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Eagles in Flight! Newsletter
                                                                                  Winter 2010/2011

 INSIDE THIS ISSUE:                                                RAREST OF THE RARE!
The Alumni Award                  2
Mike Rowe Speaks Out              2
There’s an App for That           3
Come Hear Col. Fer                3
Scout Exec’s Corner               4
Shape the Summit!                 4
One Unit; 83 Eagles!              5
Got A Minute?                     5
 Upcoming LAAC Events:
  February 19 —Cabrillo
    Youth Center work day
  March 15—2nd Annual
    Youth Development
    Breakfast (see p. 3)
  March 22— 39th Annual
    Interfaith Banquet                 Three of the eighty-seven Scouts who participated in the Cabrillo Youth Center Historical Merit
  March 25/27—Spring                 Badge classes held in November and December display their Carpentry badge projects—handmade
    Rocket Academy I                   tool/nail boxes. These Scouts and others also earned Pathfinding, Tracking, and Signaling awards.
                                       As of the beginning of 2011, these merit badges are once again “retired” and our Scouts join the
  April 1/3—Spring Rocket            very few who have met the requirements during the Centennial Year to wear their honors.
    Academy II
                                      BOY SCOUTS                         AND         EGYPT
 For more information and
 registration for these events,       As this issue of Eagles in Flight      Egypt where Scouting began in
 go to           goes to press, the citizens of         1914 in Alexandria. Most Scout
                                      Egypt are witnessing their first       troops are associated with
                                      regime change in thirty years          schools, clubs, mosques and
                                      and in seven months all Egyp-          churches. Egyptian Scouts play
                                      tians will cast ballots in the first   an important role in community
                                      free and fair election held in         service. They are involved in
                                      the country in generations. In         projects of desert reclamation,
                                      light of these achievements, it        work camps, blood drives, medi-
                                      seemed appropriate to inquire          cal care and other projects.
                                      about Scouting in Egypt.
                                                                             Congratulations to our Scouting
                                      According to the World Organi-         brothers and all Egyptians on
                                      zation of the Scout Movement,          their new found freedoms!
                                      there are 79,611 Scouts in
E a g l e s i n F l ig h t ! N e w s l e t t e r                                                                                          Page 2

  In the coming months, a new                      the award recognizes accom-        tough—and that’s by design,”
  patch, the BSA Alumni Award                      plishments in four areas:          said Bill Steele, the BSA’s
  knot, will begin appearing on                    alumni identification and pro-     director of Alumni Relations.
  some Scouting volunteers’ uni-                   motion, alumni engagement,         “We expect these folks to               “The
  forms. The red, blue, and gold                   personal participation, and        work just as hard as alumni as
  square knot will designate its
  wearer as a Scouting alumnus
                                                   personal education. Specific
                                                   requirements include doing
                                                                                      they did as Scouts and Scout      requirements are
  who has helped other Scouting
  alumni reconnect with the pro-
                                                   things such as helping to plan
                                                   an alumni event, convincing
                                                                                                                          tough . . . .”
                                                                                      Requirements for the award
  gram. (A lapel pin is also avail-                unregistered alumni to regis-
                                                                                      were posted in January
  able for civilian wear.)                         ter with Scouting, and com-                                                      Bill Steele
                                                   pleting online alumni training.    All requirements must have          BSA Alumni Relations
  Developed by the national                                                           been completed after June 1,
  Alumni Relations Committee,                      “The requirements are              2009.

