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White to Orange Training Resource


Chapter 1 : Basic Stances
Chapter 2 : Basic Strikes
Chapter 3 : 7th KYU White Belt
Chapter 4 : 6th KYU Yellow Belt
Chapter 5 : 5th KYU Orange Belt
Chapter 6 : Closing Words
Chapter 7 : Acknowledgements

I am a senior instructor and after my mentor John Hart am Mr Enso Ryu.

I have been training in Martial Arts now for over 14 years and have recently achieved my
4th Dan. Over the years I have been really fortunate and have had the opportunity to
train with some really excellent martial artists from all sorts of martial arts backgrounds,
Ju-Jitsu, Aikido, Kung Fu, Pencak Silat, Wing Chun and many more.

Sensei Ian Woolston – Author
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White To Orange                                     Page 1
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practice or use of any of the techniques listed in this training resource. All
martial arts techniques, if performed incorrectly, can cause serious injury and
should not be attempted without supervision from a qualified martial arts

    Because of the nature of some of the techniques detailed in this training
    resource, you should consult a physician before using or applying these

    You acknowledge and agree :

       •   That self-defence, practicing and applying the techniques shown within
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           cause significant and unintended injuries if applied or practiced incorrectly
           or in a careless manner.
       •   That personal instruction by a qualified instructor is the safest method of
           learning both martial arts and personal defence techniques.
       •   That while practicing these techniques you must be careful to avoid strong
           pressure and damage to sensitive areas, including but not limited to eyes,
           throat, face, groin and pressure-point areas.
       •   That the best defence is to avoid potentially dangerous situations
           whenever possible.
       •   That there can be no guarantee that a self-defence technique will, when
           applied in an actual situation, be effective and we strongly urge that if
           running away is an option then you should run away rather than try to use
           a self-defence technique.
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White To Orange                                  Page 2

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White To Orange                         Page 3

Let’s go against all I normally teach and let’s start with me - why should I write
a book and why should you believe anything I tell you?

                                       I’ve been training in the Martial Arts now
                                       for over 15 years and have been really
                                       fortunate with the instructors I have had, I
                                       started under Sensei John Hart, who
                                       himself had been a personal student of
                                       Soke Robert Clarke, one of the best around.
                                       Unfortunately, for me anyway, he and his
                                       wife started a family and he wanted to
                                       spend time with them so he hung-up his Gi
                                       a year after I passed my ShoDan, so from
                                       that point on I trained under Hanshi Steve
                                       Barnet of Goshin Ryu International,
                                       Recently promoted to 10th Dan, accepted
                                       into the GrandMasters Hall of Fame and
                                       made Soke. Two excellent guys, both on
                                       and off the mat. Off and on the mat they
                                       both personify what to me is a “good”
                                       martial artist, no ego, no arrogance just
                                       excellent ability.

Through these and others I’ve been able to attend many courses, training with
some big names. I’ve done courses on Judo, Aikido, Kung-Fu, Penchak-Silat,
Escrima, Wing Chun, Kick-Boxing and many more with people from all around
the world, and feel I’ve been very fortunate for the privilege. Some better than
others but you take away something from all of them. Every day you learn
something new, each time I teach the white belt syllabus to a new starter I learn
something new, a new angle for the foot or the hand, anything and it all amazes
me, nobody knows it all. So when asked what style I do, if it works – use it!

Enso Ryu is the name and I am proud of it – so proud of it in fact this is also the
name of my club. The name Enso Ryu has such a deep meaning to myself, my
family and my students that my website also goes under the same name. The
Enso Ryu website is a website which was borne out of frustration. Over the years
I have lost count of the amount of times students have asked me about good
places to obtain martial arts equipment and I’ve had to point them here or there
based upon my experienced with these suppliers and products, experiences
which varied over the years. Some products better than others and changes to
product lines and no-one ever told me about them, I had to go out there and
make the mistakes myself.

So, why not have one site, operated by someone who knows what’s important to
the martial artist, somewhere you can come and get good products, at good
prices with the option to see reviews of products as well as add your own. See
products from more than one supplier all in one place. That’s now my aim – to
provide the discerning martial artist with an open and honest place to obtain the
equipment they need.

White To Orange                              Page 4

Ju-Jitsu- What’s it all about? Is that like Karate or Judo? So what style do you
do? So where can I get some good reference books to help me practise at

All these are questions I get asked time and time again, and that is why I
decided to put together this reference guide as a starting point and may well
develop it further to include the rest of the syllabus and maybe some extra little
techniques as well.

What is Ju-Jitsu?

Translated it is the art of “Gentle Techniques”, now don’t get this wrong, it
doesn’t mean it’s easy on your opponent, it means it’s easy on you. If you’re
using physical strength to do this, chances are you’re doing it wrong, don’t get
me wrong I’m not saying that my 11 year old could hold down a big guy high on
drugs with one finger because that’s just ridiculous, but I could teach her some
ways of causing that same guy a lot of pain. The roots of Ju-Jitsu are hard to
trace, if you read one book it tells you it is the father of all arts, read another
and it started a few hundred years ago, another it points back to thousands of
years ago. Basically, Japanese arts in general are hard to trace due to the nature
of the times they have gone through meant that a lot of the arts had to be kept
secret, only the privileged few were taught. Only the Samurai were allowed to
carry swords at times, the Samurai were the masters of these arts, and
respected by all, then they became the downtrodden, forced to work as
bouncers almost. Other aspects of the arts only passed down from Father to

I’m not going to go on and on about its history, it’s important - it’s tradition, but
there are a lot of other books out there by a lot of people who are far more
qualified than I am for this, for me it works, no matter what your size or fitness
level. If you like kicking, fine we do it, if you like punching, again we do it, if you
like grappling, great, it’s all there, and we use the whole body as a weapon.
Every art has its benefits, personally I’m not a great kicker, there are some
really good high kickers out there, I’ll kick to the head, but only on a few
occasions, firstly for a warm up exercise, secondly if they’re on the ground!

I read somewhere that once your leg goes above waist height you’ve straight
away lost about 50% of your power, which to me is significant. Plus, if you’re in
a crowded place, you try balancing on one leg and swinging it round to kick
them in the head!

Ju-Jitsu is a great form of self-defence, it’s a very practical martial art and I
work on a few main principles. If it works use it, the best form of self defence is
don’t be there, If he can’t see you he can’t chase you, if he can’t stand up, he
can’t chase you, those are basic examples. Ju-Jitsu is essentially one of the most
effective arts out there, by definition it’s Martial, it’s designed to work on
battlefields in a combat situation, but what we do has evolved, we try to keep
the roots, but keep it up to date as well.

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Is it like Karate or Judo or Aikido? Yes and No. I’m not fully trained in Karate,
not by any stretch of the imagination, I’ve done bits of Wado Ryu, Shotokan,
Shukokai, and Shukokai has a small amount of grappling in but the others for
my humble opinion are a sport, very big on Kata and very big on
Kicking/punching. That statement in itself will instantly annoy a lot of people. So
be it, it’s a very emotive topic, but let’s be clear, understand what you want
from the art first, every one of them has their own merits, everyone of them can
be good. I’m not saying it’s rubbish, I’m simply saying that it’s not for me.

Judo, was developed from Ju-Jitsu by Jigaro Kano so yes there are a lot of
similarities, but let’s be straight, it’s a sport, it’s not a martial art, there is no
striking, no kicking and no pressure points.

Aikido was developed by O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba from Ju-Jitsu, so yes there
will be similarities, I’ve trained with quite a few different people from the world
of Aikido and there are some very soft styles of Aikido, what I term as Flowery,
(Yes, I’ve just annoyed even more people!) then there are the others, People
like Sensei Shane Riley of White Rose Aikido, brilliant at what he does, and it
works and hurts, a lot, Sensei Ken Cottier as well, a martial artist who trained
with O Sensei, I feel very privileged to say I have been on the mat with people
like these. Taekwondo, nothing like Ju-Jitsu, Wing Chun, again nothing like Ju-
Jitsu (but I’ve found some of it can fit in well with what we do). Kung-Fu, again
is nothing like Ju-Jitsu (again like Wing Chun there a bits I’ve taken and use in
what we do.)

Ju-Jitsu is a rotational art, we move and move our attackers quite a lot in a
circular motion, and we become the centre of that circle. A lot of the Chinese
arts are directional, straight line attacks, take Wing Chun for example, a straight
punch working on the principal that the bodies main organs are all within 4
inches of the centre line, it’s a chain punch that goes one over the top of the
other, very very fast strikes, one on top of the other, you get hit like that by
someone good it’s like getting hit by a jack hammer, it might not have the same
power as another bigger strike but they’ll hit you more times and you get that
over the heart for example it’s going to disrupt the rhythm and has the potential
to be very nasty!!

OK, disclaimer time, my students have heard this many times, it can hurt, it is
designed to hurt but it’s not knitting it’s a martial art. In Ju-Jitsu we can do
anything from restraining an attacker to killing them. Even the smallest thing we
take for granted has the potential to cause great harm, I can perform a small
strike to the neck, hit the carotid artery, this is going to push blood back into the
heart and up into the head, all it takes is a weak area in one of those sections
and it’s going to burst. Scary isn’t it?! But if you train properly it’s safer than
football or many other sports out there, you can get injured playing tiddlywinks!!

This book is designed to be a supplement to your training, there is no substitute
to getting on the mat with your Uke and practise practise practise. These days
people don’t like that, we get bored very easily but too often people forget these
moves, they move on too quickly from one move to another, a lot of these
things I am trying to teach here are completely new things, totally alien. We are
not trying to train the mind to remember all of these things; we are training the
body to react independently of the mind. In a confrontational situation the mind

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will get in the way, BAR, or Body Alarm Response takes over, tunnel vision,
adrenalin flows, fight or flight kicks in. You need to be able to react instantly and
let the body’s training take over, you need to get used to seeing a fist coming
towards your head, when you first start this is a daunting sight.

One final thing before you start, I’ve described most moves as if from the right
hand side, and that’s the only way some clubs train, however, most people have
two hands and could quite easily attack you with either or both so remember to
train for it.

Now read on and enjoy your training. Don’t forget to warm yourselves up
properly before your train, get the blood flowing and get yourself stretched off

White To Orange                               Page 7
Chapter 1
                                 Basic Stances

Short Fighting Stance

This is our most common stance, it can be seen as quite disarming and gives the
appearance of submission, some call this the fence, it gives you a distance
between you and your aggressor, as soon as they make contact with your lead
hand you know exactly where they are, you can either back off and maintain the
distance or now you know where they are move in to a pre-emptive strike. Don’t
forget the angle of that rear foot; it makes a difference to your mobility and
punching power.

Front Stance

It has its uses, it is a very strong stance front to back, however, it is very weak
side ways and unlike the short fighting stance it is not particularly mobile, you
need to move your weight quite a lot in order to change stance. Used a lot in

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Back Stance

Basically the reverse of the Front Stance.

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Horse Stance

I’ve not yet found a practical use for this, primarily a Kata stance.

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Chapter 2
                                    Basic Strikes

Basic Principles

Ok, hands and feet are important but you need to get the hips working, they
work independently of the rest of your body, look at golfers etc, when they take
a shot or when you throw something your hips move forwards first and the arms
are the last things to move, it’s exactly the same with a punch, the hips go
forwards, this creates a tension/spring effect in the shoulder which then drags
your arm through last, I’ll mention it again later but remember science lessons,
F=MxA, Force = Mass X Acceleration, Force is what you are putting into the
opponent, Mass is your fist which you can’t do anything about, so to increase the
force you need to increase the Acceleration, logical? This is where the hips
generating a spring effect combined with relaxation until the moment before
impact really comes into effect.

There are a number of things to remember with strikes, don’t hit the pads, strike
through the pad, the pad is just in the way, aim to make contact with your Uke
behind the pad, then in reality what you do is convert that to your Uke, and
instead of hitting Uke’s Sternum for example, you change your point of focus to
Uke’s spine aiming right through the chest, you’ll be amazed at the extra power
you’ll generate.

With the pads what you need to remember is put the power straight through the
pad and out the back, don’t let the fist slide off the pad, you lose the power, it
should go straight out of the back.

Last thing, with any strike, don’t straighten your arm or leg out, as you strike
you risk hyper-extending your joint, it hurts a lot, avoid it, just keep a slight
bend in the joint.

Leading Jab

This is one of our fastest strikes, it’s with the hand closest to your attacker, all
you do is move your weight forwards and strike out with your fist, for me the
target would be the nose, this strike is primarily a distraction, you’re not going
to finish a fight with this strike, but it will tell you where your Uke is, and distract
him for a finisher. If it connects with the nose then you’ll be surprised at the
results, the eyes water, a lot, and if they can’t see you, they can’t see your other
hand coming in or you running in the other direction! Remember though, as you
move in with your jab, your other hand comes up, to guard your head, you
really need to protect that!

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Right Cross

Using the basic principles move your hips forwards first then your shoulders
move with your hand the last thing to move and fire the punch straight, don’t
hook it, bringing your left hand up to protect your head from counter attack.

Right Hook

Back to the hips again I’m afraid, you need to get those hips working fast and
whip the hand through, keep your hand vertical, little finger towards the ground,
keeping your arm in a tight circular motion, the tendency is to let it loose and it
just makes it a wild looping haymaker, this is more like the punch of the un-
educated on the street and is slow and predictable. Don’t over commit to the
punch, there’s a fine line between committed and over committed and the latter
takes you off balance and leaves you vulnerable if you miss.

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Front Snap Kick

This is the jab of the kicking world; it’s a kick with the front foot. From your
short fighting stance, the aim is to have a nice fast kick to the groin, kicking with
your toes pointing down so that the top of your foot is going in between Uke’s
legs. You should be aiming to do this kick with no telegraphing, i.e. don’t move
your shoulders, if your weight distribution is wrong then you need to move your
weight backwards so telling your opponent what you are going to do.

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Chapter 3
                                 7th KYU White Belt


1.    Rolling, front, back, left and right side breakfalls
2.    3 escapes from front strangles
3.    3 escapes from back strangles
4.    Straight arm lock
5.    Shoulder lock
6.    Hip throw
7.    Recumbent ankle throw
8.    Rising, downward, cross, inside, outside blocks
9.    Punches - Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut
10.   Kicks - Front Snap, Side Snap
11.   Mat etiquette


1.    Rolling, front, back, left and right side breakfalls
2.    1 escape from front strangles
3.    1 escape from back strangles
4.    Straight arm lock
5.    Shoulder lock
6.    Hip throw
7.    Rising, downward, cross, inside, outside locks
8.    Punches - Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut
9.    Mat etiquette

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Chapter 3
                              7th KYU White Belt

Rolling Breakfall

Most likely to be used if you’re thrown over someone’s head or are tripped and
have the room to get back up and facing your opponent quickly.

Like a forwards roll but instead of going straight over the front what you actually
do is go over one shoulder, so step forwards on your left, your right hand is
going to touch the mat first, rolling down your arm and along your back to your
left hip and up to your left knee, keeping a right angle at the right knee with
your back straight, you are aiming for an L shape with your lower legs, from
there you keep your feet where they are and pivot round on your feet anti-
clockwise coming up into a short fighting stance.

Front Breakfall

Most likely used if pushed forwards or tripped with no room to roll or legs are
trapped. Some clubs do this with legs open almost in a star shape, this from
what I can gather comes from Judo, it aids stability, this I can’t argue with,
however Judo is a sport, it has rules, on the street there aren’t any (or at least
none that an attacker will abide by). On the street you will get a kick straight in
between your legs so it’s better to close them.

Fall forwards onto your fore-arms, hands flat, the only parts of your body to
touch the ground are your fore-arms and your feet. From there you roll over
onto your back, this enables you to see more of what is going on, protect
yourself and get to your feet quicker and easier. Important - do not fall forwards
onto your hands and lower yourself down, doing this you risk damaging your
wrists with the likes of a scaphoid fracture.

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Back Breakfall

Go backwards performing almost a curtsey to lower yourself down, (when you
first start at least). Roll backwards along the curve of your spine, keep your chin
tucked onto your chest to protect the back of your head. As your shoulders
reach the floor then spread your arms out to the side and slap the floor to stop
you going any further, you do not let your legs rise up too far; if they do you are
exposing yourself for a kick to the coccyx and kidneys.

Side Breakfalls

These are the most common breakfalls we use in Ju-Jitsu

To start out with a right side breakfall, push you right leg across the front of
your body, what this does is push you to the right, let it, let gravity pull you
down and relax, let your body almost crumple to the floor with your right arm
extended so that your shoulder is on the floor, and slap the floor. Important – do
not land with your elbow on the floor. If you land on the concrete or wooden
floor this could well break your elbow, even doing it on mats, this really jars
your shoulder, trust me I’ve done it!

White To Orange                            Page 16
Front Strangle Escapes

Always put one hand above the strangle!

Left hand above Uke’s arms, step back on left at about a 65 degree angle into a
back stance, hips pointing away in the same direction, at the same time bring
the right arm over the top of Uke’s arms keeping the arm straight, aiming to
take Uke’s wrists off with your shoulder, as your arm comes down it traps Uke’s
hands to your chest, keep them there using your left hand whilst you push back
off your left leg and elbow Uke in the jaw, if too far away from them use bottom

Left hand above Uke’s arms, right uppercut to sternum/zyphoid process, use the
same punching arm to come across Uke’s body to take hold of the right arm at
the elbow from underneath, pull back across body into your body, at the same
time left palm heel across the jaw, pivot on right take left round and take Uke to
the floor, finish with a strike.

White To Orange                            Page 17
Left hand above Uke’s arms, right uppercut to zyphoid process, then to jaw,
keep arm going though the middle of Uke’s arms to take hold of Uke’s right hand
with your right hand, put your left hand on to Uke’s right elbow and push up, at
the same time step through on your left leg into a front stance, keep your left
leg bent, back straight, with your left elbow push Uke’s shoulder down on to the
top of your thigh, with your left hand push down on to Uke’s elbow, either
keeping his arm straight or bending it forward, using your right hand take hold
of Uke’s hand, apply a wrist lock using a two way twist and push in at the same

White To Orange                         Page 18
Back Strangle Escapes

Step back and slightly to the left on left leg to close the distance to something
you want to work at, elbow back to sternum/solar plexus with right elbow then
drop hand down to punch in groin, keep hand moving round and behind Uke, (
move left hand up to guard face) bring right arm up and over the top of Uke’s
shoulder keeping it tight, take hold of own arm, then at the same time as you
step back on right pull down with your arms bringing Uke down to your centre
point then finish with a knee to the head.

