book+ video.             Pages 30-34.
Country presentation on Argentina from Goodwin’s book+ video.               Pages 61-65.
Country presentation on Chile from Goodwin’s book+ video.                   Pages 78-82.
 “In Women’s Hands” from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006.                  Pages 329-364.
Latin Music USA : Tejano Music
Map Test: Latin America (closed book): 0.5 hour

                         13th Meeting Week 4: Oct. 18th--Tuesday
                    Option #1: Film and Discussion at North County at 6pm
Attendance. Bring your own movie snacks. 3 hours.
Norteño music. Los Tigres del Norte (The Tigers of the North)

Week 5: Oct. 24 (MONDAY)St. Charles and Oct. 26 (WEDNESDAY) North County

Attendance. 5-page history paper due at 6pm. Hand in hard copy.
Chapter 16: Dictatorship and Democracy in Europe during the 1930s           Pages 228-239.
Chapter 17: Aggression in the 1930s                                         Pages 241-253.
 Country presentation on Brazil from Goodwin’s book + video.                Pages 70-77.
 Country presentation on Guatemala from Goodwin’s book+ video.              Pages 36-39.
Country presentation on Mexico from Goodwin’s book+ video.                  Pages 7-15.
“A Question of Color” from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006.                Pages 291-322.
Latin Music USA : Chicano Rock

                         13th Meeting Week 5: Oct. 25th—Tuesday
                Option #2: Film and Discussion at St. Charles Campus at 6pm
Attendance. Bring your own movie snacks. 3 hours.
Norteño music. Los Tigres del Norte (The Tigers of the North)

Week 6: Oct. 31 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Nov. 2 (WEDNESDAY) North County
                                       Midterm Exam
Chapter 18: World War II                                                Pages 255-275.
Chapter 19: General Trends Era of the Cold War & the Collapse of Empire Pages 282-302.
Midterm Exam in-class (closed books) : 8-10pm.

Required history reading: Part III Era of Cold War and The Collapse of Empires, Twentieth
Century and Beyond, pages 282-516.

Revision Date: 09/20/2011
Week 7: Nov. 7 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Nov. 9 (WEDNESDAY) North County

Chapter 20: Postwar Settlements, Europe, and the Early Cold War           Pages 304-325.
Chapter 21: The Americas after World War II                               Pages 326-342.
“Capital Sins” from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006.                     Pages 165-208.
Here’s to You, Jesusa! by Elena Poniatowska.                              Pages 1-62.
1. Pages 1-20
2. Pages 21-40
3. Pages 41-62
Brazilian Bossa Nova

Week 8: Nov. 14 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Nov. 16 (WEDNESDAY) North County
                                       Europe Map Test
Chapter 25: The Israeli-Palestinian Arab Conflict                     Pages 397-408.
Chapter 26: Détente and Europe, 1963-1984                             Pages 410-426.
“The Magical and the Real” (I) from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006. Pages 420-438.
Here’s to You, Jesusa! by Elena Poniatowska.                          Pages 63-125.
4. Pages 63-83
5. Pages 84-103
6. Pages 104-125
Latin Music USA: Reggaetón
Map Test: Europe (0.5 hour)

Week 9: Nov. 21 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Nov. 23 (WEDNESDAY) North County

Chapter 27: The Americas in the Late Cold War Era                         Pages 428-443.
“The Magical and the Real” (II) from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006.    Pages 438-464.
Here’s to You, Jesusa! by Elena Poniatowska.                              Pages 126-187.
7. Pages 126-146
8. Pages 147-168
9. Pages 169-187
Latin Music USA: Salsa

Required history reading: Part IV The Post-Cold War Period, Twentieth Century and Beyond,
pages 520-569.

Week 10: Nov. 28 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Nov. 30 (WEDNESDAY) North County
                             10-Page Research Paper due at 6pm.
Chapter 32: The Post-Cold War World                              Pages 520-531.
Chapter 33: Europe and the Americas in a New Era                 Pages 533-554.
“The Perils of Progress” from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006.  Pages 91-122.
Here’s to You, Jesusa! by Elena Poniatowska.                     Pages 188-237.
10. Pages 188-212
11. Pages 213-237
Revision Date: 09/20/2011
Latin Music USA: Latin Pop

Week 11: Dec. 5 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Dec. 7 (WEDNESDAY) North County

Chapter 34: Asia, the Middle East, & Africa in a New Era                      Only pgs. 556-
“North of the Border” from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006.                  Pages 584-632.
Here’s to You, Jesusa! by Elena Poniatowska.                                  Pages 238-303.
12. Pages 238-260
13. Pages 261-282
14. Pages 283-303
 Tango NPR’s article “Carlos Gardel: Argentina's Tango Maestro”, September 13, 2010
Gotan Project (neotango=electronic tango)
“The Paradoxes of Latin America” by Mario Vargas Llosa from Goodwin.    Pages 165-168.
CLASS DINNER HELD IN CLASS (Sign up sheet will be sent around)

Week 12: Dec. 12 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Dec. 14 (WEDNESDAY) North County

Attendance. Final Exam in-class (closed books).
Be sure to fill out your course evaluations on-line so that you can access your grades. Have a
wonderful break!

How your course grades are determined
The Twentieth Century World History course is calculated separately from the other 2 Latin
American content courses. Grades are based on strict percentage calculations with the
corresponding weight given to each assignment. Students are advised to keep track of
points earned for each assignment so that they can calculate their grades.

