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BULLETIN                                                    29.01.10 Issue 03

           work from home with

Our new eye-catching television advert is                          Highlights of Kleeneze TV advert airtimes:
certainly doing its job according to your                          1 February, 3.30pm, ITV Carlton – Dickinson’s Real Deal
reports and the sponsoring figures. Out just                       2 February, 4.15pm, ITV North – A Touch of Frost
two weeks and it’s making an impact on                             3 February, 1.15pm, ITV2 – Nanny 911
your businesses already. Part of this success is                   4 February, 2.58pm, ITV Midwest – House Gift
not just down to air-time for the brand, but                       8 February, 12.28pm, ITV2 – Coronation Street
because you’re spreading the word too.                             12 February, 12.45pm, ITV Ulster – Loose Women
                                                                   15 February, 1.15pm, ITV2 - Emmerdale
With a few weeks of this opportunity left,
                                                                   16 February, 9.55am, ITV South East – Jeremy Kyle
please don’t let it pass you by. Make sure
                                                                   19 February, 4.58pm, ITV Scotland – Midsomer Murders
everyone on your warm list knows that now                          24 February, 10.58am, ITV2 - Airline
YOU have an advert out!
                                                                   Here’s some of the feedback we received on our last TV
To help you in your mission to inform all that
                                                                   advertising campaign
this fantastic opportunity is out there, we
                                                                   “We just wanted to share with you our recent progress building the
have two new tools – a roller banner to
                                                                   customer list in and around people who have requested a catalogue in
make a huge impact and a flyer that will            INSERT YOUR    response to the TV ad. In one particular area that we had never
ensure the message is passed along to               DETAILS HER
                                                               E   dreamt of cataloguing, and pass everytime we visit our daughter Kirsty
everyone you know.
                                                                   Harvey, she received 4 such leads in quick succession.
To order the banner, which you can use at your meetings, job       Here are the statistics:
fairs, even shopping malls, contact the Exhibtion Superstore       The first ordered on the first occasion, but hasn’t ordered since.
on 01480 893 902, email        The second has ordered every time.
or The banners, that usually      The third has yet to place an order.
retail at £110, are now at a special discount rate for Kleeneze    And the fourth never ordered and has since moved.
                     Distributors only at £75/€95 including VAT    Not fantastic results you may think, but we also blanket dropped 200
                     and delivery to UK mainland addresses.        houses around the fourth lead and received £204 in orders. On the
                       We have just 500 boxes of our new glossy    second drop, we received £232 in orders from less than 100
                       A5 flyer to support our recruitment         catalogues. On the third drop this week, due to the bad weather, we
                      campaign, so you need to be quick! The TV    only dropped catalogues to those houses which have already placed
                      flyers are available to order in boxes of    orders on the previous 2 drops, and from just 10 catalogues we
                      2,000 on code 00671 for just £15/€22.50!     received £183.25 in orders.
                     You can also download them off the DSA        Keep those catalogue requests coming. Thank you Kleeneze.
                     from Monday.                                  Katrina Harvey and Ian Winstanley, Gold Distributors

Bear in mind that here at EWB Towers we are privileged to receive success stories plus your views on
everything from catalogues to the weather on a regular basis. However, even we were flabbergasted at
the amount of fantastic emails that flooded our inbox last week. It seems that a new year and a new
destination has motivated you all beyond belief! In fact, we’re so speechless, that we’re just going to
hand it over to you….
                               “We just had to let you know about         and about 1 hour to deliver meaning I will have earned over £10 an
                               our pick up today, with the new            hour. I love it!
                               catalogues. We thought the Christmas
                                                                          Thanks for doing your best to provide us with the best tools to
                               retailing had finished - but no!
                                                                          strengthen and increase our business.”
                               We are really excited because even with
                                                                          Emma Lamb, Silver Distributor
                               the Christmas retail our highest average
                               book value was worth no more then
                               £5.50. However, today we picked up         “I only managed to get 22 catalogues out on the Wednesday before
                               64 catalogues from 77 from our             the Showcase, due to the slippery conditions on the pavements and
                               customer base, so 13 still to pick up.     the roads. So I was amazed to get a phone call on Thursday from one
                                                                          of the customers to say that his order was ready for £56 and then on
                               We took 30 orders - almost                 Monday, following the fantastic Showcase, picked up the remaining
                               50% ordered                                21 and my total order was for £250 or £11.32 per book. Snow does
                               Total orders: £565.00                      have a silver lining!
                               Worked out at £8.84 per
                               catalogue - wow!                           Then on the Tuesday following the Showcase, I was intending to
                               Average order value £18.83                 deliver 100 catalogues for pick up on Thursday but only managed to
                                                                          do 50. So on Wednesday morning,
We have never got this amount of orders on this amount of                 I delivered the rest, giving the
catalogues before. Thank you Kleeneze.”                                   customers only 24 hours. If I met
Paul and Heidi Davis, Silver Distributor                                  them, I explained it was because of
                                                                          the snow!
“We have been Distributors since December 2006, and have always           That produced £600 in orders and
enjoyed good retailing levels, which we have put down to being            it seemed to that the 50 catalogues
regular, reliable and friendly. However, this month has seen our best     out for 24 hours produced the
retailing ever - even more than the brilliant Christmas period! Last      same as the ones out for 48 hours.
week we dropped 98 catalogues to customer base, and collected             So that was £6 per book.”
£756 of orders – that’s £7.71 per book average.
Already this week we have collected £312 from 56 books, and that’s        Alison and Michael Ogden,
only after the first pick up!                                             Silver Executive Distributors

The Hong Kong destination has been made so achievable, by opening
                                                                          “We brought a guest, Barrie Smith, to the Showcase, who pre-
it to Gold qualifiers – it’s galvanised us into more action!”
                                                                          registered on the day. When we got back to Exeter he said right lets
Rachael and Phil Owen, Silver Distributors                                get me joined up, we filled in the paperwork and faxed it up.
                                                                          He put his books out on the Friday and picked them up on
“The new catalogues are fantastic. I have just moved house a few
                                                                          Monday. He then put them out again on Tuesday and picked them up
weeks before Christmas so I’ve been using the old books to build up
                                                                          on Thursday.
the customer base here. I still got £1.20 per book though and hit over
£800 with just building up new customers for the 4 weeks.                 Over the two drops he picked up enough orders to gain his £50 back
                                                                          and claim his first free Retail Kit.
