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I. Setting the Foundation for Digital Advertising STrategy
- Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable
content and experiences tailored to them.
- While outbound marketing interrupts your audience with content they don’t
want, inbound marketing forms the connections your audience is looking for and solves
problems that are giving them
Organic Content
- Organic content includes any type of content that you promote to your audience without
spending any
examples : videos, images, ebooks, and blog posts that you share with your
audience through search engine optimization, social media, and email.
Ads vs organic content
-Ads appear everywhere. In your
Facebook News Feed alongside photos from friends. Ads appear as native content alongside
your news articles in your
favorite news publications. Ads appear in Instagram and Snapchat stories. Ads even appear
directly into your LinkedIn
Vid 2: How organic and Paid Word Together
Social Media Marketers
- are focused on building communities, sharing content, and engaging their audience. Bloggers
Content Marketers
- frequently optimize their efforts for organic search and are goaled on metrics like traffic and
- are focused on performance metrics like cost-per-acquisition and return on ad spend. With
different goals, it’s no wonder that many marketers view organic and paid as separate from one
Three key ways that digital advertising can help you improve the
performance of your organic marketing efforts
With digital ads, organic performance can benefit from:
• An increase in brand awareness
• A better understanding of your audiences across platforms
• The creation of higher-performing conten
1. Organic and paid can work together to understand audiences across platforms.
2. Organic and paid can work together to drive an increase in brand awareness.
Getting Started with Journey-Based Advertising
Vid 1 Unpacking the evolution of the modern ad
Inbound marketing methodology
- The new marketing approach focused on drawing people to your company through helpful and
relevant content. Rather than marketers pushing their message out far and wide, hoping that it
resonated, inbound brought
the customer front and center.
Video 2: What is journey-based advertising?
Journey-based advertising is a digital advertising strategy where you tailor your ad targeting and
ad creative to align with the
buyer’s journey. Whether you’re new to advertising or looking to expand your efforts, with
journey-based advertising you can
build brand awareness, expand your reach, and drive revenue.
1. The only way you’ll be able to advertise in a cost effective way is if you target people who are
most likely to become
customers down the road. That means you need to understand your buyer personas.
2.If you’re just getting started in advertising, pay close attention to advertising in the
consideration stage. This is where you’ll
often hear the phrases “remarketing” or “retargeting.” This is because in the consideration
stage, you’re targeting ads to
anyone who is developing a relationship with your brand, not just those who have interacted
with your ads before.
Video 3: Adapting journey-based advertising for search and social
- Journey-based advertising is about adapting your advertising to be helpful, relevant, and
targeted at each stage of your
buyer’s journey. That means developing a consistent and contextualized message tailored to
your audience and delivered at
the right time
- Advertising networks can be broken up into two key categories: search and social
But how you go about implementing journey-based advertising across the different types of
advertising platforms? Let’s
Advertising networks can be broken up into two key categories: search and social.
Journey persona example
Social advertising
Persona; local to area, ages 25-35, annual income of
PRoblem: worl-life balance
1. awareness stage:
content lives on your blog and focuses on meal prep, creating good sleeping habits, and
strategies to incorporate exercise into day-to-day routines.
-Using what you already know about your buyer personas — information such as their age,
gender, or location— you can turn
to your social networks to create broader audiences, such as demographic or lookalike
audiences. This could help you target
potential visitors at the beginning stages of their buyer’s journey with your relevant blog content.
2. Consideration stage
-, say you create content around epic workout playlists, pro and cons of different types of
class types, benefits of seeing a nutritionist, etc. Visitors in this stage have identified they need
more exercise in their life.
-You want to get more specific with who’s receiving this content. This is also where you start to
remarket to contacts already in
your CRM. Here, you could create website audiences or list- based audiences to target this
content toward leads you want to
continue to build a relationship with
3. Decision stage content
- maybe you offer introductory rates or gym tours. To create the most potential impact, you
could target this content in ad form to qualified leads. This could be done by, again, targeting
list-based audiences and even
use exclusion audiences to make sure these special promotions really pave the path to
-This would vary slightly from how you would reach these personas on search. Here, instead of
audiences, your primary focus
would shift to keywords.
What types of keywords are you using and trying to rank for
across your different content types? Also consider what types of questions your content is
specifically solving for.
1. Awareness stage
-, you’re likely using broad, unbranded keywords. In the example of the fitness studio, you could
trying to solve high-level problems with your blog content. You could be writing content to
answer exploratory questions such
as “how can I lose 10 pounds quickly?”
2. Consideration State
- In the case of the fitness studio, this could look something like “different types of fitness
classes,” “how can I get in
3. Decision Stage
- you would start to use branded keywords such as Hub Theory to to differentiate your brand
your competitors. Depending on the content you’re creating for visitors in this stage, you could
run ads targeted toward
phrases such as “Hub Theory” framing why your fitness studio is the best option.
III. How to Strategize and Plan your Paid Media Campaigns
Vid 1 Understanding your target Audience
1. you would start to use branded keywords such as Hub Theory to to differentiate your brand
your competitors. Depending on the content you’re creating for visitors in this stage, you could
run ads targeted toward
phrases such as “Hub Theory” framing why your fitness studio is the best option.
-“When it comes to identifying your audience, you really have to take it backward. At the end of
the day, you
want your audience to know a certain thing about your brand, and you want them to understand
what it is that
makes the brand sellable
- What are your business’s reasons to believe?
• What are the unique selling points that differentiate you in the marketplace?
• How can you connect these reasons to your buyer personas?
For example, if you're selling a gaming app targeted to kids around 10–15 years old, think about
the paid media outlets
that would actually reach them. Go deeper than just demographics, and think about their
behavior, their interests, and
their hobbies. Where do they spend time online? Which media sites are they reading? Which
social media networks are
they using most heavily? Here’s how you might reach this audience with some paid media
Example paid media campaigns for video game app:
• Display and video ads on other apps your audience uses
• Instagram and SnapChat story ads
• YouTube ads targeting users interested in video game
Customer interviews
Bring valuable qualitative feedback about your product or service that is not only helpful for
improving your business,
but also for finding more people like them.
For paid media in particular, customer interviews can provide insights that help make your copy,
creative, and targeting
more effective.
To get started with customer interviews:
• Prepare specific questions related to your users’ motivations, goals, and challenges.
• Invite your users to schedule an interview over email, social media, and other channels.
• Run a video conference that lasts about 15-20 minutes.
Video 2: Identifying your goals and objectives
you need to get very
specific about what that goal is and the role paid media will play in helping you achieve that goal
alongside the rest of
your marketing playbook
"I want to grow revenue by 26% year-over-year in Q4." That would be your goal. The paid media
plan is the bridge that takes historical performance or new performance that you're starting to for
the first time,
and it figures out, okay, if we model this forward, if we were to increase our investment volume
in this paid
media plan and in these different channels, what would it take to beat that goal?
