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eee……eee…..eee… You are awoken abruptly by the sond of the great spaceship’s emergency siren.
You roll out of your bunk and into the service corridor. eee…..eee……eee
Emergency lighting only, must be in a massive power drain. Has to be main drive failure, nothing else could suck in
power like that…… eeee……..eeeeee………eeeeeee
More awake now, you see the soft red warning lights flashing on the bulkhead, ‘Life Support Decay’ ‘Life Support
Decay’ - the sickening realisation hits you, the massive spaceship has been severely damaged…
eeee…..eeeeee………..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee –
the long tone indicates a whole system failure.
Life support will fail in one hundred and eighty seconds. You have three minutes to reach an EGG (one of the ship’s
escape pods) or you’re dead.
You can feel the precious air leaking out of the ship, you turn, groping at the walls in the red half-light, running,
stumbling… you will only have thirty seconds once the siren stops
Click here to see if you escaped from the doomed spaceship.
You awaken in a unfamiliar cocoon-like atmosphere, a green, winking light in front of you. It is a visi-
screen. It is warm and your body is supported by a contoured couch. You made it. You are in the EGG and
the EGG has already landed.
You look around you and see your team also beginning to stir and open their eyes.
Suddenly, a message scrolls across the screen:
Your blood chills as you read the landing information.
Only available landing site planet ABETHAZE. Life capsule has landed in the southern hemisphere.
Planet ABETHAZE has a breathable atmosphere. Landing site is a swamp. EGG is sinking.
You have ten minutes to abandon ship.
You and your team stare at the screen in horror. Not only will you have to abandon the EGG within ten
minutes because it has landed in a swamp, but you have been stranded on the most notorious planet in
the galaxy – notorious for the dangerous and ferocious creatures that live there….
Click here for instructions
How to play:
1. You have ten minutes before your EGG sinks beneath the swamp.
2. Look at the Alien Lifeform Data sheet. You have 5 minutes only to study it. THIS IS
ESSENTIAL TO YOUR SUCCESS ON THIS MISSION. Knowledge of the creatures living
here may save your lives.
3. Choose four pieces of equipment from the Survival Kit. Mark them on your Survivor
4. You have 50 Survival Points to start with. During your attempt to survive on Abethaze
you may lose surivval points. If your points fall to 0 or below you have failed in your
mission and will have to start again.
5. As you read through the scenarios, you will be given a choice of actions. You and your
team will have to decide which action to take and click to continue.
6. If an action you decide to take results in you losing survival points, mark them off on
your Survivor Chart.
Click here to abandon ship and start your journey.
You step out of your capsule. Immediately one of the
fierce flying creatures swoops down at your team. :
Will you run?
Will you stand still?
You remember that the Earwing uses its ears to
hunt. It swoops past your team to capture a small
crawling creature behind a swamp tree.
Well done!
Click here to continue on your quest.
The Earwing creature uses its ears to hunt, and hearing you
and your team stumbling through the swamp trees, it
swerves from its original prey (a small, crawling creature)
and attacks your team!
You manage to fight the beast off with your hands and
dodge it, standing stock still until it gets distracted by easier
prey. You lose 5 Survivor Points.
Click here to continue on your quest.
Will you walk over the mudflats?
Will you wade through the swamp water?
You continue on your journey through the swamp, until you
reach a point where you can no longer walk on the land. You
have a choice of either wading through the swamp water or
walking across the mudflats.
The trees have roots that spear underwater creatures for
food. One root pierces your leg. The injury, though not
fatal, is very painful and will hamper your progress. Use a
MEDIKIT or lose 7 Survival Points.
Click here to continue on your journey.
The mudflats are safe enough to walk on but the clouds of
gas that linger are poisonous. If you did not bring the
RESPIRATOR or SPACESUIT then the gas makes you dizzy.
Lose 4 Survivor Points.
Click here to continue on your journey.
As you and your team continue on your journey, you hear
a rustling in the trees surrounding you. Suddenly, several
vicious, tusk-beasts charge out from the bushes, drooling
madly and aiming right for you. How do you deal with
Fire your LASER (if you have one)
Stand your ground
Fire a RESCUE FLARE (if you have one)
You fire your laser and hit the herd leader. The telepathic
bond that the tusk beasts link together with is broken. The
herd is sent completely mad with rage and confusion. You
and your team are trampled underfoot.