I’ve been today to collect 65 new catalogues from the customer base
where I just moved from and from the 60 catalogues picked up I’ve         He placed his first order on Thursday; put his books out again on
got £204.75 of orders from 13 people making it 3.15 per catalogue         Friday. He is just buzzing and can’t believe how much he earned. His
and £15.75 average order. Plus I had people commenting on the nice        first order was for about £390 - no mean feat considering he is doing
fresh look of the catalogue with the bright colours on the front.         it all on foot (he has probably had to walk about 15 miles!), but is still
Customers love it!                                                        buzzing and sent us a text today to say he had picked up another
                                                                          order for over £20 as a result of being asked if he could leave the cats
I earned £42.99 from this drop. I put in 1 hour to drop, 1.5 hours to
                                                                          with a potential customer who hadn’t had time to look.
pick up and will probably take me 45 minutes to pack up the delivery

                                                                                               29.01.10 Issue 03 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
 On Friday just gone we helped him put all his cats out, so he could
 achieve 10% level within his first three weeks how fantastic would
                                                                              *This was our December promotion. Visit the DSA for details of all our
                                                                              current incentives and promotions.
 that be?!”
 Steve and Sharon Smith, Silver Distributors                                  “I drive to my customer base stopping at each house to deliver the
                                                                              books as they are now generally not too close to each other!
 “Andrew and I just want to say what                                          A couple of weeks ago, I was due to collect books from a small
 an amazing company Kleeneze is. We                                           customer base. However the snow had fallen. I could not drive as I
 returned from Florida after a month                                          was snowed in and all forms of public transport were now halted. It
 away just in time to attend the New                                          was not possible to get out until Friday. So off we trotted to the local
 Year Showcase. What a start to our                                           bus stop to discover that buses were running to a timetable that was
 New Year!                                                                    as hit and miss as the snow and the second bus we needed was only
                                                                              running far from where we needed to be. Now public transport in
 Our first retail drop of 279 books to
                                                                              Reading is not cheap so with our £6.50 ’anywhere you want to go if
 customers produced £1367.75 of
                                                                              buses are running’ ticket we set of.
 sales. Awesome results, however, the
 thing that most impressed us was from that amount there was not a            Luckily at the bus stop we discovered that the bus that covered the
 single out of stock item.                                                    customer areas was now running, normally every 8 minutes this was
                                                                              now just 2 buses covering the route all day leaving at time yet to be
 Well done Kleeneze you are truly providing us with all the tools to
                                                                              discovered! On we jumped for the next leg! How often is it that you
 build a fantastic business.”
                                                                              have to get off a bus to move cars so that the bus can carry on its
 Fay and Andrew Roe, Bronze Executive Distributors                            journey - thankfully it happened only once with the bus managing to
                                                                              drop us off after a total journey time of nearly 1 hour.
                                       “It doesn’t matter how hard we         So off we trotted to have to knock on most doors to retrieve the book,
                                       prepare new Distributors about         those that had ordered we asked them to keep the book safe for us
                                       the great British weather, other       until the delivery as we could only carry a few as the snow was up to
                                       distributors in their area, making     14 inches deep on paths that had not been walked and book carrying
                                       sure their computers and printers      was an obstacle too far! 23 roads had to be covered in total all
                                       are compatible, keeping in             meandering from each other but with only an odd customer here and
                                       contact with their sponsor,            there it took it total 3 hours to get to the houses we could. The walk
                                       attending meetings and losing          was fun, helping with several car pushes along the way, and we
                                       catalogues, it’s little wonder that    managed to get some orders. I got to 30 houses from the 41 with
                                       sometimes they can get a bit           orders totalling £245 from the 16 orders. With Nics books we only
                                       despondent.                            managed to get to half of them as the others were too far away on
 However, Henning Fischer - who joined us in November, could not              that day, but with orders of £100 from the 14 we collected.
 wait to get his 200 catalogues out. Yes, he experienced all of the           I have had to walk my customer base again the next week to drop
 above, he got soaked to the skin on his every first drop, so he’s            books, not many as once again customers bases are wide spread and
 ordered the Kleeneze wet weather gear. He discovered other                   it will have to be tackled again another day. What I have learnt this
 Distributors in his area but carried on regardless. His computer and         week is that despite the weather and not being able to use a car is
 printer were giving him trouble, so he bought himself a new laptop           that Kleeneze was still possible and more importantly even though we
 and printer. He borrowed a Catapuller from us, but has now ordered           were late the customers still ordered. Imagine how easy it would have
 his own. He has attended our Eltham Open Evenings, our A Team                been to collect a blanket drop of straight roads!*
 Sizzles, the Millionaires College and went to the New Year Showcase,
 what’s more he keeps in constant contact with us - how good is that?         So despite all the problems over the last few weeks, Kleeneze is still
                                                                              possible if you put your thinking caps on and are prepared to do
 Here’s the best bit, Henning not only qualified for a free Retail Kit from   things a bit differently to the norm!”
 Kleeneze for placing his first order of over £250 but has done over 400
 bonus points within his first 28 days and therefore has earned himself       Nicola Spence, Silver Distributor
 a further two Retail Kits. What a great start to his business with an        *Remember, it’s vital to blanket drop from time to fill in some of those
 extra 150 catalogues in his first 28 days.*                                  gaps especially while our TV advert is out there!
 What an amazing incentive from Kleeneze. All the Kleeneze incentives
 are brilliant but to a new Distributor, this one has to be the best thing    KEEP SENDING YOUR FEEDBACK AND STORIES IN TO
 that can happen to them. Well done Kleeneze and very well done               EWB@KLEENEZE.CO.UK
 Henning, we are very proud of you.”
 Joyce and Pete Rowe, Senior Distributors

                                                                             Centre, Parkway East, Bridge of Don, ABERDEEN, AB23                    Drayton 01623 722500, or e-mail
COMPANY SHOWCASES AND TRAINING DAYS                                          8AJ. 10am – 1pm, £3. Contact Lynn Macdonald at               
2-9 Mar        Kleeneze Spring Destination 2010 – CAPE TOWN         or Tel: 01506 414456                   17 Feb   (17/03, 14/04, 12/05, 09/06, 07/07, 04/08, 1/09, 29/09,
4 Sept         Kleeneze Xmas Showcase – THE NIA,                    16 Feb   (every four weeks) Glasgow Opportunity Meeting,                        27/10, 24/11) Essex Business Opportunity Meeting at the
               BIRMINGHAM                                                    Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Ingram St, GLASGOW 8pm- 9pm.                      Holiday Inn, Brook Street, BRENTWOOD, CM14 5NF, J28
6-13 Nov       Kleeneze Destination 2010 – HONG KONG                         Contact Lynn Macdonald at or                    – M25. 7.30 for 8pm start. Business Dress please.
