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Series Outline: The Last Dannan
Class: Historical Fiction.
(This ties into DRACO but is totally independent. )
The Last Dannan (book series), chronicles the 5,000 year old story of a hidden people who
have time and time again stood against the tyranny of the Illumined in defense of mankind's
"potential" over the course of western history. It lays out a forgotten backstory to the creation of
America by the shadowy celtic-christian group known as Nature's Crowd. Here it is, the hidden
history threads you heard whispers about with implications that are larger than life for our day
and age.
Book 1: NATURE's TITAN - Danu's story - 3150bc; chronicles the World War, the treaty between
the Ancients and the Colonists, and the Predeluvian evacuation of the Dannan from Western
Europe/Eire. Implosion of technological world. It dispels thousands of years of heaped up myths
and answers the question of who were the original Dannans and how the fight with the Illumined
all began.
Book 2: THE BROKEN ONES - The Return - 2160bc; chronicles the return of the Dannan to Eire
from the four 'safe-haven worlds' of the Ancients, including the Dannan's two wars with the
Scythian "Fomor" and the Fir Bolg. Describes the aftermath of the cataclysm, state of survivors,
genetic damage among the Fomorians, intermarriage as a societal solution to war and
terraforming. Modern voices say the human race is tied to the Earth, in heart and soul this is
Book 3: FIRST LIBERTY KING. The Tuatha do Dana now firmly rooted in Eire struggle with
accepting the separation from the Ancients and those they left behind while facing the new
challenges of self-rule. Ollamh Fodhla the brilliant ancient Irish scholar and lawgiver 3000 years
ago earns his place in history solving a fractious societal state by creating the first representative
form of government in Ireland - a form mistakenly assumed feudal by monastic scholars two
millennia later; for the people, of the people, by the people - it's the birth of the legacy.
Book 4: ANTIQUITY's EXCELLENT NERD - A Vagabond (Drui) Dannan in Ancient Greece.
Chronicles the debates between the ancient Greek intellectuals/philosophers and the ancient
Celts about nature, nature's laws, natural rights, and democracy. A humorous jaunt through an
intercultural exchange relationship and thought-insemination.
Book 5: AN EXPLOSION OF FISH - Cormac's story - The world will tell you Christianity didn't
come to Ireland till the 7th century and that the ancients didn't have high technology, and that
Ireland was a land of primatives -- nothing could be further from the truth. 3rd Century Tara &
Caisel; includes the teaching of Cormac by the Ollamh Mor, Mogh Ruith of Valencia Island, starting
with the epic year-long battle near Caisel (Cashel), and finishing with the epiphany of Cormac
that resulted in him recording & updating the laws of ancient Ireland and the legendary triparte
wisdom bequeathed to his son. Includes the story of the first mill in Ireland and the use of
remnant tech in war in the form of battle bots. The young Mogh Ruith, physically blind at birth
but gifted with second-sight, is the Arch Druid (Drui) of Eire and a respected early Bishop of
Celtic Christianity's well established first century settlement of Culdees at Valencia Island when
he is called to Caisel to defend the abuse of southern Ireland from enforcement of Cormac's
double taxation. The impact of his insight and teaching opens the way for widespread Celtic
Christianity in Eire and results in the legendary wisdom of its first Christian King who requested
a Christian burial upon his death.
Book 6: SLAVES OF THE WHEEL - The continuing story of Mogh Ruith, arch-druid "Ollamh Mor"
of Valencia Island and his Daughter now located in Feara Maighe (Fermoy) as remnant
'engineers' or 'technicians' in their struggle to preserve ancient technology. Describes the last
flight of a virmana at Fermoy (Feara Maighe), future seat of the Scribes of Fermoy. From the
ancient star maps to celestial calendaring on stones across the Isle of the Setting Sun for the
purposes of global navigation, the reader learns of the problems involved in trying to preserve
knowledge. Includes the arguments about faults in verbal transmission and the ban on writing.