A grade: 450-500 points
B grade: 400-449 points
C grade: 350-399 points
D grade: 300-349 points
F grade: below 299 points

Withdrawal from the Cluster
The deadline to withdraw from the course with a WP (withdraw pass) grade is Friday of week
8. Students must go to the appropriate Lindenwood office and officially withdraw. Please contact
your advisor if you have any questions about the withdrawal procedure. Please be sure to attain
verification that your withdrawal has been processed.

Revision Date: 09/20/2011

   1. Twentieth Century World History IHS-101 (3 credits) Here are the components that
       factor into your grade calculation for this course:
Twentieth Century        Brief description of      Points  Point %Earned        Total %Earned
World History            assignment                Earned      s     (grade)  Weight * Weight
         Written Assignments (28%)
1st Assignment           2-page paper                        40                   8%
                         5-page reaction
History Paper            paper                               50                 10%
Latin Am. Map Test closed book                               25                   5%
Europe Map Test          closed book                         25                   5%
                                                            140                 28%
           Oral Assignments (25%)
                         3 questions on
History Oral             assigned chap.-
Presentation 1           discussion leader                   60                 12%
                         3 questions on
History Oral             assigned chap.-
Presentation 2           discussion leader                   65                 13%
                                                            125                 25%
     Attendance and Participation (25%)
12 class meetings        participation and
attendance               contribution                         75                   15%
13th meeting-film        worksheet and
and discussion           participation                        50                   10%
                                                             125                   25%
             Assessments (22%)
Syllabus Test          using syllabus only                    10                    2%
*Midterm Exam           (closed book)                         50                   10%
*Final Exam             (closed book)                         50                   10%
 *no notes allowed for midterm and final
exams                                                        110                   22%
Total                                                        500                 100%

For Twentieth Century World History IHS-101 (3 credits), your midterm grade is based on the
following assignments completed before week 7. These 6 factors represent 45% of your total

        1.   First Assignment (8%)
        2.   Latin America Map Test (5%)
        3.   Syllabus Test (2%)
        4.   5-page history reaction paper (10%)
        5.   13th Meeting (10%)
        6.   Midterm exam (10%)
2. Art & Culture of Latin America ICL-361 (3 credits) and Contemporary Issues in Modern
      Latin America ICL-362 (3 credits) Here are the components that factor into your grade:

Art & Culture of Latin
America (3 credits)
Contemporary Issues of Brief Description         Points    Total   %Earned     Total   %Earned
LA (3 credits)           of assignment           Earned   Points    (grade)   Weight   * Weight
         Written Assignment (28%)
10-page with Latin       MLA format,
Amer. content (Art &     works cited
Culture and              page, and
Contemporary Issues)                       140                 28%
                                                            140                 28%
             Oral Assignments (25%)
Latin American country      10 minutes of
report (use Goodwin's       PowerPoint + 5
book as a source)           minutes video                    50                 10%
Literature novel, Here's
To You, Jesusa! (1-2        5-7 minutes oral
page bullet points          report + relate to
summary of assigned         a contemporary
reading)                    issue                            75                 15%
                                                            125                 25%
    Attendance and Participation (25%)
12 class meetings         participation and
attendance                contribution                       75                 15%
13th meeting-film and     worksheet and
discussion                participation                      50                 10%
                                                            125                 25%
            Assessments (22%)
                          Use syllabus
Syllabus Test             only                               10                  2%
*Midterm Exam              (closed book)                     50                 10%
*Final Exam                (closed book)                     50                 10%
 *no notes allowed on midterm and final
exams                                                       110                 22%
Total                                                       500                100%

For Art & Culture of Latin America ICL-361 (3 credits) and Contemporary Issues in Modern Latin
America ICL-362 (3 credits), each respectively, your midterm grade is based on the following
assignments completed before week 7. These 4 factors represent 32% of your total grade:

        1.   Latin American Country Oral Report (10%)
        2.   Syllabus Test (2%)
        3.   13th Meeting (10%)
        4.   Midterm exam (10%)
Revision Date: 09/20/2011

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Latin American Cluster Fall 2011 Syllabus

