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BULLETIN                                                                 15.10.10 Issue 40

AND WE’RE GOING TO HONG KONG!                              With just a few more days until the final Hong Kong qualifiers’ names are through, it
                                                           will soon be time to focus all our attention on the next big (humongous!) Destination
                                                           – New York! However, we’re not quite ready to lose someone who’s become a little
                                                           friend to EWB these past few months – Confucius. This week, we’ve borrowed these
                                                           words of wisdom from him:
                                                                                   “Give a bowl of rice to a man and you will feed him
                                                                                   for a day. Teach him how to grow his own rice and
                                                                                   you will save his life.“
                                                                                   Hong Kong qualifiers, we’re calling on you to let others in the
                                                                                   Network know how you got there. This business is all about
                                                                                   knowledge-sharing (our favourite aspect about it!), and for
                                                                                   those looking to go to New York, it’s time to listen and take
                                                                                   notes from the ones who have already achieved.

As mentioned in last week’s EWB, there are quite a few Distributors who are brand new qualifiers for Hong Kong! One such couple is Gold
Distributors Derek and Susan Bannister. Having joined the business in May this year they are now – just five months later – set to go to
Hong Kong!
“When we first joined, we were really only working it part-time. But then we attended the Kleeneze LIVE! event in Warwick and really got fired
up for Hong Kong,” remembers Derek. “We decided we really wanted to qualify. I spoke to our sponsor, Ann Ashley, that night and we met up
with our Bronze Upline, Andy and Amanda Holland, to discuss the qualification. They created a plan for us and we just went for it. We did it
nearly all through retail – literally quadrupled it. We were putting out around 400 to 500 catalogues each and every day.”
Ex-plumber Derek and his wife Susan, a team leader for a fruit importing business, joined Kleeneze soon after Derek retired.
“Once I retired in March, I was out there playing golf all the time,” explains Derek. “One day, though, I was on the green and suddenly realised
that my pension was not going to cover this particular hobby!
“I’d looked at Kleeneze two years ago, but thought you could never make money delivering catalogues. Then, one day, my Kleeneze Distributor –
and now sponsor – pulled up outside our house. I thought, how has she got a nice car like that? And she’s really smartly dressed too! So I asked
her. And here we are.”
Talk about topping up your pension. The Bannister’s managed to make an extra £9,419.80 in those five months! Derek and Susan’s story really
just goes to show what you can achieve once you put your mind to it. They truly focused on their goal of Hong Kong, so when the phone call
came to confirm they had qualified, they were delighted.
“Michael [Khatkar] phoned me up and said he had some bad news for me! Told me that I would have to take some time out of my business to
go to Hong Kong! I replied that I’d have to check my diary!
“I went to Hong Kong once in 1966. There were only about two skyscrapers there then, so it’s going to be fascinating to see the change. I’m
really looking forward to it. We’re definitely going to focus on qualification for New York once we’re back.”
Let us know your qualification stories and for those aiming for New York, we want to know what you’re up to as well!

71 days until Christmas and EWB is determined to make sure you, your businesses and your homes are all set to sail through the festive period
and on into 2011!

YOU: This year at Kleeneze, it’s been all about               YOUR HOME: The heat is on! The sun has                  YOUR BUSINESS: There are only a
belief. Believing in yourself is the first step towards       been glorious the past few days, but it’s still         couple of paydays left until
achieving all your goals. Start checking yourself             nippy and many have been putting on their               Christmas! One group, that is all
every time you think or say something negative (I’ll          central heating for the first time. According           over the news at the moment, is
never qualify for New York, it’s too hard; my debt is         to British Gas, by bleeding your radiators,             students and graduates. With tuition
too high, unless I win the lottery I’ll never cover it;       twice a year, you can improve your homes                fees set to rise, many will be
I’m far too shy, I’ll never be able to sponsor                heat efficiency and start saving money.                 abandoning hope of attending
someone). Now replace it with something positive,             However, this can be quite a messy business!            university altogether. Let them know
such as ‘I’ll just take one step at a time and see            Make sure you protect your carpets and                  there’s an alternative way of
how it goes.’ Surround yourself with positive people          flooring by using Kleeneze’s Radiator                   subsidising their education.
(not hard in this business!) and change your                  Bleeder – code 049387-22, £5.25/€7.95.                  Download the Student Flyer
mindset for good.                                                                                                     off the DSA.

Kleeneze Christmas cards are back! And here are the reasons you need to
get them NOW:                                                                                                            PRICE LIST
                                                                                                                         Quantity 50                    £11.75
• They’re going to increase goodwill with your customers, meaning they’ll                                                (including envelope and vat)
  spend even more with you over the Christmas period                                                                     Quantity 100                   £19.50
• They’re a fantastic way to spread the Kleeneze brand name –                                                            (including envelope and vat)
  use them in your blanket drops – meaning new customers will               Christmas cards
                                                                                                                         Quantity 200                   £31.00
  spend with you over the Christmas period                                from as little as                              (including envelope and vat)
                                                                          a card for 500 to                              Quantity 300                   £44.75
• They’re going to make the impression that you are more                      a card for 50!                             (including envelope and vat)
  dedicated and place a greater importance upon your customer                Delivery in just                            Quantity 400                   £57.00
  than anyone else, meaning…guess what?!...yes, that’s right                  working days
                                                                                                                         (including envelope and vat)
                                                                                from order
  – they’ll spend even more with you over the Christmas period.                                                          Quantity 500                   £68.00
                                                                                                                         (including envelope and vat)
The time to do this is now! All you need to do is log onto                                                               Delivery £5.75 (inc vat) and register. There are five different
designs to choose from ranging from traditional to the more contemporary. Plus, you
can personalise the cards any way you choose – with a message, different fonts,
images of your signature and even a picture of you and/or your team on the back!
You’ll receive your cards within seven working days from the date you placed your
order (anywhere outside the UK will take ten working days). Before the cards go to
print, you can check all your details are correct on the designed PDF file online and
you’ll receive email confirmation of your order and reference number. Payment will be
directly to Printwell. Purchases outside the UK can be made by credit card (conversion
rates as determined by your credit card provider).
For further details, contact Printwell (UK) Ltd on +44 (0)20 8687 9234 or email between 8.30am - 5.30pm.
Finish 2010 with a bang!!