                                                                             Tel: 01506 414456.                                                     Everyone welcome, hosts Richard and Vanadis.
                                                                    22 Feb   (22/3; 19/4; 17/5; 14/6; 12/7; 9/8; 6/9; 4/10; 1/11; 29/11)            EzeReach: 01206 804 635.
TRAINING MEETINGS - 2010 COUNTRYWIDE                                         Titans Training and Opportunity Meeting, Change of            22 Feb   (First Monday of each Period – 22/3; 19/4; 17/5; 14/6;
7 Feb  (every four weeks) Freedom Training. 10.00am – 1.00pm                 venue - Cedar Court Hotel, Mayo Avenue, Off Rooley                     12/7; 9/8; 6/9; 4/10; 1/11; 29/11) Westcountry Open
       (doors open at 9.30am) Best Western Moat House Hotel,                 Lane, BRADFORD, BD5 8HW, 7.30pm for 8pm start.                         Evening at Padbrook Park Hotel, Cullompton, DEVON
       Festival Way, Etruria, STOKE-ON-TRENT, ST1 5BQ.                       Everyone welcome. Contact Neil Young on 07932 965                      EX15 1RU (signposted 5 mins from J28 on M5). All from
       Guest speaker: Michael Khatkar. Bookings only, £6.00 per              071 or Ezereach: 0113 350 8763.                                        Red and Blue groups welcome. Prospect focused
       person. Please send cheques (payable to A de Caso) to:                                                                                       Business Opportunity Presentation, Book Stall, Bids table,
                                                                    24 Feb   (every four weeks) Teeside Opportunity Meeting, The
       Adele & Jaime de Caso, 38 Poplar Close, Blythe Bridge,                                                                                       Testimonials, raffle and business related stands. Booking
                                                                             Windmill, a purpose built Conference and Seminar
       Stoke-on-Trent ST11 9RJ (names will be held at the door,                                                                                     in starts from 7.00 pm. and the event starts at 8pm.
                                                                             Centre, Dalton Piercy, HARTLEPOOL, TS27 3HN, directly
       no tickets are sent out) Business dress only please,                                                                                         Distributors £3 per person or £4 per couple. Guests
                                                                             on A19, just north of Wynyard Park turn-off. Open
       everyone welcome. For further information, please call                                                                                       FREE. Ample parking. Accommodation, meals, coffee
                                                                             meeting, everyone welcome. 8pm Start £2.50 per head.
       01260 218574.                                                                                                                                and bar available. Contact Sheelagh & Paul 01392
                                                                             Guests free Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table. Sue
20 Feb (20/3; 17/4; 22/5; 19/6; 17/7; 14/8; 11/9; 16/10; 13/11;              Phoenix 01642 918340 / Peter Neesham 01642 918258.                     462710 (Ezereach 01803 898592) or Nigel & Lucinda
       11/12) Going For Gold. At: The Globe Hotel, Tuesday                                                                                          01392 874412 (Ezereach 01803 898652).
                                                                    10 Feb   (10/03, 07/04, 05/05, 02/06, 30/06, 28/07, 25/08, 22/09,
       Market Place, KINGS LYNN, Norfolk.PE30 1EZ (Use hotel                                                                               22 Feb   22/3, 19/4, 17/5, 14/6, Business Opportunity Open
                                                                             20/10, 17/11, 15/12) Leeds Business Opportunity
       entrance in Kings Street, opposite ’Prezzo’) 7.30pm for                                                                                      Evening, Everyone Welcome, Supreme Inns, Bicker bar
                                                                             Meeting, Holiday Inn, Brighouse, Clifton Village, LEEDS,
       8pm prompt start. Business Dress only please. £2.50 per                                                                                      Roundabout, BOSTON A17/A52 junction, registration
                                                                             HD6 4HW. 7.30pm for 8pm start. £3 per distributor, guests
       person. Guests free. Everyone welcome. Contact Ann &                                                                                         7.30pm, £3 per person, Hosts:- Andy & Amanda Holland
                                                                             free. Business dress please. Contact Angel Hill on
       John Coe on 01553 829241 or Ezereach 01553 888118.                                                                                           email:- Eze-Reach
                                                                             07931283957 or Stuart Hill on 07792002402.
21 Mar Titans Business Building Seminar The Cedar Court Hotel,                                                                                      Number:- 01553 886597
       Mayo Avenue, Rooley Lane, BRADFORD BD5 8HW Tel                                                                                      24 Feb   (every 4 weeks) Birmingham Open BOM. The Plough &
       01274 406606 off J26 M62. 11.30am - 5pm Top Line up of       SOUTH/MIDLANDS/WALES                                                            Harrow Hotel, 135 Hagley Road, BIRMINGHAM. 7.45pm
       Speakers - Eamon Lynch & Maria Ryan (GOLD SED)               1 Feb  (26/4, 21/6, 19/8, 11/10 13/12) ELTHAM open evening.                     registration for an 8pm prompt start. Ample free parking,
       Gary & Esther Watson (Platinum SED)Tracy Payne &                    We may have changed to Bi-monthly but we are still the                   good reception areas & bar for team sizzles & meeting
       Harvey Kent (Silver Exec) Knowledge is King will be                 only open evening in South London. Open to Blue and                      your guests. Unfortunately there is no wheelchair access
       present. £1 in the bucket money draw. Raffle and an                 Red Groups. 7:30pm registration for prompt 8:00pm start,                 to the room (upstairs). Only £3 per distributorship, guests
       Awesome Recognition Parade Across Pd12 2009 - Pd                    ends around 9:30pm, then relax for a drink and a sizzle in               free (bring loads & see your business grow). If you want
       3.2010 Only £10 per head. Book into this event by                   our own comfortable Bar & Lounge. Still only £3 per                      2010 to be your best year ever – don’t wait till then – your
       logging onto No tickets are               distributorship, guests free, dress code: smart casual.                  2010 business starts NOW. Hosts Gerard & Claire Tucker-
       issued. Your name will be on a list on the door upon                Eltham Conservative Club, 254 High Street, Eltham,                       Mawr (EzeReach: 0121 314 9785) and Geoff & Diane
       entrance. This is an open event for everyone . A Training           London SE9 1AA. Contact Joyce & Pete Rowe on 020                         Owen (EzeReach: 0121 314 4870)
       Event not to be missed -                  8463 7133 or Ezereach 020 3393 2408 or email:                  
28 Mar It’s BACK, it’s BIGGER than ever, it’s ’THE BIG 1’! The                                                      24 Feb   (24/3, 21/4, 19/5, 16/6, 14/7, 11/8, 8/9, 13/10, 10/11, 8/12)
       East Midlands premier event is coming up soon, so book       2 Feb (First Tuesday of every month) Business Opportunity                       Folkestone business opportunity evening at the Firs club,
       now to secure a place with top speakers - PETER REA,                Meeting. St Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, St                            Firs lane, FOLKESTONE, ct19 4qf, J12-M20. 7.30 for an
       CRAIG WHITE, HEATHER O’NEIL, LAURA KELLY & the                      Leonards, RINGWOOD, Hampshire, BH24 2NP 7.30pm     .                     8.00pm start. Business dress please. All welcome, hosts
       amazing MICHAEL KHATKAR!!! Knowledge is King will                   for 8pm start, £2.50 per distributor, Guests Free! Business              Chris & Emma Shafe, EzeReach: 01227 808744
       also be there on the day, plus Barney’s Print Shop.                 dress please. Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue Marshall on              25 Feb   (29/04, 27/05, 24/06, 29/07, 26/08, 30/09, 28/10, 25/11)
       Tickets only £7 per person for a fantastic afternoon of             01425 480675 or Ezereach 02380987429                                     Showcase Opportunity Briefing, Tottenham Green Leisure
       training with a fantastic raffle. Starts at 12 noon (Doors   9 Feb (09/03; 06/04; 04/05; 01/06; 29/06; 27/07; 24/08; 21/09;                  Centre, The Gold Room, First Floor, 1 Philip Lane,
       open 11am) Finish at 5pm. For further details contact               19/10; 16/11). Bristol Opportunity Meeting. Ship Inn (next               LONDON N15 4JA. 7.30pm. Registration for 7.45pm start.
       Laura Thorpe & Les Ward on 0116 294 7827 or Andy                    to Premier Inn), Thornbury Road, Alveston, BRISTOL,                      Special guest speakers each month. £3 per
       Buxton & Laura Kelly on 07830 190485. Make cheques                  BS35 3LL. 8.00pm start. Business dress please.                           distributorship, guest free. Everyone welcome! Hosts:
       payable to ‘The Big 1’ to 34 Rectory Lane, Thurcaston,              Distributors £2.50 per head, guests FREE. Host: Andy                     Gary Dixon and team. Contact 07973 712 425,
       Leicestershire. LE7 7JQ. The meeting is at the Novotel,             Cooper, E/R: 0117 911 7561.                                              I.T.S.113915, or email:
       Long Eaton, NOTTINGHAM - Jct 25 M1. You cannot by            9 Feb (9/3; 6/4; 4/5; 1/6; 29/6; 27/7; 24/8; 21/9; 19/10; 16/11;       15 Mar   (19/04, 17/05, 21/06, 19/07, 20/09, 18/10, 15/11, 13/12)
       tickets on the day so don’t delay - book today - this will          14/12) Hemel Hempstead Opportunity Meeting, Holiday                      Welcome Blue & Red Groups across the Network. Join
       be a sell out event. See you there.                                 Inn, Breakspear Way, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD HP2 4UA.                            us for an evening of FUN with Opportunity Presentations
                                                                           £3 per distributor, guests free. 7.30pm for 8pm start.                   and Kleeneze Stories. VENUE: Forest Suite , Bracknell
OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS - NORTH/SCOTLAND                                      Business dress please. Hosts: Rosina & Frank Pocock.
                                                                           Tel: 01442 256405.
                                                                                                                                                    Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL, Berks,
2 Feb  (every four weeks) Edinburgh Opportunity Meeting,                                                                                            RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors £3
                                                                    15 Feb (15/03, 19/04, 17/05, 21/06, 19/07, 20/09, 18/10, 15/11,                 Single - Joint distributors 5.00 guests FREE Business
       CHANGE OF VENUE – Premier Inn, Haymarket,
                                                                           13/12) South East Open Evening Bracknell. Welcomes                       dress please. Contact Debbie Gee on 01628 626327 or
       EDINBURGH. 8pm 9pm. Contact Lynn MacDonald at
                                                                           Blue & Red Groups across the Network. Join us for an                     Kate Lee on 0118 9268540.
                                                                           evening of FUN with Opportunity Presentations and
3 Feb (every four weeks) Opportunity Meeting at the Whitwood
                                                                           Kleeneze Stories. Hospitality Suite (upstairs), Bracknell
       Inn, Pioneer Way, CASTLEFORD, WF10 5TG (1/4 mile jct
       31 M62). 7.30pm for 8pm start. Everyone welcome.
                                                                           Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL, Berks,                 THE NETHERLANDS
                                                                           RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors £3 -            20 Feb (20/3; 17/4; 15/5; 12/6; 10/7; 7/8; 11/9; 2/10; 30/10; 27/11;
       Please note smart dress. Hosts Graham and Georgina
                                                                           guests FREE Business dress please. Contact Debbie                      18/12) Hotel van der Valk de Cantharel, Van Golsteinlaan
       Long, Eze 01937 858018.