Book 7: THE LAST LIBERTY KING - Chronicles the monumental diplomatic work of Ambrose
Geibhendach Ua Dubhagain of Great Works NH in 1623 to fulfill the Council of Fermoy's decree to
move the remaining Clannad of the Aes Dana to the New World en masse at Strawberry
Banks/Great Works in a last ditch reach for coherent survival during a period of violent civil
strife and rebellion against the English Crown in a Fermoy controlled by the Norman Frank de la
Roche ruling family. A prophecy by ancient Morrigu leads the clannod into the risky venture. A
legend is born that sets the stage for a future the tyrannical powers of the world never foresaw.
Includes the labor agreement with John Mason and Lord Groghe of Britain. An old saying Power
from the Greenwitch, the nick name (not the registered name) of the little bark that made the first
three trips across the tumultuous atlantic, becomes apparent through the narrative. It includes
conflict with the Roman Church and its illicit shadowy activities against the remnants of the Old
World Celtic Culdean Aes Dana, accused of the heresy of Pelagianism, who scrape out a meager
existence in hiding, caught between the rebellious Norman Catholic feudal rulers and corruption
of the militant Protestant British Monarchy. Here is the dangerous experience of life beneath the
umbrella of a foreign culture. Arrival in the new world brings tenuous meetings with a
mysterious and powerful Native American Sachem to secure lands for the company, and sea
battles with the Illumined's ship masters that become the British East India Company. It's a risky
venture pitting the freedom of the unknown vs annihilation by forces that know who the Aes
Dana are almost better than they still do.
Book 8: CHAMPIONS OF MACHIAS: The Aes Dana return revitalized by over a century of self-
governance and prosperity in the new world and spoiling to keep it that way. Chronicles the
incident that resulted in the first colonial naval battle by colonists at Machias Maine against the
corrupt British overlords, taking several ships, in which the Dannan Clannad and their Drui
lorekeepers were instigators and participants. The reader explores the questions about ‘use of
force’ and when do a people rise to defend themselves and their way of life. This sets the stage
for Book 9.
Book 9: A FLAG FOR A TEMPLAR: Chronicles the Dannan involvement in both answering the
call for assistance made by G. Washington for privateers to defend the colonies, and the opening
of Dannan libraries to three of the founders secretly working on the creation of a new nation...a
nation designed to lead a world out of Illumined enslavement. Here blooms the mutualistic
philosophical alliance called Nature's Crowd among both the descendants of Old Laconia (Aes
Dana) and the colonial leadership, the great philosopher kings of our age who fought not for a
kingdom but rather a vehicle for justice, natural rights and human potential. It's the story behind
the original flag of the First Navy: a white field upon which rests the green liberty tree and the
motto 'an appeal to heaven' and too the guardians Washington set against the Illumined
infiltration. Includes the Mistake of Anonymity by the Aes Dana.
Book 10: WAGONMASTER TIGERNACH - 1850 Oregon Trail. With disturbing encounters by
Illumined and Church proxies in hot pursuit, the Aes Dana become refugees in flight in their own
land again. A young Dannan Firstborn/Tanist, untested, inexperienced, who in the aftermath of a
small pox outbreak must lead the clanns westward, in search of safety once more, into the fabled
Willamette Valley Oregon via one of the first wagon trains. Showcases the verbal knowledge
transmission, and struggle to maintain traditions, social integrity, and hope under very adverse
conditions. Includes innovation, adaptability, and relational-being.
Book 11: THE BANDRUI TOASTMASTER - The story of the elementary teacher Mary ni Launger
described in the appendix of DRACO I, who in the hey day of the Pacific Northwest witnessed and
fought the post-war (WW2) Illumines as they infiltrate academia, the media, and middle
management government with a fully defined 100 year end game plan under the guise of
globalism and the green movement as it spawns the early foundation of the concept of ‘Climate
Change’. This includes the return of the exopolitical elements, Patton's Proteges, exotic tesla-
based technology, the post-war nazis, and more. This sets the stage for books 12 and 13.
Book 12: REDEMPTION: A look at the story of the Dal gCais descendants 'Kennedy' thru the
lense of the Nature's Crowd narrative. The disgraced Dal gCais clann, a long-ago competitor of
the ancient Eogannacht Caisel and Aes Dana Dubhagain, has been conscripted in 1960s America
by the Illumined controllers to move the post war Illumined agenda toward the Nazi Fourth
Reich and Global Governance via the deconstruction of the vehicle built by Nature's Crowd...but
the Kennedy sons have other ideas...ancient ideas... about truth, honor and a belief in redemption.