Lose 25 Survival Points.
Click here to continue on your journey.
You bravely stand your ground and wave your arms but the
leader of the herd does not notice you. However, the beasts
try to swerve you all but unfortunately, one of your team
receives a tusk to the leg. The cut is very deep.
Use a MEDIKIT or lose 5 Survival Points.
Click here to continue on your journey.
Your thinking is good. The RESCUE FLARE is quickly noticed
by the herd leader, who is frightened and leads the herd in a
swerve around your group.
Click here to continue on your journey.
The tusk-beasts are slowing as they merge into the
forest. You continue along, seeing some beautiful
fern-like plants that grow nearby. They adorn the side
of the path you want to take.
Will you walk very carefully past them?
Will you run past quickly?
Will you wait until the tusked beast herd has
gone past?
Too Slow! The deadly fern-like plant fires its spores as you.
There are too many for you all to survive.
You have failed and your journey ends here…
Click here to try again.
You’re quick, but not quick enough. The fern-like
plants shoot deadly spores at you and your team. A
few spores embed themselves in your arm. If you
have a MEDIKIT you can destroy them with no ill
effects. Otherwise you will have to pull them out.
Lose 10 Survival Points.
Click here to continue on your journey.
You wait, and are rewarded as a tusked beast lumbers
past the fern-like plants that line the path. The plant
fires deadly spores at it, most of which bounce off its
tough hide.
You dash past the plants before they have a chance to
Click here to continue on your journey.
The Glade
You and your team walk through the wooded forest
quietly, watching carefully for predators. The trees give
way suddenly and the team enter into a bright glade,
with beams of purple sunlight streaming down. You bask
in the rays for a minute and stand still.
Click here to continue on your journey.
Suddently a insect-like creature with an enormous eye
drops from one of the trees and hangs in front of your
faces. You do not recognise it and it was not mentioned
in the Alien Life Form Data.
Will you brush past it into the glade?
Will you stop and examine it?
Will you slash at the creature’s lifeline with a
KNIFE, if you have one?
You realise that the eye-beast is trying to hypnotise you. It
is clearly harmless if you don’t look at it. You brush it aside
and quickly enter the glade.
Click here to continue on your journey.
The eye-beast is trying to hypnotise you and with you
examining it, it succeeds! Long, spiralled tentacles descend
to lift your unresisting bodies up into the tree. It will devour
you all at its leisure.
Your survival attempt ends here.
Click here to try again.
The eye-beast is trying to hypnotise you. You slash at its
lifeline with your KNIFE. The creature drops to the floor,
dead. However, a spurt of its dark-red venom hits you in
the face. It burns like acid.
Lose 15 Survivor Points. If you have a MEDIKIT, you only
lose 5 Survivor Points.
Click here to continue on your journey.
You and your team continue through the sunlit glade. You
hear a loud rumble in the grass and spot a large four legged
creature lying on the mossy ground. It has two mouths, both
with vicious sharp teeth. How will you get past the beast with
two mouths?
Will you tiptoe past the beast?
Will you ignore the beast and rest in the glade?
Will you pick up one of the red fruits lying
nearby and offer it to the beast to eat?
You carefully tiptoe past the sleeping monster but one of your
team accidently steps on a dozing shell-creep. The distubd
creature grabs their foot before it remembers where it is.
Lose 4 Survivor Points. If you have the EVA BOOTS lose no
Click here to continue on your journey.
You realise the creature is asleep and that there are several
other creatures resting or sleeping throughout the glade.
You decide correctly that the glade is a safe place for all
these creatures, and so you and your team take a well-
earned rest.
Click here to continue on your journey.
The two-mouthed beast does not take kindly to being woken
up from its rare slumber by a fool waving a tasteless
gormfruit in its face. Its sharp, vicious teeth were a clue that
it only eats meat. The beast swipes at you with one of it’s
heavy fore-claws. You are lucky, the beast is only half-awake
and the blow is not forceful.
Lose 13 Survivor Points.
The beast sinks back into a peaceful sleep.
Click here to continue on your journey.
You move through the glade to the other side, careful not to
disturb any other resting creatures. In front of you there are three
paths, a left, a right and a middle. A large two-mouth beast is
lumbering into the glade from the right-hand path. Which path will
you take?