White To Orange                            Page 19
Step back and slightly to the left on left leg to close the distance, elbow back to
sternum/solar plexus then drop hand down to punch to the groin, keep hand
moving round to the back of Uke and place hand on Uke’s back. With left hand
take hold of Uke’s right arm, move your right leg across the front of both Uke’s
legs keeping tight against them, then pivot on feet, twist your hips slightly to the
left and pull a bit on the arm, (if technique is right then very little pull is
required) Once Uke is on the floor finish with arm bar and punch or drop your
knee into the floating ribs.

White To Orange                             Page 20
Step forward on right foot, right hand comes across to guard face as you turn to
the left to look towards your attacker, left back fist to floating ribs, left hand
then comes up and goes over the top of Uke’s arms, elbowing Uke in the jaw as
you bring your arm over the top then underneath both arms trapping them
above the elbow, bring your hands together in a praying position and push up
causing Uke to come to his toes, head butt, then pivoting on your left foot turn
anti-clockwise push your hips through and hip throw Uke (give back one arm
during training to avoid injury!) finish with a punch to the jaw. I’ll include a few
angles on this one as there’s quite a lot to it.

White To Orange                              Page 21
Straight Arm Lock

Straight right hand punch to the stomach, left downwards block, move your hips
backwards making sure you clear your body, at the same time you counter
attack/weaken with a heavy palm heel strike to Uke’s clavicle with a combined
forward and downward strike. (Done right this can in itself be devastating,
underneath this you have the sub-clavian artery, at the right angle this strike
can break the clavicle and cause it to splinter and puncture the sub-clavian
artery causing internal bleeding and potentially death) slide your right hand
down Uke’s right arm, ensure your fingers are on the inside of the arm, thumb
on the outside, this is so that if Uke starts to pull their arm back then you can
start to feel them move and close your grip, you have two natural handles which
will help to stop the arm coming out, the elbow and the wrist. As your right hand
reaches the wrist then pivot on your left foot and keeping a circular motion going
pull your right foot back so you face the same way as Uke as your left hand
comes round for a roundhouse palm heel to Uke’s jaw. Follow through with the
strike then pull back with a left elbow strike into Uke’s upper right shoulder, Lu2
for you pressure point lovers! Leave the elbow there, pull up on Uke’s arm and
round in a clockwise circular motion, this gives you room to get your left arm
underneath Uke’s reach up and take hold of your own arm or Gi keep it tight.
Position your arm with the Ulna up just above Uke’s elbow, if you like pressure
points you’re looking for TW10, if you prefer anatomical then the tricep tendon.
Some points work by direct pressure some with a rub, this is a rub point, so as
you press down with your right hand applying the lock apply a rubbing motion
with your Ulna into TW10, really increases the pain factor. Remember, squeeze
it on slowly in training, get all the little bits right and you’ll be amazed how
easily this goes on, obviously in reality you’d just crank it on and snap the arm!

White To Orange                            Page 22
Shoulder Lock

Right hand punch to the stomach, countered with a left downwards block, move
your hips backwards making sure you clear your body, at the same time you
counter attack/weaken with a heavy palm heel strike to Uke’s clavicle with a
combined forward and downward strike. Push the right hand over the top, carry
the left hand through and pull the left knife hand into Uke’s tricep and pull
across your body, put your left hand on top of your right hand, pivot round on
your left foot pulling round in a circular motion, as you turn then pull Uke’s
shoulder into your stomach, this is your centre, your hara, this is where you are
strong, and in this position Uke is weak. As you have turned then your right leg
should be drawn back, use this and finish with a knee to the head.

White To Orange                           Page 23
Hip Throw

From a right punch to the head.

Inside block, pivoting slightly on your feet away from the punch, almost pushing
the punch away from you then fold the hand over and keep hold of the arm, pull
down on it to break Uke’s balance. Step in/across on the leading (left) foot, big
toes should be almost touching with your foot in between Uke’s feet. Weakener,
punch to the solar plexus area, now using the momentum a fast pivot is
required, keeping the body low as you spin round anti-clockwise on your left foot
strike with the palm heel to the hip and continue the hand moving round the
back of the body to rest on the back. Keep low, your centre of balance must be
below Uke’s and your feet must be together in between Uke’s feet with your
body directly in front of Uke body facing in the same direction. Pull Uke down on
to your hips, as your knees are bent keeping your body low you should have his
legs straight whilst yours are bent so the simple act of straightening your legs
takes his off the floor then pull on the arm so Uke lands at a 90 degree angle
across your feet, step forward slightly on your left keeping hold of the arm and
finish with a simple arm bar and strike.

Release and step back in to your fighting stance until Uke comes to his feet.

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Recumbent Ankle

Right hand punch to the head, two beat outside block, left hand side breakfall
keeping hold of Uke’s right hand. As you go down place your lead foot, in this
case, your left, over the top of Uke’s lead foot and lock the ankle out at a right
angle. With your right foot kick through Uke’s knee, this will push Uke back and
to the side if you locked your ankle out you will also have a minor lock on Uke’s
ankle. Push yourself up and over onto your left knee on all fours, then with your
right foot kick back through Uke’s groin. (for you pressure point lovers instead of
kicking through the knee lift your target and kick through Spleen10)

White To Orange                            Page 25

All these will be described as form a right punch. A key point to note about
punches, it sounds obvious, but it’s the bit at the end of the arm that hurts, the
hand, get inside it and it can’t hurt you.

Easier said than done, it takes a lot of practise to have the confidence to move
into a strike.

Rising Block Against An Overhead Strike

Moving into a front-stance bring your left arm vertically straight up your centre,
as you reach the arm coming down you flick out with your elbow creating a
strike into the attackers arm. For me it works better if you aim above your Uke’s
elbow into the tricep tendon. If you go lower then you are striking against Uke’s
forearm, bone against bone, this is going to hurt both of you and that is not

Downward Block Against A Punch To The Stomach

There are two of these blocks, the first one you move into a back stance and
sweep your left arm down in a circular motion diverting the strikes energy and
more importantly its direction away from you

The second downward block is more of a strike, as the punch comes in you move
your hips back and come with your forearm horizontal and strike to Uke’s
forearm, again for you pressure point lovers you are aiming to Lu5, as you make
contact you pull your arm towards you in a C motion

White To Orange                             Page 26
Cross Block Against A Right Punch To The Head

Surprisingly enough, there are two of these as well, a kata one and a realistic
throw block. The kata one is with either hand (quite often the lead hand) but as
the strike comes in it moves across your body with the forearm vertical and
performs a strike to Uke’s forearm ensuring you finish clearing the body

The second block is a very good block if you want to do a throw from a hooked
punch. Not the best block to do against a straight punch. So you start off in
opposite stance, i.e. if Uke is punching with the right and have their left leg
forward then you have your right leg forward,

White To Orange                           Page 27
Inside Block

This is the most common block you use. As the right punch comes in to the head
you move your weight over your back leg, a back stance, this is for two reasons
primarily – it moves your head off-line from the punch (the most important
thing) and it gives you more time to get your hand inside the punch and strike
into Uke’s arm with a knife hand, then fold your hand over the top of Uke’s arm
trapping it.

Pay attention to where on Uke’s arm you strike – some people just say strike the
arm that’s all it needs. I disagree; if you strike too high then the right forearm
will continue round and hit you. Too low on the forearm and the force you are
stopping is increased and you are hitting bone. Aim for either Lung 5 or the tip
of the bicep nearest the inner elbow, keep your elbow up and this stops Uke’s
fist continuing on to strike you!

White To Orange                           Page 28
Outside Block

We'll talk through this one from a right punch to the stomach. As the punch
comes in, keep your left foot in position and pivot on it taking your right foot
backwards and round in a large circular motion, at the same time you perform
an outside block, pushing the attacking hand away and taking hold of the hand.

The other block is a two beat block, one of the best punches I’ve used against a
straight punch to the head! As usual I’ll describe it from the right punch to the
head. Receiving the punch you are in a left short fighting stance, your left hand
up in front of your face guarding and closest to your attacker, as the punch
comes in your left hand pushes it away from your centre line, not by a lot, all it
needs is to clear your head, if you push it too far then you lose control and
contact, if it’s not far enough, you get hit! As you divert the strike, with your left
hand at Uke’s wrist you step forwards and to the outside of Uke, this takes a lot
of practise to develop the confidence to step into it. After the punch is diverted
your right hand comes up underneath your left hand to keep contact with Uke,
place your hand on to Uke’s attacking arm above the elbow and then slide your
hand down to the wrist, the reason for this is basically, once you have contact,
keep it, you know where Uke is and if you’re relaxed enough then you can feel
what Uke is doing through his/her arm. If they start to pull the arm back you
can feel it and close your grip stopping it moving all the way back. It sounds a
lot and when you first do it it feels very strange, however there are drills you can
do and should do again and again and you will feel a lot more comfortable with
them and as I say it’s an excellent block against a straight punch.

White To Orange                               Page 29
Chapter 4
                              6th KYU Yellow Belt


1.    Hip throw into shoulder arm lock
2.    Hip throw into cross over arm lock
3.    3 defences against kicks to the head whilst on the ground
4.    3 arm locks from a standing position
5.    Shoulder arm lock (advanced)
6.    3 Wrist locks from a push
7.    Body drop
8.    Wrist throw with lock
9.    Reclining leg throw with strikes
10.   4 breaks from ground strangles
11.   Break from hair grabs
12.   3 breaks from wrist grabs
13.   Palm heel, knife hand, ridge hand & elbow strikes
14.   Front, side and roundhouse kicks.


1.    Hip throw into shoulder arm lock
2.    Hip throw into cross over arm lock
3.    2 defences against kicks to the head whilst on the ground
4.    3 arm locks from a standing position
5.    Shoulder arm lock (advanced)
6.    Body drop
7.    Reclining leg throw with strikes
8.    3 breaks from ground strangles
9.    Break from hair grabs
10.   1 breaks from wrist grabs
11.   Palm heel, knife hand, ridge hand & elbow strikes
12.   Front, side and roundhouse kicks.

White To Orange                 Page 30
Chapter 4
                             6th KYU Yellow Belt

Hip Throw Into Shoulder Arm Lock

Ok, so by now you’re good at hip throw, or you should be capable of it otherwise
why have you gone past White?! You should already know then that you are
keeping hold of the punching arm as you throw them, now your finish changes.
Assuming they are punching with the right hand you are going to pull up on the
right arm so they are on their side, your right leg goes over the top of them and
you pull your foot back to kick into the solar plexus area with your heel, leave
your foot there nice and tight. Keeping it tight slide your left knee down their
shoulder, starting at the top and all the way across their shoulder blades keeping
it tight, this is important, it makes it uncomfortable for them and that combined
with your foot in the solar plexus means they have nowhere to go, take your
foot out and they can quite easily wriggle out of this. With your left hand now
slide it across the top of Uke’s arm then back underneath forming a fig 4 lock,
your right hand now strikes into Uke’s shoulder and stays there, your left hand
takes hold of your right forearm. To apply the lock you do two things, you
squeeze your arms together and at the same time keeping your back straight
you push forwards with your hips.

White To Orange                           Page 31
Hip Throw Into Cross Over Arm Lock

This is also known as step over arm lock. So, hip throw again, pull up on the
punching arm again, this time with your right foot you kick into the ribs and
leave your foot there.(Some clubs do this differently and this foot goes over the
top, I don’t like it that way, it’s too easy for Uke to turn and face you, so starting
to attack you, this way they have to roll up your leg if they want to turn) With
your left foot you now stamp through Uke’s face/throat, sounds nasty, and it
would be. Pull your left foot back into Uke’s throat now you are going to sit down
with your backside as close to Uke’s shoulder as possible, when you go down
you go down at a 45 degree angle to Uke going out above their head. With their
elbow on or above your leg you pull back now on Uke’s trapped arm over your
right thigh, as you do this you squeeze your knees together and raise your hips
off the ground, Note: keep your shoulders back and resting on the ground. Also
squeeze it on, if you just pull back in training then you’ll damage your partner,
it’s surprising how quickly it goes on if you get all the bits right.

You’ve not finished, remember this is a practical martial art not a sport and in
reality people bite! Your calf is very close to Uke’s mouth, reach down with your
left hand, put your fingers underneath Uke’s jaw at the front, as you pull up
keeping the mouth closed the heel of your hand should fall nicely onto Uke’s
nose, press it down it’s very uncomfortable and restricts breathing.

White To Orange                               Page 32
3 Defences Against Kicks To The Head Whilst On The Ground

As you’re just getting used to these then let’s start off with a couple of things.
You are going to be on your side guarding, Uke should come in kicking you in
the head with the outside leg (i.e. the leg nearest your head) as you get better
then you are able to deal with either leg.

A big thing, do not just put your hands up and try to block a kick with your
forearms, it will hurt! You have got a big leg bone coming towards you at great
speed and you are going to try and stop it with your little forearms, which do
you think will win?!! This is force against force and not what we do in Ju-Jitsu,
remember, it’s the gentle art. As you meet the attacking leg, divert the energy
down and into you, you absorb the energy, hooking your hands round the back
of Uke’s leg to trap it and squeezing your forearms in to the leg.

White To Orange                             Page 33
This block/trap is the same for all 3 attacks.

After the block, your left hand comes up with a palm heel strike to Uke’s Patella
on the attacking leg, strike upwards at a 45 degree angle aiming to displace the
knee cap. Keep the momentum going up rising up then bring your left hand
down and place your fist on the floor tight at the back of Uke’s foot, pushing
forwards with your left shoulder push Uke to the floor. (In reality, they’d
probably be there already; you’ve just taken out their knee cap!) Continue to roll
up their body and as you turn drive your right elbow back into their Groin and a
back fist into Uke’s sternum.

White To Orange                           Page 34
After the block, bring your bottom leg, in this case your right leg up towards
your chest, what you are aiming for is your right foot to cross Uke’s right foot,
lock your ankle out, with your left foot kick through Uke’s knee, if you like
pressure points then you can use your big toe or the ball of your foot and kick
through Spl10 on the inside of the thigh about 10cm above the knee. Roll over
onto your right knee and driving back with your left foot kick through Uke’s
groin. This should sound familiar, its recumbent ankle throw.

After the block, bring your right foot up towards your chest and over Uke’s
ankle. Your left leg comes up and over so it is behind Uke’s leg, kick back into
the back of Uke’s knee and leave your foot there, as Uke falls forward, roll over
onto your left side keeping at 90 degrees to Uke, leave your foot on the back of
Uke’s knee, take hold of the trapped foot and push forwards with the toes
towards Uke’s head.(Many people miss this part out and then wonder why they
struggle to push themselves up into a kneeling position) Pushing the toes
forwards gives you the room to get up, otherwise you are pushing against his
leg which if he is strong he is quite capable of resisting or at least making it a lot
more difficult. Once you have your gap come up to a kneeling position on your
left knee with your back straight, bring your right foot round and place it on

White To Orange                               Page 35
Uke’s left side in front of your knee, either finish in a stance looking for what’s
next or reaching forwards with your right hand over the top of Uke’s head, I
want you to think of a bowling ball, and his eye sockets are those little holes for
your fingers!! Pull back towards you. In training go careful, your Uke may like to
keep his sight, if so just use the top of the eye socket (there’s some very nice
pressure points there) also be careful and ease the head back in training, you
don’t want to pop it.

White To Orange                             Page 36
3 Arm Locks From A Standing Position

From a right handed over head downwards strike, step in on your left foot and
it’s a rising block with the left, flick your left forearm into Uke’s tricep tendon,
it’s important that you aim for this point, it means that you are above Uke’s
elbow, on the soft part, closer in to Uke and inside the part that hurts, if Uke has
a weapon then you make sure your head is underneath your arm and you are in
a front stance. With your right elbow bring it through with a strike to Uke’s ribs,
carry on through with the strike and your right hand then goes underneath Uke’s
arm and then pull it backwards and strike into the top of Uke’s elbow with a
ridge hand strike, this bends the elbow, fold in Uke’s hand towards Uke, and
take hold of the forearm with your right hand, to apply the lock you pivot at the
forearm and push your arm away from you. Watch the angles, if Uke’s arm goes
in too close to Uke’s head then it’s not quite as painful and easier for Uke to get
out of. Push it out away from Uke at about 75 degrees. For a better look see the

White To Orange                             Page 37
From a right hand punch to the head, as the punch comes in, step forwards and
to the left at 45 degrees as you perform a two beat outside block, keep hold of
the right wrist and with the left hand strike inside the right elbow from
underneath with a ridge hand strike. Pull the right elbow into your left arm pit,
not deep in but this stops the elbow raising and also slipping out. This lock we
call chicken wing and is finished by pulling the hand downwards into the
forearm. Keep your fingers out of the wrist joint as this restricts the movement.

White To Orange                           Page 38
Ok, I’ve got a few little tricks for you now and this is where I give you a head
start, it’s taken me years for to pick up all these sorts of little tricks and I’m
going to pass them on to you now. Some people are very flexible and can get
their hands right down, however I will get a tap out of anyone with these little
tweaks. Don’t just pull the hand in, apply a twist as well, twist the hand
downwards in the direction of the little finger, if that doesn’t work then with you
left hand underneath take hold of the trapped hands index finger, with your right
hand take hold of the trapped hands little finger, pull them apart, this hurts.

Now my personal favourite, bend the little finger inwards with the tip of the little
finger pointing in towards the knuckle and squeeze it on, this doesn’t sound like
much but it’s a nasty pain.