Includes flashback to the 9th Century story of the Dal gCais attempted theft of Caisel from
Ceallachain mac Buadacháin that resulted in their disgrace. Includes the Kennedy attempt to pull
money minting away from the Federal Reserve and put it back in the hands of the Treasury, the
first look at the Anglo-American Establishment product of Chatham House, and the first whispers
about carbon taxation from an agenda soon to be implemented at the UN level in the World
Economic Forum, and the rise of the philanthropic think-tanks as seats of power thru policy
Book 13: SYNCHRONICITY'S APPRENTICE: This tells the story of a 'walk-in' who was born into
the oldest Dannan clann (Mogh Ruith line) as a disputed first-born during the twilight years of
the Aes Dana, who grows up under the tutelage of Mary ni Launger in the aftermath of the
implosion of the clanns and the ultimate death of the Dannan culture, and who goes on to be the
eyes of the Ancients on Earth as the Apprentice to Synchroncity while the world prepares to fight
the final battle against the Illumined Eugenics plan. It shows Synchroncity, the hand of the
Source at work in the landscape as an influence and how it and the Ancients rule of law abides
free will. It looks at the question of extraterrestrial disclosure as a ephiphany that could awaken
the populous and expose the corruption that has sequestered the truths in a parasitic power
construct over the worlds people. Explores the covert war over narratives and explains what the
drive for a digestible narrative looks like, means, and its ramifications for truth, and course
Book 14: ROAR: The Ancients are returning for the 5,000 year treaty period with the Illumined,
that held back external intervention has ended. They have seen through the eyes of
Synchronicity's Apprentice and what they learned they believed a threat to the continued
existence of mankind on Earth. Here the Illumined have grabbed global power and have been
designing both soft and hard means for depopulation. A global civil war is brewing, and the last of
the nearly extinct Dannan move across the land once more in a race against time, wielding the
ancient power and influence of land sovereigns identifying and establishing champions among
the people. History is repeating itself and the day of reckoning against the corruption is at hand.
Exopolitics, the Liberty Movement, and Human Potential is showcased.
Read a never before told story of western civilization, the fight for human potential, and the
creation of America by a line descendant of the very people who lived it. Discover the true
intended identity of the American People.
A Note to the Reader:
Some of you will come to this collection out of an instinctive sense for the fantastic or strange,
others drawn to the Celtic from somewhere among the vast diaspora of Celtic tribes world wide,
with only a vestigial memory of who you are, filled with endless questions. Others will arrive
here because you enjoy a good yarn and you’ve wondered about all the little bits of history that
don’t fit in our modern contrived narrative. Or perhaps you yearn for truth and meaning in a
world that strives to strip every last bit of soul from you. However you arrived, this story is not
just mine, it’s yours. It is part of a legacy that was built long ago and left for you, the beneficiary.
Each of you are our children, the chosen heirs to the Tuatha de Dannan no matter where you
come from. I’m here to inform all of you, that you, your nation, and the world are not are more than you ever realized. This sprawling story was kept from you long ago
thru the exacting of promises of anonymity and that was a mistake. It’s time you come to know
who you are.
The Old Irish are not a mythical fairy construct to amuse children at bedtime or extraterrestrials
or any of the other otherworldly strangeness heaped upon the few mentions of us in the Annals
throughout history. We were/are a real people who called themselves Aes Dana, meaning
beloved of knowledge; a people who set out to uphold a promise and who lived, loved, and died in
the thousands of years of sometimes desperate effort, real and tangible, with very human
triumphs and mistakes along the way. We left our footprints for you in every corner of Western
Civilization. That legacy is now yours to live and protect, continue and remember.
This book collection titled The Last Dannan is called historical fiction because a large part of the
historical record with its tangible proofs is forever gone, destroyed with the private libraries
when the Aes Dana imploded into generational infighting in the 1960s in a struggle to come to
terms with a changing world with its tantalizing distractions and conscriptive umbrella culture,
before I was even born. It was a time of deep heart-wrenching hurt and anger for
them...something that can never heal, only left in peace and I ask all readers to respect that
graveyard leaving it undisturbed...but of all else, it’s here to the best of my ability to assemble.