The left-hand path?
The middle path?
Wait for the two-mouth beast to enter the
glade and take the right-hand path?
You take the left-hand path and immediately realise you have
made an error. This path is an illusion. The trees here exude a
strange vapour that controls forest creatures, allowing larger
predators to catch and eat prey. Luckily you and your team are
intelligent enough to resist, and you escape, but feel drained
and dizzy.
Lose 7 Survivor Points.
Click here to continue on your journey.
This path looks safer than the other two. You are right – it
offers no particular danger and you continue on your way
through the alien forest.
Click here to continue on your journey.
You cautiously wait until the two-mouth creature has entered
the glade, but unfortunately this is a path by which the
fearsome creatures enter the glade. You are soon met by
another two-mouth beast. If you have a LASER you manage to
fire at it and wound the creature enough to get away with a leg
injury – Lose 12 Survivor Points.
If you do not have a LASER then you quickly find you and your
team attacked and eaten by the creature. Your survival attempt
ends here.
Click here to try again.
Three creatures lie in your path further along. You must all step
over one of them to move past. Which creature will you step
The Flowertooth?
The Poison-Bill?
The Shriek-Hound?
As you all step carefully over the Flowertooth, it takes a
large bite out of your team-mate’s delicious leg.
Lose 9 Survivor Points, or use a MEDIKIT and lose none.
Click here to continue on your journey.
The Poison-Bill squirts a jet of acid at you all for disturbing its
Lose 9 Survivor Points, or use a MEDIKIT and lose none.
Click here to continue on your journey.
You and your team step quite safely over the Shriek-Hound. It
isn’t hungry as it feeds by night.
Click here to continue on your journey.
The Night
Night has fallen by the time you leave the alien forest. You and
your team find yourselves on a slope looking up at a strange
obelisk at the top of the hill.
Will you step forwards up the slope towards your goal?
Will you wait a while to gaze at the brilliant starlit sky?
An Earwing hears you move and swoops out of the darkness to
attack your team. It gashes your shoulder deeply in its first
ferocious plunge. You manage to take cover before it can dive at
you all again, but lose 13 Survival Points.
Click here to continue on your journey.
You watch the skies and see the dark shadow of an
Earwing hunting. They use their huge ears to find their
prey and so they hunt in the same way night or day.
You wait until the vicious beast has flown away before
moving on.
Click here to continue on your journey.
As you walk up the hill, you hear a rustling noise
somewhere just ahead. You all hesitate and peer into the
Will you move to the left?
Will you move to straight ahead?
Will you move to the left?
You have stepped in a Mouthplant. Your leg is trapped and the
Mouthplant will not let go. Your team rush to your aid and find
themselves trapped in Mouthplants all around.
If you have a KNIFE or a LASER you can cut yourselves free but
lose 19 Survival Points. If you have an unused MEDIKIT you only
lose 9 Survival points. If you have no KNIFE or LASER, then you
are trapped forever and will eventually bleed to death on this
alien hillside. Click here to try again.
If you have freed yourselves, click here to continue your journey.
Your foot comes down on top of a Shell-Creep. The frightened
creature grasps your ankle. If you are wearing the EVA BOOTS
you suffer no harm as the creature’s tentacles cannot grip.
If not, lose 8 Survival Points.
Click here to continue your journey.
If you don’t have a TORCH you step gingerly to the right and
stumble over a small bush, falling flat on your face! No
damage done though, you get to your feet feeling like a bit of
a fool with your team giggling at you.
If you do have a TORCH you step over a harmless bush and
continue on your way up the hill.
Click here to continue your journey.
You will not be able to signal for help until dawn and will
have to camp in the open on the alien hillside. Where will
you be safe? The fierce creatures of Abethaze will be hunting
for you. There is a Giantgrazer within sight.
Will you camp near the obelisk?
Will you camp near the Giantgrazer?
Will you camp near the dark clump of vegetation?
Will you camp under the alien tree?
You and your team make camp at the summit next to the
obelisk. This is fairly safe but very uncomfortable. Flocks of
Poisonbills from their nearby roost constantly overfly the
obelisk, drawn by the light of its ghostly glow. The obelisk
prevents the Poisonbills from landing but you all lie awake
all night in agony as acid dropping from their bills burns
your clothes and skin. Lose 4 Survival Points. Lose 0 Survival
Points if you still have a MEDIKIT.