To sum this all up: work backwards from your business's top-line revenue goals and figure out
how much your paid
media tactics need to fill the gap between that revenue goal and what your other marketing
tactics will realistically pull
Video 3: Determining your paid media budget
The first step is knowing how much money you have available to spend in order
to prioritize all the channels and types. A
“So I think when you're trying to set that budget, it needs to be something that you're
comfortable with, and if
it's the first time that you're starting out within paid media, set in kind of a test budget to begin
with and say,
"Right, well, if we allocate a few hundred dollars to a campaign, let's then look at the results and
see what that's
That’s why experimentation is an essential part
of your paid media strategy.
How to reevaluate your budget:
1. Take your existing budget and experiment with different opportunities.
2. As you monitor performance and optimize your campaigns, determine your average return on
3. Use this data to make a case to increase your paid media budget to bring an even higher
Costas Tsiappourdhi:
“When I come to set a paid media budget, I tend to use a 70/20/10 split. What that means is I
will say 70% of my
media budget, I'm going to spend on an activity that I know from historical performance is going
to drive my
main KPIs. That's kind of a set budget. I can use all my historical performance data to work out
how much I think
I need to spend within those channels, within those tactics to drive my end goal. 20% of that
budget then
becomes, what can I do to take things further? What can I do to stretch that budget and do more
things? Like maybe I take 20% of my budget and I invest it on my conversion rate on site, so I'd
invest a little bit
in conversion optimization in order to improve the function overall. Or I might want to try a new
channel that's
kind of similar to what I'm running, so maybe I'm moving from Facebook to Twitter, so not like a
huge leap, <
and then that 10% is for those really big changes.
Video 4: Manual bidding vs. automated bidding
The way that you bid on your ad placements is either manual bidding or automated bidding.
Manual bidding is a bidding method that lets you set your own maximum cost-per-click (CPC)
for your ads. Automated
bidding uses machine learning to maximize results based on your campaign goals
If you’re new to paid marketing, I would recommend getting started with manual bidding first
while you learn how to
use the advertising platforms. Then, once you get comfortable with how these platforms work,
automated bidding can
help you see stronger performance in the long run.
Here are some automated bidding types.
• Target cost-per-acquisition
• Target return on ad spend
• Maximize conversions
automated bidding--
- “With smart bidding, Google's doing all of that. So it's still calculated in a CPC basis, but
Google is controlling
how much they bid based upon really all the signals that you're giving them: your audiences,
your device,
locations of the people – all of that they're taking into account.”
“Manual bidding is where you're going in and you're setting a keyword bids. You're setting bids
by yourself. So
you have done some research, you've
gotten an idea of where maybe some average CPCs, that's cost per click. That's how much you
set a bid on for a
keyword on Google. You're charged every time someone clicks on your ad.”
ideo 1: How to optimize your paid media
Optimizing your paid media is all about making changes to your campaigns on a regular and
ongoing basis. This involves
monitoring your ad performance based on the key performance indicators you set and making
edits to improve these
1.The first thing you want to optimize is your budget. If your money is not being spent efficiently,
then you’re missing out
on clicks, leads, and customers. Once you’re happy with your budget allocation, you’ll then want
to look at other
elements of your campaigns.
he ways that you can optimize your paid media fall into three main categories: bids, audiences,
and creative.
2. Test and learn. See what works for you then optimize those campaigns to target your
Video 1: What are Ad Targeting Strategies?
A Google maps ad for a local service. An image
ad for a product related to a recent Google search. Sponsored content on a news publication. A
Facebook ad from a
business you recently made a purchase from.
Targeted advertising is a form of advertising that is directed towards audiences with certain
Why is ad targeting so important? To make the most of your advertising budget, you want to
position your ads in front
of a qualified audience. Ad targeting allows you to strategically define that audience based on
different criteria. For
example, you might want to reach people within a location or age group, who have performed a
specific task, or who are
engaging with certain types of content
There are three strategies for targeted
advertising: demographic targeting, behavioral targeting, and contextual targeting.
Video 2: Understanding Demographic Targeting
Think about the demographic information that applies to you. For example, I am 23-years-old
and I live in Washington
State. These are just a few of many pieces of demographic information that describe me.
Demographic information is used by advertisers for targeting. Demographic targeting is the use
of demographic data to
build specific audience groups with shared characteristics which advertisers can advertise to
Here's an example of demographic targeting. Let’s say that you’re working for a construction
company that services
three major cities in Europe: London, Madrid, and Paris. Your buyer persona is typically
between the ages of 35-50 years
old and conducts business in the native language of their home country.
How might you use this data to create a demographic targeting strategy? You could choose to
advertise to audiences
within a 40 kilometer radius of the city centers in London, Madrid, and Paris. You could also set
your target age range to
that of your ideal customer, and write ads in English, Spanish, and French.These settings
ensure that your ads efficiently
reach potential customers
Demographic targeting is most effective at the
awareness stage because you are using broad information to zero in on a new audience.
What platforms offer demographic targeting? Some advertising platforms with demographic
targeting options include
social media networks, search engines, and programmatic ad networks
ideo 3: Understanding Behavioral Targeting
What is behavioral targeting? Behavioral targeting is a method that allows advertisers and
publishers to display relevant
ads and marketing messages to users based on their web browsing behavior.
The internet collects a lot of data from you. With the help of device tracking information like IP
addresses and cookies,
advertisers are able to target ads served to you based on your online behavior.
The more behavioral data a business
has, the better able they are to target relevant audiences.
How can you use behavioral targeting? With behavioral targeting, you can reach audiences that
researched a topic
related to your industry, visited your website, viewed your pricing page, or have purchased from
your business before
Behavioral targeting is where you'll often hear the term "retargeting." Retargeting is a form of ad
targeting where ads
are served to people who have already visited your website or are a contact in your database
(like a lead or customer).
There are two main types of retargeting: pixel-based and list-based. Pixel-based retargeting is a
way to re-display your
material to any anonymous site visitor. Pixel-based retargeting is the most common type of
pixel-based retargeting work? When someone comes to your website, an unobtrusive piece of
JavaScript (often referred
to as a pixel) is placed on their browser — making their browser "cookie-d."
. List-based
retargeting is a way to re-display your material based on the list membership of your existing
Upload a list of the email addresses to a retargeting campaign on a social
network like Facebook or Twitter. The network will then identify users who have those
addresses and serve retargeting
ads just to them.
What is the difference between retargeting and remarketing? Retargeting works best for new
audiences or customers
on social media, email, and other platforms. Remarketing, on the other hand, is best for existing
and previous customers
using sales or marketing emails.
Where does behavioral targeting fit into the buyer's journey? Behavioral targeting is most
effective at the consideration
and decision stages because you are advertising people who expressed interest in your industry
or company.
With behavioral targeting, an advertiser can target ads to potential customers who have
conducted online searches
related to the keyword "best suitcase" or "buy travel luggage." For their existing customers, they
can leverage data
within their customer relationship management (CRM) software to build a list of people to
advertise their new product
line to.
ideo 4: Understanding Contextual Targeting
In other words, sponsored
content is contextual. Contextual targeting is the practice of placing ads on web pages based on
the content of those
What are some examples of contextual targeting? Some examples of contextual advertising
include sponsored content
on publication websites, display ads shown on website pages, and native ads in the form of
videos and infographics.
