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Tourism Objects &
Investment Opportunities
Of KAUR Regenccy
Profile Objek Wisata dan Peluang Investasi
Kabupaten kaur
Profile Objek Wisata dan Peluang Investasi
Kabupaten Kaur
 Profile of Thorism Object and Investment Opportunities
Kaur Regency
Daftar isi
 Table Of contents
 Sambutan kepala Dinas Kebudayan dan Pariwisata
Kab. kau Welcoming Addres from Head of Culture
and Tourism Office of Kaur Regency
 Gambaran Umum
General Description
 Penduduk dan Angkatan kerja
Population and Labor Force
 PDRB ( Product Domestic Regional Bruto )
GRDP (gross regional domestic produt )
 Sarana dan Prasarana
Fasilities and Infrastruture
 Sumber Daya Manusia
Human Resources
 Sarana dan kebijakan Pendukung Investasi
Investement supporting Services and policy
 Potensi Peluang Investasi Sub sektor
 opportunities in tourism sub-sector
Obyek-obyek wisata di kabupaten Kaur
 Tourism Objects in Kaur Regency
Profil Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Kaur
Profil of Top Executive of Kaur Regency
Puji Syukur Kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa,
atas berkatnya kami dapat menyusun buku
‘Profil Wisata Kabupaten kaur ‘’
Profil Objek Wisata Kabupaten kaur kami buat
sebagai upaya untuk mensosialiasisakan dan
memperkenalkan potensi objek wisata yang
ada dikabupaten kaur kepada wisatawan dan
investor dalam dan luar negri , sekaligus
sebagai bahan masukan dan referensi bagi
Pemerintahan Daerah Kabupaten kaur dan
Pemerintahan pusat didalam mengambil
kebijakan khsusnya disektor pariwisata.
Kami sampaikan terima kasih kepada Bapak
Bupati kaur atas dukungan dan kepercayaan
yang diberikan kepada kami untuk menyusun
dan menerbitkan buku ‘Profil Objek Wisata
KAUR ’ kami menyadari bahwa penyusunan
buku ini masih jauh dari sempurna, untuk itu
kami mohon kritik dan saran untuk
Terima kasih juga kami sampaikan kepada pusat
informasi data investasi indonesia (PIDII) DAN
PT. Qayris Cipta Kreasindo yang cukup berperan
didalam proses pembuatan buku hingga bisa
terselesaikan buku ‘Profil Objek Wisata
Kabupaten Kaur ’ hingga dimuat pada
penerbitan buku prfile ‘Indonesian Tourism
Objecte and Investement Oppor tunities ‘.
Praise the presense of God the Almighty, for HIS
blessing us to compile the article entidled
“Tourism Profiles of Aru Islands”
compile the article entidled “Tourism Profiles of
Aru Islands”
We make arrangements Praise the presense of
God the Almighty, for HIS blessing us to for
Tourism Profiles of Aru Island as an effort to so
cialize and introduce tourism potentials in Aru
We make arrangements for Tourism Profiles of
Aru Island as an effort to so cialize and introduce
tourism potentials in Aru Island Regency to
tourists and inpestors both of domestic and
foreign, as well as an input and a refency for the
Regional Government of Aru Island Regency and
the central Goverment an adopting their policy
particularly in the tourism sector.
We thank the Regent of Of Aru Islands Regency
for his support and trust given to us to cumpile
and publish the article of “Tourism Profiles of
Aru Islands”. We realize that the article is far
from perfection, for that we supplicate critticism
and suggestion for revision in the future.
We also extend our thanks to the center for
indonesian investiment Data information
(PDIDII) and PT. Qayris Cipta Kreasindo with their
important role in the proces of making untile
finishing the article of “Tourism Profiles of Aru
Islands”, so that it can be contained on
publication of the book entitled “Profile of
indonesia Thorism Objects and investimen
Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata
Kabupaten Kaur
Head of Culture and Tourism Office of
Kaur Regency
Kabupaten Kaur secara administrasi berbatas
lansung dengan kabupaten Bengkulu selatan,
dan wilayah selatannya berbatas dengan
samudra Hindia : sebelah utara berbatas
dengan provinsi sumatra selatan, sebelah timur
berbatas dengan provinsi lampung, sebelah
selatan berbatas dengan samudra hindia, dan
sebelah barat kabupaten bengkulu selatan.
Sejak bulan Maret 2008,jumlah penduduk
kabupaten kaur mencapai 118.119 yang terdiri
dari laki-laki = 57957 jiwa dan perempuan =
60.162 jiwa, dengan tingkat pertumbuhan
dalam kurun waktu 2003-2007 mencapai
4,66%. Rata- rata sex ratio 96.Berdasarkan
tingkat penyebarannya, Kecamatan Nasal
memiliki jumlah penduduk terbesar yaitu
17.269 jiwa, kemudian kecamatan maje sebesar
11.554jiwa dan kecamatan tanjung kemuning
sebesar 10.708 jiwa. Kabupeten kaur memiliki
kawasan budidaya seluas 112.031,8Ha dan
kawasan hutan mencapai 143.568,2Ha.
Berdasarkan tingkat kemiringannya,luas lahan
dengan tingkat antara 0-15% mencapai
109.975,8Ha atau 43,02%, kemiringan antara
16-45% mencapai 110.798Ha atau 43,35%dan
kemiringan > 45% mencapai34.826,24Ha atau
Kabupaten kaur dengan ibu kota Provisi
Bengkulu,merupakan kabupaten kaur dilewati
14 Daerah aliran sungai (DAS) yang umumnya
yang mengalir dari utrara ke samudra hindia,
seperti; DAS Bengkenang, Kedurang ,Kinal,kolek
luas, Manula, Mertam Ds, Nasal, padang guci,
sambat, sawang, Seranjangan, sulau dan tetap.
Luas kabupaten kaur mencapai 255.600Ha,
terbagi atas 15 kecamatan meliputi :
1.kecamatan tanjung kemuning, 2.kecamatan
padang guci hulu, 3.kecamatan lungkang kule,
4. Kecamatan kelam tengah, 5.kecamatan kaur
utara, 6. Kecamatan padang guci hilir, 7.
Kecamatan kinal, 8. Kecamatan semidang
gumay, 9.kecamatan kaur tengah,
10.kecamatan luas, 11. Kecamatan muara
saung, 12. Kecamatan Tetap, 13. Kecamatan
Aru Island Rgency is at eastern most of
Moluccas province.Its lacatioan is very strategic
becauce it borders the arafura Sea and flanked
by two large mainlands of papua and Australian
Continent. Since the 18th century, Aru Islands
had been known as free trade area and not a
few European nations had made economic
activityon Aru natural resaurces , such as
pearl,shell,shark, tuna,shrimp,sea cucumber and
bird of paradise. All made Aru know as “dollar
producing islands” at the time. Aru’s natural
resaurces had also inspired Alfred Russell
Wellance wrote the diversity of flora-fauna of
the region as unique and beautiful through his
opus :”The Malay Archipelago (1932).
Aru Islands Regency with Dobo as its capital is a
new distrif formed as a result of expansion of
Southeast Moluccas Regency of Molucas
Province pursuant to law No. 40 of 2003. The
Regency consists of 7 (seven) Districts,
consisting of : Aru Islands District with 23
kampongs,Central Aru Islands District with 23
Kampungs, South Aru Islands districtwith 19
Kampongs, North Aru Islands Distrit with 29
kampongs, Eastern Central Aru Islands District
with 13 kampongs, Southern Central Aru Islands
District with 7 kampongs, and Eastern South Aru
Islands District with 12 Kampongs.
As a whole, Aru Islands region consists of 187
islands with 89 inhabited islands and the rest
are empty . The potential nature and culture
based taurisms are spread in Aru Islands.
Natural resources such as Turtle in Enu or Bird
of paradise in Baun and Kobroro Islands have
become attraction objects for research and
study by researchers, particularly from abroad.
In Aru Islands it is not only natural resources but
also found a lot of objects of hight valued
historical heritage and believed myth up to now.
The astronomical conditions reveal
characteristic of Aru Islands Regency as “the
kaur selatan, 14. Kecamatan Maje, 15.
Kecamatan Nasal.
Berdasarkan tipe iklim menurut kriteria Schmid
dan Ferguson, kabupaten kaur diDomisi tipe
iklim B, diikuti tipe iklim A (terutama dibagian
barat Kabupaten Kaur) dan tipe iklim C
(terutama dikecamatan kaur tengah). Curah
hujan di kabupaten kaur menurut data dari
badan Meteorologi dan Giofisika pulau Baai
yang dikumpulkan dari tiga stasiun pengamat
(Linau, Tanjung harapan dan Muara tetap)
selama priode Tahun 2003-2007tercatat rata-
rata 2.864 mm pertahun, musim hujan biasanya
jatuh mulai bulan juli dan mencapai puncaknya
pada bulan Desember dan rata-rata hari hujan
11 hari/bulan.
 Letak Giorafis
Kabupaten Kaur secara geografis berada antara
103°4’8,76” - 103°46’50,12” Bujur Timur dan
04°15’8,21”- 04°55’27,77” Lintang selatan.
 Demografi
Jumlah penduduk Kabupaten kaur mencapai
118.119 jiwa yang terdiri dari laki-laki = 57.957
jiwa dan perempuan = 60.163 jiwa dengan
tingkat pertumbuhan dalam kurun waktu 2003-
2007 mencapai 4,66% jiwa.
 Topografi
Secara georafis letak kabupaten kaur berada
diantara 103°4’8,76” - 103°46’50,12” Bujur
Timur dan 04°15’8,21” - 04°55’27,77” lintang
 Luas Wilayah
Luas wilayah daratan kabupaten kaur 2365 km²
dan kawasan laut seluas 660,59 km² terbagi
menjadi 15 kecamatan dan 195
 Perbatasan
Wilayah laut yang ada berbatasan lansung
dengan samudra hindia. Tipologi dua wilayah
ini (daratan dan lautan ) menjadiakan sebagian
wilayah Kabupaten Kaur termasuk dalam
kategori wilayah pesisir, baik kearah darat
maupun kearah laut. batas utara selatan....?
Front Veranda of the Country” because it is
located on the front border of the Republic of
Indonesia, not apart from the characteristic as
“Islands County”, Underdeveloved Region” and
“ Critical Area “ and thus require comprehensive
and security approach to which is conducted
simultaneously with the welfare approach and
taking into account of contaur ,
content ,content, context, complex conductivity
factors of the Regency.
Giographical location
Aru Islands Regency population to astronomy
Lays in 50 to 80 South Latitude and 1350 to
1360 East Longitude.
Aru Islands Regency Population recorded by the
end of 2009 was 81,709 people with the
population growht rate was 2.30%.
