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Professional Portfolio
My name is John White. I am a creative and innovative digital marketing and social sales 
executive with a proven track record of consistently exceeding goals and producing viral 
content that gets shared 1000’s of times across the internet. My specializations include B2B 
marketing, viral content creation, email marketing, online engagement, SEO, social media 
marketing, and blogging. I have 16,000+ followers of my blogs on LinkedIn, and have been 
featured 19 times on Pulse. Three of my articles have gone to #1 on LinkedIn. My blogs have been 1,250,000 views with an 
average viewership of 33,000 per article. Additionally, I write blogs for Dice and Career Tool Box. I was recently featured guest 
on the global #LinkedinChat on Twitter, and interviewed by the Sales Foundry for a podcast on social media selling via iTunes . 
In addition to my blogging endeavors , I am an Enterprise Marketing and Sales Executive for Skybeam. My role is to drive new 
sales for our enterprise grade services by creating engaging marketing campaigns including email marketing, digital 
presentations, social media, blogs, and online content creation. My marketing content for is used by our enterprise direct sales 
team, as well as, by our indirect sales channel partners across 14 states. I am key content contributor to my company’s social 
media accounts including Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Additionally, also a content contributor to the company website 
Faster than Fiber. 
I am enrolled at Regis University in their executive MBA program. My emphasis is in marketing. This year completed the 
marketing specialization portion of the program. I have 3 general MBA courses remaining and I will graduate in spring 2015. 
I live with my wife and 2 daughters in historic downtown Fort Collins, CO. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, 
hiking, camping, playing tennis, and traveling. 
Thank you for your interest in my content, and I look forward to chatting with you. 
Best Regards, 
John White 
Table of Contents 
Chapter 1: Corporate Leadership 
Volume 1: 7 Management Traits that will Make All Your Employees Quit 
Volume 2: 7 Management Traits of Great Leaders 
Volume 3: Inspirational Leaders vs Micro Managers 
Volume 4: 7 Signs it is Time to Quit your Job 
Chapter 2: Trending Topics in Business 
Volume 1: Is Going Green Profitable 
Volume 2: 7 Sings Your Prospective Employer Has a Toxic Culture 
Volume 3: Using Social Innovation to Seize Competitive Advantage 
Volume 4: Obesity is a Market Failure 
Volume 5: Benefits of Being Bilingual 
Volume 6: Ethical Business vs Maximizing Profits 
Chapter 3: Digital Marketing and Social Media 
Volume 1: Use these B2B Social Engagement Tips to Generate More Leads 
Volume 2: Maximize Your Branding Efforts Using Twitter 
Volume 3: How to Take Your Content to #1 on LinkedIn
Volume 4: 11 Reason Why I am NOT Quitting Facebook 
Volume 5: Enhance Your Company’s Visibility Using Instagram 
Volume 6: Q&A with Social Media Mega Influencer: Viveka von Rosen 
Volume 7: Global #Personal Brand Statement: CONTEST 
Chapter 4: Sales Strategies 
Volume 1: Best Practices for Selling B2B Tech Solutions 
Volume 2: 6 Behaviors that will Cost you the B2B Deal 
Volume 3: Does Social Selling Really Work? 
Chapter 5: Technology and Communication 
Volume 1: Big Data, Can Your Company Support These Bandwidth Intensive Business Applications? 
Volume 2: The Future of Enterprise Broadband 
Volume 3: iPad Best Practices for B2B Sales Teams 
Chapter 6: Productivity Tips 
Volume 1: Turbo Charge Your Time Management with These Tips 
Chapter 7: In Spanish 
Volume 1: Los Beneficios de Ser Bilingue en los Negocios
Chapter 1: Corporate Leadership
7 Management Traits That Will Make All Your 
Employees Quit 
April 28, 2014 
i nShar e23K 
Have you ever had a REALLY 
bad boss? Well I have. This 
individual drove everybody out 
and the company had to close the 
regional office, because everyone 
quit or was fired. I quit after being 
there for just 6 months; and, only 
days after being recognized as the 
region's top new sales 
professional. I couldn't take it any 
longer! This job was so bad that I 
don't even list it on my resume or 
LinkedIn profile. Nothing was 
done to fix the situation, even 
after several people complained to 
HR, and one individual recorded a meeting in which he was verbally assaulted and threatened. Here 
are some traits that my former manager exemplified that led to the shutdown of the office and the 
mass exodus of employees. 
Micro Management 
Nobody likes to be micro managed. Be a leader not a micro 
manager. Be someone that your employees admire and want to work 
hard for. Do this by leading by example with your work ethic, 
integrity, and by treating people with respect. Do not constantly 
threaten people with their job. If this is your idea of coaching your 
team, then you should not be in management. As the boss you should 
be the teacher and find ways to help people improve. Managing by 
fear will make your employees resent you and the company. The first 
chance they get they will jump ship. My old boss locked the back 
door, so we had to pass by his office every time we left the office so he could keep tabs on us.
Create Office Politics 
This manager pitted his people against one another. He told one person one thing that someone said 
and then told the other person the same thing. Office politics kill morale and as the manager you 
should be doing things to prevent it not perpetuate it. Don't be vindictive. Create a positive 
environment where people want to come to everyday. 
Lie and Be Unprofessional to Customers 
I caught this individual lying to customers on more than one occasion. Additionally, in a meeting 
with a CFO of a local company, he was so mean and rude that she actually threw the quote across the 
table at him. Then she kicked us out of her office, said she would NEVER do business with us, and 
told us to not come back. Yes, this was the low point of my career. It was truly an out of body 
Air Your Dirty Laundry at the Office 
My former manager was always telling us about the drama that was happening at his house between 
him and his wife. Imagine that, his wife didn't like him either. It made everyone uncomfortable and 
resent him even more. 
Gripe About Your Employees Working Hard if You Are Not Yourself 
We caught him watching YouTube videos all the time in his office. Then he would take every chance 
he could get to tell us all how worthless we all were and that we weren't working hard enough. 
Abrasive Communication 
He used to curse during meetings at employees and use public humiliation to put people down. 
Again, do this and your employees will quit. 
Nobody likes someone that is a know it all and can do no wrong. Don't take all the credit when things 
go right and then be the first to pass blame when things go wrong. 
Have you ever had that pit in your stomach develop on Sunday just from the thought that Monday is 
only a day away; and, you know you have to go back to work? Well, I am glad I don't have it 
anymore! That place is my rear view mirror. If your manager exemplifies some of these traits, maybe 
just anonymously drop a copy of this article on his or her desk.
7 Management Traits of Great Leaders 
May 01, 2014 
i nShar e12K 
A few days ago, I published an article titled, "7 
Management Traits That Will Make All Your 
Employees Quit." Now it is time to look at the other 
side of the coin. The previous column sparked a 
tremendous conversation surrounding leadership. 
Several commentators made the point that they don't 
think bad leaders are capable of change. I'm not so sure 
about that. I think people can evolve professionally and 
as a leader, just like they do elsewhere in life. Consider 
this quote from, Vince Lombardi, the legendary football 
coach of the Green Bay Packers, "leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, 
which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile." I believe that 
with some effort put forth everyone can improve their leadership skills. That said, here are some 
managerial traits that good leaders exhibit that I think will encourage employees to stick around for 
the long haul. 
Be Supportive 
A good manager gives his/her employees the tools they need to be successful. A bad manager assigns 
tasks with little or no direction, and then becomes upset when the employee doesn't meet the 
expectation. Remember the Seinfeld episode where George doesn't hear his boss' instructions, but he 
is too afraid of what his boss might do if he asks for clarification? He spends the whole week 
pretending to know what to do. Two words come to mind here, lost productivity. Be approachable so 
your employees feel they can ask questions. 
Understand and Harness the Power of Praise 
Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective tools for a person in a leadership role. One of the 
biggest complaints from people that hate their jobs is they never receive any credit for a job well 
done. If you want your employees to like working for you and to perform their best, try giving them 
an atta a boy every once in a while when they do well. Nobody likes to work in a thankless 
Lead By Example 
If you want your employees to take you 
seriously you must lead by example. If they 
question your work ethic, integrity, or skill to get 
the job done, then they are far less likely to do 
their best work themselves. As a leader you need 
to be blazing the path for success. If you are one 
of those managers that comes in late and leaves 
early, then you might want to rethink the 
example you are setting for your employees. 
Show Appreciation by Hosting Some Team Building Events 
Too many companies have cut out the Christmas party. Even if you don't do a Christmas party, you 
should put on some events throughout the year to show appreciation and increase morale. If there are 
budgetary concerns just do something simple. My company has an employee pot luck once every 
couple of months. Employees bring in dishes from home and then management buys the rest at a 
local grocery store. It is far from extravagant but the employees really enjoy it. It is a great way for 
the employees to get to know one another and feel a sense of community at the work place. 
Listen to Your Employees 
Make sure your employees’ voices are heard. In 
order to foster an environment of innovation, 
management must be open to their employees’ 
ideas. Nothing stifles progress more than shooting 
down your employees every idea. Pretty soon they 
will not even offer them. This will lead to 
stagnation within your company. Also, consider 
distributing an anonymous employee satisfaction 
survey. This will measure the temperature of your 
employees. If there are action items that need to be addressed they can be identified and action can be 
taken to improve the work environment. Companies that don't survey their employees are running the 
risk of never knowing what the problems are within the company. Thus, they have no way of fixing 
Be Generous by Offering Incentives for Longevity 
Studies show that companies that offer incentives for longevity have a greater retention rate. Whether 
it is a raise, bonus, additional time off, a better title, or a combination of the aforementioned, 
incentives for long tenure should be a part of your employee retention strategy. 
Be Authoritative 
Just like in my previous article when I discussed how nobody likes a micromanaging jerk, they don't 
like a wimpy pushover for a boss either. You can be authoritative; and, still go about it with integrity 
and respect. Your employees need to know that there is someone very competent at the helm. I
guarantee you that Lombardi's players knew who the boss was, and they respected him for the hard 
work he put in. 
Well there you have it. Last time, many of you said that you learned the most from a negative 
experience on what not to do. Can we learn just as much from a top performing manager as we can 
from the worst one? I also heard from a lot of you that were like me, and; had an experience with a 
bad boss. Have you had an experience with a good boss that has helped you develop your own 
management style? If so, what attributes did they exemplify? 
"Perfection is not attainable. But if we chase it, we can catch excellence." Vince Lombardi
Inspirational Leaders vs Micro Managers 
October 09, 2014 
i nShar e1,820 
My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to make them better. - Steve Jobs 
Recently, I published two articles regarding corporate management strategies, and the impact they 
have on a company's effectiveness. The first article titled, "7 Management Traits that Will Make All 
Your Employees Quit," addressed how poor management can lead to a high employee turnover rate. 
In this article, I told the story about how a bad manager I had in the past caused all the employees to 
quit and led to the shutdown of a regional office. In the second article titled, "7 Traits of Great 
Leaders," I discussed the flip side of the equation on how good management encourages employee 
retention, increases productivity, and promote innovation. The response I got from readers was 
tremendous. The articles inspired a very fruitful conversation surrounding the qualities between 
effective leaders vs failing managers.
“People do not quit companies, they quit their managers.” 
I heard this comment over and over again from readers. People chimed in from all of the world 
regarding their personal experiences with a bad manager. It was interesting to hear the stories on bad 
management. Clearly, bad management is an epidemic in the corporate world. Companies need to 
invest in mentoring their managers; and, giving them the training they need to be a leader and not just 
a boss. Consider these fundamental character differences between leadership vs management.
I also heard many stories from readers that have been inspired by having a great leader in their 
career. A positive experience with a leader creates tremendous loyalty to their company, and inspires 
people to do their best. The impact a great leader has on their employees sticks with them for their 
entire career. 
Bad managers can leave emotional scars on people for many years. However, there is also a lot that 
can learned from them. Bad managers teach people what not to do once they get into a management 
In late 2013, Gallup released the results of their two year long study regarding the state of the 
American worker. Part of the study involved polling 1 million employed U.S. workers from all over 
the USA. The data from the survey confirmed that the No. 1 reason people quit their job is due to bad 
management. Another of the findings from Gallup, is that the productivity of poorly managed 
employees is 50 percent less than well managed. Additionally, well managed employees are 56 
percent more profitable than poorly managed. Clearly, bad managers can cause a substantial negative 
hit to the company bottom line. Poor management also leads to low employee morale, causes 
employees added stress that can sometimes lead to serious health issues, decreases productivity, and 
leads to high turnover. Great leadership promotes a company culture that is rich in innovation which 
increases the company bottom line and helps create a sustainable business model. 
Of the approximately 100 million people in America who hold full-time jobs, 30 million 
(30%) are engaged and inspired at work, so we can assume they have a great boss. At the 
other end of the spectrum are roughly 20 million (20%) employees who are actively 
disengaged. These employees, who have bosses from hell that make them miserable, roam 
the halls spreading discontent. Gallup CEO Jim Clifton 
I love this quote from Gallup's CEO! However, when I was dealing with a bad boss, I not only 
roamed the halls at work spreading discontent, I was spreading discontent everywhere I went. In my 
case the bad situation at work began negatively affecting me in all areas of my life. 
The Bottom Line: 
Great leaders inspire people and make the company money and bad leaders tear down people and the 
company, piece by piece. Companies need to be able to recognize the signs of bad management. 
Then take action to either improve the manager's skills, or find someone else that would be a better 
fit for the role. What has been your experience with a great leader or a bad manager? Were you 
inspired by the great leader? Did a bad manager teach you "what not to do?" Please continue to move 
this very important conversation forward by adding in your personal experiences and opinions below. 
Featured on: Leadership & Management
7 Signs it is Time to Quit your Job 
July 21, 2014 
i nShar e5,927 
A while back, I wrote an article titled, "7 
Management Traits that Will Make All Your 
Employees Quit." The article produced an 
amazing conversation surrounding the traits of 
both effective and ineffective managers that is 
now 1800 comments deep. Many people were 
very gracious to share their personal experiences 
and stories from their careers. In that article, I 
described a brutal management style that led to 
all the employees in the regional office to either 
quit or get fired. In case you missed it here is the 
link: 7 Management Traits That Will Make All 
Your Employees Quit 
Today, I am going to share with you the story of 
the day I quit, and provide a few of the signs I experienced that told me it was time to get out of 
there. When I left this company, for the first time in my life I didn't give two weeks notice. Nor did I 
type up a thoughtful resignation letter thanking them for the opportunity like I had with other 
companies I left in the past. When I got to the office on the day I quit I was both nervous and 
anxious, because my boss was very unpredictable. He had shown violent tendencies in the office, as 
well as, told stories about his violent past. I think the crazy and violent stories he told us were 
designed to intimidate us, and it worked. I had no idea how he was going react to the news that I was 
quitting. I made sure to get to the office before he did so I could have all my stuff packed up and 
ready to go. When he got there I told him right away. He became very upset and irrational. He threw 
out some major verbal insults my way. However, at least I got out of there without him inflicting any 
physical violence on me! 
Yes, I know that leaving without giving a two week notice is very unprofessional. However, the 
company had shown me no respect, and degraded me to the point that I honestly could not stay there 
a second longer. The day I quit that job was one of the most liberating experiences in my life. I 
couldn't get out of there fast enough. As I was leaving, when I got to the lobby area I had a quick 
decision to make, take the elevator or the stairs. I quickly decided to take the stairs as I could hit 
them running. I didn't want to wait for the elevator! The feeling I got once I made it to my car and 
started to drive away was amazing. I truly felt a sense of freedom like I had never felt before!
I had decided to pick up my daughter from daycare, 
and take her up to Horsetooth Reservoir (pictured 
here) to go swimming! The next few days were spent 
relaxing with my family and preparing to move on 
professionally. This is important, If you quit your job 
make sure to schedule some time to relax and spend 
time with your loved ones before starting the new job. 
If you need help with transitioning or finding a new 
job check out Mae Chapman's plan. 
I'm not advocating quitting your job. However, if you 
are experiencing some or all of the symptoms I have listed below, it might be time to weigh your 
1) You can't sleep at night due to the stress and thought of having to go into work the next day. The 
stress and lack of sleep really began to negatively affect my health. 
2) The stress from the job makes you irritable and cranky around your family and friends. I was no 
fun to be around during this time. This job was so stressful that it started tonegatively affect the 
relationships with my loved ones. 
3) The job has zapped all the life out of you. You 
are tired all the time and lack the motivation you 
once had. This can happen when your company 
has no policy or no intention of ever implementing 
a work/life balance program for employees. 
4) You don't agree with the corporate 
culture or the direction the company is headed. In 
my case, the culture was a turn and burn 
environment. They had a high pressure 
environment, and we lived in constant fear of 
losing our jobs. There was no value placed in sales professionals, and the place was a revolving door. 
5) Your ideas are not being heard, and your work is not valued. Many companies do a very poor job 
of recognizing their employees for their hard work and accomplishments. They don't have any 
concept of the value in saying thank you. 
6) The "good old boys club" at the top has made it impossible for advancement. Nobody likes to 
work in a situation when they know where there is no chance that they can advance within the 
company. If you see a pattern of upper management hiring their friends over more qualified 
candidates this is a sign that your company has a "good old boys club." 
7) You are the victim of verbal abuse, sexual harassment, or other types of illegal behavior. At 
the job I quit, I was bullied and verbally abused by my old boss. HR was no help and upper 
management turned a blind eye to it. DO NOT put up with this! 
For me quitting that poisonous job was the one of the best decisions I ever made. Today, I'm in a 
much better place professionally at Skybeam . I am far less grouchy and stressed. Additionally, I am 
sleeping much better, and my family likes me a lot more these days. Why did you quit your last job?
Was it because of any of the scenarios I described above? Has the grass been greener at your new job 
or do you regret your decision to leave? 
Featured on: Your Career
Chapter 2: Trending Topics in Business
Is Going Green Profitable? 
October 01, 2014 
i nShar e94 
Sustainability is a trending topic within companies of all sizes throughout the world. Many 
companies have come to the realization that traditional methods of doing business are not as effective 
as they once were. Thus, they have turned to sustainability to seek more effective ways of doing 
Sustainability in Business Defined: 
Sustainability in business occurs when the economic, environmental, ethical, and social facets of an 
organization are working together synchronously to obtain maximum efficiency and social 
responsibility for the long term. 
Executive Overview:
There is a movement to look to the tech industry to find more innovative and efficient production 
methods to enhance profits and position the company for long term growth. Consider these facts and 
trends regarding sustainability within the global business arena: 
• 76 percent of executives surveyed say sustainability contributes positively to shareholder value in 
the long term, and 50 percent see short-term value creation (McKinsey & Company). 
• $1 out of every $9 under professional management in the United States now involves an element of 
―socially responsible investment‖ (Geoffrey Heal, Columbia Business School). 
• Over 2,600 organizations registered sustainability reports with the Global Reporting Initiative 
(GRI) through 2010 . 
• Over 3,000 organizations voluntarily submitted data regarding greenhouse gas emissions to the 
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in 2010 
To accomplish sustainability companies must consider the needs of all stakeholders including their 
customer, employees, shareholders, and the communities in which they operate. Running a socially 
responsible company, improving performance, and increased profits are the upsides of sustainable 
business. Challenges will include incorporating sustainability into the company culture, decision 
making, operations, and materials. Additionally, new roles would need to be defined to ensure that 
sustainable business practices are being implemented, monitored, and tracked. 
Potential Gains from Sustainability 
So, why are so many companies investing in the future by deploying sustainable business practices 
within their company and what are some of the perceived benefits? There are many potential benefits 
to implementing a sustainability strategy: 
· Reduced Costs in Doing Business 
· Enhanced Operational Efficiency 
· Improved Worker Safety 
· Less Waste 
· Improved Community Relations 
· Enhanced Worker Productivity 
· Encourages Innovation within Company 
Consider these case studies and the associated benefits: 
Advanced Composite Structures: Lean Manufacturing
“Using the Value Mapping Process, New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership analyzed and 
reviewed the production process and the layout of the company’s production area. ACS was able to 
eliminate excess movement, materials, and tooling to help create a more streamlined product flow. 
The company reduced costs by 65%, increased production from 20 units per shift to 45 units per 
shift, reduced its production facility size by 73%, and reduced scrap rates from 24% to 1.8%.” 
Besam North America/Assa Abloy: Energy Management 
“NC State University Industrial Assessment Center and the NC State Industrial Extension Service’s 
E3 (Economy, Energy, and Environment) initiative collaborated to provide Besam with targeted 
energy, waste, and productivity surveys. Besam followed several recommendations from the energy 
management survey, including replacement of metal halide lighting with fluorescent fixtures with 
occupancy sensors, installation of high efficiency lamps and electronic ballasts with occupancy 
sensors, reduction of compressor air pressure, and repair of compressed air leaks. Total annual 
savings from these efforts was 233,555 kWh/$25,776.” 
Bureau of Land Management: Energy Savings Performance Contract 
“The U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) successfully implemented 
an energy savings performance contract (ESPC) with Johnson Controls, Inc. (JCI) to implement 
energy efficiency improvements at remote BLM sites. This $3.6 million project covered small BLM 
facilities across six western states (Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Wyoming), 
which make up half of the states that the BLM covers. In addition to energy savings, BLM achieved 
the following emissions reductions.” 
Concerns Regarding Sustainability 
Sustainability practices can be costly to implement. Many times the past data needed in order to 
properly measure the effectiveness of the programs is not available. In order measure the 
effectiveness of sustainability companies will need to add additional head count. Additionally, the 
metrics that need to be measured can be complex and confusing on how they relate to business. 
There is no guarantee that consumers will respond positively towards sustainability efforts. 
There are many parts to sustainability and its applications can be quite complex. Here are a few 
questions that I recommend your organization consider: 
How will you know where to invest our resources first? Will the measures taken and resources 
used towards long term sustainability cause a decrease in effectiveness in resolving short term 
or immediate issues? 
Many companies share the concern that by investing in sustainability to fix long term problems that 
they will suffer losses in the short term. The ROI for sustainable programs can often times be a long-
term gain. The concern is that long term gains will be mitigated due to lost revenues in the short 
Employees have be trained to on the sustainable practices implemented. Training employees a new 
skill is costly in both the resources needed to implement a new training program, and lost 
productivity by taking away employees from their day to day job responsibilities. ( 
How Does One Go About Implementing a Sustainability Program? 
Most companies don't have experts in sustainable business already on their staff. Thus, it is essential 
to consult with outside experts in sustainable business. Consult with an independent sustainability 
firm that will able to help develop a plan and implement sustainable solutions into your business that 
will be within budget and one that will help to address both immediate business needs, as well as, 
long term goals. I recommend bringing in 3 firms to evaluate their services, and the impact they can 
make. From there, you will be able to decide on a partner for your business that will best meet your 
specific business needs and provides the best ROI for your budget. 
Recommendations on a Sustainability Plan 
With many companies seeing declining profits, increased competition, and ever evolving market 
demand, I strongly recommend your company consider a sustainability strategy. With increased 
competition there is a need to become more innovative to continue to be competitive in the 
marketplace. A sustainability plan will inherently make your organization more innovative, and give 
you the ability to stay current with market demands as they evolve over time. Within all companies 
there is a need to look inward to do a comprehensive evaluation of processes and work flows in a 
concentrated effort to seek more cost effective ways of doing business. It is my firm belief that the 
potential gains with implementing sustainability far outweigh the potential losses. 
Does your company have a sustainability strategy? If so, how is it working out? If not, what has 
holding you back from doing so? Please join this conversation below. 
Featured on: Green Business
7 Signs Your Prospective Employer Has a Toxic Culture 
September 23, 2014 
i nShar e1,358 
A while back, I published two articles that combined produced over 1,000,000 views, and sparked a 
tremendous conversation surrounding corporate cultures, management styles, and effective vs failing 
organizations. In case you missed them: 7 Management Traits that Will Make All Your Employees 
Quit and 7 Signs it is Time to Quit Your Job. In these two articles, I told the story of a toxic work 
environment that I endured that resulted in all of the employees in my regional office to either be 
fired or quit in less than a year. There were some signs throughout the interview process that should 
have thrown up red flags and sent me packing. However, I chose to ignore them. If you ignore them 
too and enter into a company that has a toxic culture, here are a few rather unpleasant side effects 
that I experienced that you might too: 
 High Stress
 Anxiety Attacks 
 Insomnia 
 Loss of Professional Motivation 
 Pit in Your Stomach Feeling on Sunday Nights 
 Damaged Personal Relationships 
Here are the warning signs that I ignored. Hopefully, by me putting these out there, they may be of 
assistance to some of you in your career advancement endeavors, and you willavoid making the 
mistake I did. 
1) Your future boss speaks poorly about current staff in the interview. 
In the interview with my prospective boss, he was very negative towards his current staff in the way 
he talked about them. He used flattery towards me but put down his current team by saying things 
like, "I can't wait to get a real sales executive in here that can show these yahoos how its done." 
Consider this quote from Gregg Stocker, author of Avoiding the Corporate Death Spiral. 
Ask what the company's problems are and what their causes might be. If the answers to these 
questions consist of blaming others in the organization, especially those on his or her team, 
the person lacks trust in others." 
2) Your future boss comes across as self absorbed. 
If your boss keeps talking about how great he/she is during the interview they might be self absorbed. 
Working for a self-absorbed boss ensures that your work will go largely unnoticed and he/she will 
use every opportunity to take credit for any of your success without giving you the credit deserved. 
3) The interviewer is late. 
The second interviewer was a senior manager. He showed up 15 minutes late for the interview. This 
individual appeared disorganized, and it seemed like he had not even reviewed my resume prior to 
the meeting. I was struck by just how unprofessional the interviewer was. 
4) The company has a history of high turnover. 
Make sure to do some research regarding the turnover rate for not only the company you are applying 
for, but the specific position. A good starting point is It will enable you to see what 
their current and former employees are saying anonymously. If you want to take a step further you 
could even do an advanced search on LinkedIn to find employees in your position and reach out to 
them for feedback. Most people are happy to help out and if you're headed for a train wreck they will 
gladly give you a heads up. To my own credit, I did do research. However, once again I ignored the 
warning signs. 
5) They put a lot of pressure on you to take the position. 
In my case, my prospective employer put a lot of pressure on me to take the job. It was like they were 
trying to hard close a deal. I got emails and phone calls practically begging me to go to work there.
Then they put an aggressive deadline on me that forced me to make a decision much faster than I was 
comfortable with. 
6) You're not sure if your values align with the company's. 
If after going through the interview process and doing research on the company, you are questioning 
the company's values. Think long and hard about whether or not you will be able to be happy 
working at a company where your personal values may conflict the company's way of doing 
business. Weigh how much of a conflict it will be, and whether or not it is worth the compromise you 
would have to make. Trust your gut on this one. Initially, I got a bad feeling regarding this company's 
culture. I talked myself into thinking otherwise. 
7) The offer letter contains a lower salary than what was communicated to you verbally. 
When I received my offer letter, it was $5,000 less than what had been offered to me over the phone. 
I quickly pointed out the discrepancy to their HR Coordinator and they fixed it. However, again this 
was a sign of things to come in regards to the way they did business, not only with their employees 
but their customers as well. 
If you read the first two articles and made it to this 
point in this one, you are probablywondering. 
"how in the world did you ignore these warning 
signs and end up taking this job?" Well that is a 
very valid question, and one that my wife asked 
me several times since. There is one reason and 
one reason only, MONEY. I was blinded by the 
almighty dollar. They offered me a higher salary, 
better commission structure, and substantial 
signing bonus. At the time my wife and I were 
remodeling and putting a major addition onto our home. We were paying for construction costs, 
mortgage, rent at an apartment (the project was too substantial for us to live there with a small child), 
and daycare. Needless to say, we were a little short on cash, and the opportunity to make more 
money right away was very attractive. 
Life lesson learned: Money is not everything. There are other things to contemplate when 
considering a job offer like your peace of mind and happiness. Money should never be the only 
reason you are taking a job! 
To sum this up, if your prospective employer possesses a few of these warnings signs you should 
think long and hard before accepting the offer. If they possess all of these interview warning 
signs, get out of there as fast as you can! 
Now I will turn it back over to you all. Job seekers, did you find this helpful? Why or why not? To 
the people that have worked at or are currently working at a company that has a toxic culture (And I 
know you're out there because I heard from 1000's of you). 
Featured on: Careers: The Next Level Company Culture Leadership & Management
Using Social Innovation to Seize Competitive Advantage 
October 13, 2014 
i nShar e268 
Social innovation is an emerging global movement to find new and innovative solutions to the 
challenges that plague our society. Social innovation is based on people working together in new 
ways towards a more efficient and sustainable world. Many companies have developed new 
technologies that have changed the world by improving health care, education, nutrition, and 
housing. These companies have used social innovation to not only improve the world, but to gain a 
competitive advantage within their marketplace. 
Here are two such companies: 
Clif Bar is a leader in the energy bar marketplace in the 
United States, Canada, and the UK. They have developed a 
solid reputation as the go to energy bar within the outdoor 
sports world. Sustainability is at the core of their corporate 
strategy and is firmly embedded within their company 
culture. Clif Bar defines their mission regarding sustainability on their website: 
“Our food will be made with sustainable, organic ingredients; baked with clean, renewable energy; 
packed in environmentally friendly packaging; and delivered by transportation that doesn’t pollute.”
Employees’ receive incentives for behaviors that embody the company’s sustainability initiatives. 
The company recognizes actions such as riding your bike to work, purchasing a fuel efficient car, and 
making green improvements to homes. 
Their focus on sustainability has given them a distinct advantage within the marketplace. Clif Bar’s 
ingredients are over 70% organic. In this interview Kevin Cleary, President of Clif Bar, discusses 
how his company’s social innovation initiatives created a level of trust and authenticity that 
consumers in the health food market place appreciate. He credits his company’s focus on social 
innovation and sustainability as the key brand differentiators that has created loyalty from their 
customer base. (McPhersen, Susan) 
OtterBox is the recognized global leader in protective cases for 
world’s most popular smart devices from Apple, Samsung, 
Motorola, and more. They have been protecting devices of “clutzy 
tech users” from all over the world for over a decade now. 
OtterBox as an organization is focused on innovation and 
entrepreneurship that embodies sustainability. So much so, that 
they created, Otter Cares, an arm of their organization that pushes 
their social innovation initiatives forward. Otter Cares describes their mission as: 
“We believe one young and inspired mind can change the world! The OtterCares Foundation 
champions innovative education that inspires youth to become entrepreneurs and philanthropists who 
create lasting and impactful change in their communities.” 
With the growing adoption of tablets in schools, administrators now have a critical need to protect 
the substantial investment they make into this technology. OtterBox has become the go to choice
with schools for protective cases for their tablets. Thus, the Otter Care division has aligned itself in 
their mission to support education via their social innovation initiatives like the one seen in the 
associated video where they provided free school supplies for 1700 students! This is a great example 
of a social innovation where the initiative not only supports the community, but it enhances the 
company’s competitive advantage within a key market segment. ( 
Additionally, OtterBox’s focus on innovation and intrapreneurship within its company values has 
enabled them to stay firmly ahead of their competition giving them a distinct competitive advantage 
in their marketplace. OtterBox has innovated faster than their competition which has given them a 
brand image as having the highest quality and most cutting edge protective equipment available in 
the tech marketplace. 
Social Innovation Best Practices: 
1. Develop a social strategy and vision for the company. Determine the social initiatives that align with 
the company values and mission that your product or service can help solve. 
2. Incorporate social innovation into the company culture so that the employees embrace the efforts. 
Just like in the case of Cliff Bar and OtterBox. 
3. Embrace innovation and intrapreneurship so that employees can bring forth new ideas to solve social 
problems that can lead to new business opportunities for the company. (Googins, Brad) 
Has your company embraced social innovation? I'd love to hear from in the comment section! 
Featured on: Social Impact
Obesity is a Market Failure 
July 16, 2014 
i nShar e752 
Obesity rates have risen substantially across the world for 34 
straight years, and there are now close to two billion overweight 
individuals in the worldwide. Since the 1980's the market has been 
flooded with cheaply made food that is aimed toward high profit 
margins and not the health of consumers. Fast food options have 
become far more prevalent, and seemingly everywhere you look. 
Organic and healthy food is typically priced higher then processed 
mass produced food. 
This is the reason the obesity rate is so much higher amongst the lower income levels. The fast food 
marketing machine is geared towards this demographic. Take a look at the correlations between the 
two maps I posted below. The first map shows the states with the highest obesity rates, and the 
second map shows the states with the lowest income levels. There is a tremendous amount of 
correlation between the two. The states with highest obesity rates typically also have the lowest 
income levels. States that have lower levels of obesity tend to be higher earning. Being obese can 
hinder a person's ability to perform their job or obtain a better paying job. 
Obesity Rate in the USA
State by State Poverty Level 
There have been many policy attempts made by governments all over the world to curb obesity. Most 
of which have failed. Most recently Michelle Obama has led the fight against obesity in the USA 
with her attempts to improve school lunches and reduce soda sizes. While some applaud her efforts, 
many view them as an infringement of rights by taking away choices, and the imposing a liberal 
agenda on society. The problem remains that mass produced unhealthy junk food is the most 
profitable to produce. Until this is fixed, I don't see any improvements being made to the obesity 
epidemic. Obesity will continue to be a major market failure for the foreseeable future. 
What is your take on this issue and what can be done to reverse the trend? What role if any should 
policy makers have in fixing this epidemic? Please join in with your comments below. 
Featured on: Food & Beverages Healthcare
Benefits of Being Bilingual in Business 
May 22, 2014 
i nShar e1,434 
My parents sent me to Spain as a teenager to be 
an exchange student. Boy am I glad they did. 
The experience opened my eyes to the world, 
and enabled me to learn a second language. By 
the time I finished high school, I was fluent in 
Being bilingual not only makes traveling a 
breeze and exponentially increases who you 
can be friends with, it provides many benefits in the business world. Here are a few that I have seen 
first hand in my career. 
Increased Size of Target Market 
Want more customers? When you learn another language, the size of your target market 
automatically increases for which you can sell your product or service. There are an estimated 500 
million Spanish speakers worldwide, making it the second most spoken language in the world. Of 
that 500 million, 50 million reside in the USA. So, whether your company is looking to grow 
internationally or expand into new domestic markets, knowing a second language increases who you 
can sell to. 
More Marketable to Employers 
In today's competitive job market being bilingual is a tremendous value add to employers that 
separates you from the other pile of resumes. The more diverse your skill set is the more hirable you 
become. Bilingual employees are in high demand in almost every business sector: health care, law, 
business, education, construction, criminal justice. (to name a few) Globalization is in full swing and 
worldwide markets are becoming more interdependent. Thus, the need for bilingual employees 
continues to rise.
Higher Pay 
Studies from Rosetta Stone have shown 
that bilingual employees earn on average 
10% more in their salary than those that are 
monolingual. I have found this to be true, 
as I have received bilingual pay differential 
with almost every company I have worked 
Win Instant Rapport With Clients 
Learning a foreign language is no easy 
task. For this reason, people instantly love 
you when they realize you have taken the time and effort to learn their native language as your 
second language. I have been the beneficiary of this many times in my career. On a cold call several 
years back, I one call closed a customer over the phone because of my Spanish speaking ability. I 
reached the company CFO, and the call was going nowhere fast. I detected a Spanish accent and out 
of no where switched the conversation to Spanish. It was the perfect 180 degree turnaround that I 
needed. By then end of the conversation, I convinced her to switch their company mobile voice and 
data services, and enter into a 2 year business agreement with my company! This sales cycle usually 
takes at least two meetings, a formal proposal, and weeks if not months of negotiation. 
Being multilingual is of course even better. For this reason, I am in the process of learning 
Portuguese. Brazil is a huge emerging market! Can you speak more than one language? How has it 
benefited you in your career? 
Featured on: Business Travel
Ethical Business vs Maximizing Profits 
October 06, 2014 
i nShar e287 
While most companies earn their profits from ethical business practices, there are some that choose 
to maximize profits unethically. 
Having worked in customer facing positions throughout my career, I have had the difficult challenge 
of having to deliver “bad news” to customers on many occasions. This happens when the customer 
thinks they are owed something from the company, but a decision is made by higher ups that the 
business practice is within the moral boundaries of the company, so no action is owed to the 
customer. This can be a difficult situation to be put into. You must deliver these types of messages 
very strategically by gently explaining why your company’s actions or lack of action are justified 
within the company’s policies and guidelines. There was one occasion in my career that stands out 
where I had to put my foot down over delivering a message that I felt crossed ethical lines. I felt 
strongly that the message I was asked to deliver by my manager to the customer was in violation of 
both the company’s ethical principles, as well as, my own moral compass. The customer was right 
and I knew it. We owed them a substantial credit on their account. I had to make the tough decision 
to risk my job by siding with the customer and not my manager. I stood up to my manager and told
him that I would not be delivering the message to the customer. I stated my moral objections as to 
why I was refusing to do so, and why I thought the customer was owed a credit. In order to get the 
credit applied, I ended up having to go over his head to the next level of management. The problem 
was my manager was way above his credit limit for the month and going over his credit limit would 
raise red a flag with management. These types of ethical dilemmas arise in companies every day. 
Making ethical business decisions can be clouded by personal bias and a desire to prevent short term 
Executive Overview 
Many companies toe the line between doing profitable business and being ethically responsible. 
Sometimes the line gets crossed in effort to maximize profits. Companies that cross too far over the 
line can face legal repercussions that can prove costly and damaging to the brand. A recent example 
of this is, Recreational Data Services (RDS), a small Alaskan software company won a $51.3 million 
settlement over GPS giant, Trimble Navigation. Trimble was forced to pay the Alaskan company for 
lost earnings after being found guilty of stealing confidential information and creating a carbon copy 
of an RDS project. 
A CEO’s job is to maximize revenue streams to satisfy pushy shareholders that demand a high ROI 
for their investment. However, they must also weigh the cost between pushing for profits and being 
an ethical organization. ( 
Internal Tensions Created By Ethical Conflicts 
Tensions within companies over ethics vs profits usually arise when a company is forced to choose 
between remaining profitable or doing ethical business. When lost profits begin to occur companies 
become desperate and then they are at risk of choosing unethical business practicesto stay in 
business. These types of dilemmas can create internal and external tension within a company. Gone 
are the days where the only responsibility of the company is to turn profits. Today, they not only 
have to answer to shareholders, but to their stakeholders within their community of which their 
business hinges on. ( 
Can Ethical Companies be Profitable? 
Ethisphere an independent center of research promoting best practices in corporate ethics and 
compliance, recently released its 2014 list of the world’s most ethical companies. The list contains 
many globally recognizable mega corporations such as T-Mobile USA, Delphi, GAP, Microsoft, 
Schneider Electric, and more. 
Ethisphere defines an ethical company as the following: 
World’s Most Ethical Company honorees not only promote ethical business standards and 
practices internally, they embed the theory of “conscious capitalism” into everything they do, 
every employee they hire, and every partner they bring into their network to ensure they
deliver long-term value to key stakeholders including customers, suppliers, regulators, and 
investors. By leading their industries in compliance, corporate governance and social 
responsibility, the World’s Most Ethical Companies effectively align ethical business 
practices with performance and shape future industry ethical business standards. 
Ethics also play an integral part in the way small businesses operate. With today’s online review sites 
and social media, there is a lot of transparency for SMB in regards to their business practices and 
their reputation within their community. Thus, doing ethical business is of utmost importance for the 
company’s bottom line. If you take a look at the most profitable and well known small businesses in 
your community you will notice a trend in that they generally all have good reviews on sites like, and have a positive image on social media sites. ( 
Characteristics of Unethical Companies 
From my research on this subject I found many several commonalities in companies that are 
unethical. Unethical companies are typically focused on short term gains. They have not developed a 
sustainable business strategy that allows them to think long term. Additionally, unethical companies 
are typically followers. They are lacking in innovation. This often leads corporate misrepresentation. 
It can be as simple as a salesman who overstates the benefits about his company's products, or it can 
be as severe as blatant false advertising. Unethical companies are plauged with poor decision making 
and mismanagement. 
Is it possible for companies to legislate ethics? 
Try as they might companies will never be able to get all their employees on the same page ethically. 
This challenge is even greater for global organizations. There are many factors that play into the 
moral makeup of an employee such as their cultural background, age, level of education, and their 
childhood upbringing. However, just as societies implement a set of laws that govern behavior, 
companies can legislate certain ethical standards within their culture. Most companies will have an 
ethics clause within the contract they use to bring on new employees. If employees violate the ethics 
clause within their contract they can be subjected to discipline or terminated. For example, I drive a 
company vehicle. Even though my own morals tell me that I can have one beer and safely drive 
home. After one beer, I know that I am well below the legal limit and fine to safely drive a car. 
However, the ethics clause in the contract I signed with my company states that it is prohibited to 
consume any amount of alcohol while driving a company vehicle. It is well known that anyone 
caught drinking alcohol and driving a company car would be terminated. (Global Ethics University) 
Final Thoughts: 
There is a trend that kept coming up in the research I did. Companies that are doing unethical 
business are typically focused on the short term gains. Companies that have figured out ways to be 
both ethical and profitable have mastered a sustainable business model. In the example I gave from 
my career, my manager’s ethical perception of the situation was clouded by his desire to not give out 
any more credits that would cause him to go further over his credit limit. He was focused on a short 
term loss instead of doing what is right by the customer, and ensuring a profitable long term business
relationship. Given the many examples out there it is clear that companies can be ethical, socially 
responsible, sustainable, and very profitable all at the same time. 
Have you ever worked for an unethical company? What was the experience like? Please feel free to 
weigh in on this topic with your opinions below. 
Featured on: Leadership & Management
Chapter 3: Digital Marketing and Social Media
Use These B2B Social Media Engagement Tips to 
Generate More Leads 
September 21, 2014 
 22Comments 
i nShar e392 
Are you an old school sales rep whose go to prospecting method is still cold calling? Are you just 
"on LinkedIn," but never post anything or engage your network? Do you think Twitter is just for 
teenagers? If you answered yes to any of these questions, I highly suggest you continue reading, and 
consider adding a few of my social selling techniques to your prospecting strategies. 
1) Post regularly to gain visibility within your network and stay top of mind. 
It is okay to post your company's marketing materials. However, make sure to blend it with some 
value based information. Nobody likes to be product blasted. In order to be effectivein building 
relationships with people on LinkedIn you must be reciprocal. Engage with your network by 
commenting, liking, and sharing their content via LinkedIn. Retweet their Tweets via
Twitter. Do NOT just put out your own content and ignore everyone else's. If you share your 
network's posts they will be far more likely to share yours. Every share and like from your 
connections broadcasts your post to their network as well. This greatly increases the distribution of 
your content, and increases the chances of someone seeing it that has a business need for your 
product or service. 
2) Don't just be "on LinkedIn." Maximize its potential! 
Many sales people under-utilize LinkedIn in favor of old school techniques like cold calling. Are 
you still cold calling over the phone without knowing the name of the person within the company 
that you need to speak to in hopes that the gate keeper transfers you to the right person? Calling 
up blindly without knowing the specific name of the person is a dead give away that you are a 
salesman, and will guarantee that your call gets transferred to a generic mailbox that nobody ever 
checks. Calling over the phone is still an effective way to get appointments and generate leads. 
However, combining it with social selling techniques like the advanced search feature on LinkedIn 
will make you far more effective. Use the advanced search feature to find the name of the person 
within a company that you need to speak to prior to calling. By doing this you will be making warm 
calls instead of a complete cold call. Advanced search gives you many ways to filter your search to 
find the exact person you need. If you prefer to prospect in person, then either do research prior to 
leaving the office or use the LinkedIn mobile application from your smartphone when on the go. 
As they say, "cold calling is dead."
3) Never miss an opportunity to connect with a potential customer on social media. 
Connect on LinkedIn with every single prospect you speak to and follow them on Twitter. If they 
have a blog it is a good idea to follow them there as well. Connect with them even if they told you 
they are not interested. By getting as many potential customers and key contacts within companies
into your network increases the likelihood that you will close them down the road. The old school 
technique would be to put the person in a tickler file on Outlook, and follow up in 6 months to a year. 
By then, that person has practically forgotten who you are. Adding them into your LinkedIn network 
enables you to engage with them, build their trust, and stay top of mind. This will increase the 
chances of them not only remembering you, but buying from you in the future. Oh and lastly, don't 
be the person that sends a generic connection request. Type out a custom request and give them a 
value pitch on why they should connect with you. This substantially increases the likelihood of them 
accepting your invitation to connect. 
4) Shoot past the gate keeper with a direct message to your prospect's inbox. 
Most company's have a highly trained gate keeper whose 
job it is to make sure your call never gets through. Email 
marketing is an effective way to avoid the gate keeper 
and send a message directly to your client. Develop a 
value based monthly newsletter to send out to both 
perspective and existing clients. If you don't have their 
email address consider using LinkedIn's Inmail. 
5) Make sure your LinkedIn profile reflects your 
brand image. 
Just like you make sure to be dressed for success when 
you leave home for the office, make 
sure your profile is up to date and 
looking good. Invest a substantial 
amount ofeffort into your profile so 
that your are projecting a professional 
image that you would want the entire 
world to see. Make sure the content on 
your profile shows that you are an 
expert in your field. Do so, by posting links, blog posts, videos, articles, awards, or anything else that 
will build your credibility. Many of my past clients have looked me up on LinkedIn and viewed my 
profile prior to buying from me the first time. A bad or incomplete LinkedIn profile projects an 
image that you are not serious about your career, and puts doubt into the mind of a potential customer 
regarding your effectiveness. 
6) Build credibility by getting recommendations on LinkedIn from past clients. 
The best way to Increase credibility with future clients is by getting your past and current 
clients to give you a recommendation. Don't confuse this with endorsing skills. I am referring to a 
written reference by a client that you can display on your profile. The more well known the client is 
within your business community and target market the more weight it carries. Getting 
recommendations from clients will help you build your professional brand as an expert, and reassures 
new clients that you will be able to deliver a top notch customer experience. I have 35 
recommendations from clients, co-workers, and colleagues on my profile. I have leveraged these 
recommendations MANY times to gain an edge. Being able to say the following to a potential new 
client is worth its weight in gold:
Don't just take my word for it. Take a look at my recommendations page on LinkedIn to see 
the impact I have on my client's business and the exceptional level of customer service I 
7) Use social networks to build new relationships and enhance existing ones. 
Social selling is about building and maintaining business relationships. Customerstend to buy 
from the people that they like and trust. One of the 
best ways to gain trust from a potential client it to use 
your existing network to gain referrals. When 
identifying a potential client check to see if they are 
connected with anyone in your network. If they are, 
leverage your existing connection to gain an 
introduction. Don't forget about your existing network. 
As sales professionals we are constantly being told to 
go after new clients. Well that new client could 
already be in your network. 
8) Use your blog to increase your sphere of influence. 
Blog about what you want to be known for. Demonstrate your expertise via your blog posts. 
9) Utilize SlideShare. 
Broadcast your company's marketing materials across social media. Slide share convertsyour content 
into a easily shareable link 
that can be distributed using 
virtually any digital media 
platform. Now with the new application on 
Android, I have all of my 
presentations with wherever I go via my Samsung Note II. Consider following other professionals on 
Slideshare that are in your industry or an industry you want to learn more about. There are some 
people out there that are putting out some amazing presentations. By following their work you will 
sharpen your own digital marketing skills. 
Have you used any of these techniques? How have the results been? Are there other social selling 
tips you would add to my list that have worked for you? Comment below... 
Featured on: Sales Strategies
Maximize your Branding Efforts Using Twitter 
September 03, 2014 
i nShar e485 
Did you know? Twitter is now up to 271 million monthly active users, and there are 500 million 
tweets coming out daily! Twitter has a global presence with users spread out to all corners of the 
Twitter's mission statement: 
To give everyone the power to create and share 
ideas and information instantly, without barriers. 
Twitter is a unique social platform, that when used effectively, can be a tremendous asset in growing 
your personal brand. Are you using this incredible tool to grow your personal influence? Do you 
have a personal branding strategy on Twitter in place or are you just "on" Twitter? If you are just 
"on" Twitter then you are missing out on a huge opportunity to brand yourself among your 
colleagues, clients, and industry leaders. 
The first step to branding on Twitter is to implement a personal branding strategy. When 
developing your strategy here are a few things to consider: 
 Your target audience and the type of followers do you hope to attract 
 The message you are attempting to send to your followers about your professional brand 
 Clearly define your goals in terms of what you are trying to accomplish
Make sure that your profile is complete and ready to attract followers from your target 
market. In order to do so, you will want to put a powerful personal branding statement as your 
header. Need inspiration on developing a personal brand statement? Check out the many wonderful 
brand statements submitted from professionals all over the world for the recent Publishers & 
Bloggers: Global #Personal Brand Statement: CONTEST. The effectiveness of your brand statement 
will be a big determining factor in your ability to attract new followers. 
Secure your Twitter handle and make sure that it is effective in conveying your brand 
message. My Twitter handle is @juanblanco76. What's that, you don't think my Twitter handle 
reflects a brand message? Sure it does! I am fluent in Spanish and an expert in the Latino 
marketplace. Every time someone interacts with me on Twitter they are reminded of the fact that I 
am bilingual. Whether your account is for your business or a personal account, having a strategic 
Twitter handle that reflects your brand is critical. 
Become known as an industry expert by sharing value based content. Twitter is a great place to 
share your blog posts, company marketing materials, YouTube videos, or any other digital content 
that will enhance your image as a thought leader among your network. Utilizing Twitter for content 
sharing will greatly enhance the viewership, and get your message out to a wider audience. Make 
sure to use strategic hashtags to help your Tweets reach an even broader audience outside of your 
followers. Once your content starts getting favorited and re-Tweeted you will see the ripple effect 
take hold and the views on your content will skyrocket. The more you Tweet about the topics you 
want to be known for, the more impact you will have on your followers. Don't be shy! Tweet away! 
Follow both your current clients and perspective clients. One of the bi-laws of Twitter 
effectiveness is to SHARE other's content! Don't make it a one sided relationship. Make sure to 
interact your followers on their Tweets, and re-Tweet when appropriate. Engaging your target market 
via Twitter will help you stay top of mind with clients. 
Integrate Twitter into your other branding efforts. Make sure to link your Twitter account with 
your LinkedIn account. Add your Twitter handle to your email signature. Attach it to your website 
and to your blogs. Using Twitter sends a message to your clients that you are up to speed on 
technology and current trends. 
Share some personal Tweets as well. Twitter is an opportunity for you to get to know your network 
better, and for them to get to know you. It is a proven fact that people do business with people they 
like. Many times a personal Tweet about something non-business related will catch someone's 
attention if it is about something that they too are passionate about. Well done non-business related 
Tweets can be a valuable tool to build rapport with clients. 
Now it is time for your reaction to this article. Did you find this article helpful? Why or why not. 
Does anyone out there have any personal branding tips via Twitter that they have used that you 
would like add? Please comment below. 
Featured on: 
Careers: The Next Level Social Media
How to Take Your Content to #1 on LinkedIn 
May 05, 2014 
i nShar e1,047 
Within 30 days of receiving publishing credentials on LinkedIn, I had amassed 645,000 views on my 
first 8 articles. During this time, I increased my profile views from 135 the month before to just over 
6000 in April. That is an increase of 3921%! My number of followers jumped from 1650 to 7000. 
My posts were shared worldwide over 37,000 times. I received over 10,000 likes and thousands of 
comments on my posts. I used the additional exposure on LinkedIn to land a valuable public 
speaking engagement, increase leads for my company, close business deals, gain priceless validation 
on my work from CEO's at large companies, and increase my global network by thousands of 
professionals both inside and outside of my industry. 
To date, 3 of my articles have gone viral worldwide. In case you missed them, here they are: 
1) 7 Management Traits that Will Make All Your Employees Quit. 
2) 7 Management Traits that Will Help Retain Talented Employees. 
3) Valuable Business Strategies Every Company Could Learn From OtterBox. 
What did I do to take two of my articles to #1, and get such a huge month over month increase in all 
my LinkedIn KPI's? Here are 10 tips to help you do the same: 
1) If you have not done so already, apply for your own 
publishing privileges on LinkedIn. The process requires 
you to upload two pieces of your original writing material. 
LinkedIn also review your profile. The process took about 
two months for me. A wise man recently told me, "that if 
you are not promoting yourself, good luck, as nobody else 
is going to do it for you." 
2) Join the maximum number of groups allowed on 
LinkedIn (50). Put out your posts on as many groups as
possible that are a good fit for your 
material. However, don't let it be a one 
sided relationship. Make to sure to 
comment, like, and share other's 
content in your groups. This will only 
helps your exposure within the group. 
Other members are more willing to 
share your content if you engage with them on their own content. 
3) Use Twitter to broadcast your posts. There is a huge business audience on Twitter. Every time 
they favorite or retweet you your material goes out to thousands more people. Use hashtags in your 
posts in front of key words. Much like Google's algorithms that use keywords to rank your website 
on search lists, Twitter uses the hashtag along with key words to increase the distribution of a tweet 
out to a broader audience, which will exponentially increase the number of views on your content. 
Hashtags are not just to look cool with the younger generation! Unlike Facebook and LinkedIn, 
popular posts don't get re-circulated automatically on Twitter. Studies show that the average shelf life 
for a Twitter post is fifteen minutes. 
What's that? You don't have time to update Twitter multiple times per day? Me either! That's why I 
use Hoosuite to schedule my Tweets, and; automatically send them out at the scheduled times 
throughout the day. 
Of course, other social sites are very effective to grow the viewership on your LinkedIn content. 
However, I found that with Twitter, I got a substantially higher response rate to my posts. 
4) Use a catchy picture attached to your content. This one 
is huge! The picture draws people in and is many times the 
reason they click on your post. All three of my articles that 
went viral had catchy pictures, with Lumbergh from the 
Movie Office Space and Vince Lombardi the legendary 
Green Bay Packers coach on the "7 Manager Traits" 
articles, and then a picture of OtterBox's very unique and 
cool lobby. I mean, who doesn't like a picture of an office 
that has a huge metal slide with swimming Otters along 
side and an employee espresso bar? 