If you are still alive, click here to go to the Obelisk
You decide to camp near the Giantgrazer, having remembered that
this terrifying looking creature is vegetarian. Unfortunately for you,
the enormous beast uses its lights to attact the Shriek-Hounds which
help it breed. As you approach, the Hounds turn on you and your
team. They don’t like the alien taste of you much, but they chew on
you all enough to cause some considerable damage.
Lose 27 Survival Points. For each MEDIKIT you have left, remove 9
points from the 27.
If you are still alive, click here to go to the Obelisk
You see that the only danger in the centre of the slope is from
a nest of Flowerteeth. These carnivorous plants nest together
and cannot move during the night. It will be quite safe to
camp here until dawn but you must be up and away before
first light as the Flowerteeth will begin to move.
If you have less than 20 Survival Points, you are too weak and
tired to wake before dawn and the Flowerteeth eat you for
breakfast when you fail to get up in time. Your survival
attempt ends here. Click here to try again.
If you got up in time (20+ Survival Points, click here to go to the
You have all been foolish enough to camp under a Poison-Bill
roost. As soon as you all fall asleep, hundreds of the bird-
creatures land on you and attack you with their acid spittle
There are too many of them, and none of you ever wake up
again. Soon the vicious bird-creatures will have picked you
clean, nothing remains but your bones.
Click here to try again.
You wake to the silence of a magnificent dawn on Abethaze. You
and your team have, with skill, managed to survive a day and a
night on the most dangerous plant in the galaxy. But you must get
help before even more dangerous creatures hunt you down.
If you have the SUBSPACE DISTRESS BEACON as one of your
equipment choices, you press the orange button. To your
amazement, the lifeless obelisk next to you turns transparent and
emits a high-pitched sound. It is a Rescue Crystal and will alert any
passing spaceships to rescue you. Click here.
If you did not have the SUBSPACE DISTRESS BEACON, you are all doomed to
spend the rest of your days on this planet. Sooner or later, one of the
ferocious beasts that live here will get you. Click here to try again.
You are saved by a passing spaceship and all sent home to be
awarded medals for bravery. Well done team!
Click here to have another go. See if you can finish the game with more Survival Points than this time.

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Planetfall Game

  • 2. eee……eee…..eee… You are awoken abruptly by the sond of the great spaceship’s emergency siren. You roll out of your bunk and into the service corridor. eee…..eee……eee Emergency lighting only, must be in a massive power drain. Has to be main drive failure, nothing else could suck in power like that…… eeee……..eeeeee………eeeeeee More awake now, you see the soft red warning lights flashing on the bulkhead, ‘Life Support Decay’ ‘Life Support Decay’ - the sickening realisation hits you, the massive spaceship has been severely damaged… eeee…..eeeeee………..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee – the long tone indicates a whole system failure. Life support will fail in one hundred and eighty seconds. You have three minutes to reach an EGG (one of the ship’s escape pods) or you’re dead. …..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…………….. You can feel the precious air leaking out of the ship, you turn, groping at the walls in the red half-light, running, stumbling… you will only have thirty seconds once the siren stops ….eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click here to see if you escaped from the doomed spaceship.
  • 3. You awaken in a unfamiliar cocoon-like atmosphere, a green, winking light in front of you. It is a visi- screen. It is warm and your body is supported by a contoured couch. You made it. You are in the EGG and the EGG has already landed. You look around you and see your team also beginning to stir and open their eyes. Suddenly, a message scrolls across the screen: DANGER! DANGER! IMMINENT EGG DESTRUCTION! Your blood chills as you read the landing information. Only available landing site planet ABETHAZE. Life capsule has landed in the southern hemisphere. Planet ABETHAZE has a breathable atmosphere. Landing site is a swamp. EGG is sinking. You have ten minutes to abandon ship. You and your team stare at the screen in horror. Not only will you have to abandon the EGG within ten minutes because it has landed in a swamp, but you have been stranded on the most notorious planet in the galaxy – notorious for the dangerous and ferocious creatures that live there…. Click here for instructions
  • 4. How to play: 1. You have ten minutes before your EGG sinks beneath the swamp. 2. Look at the Alien Lifeform Data sheet. You have 5 minutes only to study it. THIS IS ESSENTIAL TO YOUR SUCCESS ON THIS MISSION. Knowledge of the creatures living here may save your lives. 3. Choose four pieces of equipment from the Survival Kit. Mark them on your Survivor Chart. 4. You have 50 Survival Points to start with. During your attempt to survive on Abethaze you may lose surivval points. If your points fall to 0 or below you have failed in your mission and will have to start again. 5. As you read through the scenarios, you will be given a choice of actions. You and your team will have to decide which action to take and click to continue. 6. If an action you decide to take results in you losing survival points, mark them off on your Survivor Chart. Click here to abandon ship and start your journey.
