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"To the ones
that really matter"

Just a
                         Little Taste
The Beautiful World       of Journey

     diaries of           旅の少しの味
   two travelers

        volume        Articles from the years 2011, 2012

       Athens 2013               Athens 2013
All articles were written by Neko-kun and Foxy Lady Ayame                            Table of Contents
during the years 2011-2012.
All articles were edited by Phoenix, with Katan's assistance, in 2012.               What you will read in our little book
Cover and book layout was designed by Neko-kun.                                                      Preface
All illustrations in the chapters Introduction, The Travelers, Spice & Wolf and                             9
    The Journey goes on are official artwork for the animated series Spice & Wolf.
Artwork used in The Beautiful Sinners and the images                                            The Travelers
    37, 39 and 44 belong to Kaori Yuki.                                                                   11
The images in the article Left Unsaid were taken from Reiko Momochi's
    Confidential Confessions, volume 1, the story called The Door.                                                 One: Editorials
Images used in A History Lesson from Hyōka as well as image 41 are taken                                           The Beautiful Sinners
    from the animated series Hyōka, property of Kyoto Animation Studio.                                            15
All artwork in Natsu no Zenjitsu is the design of Motoi Yoshida
    for the manga Natsu no Zenjitsu, volumes 1 and 2.                                                              Left Unsaid
All cover designs and manga pages used in the articles GLorious love and BLazed                                    17
    passion belong to the mangakas and manga mentioned in the articles.
The headers for GLorious love and Blazed passion were designed and belong to sizh.            Two: Reviews         A History Lesson
The header for The Red String belongs to Yuki Urushibara                                        Spice & Wolf       from Hyōka
    and it appears in Mushishi's vol. 4 cover.                                                           27        21
Images used for Offering a Prayer is taken from official
    artwork from the animated series Simoun.                                                Natsu no Zenjitsu
Images for the Genshiken Diaries, parts One and Two are from unknown                                       31
    sources. If you know the original creators, please notify us.
Image 38 is the work of Yasuhiro Nightow for the series Trigun.                                 GLorious love
Image 40 is the work of Matsuri Akino for the manga Pet Shop of Horrors.                                   35
Image 42 is the work of Akira Amano for the series Hitman Reborn!
Image 43 is the work of Toei Animation for the series Mononoke.                               BLazed Passion
Image 45 is the work of Kiyohiko Azuma for the series Yotsuba&!                                           39

All of the people whose we used for this book deserve your financial                  Three: Commentaries
support, thus we encourage you to buy their wonderful products.                               The Red String
Terms & Conditions
This book is a non-profit product. The Beautiful World grants                                Offering a Prayer
permission to every reader to freely distribute its content as long as credit is                            49
provided to The Beautiful World and the illustrators/mangakas/various
others whose work is used in Just a Little Taste of Journey.                                                       Four: Journal
                                                                                                                   The Genshiken Diaries
                                                                                                                   Part One

                                                                                                                   The Genshiken Diaries
                                                                                                                   Part Two

                                                                                                                   The Journey goes on
About this book

           his book, called Just a Little Taste of Journey, is a collection of articles written
           by Foxy Lady Ayame and Neko-kun, a dedicated love couple who constantly tries
           to be creative and inspire others with its work. It is the result of three year work
           on writing and designing for the blog, The Beautiful World.

When The Beautiful World first got on the internet, we wished for it to be a sanctuary for
us and the things we shared. As we were getting older, our tastes evolved, mostly to more
otaku oriented themes; proof for that is the fact that almost all articles’ starting point comes
fully from anime and manga.

What I believe is our trademark as a team of writers is our effort to speak our mind for more
things than one. That is, as far as I can see, the purpose of art; to communicate thoughts and
emotions. This book is our little contribution to this cause, thus what you will find here is
not simply reviews of great shows but essays about important political and cultural subjects
analyzed from our point of view.

Just a Little Taste of Journey would not have come to life without a great deal of profes-
sional work from our editor, Phoenix. She was truly great and her enthusiasm inspired us to
try harder and harder. An honorable mention should be given to our mate Katan, for helping
us out with the article on Angel Sanctuary and always disagreeing with us about the best
manga and anime out there. Last, but not least, many thanks go to the, too many to mention
you all, wonderful people we have met during our few years as otaku.

Finally, we would like to thank you for picking up Just a Little Taste of Journey. It is our
child and diary, our way to make the people we love smile. It is our important treasure that
we are happy to share.

March 6, 2013

The Travelers
Foxy Lady Ayame & Neko-kun

          he authors: Partners in life that met by chance, struggling to get over distance.
          Each of us has unique interests and preferences, in anime/manga and other things,
          but thankfully that has always been a source of inspiration rather than dispute. We
          love being together and that keeps our creativity going.

Foxy Lady Ayame
She has studied pedagogics and currently works as a foreign language teacher. Not very sure
about her career but without a doubt an avid animanga fan and an art-nouveau lover. She
records her inspiration in My compass on her field trip* and its extension on springpad.

The nickname
Her original one was Kitsune, because she loves Horo from Spice & Wolf who has quite red
fur and resembles a fox instead of a wolf. Kitsune are also fascinating as mythological crea-
tures. But since at the time there was another person using that nickname at WordPress, she
changed it to Foxy Lady. Ayame was the handle used for commenting on WP, so for practical
reasons it ended up the way it is now.

He is a graphic designer and illustrator who works for a publishing house. He was born in
California, thus a crazy Lakers’ fan. He’s a bibliophile and nuts about old good video games.
Oh and he loves sleeping. The member of this blog who, unfortunately, doesn’t write often.

The nickname
Neko stands for cat in Japanese. Cats are cute, playful… and lazy. They seek caresses and
hugs but they can also have mood swings and be sulky. Pretty much like this young man.


The Beautiful Sinners
Angel Sanctuary & Diversity

                                                            01. Angel Sanctuary's epic company of friends and rivals.

            o be called a sinner is one of the hardest accusations a person can face throughout

                                                                                                                        Written by Neko-kun • Published on 07/21/12 • Category: Essay
            his lifetime. Sinners, throughout mankind’s history, have been punished repeat-
            edly for their actions and desires. Yet, it often seems to me that sin is a blessing;
            the road to happiness. In this article I am trying to prove my point by using
Angel Sanctuary (天使禁猟区, Tenshi Kinryōku), Kaori Yuki’s masterpiece and my personal
favorite, as reference material.

The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft;
hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, or-
gies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom
of God.

Galatians 5:19-21

As the religious quote above suggests, to sin is to listen to what you feel, be it lust, rage, greed
and all other human desires, then act according to it -pretty much what Setsuna Mudo did
in all the adventures he got himself into. His desire to fight against everything standing
between him and his younger sister Sara is considered an act worthy of severe punishment
because in the eyes of the Divine Father being a loyal subject means to be innocent and
love Him.

What I love about Angel Sanctuary is that it shows us how love and sin are connected
way deeper than love and God’s holiness. The reason for this is the diversity of sin’s nature.
Love in the way of the "damned" has so many forms that naming them all would be impos-
sible. One cannot forget Zaphkiel’s affection and tenderness towards Raziel. Or the greatness
of Katan’s dedication towards Rosiel. The protective feelings of Setsuna towards Sara. How
NidHeg’s emotions were so strong that he managed to forgive Lailah for her cruel betrayal.
Also, the sinners very often seem to be the innocent. "All we did was to love, to fall in love."
Kurai speaks this truth many times during the story. This is true for her and almost every
other character in Angel Sanctuary. This is also true for those of us who, reading about
Setsuna’s adventures, seem to find a fragment of ourselves in each character.

Left Unsaid
                                                                                                                           Kaori Yuki
                                                                                                                           20 (Viz Media)    Voluntary Death
      "What I love about                                                                                                   Human
         Angel Sanctuary                                                                                                   Katou, Yue

       is that it shows us                                                                                                 Kira, Sakuya
                                                                                                                           Mudo, Sara
        how love and sin                                                                                                   Mudo, Setsuna
            are connected                                                                                                  Angels

    way deeper than love                                                                                                   Alexiel
     and God’s holiness."                                                                                                  Djibril/Gabriel
                                                   02. Perhaps Neko-kun's favorite Kaori Yuki illustration of all time.
One cannot say that all sinners managed to meet salvation. Not all sins have a good ending,                                Rosiel
not all actions can be positive at all times. But none of those who tried to follow authority in                           Katan
order to create a perfect, "pure white world" or receive the approval of God had a decent end.                             Kadmon, Adam
Sevothtarte never found salvation and Rosiel lost his most important treasure. The holy road                               Kirie
to salvation may, in the end, be only a path downwards the inferno of one’s soul.                                          Lailah
                                                                                                                           Michael                                                                                     04. When the eyes of youth burn.

Love, innocence, friendship, dedication and loyalty, all can be wonderful in unnumbered                                    Metraton          Preface

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Written by Neko-kun • Published on 08/06/12 • Category: Essay
ways. Let no one tell you that there is only one way to pursue happiness, that if you run after                                              This is the first post of a series of articles called Left Unsaid. The project will be dedicated
a forbidden love you are cursed, that you are a demon if you do not limit yourselves as to                                                   on analyzing various social and personal aspects of life, mostly subjects of ambiguous debate.
whom you love, that you are ugly because you do not look and live according to the rules                                                     We wish to use this series as a tool to go deeper into our own experiences and to help other
of an "enlightened" being. We have passions. As human beings, angels and demons, we are                                    Sevothtarte
                                                                                                                                             people through mutually beneficial discussions. We believe that the world is beautiful and
made of such. In the same way that Setsuna and his friends never gave up going after what                                  Sheatiel          we wish to make it even better. This is part of our contributions to this effort.
they needed, let us follow their example and be the beautiful sinners we deserve to be.                                    Teialiel/Teial
                                                                                                                           Uriel             Introduction
More works by Kaori Yuki                                                                                                   Zaphkiel          As a teenager I remember a word very intriguing to me: death. When I truly started to think and
Boy’s Next Door (少年残像, Shōnen Zanzō, 1997, Hana to Yume Comics, Hakusensha,                                                Demons            analyze the world around me, the majesty and absolute power of death seemed overwhelming
  oneshot)                                                                                                                 Arakune           to the eyes of this young boy. Like many other kids my age, I felt like it was something I desired
Godchild (ゴッド チャイルド, Goddo Chairudo, 2001–2003, Hana to Yume Comics,                                                       Boyz & Noyz       to experience. On this article, I am using volume one of Confidential Confessions (問題提起 作
  Hakusensha, eight volumes)                                                                                               Kurai             品集, Mondaiteiki Sakuhinshū) and the story of its heroines, Manatsu and Asparagus, to talk about
Ludwig Revolution (ルードヴィッヒ革命, Rūdovihhi Kakumei, 2004–2007, Hana to Yume                                                   Lucifer           my own experiences and explain how manga art treats one’s wish to voluntary abandon life.
  Comics, Hakusensha, four volumes)                                                                                        Prince Abaddon
Grand Guignol Orchestra (人形(ギニョール - Ginyōru)宮廷楽団 Ningyō (Guignol) Kyūtei                                                   Seven Sins         Chapter One: How it begins
  Gakudan, 2008–2010, Hana to Yume Comics, Hakusensha, five volumes)                                                       Astoreth           Both in real life and in the world of the manga, family ties matter a lot to a teenager. If they
                                                                                                                           Asmodeus           are strong and based on willing participation, they can be a source of power; if they are weak
                                                                                                                           Barbelo            or non-existant, they can hurt a person for the rest of his/her life. I can understand that very
                                                                                                                                              well, for there were times I felt my family breaking down and I could do nothing to help it
                                                                                                                                             -or so I thought. Not being able to count on your parents in days of crisis means that you
                                                                                                                           Mad Hatter
                                                                                                                                              cannot do the things you need in order to improve yourself as a person; to share thoughts,
                                                                                                                                              ask for advice and learn from the experience of others. You cannot confess the things truly
                                                                                                                                              important to you in such a situation.
                                                                                                                                             When there is no way to release the negative feelings, they grow roots deep inside one’s soul.
                                                                                                                           YHWH              It will turn into self destuctive energy in no time, as mighty and hard as an olive tree. That is,
                                                                                                                                             I believe, where the wish to kill oneself begins to sprout in one’s heart and mind. For an adult
                                                                                                                                             it may be easier to use past experiences as a defensive mechanism, but it is not the same for a
                                                                                                                                             teenager. When one has never chopped down a tree, it is very difficult to find out the proper
                                                                                                                                             way to do it without getting hurt.
                                                                                      03. Love, sinful or not, prevails.