Learn from our experience for you will in all likelihood face similar experiences someday. What
is left of us remains inside each of you via what was built, the cultural ideals and root philosophy,
and the hopes and aspirations of a people who rose to venerate knowledge, truth and justice for
all, establishing ethics and freedom as some of their highest espoused mantras. How real we will
remain, how we are restored to memory in this dream of life, all depends upon the choices you
make about civilization and humanity; about who you, our heirs, choose to be.
Civilization is a fragile precious thing, as is true freedom and liberty….and justice too when it is
necessary. Without champions who love life truly these things can be whittled away before you
realize it...Without champions lost liberty cannot be restored, corruption cannot be redressed,
and truth becomes a threat or a bargaining chip like a carrot on a national security stick in games
you have no need to understand, not because you truly have no need to understand, but because
illicit covert powers say you don’t, thereby stealing from you your rights, your freedoms, and
your very distinctive and profound identity.
I have seen all of you struggle with the many confusing aspects of the world paradigm in this our
own time. I’ve seen the mistakes that have been made, the misunderstandings between
individuals and groups who should have been natural allies above all fabricated boundaries; all of
it because you didn’t have the Old Irish history of Nature’s Crowd for the context of the fight
against a global corruption that operates on century-long short plans. This is the missing part of
your story...from here it’s all on you to keep the story...silver on the tree... keep it going, resurrect
the vehicle, restore your identity, and add to it...OWN find, uplift, and support your current
and future champions and endeavors; to work hand in hand with Synchronicity – the Hand of God
operating in our environment; to decide how to transmit who you are to the next generation; to
determine what part of you is important to maintain and preserve for all posterity. In all of that
knowledge it is our hope that you will realize how deep your roots truly run. Thousands of years
old are you, and that the roots do not discriminate against genetic origin no matter what the
Illumined proxies try to tell you in attempts to create racial or cultural rifts and conflict. You are
not just a Constitutional Republic. You are not just a melting pot of people from different
cultures, races, religions and places of origin here for refuge or the pursuit of happiness. It is the
goal of this work to restore to you your intended original identity – a universal identity - that you
may once again become the inspired people you were deemed to be.
I promised long ago to ‘help them remember who they are...’ and as Anne McCaffery (now
deceased) a renowned Irish story teller famous for the Dragon Rider of Pern series said, ‘there’s
precious little I have left to give.’ What do I have for you? ...a multi-millennial story of your past
and how you came to be...a whispered hope and a fervent prayer aloft on the wind of life instilled
in every last man, woman, and child among the diaspora and all kindred of like minds. You are as
we say, inhabitants of that strange land, a place and an extended-family “where (Celtic) strength
and (Christian) grace unite.” You are more than you realize. You are ‘great sword wielding’
champions built of those who loved life truly, to guide and guard human potential; leading the
way for a world to follow by your living example. If you embrace this and think about the
implications that identity imbues, the power it contains, you may then look down and see the
Creative Source’s key to the path of your potential laying there in your own trusts you. It
was earned. You possessed it all along, but never knew it.
Your geis is now to bring your extended family back together and free a world from the
enslavement of the Illumined and their agendas, and keep it that way for the sake of all. You have
a vehicle, you have an identity, and you have each other. This legacy is not a story of despair, it’s
one of hope and are it. You are our legacy. This is who you are. Pursue once
again Excellence in the tradition of Nature’s Crowd. Sow wonder and indomitable spirit into the
fertile soil of the world around you. Ancient Morrigu seen you. We seen you. Continue to be
seen and heard as never before for, the world and the universe beyond needs you to thrive. Be
As for the Aes Dana, no fear. There will always be at least one elemental ghost here to stand with
you on the shield wall in the long hours of deep night and the shining of the new day, nine times
eternal. Synchronicity has seen to it. FiOs.
FiOs ~ "Vision, Memory, Dream" Berla Feini (old Irish), "Knowledge" Modern Irish.
In singing, in exploring our connection to our Spirit and the Creative Source, then turning to
examine our Reality, what we thought was only Imagination or only a Dream is revealed to be
the most powerful Truth of all...