WEBINAR BOOK WINNERS: During last week’s Kleeneze Webinar, Michael Khatkar launched a competition to win Go for No. In
a world where we’re obsessed with hearing the word ‘yes’, this book, written by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz, recommends the exact
opposite, focusing on how increasing your failure rate can accelerate your path to the ultimate success. Congratulations to our winners: Isabelle
Reynaud & Scott Henderson; Stephen & Rebecca Gilbert; Andy & Sue Boswell; Graham & Georgina Long; Marion & Anthony Homer; Simon & Alison Patmore; Tim
Webb; Carol Stephen & Gary Watson; Ian & Carol Parker; Peter & Angela Bach; Kate Lee; Lisa Curtis & Kevin Wratten; Colin Smith & Linda Baulk; Maurice Ralph &
Lisa Edwards-Ralph; Jennifer & Paul Jacobs; Daniel & Michelle Marshall; Colin & Sarby Turnbull; Richard Howe; Glyn & Yvonne Moughton; Carol & James Turnbull;
Ron & Lyn Shypitka; Pamela & Brian Lawrence; David Wilson & Julie Knight; Katie & Mark Johnson; Lynn Macdonald; Jennie & Mike Swensson; Marie & Jeremy
Simmonds; Florence Boynton; Hugh Rees; Kate & Lee Russell; Cynthia & Peter Hayes; Julie & Jason Ford; Sarah & Wayne Marshall; Peter & Myrna Wellock; Rajadurai
& Gnanaruby Karunakaran; Andrew & Sharon Bird; Mike Field; Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman; Robert & Olwyn O’Riordan; Michelle & Paul Tucker; Peter & Lisa
Houston; Donna Clease; June & David Love; Lance & Deborah Clapton; Sarah Green; Chris Grigg; David & Christine Rhodes; Julia Osborne; Peter & Anne Rowland.

                                                                                                         15.10.10 Issue 40 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
“Clare and I have completed a drop and from 230 catalogues we received a fantastic £1130.95 in orders with £214.35 coming from the
Christmas Catalogue.”
Clare Rothwell and Neil Stone, Silver Distributors

“I recently picked up an amazing order from an ‘old’ customer who I hadn’t seen for a while. The
customer lives with her elderly mother and was having difficulty looking after her whilst still working full
time. Consequently, she asked me if I would kindly give them a miss for a while which of course I did.
After more than a year, I happened to meet up with the customer in her local shop where she informed
me that she had retired and would love to see a copy of the latest catalogue on my next visit. Of course,
I duly obliged, as she had previously been a very good customer.
At the end of July, on my next visit to her area, I collected an order for just over £117 from her
catalogue and asked her if she wanted me to continue leaving her a catalogue with each visit. She was
more than happy for me to do so and so a month later I delivered a catalogue, this time including the
new Christmas book. Upon my return I couldn’t believe my eyes when I collected an order from her
for £407.20!! In the meantime she had phoned me to add another couple of items making the total
£415.70! Of this order £121.65 were Christmas items and £152.00 Cabouchon jewellery.
After delivering her items, the following day I had a phone call from her asking if she could order a few more of the items as her
mother and herself were so pleased with the goods. This time she added a further £55.80 – all Christmas items!
The total from just one set of catalogues was £471.50!! This is by far my best ever order and maybe some kind of record. For the record, the
number of catalogues delivered in this area on this occasion was 36, yielding a total of £801.25! Not a bad result for a few hours work eh?!”
John Johns, Gold Distributor

“Just to let you know the success I have had with the Christmas Catalogues the other week. I placed 132 customer based catalogues and
collected 52 orders to value of £998.75 - with £547.75 from the Christmas Catalogue!”
Fred Millership, Silver Distributor

                                  KLEENEZE GIVES ME SOMETHING TO DO!
                                  79-year-old Dorothy Telling joined Kleeneze to earn an extra £50 a week, meet people and give her ‘something
                                  to do’!
                                  “I joined Kleeneze at the end of May 2010 after receiving a leaflet through my letterbox. Previously I worked for
                                  the County Council and since retiring I have volunteered at my local nature reserve as a reception volunteer.
                                  Dorothy hit her 10% bonus in her first full Period. Her retail profit was £179.66, meaning along with her 10%
                                  bonus of £54.47, she earned £234.14. Just for something to do!

  It’s time for your Kleeneze customers to feel smug! Research this week by Postcode Anywhere showed that the cost of lost
  post at Christmas could be more than £132.50! That’s a lot of missed parcels and a lot of unhappy faces around the
  Christmas tree. Luckily, your customers will not have that problem!

                  Tweets of the Week: @global_horizons Just spoke to a new dist. They got a note in a book “sorry it’s wet, I dropped it in the
                     bath whilst reading it“ still they got a £40 order!; @Debbie_Gee Working from home again today, oh what a FANTASTIC life!!!;
                     @lloydbrown Motivated by thought of rewards look no further than Kleeneze. We have stacks of them check it out; @SkyNewsBreak
                     Computer firm Hewlett Packard is to axe 1,300 jobs in the UK and will switch some work overseas, the Unite union has said;
                     @Michael_Khatkar Can you recommend to others, a great restaurant you’ve been to or a fantastic film you’ve watched?.Yes?.... Well that’s
NETWORK MARKETING!!; @Kleenezekeith Collected £538 1 order for £48 & 1 for £48.10. Great day in the sun. Still wearing shorts, how much longer I
wonder?; @jgavinscott why go university when here is a better option work for yourself , with Kleeneze; @Kleeneze_Rick Just delivered 100 Catalogues - let’s
hope I can keep it up for all 5 days this week!! I’m aiming for in excess of £500 Retail..... ;-); @rabannan just placed an order for £685 while watching New York
Islanders beat New York Rangers 6-4 with an empty netter on the powerplay (Ice Hockey); @MrJAMIE_STEWART Free download on our website. Might help
people think about starting a business; @PaulHowie73 You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be
great.“ Joe Sabah; @guardiannews Browne review: Universities must set their own tuition; @joinkleenezeuk What a beautiful warm sunny October day for
collecting lots of lovely Kleeneze orders - New York 2011 here we come ;-)
Follow @KlzEWB; @Michael_Khatkar; @lloydbrown; @MrJamie_Stewart on Twitter.