Where does contextual targeting fit into the buyer's journey? Contextual advertising is most
effective in the awareness
stage because you are tapping into new audiences on external websites.
While behavioral targeting is when ads appear to
users based on their online behaviors, contextual targeting is done through matching keywords
and topics.
What platforms are best for contextual advertising? Platforms for contextual advertising include
Google Ads, Microsoft
Advertising, and third-party ad platforms
V.Mastering the Art of Ad Copy, Creative,
and Conversion
ideo 1: Communicating the Value of Your Offer Through Copywriting
What is ad copy? Ad copy is the text that makes up an advertising message aimed at catching
and holding the interest of
the prospective buyer
. Copywriting is the activity or occupation of writing the text of
advertisements or publicity material.
There are three copywriting best practices, including: focus on value, use easy-to-understand
language, and include
conversational calls-to-action (CTAs). Let's explore how each of these best practices can be
used to strengthen your ad
copy, starting with focusing on valu
Here's how to think about simplifying your ad copy. The best practices for simplifying language
include. Avoid jargon and
acronyms, like SNAP, for example, which stand for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Reduce verb phrases. For
example, you could change "The results are suggestive of the fact that" to "The results
suggest.” Reduce wordy phrases
to single words. For example, swap "due to the fact that" with "because.” Lastly, avoid vague
nouns, like "in the area of"
or "on the topic of.”
Remember these key principles when writing your ad copy: value, simplicity, and
action. If you can do those three things in your digital advertising, you'll be well on your way to
creative ads that convert
Video 2: Designing Your Ad Creative
Ad creative is the visual attributes of the creative object that is your digital ad. Let's dive
deeper into ad creative with Brandon Sanders from the HubSpot Marketing Team.
-"Ad creative to me is basically any video, image, or audio that is used to convey a message to
your target
audience. Think of scrolling through your Facebook feed. You see tons of creative images that
are meant to
engage you. Seeing those in your feed, those are ad creatives."
Before you start thinking about design, you need to know your ad's purpose. There are three
primary ad purposes.
Concept ads drive general brand awareness. Content ads drive engagement and lead
generation. Commerce ads drive
sales. Let’s learn more about each of these.
1. . Concept ads are made to entertain. They are most effective at the awareness stage of
the buyer's journey and are typically goaled on metrics like impressions and interactions with the
purpose of increasing
branding awareness.
- . They often come in the form of video advertising and feel
like a mini-cinematic experience. Because of the costs involved, businesses will usually only
invest in a few concept ad
campaigns a year, if any. Other types of ad creative are much more accessible to most
2. Content ads are typically goaled on website traffic and lead generation. BookBub, a book
discovery service, uses a
Facebook ad to promote their quiz which helps their audience discover new titles and authors.
3.The last type of ad creative is commerce ads. Ads have come a long way since that "buy now"
or "supplies wont last
long!" messaging that might come to mind when you think of ads designed to make sales.
Today, commerce ads can
leverage platform functionality to achieve more than they could with words alone.
4.. Here are my ad creative best practices: use contrast to make your
design stand out, follow the rule of thirds, and use seasonality to theme your designs. The
colors you choose help certain
elements stand out. That’s where the color wheel comes in. In color theory, contrasting colors,
also known as
complementary colors, are colors from opposing segments of the color wheel.
5. Seasonality can also be used in your ad creative. For example, you can theme
advertisements for major holidays that
your audience celebrates and use colors that resemble specific seasons, such as warm colors
in the summer, and cool
colors in the winter.
Ad creative is your opportunity to show your brand's style and creativity. But by this point you
might be wondering what
tools you can use for designing your ad creative
Video 3: Optimizing Your Conversion Path
? A conversion path is the process by which an anonymous website visitor becomes a known
There are four key elements of a conversion path, including: a content offer, a call-to-action,
landing page, and thank
you page. All four conversion path elements apply to digital advertising. Let's hear from Brandon
to understand how a
conversion path works.
y. Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, is the process of increasing the percentage of
website visitors who take a desired action, like filling out a form or making a purchase.
Cost-per-lead, or CPL, is how
many advertising dollars you spend to acquire one new lead. And cost-per-acquisition, or CPA,
is how many advertising
dollars you spend to acquire one new custome
So how do you optimize a conversion path? Here are some best practices. Align your ad
creative and copy to your
landing page. Remove navigation and other distractions from your landing page. Add your CTA
or form above the fold.
And only include the necessary fields in your form or checkout process.
Here’s a pro tip for creating effective conversion paths for your digital ads:
1. Create a unique landing page custom to the
offer displayed in the advertisement.
2. o reduce distractions. W
3. our form or CTA should also be front and center, above the fold. Y
4. Remember: Only collect the information you absolutely need
vi.Introduction to Paid
Search Advertising
ideo 1: The Advantages of Paid Search Advertising
1.Advertising on Google is profitable. According to Google, advertisers make $8 for every $1
they spend on Google Ads.
Advertising on Google keeps you competitive. Your competitors might be bidding on your
branded terms, which means
your organic results are being pushed down the page. Advertising on Google appears first in the
SERPs. Search ads
appear first in the search engine results pages (SERPs) above organic results
Video 2: Exploring Keyword Research and Match Type
A keyword is one word or phrase that someone uses to describe what they need in search.
Keyword research is just as important for paid ads as it is for organic search.
? Keywords typically fall under two categories: brand and non-brand. A brand keyword
is a word or phrase that includes a brand’s name or variations of a brand’s name.
Some of HubSpot’s brand keywords include:
• HubSpot
• HubSpot Free CRM
• HubSpot Marketing Hub
Non-brand keywords include all other relevant keywords that do not include a brand’s name or
variations of a brand’s
Some of HubSpot’s non-brand keywords include:
• Inbound marketing
• Sales software
• Customer relationship managemen
Match types tell Google whether
you want to match a search query exactly, or if your ad should be shown to anyone with a
search query that’s related in
some way
1. Exact Match Type: A keyword set to exact match will only display your ad if the search term
includes that exact keyword,
or a very close variation. The keyword “red men’s tennis shoes” will not match with searches for
“men’s tennis shoes”
since the search term doesn’t include the word “red.” Exact match keywords are surrounded in
brackets: [red men’s
tennis shoes]
Phrase Match Type: A keyword set to phrase match will display your ad if the search term
contains the same order of
the words, but it can also contain additional words. The keyword “men’s tennis shoes” will match
with the search query
“red men’s tennis shoes” but will not match with “men’s red tennis shoes.” Phrase match
keywords are surrounded in
quotes: “men’s tennis shoes”
Broad Match Type: A keyword set to broad match displays your ad when the search term
contains any or some
combination or variations of the words in your keyword, in any order. The keyword “men’s tennis
shoes” will match with
“red men’s tennis shoes,” “men’s red tennis shoes,” “women’s tennis shoes,” and so on. Broad
match keywords don’t
include any symbols: men’s tennis shoe
Video 3: How to Create Remarkable Digital Ads for Paid Searc
he organization of your search ad components will vary depending on the device they are being
viewed on.