Synchronicity’s Apprentice
Montana 2017

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Last Dannan Series and Letter to all Kindred

  • 1. Series Outline: The Last Dannan Class: Historical Fiction. (This ties into DRACO but is totally independent. ) The Last Dannan (book series), chronicles the 5,000 year old story of a hidden people who have time and time again stood against the tyranny of the Illumined in defense of mankind's "potential" over the course of western history. It lays out a forgotten backstory to the creation of America by the shadowy celtic-christian group known as Nature's Crowd. Here it is, the hidden history threads you heard whispers about with implications that are larger than life for our day and age. Book 1: NATURE's TITAN - Danu's story - 3150bc; chronicles the World War, the treaty between the Ancients and the Colonists, and the Predeluvian evacuation of the Dannan from Western Europe/Eire. Implosion of technological world. It dispels thousands of years of heaped up myths and answers the question of who were the original Dannans and how the fight with the Illumined all began. Book 2: THE BROKEN ONES - The Return - 2160bc; chronicles the return of the Dannan to Eire from the four 'safe-haven worlds' of the Ancients, including the Dannan's two wars with the Scythian "Fomor" and the Fir Bolg. Describes the aftermath of the cataclysm, state of survivors, genetic damage among the Fomorians, intermarriage as a societal solution to war and terraforming. Modern voices say the human race is tied to the Earth, in heart and soul this is true. Book 3: FIRST LIBERTY KING. The Tuatha do Dana now firmly rooted in Eire struggle with accepting the separation from the Ancients and those they left behind while facing the new challenges of self-rule. Ollamh Fodhla the brilliant ancient Irish scholar and lawgiver 3000 years ago earns his place in history solving a fractious societal state by creating the first representative form of government in Ireland - a form mistakenly assumed feudal by monastic scholars two millennia later; for the people, of the people, by the people - it's the birth of the legacy. Book 4: ANTIQUITY's EXCELLENT NERD - A Vagabond (Drui) Dannan in Ancient Greece. Chronicles the debates between the ancient Greek intellectuals/philosophers and the ancient Celts about nature, nature's laws, natural rights, and democracy. A humorous jaunt through an intercultural exchange relationship and thought-insemination. Book 5: AN EXPLOSION OF FISH - Cormac's story - The world will tell you Christianity didn't come to Ireland till the 7th century and that the ancients didn't have high technology, and that Ireland was a land of primatives -- nothing could be further from the truth. 3rd Century Tara & Caisel; includes the teaching of Cormac by the Ollamh Mor, Mogh Ruith of Valencia Island, starting with the epic year-long battle near Caisel (Cashel), and finishing with the epiphany of Cormac that resulted in him recording & updating the laws of ancient Ireland and the legendary triparte wisdom bequeathed to his son. Includes the story of the first mill in Ireland and the use of remnant tech in war in the form of battle bots. The young Mogh Ruith, physically blind at birth but gifted with second-sight, is the Arch Druid (Drui) of Eire and a respected early Bishop of Cyrellys2017
  • 2. Celtic Christianity's well established first century settlement of Culdees at Valencia Island when he is called to Caisel to defend the abuse of southern Ireland from enforcement of Cormac's double taxation. The impact of his insight and teaching opens the way for widespread Celtic Christianity in Eire and results in the legendary wisdom of its first Christian King who requested a Christian burial upon his death. Book 6: SLAVES OF THE WHEEL - The continuing story of Mogh Ruith, arch-druid "Ollamh Mor" of Valencia Island and his Daughter now located in Feara Maighe (Fermoy) as remnant 'engineers' or 'technicians' in their struggle to preserve ancient technology. Describes the last flight of a virmana at Fermoy (Feara Maighe), future seat of the Scribes of Fermoy. From the ancient star maps to celestial calendaring on stones across the Isle of the Setting Sun for the purposes of global navigation, the reader learns of the problems involved in trying to preserve knowledge. Includes the arguments about faults in verbal transmission and the ban on writing. Book 7: THE LAST LIBERTY KING - Chronicles the monumental diplomatic work of Ambrose Geibhendach Ua Dubhagain of Great Works NH in 1623 to fulfill the Council of Fermoy's decree to move the remaining Clannad of the Aes Dana to the New World en masse at Strawberry Banks/Great Works in a last ditch reach for coherent survival during a period of violent civil strife and rebellion against the English Crown in a Fermoy controlled by the Norman Frank de la Roche ruling family. A prophecy by ancient Morrigu leads