COMPANY SHOWCASES AND TRAINING DAYS OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS - NORTH/SCOTLAND                                                                          Kleeneze Business Opportunity and ‘the four principles of
                                                                                                                                                   business’. 7.30pm registration for prompt 8.00pm start.
6-13 Nov 2010     Kleeneze Destination 2010 – HONG KONG              21 Oct (18/11, 16/12) Leeds Open Evening NEW VENUE, Holiday                   £3 per distributor. Guests FREE Dress code: Business.
8 Jan 2011        Kleeneze New Year Showcase –                               Inn Leeds Garforth, Wakefield Road, LEEDS, LS25 1LH.                  Everyone welcome! Hosts: Tony & Sue Peacham on 0208
                  HALL 3, the ICC, BIRMINGHAM                                7.30pm for 8.00pm start. Dress code: Business Suit. Host              521 4664 or Ezereach 0203 051 8333 or email:
5 Feb 2011        Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – DUBLIN                            – Craig White 01733808670.                                  , and John Hawkes on 07767
5 Mar 2011        Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – WARWICK                   26 Oct (every four weeks) Glasgow Opportunity Express by                      620441 or email:
9 Apr 2011        Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour - NORTH EAST                        Holiday Inn Glasgow, City-Riverside, Stockwell Street,        1 Nov   (29/11) New York Goals – Prize awarded for best New
7 May 2011        Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – BRISTOL                           GLASGOW, G1 4LW 8.00pm- 9.00pm. Contact Lynn                          York Goals’ Board brought on the night! Westcountry
4 Jun 2011        Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour - NORTH WEST                        Macdonald at or Tel: 01506                     Open at Padbrook Park Hotel, Collumpton, DEVON,
25 Jun 2011       Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – SCOTLAND                          414456.                                                               EX15 1RU (just 4 mins from J28 on M5 signposted). New
9 July 2011       Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – READING                   1 Nov   (29/11) Titans Training and Opportunity Meeting, Cedar                York based training with David Bibby at 7pm sharp.
6 Aug 2011        Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – DUBLIN                            Court Hotel, Mayo Avenue, Off Rooley Lane,                            Presentation starts at 8pm. Distributors £3 per person or
3 Sept 2011       Kleeneze Xmas Showcase & Gala Dinner –                     BRADFORD, BD5 8HW, 7.30pm for 8.00pm start.                           £4 per couple. Guests free. All from Red and Blue groups
                  the NIA and HALL 3, the ICC, BIRMINGHAM                    Everyone welcome. Contact Neil Young on 07932 965                     welcome. Prospect focused Business Opportunity
10-16 Nov 2011    Kleeneze Destination – NEW YORK                            071 or Ezereach: 0113 350 8763.                                       Presentation, training, book stall, Bids table, testimonials,
                                                                     3 Nov   (every four weeks) Teeside Opportunity Meeting, The                   raffle and business-related stands. Ample parking.
TRAINING MEETINGS - 2010 COUNTRYWIDE                                         Windmill, a purpose built Conference and Seminar                      Accommodation, meals, coffee and bar available. Contact
                                                                             Centre, Dalton Piercy, HARTLEPOOL, TS27 3HN, directly                 Sheelagh & Paul 01392 462710 (Ezereach 01803 898592)
16 Oct Training and support event, The Park Plaza Hotel, Belfast
                                                                             on A19, just north of Wynyard Park turn-off. Open                     or Nigel & Lucinda 01392 874412 (Ezereach 01803
        International Airport, ANTRIM. 11am until 1pm. Guest
                                                                             meeting, everyone welcome. 8pm Start £2.50 per head.                  898652).
        speaker Mike Pirie (Gold SED). Hosts Marcell and Joanne
                                                                             Guests free. Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table. Sue       1 Nov   (29/11) Business Opportunity Open Evening, Everyone
        Treanor. £5 per Distributorship, Guests free.
                                                                             Phoenix 01642 918340 / Peter Neesham 01642 918258.                    Welcome, Supreme Inns, Bicker bar Roundabout,
16 Oct (13/11; 11/12) Going For Gold. At: The Globe Hotel,
                                                                     9 Nov   (second Tuesday of each month) BOM meetings at                        BOSTON A17/A52 junction, registration 7.30pm, £3 per
        Tuesday Market Place, KINGS LYNN, Norfolk. PE30 1EZ
                                                                             Carlisle. Border Gate Premier Inn, Carleton, CARLISLE                 person, Hosts:- Andy & Amanda Holland email:
        (Use hotel entrance in Kings Street, opposite ‘Prezzo’).
                                                                             CA4 OAD Tel: 01228 633311. 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. All      Eze-Reach number: 01553
        7.30pm for 8.00pm prompt start. Business Dress only
                                                                             distributors and prospects/guests welcome. Hosts Alistair             886597.
        please. £2.50 per person. Guests free. Everyone
                                                                             Townsend and Malcolm Bullough and will feature a              2 Nov   (First Tuesday of every month) Business Opportunity
        welcome. Contact Ann & John Coe on 01553 829241 or
                                                                             presentation of the opportunity and a guest speaker. For              Meeting. St Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, St
        Ezereach 01553 888118.
                                                                             information, contact: Alistair Townsend 01228 528126                  Leonards, RINGWOOD, Hampshire, BH24 2NP 7.30pm
17 Oct (every four weeks) Freedom Training SPECIAL. 12.00noon
                                                                             email:, Malcolm Bullough 01228                       for 8.00pm start, £3 per distributor, Guests Free! Business
        – 4.00pm (doors open at 11.00am) Best Western Moat
                                                                             675553 e mail:                           dress please. Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue Marshall on
        House Hotel, Festival Way, Etruria, STOKE-ON-TRENT,
                                                                     9 Nov   (four-weekly). Edinburgh Opportunity Meeting at Premier               01425 480675 or Ezereach 02380987429.
        ST1 5BQ. Special guest speakers Jackie & Peter White,
                                                                             Inn Morrison Link Road, Haymarket EDINBURGH. 8pm              3 Nov   (every 4 weeks) Birmingham Open BOM. The Plough &
        Gill Nicholson, Jaime de Caso, & Gill Sepe. Bookings
                                                                             until 9pm. Everyone welcome. £3 single, £4 joint                      Harrow Hotel, 135 Hagley Road, BIRMINGHAM. 7.45pm
        only, £6.00 per person. Please send cheques (payable to
                                                                             distributor. Contact - Jim & Jane White Ezereach 0141                 registration for an 8.00pm prompt start. Ample free
        A de Caso) to: Adele de Caso, 38 Poplar Close, Blythe
                                                                             530 9724.                                                             parking, good reception areas & bar for team sizzles &
        Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent ST11 9RJ (names will be held at
        the door, no tickets are sent out) Business dress only       10 Nov (8/12) Opportunity Meeting (change of venue) The Bridge                meeting your guests. Unfortunately there is no wheelchair
        please, everyone welcome. For further information, please            Inn, Altofts Lane, Whitwood, CASTLEFORD, WF10 5PZ.                    access to the room (upstairs). Only £3 per distributorship,
        call 01260 218574.                                                   Motorway junction: M62, Junction 31. Everyone                         guests free (bring loads & see your business grow). Hosts
                                                                             welcome. Please note smart dress. Hosts Graham &                      Gerard & Claire Tucker- Mawr (EzeReach: 0121 314 9785)
19 Oct (16/11) South West Training & Recognition Meeting. Ship
                                                                             Georgina Long. Eze 01937 858018.                                      and Geoff & Diane Owen (EzeReach: 0121 314 4870)
