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                        FOUNDATION FOR HAITI
              FEBRUARY 2011                                                     VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1

December 2010 Mission Trip to Terrier-Rouge
                                         with several bumps and bruises         After my return to Canada, I was
                                         caused by two falls to the cement      informed that two cooperatives
                                         floors. My pride is also hurt, but I   are ready to contract with KAMI,
                                         will recover.                          based on the terms already pre-
                                                                                sented to S.H.A.R.E Agriculture
                                         In spite of this, there were many suc-
                                                                                Foundation last September.
                                         cesses resulting from this trip, which
                                         makes me happy. Some of the goals 4) I have found that we have
                                         I was aiming to achieve were as fol- three candidates wishing to com-
                                         lows:                                  pete for the Ag. Tech position for
                                                                                KAMI. This will take place dur-
                                         1) To open the “Lakay KAMI (Home
                                                                                ing my next trip.
                                            of KAMI) to visitors of our pro-
Michel Jobin inspects KAMI stoves.          gram “Awareness Trip to Haiti”. 5) Finally, we have found a local
                                            This went very well, thanks to the welder who is able to manufac-
This last trip to Terrier-Rouge ,        presence of Idalina and Kathleen.      ture kerosene tanks at a reason-
Haiti was certainly the most difficult                                          able cost. This can represent a
                                         2) Thanks to the ladies, we were able saving of 50% in weight and
one that I have lived in many years.     to transport 45 burner sets which will 80% in volume of future ship-
Not because of the threat of Chol-       allow KAMI to continue installing ments from the Philippines to
era, which remains very present in       stoves in the area.                    Haiti. It has been a good trip,
the country, not because of the dis-                                            after all.
turbance caused by elections. In the     3) To negotiate terms of reference
past 23 years, I have survived three     with local vegetable grower coopera-
elections, two “Coups d'état”, over      tives on planting Jatropha trees.           Inside this issue:
ten “Defacto” governments and one        Several meetings were held with lead-
“Embargo” etc. My biggest problem        ers; they in turn consulted with their
during this trip was my health. I am     members.                                    Enrique Laguinia       2
recovering from a stroke which I
suffered in September 2010, along                                                   LIGHT FOR ALL          2

                                                      Young Boys Pray               Visitor Observations   3
                                                      For a Broken
                                                      Haiti                         Visitor Observations   4

                                                      A group of boys during        Visitor Observations   5
                                                      their daily visits to
                                                      “Lakay KAMI (Home of
                                                                                    Ann’s Coffee           6
                                                      KAMI) to pray for their
                                                                                    Good News              6

                                                                                             Newsletter Editor:
      Boys Visiting and Praying for Haiti                                                        Mike Labelle
KAMI                                                                              Page 2

The Gravity Fed Kerosene Stove and it’s Precision F-2 Burner
                               The Story of Goodfire                                        One day he got to thinking
                                                              He also remembered how        that the burners were getting
                               Pump type kerosene stoves      gravity made the dextrose     expensive and he should
                               have been around since the     flow. “Why not apply this     build an alternative.
                               beginning of the 20th cen-     to the kerosene stove?” He
                               tury. Kerosene lamps have      thought. For 10 years he      Again, after many years of
                               been a constant fixture, it    worked to find a way to       trying and testing, the com-
                               was inevitable that stoves     make it work.                 pany introduced the F-2
                               run by kerosene would be-      By 1955 he had his working    Burner. This burner was
                               come the next most com-        model, the GF-2 which was     cost effective replacement to
                               mon household item.            promptly sold to one of the   the four legged burner
Mr. Enrique Laguinia Inventor. Enrique Laguinia has al-       restaurant‟s customers.       known as the Standard #2
                               ways been a „tinkerer‟.                                      burner. The new burner was
PRECISION F-2 BURNER Working after hours at the           He continued to refine his
                                                          invention, and in the early       simpler with only two legs,
                               back of his father‟s restau-
                               rant, he had many, many    1960‟s he got the chance to       had fewer welded parts and
                               inventions in the works.   move to the big city, Ma-         was easier to clean. This
                               His mother had a store     nila. There he opened a           translated in better value for
                               about 40 kms. from the city;
                                                          shop in middle of China-          the buyer. Goodfire Stoves
                               there, the women did the   town beside the fire station      Corporation has been mak-
                               cooking with the pump type and employed one person.          ing kerosene stoves and
                               kerosene stove.          He                                  burners since 1955. We
                                                          He began building and sell-
                               thought, „there must be an                                   continue to refine and test
                               easier way to cook!‟       ing his kerosene stoves.
                                                          With perseverance, a lot of       our products to give our cus-
                                                                                            tomers the best and safest
                              He remembered the dex- sweat and luck, he was able
The Precision F-2 Burner Used trose bottles he used while to open a factory in the city     products that we can. By
on All KAMI Stoves in Haiti   working with the hospital by the mid 1960‟s.              Elma Laguinia.
                              company during World War                                  GOODFIRE STOVES INC.
Collaboration between LIGHT FOR ALL, South West of Haiti and KAMI Foundation for Haiti, Terrier-Rouge
In January “LaKay KAMI” hosted         During their two day stay, they were
two visitors from Jeremie (South-      briefed on KAMI”s method of func-
West of Haiti. They are members of     tioning. They spent some time with
“LIGHT FOR ALL”, an NGO based          our manufacturers to exchange in-
in Florida. They read about KAMI       formation and they visited several
and it‟s stove on our website.         families who use our stoves.

With great enthusiasm, they came to    LIGHT FOR ALL has two planta-
Terrier-Rouge to learn how to manu-    tions with a total of 30,000 trees and
facture the kerosene stoves which      are disposed to help with our planta-
will function on biodiesel extracted   tion in the near future.
from Jatropha. Chavanne and Dieu
                                                                                Jocelyn (KAMI), Frankie (Manufacturer),
-Seul were well hosted by Jocelyn,
                                                                                Chavanne and Dieu Seul (LIGHT FOR
KAMI”s agent and Nazou.                                                         ALL), and Johnson (Manufacturer)
Page 3                                                            VOLUME 2         ISSUE 1

Awareness Trip to Terrier-Rouge, Haiti
Observations Of Our First Two Visitors in November, 2010
Here are some of my notes and reflections concerning my         Arriving at our final desti-
experience on the path of this Awareness Trip.                  nation, we unloaded our
                                                                luggage, rested and ate,
Blessed by the positive unfolding of events, we could           got acquainted with the
leave on November 23rd, 2010, after some uncertainties          house and surroundings
regarding Michel‟s health condition and his readiness to        and I slowly began to re-
travel.                                                         lationship with the local         Idalina Ferreira
                                                                residents; we started with the four Haitians who formed our
I was fortunate to share the company of our “KAMI               entourage. Mr. Louis: our night guardian and water carrier,
couple”: Kathleen and Michel Jobin, both familiar with           Nazou: a joyous young lady, responsible for our evening
the places and culture that we were entering. THANKS            meals, Benson: a young boy who ran errands, attended
Michel and Kathleen for being there; for your companion-        school and lived with us, and finally, Jocelyn Latour: who
ship, our sharing together along the road, and in LaKay         every morning, came to meet with us and share our lives.
Kami. I send an extended THANKS to Jocelyn Latour               He also lead the program of the day. We were a family
(Kami‟s Local Agent in Terrier-Rouge) who kindly came           despite the language barriers, Michel was our interpreter.
to meet us at the border, facilitating our entry and our stay   One day we visited a few aged and sick people, with spe-
in Haiti.                                                       cial needs and who are confined to their little huts. Talk
                                                                about hope, one very elderly gentleman, had just adopted a
Entering Haiti from the Dominican Republic, we cleared          4 year old boy for companionship. He told us that even
customs with relative ease. We crossed the so called            with all his limitations, he decided to raise this poor child.
“Massacre River” which separates the two countries, by          He took great care and compassion with the boy. When we
winding along their borders. I was informed that the river      approached the little boy, he preciously gripped the old
gets its name, stemming from a historical event. Domini-        man‟s hand, happy that he was feeling secure in his com-
can Dictator Trojillo ordered the killing of 30,000 Hai-        pany. Love and kindness within misery for sure!
tians along this river; their bodies littered the currents of
the river. I thought to myself, this place seems to have        The elderly people were all ill and in lonely solitude; they
kept traces of a suffocated atmosphere, still today.            are people who have no one to care for them. Jocelyn and
                                                                Sister Reine, a Canadian Sister from New Brunswick, are
I watched people going back and forth, restless and             trying to organise assistance for them. They distribute food
scared, pushing each other, shouting to one another, look-      to them when it is available. They visit once a week, get
ing for some kind of rescue as if in despair; the fight being   the elderly people together to socialize by speaking with
who would carry the load and be paid for their services.        them, sharing a meal and simply harmonizing to uplift the
Haitians compete for the traveller‟s attention, hoping to       human condition. I wished that I had learned to speak Cre-
make some money.                                                ole, the native language. I could have listened and shared
                                                                their stories of sorrows and joy. I truly know that the Sav-
Once on the other side of the river, the hour long drive to     iour was born for such people amidst their pains and suffer-
Terrier-Rouge was smooth and scenic. I took in the beau-        ing.
tiful sights of hills and landscapes. From the back of our
truck, this trip was breathtaking and simply gorgeous. We       Looking at faces on the streets, at the market place, by the
were in the rainy season, patches of green grass cropped        fountain area, or simply doing chores around their houses, I
up here and there, over mostly arid acres. Only small           witnessed most commonly SMILES, tainted by sadness. I
shrubs were visible in some areas, a few ‟very‟ poor vil-       attempted to read their expressions. Often, the conversa-
lages lined the tarred road side. Also, some banana plants      tions were centered on concerns about the Cholera epi-
could be seen accenting some small run down houses as           demic, which is never far away. The most common ques-
we travelled.                                                   tion, “Will the outbreak spread this far north?
                                                                Continued on next page.
KAMI                                                                                  Page 4

Continued: Idalina Ferreira                                     Among the blessings I saw those numerous children on the
                                                                streets. They come as if to put balance on the scene. Chil-
Thankfully, the population is getting specific instructions     dren live in the present moment, so they play everywhere,
and demonstrations on how to prevent contamination,             have fun with almost anything they find. On two eve-
something positive to put the people at ease.                   nings, we had the group of children. They came to pray
                                                                with us. They chant, laugh, and run all over the place. The
I also encountered people of faith and faithful people.         streets in particular are all theirs. Beautiful ALIVENESS!
Each day, I attended church prayer service at 6:00 am, and      They are the unfolding tomorrow.
each morning a different group would lead the half hour
prayer of fervent supplications for the end of Cholera and      Families value education and are very proud of their chil-
for the increase in well being of all.                          dren. They are sent to school so well dressed and neat.
As elsewhere in the country, there is much scarcity in Ter-     Miracles!
rier-Rouge; it is a rural area. Members of the Agricultural
Cooperative told us that all of their small crops had been      Every Sunday morning at 8:30 am mass, the church is full
destroyed by devastating rand and winds of hurricane Tho-       of happy children, singing from the depths of their hearts
mas. They were left at point zero, with nothing. People         and souls. POWERFUL vibrations. GOD WITH US!
were discouraged; they find themselves looking for some         Light and Joy.
other ways to survive. I do believe that this fact contrib-
uted to why we did not see or speak with more members of        I have returned from this sacred experience and I am still
the Co-op or KAMI stove users. They are very difficult          meditating on the voyage. I am thankful for the role of the
times, even more than usual.                                    Churches and the Non-Governed Organizations.

The NEED for more stove is immense. People HOPE for             It was a beautiful experience, in spite of the hardships all
significant changes, including KAMI and all friends of          around me. Re-entries are challenging, questions arise in
Haiti.                                                          my heart, first about me:

It was the final week of the election campaign, sleep was       What changes in my life am I invited to make, so to more
shortened by the noisy political rallies held throughout the    adequately collaborate toward a more just world? Is my
town and often right out front of the KAMI headquarters.        solidarity a path for Transformation?
Elections? Yes! Eight million people wait on the govern-
ment to do something; to reverse the situation and give         Am I doing something concrete and meaningful to help
back hope. Will the next government move the “heavy             increase fraternity and equality in our country and in
stone” away?                                                    theirs? Just sharing!

The words of Carolyn McDade come to m mind and would            To all my friends and family, I thank you all and God
much translate my feelings:                                     Bless.
“My heart was moved by all I cannot save,
So much has been destroyed.

I have to cast my lot with those who age
 after age, persevere,

With no extraordinary power,
To reconstitute the world.” (C.D.)

I‟m aware that there IS in sight, definitely the grounding
resources-humane resources, richness abundance of
God‟s gifts. If ONLY we believe it.

                                                               Two young boys sharing a chair and plate of food at LaKay KAMI
Page 5                                                                              KAMI

Kathleen’s Word                                                                             Neighbour Marie Belle, who
                                                                                            lives next door, kindly supplies
On September 16th 2010,
                                                                                            the residents and visitors to
the same day that Michel                                                                    LaKay KAMI with fresh eggs
suffered his stroke, he had                                                                 and vegetables on a weekly
received information from                                                                   basis.
Jocelyn Latour that the 14
year old son of Mr.
Morilon Louis, our night
watchman in Terrier-
Rouge, had fallen from a
mango tree and broken
both arms.
Wadlyn had been taken to
the hospital in Cap Hai-         Kathleen Jobin, Wadlyn and his father Morilon Louis
tian, but in Haiti any treat-
                                cil to pass a motion to      son to visit us at KAMI‟s
ment has to be paid in ad-
                                donate the $700 required     headquarters. Michel took
vance of treatment; the
                                for surgery.                 a picture to mark the event.
family did not have the
money.                          It took nearly two           It is humbling and very
                                months, because the sur-     moving to see the patience
I was able to send enough
                                geon fell ill, but finally   and dignity of people who          Marie Belle, Neighbour
money so that Wadlyn
                                Wadlyn received the          have so little and suffered
Louis could receive pain
                                needed surgery to repair     so much. With tears in his       Some Fine Residents Of
medication and basic care.
                                his arm.                     eyes, Mr. Louis expressed       Terrier-Rouge, Who Have
Mr. Louis stayed at his
son‟s bedside to bring food     During the week that I       his gratitude on behalf of             Become Cherished
to him and to look after his    spent in Haiti near the      his son and his family.                         Friends.
daily needs.                    end of November 2010,        Thanks to the generosity of
                                Jocelyn Latour took          the Knights of Columbus,
When Rick Rolfe, Chan-                                       Wadlyn Louis will not have
                                Idalina, our visitor from
cellor for Council 8851,                                     to go through life with his
                                Winnipeg and me to visit
Knights of Columbus,                                         arm deformed or even am-
                                Mr. Louis‟ family; later
Orangeville heard about         Mr. Louis brought his        putated.
the need, he asked Coun
Children With A Smile
Local boys and girls, visit-
ing LaKay KAMI. They
take great pride in display-
ing the culture of Haiti.
It is very pleasing to see
children get so much out
of so little.
God has blessed them.                                                                          Housekeeper and Fine Cook
GOOD NEWS For Supporters of KAMI
                                           Receipts for Donors
                                           KAMI can now issue receipts for personal income tax purposes,
                                           thanks to our
                                           partnership with
                                           S.H.A.R.E Agricultural Foundation.
                                            The cheque, for $100 or more must be made
                                           payable to:
                                           S.H.A.R.E Agricultural Foundation with
                                           KAMI Foundation in the memo box.
                                           mail all cheques to:
                                           KAMI FOUNDATION for Haiti
                                           834474 4TH LINE
  Completed KAMI Stove                     TOWN OF MONO
                                           R.R.1 ORANGEVILLE, ONTARIO CANADA L9W 2Y8

Awareness Trips to LaKay Kami in Terrier-Rouge, Haiti
We invite friends of KAMI Foundation for Haiti to       Assorted types of visits can be arranged; for the in-
consider planning a trip to Haiti. We assure you that   quisitive visitor, we will arrange for you to see the
it will be informative and educational.                 KAMI stoves in households, where they are used.
The village of Terrier-Rouge is situated about 40kms.   You will also visit the manufacturing facilities, in-
from the northern border, between Haiti and the Do-     cluding schools and cooperative. For those with gifts
minican Republic. Although a considerable distance      in music, arts, sports, we can arrange for you to lead
from the Capital, Port-Au-Prince, Terrier-Rouge is      workshops with local groups.
easily accessible from Puerto Plata, Dominican Re-
public.                                                 Please contact Michel and Kathleen Jobin for more
                                                        details at:
                                                        Ann Lay's Second Annual Coffee Morning
Michel Jobin           Chair                            On February 26, 2011, at
Orangeville, ON                                         10 am, Ann Lay will host a
Sheila Flattery   Vice Chair                            Morning Coffee Event at
Orangeville ON                                          her home in the Village of
Victoria Meneses Treasurer                              Melville (Caledon) in order
Orangeville ON                                          to update friends, support-
Ann Lay             Director                            ers and anyone who would
Caledon ON                                              like to know more, about
Jean-Paul Gauthier Director                             the work of the KAMI                 Ann Lay and Rosie
Orangeville ON                                          Foundation for Haiti, and
Dale Hahn          Director                             especially to provide an        If you are interested,
Orangeville ON                                          update on Michel' s most        please confirm your at-
Kathleen Jobin     Director                             recent trip to Terrier-         tendance by calling Ann
Orangeville ON                                          R o u g e ,      H a i t i .    at 519-940-3659. Also,
Arshad Shah        Director                                                             please bring a friend (or
                                                                                        two) !
Newmarket ON
Stephen White      Director
Orangeville ON

Printing courtesy of the people at                         “Partnering to benefit the people of Haiti.”
ORANGEVILLE HONDA                                                Mike Labelle 519-941-6221

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Kami newsletter 3 feb 2011

  • 1. KAMI FOUNDATION FOR HAITI FEBRUARY 2011 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 December 2010 Mission Trip to Terrier-Rouge with several bumps and bruises After my return to Canada, I was caused by two falls to the cement informed that two cooperatives floors. My pride is also hurt, but I are ready to contract with KAMI, will recover. based on the terms already pre- sented to S.H.A.R.E Agriculture In spite of this, there were many suc- Foundation last September. cesses resulting from this trip, which makes me happy. Some of the goals 4) I have found that we have I was aiming to achieve were as fol- three candidates wishing to com- lows: pete for the Ag. Tech position for KAMI. This will take place dur- 1) To open the “Lakay KAMI (Home ing my next trip. of KAMI) to visitors of our pro- Michel Jobin inspects KAMI stoves. gram “Awareness Trip to Haiti”. 5) Finally, we have found a local This went very well, thanks to the welder who is able to manufac- This last trip to Terrier-Rouge , presence of Idalina and Kathleen. ture kerosene tanks at a reason- Haiti was certainly the most difficult able cost. This can represent a 2) Thanks to the ladies, we were able saving of 50% in weight and one that I have lived in many years. to transport 45 burner sets which will 80% in volume of future ship- Not because of the threat of Chol- allow KAMI to continue installing ments from the Philippines to era, which remains very present in stoves in the area. Haiti. It has been a good trip, the country, not because of the dis- after all. turbance caused by elections. In the 3) To negotiate terms of reference past 23 years, I have survived three with local vegetable grower coopera- elections, two “Coups d'état”, over tives on planting Jatropha trees. Inside this issue: ten “Defacto” governments and one Several meetings were held with lead- “Embargo” etc. My biggest problem ers; they in turn consulted with their during this trip was my health. I am members. Enrique Laguinia 2 recovering from a stroke which I suffered in September 2010, along LIGHT FOR ALL 2 Young Boys Pray Visitor Observations 3 For a Broken Haiti Visitor Observations 4 A group of boys during Visitor Observations 5 their daily visits to “Lakay KAMI (Home of Ann’s Coffee 6 KAMI) to pray for their country. Good News 6 Newsletter Editor: Boys Visiting and Praying for Haiti Mike Labelle
  • 2. KAMI Page 2 The Gravity Fed Kerosene Stove and it’s Precision F-2 Burner The Story of Goodfire One day he got to thinking He also remembered how that the burners were getting Pump type kerosene stoves gravity made the dextrose expensive and he should have been around since the flow. “Why not apply this build an alternative. beginning of the 20th cen- to the kerosene stove?” He tury. Kerosene lamps have thought. For 10 years he Again, after many years of been a constant fixture, it worked to find a way to trying and testing, the com- was inevitable that stoves make it work. pany introduced the F-2 run by kerosene would be- By 1955 he had his working Burner. This burner was come the next most com- model, the GF-2 which was cost effective replacement to mon household item. promptly sold to one of the the four legged burner Mr. Enrique Laguinia Inventor. Enrique Laguinia has al- restaurant‟s customers. known as the Standard #2 ways been a „tinkerer‟. burner. The new burner was PRECISION F-2 BURNER Working after hours at the He continued to refine his invention, and in the early simpler with only two legs, back of his father‟s restau- rant, he had many, many 1960‟s he got the chance to had fewer welded parts and inventions in the works. move to the big city, Ma- was easier to clean. This His mother had a store nila. There he opened a translated in better value for about 40 kms. from the city; shop in middle of China- the buyer. Goodfire Stoves there, the women did the town beside the fire station Corporation has been mak- cooking with the pump type and employed one person. ing kerosene stoves and kerosene stove. He burners since 1955. We He began building and sell- thought, „there must be an continue to refine and test easier way to cook!‟ ing his kerosene stoves. With perseverance, a lot of our products to give our cus- tomers the best and safest He remembered the dex- sweat and luck, he was able The Precision F-2 Burner Used trose bottles he used while to open a factory in the city products that we can. By on All KAMI Stoves in Haiti working with the hospital by the mid 1960‟s. Elma Laguinia. company during World War GOODFIRE STOVES INC. II. Philippines Collaboration between LIGHT FOR ALL, South West of Haiti and KAMI Foundation for Haiti, Terrier-Rouge In January “LaKay KAMI” hosted During their two day stay, they were two visitors from Jeremie (South- briefed on KAMI”s method of func- West of Haiti. They are members of tioning. They spent some time with “LIGHT FOR ALL”, an NGO based our manufacturers to exchange in- in Florida. They read about KAMI formation and they visited several and it‟s stove on our website. families who use our stoves. With great enthusiasm, they came to LIGHT FOR ALL has two planta- Terrier-Rouge to learn how to manu- tions with a total of 30,000 trees and facture the kerosene stoves which are disposed to help with our planta- will function on biodiesel extracted tion in the near future. from Jatropha. Chavanne and Dieu Jocelyn (KAMI), Frankie (Manufacturer), -Seul were well hosted by Jocelyn, Chavanne and Dieu Seul (LIGHT FOR KAMI”s agent and Nazou. ALL), and Johnson (Manufacturer)
  • 3. Page 3 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 Awareness Trip to Terrier-Rouge, Haiti Observations Of Our First Two Visitors in November, 2010 Here are some of my notes and reflections concerning my Arriving at our final desti- experience on the path of this Awareness Trip. nation, we unloaded our luggage, rested and ate, Blessed by the positive unfolding of events, we could got acquainted with the leave on November 23rd, 2010, after some uncertainties house and surroundings regarding Michel‟s health condition and his readiness to and I slowly began to re- travel. lationship with the local Idalina Ferreira residents; we started with the four Haitians who formed our I was fortunate to share the company of our “KAMI entourage. Mr. Louis: our night guardian and water carrier, couple”: Kathleen and Michel Jobin, both familiar with Nazou: a joyous young lady, responsible for our evening the places and culture that we were entering. THANKS meals, Benson: a young boy who ran errands, attended Michel and Kathleen for being there; for your companion- school and lived with us, and finally, Jocelyn Latour: who ship, our sharing together along the road, and in LaKay every morning, came to meet with us and share our lives. Kami. I send an extended THANKS to Jocelyn Latour He also lead the program of the day. We were a family (Kami‟s Local Agent in Terrier-Rouge) who kindly came despite the language barriers, Michel was our interpreter. to meet us at the border, facilitating our entry and our stay One day we visited a few aged and sick people, with spe- in Haiti. cial needs and who are confined to their little huts. Talk about hope, one very elderly gentleman, had just adopted a Entering Haiti from the Dominican Republic, we cleared 4 year old boy for companionship. He told us that even customs with relative ease. We crossed the so called with all his limitations, he decided to raise this poor child. “Massacre River” which separates the two countries, by He took great care and compassion with the boy. When we winding along their borders. I was informed that the river approached the little boy, he preciously gripped the old gets its name, stemming from a historical event. Domini- man‟s hand, happy that he was feeling secure in his com- can Dictator Trojillo ordered the killing of 30,000 Hai- pany. Love and kindness within misery for sure! tians along this river; their bodies littered the currents of the river. I thought to myself, this place seems to have The elderly people were all ill and in lonely solitude; they kept traces of a suffocated atmosphere, still today. are people who have no one to care for them. Jocelyn and Sister Reine, a Canadian Sister from New Brunswick, are I watched people going back and forth, restless and trying to organise assistance for them. They distribute food scared, pushing each other, shouting to one another, look- to them when it is available. They visit once a week, get ing for some kind of rescue as if in despair; the fight being the elderly people together to socialize by speaking with who would carry the load and be paid for their services. them, sharing a meal and simply harmonizing to uplift the Haitians compete for the traveller‟s attention, hoping to human condition. I wished that I had learned to speak Cre- make some money. ole, the native language. I could have listened and shared their stories of sorrows and joy. I truly know that the Sav- Once on the other side of the river, the hour long drive to iour was born for such people amidst their pains and suffer- Terrier-Rouge was smooth and scenic. I took in the beau- ing. tiful sights of hills and landscapes. From the back of our truck, this trip was breathtaking and simply gorgeous. We Looking at faces on the streets, at the market place, by the were in the rainy season, patches of green grass cropped fountain area, or simply doing chores around their houses, I up here and there, over mostly arid acres. Only small witnessed most commonly SMILES, tainted by sadness. I shrubs were visible in some areas, a few ‟very‟ poor vil- attempted to read their expressions. Often, the conversa- lages lined the tarred road side. Also, some banana plants tions were centered on concerns about the Cholera epi- could be seen accenting some small run down houses as demic, which is never far away. The most common ques- we travelled. tion, “Will the outbreak spread this far north? Continued on next page.
  • 4. KAMI Page 4 Continued: Idalina Ferreira Among the blessings I saw those numerous children on the streets. They come as if to put balance on the scene. Chil- Thankfully, the population is getting specific instructions dren live in the present moment, so they play everywhere, and demonstrations on how to prevent contamination, have fun with almost anything they find. On two eve- something positive to put the people at ease. nings, we had the group of children. They came to pray with us. They chant, laugh, and run all over the place. The I also encountered people of faith and faithful people. streets in particular are all theirs. Beautiful ALIVENESS! Each day, I attended church prayer service at 6:00 am, and They are the unfolding tomorrow. each morning a different group would lead the half hour prayer of fervent supplications for the end of Cholera and Families value education and are very proud of their chil- for the increase in well being of all. dren. They are sent to school so well dressed and neat. As elsewhere in the country, there is much scarcity in Ter- Miracles! rier-Rouge; it is a rural area. Members of the Agricultural Cooperative told us that all of their small crops had been Every Sunday morning at 8:30 am mass, the church is full destroyed by devastating rand and winds of hurricane Tho- of happy children, singing from the depths of their hearts mas. They were left at point zero, with nothing. People and souls. POWERFUL vibrations. GOD WITH US! were discouraged; they find themselves looking for some Light and Joy. other ways to survive. I do believe that this fact contrib- uted to why we did not see or speak with more members of I have returned from this sacred experience and I am still the Co-op or KAMI stove users. They are very difficult meditating on the voyage. I am thankful for the role of the times, even more than usual. Churches and the Non-Governed Organizations. The NEED for more stove is immense. People HOPE for It was a beautiful experience, in spite of the hardships all significant changes, including KAMI and all friends of around me. Re-entries are challenging, questions arise in Haiti. my heart, first about me: It was the final week of the election campaign, sleep was What changes in my life am I invited to make, so to more shortened by the noisy political rallies held throughout the adequately collaborate toward a more just world? Is my town and often right out front of the KAMI headquarters. solidarity a path for Transformation? Elections? Yes! Eight million people wait on the govern- ment to do something; to reverse the situation and give Am I doing something concrete and meaningful to help back hope. Will the next government move the “heavy increase fraternity and equality in our country and in stone” away? theirs? Just sharing! The words of Carolyn McDade come to m mind and would To all my friends and family, I thank you all and God much translate my feelings: Bless. Idalina. “My heart was moved by all I cannot save, So much has been destroyed. I have to cast my lot with those who age after age, persevere, With no extraordinary power, To reconstitute the world.” (C.D.) I‟m aware that there IS in sight, definitely the grounding resources-humane resources, richness abundance of God‟s gifts. If ONLY we believe it. Two young boys sharing a chair and plate of food at LaKay KAMI
  • 5. Page 5 KAMI Kathleen’s Word Neighbour Marie Belle, who lives next door, kindly supplies On September 16th 2010, the residents and visitors to the same day that Michel LaKay KAMI with fresh eggs suffered his stroke, he had and vegetables on a weekly received information from basis. Jocelyn Latour that the 14 year old son of Mr. Morilon Louis, our night watchman in Terrier- Rouge, had fallen from a mango tree and broken both arms. Wadlyn had been taken to the hospital in Cap Hai- Kathleen Jobin, Wadlyn and his father Morilon Louis tian, but in Haiti any treat- cil to pass a motion to son to visit us at KAMI‟s ment has to be paid in ad- donate the $700 required headquarters. Michel took vance of treatment; the for surgery. a picture to mark the event. family did not have the money. It took nearly two It is humbling and very months, because the sur- moving to see the patience I was able to send enough geon fell ill, but finally and dignity of people who Marie Belle, Neighbour money so that Wadlyn Wadlyn received the have so little and suffered Louis could receive pain needed surgery to repair so much. With tears in his Some Fine Residents Of medication and basic care. his arm. eyes, Mr. Louis expressed Terrier-Rouge, Who Have Mr. Louis stayed at his son‟s bedside to bring food During the week that I his gratitude on behalf of Become Cherished to him and to look after his spent in Haiti near the his son and his family. Friends. daily needs. end of November 2010, Thanks to the generosity of Jocelyn Latour took the Knights of Columbus, When Rick Rolfe, Chan- Wadlyn Louis will not have Idalina, our visitor from cellor for Council 8851, to go through life with his Winnipeg and me to visit Knights of Columbus, arm deformed or even am- Mr. Louis‟ family; later Orangeville heard about Mr. Louis brought his putated. the need, he asked Coun Children With A Smile Local boys and girls, visit- ing LaKay KAMI. They take great pride in display- ing the culture of Haiti. It is very pleasing to see children get so much out of so little. God has blessed them. Housekeeper and Fine Cook Nazou
  • 6. GOOD NEWS For Supporters of KAMI Receipts for Donors KAMI can now issue receipts for personal income tax purposes, thanks to our partnership with S.H.A.R.E Agricultural Foundation. The cheque, for $100 or more must be made payable to: S.H.A.R.E Agricultural Foundation with KAMI Foundation in the memo box. mail all cheques to: KAMI FOUNDATION for Haiti 834474 4TH LINE Completed KAMI Stove TOWN OF MONO R.R.1 ORANGEVILLE, ONTARIO CANADA L9W 2Y8 Awareness Trips to LaKay Kami in Terrier-Rouge, Haiti We invite friends of KAMI Foundation for Haiti to Assorted types of visits can be arranged; for the in- consider planning a trip to Haiti. We assure you that quisitive visitor, we will arrange for you to see the it will be informative and educational. KAMI stoves in households, where they are used. The village of Terrier-Rouge is situated about 40kms. You will also visit the manufacturing facilities, in- from the northern border, between Haiti and the Do- cluding schools and cooperative. For those with gifts minican Republic. Although a considerable distance in music, arts, sports, we can arrange for you to lead from the Capital, Port-Au-Prince, Terrier-Rouge is workshops with local groups. easily accessible from Puerto Plata, Dominican Re- public. Please contact Michel and Kathleen Jobin for more details at: KAMI Ann Lay's Second Annual Coffee Morning BOARD OF DIRECTORS Michel Jobin Chair On February 26, 2011, at Orangeville, ON 10 am, Ann Lay will host a Sheila Flattery Vice Chair Morning Coffee Event at Orangeville ON her home in the Village of Victoria Meneses Treasurer Melville (Caledon) in order Orangeville ON to update friends, support- Ann Lay Director ers and anyone who would Caledon ON like to know more, about Jean-Paul Gauthier Director the work of the KAMI Ann Lay and Rosie Orangeville ON Foundation for Haiti, and Dale Hahn Director especially to provide an If you are interested, Orangeville ON update on Michel' s most please confirm your at- Kathleen Jobin Director recent trip to Terrier- tendance by calling Ann Orangeville ON R o u g e , H a i t i . at 519-940-3659. Also, Arshad Shah Director please bring a friend (or two) ! Newmarket ON Stephen White Director Orangeville ON Printing courtesy of the people at “Partnering to benefit the people of Haiti.” ORANGEVILLE HONDA Mike Labelle 519-941-6221