the clannod into the risky venture. A legend is born that sets the stage for a future the tyrannical powers of the world never foresaw. Includes the labor agreement with John Mason and Lord Groghe of Britain. An old saying Power from the Greenwitch, the nick name (not the registered name) of the little bark that made the first three trips across the tumultuous atlantic, becomes apparent through the narrative. It includes conflict with the Roman Church and its illicit shadowy activities against the remnants of the Old World Celtic Culdean Aes Dana, accused of the heresy of Pelagianism, who scrape out a meager existence in hiding, caught between the rebellious Norman Catholic feudal rulers and corruption of the militant Protestant British Monarchy. Here is the dangerous experience of life beneath the umbrella of a foreign culture. Arrival in the new world brings tenuous meetings with a mysterious and powerful Native American Sachem to secure lands for the company, and sea battles with the Illumined's ship masters that become the British East India Company. It's a risky venture pitting the freedom of the unknown vs annihilation by forces that know who the Aes Dana are almost better than they still do. Book 8: CHAMPIONS OF MACHIAS: The Aes Dana return revitalized by over a century of self- governance and prosperity in the new world and spoiling to keep it that way. Chronicles the incident that resulted in the first colonial naval battle by colonists at Machias Maine against the corrupt British overlords, taking several ships, in which the Dannan Clannad and their Drui lorekeepers were instigators and participants. The reader explores the questions about ‘use of force’ and when do a people rise to defend themselves and their way of life. This sets the stage for Book 9. Book 9: A FLAG FOR A TEMPLAR: Chronicles the Dannan involvement in both answering the call for assistance made by G. Washington for privateers to defend the colonies, and the opening of Dannan libraries to three of the founders secretly working on the creation of a new nation...a nation designed to lead a world out of Illumined enslavement. Here blooms the mutualistic philosophical alliance called Nature's Crowd among both the descendants of Old Laconia (Aes Dana) and the colonial leadership, the great philosopher kings of our age who fought not for a Cyrellys2017
  • 3. kingdom but rather a vehicle for justice, natural rights and human potential. It's the story behind the original flag of the First Navy: a white field upon which rests the green liberty tree and the motto 'an appeal to heaven' and too the guardians Washington set against the Illumined infiltration. Includes the Mistake of Anonymity by the Aes Dana. Book 10: WAGONMASTER TIGERNACH - 1850 Oregon Trail. With disturbing encounters by Illumined and Church proxies in hot pursuit, the Aes Dana become refugees in flight in their own land again. A young Dannan Firstborn/Tanist, untested, inexperienced, who in the aftermath of a small pox outbreak must lead the clanns westward, in search of safety once more, into the fabled Willamette Valley Oregon via one of the first wagon trains. Showcases the verbal knowledge transmission, and struggle to maintain traditions, social integrity, and hope under very adverse conditions. Includes innovation, adaptability, and relational-being. Book 11: THE BANDRUI TOASTMASTER - The story of the elementary teacher Mary ni Launger described in the appendix of DRACO I, who in the hey day of the Pacific Northwest witnessed and fought the post-war (WW2) Illumines as they infiltrate academia, the media, and middle management government with a fully defined 100 year end game plan under the guise of globalism and the green movement as it spawns the early foundation of the concept of ‘Climate Change’. This includes the return of the exopolitical elements, Patton's Proteges, exotic tesla- based technology, the post-war nazis, and more. This sets the stage for books 12 and 13. Book 12: REDEMPTION: A look at the story of the Dal gCais descendants 'Kennedy' thru the lense of the Nature's Crowd narrative. The disgraced Dal gCais clann, a long-ago competitor of the ancient Eogannacht Caisel and Aes Dana Dubhagain, has been conscripted in 1960s America by the Illumined controllers to move the post war Illumined agenda toward the Nazi Fourth Reich and Global Governance via the deconstruction of the vehicle built by Nature's Crowd...but the Kennedy sons have other ideas...ancient ideas... about truth, honor and a belief in redemption. Includes flashback to the 9th Century story of the Dal gCais attempted theft of Caisel from Ceallachain mac Buadacháin that resulted in their disgrace. Includes the Kennedy attempt to pull money minting away from the Federal Reserve and put it back in the hands of the Treasury, the first look at the Anglo-American Establishment product of Chatham House, and the first whispers about carbon