        Inn (next to Premier Inn), Thornbury Road, Alveston,
        BRISTOL, BS35 3LL. 8.00pm start. Business dress
        please. Distributors £2.50 per head, guests FREE. Host:      SOUTH/MIDLANDS/WALES                                                  10 Nov (second Wednesday of every period – Blue) Mighty Oaks
        Andy Cooper, E/R: 0117 911 7561.                                                                                                           Opportunity Meeting. Ye Olde Bell, Barnby Moor DN22
                                                                     18 Oct (15/11, 13/12) South East Open Evening Bracknell.
                                                                                                                                                   8QS near A1, 5 minutes north of RETFORD. 7.30pm for
24 Oct The biggest open meeting in the South, The Business                   Welcomes Blue & Red Groups across the Network. Join
                                                                                                                                                   8.00pm start. Dress: Smart casual please. We promote
        Building Seminar for 2010 at the Blue Mountain Golf and              us for an evening of fun with Opportunity Presentations
                                                                                                                                                   Ed Ludbrook’s Coaching approach. Everyone welcome.
        Conference Centre, Wood Lane, Binfield, RG42 4EX (Nr                 and Kleeneze Stories. Hospitality Suite (upstairs),
                                                                                                                                                   £3 per distributorship, £1 per guest. Maria and Derek
        WOKINGHAM) Berks. Just off Junction 10, M4. Everyone                 Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL,
                                                                                                                                                   Longwright (Ezereach 01522 718671).
        is welcome. Starts at 11am (Doors open 10am) Finish at               Berks, RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors
        4.30pm. The Top Line Up of Guest Speakers include                                                                                  13 Dec Eltham Open Evening. We are still the only open evening
                                                                             £3 - guests FREE Business dress please. Contact Debbie
        some of Kleeneze’s Top Distributors: Rob Forster                                                                                           in South London. Open to Blue and Red Groups. 7.30pm
                                                                             Gee on 01628 626327 or Kate Lee on 0118 9268540.
        (Platinum Premier) Distributor of the Year 2001/02, Jackie                                                                                 registration for prompt 8.00pm start, ends around
                                                                     19 Oct (16/11; 14/12) Hemel Hempstead Opportunity Meeting,
        White (Gold Premier) Distributor of the Year 2004, David                                                                                   9.30pm, then relax for a drink and a sizzle in our own
                                                                             Holiday Inn, Breakspear Way, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD HP2
        Pemberton-Smith (Gold SED), Chris Mason Paull                                                                                              comfortable Bar & Lounge. Still only £3 per
                                                                             4UA. £3 per distributor, guests free. 7.30pm for 8.00pm
        (Platinum Premier Executive), Rosina Pocock (Bronze                                                                                        distributorship, guests free, dress code: smart casual.
                                                                             start. Business dress please. Hosts: Rosina & Frank
        SED) + others and the one and only Michael Khatkar – Mr                                                                                    Eltham Conservative Club, 254 High Street, ELTHAM,
                                                                             Pocock. Tel: 01442 256405.
        Kleeneze. Knowledge is King here on the day. Books,                                                                                        London SE9 1AA. Contact Joyce & Pete Rowe on 020
                                                                     20 Oct (03/11, 17/11, 01/12) Swindon Business Opportunity                     8463 7133 or Ezereach 020 3393 2408 or email:
        DVD, CDs Raffle worth over £500 and catalogues
                                                                             Meeting 8pm start, business dress please. Guests Free,      
        goodies to give away. Recognition for the year parade.
                                                                             Distributors £2.50. Blades Bar, The Link Centre, Whitehill
        £10 Per Head, Details and bookings call Peter Richards
                                                                             Way, SWINDON. SN5 7DL. Everyone welcome. Contact
        on 01249-821722 and book your place early, Limited
                                                                             Steve & Debra Nell 01793 238909.                              REPUBLIC OF IRELAND
        seating, this will be a sell out, Advance bookings only.
                                                                     25 Oct (22/11; 20/12) Norwich Business Opportunity Evening,           20 Oct (Week 3 of every Period). Portlaoise Open sizzle/training, DON’T MISS THIS
                                                                             Holiday Inn, Ipswich Road, NORWICH, NR4 6EP 7.30pm
                                                                                                                        ,                          The Food Court, The Midway Centre, PORTLAOISE. decide!
                                                                             for 8.00pm start. £3 per Distributor, guests free. Business           7.30pm – 8.30pm. No charge, just buy a tea or coffee.
30 Oct Scottish Millionaires Xmas Special, Centrex House, 1                                                                                        For more details, contact Kathleen Carolan on
                                                                             dress please. Contact Stephen on 07810 126010.
        Kirkton Campus, LIVINGSTON, EH54 7BH. Guest                                                                                                0879092508 or EzeReach 059 86 47500.
                                                                     25 Oct (22/11) Business Opportunity Meeting Portsmouth, The
        speakers Alan and Elaine Moffat, John and Hazel
                                                                             Churchillian Pub – Portsdown Hill Road, PORTSMOUTH,
        Stephen and many more. Starts 12 noon - 4.30pm.                                                                                            Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings in
                                                                             PO6 3LS. Distributors £2. Guests Free. 8.00pm start.
        Christmas Meal 6.30pm. Tickets £10.00 in Advance or                                                                                        your area? Let us know, at
                                                                             Business Dress please. Contact Carol/Alf 023 92 613034.
        £12 at door. Meal only £15.00 - 3 course/bar. Contact                                                                                      or EzeReach 01772 977402 and we will include them in
        Lynn Macdonald 0131-516-7862.                                27 Oct (24/11) Essex Business Opportunity Meeting at the
                                                                                                                                                   our weekly meetings diary.
                                                                             Holiday Inn, Brook Street, BRENTWOOD, CM14 5NF,
                                                                             J28 – M25. 7.30 for 8.00pm start. Business dress please.              DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY SUBMISSIONS 4PM TUESDAY.
14 Nov Gillian Nicholson’s Wealth Events Training Thurrock Hotel,
        THURROCK, Essex. Registration 11.00am for prompt                     Everyone welcome, host Craig White. EzeReach: 01206
        start at 11.30am. Finish 2.00pm. £4.00 per Distributor –             804 635.
        Guests free. Further information email: Gillian Nicholson    28 Oct (25/11) Open Evening and Opportunity Showcase,
        at Arrive ready to learn,               Tottenham Green Leisure Centre, The Gold Room (1st
        leave ready to earn! Wealth of Income, Wealth of                     Floor) 1 Philip Lane, Tottenham, LONDON N15 4JA. A
        Knowledge, Wealth of Friendships.                                    prospect focused, benefits led, presentation of the