In general, the Regency has a flat topography
with coastal marshy, with an average altitude
between 0-100 meters obove sea level.
The total area of Aru Islands Regency is ±
6,425.77 km².
The Regency abuts to the southern part of Irian
jaya in the nothhern region, on the south by
Arafura Sea, in the eastrn part with southern
part of Irian jaya, while in the west by the
eastern area of Kei Besar Islands and Arafura
Climate and Land Suitability
Climate is influenced by Banda Sea, Arafura Sea
and indonesia Ocean, and is also shadomen by
Irian Island in the East and Australia Continent
in the South, so that any tome there is an
unexpectedly change.
Vision and Mission of the Goverment of Aru
Iislands Regency
Development Vision of Aru Islands Regency Year
2010- 2015 is: “The realization of Aru Islands
Regency in Islands – Based Advance and
 Iklim dan kesesuaian Lahan
Kabupaten kaur beriklim tropis atau iklim A
karena terletak antara 0° - 23½° LS. Pada tahun
2012, tecatat suhu udara rata- rata di
kabupaten kaur mencapai 31,22°C, tekanan
udara 1.013,00 mb, rata-rata jumlah hari hujan
perbulan 11 kali dengan rata-rata curah hujan
mencapai 188,83 mm.
 Visi dan Misi Pemerintah Daerah
Visi dan Misi Kabupaten Kaur adalah
“Membangun Daerah Kabupaten Menuju
Masyarakat Makmur, Sejahtera dan
Berkeadilan dengan Memamfaatkan sumber
Dayayang Di Miliki Secara Optimal,
Berkelanjutan Berwawasan Lingkungan Menjadi
Pusat Industri Agribisnis Thun 2014.” Beberapa
hal yang perlu di cermati dalam merealisasika
dalam visi dan misi tersebut adalah:
1. Mendorong kemandirian daerah menuju
terciptanya daya saing dalam tatanan
regional dan nasioanal
2. Mengembangkan produk ungulan
daerah yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi
3. Meningkatkan produktivitas lahan
Dalam mendukung pelaksanaan implementasi
perihal tersebut di atas, di perlukan adanya
suatu sistem yang merangkum aspek-aspek
impormasi sebagai sarana untuk
menyebarluaskan profil dan potensi yang
terdapat di kabupaten kaur secara maksimal.
Untuk keperluan itulah propil investasi Daerah
di buatuntuk menggambarkan kondisi dan
potensi unggulan daerah yang secara ekonomis
dapat menarik pihak ketiga untuk berinvestasi
di kabupaten kaur, yang pada hakekatnya
sangat di butuhkan guna pengembangan
Jumlah Penduduk berdasarkan jenis kelamin
Kabupaten Kaur dari hasil dari hasil pendataan
sensus penduduk tahun 2010 bulan mei
2010yang lalu angka sementara jumlah
penduduknya sebesar 107.789 jiwa berjenis
kelamin perempuan.populasi trbesar berada di
kecamatan Nasal sebasar 15.179 penduduk,
kecamatan Kaur Selatan sebesar 13.972
penduduk dan kecamatan Maje sebesar 11.775,
Welfare .” While Development Missions of the
Regency Year 2010-2015 are:
1. Achieving healthy, quality , productive,
and innovative human resources;
2. Developing a populist-based economy
and resting on efficient, effective and
sustainable islands resource
3. Building trust, fair and responsible
governance ;
4. Building equitable and integrated
5. Developing social and cultural
sustainability and quality life of
democracy and public welfare oriented .
Total Population by Sex
Population of men is numbered 42,369
inhabitants (52%) and female population is
amounted to 39,337 inhabitants (48%).
Camparison between the population of men
and women in Aru Islands Regency is not much
different. The total of male population is a little
bit more than the total of female population.
Perbandingan berdasarkan jenis kelmin
menunjukan bahwa jumlah penduduk laki laki
dan perempuan Kabupaten Kaur Relatif
seimbang dengan nilai sex ratio 108.
Data penduduk Kabupaten Kaur berdasar kan
Kecamatan hasil sensul penduduk 2012 di
tampilkan dalam tabel berikut.
Labor Force by sex and Education
Number of Registered job Seekers, Placement, and
Remaining of February 2012 on Aru Islands Regency
According to Education Lavel
Jenis Kelamin
Total Sex Ratio
Laki-laki Perempuan
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
[010] Nasal 8208 6971 15.179 118
[020] Maje 6359 5416 11.775 117
[030] Kaur Selatan 7151 6821 13.972 105
[031] Tetap 2993 2861 5.854 105
[040] Kaur Tengah 2184 2184 4.368 100
[041] Luas 2485 2336 5.556 106
[042] Muara Saung 2977 2579 4.271 115
[050] Kinal 2180 2091 5.400 104
[051] Semidang
2757 2643 10.509 104
[060] Tanjung
5315 5194 6.071 102
[061]Kelam Tengah 3090 2981 6.414 104
[070] Kaur Utara 3268 3146 3.584 104
[071] Padang Guci
1825 1759 3.225 104
[072] Lungkang Kule 1647 1578 6.628 104
[073] Padang Guci
3399 3229 107.627 105
KABUPATEN KAUR 55838 51789 108
Perkembangan PDRB Menurut Harga Berlaku
dan Konstan
Sektor perekonomian kabupaten kaur dapat di
kletahui dari kontribusi masing-masing sektor
ekonomi terhadap PDRB atas dasar harga
berlaku.sektor pertanian mempunyai peranan
yang sangat dominan dalam perekonomian
kabupaten kaur hingga tahun
2011,kedudukannya sebagai Leading sector
terlihat dari kontribusinya yang cukup besar
terhadap PDRB atas dasar harga berlaku
kabupaten kaur selama tahun 2007-
2011 .kerjasama seluruh pihak senantiasa
didorong guna memaksimalkan potensi sektor
pertanian yang merupakan mata pencaharian
sebagian besar penduduk sehingga taraf
kesejahteraan masyarakat dapat
meningkat .nilai nominal PDRB sektor pertanian
atas dasar harga berlaku pada tahun 2011
sebesar 259.348,78 miliar rupiah ,dengan
kontribusinya dalam PDRB kabupaten kaur
mencapai 45,63 persen.
Infrastuktur (transportasi, listrik,
pelabuhan ,telekomonikasi,dll).
1. Transportasi
Sistem transportasi yang terdapat di Kabupaten
Kaur meliputi transportasi darat, laut. Ketiga
sistem transportasi tersebut memiliki peran
penting bagi perkembangan Kabupaten Kaur
dan konstelasinya terhadap wilayah lain di
sekitarnya, termasuk perkembangan
2. Listrik
Kebutuhan listrik untuk kelayakan hidup di
kabupaten sangat memengang peranan
penting,upaya peningkatan kebutuhan listrik
dari tahun - ketahun semakin meningkat.
jumlah pelanggan keseluruhan sebanyak 10.415
pelangganan terjadi peningkatan sebesar 2%
dari jumlah pelanggan di tahun 2008,
sedangkan total pemakaian KWH sebanyak
14.797.490 KWH, lebih besar 10% bila di
banding jumlah pemakaian di tahun 2008.
penggunan rata- rata tiap pelanggan berkisar
1.365,68 KWH pada tahun 2011, rata- rata
GRDP Growth According to Current and
Constant Rates
The rate of economic growth in 2010 in the
Regency with appellation of “Bumi Jargarria”
viewed on the basis of analysis of current and
constant prices was inscreased by 5.48%.
Although the grow th rate increased , it had not
shown the whole indicators in complying with
the standard of economic stability.Viewed on
the basis of Gross Regional Domistic Product
(GRDP) in 2010 , both at constant and at current
prices, the estimate had increased.
Analysis of macro – economic indicators showed
that the rate of economic growth in Aru Islands
Regency from year to year, always in a better
improvement rate. The increase compared to
the previous three years starting from 2007
until 2009, based on Aru Islands Regency,data in
2009 from the Central Bureau of Statistics of
Aru Islands Regency, gross regional Domestic
Product reached 11.872%. Theimprovement
was along with an increase in come per capita in
the Regency.
Infrastrukture (transportason, electricity,
seaports, airports, telecommunication, etc.)
Transport system in Aru Island Regency covers
land, sea and air transportation systems have
important roles for the development of Aru
Island Regency and their constellation against
other surrounding regions, including the
development of tourism.
Most electricity need in the Regencyis Fulfilled
by PT. PLN (persero) Region IX of Tual Branch
with Dobo and jerol SubBranches.
In 2009 the installed capacity was 3,000 KW.
Production in 2009 amounted to 625,909 KWH
and sold for 572,692 KWH.
Yos sudarso seaport as the main seaport of Aru
Islands Regency is located in Dobo City.
Currently, the seaport is designated as national
port (Class IV) because it meets criteria set by
pemakain per pelangganan setiap bulan
3. Pelabuhan
Sarana pelabuhan Laut yang ada di Kabupaten
Kaur saat ini adalah pelabuhan Linau.
Pelabuhan ini milik tiga instansi teknis yaitu
Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan, PT.Pelindo
dan TNI AL.
Lebar Dermaga pelabuhan ini mencapai 10m,
panjang dermaga 70m, kedalaman air pasang
14m, kedalaman air surut 9m, kemampuan
sandar kapal 5.000 ton dan perlengkapan
bongkar muat belum ada. pelabuhan linau
sudah dimulai pengangkutan untuk ekspor
seperti ekspor pasir besi ke china yang
dilakukan belum lama ini.
4. Telekomunikasi
Dari informasi yang diperoleh, tidak seluruhnya
wilayah Kabupaten Kaur dilayani fasilitas
Telekomunikasi. Pada tahun 2006, diwilayah
Kabupaten Kaur terdapat pelanggan yang
mempergunakan telepon dengan jaringan kabel
mencapai 510 sambungan. sedangkan
pelayanan dengan sistem telekomunikasi
otomat menyebar di wilayah – wilayah yang
telah mendapatkan sinyal dengan operator
Telkomsel, Satelindo, dan excelcomindo.
Untuk fasilitas pelayanan pos di Kabupaten
Kaur dilayani oleh 4 unit Kantor Pos di Tanjung
Kemuning, Tanjung Iman,Bintuhan dan Merpas.
Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) adalah manusia yang
bekerja di lingkungan suatu organisasi (disebut juga
personil, tenaga kerja, pekerja atau karyawan. Sumber
Daya Manusia (SDM) adalah potensi yang merupakan
asset dan berfungsi sebagai modal (non material/non
finansial) di dalam organisasi bisnis, yang dapat
diwujudkan menjadi potensi nyata/. Kabupaten Kaur
merupakan salah satu Kabupaten yang memiliki
potensi sumber daya manusia yang lengkap,
baik yang berada di daratan maupun di lautan.
kekeyaan sumber daya manusia di Kabupaten
Kaur ini meskipun sudah memadai untuk
mengkaji potensi sumber daya manusia
kabupaten kaur. Adapun sumber daya manusia
yang ada di kabupaten kaur meliputi
the Government.
Air transportation in the Regency is a pioneer of
aviation activities. Aru islands Regency has three
airports, namely:
1. Rar Gwamar Aiport of Dobo (in Aru
Islands Distric);
2. Benjina Private Aiport (in Central Aru
3. Kalar-Kalar Naval Aiports (in South Aru
Central telephone in the Regency in 2009 was
amounted to 1 unit in Aru Islands District. In
addition there is also facility of
telecommunication operated by Telkomsel and
Indosat. Meanwhile, in another district,
telecommunication facilities such as Central
Telephone and Telegraph Station are not yet
By 2010 the number of educational facilities in
Aru Islands Regency consists of : 6 Kindergartens
(6 buildings) with a total of 371 pupils and 24
teachers; 141 Elementary school (140 buildings)
with a total of 15,725 students and 793
teachers; 37 junior high school (33 buildings)
with a total of 5,040 students and 235 teachers;
10 senior high/vocational school with 3,794
students and 277 teachers.
investment supportings facilities that have been
available in the Aru Islands Regencythree 3
airports scattered in the capital of the Regency
(Dobo),in centralAru District (Benjina) and in
South Aru districts (Kalar-Kalar). In addition
there are class Iv national ports in Dobo, ferry
port and fishing port in Jerol (south AruDistrict).
To support the acceleration of development in
Aru Islands Regency, local Government is
currently undertaking a widening Rar Gwamar
Aiport in Dobo, improvement of Yos Sudarso
seaport facilities and main streets infrastructure
in the capital city.
Sarana pendukung investasi yang telah tersedia
di Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru berupa 3 (tiga)
bandar udara yang tersebar di ibukota
Kabupaten (Dobo), Kecamatan Aru tengah
(Benjina) dan kecamatan Aru Selatan (Kalar-
kalar). Selain itu terdapat pelabuhan nasional
kelas Iv di Dobo, pelabuhan feri dan pelabuhan
perikanan di Jerol (Kecamatan Aru Selatan).
Guna mendukung percepatan pembangunan di
Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru, Pemerintah Daerah
saat ini tengah melakukan pelebaran bandar
udara Rar Gwamar Dobo, perbaikan fasilitas
pelabuhan Yos Sudarso Dobo dan prasarana
jalan raya di ibukota Kabupaten.
1. Investor mengajukan Proposal Kepada
2. Bupati menerbitkan Persetujuan
Prinsip, Rekomendasi dan MoU
3. Kontrak kerjasama ditanda-tangani jika
memberikan manfaat bagi Kabupaten
4. Pengurusan Perijinan
1. Kemudahan Peijinan
2. Kepastian berusaha
3. Adanya jaminan keamanan
 Wisata Alam
1. Arun Jeram
2. Air terjun tiga panggung
3. Air terjun satu panggung
4. air terjun Air panas
5. Bunga Raflesia
 Wisata Bahari
1. Olah raga selancar air
2. Menyelam (jenis-jenis terumbu
karang dan biota laut)
3. mandi di pantai ,berjemur dan
panorama matahari terbenam
 Wisata Sejarah dan Budaya
1. Batu jung.
1. Investors submitted Proposal To the Regents
2. Regent publishes Agreement of Principle,
Recommendations and MoU
3. the Cooperation Contract will be signed i fit
delivers benefit to the Regency
4. Licensing Arrangement
1. ease of licensing
2. Businesscertainty
3. the precence of Security guarantees
• Nature tourism
Baun Island, Niagara Slipur waterfall, and lem
dubu cave
• Marine Tourism
Enu Island, Rar Gwamar Beach, Batu Kora
Islands, Pig Island, Rice Straw island, wasir
Island, Cape Fatujuring, Toba Island, and
Papaliseran (backside wamar) beach
• History and Culture tourism
Kampung Wangel, Kompung Wokam, Old Town
castle, kampung Mesiang,lampung longgar and
apara, Kampung Waiful, Kampung kola,
Kampung Kolamar, Kampung nafar, Kampung
Maekor, kampung Benjuring, Kampung Samang.
• Religious Tourism
Kampong Durjela and Kampong Ujir.
Enu Island
located at the southern end of Aru Islands, is
one of the outer islands located not far from the
Australia continent. Enu Island is known as a
habitat of turtlesthat have uniquenesslaying
eggs in the daytime. The island is uninhabited
and is not yet avaible for public fasilities,other
than thats, it take 8-10 hoursusing a speed
boatto reachit from the capital city of Aru
Islands (Dobo).suggested timeof visit is in east
monsoon, when the waves are very friendly.
Baun Island
it is nature reserve area with the extent of
13,000 ha. The main attraction is the presence
of a yellow bird (called Cenderwasih), which is
especially the beatiful feathered male
Cenderawasih. The male has a charming neck
Pantai Laguna
Terletak di ujung selatan Kabupaten
Kaur,merupakan salah satu Objek wisata
kabupaten kaur.pantai Laguna di kenal sebagai
wisata atau kunjungan masyarakat Kabupaten
Kaur. Pantai Laguna banyak sekali penghuni dan
tersedia fasilitas-fasilitas umum. selain
itu,dibutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 8-9 jam
menggunakan sepeda motor untuk mencapai
kabupaten kaur.
Pantai Way Hawang
Pantai way hawang terletak di kecamatan maje
kabupaten kaur,pantai way hawang adalah
salah satu objek wisata di kabupaten
kaur,pantai way hawang ini sering di kunjungi
masyarakat kabupaten kaur maupun kabupaten
Pantai Hili
Pantai hili merupakan salah satu objek wisata
yang berada di desa mentiring kecamatan
semidang gumay kabupan kaur,letaknya
strategis di dekat jalan raya,pasilitas di pantai
hili sudah banyak di sediakan,contohnya
makanan ,tempat berteduh ,dll
Pantai Sekunyit
Pantai sekunyit merupakan salah satu objek
wisata di desa sekunyit kecamatan kaur selatan
kabupaten kaur .pantai sekunyit sering di
kunjung masyarakat kabupaten kaur dan
kabupaten yang lain. apalagi pada saat lebaran,
banyak sekali pengunjung lainnya bahkan dari
provinsi Bengkulu dll.
Pantai Linau
Pantai Linau merupakan salah satu objek wisata
yang banyak di minati banyak orang, pantai
linau letaknya strategis di dekat jalan raya.
pantai Linau mempunyai salah satu dermaga
diKabupaten Kaur.selain tempat wisata pantai
linau merupakan tempat perlombaan
Ulang Tahun Kabupaten Kaur
Ulang tahun Kabupaten kaur setiap tahun di
diadakan, biasanya dihiasi dengan perlombaan-
perlombaan salah satunya panjat pinang, tarik
tambang ,lari karung dll.
feathers to attract the females. Also in here
there are animals such as Cassowary, parrot and
Cockatoo. It is mentioned also that the nature
reserve on Baun Island breeds without nurtured
and amassed since the ancestor to the present.
This is what makes the island unique. It takes
about 6 hours to reach the site by using a speed
boat from Dobo city.
Papileseran Beach
Papileseran Beach is a taurism object known as
bakside Wamar Beach by the community of Aru
Islands Regency. The beach is situated on the
southern part of Wamar Island, precisely in Rar
Gwamar Village, about 12km from Dobo City.
The beach is very famous for the beauty of fine
white sand and as location of specific rare red
Lisi Bijarun Beach
Being in Wamar Island area of kampong Durjela,
it can be achieved approxingmately 45 minutes
to reach the location using motor vehicles (cars
and/or motorcyles) from Dobo City. Fine white
sands and calm waves attract anyone to come
to enjoy the atmosphere of the sea, fishing while
waiting for the sunsents. On the beachit can also
be seen beautiful red orchid flowers in the rainy
Rice Straw Island
It is an uninhabited coral island. Its location is on
the southern part of Wamar island. White sandy
beach is suitable for fishing and diving. It takes
about 30 minuties travelling from Dobo City
using speed boat.
Tobo Island
It is an island which includes in North Aru
District. Toba Island has the natural beauty of
the coast, one of which taurist can seeis an
underwaterpanorama in the form of ornamental
fish and coral reefs which are still natiral. It
takes about+ 4 haurs from Dobo City using
Speed boat.
Cape Fatujuring
It is an uninhabited coral island. Also, the place
is recorded as historic site for the two sisters,
Ursia and Urlima, a chararter in The History of
Aru People.its location is still included in Meakor
Island and shaped as a peninsula that protrudes
into the sea. The place offers the natural beauty,
with the captivating beauty of white sand and
vegetation that grows around it. It takes about +
2 hours from Dobo City using speed boat.
Old Town Castle
Its location is situated on Wokam Island Aru
Islands District. In the place it can be found the
ruins of the former fort which in the past used as
a defense of the portuguese and Dutch . it takes
about +30 minutestravelling from Dobo City
using speed boat to reach the location.
Kampong Longgar – Apara
The two villagges are adjacent to each other
and both located on Workai Island. It can be
reached about 6 hours by speed boat from Dobo
City. In the villages it can be found cultural relics
such as pottery, traditional hause, gong, ancient
plates and elephant ivory.
Kampong Ngaibor
Ngaibor is a fisher village located on Trangan
island of South Aru District. Coastal beaches are
very long, as long as the eye could see. Fine
white sand is commonly called singing sand by
local residents. Kampong Ngaibor is very
potential with the result of sea pearls and fish.
In addition, Kampong Ngaibor is well know as
birth place of many folk songs and dances
composer of Aru Islands.
One of the folk songs that had been writted off
in Siksikar Book of Southeast Moluccas is the
song entitled :”Polan” (written by M.Karatem)
and “Roban Ronga”(written by kace Kailem).
There are also many regional dances created
from the place, like “Pearl Dancing” which is
usually performed during the visit of the state
guest who visit Dobo as a center of the Regency
and allso the villages where there are held
consecration of the Church buildings or the
inauguration of Mr. King and other village
Culture Attraction
Kampong Batu Goyang
Is one of the fisher vellages that lie at the tip of
Trangan Island. The villages is become to serve
as a meeting place of Aru ancestor people,
called “JAR DABAGUL”. Reed Burning Cultural
Feast (Tel Sum-sum) is carried out once every
two year in the vilage. Varieties of cultural
attractions in the from of regional dances are
also performed before and after activity of reed
burning (Tel Sum-sum). The uniqueness that can
be encountered is that during the there day
event take place, men and women are forbidden
to bathe and to refrain from any temptation.
Meleage From Dobo to Kampong Batu Shake is
about 6 haurs by speed boat.
Kampong Popjetur
Located on Trangan Island is one of the cultural
villages which in very year in october there are
activities of Read Burning People’s Feast
(Tordauk). Communities of Kampong popjetur
do it together with some neightboring village.
There days before the feast ( Tordauk ) is carried
out, it is held some cultural dances as a
supporter. The goal of the event is to ask to the
Creator and the ancestors so that the party of
burning the reeds, they get results and do not
get a challenge or attack of the beast. Kampong
Pojetur can be reached from Dobo of about 4
hours by speed bout to ngaibor then walk about
I hour to Popjetur.
The opening of “Sasi”
One of the habits of Aru societyis opening ofsasi
meti/kalorang before diving to pick up pearls,
sea cucumber and all seafood in general. The
culture is still very close in some Kampongs
include: Longgar- Apara, Bemun, Karei,
Kompane and Jerwatu. There days before the
opening of sasi meti/ kalorang, it is begun with
a typical traditional dance called Tamba Roro,
which discribet the joy of the commonity
becauseof the grace period between one years
to fine years they have been preserved seafood
and even protected by the ancestors. At the time
of the implementation of harvest, all men are
flocked to teke the result of the yield that are
used for the cost of their children’s education.
Birthday of the Regency
Aru island Regency which capital is Dobo was
formed on December 18, 2003 besed on law of
the Republic of Indonecia No.42 Year 2003 on
Establishmentof the Regencies of East Seram,
West Seram and Aru Islands of Moluccas
Propince. Activities caried out after the
ceremony of the Regency birthday is that the
local Govermen and the community wiil eat
patita which has been prapared by 18 ethnic
groups residing in Aru Islands. It is also
perfomed several regional dance, including peral
Dance, Bird of Paradise Dance, Tamba Roro
dance and other local dance.
Artificial Fascination
Pearl Faraming in Canary Islands ( Archi pelago
Pearl )
Pearl cultivation is an attractionthat can be foun
in canary Islands, which can be taken
appoximately 1 hour from Dobo City pearls in
oysters, raging from the initical entry of foreign
objects inside oysters until pearl is ready to
harvest is an attraction that can be found in the
area. The resulting pearl has a shape and
different types depending on the wishes and
cultivated oysters.
Seaween Cultivation of Kampong Leting
Kampong Leting is a Kola Island, North Aru
District. Seaween is a commodity that many
cultivated by the residents in the vilaage.
Waters Natural conditions surrounding the
region are used a place of seaweed cultivation
by the locals. In Kampong leting it can be met
many people who make processed seaweed into
dried material ready to be marketed.
Profile of Top Executive
Regent of Aru Islands
Coonel (Ret.) Theddy Tengko, SH., M.Hum.
Salah satu putera terbaik yang dimiliki
Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru saat ini adalah
Theddy Tengko. Pria Kelahiran Djursiang, 01
Oktober 1955 ini menamatkan pendidikan
dasar pada SD RK Dobo Kecamatan Pulau-Pulau
Aru tahun 1967, yang kemudian dilanjutkan ke
SMP yos Sudarso Dobo dan tamat tahun 1970.
Setelah tamat SMP, beliau melanjutkan studi ke
SMA kartika Chandra Kirana Ambon dan tamat
tahun 1973.
Tahun 1977, beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Muda
Hukumdan Fakultas Hukum Universitas
Brawijaya Malang. Tahun 1980 , beliau berhasil
meraih gelar Sarjana Hukum dan Fakultas
Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Gelar
Magister Humaniora diraihnya tahun 1996 di
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Malang,
dan saat ini beliau sementara menyelesaikan
Program Dokter dalam Bidang Hukum dan
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Malang.
Pendidikan Militernya diawali dengan masuk
Sekolah Perwira Militer Wajib ABRI di Solo
tahun 1980. Pada tahun 1985 beliau mendapat
Kesempatan mengikuti sekolah Peralihan
Perwira Di Cemahi Bandung. Selang dua tahun
kemudian (1987), beliau mengkuti Kursus
Perwira Penerangan TNI di jakarta . Dan pada
tahun 1992 beliau mengikuti Sekolah Lanjutan
Perwira II (selapa II) di jakarta.
Karir beliau diawali dengan menjadi anggota
kelompok Bantuan Hukum Kumdan X/Lampung
Mangkurat, Banjarmasin (1980- 1985) .Tahun
1982 beliau menjabat PJS. Ses Lasksusda
Kalselteng Banjarmasin. Pada tahun 1983-
1993, beliau menjabat sebagai Kepala SMA Raja
Wali Banjarmasin. Dalam tahun 1985-1992,
beliau menjabat Sebagai Kepala Penerangan
sekali gus menjadi Perwira Penasehat Hukum
Korem 101/ Antasari banjar masin, Kalimantan
selatan. Tahun 1990-1992 beliau menjabat WS
PasiSsospol Korem 101/Antasari Banjarmasin.
Dan pada tahun 1993-1997 beliau pindah ke
Malang dan menjadi Anggota Kelompok
One of the best sons owned by Aru Islands
Regency today is Theddy. He was born in
Djursiang in October 1, 1955 and completed his
primary education at SD RK Dobo on Aru Islands
District in 1967, then proceeded to SMP yos
Sudarso Dobo and gruduated in 1970. After
finishing his junior high school, he went to Senior
Hight School, SMA Kartika Chandra Kirana , in
Ambon and graduated in 1973.
In 1977, he obtainted his Young Bachelor of Law
from Faculty of Lawon Brawijaya University in
Malang. In 1980, he earned his full law degree
from Faculty of Law of Brawijaya University in
Malang. Master of Humanities degree he achived
in 1996 also at Faculty of law of Brawijaya
University in Malang, and at the time he is still
completing his doctoral program In Legal Affairs
at Faculty of Law of Brawijaya University.
His military education was begun with enrolling
Armed Forces School of Drafed Military Officers
in Solo in 1980. In 1985 he got a chance to follow
School of Officers Transition in Cimahi Bandung.
Two years later (1987), he followed Military
information Officers Coursein Jakarta. And in
1992 he followed the Advanced School II of
Military Officers II (Selapa) in Jakarta.
His carer started with the member of the Legal
Aid Gruof of Kumdam x / Lampung Mangkurat,
Banjarmasin (1980 – 1985). In 1982 he was
oppointed Acting Secretary of local Special
Implementer ( Laksusda) of South – Central
Kalimantan Territory in Banjarmasin. In the year
1983 – 1993, he served as Principal of SMA
Rajawali of Banjarmasin. In the year 1985 –
1992, he served as Chief of Information as weLL
as a Legal Advisory Officer of Korem 101/
Antasari Banjarmasin. And in the years 1993-
1977 he moved to Malang and become a
member of the Legal Aid Gruof of kumdam
V/Brawijaya, Malang, East java. In the year 1999
– 2000 he was assigned to Ambon and served as
Bantuan Hukum Kumdam v/Brawijaya Malang,
Jawa Timur.Tahun 1999-2000 beliau di
tugaskan ke Ambon dan menjabat sebagai
Kepala Hukum Kodam XVI/Pattimura. Tahun
2000-2002beliau di pindahkan lagi ke Bali dan
menjabat sebagai Kepala Hukum Kodam
IX/Udayana. Setelah itu, pada tahun 2002-2003
beliau di tugaskan di surabaya dan menjabat
sebagai Kepala Hukum Kodam V/Brawijaya
Jawa Timur. Pada tahu 2003, Theddy Tengko
mengaju permohonan pensiun dini dalam usia
48 tahun dengan pangkat terakhir kolonel.
Setelah itu, pada tahun 2005 Theddy Tengko
mendaftar kan diri untuk mengikuti Pemilihan
Kepala Daerah dan Wakil Kepala Daerah
Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru dan berhasil
mendapatkan kepercayaan rakyat untuk
memimpin Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru dua
priode bertrut-turut (Priode Tahun 2005-2010
dan 2010 -2015).
Selain Karir Militer, Theddy Tengko juga aktif
dalam bidang sosial kemasyarakatan dan
menjadi tenaga pengajar pada beberapa
peguruan tinggi. Diantaranya menjadi Majlis
Jemaat GPIB Maranatha Banjarmasin (1982-
1993), Dosen Tamu Fakultas Hukum Universit
Wisnuwardhana Malang (1985 – 1992), Dosen
Fakultas hukum Universitas Ahmad yani
Banjarmasin (1987 – 1992), Dosen Fakultas
Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Malang (1994 –
1999), dan dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas
Katolik Widya Karya Malang (2002- 2004).
Berkat Keuletan dan keseriusan dalam
melaksanakan pembangunan yang didukung
oleh seluruh masyarakat Kabupaten Kepulauan
Aru, pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2009 Presiden
Republik Indonesia Sosilo Bambang Yudhoyono
memberikan penghargaan “Satyalancana
Pembangunan” Kepada Bupati Kepulauan Aru,
klonel (Purn) Teddy Tengko,SH.,M.Hum.
Chief of Legal Affairs of Kodam XVI/ Pattimura. In
the year 2000 – 2002 he was trasferred again to
Bali and served as Chief of Legal Affairs of Kodam
IX/Udayana. After that, in the year 2000 – 2003
he was stationed in Surabaya in and served as
chief of Legal Affairs of Kodam V/Brawijaya
ofEast java. In 2003, Theddy Tengko applied for
early retirement at the that of 48 years with the
rank of Coloned. After that, in 2005 Theddy
Tengko enrolled the Election of Regional Head
and Deputy Head of the Aru Islands Regency and
successfuly won the trust of the people to lead
Aru Islands Regency fort wo consecutive priodes
( 2005 to 2010 and from 2010 to 2015 priodes)
In addition to military carrer, he was also active
in the social field and a lecturer at several
universities,among othear the GIPB Maranatha
Assembly of the Church of Wisnuwardhana in
Malang (1982-1993);Guest Leturer of the faculty
of Law,Uviversity of Wisnuwardhana in malang
(1985-1992);Lecture of the faculty of
law,University Ahmad yani in Banjarmasin (1994-
1999); and Lecture of the faculty of law,Catholic
University of Widya Karya in Malang (2002-
Owing to the tenacity and seriousness in
implementing the development supported by the
entire community of Aru Islands Regency, on
Agust 17,2009 president of the Republic of
indonesia,Sosilo Bambang
Yudhoyono,grantd”Satyalancana Development
Award”to the Regent of Aru
Island,Colonel(Ret).Theddy Tengko,SH.,M.Hum.

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Kabupaten kepulaan aru

  • 1. KABUPATEN KAUR Profile Tourism Objects & Investment Opportunities Of KAUR Regenccy Profile Objek Wisata dan Peluang Investasi Kabupaten kaur Profile Objek Wisata dan Peluang Investasi Kabupaten Kaur  Profile of Thorism Object and Investment Opportunities Kaur Regency Daftar isi  Table Of contents SAMBUTAN WELCOMING ADDRESS  Sambutan kepala Dinas Kebudayan dan Pariwisata Kab. kau Welcoming Addres from Head of Culture and Tourism Office of Kaur Regency  Gambaran Umum General Description  Penduduk dan Angkatan kerja Population and Labor Force  PDRB ( Product Domestic Regional Bruto ) GRDP (gross regional domestic produt )  Sarana dan Prasarana Fasilities and Infrastruture  Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resources  Sarana dan kebijakan Pendukung Investasi Investement supporting Services and policy  Potensi Peluang Investasi Sub sektor PariwisataPotentials/investement  opportunities in tourism sub-sector Obyek-obyek wisata di kabupaten Kaur  Tourism Objects in Kaur Regency Profil Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Kaur Profil of Top Executive of Kaur Regency .....................................................................1 .....................................................................2 .....................................................................3 .......................................................................4 ......................................................................5 ........................................................................6 .......................................................................7 .......................................................................8 ........................................................................9 .......................................................................10
  • 2. Puji Syukur Kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, atas berkatnya kami dapat menyusun buku ‘Profil Wisata Kabupaten kaur ‘’ Profil Objek Wisata Kabupaten kaur kami buat sebagai upaya untuk mensosialiasisakan dan memperkenalkan potensi objek wisata yang ada dikabupaten kaur kepada wisatawan dan investor dalam dan luar negri , sekaligus sebagai bahan masukan dan referensi bagi Pemerintahan Daerah Kabupaten kaur dan Pemerintahan pusat didalam mengambil kebijakan khsusnya disektor pariwisata. Kami sampaikan terima kasih kepada Bapak Bupati kaur atas dukungan dan kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada kami untuk menyusun dan menerbitkan buku ‘Profil Objek Wisata KAUR ’ kami menyadari bahwa penyusunan buku ini masih jauh dari sempurna, untuk itu kami mohon kritik dan saran untuk penyempurnaanya. Terima kasih juga kami sampaikan kepada pusat informasi data investasi indonesia (PIDII) DAN PT. Qayris Cipta Kreasindo yang cukup berperan didalam proses pembuatan buku hingga bisa terselesaikan buku ‘Profil Objek Wisata Kabupaten Kaur ’ hingga dimuat pada penerbitan buku prfile ‘Indonesian Tourism Objecte and Investement Oppor tunities ‘. Praise the presense of God the Almighty, for HIS blessing us to compile the article entidled “Tourism Profiles of Aru Islands” compile the article entidled “Tourism Profiles of Aru Islands” We make arrangements Praise the presense of God the Almighty, for HIS blessing us to for Tourism Profiles of Aru Island as an effort to so cialize and introduce tourism potentials in Aru We make arrangements for Tourism Profiles of Aru Island as an effort to so cialize and introduce tourism potentials in Aru Island Regency to tourists and inpestors both of domestic and foreign, as well as an input and a refency for the Regional Government of Aru Island Regency and the central Goverment an adopting their policy particularly in the tourism sector. We thank the Regent of Of Aru Islands Regency for his support and trust given to us to cumpile and publish the article of “Tourism Profiles of Aru Islands”. We realize that the article is far from perfection, for that we supplicate critticism and suggestion for revision in the future. We also extend our thanks to the center for indonesian investiment Data information (PDIDII) and PT. Qayris Cipta Kreasindo with their important role in the proces of making untile finishing the article of “Tourism Profiles of Aru Islands”, so that it can be contained on publication of the book entitled “Profile of indonesia Thorism Objects and investimen Opportunites.
  • 3. Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Kaur Head of Culture and Tourism Office of Kaur Regency GAMBARAN UMUM KABUPATEN KAUR Kabupaten Kaur secara administrasi berbatas lansung dengan kabupaten Bengkulu selatan, dan wilayah selatannya berbatas dengan samudra Hindia : sebelah utara berbatas dengan provinsi sumatra selatan, sebelah timur berbatas dengan provinsi lampung, sebelah selatan berbatas dengan samudra hindia, dan sebelah barat kabupaten bengkulu selatan. Sejak bulan Maret 2008,jumlah penduduk kabupaten kaur mencapai 118.119 yang terdiri dari laki-laki = 57957 jiwa dan perempuan = 60.162 jiwa, dengan tingkat pertumbuhan dalam kurun waktu 2003-2007 mencapai 4,66%. Rata- rata sex ratio 96.Berdasarkan tingkat penyebarannya, Kecamatan Nasal memiliki jumlah penduduk terbesar yaitu 17.269 jiwa, kemudian kecamatan maje sebesar 11.554jiwa dan kecamatan tanjung kemuning sebesar 10.708 jiwa. Kabupeten kaur memiliki kawasan budidaya seluas 112.031,8Ha dan kawasan hutan mencapai 143.568,2Ha. Berdasarkan tingkat kemiringannya,luas lahan dengan tingkat antara 0-15% mencapai 109.975,8Ha atau 43,02%, kemiringan antara 16-45% mencapai 110.798Ha atau 43,35%dan kemiringan > 45% mencapai34.826,24Ha atau 13.62%. Kabupaten kaur dengan ibu kota Provisi Bengkulu,merupakan kabupaten kaur dilewati 14 Daerah aliran sungai (DAS) yang umumnya yang mengalir dari utrara ke samudra hindia, seperti; DAS Bengkenang, Kedurang ,Kinal,kolek luas, Manula, Mertam Ds, Nasal, padang guci, sambat, sawang, Seranjangan, sulau dan tetap. Luas kabupaten kaur mencapai 255.600Ha, terbagi atas 15 kecamatan meliputi : 1.kecamatan tanjung kemuning, 2.kecamatan padang guci hulu, 3.kecamatan lungkang kule, 4. Kecamatan kelam tengah, 5.kecamatan kaur utara, 6. Kecamatan padang guci hilir, 7. Kecamatan kinal, 8. Kecamatan semidang gumay, 9.kecamatan kaur tengah, 10.kecamatan luas, 11. Kecamatan muara saung, 12. Kecamatan Tetap, 13. Kecamatan GENERAL DESKRIPTION KAUR REGENCY Aru Island Rgency is at eastern most of Moluccas province.Its lacatioan is very strategic becauce it borders the arafura Sea and flanked by two large mainlands of papua and Australian Continent. Since the 18th century, Aru Islands had been known as free trade area and not a few European nations had made economic activityon Aru natural resaurces , such as pearl,shell,shark, tuna,shrimp,sea cucumber and bird of paradise. All made Aru know as “dollar producing islands” at the time. Aru’s natural resaurces had also inspired Alfred Russell Wellance wrote the diversity of flora-fauna of the region as unique and beautiful through his opus :”The Malay Archipelago (1932). Aru Islands Regency with Dobo as its capital is a new distrif formed as a result of expansion of Southeast Moluccas Regency of Molucas Province pursuant to law No. 40 of 2003. The Regency consists of 7 (seven) Districts, consisting of : Aru Islands District with 23 kampongs,Central Aru Islands District with 23 Kampungs, South Aru Islands districtwith 19 Kampongs, North Aru Islands Distrit with 29 kampongs, Eastern Central Aru Islands District with 13 kampongs, Southern Central Aru Islands District with 7 kampongs, and Eastern South Aru Islands District with 12 Kampongs. As a whole, Aru Islands region consists of 187 islands with 89 inhabited islands and the rest are empty . The potential nature and culture based taurisms are spread in Aru Islands. Natural resources such as Turtle in Enu or Bird of paradise in Baun and Kobroro Islands have become attraction objects for research and study by researchers, particularly from abroad. In Aru Islands it is not only natural resources but also found a lot of objects of hight valued historical heritage and believed myth up to now. The astronomical conditions reveal characteristic of Aru Islands Regency as “the
  • 4. kaur selatan, 14. Kecamatan Maje, 15. Kecamatan Nasal. Berdasarkan tipe iklim menurut kriteria Schmid dan Ferguson, kabupaten kaur diDomisi tipe iklim B, diikuti tipe iklim A (terutama dibagian barat Kabupaten Kaur) dan tipe iklim C (terutama dikecamatan kaur tengah). Curah hujan di kabupaten kaur menurut data dari badan Meteorologi dan Giofisika pulau Baai yang dikumpulkan dari tiga stasiun pengamat (Linau, Tanjung harapan dan Muara tetap) selama priode Tahun 2003-2007tercatat rata- rata 2.864 mm pertahun, musim hujan biasanya jatuh mulai bulan juli dan mencapai puncaknya pada bulan Desember dan rata-rata hari hujan 11 hari/bulan.  Letak Giorafis Kabupaten Kaur secara geografis berada antara 103°4’8,76” - 103°46’50,12” Bujur Timur dan 04°15’8,21”- 04°55’27,77” Lintang selatan.  Demografi Jumlah penduduk Kabupaten kaur mencapai 118.119 jiwa yang terdiri dari laki-laki = 57.957 jiwa dan perempuan = 60.163 jiwa dengan tingkat pertumbuhan dalam kurun waktu 2003- 2007 mencapai 4,66% jiwa.  Topografi Secara georafis letak kabupaten kaur berada diantara 103°4’8,76” - 103°46’50,12” Bujur Timur dan 04°15’8,21” - 04°55’27,77” lintang selatan.  Luas Wilayah Luas wilayah daratan kabupaten kaur 2365 km² dan kawasan laut seluas 660,59 km² terbagi menjadi 15 kecamatan dan 195 desa/kelurahan.  Perbatasan Wilayah laut yang ada berbatasan lansung dengan samudra hindia. Tipologi dua wilayah ini (daratan dan lautan ) menjadiakan sebagian wilayah Kabupaten Kaur termasuk dalam kategori wilayah pesisir, baik kearah darat maupun kearah laut. batas utara selatan....? Front Veranda of the Country” because it is located on the front border of the Republic of Indonesia, not apart from the characteristic as “Islands County”, Underdeveloved Region” and “ Critical Area “ and thus require comprehensive and security approach to which is conducted simultaneously with the welfare approach and taking into account of contaur , content ,content, context, complex conductivity factors of the Regency. Giographical location Aru Islands Regency population to astronomy Lays in 50 to 80 South Latitude and 1350 to 1360 East Longitude. Demografhy Aru Islands Regency Population recorded by the end of 2009 was 81,709 people with the population growht rate was 2.30%. Topography In general, the Regency has a flat topography with coastal marshy, with an average altitude between 0-100 meters obove sea level. Area The total area of Aru Islands Regency is ± 6,425.77 km². Frontier The Regency abuts to the southern part of Irian jaya in the nothhern region, on the south by Arafura Sea, in the eastrn part with southern part of Irian jaya, while in the west by the eastern area of Kei Besar Islands and Arafura Sea. Climate and Land Suitability Climate is influenced by Banda Sea, Arafura Sea and indonesia Ocean, and is also shadomen by Irian Island in the East and Australia Continent in the South, so that any tome there is an unexpectedly change. Vision and Mission of the Goverment of Aru Iislands Regency Development Vision of Aru Islands Regency Year 2010- 2015 is: “The realization of Aru Islands Regency in Islands – Based Advance and
  • 5.  Iklim dan kesesuaian Lahan Kabupaten kaur beriklim tropis atau iklim A karena terletak antara 0° - 23½° LS. Pada tahun 2012, tecatat suhu udara rata- rata di kabupaten kaur mencapai 31,22°C, tekanan udara 1.013,00 mb, rata-rata jumlah hari hujan perbulan 11 kali dengan rata-rata curah hujan mencapai 188,83 mm.  Visi dan Misi Pemerintah Daerah Visi dan Misi Kabupaten Kaur adalah “Membangun Daerah Kabupaten Menuju Masyarakat Makmur, Sejahtera dan Berkeadilan dengan Memamfaatkan sumber Dayayang Di Miliki Secara Optimal, Berkelanjutan Berwawasan Lingkungan Menjadi Pusat Industri Agribisnis Thun 2014.” Beberapa hal yang perlu di cermati dalam merealisasika dalam visi dan misi tersebut adalah: 1. Mendorong kemandirian daerah menuju terciptanya daya saing dalam tatanan regional dan nasioanal 2. Mengembangkan produk ungulan daerah yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi 3. Meningkatkan produktivitas lahan Dalam mendukung pelaksanaan implementasi perihal tersebut di atas, di perlukan adanya suatu sistem yang merangkum aspek-aspek impormasi sebagai sarana untuk menyebarluaskan profil dan potensi yang terdapat di kabupaten kaur secara maksimal. Untuk keperluan itulah propil investasi Daerah di buatuntuk menggambarkan kondisi dan potensi unggulan daerah yang secara ekonomis dapat menarik pihak ketiga untuk berinvestasi di kabupaten kaur, yang pada hakekatnya sangat di butuhkan guna pengembangan usahanya.  PENDUDUK DAN ANGKATAN KERJA Jumlah Penduduk berdasarkan jenis kelamin Kabupaten Kaur dari hasil dari hasil pendataan sensus penduduk tahun 2010 bulan mei 2010yang lalu angka sementara jumlah penduduknya sebesar 107.789 jiwa berjenis kelamin perempuan.populasi trbesar berada di kecamatan Nasal sebasar 15.179 penduduk, kecamatan Kaur Selatan sebesar 13.972 penduduk dan kecamatan Maje sebesar 11.775, Welfare .” While Development Missions of the Regency Year 2010-2015 are: 1. Achieving healthy, quality , productive, and innovative human resources; 2. Developing a populist-based economy and resting on efficient, effective and sustainable islands resource management; 3. Building trust, fair and responsible governance ; 4. Building equitable and integrated infrastructure; 5. Developing social and cultural sustainability and quality life of democracy and public welfare oriented . POPULATION AND LABOR FORCE Total Population by Sex Population of men is numbered 42,369 inhabitants (52%) and female population is amounted to 39,337 inhabitants (48%). Camparison between the population of men and women in Aru Islands Regency is not much different. The total of male population is a little bit more than the total of female population.
  • 6. Perbandingan berdasarkan jenis kelmin menunjukan bahwa jumlah penduduk laki laki dan perempuan Kabupaten Kaur Relatif seimbang dengan nilai sex ratio 108. Data penduduk Kabupaten Kaur berdasar kan Kecamatan hasil sensul penduduk 2012 di tampilkan dalam tabel berikut. Labor Force by sex and Education Number of Registered job Seekers, Placement, and Remaining of February 2012 on Aru Islands Regency According to Education Lavel Kecamatan Jenis Kelamin Total Sex Ratio Laki-laki Perempuan (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) [010] Nasal 8208 6971 15.179 118 [020] Maje 6359 5416 11.775 117 [030] Kaur Selatan 7151 6821 13.972 105 [031] Tetap 2993 2861 5.854 105 [040] Kaur Tengah 2184 2184 4.368 100 [041] Luas 2485 2336 5.556 106 [042] Muara Saung 2977 2579 4.271 115 [050] Kinal 2180 2091 5.400 104 [051] Semidang gumay 2757 2643 10.509 104 [060] Tanjung Kemuning 5315 5194 6.071 102 [061]Kelam Tengah 3090 2981 6.414 104 [070] Kaur Utara 3268 3146 3.584 104 [071] Padang Guci Hilir 1825 1759 3.225 104 [072] Lungkang Kule 1647 1578 6.628 104 [073] Padang Guci Hulu 3399 3229 107.627 105 KABUPATEN KAUR 55838 51789 108
  • 7. PDRB (PRODUCT DOMESTIK REGIONAL BRUTO) Perkembangan PDRB Menurut Harga Berlaku dan Konstan Sektor perekonomian kabupaten kaur dapat di kletahui dari kontribusi masing-masing sektor ekonomi terhadap PDRB atas dasar harga berlaku.sektor pertanian mempunyai peranan yang sangat dominan dalam perekonomian kabupaten kaur hingga tahun 2011,kedudukannya sebagai Leading sector terlihat dari kontribusinya yang cukup besar terhadap PDRB atas dasar harga berlaku kabupaten kaur selama tahun 2007- 2011 .kerjasama seluruh pihak senantiasa didorong guna memaksimalkan potensi sektor pertanian yang merupakan mata pencaharian sebagian besar penduduk sehingga taraf kesejahteraan masyarakat dapat meningkat .nilai nominal PDRB sektor pertanian atas dasar harga berlaku pada tahun 2011 sebesar 259.348,78 miliar rupiah ,dengan kontribusinya dalam PDRB kabupaten kaur mencapai 45,63 persen. SARANA DAN PRASARANA KAB. KAUR Infrastuktur (transportasi, listrik, pelabuhan ,telekomonikasi,dll). 1. Transportasi Sistem transportasi yang terdapat di Kabupaten Kaur meliputi transportasi darat, laut. Ketiga sistem transportasi tersebut memiliki peran penting bagi perkembangan Kabupaten Kaur dan konstelasinya terhadap wilayah lain di sekitarnya, termasuk perkembangan kepariwisataan. 2. Listrik Kebutuhan listrik untuk kelayakan hidup di kabupaten sangat memengang peranan penting,upaya peningkatan kebutuhan listrik dari tahun - ketahun semakin meningkat. jumlah pelanggan keseluruhan sebanyak 10.415 pelangganan terjadi peningkatan sebesar 2% dari jumlah pelanggan di tahun 2008, sedangkan total pemakaian KWH sebanyak 14.797.490 KWH, lebih besar 10% bila di banding jumlah pemakaian di tahun 2008. penggunan rata- rata tiap pelanggan berkisar 1.365,68 KWH pada tahun 2011, rata- rata GRDP ( GROSS REGIONAL DOMISTIC PRODUCT) GRDP Growth According to Current and Constant Rates The rate of economic growth in 2010 in the Regency with appellation of “Bumi Jargarria” viewed on the basis of analysis of current and constant prices was inscreased by 5.48%. Although the grow th rate increased , it had not shown the whole indicators in complying with the standard of economic stability.Viewed on the basis of Gross Regional Domistic Product (GRDP) in 2010 , both at constant and at current prices, the estimate had increased. Analysis of macro – economic indicators showed that the rate of economic growth in Aru Islands Regency from year to year, always in a better improvement rate. The increase compared to the previous three years starting from 2007 until 2009, based on Aru Islands Regency,data in 2009 from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Aru Islands Regency, gross regional Domestic Product reached 11.872%. Theimprovement was along with an increase in come per capita in the Regency. FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUKTURE Infrastrukture (transportason, electricity, seaports, airports, telecommunication, etc.) Transportation Transport system in Aru Island Regency covers land, sea and air transportation systems have important roles for the development of Aru Island Regency and their constellation against other surrounding regions, including the development of tourism. Electricity Most electricity need in the Regencyis Fulfilled by PT. PLN (persero) Region IX of Tual Branch with Dobo and jerol SubBranches. In 2009 the installed capacity was 3,000 KW. Production in 2009 amounted to 625,909 KWH and sold for 572,692 KWH. Seaport Yos sudarso seaport as the main seaport of Aru Islands Regency is located in Dobo City. Currently, the seaport is designated as national port (Class IV) because it meets criteria set by
  • 8. pemakain per pelangganan setiap bulan 113,8KWH. 3. Pelabuhan Sarana pelabuhan Laut yang ada di Kabupaten Kaur saat ini adalah pelabuhan Linau. Pelabuhan ini milik tiga instansi teknis yaitu Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan, PT.Pelindo dan TNI AL. Lebar Dermaga pelabuhan ini mencapai 10m, panjang dermaga 70m, kedalaman air pasang 14m, kedalaman air surut 9m, kemampuan sandar kapal 5.000 ton dan perlengkapan bongkar muat belum ada. pelabuhan linau sudah dimulai pengangkutan untuk ekspor seperti ekspor pasir besi ke china yang dilakukan belum lama ini. 4. Telekomunikasi Dari informasi yang diperoleh, tidak seluruhnya wilayah Kabupaten Kaur dilayani fasilitas Telekomunikasi. Pada tahun 2006, diwilayah Kabupaten Kaur terdapat pelanggan yang mempergunakan telepon dengan jaringan kabel mencapai 510 sambungan. sedangkan pelayanan dengan sistem telekomunikasi otomat menyebar di wilayah – wilayah yang telah mendapatkan sinyal dengan operator Telkomsel, Satelindo, dan excelcomindo. Untuk fasilitas pelayanan pos di Kabupaten Kaur dilayani oleh 4 unit Kantor Pos di Tanjung Kemuning, Tanjung Iman,Bintuhan dan Merpas. SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA KAB. KAUR Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) adalah manusia yang bekerja di lingkungan suatu organisasi (disebut juga personil, tenaga kerja, pekerja atau karyawan. Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) adalah potensi yang merupakan asset dan berfungsi sebagai modal (non material/non finansial) di dalam organisasi bisnis, yang dapat diwujudkan menjadi potensi nyata/. Kabupaten Kaur merupakan salah satu Kabupaten yang memiliki potensi sumber daya manusia yang lengkap, baik yang berada di daratan maupun di lautan. kekeyaan sumber daya manusia di Kabupaten Kaur ini meskipun sudah memadai untuk mengkaji potensi sumber daya manusia kabupaten kaur. Adapun sumber daya manusia yang ada di kabupaten kaur meliputi the Government. Airport Air transportation in the Regency is a pioneer of aviation activities. Aru islands Regency has three airports, namely: 1. Rar Gwamar Aiport of Dobo (in Aru Islands Distric); 2. Benjina Private Aiport (in Central Aru District); 3. Kalar-Kalar Naval Aiports (in South Aru District); Telecommunication Central telephone in the Regency in 2009 was amounted to 1 unit in Aru Islands District. In addition there is also facility of telecommunication operated by Telkomsel and Indosat. Meanwhile, in another district, telecommunication facilities such as Central Telephone and Telegraph Station are not yet available. HUMAN RESOURCES By 2010 the number of educational facilities in Aru Islands Regency consists of : 6 Kindergartens (6 buildings) with a total of 371 pupils and 24 teachers; 141 Elementary school (140 buildings) with a total of 15,725 students and 793 teachers; 37 junior high school (33 buildings) with a total of 5,040 students and 235 teachers; 10 senior high/vocational school with 3,794 students and 277 teachers. INVESTMENT SUPPORTING SERVICE AND POLICY investment supportings facilities that have been available in the Aru Islands Regencythree 3 airports scattered in the capital of the Regency (Dobo),in centralAru District (Benjina) and in South Aru districts (Kalar-Kalar). In addition there are class Iv national ports in Dobo, ferry port and fishing port in Jerol (south AruDistrict). To support the acceleration of development in Aru Islands Regency, local Government is currently undertaking a widening Rar Gwamar Aiport in Dobo, improvement of Yos Sudarso seaport facilities and main streets infrastructure in the capital city.
  • 9. SARANA DAN KEBIJAKAN PENDUDUK INVESTASI Sarana pendukung investasi yang telah tersedia di Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru berupa 3 (tiga) bandar udara yang tersebar di ibukota Kabupaten (Dobo), Kecamatan Aru tengah (Benjina) dan kecamatan Aru Selatan (Kalar- kalar). Selain itu terdapat pelabuhan nasional kelas Iv di Dobo, pelabuhan feri dan pelabuhan perikanan di Jerol (Kecamatan Aru Selatan). Guna mendukung percepatan pembangunan di Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru, Pemerintah Daerah saat ini tengah melakukan pelebaran bandar udara Rar Gwamar Dobo, perbaikan fasilitas pelabuhan Yos Sudarso Dobo dan prasarana jalan raya di ibukota Kabupaten. PROSEDUR INVESTASI 1. Investor mengajukan Proposal Kepada Bupati 2. Bupati menerbitkan Persetujuan Prinsip, Rekomendasi dan MoU 3. Kontrak kerjasama ditanda-tangani jika memberikan manfaat bagi Kabupaten 4. Pengurusan Perijinan INSENTIF YANG DIBERIKAN KEPADA INVESTOR 1. Kemudahan Peijinan 2. Kepastian berusaha 3. Adanya jaminan keamanan POTENSI / PELUANG INVESTASI SUB SEKTOR PARIWISATA  Wisata Alam 1. Arun Jeram 2. Air terjun tiga panggung 3. Air terjun satu panggung 4. air terjun Air panas 5. Bunga Raflesia  Wisata Bahari 1. Olah raga selancar air 2. Menyelam (jenis-jenis terumbu karang dan biota laut) 3. mandi di pantai ,berjemur dan panorama matahari terbenam  Wisata Sejarah dan Budaya 1. Batu jung. INVESTMENT PROCEDURES 1. Investors submitted Proposal To the Regents 2. Regent publishes Agreement of Principle, Recommendations and MoU 3. the Cooperation Contract will be signed i fit delivers benefit to the Regency 4. Licensing Arrangement INCENTIVES PROVIDED TO INVESTORS 1. ease of licensing 2. Businesscertainty 3. the precence of Security guarantees POTENTIALS /INVESTEMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN TOURISM SUB SECTOR • Nature tourism Baun Island, Niagara Slipur waterfall, and lem dubu cave • Marine Tourism Enu Island, Rar Gwamar Beach, Batu Kora Islands, Pig Island, Rice Straw island, wasir Island, Cape Fatujuring, Toba Island, and Papaliseran (backside wamar) beach • History and Culture tourism Kampung Wangel, Kompung Wokam, Old Town castle, kampung Mesiang,lampung longgar and apara, Kampung Waiful, Kampung kola, Kampung Kolamar, Kampung nafar, Kampung Maekor, kampung Benjuring, Kampung Samang. • Religious Tourism Kampong Durjela and Kampong Ujir. TOURISM OBJECTS IN ARU ISLANDS Enu Island located at the southern end of Aru Islands, is one of the outer islands located not far from the Australia continent. Enu Island is known as a habitat of turtlesthat have uniquenesslaying eggs in the daytime. The island is uninhabited and is not yet avaible for public fasilities,other than thats, it take 8-10 hoursusing a speed boatto reachit from the capital city of Aru Islands (Dobo).suggested timeof visit is in east monsoon, when the waves are very friendly. Baun Island it is nature reserve area with the extent of 13,000 ha. The main attraction is the presence of a yellow bird (called Cenderwasih), which is especially the beatiful feathered male Cenderawasih. The male has a charming neck
  • 10. OBJEK-OBJEK WISATA DI KABUPATEN KAUR Pantai Laguna Terletak di ujung selatan Kabupaten Kaur,merupakan salah satu Objek wisata kabupaten kaur.pantai Laguna di kenal sebagai wisata atau kunjungan masyarakat Kabupaten Kaur. Pantai Laguna banyak sekali penghuni dan tersedia fasilitas-fasilitas umum. selain itu,dibutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 8-9 jam menggunakan sepeda motor untuk mencapai kabupaten kaur. Pantai Way Hawang Pantai way hawang terletak di kecamatan maje kabupaten kaur,pantai way hawang adalah salah satu objek wisata di kabupaten kaur,pantai way hawang ini sering di kunjungi masyarakat kabupaten kaur maupun kabupaten lain. Pantai Hili Pantai hili merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang berada di desa mentiring kecamatan semidang gumay kabupan kaur,letaknya strategis di dekat jalan raya,pasilitas di pantai hili sudah banyak di sediakan,contohnya makanan ,tempat berteduh ,dll Pantai Sekunyit Pantai sekunyit merupakan salah satu objek wisata di desa sekunyit kecamatan kaur selatan kabupaten kaur .pantai sekunyit sering di kunjung masyarakat kabupaten kaur dan kabupaten yang lain. apalagi pada saat lebaran, banyak sekali pengunjung lainnya bahkan dari provinsi Bengkulu dll. Pantai Linau Pantai Linau merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang banyak di minati banyak orang, pantai linau letaknya strategis di dekat jalan raya. pantai Linau mempunyai salah satu dermaga diKabupaten Kaur.selain tempat wisata pantai linau merupakan tempat perlombaan memancing. Ulang Tahun Kabupaten Kaur Ulang tahun Kabupaten kaur setiap tahun di diadakan, biasanya dihiasi dengan perlombaan- perlombaan salah satunya panjat pinang, tarik tambang ,lari karung dll. feathers to attract the females. Also in here there are animals such as Cassowary, parrot and Cockatoo. It is mentioned also that the nature reserve on Baun Island breeds without nurtured and amassed since the ancestor to the present. This is what makes the island unique. It takes about 6 hours to reach the site by using a speed boat from Dobo city. Papileseran Beach Papileseran Beach is a taurism object known as bakside Wamar Beach by the community of Aru Islands Regency. The beach is situated on the southern part of Wamar Island, precisely in Rar Gwamar Village, about 12km from Dobo City. The beach is very famous for the beauty of fine white sand and as location of specific rare red orchids. Lisi Bijarun Beach Being in Wamar Island area of kampong Durjela, it can be achieved approxingmately 45 minutes to reach the location using motor vehicles (cars and/or motorcyles) from Dobo City. Fine white sands and calm waves attract anyone to come to enjoy the atmosphere of the sea, fishing while waiting for the sunsents. On the beachit can also be seen beautiful red orchid flowers in the rainy season. Rice Straw Island It is an uninhabited coral island. Its location is on the southern part of Wamar island. White sandy beach is suitable for fishing and diving. It takes about 30 minuties travelling from Dobo City using speed boat. Tobo Island It is an island which includes in North Aru District. Toba Island has the natural beauty of the coast, one of which taurist can seeis an underwaterpanorama in the form of ornamental fish and coral reefs which are still natiral. It takes about+ 4 haurs from Dobo City using Speed boat. Cape Fatujuring It is an uninhabited coral island. Also, the place is recorded as historic site for the two sisters, Ursia and Urlima, a chararter in The History of Aru People.its location is still included in Meakor
  • 11. Island and shaped as a peninsula that protrudes into the sea. The place offers the natural beauty, with the captivating beauty of white sand and vegetation that grows around it. It takes about + 2 hours from Dobo City using speed boat. Old Town Castle Its location is situated on Wokam Island Aru Islands District. In the place it can be found the ruins of the former fort which in the past used as a defense of the portuguese and Dutch . it takes about +30 minutestravelling from Dobo City using speed boat to reach the location. Kampong Longgar – Apara The two villagges are adjacent to each other and both located on Workai Island. It can be reached about 6 hours by speed boat from Dobo City. In the villages it can be found cultural relics such as pottery, traditional hause, gong, ancient plates and elephant ivory. Kampong Ngaibor Ngaibor is a fisher village located on Trangan island of South Aru District. Coastal beaches are very long, as long as the eye could see. Fine white sand is commonly called singing sand by local residents. Kampong Ngaibor is very potential with the result of sea pearls and fish. In addition, Kampong Ngaibor is well know as birth place of many folk songs and dances composer of Aru Islands. One of the folk songs that had been writted off in Siksikar Book of Southeast Moluccas is the song entitled :”Polan” (written by M.Karatem) and “Roban Ronga”(written by kace Kailem). There are also many regional dances created from the place, like “Pearl Dancing” which is usually performed during the visit of the state guest who visit Dobo as a center of the Regency and allso the villages where there are held consecration of the Church buildings or the inauguration of Mr. King and other village activities. Culture Attraction Kampong Batu Goyang Is one of the fisher vellages that lie at the tip of Trangan Island. The villages is become to serve as a meeting place of Aru ancestor people,
  • 12. called “JAR DABAGUL”. Reed Burning Cultural Feast (Tel Sum-sum) is carried out once every two year in the vilage. Varieties of cultural attractions in the from of regional dances are also performed before and after activity of reed burning (Tel Sum-sum). The uniqueness that can be encountered is that during the there day event take place, men and women are forbidden to bathe and to refrain from any temptation. Meleage From Dobo to Kampong Batu Shake is about 6 haurs by speed boat. Kampong Popjetur Located on Trangan Island is one of the cultural villages which in very year in october there are activities of Read Burning People’s Feast (Tordauk). Communities of Kampong popjetur do it together with some neightboring village. There days before the feast ( Tordauk ) is carried out, it is held some cultural dances as a supporter. The goal of the event is to ask to the Creator and the ancestors so that the party of burning the reeds, they get results and do not get a challenge or attack of the beast. Kampong Pojetur can be reached from Dobo of about 4 hours by speed bout to ngaibor then walk about I hour to Popjetur. The opening of “Sasi” One of the habits of Aru societyis opening ofsasi meti/kalorang before diving to pick up pearls, sea cucumber and all seafood in general. The culture is still very close in some Kampongs include: Longgar- Apara, Bemun, Karei, Kompane and Jerwatu. There days before the opening of sasi meti/ kalorang, it is begun with a typical traditional dance called Tamba Roro, which discribet the joy of the commonity becauseof the grace period between one years to fine years they have been preserved seafood and even protected by the ancestors. At the time of the implementation of harvest, all men are flocked to teke the result of the yield that are used for the cost of their children’s education. Birthday of the Regency Aru island Regency which capital is Dobo was formed on December 18, 2003 besed on law of the Republic of Indonecia No.42 Year 2003 on Establishmentof the Regencies of East Seram, West Seram and Aru Islands of Moluccas
  • 13. Propince. Activities caried out after the ceremony of the Regency birthday is that the local Govermen and the community wiil eat patita which has been prapared by 18 ethnic groups residing in Aru Islands. It is also perfomed several regional dance, including peral Dance, Bird of Paradise Dance, Tamba Roro dance and other local dance. Artificial Fascination Pearl Faraming in Canary Islands ( Archi pelago Pearl ) Pearl cultivation is an attractionthat can be foun in canary Islands, which can be taken appoximately 1 hour from Dobo City pearls in oysters, raging from the initical entry of foreign objects inside oysters until pearl is ready to harvest is an attraction that can be found in the area. The resulting pearl has a shape and different types depending on the wishes and cultivated oysters. Seaween Cultivation of Kampong Leting Kampong Leting is a Kola Island, North Aru District. Seaween is a commodity that many cultivated by the residents in the vilaage. Waters Natural conditions surrounding the region are used a place of seaweed cultivation by the locals. In Kampong leting it can be met many people who make processed seaweed into dried material ready to be marketed.
  • 14. Profile of Top Executive PROFILE KEPALA DAERAH Regent of Aru Islands Coonel (Ret.) Theddy Tengko, SH., M.Hum. Salah satu putera terbaik yang dimiliki Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru saat ini adalah Theddy Tengko. Pria Kelahiran Djursiang, 01 Oktober 1955 ini menamatkan pendidikan dasar pada SD RK Dobo Kecamatan Pulau-Pulau Aru tahun 1967, yang kemudian dilanjutkan ke SMP yos Sudarso Dobo dan tamat tahun 1970. Setelah tamat SMP, beliau melanjutkan studi ke SMA kartika Chandra Kirana Ambon dan tamat tahun 1973. Tahun 1977, beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Muda Hukumdan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Tahun 1980 , beliau berhasil meraih gelar Sarjana Hukum dan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Gelar Magister Humaniora diraihnya tahun 1996 di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Malang, dan saat ini beliau sementara menyelesaikan Program Dokter dalam Bidang Hukum dan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Pendidikan Militernya diawali dengan masuk Sekolah Perwira Militer Wajib ABRI di Solo tahun 1980. Pada tahun 1985 beliau mendapat Kesempatan mengikuti sekolah Peralihan Perwira Di Cemahi Bandung. Selang dua tahun kemudian (1987), beliau mengkuti Kursus Perwira Penerangan TNI di jakarta . Dan pada tahun 1992 beliau mengikuti Sekolah Lanjutan Perwira II (selapa II) di jakarta. Karir beliau diawali dengan menjadi anggota kelompok Bantuan Hukum Kumdan X/Lampung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin (1980- 1985) .Tahun 1982 beliau menjabat PJS. Ses Lasksusda Kalselteng Banjarmasin. Pada tahun 1983- 1993, beliau menjabat sebagai Kepala SMA Raja Wali Banjarmasin. Dalam tahun 1985-1992, beliau menjabat Sebagai Kepala Penerangan sekali gus menjadi Perwira Penasehat Hukum Korem 101/ Antasari banjar masin, Kalimantan selatan. Tahun 1990-1992 beliau menjabat WS PasiSsospol Korem 101/Antasari Banjarmasin. Dan pada tahun 1993-1997 beliau pindah ke Malang dan menjadi Anggota Kelompok One of the best sons owned by Aru Islands Regency today is Theddy. He was born in Djursiang in October 1, 1955 and completed his primary education at SD RK Dobo on Aru Islands District in 1967, then proceeded to SMP yos Sudarso Dobo and gruduated in 1970. After finishing his junior high school, he went to Senior Hight School, SMA Kartika Chandra Kirana , in Ambon and graduated in 1973. In 1977, he obtainted his Young Bachelor of Law from Faculty of Lawon Brawijaya University in Malang. In 1980, he earned his full law degree from Faculty of Law of Brawijaya University in Malang. Master of Humanities degree he achived in 1996 also at Faculty of law of Brawijaya University in Malang, and at the time he is still completing his doctoral program In Legal Affairs at Faculty of Law of Brawijaya University. His military education was begun with enrolling Armed Forces School of Drafed Military Officers in Solo in 1980. In 1985 he got a chance to follow School of Officers Transition in Cimahi Bandung. Two years later (1987), he followed Military information Officers Coursein Jakarta. And in 1992 he followed the Advanced School II of Military Officers II (Selapa) in Jakarta. His carer started with the member of the Legal Aid Gruof of Kumdam x / Lampung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin (1980 – 1985). In 1982 he was oppointed Acting Secretary of local Special Implementer ( Laksusda) of South – Central Kalimantan Territory in Banjarmasin. In the year 1983 – 1993, he served as Principal of SMA Rajawali of Banjarmasin. In the year 1985 – 1992, he served as Chief of Information as weLL as a Legal Advisory Officer of Korem 101/ Antasari Banjarmasin. And in the years 1993- 1977 he moved to Malang and become a member of the Legal Aid Gruof of kumdam V/Brawijaya, Malang, East java. In the year 1999 – 2000 he was assigned to Ambon and served as
  • 15. Bantuan Hukum Kumdam v/Brawijaya Malang, Jawa Timur.Tahun 1999-2000 beliau di tugaskan ke Ambon dan menjabat sebagai Kepala Hukum Kodam XVI/Pattimura. Tahun 2000-2002beliau di pindahkan lagi ke Bali dan menjabat sebagai Kepala Hukum Kodam IX/Udayana. Setelah itu, pada tahun 2002-2003 beliau di tugaskan di surabaya dan menjabat sebagai Kepala Hukum Kodam V/Brawijaya Jawa Timur. Pada tahu 2003, Theddy Tengko mengaju permohonan pensiun dini dalam usia 48 tahun dengan pangkat terakhir kolonel. Setelah itu, pada tahun 2005 Theddy Tengko mendaftar kan diri untuk mengikuti Pemilihan Kepala Daerah dan Wakil Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru dan berhasil mendapatkan kepercayaan rakyat untuk memimpin Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru dua priode bertrut-turut (Priode Tahun 2005-2010 dan 2010 -2015). Selain Karir Militer, Theddy Tengko juga aktif dalam bidang sosial kemasyarakatan dan menjadi tenaga pengajar pada beberapa peguruan tinggi. Diantaranya menjadi Majlis Jemaat GPIB Maranatha Banjarmasin (1982- 1993), Dosen Tamu Fakultas Hukum Universit Wisnuwardhana Malang (1985 – 1992), Dosen Fakultas hukum Universitas Ahmad yani Banjarmasin (1987 – 1992), Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Malang (1994 – 1999), dan dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang (2002- 2004). Berkat Keuletan dan keseriusan dalam melaksanakan pembangunan yang didukung oleh seluruh masyarakat Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru, pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2009 Presiden Republik Indonesia Sosilo Bambang Yudhoyono memberikan penghargaan “Satyalancana Pembangunan” Kepada Bupati Kepulauan Aru, klonel (Purn) Teddy Tengko,SH.,M.Hum. Chief of Legal Affairs of Kodam XVI/ Pattimura. In the year 2000 – 2002 he was trasferred again to Bali and served as Chief of Legal Affairs of Kodam IX/Udayana. After that, in the year 2000 – 2003 he was stationed in Surabaya in and served as chief of Legal Affairs of Kodam V/Brawijaya ofEast java. In 2003, Theddy Tengko applied for early retirement at the that of 48 years with the rank of Coloned. After that, in 2005 Theddy Tengko enrolled the Election of Regional Head and Deputy Head of the Aru Islands Regency and successfuly won the trust of the people to lead Aru Islands Regency fort wo consecutive priodes ( 2005 to 2010 and from 2010 to 2015 priodes) In addition to military carrer, he was also active in the social field and a lecturer at several universities,among othear the GIPB Maranatha Assembly of the Church of Wisnuwardhana in Malang (1982-1993);Guest Leturer of the faculty of Law,Uviversity of Wisnuwardhana in malang (1985-1992);Lecture of the faculty of law,University Ahmad yani in Banjarmasin (1994- 1999); and Lecture of the faculty of law,Catholic University of Widya Karya in Malang (2002- 2004). Owing to the tenacity and seriousness in implementing the development supported by the entire community of Aru Islands Regency, on Agust 17,2009 president of the Republic of indonesia,Sosilo Bambang Yudhoyono,grantd”Satyalancana Development Award”to the Regent of Aru Island,Colonel(Ret).Theddy Tengko,SH.,M.Hum.