taxation from an agenda soon to be implemented at the UN level in the World Economic Forum, and the rise of the philanthropic think-tanks as seats of power thru policy creation. Book 13: SYNCHRONICITY'S APPRENTICE: This tells the story of a 'walk-in' who was born into the oldest Dannan clann (Mogh Ruith line) as a disputed first-born during the twilight years of the Aes Dana, who grows up under the tutelage of Mary ni Launger in the aftermath of the implosion of the clanns and the ultimate death of the Dannan culture, and who goes on to be the eyes of the Ancients on Earth as the Apprentice to Synchroncity while the world prepares to fight the final battle against the Illumined Eugenics plan. It shows Synchroncity, the hand of the Source at work in the landscape as an influence and how it and the Ancients rule of law abides free will. It looks at the question of extraterrestrial disclosure as a ephiphany that could awaken the populous and expose the corruption that has sequestered the truths in a parasitic power construct over the worlds people. Explores the covert war over narratives and explains what the drive for a digestible narrative looks like, means, and its ramifications for truth, and course correction. Cyrellys2017
  • 4. Book 14: ROAR: The Ancients are returning for the 5,000 year treaty period with the Illumined, that held back external intervention has ended. They have seen through the eyes of Synchronicity's Apprentice and what they learned they believed a threat to the continued existence of mankind on Earth. Here the Illumined have grabbed global power and have been designing both soft and hard means for depopulation. A global civil war is brewing, and the last of the nearly extinct Dannan move across the land once more in a race against time, wielding the ancient power and influence of land sovereigns identifying and establishing champions among the people. History is repeating itself and the day of reckoning against the corruption is at hand. Exopolitics, the Liberty Movement, and Human Potential is showcased. Read a never before told story of western civilization, the fight for human potential, and the creation of America by a line descendant of the very people who lived it. Discover the true intended identity of the American People. A Note to the Reader: Some of you will come to this collection out of an instinctive sense for the fantastic or strange, others drawn to the Celtic from somewhere among the vast diaspora of Celtic tribes world wide, with only a vestigial memory of who you are, filled with endless questions. Others will arrive here because you enjoy a good yarn and you’ve wondered about all the little bits of history that don’t fit in our modern contrived narrative. Or perhaps you yearn for truth and meaning in a world that strives to strip every last bit of soul from you. However you arrived, this story is not just mine, it’s yours. It is part of a legacy that was built long ago and left for you, the beneficiary. Each of you are our children, the chosen heirs to the Tuatha de Dannan no matter where you come from. I’m here to inform all of you, that you, your nation, and the world are not are more than you ever realized. This sprawling story was kept from you long ago thru the exacting of promises of anonymity and that was a mistake. It’s time you come to know who you are. The Old Irish are not a mythical fairy construct to amuse children at bedtime or extraterrestrials or any of the other otherworldly strangeness heaped upon the few mentions of us in the Annals throughout history. We were/are a real people who called themselves Aes Dana, meaning beloved of knowledge; a people who set out to uphold a promise and who lived, loved, and died in the thousands of years of sometimes desperate effort, real and tangible, with very human triumphs and mistakes along the way. We left our footprints for you in every corner of Western Civilization. That legacy is now yours to live and protect, continue and remember. This book collection titled The Last Dannan is called historical fiction because a large part of the historical record with its tangible proofs is forever gone, destroyed with the private libraries when the Aes Dana imploded into generational infighting in the 1960s in a struggle to come to terms with a changing world with its tantalizing distractions and conscriptive umbrella culture, before I was even born. It was a time of deep heart-wrenching hurt and anger for them...something that can never heal, only left in peace and I ask all readers to respect that graveyard leaving it undisturbed...but of all else, it’s here to the best of my ability to assemble. Cyrellys2017