                                                                                                                                                        Issue 40 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN

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Team talk-issue-September-2014 kleenezeTeam talk-issue-September-2014 kleeneze
Team talk-issue-September-2014 kleeneze
Raymond Whittaker, VivaMK Networking

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Kleeneze 2010 ewb 40

  • 1. BULLETIN 15.10.10 Issue 40 FIVE MONTHS IN THE BUSINESS AND WE’RE GOING TO HONG KONG! With just a few more days until the final Hong Kong qualifiers’ names are through, it will soon be time to focus all our attention on the next big (humongous!) Destination – New York! However, we’re not quite ready to lose someone who’s become a little friend to EWB these past few months – Confucius. This week, we’ve borrowed these words of wisdom from him: “Give a bowl of rice to a man and you will feed him for a day. Teach him how to grow his own rice and you will save his life.“ Hong Kong qualifiers, we’re calling on you to let others in the Network know how you got there. This business is all about knowledge-sharing (our favourite aspect about it!), and for those looking to go to New York, it’s time to listen and take notes from the ones who have already achieved. As mentioned in last week’s EWB, there are quite a few Distributors who are brand new qualifiers for Hong Kong! One such couple is Gold Distributors Derek and Susan Bannister. Having joined the business in May this year they are now – just five months later – set to go to Hong Kong! “When we first joined, we were really only working it part-time. But then we attended the Kleeneze LIVE! event in Warwick and really got fired up for Hong Kong,” remembers Derek. “We decided we really wanted to qualify. I spoke to our sponsor, Ann Ashley, that night and we met up with our Bronze Upline, Andy and Amanda Holland, to discuss the qualification. They created a plan for us and we just went for it. We did it nearly all through retail – literally quadrupled it. We were putting out around 400 to 500 catalogues each and every day.” Ex-plumber Derek and his wife Susan, a team leader for a fruit importing business, joined Kleeneze soon after Derek retired. “Once I retired in March, I was out there playing golf all the time,” explains Derek. “One day, though, I was on the green and suddenly realised that my pension was not going to cover this particular hobby! “I’d looked at Kleeneze two years ago, but thought you could never make money delivering catalogues. Then, one day, my Kleeneze Distributor – and now sponsor – pulled up outside our house. I thought, how has she got a nice car like that? And she’s really smartly dressed too! So I asked her. And here we are.” Talk about topping up your pension. The Bannister’s managed to make an extra £9,419.80 in those five months! Derek and Susan’s story really just goes to show what you can achieve once you put your mind to it. They truly focused on their goal of Hong Kong, so when the phone call came to confirm they had qualified, they were delighted. “Michael [Khatkar] phoned me up and said he had some bad news for me! Told me that I would have to take some time out of my business to go to Hong Kong! I replied that I’d have to check my diary! “I went to Hong Kong once in 1966. There were only about two skyscrapers there then, so it’s going to be fascinating to see the change. I’m really looking forward to it. We’re definitely going to focus on qualification for New York once we’re back.” Let us know your qualification stories and for those aiming for New York, we want to know what you’re up to as well! 560-068-02
  • 2. COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS 71 days until Christmas and EWB is determined to make sure you, your businesses and your homes are all set to sail through the festive period and on into 2011! YOU: This year at Kleeneze, it’s been all about YOUR HOME: The heat is on! The sun has YOUR BUSINESS: There are only a belief. Believing in yourself is the first step towards been glorious the past few days, but it’s still couple of paydays left until achieving all your goals. Start checking yourself nippy and many have been putting on their Christmas! One group, that is all every time you think or say something negative (I’ll central heating for the first time. According over the news at the moment, is never qualify for New York, it’s too hard; my debt is to British Gas, by bleeding your radiators, students and graduates. With tuition too high, unless I win the lottery I’ll never cover it; twice a year, you can improve your homes fees set to rise, many will be I’m far too shy, I’ll never be able to sponsor heat efficiency and start saving money. abandoning hope of attending someone). Now replace it with something positive, However, this can be quite a messy business! university altogether. Let them know such as ‘I’ll just take one step at a time and see Make sure you protect your carpets and there’s an alternative way of how it goes.’ Surround yourself with positive people flooring by using Kleeneze’s Radiator subsidising their education. (not hard in this business!) and change your Bleeder – code 049387-22, £5.25/€7.95. Download the Student Flyer mindset for good. off the DSA. BRING GLAD TIDINGS AND REAP GREAT SALES! Kleeneze Christmas cards are back! And here are the reasons you need to get them NOW: PRICE LIST Quantity 50 £11.75 • They’re going to increase goodwill with your customers, meaning they’ll (including envelope and vat) spend even more with you over the Christmas period Quantity 100 £19.50 • They’re a fantastic way to spread the Kleeneze brand name – (including envelope and vat) use them in your blanket drops – meaning new customers will Christmas cards Quantity 200 £31.00 15p spend with you over the Christmas period from as little as (including envelope and vat) 35p a card for 500 to Quantity 300 £44.75 • They’re going to make the impression that you are more a card for 50! (including envelope and vat) 7 dedicated and place a greater importance upon your customer Delivery in just Quantity 400 £57.00 than anyone else, meaning…guess what?!...yes, that’s right working days (including envelope and vat) from order – they’ll spend even more with you over the Christmas period. Quantity 500 £68.00 (including envelope and vat) The time to do this is now! All you need to do is log onto Delivery £5.75 (inc vat) and register. There are five different designs to choose from ranging from traditional to the more contemporary. Plus, you can personalise the cards any way you choose – with a message, different fonts, images of your signature and even a picture of you and/or your team on the back! You’ll receive your cards within seven working days from the date you placed your order (anywhere outside the UK will take ten working days). Before the cards go to print, you can check all your details are correct on the designed PDF file online and you’ll receive email confirmation of your order and reference number. Payment will be directly to Printwell. Purchases outside the UK can be made by credit card (conversion rates as determined by your credit card provider). For further details, contact Printwell (UK) Ltd on +44 (0)20 8687 9234 or email between 8.30am - 5.30pm. Finish 2010 with a bang!! WEBINAR BOOK WINNERS: During last week’s Kleeneze Webinar, Michael Khatkar launched a competition to win Go for No. In a world where we’re obsessed with hearing the word ‘yes’, this book, written by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz, recommends the exact opposite, focusing on how increasing your failure rate can accelerate your path to the ultimate success. Congratulations to our winners: Isabelle Reynaud & Scott Henderson; Stephen & Rebecca Gilbert; Andy & Sue Boswell; Graham & Georgina Long; Marion & Anthony Homer; Simon & Alison Patmore; Tim Webb; Carol Stephen & Gary Watson; Ian & Carol Parker; Peter & Angela Bach; Kate Lee; Lisa Curtis & Kevin Wratten; Colin Smith & Linda Baulk; Maurice Ralph & Lisa Edwards-Ralph; Jennifer & Paul Jacobs; Daniel & Michelle Marshall; Colin & Sarby Turnbull; Richard Howe; Glyn & Yvonne Moughton; Carol & James Turnbull; Ron & Lyn Shypitka; Pamela & Brian Lawrence; David Wilson & Julie Knight; Katie & Mark Johnson; Lynn Macdonald; Jennie & Mike Swensson; Marie & Jeremy Simmonds; Florence Boynton; Hugh Rees; Kate & Lee Russell; Cynthia & Peter Hayes; Julie & Jason Ford; Sarah & Wayne Marshall; Peter & Myrna Wellock; Rajadurai & Gnanaruby Karunakaran; Andrew & Sharon Bird; Mike Field; Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman; Robert & Olwyn O’Riordan; Michelle & Paul Tucker; Peter & Lisa Houston; Donna Clease; June & David Love; Lance & Deborah Clapton; Sarah Green; Chris Grigg; David & Christine Rhodes; Julia Osborne; Peter & Anne Rowland. 15.10.10 Issue 40 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
  • 3. REMARKABLE RETAIL! “Clare and I have completed a drop and from 230 catalogues we received a fantastic £1130.95 in orders with £214.35 coming from the Christmas Catalogue.” Clare Rothwell and Neil Stone, Silver Distributors “I recently picked up an amazing order from an ‘old’ customer who I hadn’t seen for a while. The customer lives with her elderly mother and was having difficulty looking after her whilst still working full time. Consequently, she asked me if I would kindly give them a miss for a while which of course I did. After more than a year, I happened to meet up with the customer in her local shop where she informed me that she had retired and would love to see a copy of the latest catalogue on my next visit. Of course, I duly obliged, as she had previously been a very good customer. At the end of July, on my next visit to her area, I collected an order for just over £117 from her catalogue and asked her if she wanted me to continue leaving her a catalogue with each visit. She was more than happy for me to do so and so a month later I delivered a catalogue, this time including the new Christmas book. Upon my return I couldn’t believe my eyes when I collected an order from her for £407.20!! In the meantime she had phoned me to add another couple of items making the total £415.70! Of this order £121.65 were Christmas items and £152.00 Cabouchon jewellery. After delivering her items, the following day I had a phone call from her asking if she could order a few more of the items as her mother and herself were so pleased with the goods. This time she added a further £55.80 – all Christmas items! The total from just one set of catalogues was £471.50!! This is by far my best ever order and maybe some kind of record. For the record, the number of catalogues delivered in this area on this occasion was 36, yielding a total of £801.25! Not a bad result for a few hours work eh?!” John Johns, Gold Distributor “Just to let you know the success I have had with the Christmas Catalogues the other week. I placed 132 customer based catalogues and collected 52 orders to value of £998.75 - with £547.75 from the Christmas Catalogue!” Fred Millership, Silver Distributor KLEENEZE GIVES ME SOMETHING TO DO! 79-year-old Dorothy Telling joined Kleeneze to earn an extra £50 a week, meet people and give her ‘something to do’! “I joined Kleeneze at the end of May 2010 after receiving a leaflet through my letterbox. Previously I worked for the County Council and since retiring I have volunteered at my local nature reserve as a reception volunteer. Dorothy hit her 10% bonus in her first full Period. Her retail profit was £179.66, meaning along with her 10% bonus of £54.47, she earned £234.14. Just for something to do! RELY ON KLEENEZE THIS CHRISTMAS It’s time for your Kleeneze customers to feel smug! Research this week by Postcode Anywhere showed that the cost of lost post at Christmas could be more than £132.50! That’s a lot of missed parcels and a lot of unhappy faces around the Christmas tree. Luckily, your customers will not have that problem! Tweets of the Week: @global_horizons Just spoke to a new dist. They got a note in a book “sorry it’s wet, I dropped it in the bath whilst reading it“ still they got a £40 order!; @Debbie_Gee Working from home again today, oh what a FANTASTIC life!!!; @lloydbrown Motivated by thought of rewards look no further than Kleeneze. We have stacks of them check it out; @SkyNewsBreak Computer firm Hewlett Packard is to axe 1,300 jobs in the UK and will switch some work overseas, the Unite union has said; @Michael_Khatkar Can you recommend to others, a great restaurant you’ve been to or a fantastic film you’ve watched?.Yes?.... Well that’s NETWORK MARKETING!!; @Kleenezekeith Collected £538 1 order for £48 & 1 for £48.10. Great day in the sun. Still wearing shorts, how much longer I wonder?; @jgavinscott why go university when here is a better option work for yourself , with Kleeneze; @Kleeneze_Rick Just delivered 100 Catalogues - let’s hope I can keep it up for all 5 days this week!! I’m aiming for in excess of £500 Retail..... ;-); @rabannan just placed an order for £685 while watching New York Islanders beat New York Rangers 6-4 with an empty netter on the powerplay (Ice Hockey); @MrJAMIE_STEWART Free download on our website. Might help people think about starting a business; @PaulHowie73 You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.“ Joe Sabah; @guardiannews Browne review: Universities must set their own tuition; @joinkleenezeuk What a beautiful warm sunny October day for collecting lots of lovely Kleeneze orders - New York 2011 here we come ;-) Follow @KlzEWB; @Michael_Khatkar; @lloydbrown; @MrJamie_Stewart on Twitter. ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN Issue 40 15.10.10
  • 4. LEARN WHILE YOU EARN EVENTS COMPANY SHOWCASES AND TRAINING DAYS OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS - NORTH/SCOTLAND Kleeneze Business Opportunity and ‘the four principles of business’. 7.30pm registration for prompt 8.00pm start. 6-13 Nov 2010 Kleeneze Destination 2010 – HONG KONG 21 Oct (18/11, 16/12) Leeds Open Evening NEW VENUE, Holiday £3 per distributor. Guests FREE Dress code: Business. 8 Jan 2011 Kleeneze New Year Showcase – Inn Leeds Garforth, Wakefield Road, LEEDS, LS25 1LH. Everyone welcome! Hosts: Tony & Sue Peacham on 0208 HALL 3, the ICC, BIRMINGHAM 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. Dress code: Business Suit. Host 521 4664 or Ezereach 0203 051 8333 or email: 5 Feb 2011 Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – DUBLIN – Craig White 01733808670., and John Hawkes on 07767 5 Mar 2011 Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – WARWICK 26 Oct (every four weeks) Glasgow Opportunity Express by 620441 or email: 9 Apr 2011 Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour - NORTH EAST Holiday Inn Glasgow, City-Riverside, Stockwell Street, 1 Nov (29/11) New York Goals – Prize awarded for best New 7 May 2011 Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – BRISTOL GLASGOW, G1 4LW 8.00pm- 9.00pm. Contact Lynn York Goals’ Board brought on the night! Westcountry 4 Jun 2011 Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour - NORTH WEST Macdonald at or Tel: 01506 Open at Padbrook Park Hotel, Collumpton, DEVON, 25 Jun 2011 Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – SCOTLAND 414456. EX15 1RU (just 4 mins from J28 on M5 signposted). New 9 July 2011 Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – READING 1 Nov (29/11) Titans Training and Opportunity Meeting, Cedar York based training with David Bibby at 7pm sharp. 6 Aug 2011 Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – DUBLIN Court Hotel, Mayo Avenue, Off Rooley Lane, Presentation starts at 8pm. Distributors £3 per person or 3 Sept 2011 Kleeneze Xmas Showcase & Gala Dinner – BRADFORD, BD5 8HW, 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. £4 per couple. Guests free. All from Red and Blue groups the NIA and HALL 3, the ICC, BIRMINGHAM Everyone welcome. Contact Neil Young on 07932 965 welcome. Prospect focused Business Opportunity 10-16 Nov 2011 Kleeneze Destination – NEW YORK 071 or Ezereach: 0113 350 8763. Presentation, training, book stall, Bids table, testimonials, 3 Nov (every four weeks) Teeside Opportunity Meeting, The raffle and business-related stands. Ample parking. TRAINING MEETINGS - 2010 COUNTRYWIDE Windmill, a purpose built Conference and Seminar Accommodation, meals, coffee and bar available. Contact Centre, Dalton Piercy, HARTLEPOOL, TS27 3HN, directly Sheelagh & Paul 01392 462710 (Ezereach 01803 898592) 16 Oct Training and support event, The Park Plaza Hotel, Belfast on A19, just north of Wynyard Park turn-off. Open or Nigel & Lucinda 01392 874412 (Ezereach 01803 International Airport, ANTRIM. 11am until 1pm. Guest meeting, everyone welcome. 8pm Start £2.50 per head. 898652). speaker Mike Pirie (Gold SED). Hosts Marcell and Joanne Guests free. Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table. Sue 1 Nov (29/11) Business Opportunity Open Evening, Everyone Treanor. £5 per Distributorship, Guests free. Phoenix 01642 918340 / Peter Neesham 01642 918258. Welcome, Supreme Inns, Bicker bar Roundabout, 16 Oct (13/11; 11/12) Going For Gold. At: The Globe Hotel, 9 Nov (second Tuesday of each month) BOM meetings at BOSTON A17/A52 junction, registration 7.30pm, £3 per Tuesday Market Place, KINGS LYNN, Norfolk. PE30 1EZ Carlisle. Border Gate Premier Inn, Carleton, CARLISLE person, Hosts:- Andy & Amanda Holland email: (Use hotel entrance in Kings Street, opposite ‘Prezzo’). CA4 OAD Tel: 01228 633311. 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. All Eze-Reach number: 01553 7.30pm for 8.00pm prompt start. Business Dress only distributors and prospects/guests welcome. Hosts Alistair 886597. please. £2.50 per person. Guests free. Everyone Townsend and Malcolm Bullough and will feature a 2 Nov (First Tuesday of every month) Business Opportunity welcome. Contact Ann & John Coe on 01553 829241 or presentation of the opportunity and a guest speaker. For Meeting. St Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, St Ezereach 01553 888118. information, contact: Alistair Townsend 01228 528126 Leonards, RINGWOOD, Hampshire, BH24 2NP 7.30pm . 17 Oct (every four weeks) Freedom Training SPECIAL. 12.00noon email:, Malcolm Bullough 01228 for 8.00pm start, £3 per distributor, Guests Free! Business – 4.00pm (doors open at 11.00am) Best Western Moat 675553 e mail: dress please. Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue Marshall on House Hotel, Festival Way, Etruria, STOKE-ON-TRENT, 9 Nov (four-weekly). Edinburgh Opportunity Meeting at Premier 01425 480675 or Ezereach 02380987429. ST1 5BQ. Special guest speakers Jackie & Peter White, Inn Morrison Link Road, Haymarket EDINBURGH. 8pm 3 Nov (every 4 weeks) Birmingham Open BOM. The Plough & Gill Nicholson, Jaime de Caso, & Gill Sepe. Bookings until 9pm. Everyone welcome. £3 single, £4 joint Harrow Hotel, 135 Hagley Road, BIRMINGHAM. 7.45pm only, £6.00 per person. Please send cheques (payable to distributor. Contact - Jim & Jane White Ezereach 0141 registration for an 8.00pm prompt start. Ample free A de Caso) to: Adele de Caso, 38 Poplar Close, Blythe 530 9724. parking, good reception areas & bar for team sizzles & Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent ST11 9RJ (names will be held at the door, no tickets are sent out) Business dress only 10 Nov (8/12) Opportunity Meeting (change of venue) The Bridge meeting your guests. Unfortunately there is no wheelchair please, everyone welcome. For further information, please Inn, Altofts Lane, Whitwood, CASTLEFORD, WF10 5PZ. access to the room (upstairs). Only £3 per distributorship, call 01260 218574. Motorway junction: M62, Junction 31. Everyone guests free (bring loads & see your business grow). Hosts welcome. Please note smart dress. Hosts Graham & Gerard & Claire Tucker- Mawr (EzeReach: 0121 314 9785) 19 Oct (16/11) South West Training & Recognition Meeting. Ship Georgina Long. Eze 01937 858018. and Geoff & Diane Owen (EzeReach: 0121 314 4870) Inn (next to Premier Inn), Thornbury Road, Alveston, BRISTOL, BS35 3LL. 8.00pm start. Business dress please. Distributors £2.50 per head, guests FREE. Host: SOUTH/MIDLANDS/WALES 10 Nov (second Wednesday of every period – Blue) Mighty Oaks Andy Cooper, E/R: 0117 911 7561. Opportunity Meeting. Ye Olde Bell, Barnby Moor DN22 18 Oct (15/11, 13/12) South East Open Evening Bracknell. 8QS near A1, 5 minutes north of RETFORD. 7.30pm for 24 Oct The biggest open meeting in the South, The Business Welcomes Blue & Red Groups across the Network. Join 8.00pm start. Dress: Smart casual please. We promote Building Seminar for 2010 at the Blue Mountain Golf and us for an evening of fun with Opportunity Presentations Ed Ludbrook’s Coaching approach. Everyone welcome. Conference Centre, Wood Lane, Binfield, RG42 4EX (Nr and Kleeneze Stories. Hospitality Suite (upstairs), £3 per distributorship, £1 per guest. Maria and Derek WOKINGHAM) Berks. Just off Junction 10, M4. Everyone Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL, Longwright (Ezereach 01522 718671). is welcome. Starts at 11am (Doors open 10am) Finish at Berks, RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors 4.30pm. The Top Line Up of Guest Speakers include 13 Dec Eltham Open Evening. We are still the only open evening £3 - guests FREE Business dress please. Contact Debbie some of Kleeneze’s Top Distributors: Rob Forster in South London. Open to Blue and Red Groups. 7.30pm Gee on 01628 626327 or Kate Lee on 0118 9268540. (Platinum Premier) Distributor of the Year 2001/02, Jackie registration for prompt 8.00pm start, ends around 19 Oct (16/11; 14/12) Hemel Hempstead Opportunity Meeting, White (Gold Premier) Distributor of the Year 2004, David 9.30pm, then relax for a drink and a sizzle in our own Holiday Inn, Breakspear Way, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD HP2 Pemberton-Smith (Gold SED), Chris Mason Paull comfortable Bar & Lounge. Still only £3 per 4UA. £3 per distributor, guests free. 7.30pm for 8.00pm (Platinum Premier Executive), Rosina Pocock (Bronze distributorship, guests free, dress code: smart casual. start. Business dress please. Hosts: Rosina & Frank SED) + others and the one and only Michael Khatkar – Mr Eltham Conservative Club, 254 High Street, ELTHAM, Pocock. Tel: 01442 256405. Kleeneze. Knowledge is King here on the day. Books, London SE9 1AA. Contact Joyce & Pete Rowe on 020 20 Oct (03/11, 17/11, 01/12) Swindon Business Opportunity 8463 7133 or Ezereach 020 3393 2408 or email: DVD, CDs Raffle worth over £500 and catalogues Meeting 8pm start, business dress please. Guests Free, goodies to give away. Recognition for the year parade. Distributors £2.50. Blades Bar, The Link Centre, Whitehill £10 Per Head, Details and bookings call Peter Richards Way, SWINDON. SN5 7DL. Everyone welcome. Contact on 01249-821722 and book your place early, Limited Steve & Debra Nell 01793 238909. REPUBLIC OF IRELAND seating, this will be a sell out, Advance bookings only. 25 Oct (22/11; 20/12) Norwich Business Opportunity Evening, 20 Oct (Week 3 of every Period). Portlaoise Open sizzle/training, DON’T MISS THIS Holiday Inn, Ipswich Road, NORWICH, NR4 6EP 7.30pm , The Food Court, The Midway Centre, PORTLAOISE. decide! for 8.00pm start. £3 per Distributor, guests free. Business 7.30pm – 8.30pm. No charge, just buy a tea or coffee. 30 Oct Scottish Millionaires Xmas Special, Centrex House, 1 For more details, contact Kathleen Carolan on dress please. Contact Stephen on 07810 126010. Kirkton Campus, LIVINGSTON, EH54 7BH. Guest 0879092508 or EzeReach 059 86 47500. 25 Oct (22/11) Business Opportunity Meeting Portsmouth, The speakers Alan and Elaine Moffat, John and Hazel Churchillian Pub – Portsdown Hill Road, PORTSMOUTH, Stephen and many more. Starts 12 noon - 4.30pm. Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings in PO6 3LS. Distributors £2. Guests Free. 8.00pm start. Christmas Meal 6.30pm. Tickets £10.00 in Advance or your area? Let us know, at Business Dress please. Contact Carol/Alf 023 92 613034. £12 at door. Meal only £15.00 - 3 course/bar. Contact or EzeReach 01772 977402 and we will include them in Lynn Macdonald 0131-516-7862. 27 Oct (24/11) Essex Business Opportunity Meeting at the our weekly meetings diary. Holiday Inn, Brook Street, BRENTWOOD, CM14 5NF, J28 – M25. 7.30 for 8.00pm start. Business dress please. DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY SUBMISSIONS 4PM TUESDAY. 14 Nov Gillian Nicholson’s Wealth Events Training Thurrock Hotel, THURROCK, Essex. Registration 11.00am for prompt Everyone welcome, host Craig White. EzeReach: 01206 start at 11.30am. Finish 2.00pm. £4.00 per Distributor – 804 635. Guests free. Further information email: Gillian Nicholson 28 Oct (25/11) Open Evening and Opportunity Showcase, at Arrive ready to learn, Tottenham Green Leisure Centre, The Gold Room (1st leave ready to earn! Wealth of Income, Wealth of Floor) 1 Philip Lane, Tottenham, LONDON N15 4JA. A Knowledge, Wealth of Friendships. prospect focused, benefits led, presentation of the Issue 40 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN