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Religion is an organized collection of
beliefs, cultural systems, and worldviews
that connect humans with the order /
orders of life. Many religions have
narratives, symbols, and sacred history
that are intended to explain the meaning
of life or explain the origin of life or the
universe. From their beliefs about the
cosmos and human nature, people get
morality, ethics, religious law or a
preferred lifestyle. According to some
estimates, there are around 4,200
religions in the world.
Many religions may have organized
behavior, priesthood, definition of
what constitutes obedience or
membership, holy places, and holy
books. Religious practices can also
include rituals, sermons, warnings or
worship of gods, gods or goddesses,
sacrifices, festivals, parties, trance,
initiation, burial services, wedding
services, meditation, prayer, music,
art, dance, community services or
other aspects of human culture.
According to KBBI Religion is a system that regulates the order of
faith (belief) and worship of Almighty God and the rules that relate to
the association of humans and humans and their environment. The
word "religion" comes from Sanskrit, āgama which means "tradition".
Another word to express this concept is religion which comes from
the Latin religio and is rooted in the verb re-ligare which means "to
tie back". That is to say with a tooth, someone bound himself to God.
Anthoni F. C. Wallace, the notion of religion
is a set of ceremonies that are given
rationalization through the existence of
myths and move supernatural forces so
that conditions change in humans and the
Émile Durkheim, the meaning of religion
is a system that consists of beliefs
and practices related to sacred
matters and unites its adherents in a
moral community (ummah).
As a guide to human life in daily life,
both individually and in groups.
As a source of rules for human
relations with God, and also fellow
human beings.
As a guide for humans in expressing
a sense of togetherness with fellow
As a guide to the feeling of human
belief in something extraordinary
(supernatural) outside of himself.
As a way for humans to express the
aesthetics / beauty of the universe
and all of its contents.
As a way to give identity to humans
as a people of a religion
Some of the functions of
religion are as follows:
The purposes of the practice of a religion are to
achieve the goals of salvation for oneself and
others, and (if there is a God) to render due
worship and obedience to God.
Researcher Kevin Rounding and his colleagues
are arguing that the primary purpose of religious
belief is to enhance the basic cognitive process
of self-control, which in turn promotes any
number of valuable social behaviors. Religion
makes people mindful of an ever watchful God,
and thus encourages more self-monitoring. Or
religious priming may activate concerns of
supernatural punishment. A more secular
explanation is that religious priming makes
people more concerned about their reputation in
the community, leading to more careful self-
Sacred Texts & Writing
Beliefs & Believers
Human Or Religious
Founders, Teachers, And
Social Structures
Dynamic, Living Tradition
Characteristic Of Religion
Word ‘culture’ comes from the
Latin word ‘cultura’ which is
related to cult or worship. In its
broadest sense, the term refers
to the result of human
interaction. Culture (/ˈkʌltʃər/)
is an umbrella term which
encompasses the social behavior
and norms found in human
societies, as well as the
knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws,
customs, capabilities, and habits
of the individuals in these groups.
Humans acquire culture through
the learning processes of
enculturation and socialization,
which is shown by the diversity of
cultures across societies.
British anthropologist Edward Taylor,
“Culture is that complex whole which
includes knowledge, belief, art, morals,
law, custom and any other capabilities
and habits acquired by man as. a member
of society”.
G. Hofstede, “Culture is the collective
programming of the mind which
distinguishes the members of one
category of people from another.”
J.P. Lederach, “Culture is the shared
knowledge and schemes created by a set
of people for perceiving, interpreting,
expressing, and responding to the social
realities around them”.
Transfer a knowledge
in culture is when socialization takes place in a
peculiar culture. This socialization transfers the
knowledge of that specific culture to the individuals
being socialized. Culture transfer knowledge form one
society into another society as well. This happens
when people from one culture go to live in another
culture. They carry with them the cultural knowledge to
share with others which might be accepted or
A culture plays vital role in the
society. Being an important ingredient
of society, culture has following
important functions to materialize in a
defining a situation.
Human being faces several scenarios in a day. Culture
defines those scenarios and situation by : Giving him
knowledge about it, By teaching him how to behave
and act in the situation, By telling what the situation
means to the society, By giving him a comparative
view of situation, By bringing forth how others act
during such situation
Forming behavior patterns
Culture in itself is learned and
demonstrated behavior which sets
the pattern of human conduct.
Culture teaches man how to behave
for a particular situation.
Culture molds personality
person who leaves his country to
go and live in abroad for the sake
of earning money adapts to the
foreign culture. This molds his
personality to the new customs
and circumstances
Culture provides solution for complicated
situations. Culture provides man a set of
behaviour for difficult situations. In the absence
of culture man would have been baffled even at
the simplest situations. Culture not only defines
but also determines what we eat and drink,
when to sleep, when to laugh etc.
Culture provides traditional interpretation to
certain situations. Through culture man gets
traditional interpretations for many situations
according to which he determines his behaviour.
Culture keeps social relationship intact. Culture
has importance not only for men but also for the
group. Culture prepares man for group life. Group
life would have been poor, nasty, and short if there
had been no cultural regulations. Group solidarity
rests on the foundation of culture.
Culture has given a new vision to the individual.
Secondly, culture has given a new vision to the co-
operation of the individuals. Culture teaches him to
think of himself as a part of the larger whole. It
provides him with the concepts of family, state,
nation etc. and makes possible the coordination
and division of labour.
Culture has been fulfilling a number of purposes which may be
divided into two – (a) for the individual and (b) for the group.
Culture is learned. Much of learning culture is
unconscious. We learn culture from families, peers,
institutions, and media. The process of learning
culture is known as enculturation.
Culture is shared. It means culture is a collection of
good principles and beliefs, so that humans will try
to preserve it by spreading to other humans.
Culture is based on symbols. A symbol is something
that stands for something else. Symbols vary cross-
culturally and are arbitrary. They only have meaning
when people in a culture agree on their use.
Culture is integrated. This is known as holism, or the
various parts of a culture being interconnected. All
aspects of a culture are related to one another and
to truly understand a culture, one must learn about
all of its parts, not only a few.
Culture is dynamic. This simply means that cultures
interact and change. Because most cultures are in
contact with other cultures, they exchange ideas and
Culture has
five basic
Basically, there are forms of religion that are
primitive and some are embraced by people who
have left the phase of primitiveness. The
religions found in primitive societies are
dynamism, animism, monotheism, etc., out of
the primitive phase.
Some experts and scientists have done a lot of
research and study about the division of religion.
They then divided religion into 3 categories,
namely: World religion, where this term refers to
religion that is international and transcultural
Indigenous religion, which refers to things that
are smaller for example based on certain
cultures in the community or based on certain
religious groups. New religious movements in
which the forms and types of religions on this
one is newly developed by experts and thinkers.
The religion of dynamism is: A religion which contains a
belief in mysterious magical powers. In this ideology
there are certain objects which have supernatural powers
and affect human daily life. Some supernatural powers
are good and some are evil. And in scientific language,
this magical power is called 'where' and in Indonesian
'fortune or magic'.
Religion Animism is: A religion that teaches that every
object, both animate and inanimate, has a spirit. For
primitive societies the spirit is still composed of very fine
material that closely resembles steam or air. The spirit of
certain objects sometimes has a tremendous influence
on human life, for example: Dense forests, large trees and
thick leaves, dark caves, etc.
The religion of monotheism is: There is an essential
acknowledgment that God is one, God Almighty, Creator
of the universe and all contents of life, both moving and
Islamic Culture Islam developed since the
sending of an Apostle named Prophet
Muhammad SAW, while the teachings of
Islam itself are still very thick and sacred,
but contrary to the development of the
world and changing times, the teachings of
Islam were increasingly rampant in creating
a culture, which eventually could be sought
by itself society between Religion and
Culture. Eastern Roman Culture The Roman
Empire was founded in 753. Roman culture
was generally Christian. Persian Culture In
the history of Persian culture, many people
worship various realms, such as the sky,
light, air, air and fire. Fire is symbolized as
a good God, so they worship the fire which
is always lit in the houses.
Cultural forms.
Koentjaraningrat divides culture into several
forms, including
Culture value - Cultural values are values that have been
learned by the community since they were young so it is
difficult to shake and in the future will create an idea or
ideas. Cultural values can be in the form of certain
objects, behavior and human thoughts.
Cultural system - A cultural system is an abstract form
of culture that can be seen through a particular system
or a certain pattern of community life.
Social system - Through social systems, we can see
concrete forms of culture and can even be enshrined. The
social system is a depiction of human behavior that will
continue to run based on certain rules and patterns.
Physical Culture - Physical culture can be interpreted as
a form of culture that can be seen and has a form. For
example, traditional clothing, regional musical
instruments, temples, traditional weapons, and other
historic objects.
Religion and culture seem like complex ideas to study from the perspective of
International Relations. In a sociological perspective, not only is religion
viewed as abstract doctrinally but it comes in material forms, that is, in
everyday life. It is in this context that religion is viewed as part of culture.
BELIEF SYSTEM/WORLDVIEW Many beliefs that fit
together in a system to make sense of the universe
and our place in it. COMMUNITY The belief system is
shared, and its ideals are practiced by a group.
CENTRAL STORIES/MYTHS Stories that help explain
the beliefs of a group. RITUALS Beliefs are
explained, taught, and made real through
ceremonies. ETHICS Rules about how to behave.
religions share emotions. MATERIAL EXPRESSION
Religions use things to perform rituals or to express
or represent beliefs. SACREDNESS Religions see
some things as sacred and some not sacred (or
SYMBOLS A symbol is anything that is used to
stand for something else. LANGUAGE is a system of
words and symbols used to communicate with
other people. VALUES system of values, which are
culturally defined standards for what is good or
desirable. NORMS Cultures differ widely in their
norms, or standards and expectations for behaving.
RITUALS Different cultures also have different
rituals, or established procedures and ceremonies
that often mark transitions in the life course.
FORMS OF GOVERNMENT People form governments
to provide for their common needs, keep order
within society, and protect their society from
outside threats. ARTIFACTS , or material objects,
that constitute a society’s material culture.
Anthropologists and historians generally assume
that religion is part of culture (religion is a part of
every known culture). Because they see culture as
the central point of human life, and they do not
distinguish between religion / beliefs born of
certain community beliefs, and religions that come
from God's revelation to His Prophet. While the
clergy, in general, see religion as a source of
sentiment of human life, especially those that have
to do with the belief system (credo) and the
system of worship (rites). Religion has doctrines
(main points) that bind its adherents, among these
doctrines there are dogmatic (core beliefs), which
cannot be exchanged with opposing traditions and
cultural systems. However, in religion there are
corridors that allow for adjustment or absorption
between religion and the traditions and culture
prevailing in a society. There is a process of mutual
filling, mutual coloring and influence.
In terms of different religions and cultures,
religion is understood as a belief in God.
Mohammad Natsir said that religion is a
“problem of ultimate concern”, which is a
non-negotiable condition that is a must.
culture is a social value and social norm
which then influences the level of
knowledge and is also the work, feeling and
creation of society. So that in daily life,
culture is abstract but its manifestation
has been seen from the birth of a language,
or patterns of behavior that are all intended
for the continuity of people's lives
Religion and culture according to Kuntowijoyo
(1991) are two things that interact with each
other and influence each other. First, religion
influences culture in its formation, its value is
religion, but its symbol is culture. Second,
culture can influence religious symbols, and
third, culture can replace the system of
values and religious symbols.
Cultural and religious relations are not
mutually destructive, both actually support
and influence each other. There is a paradigm
that says that "Humans of religion must be
cultured but humans who are cultured are not
necessarily religious". So, religion and culture
actually never contradict because culture is
not something that dies, but continues to
grow in line with the development of the
times. As well as religion can always develop
in various cultures and civilizations of the
Religion and culture have in similarity/common
that is, both are value systems and symbol
systems. Both religion and culture basically
provide insights and perspectives in life to fit
the will of God and humanity and create an
orderly and directed society.
Although religion and culture are closely related
because both of them regulate social life and are
interconnected, religion and culture must be
distinguishable. The most significant difference
is that religion is a teaching that regulates life
related to God and fellow human beings from God
brought by chosen humans. While culture is a
social order that is regulated or shaped by
humans themselves for the sake of mutual
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1. According to some estimates, how many religions
are there in the world?
2.What covers religious practices?
3. The word religion comes from Sanskrit, which
4. According to Émile Durkheim the meaning of
religion is?
5. Mention one function of Religion !
6. what is the purpose of the practice of a religion?
7. what is the opinion of Researcher Kevin Rounding
and his colleagues?
8. can activate the fear of supernatural punishment?
9. How many characteristic of religion?
10. Mention the characteristic of religion.
11. The word 'culture' comes from?
12. 'the result of human interaction.' is the definition of?
13. Culture is the collective programming of the mind which
distinguishes the members of one category of people from
another.” This statement according to?
14. Mention the functions of culture!
15. A culture plays vital role in?
16. Purposes of culture divided into two, mention it?
17. Mention 2 purposes of culture for individual?
18. Mention 2 characteristics of
19. What is enculturation?
20. We can learn culture from?
21. Mention 3 categories of religion according to expert and
22. What is the definition of indigenous religion?, mention it!
24. What is the definition of cultural system?
25. Mention religions found in primitive societies
26. Religion is viewed as part of?
27. “the belief system is shared, and its ideals are practiced by a
group” it is an definition from?
28. Language is a system of?
29. Explain the undrstanding of symbols!
30. “Belief are explained, taught, and made real through
ceremonies” it is an definition from?
31. What anthropologists and historians think about religion?
32. Religion and culture according to Kuntowijoyo is?
33. What is the similarity between religion and culture?
34. Who says that religion is a "problem of ultimate concern"?
35. The most significant difference between religion and culture
1. 4,200
2. Ritual, sermon, memorial or worship of
god, god or goddess, sacrifice,
festival, party, trance, initiation,
burial services, wedding services,
meditation, prayer, music, art,
dance, community service or other
aspects of human culture.
3. Tradition
4. A system that consists of beliefs and
practices related to the sacred and
unites its adherents in a moral
community (ummah).
5. As a guide./As a source /As a
guide/As a guide to the feeling of
human belief /As a way for humans
/As a way to give identity
6. is to achieve the goal of salvation for
oneself and others, and (if there is a
God) to make worship and obedience to
7. Culture provides solution for complicated
situations And Culture provides
traditional interpretation to certain
8. Culture is learned, culture is shared
9. process of learning culture
10. Famillies, peers, institutions, and media
11. Latin
12. Culture
13. G. Hofstede
14. Transfer a knowledge, defined the
situation, forming behavior patterns, and
molds a personality.
15. the society
16. Culture for individual and culture for groups
17. Culture provides solution for complicated
situations And Culture provides traditional
interpretation to certain situations
18. Culture is learned, culture is shared
19. process of learning culture
20. Famillies, peers, institutions, and media
21. World religion, Indigenous religion, New
22. which refers to things that are smaller for
example based on certain cultures in the
community or based on certain religious
23. Physical Culture, Social system, Cultural
system, Culture value
24. A cultural system is an abstract form of
culture that can be seen through a
particular system or a certain pattern of
community life.
25. Dynamism, Animism, monotheism
26. Culture
27. Community
28. Words and symbols
29. A symbol is anything that is used to stand
for something else
30. Rituals
31. religion is a part of every known culture
32. are two things that interact with each other
and influence each other
33. both are value systems and symbol systems
34. Mohammad Natsir
35. religion is a teaching that regulates life
related to God and fellow human beings
from God brought by chosen humans.
While culture is a social order that is
regulated or shaped by humans
themselves for the sake of mutual

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Mule 4.6 & Java 17 Upgrade | MuleSoft Mysore Meetup #46
Mule 4.6 & Java 17 Upgrade | MuleSoft Mysore Meetup #46Mule 4.6 & Java 17 Upgrade | MuleSoft Mysore Meetup #46
Mule 4.6 & Java 17 Upgrade | MuleSoft Mysore Meetup #46

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  • 1. Religion and culture Created by: Eri Kukuh Prasetyo (23030170172) Nailis Sa’adah (23030170023) Nindhita Febri A. A (23030170026) Dahlia Novi (23030170028) Ishlahul Itsaini (23030170034) Rega Gustav (23030160015) Agil Sofyan (23030160166)
  • 2. RELIGION Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and worldviews that connect humans with the order / orders of life. Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred history that are intended to explain the meaning of life or explain the origin of life or the universe. From their beliefs about the cosmos and human nature, people get morality, ethics, religious law or a preferred lifestyle. According to some estimates, there are around 4,200 religions in the world. Many religions may have organized behavior, priesthood, definition of what constitutes obedience or membership, holy places, and holy books. Religious practices can also include rituals, sermons, warnings or worship of gods, gods or goddesses, sacrifices, festivals, parties, trance, initiation, burial services, wedding services, meditation, prayer, music, art, dance, community services or other aspects of human culture. According to KBBI Religion is a system that regulates the order of faith (belief) and worship of Almighty God and the rules that relate to the association of humans and humans and their environment. The word "religion" comes from Sanskrit, āgama which means "tradition". Another word to express this concept is religion which comes from the Latin religio and is rooted in the verb re-ligare which means "to tie back". That is to say with a tooth, someone bound himself to God. IITSNAINI
  • 3. RELIGION Anthoni F. C. Wallace, the notion of religion is a set of ceremonies that are given rationalization through the existence of myths and move supernatural forces so that conditions change in humans and the universe. Émile Durkheim, the meaning of religion is a system that consists of beliefs and practices related to sacred matters and unites its adherents in a moral community (ummah). As a guide to human life in daily life, both individually and in groups. As a source of rules for human relations with God, and also fellow human beings. As a guide for humans in expressing a sense of togetherness with fellow humans. As a guide to the feeling of human belief in something extraordinary (supernatural) outside of himself. As a way for humans to express the aesthetics / beauty of the universe and all of its contents. As a way to give identity to humans as a people of a religion Some of the functions of religion are as follows: IITSNAINI
  • 4. PURPOSE OF RELIGION The purposes of the practice of a religion are to achieve the goals of salvation for oneself and others, and (if there is a God) to render due worship and obedience to God. Researcher Kevin Rounding and his colleagues are arguing that the primary purpose of religious belief is to enhance the basic cognitive process of self-control, which in turn promotes any number of valuable social behaviors. Religion makes people mindful of an ever watchful God, and thus encourages more self-monitoring. Or religious priming may activate concerns of supernatural punishment. A more secular explanation is that religious priming makes people more concerned about their reputation in the community, leading to more careful self- monitoring. CHARACTERISTICS Sacred Texts & Writing Ethics Rituals Beliefs & Believers Symbols Human Or Religious Experience Founders, Teachers, And Interpreters Social Structures Dynamic, Living Tradition Characteristic Of Religion NAYLI
  • 5. CULTURE Word ‘culture’ comes from the Latin word ‘cultura’ which is related to cult or worship. In its broadest sense, the term refers to the result of human interaction. Culture (/ˈkʌltʃər/) is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups. Humans acquire culture through the learning processes of enculturation and socialization, which is shown by the diversity of cultures across societies. British anthropologist Edward Taylor, “Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as. a member of society”. G. Hofstede, “Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another.” J.P. Lederach, “Culture is the shared knowledge and schemes created by a set of people for perceiving, interpreting, expressing, and responding to the social realities around them”. NINDHITA
  • 6. Transfer a knowledge in culture is when socialization takes place in a peculiar culture. This socialization transfers the knowledge of that specific culture to the individuals being socialized. Culture transfer knowledge form one society into another society as well. This happens when people from one culture go to live in another culture. They carry with them the cultural knowledge to share with others which might be accepted or rejected. CULTURE FUNCTION OF CULTURE A culture plays vital role in the society. Being an important ingredient of society, culture has following important functions to materialize in a society: defining a situation. Human being faces several scenarios in a day. Culture defines those scenarios and situation by : Giving him knowledge about it, By teaching him how to behave and act in the situation, By telling what the situation means to the society, By giving him a comparative view of situation, By bringing forth how others act during such situation Forming behavior patterns Culture in itself is learned and demonstrated behavior which sets the pattern of human conduct. Culture teaches man how to behave for a particular situation. Culture molds personality person who leaves his country to go and live in abroad for the sake of earning money adapts to the foreign culture. This molds his personality to the new customs and circumstances NINDHITA
  • 7. PURPOSE OF CULTURE REGA FOR INDIVIDUAL Culture provides solution for complicated situations. Culture provides man a set of behaviour for difficult situations. In the absence of culture man would have been baffled even at the simplest situations. Culture not only defines but also determines what we eat and drink, when to sleep, when to laugh etc. Culture provides traditional interpretation to certain situations. Through culture man gets traditional interpretations for many situations according to which he determines his behaviour. FOR GROUP Culture keeps social relationship intact. Culture has importance not only for men but also for the group. Culture prepares man for group life. Group life would have been poor, nasty, and short if there had been no cultural regulations. Group solidarity rests on the foundation of culture. Culture has given a new vision to the individual. Secondly, culture has given a new vision to the co- operation of the individuals. Culture teaches him to think of himself as a part of the larger whole. It provides him with the concepts of family, state, nation etc. and makes possible the coordination and division of labour. Culture has been fulfilling a number of purposes which may be divided into two – (a) for the individual and (b) for the group.
  • 8. REGA Culture is learned. Much of learning culture is unconscious. We learn culture from families, peers, institutions, and media. The process of learning culture is known as enculturation. Culture is shared. It means culture is a collection of good principles and beliefs, so that humans will try to preserve it by spreading to other humans. Culture is based on symbols. A symbol is something that stands for something else. Symbols vary cross- culturally and are arbitrary. They only have meaning when people in a culture agree on their use. Culture is integrated. This is known as holism, or the various parts of a culture being interconnected. All aspects of a culture are related to one another and to truly understand a culture, one must learn about all of its parts, not only a few. Culture is dynamic. This simply means that cultures interact and change. Because most cultures are in contact with other cultures, they exchange ideas and symbols. Culture has five basic characteristi cs
  • 9. FORMS RELIGION AND CULTURE Basically, there are forms of religion that are primitive and some are embraced by people who have left the phase of primitiveness. The religions found in primitive societies are dynamism, animism, monotheism, etc., out of the primitive phase. Some experts and scientists have done a lot of research and study about the division of religion. They then divided religion into 3 categories, namely: World religion, where this term refers to religion that is international and transcultural Indigenous religion, which refers to things that are smaller for example based on certain cultures in the community or based on certain religious groups. New religious movements in which the forms and types of religions on this one is newly developed by experts and thinkers. The religion of dynamism is: A religion which contains a belief in mysterious magical powers. In this ideology there are certain objects which have supernatural powers and affect human daily life. Some supernatural powers are good and some are evil. And in scientific language, this magical power is called 'where' and in Indonesian 'fortune or magic'. Religion Animism is: A religion that teaches that every object, both animate and inanimate, has a spirit. For primitive societies the spirit is still composed of very fine material that closely resembles steam or air. The spirit of certain objects sometimes has a tremendous influence on human life, for example: Dense forests, large trees and thick leaves, dark caves, etc. The religion of monotheism is: There is an essential acknowledgment that God is one, God Almighty, Creator of the universe and all contents of life, both moving and immovable. LEAVING PROJECT
  • 10. Islamic Culture Islam developed since the sending of an Apostle named Prophet Muhammad SAW, while the teachings of Islam itself are still very thick and sacred, but contrary to the development of the world and changing times, the teachings of Islam were increasingly rampant in creating a culture, which eventually could be sought by itself society between Religion and Culture. Eastern Roman Culture The Roman Empire was founded in 753. Roman culture was generally Christian. Persian Culture In the history of Persian culture, many people worship various realms, such as the sky, light, air, air and fire. Fire is symbolized as a good God, so they worship the fire which is always lit in the houses. Cultural forms. Koentjaraningrat divides culture into several forms, including Culture value - Cultural values are values that have been learned by the community since they were young so it is difficult to shake and in the future will create an idea or ideas. Cultural values can be in the form of certain objects, behavior and human thoughts. Cultural system - A cultural system is an abstract form of culture that can be seen through a particular system or a certain pattern of community life. Social system - Through social systems, we can see concrete forms of culture and can even be enshrined. The social system is a depiction of human behavior that will continue to run based on certain rules and patterns. Physical Culture - Physical culture can be interpreted as a form of culture that can be seen and has a form. For example, traditional clothing, regional musical instruments, temples, traditional weapons, and other historic objects. LEAVING PROJECT
  • 11. ELEMENTS RELIGION AND CULTURE Religion and culture seem like complex ideas to study from the perspective of International Relations. In a sociological perspective, not only is religion viewed as abstract doctrinally but it comes in material forms, that is, in everyday life. It is in this context that religion is viewed as part of culture. ELEMENT OF RELIGION BELIEF SYSTEM/WORLDVIEW Many beliefs that fit together in a system to make sense of the universe and our place in it. COMMUNITY The belief system is shared, and its ideals are practiced by a group. CENTRAL STORIES/MYTHS Stories that help explain the beliefs of a group. RITUALS Beliefs are explained, taught, and made real through ceremonies. ETHICS Rules about how to behave. CHARACTERISTIC EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES Most religions share emotions. MATERIAL EXPRESSION Religions use things to perform rituals or to express or represent beliefs. SACREDNESS Religions see some things as sacred and some not sacred (or profane). ELEMENT OF CULTURE SYMBOLS A symbol is anything that is used to stand for something else. LANGUAGE is a system of words and symbols used to communicate with other people. VALUES system of values, which are culturally defined standards for what is good or desirable. NORMS Cultures differ widely in their norms, or standards and expectations for behaving. RITUALS Different cultures also have different rituals, or established procedures and ceremonies that often mark transitions in the life course. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT People form governments to provide for their common needs, keep order within society, and protect their society from outside threats. ARTIFACTS , or material objects, that constitute a society’s material culture. DAHLIA
  • 12. RELATION RELIGION AND CULTURE Anthropologists and historians generally assume that religion is part of culture (religion is a part of every known culture). Because they see culture as the central point of human life, and they do not distinguish between religion / beliefs born of certain community beliefs, and religions that come from God's revelation to His Prophet. While the clergy, in general, see religion as a source of sentiment of human life, especially those that have to do with the belief system (credo) and the system of worship (rites). Religion has doctrines (main points) that bind its adherents, among these doctrines there are dogmatic (core beliefs), which cannot be exchanged with opposing traditions and cultural systems. However, in religion there are corridors that allow for adjustment or absorption between religion and the traditions and culture prevailing in a society. There is a process of mutual filling, mutual coloring and influence. In terms of different religions and cultures, religion is understood as a belief in God. Mohammad Natsir said that religion is a “problem of ultimate concern”, which is a non-negotiable condition that is a must. culture is a social value and social norm which then influences the level of knowledge and is also the work, feeling and creation of society. So that in daily life, culture is abstract but its manifestation has been seen from the birth of a language, or patterns of behavior that are all intended for the continuity of people's lives KUKUH
  • 13. Religion and culture according to Kuntowijoyo (1991) are two things that interact with each other and influence each other. First, religion influences culture in its formation, its value is religion, but its symbol is culture. Second, culture can influence religious symbols, and third, culture can replace the system of values and religious symbols. Cultural and religious relations are not mutually destructive, both actually support and influence each other. There is a paradigm that says that "Humans of religion must be cultured but humans who are cultured are not necessarily religious". So, religion and culture actually never contradict because culture is not something that dies, but continues to grow in line with the development of the times. As well as religion can always develop in various cultures and civilizations of the world. Religion and culture have in similarity/common that is, both are value systems and symbol systems. Both religion and culture basically provide insights and perspectives in life to fit the will of God and humanity and create an orderly and directed society. Although religion and culture are closely related because both of them regulate social life and are interconnected, religion and culture must be distinguishable. The most significant difference is that religion is a teaching that regulates life related to God and fellow human beings from God brought by chosen humans. While culture is a social order that is regulated or shaped by humans themselves for the sake of mutual continuity. KUKUH
  • 14. CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik. Thanks! Do you have any questions? +91 620 421 838 Please keep this slide for attribution.
  • 15. 1. According to some estimates, how many religions are there in the world? 2.What covers religious practices? 3. The word religion comes from Sanskrit, which means? 4. According to Émile Durkheim the meaning of religion is? 5. Mention one function of Religion ! 6. what is the purpose of the practice of a religion? 7. what is the opinion of Researcher Kevin Rounding and his colleagues? 8. can activate the fear of supernatural punishment? 9. How many characteristic of religion? 10. Mention the characteristic of religion. QUESTIONS NUMBER 1-10
  • 16. 11. The word 'culture' comes from? 12. 'the result of human interaction.' is the definition of? 13. Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another.” This statement according to? 14. Mention the functions of culture! 15. A culture plays vital role in? 16. Purposes of culture divided into two, mention it? 17. Mention 2 purposes of culture for individual? 18. Mention 2 characteristics of 19. What is enculturation? 20. We can learn culture from? QUESTIONS NUMBER 11-20
  • 17. 21. Mention 3 categories of religion according to expert and scientists? 22. What is the definition of indigenous religion?, mention it! 24. What is the definition of cultural system? 25. Mention religions found in primitive societies 26. Religion is viewed as part of? 27. “the belief system is shared, and its ideals are practiced by a group” it is an definition from? 28. Language is a system of? 29. Explain the undrstanding of symbols! 30. “Belief are explained, taught, and made real through ceremonies” it is an definition from? 31. What anthropologists and historians think about religion? 32. Religion and culture according to Kuntowijoyo is? 33. What is the similarity between religion and culture? 34. Who says that religion is a "problem of ultimate concern"? 35. The most significant difference between religion and culture is? QUESTIONS NUMBER 21-35
  • 18. 1. 4,200 2. Ritual, sermon, memorial or worship of god, god or goddess, sacrifice, festival, party, trance, initiation, burial services, wedding services, meditation, prayer, music, art, dance, community service or other aspects of human culture. 3. Tradition 4. A system that consists of beliefs and practices related to the sacred and unites its adherents in a moral community (ummah). 5. As a guide./As a source /As a guide/As a guide to the feeling of human belief /As a way for humans /As a way to give identity ANSWERS KEY (1-15) 6. is to achieve the goal of salvation for oneself and others, and (if there is a God) to make worship and obedience to God. 7. Culture provides solution for complicated situations And Culture provides traditional interpretation to certain situations 8. Culture is learned, culture is shared 9. process of learning culture 10. Famillies, peers, institutions, and media 11. Latin 12. Culture 13. G. Hofstede 14. Transfer a knowledge, defined the situation, forming behavior patterns, and molds a personality. 15. the society
  • 19. 16. Culture for individual and culture for groups 17. Culture provides solution for complicated situations And Culture provides traditional interpretation to certain situations 18. Culture is learned, culture is shared 19. process of learning culture 20. Famillies, peers, institutions, and media 21. World religion, Indigenous religion, New religious 22. which refers to things that are smaller for example based on certain cultures in the community or based on certain religious groups 23. Physical Culture, Social system, Cultural system, Culture value 24. A cultural system is an abstract form of culture that can be seen through a particular system or a certain pattern of community life. ANSWERS KEY (16-35) 25. Dynamism, Animism, monotheism 26. Culture 27. Community 28. Words and symbols 29. A symbol is anything that is used to stand for something else 30. Rituals 31. religion is a part of every known culture 32. are two things that interact with each other and influence each other 33. both are value systems and symbol systems 34. Mohammad Natsir 35. religion is a teaching that regulates life related to God and fellow human beings from God brought by chosen humans. While culture is a social order that is regulated or shaped by humans themselves for the sake of mutual continuity.