   MIKE ROWE’S ADVICE                                               TO A         LIFE SCOUT

   Mike Rowe, an Eagle Scout and                   time 99 out of 100 people do       in home shopping, starring in
   the star of cable TV show Dirty                 the same thing, it's not exactly   the school play when the
   Jobs responded to a dad's re-                   a shock.                           entire football team laughed
   quest for help in convincing his                                                   at me, and especially earning
   son to finish Scouting with only                I'm not trying to be cute with a   my Eagle, were all choices
   a year and half left to go. We                  bunch of reverse psychology.       that required sacrifice, hard
   thought you'd be interested in                  When I was 15, there was           work, and delayed gratifica-
   his reply:                                      nothing that anyone could          tion. I have no idea if you
                                                   have said to me that would         possess those qualities, or
                                                   have inspired me to do some-       even envy them. But I can
   Kelby,                                          thing I didn't want to do, espe-   tell you for certain, that NOT
   Your Dad asked me to drop                       cially a stranger with a TV        getting your Eagle, will be one
   you a line and say something                    show. So I'm not going to as-      of the easiest things you've        “A Scout is
   inspirational that might per-
   suade you to dig down deep
                                                   sume you're any different, or
                                                   pretend that I have some influ-
                                                                                      ever done.
                                                                                                                         clean, but not
   and find the determination to
   make the rank of Eagle Scout.
                                                   ence or insight that you have-
                                                   n't already heard from a dozen
                                                                                      Whatever you decide to do
                                                                                      Kelby, it's important to re-
                                                                                                                          afraid to get
   It's a reasonable request, from                 other people who actually          member that the decision is            dirty!”
   a father who obviously wants                    know and care about you. I'll      yours. Not your Dad's, not
   to see his son succeed. But                     just tell you straight up, that    your friend's, and not your
   here's the thing - The Eagle                    doing something extraordinary      Scoutmaster's. And you'll                   Mike Rowe
   Award is not really meant for                   can be very lonely, and most       own that decision for the rest              Eagle Scout
   people who need to be                           people simply aren't cut out for   of your life.
   dragged across the finish line.                 it. Being an Eagle Scout re-       Good Luck,
   It's meant for a select few, and                quires you to be different than    Mike Rowe
   I have no idea if you have the                  most everyone around you,
   guts to see it through.                         and being different is really,
                                                   really hard. That's why the
   Statistically, I suspect you do                 award is called "an accom-
   not. Only one out of a hundred                  plishment."
   Scouts make Eagle, so if you
   fail, there will be lots of other               Personally, and for whatever
   people with whom you can                        it's worth, the best decisions
   share excuses. Quitting now                     I've made in my own life, are
   might disappoint your Dad, but                  those decisions that put me on
   I doubt that he or anyone else                  the outside of being cool.
   will be overly surprised. Any-                  Singing in the Opera, working
E a g l e s i n F l ig h t ! N e w s l e t t e r                                                                                           Page 3

  Beginning in the first quarter of                more,” said Bob Wiermers, team      also available through the
  2011, Boy Scouts will be able to                 leader for Publishing & Printing    merit badge application for
  manage their merit badges with                   Solutions.                          $7.99 on iTunes.
  an interactive application for
  the Apple iPhone (no word on                     The app’s home screen shows         In addition to its native capa-
  Android as yet). The application                 the total number of badges the      bilities, the merit badge app
  which will be available for                      Scout has completed and             includes a “really simple syndi-
  $1.99 through the iTunes Store,                  started. With a few taps, he can    cation” or RSS aggregator that
  will let Scouts review merit                     check the requirements for any      pushes Scouting news to the
  badge requirement, keep track                    badge, find links to related web-   owner’s phone. The app pub-
  of their progress by require-                    sites and resources, and record     lished by Boy Scouts of Amer-
  ment, and even share their                       the requirements he has com-        ica joins seven other merit
  success on Facebook.                             pleted.                             badge and trail-to-Eagle appli-
                                                                                       cations available through the
  “Boys are notoriously bad at                     If a Scout has already purchased    Apple iTunes Store.
  paperwork and famously good                      The Boy Scout Handbook—Boy
  at technology. This app will                     Scouts of America app, which
  help Scouts keep up with their                   appeared in 2009, it will auto-
  advancement and undoubtedly                      matically be imported into the
  spur them on to achieve even                     new app. The handbook app is

  2 N D A N N UA L Y O U T H D E V E L O P M E N T
  B R E A K FA S T S E T O F M A R C H 1 5 , 2 0 1 1
  Please plan to join Event Chair Pat Theodora at the Palos Verdes Country Club for an inspiring morn-
  ing of network and education. Our guest speaker will be John Fer, Col, USAF-Retired. John Fer was a
  highly decorated Colonel with United States Air Force; he began his career as a pilot with the Strate-
  gic Air Command flying a B-47. During the Vietnam War he flew 54 combat missions. But on Febru-
  ary 4, 196, he was shot down over North Vietnam and spent more than 6 years as a POW where he
  was imprisoned alongside future Senator, John McCain. Upon repatriation, he served in various staff
  assignments around the world. He holds two masters degrees from Auburn University and University
  of South Carolina. John is married with three grown children and remains very active in local San
  Pedro community activities. John’s life embodies the Scouting model of personal determination and
  life achievement. Among his decorations
  are a Silver Star, Purple Heart, Legion of
  Merit, Defense Superior Service Medal, and
  the Distinguished Flying Cross.

  Networking and registration begins at 6:30
  a.m. while the breakfast and program
  launches at 7:00.
                                                                                                                            “Please join us for a
  For more information and to RSVP, contact
                                                                                                                          morning of networking
  Victor Zuniga at (310) 413-4400 ext. 321.                                                                                and discussions with
                                                                                                                                    Colonel Fer!

                                                                                                                                   Pat Theodora
                                                                                                                                    Event Chair
E a g l e s i n F l ig h t ! N e w s l e t t e r                                                                                        Page 4

                                        TIMELY THOUGHTS FROM PAUL MOORE
                                                   or promise, called the Admoni-      member, whether taking on the
                                                   tion. One of the things that        weighty responsibility of being a
                                                   members promise is to seek to       Cubmaster or a Council Presi-
                                                   preserve a cheerful spirit, even    dent, thank you for all that you
                                                   in the midst of irksome tasks       do, and may you preserve a
                                                   and weighty responsibilities.       cheerful spirit as you do your
                                                   If you’ve been involved in
                                                   Scouting for any length of                                      Paul
                                                   time, you have experienced
                                                   some moments of great joy,
                                                   seeing a boy win a Pinewood
                                                   Derby, watching a young
                                                   woman evolve as a youth
                                                   leader in Venturing, witnessing
                                                   a young man becoming an
  I love a new Scouting year!                      Eagle Scout, or seeing the light
                                                   come on for a new leader who
  We get to celebrate the good                     suddenly “gets it” as they are
  things that have happened,                       going through training.                                                 “On My Honor, I’ll
  and also to enjoy the promise
  of even better things to come.                   But we must never lose sight
                                                   that those WOW moments
                                                                                                                             Do My Best”
  This year is a great example                     occur because someone was
  of that premise, with all the                    willing to take on some irk-
  good memories of celebrating                     some tasks, and that others
  our 100th Anniversary, and all                   shouldered some weighty re-
  the potential of finding ways                    sponsibilities.
  to be what we need to be.
                                                   So this year, on behalf of the
  Within Scouting there is a very                  25,000 youth who are having
  important organization called                    those WOW moments all
  the Order of the Arrow, also                     across the Los Angeles basin,
  known as the Brotherhood of                      thank you. Whether the irk-
  Cheerful Service.                                some task is balancing a coun-
                                                   cil budget or running a unit
  Each meeting of the Order of                     popcorn sale, whether you do
  the Arrow starts with a pledge                   this as a volunteer or staff

   W A N T T O H AV E A S A Y I N W H A T S U M M I T
 Well, here’s your opportunity to                  win a cool prize from The Sum-
 make The Summit Bechtel                           mit!
 Family National Scout Reserve
 the most incredible experience                    The survey and associated rules
                                                   and regulations is located on the
 in the history of Scouting!
                                                   web at: https://
 Now is the time to share your           
 ideas! If you take a brief survey                 ShapeTheSummit/Pages/
 by April 15, 2011, you could                      default.aspx.
 win a special preview trip to the
 New River Gorge and The Sum-                      Active Scouts and Venturers over
 mit site in West Virginia! In                     the age of 13 may submit sug-
 addition, if you win, everyone in                 gestions from the mild to wild.
 your troop (or your son’s) could
LAAC Eagle Scout

                                     I R A Q W I T H U TA H G UA R D U N I T
2333 Scout Way
Los Angeles, CA 90026

                                The Utah National Guard’s 141st Military Intelligence Battalion deployed to Iraq in
                                late 2010 and 83 of the soldiers serving are Eagle Scouts. “It’s easy being a battal-
LAAC ESA Committee              ion commander of Eagle Scouts, because you don’t have to worry about them,” said
                                Army Lt. Col. Matt Price, the battalion commander and a Scout leader for his sons,
John MacAllister                who include three Eagles. “They have high values, because they have been taught
         Chairman               that as young men. You can trust them.” The unit’s senior noncommissioned offi-
Brian Curtis                    cer, Army Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Lofland, echo’s the Colonel’s views. Lofland,
         Staff Advisor          himself a Scoutmaster, says “we feel like we’re part of the Scout program. To me,
Hannibol Sullivan
                                the Scout Law is similar to Army values.” Best wishes for a successful deployment,
         Staff Advisor
Don Crocker
Robert Gierat
Gary Jones
Paul McNulty
David Meshulam
Greg Mitchell
Gerry Morton
William Plourde, Jr.
John Pollock
Rick Richmond
Steven J. Rothans
Nobby Schnabel
Robert F. Scoular
Steve Silbiger
David Tomblin
Bob Ulrich

Volunteers are always

Got A Minute?