                                                                           Gee on 01628 626327 or Kate Lee on 0118 9268540.                       20, 7339 GT APELDOORN. Guest Speaker Michael
9 Feb (second Tuesday of each month) BOM meetings at                                                                                              Khatkar. 1pm – 3pm. Email Rita & Frank Kamsteeg at
                                                                    15 Feb (15/3; 12/4; 10/5; 7/6; 5/7; 2/8; 30/8; 27/9; 25/10; 22/11;
       Carlisle. Border Gate Premier Inn, Carleton, CARLISLE                                                                            
                                                                           20/12) Norwich Business Opportunity Evening, Holiday
       CA4 OAD Tel: 01228 633311. 7.30pm for 8pm start. All
                                                                           Inn, Ipswich Road, NORWICH, NR4 6EP 7.30pm for 8pm
       distributors and prospects/guests welcome. Hosts Alistair
                                                                           start. £3 per Distributor, guests free. Business dress                   Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings in
       Townsend and Malcolm Bullough and will feature a
       presentation of the opportunity and a guest speaker. For
                                                                           please. Contact Stephen on 07810 126010.                                 your area? Let us know, at
                                                                    17 Feb (17/03, 14/04, 12,05, 09/06, 07/07, 1/09, 29/09, 27/10,                  and we will include them in our weekly meetings diary.
       information, contact: Alistair Townsend 01228 528126
                                                                           24/11) Open Opportunity Meeting at The Summit Centre,                    DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY SUBMISSIONS 4PM TUESDAY.
       email:, Malcolm Bullough 01228
                                                                           Pavilion Road, Kirkby In Ashfield, NOTTINGHAM, NG17
       675553 e mail:
                                                                           7LL. Junction 27 or 28 of the M1. 8pm - 9.30pm.
13 Feb (every four weeks) Aberdeen Opportunity and Training
                                                                           Telephone 01623 752008. Hosts: Margaret & Mike
       Meeting, Holiday Inn Express – Aberdeen Exhibition

                                                                                                                                                       Issue 03 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN

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Kleeneze 2010 Ewb 03

  • 1. BULLETIN 29.01.10 Issue 03 TELLING EVERYONE WE’RE ON TELLY! work from home with Our new eye-catching television advert is Highlights of Kleeneze TV advert airtimes: certainly doing its job according to your 1 February, 3.30pm, ITV Carlton – Dickinson’s Real Deal reports and the sponsoring figures. Out just 2 February, 4.15pm, ITV North – A Touch of Frost two weeks and it’s making an impact on 3 February, 1.15pm, ITV2 – Nanny 911 your businesses already. Part of this success is 4 February, 2.58pm, ITV Midwest – House Gift not just down to air-time for the brand, but 8 February, 12.28pm, ITV2 – Coronation Street because you’re spreading the word too. 12 February, 12.45pm, ITV Ulster – Loose Women 15 February, 1.15pm, ITV2 - Emmerdale With a few weeks of this opportunity left, 16 February, 9.55am, ITV South East – Jeremy Kyle please don’t let it pass you by. Make sure 19 February, 4.58pm, ITV Scotland – Midsomer Murders everyone on your warm list knows that now 24 February, 10.58am, ITV2 - Airline YOU have an advert out! Here’s some of the feedback we received on our last TV To help you in your mission to inform all that advertising campaign this fantastic opportunity is out there, we “We just wanted to share with you our recent progress building the have two new tools – a roller banner to customer list in and around people who have requested a catalogue in make a huge impact and a flyer that will INSERT YOUR response to the TV ad. In one particular area that we had never ensure the message is passed along to DETAILS HER E dreamt of cataloguing, and pass everytime we visit our daughter Kirsty everyone you know. Harvey, she received 4 such leads in quick succession. To order the banner, which you can use at your meetings, job Here are the statistics: fairs, even shopping malls, contact the Exhibtion Superstore The first ordered on the first occasion, but hasn’t ordered since. on 01480 893 902, email The second has ordered every time. or The banners, that usually The third has yet to place an order. retail at £110, are now at a special discount rate for Kleeneze And the fourth never ordered and has since moved. Distributors only at £75/€95 including VAT Not fantastic results you may think, but we also blanket dropped 200 and delivery to UK mainland addresses. houses around the fourth lead and received £204 in orders. On the We have just 500 boxes of our new glossy second drop, we received £232 in orders from less than 100 A5 flyer to support our recruitment catalogues. On the third drop this week, due to the bad weather, we campaign, so you need to be quick! The TV only dropped catalogues to those houses which have already placed flyers are available to order in boxes of orders on the previous 2 drops, and from just 10 catalogues we 2,000 on code 00671 for just £15/€22.50! received £183.25 in orders. You can also download them off the DSA Keep those catalogue requests coming. Thank you Kleeneze. from Monday. Katrina Harvey and Ian Winstanley, Gold Distributors 560-071-08