  • 5. Learn from our experience for you will in all likelihood face similar experiences someday. What is left of us remains inside each of you via what was built, the cultural ideals and root philosophy, and the hopes and aspirations of a people who rose to venerate knowledge, truth and justice for all, establishing ethics and freedom as some of their highest espoused mantras. How real we will remain, how we are restored to memory in this dream of life, all depends upon the choices you make about civilization and humanity; about who you, our heirs, choose to be. Civilization is a fragile precious thing, as is true freedom and liberty….and justice too when it is necessary. Without champions who love life truly these things can be whittled away before you realize it...Without champions lost liberty cannot be restored, corruption cannot be redressed, and truth becomes a threat or a bargaining chip like a carrot on a national security stick in games you have no need to understand, not because you truly have no need to understand, but because illicit covert powers say you don’t, thereby stealing from you your rights, your freedoms, and your very distinctive and profound identity. I have seen all of you struggle with the many confusing aspects of the world paradigm in this our own time. I’ve seen the mistakes that have been made, the misunderstandings between individuals and groups who should have been natural allies above all fabricated boundaries; all of it because you didn’t have the Old Irish history of Nature’s Crowd for the context of the fight against a global corruption that operates on century-long short plans. This is the missing part of your story...from here it’s all on you to keep the story...silver on the tree... keep it going, resurrect the vehicle, restore your identity, and add to it...OWN find, uplift, and support your current and future champions and endeavors; to work hand in hand with Synchronicity – the Hand of God operating in our environment; to decide how to transmit who you are to the next generation; to determine what part of you is important to maintain and preserve for all posterity. In all of that knowledge it is our hope that you will realize how deep your roots truly run. Thousands of years old are you, and that the roots do not discriminate against genetic origin no matter what the Illumined proxies try to tell you in attempts to create racial or cultural rifts and conflict. You are not just a Constitutional Republic. You are not just a melting pot of people from different cultures, races, religions and places of origin here for refuge or the pursuit of happiness. It is the goal of this work to restore to you your intended original identity – a universal identity - that you may once again become the inspired people you were deemed to be. I promised long ago to ‘help them remember who they are...’ and as Anne McCaffery (now deceased) a renowned Irish story teller famous for the Dragon Rider of Pern series said, ‘there’s precious little I have left to give.’ What do I have for you? ...a multi-millennial story of your past and how you came to be...a whispered hope and a fervent prayer aloft on the wind of life instilled in every last man, woman, and child among the diaspora and all kindred of like minds. You are as we say, inhabitants of that strange land, a place and an extended-family “where (Celtic) strength and (Christian) grace unite.” You are more than you realize. You are ‘great sword wielding’ champions built of those who loved life truly, to guide and guard human potential; leading the way for a world to follow by your living example. If you embrace this and think about the implications that identity imbues, the power it contains, you may then look down and see the Creative Source’s key to the path of your potential laying there in your own trusts you. It was earned. You possessed it all along, but never knew it. Your geis is now to bring your extended family back together and free a world from the enslavement of the Illumined and their agendas, and keep it that way for the sake of all. You have Cyrellys2017
  • 6. a vehicle, you have an identity, and you have each other. This legacy is not a story of despair, it’s one of hope and are it. You are our legacy. This is who you are. Pursue once again Excellence in the tradition of Nature’s Crowd. Sow wonder and indomitable spirit into the fertile soil of the world around you. Ancient Morrigu seen you. We seen you. Continue to be seen and heard as never before for, the world and the universe beyond needs you to thrive. Be inspired. As for the Aes Dana, no fear. There will always be at least one elemental ghost here to stand with you on the shield wall in the long hours of deep night and the shining of the new day, nine times eternal. Synchronicity has seen to it. FiOs. FiOs ~ "Vision, Memory, Dream" Berla Feini (old Irish), "Knowledge" Modern Irish. In singing, in exploring our connection to our Spirit and the Creative Source, then turning to examine our Reality, what we thought was only Imagination or only a Dream is revealed to be the most powerful Truth of all... Synchronicity’s Apprentice Montana 2017 Cyrellys2017