The Beautiful Sinners_ Just a little taste of Journey                                                                                                                                                                                           16_17
Chapter two: The state of a suicidal life                                                                         Mangaka
What sort of things may one wish to share? For Manatsu, that was her loneliness and lack                          Yuki Urushibara
of self esteem, her worries. For her friend Asparagus, it was bullying and her need to be ac-                     Volumes
cepted as a person. For me, it was the indecisiveness of sexual orientation. For every teenager                   6 (Tokyopop)                                                                                  In the end,
who fantasizes death, there is a different wish, sometimes bizarre, sometimes commonly un-                        Cast (vol. 1)                                                                                 when faced
derstood as extremely serious. One of the adults’ grave mistakes is that they always underes-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                directly with death,
timate the needs of these young girls and boys. Like Manatsu’s mother told her "what makes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                most people real-
you think you can commit suicide?" Little do people understand that the urge to prove that
you can do it and hurt them is only growing this way.                                                                                                                                                           ize they do not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                really wish to die.
                                                                                                                                                                                     06. I don’t want to die!
Suicidal teenagers see the world in very simplistic terms. Such is their ignorance, that they
think they know everything. That sort of arrogance can easily make you believe in a doctrine                                        become so desperate for that dark shelter that it becomes as much of a need as food. To feed
as absolute as "suicide is not the end, it is the beginning!" Just ask Manatsu. But for people                                      that hunger most suicidal teens are eager to do almost anything. I was willing to try to drink
who think of themselves as holders of the meaning of life, suicidal teens have many questions                                       my father’s medicine, to stop caring about cleaning and taking care of my body. Asparagus
unanswered:                                                                                                                         used cutting as a potion. The girls had no hesitation to even sell their urine to an old man.
                                                                                                                                    The list could be endless.
Would my parents hurt?
Would my friends care?                                                                                                              It is important to note though, that it is not, for example, the repeated hearing of death metal
What if no one noticed?                                                                                                             or Marilyn Manson that makes one wish to die. It is how you use these "tools" that helps you
Would I be missing this life?                                                                                                       reach to that state of mind. Once upon a time, I used biblical teaching and religion as a tool
Could it be that the future of the world would change without me?                                                                   to justify and increase my paranoia and tendency to harm myself. That does not make neces-
What if my death would be for everyone’s good?                                                                                      sarily religion a hurtful tool -even though my opinion on that institution remains negative
                                                                                                                                    ever since I stopped being a believer.
The natural tendency of a young life to question every rule of this world can lead to disasters.
Some of these disasters can, unfortunately, include self destruction. The more life experience                                      Not all people put themselves in danger on their own will. In cases like Asparagus’ bullying,
one gains, the more one eludes such a danger.                                                                                       it is even harder to change one’s path because that person has to deal with his/her weaknesses
                                                                                                                                    and the cruelty of others. In a way, it is like trying to stop your murder.

                                                                                                                                    Chapter Four: A Therapy for Pain
                                                                                                                                    When I was fifteen, I really wanted to ask questions of the kind that you read above. I think
                                                                                                                                    most suicidal teens have the same inclinations. But there are many ways to express such con-
                                                                                                                                    cerns and not all of them are negative. I found more and more inspiration for my art from
                                                                                                                                    that dark wish of mine. Manatsu preferred to collect pieces of her dead skin and keep them
                                                                                                                                    in a diary. Every mind needs to express its needs and very often that is a way to survive. Art,
                                                                                                                                    whether through creativity (painting and sketching) or joy (music, films and anime) had
                                                                                                                                    given me the will to live many times. If one tries to stop that expression he/she actually hurt
                                                                                                                                    the person in need. That is what Manatsu’s mother did and led her daughter to cut her wrist
                                                                                                                                    in front of her.

                                                                                                                                    In the end, when faced directly with death, most people realize they do not really wish to
                                                                                                                                    die. They simply want their life to change towards a different direction and someone to show
                                                                                                                                    them how to overcome its obstacles. I remember that in every single attempt I tried, no mat-
                                                                                                                                    ter the different ways, I wanted someone to step in, save me and hold me dearly, to tell me
                                                                                                                                    they wish for me to live.

                                                        05. To the young, what shocks may also seem attractive.
Chapter three: Deeper in the wounds                                                                                                 There is always a reason to live. As Manatsu had to find out through a painful loss, suicide
The toughest thing about being suicidal is addiction. Worshipping death can be a dear habit                                         does not give you a solution to life’s problems. It is similar to a rushed ending for a film that
after you have repeated it long enough. It can become the very first and last thought of the                                        never got completed. Thankfully, neither I nor Manatsu ever got to write that ending our-
day. Intellectually, being near death can be hurtful but, for many people, it also becomes lib-                                     selves, thus we can breathe freely, taking it one day at a time. It is my wish that people going
erating. If your problems grow and you are as emotionally fragile as CC’s girls or myself, you                                      through the same, or even worse, difficulties manage to do the same.

Left Unsaid_ Just a little taste of Journey                                                                                                                                                                                     18_19
A History Lesson from Hyōka
                                              New historical perspective

                                                                                                07. Hotaru Oreki: A beautiful mind working in complicated ways.

                                                           istory: a word that probably causes shivers to most people and especially stu-

                                                                                                                                                                  Written by Foxy Lady Ayame • Published on 06/23/12 • Category: Essay
                                                           dents. No wonder, since this subject is traditionally tied to a list of dates to
                                                           remember by heart, heavy books that scare you just by looking at them, and a
                                                           teacher who keeps talking ’till you get drowsy.

                                              But it shouldn’t really be this way. History isn’t just something totally disconnected to us; it
                                              isn’t just the story of dead glorious people. "History is who we are and why we are the way
                                              we are" said David McCullough.1 History is the search for the truth of important or every
                                              day people, of epic battles and life during peace times. It should be interesting. It should
                                              cause people’s eyes to sparkle with excitement, ask questions and discuss with each other.
                                              Much like in Hyōka (氷菓, Hyōka), because these kids were conducting historical research
                                              on a small scale.

                                              Chapter One: structures, conjunctures and events
                                              What we see in episodes 4 and 5 of Hyōka are historians at work and the perspective of the
                                              new historiography. In contrast to the Old History, which focused on the narrative and con-
                                              sidered the sources to provide the truth in raw form, New History emphasizes on analysis and
                                              interpretation, and supports a critical approach towards the source material. The latter also
                                              is concerned not only with big narratives (national history) but also with smaller narratives
                                              (local history), such as Kamiyama’s school festival incident.

                                              According to the Annales School,2 a style of historiography developed by French historians
                                              in the 20th century, history should be studied in three layers: structures, conjunctures and
                                              events. Braudel,3 who suggested this framework, wanted to show that time moves at different
                                              speeds and one can say that he divides time into geographical (long span), social (medium
                                              span) and individual (short span) times respectively.4

                                              Structures exist in the long span, and they may last hundreds, even thousands of years. They
                                              refer to the underlying social patterns which provide continuous constraints on our actions.
                                              They may represent patterned cultural, economic or political modes of reacting to natural
                                              phenomena or perceiving social realities. We can see in the series that Kamiyama, in Gifu

Left Unsaid_ Just a little taste of Journey                                                                                                             20_21
prefecture, is surrounded by green, that farming is still taking place, and that the families                         Director
who have big parts of land, like Chitanda’s, possess a pretty high social status. It would be                         Yasuhiro Takemoto
safe to assume that these characteristics were pretty much the same 45 years ago and the                              Studio
mentalities accompanying rural areas are also maintained. Structures don't make an appear-                            Kyoto Animation                                                             "New History emphasizes on
ance during this first arc of the series and don’t seem to play a significant role to the solution                    Episodes
                                                                                                                                                                                                   analysis and interpretation
to the mystery, yet, they are still there.
                                                                                                                      Cast                                                                         and supports a critical approach
What we do get to see in episode 4 is the presence of conjunctures. Conjunctures lie between                          Hōtarō, Oreki
                                                                                                                                                                                                   towards the source material"
                                                                                                                      Chitanda, Eru                                       09. Lets work it out.
structures and events and represent the cyclical rhythms within the normal fluctuations of all
                                                                                                                      Fukube, Satoshi
structures. A conjuncture in our story might be the "uprising" against authority, in particular                                           When: June 1967. "Cultural Festival Discussion Meeting". Conflict. / October 1967. Sekitani’s
                                                                                                                      Mayaka, Ibara
the government and, secondarily, the teachers. Yes, the student movement of the 60s that                                                  Jun expulsion
Fukube mentions first and their hypotheses up to that point take a whole other meaning.                                                   Where: Kamiyama High School
                                                                                                                                          Who: Sekitani Jun and the student body
The event, of course, is what happened to Kamiyama High School 45 years ago, and to be                                                    Why: Students’ independence was forfeited
more precise, the past of the Classic Literature Club and the past of Sekitani Jun.                                                       How: Violence wasn’t used
 Chapter Two: how do historians seek the truth?
 a. Phase One                                                                                                                             Questions though towards the source and the "story" would be just inadequate and pointless
 The answer is by following certain steps. First of all, they search for available sources, keep-                                         without activating "filters" and setting in motion our critical thinking.
 ing in mind the topic of interest at all times. They categorize and evaluate the sources and
 choose those that are considered more valid. As students, the available sources for a very                                               While analyzing the text, the researcher also asks who wrote each source, to whom and for
 specific topic can be limited, but more than one source is always important in order to do a                                             what purpose. This phase is kind of omitted, but Fukube does make a remark on Ibara’s text,
 cross examination. Chitanda focused on "Hyōka’s anthology, vol.2" introduction note, Ibara                                               since it seems prejudiced in favor of revolutionists. The feelings and the intention of the au-
 searched the library and found "Unity and Triumph, vol.1", Fukube dug up the archives of the                                             thor might distort the truth and mislead the researcher.
"Wall Newspaper Club’s Monthly Report", and Oreki sought some official records and brought
 information from "Kamiyama High’s 50 Years of Journey". All of them are primary sources.                                                 b. Phase Two
                                                                                                                                          Critical thinking entails, among other things, the ability to fill in the gaps using logic and
Then comes the analysis stage. The texts are carefully read, the important facts are singled                                              previous knowledge from outside the sources. For example, Oreki corrects Ibara when she
out, keywords and thematic of each text are highlighted and the first hypotheses are formed.                                              claims that the revolution was violent, because if one talked about a punitive act, Sekitani
By going through more texts, facts are added, doubted or confirmed and the hypotheses are                                                 Jun would have been expelled immediately and not five months later. Reading between the
corrected. And most importantly: questions are asked.                                                                                     lines and comprehending/clarifying ambiguity is crucial, too. Do you remember when Ibara
                                                                                                                                          pointed out that the "legendary protest" and Sekitani Jun’s incident are one and the same—
                                                                                                                                          otherwise there would be a visible distinction? That’s making use of linguistic rules. Similar
                                                                                                                                          are the cases of the puns/homonyms/heterographs discussed among the four characters (sac-
                                                                                                                                          rifice-offering, Kanya-Sekitani, hyōka= ice cream-I scream).

                                                                                                                                          And, of course, we shouldn’t forget empathy. In the historical context, the concept of empa-
                                                                                                                                          thy is much more than just seeing a person, idea or situation through the eyes of another. It
                                                                                                                                          is rather a much deeper understanding of the circumstances and concepts surrounding the
                                                                                                                                          event. In other words, empathy is "wearing one’s shoes" and reconstructing a situation/an era.
                                                                                                                                          Oreki seems to excel in it.

                                                                                                                                          If there are still holes in the conclusion, the researcher might need to revise his/her sources
                                                                                                                                          or search for more. Texts aren’t the only type of sources available. Paintings, artifacts, cloth-
                                                                                                                                          ing, even buildings are considered sources of equal value. Hyōka’s cover is a very good ex-
                                                                                                                                          ample that was unfortunately mentioned in the afterward of the conclusion. Its symbolism
                                                                                                                                          could be easily decoded and supplement or testify for the theory they’ve formed.

                                                                                                                                          The Niece of Time arc ends with the interview of an eyewitness, namely Ms. Koriyama Yōko,
                                                                                                                                          the librarian. As shown, finding an eyewitness can be elusive, especially when it comes to
                                                                                                                                          women who drop their maiden name after marriage. Usually, it is even more elusive- they
                                                     08. What matters is not what you see but how you interpret it.

A History Lesson from Hyōka_ Just a little taste of Journey                                                                                                                                                                          22_23
had great "luck" that she was still around town and, moreover, working in the school from
which she had graduated. Eyewitnesses are valuable but they can only present their point of
view, which isn’t always sufficient when someone tries to approach the truth as objectively
as possible.

That’s how history is written in simple words. I hope you had a fun ride reading this and I
wish that you can see history with Chitanda’s eyes from now on.

                                                                               10. Watashi kininarimasu!

 1. David McCullough is one of the most widely respected modern historians, famous for his bi-
 ographies of American presidents Harry Truman (Truman, 1992, Simon & Schuster) and John
Adams (John Adams, 2001, Simon & Schuster) and other writings on American history. He
 was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and studied English Literature at Yale University where
 he graduated as one of the best students.
 2. The Annales School was a group of historians associated with a style of historiography de-
 veloped by French historians in the 20th century. It was named after its scholarly journal
"Annales d'histoire économique et sociale", which remains the main source of scholarship,
 along with many books and monographs. The school has been highly influential in setting the
 agenda for historiography in France and numerous other countries, especially regarding the
 use of social scientific methods by historians, emphasizing social rather than political or diplo-
 matic themes, and for being generally hostile to the class analysis of Marxist historiography.
 3. Fernand Braudel (24 August 1902 – 27 November 1985) was a French historian and a leader
 of the Annales School who has been considered one of the greatest modern historians who
 have repeatedly emphasized the role of large-scale socioeconomic factors in the making and
 writing of history.

A History Lesson from Hyōka_ Just a little taste of Journey
Spice & Wolf
a story of two traveling companions

                                            11. The fun part of being a traveler is that you can live life your own way.

         pices: precious cooking material that enhances food's flavor, giving it an extra some-

                                                                                                                           Written by Neko-kun • Published on 03/17/12 • Category: Review
         thing. Only a few centuries ago, they were a very good reason to go to war or to
         travel to the end of the world, as Christopher Columbus would tell you.
         Wolf: One of the most mysterious creatures in the mythology of all peoples.
Independent, yet societal, lonely but caring, a killer yet not a beast. When on werewolf form
it is depicted mostly as an aggressive, blood-thirsty murderer or a split personality to fight
off his savage part.

In economics, when two powerful elements combine and create successive booms, it is only
a matter of time before we find ourselves in a huge bust. In the case of Spice & Wolf (狼と香
辛料, Ōkami to Kōshinryō) however, we seem to have discovered a system of excessive growth,
stability and productivity without any hard depressions- only a few recessions. Are you ready
to read about one of these bloggers’ favorite anime?

What makes Spice & Wolf special?

Chapter one: The story
Spice and Wolf’s story revolves around Kraft Lawrence, a 25-year-old traveling merchant
who peddles various goods from town to town to make a living in a stylized historical set-
ting with European influences. His main goal in life is to gather enough money to start his
own shop; he already has been traveling for seven years while gaining experience in the
trade. One night at the town of Pasloe, he finds in his wagon a pagan wolf-deity girl named
Horo who is over 600 years old. She appears to be a 15-year-old girl, except for a wolf ’s tail
and ears. She introduces herself as the town’s goddess of harvest who has kept it blessed with
good harvests of wheat for many years. Despite her responsibility to watch over the town,
she wants to go back to her homeland in the north called Yoitsu; she believes the people have
already forsaken her and that she has kept her promise to maintain the good harvests. Also,
Horo wants to travel to see how the world has changed while she has remained in one place
for years. She manages to bargain her way out of the village by making a deal with Lawrence
to take her with him. As they travel, her wisdom helps increase his profits, but at the same
time, her true nature draws unwanted attention from the Church.

Director          The fact that we do not see her character develop much is, in my opinion, justifiable. She is,
                                                                                                         Takeo Takahashi   after all, some thousands years old. She has met too many creatures to change her attitude
                                                                                                         Studio            in such a short time. Her honest ways more than make up for the lack of development. Even
                                                                                                         Imagin            gods have weaknesses in the end.
                                                                                                         Episodes (s.1)
                                                                                                         12 (+1 extra)     What I love about Horo is that -spectacular as she may be- she is never over the top. In reality,
                                                                                                         Episodes (s.2)    I see in her the personification of the ideal female anime character: she goes after what she
                                                                                                         12 (+1 extra)
                                                                                                                           wants, yet longs to feel her lover’s care. That does not mean she is going to take advantage of
                                                                                                                           that care. Her encouragement of Lawrence to go after his life’s dream is one that only a true
                                                                                                                           lover and an honest person would show.
                                                                                                         Lawrence, Kraft
                                                                                                         Arendt, Norah                                 b. Lawrence
                                                                                                         Cole, Mark                                    The second member of the main couple does not have the shine and
                                                                                                         Boland, Eve                                   star-like appeal of his companion. Even so, Lawrence is the perfect
                                                                                                                                                       hero for this story and the best possible mate for Horo. Shy when it
                                                                                                                                                       comes to women and thoughtful, Lawrence makes a slow entry into
                                                                                                                                                       the show but updates his status and character regularly, without any
                                                                                                                                                       inconsistencies. For that reason, one could say he is the most com-
                                                                                                                                                       plex character of the story and also the most developed (in deep
                                                                                                                                                       contrast to Horo): from a greedy, wandering merchant to a sensitive
                                                                                                                                                       lover and fellow traveler.
                                                                              12. Our favorite couple.

It is very rare to see a combination of the elements Spice & Wolf tries to pull together.                                  This is not the only way he is different from Horo. He is not so good when it comes to judg-
Medieval history, except for that of Japan or China, is usually depicted as a comical or tragic                            ing people for anything besides profit. He has known no place to call home, while she stayed
period in the anime market. Spice & Wolf tries a great deal to present this period in a more                               in the same village for centuries and longs to return to her birthplace. Remember how many
realistic way. Its people are not saints but they are not monsters either. Merchants are greedy                            short-term risks Lawrence took through the first sagas? Now, do you also remember how in
but this fact does not erase their morality or conscience. They pursue the best possible deals,                            the end he turned his back on his dream for Horo – as if there were two different people each
yet still seek human care, attention and friendship. Human beings are not obsolete.                                        time? In many ways Lawrence is defined by Horo, because her actions reveal new aspects of
                                                                                                                           his character. Recall the case of Amati saga where, because of her attitude, Lawrence was
Neither are economics, an element of Spice & Wolf I remember having found in no other                                      forced to change his behavior?
anime. I am not acquainted with medieval economics, since they refer to a world I do not
know of and whose main concerns were the –mostly hideous- actions of the Church, the                                       All of this means that Lawrence is a bit of a passive character (when it comes to romance at
value of metals such as gold and silver, and trade through carriages. It is obvious though that                            least). He is just a man whose life changed radically thanks to the strongest magic of them
Hasekura Isuna has done his research and is able to create extremely interesting plots.                                    all: a woman’s magic. We love him for being kind, slightly clueless and passionate. Oh, and
                                                                                                                           his improved verbal skills in season 2.
Chapter two: The characters
                   a. Horo                                                                                                 Chapter Three: Many pluses and one minus
                   From her amazing introduction to Lawrence, one can understand                                           On its other aspects, Spice & Wolf remains a strong and unique anime. There we can find
                   that Horo –or Great Sage Wolf Horo- is truly a memorable character.                                     some high level animation, attractive character design and great music. The music creates
                   Her appearance is what first attracts the audience into the series, for                                 succesfully a medieval feeling, be it more festive, dramatic or melancholic. The openings and
                   she is unique in her original design and works perfectly as a mascot.                                   endings of both season 1 and 2 are very very good - with the openings bringing a nostalgic
                   However, good looks are not the only thing Horo has to show. Her                                        feeling and the endings closing off each episode with jolliness.
                   character is one we rarely see in anime- a strong, independent yet
                   sensitive woman. Horo is much more open than any other charac-                                          There is hardly anything to add for the pluses, since almost all aspects of both seasons are
                   ter and smarter, too. She proves that in many cases, but I think her                                    stunning. The script is really something and it’s to be expected since we talk about a novel
                   most remarkable moment was in episode 8 of season 1.                                                    adaption. Here are some quotes and dialogues.

Let us recall that one scene where she cleverly finds out about the merchant’s fraud, thus                                  -- Horo: All men are jealous and stupid, and all women are stupid to be happy about it, idiots are ev-
giving Lawrence the opportunity to take advantage of him. All that thanks to her sharpness.                                    erywhere you look...
What was even sharper though was her way of communicating her thoughts to Lawrence. I
do not think a goddess can be any more elegant and graceful than she was at that scene.                                     -- Horo: A bunny that gets eaten by the wolf every night, surely knows the wolf well...

Spice & Wolf_ Just a little taste of Journey                                                                                                                                                                                28_29
Natsu no Zenjitsu
 -- Lawrence: You’ll be killed if you’re caught! How does that balance out?
    Horo: Loneliness is a fatal disease. It’s balanced enough

 -- Lawrence: You... There are things you can and cannot do!                                                          tender passions and soft bites
    Horo: Didn’t you tell me to act cute when asking for something?
    Lawrence: I told you to be honest about it! I didn’t tell you to resort to feminine wiles!

 -- Horo: If I wore rabbit’s fur, I’m sure you’d fall into my trap instantly.
    Lawrence: In that case I’ll carry around some apples so that I’ll get caught in the trap.

The only minus I can mention is the design of Horo in the second season that took away
many of the things that made her one of my favourite female anime characters. We all know
sexy ladies are a big trademark for every series. But that does not mean that turning a mature,
smart goddess like Horo into a loli/moe looking female makes her sexier. Rather, it turns her
into something more common and less interesting.

Spice & Wolf is one of the few anime out there that has no competitor, because it belongs
to its own category. It is a must watch for everyone that is looking for a combination of slice

                                                                                                                                                                                             14. One's first time comes with many surprises.
of life and fantasy, along with lots of intelligent stories and a sweet, romantic couple. I know
I did not regret watching it, the same way I do not regret putting a generous investment of                                 t is cold but two people are warm. It is hot outside, the shadows are thick. A pretty lady

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Written by Foxy Lady Ayame • Published on 02/24/12 • Category: Review
spices to make my every meal more tasteful. Without such delicacies, life would worth very                                  enters the art supply shop in order to post some art recommendations on a special
little indeed.                                                                                                              place in the shop. A handsome young man who works there, offers to help her. That’s
                                                                                                                            how they met. And some days later they run across each other again in a field under the
Postscript                                                                                                            sky that was so blue and high that is was suffocating; he paints and she watches. Their paths
We will certainly buy the novels when they are all out.                                                               continue to cross until a night that the rain wouldn’t stop... and then...

                                                                                                                      Chapter One: The Story
                                                                                                                      Natsu no Zenjitsu (by Yoshida Motoi) began serializing back in 2008 and runs in a bi-
                                                                                                                      monthly magazine. Up to now, there are 3 volumes out in the stores. The scanlations are even
                                                                                                                      slower since someone not reading Japanese can only find the two first volumes. Yet, patience
                                                                                                                      delivers fuzziness in the heart each and every time.

                                                                                                                      A few words from the mangaka seem like the best introduction to the story.

                                                                                                                      Although it humbles me to just mention his name, there is a song called Natsu no Zenjitsu by Mr. Kōji
                                                                                                                      Takimoto of new age folk band, Tama. The title of this piece of work was borrowed from the name of
                                                                                                                      that wonderful song. Although the world of the song and what I am drawing are completely different, I
                                                                                                                      agonized lengthily over whether I could make this phrase my own and whether I would be able to carry
                                                                                                                      the burden of its existing reputation. I hemmed and hawed over it as a tentative title for this series, until
                                                                                                                      it reached the point that a decision had to be made. It was probably because "Editor S" talked a lot about
                                                                                                                      Tama with me during our telephone conference that I finally gathered enough courage to make the deci-
                                                                                                                      sion. Sorry for all that trouble.

                                                                                                                      Whereupon, when I began drawing out the manga’s title page, I realized that no other title would be more
                                                                                                                      fitting for the series and decided to follow through with my initial instincts and name the series Natsu
                                                                                                                      no Zenjitsu. Of course, although people reading my work could hardly be concerned with it, the desire
                                                                                                                      to make the series live up to its namesake certainly has been a strong motivating factor when writing the
                                                                                                                      manga. I was thinking of writing about this matter in the previous chapter, but since it was the big pre-
                                                                                                                      miere of passion between Aoki and Aizawa, I held back. I’m trying my best.

                                                                                     13. The girls of Spice & Wolf.

Spice & Wolf_ Just a little taste of Journey                                                                                                                                                                                         30_31
The story is an adult romance story and as such it explores job related issues which shed a light    Director
on the characters and their interactions. I underline the adult part not only because the pro-       Motoi Yoshida
tagonists are over the age of 18 but because the whole relationship is more mature and not just      VOLUMES
in the sexual explicitness department (yes, there are extended sex scenes). The heroine makes        3 (not finished)
her move in chapter 1 and already in chapter 2 the protagonists get physically intimate. The         VOLUMES
relationship isn’t as clear as it usually is in (heterosexual) shōjo; there are complex situations
and perplexed feelings. And that’s really how adult relationships are most of the time.
                                                                                                     Aoki Tetsuo
                                                                                                     Aizawa Akira
But by labeling the story adult, by no means do I imply rough intercourse or nasty porn.             Hanami
Although there is tension and passion bursts from several pages, their love in all its forms is      Mori Atō
tender. We get many panels with sweet kisses on the face -not only on the lips-, hugs, caresses      Riko Inoue
and tangled legs. There’s foreplay communication and teasing between them while in bed. I
haven’t encounter such scenes in other manga. You really get warm on the inside from this
honesty; from watching them explore their bodies and please each other.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       15. Lets make up!
The art does help a lot, despite the fact that, according to the scanlators, the "brightness
and contrast" tool used by them has decreased the impact of the art. The expressions are                                who fell for him. (Pay attention on the notes on the side of the manga; they usually express
awesome and well-defined. The crosshatching is, in my opinion, what establishes intimacy                                Tetsuo’s thoughts). In the omake where everyone gets an animal to represent him/her, Tetsuo
and warmth - it’s perhaps how it encircles the characters and fills in the space in the panels.                         is a panther.
Akira’s lustrous hair and soft, curvy body and Tetsuo’s not very edgy face and lean, strong
frame ooze sensuality. Body language is used very effectively: from the lonely and/or ner-                              "Do you know? there’s a way to erase your own existence. If you avert your gaze and avoid making eye
vous back of Tetsuo to the embarassed pose and hands of Akira. Realism is emphasized by                                  contact, you can disappear from the field of vision of others. That’s a way to be transparent."
the presense of Akira’s pube hair and Tetsuo’s hairy legs. Every character is designed in a way
that speaks volumes for his/her character.                                                                              "A person’s body... sure is warm. The first time we touched... inside her... Her voice and her smell... every-
                                                                                                                         thing was so soft."
                           Chapter two: The Characters
                           a. Aoki Tetsuo                                                                                                             b. Aizawa Akira
                           A 4th year talented student at an art university, he almost always                                                         She is an elegant lady at her early thirties, working for an art gallery
                           wears an intense gaze like being angry permanently and, in spite of                                                        as well as an art critic. She’s always in a kimono and she may carry a
                           the fact that he has even won a prize, he isn’t confident or a bit con-                                                    parasol during sunny days or cover herself with a shawl during cold
                           tent about his art (mainly impressionistic works). One could say                                                           days. Her style is classic but not very strict. Her A-line hairstyle
                           Tetsuo is turmoiled by existential angst. Confused and frustrated, he                                                      makes her really cute and allows her alluring, smooth white neck to
                           doesn’t know what he should do in the future. He’s quite lonesome,                                                         show. Under the kimono she hides beautiful curves and I must say
                           an introvert who faces problems communicating his thoughts and                                                             that she is among the few manga characters with rich assets that I
                           sometimes can be abrupt and rude. His face rarely cracks a smile as                                                        really like- the physique is less played for the fanservice and more
he puts up walls between himself and the others. His long hair bangs kind of function like a                                                          to indicate a mature body.
wall. This trouble of expressing himself might create the wrong impression of him. He isn’t
stone-cold; he wishes to be tender towards Akira and that is shown through small gestures,                              She seems a woman that knows what she wants and pursues the object of her desire without
like handing her a ginko leaf, and through his thoughts. Smoking is a bad habit of his, but it                          minding what others might say about her. She’s confident and spontaneous: Akira was the
appears it’s his way of letting steam off. He’s observant and yet this trait of his doesn’t trans-                      one who took the initiative to visit Tetsuo while working on a painting, she gave the first kiss,
late to apprehension of feelings - his or others. Tetsuo has a certain pride when it comes to                           she led him to embrace her, she was the one who caressed his erection through his boxers.
his independence. He doesn’t like being helped in any way, even if it’s for something small.                            That doesn’t mean she is promiscuous; she gets shy and embarrassed too, and states that
Therefore, he is hardworking and runs several part-time jobs (he works at an art supply store)                          Tetsuo was the first person entering her bedroom. Akira is such a dynamic woman, she even
and one-time errands (eg. construction worker).                                                                         expresses her wish to support him financially. She really is a nurturing creature that wants
                                                                                                                        the best for the person she loves, playing with the possibility of getting her heart hurt in the
He has also become competent at house chores like cooking since he struggles to make ends                               process. Among other things, she’s playful and enjoys the moments she shares with Tetsuo.
meet. He seems to feel inferior compared to his brother who already works at a bank and                                 Of course, when the time calls for it, she can get the most serious expression. She is seen once
makes money. Tetsuo was not a high-achiever in school, you see. He makes up with his tal-                               being demanding from a subordinate of hers. Akira can also get a bit ugly when she’s jealous
ent that isn’t restricted to painting - he is in a music band along with Mori- but he doesn’t                           and her eyebrows become like arrows of death. This implies that she can get insecure from
appreciate his abilities. In the course of the story and when he is with Akira, he opens up                             time to time when it has to do with Tetsuo. We know Tetsuo thinks highly of her (and he goes
slowly, he relaxes, seeks consolation in body warmth, blushes and gets hungry for the woman                             as far as doubting if he deserves being together with such a fine woman), but he doesn’t have

Natsu no Zenjitsu_ Just a little taste of Journey                                                                                                                                                                                32_33
GLorious love
                                                                                                                        Yuri Manga

                                                                           16. Akira-san is truly a wonderful person.

the guts to confess his love, a thing that Akira is a bit sad about. In the omake she is depicted
as a cat.

"I like your eyes. That look in your eyes when you are drawing. I want to see that all the time."

"If you wouldn’t mind, I want you to be with me, embracing me.
 Every day. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

                                                                                                                                                                                     17. Girl's kissing can be an amazing, elegant sight.
                           c. The others
                           Hanami is the "flower girl" (she’s often seen carrying flowers) that                               n August, Pride Festivals around the world came to an end for the year 2012. The

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Written by Foxy Lady Ayame • Published on 08/2/12 • Category: Review
                           has caught Tetsuo’s eye and interest. She’s introduced from the be-                                Beautiful World had the honor to be present at Athens Pride Festival. This wonder-
                           ginning when she carries some big sunflowers and bumps on Tetsuo.                                  ful experience inspired us to write about some yuri manga that take their protagonists’
                           We don’t know much about her yet, apart from her being an art stu-                                 sexuality very seriously.
                           dent that both paints and photographs. Hanami’s smile is radiant
                           and only once she is seen a bit melancholic. She hangs around with                                                                   Title: A San Francisco Story (Part of the short
                           another girl and goes to a cafe from which Tetsuo passes by. She has                                                                 story collection Applause (アプローズ ー喝采; ブルー
                           even shopped once at the art supply store. Although Tetsuo thinks                                                                    ヅュ -アプローズ-)
                           he wants to be friends with her, the fact that he is rarely interested                                                               Mangaka: Ariyoshi Kyōko
in another person and that he mentions her in his diary in contrast to Akira (who isn’t men-                                                                    Volumes: Oneshot
tioned at all) is quite ominous. spoiler: the mangaka’s first two manga feature Hanami and                                                                      Hotness: 1
they are tagged as prequels to Natsu no Zenjitsu. There we see Tetsuo paired with Hanami.
I really hope that Natsu no Zenjitsu is a spin-off rather than a sequel. I don’t want a bad                                                                     Summary:
ending for the couple. It’s very unfair, if you consider that in Koi Kaze, which is an incest                                                                   In A San Francisco Story, a woman goes to visit an old
story with the man being the oldest in the couple, the ending was optimistic for them, but                                                                      friend who's an out lesbian living in San Francisco.
here where the woman is older, she’s probably doomed to disappointment.
                                                                                                                                                                Written in 1981, A San Fransisco Story, bears the
Mori Atō is an underclassman of Tetsuo who’s the complete opposite of him. He’s always                                                                          ethereal semi-realistic art of the era (just look at the
cheerful to the point of sillyness. He’s carefree (you can notice his unshaved beard and his                                                                    magnificent eyes above!). Yūko, a journalist, is on a
general slack way of dressing), likes alcohol and company. We get a comment about him and                                                                       business trip to San Fransisco and stays at Megumu’s
women: he’s kind of a womanizer. He carries his guitar around and sings (he appears to spend                                                                    place. Megumu is an old friend from their all-girls
much time rehearsing songs, though we also see him painting). In the omake he is a bear.                                school, and at the moment worries for her partner, Chelle, who is hospitalized for stomach
                                                                                                                        cancer. Tracy, a friend of Megumu, who is also lesbian, passes by to check how things go, and
Riko Inoue is a small-framed tomboy graduate student that really loves art. She’s a mangaka                             ends up providing a mini guide-tour to the queerness of the San Fransisco Pride Parade for
and at the same time wants to continue painting. She organizes croquis gatherings and seems                             Yūko. She also stays with her for the night since Megumu returns to the hospital. Revelations
generally an active person. She says she had really enjoyed putting up her works alongside                              and realizations dominate the latter half of the manga that lead to a charming open end.
with Tetsuo and shows an honest interest and admiration in his works. She herself is pretty
good. We see a nude self-portrait and I think that’s telling about her self-awareness and                               Although some parts of the story are a bit cliché, the setting is quite innovative and in the
self-image. Of course she worries she needs improvement, but she doesn’t nullify her work                               few pages it occupies, the significance of the Parade, the nature of homosexuality, the queer
like Tetsuo does. It came to me as a surprise that she smokes, although not heavily. She also                           fashion choices, gender roles and identities are discussed honestly. As for the characters’
drinks but gets easily tipsy. In the omake she is a rabbit/hare with glasses.                                           feelings, they are conveyed effectively through the appropriate panel layout, the close-ups,

Natsu no Zenjitsu_ Just a little taste of Journey                                                                                                                                                                                34_35
18. A San Fransisco Story                                                                                              19. Pieta

the multiple facial expressions and the body language. It might not be something that stirs                 help to retain an air of realism in the work with all the medical and psychological terms they
strong emotions, but A San Fransisco Story definitely has its own merits!                                   use without overdoing it. Doctor Shoumitsu’s theory, that the two girls with high levels of
                                                                                                            sensitivity are a step forward on the evolutionary ladder and they need each other to survive
                                         Title: Pieta                                                       along with his comment on how Rio and Sahoko stand out like unicorns (an lgbt symbol),
                                         Mangaka: Haruno Nanae                                              gives a sweet twist on the notion of lesbianism, and I like it. It’s a nice contrast to Doctor
                                         Volumes: Two                                                       Kyoko’s first doubts and keeps the right balance.
                                         Hotness: 1
                                                                                                            Pieta has such a unique atmosphere that at the end of the story it feels like a fluffy warm
                                          Summary:                                                          blanket is wrapped around you and a soft breeze grazes your face.
                                         A story about two classmates, Sahoko and Rio. Rio is de-
                                         pressed and self-abusive due to lack of loving relationships                                              Title: Indigo Blue
                                         with her "family", which consists of her negligent father, over-                                          Mangaka: Yamaji Ebine
                                         bearing, selfish stepmother and stepbrother; and Sahoko soon                                              Volumes: Oneshot
                                         becomes her only comfort in life. Sahoko on her part has a                                                Hotness: 2
                                         frigid relationship with her overprotective parents, and lives
                                         with her aunt by consequence.                                                                             Summary:
                                                                                                                                                   Rutsu is content with her life. She has a budding career as
                                         Pieta never mentions the word lesbianism, yet I could                                                     a novelist and a functional relationship with her boyfriend/
                                         not leave this title out of this list. It simply rejects la-                                              editor, Ryūji. However, when she meets Tamaki, a lesbian
bels with sincerity; they are too constrictive -especially for Sahoko and Rio and their story. Rio                                                 fan of her work who sees homoerotic subtext in her writ-
has been given too many wounds on her soul from a very young age and thus she has adopted                                                          ing, Rutsu is forced to reconsider her sexuality and what she
a "je m’en fous" facąde and appears cold-hearted while the truth is that she has difficulties                                                      wants from life.
sympathizing with others. And then comes Sahoko who has trouble being herself and not
just impersonating given roles. The unloved child finds the young lady who has received lots                                                        Love triangles are usually used in manga to create
of love and the two of them fit each other perfectly. While Rio’s previous date had sexual un-                                                      drama and stregthen the main couple. It might be
dertones, her relationship with Sahoko is full of tenderness whose nature is hard to pin down                                                       played for the laughs or as an excuse for more titilat-
with only one word. Both, she and Sahoko found a person to open up to.                                      ing sex scenes. This manga doesn’t follow any of these roads. Indigo Blue is about the com-
                                                                                                            plexity of sexual attraction, romantic feelings and the compatibility with your partner; about
It is a little dramatic, with themes like attempted suicide, parental abandonment and the                   cheating, guiltiness, bitterness, jealousness and break-ups; about people struggling to find
evil stepmother stereotype so, whoever is sensitive should take out some handkerchiefs.                     what they want in life. If we use modern labels, the protagonist is a bisexual woman that is
Thankfully, it doesn’t descend to mellow thanks to the wonderful side-characters Rio’s doc-                 aromantic in her heterosexual relationships. Yamaji Ebine talks to us with simple words that
tors are. The man is more of a romantic while his wife is the rational "pure" scientist, but both           convey Rutsu’s confusion or clarity of mind. She uses minimalistic art and takes advantage

GLorious love_ Just a little taste of Journey                                                                                                                                                               36_37
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Just a little taste of journey (1)
Just a little taste of journey (1)
Just a little taste of journey (1)
Just a little taste of journey (1)
Just a little taste of journey (1)
Just a little taste of journey (1)
Just a little taste of journey (1)
Just a little taste of journey (1)
Just a little taste of journey (1)
Just a little taste of journey (1)
Just a little taste of journey (1)
Just a little taste of journey (1)

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Just a little taste of journey (1)

  • 1.
  • 2. "To the ones that really matter" 本 当 に 大 切 な 人 達 へ
  • 3. Just a Little Taste The Beautiful World of Journey diaries of 旅の少しの味 two travelers volume Articles from the years 2011, 2012 1 Athens 2013 Athens 2013
  • 4. Credits All articles were written by Neko-kun and Foxy Lady Ayame Table of Contents during the years 2011-2012. All articles were edited by Phoenix, with Katan's assistance, in 2012. What you will read in our little book Cover and book layout was designed by Neko-kun. Preface Introduction All illustrations in the chapters Introduction, The Travelers, Spice & Wolf and 9 The Journey goes on are official artwork for the animated series Spice & Wolf. Artwork used in The Beautiful Sinners and the images The Travelers 37, 39 and 44 belong to Kaori Yuki. 11 The images in the article Left Unsaid were taken from Reiko Momochi's Confidential Confessions, volume 1, the story called The Door. One: Editorials Images used in A History Lesson from Hyōka as well as image 41 are taken The Beautiful Sinners from the animated series Hyōka, property of Kyoto Animation Studio. 15 All artwork in Natsu no Zenjitsu is the design of Motoi Yoshida for the manga Natsu no Zenjitsu, volumes 1 and 2. Left Unsaid All cover designs and manga pages used in the articles GLorious love and BLazed 17 passion belong to the mangakas and manga mentioned in the articles. The headers for GLorious love and Blazed passion were designed and belong to sizh. Two: Reviews A History Lesson The header for The Red String belongs to Yuki Urushibara Spice & Wolf from Hyōka and it appears in Mushishi's vol. 4 cover. 27 21 Images used for Offering a Prayer is taken from official artwork from the animated series Simoun. Natsu no Zenjitsu Images for the Genshiken Diaries, parts One and Two are from unknown 31 sources. If you know the original creators, please notify us. Image 38 is the work of Yasuhiro Nightow for the series Trigun. GLorious love Image 40 is the work of Matsuri Akino for the manga Pet Shop of Horrors. 35 Image 42 is the work of Akira Amano for the series Hitman Reborn! Image 43 is the work of Toei Animation for the series Mononoke. BLazed Passion Image 45 is the work of Kiyohiko Azuma for the series Yotsuba&! 39 All of the people whose we used for this book deserve your financial Three: Commentaries support, thus we encourage you to buy their wonderful products. The Red String 45 Terms & Conditions This book is a non-profit product. The Beautiful World grants Offering a Prayer permission to every reader to freely distribute its content as long as credit is 49 provided to The Beautiful World and the illustrators/mangakas/various others whose work is used in Just a Little Taste of Journey. Four: Journal The Genshiken Diaries Part One 55 The Genshiken Diaries Part Two 59 Epilogue The Journey goes on 61
  • 5. Introduction About this book T his book, called Just a Little Taste of Journey, is a collection of articles written by Foxy Lady Ayame and Neko-kun, a dedicated love couple who constantly tries to be creative and inspire others with its work. It is the result of three year work on writing and designing for the blog, The Beautiful World. When The Beautiful World first got on the internet, we wished for it to be a sanctuary for us and the things we shared. As we were getting older, our tastes evolved, mostly to more otaku oriented themes; proof for that is the fact that almost all articles’ starting point comes fully from anime and manga. What I believe is our trademark as a team of writers is our effort to speak our mind for more things than one. That is, as far as I can see, the purpose of art; to communicate thoughts and emotions. This book is our little contribution to this cause, thus what you will find here is not simply reviews of great shows but essays about important political and cultural subjects analyzed from our point of view. Just a Little Taste of Journey would not have come to life without a great deal of profes- sional work from our editor, Phoenix. She was truly great and her enthusiasm inspired us to try harder and harder. An honorable mention should be given to our mate Katan, for helping us out with the article on Angel Sanctuary and always disagreeing with us about the best manga and anime out there. Last, but not least, many thanks go to the, too many to mention you all, wonderful people we have met during our few years as otaku. Finally, we would like to thank you for picking up Just a Little Taste of Journey. It is our child and diary, our way to make the people we love smile. It is our important treasure that we are happy to share. Neko-kun March 6, 2013 8_9
  • 6. The Travelers Foxy Lady Ayame & Neko-kun T he authors: Partners in life that met by chance, struggling to get over distance. Each of us has unique interests and preferences, in anime/manga and other things, but thankfully that has always been a source of inspiration rather than dispute. We love being together and that keeps our creativity going. Foxy Lady Ayame She has studied pedagogics and currently works as a foreign language teacher. Not very sure about her career but without a doubt an avid animanga fan and an art-nouveau lover. She records her inspiration in My compass on her field trip* and its extension on springpad. The nickname Her original one was Kitsune, because she loves Horo from Spice & Wolf who has quite red fur and resembles a fox instead of a wolf. Kitsune are also fascinating as mythological crea- tures. But since at the time there was another person using that nickname at WordPress, she changed it to Foxy Lady. Ayame was the handle used for commenting on WP, so for practical reasons it ended up the way it is now. Neko-kun He is a graphic designer and illustrator who works for a publishing house. He was born in California, thus a crazy Lakers’ fan. He’s a bibliophile and nuts about old good video games. Oh and he loves sleeping. The member of this blog who, unfortunately, doesn’t write often. The nickname Neko stands for cat in Japanese. Cats are cute, playful… and lazy. They seek caresses and hugs but they can also have mood swings and be sulky. Pretty much like this young man. Postscript * 10_11
  • 7.
  • 8. The Beautiful Sinners Angel Sanctuary & Diversity T 01. Angel Sanctuary's epic company of friends and rivals. o be called a sinner is one of the hardest accusations a person can face throughout Written by Neko-kun • Published on 07/21/12 • Category: Essay his lifetime. Sinners, throughout mankind’s history, have been punished repeat- edly for their actions and desires. Yet, it often seems to me that sin is a blessing; the road to happiness. In this article I am trying to prove my point by using Angel Sanctuary (天使禁猟区, Tenshi Kinryōku), Kaori Yuki’s masterpiece and my personal favorite, as reference material. The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, or- gies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5:19-21 As the religious quote above suggests, to sin is to listen to what you feel, be it lust, rage, greed and all other human desires, then act according to it -pretty much what Setsuna Mudo did in all the adventures he got himself into. His desire to fight against everything standing between him and his younger sister Sara is considered an act worthy of severe punishment because in the eyes of the Divine Father being a loyal subject means to be innocent and love Him. What I love about Angel Sanctuary is that it shows us how love and sin are connected way deeper than love and God’s holiness. The reason for this is the diversity of sin’s nature. Love in the way of the "damned" has so many forms that naming them all would be impos- sible. One cannot forget Zaphkiel’s affection and tenderness towards Raziel. Or the greatness of Katan’s dedication towards Rosiel. The protective feelings of Setsuna towards Sara. How NidHeg’s emotions were so strong that he managed to forgive Lailah for her cruel betrayal. Also, the sinners very often seem to be the innocent. "All we did was to love, to fall in love." Kurai speaks this truth many times during the story. This is true for her and almost every other character in Angel Sanctuary. This is also true for those of us who, reading about Setsuna’s adventures, seem to find a fragment of ourselves in each character. 14_15
  • 9. Left Unsaid Mangaka Kaori Yuki Volumes 20 (Viz Media) Voluntary Death Cast "What I love about Human Angel Sanctuary Katou, Yue is that it shows us Kira, Sakuya Mudo, Sara how love and sin Mudo, Setsuna are connected Angels way deeper than love Alexiel Anael and God’s holiness." Djibril/Gabriel 02. Perhaps Neko-kun's favorite Kaori Yuki illustration of all time. Dobiel One cannot say that all sinners managed to meet salvation. Not all sins have a good ending, Rosiel not all actions can be positive at all times. But none of those who tried to follow authority in Katan order to create a perfect, "pure white world" or receive the approval of God had a decent end. Kadmon, Adam Sevothtarte never found salvation and Rosiel lost his most important treasure. The holy road Kirie to salvation may, in the end, be only a path downwards the inferno of one’s soul. Lailah Michael 04. When the eyes of youth burn. Love, innocence, friendship, dedication and loyalty, all can be wonderful in unnumbered Metraton Preface Written by Neko-kun • Published on 08/06/12 • Category: Essay Raphael ways. Let no one tell you that there is only one way to pursue happiness, that if you run after This is the first post of a series of articles called Left Unsaid. The project will be dedicated Raziel a forbidden love you are cursed, that you are a demon if you do not limit yourselves as to on analyzing various social and personal aspects of life, mostly subjects of ambiguous debate. Sandalphon whom you love, that you are ugly because you do not look and live according to the rules We wish to use this series as a tool to go deeper into our own experiences and to help other Sariel of an "enlightened" being. We have passions. As human beings, angels and demons, we are Sevothtarte people through mutually beneficial discussions. We believe that the world is beautiful and made of such. In the same way that Setsuna and his friends never gave up going after what Sheatiel we wish to make it even better. This is part of our contributions to this effort. they needed, let us follow their example and be the beautiful sinners we deserve to be. Teialiel/Teial Uriel Introduction More works by Kaori Yuki Zaphkiel As a teenager I remember a word very intriguing to me: death. When I truly started to think and Boy’s Next Door (少年残像, Shōnen Zanzō, 1997, Hana to Yume Comics, Hakusensha, Demons analyze the world around me, the majesty and absolute power of death seemed overwhelming oneshot) Arakune to the eyes of this young boy. Like many other kids my age, I felt like it was something I desired Godchild (ゴッド チャイルド, Goddo Chairudo, 2001–2003, Hana to Yume Comics, Boyz & Noyz to experience. On this article, I am using volume one of Confidential Confessions (問題提起 作 Hakusensha, eight volumes) Kurai 品集, Mondaiteiki Sakuhinshū) and the story of its heroines, Manatsu and Asparagus, to talk about Ludwig Revolution (ルードヴィッヒ革命, Rūdovihhi Kakumei, 2004–2007, Hana to Yume Lucifer my own experiences and explain how manga art treats one’s wish to voluntary abandon life. Comics, Hakusensha, four volumes) Prince Abaddon Grand Guignol Orchestra (人形(ギニョール - Ginyōru)宮廷楽団 Ningyō (Guignol) Kyūtei Seven Sins Chapter One: How it begins Gakudan, 2008–2010, Hana to Yume Comics, Hakusensha, five volumes) Astoreth Both in real life and in the world of the manga, family ties matter a lot to a teenager. If they Asmodeus are strong and based on willing participation, they can be a source of power; if they are weak Barbelo or non-existant, they can hurt a person for the rest of his/her life. I can understand that very Beelzebub well, for there were times I felt my family breaking down and I could do nothing to help it Leviathan -or so I thought. Not being able to count on your parents in days of crisis means that you Mad Hatter cannot do the things you need in order to improve yourself as a person; to share thoughts, Mammon ask for advice and learn from the experience of others. You cannot confess the things truly Other important to you in such a situation. Doll Enra-O NidHeg When there is no way to release the negative feelings, they grow roots deep inside one’s soul. YHWH It will turn into self destuctive energy in no time, as mighty and hard as an olive tree. That is, I believe, where the wish to kill oneself begins to sprout in one’s heart and mind. For an adult it may be easier to use past experiences as a defensive mechanism, but it is not the same for a teenager. When one has never chopped down a tree, it is very difficult to find out the proper way to do it without getting hurt. 03. Love, sinful or not, prevails. The Beautiful Sinners_ Just a little taste of Journey 16_17
  • 10. Chapter two: The state of a suicidal life Mangaka What sort of things may one wish to share? For Manatsu, that was her loneliness and lack Yuki Urushibara of self esteem, her worries. For her friend Asparagus, it was bullying and her need to be ac- Volumes cepted as a person. For me, it was the indecisiveness of sexual orientation. For every teenager 6 (Tokyopop) In the end, who fantasizes death, there is a different wish, sometimes bizarre, sometimes commonly un- Cast (vol. 1) when faced Asparagus derstood as extremely serious. One of the adults’ grave mistakes is that they always underes- Manatsu directly with death, timate the needs of these young girls and boys. Like Manatsu’s mother told her "what makes most people real- you think you can commit suicide?" Little do people understand that the urge to prove that you can do it and hurt them is only growing this way. ize they do not really wish to die. 06. I don’t want to die! Suicidal teenagers see the world in very simplistic terms. Such is their ignorance, that they think they know everything. That sort of arrogance can easily make you believe in a doctrine become so desperate for that dark shelter that it becomes as much of a need as food. To feed as absolute as "suicide is not the end, it is the beginning!" Just ask Manatsu. But for people that hunger most suicidal teens are eager to do almost anything. I was willing to try to drink who think of themselves as holders of the meaning of life, suicidal teens have many questions my father’s medicine, to stop caring about cleaning and taking care of my body. Asparagus unanswered: used cutting as a potion. The girls had no hesitation to even sell their urine to an old man. The list could be endless. Would my parents hurt? Would my friends care? It is important to note though, that it is not, for example, the repeated hearing of death metal What if no one noticed? or Marilyn Manson that makes one wish to die. It is how you use these "tools" that helps you Would I be missing this life? reach to that state of mind. Once upon a time, I used biblical teaching and religion as a tool Could it be that the future of the world would change without me? to justify and increase my paranoia and tendency to harm myself. That does not make neces- What if my death would be for everyone’s good? sarily religion a hurtful tool -even though my opinion on that institution remains negative ever since I stopped being a believer. The natural tendency of a young life to question every rule of this world can lead to disasters. Some of these disasters can, unfortunately, include self destruction. The more life experience Not all people put themselves in danger on their own will. In cases like Asparagus’ bullying, one gains, the more one eludes such a danger. it is even harder to change one’s path because that person has to deal with his/her weaknesses and the cruelty of others. In a way, it is like trying to stop your murder. Chapter Four: A Therapy for Pain When I was fifteen, I really wanted to ask questions of the kind that you read above. I think most suicidal teens have the same inclinations. But there are many ways to express such con- cerns and not all of them are negative. I found more and more inspiration for my art from that dark wish of mine. Manatsu preferred to collect pieces of her dead skin and keep them in a diary. Every mind needs to express its needs and very often that is a way to survive. Art, whether through creativity (painting and sketching) or joy (music, films and anime) had given me the will to live many times. If one tries to stop that expression he/she actually hurt the person in need. That is what Manatsu’s mother did and led her daughter to cut her wrist in front of her. In the end, when faced directly with death, most people realize they do not really wish to die. They simply want their life to change towards a different direction and someone to show them how to overcome its obstacles. I remember that in every single attempt I tried, no mat- ter the different ways, I wanted someone to step in, save me and hold me dearly, to tell me they wish for me to live. 05. To the young, what shocks may also seem attractive. Epilogue Chapter three: Deeper in the wounds There is always a reason to live. As Manatsu had to find out through a painful loss, suicide The toughest thing about being suicidal is addiction. Worshipping death can be a dear habit does not give you a solution to life’s problems. It is similar to a rushed ending for a film that after you have repeated it long enough. It can become the very first and last thought of the never got completed. Thankfully, neither I nor Manatsu ever got to write that ending our- day. Intellectually, being near death can be hurtful but, for many people, it also becomes lib- selves, thus we can breathe freely, taking it one day at a time. It is my wish that people going erating. If your problems grow and you are as emotionally fragile as CC’s girls or myself, you through the same, or even worse, difficulties manage to do the same. Left Unsaid_ Just a little taste of Journey 18_19
  • 11. A History Lesson from Hyōka New historical perspective H 07. Hotaru Oreki: A beautiful mind working in complicated ways. istory: a word that probably causes shivers to most people and especially stu- Written by Foxy Lady Ayame • Published on 06/23/12 • Category: Essay dents. No wonder, since this subject is traditionally tied to a list of dates to remember by heart, heavy books that scare you just by looking at them, and a teacher who keeps talking ’till you get drowsy. But it shouldn’t really be this way. History isn’t just something totally disconnected to us; it isn’t just the story of dead glorious people. "History is who we are and why we are the way we are" said David McCullough.1 History is the search for the truth of important or every day people, of epic battles and life during peace times. It should be interesting. It should cause people’s eyes to sparkle with excitement, ask questions and discuss with each other. Much like in Hyōka (氷菓, Hyōka), because these kids were conducting historical research on a small scale. Chapter One: structures, conjunctures and events What we see in episodes 4 and 5 of Hyōka are historians at work and the perspective of the new historiography. In contrast to the Old History, which focused on the narrative and con- sidered the sources to provide the truth in raw form, New History emphasizes on analysis and interpretation, and supports a critical approach towards the source material. The latter also is concerned not only with big narratives (national history) but also with smaller narratives (local history), such as Kamiyama’s school festival incident. According to the Annales School,2 a style of historiography developed by French historians in the 20th century, history should be studied in three layers: structures, conjunctures and events. Braudel,3 who suggested this framework, wanted to show that time moves at different speeds and one can say that he divides time into geographical (long span), social (medium span) and individual (short span) times respectively.4 Structures exist in the long span, and they may last hundreds, even thousands of years. They refer to the underlying social patterns which provide continuous constraints on our actions. They may represent patterned cultural, economic or political modes of reacting to natural phenomena or perceiving social realities. We can see in the series that Kamiyama, in Gifu Left Unsaid_ Just a little taste of Journey 20_21
  • 12. prefecture, is surrounded by green, that farming is still taking place, and that the families Director who have big parts of land, like Chitanda’s, possess a pretty high social status. It would be Yasuhiro Takemoto safe to assume that these characteristics were pretty much the same 45 years ago and the Studio mentalities accompanying rural areas are also maintained. Structures don't make an appear- Kyoto Animation "New History emphasizes on ance during this first arc of the series and don’t seem to play a significant role to the solution Episodes 22 analysis and interpretation to the mystery, yet, they are still there. Cast and supports a critical approach What we do get to see in episode 4 is the presence of conjunctures. Conjunctures lie between Hōtarō, Oreki towards the source material" Chitanda, Eru 09. Lets work it out. structures and events and represent the cyclical rhythms within the normal fluctuations of all Fukube, Satoshi structures. A conjuncture in our story might be the "uprising" against authority, in particular When: June 1967. "Cultural Festival Discussion Meeting". Conflict. / October 1967. Sekitani’s Mayaka, Ibara the government and, secondarily, the teachers. Yes, the student movement of the 60s that Jun expulsion Fukube mentions first and their hypotheses up to that point take a whole other meaning. Where: Kamiyama High School Who: Sekitani Jun and the student body The event, of course, is what happened to Kamiyama High School 45 years ago, and to be Why: Students’ independence was forfeited more precise, the past of the Classic Literature Club and the past of Sekitani Jun. How: Violence wasn’t used What:? Chapter Two: how do historians seek the truth? a. Phase One Questions though towards the source and the "story" would be just inadequate and pointless The answer is by following certain steps. First of all, they search for available sources, keep- without activating "filters" and setting in motion our critical thinking. ing in mind the topic of interest at all times. They categorize and evaluate the sources and choose those that are considered more valid. As students, the available sources for a very While analyzing the text, the researcher also asks who wrote each source, to whom and for specific topic can be limited, but more than one source is always important in order to do a what purpose. This phase is kind of omitted, but Fukube does make a remark on Ibara’s text, cross examination. Chitanda focused on "Hyōka’s anthology, vol.2" introduction note, Ibara since it seems prejudiced in favor of revolutionists. The feelings and the intention of the au- searched the library and found "Unity and Triumph, vol.1", Fukube dug up the archives of the thor might distort the truth and mislead the researcher. "Wall Newspaper Club’s Monthly Report", and Oreki sought some official records and brought information from "Kamiyama High’s 50 Years of Journey". All of them are primary sources. b. Phase Two Critical thinking entails, among other things, the ability to fill in the gaps using logic and Then comes the analysis stage. The texts are carefully read, the important facts are singled previous knowledge from outside the sources. For example, Oreki corrects Ibara when she out, keywords and thematic of each text are highlighted and the first hypotheses are formed. claims that the revolution was violent, because if one talked about a punitive act, Sekitani By going through more texts, facts are added, doubted or confirmed and the hypotheses are Jun would have been expelled immediately and not five months later. Reading between the corrected. And most importantly: questions are asked. lines and comprehending/clarifying ambiguity is crucial, too. Do you remember when Ibara pointed out that the "legendary protest" and Sekitani Jun’s incident are one and the same— otherwise there would be a visible distinction? That’s making use of linguistic rules. Similar are the cases of the puns/homonyms/heterographs discussed among the four characters (sac- rifice-offering, Kanya-Sekitani, hyōka= ice cream-I scream). And, of course, we shouldn’t forget empathy. In the historical context, the concept of empa- thy is much more than just seeing a person, idea or situation through the eyes of another. It is rather a much deeper understanding of the circumstances and concepts surrounding the event. In other words, empathy is "wearing one’s shoes" and reconstructing a situation/an era. Oreki seems to excel in it. If there are still holes in the conclusion, the researcher might need to revise his/her sources or search for more. Texts aren’t the only type of sources available. Paintings, artifacts, cloth- ing, even buildings are considered sources of equal value. Hyōka’s cover is a very good ex- ample that was unfortunately mentioned in the afterward of the conclusion. Its symbolism could be easily decoded and supplement or testify for the theory they’ve formed. The Niece of Time arc ends with the interview of an eyewitness, namely Ms. Koriyama Yōko, the librarian. As shown, finding an eyewitness can be elusive, especially when it comes to women who drop their maiden name after marriage. Usually, it is even more elusive- they 08. What matters is not what you see but how you interpret it. A History Lesson from Hyōka_ Just a little taste of Journey 22_23
  • 13. had great "luck" that she was still around town and, moreover, working in the school from which she had graduated. Eyewitnesses are valuable but they can only present their point of view, which isn’t always sufficient when someone tries to approach the truth as objectively as possible. Epilogue That’s how history is written in simple words. I hope you had a fun ride reading this and I wish that you can see history with Chitanda’s eyes from now on. 10. Watashi kininarimasu! Footnotes 1. David McCullough is one of the most widely respected modern historians, famous for his bi- ographies of American presidents Harry Truman (Truman, 1992, Simon & Schuster) and John Adams (John Adams, 2001, Simon & Schuster) and other writings on American history. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and studied English Literature at Yale University where he graduated as one of the best students. 2. The Annales School was a group of historians associated with a style of historiography de- veloped by French historians in the 20th century. It was named after its scholarly journal "Annales d'histoire économique et sociale", which remains the main source of scholarship, along with many books and monographs. The school has been highly influential in setting the agenda for historiography in France and numerous other countries, especially regarding the use of social scientific methods by historians, emphasizing social rather than political or diplo- matic themes, and for being generally hostile to the class analysis of Marxist historiography. 3. Fernand Braudel (24 August 1902 – 27 November 1985) was a French historian and a leader of the Annales School who has been considered one of the greatest modern historians who have repeatedly emphasized the role of large-scale socioeconomic factors in the making and writing of history. A History Lesson from Hyōka_ Just a little taste of Journey
  • 14. Spice & Wolf a story of two traveling companions S 11. The fun part of being a traveler is that you can live life your own way. pices: precious cooking material that enhances food's flavor, giving it an extra some- Written by Neko-kun • Published on 03/17/12 • Category: Review thing. Only a few centuries ago, they were a very good reason to go to war or to travel to the end of the world, as Christopher Columbus would tell you. Wolf: One of the most mysterious creatures in the mythology of all peoples. Independent, yet societal, lonely but caring, a killer yet not a beast. When on werewolf form it is depicted mostly as an aggressive, blood-thirsty murderer or a split personality to fight off his savage part. In economics, when two powerful elements combine and create successive booms, it is only a matter of time before we find ourselves in a huge bust. In the case of Spice & Wolf (狼と香 辛料, Ōkami to Kōshinryō) however, we seem to have discovered a system of excessive growth, stability and productivity without any hard depressions- only a few recessions. Are you ready to read about one of these bloggers’ favorite anime? What makes Spice & Wolf special? Chapter one: The story Spice and Wolf’s story revolves around Kraft Lawrence, a 25-year-old traveling merchant who peddles various goods from town to town to make a living in a stylized historical set- ting with European influences. His main goal in life is to gather enough money to start his own shop; he already has been traveling for seven years while gaining experience in the trade. One night at the town of Pasloe, he finds in his wagon a pagan wolf-deity girl named Horo who is over 600 years old. She appears to be a 15-year-old girl, except for a wolf ’s tail and ears. She introduces herself as the town’s goddess of harvest who has kept it blessed with good harvests of wheat for many years. Despite her responsibility to watch over the town, she wants to go back to her homeland in the north called Yoitsu; she believes the people have already forsaken her and that she has kept her promise to maintain the good harvests. Also, Horo wants to travel to see how the world has changed while she has remained in one place for years. She manages to bargain her way out of the village by making a deal with Lawrence to take her with him. As they travel, her wisdom helps increase his profits, but at the same time, her true nature draws unwanted attention from the Church. 26_27
  • 15. Director The fact that we do not see her character develop much is, in my opinion, justifiable. She is, Takeo Takahashi after all, some thousands years old. She has met too many creatures to change her attitude Studio in such a short time. Her honest ways more than make up for the lack of development. Even Imagin gods have weaknesses in the end. Episodes (s.1) 12 (+1 extra) What I love about Horo is that -spectacular as she may be- she is never over the top. In reality, Episodes (s.2) I see in her the personification of the ideal female anime character: she goes after what she 12 (+1 extra) wants, yet longs to feel her lover’s care. That does not mean she is going to take advantage of Cast that care. Her encouragement of Lawrence to go after his life’s dream is one that only a true Horo lover and an honest person would show. Lawrence, Kraft Chloe Arendt, Norah b. Lawrence Cole, Mark The second member of the main couple does not have the shine and Boland, Eve star-like appeal of his companion. Even so, Lawrence is the perfect hero for this story and the best possible mate for Horo. Shy when it comes to women and thoughtful, Lawrence makes a slow entry into the show but updates his status and character regularly, without any inconsistencies. For that reason, one could say he is the most com- plex character of the story and also the most developed (in deep contrast to Horo): from a greedy, wandering merchant to a sensitive lover and fellow traveler. 12. Our favorite couple. It is very rare to see a combination of the elements Spice & Wolf tries to pull together. This is not the only way he is different from Horo. He is not so good when it comes to judg- Medieval history, except for that of Japan or China, is usually depicted as a comical or tragic ing people for anything besides profit. He has known no place to call home, while she stayed period in the anime market. Spice & Wolf tries a great deal to present this period in a more in the same village for centuries and longs to return to her birthplace. Remember how many realistic way. Its people are not saints but they are not monsters either. Merchants are greedy short-term risks Lawrence took through the first sagas? Now, do you also remember how in but this fact does not erase their morality or conscience. They pursue the best possible deals, the end he turned his back on his dream for Horo – as if there were two different people each yet still seek human care, attention and friendship. Human beings are not obsolete. time? In many ways Lawrence is defined by Horo, because her actions reveal new aspects of his character. Recall the case of Amati saga where, because of her attitude, Lawrence was Neither are economics, an element of Spice & Wolf I remember having found in no other forced to change his behavior? anime. I am not acquainted with medieval economics, since they refer to a world I do not know of and whose main concerns were the –mostly hideous- actions of the Church, the All of this means that Lawrence is a bit of a passive character (when it comes to romance at value of metals such as gold and silver, and trade through carriages. It is obvious though that least). He is just a man whose life changed radically thanks to the strongest magic of them Hasekura Isuna has done his research and is able to create extremely interesting plots. all: a woman’s magic. We love him for being kind, slightly clueless and passionate. Oh, and his improved verbal skills in season 2. Chapter two: The characters a. Horo Chapter Three: Many pluses and one minus From her amazing introduction to Lawrence, one can understand On its other aspects, Spice & Wolf remains a strong and unique anime. There we can find that Horo –or Great Sage Wolf Horo- is truly a memorable character. some high level animation, attractive character design and great music. The music creates Her appearance is what first attracts the audience into the series, for succesfully a medieval feeling, be it more festive, dramatic or melancholic. The openings and she is unique in her original design and works perfectly as a mascot. endings of both season 1 and 2 are very very good - with the openings bringing a nostalgic However, good looks are not the only thing Horo has to show. Her feeling and the endings closing off each episode with jolliness. character is one we rarely see in anime- a strong, independent yet sensitive woman. Horo is much more open than any other charac- There is hardly anything to add for the pluses, since almost all aspects of both seasons are ter and smarter, too. She proves that in many cases, but I think her stunning. The script is really something and it’s to be expected since we talk about a novel most remarkable moment was in episode 8 of season 1. adaption. Here are some quotes and dialogues. Let us recall that one scene where she cleverly finds out about the merchant’s fraud, thus -- Horo: All men are jealous and stupid, and all women are stupid to be happy about it, idiots are ev- giving Lawrence the opportunity to take advantage of him. All that thanks to her sharpness. erywhere you look... What was even sharper though was her way of communicating her thoughts to Lawrence. I do not think a goddess can be any more elegant and graceful than she was at that scene. -- Horo: A bunny that gets eaten by the wolf every night, surely knows the wolf well... Spice & Wolf_ Just a little taste of Journey 28_29
  • 16. Natsu no Zenjitsu -- Lawrence: You’ll be killed if you’re caught! How does that balance out? Horo: Loneliness is a fatal disease. It’s balanced enough -- Lawrence: You... There are things you can and cannot do! tender passions and soft bites Horo: Didn’t you tell me to act cute when asking for something? Lawrence: I told you to be honest about it! I didn’t tell you to resort to feminine wiles! -- Horo: If I wore rabbit’s fur, I’m sure you’d fall into my trap instantly. Lawrence: In that case I’ll carry around some apples so that I’ll get caught in the trap. The only minus I can mention is the design of Horo in the second season that took away many of the things that made her one of my favourite female anime characters. We all know sexy ladies are a big trademark for every series. But that does not mean that turning a mature, smart goddess like Horo into a loli/moe looking female makes her sexier. Rather, it turns her into something more common and less interesting. Conclusion Spice & Wolf is one of the few anime out there that has no competitor, because it belongs to its own category. It is a must watch for everyone that is looking for a combination of slice I 14. One's first time comes with many surprises. of life and fantasy, along with lots of intelligent stories and a sweet, romantic couple. I know I did not regret watching it, the same way I do not regret putting a generous investment of t is cold but two people are warm. It is hot outside, the shadows are thick. A pretty lady Written by Foxy Lady Ayame • Published on 02/24/12 • Category: Review spices to make my every meal more tasteful. Without such delicacies, life would worth very enters the art supply shop in order to post some art recommendations on a special little indeed. place in the shop. A handsome young man who works there, offers to help her. That’s how they met. And some days later they run across each other again in a field under the Postscript sky that was so blue and high that is was suffocating; he paints and she watches. Their paths We will certainly buy the novels when they are all out. continue to cross until a night that the rain wouldn’t stop... and then... Chapter One: The Story Natsu no Zenjitsu (by Yoshida Motoi) began serializing back in 2008 and runs in a bi- monthly magazine. Up to now, there are 3 volumes out in the stores. The scanlations are even slower since someone not reading Japanese can only find the two first volumes. Yet, patience delivers fuzziness in the heart each and every time. A few words from the mangaka seem like the best introduction to the story. Although it humbles me to just mention his name, there is a song called Natsu no Zenjitsu by Mr. Kōji Takimoto of new age folk band, Tama. The title of this piece of work was borrowed from the name of that wonderful song. Although the world of the song and what I am drawing are completely different, I agonized lengthily over whether I could make this phrase my own and whether I would be able to carry the burden of its existing reputation. I hemmed and hawed over it as a tentative title for this series, until it reached the point that a decision had to be made. It was probably because "Editor S" talked a lot about Tama with me during our telephone conference that I finally gathered enough courage to make the deci- sion. Sorry for all that trouble. Whereupon, when I began drawing out the manga’s title page, I realized that no other title would be more fitting for the series and decided to follow through with my initial instincts and name the series Natsu no Zenjitsu. Of course, although people reading my work could hardly be concerned with it, the desire to make the series live up to its namesake certainly has been a strong motivating factor when writing the manga. I was thinking of writing about this matter in the previous chapter, but since it was the big pre- miere of passion between Aoki and Aizawa, I held back. I’m trying my best. 13. The girls of Spice & Wolf. Spice & Wolf_ Just a little taste of Journey 30_31
  • 17. The story is an adult romance story and as such it explores job related issues which shed a light Director on the characters and their interactions. I underline the adult part not only because the pro- Motoi Yoshida tagonists are over the age of 18 but because the whole relationship is more mature and not just VOLUMES in the sexual explicitness department (yes, there are extended sex scenes). The heroine makes 3 (not finished) her move in chapter 1 and already in chapter 2 the protagonists get physically intimate. The VOLUMES Kodansha relationship isn’t as clear as it usually is in (heterosexual) shōjo; there are complex situations Cast and perplexed feelings. And that’s really how adult relationships are most of the time. Aoki Tetsuo Aizawa Akira But by labeling the story adult, by no means do I imply rough intercourse or nasty porn. Hanami Although there is tension and passion bursts from several pages, their love in all its forms is Mori Atō tender. We get many panels with sweet kisses on the face -not only on the lips-, hugs, caresses Riko Inoue and tangled legs. There’s foreplay communication and teasing between them while in bed. I haven’t encounter such scenes in other manga. You really get warm on the inside from this honesty; from watching them explore their bodies and please each other. 15. Lets make up! The art does help a lot, despite the fact that, according to the scanlators, the "brightness and contrast" tool used by them has decreased the impact of the art. The expressions are who fell for him. (Pay attention on the notes on the side of the manga; they usually express awesome and well-defined. The crosshatching is, in my opinion, what establishes intimacy Tetsuo’s thoughts). In the omake where everyone gets an animal to represent him/her, Tetsuo and warmth - it’s perhaps how it encircles the characters and fills in the space in the panels. is a panther. Akira’s lustrous hair and soft, curvy body and Tetsuo’s not very edgy face and lean, strong frame ooze sensuality. Body language is used very effectively: from the lonely and/or ner- "Do you know? there’s a way to erase your own existence. If you avert your gaze and avoid making eye vous back of Tetsuo to the embarassed pose and hands of Akira. Realism is emphasized by contact, you can disappear from the field of vision of others. That’s a way to be transparent." the presense of Akira’s pube hair and Tetsuo’s hairy legs. Every character is designed in a way that speaks volumes for his/her character. "A person’s body... sure is warm. The first time we touched... inside her... Her voice and her smell... every- thing was so soft." Chapter two: The Characters a. Aoki Tetsuo b. Aizawa Akira A 4th year talented student at an art university, he almost always She is an elegant lady at her early thirties, working for an art gallery wears an intense gaze like being angry permanently and, in spite of as well as an art critic. She’s always in a kimono and she may carry a the fact that he has even won a prize, he isn’t confident or a bit con- parasol during sunny days or cover herself with a shawl during cold tent about his art (mainly impressionistic works). One could say days. Her style is classic but not very strict. Her A-line hairstyle Tetsuo is turmoiled by existential angst. Confused and frustrated, he makes her really cute and allows her alluring, smooth white neck to doesn’t know what he should do in the future. He’s quite lonesome, show. Under the kimono she hides beautiful curves and I must say an introvert who faces problems communicating his thoughts and that she is among the few manga characters with rich assets that I sometimes can be abrupt and rude. His face rarely cracks a smile as really like- the physique is less played for the fanservice and more he puts up walls between himself and the others. His long hair bangs kind of function like a to indicate a mature body. wall. This trouble of expressing himself might create the wrong impression of him. He isn’t stone-cold; he wishes to be tender towards Akira and that is shown through small gestures, She seems a woman that knows what she wants and pursues the object of her desire without like handing her a ginko leaf, and through his thoughts. Smoking is a bad habit of his, but it minding what others might say about her. She’s confident and spontaneous: Akira was the appears it’s his way of letting steam off. He’s observant and yet this trait of his doesn’t trans- one who took the initiative to visit Tetsuo while working on a painting, she gave the first kiss, late to apprehension of feelings - his or others. Tetsuo has a certain pride when it comes to she led him to embrace her, she was the one who caressed his erection through his boxers. his independence. He doesn’t like being helped in any way, even if it’s for something small. That doesn’t mean she is promiscuous; she gets shy and embarrassed too, and states that Therefore, he is hardworking and runs several part-time jobs (he works at an art supply store) Tetsuo was the first person entering her bedroom. Akira is such a dynamic woman, she even and one-time errands (eg. construction worker). expresses her wish to support him financially. She really is a nurturing creature that wants the best for the person she loves, playing with the possibility of getting her heart hurt in the He has also become competent at house chores like cooking since he struggles to make ends process. Among other things, she’s playful and enjoys the moments she shares with Tetsuo. meet. He seems to feel inferior compared to his brother who already works at a bank and Of course, when the time calls for it, she can get the most serious expression. She is seen once makes money. Tetsuo was not a high-achiever in school, you see. He makes up with his tal- being demanding from a subordinate of hers. Akira can also get a bit ugly when she’s jealous ent that isn’t restricted to painting - he is in a music band along with Mori- but he doesn’t and her eyebrows become like arrows of death. This implies that she can get insecure from appreciate his abilities. In the course of the story and when he is with Akira, he opens up time to time when it has to do with Tetsuo. We know Tetsuo thinks highly of her (and he goes slowly, he relaxes, seeks consolation in body warmth, blushes and gets hungry for the woman as far as doubting if he deserves being together with such a fine woman), but he doesn’t have Natsu no Zenjitsu_ Just a little taste of Journey 32_33
  • 18. GLorious love Yuri Manga 16. Akira-san is truly a wonderful person. the guts to confess his love, a thing that Akira is a bit sad about. In the omake she is depicted as a cat. "I like your eyes. That look in your eyes when you are drawing. I want to see that all the time." "If you wouldn’t mind, I want you to be with me, embracing me. Every day. Is that what you wanted to hear?" I 17. Girl's kissing can be an amazing, elegant sight. c. The others Hanami is the "flower girl" (she’s often seen carrying flowers) that n August, Pride Festivals around the world came to an end for the year 2012. The Written by Foxy Lady Ayame • Published on 08/2/12 • Category: Review has caught Tetsuo’s eye and interest. She’s introduced from the be- Beautiful World had the honor to be present at Athens Pride Festival. This wonder- ginning when she carries some big sunflowers and bumps on Tetsuo. ful experience inspired us to write about some yuri manga that take their protagonists’ We don’t know much about her yet, apart from her being an art stu- sexuality very seriously. dent that both paints and photographs. Hanami’s smile is radiant and only once she is seen a bit melancholic. She hangs around with Title: A San Francisco Story (Part of the short another girl and goes to a cafe from which Tetsuo passes by. She has story collection Applause (アプローズ ー喝采; ブルー even shopped once at the art supply store. Although Tetsuo thinks ヅュ -アプローズ-) he wants to be friends with her, the fact that he is rarely interested Mangaka: Ariyoshi Kyōko in another person and that he mentions her in his diary in contrast to Akira (who isn’t men- Volumes: Oneshot tioned at all) is quite ominous. spoiler: the mangaka’s first two manga feature Hanami and Hotness: 1 they are tagged as prequels to Natsu no Zenjitsu. There we see Tetsuo paired with Hanami. I really hope that Natsu no Zenjitsu is a spin-off rather than a sequel. I don’t want a bad Summary: ending for the couple. It’s very unfair, if you consider that in Koi Kaze, which is an incest In A San Francisco Story, a woman goes to visit an old story with the man being the oldest in the couple, the ending was optimistic for them, but friend who's an out lesbian living in San Francisco. here where the woman is older, she’s probably doomed to disappointment. Written in 1981, A San Fransisco Story, bears the Mori Atō is an underclassman of Tetsuo who’s the complete opposite of him. He’s always ethereal semi-realistic art of the era (just look at the cheerful to the point of sillyness. He’s carefree (you can notice his unshaved beard and his magnificent eyes above!). Yūko, a journalist, is on a general slack way of dressing), likes alcohol and company. We get a comment about him and business trip to San Fransisco and stays at Megumu’s women: he’s kind of a womanizer. He carries his guitar around and sings (he appears to spend place. Megumu is an old friend from their all-girls much time rehearsing songs, though we also see him painting). In the omake he is a bear. school, and at the moment worries for her partner, Chelle, who is hospitalized for stomach cancer. Tracy, a friend of Megumu, who is also lesbian, passes by to check how things go, and Riko Inoue is a small-framed tomboy graduate student that really loves art. She’s a mangaka ends up providing a mini guide-tour to the queerness of the San Fransisco Pride Parade for and at the same time wants to continue painting. She organizes croquis gatherings and seems Yūko. She also stays with her for the night since Megumu returns to the hospital. Revelations generally an active person. She says she had really enjoyed putting up her works alongside and realizations dominate the latter half of the manga that lead to a charming open end. with Tetsuo and shows an honest interest and admiration in his works. She herself is pretty good. We see a nude self-portrait and I think that’s telling about her self-awareness and Although some parts of the story are a bit cliché, the setting is quite innovative and in the self-image. Of course she worries she needs improvement, but she doesn’t nullify her work few pages it occupies, the significance of the Parade, the nature of homosexuality, the queer like Tetsuo does. It came to me as a surprise that she smokes, although not heavily. She also fashion choices, gender roles and identities are discussed honestly. As for the characters’ drinks but gets easily tipsy. In the omake she is a rabbit/hare with glasses. feelings, they are conveyed effectively through the appropriate panel layout, the close-ups, Natsu no Zenjitsu_ Just a little taste of Journey 34_35
  • 19. 18. A San Fransisco Story 19. Pieta the multiple facial expressions and the body language. It might not be something that stirs help to retain an air of realism in the work with all the medical and psychological terms they strong emotions, but A San Fransisco Story definitely has its own merits! use without overdoing it. Doctor Shoumitsu’s theory, that the two girls with high levels of sensitivity are a step forward on the evolutionary ladder and they need each other to survive Title: Pieta along with his comment on how Rio and Sahoko stand out like unicorns (an lgbt symbol), Mangaka: Haruno Nanae gives a sweet twist on the notion of lesbianism, and I like it. It’s a nice contrast to Doctor Volumes: Two Kyoko’s first doubts and keeps the right balance. Hotness: 1 Pieta has such a unique atmosphere that at the end of the story it feels like a fluffy warm Summary: blanket is wrapped around you and a soft breeze grazes your face. A story about two classmates, Sahoko and Rio. Rio is de- pressed and self-abusive due to lack of loving relationships Title: Indigo Blue with her "family", which consists of her negligent father, over- Mangaka: Yamaji Ebine bearing, selfish stepmother and stepbrother; and Sahoko soon Volumes: Oneshot becomes her only comfort in life. Sahoko on her part has a Hotness: 2 frigid relationship with her overprotective parents, and lives with her aunt by consequence. Summary: Rutsu is content with her life. She has a budding career as Pieta never mentions the word lesbianism, yet I could a novelist and a functional relationship with her boyfriend/ not leave this title out of this list. It simply rejects la- editor, Ryūji. However, when she meets Tamaki, a lesbian bels with sincerity; they are too constrictive -especially for Sahoko and Rio and their story. Rio fan of her work who sees homoerotic subtext in her writ- has been given too many wounds on her soul from a very young age and thus she has adopted ing, Rutsu is forced to reconsider her sexuality and what she a "je m’en fous" facąde and appears cold-hearted while the truth is that she has difficulties wants from life. sympathizing with others. And then comes Sahoko who has trouble being herself and not just impersonating given roles. The unloved child finds the young lady who has received lots Love triangles are usually used in manga to create of love and the two of them fit each other perfectly. While Rio’s previous date had sexual un- drama and stregthen the main couple. It might be dertones, her relationship with Sahoko is full of tenderness whose nature is hard to pin down played for the laughs or as an excuse for more titilat- with only one word. Both, she and Sahoko found a person to open up to. ing sex scenes. This manga doesn’t follow any of these roads. Indigo Blue is about the com- plexity of sexual attraction, romantic feelings and the compatibility with your partner; about It is a little dramatic, with themes like attempted suicide, parental abandonment and the cheating, guiltiness, bitterness, jealousness and break-ups; about people struggling to find evil stepmother stereotype so, whoever is sensitive should take out some handkerchiefs. what they want in life. If we use modern labels, the protagonist is a bisexual woman that is Thankfully, it doesn’t descend to mellow thanks to the wonderful side-characters Rio’s doc- aromantic in her heterosexual relationships. Yamaji Ebine talks to us with simple words that tors are. The man is more of a romantic while his wife is the rational "pure" scientist, but both convey Rutsu’s confusion or clarity of mind. She uses minimalistic art and takes advantage GLorious love_ Just a little taste of Journey 36_37