  • 2. WHAT A Bear in mind that here at EWB Towers we are privileged to receive success stories plus your views on everything from catalogues to the weather on a regular basis. However, even we were flabbergasted at the amount of fantastic emails that flooded our inbox last week. It seems that a new year and a new destination has motivated you all beyond belief! In fact, we’re so speechless, that we’re just going to hand it over to you…. “We just had to let you know about and about 1 hour to deliver meaning I will have earned over £10 an our pick up today, with the new hour. I love it! catalogues. We thought the Christmas Thanks for doing your best to provide us with the best tools to retailing had finished - but no! strengthen and increase our business.” We are really excited because even with Emma Lamb, Silver Distributor the Christmas retail our highest average book value was worth no more then £5.50. However, today we picked up “I only managed to get 22 catalogues out on the Wednesday before 64 catalogues from 77 from our the Showcase, due to the slippery conditions on the pavements and customer base, so 13 still to pick up. the roads. So I was amazed to get a phone call on Thursday from one of the customers to say that his order was ready for £56 and then on We took 30 orders - almost Monday, following the fantastic Showcase, picked up the remaining 50% ordered 21 and my total order was for £250 or £11.32 per book. Snow does Total orders: £565.00 have a silver lining! Worked out at £8.84 per catalogue - wow! Then on the Tuesday following the Showcase, I was intending to Average order value £18.83 deliver 100 catalogues for pick up on Thursday but only managed to do 50. So on Wednesday morning, We have never got this amount of orders on this amount of I delivered the rest, giving the catalogues before. Thank you Kleeneze.” customers only 24 hours. If I met Paul and Heidi Davis, Silver Distributor them, I explained it was because of the snow! “We have been Distributors since December 2006, and have always That produced £600 in orders and enjoyed good retailing levels, which we have put down to being it seemed to that the 50 catalogues regular, reliable and friendly. However, this month has seen our best out for 24 hours produced the retailing ever - even more than the brilliant Christmas period! Last same as the ones out for 48 hours. week we dropped 98 catalogues to customer base, and collected So that was £6 per book.” £756 of orders – that’s £7.71 per book average. Already this week we have collected £312 from 56 books, and that’s Alison and Michael Ogden, only after the first pick up! Silver Executive Distributors The Hong Kong destination has been made so achievable, by opening “We brought a guest, Barrie Smith, to the Showcase, who pre- it to Gold qualifiers – it’s galvanised us into more action!” registered on the day. When we got back to Exeter he said right lets Rachael and Phil Owen, Silver Distributors get me joined up, we filled in the paperwork and faxed it up. He put his books out on the Friday and picked them up on “The new catalogues are fantastic. I have just moved house a few Monday. He then put them out again on Tuesday and picked them up weeks before Christmas so I’ve been using the old books to build up on Thursday. the customer base here. I still got £1.20 per book though and hit over £800 with just building up new customers for the 4 weeks. Over the two drops he picked up enough orders to gain his £50 back and claim his first free Retail Kit. I’ve been today to collect 65 new catalogues from the customer base where I just moved from and from the 60 catalogues picked up I’ve He placed his first order on Thursday; put his books out again on got £204.75 of orders from 13 people making it 3.15 per catalogue Friday. He is just buzzing and can’t believe how much he earned. His and £15.75 average order. Plus I had people commenting on the nice first order was for about £390 - no mean feat considering he is doing fresh look of the catalogue with the bright colours on the front. it all on foot (he has probably had to walk about 15 miles!), but is still Customers love it! buzzing and sent us a text today to say he had picked up another order for over £20 as a result of being asked if he could leave the cats I earned £42.99 from this drop. I put in 1 hour to drop, 1.5 hours to with a potential customer who hadn’t had time to look. pick up and will probably take me 45 minutes to pack up the delivery 29.01.10 Issue 03 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
  • 3. A WEEK! On Friday just gone we helped him put all his cats out, so he could achieve 10% level within his first three weeks how fantastic would *This was our December promotion. Visit the DSA for details of all our current incentives and promotions. that be?!” Steve and Sharon Smith, Silver Distributors “I drive to my customer base stopping at each house to deliver the books as they are now generally not too close to each other! “Andrew and I just want to say what A couple of weeks ago, I was due to collect books from a small an amazing company Kleeneze is. We customer base. However the snow had fallen. I could not drive as I returned from Florida after a month was snowed in and all forms of public transport were now halted. It away just in time to attend the New was not possible to get out until Friday. So off we trotted to the local Year Showcase. What a start to our bus stop to discover that buses were running to a timetable that was New Year! as hit and miss as the snow and the second bus we needed was only running far from where we needed to be. Now public transport in Our first retail drop of 279 books to Reading is not cheap so with our £6.50 ’anywhere you want to go if customers produced £1367.75 of buses are running’ ticket we set of. sales. Awesome results, however, the thing that most impressed us was from that amount there was not a Luckily at the bus stop we discovered that the bus that covered the single out of stock item. customer areas was now running, normally every 8 minutes this was now just 2 buses covering the route all day leaving at time yet to be Well done Kleeneze you are truly providing us with all the tools to discovered! On we jumped for the next leg! How often is it that you build a fantastic business.” have to get off a bus to move cars so that the bus can carry on its Fay and Andrew Roe, Bronze Executive Distributors journey - thankfully it happened only once with the bus managing to drop us off after a total journey time of nearly 1 hour. “It doesn’t matter how hard we So off we trotted to have to knock on most doors to retrieve the book, prepare new Distributors about those that had ordered we asked them to keep the book safe for us the great British weather, other until the delivery as we could only carry a few as the snow was up to distributors in their area, making 14 inches deep on paths that had not been walked and book carrying sure their computers and printers was an obstacle too far! 23 roads had to be covered in total all are compatible, keeping in meandering from each other but with only an odd customer here and contact with their sponsor, there it took it total 3 hours to get to the houses we could. The walk attending meetings and losing was fun, helping with several car pushes along the way, and we catalogues, it’s little wonder that managed to get some orders. I got to 30 houses from the 41 with sometimes they can get a bit orders totalling £245 