The LAAC Eagle Scout Asso-
ciation is looking for volun-
teers to help round out our
advisory committee. Clever
and enthusiastic Eagle
Scouts (goes without saying,
we guess) are asked to con-
tact John MacAllister at the
offices of Dorado Industries
(310) 544-1316 or Brian
Curtis at the Scout Center
(213) 413-4400.

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Laac Esa Newsletter 5

  • 1. Eagles in Flight! Newsletter Winter 2010/2011 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: RAREST OF THE RARE! The Alumni Award 2 Mike Rowe Speaks Out 2 There’s an App for That 3 Come Hear Col. Fer 3 Scout Exec’s Corner 4 Shape the Summit! 4 One Unit; 83 Eagles! 5 Got A Minute? 5 Upcoming LAAC Events:  February 19 —Cabrillo Youth Center work day  March 15—2nd Annual Youth Development Breakfast (see p. 3)  March 22— 39th Annual Interfaith Banquet Three of the eighty-seven Scouts who participated in the Cabrillo Youth Center Historical Merit  March 25/27—Spring Badge classes held in November and December display their Carpentry badge projects—handmade Rocket Academy I tool/nail boxes. These Scouts and others also earned Pathfinding, Tracking, and Signaling awards. As of the beginning of 2011, these merit badges are once again “retired” and our Scouts join the  April 1/3—Spring Rocket very few who have met the requirements during the Centennial Year to wear their honors. Academy II BOY SCOUTS AND EGYPT For more information and registration for these events, As this issue of Eagles in Flight Egypt where Scouting began in go to goes to press, the citizens of 1914 in Alexandria. Most Scout Egypt are witnessing their first troops are associated with regime change in thirty years schools, clubs, mosques and and in seven months all Egyp- churches. Egyptian Scouts play tians will cast ballots in the first an important role in community free and fair election held in service. They are involved in the country in generations. In projects of desert reclamation, light of these achievements, it work camps, blood drives, medi- seemed appropriate to inquire cal care and other projects. about Scouting in Egypt. Congratulations to our Scouting According to the World Organi- brothers and all Egyptians on zation of the Scout Movement, their new found freedoms! there are 79,611 Scouts in
  • 2. E a g l e s i n F l ig h t ! N e w s l e t t e r Page 2 NEW AWARD SALUTES ACTIVE ALUMNI In the coming months, a new the award recognizes accom- tough—and that’s by design,” patch, the BSA Alumni Award plishments in four areas: said Bill Steele, the BSA’s knot, will begin appearing on alumni identification and pro- director of Alumni Relations. some Scouting volunteers’ uni- motion, alumni engagement, “We expect these folks to “The forms. The red, blue, and gold personal participation, and work just as hard as alumni as square knot will designate its wearer as a Scouting alumnus personal education. Specific requirements include doing they did as Scouts and Scout requirements are volunteers.” who has helped other Scouting alumni reconnect with the pro- things such as helping to plan an alumni event, convincing tough . . . .” Requirements for the award gram. (A lapel pin is also avail- unregistered alumni to regis- were posted in January able for civilian wear.) ter with Scouting, and com- Bill Steele 2011— pleting online alumni training. All requirements must have BSA Alumni Relations Developed by the national been completed after June 1, Alumni Relations Committee, “The requirements are 2009. MIKE ROWE’S ADVICE TO A LIFE SCOUT Mike Rowe, an Eagle Scout and time 99 out of 100 people do in home shopping, starring in the star of cable TV show Dirty the same thing, it's not exactly the school play when the Jobs responded to a dad's re- a shock. entire football team laughed quest for help in convincing his at me, and especially earning son to finish Scouting with only I'm not trying to be cute with a my Eagle, were all choices a year and half left to go. We bunch of reverse psychology. that required sacrifice, hard thought you'd be interested in When I was 15, there was work, and delayed gratifica- his reply: nothing that anyone could tion. I have no idea if you have said to me that would possess those qualities, or have inspired me to do some- even envy them. But I can Kelby, thing I didn't want to do, espe- tell you for certain, that NOT Your Dad asked me to drop cially a stranger with a TV getting your Eagle, will be one you a line and say something show. So I'm not going to as- of the easiest things you've “A Scout is inspirational that might per- suade you to dig down deep sume you're any different, or pretend that I have some influ- ever done. clean, but not and find the determination to make the rank of Eagle Scout. ence or insight that you have- n't already heard from a dozen Whatever you decide to do Kelby, it's important to re- afraid to get It's a reasonable request, from other people who actually member that the decision is dirty!” a father who obviously wants know and care about you. I'll yours. Not your Dad's, not to see his son succeed. But just tell you straight up, that your friend's, and not your here's the thing - The Eagle doing something extraordinary Scoutmaster's. And you'll Mike Rowe Award is not really meant for can be very lonely, and most own that decision for the rest Eagle Scout people who need to be people simply aren't cut out for of your life. dragged across the finish line. it. Being an Eagle Scout re- Good Luck, It's meant for a select few, and quires you to be different than Mike Rowe I have no idea if you have the most everyone around you, guts to see it through. and being different is really, really hard. That's why the Statistically, I suspect you do award is called "an accom- not. Only one out of a hundred plishment." Scouts make Eagle, so if you fail, there will be lots of other Personally, and for whatever people with whom you can it's worth, the best decisions share excuses. Quitting now I've made in my own life, are might disappoint your Dad, but those decisions that put me on I doubt that he or anyone else the outside of being cool. will be overly surprised. Any- Singing in the Opera, working
  • 3. E a g l e s i n F l ig h t ! N e w s l e t t e r Page 3 SCOUTING NEWS: MERIT BADGES WILL BE GOING MOBILE WITH NEW IPHONE APP Beginning in the first quarter of more,” said Bob Wiermers, team also available through the 2011, Boy Scouts will be able to leader for Publishing & Printing merit badge application for manage their merit badges with Solutions. $7.99 on iTunes. an interactive application for the Apple iPhone (no word on The app’s home screen shows In addition to its native capa- Android as yet). The application the total number of badges the bilities, the merit badge app which will be available for Scout has completed and includes a “really simple syndi- $1.99 through the iTunes Store, started. With a few taps, he can cation” or RSS aggregator that will let Scouts review merit check the requirements for any pushes Scouting news to the badge requirement, keep track badge, find links to related web- owner’s phone. The app pub- of their progress by require- sites and resources, and record lished by Boy Scouts of Amer- ment, and even share their the requirements he has com- ica joins seven other merit success on Facebook. pleted. badge and trail-to-Eagle appli- cations available through the “Boys are notoriously bad at If a Scout has already purchased Apple iTunes Store. paperwork and famously good The Boy Scout Handbook—Boy at technology. This app will Scouts of America app, which help Scouts keep up with their appeared in 2009, it will auto- advancement and undoubtedly matically be imported into the spur them on to achieve even new app. The handbook app is 2 N D A N N UA L Y O U T H D E V E L O P M E N T B R E A K FA S T S E T O F M A R C H 1 5 , 2 0 1 1 Please plan to join Event Chair Pat Theodora at the Palos Verdes Country Club for an inspiring morn- ing of network and education. Our guest speaker will be John Fer, Col, USAF-Retired. John Fer was a highly decorated Colonel with United States Air Force; he began his career as a pilot with the Strate- gic Air Command flying a B-47. During the Vietnam War he flew 54 combat missions. But on Febru- ary 4, 196, he was shot down over North Vietnam and spent more than 6 years as a POW where he was imprisoned alongside future Senator, John McCain. Upon repatriation, he served in various staff assignments around the world. He holds two masters degrees from Auburn University and University of South Carolina. John is married with three grown children and remains very active in local San Pedro community activities. John’s life embodies the Scouting model of personal determination and life achievement. Among his decorations are a Silver Star, Purple Heart, Legion of Merit, Defense Superior Service Medal, and the Distinguished Flying Cross. Networking and registration begins at 6:30 a.m. while the breakfast and program launches at 7:00. “Please join us for a For more information and to RSVP, contact morning of networking Victor Zuniga at (310) 413-4400 ext. 321. and discussions with Colonel Fer! Pat Theodora Event Chair
  • 4. E a g l e s i n F l ig h t ! N e w s l e t t e r Page 4 SCOUT EXECUTIVE’S CORNER TIMELY THOUGHTS FROM PAUL MOORE or promise, called the Admoni- member, whether taking on the tion. One of the things that weighty responsibility of being a members promise is to seek to Cubmaster or a Council Presi- preserve a cheerful spirit, even dent, thank you for all that you in the midst of irksome tasks do, and may you preserve a and weighty responsibilities. cheerful spirit as you do your best! If you’ve been involved in Scouting for any length of Paul time, you have experienced some moments of great joy, seeing a boy win a Pinewood Derby, watching a young woman evolve as a youth leader in Venturing, witnessing a young man becoming an I love a new Scouting year! Eagle Scout, or seeing the light come on for a new leader who We get to celebrate the good suddenly “gets it” as they are things that have happened, going through training. “On My Honor, I’ll and also to enjoy the promise of even better things to come. But we must never lose sight that those WOW moments Do My Best” This year is a great example occur because someone was of that premise, with all the willing to take on some irk- good memories of celebrating some tasks, and that others our 100th Anniversary, and all shouldered some weighty re- the potential of finding ways sponsibilities. to be what we need to be. So this year, on behalf of the Within Scouting there is a very 25,000 youth who are having important organization called those WOW moments all the Order of the Arrow, also across the Los Angeles basin, known as the Brotherhood of thank you. Whether the irk- Cheerful Service. some task is balancing a coun- cil budget or running a unit Each meeting of the Order of popcorn sale, whether you do the Arrow starts with a pledge this as a volunteer or staff W A N T T O H AV E A S A Y I N W H A T S U M M I T BECHTEL RESERVE OFFERS OUR SCOUTS? Well, here’s your opportunity to win a cool prize from The Sum- make The Summit Bechtel mit! Family National Scout Reserve the most incredible experience The survey and associated rules and regulations is located on the in the history of Scouting! web at: https:// Now is the time to share your ideas! If you take a brief survey ShapeTheSummit/Pages/ by April 15, 2011, you could default.aspx. win a special preview trip to the New River Gorge and The Sum- Active Scouts and Venturers over mit site in West Virginia! In the age of 13 may submit sug- addition, if you win, everyone in gestions from the mild to wild. your troop (or your son’s) could
  • 5. 83 EAGLE SCOUTS DEPLOY TO LAAC Eagle Scout Association I R A Q W I T H U TA H G UA R D U N I T 2333 Scout Way Los Angeles, CA 90026 The Utah National Guard’s 141st Military Intelligence Battalion deployed to Iraq in late 2010 and 83 of the soldiers serving are Eagle Scouts. “It’s easy being a battal- LAAC ESA Committee ion commander of Eagle Scouts, because you don’t have to worry about them,” said Army Lt. Col. Matt Price, the battalion commander and a Scout leader for his sons, John MacAllister who include three Eagles. “They have high values, because they have been taught Chairman that as young men. You can trust them.” The unit’s senior noncommissioned offi- Brian Curtis cer, Army Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Lofland, echo’s the Colonel’s views. Lofland, Staff Advisor himself a Scoutmaster, says “we feel like we’re part of the Scout program. To me, Hannibol Sullivan the Scout Law is similar to Army values.” Best wishes for a successful deployment, Staff Advisor 141st! Don Crocker Robert Gierat Gary Jones Paul McNulty David Meshulam Greg Mitchell Gerry Morton William Plourde, Jr. John Pollock Rick Richmond Steven J. Rothans Nobby Schnabel Robert F. Scoular Steve Silbiger David Tomblin Bob Ulrich Volunteers are always welcome! Got A Minute? The LAAC Eagle Scout Asso- ciation is looking for volun- teers to help round out our advisory committee. Clever and enthusiastic Eagle Scouts (goes without saying, we guess) are asked to con- tact John MacAllister at the offices of Dorado Industries (310) 544-1316 or Brian Curtis at the Scout Center (213) 413-4400.