Keep this in mind when writing your cop
For search ads, Google recommends best practices to follow that fall under two categories: ad
copy and ad experience.
Successful marketers need to deliver the right messaging for the right moment. Better copy and
visuals improve the
relevance your ad has to your target audience and will drive more qualified clicks.
To write the best ad copy:
• Include your keywords in your ad.
• Use specific language that matches the way your target audience speaks.
• Include a clear and direct call-to-action.
• Give people answers to their problems rather than posing questions.
To create the best ad experience:
• Include all ad extensions that make sense for your business (Google recommends at least
• Think about how your ad makes sense for users across devices (and create separate ad
campaigns as needed).
• Align your landing page to the copy of your ad
Quality score: an algorithm that scores each of your ads for relevancy
Quality score is on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest rating and 10 being the highest
What this means is that if
your competitor bids on a keyword at $5 and has a quality score of 4, and you bid on that same
keyword at only $3 but
you have a quality score of 7, Google may give you the top position for the price you bid
because your ad is more
relevant. It makes more sense to serve your ad because its higher relevancy makes it more
likely that viewers will click
on it, which is better for Google, its searchers, and its advertisers
ideo 4: Organizing Your Account Structure
Video 4: Organizing Your Account Structure
The way that you organize your campaigns, keywords, and copy in Google Ads can dramatically
impact how well your
ads perform. You have your keywords, you have the list of keywords that you’re buying, and
then you have the ad that
you want to show when somebody types in one of those keywords
d groups and campaigns. Ad
Group: One or more ads that share a common theme. Campaign: A set of related ad groups
that is often used to
organize categories of products or services that you offer.
: What is Programmatic Advertising and
How Does It Work?
: What is Programmatic Advertising and
How Does It Work?
Video 1: The Advantages of Programmatic Advertising
? Programmatic advertising is the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning
to buy ads in real-time, instead of going through human negotiations and pre-set prices. This is
also known as
programmatic marketing or programmatic media
Some examples of the data that powers programmatic advertising include: demographics, like
gender identity, age, and
location, device, such as desktop computers and laptops, interests, like finance, coding, or UX
design, and behaviors, like
someone who consumes information on software development every day.
Programmatic advertising is effective because it is: powered by data,
budget-friendly, drives return-on-investment, happens in real time, and automated
Video 2: Programmatic Advertising Explained
Programmatic advertising is powered by technology
It involves a network of platforms that all work together to
automatically place digital ads in front of specific audiences in real time. There are three key
platforms at play here on
the demand-side, supply-side, and for data management. Let's explore the programmatic
advertising technologies.
What is a demand-side platform? A demand-side platform, or DSP, is a system that allows
buyers of digital
A supply-side platform is a system for the owners of ad spots. A supply-side platform, or SSP,
is a technology platform to enable web publishers and digital out-of-home media owners to
manage their advertising
inventory, fill it with ads, and receive revenue
Publishers can own a number of media outlets. A supply-side platform enables media owners to
keep track of all their
available ad spots in one centralized location.
Let's visualize the programmatic advertising process. Here's what programmatic advertising
looks like all togethe
Data is stored in a data management platform from internal and external sources. Advertisers
use this data to identify
their ideal audience for a variety of ad campaigns. The data management platform is plugged
into a demand-side
platform, which uses artificial intelligence to analyze the supply-side platform for available ad
spots that reach the
advertiser's intended audience. Once the advertiser launches their campaigns, the ad exchange
takes place between the
demand-side platform and the supply-side platform. Money exchanges hands, and the ad is
displayed to the audience in
real time.
The types of bidding strategies in programmatic advertising are: real-time bidding, private
marketplace, and preferred
deals. L
Real-time bidding, or RTB, refers to the buying and selling of online ad impressions through
real-time auctions that occur
in the time it takes a webpage to load.
An additional bidding strategy takes place on a private marketplace. A private marketplace, or
PMP, is like real-time
bidding, but only available by invitation. Most demand-side platforms have a private marketplace
for their users.
Private marketplaces limit demand, so it could be beneficial to select a demand-side platform
that has publications you
are interested in within their private marketplace. Less competition can lead to better prices.
Another type of programmatic bidding is preferred deals. In preferred deals, advertisers choose
the preferred inventory
and price before it is available
Think of preferred deals like options trading. When investing in stocks, options trading allows
you to identify your
optimal buy or sell price. Once that price is met, you have the option to make the trade.
This is an example of what preferred deals are doing. An advertiser chooses selected media
outlets and pre-negotiates a
deal. Once the preferred conditions are met, the advertiser will have the option to purchase ad
placements before they
become available on the general market. This gives you priority over other advertisers who may
be bidding on that same
Video 3: Exploring the Programmatic Advertising Channels
Here’s an example of a display ad in action. This display ad on the sidebar of The New Yorker's
website is for
AppExchange, a sales optimization tool.
Here's an example of a programmatic ad on social media. Programmatic ad software would
likely show this ad to people
on Twitter who have expressed an interest in American football.
Here’s an example of a native ad on a major publication. This native video ad from The New
Yorker is displayed about ¾
of the way into the webpage.
Native ads offer flexible formats. They're best used if you want to catch a reader's attention and
drive engagement in a
way that is more direct than a regular display ad.
VIII.How to Monitor and Report on
Ad Performance
ideo 1: Understanding Ad Tracking
Ad tracking is the process of collecting data and user insights on the performance of online
advertising campaigns.
There are three ad tracking techniques, including tracking URLs, tracking pixels, and cookies.
Tracking URLs are powered by something called UTM parameters. UTM parameters are
tags in a URL that identify the marketing campaign that refers traffic to a specific website.
Well, UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module. Urchin is a reference to
a software company that was later acquired by Google. They developed an early version of
Google Analytics. When you
append a URL with UTMs, it allows analytics software to track information, such as how visitors
are coming to your site
and if they're interacting with any content associated with a campaign. This can be particularly
useful if there are
multiple ways to access your online assets and you're trying to identify which channels to focus
Social media platforms use tracking pixels for advertising. Facebook, LinkedIn, and other
platforms help advertisers track
the success of their ads by connecting social media users with ad interactions and website
traffic. This data is gathered
through the platform's tracking pixel.
Pixels help you track many events, including page views, form submissions, add to cart, card
abandonment, and
s. An HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Cookie is a small piece of data stored on the
user's computer by the web browser while viewing a website. L
Third-party cookies are tracking codes placed on a web visitor's computer after being generated
by a website other than
your own. First-party cookies are a code that gets generated and stored on your website visitor's
computer by default
when they visit your site. Here's more on cookies
ideo 2: Running Experiments to Improve Ad Performance
For digital advertising, A/B tests are the most common form of experimentation. A/B testing, or
split testing, is the
process of running marketing experiments to see which version of an ad connects better with
your audience
"A/B testing, or split testing, is when you have two ads and you keep everything the same,
except you isolate
one variable
There are five steps to conducting a marketing experiment. Make a hypothesis. Collect
research. Choose measurement
metrics. Create and execute the experiment. And analyze the results. L
Video 3: Exploring Attribution Reporting
Attribution helps you understand the buyer's journey. The value in attribution reporting is that
marketers can pinpoint
the exact marketing effort that leads to a conversion. Using this information, they can then make
decisions about where to invest their time and resources.
ideo 4: Calculating Return On Ad Spend
The equation to calculate ROAS is simple. It is revenue generated by ads divided by the cost of
ads. This equation yields a
ratio that can help you determine whether (or how well) your ad campaign is working. For
instance, if you made $10 for
every $1 spent, your ROAS would be 10:1.

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  • 1. I. Setting the Foundation for Digital Advertising STrategy VID 1: ADS ARE CONTENT INBOUND MARKETING - Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. - While outbound marketing interrupts your audience with content they don’t want, inbound marketing forms the connections your audience is looking for and solves problems that are giving them pain. Organic Content - Organic content includes any type of content that you promote to your audience without spending any money. examples : videos, images, ebooks, and blog posts that you share with your audience through search engine optimization, social media, and email. Ads vs organic content ads -Ads appear everywhere. In your Facebook News Feed alongside photos from friends. Ads appear as native content alongside your news articles in your favorite news publications. Ads appear in Instagram and Snapchat stories. Ads even appear directly into your LinkedIn inbox Vid 2: How organic and Paid Word Together Social Media Marketers - are focused on building communities, sharing content, and engaging their audience. Bloggers Content Marketers - frequently optimize their efforts for organic search and are goaled on metrics like traffic and conversion. Advertisers - are focused on performance metrics like cost-per-acquisition and return on ad spend. With such different goals, it’s no wonder that many marketers view organic and paid as separate from one anot
  • 2. Three key ways that digital advertising can help you improve the performance of your organic marketing efforts With digital ads, organic performance can benefit from: • An increase in brand awareness • A better understanding of your audiences across platforms • The creation of higher-performing conten 1. Organic and paid can work together to understand audiences across platforms. 2. Organic and paid can work together to drive an increase in brand awareness. Getting Started with Journey-Based Advertising Vid 1 Unpacking the evolution of the modern ad Inbound marketing methodology - The new marketing approach focused on drawing people to your company through helpful and relevant content. Rather than marketers pushing their message out far and wide, hoping that it resonated, inbound brought the customer front and center. Video 2: What is journey-based advertising? Journey-based advertising is a digital advertising strategy where you tailor your ad targeting and ad creative to align with the buyer’s journey. Whether you’re new to advertising or looking to expand your efforts, with journey-based advertising you can build brand awareness, expand your reach, and drive revenue. 1. The only way you’ll be able to advertise in a cost effective way is if you target people who are most likely to become customers down the road. That means you need to understand your buyer personas. 2.If you’re just getting started in advertising, pay close attention to advertising in the consideration stage. This is where you’ll often hear the phrases “remarketing” or “retargeting.” This is because in the consideration stage, you’re targeting ads to anyone who is developing a relationship with your brand, not just those who have interacted with your ads before. Video 3: Adapting journey-based advertising for search and social
  • 3. - Journey-based advertising is about adapting your advertising to be helpful, relevant, and targeted at each stage of your buyer’s journey. That means developing a consistent and contextualized message tailored to your audience and delivered at the right time - Advertising networks can be broken up into two key categories: search and social But how you go about implementing journey-based advertising across the different types of advertising platforms? Let’s explore. Advertising networks can be broken up into two key categories: search and social. Journey persona example Social advertising Persona; local to area, ages 25-35, annual income of 50 000 US DOLLARS PRoblem: worl-life balance stages: 1. awareness stage: content lives on your blog and focuses on meal prep, creating good sleeping habits, and strategies to incorporate exercise into day-to-day routines. -Using what you already know about your buyer personas — information such as their age, gender, or location— you can turn to your social networks to create broader audiences, such as demographic or lookalike audiences. This could help you target potential visitors at the beginning stages of their buyer’s journey with your relevant blog content. 2. Consideration stage -, say you create content around epic workout playlists, pro and cons of different types of workouts, class types, benefits of seeing a nutritionist, etc. Visitors in this stage have identified they need more exercise in their life.
  • 4. -You want to get more specific with who’s receiving this content. This is also where you start to remarket to contacts already in your CRM. Here, you could create website audiences or list- based audiences to target this content toward leads you want to continue to build a relationship with 3. Decision stage content - maybe you offer introductory rates or gym tours. To create the most potential impact, you could target this content in ad form to qualified leads. This could be done by, again, targeting list-based audiences and even use exclusion audiences to make sure these special promotions really pave the path to purchase -This would vary slightly from how you would reach these personas on search. Here, instead of audiences, your primary focus would shift to keywords. What types of keywords are you using and trying to rank for across your different content types? Also consider what types of questions your content is specifically solving for. 1. Awareness stage -, you’re likely using broad, unbranded keywords. In the example of the fitness studio, you could be trying to solve high-level problems with your blog content. You could be writing content to answer exploratory questions such as “how can I lose 10 pounds quickly?” 2. Consideration State - In the case of the fitness studio, this could look something like “different types of fitness classes,” “how can I get in shape? 3. Decision Stage - you would start to use branded keywords such as Hub Theory to to differentiate your brand from your competitors. Depending on the content you’re creating for visitors in this stage, you could run ads targeted toward phrases such as “Hub Theory” framing why your fitness studio is the best option. III. How to Strategize and Plan your Paid Media Campaigns
  • 5. Vid 1 Understanding your target Audience 1. you would start to use branded keywords such as Hub Theory to to differentiate your brand from your competitors. Depending on the content you’re creating for visitors in this stage, you could run ads targeted toward phrases such as “Hub Theory” framing why your fitness studio is the best option. -“When it comes to identifying your audience, you really have to take it backward. At the end of the day, you want your audience to know a certain thing about your brand, and you want them to understand what it is that makes the brand sellable - What are your business’s reasons to believe? • What are the unique selling points that differentiate you in the marketplace? • How can you connect these reasons to your buyer personas? For example, if you're selling a gaming app targeted to kids around 10–15 years old, think about the paid media outlets that would actually reach them. Go deeper than just demographics, and think about their behavior, their interests, and their hobbies. Where do they spend time online? Which media sites are they reading? Which social media networks are they using most heavily? Here’s how you might reach this audience with some paid media campaigns. Example paid media campaigns for video game app: • Display and video ads on other apps your audience uses • Instagram and SnapChat story ads • YouTube ads targeting users interested in video game Customer interviews Bring valuable qualitative feedback about your product or service that is not only helpful for improving your business, but also for finding more people like them. For paid media in particular, customer interviews can provide insights that help make your copy, creative, and targeting more effective. To get started with customer interviews: • Prepare specific questions related to your users’ motivations, goals, and challenges. • Invite your users to schedule an interview over email, social media, and other channels. • Run a video conference that lasts about 15-20 minutes. Video 2: Identifying your goals and objectives
  • 6. you need to get very specific about what that goal is and the role paid media will play in helping you achieve that goal alongside the rest of your marketing playbook "I want to grow revenue by 26% year-over-year in Q4." That would be your goal. The paid media plan is the bridge that takes historical performance or new performance that you're starting to for the first time, and it figures out, okay, if we model this forward, if we were to increase our investment volume in this paid media plan and in these different channels, what would it take to beat that goal? To sum this all up: work backwards from your business's top-line revenue goals and figure out how much your paid media tactics need to fill the gap between that revenue goal and what your other marketing tactics will realistically pull in Video 3: Determining your paid media budget The first step is knowing how much money you have available to spend in order to prioritize all the channels and types. A “So I think when you're trying to set that budget, it needs to be something that you're comfortable with, and if it's the first time that you're starting out within paid media, set in kind of a test budget to begin with and say, "Right, well, if we allocate a few hundred dollars to a campaign, let's then look at the results and see what that's achieved." That’s why experimentation is an essential part of your paid media strategy. How to reevaluate your budget: 1. Take your existing budget and experiment with different opportunities. 2. As you monitor performance and optimize your campaigns, determine your average return on investment. 3. Use this data to make a case to increase your paid media budget to bring an even higher return Costas Tsiappourdhi: “When I come to set a paid media budget, I tend to use a 70/20/10 split. What that means is I will say 70% of my media budget, I'm going to spend on an activity that I know from historical performance is going to drive my
  • 7. main KPIs. That's kind of a set budget. I can use all my historical performance data to work out how much I think I need to spend within those channels, within those tactics to drive my end goal. 20% of that budget then becomes, what can I do to take things further? What can I do to stretch that budget and do more interesting things? Like maybe I take 20% of my budget and I invest it on my conversion rate on site, so I'd invest a little bit in conversion optimization in order to improve the function overall. Or I might want to try a new channel that's kind of similar to what I'm running, so maybe I'm moving from Facebook to Twitter, so not like a huge leap, < and then that 10% is for those really big changes. Video 4: Manual bidding vs. automated bidding The way that you bid on your ad placements is either manual bidding or automated bidding. Manual bidding is a bidding method that lets you set your own maximum cost-per-click (CPC) for your ads. Automated bidding uses machine learning to maximize results based on your campaign goals If you’re new to paid marketing, I would recommend getting started with manual bidding first while you learn how to use the advertising platforms. Then, once you get comfortable with how these platforms work, automated bidding can help you see stronger performance in the long run. Here are some automated bidding types. • Target cost-per-acquisition • Target return on ad spend • Maximize conversions automated bidding-- - “With smart bidding, Google's doing all of that. So it's still calculated in a CPC basis, but Google is controlling how much they bid based upon really all the signals that you're giving them: your audiences, your device, locations of the people – all of that they're taking into account.” “Manual bidding is where you're going in and you're setting a keyword bids. You're setting bids by yourself. So you have done some research, you've gotten an idea of where maybe some average CPCs, that's cost per click. That's how much you set a bid on for a keyword on Google. You're charged every time someone clicks on your ad.”
  • 8. ideo 1: How to optimize your paid media Optimizing your paid media is all about making changes to your campaigns on a regular and ongoing basis. This involves monitoring your ad performance based on the key performance indicators you set and making edits to improve these KPIs. 1.The first thing you want to optimize is your budget. If your money is not being spent efficiently, then you’re missing out on clicks, leads, and customers. Once you’re happy with your budget allocation, you’ll then want to look at other elements of your campaigns. he ways that you can optimize your paid media fall into three main categories: bids, audiences, and creative. 2. Test and learn. See what works for you then optimize those campaigns to target your audience IV. HOW TO USE TARGETED ADVERTISING Video 1: What are Ad Targeting Strategies? A Google maps ad for a local service. An image ad for a product related to a recent Google search. Sponsored content on a news publication. A Facebook ad from a business you recently made a purchase from. Targeted advertising is a form of advertising that is directed towards audiences with certain traits. Why is ad targeting so important? To make the most of your advertising budget, you want to position your ads in front of a qualified audience. Ad targeting allows you to strategically define that audience based on different criteria. For example, you might want to reach people within a location or age group, who have performed a specific task, or who are engaging with certain types of content There are three strategies for targeted advertising: demographic targeting, behavioral targeting, and contextual targeting. Video 2: Understanding Demographic Targeting
  • 9. Think about the demographic information that applies to you. For example, I am 23-years-old and I live in Washington State. These are just a few of many pieces of demographic information that describe me. Demographic information is used by advertisers for targeting. Demographic targeting is the use of demographic data to build specific audience groups with shared characteristics which advertisers can advertise to Here's an example of demographic targeting. Let’s say that you’re working for a construction company that services three major cities in Europe: London, Madrid, and Paris. Your buyer persona is typically between the ages of 35-50 years old and conducts business in the native language of their home country. How might you use this data to create a demographic targeting strategy? You could choose to advertise to audiences within a 40 kilometer radius of the city centers in London, Madrid, and Paris. You could also set your target age range to that of your ideal customer, and write ads in English, Spanish, and French.These settings ensure that your ads efficiently reach potential customers Demographic targeting is most effective at the awareness stage because you are using broad information to zero in on a new audience. What platforms offer demographic targeting? Some advertising platforms with demographic targeting options include social media networks, search engines, and programmatic ad networks ideo 3: Understanding Behavioral Targeting What is behavioral targeting? Behavioral targeting is a method that allows advertisers and publishers to display relevant ads and marketing messages to users based on their web browsing behavior. The internet collects a lot of data from you. With the help of device tracking information like IP addresses and cookies, advertisers are able to target ads served to you based on your online behavior. The more behavioral data a business has, the better able they are to target relevant audiences.