from the 16 orders. With Nics books we only despondent. managed to get to half of them as the others were too far away on However, Henning Fischer - who joined us in November, could not that day, but with orders of £100 from the 14 we collected. wait to get his 200 catalogues out. Yes, he experienced all of the I have had to walk my customer base again the next week to drop above, he got soaked to the skin on his every first drop, so he’s books, not many as once again customers bases are wide spread and ordered the Kleeneze wet weather gear. He discovered other it will have to be tackled again another day. What I have learnt this Distributors in his area but carried on regardless. His computer and week is that despite the weather and not being able to use a car is printer were giving him trouble, so he bought himself a new laptop that Kleeneze was still possible and more importantly even though we and printer. He borrowed a Catapuller from us, but has now ordered were late the customers still ordered. Imagine how easy it would have his own. He has attended our Eltham Open Evenings, our A Team been to collect a blanket drop of straight roads!* Sizzles, the Millionaires College and went to the New Year Showcase, what’s more he keeps in constant contact with us - how good is that? So despite all the problems over the last few weeks, Kleeneze is still possible if you put your thinking caps on and are prepared to do Here’s the best bit, Henning not only qualified for a free Retail Kit from things a bit differently to the norm!” Kleeneze for placing his first order of over £250 but has done over 400 bonus points within his first 28 days and therefore has earned himself Nicola Spence, Silver Distributor a further two Retail Kits. What a great start to his business with an *Remember, it’s vital to blanket drop from time to fill in some of those extra 150 catalogues in his first 28 days.* gaps especially while our TV advert is out there! What an amazing incentive from Kleeneze. All the Kleeneze incentives are brilliant but to a new Distributor, this one has to be the best thing KEEP SENDING YOUR FEEDBACK AND STORIES IN TO that can happen to them. Well done Kleeneze and very well done EWB@KLEENEZE.CO.UK Henning, we are very proud of you.” Joyce and Pete Rowe, Senior Distributors ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN Issue 03 29.01.10
  • 4. LEARN WHILE YOU EARN EVENTS Centre, Parkway East, Bridge of Don, ABERDEEN, AB23 Drayton 01623 722500, or e-mail COMPANY SHOWCASES AND TRAINING DAYS 8AJ. 10am – 1pm, £3. Contact Lynn Macdonald at 2-9 Mar Kleeneze Spring Destination 2010 – CAPE TOWN or Tel: 01506 414456 17 Feb (17/03, 14/04, 12/05, 09/06, 07/07, 04/08, 1/09, 29/09, 4 Sept Kleeneze Xmas Showcase – THE NIA, 16 Feb (every four weeks) Glasgow Opportunity Meeting, 27/10, 24/11) Essex Business Opportunity Meeting at the BIRMINGHAM Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Ingram St, GLASGOW 8pm- 9pm. Holiday Inn, Brook Street, BRENTWOOD, CM14 5NF, J28 6-13 Nov Kleeneze Destination 2010 – HONG KONG Contact Lynn Macdonald at or – M25. 7.30 for 8pm start. Business Dress please. Tel: 01506 414456. Everyone welcome, hosts Richard and Vanadis. 22 Feb (22/3; 19/4; 17/5; 14/6; 12/7; 9/8; 6/9; 4/10; 1/11; 29/11) EzeReach: 01206 804 635. TRAINING MEETINGS - 2010 COUNTRYWIDE Titans Training and Opportunity Meeting, Change of 22 Feb (First Monday of each Period – 22/3; 19/4; 17/5; 14/6; 7 Feb (every four weeks) Freedom Training. 10.00am – 1.00pm venue - Cedar Court Hotel, Mayo Avenue, Off Rooley 12/7; 9/8; 6/9; 4/10; 1/11; 29/11) Westcountry Open (doors open at 9.30am) Best Western Moat House Hotel, Lane, BRADFORD, BD5 8HW, 7.30pm for 8pm start. Evening at Padbrook Park Hotel, Cullompton, DEVON Festival Way, Etruria, STOKE-ON-TRENT, ST1 5BQ. Everyone welcome. Contact Neil Young on 07932 965 EX15 1RU (signposted 5 mins from J28 on M5). All from Guest speaker: Michael Khatkar. Bookings only, £6.00 per 071 or Ezereach: 0113 350 8763. Red and Blue groups welcome. Prospect focused person. Please send cheques (payable to A de Caso) to: Business Opportunity Presentation, Book Stall, Bids table, 24 Feb (every four weeks) Teeside Opportunity Meeting, The Adele & Jaime de Caso, 38 Poplar Close, Blythe Bridge, Testimonials, raffle and business related stands. Booking Windmill, a purpose built Conference and Seminar Stoke-on-Trent ST11 9RJ (names will be held at the door, in starts from 7.00 pm. and the event starts at 8pm. Centre, Dalton Piercy, HARTLEPOOL, TS27 3HN, directly no tickets are sent out) Business dress only please, Distributors £3 per person or £4 per couple. Guests on A19, just north of Wynyard Park turn-off. Open everyone welcome. For further information, please call FREE. Ample parking. Accommodation, meals, coffee meeting, everyone welcome. 8pm Start £2.50 per head. 01260 218574. and bar available. Contact Sheelagh & Paul 01392 Guests free Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table. Sue 20 Feb (20/3; 17/4; 22/5; 19/6; 17/7; 14/8; 11/9; 16/10; 13/11; Phoenix 01642 918340 / Peter Neesham 01642 918258. 462710 (Ezereach 01803 898592) or Nigel & Lucinda 11/12) Going For Gold. At: The Globe Hotel, Tuesday 01392 874412 (Ezereach 01803 898652). 10 Feb (10/03, 07/04, 05/05, 02/06, 30/06, 28/07, 25/08, 22/09, Market Place, KINGS LYNN, Norfolk.PE30 1EZ (Use hotel 22 Feb 22/3, 19/4, 17/5, 14/6, Business Opportunity Open 20/10, 17/11, 15/12) Leeds Business Opportunity entrance in Kings Street, opposite ’Prezzo’) 7.30pm for Evening, Everyone Welcome, Supreme Inns, Bicker bar Meeting, Holiday Inn, Brighouse, Clifton Village, LEEDS, 8pm prompt start. Business Dress only please. £2.50 per Roundabout, BOSTON A17/A52 junction, registration HD6 4HW. 7.30pm for 8pm start. £3 per distributor, guests person. Guests free. Everyone welcome. Contact Ann & 7.30pm, £3 per person, Hosts:- Andy & Amanda Holland free. Business dress please. Contact Angel Hill on John Coe on 01553 829241 or Ezereach 01553 888118. email:- Eze-Reach 07931283957 or Stuart Hill on 07792002402. 21 Mar Titans Business Building Seminar The Cedar Court Hotel, Number:- 01553 886597 Mayo Avenue, Rooley Lane, BRADFORD BD5 8HW Tel 24 Feb (every 4 weeks) Birmingham Open BOM. The Plough & 01274 406606 off J26 M62. 11.30am - 5pm Top Line up of SOUTH/MIDLANDS/WALES Harrow Hotel, 135 Hagley Road, BIRMINGHAM. 7.45pm Speakers - Eamon Lynch & Maria Ryan (GOLD SED) 1 Feb (26/4, 21/6, 19/8, 11/10 13/12) ELTHAM open evening. registration for an 8pm prompt start. Ample free parking, Gary & Esther Watson (Platinum SED)Tracy Payne & We may have changed to Bi-monthly but we are still the good reception areas & bar for team sizzles & meeting Harvey Kent (Silver Exec) Knowledge is King will be only open evening in South London. Open to Blue and your guests. Unfortunately there is no wheelchair access present. £1 in the bucket money draw. Raffle and an Red Groups. 