  • 5. You step out of your capsule. Immediately one of the fierce flying creatures swoops down at your team. : Will you run? Will you stand still?
  • 6. You remember that the Earwing uses its ears to hunt. It swoops past your team to capture a small crawling creature behind a swamp tree. Well done! Click here to continue on your quest.
  • 7. The Earwing creature uses its ears to hunt, and hearing you and your team stumbling through the swamp trees, it swerves from its original prey (a small, crawling creature) and attacks your team! You manage to fight the beast off with your hands and dodge it, standing stock still until it gets distracted by easier prey. You lose 5 Survivor Points. Click here to continue on your quest.
  • 8. Will you walk over the mudflats? Will you wade through the swamp water? You continue on your journey through the swamp, until you reach a point where you can no longer walk on the land. You have a choice of either wading through the swamp water or walking across the mudflats.
  • 9. The trees have roots that spear underwater creatures for food. One root pierces your leg. The injury, though not fatal, is very painful and will hamper your progress. Use a MEDIKIT or lose 7 Survival Points. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 10. The mudflats are safe enough to walk on but the clouds of gas that linger are poisonous. If you did not bring the RESPIRATOR or SPACESUIT then the gas makes you dizzy. Lose 4 Survivor Points. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 11. As you and your team continue on your journey, you hear a rustling in the trees surrounding you. Suddenly, several vicious, tusk-beasts charge out from the bushes, drooling madly and aiming right for you. How do you deal with them? Fire your LASER (if you have one) Stand your ground Fire a RESCUE FLARE (if you have one)
  • 12. You fire your laser and hit the herd leader. The telepathic bond that the tusk beasts link together with is broken. The herd is sent completely mad with rage and confusion. You and your team are trampled underfoot. Lose 25 Survival Points. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 13. You bravely stand your ground and wave your arms but the leader of the herd does not notice you. However, the beasts try to swerve you all but unfortunately, one of your team receives a tusk to the leg. The cut is very deep. Use a MEDIKIT or lose 5 Survival Points. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 14. Your thinking is good. The RESCUE FLARE is quickly noticed by the herd leader, who is frightened and leads the herd in a swerve around your group. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 15. The tusk-beasts are slowing as they merge into the forest. You continue along, seeing some beautiful fern-like plants that grow nearby. They adorn the side of the path you want to take. Will you walk very carefully past them? Will you run past quickly? Will you wait until the tusked beast herd has gone past?
  • 16. Too Slow! The deadly fern-like plant fires its spores as you. There are too many for you all to survive. You have failed and your journey ends here… Click here to try again.
  • 17. You’re quick, but not quick enough. The fern-like plants shoot deadly spores at you and your team. A few spores embed themselves in your arm. If you have a MEDIKIT you can destroy them with no ill effects. Otherwise you will have to pull them out. Lose 10 Survival Points. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 18. You wait, and are rewarded as a tusked beast lumbers past the fern-like plants that line the path. The plant fires deadly spores at it, most of which bounce off its tough hide. You dash past the plants before they have a chance to reload. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 19. The Glade You and your team walk through the wooded forest quietly, watching carefully for predators. The trees give way suddenly and the team enter into a bright glade, with beams of purple sunlight streaming down. You bask in the rays for a minute and stand still. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 20. Suddently a insect-like creature with an enormous eye drops from one of the trees and hangs in front of your faces. You do not recognise it and it was not mentioned in the Alien Life Form Data. Will you brush past it into the glade? Will you stop and examine it? Will you slash at the creature’s lifeline with a KNIFE, if you have one?
  • 21. You realise that the eye-beast is trying to hypnotise you. It is clearly harmless if you don’t look at it. You brush it aside and quickly enter the glade. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 22. The eye-beast is trying to hypnotise you and with you examining it, it succeeds! Long, spiralled tentacles descend to lift your unresisting bodies up into the tree. It will devour you all at its leisure. Your survival attempt ends here. Click here to try again.
  • 23. The eye-beast is trying to hypnotise you. You slash at its lifeline with your KNIFE. The creature drops to the floor, dead. However, a spurt of its dark-red venom hits you in the face. It burns like acid. Lose 15 Survivor Points. If you have a MEDIKIT, you only lose 5 Survivor Points. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 24. You and your team continue through the sunlit glade. You hear a loud rumble in the grass and spot a large four legged creature lying on the mossy ground. It has two mouths, both with vicious sharp teeth. How will you get past the beast with two mouths? Will you tiptoe past the beast? Will you ignore the beast and rest in the glade? Will you pick up one of the red fruits lying nearby and offer it to the beast to eat?
  • 25. You carefully tiptoe past the sleeping monster but one of your team accidently steps on a dozing shell-creep. The distubd creature grabs their foot before it remembers where it is. Lose 4 Survivor Points. If you have the EVA BOOTS lose no points. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 26. You realise the creature is asleep and that there are several other creatures resting or sleeping throughout the glade. You decide correctly that the glade is a safe place for all these creatures, and so you and your team take a well- earned rest. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 27. The two-mouthed beast does not take kindly to being woken up from its rare slumber by a fool waving a tasteless gormfruit in its face. Its sharp, vicious teeth were a clue that it only eats meat. The beast swipes at you with one of it’s heavy fore-claws. You are lucky, the beast is only half-awake and the blow is not forceful. Lose 13 Survivor Points. The beast sinks back into a peaceful sleep. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 28. You move through the glade to the other side, careful not to disturb any other resting creatures. In front of you there are three paths, a left, a right and a middle. A large two-mouth beast is lumbering into the glade from the right-hand path. Which path will you take? The left-hand path? The middle path? Wait for the two-mouth beast to enter the glade and take the right-hand path?
  • 29. You take the left-hand path and immediately realise you have made an error. This path is an illusion. The trees here exude a strange vapour that controls forest creatures, allowing larger predators to catch and eat prey. Luckily you and your team are intelligent enough to resist, and you escape, but feel drained and dizzy. Lose 7 Survivor Points. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 30. This path looks safer than the other two. You are right – it offers no particular danger and you continue on your way through the alien forest. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 31. You cautiously wait until the two-mouth creature has entered the glade, but unfortunately this is a path by which the fearsome creatures enter the glade. You are soon met by another two-mouth beast. If you have a LASER you manage to fire at it and wound the creature enough to get away with a leg injury – Lose 12 Survivor Points. If you do not have a LASER then you quickly find you and your team attacked and eaten by the creature. Your survival attempt ends here. Click here to try again.
  • 32. Three creatures lie in your path further along. You must all step over one of them to move past. Which creature will you step over? The Flowertooth? The Poison-Bill? The Shriek-Hound?
  • 33. As you all step carefully over the Flowertooth, it takes a large bite out of your team-mate’s delicious leg. Lose 9 Survivor Points, or use a MEDIKIT and lose none. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 34. The Poison-Bill squirts a jet of acid at you all for disturbing its peace. Lose 9 Survivor Points, or use a MEDIKIT and lose none. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 35. You and your team step quite safely over the Shriek-Hound. It isn’t hungry as it feeds by night. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 36. The Night Night has fallen by the time you leave the alien forest. You and your team find yourselves on a slope looking up at a strange obelisk at the top of the hill. Will you step forwards up the slope towards your goal? Will you wait a while to gaze at the brilliant starlit sky?
  • 37. An Earwing hears you move and swoops out of the darkness to attack your team. It gashes your shoulder deeply in its first ferocious plunge. You manage to take cover before it can dive at you all again, but lose 13 Survival Points. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 38. You watch the skies and see the dark shadow of an Earwing hunting. They use their huge ears to find their prey and so they hunt in the same way night or day. You wait until the vicious beast has flown away before moving on. Click here to continue on your journey.
  • 39. As you walk up the hill, you hear a rustling noise somewhere just ahead. You all hesitate and peer into the gloom. Will you move to the left? Will you move to straight ahead? Will you move to the left?
  • 40. You have stepped in a Mouthplant. Your leg is trapped and the Mouthplant will not let go. Your team rush to your aid and find themselves trapped in Mouthplants all around. If you have a KNIFE or a LASER you can cut yourselves free but lose 19 Survival Points. If you have an unused MEDIKIT you only lose 9 Survival points. If you have no KNIFE or LASER, then you are trapped forever and will eventually bleed to death on this alien hillside. Click here to try again. If you have freed yourselves, click here to continue your journey.
  • 41. Your foot comes down on top of a Shell-Creep. The frightened creature grasps your ankle. If you are wearing the EVA BOOTS you suffer no harm as the creature’s tentacles cannot grip. If not, lose 8 Survival Points. Click here to continue your journey.
  • 42. If you don’t have a TORCH you step gingerly to the right and stumble over a small bush, falling flat on your face! No damage done though, you get to your feet feeling like a bit of a fool with your team giggling at you. If you do have a TORCH you step over a harmless bush and continue on your way up the hill. Click here to continue your journey.
  • 43. You will not be able to signal for help until dawn and will have to camp in the open on the alien hillside. Where will you be safe? The fierce creatures of Abethaze will be hunting for you. There is a Giantgrazer within sight. Will you camp near the obelisk? Will you camp near the Giantgrazer? Will you camp near the dark clump of vegetation? Will you camp under the alien tree?
  • 44. You and your team make camp at the summit next to the obelisk. This is fairly safe but very uncomfortable. Flocks of Poisonbills from their nearby roost constantly overfly the obelisk, drawn by the light of its ghostly glow. The obelisk prevents the Poisonbills from landing but you all lie awake all night in agony as acid dropping from their bills burns your clothes and skin. Lose 4 Survival Points. Lose 0 Survival Points if you still have a MEDIKIT. If you are still alive, click here to go to the Obelisk
  • 45. You decide to camp near the Giantgrazer, having remembered that this terrifying looking creature is vegetarian. Unfortunately for you, the enormous beast uses its lights to attact the Shriek-Hounds which help it breed. As you approach, the Hounds turn on you and your team. They don’t like the alien taste of you much, but they chew on you all enough to cause some considerable damage. Lose 27 Survival Points. For each MEDIKIT you have left, remove 9 points from the 27. If you are still alive, click here to go to the Obelisk
  • 46. You see that the only danger in the centre of the slope is from a nest of Flowerteeth. These carnivorous plants nest together and cannot move during the night. It will be quite safe to camp here until dawn but you must be up and away before first light as the Flowerteeth will begin to move. If you have less than 20 Survival Points, you are too weak and tired to wake before dawn and the Flowerteeth eat you for breakfast when you fail to get up in time. Your survival attempt ends here. Click here to try again. If you got up in time (20+ Survival Points, click here to go to the Obelisk
  • 47. You have all been foolish enough to camp under a Poison-Bill roost. As soon as you all fall asleep, hundreds of the bird- creatures land on you and attack you with their acid spittle There are too many of them, and none of you ever wake up again. Soon the vicious bird-creatures will have picked you clean, nothing remains but your bones. Click here to try again.
  • 48. Dawn You wake to the silence of a magnificent dawn on Abethaze. You and your team have, with skill, managed to survive a day and a night on the most dangerous plant in the galaxy. But you must get help before even more dangerous creatures hunt you down. If you have the SUBSPACE DISTRESS BEACON as one of your equipment choices, you press the orange button. To your amazement, the lifeless obelisk next to you turns transparent and emits a high-pitched sound. It is a Rescue Crystal and will alert any passing spaceships to rescue you. Click here. If you did not have the SUBSPACE DISTRESS BEACON, you are all doomed to spend the rest of your days on this planet. Sooner or later, one of the ferocious beasts that live here will get you. Click here to try again.
  • 49. Rescue! You are saved by a passing spaceship and all sent home to be awarded medals for bravery. Well done team! Click here to have another go. See if you can finish the game with more Survival Points than this time.