  • 10. How can you use behavioral targeting? With behavioral targeting, you can reach audiences that researched a topic related to your industry, visited your website, viewed your pricing page, or have purchased from your business before Behavioral targeting is where you'll often hear the term "retargeting." Retargeting is a form of ad targeting where ads are served to people who have already visited your website or are a contact in your database (like a lead or customer). There are two main types of retargeting: pixel-based and list-based. Pixel-based retargeting is a way to re-display your material to any anonymous site visitor. Pixel-based retargeting is the most common type of retargeting. pixel-based retargeting work? When someone comes to your website, an unobtrusive piece of JavaScript (often referred to as a pixel) is placed on their browser — making their browser "cookie-d." . List-based retargeting is a way to re-display your material based on the list membership of your existing contacts Upload a list of the email addresses to a retargeting campaign on a social network like Facebook or Twitter. The network will then identify users who have those addresses and serve retargeting ads just to them. What is the difference between retargeting and remarketing? Retargeting works best for new audiences or customers on social media, email, and other platforms. Remarketing, on the other hand, is best for existing and previous customers using sales or marketing emails. Where does behavioral targeting fit into the buyer's journey? Behavioral targeting is most effective at the consideration and decision stages because you are advertising people who expressed interest in your industry or company. With behavioral targeting, an advertiser can target ads to potential customers who have conducted online searches related to the keyword "best suitcase" or "buy travel luggage." For their existing customers, they can leverage data
  • 11. within their customer relationship management (CRM) software to build a list of people to advertise their new product line to. ideo 4: Understanding Contextual Targeting In other words, sponsored content is contextual. Contextual targeting is the practice of placing ads on web pages based on the content of those pages. What are some examples of contextual targeting? Some examples of contextual advertising include sponsored content on publication websites, display ads shown on website pages, and native ads in the form of videos and infographics. Where does contextual targeting fit into the buyer's journey? Contextual advertising is most effective in the awareness stage because you are tapping into new audiences on external websites. While behavioral targeting is when ads appear to users based on their online behaviors, contextual targeting is done through matching keywords and topics. What platforms are best for contextual advertising? Platforms for contextual advertising include Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and third-party ad platforms V.Mastering the Art of Ad Copy, Creative, and Conversion ideo 1: Communicating the Value of Your Offer Through Copywriting What is ad copy? Ad copy is the text that makes up an advertising message aimed at catching and holding the interest of the prospective buyer . Copywriting is the activity or occupation of writing the text of advertisements or publicity material. There are three copywriting best practices, including: focus on value, use easy-to-understand language, and include conversational calls-to-action (CTAs). Let's explore how each of these best practices can be used to strengthen your ad
  • 12. copy, starting with focusing on valu Here's how to think about simplifying your ad copy. The best practices for simplifying language include. Avoid jargon and acronyms, like SNAP, for example, which stand for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Reduce verb phrases. For example, you could change "The results are suggestive of the fact that" to "The results suggest.” Reduce wordy phrases to single words. For example, swap "due to the fact that" with "because.” Lastly, avoid vague nouns, like "in the area of" or "on the topic of.” Remember these key principles when writing your ad copy: value, simplicity, and action. If you can do those three things in your digital advertising, you'll be well on your way to creative ads that convert Video 2: Designing Your Ad Creative Ad creative is the visual attributes of the creative object that is your digital ad. Let's dive deeper into ad creative with Brandon Sanders from the HubSpot Marketing Team. -"Ad creative to me is basically any video, image, or audio that is used to convey a message to your target audience. Think of scrolling through your Facebook feed. You see tons of creative images that are meant to engage you. Seeing those in your feed, those are ad creatives." Before you start thinking about design, you need to know your ad's purpose. There are three primary ad purposes. Concept ads drive general brand awareness. Content ads drive engagement and lead generation. Commerce ads drive sales. Let’s learn more about each of these. 1. . Concept ads are made to entertain. They are most effective at the awareness stage of the buyer's journey and are typically goaled on metrics like impressions and interactions with the purpose of increasing branding awareness. - . They often come in the form of video advertising and feel like a mini-cinematic experience. Because of the costs involved, businesses will usually only invest in a few concept ad campaigns a year, if any. Other types of ad creative are much more accessible to most advertisers
  • 13. 2. Content ads are typically goaled on website traffic and lead generation. BookBub, a book discovery service, uses a Facebook ad to promote their quiz which helps their audience discover new titles and authors. 3.The last type of ad creative is commerce ads. Ads have come a long way since that "buy now" or "supplies wont last long!" messaging that might come to mind when you think of ads designed to make sales. Today, commerce ads can leverage platform functionality to achieve more than they could with words alone. 4.. Here are my ad creative best practices: use contrast to make your design stand out, follow the rule of thirds, and use seasonality to theme your designs. The colors you choose help certain elements stand out. That’s where the color wheel comes in. In color theory, contrasting colors, also known as complementary colors, are colors from opposing segments of the color wheel. 5. Seasonality can also be used in your ad creative. For example, you can theme advertisements for major holidays that your audience celebrates and use colors that resemble specific seasons, such as warm colors in the summer, and cool colors in the winter. Ad creative is your opportunity to show your brand's style and creativity. But by this point you might be wondering what tools you can use for designing your ad creative Video 3: Optimizing Your Conversion Path ? A conversion path is the process by which an anonymous website visitor becomes a known lead. There are four key elements of a conversion path, including: a content offer, a call-to-action, landing page, and thank you page. All four conversion path elements apply to digital advertising. Let's hear from Brandon to understand how a conversion path works. y. Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, is the process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, like filling out a form or making a purchase. Cost-per-lead, or CPL, is how
  • 14. many advertising dollars you spend to acquire one new lead. And cost-per-acquisition, or CPA, is how many advertising dollars you spend to acquire one new custome So how do you optimize a conversion path? Here are some best practices. Align your ad creative and copy to your landing page. Remove navigation and other distractions from your landing page. Add your CTA or form above the fold. And only include the necessary fields in your form or checkout process. Here’s a pro tip for creating effective conversion paths for your digital ads: 1. Create a unique landing page custom to the offer displayed in the advertisement. 2. o reduce distractions. W 3. our form or CTA should also be front and center, above the fold. Y 4. Remember: Only collect the information you absolutely need vi.Introduction to Paid Search Advertising ideo 1: The Advantages of Paid Search Advertising 1.Advertising on Google is profitable. According to Google, advertisers make $8 for every $1 they spend on Google Ads. Advertising on Google keeps you competitive. Your competitors might be bidding on your branded terms, which means your organic results are being pushed down the page. Advertising on Google appears first in the SERPs. Search ads appear first in the search engine results pages (SERPs) above organic results Video 2: Exploring Keyword Research and Match Type A keyword is one word or phrase that someone uses to describe what they need in search. Keyword research is just as important for paid ads as it is for organic search.
  • 15. ? Keywords typically fall under two categories: brand and non-brand. A brand keyword is a word or phrase that includes a brand’s name or variations of a brand’s name. Some of HubSpot’s brand keywords include: • HubSpot • HubSpot Free CRM • HubSpot Marketing Hub Non-brand keywords include all other relevant keywords that do not include a brand’s name or variations of a brand’s name. Some of HubSpot’s non-brand keywords include: • Inbound marketing • Sales software • Customer relationship managemen Match types tell Google whether you want to match a search query exactly, or if your ad should be shown to anyone with a search query that’s related in some way 1. Exact Match Type: A keyword set to exact match will only display your ad if the search term includes that exact keyword, or a very close variation. The keyword “red men’s tennis shoes” will not match with searches for “men’s tennis shoes” since the search term doesn’t include the word “red.” Exact match keywords are surrounded in brackets: [red men’s tennis shoes] Phrase Match Type: A keyword set to phrase match will display your ad if the search term contains the same order of the words, but it can also contain additional words. The keyword “men’s tennis shoes” will match with the search query “red men’s tennis shoes” but will not match with “men’s red tennis shoes.” Phrase match keywords are surrounded in quotes: “men’s tennis shoes” Broad Match Type: A keyword set to broad match displays your ad when the search term contains any or some combination or variations of the words in your keyword, in any order. The keyword “men’s tennis shoes” will match with “red men’s tennis shoes,” “men’s red tennis shoes,” “women’s tennis shoes,” and so on. Broad match keywords don’t include any symbols: men’s tennis shoe Video 3: How to Create Remarkable Digital Ads for Paid Searc
  • 16. he organization of your search ad components will vary depending on the device they are being viewed on. Keep this in mind when writing your cop For search ads, Google recommends best practices to follow that fall under two categories: ad copy and ad experience. Successful marketers need to deliver the right messaging for the right moment. Better copy and visuals improve the relevance your ad has to your target audience and will drive more qualified clicks. To write the best ad copy: • Include your keywords in your ad. • Use specific language that matches the way your target audience speaks. • Include a clear and direct call-to-action. • Give people answers to their problems rather than posing questions. To create the best ad experience: • Include all ad extensions that make sense for your business (Google recommends at least three). • Think about how your ad makes sense for users across devices (and create separate ad campaigns as needed). • Align your landing page to the copy of your ad Quality score: an algorithm that scores each of your ads for relevancy Quality score is on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest rating and 10 being the highest What this means is that if your competitor bids on a keyword at $5 and has a quality score of 4, and you bid on that same keyword at only $3 but you have a quality score of 7, Google may give you the top position for the price you bid because your ad is more relevant. It makes more sense to serve your ad because its higher relevancy makes it more likely that viewers will click on it, which is better for Google, its searchers, and its advertisers ideo 4: Organizing Your Account Structure Video 4: Organizing Your Account Structure The way that you organize your campaigns, keywords, and copy in Google Ads can dramatically impact how well your ads perform. You have your keywords, you have the list of keywords that you’re buying, and then you have the ad that
  • 17. you want to show when somebody types in one of those keywords d groups and campaigns. Ad Group: One or more ads that share a common theme. Campaign: A set of related ad groups that is often used to organize categories of products or services that you offer. : What is Programmatic Advertising and How Does It Work? VII. : What is Programmatic Advertising and How Does It Work? Video 1: The Advantages of Programmatic Advertising ? Programmatic advertising is the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to buy ads in real-time, instead of going through human negotiations and pre-set prices. This is also known as programmatic marketing or programmatic media Some examples of the data that powers programmatic advertising include: demographics, like gender identity, age, and location, device, such as desktop computers and laptops, interests, like finance, coding, or UX design, and behaviors, like someone who consumes information on software development every day. Programmatic advertising is effective because it is: powered by data, budget-friendly, drives return-on-investment, happens in real time, and automated Video 2: Programmatic Advertising Explained Programmatic advertising is powered by technology It involves a network of platforms that all work together to automatically place digital ads in front of specific audiences in real time. There are three key platforms at play here on
  • 18. the demand-side, supply-side, and for data management. Let's explore the programmatic advertising technologies. What is a demand-side platform? A demand-side platform, or DSP, is a system that allows buyers of digital A supply-side platform is a system for the owners of ad spots. A supply-side platform, or SSP, is a technology platform to enable web publishers and digital out-of-home media owners to manage their advertising inventory, fill it with ads, and receive revenue Publishers can own a number of media outlets. A supply-side platform enables media owners to keep track of all their available ad spots in one centralized location. Let's visualize the programmatic advertising process. Here's what programmatic advertising looks like all togethe Data is stored in a data management platform from internal and external sources. Advertisers use this data to identify their ideal audience for a variety of ad campaigns. The data management platform is plugged into a demand-side platform, which uses artificial intelligence to analyze the supply-side platform for available ad spots that reach the advertiser's intended audience. Once the advertiser launches their campaigns, the ad exchange takes place between the demand-side platform and the supply-side platform. Money exchanges hands, and the ad is displayed to the audience in real time. The types of bidding strategies in programmatic advertising are: real-time bidding, private marketplace, and preferred deals. L Real-time bidding, or RTB, refers to the buying and selling of online ad impressions through real-time auctions that occur in the time it takes a webpage to load. An additional bidding strategy takes place on a private marketplace. A private marketplace, or PMP, is like real-time bidding, but only available by invitation. Most demand-side platforms have a private marketplace for their users.
  • 19. Private marketplaces limit demand, so it could be beneficial to select a demand-side platform that has publications you are interested in within their private marketplace. Less competition can lead to better prices. Another type of programmatic bidding is preferred deals. In preferred deals, advertisers choose the preferred inventory and price before it is available Think of preferred deals like options trading. When investing in stocks, options trading allows you to identify your optimal buy or sell price. Once that price is met, you have the option to make the trade. This is an example of what preferred deals are doing. An advertiser chooses selected media outlets and pre-negotiates a deal. Once the preferred conditions are met, the advertiser will have the option to purchase ad placements before they become available on the general market. This gives you priority over other advertisers who may be bidding on that same placement. Video 3: Exploring the Programmatic Advertising Channels Here’s an example of a display ad in action. This display ad on the sidebar of The New Yorker's website is for AppExchange, a sales optimization tool. Here's an example of a programmatic ad on social media. Programmatic ad software would likely show this ad to people on Twitter who have expressed an interest in American football. Here’s an example of a native ad on a major publication. This native video ad from The New Yorker is displayed about ¾ of the way into the webpage. Native ads offer flexible formats. They're best used if you want to catch a reader's attention and drive engagement in a way that is more direct than a regular display ad. VIII.How to Monitor and Report on Ad Performance ideo 1: Understanding Ad Tracking Ad tracking is the process of collecting data and user insights on the performance of online advertising campaigns.
  • 20. There are three ad tracking techniques, including tracking URLs, tracking pixels, and cookies. Tracking URLs are powered by something called UTM parameters. UTM parameters are tags in a URL that identify the marketing campaign that refers traffic to a specific website. Well, UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module. Urchin is a reference to a software company that was later acquired by Google. They developed an early version of Google Analytics. When you append a URL with UTMs, it allows analytics software to track information, such as how visitors are coming to your site and if they're interacting with any content associated with a campaign. This can be particularly useful if there are multiple ways to access your online assets and you're trying to identify which channels to focus on. Social media platforms use tracking pixels for advertising. Facebook, LinkedIn, and other platforms help advertisers track the success of their ads by connecting social media users with ad interactions and website traffic. This data is gathered through the platform's tracking pixel. Pixels help you track many events, including page views, form submissions, add to cart, card abandonment, and purchases. s. An HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Cookie is a small piece of data stored on the user's computer by the web browser while viewing a website. L Third-party cookies are tracking codes placed on a web visitor's computer after being generated by a website other than your own. First-party cookies are a code that gets generated and stored on your website visitor's computer by default when they visit your site. Here's more on cookies ideo 2: Running Experiments to Improve Ad Performance For digital advertising, A/B tests are the most common form of experimentation. A/B testing, or split testing, is the
  • 21. process of running marketing experiments to see which version of an ad connects better with your audience "A/B testing, or split testing, is when you have two ads and you keep everything the same, except you isolate one variable There are five steps to conducting a marketing experiment. Make a hypothesis. Collect research. Choose measurement metrics. Create and execute the experiment. And analyze the results. L Video 3: Exploring Attribution Reporting Attribution helps you understand the buyer's journey. The value in attribution reporting is that marketers can pinpoint the exact marketing effort that leads to a conversion. Using this information, they can then make better-informed decisions about where to invest their time and resources. ideo 4: Calculating Return On Ad Spend The equation to calculate ROAS is simple. It is revenue generated by ads divided by the cost of ads. This equation yields a ratio that can help you determine whether (or how well) your ad campaign is working. For instance, if you made $10 for every $1 spent, your ROAS would be 10:1.