  • 1. Accelerated/Evening Programs Latin American Cluster Twentieth Century World History HIS-101 (3 credits) Art & Culture of Latin America ICL-361 (3 credits) Contemporary Issues in Modern Latin America ICL-362 (3 credits) SYLLABUS Fall Quarter 2011 LINDENWOOD UNIVERSITY St. Charles Campus—Monday night class (6-10pm) Lindenwood University Cultural Center (LUCC) 400 North Kingshighway St. Charles, MO 63301 Campus Phone: 636 949-4500 North County Campus—Weds. night class (6-10pm) 4500 Washington Ave Florissant, MO 63033 Campus Phone: 314 838-7653 13th Meeting held on Tuesday, Oct. 18th, North Co., Week 4 (6-9pm) Adjunct Professor Karen J. Yang, PhD E-Mail: Phone: 314-825-7305 (call, text or leave voicemail) Follow me on twitter: search keywords ―karenjyang twitter‖ To upload your papers to Class id# 4380155 Password: password 1 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 2. COURSE INFORMATION COURSE NUMBERS/SECTION/TITLE Twentieth Century World History HIS-101 (3 credits) Art & Culture of Latin America ICL-361 (3 credits) Contemporary Issues in Modern Latin America ICL-362 (3 credits) REQUIRED TEXTS The course books include:  Global Studies, Latin America by Peter Goodwin, 14th edition, 2011;  The Twentieth Century and Beyond by Goff, Moss, Terry Upshur, Schroeder, A Global History, 7th edition, 2008;  Here’s to You, Jesusa! by Elena Poniatowska, Penguin books, 2002; and  Americas, The Changing Face of Latin America and the Caribbean, by Peter Winn, 3rd edition, 2006. Students must have the required textbooks by the second cluster meeting. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS This is a broad course that seeks to introduce students to twentieth century world history, art and culture of Latin America, and contemporary issues of Latin America. We will examine Latin America’s history, people, and politics as well as explore both art and culture that are unique to this region. Latin America combines elements of both New and Old World cultures that is reflected in today’s contemporary societies. Students will learn its historical development and current issues. Twentieth century global history will also be covered in this course to introduce students to major events and trends in Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, and Asia during this century. Contemporary topics will also be covered. COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Demonstrate written communication and documentation skills. 2. Demonstrate oral communication skills. 3. Prepare for and participate in every cluster meeting. 4. Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the concepts and practices within each course. 5. Successfully pass quizzes and exams CONTACTING ME Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I will do my best to respond as soon as possible. You may call, text, or leave voicemail on my cell phone (314-825- 7305) or you may send me an email at You may address me as Dr. Yang or Professor Yang. 2 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 3. UNIVERSITY POLICIES EDUCATIONAL POLICY STATEMENT The LCIE delivery format, developed in 1975, is a unique time-tested learning model for adult higher education. The model has been lauded by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, the organization that accredits all of the major universities in the nineteen states comprising the upper Midwest. LCIE uses small class sizes (usually around 12 students per class, 25 maximum for the Capstone Course) and the Socratic method (the use of questions to develop a potential idea in a student’s mind) of inquiry to maximize students’ presentation and discussion opportunities during class sessions. This approach promotes give-and-take among students and personal interaction between students and their professors. Because a major objective of this format is the development of student’s knowledge-synthesis and communication skills, more emphasis normally is placed on written and oral presentation, class discussion, papers, and projects than on traditional testing. However, as is true of most higher education programs, it is up to each professor to determine how students are to be assessed and graded; therefore, quizzes and exams will be used to supplement papers and presentations as assessments of student mastery. CLUSTER CANCELLATION POLICY Decisions regarding cluster cancellation due to weather conditions come from the Provost who notifies students and faculty via Rave alerts, television and radio announcements, email and website notices. The decision is made after reviewing weather reports, traffic conditions, and after consultation with site directors via the Dean of LCIE. Only the Provost has the authority to cancel clusters due to weather conditions. The only exception to this policy is an emergency, and, in this case, the LCIE Office Manager must be notified when a cluster is cancelled. In addition, all canceled clusters must be rescheduled and made up sometime during the term. ATTENDANCE LCIE is an accelerated program designed for motivated learners who take responsibility for their education. It is assumed that a student will not miss any classes. However, recognizing that LCIE students are working adults, one absence can be compensated for (at the instructor’s discretion) through additional assigned work. Two absences will result in a grade drop in one, two, or all three of the cluster courses, depending on the class format and the instructor’s judgment. Three absences are unacceptable as that represents one-fourth of the class periods. A student who has missed or will miss three cluster meetings will receive failing grades in the cluster. The first class (Saturday for graduate students and new undergraduate students and the first week of classes for returning undergraduate students) and the thirteenth class (arranged by the instructor) are both considered part of the scheduled coursework and attendance will be counted accordingly. In addition, the LCIE attendance policy is structured so that it incorporates tardiness and early departure from classes as part of overall attendance reporting. Students are expected to arrive for the beginning of class periods and remain until the instructor terminates the class meeting. Instructors will monitor and record the names of students who arrive late for class meetings or 3 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 4. who leave classes early. Tardy or early departure absences are cumulative and are counted according to the LCIE absence reporting policy. Students who accumulate four hours of tardy or early departure penalties will be assessed one evening’s absence. This policy shall be strictly enforced and in no cases shall exceptions be allowed. CLASS PARTICIPATION All students must read text assignments thoughtfully and prepare to either answer questions or hold discussions on material from those texts. Students who do not make substantial oral contributions to cluster discussions will receive a lower grade. STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT LCIE is a program designed for the working adult. As such, it is assumed that classroom and campus behavior will reflect the professional demeanor that adults demonstrate in a work environment. The following guidelines are designed to remind students of appropriate behaviors expected in the classroom. 1. Students are expected to give proper respect to faculty, staff members, and fellow students. Exchange of ideas is an integral component of learning, and participants must feel free to share ideas within the classroom setting. 2. Appropriate language is expected. Language chosen to belittle another person or group or that could be considered hate speech will not be tolerated. 3. In order to not misuse class time and to respect the privacy of class participants, individual grades will only be discussed before class, during breaks, or after class, at the discretion of the professor. 4. All students are to be in the cluster on time and to stay for the entire cluster period. 5. Cell phones and pagers should be turned off during class except for emergency services personnel on call. Text messaging distracts from classroom activity and will not be tolerated. 6. Smoking is prohibited in all campus buildings and is restricted to specific smoking areas outside of the buildings. 7. With the exception of computer lab courses, food in the classroom is allowed only with permission of the instructor. Students are expected to dispose of any trash that they generate during class. 8. A hostile environment is not conducive to learning, and students who violate this code of conduct will be referred to the Dean of LCIE and/or the Provost and may be removed from the cluster and possibly from the University. LATE PAPERS Papers are to be turned in on the assigned due date. Students who ignore due dates put themselves in jeopardy of earning substantially lower grades. Any assignments turned in AFTER the due date may lose points per day, a letter grade or more. REWRITING OF PAPERS AND EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENTS Due to the accelerated nature of this cluster (program), the rewriting of papers or the assigning of extra credit homework to improve a grade, or grades, is not permitted. 4 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 5. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty and will not be tolerated. Plagiarism is defined as “the presentation of someone else’s ideas or words as your own. Whether deliberate or accidental, plagiarism is a serious offense” (Fowler and Aaron 680). Each of the following is a type of plagiarism and must be avoided in all academic work:  Copying directly from a source without quotations and source citation;  Paraphrasing or summarizing another's idea without attribution;  Changing a sentence’s structure but copying words;  Changing a sentence’s words but copying its basic structure;  Using audio, video or other media sources without acknowledgement;  Submitting a paper written by another student and claiming it as your own;  Using information obtained through interviewing an expert on the subject without attribution;  Purchasing or downloading a paper from another source and claiming it as your own;  Collaborating excessively on an essay with another person;  Submitting an essay that was previously written for another class without the consent of both professors (Plagiarism Defined 1). Works Cited Fowler, H. Ramsey, and Aaron, Jane E. The Little, Brown Handbook. New York: Pearson Longman Press, 2004. “Plagiarism Defined: Part 3.” Plagiarism Tutorial: Indiana State University Library. 15 June 2004. Indiana State University. 10 June 2005 <>. Academic Honesty Policy – Undergraduate Students Academic dishonesty is an exceptionally serious offense to oneself and one’s colleagues. The fabric of a learning community is woven by a bond of trust: the work to which we affix our names is our own. To act otherwise is to undermine the contract of good faith on which productive study and the open exchange of ideas is based. Therefore, students wishing to maintain formal membership in a learning community must display the high level of integrity expected of all its members. According to Lindenwood University’s Academic Honesty policy, names of students found guilty of cheating or plagiarizing will be sent to the University Provost. A first offense of academic dishonesty may result in a lessened or failing grade on the work/test or failure in the course. A second offense will lead to academic probation and failure of the class, and a third offense will result in expulsion from the University. Any questions concerning this policy should be directed to the Provost. Cheating Cheating shall be defined by Lindenwood University as “disseminating or receiving answers, data, or other information by any means other than those expressly permitted by the instructor. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to, the following: 5 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 6. a. Copying answers, data, or other information (or allowing others to copy) during an examination, quiz, or laboratory experiment or on homework or any other academic exercise. b. Assuming another individual’s identity or allowing another person to do so on one’s own behalf for the purpose of fulfilling any academic requirement or in any way enhancing the student’s grade or academic standing. c. Using any device, implement, or other form of study aid during an examination, quiz, laboratory experiment, or any other academic exercise without the faculty member’s permission. Source for quotation: Lying/Deception Deception, in either written or oral form, directed at University personnel by a student for the purpose of improving his/her own academic standing or that of another student is subject to disciplinary action as part of the Lindenwood University Academic Integrity policy. ORAL PRESENTATIONS As with all oral presentations, the student is expected to be prepared, speak distinctly, organize ideas, have a clear point which will be developed, and be able to answer questions offered by the class. READING TO THE CLASS FROM YOUR NOTES IS NOT A PRESENTATION AND WILL RESULT IN A SIGNIFICANT LOSS OF POINTS IN THIS AREA. The use of texts/personal examples, visual aids, handouts, tapes, and the like are encouraged. PROGRAM ASSESSMENT STATEMENT Assessment is something we do to (a) improve our teaching and learning and (b) meet the requirements of our accreditation agency, the Higher Learning Commission. Assessment is different from, and goes beyond, grading students. Assessment measures how well Lindenwood is achieving its educational objectives, not how well individual students are doing. Our assessment procedures (a) identify exactly what competencies and content areas we are teaching (b) measure how well we are teaching these and (c) suggest how we might improve our approach to teaching to increase students’ mastery of the material and relevant skills. LCIE uses written and oral presentations, tests, quizzes and/or final examinations and well defined rating scales to assess performance on important assessment dimensions in each cluster. The results of these assessment procedures are included in an annual report that the University produces, and they are used to improve teaching and learning here. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation in this positive initiative to improve the quality of education at the University. STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS If you have a disability that requires reasonable accommodations for participation in this course, you need to contact Jared Conner, Student Support and Accessibility Coordinator, at 636-949- 4510 or and notify your professor during the first week of class so that accommodations can be made. Reasonable accommodations will be made to ensure that disabled students have a fair opportunity to perform at their potential. Students are responsible 6 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 7. for providing the instructor with a Campus Accessibility Faculty Notification Form specifying classroom accommodations. Your academic advisor can also help with this process. GRADING SYSTEM A = Excellent: The student’s work is outstanding, beyond expectations, and exemplary to the goals of the course. Writing reveals a sound organizational strategy with clearly developed paragraphs and a unified thesis. The ideas are engaging and show illuminating insights into the works being studied. There should be few or no errors in style, diction or mechanics. Oral presentations are outstandingly informative, well researched and relevant to the assignment. The presentation is not read but reveals mastery of the material, supportive examples and very good eye contact. B = Superb: The student’s work is above average, proficient, of high quality, and exceed the goals of the course. Writing is clearly above average but may reveal problems with the organization of ideas or in the insights expressed. There will be some errors in style, diction and/or mechanics. Oral presentations may have many insights and show good mastery of the material, but may either lack the depth of an outstanding presentation or reveal a weaker delivery style. C = Adequate: The student’s work is average, acceptable and satisfactory to the goals of the course. Writing reveals an understanding of the assignment, but the insights do not go beyond the obvious and the student does not attempt to use the text or other sources to prove the ideas expressed. Subject areas tend to be general and do not address specific detail. There are more errors in grammar, mechanics, and the like. Presentations cover the material but are vague, revealing an average mastery of the assigned material and an average delivery style. D = Unsatisfactory: The student’s work is inadequate, poor, inferior, and unsatisfactory to the goals of the course. Writing reveals a poor understanding of the assignment, is too general and is replete with errors in style, diction and/or mechanics. Oral presentations are poorly planned and delivered with little or no thought to the task. F = Failing: The student has not passed the course. Writing is unacceptable, lacking in many of the aforementioned skills or does not come close to the page number requirement. I = Incomplete: The student has failed to complete the coursework because of exceptional circumstances beyond the student’s control. An incomplete is not an alternative for the student who is failing the course or who has excessive absences. An incomplete is not an option for the student who has consistently missed or been tardy with assignments. A student should have attended all cluster meetings to date and should be relatively current with the assignments in order to qualify for the extension afforded through an incomplete grade 7 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 8. A grade of “C” or above is necessary to pass Undergraduate Capstone courses. A grade of “B” or above is necessary to pass Graduate Capstone courses. The grade of “D” is not available for any Graduate courses. COURSE POLICIES SYLLABUS DISCLAIMER The professor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus at his/her discretion. Also, due to circumstances such as Holidays, weather conditions, illness, business travel, and/or time constraints, at the discretion of the professor, some assignments and/or meeting dates scheduled in this syllabus may be rescheduled. CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE Students are expected to treat everyone with dignity and respect. Please be kind, courteous, and professional. You are asked to give your full attention when class is in session. Please turn off your cell phones. Text messaging is not allowed in class and will be grounds for ejection following a repeat offense after a first warning has been issued. You will be ejected out of the class if your behavior causes a classroom disruption at the determination of the instructor. The penalty for ejection will be determined at the instructor’s discretion (from 3% to 10% deduction of the final grade based on the nature of the offense). CLASS PREPARATION Your success in this accelerated cluster course is highly dependent on how well you prepare, study, and complete assignments. Please refer to the syllabus for instructions. CLASS PARTICIPATION Students are expected to have done the reading and writing assignments each week and to come to class prepared to discuss the materials covered. SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENTS Students must upload their 5-page and 10-page papers to by the deadline. A hard copy paper must be handed in at the start of class at 6pm. If you encounter difficulties, please seek help as soon as possible. The percentage of similarity should be no more than 25%. Please check the score before final submission, preferably a couple of days in advance. LATE ASSIGNMENTS Students are expected to complete all coursework, oral presentations, and exams during the term. Only under exceptional emergencies will students be allowed an incomplete grade. Late Paper Policy. Students must turn in their paper on the designated due date at the beginning of class, approximately 6pm. Later papers will receive a lowered grade by one letter grade and must be turned in by the following week in order to be accepted. Please do not send your paper by email to the instructor as it will not be accepted. A hard copy is required. Papers will only be accepted up to a week after the due date. Missed Exam Policy. It is incumbent upon the student to contact the instructor if he or she misses an exam due to an exceptional emergency. It is also required that he or she commit to a day and time in which a make-up exam is scheduled. Failure to make contact with the instructor and to provide valid documentation to justify the absence will result in an F grade for the exam. 8 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 9. Failure to Present an Oral on Time Policy. If a student fails to deliver on an oral presentation or turn in assignment on time, he or she will receive a lowered grade. COURSEWORK AND ASSIGNMENTS 13th MEETING The 13th meeting is an additional class session that falls within the 12-week term. Though the 13th meeting may fall on a different evening than the regular class meetings, it is a mandatory class session where attendance (participation and contribution) will be taken. Please check your work schedule and ask for time off in advance, if necessary. You will receive reduced points for missing this class session. If you are unable to attend the 13th meeting, the make-up 2-page paper assignment is due no later than Week 6. ORAL PRESENTATIONS (4 oral presentations in total) For the 4 oral presentations, you are encouraged to use your own notes and handouts. However, reading word for word from your notes is not acceptable and will result in a lowered grade. In general, you will be graded based on effort (organization and preparation), content coverage of main points, eye contact with the audience and completion of task within a reasonable time. At times, internet, Wi-Fi access, plug-in speakers, use of PowerPoint, or even the laptop and projector may not be available so please be prepared to have a back-up plan for your presentation. You may want to email your document to yourself. Please also save your PowerPoint document to the compatibility mode, which is Microsoft 1997 to 2003. ORAL PRESENTATION TYPE 1: 20th Century World History (2 oral presentations in total) The first type of oral presentation assignment will focus on the 20th Century World History book. Typically, we will cover 2 chapters from the world history book per class session. As a discussion leader, student will prepare 3 discussion questions from a single chapter to present to the class. You will turn in your questions to the instructor the day that we cover the readings. Please retain your own copy. These questions must reflect your own effort and originality. Through random assignment, students will serve as a discussion leader in 2 class meetings, basing their questions on 2 different chapters from the book. In short, students will present their 3 questions based on a chapter reading, say chapter 13, and then again later in the term on a second chapter reading, say chapter 20. ORAL PRESENTATION TYPE 2: Latin American Country Study Report + short video segment The second type of oral presentation assignment is a country report that incorporates both art & culture and contemporary issues for your country under study. For this report, students will prepare a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation that focuses on the country. Your presentation must make use of information from the Global Studies: Latin America book. Additionally, you may incorporate information (maps, photos, images, facts, audio clip) from outside sources such as ARTStor. This is a summary presentation, though you are granted creative license to present the information, using your own personal style and flair. You can make it as fun and creative as you want but please be tasteful. Be prepared to deliver your oral presentation at the start of class. You will be timed. To complement the country report, students will play a video clip that pertains to the country, incorporating art and cultural elements as well as contemporary issues (travel and 9 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 10. tourism, cityscapes, art & culture, current politics and economics, music and dance, festivals and holidays, interesting social trends and contemporary issues, indigenous cultures, museums, architecture, etc). Please use decent and tasteful material that is educational and entertaining. You can locate video clips at Youtube, National Geographic, the History Channel, or major newspaper websites with foreign bureaus. Your video clip should be no more than 5 minutes. Both your country report and video segment should take no more than 15 minutes in total. ORAL PRESENTATION TYPE 3: Summary of the novel HTYJ + relate to a contemp. issue The third type of oral presentation assignment is based on providing a main points summary of the novel Here’s To You, Jesusa! and relating it to a contemporary and/or enduring issue. We will cover this novel in the second half of the term. Each student will be assigned a portion of the reading and will present a short summary of it. Your presentation should take no more than 5-7 minutes followed by reflections, comparisons, or reactions to a contemporary and/or enduring issue. Please turn in a 1-2 page paper with bullet points of your summary. You will be timed so be mindful of the 5 minute time limit for the summary and the 1-2 minute time limit for relating what you summarized to a contemporary or enduring issue. Failure to Present on Time Policy Timeliness is important. If a student fails to deliver on an oral presentation or turn in assignment on time, he or she will receive a lowered grade. First Paper Assignment: Due Week 1 In the text Twentieth Century and Beyond, read pages 1-6 (1900: A Preview of the 20th Century). Write a 2-page essay relating one of the five events discussed in your reading to a current event or an aspect of modern-day life. (For example: The first event discussed is "The Wright Brothers and Science & Technology"; your essay could compare and contrast their accomplishments with current technological advancements such as the internet, cell phones, etc.) Feel free to include your own personal response to the reading and examples from your own experiences. Papers received after week 1 will receive a late paper penalty. Paper Assignment (5-page paper): Week 5 Students will write a 5-page summary and reaction paper that focuses on one of the two chapters assigned for week 5 from the 20th Century World History book. This type of paper is a think piece that reflects on some of the main points covered in the chapter. Your paper must reflect your own effort and originality. Your 5-page paper will be based on either chapter 16 or 17. The works cited page must reference either chapter 16 or 17 from the book. The paper should summarize the main points briefly as the thrust of the paper should include a main argument or position of your paper, opinions, reactions, reflective thoughts, and critical analyses. It is best to write in your own voice. You may want to address some of the take away lessons in a new light. Please use size 12-point font and 1-inch margins all around as well as MLA format for your document. You must hand in a hard copy paper to class and upload your paper to The instructor will not accept papers that have been emailed. Late papers will not be accepted after Week 6 class session. Paper Assignment (10-page paper): Week 10 Students will be required to write a 10-page research and reaction paper with Latin American content based on MLA format and to upload their papers using Your paper must incorporate a Latin American contemporary issue along with art and culture that captures this contemporary issue in some way. A paper guideline will be handed out to students. A hard 10 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 11. copy is required. The instructor will not accept papers that have been emailed. Your paper must reflect your own effort and originality. Late papers will not be accepted after Week 11. Paper Topic Ideas Past papers have examined the following topics: rainforest destruction and protections, industrialized agriculture and food production, maternal care, race and racism, youth gangs in Central America, Latin American immigration to the US and the Dream Act, exploited baseball players, women in politics, gender roles, Cuba privatizing its economy, Brazilian sugar-based fuel as alternative to fossil fuel, politics of oil in Venezuela, bilingual education in the US, military governments and dictatorships, “los desaparecidos” (missing people), class conflict, right-wing paramilitary groups, left-wing guerrilla groups, indigenous social movements, rural and urban poverty, US-Mexico war on drugs, Colombian cartels and narco-trafficking, gay marriage in Latin America, working conditions in maquiladoras (factories), labor movements, microlending, pros and cons of NAFTA or CAFTA, global business, and technology. TURNITIN.COM Students must upload their 5-page and 10-page papers to by the deadline. A hard copy paper must be handed in at the start of class at 6pm. If you encounter difficulties, please seek help as soon as possible. The percentage of similarity should be no more than 25%. Please check the score before final submission. This may take 24 hours to update a new score. Map Tests: (Latin America) Week 4 and (Europe) Week 8 A Latin America map test covering the countries and federal capitals of North, Central, and South America will be offered in the first half of the term. Students will be given a study sheet and practice maps. It is advised that students make flashcards to practice matching the Latin American countries with their respective capitals and then study their placement on the map. A second map test will cover the region of Europe and will be held Week 8. For both tests, study material will be provided that specifies clearly what students are expected to know. Both map tests will be administered without use of class notes or book materials. Hence, the tests are “closed book” and students are expected to prepare well. Exams: Midterm--Week 6 and Final Exam--Week 12 Both the midterm and final exams consist of matching, fill-in-the-blank, true and false, and short answers that cover the readings, films, and class discussions. You will take them both as closed book exams. Make-up exams will only be granted to those who have exceptional emergencies such as a death in the family or a severe illness. Documentation such as a death certificate or a letter from a doctor must be presented before a make-up exam is permitted. A study guide for exams will not be provided to the student. The instructor does not “teach to the test”. Both the midterm and final exams are closed books exams. Students may wish to form a study group with other students to review class notes, articles, weekly worksheets, and other handouts. Assessment Methods. A component of student development includes tests (Latin America and Europe map tests) and exams (midterm and final exams). These are used to supplement papers and presentations as assessments of student mastery. Used to assess skills in a particular discipline, it is a timed, comprehensive review of material. The primary method of 11 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 12. assessment include multiple choice or fill-in-the blank (matching) questions, application questions, true and false statements, and or short essay questions created by the instructor. LATIN AMERICAN CLUSTER SCHEDULE Week 1: Sept. 26 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Sept. 28 (WEDNESDAY) North County Attendance. 1st paper assignment due in class. Introduction to the course. Review of syllabus. Sign-up for oral presentations. Chapter 1: 1900: A Preview of the Twentieth Century in The Twentieth Pages 1-6. Century and Beyond. “A View from the South” from Peter Winn’s book, Americas, 2006. Pages 1-7. “Latin America: Myth and Reality” from Goodwin’s book, Global Studies. Pages 3-6. Required history reading: Part I Era of Imperialism, Twentieth Century and Beyond, pages 10- 118. Week 2: Oct. 3 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Oct. 5 (WEDNESDAY) North County Attendance. Chapter 2: General Trends Before WWI” in The Twentieth Century. Pages 10-30. Chapter 5: The Americas in The Twentieth Century. Pages 55-68. Country presentation on Peru from Goodwin’s book. Video segment. Pages 98-103. Country presentation on Colombia from Goodwin’s book. Video segment. Pages 83-87. Country presentation on Haiti from Goodwin’s book. Video segment. Pages 146-149. “Legacies of Empire” from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006. Pages 39-85. Latin Music USA: Latin Jazz Test on Syllabus (open notes) Week 3: Oct. 10 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Oct. 12 (WEDNESDAY) North County Attendance. Chapter 7: The Origins of World War I Pages 96-103. Chapter 8: World War I Pages 105-118. Country presentation on The Dominican Republic from Goodwin’s book. Pages 140-142. Video segment. Country presentation on Cuba from Goodwin’s book. Video segment. Pages 132-136. Country presentation on Venezuela from Goodwin’s book. Video segment. Pages 110-115. Country presentation on Nicaragua from Goodwin’s book. Video segment. Pages 44-48. “Continent on the Move” from Winn’s book Americas, 2006. Pages 214-244. Latin Music USA: Mambo Required history reading: Part II Era of Revolution and War, Twentieth Century and Beyond, pages 124-275. 12 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 13. Week 4: Oct. 17 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Oct. 19 (WEDNESDAY) North County Attendance. Chapter 9: General Trends in the Interwar Years Pages 124-137. Chapter 12: Economic and Social Upheaval in the Americas. Pages 173-189. Country presentation on El Salvador from Goodwin’s book+ video. Pages 30-34. Country presentation on Argentina from Goodwin’s book+ video. Pages 61-65. Country presentation on Chile from Goodwin’s book+ video. Pages 78-82. “In Women’s Hands” from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006. Pages 329-364. Latin Music USA : Tejano Music Map Test: Latin America (closed book): 0.5 hour 13th Meeting Week 4: Oct. 18th--Tuesday Option #1: Film and Discussion at North County at 6pm Attendance. Bring your own movie snacks. 3 hours. Norteño music. Los Tigres del Norte (The Tigers of the North) Week 5: Oct. 24 (MONDAY)St. Charles and Oct. 26 (WEDNESDAY) North County Attendance. 5-page history paper due at 6pm. Hand in hard copy. Chapter 16: Dictatorship and Democracy in Europe during the 1930s Pages 228-239. Chapter 17: Aggression in the 1930s Pages 241-253. Country presentation on Brazil from Goodwin’s book + video. Pages 70-77. Country presentation on Guatemala from Goodwin’s book+ video. Pages 36-39. Country presentation on Mexico from Goodwin’s book+ video. Pages 7-15. “A Question of Color” from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006. Pages 291-322. Latin Music USA : Chicano Rock 13th Meeting Week 5: Oct. 25th—Tuesday Option #2: Film and Discussion at St. Charles Campus at 6pm Attendance. Bring your own movie snacks. 3 hours. Norteño music. Los Tigres del Norte (The Tigers of the North) Week 6: Oct. 31 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Nov. 2 (WEDNESDAY) North County Midterm Exam Attendance. Chapter 18: World War II Pages 255-275. Chapter 19: General Trends Era of the Cold War & the Collapse of Empire Pages 282-302. Midterm Exam in-class (closed books) : 8-10pm. Required history reading: Part III Era of Cold War and The Collapse of Empires, Twentieth Century and Beyond, pages 282-516. 13 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 14. Week 7: Nov. 7 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Nov. 9 (WEDNESDAY) North County Attendance. Chapter 20: Postwar Settlements, Europe, and the Early Cold War Pages 304-325. Chapter 21: The Americas after World War II Pages 326-342. “Capital Sins” from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006. Pages 165-208. Here’s to You, Jesusa! by Elena Poniatowska. Pages 1-62. 1. Pages 1-20 2. Pages 21-40 3. Pages 41-62 Brazilian Bossa Nova Week 8: Nov. 14 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Nov. 16 (WEDNESDAY) North County Europe Map Test Attendance. Chapter 25: The Israeli-Palestinian Arab Conflict Pages 397-408. Chapter 26: Détente and Europe, 1963-1984 Pages 410-426. “The Magical and the Real” (I) from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006. Pages 420-438. Here’s to You, Jesusa! by Elena Poniatowska. Pages 63-125. 4. Pages 63-83 5. Pages 84-103 6. Pages 104-125 Latin Music USA: Reggaetón Map Test: Europe (0.5 hour) Week 9: Nov. 21 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Nov. 23 (WEDNESDAY) North County Attendance. Chapter 27: The Americas in the Late Cold War Era Pages 428-443. “The Magical and the Real” (II) from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006. Pages 438-464. Here’s to You, Jesusa! by Elena Poniatowska. Pages 126-187. 7. Pages 126-146 8. Pages 147-168 9. Pages 169-187 Latin Music USA: Salsa Required history reading: Part IV The Post-Cold War Period, Twentieth Century and Beyond, pages 520-569. Week 10: Nov. 28 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Nov. 30 (WEDNESDAY) North County 10-Page Research Paper due at 6pm. Attendance. Chapter 32: The Post-Cold War World Pages 520-531. Chapter 33: Europe and the Americas in a New Era Pages 533-554. “The Perils of Progress” from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006. Pages 91-122. Here’s to You, Jesusa! by Elena Poniatowska. Pages 188-237. 10. Pages 188-212 11. Pages 213-237 14 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 15. Latin Music USA: Latin Pop Week 11: Dec. 5 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Dec. 7 (WEDNESDAY) North County Attendance. Chapter 34: Asia, the Middle East, & Africa in a New Era Only pgs. 556- 569. “North of the Border” from Peter Winn’s book Americas, 2006. Pages 584-632. Here’s to You, Jesusa! by Elena Poniatowska. Pages 238-303. 12. Pages 238-260 13. Pages 261-282 14. Pages 283-303 Tango NPR’s article “Carlos Gardel: Argentina's Tango Maestro”, September 13, 2010 Gotan Project (neotango=electronic tango) “The Paradoxes of Latin America” by Mario Vargas Llosa from Goodwin. Pages 165-168. CLASS DINNER HELD IN CLASS (Sign up sheet will be sent around) Week 12: Dec. 12 (MONDAY) St. Charles and Dec. 14 (WEDNESDAY) North County Attendance. Final Exam in-class (closed books). Be sure to fill out your course evaluations on-line so that you can access your grades. Have a wonderful break! How your course grades are determined The Twentieth Century World History course is calculated separately from the other 2 Latin American content courses. Grades are based on strict percentage calculations with the corresponding weight given to each assignment. Students are advised to keep track of points earned for each assignment so that they can calculate their grades. LETTER GRADE AND POINT SCALE A grade: 450-500 points B grade: 400-449 points C grade: 350-399 points D grade: 300-349 points F grade: below 299 points Withdrawal from the Cluster The deadline to withdraw from the course with a WP (withdraw pass) grade is Friday of week 8. Students must go to the appropriate Lindenwood office and officially withdraw. Please contact your advisor if you have any questions about the withdrawal procedure. Please be sure to attain verification that your withdrawal has been processed. 15 Revision Date: 09/20/2011
  • 16. LATIN AMERICAN CLUSTER COURSE EVALUATION 1. Twentieth Century World History IHS-101 (3 credits) Here are the components that factor into your grade calculation for this course: Total Twentieth Century Brief description of Points Point %Earned Total %Earned World History assignment Earned s (grade) Weight * Weight Written Assignments (28%) 1st Assignment 2-page paper 40 8% 5-page reaction History Paper paper 50 10% Latin Am. Map Test closed book 25 5% Europe Map Test closed book 25 5% 140 28% Oral Assignments (25%) 3 questions on History Oral assigned chap.- Presentation 1 discussion leader 60 12% 3 questions on History Oral assigned chap.- Presentation 2 discussion leader 65 13% 125 25% Attendance and Participation (25%) 12 class meetings participation and attendance contribution 75 15% 13th meeting-film worksheet and and discussion participation 50 10% 125 25% Assessments (22%) Syllabus Test using syllabus only 10 2% *Midterm Exam (closed book) 50 10% *Final Exam (closed book) 50 10% *no notes allowed for midterm and final exams 110 22% Total 500 100% For Twentieth Century World History IHS-101 (3 credits), your midterm grade is based on the following assignments completed before week 7. These 6 factors represent 45% of your total grade: 1. First Assignment (8%) 2. Latin America Map Test (5%) 3. Syllabus Test (2%) 4. 5-page history reaction paper (10%) 5. 13th Meeting (10%) 6. Midterm exam (10%)
  • 17. 2. Art & Culture of Latin America ICL-361 (3 credits) and Contemporary Issues in Modern Latin America ICL-362 (3 credits) Here are the components that factor into your grade: Art & Culture of Latin America (3 credits) Contemporary Issues of Brief Description Points Total %Earned Total %Earned LA (3 credits) of assignment Earned Points (grade) Weight * Weight Written Assignment (28%) 10-page with Latin MLA format, Amer. content (Art & works cited Culture and page, and Contemporary Issues) 140 28% 140 28% Oral Assignments (25%) Latin American country 10 minutes of report (use Goodwin's PowerPoint + 5 book as a source) minutes video 50 10% Literature novel, Here's To You, Jesusa! (1-2 5-7 minutes oral page bullet points report + relate to summary of assigned a contemporary reading) issue 75 15% 125 25% Attendance and Participation (25%) 12 class meetings participation and attendance contribution 75 15% 13th meeting-film and worksheet and discussion participation 50 10% 125 25% Assessments (22%) Use syllabus Syllabus Test only 10 2% *Midterm Exam (closed book) 50 10% *Final Exam (closed book) 50 10% *no notes allowed on midterm and final exams 110 22% Total 500 100% For Art & Culture of Latin America ICL-361 (3 credits) and Contemporary Issues in Modern Latin America ICL-362 (3 credits), each respectively, your midterm grade is based on the following assignments completed before week 7. These 4 factors represent 32% of your total grade: 1. Latin American Country Oral Report (10%) 2. Syllabus Test (2%) 3. 13th Meeting (10%) 4. Midterm exam (10%) 17 Revision Date: 09/20/2011