White To Orange                              Page 39
From a punch to the stomach the start is the straight arm lock from white belt.
As you perform a downwards block clearing the body perform a heavy palm heel
strike to the right clavicle, the right hand slides down the arm towards the wrist
with the fingers on the inside of Uke’s arm, take hold of the arm, pivot on the
left foot, and at the same time the left hand palm heels Uke’s jaw and carries on
through and then strike backwards with the elbow into the shoulder, Uke then
strikes with his free hand, block with the left and pull the arm underneath Uke’s
own to continue with the straight arm lock. Ok simple so far, it starts to get a
little more complex now, and this is where the photos and the video clips here
really benefit. Un-wrap the arms and then step forwards with your right and
pivot again on the left the right foot then goes through and in front of Uke’s left,
lifting Uke’s left arm, pull Uke’s right hand up into Uke’s left arm pit and push
downwards into the arm pit, you can let go of the right hand now, your right
elbow pushes onto his shoulder the right hand pushes onto and forward on his

White To Orange                              Page 40
elbow at the same time pull up on the left wrist, twisting the wrist towards the
little finger and fingers towards the forearm. This we call triple lock, as you are
applying a lock in three places the wrist elbow and shoulder. Sounds complicated
and the video should help, it is a very effective lock and very practical as well.

White To Orange                            Page 41
Shoulder Arm Lock And Advanced Shoulder Arm Lock

Shoulder Arm Lock

From a right punch to the head, it’s an inside block with a right hand palm heel
to the clavicle, push forwards and over the top of Uke’s right arm, above the
elbow, reach round and underneath the arm to take hold of your own right arm,
you apply the lock by squeezing together and applying pressure with your left
forearm into Uke’s tricep and simultaneous pressure downwards on Uke’s
forearm. If you want an extra tweak to this one then push downwards with your
right fingers into Uke’s shoulder, your fingers go down inside of the clavicle in
between the bone and the trapezius muscle, you’ve got some nice little points
under there and if the Uke is susceptible then they will really squirm.

White To Orange                           Page 42
Advanced Shoulder Arm Lock

This is from a single grab to the collar from the rear and a punch to the head.
Step forward and block the punch with both hands, with the right hand take hold
of Uke’s punching wrist. With your arm closest to Uke’s back elbow to Uke’s jaw
and carry on through with the strike, reach over Uke’s arm that has hold of your
collar, this is the key part, your arm wants to be as high up Uke’s arm as you
can and as tight as you can. Now your arm is underneath Uke’s with plenty
spare, you can push Uke’s other arm across the front of both your bodies but
lower, you than reach your left over the top of Uke’s punching arm and trap it in,
you now have both of Uke’s arms wrapped up and you have one free, with your
free hand push back under Uke’s jaw as the finish.

3 Wrist Locks From A Push

Some key points for these moves. Don’t worry if you miss the first one, they’re
like buses - you can guarantee another will be along shortly.

You do not just stand there and meet these things, if you let the push just come
in and hit you then the bigger stronger person is going to win, remember this is
the gentle art. Let’s assume that these are going to be a right push coming into
your left shoulder or even the middle, as the push comes in then step back with
your left foot, your left hand comes up and covers the attacking hand, holding it
to your chest, you’ve got them, don’t let them get away from you now, at the
same time as you step back and trap the hand strike into Uke’s attacking
forearm (pressure point lovers - Lu5), this brings Uke’s head forward so you can
knock it back again with a back fist.

Above is the start to all of these moves, what follows are the different finishes.

With your right hand reach down and take hold of Uke’s trapped wrist and turn it
clockwise so that the back of Uke’s hand turns into your left shoulder, pull on
Uke’s wrist tighten the hand into your shoulder and hold with your right hand.

White To Orange                             Page 43
With your left hand push up on Uke’s elbow putting a bend in the arm, then pull
down keeping the bend in the arm, this bend adds the twist to the wrist, be
careful, these locks go on a lot quicker than you would expect.

White To Orange                         Page 44
With your right hand reach over and take hold of Uke’s trapped hand keeping
the palm of your hand to the back of Uke’s hand. Pull Uke’s hand over to the
centre of your body, keeping the little finger upwards, put your hands together
to enclose Uke’s trapped hand, personally I like to use my fingers and pull on
the pad of the hand just under the little finger to open the hand out rather than
crunching the hand, I find that I get a better lock on the wrist this way. From
this position you apply the lock with either a straight or bent arm - it doesn’t
really make a difference but I prefer to keep the arm straight, when I am
teaching to younger students I tell them to leave their index finger open and
then imagine they are pointing straight down Uke’s centre-line and to step back
on the right leg at the same time, this really applies the lock and you also have
your leg back ready to finish with a kick to the head.

Simpler one, take hold of Uke’s trapped hand and move it into your stomach in
the centre, keeping Uke’s fingers vertical, hold into your stomach and cup your
hands underneath Uke’s elbow, apply the lock by pulling up on the elbow into
your centre. Be careful again, I’ve seen a slim girl do this move on a heavily
built 6’4” guy and have him screaming! No effort at all.

White To Orange                           Page 45
Body Drop

For this description we’ll do it from a right punch to the head.

Normally we start these moves in a left stance, left leg and left hand leading,
this time we go in with a cross block, so for a practical cross block, we have our
right foot forward and the right hand as the leading hand, the right hand strikes
to Uke’s bicep, the left comes up to the inside of Uke’s forearm this stops the fist
swinging round and striking you as you stop the upper arm moving. As a
weakener perform a backfist strike to Uke’s right ribs, (for you pressure point
people, you are going for the Liver/gall bladder cross over point) keep the hand
moving and put your right hand behind Uke’s back. With your left hand take hold
of Uke’s right arm, your left leg comes behind your right and moves so it is just
in front of Uke’s left foot, move your right leg across the front of both Uke’s legs
keeping tight against them, then pivot on feet, twist your hips slightly to the left
and pull a bit on the arm, (if your technique is right then very little pull is
required) Once Uke is on the floor finish with arm bar and punch or drop knee
into the floating ribs.

White To Orange                             Page 46
White To Orange   Page 47
Wrist Throw With Lock.

We’ll talk through this one from a right punch to the stomach. As the punch
comes in, keep your left foot in position and pivot on it taking your right foot
backwards and round in a large circular motion, at the same time you perform
an outside block, pushing the attacking hand away and taking hold of the hand,
once you’ve taken the foot back in a quarter circle stop, open up the left foot
giving you room to get your hips through for a roundhouse kick to the sternum,
after the kick, put your foot down in between your left and Uke, closing the
distance down, put your right hand onto the back of Uke’s trapped hand. Some
people do this with their thumbs into the back of the hand, I prefer to do it
covering the back of the hand with my palm, pushing over the top and towards
Uke’s little finger at the same time, go careful, if done properly this is designed
to snap the wrist. As you push over with the hand take your left foot backwards
in a quarter circle. Once Uke is down the lock you perform is not really practical
but does hurt, what you are looking for is a 90 degree angle at the shoulder,
with the right arm going out to the side, then a 90 degree angle at the elbow
with the forearm going upwards from Uke’s head, then you put Uke’s hand down
palm flat on the floor, this needs to be kept flat, so to help you can put your
knee down on the back of Uke’s hand, as an added benefit, it hurts a lot! To
apply the lock push down on the elbow. Some people are very flexible in the
wrist and so can get the elbow right down to the floor, this is where the knee on
the back of the hand goes, to get a tap from your Uke, just grind a little with
your knee on the back of the hand!

White To Orange                            Page 48
Reclining Leg Throw With strikes.

From an overhead strike to the head, you perform a left rising block, at the
same time you step in with your right leg so that your right shin goes over the
top of Uke’s left foot, with your right hand reach across the front of Uke’s right
leg and then put your fist down on the floor keeping it tight to the back of Uke’s
leg, keeping the leg where it is push back with your shoulder into Uke pushing
them backwards, there’s the throw, here’s where the strikes come in. slide in
between Uke’s legs and strike in with your right side into Uke’s groin, with the
right elbow strike to the Solar Plexus, then a right downwards palm heel to the
sternum, leaving it there and push yourself up to your right knee. With your
left hand take hold of Uke’s right leg and push over the top of your head, bring
your left foot round and stand on Uke’s right arm, stopping them moving, with
your right hand finish with a right leopard strike to the throat.

White To Orange                            Page 49
4 Breaks From Ground Strangles.

From the mount, (this is where Uke’s legs are on either side of your body) with
Uke strangling you. First thing to remember - like any strangle always get one
hand above the attacker’s arms. If they’re going to strangle you then they’re not
really that nice and you never know what else they’ll do. So let’s say that you’ve
just put your left hand above the attack, so it’s above Uke’s right arm, now
reach across and put it under their left arm, put your right hand onto their left
elbow and you’re going to do three things at once now, you’re going to pull your
left elbow down pulling Uke down and into you, (and as you’ve trapped their
right arm they’ve nothing to stop themselves falling to the side) push across on
the left elbow with your right hand and raise your hips off the floor, this pushes
Uke forwards as well as to the side, keep them going until you are on top of Uke.
Finish with a choke of your own, I like to slide one arm underneath Uke’s neck to
act as a base, the other hand reach across Uke’s throat and drop your forearm
into Uke’s throat grab hold of your own arms and squeeze.

From the guard, (this is where Uke is in between your legs) the same rules apply
in that you get one hand above the attack, so your left hand goes over the top,
your right strikes into the lymph nodes under the armpit. Then comes up
through in between Uke’s arms and takes a strong hold of Uke’s right hand.
Whilst all this is going on your left leg bends and your foot plants on the ground,
you then pivot on your leg and push your hips out to the left to enable you to
put your right foot on top of Uke’s left knee. Now you are going to do some
more things simultaneously, you are now going to push out with your right foot,
and pull across your body with your right hand, pulling the trapped hand across.
So Uke should now be face down to your right on top of your right leg and you
have hold of their left arm. Keep your right elbow on the floor, your forearm
needs to be vertical (there is a reason that you’ll see in a minute). Roll over onto
your right side and push over Uke’s head with your left leg, still keeping your
right forearm vertical, now you need to put your left ankle under Uke’s throat
you can even force your foot through or lift Uke’s head up using the eye sockets
or hair, Uke’s arm should now be suspended on your arm at the wrist and your
leg should be on top of Uke’s elbow. To apply the lock roll forwards applying

White To Orange                             Page 50
more pressure on to Uke’s arm, this is why you need to have your forearm
vertical, if you have an angle then as you apply downwards pressure your arm
would give way and the arm would just go to the ground this way you can
support it and apply the lock.

From a side mount position (Uke is knelt to one side of your body strangling
you). For this one and the sake of descriptions Uke is knelt to your left hand
side, your right hand goes above the attack, your left hand comes in with a
thumb strike to the xyphoid process (the small finger of bone that protrudes
downwards from the bottom of the sternum protecting the heart) this done right
causes Uke to arch backwards away, your left knee comes up into the gap
created now between Uke’s right arm and their ribs, take hold of Uke’s left arm
as your right leg goes over the top of Uke’s head, push backwards with your legs
and take Uke into a cross over arm lock.

I can never imagine anyone strangling you from this position but it’s on the
syllabus so I teach it. Uke is knelt above your head looking down your body,
they are using both hands to strangle you. If they are big then there is a chance
that you may not be able to reach up as far as necessary, if you want to bring
Uke closer to you then bring both hands up and inside of Uke’s arms then strike

White To Orange                           Page 51
outwards at the elbow brining them in, then the weakener is a double strike to
the ears, this is with fingers together and a cupped hand, (I’ve heard some
people say you do this with fingers open and some say you do it with a back fist,
I don’t believe it) what you are doing is perforating the ear drums, you do this
by forcing air down into the ear. Take hold of the ear and then with the index
finger push into the pressure point at the joint of jaw (TW17). Pull Uke forwards
and drive your knee onto the top of Uke’s head, turn Uke over on to their back
and finish with a hammer fist strike to the nose.

Break From Hair Grab

What we are working against this time is a one handed grab of the hair. If this
happens then the first thing to be aware of is that a punch is quite likely to
follow. Block, then put both hands on top of Uke’s hand that is grabbing your
hair, the hand that is next to Uke’s clench into a fist, drive your knuckles into
the back of Uke’s hand and pull down with the top hand, stoop forwards slightly
and lush forwards, this pushes Uke’s arm up, as it starts to go this way then
you’ll be able to start to straighten your legs a bit and push up making it even
more uncomfortable for Uke. Assuming that Uke is attacking with their right
hand then you are going to step under the arm and pivot anti-clockwise, this
puts a twist on the arm, you should have Uke’s arm behind them and bent up
their back, push your right hand in between Uke’s back and arm and reach as
high up as you can.

White To Orange                           Page 52
Uke tends to try and bend forwards now to ease the pain, dig your fingers into
the trapezius and pull Uke back up and towards you again, with your left hand
reach across the front of Uke with your forearm across Uke’s throat, take hold of
your own hands and squeeze, this tightens up the arms and cuts off the air

Breaks From Wrist Grabs.

OK the basics, what’s the natural instinct if someone grabs your wrist? You pull
it back, and that’s what your attacker is going to expect, on each of these you
do something different to what they are expecting, remember, if Uke pulls you
push, if they push you pull and also the rotational principles of Ju-Jitsu.

White To Orange                           Page 53
Double Wrist Grab.

In a big circular movement bring your hands outwards and up in one clean
movement, what you are going to do is smack the back of Uke’s hands together,
it’s not what they are expecting and it hurts like hell.

This next one is, if anything else even simpler, bring your hands up to look at
your palms, then push them away and down, pointing your fingers over the top
of Uke’s forearms. This is a very simple dis-engagement.

There’s a lot more but this time I am looking for a technical one:

Bring your right hand up and point Uke’s hand palm up then smash it down so
that the back of Uke’s hand hits down on to the top of Uke’s thumb of the other
hand so loosening both grips, now with your lower hand you’re going to twist
your hand round and take hold of the pad of Uke’s thumb and pull down, turn
your top hand palm down and push on the top of Uke’s hand (the one you’ve
just pulled on the thumb of) you should be familiar with this now, it’s the wrist
throw described earlier.

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From a cross wrist grab. (Lets work on right takes right) put your left hand on
top of Uke’s grabbing hand, holding Uke’s hand on top of your wrist so they can’t
get away. Put your fingers on top of Uke’s arm, you are both in the same
position now so distract them with a kick to the knee and the lock is applied by
pushing into and over Uke’s wrist with your little finger, it’s pretty much like the
wrist lock from a push where you point down Uke’s centre line. Finish with a kick
to the head.

From the same side wrist grab, (Let’s work with right grabs left) same principles,
as mentioned earlier, expect a punch to be coming in, block it. Reach
underneath the trapped hands and take hold of Uke’s thumb. From here the
move is wrist throw with lock which you should have perfected by now.

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Palm Heel

Take note of my fingers in this photo, I have my fingers bent, that’s just my
personal preference, you can also do it and some of the classical Ju-Jitsu
instructors will probably say I’m wrong and the fingers should be straight, so be
it, I just prefer it this way, it doesn’t make it any less of a palm heel.

Knife Hand

This is a strike with the outside of the hand performed either fore or backhand,
however like any other strike the real power comes from the hips.

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Ridge Hand

Again, I’ll probably upset some people here with the position of my hand, some
say you must have your thumb protruding to the outside of the hand, I’ve tried
it that way but don’t like it, you hit something solid it is going to hurt, tuck your
thumb in:

And it’s going to hurt a lot less if you do hit something solid! Power like always is
generated with the hips and a flicking motion from the elbow.

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This is a really close range weapon, and really under-rated, I have found that
women really like using this weapon especially, not being sexist but quite often
the wrists are smaller and can’t take the same impact, but this weapon takes
that out of the equation. However to really generate that power more than
punching you need to get those hips working, move them first independently of
the rest of your body, let them pull your elbow through, turn the back of your
hand to your chest. This flattens out the elbow and points the bit that hurts to
your Uke.


All these kicks are with the rear leg, but to enable these to work you need to pay
attention to the front foot, open the gate. What I mean by that is turn your lead
foot out, in this case point your lead foot to the left. What this does is open up
the hips to allow the right leg to come through more and put more power into
the pad/Uke. Keep your hands up guarding, it’s no good having your hands by
your sides, your Uke’s still got hands and legs! Lift your knee before you kick
and remember that force equals mass * acceleration. Force you aim to put in to

White To Orange                           Page 59
the Uke and mass is your leg, you can’t alter that, so in order to put more force
in to the kick you need to increase the acceleration of the leg, its science, you
can’t argue with that!!

Front Kick

For this open the gate a little to allow the hips to come straight through, lift your
knee and point it at the target, pull the toes back and strike with the ball of the
foot, you flick out with your lower leg from the knee, this is where you generate
the acceleration then for that last little bit of oomph, just as you make contact
push through with the hips. I used to place more emphasis on the hips and less
on the lower leg but after training with a Shukokai Karate guy I realised that I
was making it a push, admittedly a painful one which does have its uses, this
way you have all the power exploding inside the Uke and dropping them straight
down. (Apologies for the lack of impact, I forgot the big pad and thought I’d
been nasty enough to Brian for one day!)

Side Kick

For this one open your front foot up more than you did for the front kick, bring
your rear leg up and point your knee at the target with your foot held back at
your left knee then flick it through to the target, (Uke’s knee maybe!) striking
with the outside edge of your foot. To get the right angle, pull up with your big
toe and push down with your little toe then push through the target with your
heel, sounds weird and feels weird, at first.

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Roundhouse Kick

Some real power and impressive impact can be achieved with this one, again
open the gate, bring your knee up and point it at the target, keeping your lower
leg at the angle you want the foot to go in at, this is important, then flick out
with the lower leg generating that acceleration, a common fault with this kick is
people don’t have the flexibility in the hips to kick high keeping the leg
horizontal so they left the leg keeping the lower leg angled down, the problem
with this is that when you flick your leg out it’s going to be going up and all the
power is going to glance off your Uke, that’s no good, you want all that power
going into your Uke. So if you can’t kick high then don’t, and what’s more, don’t
worry about it, if they’ve got no legs they can’t stand up and hit you!!

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White To Orange   Page 62
Chapter 5
                              5th KYU Orange Belt


1.    Half shoulder throw
2.    Full shoulder throw
3.    Leg throw with lock
4.    Dropping version of a full shoulder throw
5.    Crab claw scissors throw
6.    Sweeping loin throw
7.    Drawing ankle throw
8.    Inside hock
9.    Cross hock
10.   Stamp throw
11.   Escape when held over/under arms, front
12.   Escape when held over/under arms, rear
13.   Bar choke
14.   Strangles and chokes 1-8
15.   3 escapes from head chancery
16.   Hold down double arm lock
17.   Back hammer lock
18.   Resuscitation


1.    Half shoulder throw
2.    Leg throw with lock
3.    Dropping version of a full shoulder throw
4.    Crab claw scissors throw
5.    Sweeping loin throw
6.    Drawing ankle throw
7.    Inside hock
8.    Cross hock
9.    Stamp throw
10.   Escape when held over/under arms, front
11.   Escape when held over/under arms, rear
12.   2 escapes from head chancery
13.   Hold down double arm lock
14.   Back hammer lock

White To Orange           Page 63
Chapter 5
                              5th KYU Orange Belt

Half Shoulder

From a right hand punch to the head, you are going to do a cross block, we have
our right foot forward and the right hand as the leading hand, the right hand
strikes to Uke’s bicep, the left comes up to the inside of Uke’s forearm - this
stops the fist swinging round and striking you as you stop the upper arm
moving. As a weakener perform a backfist strike to Uke’s right ribs,(for you
pressure point people, you are going for the Liver/gall bladder cross over point)
keep the hand moving and it comes underneath Uke’s attacking arm and then
you perform a ridge hand strike to Uke’s tricep. Your left hand keeps hold of
Uke’s wrist and then you keep the upper arm where it is and push backwards
with your left putting on a mild arm bar. Although this is called ½ shoulder it’s
actually from the hip throw family, so as you performed the block you should
have stepped in a bit with the right foot so that it is near Uke’s right foot, (that’s
just a bit of a short cut I’ll pass on to you now, saves more foot movement later
on) now bring back your left foot so that your feet are together in between Uke’s
feet and yours are together, bend your knees and pull Uke forward on to your
back, so that your legs are bent and Uke’s are straight. Straighten your legs to
pull Uke off the ground, pull round on Uke’s trapped arm so that Uke falls across
your feet, that’s the throw, for a finish you are going to perform a cricket bat
lock. So step forwards with your left leg so that it goes forwards in front of Uke’s
head, point Uke’s fingers to the ceiling with their elbow up drop your right knee
on to their head as you push down with your right on the elbow and pull up on
the wrist with your left. (I’ll always remember being on a course with Sensei
Terry Wall when I was a yellow belt and he took us through this move, he was a
big guy, lots of practical experience, excellent guy, basically his words were,
”don’t bother with any of this poncing around holding it, just get in there push
through and snap it then walk off!” In reality you may well do something like
that but in the dojo you’ll soon run out of partners)

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Full Shoulder

From a right hand punch to the head, you are going to do a cross block, we have
our right foot forward and the right hand as the leading hand, the right hand
strikes to Uke’s bicep, the left comes up to the inside of Uke’s forearm this stops
the fist swinging round and striking you as you stop the upper arm moving. As a
weakner perform a backfist strike to Uke’s jaw, push your right elbow through
and underneath Uke’s punching arm pushing the bone up into the tricep pulling
down on Uke’s trapped wrist.

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Putting a lock on, obviously from here it’s really easy to just snap the arm, the
problem then is it becomes all floppy and makes it difficult to do the throw! OK,
so to the throw, your left foot stays in front of Uke, almost in his centre, your
right leg goes down Uke’s right side, as far back as you can, the key to this more
than any other really is you need to get your centre of gravity lower than Uke’s.

You can do the throw keeping Uke’s trapped arm straight but until you are good
then it’s probably safer to allow it to bend. Pull forwards and down on Uke’s
trapped arm, at the same time pushing your hips back into Uke and over they
go, finish with an axe kick to the head.

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Dropping Version Of A Full Shoulder

This is against an attack from the rear. Uke comes up behind you and attacks
with a choke by reaching round with one forearm across the throat. Keep your
body nice and tight to Uke, first thing is to keep breathing, so with the same side
hand as Uke is using reach up into the crook of their elbow and pull down, at the
same time drop down to your knee, the same side as Uke’s arm grabs (i.e. they
try to strangle with the right and you drop on your right knee). Keep pulling
down on the arm and bend forwards pushing on the front of Uke’s leg (the leg
opposite to the arm you’re pulling on) Uke should now go straight over your
head. If they don’t know how to break fall then their head is just straight into
the ground, nasty! Finish with a straight forward hammer fist to the nose.

Leg Throw With Lock

From a right hand punch to the head, it’s an inside block with the left, from
there it comes down for a ridge hand strike to the left hip joint, your right hand
comes down to the left Achilles, it’s as low as that, some people have a tendency
to go more for the calf, it’s one of my pet hates, it’s too high, and don’t push
them backwards, it’s the easy way out, you pull up on the Achilles and straight
down and into the floor with the left hand. It’s a left foot kick to the groin, there
are two locks you can do, the first is simpler, the right arm slips underneath
Uke’s left leg, towards the top of the Achilles, your arm should cut straight
across the leg at a right angle, with the bone directly up into the leg, with your
right hand take hold of your left forearm and then put your left hand onto Uke’s
shin pushing in with your little finger whilst keeping your hand flat to the bone.

White To Orange                              Page 67
To really finish the lock off grind the heel of your left foot into Uke’s Saphenous
nerve, this can be found on the inside of the leg and the trouser seam usually
marks the spot.

The second lock starts the same, the right arm slips underneath Uke’s left leg,
towards the top of the Achilles, your arm should cut straight across the leg at a
right angle, with the bone directly up into the leg, with your right hand take hold
of your left forearm and then put your left hand onto Uke’s shin pushing in with
your little finger whilst keeping your hand flat to the bone. You’ve already kicked
into Uke’s groin, leave it there, your right foot goes behind you to hook Uke’s
right leg in and bring it across but behind your left leg nice and tight, to apply

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the lock, sit down with your backside in nice and tight to your feet. Keep sat up
initially at least, then keeping your hands tight push your chest forwards and
arch your back pushing your shoulders backwards.

Crab Claw Scissors

This attack is a stepping right punch to the head. Perform an outside block, with
your right foot coming back round in a circular motion, to finish up behind Uke
cutting across the back of both their legs. Your right leg comes up now and back
heels Uke in the chest, this is where the scissors comes in, your legs perform a
scissors motion, as your left leg goes back into Uke’s chest your right leg sweeps
forwards, finish with a back heel to the solar plexus.

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Sweeping Loin Throw

This is from the hip throw family, attack is a right hand punch to the head. There
are two versions to this throw, the attacking and defending, the only difference
really is how you start the move.

Attacking: as the punch comes in you step forwards on your right leg so it is just
past Uke’s torso on their left, at the same time blocking the punch with your left
and keeping hold, then you drive your left knee into Uke’s Solar plexus, put your
right arm behind Uke’s back, as you put your foot down it goes inside of Uke’s
left foot, and your right foot goes through to the front of Uke, don’t put it down
but push it out in front of yourself and to the side, keep the leg straight and
think of it as a solid bar, it goes right back and through Uke’s leg and carry on
up. In reality this would be a strike more downwards and you’d not have your
hips through quite as far, this strike is in reality aimed to break the Femur, and
as this is the largest bone in the body requires some force, however it is do-
able, I prefer in training to push your hips through and keep your leg that little
bit higher, it’s safer for your Uke and if you get it right you get a great rotation
of Uke both forwards and to the side.

Defending: as the punch comes in it is a “simple” inside block and then your
left foot goes in to the same position as above. And the move carries on as
described before.

White To Orange                             Page 70
Drawing Ankle Throw.

Another one from a stepping right punch to the head. We’ll work from a right
punch. The aim with this move is to keep the momentum going so as Uke comes
in with a fully committed punch, step to the right and forwards on your right
foot, your left comes up and pushes against Uke’s right leg.

As the punch comes in you perform an inside block and keep that arm moving,
your right hand goes underneath Uke’s armpit and pushes up and forwards, this
helps to keep the momentum going forwards and the foot against Uke’s leg
stops him re-gaining his balance, and over they go.

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Keep hold of the right arm. To finish, kneel down above Uke’s head, looking
down the line of Uke’s body, go down on your left knee keeping your right foot
on the floor and a right angle at the knee, take hold of Uke’s trapped arm with
your right and turn the arm so that the back of the elbow is against your right
knee, pull round on the arm which forces Uke round and on to his front, he goes
or his arm breaks!

The finishing lock is to move in alongside Uke with your knees tight in to them at
either side of their shoulder, keep their arm vertical trap it in between your own,
with your right apply pressure on to the Uke’s shoulder blade and with your left

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apply pressure across the back of the elbow, simply twist at the waist and it
causes pain.

Inside Hock

This throw is so easy, but so good, I love it. The attack is a right punch to the
head for description purposes, you perform an inside block with your left, your
right foot goes in between Uke’s legs, you move your body sideways into Uke at

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the same time your right forearm comes up into Uke’s throat at their right side
for a strike, leave it there.

Your right foot bends round Uke’s left leg so it is bent but tight against Uke’s leg
on the ball of your foot.

To throw them put your heel on the floor, straighten your leg and push
downwards and back at a 45 degree angle to drive Uke to the floor. To finish
kick through the groin with your left foot, keep the foot moving and put your

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foot to the floor to the left of Uke, pivot on the ball of your left foot and continue
to turn clockwise and finish with a sidekick through Uke’s throat.

Cross Hock

Again we’ll describe this from a right hook punch to the head. As the punch
comes in it’s an inside block, but at the same time as you block you step into it
with your left, it takes practise and confidence to make this move, your left foot
needs to be at least in line with Uke’s right foot or you are putting too much
strain in. Bring your right foot through the same side, the hock is done by
striking back with your right foot against Uke’s Calf or Achilles, preferably the
Achilles with your heel. Don’t do it fully like this in training, it hurts a lot. Keep
the leg moving backwards, basically strike through the leg. At the same time as
you are striking backwards with the leg your right hand comes up across the
front of Uke for a right hand ridge hand strike to the carotid artery, again be
careful with this strike, I’ve seen people knocked out with this strike with no
effort at all. Which is disappointing in one respect, you don’t get the chance to
finish your technique!! To finish the move go down to the floor with them,
keeping your right hand tight in to Uke’s neck, as you get to the floor you need
to get your weight as low as possible, for me there are two ways to do this, you
can either lay face down, bending your right knee to give you stability in case
Uke trys to move or you can sit down as close to Uke as possible and open your
legs with the right leg forward and left split back to give you a base, bring your
left hand round the back of Uke’s head to grasp your own hand in what we call a
butchers grip(see image)

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place your temple into Uke’s Sphenoid and try to pull your right wrist in towards
your head. People tend to worry that there is too much gap at the front and
push there hands round the back then they struggle to put the lock on, it doesn’t
work like that I’m afraid. Check out the photos and clips for some close looks at
this lock.

Stamp Throw

We’ll describe it from a Right punch to the head. This throw is from the hip
throw family and is really similar and can be used if someone sinks their weight
to stop you throwing them.

Inside block, pivoting slightly on your feet away from the punch, almost pushing
the punch away from you then fold the hand over and keep hold of the arm pull

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down on it to break Uke’s balance. Step in/across on the leading (left) foot, big
toes should be almost touching with your foot in between Uke’s feet. Weakener,
punch to the solar plexus area, now using the momentum a fast pivot is
required, keeping the body low as you spin round anti-clockwise on your left foot
strike with the palm heel to the hip and continue the hand moving round the
back of the body to rest on the back. Keep low, your centre of balance must be
below Uke’s and your feet must be together in between Uke’s feet with your
body directly in front of Uke body facing in the same direction. Pull Uke down on
to your hips, as your knees are bent keeping your body low you should have his
legs straight whilst yours are bent so the simple act of straightening your legs
should take his off the floor, lift your right foot off the floor then stamp down, as
your leg hits the floor use the momentum and additional impetus of the stamp to
straighten both legs then pull on the arm so Uke lands at a 90 degree angle
across your feet, step forward slightly on your left keeping hold of the arm and
finish with a simple arm bar and strike.

Release and step back in to your fighting stance until Uke comes to his feet.

Escape When Held/Over/Under The Arms From The Front

Escape When Held Over The Arms From The Front

Commonly referred to as a bear hug, you need a couple of weakners in here,
first one move your hands behind Uke, and perform a double handed knife hand
strike to Uke’s kidneys, head butt and using your feet stamp on Uke’s feet, if
your being held off the floor then using your feet strike into the shins and slide
your feet down Uke’s shins, pushing in all the way down, using the circular
motion with your arms moving them outwards and upwards, ending your arms
as they come up to shoulder height and pushing your hands under Uke’s jaw,
push upwards and backwards then downwards and away from you, with your
foot going inside Uke’s for an inside hock. Finish with a kick to Uke’s groin.

White To Orange                              Page 77
Escape when held under the arms from the front, in this situation, Uke deserves
what they are going to get for leaving your arms free. You have a multitude of
options at your disposal. What we are going for is something straight from the
KISS thinking (Keep It Simple Stupid) take hold of Uke’s ears, thumb nearest to
you, you are going to twist pushing down with the thumb and pulling up with the
little finger, push down and backwards as you twist,

this causes quite an intense pain if done right, you can imagine, if you pulled
really hard you’re going to start to tear skin at the top of the ear. Once they’re
down finish with a kick to the groin.

White To Orange                             Page 78
Escape When Held Over/Under Arms From The Rear

Escape When Held Over The Arms

First thing is to get a weakner in, or in this case, 3! Place the knuckles of your
hand on to the back of Uke’s top hand, place your other hand over the top of
yours to re-enforce the grip and pull in, grinding your knuckles at the same
time. Stamp down on Uke’s foot and thrust backwards with your head for a rear
butt. Lift your right leg up and pull it behind Uke’s legs, with your finger tips
push in to the back of Uke’s knees and lift up

then push Uke round behind you so Uke spins round and his/her head ends up
on your left side, finish with an upwards heel kick to Uke’s ribs or jaw.

White To Orange                            Page 79
Escape When Held Under The Arms From The Rear

Exactly the same weakners, grind/stamp and butt! Step out on your left leg,
bend forwards and take hold of Uke’s left leg and pull up, Uke performs a back
breakfall. With your right foot stamp through the groin pivot on your right foot
and turn anti-clockwise twisting Uke’s foot to make them turn,

when you are facing up Uke’s body, drive their knee into the floor, and push
Uke’s toes forwards, trap with your left knee, step forward and drop your right
knee onto Uke’s back, reach forward to Uke’s eye sockets and pull back up.

White To Orange                            Page 80
Bar Choke

Against a right hand punch to the head, perform a left inside block then your left
comes across with a palm heel strike to Uke’s jaw with your thumb pointing
downwards towards the floor, after the strike your left goes across Uke’s throat
nice and tight, take hold of Uke’s Gi at their left collar with your thumb on the
inside of the Gi. Your right hand now comes up nice and high on the right side Of
Uke’s neck and takes hold of the Gi,

To apply the choke you pull down with your right hand(this pulls the left arm up
into Uke’s throat) with your left arm push your forearm into Uke’s throat and roll
the arm, a key point to bear in mind is if you start off with the inside of your
forearm against Uke’s throat then the chances are that the “blade” of your arm
will be above the adams apple,(if it’s a man at least)what you do in that case
then is roll downwards with your forearm to displace the adams apple. This is
really uncomfortable, if there is no adams apple don’t worry, it’s still going to
work you are going to crush the oesophagus.

White To Orange                            Page 81
Strangles And Chokes 1-8

This we call a naked choke. The radius bone of the forearm is against Uke’s
throat, to really make this effective as you reach across with your arm pull in
towards you, take hold of your own hand in a “butchers” grip shown in the
photo, pull in with your hands then pull your elbow in and pull back with your
attacking forearm, if you see the position of my left arm in the shot to apply the
strangle I would roll the radius downwards, crushing the oesophagus.

White To Orange                            Page 82
Sleeper Hold

With the attacking arm reach down Uke’s front, until your inner elbow reaches
the front of Uke’s throat, then bend your arm upwards at the elbow, don’t rush it
and take short cuts, it makes it harder to put on, reach up with your attacking
arm and grasp our own bicep, with your other hand reach behind Uke’s head,
there is a ledge in the back of the head, place the blade of your hand against
Uke’s head underneath this ledge, then push forwards and squeeze with your
other arm.

White To Orange                          Page 83
The strangle is done with the Gi and the pressure is applied with the elbow of
the other arm.

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This is pretty much like the previous one apart from subtle difference, as you
can see you use the blade of your hand instead of the elbow to apply the

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Keep hold of the Gi still, using that ledge again at the back of the head, place
the heel of the palm under it and then apply the pressure with the hand pushing

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One Wing Choke, this one is pretty clear in the picture, what I will say is, keep it

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A key point to remember is with the hand pulling on the guy don’t pull away
from you, pull back and round pulling Uke back against your knee.

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The hands grasp the same side of the Gi, and to apply the choke, push your
elbows out to the side.

White To Orange                        Page 89
3 Escapes From A Head Lock

Escape From The Front

This is when you are in front of your Uke bent forward with your head down but
facing behind Uke. For the sake of me describing it, we’ll do it as if your head is
to Uke’s right. As always start with a weakner, this time it’s a right ridge hand
strike to the Groin, keep the right hand moving and grasp Uke’s attacking hand,
with your left hand take hold on the inside of Uke’s elbow and pull down and
outwards giving yourself some breathing space. Step forwards with your right
foot through on Uke’s right, your right foot needs to go past both of Uke’s feet
then you pivot back keeping going anti-clockwise until you are facing Uke again,
move your left hand up inside Uke’s trapped arm now and pull Uke into a back
hammer lock. Key points being keep Uke’s tricep going as near vertical as you
can and more importantly tight to your stomach, using your stomach as a base,

White To Orange                             Page 90
secondly the lock, with your right hand take hold of Uke’s trapped hand, with the
palm of your hand to the back of Uke’s, then twist, remember, like always,
remember that this is Ju-Jitsu, we don’t just twist one way, we twist in two
directions, so twist over in the direction of Uke’s little finger and downwards as

Escape From The Front

We’ll perform the same weakner as before, following this, move your body so
you are in front of Uke, place both your hands behind Uke’s knees using your
finger tips lift up and drop Uke on to their backs, split Uke’s knees and then
force them wider with your own knees on the inside of Uke’s, finish with a punch
through Uke’s groin.

Escape From The Front

We’ll perform the same weakner as before, following this, move your body so
you are in front of Uke, place both your hands behind Uke’s knees using your
finger tips lift up and drop Uke on to their backs, split Uke’s knees and then

White To Orange                           Page 91
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JuJitsu Training Resource - White To Orange

  • 1. White to Orange Training Resource Contents Disclaimer Foreword About Introduction Chapter 1 : Basic Stances Chapter 2 : Basic Strikes Chapter 3 : 7th KYU White Belt Chapter 4 : 6th KYU Yellow Belt Chapter 5 : 5th KYU Orange Belt Chapter 6 : Closing Words Chapter 7 : Acknowledgements I am a senior instructor and after my mentor John Hart am Mr Enso Ryu. I have been training in Martial Arts now for over 14 years and have recently achieved my 4th Dan. Over the years I have been really fortunate and have had the opportunity to train with some really excellent martial artists from all sorts of martial arts backgrounds, Ju-Jitsu, Aikido, Kung Fu, Pencak Silat, Wing Chun and many more. Sensei Ian Woolston – Author U U White To Orange Page 1
  • 2. Legal Disclaimer or any of its partners will not accept liability for any accidents or U U injuries which you or any other person may sustain resulting from improper practice or use of any of the techniques listed in this training resource. All martial arts techniques, if performed incorrectly, can cause serious injury and should not be attempted without supervision from a qualified martial arts instructor. Because of the nature of some of the techniques detailed in this training resource, you should consult a physician before using or applying these techniques. You acknowledge and agree : • That self-defence, practicing and applying the techniques shown within this resource, is inherently dangerous. The techniques shown here may cause significant and unintended injuries if applied or practiced incorrectly or in a careless manner. • That personal instruction by a qualified instructor is the safest method of learning both martial arts and personal defence techniques. • That while practicing these techniques you must be careful to avoid strong pressure and damage to sensitive areas, including but not limited to eyes, throat, face, groin and pressure-point areas. • That the best defence is to avoid potentially dangerous situations whenever possible. • That there can be no guarantee that a self-defence technique will, when applied in an actual situation, be effective and we strongly urge that if running away is an option then you should run away rather than try to use a self-defence technique. • That you waive, release and discharge any and all claims of damages for death, personal injury or property damage which you may have, or which you may have in the future • That you agree to indemnify and hold harmless and U U everyone associated with this site, against all claims, losses, damages and expenses, including but not limited to legal fees and costs, whether asserted by you or anyone else, resulting from (i) any breach or repudiation of this Agreement and Release of Liability; and/or (ii) any loss or injury to person or property, arising from or associated with your use and/or attempt to use the techniques shown in this package. You are free to distribute this resource any way you see fit as long as the content is not changed in any way. Distributing content by the use of spamming is not to be used and EnsoRyu or any of its partners will not be held responsible for any other irresponsible person. White To Orange Page 2
  • 3. Foreword This training resource includes text, images and videos. In order to view the videos which have been embedded within this document you will need to use at a minimum, Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 9. To download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader please visit White To Orange Page 3
  • 4. About Let’s go against all I normally teach and let’s start with me - why should I write a book and why should you believe anything I tell you? I’ve been training in the Martial Arts now for over 15 years and have been really fortunate with the instructors I have had, I started under Sensei John Hart, who himself had been a personal student of Soke Robert Clarke, one of the best around. Unfortunately, for me anyway, he and his wife started a family and he wanted to spend time with them so he hung-up his Gi a year after I passed my ShoDan, so from that point on I trained under Hanshi Steve Barnet of Goshin Ryu International, Recently promoted to 10th Dan, accepted into the GrandMasters Hall of Fame and made Soke. Two excellent guys, both on and off the mat. Off and on the mat they both personify what to me is a “good” martial artist, no ego, no arrogance just excellent ability. Through these and others I’ve been able to attend many courses, training with some big names. I’ve done courses on Judo, Aikido, Kung-Fu, Penchak-Silat, Escrima, Wing Chun, Kick-Boxing and many more with people from all around the world, and feel I’ve been very fortunate for the privilege. Some better than others but you take away something from all of them. Every day you learn something new, each time I teach the white belt syllabus to a new starter I learn something new, a new angle for the foot or the hand, anything and it all amazes me, nobody knows it all. So when asked what style I do, if it works – use it! Enso Ryu is the name and I am proud of it – so proud of it in fact this is also the name of my club. The name Enso Ryu has such a deep meaning to myself, my family and my students that my website also goes under the same name. The Enso Ryu website is a website which was borne out of frustration. Over the years I have lost count of the amount of times students have asked me about good places to obtain martial arts equipment and I’ve had to point them here or there based upon my experienced with these suppliers and products, experiences which varied over the years. Some products better than others and changes to product lines and no-one ever told me about them, I had to go out there and make the mistakes myself. So, why not have one site, operated by someone who knows what’s important to the martial artist, somewhere you can come and get good products, at good prices with the option to see reviews of products as well as add your own. See products from more than one supplier all in one place. That’s now my aim – to provide the discerning martial artist with an open and honest place to obtain the equipment they need. White To Orange Page 4
  • 5. Introduction Ju-Jitsu- What’s it all about? Is that like Karate or Judo? So what style do you do? So where can I get some good reference books to help me practise at home? All these are questions I get asked time and time again, and that is why I decided to put together this reference guide as a starting point and may well develop it further to include the rest of the syllabus and maybe some extra little techniques as well. What is Ju-Jitsu? Translated it is the art of “Gentle Techniques”, now don’t get this wrong, it doesn’t mean it’s easy on your opponent, it means it’s easy on you. If you’re using physical strength to do this, chances are you’re doing it wrong, don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that my 11 year old could hold down a big guy high on drugs with one finger because that’s just ridiculous, but I could teach her some ways of causing that same guy a lot of pain. The roots of Ju-Jitsu are hard to trace, if you read one book it tells you it is the father of all arts, read another and it started a few hundred years ago, another it points back to thousands of years ago. Basically, Japanese arts in general are hard to trace due to the nature of the times they have gone through meant that a lot of the arts had to be kept secret, only the privileged few were taught. Only the Samurai were allowed to carry swords at times, the Samurai were the masters of these arts, and respected by all, then they became the downtrodden, forced to work as bouncers almost. Other aspects of the arts only passed down from Father to Son. I’m not going to go on and on about its history, it’s important - it’s tradition, but there are a lot of other books out there by a lot of people who are far more qualified than I am for this, for me it works, no matter what your size or fitness level. If you like kicking, fine we do it, if you like punching, again we do it, if you like grappling, great, it’s all there, and we use the whole body as a weapon. Every art has its benefits, personally I’m not a great kicker, there are some really good high kickers out there, I’ll kick to the head, but only on a few occasions, firstly for a warm up exercise, secondly if they’re on the ground! I read somewhere that once your leg goes above waist height you’ve straight away lost about 50% of your power, which to me is significant. Plus, if you’re in a crowded place, you try balancing on one leg and swinging it round to kick them in the head! Ju-Jitsu is a great form of self-defence, it’s a very practical martial art and I work on a few main principles. If it works use it, the best form of self defence is don’t be there, If he can’t see you he can’t chase you, if he can’t stand up, he can’t chase you, those are basic examples. Ju-Jitsu is essentially one of the most effective arts out there, by definition it’s Martial, it’s designed to work on battlefields in a combat situation, but what we do has evolved, we try to keep the roots, but keep it up to date as well. White To Orange Page 5
  • 6. Is it like Karate or Judo or Aikido? Yes and No. I’m not fully trained in Karate, not by any stretch of the imagination, I’ve done bits of Wado Ryu, Shotokan, Shukokai, and Shukokai has a small amount of grappling in but the others for my humble opinion are a sport, very big on Kata and very big on Kicking/punching. That statement in itself will instantly annoy a lot of people. So be it, it’s a very emotive topic, but let’s be clear, understand what you want from the art first, every one of them has their own merits, everyone of them can be good. I’m not saying it’s rubbish, I’m simply saying that it’s not for me. Judo, was developed from Ju-Jitsu by Jigaro Kano so yes there are a lot of similarities, but let’s be straight, it’s a sport, it’s not a martial art, there is no striking, no kicking and no pressure points. Aikido was developed by O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba from Ju-Jitsu, so yes there will be similarities, I’ve trained with quite a few different people from the world of Aikido and there are some very soft styles of Aikido, what I term as Flowery, (Yes, I’ve just annoyed even more people!) then there are the others, People like Sensei Shane Riley of White Rose Aikido, brilliant at what he does, and it works and hurts, a lot, Sensei Ken Cottier as well, a martial artist who trained with O Sensei, I feel very privileged to say I have been on the mat with people like these. Taekwondo, nothing like Ju-Jitsu, Wing Chun, again nothing like Ju- Jitsu (but I’ve found some of it can fit in well with what we do). Kung-Fu, again is nothing like Ju-Jitsu (again like Wing Chun there a bits I’ve taken and use in what we do.) Ju-Jitsu is a rotational art, we move and move our attackers quite a lot in a circular motion, and we become the centre of that circle. A lot of the Chinese arts are directional, straight line attacks, take Wing Chun for example, a straight punch working on the principal that the bodies main organs are all within 4 inches of the centre line, it’s a chain punch that goes one over the top of the other, very very fast strikes, one on top of the other, you get hit like that by someone good it’s like getting hit by a jack hammer, it might not have the same power as another bigger strike but they’ll hit you more times and you get that over the heart for example it’s going to disrupt the rhythm and has the potential to be very nasty!! OK, disclaimer time, my students have heard this many times, it can hurt, it is designed to hurt but it’s not knitting it’s a martial art. In Ju-Jitsu we can do anything from restraining an attacker to killing them. Even the smallest thing we take for granted has the potential to cause great harm, I can perform a small strike to the neck, hit the carotid artery, this is going to push blood back into the heart and up into the head, all it takes is a weak area in one of those sections and it’s going to burst. Scary isn’t it?! But if you train properly it’s safer than football or many other sports out there, you can get injured playing tiddlywinks!! This book is designed to be a supplement to your training, there is no substitute to getting on the mat with your Uke and practise practise practise. These days people don’t like that, we get bored very easily but too often people forget these moves, they move on too quickly from one move to another, a lot of these things I am trying to teach here are completely new things, totally alien. We are not trying to train the mind to remember all of these things; we are training the body to react independently of the mind. In a confrontational situation the mind White To Orange Page 6
  • 7. will get in the way, BAR, or Body Alarm Response takes over, tunnel vision, adrenalin flows, fight or flight kicks in. You need to be able to react instantly and let the body’s training take over, you need to get used to seeing a fist coming towards your head, when you first start this is a daunting sight. One final thing before you start, I’ve described most moves as if from the right hand side, and that’s the only way some clubs train, however, most people have two hands and could quite easily attack you with either or both so remember to train for it. Now read on and enjoy your training. Don’t forget to warm yourselves up properly before your train, get the blood flowing and get yourself stretched off properly. White To Orange Page 7
  • 8. Chapter 1 Basic Stances Short Fighting Stance This is our most common stance, it can be seen as quite disarming and gives the appearance of submission, some call this the fence, it gives you a distance between you and your aggressor, as soon as they make contact with your lead hand you know exactly where they are, you can either back off and maintain the distance or now you know where they are move in to a pre-emptive strike. Don’t forget the angle of that rear foot; it makes a difference to your mobility and punching power. Front Stance It has its uses, it is a very strong stance front to back, however, it is very weak side ways and unlike the short fighting stance it is not particularly mobile, you need to move your weight quite a lot in order to change stance. Used a lot in Kata. White To Orange Page 8
  • 9. Back Stance Basically the reverse of the Front Stance. White To Orange Page 9
  • 10. Horse Stance I’ve not yet found a practical use for this, primarily a Kata stance. White To Orange Page 10
  • 11. Chapter 2 Basic Strikes Basic Principles Ok, hands and feet are important but you need to get the hips working, they work independently of the rest of your body, look at golfers etc, when they take a shot or when you throw something your hips move forwards first and the arms are the last things to move, it’s exactly the same with a punch, the hips go forwards, this creates a tension/spring effect in the shoulder which then drags your arm through last, I’ll mention it again later but remember science lessons, F=MxA, Force = Mass X Acceleration, Force is what you are putting into the opponent, Mass is your fist which you can’t do anything about, so to increase the force you need to increase the Acceleration, logical? This is where the hips generating a spring effect combined with relaxation until the moment before impact really comes into effect. There are a number of things to remember with strikes, don’t hit the pads, strike through the pad, the pad is just in the way, aim to make contact with your Uke behind the pad, then in reality what you do is convert that to your Uke, and instead of hitting Uke’s Sternum for example, you change your point of focus to Uke’s spine aiming right through the chest, you’ll be amazed at the extra power you’ll generate. With the pads what you need to remember is put the power straight through the pad and out the back, don’t let the fist slide off the pad, you lose the power, it should go straight out of the back. Last thing, with any strike, don’t straighten your arm or leg out, as you strike you risk hyper-extending your joint, it hurts a lot, avoid it, just keep a slight bend in the joint. Leading Jab This is one of our fastest strikes, it’s with the hand closest to your attacker, all you do is move your weight forwards and strike out with your fist, for me the target would be the nose, this strike is primarily a distraction, you’re not going to finish a fight with this strike, but it will tell you where your Uke is, and distract him for a finisher. If it connects with the nose then you’ll be surprised at the results, the eyes water, a lot, and if they can’t see you, they can’t see your other hand coming in or you running in the other direction! Remember though, as you move in with your jab, your other hand comes up, to guard your head, you really need to protect that! White To Orange Page 11
  • 12. Right Cross Using the basic principles move your hips forwards first then your shoulders move with your hand the last thing to move and fire the punch straight, don’t hook it, bringing your left hand up to protect your head from counter attack. Right Hook Back to the hips again I’m afraid, you need to get those hips working fast and whip the hand through, keep your hand vertical, little finger towards the ground, keeping your arm in a tight circular motion, the tendency is to let it loose and it just makes it a wild looping haymaker, this is more like the punch of the un- educated on the street and is slow and predictable. Don’t over commit to the punch, there’s a fine line between committed and over committed and the latter takes you off balance and leaves you vulnerable if you miss. White To Orange Page 12
  • 13. Front Snap Kick This is the jab of the kicking world; it’s a kick with the front foot. From your short fighting stance, the aim is to have a nice fast kick to the groin, kicking with your toes pointing down so that the top of your foot is going in between Uke’s legs. You should be aiming to do this kick with no telegraphing, i.e. don’t move your shoulders, if your weight distribution is wrong then you need to move your weight backwards so telling your opponent what you are going to do. White To Orange Page 13
  • 14. Chapter 3 7th KYU White Belt Seniors 1. Rolling, front, back, left and right side breakfalls 2. 3 escapes from front strangles 3. 3 escapes from back strangles 4. Straight arm lock 5. Shoulder lock 6. Hip throw 7. Recumbent ankle throw 8. Rising, downward, cross, inside, outside blocks 9. Punches - Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut 10. Kicks - Front Snap, Side Snap 11. Mat etiquette Juniors 1. Rolling, front, back, left and right side breakfalls 2. 1 escape from front strangles 3. 1 escape from back strangles 4. Straight arm lock 5. Shoulder lock 6. Hip throw 7. Rising, downward, cross, inside, outside locks 8. Punches - Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut 9. Mat etiquette White To Orange Page 14
  • 15. Chapter 3 7th KYU White Belt Rolling Breakfall Most likely to be used if you’re thrown over someone’s head or are tripped and have the room to get back up and facing your opponent quickly. Like a forwards roll but instead of going straight over the front what you actually do is go over one shoulder, so step forwards on your left, your right hand is going to touch the mat first, rolling down your arm and along your back to your left hip and up to your left knee, keeping a right angle at the right knee with your back straight, you are aiming for an L shape with your lower legs, from there you keep your feet where they are and pivot round on your feet anti- clockwise coming up into a short fighting stance. Front Breakfall Most likely used if pushed forwards or tripped with no room to roll or legs are trapped. Some clubs do this with legs open almost in a star shape, this from what I can gather comes from Judo, it aids stability, this I can’t argue with, however Judo is a sport, it has rules, on the street there aren’t any (or at least none that an attacker will abide by). On the street you will get a kick straight in between your legs so it’s better to close them. Fall forwards onto your fore-arms, hands flat, the only parts of your body to touch the ground are your fore-arms and your feet. From there you roll over onto your back, this enables you to see more of what is going on, protect yourself and get to your feet quicker and easier. Important - do not fall forwards onto your hands and lower yourself down, doing this you risk damaging your wrists with the likes of a scaphoid fracture. White To Orange Page 15
  • 16. Back Breakfall Go backwards performing almost a curtsey to lower yourself down, (when you first start at least). Roll backwards along the curve of your spine, keep your chin tucked onto your chest to protect the back of your head. As your shoulders reach the floor then spread your arms out to the side and slap the floor to stop you going any further, you do not let your legs rise up too far; if they do you are exposing yourself for a kick to the coccyx and kidneys. Side Breakfalls These are the most common breakfalls we use in Ju-Jitsu To start out with a right side breakfall, push you right leg across the front of your body, what this does is push you to the right, let it, let gravity pull you down and relax, let your body almost crumple to the floor with your right arm extended so that your shoulder is on the floor, and slap the floor. Important – do not land with your elbow on the floor. If you land on the concrete or wooden floor this could well break your elbow, even doing it on mats, this really jars your shoulder, trust me I’ve done it! White To Orange Page 16
  • 17. Front Strangle Escapes Always put one hand above the strangle! Left hand above Uke’s arms, step back on left at about a 65 degree angle into a back stance, hips pointing away in the same direction, at the same time bring the right arm over the top of Uke’s arms keeping the arm straight, aiming to take Uke’s wrists off with your shoulder, as your arm comes down it traps Uke’s hands to your chest, keep them there using your left hand whilst you push back off your left leg and elbow Uke in the jaw, if too far away from them use bottom fist. Left hand above Uke’s arms, right uppercut to sternum/zyphoid process, use the same punching arm to come across Uke’s body to take hold of the right arm at the elbow from underneath, pull back across body into your body, at the same time left palm heel across the jaw, pivot on right take left round and take Uke to the floor, finish with a strike. White To Orange Page 17
  • 18. Left hand above Uke’s arms, right uppercut to zyphoid process, then to jaw, keep arm going though the middle of Uke’s arms to take hold of Uke’s right hand with your right hand, put your left hand on to Uke’s right elbow and push up, at the same time step through on your left leg into a front stance, keep your left leg bent, back straight, with your left elbow push Uke’s shoulder down on to the top of your thigh, with your left hand push down on to Uke’s elbow, either keeping his arm straight or bending it forward, using your right hand take hold of Uke’s hand, apply a wrist lock using a two way twist and push in at the same time. White To Orange Page 18
  • 19. Back Strangle Escapes Step back and slightly to the left on left leg to close the distance to something you want to work at, elbow back to sternum/solar plexus with right elbow then drop hand down to punch in groin, keep hand moving round and behind Uke, ( move left hand up to guard face) bring right arm up and over the top of Uke’s shoulder keeping it tight, take hold of own arm, then at the same time as you step back on right pull down with your arms bringing Uke down to your centre point then finish with a knee to the head. White To Orange Page 19
  • 20. Step back and slightly to the left on left leg to close the distance, elbow back to sternum/solar plexus then drop hand down to punch to the groin, keep hand moving round to the back of Uke and place hand on Uke’s back. With left hand take hold of Uke’s right arm, move your right leg across the front of both Uke’s legs keeping tight against them, then pivot on feet, twist your hips slightly to the left and pull a bit on the arm, (if technique is right then very little pull is required) Once Uke is on the floor finish with arm bar and punch or drop your knee into the floating ribs. White To Orange Page 20
  • 21. Step forward on right foot, right hand comes across to guard face as you turn to the left to look towards your attacker, left back fist to floating ribs, left hand then comes up and goes over the top of Uke’s arms, elbowing Uke in the jaw as you bring your arm over the top then underneath both arms trapping them above the elbow, bring your hands together in a praying position and push up causing Uke to come to his toes, head butt, then pivoting on your left foot turn anti-clockwise push your hips through and hip throw Uke (give back one arm during training to avoid injury!) finish with a punch to the jaw. I’ll include a few angles on this one as there’s quite a lot to it. White To Orange Page 21
  • 22. Straight Arm Lock Straight right hand punch to the stomach, left downwards block, move your hips backwards making sure you clear your body, at the same time you counter attack/weaken with a heavy palm heel strike to Uke’s clavicle with a combined forward and downward strike. (Done right this can in itself be devastating, underneath this you have the sub-clavian artery, at the right angle this strike can break the clavicle and cause it to splinter and puncture the sub-clavian artery causing internal bleeding and potentially death) slide your right hand down Uke’s right arm, ensure your fingers are on the inside of the arm, thumb on the outside, this is so that if Uke starts to pull their arm back then you can start to feel them move and close your grip, you have two natural handles which will help to stop the arm coming out, the elbow and the wrist. As your right hand reaches the wrist then pivot on your left foot and keeping a circular motion going pull your right foot back so you face the same way as Uke as your left hand comes round for a roundhouse palm heel to Uke’s jaw. Follow through with the strike then pull back with a left elbow strike into Uke’s upper right shoulder, Lu2 for you pressure point lovers! Leave the elbow there, pull up on Uke’s arm and round in a clockwise circular motion, this gives you room to get your left arm underneath Uke’s reach up and take hold of your own arm or Gi keep it tight. Position your arm with the Ulna up just above Uke’s elbow, if you like pressure points you’re looking for TW10, if you prefer anatomical then the tricep tendon. Some points work by direct pressure some with a rub, this is a rub point, so as you press down with your right hand applying the lock apply a rubbing motion with your Ulna into TW10, really increases the pain factor. Remember, squeeze it on slowly in training, get all the little bits right and you’ll be amazed how easily this goes on, obviously in reality you’d just crank it on and snap the arm! White To Orange Page 22
  • 23. Shoulder Lock Right hand punch to the stomach, countered with a left downwards block, move your hips backwards making sure you clear your body, at the same time you counter attack/weaken with a heavy palm heel strike to Uke’s clavicle with a combined forward and downward strike. Push the right hand over the top, carry the left hand through and pull the left knife hand into Uke’s tricep and pull across your body, put your left hand on top of your right hand, pivot round on your left foot pulling round in a circular motion, as you turn then pull Uke’s shoulder into your stomach, this is your centre, your hara, this is where you are strong, and in this position Uke is weak. As you have turned then your right leg should be drawn back, use this and finish with a knee to the head. White To Orange Page 23
  • 24. Hip Throw From a right punch to the head. Inside block, pivoting slightly on your feet away from the punch, almost pushing the punch away from you then fold the hand over and keep hold of the arm, pull down on it to break Uke’s balance. Step in/across on the leading (left) foot, big toes should be almost touching with your foot in between Uke’s feet. Weakener, punch to the solar plexus area, now using the momentum a fast pivot is required, keeping the body low as you spin round anti-clockwise on your left foot strike with the palm heel to the hip and continue the hand moving round the back of the body to rest on the back. Keep low, your centre of balance must be below Uke’s and your feet must be together in between Uke’s feet with your body directly in front of Uke body facing in the same direction. Pull Uke down on to your hips, as your knees are bent keeping your body low you should have his legs straight whilst yours are bent so the simple act of straightening your legs takes his off the floor then pull on the arm so Uke lands at a 90 degree angle across your feet, step forward slightly on your left keeping hold of the arm and finish with a simple arm bar and strike. Release and step back in to your fighting stance until Uke comes to his feet. White To Orange Page 24
  • 25. Recumbent Ankle Right hand punch to the head, two beat outside block, left hand side breakfall keeping hold of Uke’s right hand. As you go down place your lead foot, in this case, your left, over the top of Uke’s lead foot and lock the ankle out at a right angle. With your right foot kick through Uke’s knee, this will push Uke back and to the side if you locked your ankle out you will also have a minor lock on Uke’s ankle. Push yourself up and over onto your left knee on all fours, then with your right foot kick back through Uke’s groin. (for you pressure point lovers instead of kicking through the knee lift your target and kick through Spleen10) White To Orange Page 25
  • 26. Blocks All these will be described as form a right punch. A key point to note about punches, it sounds obvious, but it’s the bit at the end of the arm that hurts, the hand, get inside it and it can’t hurt you. Easier said than done, it takes a lot of practise to have the confidence to move into a strike. Rising Block Against An Overhead Strike Moving into a front-stance bring your left arm vertically straight up your centre, as you reach the arm coming down you flick out with your elbow creating a strike into the attackers arm. For me it works better if you aim above your Uke’s elbow into the tricep tendon. If you go lower then you are striking against Uke’s forearm, bone against bone, this is going to hurt both of you and that is not good. Downward Block Against A Punch To The Stomach There are two of these blocks, the first one you move into a back stance and sweep your left arm down in a circular motion diverting the strikes energy and more importantly its direction away from you The second downward block is more of a strike, as the punch comes in you move your hips back and come with your forearm horizontal and strike to Uke’s forearm, again for you pressure point lovers you are aiming to Lu5, as you make contact you pull your arm towards you in a C motion White To Orange Page 26
  • 27. Cross Block Against A Right Punch To The Head Surprisingly enough, there are two of these as well, a kata one and a realistic throw block. The kata one is with either hand (quite often the lead hand) but as the strike comes in it moves across your body with the forearm vertical and performs a strike to Uke’s forearm ensuring you finish clearing the body The second block is a very good block if you want to do a throw from a hooked punch. Not the best block to do against a straight punch. So you start off in opposite stance, i.e. if Uke is punching with the right and have their left leg forward then you have your right leg forward, White To Orange Page 27
  • 28. Inside Block This is the most common block you use. As the right punch comes in to the head you move your weight over your back leg, a back stance, this is for two reasons primarily – it moves your head off-line from the punch (the most important thing) and it gives you more time to get your hand inside the punch and strike into Uke’s arm with a knife hand, then fold your hand over the top of Uke’s arm trapping it. Pay attention to where on Uke’s arm you strike – some people just say strike the arm that’s all it needs. I disagree; if you strike too high then the right forearm will continue round and hit you. Too low on the forearm and the force you are stopping is increased and you are hitting bone. Aim for either Lung 5 or the tip of the bicep nearest the inner elbow, keep your elbow up and this stops Uke’s fist continuing on to strike you! White To Orange Page 28
  • 29. Outside Block We'll talk through this one from a right punch to the stomach. As the punch comes in, keep your left foot in position and pivot on it taking your right foot backwards and round in a large circular motion, at the same time you perform an outside block, pushing the attacking hand away and taking hold of the hand. The other block is a two beat block, one of the best punches I’ve used against a straight punch to the head! As usual I’ll describe it from the right punch to the head. Receiving the punch you are in a left short fighting stance, your left hand up in front of your face guarding and closest to your attacker, as the punch comes in your left hand pushes it away from your centre line, not by a lot, all it needs is to clear your head, if you push it too far then you lose control and contact, if it’s not far enough, you get hit! As you divert the strike, with your left hand at Uke’s wrist you step forwards and to the outside of Uke, this takes a lot of practise to develop the confidence to step into it. After the punch is diverted your right hand comes up underneath your left hand to keep contact with Uke, place your hand on to Uke’s attacking arm above the elbow and then slide your hand down to the wrist, the reason for this is basically, once you have contact, keep it, you know where Uke is and if you’re relaxed enough then you can feel what Uke is doing through his/her arm. If they start to pull the arm back you can feel it and close your grip stopping it moving all the way back. It sounds a lot and when you first do it it feels very strange, however there are drills you can do and should do again and again and you will feel a lot more comfortable with them and as I say it’s an excellent block against a straight punch. White To Orange Page 29
  • 30. Chapter 4 6th KYU Yellow Belt Senior 1. Hip throw into shoulder arm lock 2. Hip throw into cross over arm lock 3. 3 defences against kicks to the head whilst on the ground 4. 3 arm locks from a standing position 5. Shoulder arm lock (advanced) 6. 3 Wrist locks from a push 7. Body drop 8. Wrist throw with lock 9. Reclining leg throw with strikes 10. 4 breaks from ground strangles 11. Break from hair grabs 12. 3 breaks from wrist grabs 13. Palm heel, knife hand, ridge hand & elbow strikes 14. Front, side and roundhouse kicks. Junior 1. Hip throw into shoulder arm lock 2. Hip throw into cross over arm lock 3. 2 defences against kicks to the head whilst on the ground 4. 3 arm locks from a standing position 5. Shoulder arm lock (advanced) 6. Body drop 7. Reclining leg throw with strikes 8. 3 breaks from ground strangles 9. Break from hair grabs 10. 1 breaks from wrist grabs 11. Palm heel, knife hand, ridge hand & elbow strikes 12. Front, side and roundhouse kicks. White To Orange Page 30
  • 31. Chapter 4 6th KYU Yellow Belt Hip Throw Into Shoulder Arm Lock Ok, so by now you’re good at hip throw, or you should be capable of it otherwise why have you gone past White?! You should already know then that you are keeping hold of the punching arm as you throw them, now your finish changes. Assuming they are punching with the right hand you are going to pull up on the right arm so they are on their side, your right leg goes over the top of them and you pull your foot back to kick into the solar plexus area with your heel, leave your foot there nice and tight. Keeping it tight slide your left knee down their shoulder, starting at the top and all the way across their shoulder blades keeping it tight, this is important, it makes it uncomfortable for them and that combined with your foot in the solar plexus means they have nowhere to go, take your foot out and they can quite easily wriggle out of this. With your left hand now slide it across the top of Uke’s arm then back underneath forming a fig 4 lock, your right hand now strikes into Uke’s shoulder and stays there, your left hand takes hold of your right forearm. To apply the lock you do two things, you squeeze your arms together and at the same time keeping your back straight you push forwards with your hips. White To Orange Page 31
  • 32. Hip Throw Into Cross Over Arm Lock This is also known as step over arm lock. So, hip throw again, pull up on the punching arm again, this time with your right foot you kick into the ribs and leave your foot there.(Some clubs do this differently and this foot goes over the top, I don’t like it that way, it’s too easy for Uke to turn and face you, so starting to attack you, this way they have to roll up your leg if they want to turn) With your left foot you now stamp through Uke’s face/throat, sounds nasty, and it would be. Pull your left foot back into Uke’s throat now you are going to sit down with your backside as close to Uke’s shoulder as possible, when you go down you go down at a 45 degree angle to Uke going out above their head. With their elbow on or above your leg you pull back now on Uke’s trapped arm over your right thigh, as you do this you squeeze your knees together and raise your hips off the ground, Note: keep your shoulders back and resting on the ground. Also squeeze it on, if you just pull back in training then you’ll damage your partner, it’s surprising how quickly it goes on if you get all the bits right. You’ve not finished, remember this is a practical martial art not a sport and in reality people bite! Your calf is very close to Uke’s mouth, reach down with your left hand, put your fingers underneath Uke’s jaw at the front, as you pull up keeping the mouth closed the heel of your hand should fall nicely onto Uke’s nose, press it down it’s very uncomfortable and restricts breathing. White To Orange Page 32
  • 33. 3 Defences Against Kicks To The Head Whilst On The Ground As you’re just getting used to these then let’s start off with a couple of things. You are going to be on your side guarding, Uke should come in kicking you in the head with the outside leg (i.e. the leg nearest your head) as you get better then you are able to deal with either leg. A big thing, do not just put your hands up and try to block a kick with your forearms, it will hurt! You have got a big leg bone coming towards you at great speed and you are going to try and stop it with your little forearms, which do you think will win?!! This is force against force and not what we do in Ju-Jitsu, remember, it’s the gentle art. As you meet the attacking leg, divert the energy down and into you, you absorb the energy, hooking your hands round the back of Uke’s leg to trap it and squeezing your forearms in to the leg. White To Orange Page 33
  • 34. This block/trap is the same for all 3 attacks. After the block, your left hand comes up with a palm heel strike to Uke’s Patella on the attacking leg, strike upwards at a 45 degree angle aiming to displace the knee cap. Keep the momentum going up rising up then bring your left hand down and place your fist on the floor tight at the back of Uke’s foot, pushing forwards with your left shoulder push Uke to the floor. (In reality, they’d probably be there already; you’ve just taken out their knee cap!) Continue to roll up their body and as you turn drive your right elbow back into their Groin and a back fist into Uke’s sternum. White To Orange Page 34
  • 35. After the block, bring your bottom leg, in this case your right leg up towards your chest, what you are aiming for is your right foot to cross Uke’s right foot, lock your ankle out, with your left foot kick through Uke’s knee, if you like pressure points then you can use your big toe or the ball of your foot and kick through Spl10 on the inside of the thigh about 10cm above the knee. Roll over onto your right knee and driving back with your left foot kick through Uke’s groin. This should sound familiar, its recumbent ankle throw. After the block, bring your right foot up towards your chest and over Uke’s ankle. Your left leg comes up and over so it is behind Uke’s leg, kick back into the back of Uke’s knee and leave your foot there, as Uke falls forward, roll over onto your left side keeping at 90 degrees to Uke, leave your foot on the back of Uke’s knee, take hold of the trapped foot and push forwards with the toes towards Uke’s head.(Many people miss this part out and then wonder why they struggle to push themselves up into a kneeling position) Pushing the toes forwards gives you the room to get up, otherwise you are pushing against his leg which if he is strong he is quite capable of resisting or at least making it a lot more difficult. Once you have your gap come up to a kneeling position on your left knee with your back straight, bring your right foot round and place it on White To Orange Page 35
  • 36. Uke’s left side in front of your knee, either finish in a stance looking for what’s next or reaching forwards with your right hand over the top of Uke’s head, I want you to think of a bowling ball, and his eye sockets are those little holes for your fingers!! Pull back towards you. In training go careful, your Uke may like to keep his sight, if so just use the top of the eye socket (there’s some very nice pressure points there) also be careful and ease the head back in training, you don’t want to pop it. White To Orange Page 36
  • 37. 3 Arm Locks From A Standing Position From a right handed over head downwards strike, step in on your left foot and it’s a rising block with the left, flick your left forearm into Uke’s tricep tendon, it’s important that you aim for this point, it means that you are above Uke’s elbow, on the soft part, closer in to Uke and inside the part that hurts, if Uke has a weapon then you make sure your head is underneath your arm and you are in a front stance. With your right elbow bring it through with a strike to Uke’s ribs, carry on through with the strike and your right hand then goes underneath Uke’s arm and then pull it backwards and strike into the top of Uke’s elbow with a ridge hand strike, this bends the elbow, fold in Uke’s hand towards Uke, and take hold of the forearm with your right hand, to apply the lock you pivot at the forearm and push your arm away from you. Watch the angles, if Uke’s arm goes in too close to Uke’s head then it’s not quite as painful and easier for Uke to get out of. Push it out away from Uke at about 75 degrees. For a better look see the photos. White To Orange Page 37
  • 38. From a right hand punch to the head, as the punch comes in, step forwards and to the left at 45 degrees as you perform a two beat outside block, keep hold of the right wrist and with the left hand strike inside the right elbow from underneath with a ridge hand strike. Pull the right elbow into your left arm pit, not deep in but this stops the elbow raising and also slipping out. This lock we call chicken wing and is finished by pulling the hand downwards into the forearm. Keep your fingers out of the wrist joint as this restricts the movement. White To Orange Page 38
  • 39. Ok, I’ve got a few little tricks for you now and this is where I give you a head start, it’s taken me years for to pick up all these sorts of little tricks and I’m going to pass them on to you now. Some people are very flexible and can get their hands right down, however I will get a tap out of anyone with these little tweaks. Don’t just pull the hand in, apply a twist as well, twist the hand downwards in the direction of the little finger, if that doesn’t work then with you left hand underneath take hold of the trapped hands index finger, with your right hand take hold of the trapped hands little finger, pull them apart, this hurts. Now my personal favourite, bend the little finger inwards with the tip of the little finger pointing in towards the knuckle and squeeze it on, this doesn’t sound like much but it’s a nasty pain. White To Orange Page 39
  • 40. From a punch to the stomach the start is the straight arm lock from white belt. As you perform a downwards block clearing the body perform a heavy palm heel strike to the right clavicle, the right hand slides down the arm towards the wrist with the fingers on the inside of Uke’s arm, take hold of the arm, pivot on the left foot, and at the same time the left hand palm heels Uke’s jaw and carries on through and then strike backwards with the elbow into the shoulder, Uke then strikes with his free hand, block with the left and pull the arm underneath Uke’s own to continue with the straight arm lock. Ok simple so far, it starts to get a little more complex now, and this is where the photos and the video clips here really benefit. Un-wrap the arms and then step forwards with your right and pivot again on the left the right foot then goes through and in front of Uke’s left, lifting Uke’s left arm, pull Uke’s right hand up into Uke’s left arm pit and push downwards into the arm pit, you can let go of the right hand now, your right elbow pushes onto his shoulder the right hand pushes onto and forward on his White To Orange Page 40
  • 41. elbow at the same time pull up on the left wrist, twisting the wrist towards the little finger and fingers towards the forearm. This we call triple lock, as you are applying a lock in three places the wrist elbow and shoulder. Sounds complicated and the video should help, it is a very effective lock and very practical as well. White To Orange Page 41
  • 42. Shoulder Arm Lock And Advanced Shoulder Arm Lock Shoulder Arm Lock From a right punch to the head, it’s an inside block with a right hand palm heel to the clavicle, push forwards and over the top of Uke’s right arm, above the elbow, reach round and underneath the arm to take hold of your own right arm, you apply the lock by squeezing together and applying pressure with your left forearm into Uke’s tricep and simultaneous pressure downwards on Uke’s forearm. If you want an extra tweak to this one then push downwards with your right fingers into Uke’s shoulder, your fingers go down inside of the clavicle in between the bone and the trapezius muscle, you’ve got some nice little points under there and if the Uke is susceptible then they will really squirm. White To Orange Page 42
  • 43. Advanced Shoulder Arm Lock This is from a single grab to the collar from the rear and a punch to the head. Step forward and block the punch with both hands, with the right hand take hold of Uke’s punching wrist. With your arm closest to Uke’s back elbow to Uke’s jaw and carry on through with the strike, reach over Uke’s arm that has hold of your collar, this is the key part, your arm wants to be as high up Uke’s arm as you can and as tight as you can. Now your arm is underneath Uke’s with plenty spare, you can push Uke’s other arm across the front of both your bodies but lower, you than reach your left over the top of Uke’s punching arm and trap it in, you now have both of Uke’s arms wrapped up and you have one free, with your free hand push back under Uke’s jaw as the finish. 3 Wrist Locks From A Push Some key points for these moves. Don’t worry if you miss the first one, they’re like buses - you can guarantee another will be along shortly. You do not just stand there and meet these things, if you let the push just come in and hit you then the bigger stronger person is going to win, remember this is the gentle art. Let’s assume that these are going to be a right push coming into your left shoulder or even the middle, as the push comes in then step back with your left foot, your left hand comes up and covers the attacking hand, holding it to your chest, you’ve got them, don’t let them get away from you now, at the same time as you step back and trap the hand strike into Uke’s attacking forearm (pressure point lovers - Lu5), this brings Uke’s head forward so you can knock it back again with a back fist. Above is the start to all of these moves, what follows are the different finishes. With your right hand reach down and take hold of Uke’s trapped wrist and turn it clockwise so that the back of Uke’s hand turns into your left shoulder, pull on Uke’s wrist tighten the hand into your shoulder and hold with your right hand. White To Orange Page 43
  • 44. With your left hand push up on Uke’s elbow putting a bend in the arm, then pull down keeping the bend in the arm, this bend adds the twist to the wrist, be careful, these locks go on a lot quicker than you would expect. White To Orange Page 44
  • 45. With your right hand reach over and take hold of Uke’s trapped hand keeping the palm of your hand to the back of Uke’s hand. Pull Uke’s hand over to the centre of your body, keeping the little finger upwards, put your hands together to enclose Uke’s trapped hand, personally I like to use my fingers and pull on the pad of the hand just under the little finger to open the hand out rather than crunching the hand, I find that I get a better lock on the wrist this way. From this position you apply the lock with either a straight or bent arm - it doesn’t really make a difference but I prefer to keep the arm straight, when I am teaching to younger students I tell them to leave their index finger open and then imagine they are pointing straight down Uke’s centre-line and to step back on the right leg at the same time, this really applies the lock and you also have your leg back ready to finish with a kick to the head. Simpler one, take hold of Uke’s trapped hand and move it into your stomach in the centre, keeping Uke’s fingers vertical, hold into your stomach and cup your hands underneath Uke’s elbow, apply the lock by pulling up on the elbow into your centre. Be careful again, I’ve seen a slim girl do this move on a heavily built 6’4” guy and have him screaming! No effort at all. White To Orange Page 45
  • 46. Body Drop For this description we’ll do it from a right punch to the head. Normally we start these moves in a left stance, left leg and left hand leading, this time we go in with a cross block, so for a practical cross block, we have our right foot forward and the right hand as the leading hand, the right hand strikes to Uke’s bicep, the left comes up to the inside of Uke’s forearm this stops the fist swinging round and striking you as you stop the upper arm moving. As a weakener perform a backfist strike to Uke’s right ribs, (for you pressure point people, you are going for the Liver/gall bladder cross over point) keep the hand moving and put your right hand behind Uke’s back. With your left hand take hold of Uke’s right arm, your left leg comes behind your right and moves so it is just in front of Uke’s left foot, move your right leg across the front of both Uke’s legs keeping tight against them, then pivot on feet, twist your hips slightly to the left and pull a bit on the arm, (if your technique is right then very little pull is required) Once Uke is on the floor finish with arm bar and punch or drop knee into the floating ribs. White To Orange Page 46
  • 47. White To Orange Page 47
  • 48. Wrist Throw With Lock. We’ll talk through this one from a right punch to the stomach. As the punch comes in, keep your left foot in position and pivot on it taking your right foot backwards and round in a large circular motion, at the same time you perform an outside block, pushing the attacking hand away and taking hold of the hand, once you’ve taken the foot back in a quarter circle stop, open up the left foot giving you room to get your hips through for a roundhouse kick to the sternum, after the kick, put your foot down in between your left and Uke, closing the distance down, put your right hand onto the back of Uke’s trapped hand. Some people do this with their thumbs into the back of the hand, I prefer to do it covering the back of the hand with my palm, pushing over the top and towards Uke’s little finger at the same time, go careful, if done properly this is designed to snap the wrist. As you push over with the hand take your left foot backwards in a quarter circle. Once Uke is down the lock you perform is not really practical but does hurt, what you are looking for is a 90 degree angle at the shoulder, with the right arm going out to the side, then a 90 degree angle at the elbow with the forearm going upwards from Uke’s head, then you put Uke’s hand down palm flat on the floor, this needs to be kept flat, so to help you can put your knee down on the back of Uke’s hand, as an added benefit, it hurts a lot! To apply the lock push down on the elbow. Some people are very flexible in the wrist and so can get the elbow right down to the floor, this is where the knee on the back of the hand goes, to get a tap from your Uke, just grind a little with your knee on the back of the hand! White To Orange Page 48
  • 49. Reclining Leg Throw With strikes. From an overhead strike to the head, you perform a left rising block, at the same time you step in with your right leg so that your right shin goes over the top of Uke’s left foot, with your right hand reach across the front of Uke’s right leg and then put your fist down on the floor keeping it tight to the back of Uke’s leg, keeping the leg where it is push back with your shoulder into Uke pushing them backwards, there’s the throw, here’s where the strikes come in. slide in between Uke’s legs and strike in with your right side into Uke’s groin, with the right elbow strike to the Solar Plexus, then a right downwards palm heel to the sternum, leaving it there and push yourself up to your right knee. With your left hand take hold of Uke’s right leg and push over the top of your head, bring your left foot round and stand on Uke’s right arm, stopping them moving, with your right hand finish with a right leopard strike to the throat. White To Orange Page 49
  • 50. 4 Breaks From Ground Strangles. From the mount, (this is where Uke’s legs are on either side of your body) with Uke strangling you. First thing to remember - like any strangle always get one hand above the attacker’s arms. If they’re going to strangle you then they’re not really that nice and you never know what else they’ll do. So let’s say that you’ve just put your left hand above the attack, so it’s above Uke’s right arm, now reach across and put it under their left arm, put your right hand onto their left elbow and you’re going to do three things at once now, you’re going to pull your left elbow down pulling Uke down and into you, (and as you’ve trapped their right arm they’ve nothing to stop themselves falling to the side) push across on the left elbow with your right hand and raise your hips off the floor, this pushes Uke forwards as well as to the side, keep them going until you are on top of Uke. Finish with a choke of your own, I like to slide one arm underneath Uke’s neck to act as a base, the other hand reach across Uke’s throat and drop your forearm into Uke’s throat grab hold of your own arms and squeeze. From the guard, (this is where Uke is in between your legs) the same rules apply in that you get one hand above the attack, so your left hand goes over the top, your right strikes into the lymph nodes under the armpit. Then comes up through in between Uke’s arms and takes a strong hold of Uke’s right hand. Whilst all this is going on your left leg bends and your foot plants on the ground, you then pivot on your leg and push your hips out to the left to enable you to put your right foot on top of Uke’s left knee. Now you are going to do some more things simultaneously, you are now going to push out with your right foot, and pull across your body with your right hand, pulling the trapped hand across. So Uke should now be face down to your right on top of your right leg and you have hold of their left arm. Keep your right elbow on the floor, your forearm needs to be vertical (there is a reason that you’ll see in a minute). Roll over onto your right side and push over Uke’s head with your left leg, still keeping your right forearm vertical, now you need to put your left ankle under Uke’s throat you can even force your foot through or lift Uke’s head up using the eye sockets or hair, Uke’s arm should now be suspended on your arm at the wrist and your leg should be on top of Uke’s elbow. To apply the lock roll forwards applying White To Orange Page 50
  • 51. more pressure on to Uke’s arm, this is why you need to have your forearm vertical, if you have an angle then as you apply downwards pressure your arm would give way and the arm would just go to the ground this way you can support it and apply the lock. From a side mount position (Uke is knelt to one side of your body strangling you). For this one and the sake of descriptions Uke is knelt to your left hand side, your right hand goes above the attack, your left hand comes in with a thumb strike to the xyphoid process (the small finger of bone that protrudes downwards from the bottom of the sternum protecting the heart) this done right causes Uke to arch backwards away, your left knee comes up into the gap created now between Uke’s right arm and their ribs, take hold of Uke’s left arm as your right leg goes over the top of Uke’s head, push backwards with your legs and take Uke into a cross over arm lock. I can never imagine anyone strangling you from this position but it’s on the syllabus so I teach it. Uke is knelt above your head looking down your body, they are using both hands to strangle you. If they are big then there is a chance that you may not be able to reach up as far as necessary, if you want to bring Uke closer to you then bring both hands up and inside of Uke’s arms then strike White To Orange Page 51
  • 52. outwards at the elbow brining them in, then the weakener is a double strike to the ears, this is with fingers together and a cupped hand, (I’ve heard some people say you do this with fingers open and some say you do it with a back fist, I don’t believe it) what you are doing is perforating the ear drums, you do this by forcing air down into the ear. Take hold of the ear and then with the index finger push into the pressure point at the joint of jaw (TW17). Pull Uke forwards and drive your knee onto the top of Uke’s head, turn Uke over on to their back and finish with a hammer fist strike to the nose. Break From Hair Grab What we are working against this time is a one handed grab of the hair. If this happens then the first thing to be aware of is that a punch is quite likely to follow. Block, then put both hands on top of Uke’s hand that is grabbing your hair, the hand that is next to Uke’s clench into a fist, drive your knuckles into the back of Uke’s hand and pull down with the top hand, stoop forwards slightly and lush forwards, this pushes Uke’s arm up, as it starts to go this way then you’ll be able to start to straighten your legs a bit and push up making it even more uncomfortable for Uke. Assuming that Uke is attacking with their right hand then you are going to step under the arm and pivot anti-clockwise, this puts a twist on the arm, you should have Uke’s arm behind them and bent up their back, push your right hand in between Uke’s back and arm and reach as high up as you can. White To Orange Page 52
  • 53. Uke tends to try and bend forwards now to ease the pain, dig your fingers into the trapezius and pull Uke back up and towards you again, with your left hand reach across the front of Uke with your forearm across Uke’s throat, take hold of your own hands and squeeze, this tightens up the arms and cuts off the air supply. Breaks From Wrist Grabs. OK the basics, what’s the natural instinct if someone grabs your wrist? You pull it back, and that’s what your attacker is going to expect, on each of these you do something different to what they are expecting, remember, if Uke pulls you push, if they push you pull and also the rotational principles of Ju-Jitsu. White To Orange Page 53
  • 54. Double Wrist Grab. In a big circular movement bring your hands outwards and up in one clean movement, what you are going to do is smack the back of Uke’s hands together, it’s not what they are expecting and it hurts like hell. This next one is, if anything else even simpler, bring your hands up to look at your palms, then push them away and down, pointing your fingers over the top of Uke’s forearms. This is a very simple dis-engagement. There’s a lot more but this time I am looking for a technical one: Bring your right hand up and point Uke’s hand palm up then smash it down so that the back of Uke’s hand hits down on to the top of Uke’s thumb of the other hand so loosening both grips, now with your lower hand you’re going to twist your hand round and take hold of the pad of Uke’s thumb and pull down, turn your top hand palm down and push on the top of Uke’s hand (the one you’ve just pulled on the thumb of) you should be familiar with this now, it’s the wrist throw described earlier. White To Orange Page 54
  • 55. From a cross wrist grab. (Lets work on right takes right) put your left hand on top of Uke’s grabbing hand, holding Uke’s hand on top of your wrist so they can’t get away. Put your fingers on top of Uke’s arm, you are both in the same position now so distract them with a kick to the knee and the lock is applied by pushing into and over Uke’s wrist with your little finger, it’s pretty much like the wrist lock from a push where you point down Uke’s centre line. Finish with a kick to the head. From the same side wrist grab, (Let’s work with right grabs left) same principles, as mentioned earlier, expect a punch to be coming in, block it. Reach underneath the trapped hands and take hold of Uke’s thumb. From here the move is wrist throw with lock which you should have perfected by now. White To Orange Page 55
  • 56. White To Orange Page 56
  • 57. Strikes Palm Heel Take note of my fingers in this photo, I have my fingers bent, that’s just my personal preference, you can also do it and some of the classical Ju-Jitsu instructors will probably say I’m wrong and the fingers should be straight, so be it, I just prefer it this way, it doesn’t make it any less of a palm heel. Knife Hand This is a strike with the outside of the hand performed either fore or backhand, however like any other strike the real power comes from the hips. White To Orange Page 57
  • 58. Ridge Hand Again, I’ll probably upset some people here with the position of my hand, some say you must have your thumb protruding to the outside of the hand, I’ve tried it that way but don’t like it, you hit something solid it is going to hurt, tuck your thumb in: And it’s going to hurt a lot less if you do hit something solid! Power like always is generated with the hips and a flicking motion from the elbow. White To Orange Page 58
  • 59. Elbow This is a really close range weapon, and really under-rated, I have found that women really like using this weapon especially, not being sexist but quite often the wrists are smaller and can’t take the same impact, but this weapon takes that out of the equation. However to really generate that power more than punching you need to get those hips working, move them first independently of the rest of your body, let them pull your elbow through, turn the back of your hand to your chest. This flattens out the elbow and points the bit that hurts to your Uke. Kicks All these kicks are with the rear leg, but to enable these to work you need to pay attention to the front foot, open the gate. What I mean by that is turn your lead foot out, in this case point your lead foot to the left. What this does is open up the hips to allow the right leg to come through more and put more power into the pad/Uke. Keep your hands up guarding, it’s no good having your hands by your sides, your Uke’s still got hands and legs! Lift your knee before you kick and remember that force equals mass * acceleration. Force you aim to put in to White To Orange Page 59
  • 60. the Uke and mass is your leg, you can’t alter that, so in order to put more force in to the kick you need to increase the acceleration of the leg, its science, you can’t argue with that!! Front Kick For this open the gate a little to allow the hips to come straight through, lift your knee and point it at the target, pull the toes back and strike with the ball of the foot, you flick out with your lower leg from the knee, this is where you generate the acceleration then for that last little bit of oomph, just as you make contact push through with the hips. I used to place more emphasis on the hips and less on the lower leg but after training with a Shukokai Karate guy I realised that I was making it a push, admittedly a painful one which does have its uses, this way you have all the power exploding inside the Uke and dropping them straight down. (Apologies for the lack of impact, I forgot the big pad and thought I’d been nasty enough to Brian for one day!) Side Kick For this one open your front foot up more than you did for the front kick, bring your rear leg up and point your knee at the target with your foot held back at your left knee then flick it through to the target, (Uke’s knee maybe!) striking with the outside edge of your foot. To get the right angle, pull up with your big toe and push down with your little toe then push through the target with your heel, sounds weird and feels weird, at first. White To Orange Page 60
  • 61. Roundhouse Kick Some real power and impressive impact can be achieved with this one, again open the gate, bring your knee up and point it at the target, keeping your lower leg at the angle you want the foot to go in at, this is important, then flick out with the lower leg generating that acceleration, a common fault with this kick is people don’t have the flexibility in the hips to kick high keeping the leg horizontal so they left the leg keeping the lower leg angled down, the problem with this is that when you flick your leg out it’s going to be going up and all the power is going to glance off your Uke, that’s no good, you want all that power going into your Uke. So if you can’t kick high then don’t, and what’s more, don’t worry about it, if they’ve got no legs they can’t stand up and hit you!! White To Orange Page 61
  • 62. White To Orange Page 62
  • 63. Chapter 5 5th KYU Orange Belt Senior 1. Half shoulder throw 2. Full shoulder throw 3. Leg throw with lock 4. Dropping version of a full shoulder throw 5. Crab claw scissors throw 6. Sweeping loin throw 7. Drawing ankle throw 8. Inside hock 9. Cross hock 10. Stamp throw 11. Escape when held over/under arms, front 12. Escape when held over/under arms, rear 13. Bar choke 14. Strangles and chokes 1-8 15. 3 escapes from head chancery 16. Hold down double arm lock 17. Back hammer lock 18. Resuscitation Junior 1. Half shoulder throw 2. Leg throw with lock 3. Dropping version of a full shoulder throw 4. Crab claw scissors throw 5. Sweeping loin throw 6. Drawing ankle throw 7. Inside hock 8. Cross hock 9. Stamp throw 10. Escape when held over/under arms, front 11. Escape when held over/under arms, rear 12. 2 escapes from head chancery 13. Hold down double arm lock 14. Back hammer lock White To Orange Page 63
  • 64. Chapter 5 5th KYU Orange Belt Half Shoulder From a right hand punch to the head, you are going to do a cross block, we have our right foot forward and the right hand as the leading hand, the right hand strikes to Uke’s bicep, the left comes up to the inside of Uke’s forearm - this stops the fist swinging round and striking you as you stop the upper arm moving. As a weakener perform a backfist strike to Uke’s right ribs,(for you pressure point people, you are going for the Liver/gall bladder cross over point) keep the hand moving and it comes underneath Uke’s attacking arm and then you perform a ridge hand strike to Uke’s tricep. Your left hand keeps hold of Uke’s wrist and then you keep the upper arm where it is and push backwards with your left putting on a mild arm bar. Although this is called ½ shoulder it’s actually from the hip throw family, so as you performed the block you should have stepped in a bit with the right foot so that it is near Uke’s right foot, (that’s just a bit of a short cut I’ll pass on to you now, saves more foot movement later on) now bring back your left foot so that your feet are together in between Uke’s feet and yours are together, bend your knees and pull Uke forward on to your back, so that your legs are bent and Uke’s are straight. Straighten your legs to pull Uke off the ground, pull round on Uke’s trapped arm so that Uke falls across your feet, that’s the throw, for a finish you are going to perform a cricket bat lock. So step forwards with your left leg so that it goes forwards in front of Uke’s head, point Uke’s fingers to the ceiling with their elbow up drop your right knee on to their head as you push down with your right on the elbow and pull up on the wrist with your left. (I’ll always remember being on a course with Sensei Terry Wall when I was a yellow belt and he took us through this move, he was a big guy, lots of practical experience, excellent guy, basically his words were, ”don’t bother with any of this poncing around holding it, just get in there push through and snap it then walk off!” In reality you may well do something like that but in the dojo you’ll soon run out of partners) White To Orange Page 64
  • 65. Full Shoulder From a right hand punch to the head, you are going to do a cross block, we have our right foot forward and the right hand as the leading hand, the right hand strikes to Uke’s bicep, the left comes up to the inside of Uke’s forearm this stops the fist swinging round and striking you as you stop the upper arm moving. As a weakner perform a backfist strike to Uke’s jaw, push your right elbow through and underneath Uke’s punching arm pushing the bone up into the tricep pulling down on Uke’s trapped wrist. White To Orange Page 65
  • 66. Putting a lock on, obviously from here it’s really easy to just snap the arm, the problem then is it becomes all floppy and makes it difficult to do the throw! OK, so to the throw, your left foot stays in front of Uke, almost in his centre, your right leg goes down Uke’s right side, as far back as you can, the key to this more than any other really is you need to get your centre of gravity lower than Uke’s. You can do the throw keeping Uke’s trapped arm straight but until you are good then it’s probably safer to allow it to bend. Pull forwards and down on Uke’s trapped arm, at the same time pushing your hips back into Uke and over they go, finish with an axe kick to the head. White To Orange Page 66
  • 67. Dropping Version Of A Full Shoulder This is against an attack from the rear. Uke comes up behind you and attacks with a choke by reaching round with one forearm across the throat. Keep your body nice and tight to Uke, first thing is to keep breathing, so with the same side hand as Uke is using reach up into the crook of their elbow and pull down, at the same time drop down to your knee, the same side as Uke’s arm grabs (i.e. they try to strangle with the right and you drop on your right knee). Keep pulling down on the arm and bend forwards pushing on the front of Uke’s leg (the leg opposite to the arm you’re pulling on) Uke should now go straight over your head. If they don’t know how to break fall then their head is just straight into the ground, nasty! Finish with a straight forward hammer fist to the nose. Leg Throw With Lock From a right hand punch to the head, it’s an inside block with the left, from there it comes down for a ridge hand strike to the left hip joint, your right hand comes down to the left Achilles, it’s as low as that, some people have a tendency to go more for the calf, it’s one of my pet hates, it’s too high, and don’t push them backwards, it’s the easy way out, you pull up on the Achilles and straight down and into the floor with the left hand. It’s a left foot kick to the groin, there are two locks you can do, the first is simpler, the right arm slips underneath Uke’s left leg, towards the top of the Achilles, your arm should cut straight across the leg at a right angle, with the bone directly up into the leg, with your right hand take hold of your left forearm and then put your left hand onto Uke’s shin pushing in with your little finger whilst keeping your hand flat to the bone. White To Orange Page 67
  • 68. To really finish the lock off grind the heel of your left foot into Uke’s Saphenous nerve, this can be found on the inside of the leg and the trouser seam usually marks the spot. The second lock starts the same, the right arm slips underneath Uke’s left leg, towards the top of the Achilles, your arm should cut straight across the leg at a right angle, with the bone directly up into the leg, with your right hand take hold of your left forearm and then put your left hand onto Uke’s shin pushing in with your little finger whilst keeping your hand flat to the bone. You’ve already kicked into Uke’s groin, leave it there, your right foot goes behind you to hook Uke’s right leg in and bring it across but behind your left leg nice and tight, to apply White To Orange Page 68
  • 69. the lock, sit down with your backside in nice and tight to your feet. Keep sat up initially at least, then keeping your hands tight push your chest forwards and arch your back pushing your shoulders backwards. Crab Claw Scissors This attack is a stepping right punch to the head. Perform an outside block, with your right foot coming back round in a circular motion, to finish up behind Uke cutting across the back of both their legs. Your right leg comes up now and back heels Uke in the chest, this is where the scissors comes in, your legs perform a scissors motion, as your left leg goes back into Uke’s chest your right leg sweeps forwards, finish with a back heel to the solar plexus. White To Orange Page 69
  • 70. Sweeping Loin Throw This is from the hip throw family, attack is a right hand punch to the head. There are two versions to this throw, the attacking and defending, the only difference really is how you start the move. Attacking: as the punch comes in you step forwards on your right leg so it is just past Uke’s torso on their left, at the same time blocking the punch with your left and keeping hold, then you drive your left knee into Uke’s Solar plexus, put your right arm behind Uke’s back, as you put your foot down it goes inside of Uke’s left foot, and your right foot goes through to the front of Uke, don’t put it down but push it out in front of yourself and to the side, keep the leg straight and think of it as a solid bar, it goes right back and through Uke’s leg and carry on up. In reality this would be a strike more downwards and you’d not have your hips through quite as far, this strike is in reality aimed to break the Femur, and as this is the largest bone in the body requires some force, however it is do- able, I prefer in training to push your hips through and keep your leg that little bit higher, it’s safer for your Uke and if you get it right you get a great rotation of Uke both forwards and to the side. Defending: as the punch comes in it is a “simple” inside block and then your left foot goes in to the same position as above. And the move carries on as described before. White To Orange Page 70
  • 71. Drawing Ankle Throw. Another one from a stepping right punch to the head. We’ll work from a right punch. The aim with this move is to keep the momentum going so as Uke comes in with a fully committed punch, step to the right and forwards on your right foot, your left comes up and pushes against Uke’s right leg. As the punch comes in you perform an inside block and keep that arm moving, your right hand goes underneath Uke’s armpit and pushes up and forwards, this helps to keep the momentum going forwards and the foot against Uke’s leg stops him re-gaining his balance, and over they go. White To Orange Page 71
  • 72. Keep hold of the right arm. To finish, kneel down above Uke’s head, looking down the line of Uke’s body, go down on your left knee keeping your right foot on the floor and a right angle at the knee, take hold of Uke’s trapped arm with your right and turn the arm so that the back of the elbow is against your right knee, pull round on the arm which forces Uke round and on to his front, he goes or his arm breaks! The finishing lock is to move in alongside Uke with your knees tight in to them at either side of their shoulder, keep their arm vertical trap it in between your own, with your right apply pressure on to the Uke’s shoulder blade and with your left White To Orange Page 72
  • 73. apply pressure across the back of the elbow, simply twist at the waist and it causes pain. Inside Hock This throw is so easy, but so good, I love it. The attack is a right punch to the head for description purposes, you perform an inside block with your left, your right foot goes in between Uke’s legs, you move your body sideways into Uke at White To Orange Page 73
  • 74. the same time your right forearm comes up into Uke’s throat at their right side for a strike, leave it there. Your right foot bends round Uke’s left leg so it is bent but tight against Uke’s leg on the ball of your foot. To throw them put your heel on the floor, straighten your leg and push downwards and back at a 45 degree angle to drive Uke to the floor. To finish kick through the groin with your left foot, keep the foot moving and put your White To Orange Page 74
  • 75. foot to the floor to the left of Uke, pivot on the ball of your left foot and continue to turn clockwise and finish with a sidekick through Uke’s throat. Cross Hock Again we’ll describe this from a right hook punch to the head. As the punch comes in it’s an inside block, but at the same time as you block you step into it with your left, it takes practise and confidence to make this move, your left foot needs to be at least in line with Uke’s right foot or you are putting too much strain in. Bring your right foot through the same side, the hock is done by striking back with your right foot against Uke’s Calf or Achilles, preferably the Achilles with your heel. Don’t do it fully like this in training, it hurts a lot. Keep the leg moving backwards, basically strike through the leg. At the same time as you are striking backwards with the leg your right hand comes up across the front of Uke for a right hand ridge hand strike to the carotid artery, again be careful with this strike, I’ve seen people knocked out with this strike with no effort at all. Which is disappointing in one respect, you don’t get the chance to finish your technique!! To finish the move go down to the floor with them, keeping your right hand tight in to Uke’s neck, as you get to the floor you need to get your weight as low as possible, for me there are two ways to do this, you can either lay face down, bending your right knee to give you stability in case Uke trys to move or you can sit down as close to Uke as possible and open your legs with the right leg forward and left split back to give you a base, bring your left hand round the back of Uke’s head to grasp your own hand in what we call a butchers grip(see image) White To Orange Page 75
  • 76. place your temple into Uke’s Sphenoid and try to pull your right wrist in towards your head. People tend to worry that there is too much gap at the front and push there hands round the back then they struggle to put the lock on, it doesn’t work like that I’m afraid. Check out the photos and clips for some close looks at this lock. Stamp Throw We’ll describe it from a Right punch to the head. This throw is from the hip throw family and is really similar and can be used if someone sinks their weight to stop you throwing them. Inside block, pivoting slightly on your feet away from the punch, almost pushing the punch away from you then fold the hand over and keep hold of the arm pull White To Orange Page 76
  • 77. down on it to break Uke’s balance. Step in/across on the leading (left) foot, big toes should be almost touching with your foot in between Uke’s feet. Weakener, punch to the solar plexus area, now using the momentum a fast pivot is required, keeping the body low as you spin round anti-clockwise on your left foot strike with the palm heel to the hip and continue the hand moving round the back of the body to rest on the back. Keep low, your centre of balance must be below Uke’s and your feet must be together in between Uke’s feet with your body directly in front of Uke body facing in the same direction. Pull Uke down on to your hips, as your knees are bent keeping your body low you should have his legs straight whilst yours are bent so the simple act of straightening your legs should take his off the floor, lift your right foot off the floor then stamp down, as your leg hits the floor use the momentum and additional impetus of the stamp to straighten both legs then pull on the arm so Uke lands at a 90 degree angle across your feet, step forward slightly on your left keeping hold of the arm and finish with a simple arm bar and strike. Release and step back in to your fighting stance until Uke comes to his feet. Escape When Held/Over/Under The Arms From The Front Escape When Held Over The Arms From The Front Commonly referred to as a bear hug, you need a couple of weakners in here, first one move your hands behind Uke, and perform a double handed knife hand strike to Uke’s kidneys, head butt and using your feet stamp on Uke’s feet, if your being held off the floor then using your feet strike into the shins and slide your feet down Uke’s shins, pushing in all the way down, using the circular motion with your arms moving them outwards and upwards, ending your arms as they come up to shoulder height and pushing your hands under Uke’s jaw, push upwards and backwards then downwards and away from you, with your foot going inside Uke’s for an inside hock. Finish with a kick to Uke’s groin. White To Orange Page 77
  • 78. Escape when held under the arms from the front, in this situation, Uke deserves what they are going to get for leaving your arms free. You have a multitude of options at your disposal. What we are going for is something straight from the KISS thinking (Keep It Simple Stupid) take hold of Uke’s ears, thumb nearest to you, you are going to twist pushing down with the thumb and pulling up with the little finger, push down and backwards as you twist, this causes quite an intense pain if done right, you can imagine, if you pulled really hard you’re going to start to tear skin at the top of the ear. Once they’re down finish with a kick to the groin. White To Orange Page 78
  • 79. Escape When Held Over/Under Arms From The Rear Escape When Held Over The Arms First thing is to get a weakner in, or in this case, 3! Place the knuckles of your hand on to the back of Uke’s top hand, place your other hand over the top of yours to re-enforce the grip and pull in, grinding your knuckles at the same time. Stamp down on Uke’s foot and thrust backwards with your head for a rear butt. Lift your right leg up and pull it behind Uke’s legs, with your finger tips push in to the back of Uke’s knees and lift up then push Uke round behind you so Uke spins round and his/her head ends up on your left side, finish with an upwards heel kick to Uke’s ribs or jaw. White To Orange Page 79
  • 80. Escape When Held Under The Arms From The Rear Exactly the same weakners, grind/stamp and butt! Step out on your left leg, bend forwards and take hold of Uke’s left leg and pull up, Uke performs a back breakfall. With your right foot stamp through the groin pivot on your right foot and turn anti-clockwise twisting Uke’s foot to make them turn, when you are facing up Uke’s body, drive their knee into the floor, and push Uke’s toes forwards, trap with your left knee, step forward and drop your right knee onto Uke’s back, reach forward to Uke’s eye sockets and pull back up. White To Orange Page 80
  • 81. Bar Choke Against a right hand punch to the head, perform a left inside block then your left comes across with a palm heel strike to Uke’s jaw with your thumb pointing downwards towards the floor, after the strike your left goes across Uke’s throat nice and tight, take hold of Uke’s Gi at their left collar with your thumb on the inside of the Gi. Your right hand now comes up nice and high on the right side Of Uke’s neck and takes hold of the Gi, To apply the choke you pull down with your right hand(this pulls the left arm up into Uke’s throat) with your left arm push your forearm into Uke’s throat and roll the arm, a key point to bear in mind is if you start off with the inside of your forearm against Uke’s throat then the chances are that the “blade” of your arm will be above the adams apple,(if it’s a man at least)what you do in that case then is roll downwards with your forearm to displace the adams apple. This is really uncomfortable, if there is no adams apple don’t worry, it’s still going to work you are going to crush the oesophagus. White To Orange Page 81
  • 82. Strangles And Chokes 1-8 This we call a naked choke. The radius bone of the forearm is against Uke’s throat, to really make this effective as you reach across with your arm pull in towards you, take hold of your own hand in a “butchers” grip shown in the photo, pull in with your hands then pull your elbow in and pull back with your attacking forearm, if you see the position of my left arm in the shot to apply the strangle I would roll the radius downwards, crushing the oesophagus. White To Orange Page 82
  • 83. Sleeper Hold With the attacking arm reach down Uke’s front, until your inner elbow reaches the front of Uke’s throat, then bend your arm upwards at the elbow, don’t rush it and take short cuts, it makes it harder to put on, reach up with your attacking arm and grasp our own bicep, with your other hand reach behind Uke’s head, there is a ledge in the back of the head, place the blade of your hand against Uke’s head underneath this ledge, then push forwards and squeeze with your other arm. White To Orange Page 83
  • 84. The strangle is done with the Gi and the pressure is applied with the elbow of the other arm. White To Orange Page 84
  • 85. This is pretty much like the previous one apart from subtle difference, as you can see you use the blade of your hand instead of the elbow to apply the pressure. White To Orange Page 85
  • 86. Keep hold of the Gi still, using that ledge again at the back of the head, place the heel of the palm under it and then apply the pressure with the hand pushing forwards. White To Orange Page 86
  • 87. One Wing Choke, this one is pretty clear in the picture, what I will say is, keep it tight. White To Orange Page 87
  • 88. A key point to remember is with the hand pulling on the guy don’t pull away from you, pull back and round pulling Uke back against your knee. White To Orange Page 88
  • 89. The hands grasp the same side of the Gi, and to apply the choke, push your elbows out to the side. White To Orange Page 89
  • 90. 3 Escapes From A Head Lock Escape From The Front This is when you are in front of your Uke bent forward with your head down but facing behind Uke. For the sake of me describing it, we’ll do it as if your head is to Uke’s right. As always start with a weakner, this time it’s a right ridge hand strike to the Groin, keep the right hand moving and grasp Uke’s attacking hand, with your left hand take hold on the inside of Uke’s elbow and pull down and outwards giving yourself some breathing space. Step forwards with your right foot through on Uke’s right, your right foot needs to go past both of Uke’s feet then you pivot back keeping going anti-clockwise until you are facing Uke again, move your left hand up inside Uke’s trapped arm now and pull Uke into a back hammer lock. Key points being keep Uke’s tricep going as near vertical as you can and more importantly tight to your stomach, using your stomach as a base, White To Orange Page 90
  • 91. secondly the lock, with your right hand take hold of Uke’s trapped hand, with the palm of your hand to the back of Uke’s, then twist, remember, like always, remember that this is Ju-Jitsu, we don’t just twist one way, we twist in two directions, so twist over in the direction of Uke’s little finger and downwards as well. Escape From The Front We’ll perform the same weakner as before, following this, move your body so you are in front of Uke, place both your hands behind Uke’s knees using your finger tips lift up and drop Uke on to their backs, split Uke’s knees and then force them wider with your own knees on the inside of Uke’s, finish with a punch through Uke’s groin. Escape From The Front We’ll perform the same weakner as before, following this, move your body so you are in front of Uke, place both your hands behind Uke’s knees using your finger tips lift up and drop Uke on to their backs, split Uke’s knees and then White To Orange Page 91