7:30pm registration for prompt 8:00pm start, to the room (upstairs). Only £3 per distributorship, guests Awesome Recognition Parade Across Pd12 2009 - Pd ends around 9:30pm, then relax for a drink and a sizzle in free (bring loads & see your business grow). If you want 3.2010 Only £10 per head. Book into this event by our own comfortable Bar & Lounge. Still only £3 per 2010 to be your best year ever – don’t wait till then – your logging onto No tickets are distributorship, guests free, dress code: smart casual. 2010 business starts NOW. Hosts Gerard & Claire Tucker- issued. Your name will be on a list on the door upon Eltham Conservative Club, 254 High Street, Eltham, Mawr (EzeReach: 0121 314 9785) and Geoff & Diane entrance. This is an open event for everyone . A Training London SE9 1AA. Contact Joyce & Pete Rowe on 020 Owen (EzeReach: 0121 314 4870) Event not to be missed - 8463 7133 or Ezereach 020 3393 2408 or email: 28 Mar It’s BACK, it’s BIGGER than ever, it’s ’THE BIG 1’! The 24 Feb (24/3, 21/4, 19/5, 16/6, 14/7, 11/8, 8/9, 13/10, 10/11, 8/12) East Midlands premier event is coming up soon, so book 2 Feb (First Tuesday of every month) Business Opportunity Folkestone business opportunity evening at the Firs club, now to secure a place with top speakers - PETER REA, Meeting. St Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, St Firs lane, FOLKESTONE, ct19 4qf, J12-M20. 7.30 for an CRAIG WHITE, HEATHER O’NEIL, LAURA KELLY & the Leonards, RINGWOOD, Hampshire, BH24 2NP 7.30pm . 8.00pm start. Business dress please. All welcome, hosts amazing MICHAEL KHATKAR!!! Knowledge is King will for 8pm start, £2.50 per distributor, Guests Free! Business Chris & Emma Shafe, EzeReach: 01227 808744 also be there on the day, plus Barney’s Print Shop. dress please. Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue Marshall on 25 Feb (29/04, 27/05, 24/06, 29/07, 26/08, 30/09, 28/10, 25/11) Tickets only £7 per person for a fantastic afternoon of 01425 480675 or Ezereach 02380987429 Showcase Opportunity Briefing, Tottenham Green Leisure training with a fantastic raffle. Starts at 12 noon (Doors 9 Feb (09/03; 06/04; 04/05; 01/06; 29/06; 27/07; 24/08; 21/09; Centre, The Gold Room, First Floor, 1 Philip Lane, open 11am) Finish at 5pm. For further details contact 19/10; 16/11). Bristol Opportunity Meeting. Ship Inn (next LONDON N15 4JA. 7.30pm. Registration for 7.45pm start. Laura Thorpe & Les Ward on 0116 294 7827 or Andy to Premier Inn), Thornbury Road, Alveston, BRISTOL, Special guest speakers each month. £3 per Buxton & Laura Kelly on 07830 190485. Make cheques BS35 3LL. 8.00pm start. Business dress please. distributorship, guest free. Everyone welcome! Hosts: payable to ‘The Big 1’ to 34 Rectory Lane, Thurcaston, Distributors £2.50 per head, guests FREE. Host: Andy Gary Dixon and team. Contact 07973 712 425, Leicestershire. LE7 7JQ. The meeting is at the Novotel, Cooper, E/R: 0117 911 7561. I.T.S.113915, or email: Long Eaton, NOTTINGHAM - Jct 25 M1. You cannot by 9 Feb (9/3; 6/4; 4/5; 1/6; 29/6; 27/7; 24/8; 21/9; 19/10; 16/11; 15 Mar (19/04, 17/05, 21/06, 19/07, 20/09, 18/10, 15/11, 13/12) tickets on the day so don’t delay - book today - this will 14/12) Hemel Hempstead Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Welcome Blue & Red Groups across the Network. Join be a sell out event. See you there. Inn, Breakspear Way, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD HP2 4UA. us for an evening of FUN with Opportunity Presentations £3 per distributor, guests free. 7.30pm for 8pm start. and Kleeneze Stories. VENUE: Forest Suite , Bracknell OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS - NORTH/SCOTLAND Business dress please. Hosts: Rosina & Frank Pocock. Tel: 01442 256405. Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL, Berks, 2 Feb (every four weeks) Edinburgh Opportunity Meeting, RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors £3 15 Feb (15/03, 19/04, 17/05, 21/06, 19/07, 20/09, 18/10, 15/11, Single - Joint distributors 5.00 guests FREE Business CHANGE OF VENUE – Premier Inn, Haymarket, 13/12) South East Open Evening Bracknell. Welcomes dress please. Contact Debbie Gee on 01628 626327 or EDINBURGH. 8pm 9pm. Contact Lynn MacDonald at Blue & Red Groups across the Network. Join us for an Kate Lee on 0118 9268540. evening of FUN with Opportunity Presentations and 3 Feb (every four weeks) Opportunity Meeting at the Whitwood Kleeneze Stories. Hospitality Suite (upstairs), Bracknell Inn, Pioneer Way, CASTLEFORD, WF10 5TG (1/4 mile jct 31 M62). 7.30pm for 8pm start. Everyone welcome. Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL, Berks, THE NETHERLANDS RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors £3 - 20 Feb (20/3; 17/4; 15/5; 12/6; 10/7; 7/8; 11/9; 2/10; 30/10; 27/11; Please note smart dress. Hosts Graham and Georgina guests FREE Business dress please. Contact Debbie 18/12) Hotel van der Valk de Cantharel, Van Golsteinlaan Long, Eze 01937 858018. Gee on 01628 626327 or Kate Lee on 0118 9268540. 20, 7339 GT APELDOORN. Guest Speaker Michael 9 Feb (second Tuesday of each month) BOM meetings at Khatkar. 1pm – 3pm. Email Rita & Frank Kamsteeg at 15 Feb (15/3; 12/4; 10/5; 7/6; 5/7; 2/8; 30/8; 27/9; 25/10; 22/11; Carlisle. Border Gate Premier Inn, Carleton, CARLISLE 20/12) Norwich Business Opportunity Evening, Holiday CA4 OAD Tel: 01228 633311. 7.30pm for 8pm start. All Inn, Ipswich Road, NORWICH, NR4 6EP 7.30pm for 8pm , distributors and prospects/guests welcome. Hosts Alistair start. £3 per Distributor, guests free. Business dress Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings in Townsend and Malcolm Bullough and will feature a presentation of the opportunity and a guest speaker. For please. Contact Stephen on 07810 126010. your area? Let us know, at 17 Feb (17/03, 14/04, 12,05, 09/06, 07/07, 1/09, 29/09, 27/10, and we will include them in our weekly meetings diary. information, contact: Alistair Townsend 01228 528126 24/11) Open Opportunity Meeting at The Summit Centre, DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY SUBMISSIONS 4PM TUESDAY. email:, Malcolm Bullough 01228 Pavilion Road, Kirkby In Ashfield, NOTTINGHAM, NG17 675553 e mail: 7LL. Junction 27 or 28 of the M1. 8pm - 9.30pm. 13 Feb (every four weeks) Aberdeen Opportunity and Training Telephone 01623 752008. Hosts: Margaret & Mike Meeting, Holiday Inn Express – Aberdeen Exhibition Issue 03 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN