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He's sweating buckets
Wajibul qatal' (fit to be murdered
Lukewarm/half hearted/unenthusiastic
A lukewarm response
Beef up security
This exercise will beef up your upper body
Beefing up/strengthen (make strong or stronger)
Beefing up efforts in eliminating terrorism in the region
I'm officially off duty
Idiosyncrasy (a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to
an individual)
We all have our own idiosyncratic gestures
Idiosyncratic (peculiar to the individual) individualistic
Idiosyncratic (peculiar to the individual)
That guy gets on my last nerve
On top of this
It works the other way around
An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a
The far flung areas
On what kind of yardstick is he basing his judgment?
Yardstick/criteria/measure/standard (a measure or standard used for
Clock out/clock off (register one's departure from work)
Clock out (register one's departure from work)
Clock in/clock out
Lousy (very bad)/dirty
Homicide/kill (the killing of a human being by another human being)
Clock in (register one's arrival at work)
The tour to England this summer has also brought its own specific
Economic growth of less than 1% per year is considered to be economic
Doldrums/inactivity/stagnancy a state of inactivity (in business or art
Doldrums/inactivity/stagnancy state of inactivity (in business or art etc)
It just got my head twisted
It never rains but it pours (unfortunate events occur in quantity)
It never rains but it pours
It is this sort of barbaric, medieval mentality prevalent in our society
that has led us to our current state of affairs
That video cracks me up
I loathe that man"
The other teachers loathed him
Follow the footsteps
Can I have your number if something crocks up?
If something crocks up
Daunting (cause fear or to lose courage)
It's quite daunting
Weed (any plant that crowds out cultivated plants
My blueberry nights
Can you tinker with the TV? set--it's not working right"
Tinkering (try to fix or mend)
Should a concubine get maintenance?
As tinkering with software is my passion
He was angry at first and then completely disillusioned
It was really like a courtroom slugfest
Addict, nut, freak, junkie, junky: fan, buff, devotee, lover:
An ardent follower and admirer/ someone who is so ardently devoted to
something that it resembles an addiction
I don't worry abt her one bit
Shag/fuck ([brit, vulgar] slang for sexual intercourse)
That's novel
Tainted/corrupted/place under suspicion
Wanker ([offensive] terms of abuse for a masturbator)
(Vulgar) jerk off/masturbate
What would you like to commend?
Vandalism/destruction (Deliberate destruction, defacement or damage of
public or other people's property)
Warns case may flounder
"I suspect there might be a little bit of humor thrown in, with a few
comments, but we won't let anything go beyond light-hearted banter
This is a conspiracy to malign pak cricket
Skullduggery/trickery/hanky panky/deceit
Skullduggery (verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in
some way)
He is concerned about the long-term repercussions
Pakistan slump to massive defeat
I wouldn't grizzle about cook for the ashes
Couldn't agree with him more
He hit the nail on the head
Every word that came out of this man is worth the weight in gold
Arguments still rage about the exact causes of the loss
I wasn't lazing about.
Laze (exist in a changeless situation)
The seamstress quickly made the mourning clothes
On one hand they take tens of billions in their begging bowl on another hand
they plot the killings of us citizens
Granted that it is dangerous, all the same i still want to go"
Don't let yourself be lulled into a false state of security"
Still up!
It sounds preposterous/absurd/ridiculous/idiotic
I appreciate your concerns
Juggernaut/power/force (a massive inexorable force that seems to crush
everything in its way)
Muppets (UK) (informal) a stupid or weak person
"Venomous criticism"(marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful)
Venomous snakes
Venomous/virulent/vicious/deadly/extremely poisonous
Venomous (extremely poisonous)
He is both venomous
Advertising hoarding (large outdoor signboard)
Apart from nuclear testing where India started first, pakistan has always
been a little ahead in warheads, fissile material and delivery systems,
Pakistan's president asif Ali zardari has had a shoe thrown at him at a rally in
Mohammad yousuf hasn't had much of a chance to practice lately
Wench (a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money)
Wench/prostitutes/whore/slut/call girl/hooker
Strike off (remove from a list)
Strike out/cross off/remove from list
"Grammatical mistakes are his pet peeve
Pet peeve (an opportunity for complaint that is seldom missed)
"I’ll give you this gratis"
Gratis/Free/ Costless/Free of charge/Complimentary/without Payment
Edible/eatable/Suitable for use as food
Fatalism (A submissive mental attitude resulting from acceptance of the
doctrine that everything that happens is predetermined and inevitable)
Fatalist (Anyone who submits to the belief that they are powerless to change
their destiny)
Torso (Body)
Flamboyant way of talking
Contemplate (Consider as a possibility)
Contemplate (Look at thoughtfully; observe deep in thought)
"I contemplated leaving school and taking a full-time job
Contemplate/ponder/think/consider/cogitate/think about/mull over
Contemplating/pondering/thinking over/mulling over
Suave (Having a sophisticated charm)
Berserk (Frenzied as if possessed by a demon)
Gleefully (In a joyous and gleeful manner)
Med School (medical school)
Alimony/maintenance/support payment (Court-ordered support paid by one
spouse to another after they are separated)
Alimony/maintenance/support payment
Gin and tonic
"The job was finished in the span of an hour"
Span (The complete duration of something)
Dazzling (Amazingly impressive)
"The dancer dazzled the audience with his turns and jumps"
Her arguments dazzled everyone";
Dazzling (Amaze or bewilder, as with brilliant wit or intellect or skill)
She was dazzled by the bright headlights"
Dazzling (To cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense
She is dazzling
A gritty half-century
"Let's recapitulate the main ideas"
RECAP (Recapitulate) (Summarize briefly)
As of today, this site will no longer provide movies for viewing.
We can play it safe (avoid risk)
Punch in the information (enter information by pressing the key)
Just give me a minute to pull up ur record
"Her melancholic smile
Melancholic (Characterized by or causing or expressing sadness)
Subtle/elusive/Difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze
Candid (Characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety
or evasion)
"A candid interview"
"I gave them my candid opinion"
How so? (What do you mean?)
Bargaining chip/leverage (Leverage in the form of an inducement or a
concession useful in successful negotiations)
For the most part (for the most time)
Vivid sentences
Furrow/groove/line/easy and straight path
Pull up Record /take out/extract
Pull up/take out/extract
Let's hear it for Hamid
We made a significant progress
They might have had a difficult start.
Who's up for the challenge? (Who is ready for this challenge?)
Who's up for the challenge?
Let's have a round of applause for Hamid
Redundant (More than is needed, desired, or required)
Chap/fellow (A boy or man) lad/fella/
We want to make this transition as smooth as possible for you and your
I’ll be doing an internship in a few months time
We appreciate everything you've done for our Dept
I wish I’d better news for you.
Severance/split/breakup/separate (A compensation Package given to laid off
employee (health insurance) (job search assistance) (some salary)
(retirement plan contribution) (employment counseling)
Egalitarian/equalitarian/favoring social equality/
Freebie (Something that is free (usually provided as part of a promotional
That’s a freebie,
Aamer’s opening spell was prodigious
What is the weather like today?
Snickers (A disrespectful laugh)/Laugh quietly
Media lovers to poke fun at Arnold's Accent
Without a lot of hassle
Ecstatic/happy/joyous (Feeling great rapture or delight)
Afridi is ecstatic
Babysit/gaurd (Take watchful responsibility for)
She dashed off a letter to her lawyer
She dashed off a note to her husband saying she would not be home for
Dash off (Write quickly)
"The shop beside the station"
Beside/alongside/next to/at the side of
Scruffy (Shabby and untidy)
"Rancid butter" "rancid candy"
"An unorthodox lifestyle"
Unorthodox/Heterodox (Breaking with convention or tradition)
An orthodox view of the world"
Orthodox (Adhering to what is commonly accepted)
"He found it in the Sears catalogue"
Catalogue (A book or pamphlet containing an enumeration of things)
Catalogue (Make an itemized list or catalogue of; classify)
Vehicle (Veeikul)
Baby buggy/Stroller/Go-Cart/Baby carriage
Baby buggy (A small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is
pushed around)
Baby-faced (Having a youthful-looking face)
Tycoon (A very wealthy or powerful businessman)
Cliché (Klee’shey)
For those of you who don't know me, I’m Hamid
Let me just start by introducing myself, I’m Hamid
I appreciate you taking the time to come here today.
Let me thank you all for being with here today
(On phone) I’m sorry but the line is breaking up
Nemesis (something causing misery or death)
Mass exodus of Hindus and Muslims in 1947
The father remained an extricable knot to keep all together
Sounds like a huge hassle
I don't blame for feeling angry
Empathize with caller/customer
He labeled his sister with bad character
It was a never ending tussle
Objectives (operational)
Mission (educational)
Vision (inspirational)
Feedback (response to output)
Pump money into project (supply money)
When the going gets tough, the tough get going, so let's go for it!
Fit the moment
Are you ready? Let's give it a go
Solidify future
High-flying companies came crashing down
Rapid fall
(The economy was soaring)
Give me a minute to pull up your records.
Can I put you on hold for a moment?
Let me transfer you to the sales dept.
I'm sorry but I don't follow you, could we run through that again?
There’s too much background noise (static on line! Could you plz repeat
Difficult speaker (I’m afraid I’m not with you)
Thanks for your business, enjoy the weekend
Thank you for your patience, we'll be in touch soon
Thank you for choosing (company name) for your insurance needs
No that should do it!
Well I think that covers everything
It's been a pleasure serving you
Thanks for calling and have a great day!
Anything else I can do for you today?
Did you have any other question?
Is there anything I can help you with?
Follow you (understand)
I'm afraid I didn't follow you, I’m not sure I’m following you
Static on the line (noise effecting the connection)
Noise effecting the connection.
I think we have a bad connection
Static (a crackling or hissing noise caused by electrical interference)
(On phone) I’m sorry there's static on the line (noise)
I'm sorry there's static on the line
Bigwig (the most important person in a group or undertaking)
Bigwigs/important person/influential person /top banana
Giving a presentation to a company's bigwigs
Derogatory (expressive of low opinion)
A derogatory language
Frolic (play boisterously)
She was raped after being sedated
This will be a fitting reply to them for exporting
Left over/odd (we ate leftovers for the lunch)
Left over/odd
Pleasantries/jokes/jests (an agreeable or amusing remark)
Tuck your shirttail in"
Tuck (fit snugly into) insert
Whimpering (Cry weakly or softly)
She was whimpering in ecstasy.
Denigrating other women
Slapdash (In a careless or reckless manner)
"The shelves were put up slapdash
"Slapdash work
My nerves are all shot to hell
He kept wailing
Debris/rubble/junk/dust/The remains of something that has been destroyed
or broken up
I dig it
"The estate was sequestered"
Sequester (Keep away from others)
Make one's body limber or suppler by stretching, as if to prepare for
strenuous physical activity
Limber up/warm up/loosen/ stretch body
Sprinting (Run very fast, usually for a short distance)
India secured a clean waiver for nuclear commerce,
They exchange pleasantries"
They are stupendulous
Smug/ self-satisfied/ self-complacent
Hazy (filled or abounding with fog or mist)
Where I get hazy
Flatly speaking there is no scope for comments.
Scruples/moral sense
Scruples (sense of right and wrong)
Pakistan has no scruples when it comes to India
Solace (the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment)
Finding solace
Redemption (the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil)
Wailing mourners"; "the wailing wind"
She wailed with pain
Wailing/crying/weeping/lamenting/loud cries made while weeping
Wailing (loud cries made while weeping)
Negative waling
You guys crack me up
I'm tired of your backstabbing
Douche bag (a small syringe with detachable nozzles; used for vaginal
lavage and enemas)
Douche bag
Don't flatter urself
I feel so flattered.
You’re way too skeptical
Menopause (the time in a woman's life in which the menstrual cycle ends)
I'm just being honest
I was just inseminated a few days ago
Inseminate/impregnate/introduce semen into (a female)
Pedicure (care for one's feet by cutting and shaping the nails, etc)
Pedicure (professional care for the feet and toenails)
Heave/can heaves a sigh of relief
She heaved a deep sigh when she saw the list of things to do
Heave/utter a sound
Every buddy obey to the rising sun
He is cute and gullible
I don't like Sinbad, he's so obnoxious
Feigned ignorance
Decimated/kill in large numbers/wipe out/eradicate/killed
Mohammad Sami decimated the Australian batting order
'I want to make films that are fun but not frivolous'
Diminution (change toward something smaller or lower)
Without the slightest diminution
Enjoined (give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with
Detestable vices
Glass blowers
That would be a heck of a lot of fun
Reprobate/perverted/someone with no moral principles
Ingenuity/the power of creative imagination
Student's ingenuity
In china it is polite to burp at the table
Bum (person who does no work)
Began the process of burping him
This is gross
A formidable attack
Nobody gives a crap about this piece of new
To Lull a child to sleep
Lullaby (the act of singing a quiet song to lull a child to sleep)
Sing lullabies for a baby boy
A jittery ride
The item girl confesses she is jittery about marriage
If we end up being with a partner who is not adventurous enough, we might
just as well will die without ever experiencing anything
My partner and I love being with each other, enjoy long sessions of
Granted, you are married but I still love u
I cannot think of anything else
Preoccupied/obsessed/lost/taken up/seized/haunted/prepossessed
I am so preoccupied by him
I have been working for nearly ten years now
Her sexual desire will stabilize
I don't want a loveless marriage
Correct me, if I’m wrong
I prefer people who pander to me
He preferred sycophants
Fancy their chances
I wish I hadn’t chickened out
Whopper/lie/a gross untruth; a blatant lie
To tell that big whopper
I wouldn’t have told him anyway
My coffee lay forgotten
Just because you’re pretty, Sarah, you can’t go thinking other people are
I’d kept that book as good as new for years
I’d kept that book as good as new for years
Gosh, your ears are pointy
Gosh/used to express surprise)
Nosy/curious/offensively curious or inquisitive
Why children have to take so long to grow up
What is that stinking smell?
I peeked out of the window
Maniac/an insane person/lunatic
Politicians talk, leaders act
His declaration had unforeseen repercussions
Way out/exit
Aisle (a long narrow passage)
Holiday resort (a hotel located in a resort area)
Holiday resort
Bed and breakfast (an overnight boardinghouse with breakfast)
Arthritis (inflammation of a joint or joints)
Painful arthritis
We’re halfway through! Have a cup of tea and some fresh air – or just hang
My pussy got juicier with each lick of his tongue
Holy shit, they're beautiful
I've fantasized about meeting a woman like you so many times.
I was the first woman he'd hooked up with
He's a newbie
I don’t really want to get more specific than that
U dwell on past you dwell on loss
Property tycoon Donald trump
Bigwigs/the most important person in a group
A belated birthday card
A commercial bribe paid by a seller
A landmark judgment in the judicial history of Pakistan
Absconder/fugitive (a fugitive who runs away and hides to avoid arrest or
All that talk of match fixing is humbug
An irreparable mistake
Banged his head on the floor
Belated (after the expected or usual time; delayed)
Beleaguered us dollar
Crackpot Pakistani politicos
Crackpot/nut/crank/foolish; totally unsound
Crony/buddy/chum/friend/a close friend who accompanies his buddies in
their activities
Deals with punishment to an absconder
Delinquent/guilty of a misdeed/young offender
Dirty minds think alike
Doctors declared her husband as impotent
Doris day films
Dufus (a stupid incompetent person)
Emaciated (very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold)
Erogenous zones
Erogenous zones (any area of the body especially sensitive to sexual
Erogenous (sensitive to sexual stimulation)
Fiasco/sudden collapse
Geez (used to express surprise)
He is in irrepressible mood
He lured the boy to the bathroom
I never would’ve figured this out without you
Incapacitate/disable/make unable to perform a certain action/injure
Incumbents/officials/the official who holds an office
Inexperienced/tyro/rookie (an awkward and inexperienced youth)
Irreparable damages"
Irreparable harm
Irreparable loss
Irreparable/impossible to repair, rectify, or amend
It is pertinent
It seems obvious
It takes a delinquent to catch a delinquent
It was so rambunctious
Lured/tempted/enticed/false promise
Mud-slinging (making defamatory remarks at an opponent)
Multitasking (perform more than one task at the same time; originally of
computers, now also more generally)
Muzzled/prevent from speaking out/tie a gag around someone's mouth in
order to silence them
Necessitates a quick trial
Necessitates/require as useful, just, or proper/calls
Nifty/very good
Pay a kickback; make an illegal payment
Pertinent/to the point/logically right
Quintessential (representing the perfect example of a class or quality)
Rookie (an awkward and inexperienced youth)
School mascot
Scintillating innings
Scintillating personality
Sehwag gets a reprieve
Sly: I think it is clever and sly
Sly/marked by skill in deception/foxy/crafty/cunning/elusive/manipulative
Spewing venom against Pakistan all year round
Striking down the national reconciliation ordinance (nro)
Such anomalies shouldn't be given too much of importance.
Surveillance/close observation of a person or group (usually by the police)
That cow is emaciated
The attacker muzzled him
The Englishman was under surveillance
Unilateral/one sided
Unrequited love
We can make our relationship better off through interaction heard me right.
Delirious/excited/mad/wild/uncontrolled emotion
Jazzed/us, vulgar] have sexual intercourse with
Ball tampering was a raging issue in the 1990s
No amount of money can produce another Gavaskar
"Horrendous explosions shook the city"
We must snap all ties with Pakistan
India's rhetoric
Hard-line/firm and uncompromising/stance/posture/sturdy
Gilani is a hard liner
Capitulate/surrender under agreed conditions
Requesting new powers of surveillance is just a smokescreen to hide their
Smokescreen/ an action intended to conceal or confuse or obscure
These indo-pak meetings are just a smokescreen..
Sitting duck/a defenseless victim/easy mark/victim
Cleverly duped bush for eight years
End months of acrimony
So long as
Intriguing day
For this to happen both have to talk
Know how long they were going to have to bat out there.
Tie makes you look manicured
Brain-teaser/a difficult problem
He's got plenty of brains but no common sense
Some men dislike brainy women
Fella/boy or man/fellow
From that vantage point he could survey the whole valley
Vantage point/viewpoint
Vantage point
For the exam, you must be able to regurgitate the information
Regurgitate/repeat after memorization
I never would have gotten it wrong
Flossing/cleaning teeth
Chuffed to bits/ very pleased
Curvaceous woman
Flossing/showing off
Chin wag/chit chat/small talk
Bootlegging/sell illicit products such as drugs or alcohol
Can bootlegging flourish
A flagrant defiance
If my memory serves me right then
I had consensual sex with her
We must not marginalize the poor in our society
Gay sex against tenets of Islam: deoband
But this is utter bootlicking
I'm finding this very hard to say but . . . Well done Mr. Butt.
I am a die hard afridi fan
Hearty congratulations
Last of all, i congratulate the Pakistani people
Your decision is an eye opener for our old boys
Reminiscent of akram
Frankly speaking i was holding back my emotions
Kudos Pakistan
Why do u guys indulge in mud sledging?
It was such a sweet nostalgic moment, like the one about 17 years back.
I think t20 is gonna be death knell for test
It goes without saying that pak is integral part of the world cricket
I now don’t really care whether or not Pakistan wins this time
South Africa is "chokers
Hate mongers/one that arouses hatred for others
Hate mongers
But the other batsmen faltered against the spot-on attack.
The loser packs their bags and goes home
It's sudden-death time
Ur treachery knows no bounds
Pakistan will become twice as dangerous as they are now
Mercurial Pakistan wallop New Zealand
His knees wobbled
Wobbling/tremble or shake/move unsteadily
I shot the picture and headed out the door.
This seemed like a reasonable trade-off
Ramp up aid to Pakistan
Hope I didn't jinx it
Have lacked the pizzazz we were expecting
Back pack
You have shed light on several areas that guys often ignore in their
An excess of anything is bad
Whereas the woman continuously seeks love and romance
Orgasm/the moment of most intense pleasure in sexual intercourse
You think I’m too sassy
I’m doomed
Heirloom/something that has been in a family for generations
Mood swings
Retro/affecting things past
Don’t be so retro
Are on the brink of an early departure from this edition
Sangakkara's pummeled him
Was inexplicable
We’re trying to work out the permutations of this group,
It's time I made a cuppa
Spineless/weak in willpower, courage or vitality
There is a saying "don't play with a pig you both will get dirty and the pig
will enjoy it
I take strong exception to your words that "Pakistan has let off hafiz saeed".
Rebut/prove to be false or incorrect/refute/disprove/contradict
Flirtatious affairs
Taboo-rich society
Habits die hard
The policy makers and governors of this country are spineless.
Rag pickers
Two rag pickers dragged a 20-year-old woman selling clips on local trains
and raped her
I request you to kindly not hype this issue
A pathological liar
Indians and Pakistanis are being rifted away by us.
Create rift
India and Pakistan have had acrimonious relations
You hit the bull’s eye mr.ghaddafi
Fittest is to survive" is the order of the day
We love pandering supper powers
Sex predators
1. Walking away from a dispute or a brawl doesn't make you a coward -- it
makes you sensible.
Women prefer personality, manliness, adventure and a sense of humor. Take
it from me.
Gold-digger/ A woman who associates with or marries a rich man in order
to get valuables from him through gifts or a divorce settlement
Metro sexual males have changed the gender notions,
Unbuttoning the top three buttons of a man's shirt?
Clean shaven chest =an element of sex appeal that women find hard to resist.
Sardonic/ disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking
In case of an argument, women love being sardonic to their partners.
Wit is a rare commodity, which reflects intellect and presence of mind
Sense of humor/this one undeniably tops the list as most women find it
irresistible when men are at their wittiest best.
Lashing out at chand
Mug up/swot up/cram/hit the books/study hard
Soft s spoken/having a speaking manner that is not loud or harsh
She was always soft-spoken
He buzzed the servant (Call with a buzzer)
Hype up/charge up/excite/rouse/stimulate/turn on
'I think I owe you an apology because in some way I have wronged you."
Srk swore that he had too much respect for women to demean them.
Patch-ups/conciliates/make up/settle/reconcile
I can wait longer then she can
I refused to buzz for sex for about a week
I feel empowered! I am loving it
Now I am a happily married man, who can refuse sex, to get wife to do stuff
for me!
It infuses a lot of good feelings within her
They have no qualms about getting vocal about it
Gone are the days when ‘demanding sex’ was considered exclusively a
man's forte
Men think, while women desire
When men gossip it’s "networking", when women talk it’s "bitching".
Expectation that they’ll be manicured primped and preened to a high degree
at all times.
High profile gentleman
High profile
Stop the animosity between each other at least in the field of sport.
I feel sorry for you. Out of million topics you found this topic to write. You
need psychiatric counseling’s. I will pray for you.
State-of-the-art technology
State of the art
Weed out terrorists
It takes a leader to finish the job
This carried on until around 25 couples were ensnared
Take my word for it
The mere description of these pictures is horrendous enough
The consequence would be to imperil our troops
Try to keep the talk mushy and personal
They might even have more
India must do something to ward off Pakistan
But her behavior is inexcusable
Sex bomb/Sexpot/a young woman who is thought to have sex appeal
Sex-starved (Desiring but deprived of sexual gratification)
Sex symbol
Sexualize (Make sexual, endow with sex, attribute sex to)
Sexual love/erotic love
Sexually transmitted disease
He took his pleasure of her
Schools to hike fees
I live life on my own terms
Many of them are likely to give birth in the next three
At that early age she had been gullible and in love
Gullible/naive/innocent/simplistic/easily deceived or tricked
Clandestine approach
To dump Pakistan unceremoniously
Snipes/attack in speech or writing
You should work on your spelling and grammar before taking snipes at
May not be a great surprise to some who have tut-tut Ted over shoaib’s
Your point of view must be taken with a grain of salt.
She doesn't seem like much of a prostitute
It's just that
Pre-marital sex is immoral
They looked way too young
What does it taste like?
He lied right to her face
Make your cup of tea!
I’m glade I came clean well
That was so cheesy!
Chlamydia/sexually transmitted disease/infection
He had slit his throat
A hard-hitting advertising campaign
Hard-hitting/Aggressive (Characterized by or full of force and vigor)
Having the opportunity to develop personal relationships is an important part
of a full life
Ravenous/voracious/ extremely hungry
Pakistan must stop equating with India
In an orchestrated manner
Bootylicious/luscious/sexy/erotic/seductive/having strong sexual appeal
Insist on contraception
Ravenous for sex
Kissing is a quintessential part of foreplay
Women can try holding their mate’s hands or giving them a surprise hug
when he’s shirtless right after a shower
Your dressing provocatively will arouse them for a sexual session.”
They wait for men to pamper them and make them feel wanted.
A lovemaking night
It’s time for women to let their wild imagination spread its magic.
Give their sex drive a much needed boost
Gone are the days when a ‘high sex drive’ was considered a male
“Men love their wives to have sex and wives have sex to get love from their
Hungry for sex
Being a man to flaunt it
I want an equal share of the pie (sexual adventure)
Libido/sexual desire or urge
Genetically men posses more libido and urge to have more sex than their
female counterparts
These Pakistanis are far too clever for them
Scuppered any effort
He made some sexual advances at the woman in his office and groped her
Groping/fondle for sexual pleasure
He must have been busy, there's no need to make an issue out of this."
He holds no grudge against the cricket star
They just sit and mug
Phony/fake/ Fraudulent; having a misleading appearance
After ferocious skirmishes
Overcome by superior force
A formidable Hamid
Formidable/ extremely impressive in strength or excellence
He is hell bent on wasting his time after politics!
The onslaughts of terrorist attacks in various parts
A well-built sexually attractive man
Hot sexy male hunks
O'clock' is a contraction of 'of the clock
Swotted up/crammed/hit the books/studied
Swotted up
Figure out
He didn't figure her
Figure-hugging clothes
Ethnic violence
The bullets riddled his body
They had received bodies riddled with gunshot wounds
Vehicles had been torched in different parts of the city
It’s been 8 years now since i had the opportunity to do so
The consequences will be catalistic
Pakistan is in doldrums
But prior to that
Limelight (a focus of public attention)
He enjoyed being in the limelight
Bring into limelight
Pakistan's duplicitous governance
It is highly likely that Pakistan will attack India sooner than we think.
I’m mighty glad
We need to speak out forcefully against a policy
She enumerated the many obstacles she had encountered
The damage that he's done around the world has been incalculable,
Thanking has enormous powers—so much so that it can mend broken hearts
and unite waning passions
Ardent love
Reminisce/think back/remember/recall past
The grandparents sat there, reminiscing all afternoon
I find him in a most awkward predicament
Get ur facts straight
I wanna see how Sarah is going to get out of her predicament.
I don’t want to think of you, but why am I reminiscing of you
Your logic is infallible
Launch a full-fledged air assault on "pre-selected targets" in India
What a self-involved megalomaniac
Women are good at defining job profile and chalking out responsibilities
Islamist fiefdom
Having illicit relations
Denigrate: to belittle or defame
I don't wish to denigrate him
Shattered his credibility
Vituperative: abusive, harsh, and witheringly scornful
I’ve had to learn how to become a master marketer
I like public speaking for lots of reasons, but perhaps the single most reason
why I love my motivational speaking career is that
She's loud, ardent
I'm bombarded with questions
I too would love a copy of this presentation! It is fabulous, and crystal-clear
in concept!
Poverty-stricken country
He spurned his advances
Spurn/reject/scorn/turn down with contempt
John's and Mary’s disagreement soon escalated into a full-fledged argument.
Be careful what you wish for. If swa shut down ticket prices would
skyrocket, overnight.
Flogging of girl
"He found his niche in the academic world"
Survive onslaught
I hope everyone can get the full facts before spewing
I am shocked, disillusioned and very disappointed by your lack of good
Horrendous lack of
Cash-strapped airline industry (lacking sufficient money)
Prices were slashed
Southwest has so much insouciance
I rather suspect i am being treated the way the staff is treated by their
He suggested that there might have been a smutty comment on the screen
Karo Kari' (honor killing
Glad you two ugly fudge packers found each other
Don’t worry sugartits
Female anger is the weathervane of truth
You have no worth at all
Ooooo, I’m so envious
You stupid skankwhore
Women objectify men economically
What i don’t approve of is women having rights and privileges, while men
are left with obligations
Snap out of it, you stupid cunt
That shit will make you go cross-eyed
We don’t hate women sweetie. We would never want to throw our dicks into
something we “hate”. You can count on that. Take it as a compliment,
instead and all of your misery will vanish.
They were not actually “raped” they just try to blame every man they meet
for some other girl (who she doesn’t even know exists) for allegedly getting
You most likely have never had sex
I have had enough life experience to form an opinion.
Go play with your Barbie dolls.
And stop talking about rape or men or women or periods, or childbirth —
when you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Give it a rest will you!
That’s just teenage boys acting out, so what exactly is your point?
Sick man hating bitch
Some women who get divorced for the sole purpose of collecting alimony
Okay, now don’t get pissy and call me sexist again.
At least women don’t make up crappy reasons for being better than men.
If that proves that I’m sexist, your skills of analysis and inference need much
Male chauvinist
You’re sexist
You sure are implying it
First of all, i don’t care what may or may not be on your bookshelf.
Grades are not a good way to gauge intelligence
A woman with an iq of 160, who reads Stephen king, is an amazing
I’m not actually smart? My iq is 160. If that’s not smart i don’t know what
Grades don’t matter
I’m not exaggerating. I’m stating a fact
I thought i was going to laugh my goddamn ovaries off.
This is some of the most brilliant shit I’ve read in my life.
They’re fucking obsessed with it
Day in and day out the girl would have her rapist by her side,
Labeled his daughter and wife "degenerates with bad character.
I know quite a few families who have homes
I don't agree on all the pigeon-holing
They both need to ante up
You guys are morons
He made megabucks
We have technology to do all this for us
But that doesn't mean it's doctrine for everyone
A stay-at-home friend
Stay at home moms
M educated. I can work. I can fully provide for myself and my children if
needs be
I'd physically pick him up and toss him out the window
Fend for herself
White house mulls sharif as partner in pak
Adnan is not vindictive
This lump on my leg has grown larger
Talk big/brag pot/boast/show off
I think I’m going to hurl
Voracious governments
Voracious sharks
Voracious hunger
While the men do all the exhausting work, women laze about smoking
They laze about smoking
This is absolutely the most bizarre thing
Tear into shreds
Hey would tear you to shreds
There is still part of me that feels a little voyeuristic for watching it.
Fickle weather
There's no rule against flatulence
He was convalescing in the US during WWII
All cooked up stories
They should cut off his goolies
It can lead to promiscuity, disinterest in sex, confusion about sexual identity,
drug abuse, alcohol abuse, depressive disorder, obsessive compulsive
disorder and many other psychiatric conditions
He forcibly placed his you-know-what in my hand
I burst out laughing, feeling ticklish
My parents were workaholics
Given that the machines are going to arrive on top of zion
I love the dark suit. It says “i am civilized” loud and clear
Our family was already under severe financial strain
I was under constant surveillance
His tantrik friend too raped me several times
I'm sex/news junkie
It’s called a "lateral
May be you could stop brushing so i can read
He wanted to decapitate/behead me
Snotty question
Medulla oblongata
Litmus test
Why be goody goody and sweep it under the carpet
I'll give u a yummy kiss!
A kissing-faux-pas
Men want commitment just as much as women do
It is high time you went to work
It’s high time the Indian army retaliated in full force
The Europeans have neither the resources nor the stomach to face the
jihadists in Pakistan
What's the whole point of holding back and them complaining to the press?
Why are Indian armymen and policemen always whining about pakis?
It needs to be respected
Marriage is an institution. I
Egg white
Laughter riot
We are still pushed around, harassed, and snubbed in the work place, with
the fear of getting fired and being dubbed trouble maker if we address it.
Women are still paid less then men and work twice as hard
Weaker means physical strength
Willpower, determination
By the way girls rule boys drool
He exhorted American parents not to put "the entire burden on a teacher".
We can't afford our kids to be mediocre at a time when they're competing
against kids in china
A dinner will be hosted in his honor this evening
Srk is the biggest brag pot
He is strait-laced and transparent
He craves no plaudit
He is by far the best in the business
Ardent love"; "an ardent lover
I am an ardent fan
Srk manipulated media into calling him 'king khan
Under the influence of the occultist
Trying to exploit people's gullibility
The moribund economy
You have probably never even heard of john.
Misdemeanor blamed on her brother
Steadfast, gutsy symbol against authoritarianism
Hair-raising moments
No amount of arm-twisting will get me to agree
Run the affairs of the state by gimmickry rather than by principles
We had a rigorous plan put in place, contingency plan put in place
The fact of the matter is that
She takes a dig at me every chance she gets
Jilted lover
What a moronic statement to blame
She had turned into a psychopath
That comforting moved on and it became amorous
Death knell
This is a bit of a death knell for cricket in Pakistan
I had an inkling
It's a staggering achievement
In the wake of the terror attack
I have kept Pakistan’s interests over and above everything,
This place is a dump!
I din't see it that way
You can't be serious!
I have to be able to come visit it from time to time
Your little surprise visit paid off after all we're back in business
Come by tomorrow
He was destined to his fate
Never ending tussle
You look as if you've just given birth to 50 babies
Fudge packer
I don’t use them anyway
How much you look like Britney spears
Police armed with truncheons and tear gas stood guard
There was a dichotomy between his words and his actions
Well! That just what we call a pillow talk baby
Hatching a conspiracy against him
Gave him a standing ovation
Women more promiscuous than men
Snake oil
Registry cleaners are snake-oil
Gigantic total
It's way too early to have any substantive comment
I cannot extricate myself from this task"
Extricate Pakistan from "the clutches" of the United States.
Cash-strapped Pakistan
Stop speaking venom against Muslim community
Unswerving policy
Rejigs management
I never get paranoid
Serenades under the balcony
Demonstrative personalities like loud and bright love declarations probably
in public
All you have to be sure that you have the reciprocity
You should chalk it up to a new experience
There is no such thing as cant
Don't seclude yourself from your friends and family
Don't let the maybes get in the way of your happiness
I don't find solace nowhere
I don't wanna fall in this death trap of depression
I am literally on the verge of breakdown
This feeling of helplessness is just killing me
Burgeoning friendship
Unrequited love
Bi-partisan leader!
Issued new dictum in the areas
Luscious dresses
I am convinced that you are an incurable romantic
The last two years have been tumultuous
Wannabes/aspirants/ambitious/aspirin young person
Over the years, I’ve met a lot of people...everyone from "celebrities" to
I had my techie guys
Narcissist (someone in love with themselves)
A belligerent tone
Seismic shift
This was so corny.
It's better to take them one at a time
I couldn't resist the urge to reply to your message
I'm really sorry if i came off as being rude and inconsiderate of your
That you don't annihilate the English language
"To really know what you want, you need to have a lot of self-knowledge.
To have a lot of self-knowledge, you need to have a lot of failures."... You're
the man!
Belligerent/aggressive/fighter/militant/eager to fight
Badass (a mean or belligerent person)
Badass (slang) a person whose extreme attitudes and behavior are
Barrack obama has a posse
Try being less snarky unless you actually know the results of what you're
trying to snark
Kick start
Kick start their business
Bloke (British) (a boy or man)
Focus on the most plausible one
Hoarding of wealth (save up as for future use)
Bollywood buff
Obfuscate the issue
He could always be stashed away
It’s like eating cartlidge.
I'm going to hooters
Pillow talk
Hike up his trousers
Staunch ally of the United States in its war on terror
The patient is recuperating
All yours!
So clever of you to recognize me
The economy was soaring
The dollar soared against the yen
Soar/zoom/soar up/rise rapidly/
Now let's please drop the subject
You know what you are being slightly difficult
I must say you are very perspicacious.
You have the audacity to complain about everything
Inevitable/destiny/fate/can't be avoided or prevented
Transfiguration (dramatic change in appearance)
Case in point
Inextricable unity
An inextricable knot
He had an intuition that something had gone wrong
Repair the tattered economy
A frigid woman
In frigid temperatures
Scared the crap out of me
That looks delish
God damn cunt!
Very high quality antique furnishings, as well as
He and Prime Minister Tony Blair got along so well
He lured me into temptation
Despotic regimes
"Despotic rulers"
The problem with being famous is that your private life is often in
Hole puncher
Scotch tap/cello tape
Sour (sawr)
The milk has soured"
As I look back over the past eight years
I goofed up (I made a mistake)
Nymphomania will soon be divorced
It's usually jocular
Get a life!
Sorry to be pedantic
Ah! He's wussing around
Stop wussing!
Stop being a wuss!
There was a mass exodus of Hindus and Sikhs at the time of Indian partition
in 1947
After the secession of East Pakistan in 1971
A marble edifice
In what seemed like a major break
The sporadic military skirmishes
Our security is lax
A spate of attacks
Resulting in the conflict ballooning and spreading
I think it's important to restate that
As i look back over the eight years
People who are strong and tough and can survive difficult experience and
Hardy beings
You're an absolute life-saver
Have equally harrowing stories.
Baggy trousers
I only used to wear Hoodies and baggy tops
Asian guys trying to hone their bodies to resemble those of the stars
Bollywood megastars,
Stray dogs
They were a "permanent nuisance" to the public.
Gauge the interests of the audience
Mouldy bread
Garbage receptacle
Interrogative (inturogutive)
Theater (theeutur)
The baby looked around curiously
Curiosity (kyureeositee)
The cars slowed down and the drivers rubbernecked after the accident
Inquisitively (with curiosity. Interrogatively)
Rubberneck (strain to watch; stare curiously)
Sycophant (a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal
Laboratory (labrutoree)
Pakistan is a laboratory for studying the use of American troops to combat
He answered her cantankerously
Cantankerously (in a bad mood)
Cantankerous (stubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate)
Homophobe (a person who hates or fears homosexual people)
Moronic (having a mental age of between eight and twelve years)
Pulverize/demolish/powderize/destroy completely/wipe out/obliterate
Mayhem/havoc (violent and needless disturbance)
This money was fraudulently obtained
Fraudulent scheme
Zionist movement
That's slim chance
You are still the epitome of ignorance
Jingoistic language
Fanatically patriotic
Pulverize the rebellion before it gets out of hand
India will pulverize Pakistan in 3 days
Moronic & illiterate
He always wrote down his new year's resolutions
I'm cynical and cantankerous
I'm so wrapped up in my family
Wrapped up (deeply devoted to)
You were so wrapped up in that book
She dumped her boyfriend when she fell in love with a rich man
Go Dutch/divide money
She strips in front of strangers every night for a living
Stripping off (the removal of covering)
Fly over country
Exotic pronunciation
Edict (fatwa)
Scholars in Pakistan have issued a fatwa or edict
The sleek promos of ghajini have mightily impressed Srk
The internet is a boon for this industry
To supplement their dwindling retirement income
Work-at-home scam
I got scammed
Create mayhem
Assuaging Indian concerns
We can't shake hands with Pakistanis, let alone play cricket
Keep human rights groups at bay
Extract truth
Are we left with any other option?
Maybe, but it wont come to any good
Torture may not yield good results
Amidst absence of leadership
It’s conglomeration of states
His is an injudicious knee-jerk reaction
Aamir looks toppers and chiseled
Oor aishwarya rai looked dazed and confused too
After holding talks with Pakistan’s top brass
Created such euphoria in the overseas market as ghajini
Vivacious model girlfriend
Superman becomes a saboteur
His fiancée is decapitated,
You incompetent child
It was spooky
Inept attitude
"Had a cozy chat
The children were all sleeping cozily in their bed
"The animals forage in the woods"
Foraging/collect and look around for food
Despicable/ ugly/worthless
Despicable language
It is my opinion that children should be seen and not heard
Courtroom conduct
Chum up
Colossal damage
Screw-loose (not behaving normally)
Has a screw loose
Just keep your wig on
A potluck supper"
Potluck (Whatever happens to be available especially when offered to an
unexpected guest or when brought by guests and shared by all)
We are having a pot-luck dinner at Tim’s house tomorrow
Go Dutch
Eccentric person
Snob (a person regarded as arrogant and annoying)
I was skeptical of using any sort of download manager
Resulting in a gummed up computer unable to download
Tycoon (a very wealthy or powerful businessman)
(Aamir khan) is a rich tycoon
I feel swiftly transported to those special times.
Phenomenal / extraordinary (Exceedingly or unbelievably great)
Case in point
It needs strong support both from the Govt and the stake holders.
Conform to the rules (fit/meet/follow/Behave in accordance or in agreement
Conform /adapt/acclimatize/adjust
Conform /adapt
Do colossal damage
Lose sole means of income (Being the only one; single)
Guise (pretext, pretence)
"Under the guise of friendship he betrayed them"
In the guise of
Minting money
Arouse indignation among (a feeling of righteous anger, outrage)
Social norms
Below the belt humor/allegations/accusations
Politicos (a person active in party politics)
"Unscrupulous politicos who would be happy to sell...their country in order
to gain power"
Unscrupulous sponsors (without scruples or principles)
Gigantic disappointment"
Over promised, under delivered
Audacity (fearless daring) fearlessness/boldness
Perfectionist (a person who is displeased by anything that does not meet
very high standards)
"The car bogged down in the sand"
But that didn’t last long
This business is in my blood
Juncture (A crisis situation or point in time when a critical decision must be
"My opinion differs from yours"
Better be lucky than good!
It doesn't really matter what people think
Opinions are like noses. Everybody has one.
I don't make rules
"Extramarital affairs"
Extramarital sex (Sexual intercourse between individuals who are not
married to one another)
Tuck shop
Easy money
Single-handedly (Without assistance)
Gifted (Endowed with talent or talents)
There seems no reason to go ahead with the project now
Seemingly ("the child is seemingly healthy but the doctor is concerned")
OPEC bumped up the price of oil
Bump up (Increase or raise)
On the face of it (on the face of it the problem seems minor)
Seemingly (From appearances alone)
"We never saw eye to eye on this question"
See eye to eye (Be in agreement)
Temptation of easy money
Fatality (A death resulting from an accident or a disaster)
Fat cat (A wealthy and privileged person)
Vague expression
Experience is a demanding teacher"
A prompt reply"
The train is prompt
Whoredom/ harlotry [vulgar] prostitution
Whorehouse/ brothel
Brood (sit on eggs)
Muse (The source of an artist's inspiration)
Metro sexual
Slanderous remarks
Mudslinging /Drag through the mud
Skirt chaser
"Very skinny with his money"
Pay should be commensurate with the time worked"
Commensurate (Corresponding in size or degree or extent)
We teamed up for this new project
Undergo/experience/go through
'Experience is the best teacher"
Brainstorm (Try to solve a problem by thinking intensely about it)
Mind-boggling experience
The girl blushed when a young man whistled as she walked by
"Her cheeks blushed in the cold winter air
"The whole experience was really freaky"
"When he saw the accident, he freaked out"
A bodybuilding freak
Cancel officially (he revoked the ban on smoking)
Revoke emergency
His eloquence attracted a large congregation
Eloquently (he expressed his ideas eloquently)
Eloquence (powerful and effective language)
Eloquent (expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively)
Why do only Muslims have to undergo one humiliation after another?
Holy crap! (Vulgar)
My goodness
Oh boy
Holy cow
Gracious me
Goodness me
My impassive remoteness
Overthrow government
Dress appropriately so you are not self-conscious about what you're wearing
“I felt tongue-tied with embarrassment"
Devise a plan
Heterosexual person
"Trendy ideas"; "trendy clothes"
Voguish terminology
I'm holding you responsible for all of this.
Where the hell could he be?
It can always get worse.
The moon turned blood red.
You shut the hell up!
You’re the only reason why she came here.
She snuck in the tent!
You can't be serious!
We’re right on Time
That’s pretty wag!
What is it? That you have always wanned to do and I have never wanned to
Speechless with shock
Speech less
"We had an intense brainstorming session today"
Drab look/personality/life
The sudden storm immobilized the traffic"
Cheeky girls
Nerve shredding
Bone chilling thrills
Enterprising young man
A head-to-head conversation
Self-involved user
Vogue, style, trend, current taste in fashion
Thrive (grow vigorously)
Pragmatic approach to the problem
Squeamish, fastidious
Irksome, boring, dull, tedious
Sadistically (with cruelty)
Vulnerable to HIV infection
Quip (play joke or make joke)
Cater to the needs of consumer
Sumptuous breakfast
"If you don't order dessert I won't either"
Strike out
Strike off
Get crossed off
Cross off
Pet peeve
"The throne is never vacant

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Latest words

  • 1. Ludicrous/absurd/ridiculous/preposterous/stupid He's sweating buckets Wajibul qatal' (fit to be murdered Lukewarm/half hearted/unenthusiastic A lukewarm response Beef up security This exercise will beef up your upper body Beefing up/strengthen (make strong or stronger) Beefing up efforts in eliminating terrorism in the region I'm officially off duty Idiosyncrasy (a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual) We all have our own idiosyncratic gestures Idiosyncratic (peculiar to the individual) individualistic Idiosyncratic (peculiar to the individual) That guy gets on my last nerve On top of this Beleaguered It works the other way around An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep Shmuck/jerk The far flung areas On what kind of yardstick is he basing his judgment? Yardstick/criteria/measure/standard (a measure or standard used for comparison) Yardstick/criteria/measure/standard Clock out/clock off (register one's departure from work) Clock out (register one's departure from work) Clock in/clock out Clumsy/awkward/bungling Clumsy/unskilled Lousy (very bad)/dirty Homicide/kill (the killing of a human being by another human being) Homicide/kill Clock in (register one's arrival at work) The tour to England this summer has also brought its own specific repercussions. Economic growth of less than 1% per year is considered to be economic doldrums
  • 2. Doldrums/inactivity/stagnancy a state of inactivity (in business or art etc) Doldrums/inactivity/stagnancy state of inactivity (in business or art etc) It just got my head twisted It never rains but it pours (unfortunate events occur in quantity) It never rains but it pours Medieval It is this sort of barbaric, medieval mentality prevalent in our society that has led us to our current state of affairs That video cracks me up Loathe/abhor/hate/dislike I loathe that man" The other teachers loathed him Smooch/snuggle Follow the footsteps Can I have your number if something crocks up? If something crocks up Daunting (cause fear or to lose courage) It's quite daunting Weed (any plant that crowds out cultivated plants My blueberry nights Can you tinker with the TV? set--it's not working right" Tinkering (try to fix or mend) Concubine/doxy/paramour Should a concubine get maintenance? As tinkering with software is my passion Disillusioned He was angry at first and then completely disillusioned It was really like a courtroom slugfest Addict, nut, freak, junkie, junky: fan, buff, devotee, lover: An ardent follower and admirer/ someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction I don't worry abt her one bit Shag/fuck ([brit, vulgar] slang for sexual intercourse) That's novel Pleasantries/jokes/jests
  • 3. Tainted/corrupted/place under suspicion Qualms/anxieties Wanker ([offensive] terms of abuse for a masturbator) (Vulgar) jerk off/masturbate What would you like to commend? Ushers Vandalism/destruction (Deliberate destruction, defacement or damage of public or other people's property) Warns case may flounder Banter/taunt/humor/tease "I suspect there might be a little bit of humor thrown in, with a few comments, but we won't let anything go beyond light-hearted banter This is a conspiracy to malign pak cricket Skullduggery/trickery/hanky panky/deceit Skullduggery (verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way) Repercussions/effects/consequences/results/outcomes/backlashes He is concerned about the long-term repercussions Pakistan slump to massive defeat Grizzle/whine/yawp/cry I wouldn't grizzle about cook for the ashes Schizophrenia Couldn't agree with him more He hit the nail on the head Every word that came out of this man is worth the weight in gold Arguments still rage about the exact causes of the loss I wasn't lazing about. Laze (exist in a changeless situation) The seamstress quickly made the mourning clothes Seamstress/dressmaker On one hand they take tens of billions in their begging bowl on another hand they plot the killings of us citizens Granted that it is dangerous, all the same i still want to go" Don't let yourself be lulled into a false state of security" Still up! It sounds preposterous/absurd/ridiculous/idiotic I appreciate your concerns Juggernaut/power/force (a massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way)
  • 4. Lucrative/moneymaking/profitable Muppets (UK) (informal) a stupid or weak person "Venomous criticism"(marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful) Venomous snakes Venomous/virulent/vicious/deadly/extremely poisonous Venomous (extremely poisonous) He is both venomous Advertising hoarding (large outdoor signboard) Apart from nuclear testing where India started first, pakistan has always been a little ahead in warheads, fissile material and delivery systems, Pakistan's president asif Ali zardari has had a shoe thrown at him at a rally in Birmingham Mohammad yousuf hasn't had much of a chance to practice lately Brobdingnagian/big/vast/immens Brobdingnagian Wench (a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money) Wench/prostitutes/whore/slut/call girl/hooker Strike off (remove from a list) Strike out/cross off/remove from list "Grammatical mistakes are his pet peeve Pet peeve (an opportunity for complaint that is seldom missed) Felicitation/congratulation Zing/activeness/energetic "I’ll give you this gratis" Gratis/Free/ Costless/Free of charge/Complimentary/without Payment Gregarious/sociable/Multiethnic/social/Friendly Edible/eatable/Suitable for use as food Fatalism (A submissive mental attitude resulting from acceptance of the doctrine that everything that happens is predetermined and inevitable) Fatalist (Anyone who submits to the belief that they are powerless to change their destiny) Torso (Body) Daze Flamboyant way of talking Contemplate (Consider as a possibility) Contemplate (Look at thoughtfully; observe deep in thought)
  • 5. "I contemplated leaving school and taking a full-time job Contemplate/ponder/think/consider/cogitate/think about/mull over Contemplating/pondering/thinking over/mulling over Suave (Having a sophisticated charm) Suave Berserk/possessed Berserk (Frenzied as if possessed by a demon) Gleefully (In a joyous and gleeful manner) Gleefully Med School (medical school) Chiropractors Alimony/maintenance/support payment (Court-ordered support paid by one spouse to another after they are separated) Alimony/maintenance/support payment Gin and tonic "The job was finished in the span of an hour" Span (The complete duration of something) Dazzling (Amazingly impressive) "The dancer dazzled the audience with his turns and jumps" Her arguments dazzled everyone"; Dazzling (Amaze or bewilder, as with brilliant wit or intellect or skill) She was dazzled by the bright headlights" Dazzling (To cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light) She is dazzling A gritty half-century "Let's recapitulate the main ideas" RECAP (Recapitulate) (Summarize briefly) As of today, this site will no longer provide movies for viewing. We can play it safe (avoid risk) Punch in the information (enter information by pressing the key) Just give me a minute to pull up ur record "Her melancholic smile Melancholic/depressive/sad Melancholic (Characterized by or causing or expressing sadness) Subtle/elusive/Difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze Candid (Characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion) "A candid interview" "I gave them my candid opinion"
  • 6. Candid/outspoken/frank/open How so? (What do you mean?) Bargaining chip/leverage (Leverage in the form of an inducement or a concession useful in successful negotiations) For the most part (for the most time) Vivid sentences Furrow/groove/line/easy and straight path Pull up Record /take out/extract Pull up/take out/extract Let's hear it for Hamid We made a significant progress They might have had a difficult start. Who's up for the challenge? (Who is ready for this challenge?) Who's up for the challenge? Let's have a round of applause for Hamid Redundant (More than is needed, desired, or required) extra/excess/uneeded/surplus/superfluouse Chap/fellow (A boy or man) lad/fella/ We want to make this transition as smooth as possible for you and your family. I’ll be doing an internship in a few months time We appreciate everything you've done for our Dept I wish I’d better news for you. Severance/split/breakup/separate (A compensation Package given to laid off employee (health insurance) (job search assistance) (some salary) (retirement plan contribution) (employment counseling) Egalitarian/equalitarian/favoring social equality/ Freebie (Something that is free (usually provided as part of a promotional scheme)) That’s a freebie, Aamer’s opening spell was prodigious What is the weather like today? Snickers (A disrespectful laugh)/Laugh quietly Media lovers to poke fun at Arnold's Accent Without a lot of hassle Ecstatic/happy/joyous (Feeling great rapture or delight) Afridi is ecstatic Babysit/gaurd (Take watchful responsibility for) She dashed off a letter to her lawyer
  • 7. She dashed off a note to her husband saying she would not be home for supper" Dash off (Write quickly) "The shop beside the station" Beside/alongside/next to/at the side of Scruffy (Shabby and untidy) "Rancid butter" "rancid candy" Rancid/sour/ill-smelling/stinky/unpleasen-smelling/melodorous Detestable/Hateful/offensive "An unorthodox lifestyle" Unorthodox/Heterodox (Breaking with convention or tradition) An orthodox view of the world" Orthodox (Adhering to what is commonly accepted) "He found it in the Sears catalogue" Catalogue (A book or pamphlet containing an enumeration of things) Catalogue (Make an itemized list or catalogue of; classify) Vehicle (Veeikul) Baby buggy/Stroller/Go-Cart/Baby carriage Baby buggy (A small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around) Baby-faced (Having a youthful-looking face) Tycoon (A very wealthy or powerful businessman) Cliché (Klee’shey) For those of you who don't know me, I’m Hamid Let me just start by introducing myself, I’m Hamid I appreciate you taking the time to come here today. Let me thank you all for being with here today (On phone) I’m sorry but the line is breaking up Nemesis (something causing misery or death) Mass exodus of Hindus and Muslims in 1947 The father remained an extricable knot to keep all together Sounds like a huge hassle I don't blame for feeling angry Empathize with caller/customer He labeled his sister with bad character It was a never ending tussle Objectives (operational) Mission (educational)
  • 8. Vision (inspirational) Feedback (response to output) Pump money into project (supply money) When the going gets tough, the tough get going, so let's go for it! Fit the moment Are you ready? Let's give it a go Solidify future High-flying companies came crashing down Rapid fall (The economy was soaring) Give me a minute to pull up your records. Can I put you on hold for a moment? Let me transfer you to the sales dept. I'm sorry but I don't follow you, could we run through that again? There’s too much background noise (static on line! Could you plz repeat that) Difficult speaker (I’m afraid I’m not with you) Thanks for your business, enjoy the weekend Thank you for your patience, we'll be in touch soon Thank you for choosing (company name) for your insurance needs No that should do it! Well I think that covers everything It's been a pleasure serving you Thanks for calling and have a great day! Anything else I can do for you today? Did you have any other question? Is there anything I can help you with? Follow you (understand) I'm afraid I didn't follow you, I’m not sure I’m following you Static on the line (noise effecting the connection) Noise effecting the connection. I think we have a bad connection Static (a crackling or hissing noise caused by electrical interference) (On phone) I’m sorry there's static on the line (noise) I'm sorry there's static on the line Bigwig (the most important person in a group or undertaking) Bigwigs/important person/influential person /top banana Giving a presentation to a company's bigwigs Derogatory (expressive of low opinion) A derogatory language
  • 9. Hedonism Frolic (play boisterously) Sedated/tranquilized She was raped after being sedated This will be a fitting reply to them for exporting Left over/odd (we ate leftovers for the lunch) Left over/odd Pleasantries/jokes/jests (an agreeable or amusing remark) Tuck your shirttail in" Tuck (fit snugly into) insert Whimpering (Cry weakly or softly) She was whimpering in ecstasy. Denigrating other women Slapdash (In a careless or reckless manner) "The shelves were put up slapdash "Slapdash work Slap-dash/sloppy/careless My nerves are all shot to hell He kept wailing Debris/rubble/junk/dust/The remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up I dig it "The estate was sequestered" Sequester (Keep away from others) Make one's body limber or suppler by stretching, as if to prepare for strenuous physical activity Limber up/warm up/loosen/ stretch body Sprinting (Run very fast, usually for a short distance) India secured a clean waiver for nuclear commerce, Rendezvous They exchange pleasantries" Pleasantries Stupendous They are stupendulous Sycophants/Ass-kisser/Flatterers/boot-lickers Smug/ self-satisfied/ self-complacent Hazy/foggy/blurred/misty Hazy (filled or abounding with fog or mist)
  • 10. Where I get hazy Flatly speaking there is no scope for comments. Scruples/moral sense Scruples (sense of right and wrong) Pakistan has no scruples when it comes to India Solace/comfort/consolation Solace (the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment) Finding solace Redemption (the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil) Wailing mourners"; "the wailing wind" She wailed with pain Wailing/crying/weeping/lamenting/loud cries made while weeping Wailing (loud cries made while weeping) Negative waling You guys crack me up I'm tired of your backstabbing Douche bag (a small syringe with detachable nozzles; used for vaginal lavage and enemas) Douche bag Don't flatter urself I feel so flattered. You’re way too skeptical Menopause (the time in a woman's life in which the menstrual cycle ends) I'm just being honest I was just inseminated a few days ago Inseminate/impregnate/introduce semen into (a female) Pedicure (care for one's feet by cutting and shaping the nails, etc) Pedicure (professional care for the feet and toenails) Heave/can heaves a sigh of relief She heaved a deep sigh when she saw the list of things to do Heave/utter a sound Every buddy obey to the rising sun He is cute and gullible Self-complacent I don't like Sinbad, he's so obnoxious Feigned ignorance Decimated/kill in large numbers/wipe out/eradicate/killed Mohammad Sami decimated the Australian batting order 'I want to make films that are fun but not frivolous' Frivolous
  • 11. Diminution (change toward something smaller or lower) Without the slightest diminution Enjoined (give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority) Detestable vices Detestable/Hateful/offensive Devoid/free Glass blowers Squeal Fink That would be a heck of a lot of fun Alienate Reprobate/perverted/someone with no moral principles Ingenuity/the power of creative imagination Student's ingenuity Burp/belch In china it is polite to burp at the table Bum (person who does no work) Began the process of burping him Gross/vulgar/bad This is gross A formidable attack Nobody gives a crap about this piece of new To Lull a child to sleep Lullaby (the act of singing a quiet song to lull a child to sleep) Sing lullabies for a baby boy Jittery/nervy/tensed A jittery ride The item girl confesses she is jittery about marriage If we end up being with a partner who is not adventurous enough, we might just as well will die without ever experiencing anything My partner and I love being with each other, enjoy long sessions of lovemaking Granted, you are married but I still love u I cannot think of anything else Preoccupied/obsessed/lost/taken up/seized/haunted/prepossessed I am so preoccupied by him I have been working for nearly ten years now Her sexual desire will stabilize I don't want a loveless marriage
  • 12. Correct me, if I’m wrong I prefer people who pander to me He preferred sycophants Fancy their chances I wish I hadn’t chickened out Whopper/lie/a gross untruth; a blatant lie To tell that big whopper I wouldn’t have told him anyway My coffee lay forgotten Just because you’re pretty, Sarah, you can’t go thinking other people are ugly I’d kept that book as good as new for years I’d kept that book as good as new for years Gosh, your ears are pointy Gosh/used to express surprise) Nosy/curious/offensively curious or inquisitive Why children have to take so long to grow up What is that stinking smell? I peeked out of the window Maniac/an insane person/lunatic Politicians talk, leaders act His declaration had unforeseen repercussions Repercussions Way out/exit Aisle (a long narrow passage) Holiday resort (a hotel located in a resort area) Holiday resort Opticians Bed and breakfast (an overnight boardinghouse with breakfast) Arthritis (inflammation of a joint or joints) Painful arthritis We’re halfway through! Have a cup of tea and some fresh air – or just hang out My pussy got juicier with each lick of his tongue Holy shit, they're beautiful I've fantasized about meeting a woman like you so many times. I was the first woman he'd hooked up with He's a newbie I don’t really want to get more specific than that U dwell on past you dwell on loss
  • 13. Property tycoon Donald trump Bigwigs/the most important person in a group A belated birthday card A commercial bribe paid by a seller A landmark judgment in the judicial history of Pakistan Absconder/fugitive (a fugitive who runs away and hides to avoid arrest or prosecution) All that talk of match fixing is humbug An irreparable mistake Banged his head on the floor Belated (after the expected or usual time; delayed) Beleaguered us dollar Casanova Coterie Crackpot Pakistani politicos Crackpot/nut/crank/foolish; totally unsound Crony/buddy/chum/friend/a close friend who accompanies his buddies in their activities Deals with punishment to an absconder Delinquent/guilty of a misdeed/young offender Dirty minds think alike Doctors declared her husband as impotent Doris day films Dufus (a stupid incompetent person) Emaciated (very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold) Erogenous zones Erogenous zones (any area of the body especially sensitive to sexual stimulation) Erogenous (sensitive to sexual stimulation) Fiasco/sudden collapse Geez (used to express surprise) He is in irrepressible mood He lured the boy to the bathroom Humbug Humbug/fraud/hoax/deception/deceit/ I never would’ve figured this out without you Imperious Incapacitate/disable/make unable to perform a certain action/injure permanently Incumbents/officials/the official who holds an office
  • 14. Inexperienced/tyro/rookie (an awkward and inexperienced youth) Irreparable damages" Irreparable harm Irreparable loss Irreparable/impossible to repair, rectify, or amend It is pertinent It seems obvious It takes a delinquent to catch a delinquent It was so rambunctious Lured/tempted/enticed/false promise Mascot Mud-slinging (making defamatory remarks at an opponent) Multitasking Multitasking (perform more than one task at the same time; originally of computers, now also more generally) Muzzled/prevent from speaking out/tie a gag around someone's mouth in order to silence them Necessitates a quick trial Necessitates/require as useful, just, or proper/calls for/needs/requires/demands Nifty Nifty/very good Pay a kickback; make an illegal payment Pertinent/to the point/logically right Phenom Quandary/prediament Quintessential (representing the perfect example of a class or quality) Rendezvous Rookie (an awkward and inexperienced youth) School mascot Scintillating innings Scintillating personality Sehwag gets a reprieve Sly: I think it is clever and sly Sly/marked by skill in deception/foxy/crafty/cunning/elusive/manipulative Spewing venom against Pakistan all year round Striking down the national reconciliation ordinance (nro) Such anomalies shouldn't be given too much of importance. Surveillance/close observation of a person or group (usually by the police) That cow is emaciated
  • 15. The attacker muzzled him The Englishman was under surveillance Thunderbolt Unilateral/one sided Unrequited love Vegan/vegetarian We can make our relationship better off through interaction heard me right. Delirious/excited/mad/wild/uncontrolled emotion Jazzed/us, vulgar] have sexual intercourse with Ball tampering was a raging issue in the 1990s No amount of money can produce another Gavaskar "Horrendous explosions shook the city" We must snap all ties with Pakistan India's rhetoric Hard-line/firm and uncompromising/stance/posture/sturdy Hard-line Gilani is a hard liner Capitulate/surrender under agreed conditions Capitulate Requesting new powers of surveillance is just a smokescreen to hide their failures Smokescreen/hiding/concealment/obscure Smokescreen/ an action intended to conceal or confuse or obscure These indo-pak meetings are just a smokescreen.. Sitting duck/a defenseless victim/easy mark/victim Dupe/trick/swindle/fool/deceive/ Duped/fool/hoax/mislead Cleverly duped bush for eight years Acrimony/bitterness/ End months of acrimony So long as Intriguing day For this to happen both have to talk Know how long they were going to have to bat out there. Manicure/cute/groom/neaten Tie makes you look manicured Brain-teaser/a difficult problem He's got plenty of brains but no common sense
  • 16. Some men dislike brainy women Brainy/brilliant/smart/intelligent/sharp Brainy Fella/boy or man/fellow Opinionated From that vantage point he could survey the whole valley Vantage point/viewpoint Vantage point Lowball/underestimate For the exam, you must be able to regurgitate the information Regurgitate/repeat after memorization I never would have gotten it wrong Flossing/cleaning teeth Chuffed to bits/ very pleased Curvaceous woman Flossing/showing off Chin wag/chit chat/small talk Bootlegging/sell illicit products such as drugs or alcohol Can bootlegging flourish Adept A flagrant defiance If my memory serves me right then I had consensual sex with her We must not marginalize the poor in our society Marginalize Gay sex against tenets of Islam: deoband But this is utter bootlicking I'm finding this very hard to say but . . . Well done Mr. Butt. I am a die hard afridi fan Hearty congratulations Last of all, i congratulate the Pakistani people Your decision is an eye opener for our old boys Reminiscent of akram Frankly speaking i was holding back my emotions Commiseration/pity/sympathy Kudos Pakistan Why do u guys indulge in mud sledging? It was such a sweet nostalgic moment, like the one about 17 years back. Gimmick I think t20 is gonna be death knell for test
  • 17. It goes without saying that pak is integral part of the world cricket I now don’t really care whether or not Pakistan wins this time Deliriously South Africa is "chokers Hate mongers/one that arouses hatred for others Hate mongers But the other batsmen faltered against the spot-on attack. The loser packs their bags and goes home It's sudden-death time Ur treachery knows no bounds Pakistan will become twice as dangerous as they are now Mercurial Pakistan wallop New Zealand His knees wobbled Wobbling/tremble or shake/move unsteadily I shot the picture and headed out the door. This seemed like a reasonable trade-off Ramp up aid to Pakistan Hope I didn't jinx it Have lacked the pizzazz we were expecting Pandemic Back pack You have shed light on several areas that guys often ignore in their personality. An excess of anything is bad Whereas the woman continuously seeks love and romance Orgasm/the moment of most intense pleasure in sexual intercourse Kazaf Trashy You think I’m too sassy I’m doomed Heirloom/something that has been in a family for generations Heirloom/heritage/inheritance Mood swings Retro/affecting things past Don’t be so retro Are on the brink of an early departure from this edition Sangakkara's pummeled him Was inexplicable We’re trying to work out the permutations of this group, It's time I made a cuppa
  • 18. Spineless/weak in willpower, courage or vitality There is a saying "don't play with a pig you both will get dirty and the pig will enjoy it I take strong exception to your words that "Pakistan has let off hafiz saeed". Rebuttal Rebut/prove to be false or incorrect/refute/disprove/contradict Rhetoric Flirtatious affairs Taboo-rich society Habits die hard The policy makers and governors of this country are spineless. Rag pickers Two rag pickers dragged a 20-year-old woman selling clips on local trains and raped her I request you to kindly not hype this issue God-forsaken A pathological liar Indians and Pakistanis are being rifted away by us. Create rift India and Pakistan have had acrimonious relations You hit the bull’s eye mr.ghaddafi Fittest is to survive" is the order of the day We love pandering supper powers Sex predators 1. Walking away from a dispute or a brawl doesn't make you a coward -- it makes you sensible. Women prefer personality, manliness, adventure and a sense of humor. Take it from me. Gold-digger/ A woman who associates with or marries a rich man in order to get valuables from him through gifts or a divorce settlement Metro sexual males have changed the gender notions, Unbuttoning the top three buttons of a man's shirt? Clean shaven chest =an element of sex appeal that women find hard to resist. Sardonic/ disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking In case of an argument, women love being sardonic to their partners. Wit is a rare commodity, which reflects intellect and presence of mind Sense of humor/this one undeniably tops the list as most women find it irresistible when men are at their wittiest best. Lashing out at chand
  • 19. Mug up/swot up/cram/hit the books/study hard Soft s spoken/having a speaking manner that is not loud or harsh She was always soft-spoken Soft-spoken He buzzed the servant (Call with a buzzer) Hype up/charge up/excite/rouse/stimulate/turn on 'I think I owe you an apology because in some way I have wronged you." Demean/degrade/disgrace/abase/humiliate/ Srk swore that he had too much respect for women to demean them. Patch-ups/conciliates/make up/settle/reconcile Patch-ups I can wait longer then she can I refused to buzz for sex for about a week I feel empowered! I am loving it Now I am a happily married man, who can refuse sex, to get wife to do stuff for me! It infuses a lot of good feelings within her They have no qualms about getting vocal about it Gone are the days when ‘demanding sex’ was considered exclusively a man's forte Men think, while women desire When men gossip it’s "networking", when women talk it’s "bitching". Expectation that they’ll be manicured primped and preened to a high degree at all times. High profile gentleman High profile Stop the animosity between each other at least in the field of sport. I feel sorry for you. Out of million topics you found this topic to write. You need psychiatric counseling’s. I will pray for you. State-of-the-art technology State of the art Weed out terrorists It takes a leader to finish the job This carried on until around 25 couples were ensnared Take my word for it The mere description of these pictures is horrendous enough The consequence would be to imperil our troops Try to keep the talk mushy and personal Homos/homosexual/gays/
  • 20. They might even have more India must do something to ward off Pakistan But her behavior is inexcusable Sexist Sex bomb/Sexpot/a young woman who is thought to have sex appeal Sex-starved (Desiring but deprived of sexual gratification) Sex symbol Sexualize (Make sexual, endow with sex, attribute sex to) Sexual love/erotic love Sexually transmitted disease He took his pleasure of her Hike/boost/raise/increase Schools to hike fees I live life on my own terms Many of them are likely to give birth in the next three Bourgeois Figure/understand Tummy/stomach/potbelly At that early age she had been gullible and in love Gullible/naive/innocent/simplistic/easily deceived or tricked Venom/hatred/malice/spite/maliciousness Like-minded Baffled/puzzeled/bewildered/dumbfounded/amazed/confused/perplexed Clandestine approach To dump Pakistan unceremoniously Snipes/attack in speech or writing You should work on your spelling and grammar before taking snipes at other! May not be a great surprise to some who have tut-tut Ted over shoaib’s lifestyle Your point of view must be taken with a grain of salt. She doesn't seem like much of a prostitute It's just that Pre-marital sex is immoral They looked way too young What does it taste like? He lied right to her face Make your cup of tea! I’m glade I came clean well That was so cheesy!
  • 21. Chlamydia/sexually transmitted disease/infection Chlamydia Slit/cut He had slit his throat A hard-hitting advertising campaign Hard-hitting/Aggressive (Characterized by or full of force and vigor) Having the opportunity to develop personal relationships is an important part of a full life Ravenous/voracious/ extremely hungry Pakistan must stop equating with India In an orchestrated manner Bootylicious/luscious/sexy/erotic/seductive/having strong sexual appeal Bootylicious Insist on contraception Ravenous for sex Kissing is a quintessential part of foreplay Women can try holding their mate’s hands or giving them a surprise hug when he’s shirtless right after a shower Your dressing provocatively will arouse them for a sexual session.” They wait for men to pamper them and make them feel wanted. A lovemaking night It’s time for women to let their wild imagination spread its magic. Give their sex drive a much needed boost Gone are the days when a ‘high sex drive’ was considered a male prerogative. “Men love their wives to have sex and wives have sex to get love from their men Hungry for sex Being a man to flaunt it I want an equal share of the pie (sexual adventure) Libido/sexual desire or urge Genetically men posses more libido and urge to have more sex than their female counterparts These Pakistanis are far too clever for them Scuppered any effort He made some sexual advances at the woman in his office and groped her repeatedly Groping/fondle for sexual pleasure He must have been busy, there's no need to make an issue out of this." He holds no grudge against the cricket star
  • 22. Loopholes They just sit and mug Cumbersome Demurred Scaling Fend Baffled Phony/fake/ Fraudulent; having a misleading appearance Venom Malice Gullible Fungible Preposterous Flagging Walk Jinx/curse Debilitating Debilitation Debilitative Debility After ferocious skirmishes Overcome by superior force Overwhelming A formidable Hamid Formidable/ extremely impressive in strength or excellence He is hell bent on wasting his time after politics! The onslaughts of terrorist attacks in various parts A well-built sexually attractive man Hot sexy male hunks O'clock' is a contraction of 'of the clock Swotted up/crammed/hit the books/studied Swotted up Figure out He didn't figure her Figure-hugging clothes Ethnic violence The bullets riddled his body They had received bodies riddled with gunshot wounds Vehicles had been torched in different parts of the city
  • 23. Tummy It’s been 8 years now since i had the opportunity to do so The consequences will be catalistic Senile Pakistan is in doldrums But prior to that Limelight (a focus of public attention) He enjoyed being in the limelight Bring into limelight Pakistan's duplicitous governance It is highly likely that Pakistan will attack India sooner than we think. I’m mighty glad We need to speak out forcefully against a policy Thwart/hider/prevent/foil/spoil Enumerated She enumerated the many obstacles she had encountered The damage that he's done around the world has been incalculable, Thanking has enormous powers—so much so that it can mend broken hearts and unite waning passions Ardent love Infallible/foolproof Reminisce/think back/remember/recall past The grandparents sat there, reminiscing all afternoon I find him in a most awkward predicament Get ur facts straight I wanna see how Sarah is going to get out of her predicament. I don’t want to think of you, but why am I reminiscing of you Your logic is infallible Launch a full-fledged air assault on "pre-selected targets" in India What a self-involved megalomaniac Women are good at defining job profile and chalking out responsibilities Islamist fiefdom Having illicit relations Denigrate: to belittle or defame I don't wish to denigrate him Shattered his credibility Vituperative: abusive, harsh, and witheringly scornful I’ve had to learn how to become a master marketer
  • 24. I like public speaking for lots of reasons, but perhaps the single most reason why I love my motivational speaking career is that She's loud, ardent I'm bombarded with questions I too would love a copy of this presentation! It is fabulous, and crystal-clear in concept! Poverty-stricken country He spurned his advances Spurn/reject/scorn/turn down with contempt John's and Mary’s disagreement soon escalated into a full-fledged argument. Be careful what you wish for. If swa shut down ticket prices would skyrocket, overnight. Flogging of girl "He found his niche in the academic world" Niche Survive onslaught “Hub-and-spoke I hope everyone can get the full facts before spewing I am shocked, disillusioned and very disappointed by your lack of good judgment. Horrendous lack of Cash-strapped airline industry (lacking sufficient money) Prices were slashed Southwest has so much insouciance I rather suspect i am being treated the way the staff is treated by their managers He suggested that there might have been a smutty comment on the screen Karo Kari' (honor killing Glad you two ugly fudge packers found each other Don’t worry sugartits Rofl Female anger is the weathervane of truth You have no worth at all Ooooo, I’m so envious You stupid skankwhore Nigga Women objectify men economically What i don’t approve of is women having rights and privileges, while men are left with obligations Snap out of it, you stupid cunt
  • 25. That shit will make you go cross-eyed We don’t hate women sweetie. We would never want to throw our dicks into something we “hate”. You can count on that. Take it as a compliment, instead and all of your misery will vanish. They were not actually “raped” they just try to blame every man they meet for some other girl (who she doesn’t even know exists) for allegedly getting “raped”. You most likely have never had sex I have had enough life experience to form an opinion. Go play with your Barbie dolls. And stop talking about rape or men or women or periods, or childbirth — when you have no idea what you’re talking about. Give it a rest will you! That’s just teenage boys acting out, so what exactly is your point? Sick man hating bitch Some women who get divorced for the sole purpose of collecting alimony Okay, now don’t get pissy and call me sexist again. At least women don’t make up crappy reasons for being better than men. If that proves that I’m sexist, your skills of analysis and inference need much work. Sexist Male chauvinist You’re sexist You sure are implying it First of all, i don’t care what may or may not be on your bookshelf. Grades are not a good way to gauge intelligence A woman with an iq of 160, who reads Stephen king, is an amazing specimen I’m not actually smart? My iq is 160. If that’s not smart i don’t know what is. Grades don’t matter I’m not exaggerating. I’m stating a fact I thought i was going to laugh my goddamn ovaries off. This is some of the most brilliant shit I’ve read in my life. They’re fucking obsessed with it Day in and day out the girl would have her rapist by her side, Labeled his daughter and wife "degenerates with bad character. I know quite a few families who have homes Pigeonholing I don't agree on all the pigeon-holing
  • 26. They both need to ante up Morons You guys are morons Megabucks He made megabucks We have technology to do all this for us But that doesn't mean it's doctrine for everyone Homebody A stay-at-home friend Stay-at-home Stay at home moms M educated. I can work. I can fully provide for myself and my children if needs be I'd physically pick him up and toss him out the window Fend for herself White house mulls sharif as partner in pak Adnan is not vindictive This lump on my leg has grown larger Talk big/brag pot/boast/show off I think I’m going to hurl Voracious governments Voracious Voracious sharks Voracious hunger While the men do all the exhausting work, women laze about smoking They laze about smoking Bizarre/freaky/unconventional This is absolutely the most bizarre thing Tear into shreds Hey would tear you to shreds There is still part of me that feels a little voyeuristic for watching it. Fickle weather There's no rule against flatulence He was convalescing in the US during WWII All cooked up stories They should cut off his goolies
  • 27. It can lead to promiscuity, disinterest in sex, confusion about sexual identity, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, depressive disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and many other psychiatric conditions He forcibly placed his you-know-what in my hand Ticklish I burst out laughing, feeling ticklish Workaholics My parents were workaholics Given that the machines are going to arrive on top of zion I love the dark suit. It says “i am civilized” loud and clear Our family was already under severe financial strain I was under constant surveillance His tantrik friend too raped me several times I'm sex/news junkie It’s called a "lateral Exotic May be you could stop brushing so i can read He wanted to decapitate/behead me Stuttering/stammer Snotty question Medulla oblongata Litmus test Why be goody goody and sweep it under the carpet I'll give u a yummy kiss! A kissing-faux-pas Men want commitment just as much as women do It is high time you went to work It’s high time the Indian army retaliated in full force The Europeans have neither the resources nor the stomach to face the jihadists in Pakistan What's the whole point of holding back and them complaining to the press? Why are Indian armymen and policemen always whining about pakis? It needs to be respected Marriage is an institution. I Egg white Laughter riot Dreamboat We are still pushed around, harassed, and snubbed in the work place, with the fear of getting fired and being dubbed trouble maker if we address it. Women are still paid less then men and work twice as hard
  • 28. Weaker means physical strength Willpower, determination By the way girls rule boys drool He exhorted American parents not to put "the entire burden on a teacher". We can't afford our kids to be mediocre at a time when they're competing against kids in china A dinner will be hosted in his honor this evening Mediocrity Srk is the biggest brag pot Strait-laced He is strait-laced and transparent He craves no plaudit He is by far the best in the business Ardent love"; "an ardent lover I am an ardent fan Srk manipulated media into calling him 'king khan Under the influence of the occultist Psychiatrist Trying to exploit people's gullibility Sequestration The moribund economy You have probably never even heard of john. Misdemeanor blamed on her brother Authoritarianism Steadfast, gutsy symbol against authoritarianism Nail-biting Hair-raising moments No amount of arm-twisting will get me to agree Arm-twisting Run the affairs of the state by gimmickry rather than by principles We had a rigorous plan put in place, contingency plan put in place The fact of the matter is that She takes a dig at me every chance she gets Jilted lover What a moronic statement to blame She had turned into a psychopath That comforting moved on and it became amorous Death knell This is a bit of a death knell for cricket in Pakistan
  • 29. Suggestion I had an inkling It's a staggering achievement Vulnerabilities In the wake of the terror attack I have kept Pakistan’s interests over and above everything, Detractors This place is a dump! I din't see it that way You can't be serious! I have to be able to come visit it from time to time Your little surprise visit paid off after all we're back in business Come by tomorrow He was destined to his fate Never ending tussle Prevarication You look as if you've just given birth to 50 babies Fudge packer I don’t use them anyway How much you look like Britney spears Police armed with truncheons and tear gas stood guard There was a dichotomy between his words and his actions Well! That just what we call a pillow talk baby Hatching a conspiracy against him Gave him a standing ovation Wanton Women more promiscuous than men Harum-scarum Obnoxious Temerarious Snake oil Registry cleaners are snake-oil Gigantic total It's way too early to have any substantive comment I cannot extricate myself from this task" Extricate Pakistan from "the clutches" of the United States. Cash-strapped Pakistan Stop speaking venom against Muslim community Unswerving policy Rejigs management
  • 30. Sacrament Traction I never get paranoid Serenades under the balcony Languorous Languid Demonstrative personalities like loud and bright love declarations probably in public All you have to be sure that you have the reciprocity Btw You should chalk it up to a new experience There is no such thing as cant Don't seclude yourself from your friends and family Don't let the maybes get in the way of your happiness I don't find solace nowhere I don't wanna fall in this death trap of depression I am literally on the verge of breakdown This feeling of helplessness is just killing me Burgeoning friendship Unrequited love Ailing Bi-partisan leader! Issued new dictum in the areas Lump Combustible Luscious dresses I am convinced that you are an incurable romantic The last two years have been tumultuous Wannabes/aspirants/ambitious/aspirin young person Over the years, I’ve met a lot of people...everyone from "celebrities" to "wannabes." I had my techie guys Narcissistic Narcissist (someone in love with themselves) Narcissist A belligerent tone Corny Seismic shift This was so corny. It's better to take them one at a time
  • 31. I couldn't resist the urge to reply to your message Narcissism/self-love I'm really sorry if i came off as being rude and inconsiderate of your narcissism That you don't annihilate the English language "To really know what you want, you need to have a lot of self-knowledge. To have a lot of self-knowledge, you need to have a lot of failures."... You're the man! Belligerent/aggressive/fighter/militant/eager to fight Badass (a mean or belligerent person) Badass (slang) a person whose extreme attitudes and behavior are admirable Barrack obama has a posse Gag Try being less snarky unless you actually know the results of what you're trying to snark Incorporates/integrate/contains Kick start Kick start their business Bloke (British) (a boy or man) Focus on the most plausible one Oblige Expatriates Puberty Hoarding of wealth (save up as for future use) Bollywood buff Noyb Nooby Obfuscate the issue He could always be stashed away Cartilage It’s like eating cartlidge. I'm going to hooters Pillow talk Hike up his trousers Staunch ally of the United States in its war on terror Recuperate/recover The patient is recuperating All yours! Skulking
  • 32. So clever of you to recognize me The economy was soaring The dollar soared against the yen Soar/zoom/soar up/rise rapidly/ Now let's please drop the subject You know what you are being slightly difficult Perspicacious/sagacious/wise/insightful I must say you are very perspicacious. Perspicacious You have the audacity to complain about everything Bellybutton Inevitable/destiny/fate/can't be avoided or prevented Vernacular Transfiguration (dramatic change in appearance) Macroeconomics Minaret/pinnacle Case in point Inextricable unity An inextricable knot He had an intuition that something had gone wrong Intuition Repair the tattered economy A frigid woman In frigid temperatures Scared the crap out of me Delis That looks delish God damn cunt! Counterproductive Very high quality antique furnishings, as well as He and Prime Minister Tony Blair got along so well He lured me into temptation Lures/entice/tempts Red-tapism Despotic regimes "Despotic rulers" Despotic/tyrannic/dictatorial/authoritarian The problem with being famous is that your private life is often in newspaper Hole puncher
  • 33. Scotch tap/cello tape Sour (sawr) The milk has soured" Intimacy/closeness/affair As I look back over the past eight years Nymphomaniac I goofed up (I made a mistake) Nymphomania Nymphomania will soon be divorced Jocular It's usually jocular Derogatory Get a life! Sorry to be pedantic Ah! He's wussing around Stop wussing! Stop being a wuss! Indignant Exodus There was a mass exodus of Hindus and Sikhs at the time of Indian partition in 1947 Predecessors Alienating After the secession of East Pakistan in 1971 A marble edifice In what seemed like a major break The sporadic military skirmishes Lax Our security is lax Backfired Bureaucracy A spate of attacks Tarpaulins Resulting in the conflict ballooning and spreading Restate I think it's important to restate that As i look back over the eight years People who are strong and tough and can survive difficult experience and circumstances Hardy beings
  • 34. You're an absolute life-saver Have equally harrowing stories. Towed Baggy trousers Hoodies I only used to wear Hoodies and baggy tops Ripped Asian guys trying to hone their bodies to resemble those of the stars Megastar Bollywood megastars, Stray dogs They were a "permanent nuisance" to the public. Condoms/rubber/johnnies/safes Sterilized Gauge/judge/guess/estimate/measure Gauge the interests of the audience Adaptability Mouldy bread Garbage receptacle Interrogative (inturogutive) Theater (theeutur) The baby looked around curiously Curiosity (kyureeositee) The cars slowed down and the drivers rubbernecked after the accident Inquisitively (with curiosity. Interrogatively) Rubberneck (strain to watch; stare curiously) Skittish/nervous/spooky/uneasy/anxious/curious Saboteur/destroyer/traitor/ruiner/criminal/offender Vivacious/vigorous/animated/vibrant/enthusiastic/exuberant/energetic/passio nate Sycophant (a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage) Moronic/retarded/half-witted/stupid/idiotic Laboratory (labrutoree) Pakistan is a laboratory for studying the use of American troops to combat terrorism He answered her cantankerously Cantankerously (in a bad mood) Chucker-brown/snuff Cantankerous/stubborn/obstinat/ill-natured/shirty/uncompromising/
  • 35. Cantankerous (stubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate) Homophobe (a person who hates or fears homosexual people) Moronic (having a mental age of between eight and twelve years) Pulverize/demolish/powderize/destroy completely/wipe out/obliterate Mayhem/havoc (violent and needless disturbance) This money was fraudulently obtained Fraudulently Fraudulent scheme Zionist movement Zionists/Jew Smooching/kissing/caressing/fondling/hugging Economical/frugal/thrifty/pennywise That's slim chance You are still the epitome of ignorance Jingoistic language Fanatically patriotic Pulverize the rebellion before it gets out of hand India will pulverize Pakistan in 3 days Moronic & illiterate Puke Homophobe He always wrote down his new year's resolutions Resolution Cantankerous I'm cynical and cantankerous Ass-kisser Goody-goody I'm so wrapped up in my family Wrapped up (deeply devoted to) You were so wrapped up in that book She dumped her boyfriend when she fell in love with a rich man Dump/ditch Go Dutch/divide money Shortcomings/defects Luxurious She strips in front of strangers every night for a living Stripping off (the removal of covering) Streamlined/sleek Fly over country Exotic pronunciation
  • 36. Edict (fatwa) Scholars in Pakistan have issued a fatwa or edict The sleek promos of ghajini have mightily impressed Srk Lukewarm Boon The internet is a boon for this industry Dwindling To supplement their dwindling retirement income Work-at-home scam Scammed I got scammed Preposterous/ridiculous/Absurd Create mayhem Recoil Recalcitrance Assuaging Indian concerns We can't shake hands with Pakistanis, let alone play cricket Keep human rights groups at bay Extract truth Are we left with any other option? Maybe, but it wont come to any good Torture may not yield good results Amidst absence of leadership It’s conglomeration of states His is an injudicious knee-jerk reaction Slouching Aamir looks toppers and chiseled Dazed Oor aishwarya rai looked dazed and confused too Brass After holding talks with Pakistan’s top brass Euphoria Created such euphoria in the overseas market as ghajini Stooge Menacing Pornography Vivacious model girlfriend Torso Saboteur/Destroyer/ruiner/traitor Superman becomes a saboteur
  • 37. Decapitated/beheaded His fiancée is decapitated, You incompetent child Skittish Spooky It was spooky Inept attitude "Had a cozy chat Cozy The children were all sleeping cozily in their bed "The animals forage in the woods" Foraging/collect and look around for food Foraging Despicable/ ugly/worthless Despicable language It is my opinion that children should be seen and not heard Courtroom conduct Chum up Chum Gigantic Colossal damage Screw-loose (not behaving normally) Screw-loose Has a screw loose Just keep your wig on Potboy A potluck supper" Potluck (Whatever happens to be available especially when offered to an unexpected guest or when brought by guests and shared by all) We are having a pot-luck dinner at Tim’s house tomorrow Go Dutch Eccentric person Geek Snob (a person regarded as arrogant and annoying) I was skeptical of using any sort of download manager Resulting in a gummed up computer unable to download Tycoon (a very wealthy or powerful businessman) (Aamir khan) is a rich tycoon I feel swiftly transported to those special times.
  • 38. Phenomenal / extraordinary (Exceedingly or unbelievably great) Case in point It needs strong support both from the Govt and the stake holders. Conform to the rules (fit/meet/follow/Behave in accordance or in agreement with) Conform /adapt/acclimatize/adjust Conform /adapt Do colossal damage Lose sole means of income (Being the only one; single) Guise (pretext, pretence) "Under the guise of friendship he betrayed them" In the guise of Minting money Arouse indignation among (a feeling of righteous anger, outrage) Social norms Below the belt humor/allegations/accusations Politicos (a person active in party politics) "Unscrupulous politicos who would be happy to sell...their country in order to gain power" Unscrupulous sponsors (without scruples or principles) Gigantic disappointment" Over promised, under delivered Audacity (fearless daring) fearlessness/boldness Aromatic/fragrant/odorous Animosity Perfectionist (a person who is displeased by anything that does not meet very high standards) "The car bogged down in the sand" But that didn’t last long This business is in my blood Juncture (A crisis situation or point in time when a critical decision must be made) "My opinion differs from yours" Better be lucky than good! It doesn't really matter what people think Opinions are like noses. Everybody has one. Divulge Fragile I don't make rules "Extramarital affairs"
  • 39. Extramarital sex (Sexual intercourse between individuals who are not married to one another) Tuck shop Easy money Single-handedly (Without assistance) Gifted (Endowed with talent or talents) There seems no reason to go ahead with the project now Seemingly ("the child is seemingly healthy but the doctor is concerned") OPEC bumped up the price of oil Bump up (Increase or raise) On the face of it (on the face of it the problem seems minor) Seemingly (From appearances alone) "We never saw eye to eye on this question" See eye to eye (Be in agreement) Temptation of easy money Fatality (A death resulting from an accident or a disaster) Fat cat (A wealthy and privileged person) Incommunicative Vague expression Experience is a demanding teacher" A prompt reply" The train is prompt Wench Whoremaster Whoremonger Whoredom/ harlotry [vulgar] prostitution Whorehouse/ brothel Brood (sit on eggs) Muse (The source of an artist's inspiration) Metro sexual Dorm Slanderous remarks Mudslinging /Drag through the mud Slander Skirt chaser "Very skinny with his money" Pay should be commensurate with the time worked" Commensurate (Corresponding in size or degree or extent) We teamed up for this new project Undergo/experience/go through
  • 40. 'Experience is the best teacher" Intuition Brainstorm (Try to solve a problem by thinking intensely about it) Mind-boggling experience The girl blushed when a young man whistled as she walked by "Her cheeks blushed in the cold winter air Blushful "The whole experience was really freaky" "When he saw the accident, he freaked out" A bodybuilding freak Airlift Cancel officially (he revoked the ban on smoking) Revoke emergency His eloquence attracted a large congregation Eloquently (he expressed his ideas eloquently) Eloquence (powerful and effective language) Eloquent (expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively) Why do only Muslims have to undergo one humiliation after another? Abasement Holy crap! (Vulgar) My goodness Oh boy Holy cow Gracious me Goodness me My impassive remoteness Impassive Overthrow government Dress appropriately so you are not self-conscious about what you're wearing “I felt tongue-tied with embarrassment" Tongue-tied Devil-may-care Devise a plan Obstacles Heterosexual person Nitty-gritty "Trendy ideas"; "trendy clothes" Trendy Voguish terminology Voguish
  • 41. I'm holding you responsible for all of this. Where the hell could he be? It can always get worse. The moon turned blood red. You shut the hell up! You’re the only reason why she came here. She snuck in the tent! You can't be serious! We’re right on Time That’s pretty wag! What is it? That you have always wanned to do and I have never wanned to do? Speechless with shock Speech less "We had an intense brainstorming session today" Brainstorming Nonetheless Drab look/personality/life Persuade Carjacking Carjack The sudden storm immobilized the traffic" Immobilize Cheeky girls Nerve shredding Bone chilling thrills Persuasive Shaving Enterprising young man Agnostic Trespasser A head-to-head conversation Self-involved user Self-involved Self-centered Self-reliant Vogue, style, trend, current taste in fashion Thrive (grow vigorously) Pragmatic approach to the problem Squeamish, fastidious
  • 42. Irksome, boring, dull, tedious Sadistic Sadistically (with cruelty) Weirdness Vulnerable to HIV infection Ferociousness Ferocious Enamored Bewitch Mesmerize Quip (play joke or make joke) Cater to the needs of consumer Deluxe Sumptuous breakfast Flavorsome Vulnerable Marital "If you don't order dessert I won't either" Fantabulous Strike out Strike off Get crossed off Cross off Pet peeve Felicitate Felicitation Zing "The throne is never vacant Vacant