5) Network with others that are in your industry and that 
are putting out their own content. I have met several other 
bloggers that are putting out great material, have a large 
network of followers, and are looking to engage in 
mutually beneficial relationships with other bloggers. 
Once you have seen the value in each other’s work, begin sharing their content across your network, 
and have them do same with your content to their network.
6) Distribute your content at work. This one can be a little tricky. However, when the post is work 
related, it is absolutely appropriate to distribute it there. If your material can be a value add to a 
specific team or project, not only will they help with distribution by sharing it, you will gain 
exposure to other areas of the company. Word of mouth can be a very powerful marketing tool. I 
know that I picked up a significant lift in the viewership of my posts from my co-workers sharing it 
across their networks. When your coworkers endorse your work it adds substantial credibility. 
7) If there are people in your LinkedIn network that you think would 
benefit from a piece of your content, send it to them directly. When 
sharing your content there is an option to share with your network, 
groups, and individuals. Make sure to do all three. In regards to sending 
it to individuals, include a brief professional message stating what the 
content is that your are sharing with them, and what value they should 
expect to gain from reading it. This is a great way to stay top of mind 
with your network, and expand relationships with those that you would 
like to be doing business with that you are not currently. Occasionally, 
sending valuable content will help you stay in front of them of, and 
increase your credibility with your prospective customers. 
8) Interact with your audience. When you are lucky enough to get a comment on your post, do your 
best to engage with them by responding to as many of them as you can. I have learned a tremendous 
amount from interacting with the readers in the comment section. In one of my articles a reader aptly 
pointed out a typo in the article. I took advantage of the little edit button that comes along free with 
my account and went back in and changed it. So what, the first 5,000 viewers saw the typo. The next 
495,000 never knew it was there! Boom, take that print media! In all seriousness, interacting with 
your audience shows them that you appreciate the time it 
took them out of their busy day to read your post. Doing 
so builds a relationship with your audience which 
increases the chances that they will continue to read 
your subsequent posts, as well as, share your content 
with their own network. 
9) Put out quality content that your target audience will 
relate to and take value from. This may seem obvious. 
However, putting out content that will resonate with an audience is easier said than done. Once you 
begin blogging, you will become more of an expert in your own fields of interest from the research 
you put in while writing each article, and the quality of your content will improve over time. 
#10) Follow up with the people that view your profile. Profile views are like a warm lead. If the 
person that views your profile can add value to your network, add them as a connection. Do not send 
them a generic stock message. Make sure your message is customized, "Thank you for taking a few 
minutes out of your busy day to view my profile. I would be honored to be a part of your LinkedIn 
network. Please consider adding me so that we can collaborate professionally at some point in the
future." This is a great way to grow your network and follow up on potentially valuable leads. The 
other choice is to not contact the people that view your profile, and ignore the opportunity knocking. 
11) Send a professional message out to your top 100 power networkers using the mostviewed 
connections feature. This list can be found under the 
who's viewed your profile tab. Once you are there click 
on the "how you rank for profile views tab," in the 
upper right. Then click on "your connections" tab on the 
left underneath your profile picture. Make sure that that 
the message you send is reciprocal in nature by 
offering to help them by sharing their content, website, following them on Twitter, etc 
Why send a message out to your top 100? 
A) They are your most influential connections. When they share something people take notice. 
B) They typically will have massive networks. A share from someone in your top 100 can go a long 
way in terms of expanding the reach of the number of eyes on your content. 
12) If you have a global network that includes people in different time zones, make sure to repost 
your content late at night. This way people that are in a 
different area of the world that is active on LinkedIn 
while you may be sleeping has a chance to see it. Don't 
want to stay up late at night? Refer to #3 and use 
Hootsuite to schedule your posts. 
Now I'd be curious to hear from you. What methods 
have you used to grow your own network on LinkedIn? 
Please add to the conversation below!
11 Reasons NOT to Quit Facebook 
August 28, 2014 
i nShar e1,302 
Recently, there has been a lot of discussion and articles written on LinkedIn about reasons to quit 
Facebook. Some of these articles have received millions of views and sparked conversations running 
thousand of comments deep into the thread. It seems to be kind of hip and rebellious to quit 
Facebook. Some of the authors like to demonize Mark Zuckerberg. In their posts they put up horrible 
looking pictures of Zuck that are clearly just catching him at his worst possible look. The list of 
complaints range from those that cannot tolerate Facebook’s privacy policies. To those that are mad 
because they were forced to download a separate app on their smartphones for FB Messenger. For 
me, Facebook is a vital tool both personally and professionally. While I admit, I have a love/hate 
relationship with Facebook, and I have come close to canceling my account on a couple of occasions. 
Especially, when I made the mistake of accepting a random friend request from someone in high 
school that went horribly wrong.However, even in spite of having a run in with a stalker, I have 
remained loyal to Facebook. There are several reason why I like Facebook, and will continue to use it 
going forward. 
1) Great tool for those that don't get out much. If you are really busy like me Facebook can be my 
only view to the outside world at times. 
2) Customizable news feed allows me to stay in touch with what is important to me. My news feed 
enables me to get updates on breaking news stories, local events, things that are trending, and content 
from sources I want to see. Yes, I get there are paid adds, etc. Thats's why they invented scrolling. 
3) Facebook is fantastic for sharing pictures and other digital content. I love being able to share 
pictures easily with my network. Yes, most of the pictures I share are of my two cute daughters ages 
1 and 5. It is also great for sharing links with beautiful looking previews.
4) Stay in touch with friends overseas. I remember in the 90's it took a month or more for my 
letters to reach my friends in Spain, and forget calling them because that used to cost of fortune!. 
Now, I can view their pictures, comment on their status, and chat with them in real time and 
its FREE. There really isn't much of a better altnernative to Facebook for international messaging. 
There was WhatsApp. However, we all that Facebook paid a huge sum to acquire them not too long 
5) Adding another app is not that big of a deal to me. So, what you had to download another app 
to do the messenger. Maybe, it was a way to make the platform more stable by offloading the 
substantial added traffic that their instant messenger creates? 
6) Personal group of trusted friends and family can be leveraged for insight. Except for the 
occasional random from high school turned stalker, I don't accept friend requests from people outside 
of my close circle of friends, colleagues, and family. 
7) If you are in business you would be crazy to quit Facebook. Facebook has 800 million active 
users! The target market for your company lies somewhere within those 800,000,000. 
8) I have found memories of the past in high school, college, road trips, concerts, games, hikes, and 
camping trips. Besides, Throwback Thursday is fun.
9) Easy party invitations. Facebook makes putting out party invitations a breeze. 
10) Music! I can easily track the happenings of all my favorite bands in one place. I have a lot of 
friends who are professional musicians in various areas of the world. Facebook sure does make it 
easier to hear their stuff when I am 1000's of miles away. 
11) Funny videos. Ok, there are some really lame ones too. However, when I am having a bad day 
or need a laugh, I know I can rely on a someone posting a funny video on Facebook to lighten my 
At the end of the day, for me, the good far outweighs the bad with Facebook. How has your 
experience been? Are you ready to quit because they "forced you to download an app you didn't want 
gosh darn it!" Or do you see the value in the platform like I do? Weigh in here... 
Featured on: Social Media
Enhance Your Company's Visibility Using Instagram 
September 15, 2014 
i nShar e376 
We live in a very visual world. Gadgets that are visually stimulating are dominating the tech 
marketplace, from high definition flat screen monitors and TVs, iPads, larger screen smartphones, 
and now even smartwatches. Our interpretation of the world we live in and the way we take 
information is largely visual. Is your company doing all it can to use pictures and video to engage 
your customers and enhance your company's brand image? If not, consider using these tips to 
increase your company's visibility using Instagram.
Post inspirational pictures that reflect your company's branding 
tegy. What is it that you want to be known for? Post pictures and videos that will inspire your 
customers and promote your company's competitive advantages and brand image. OtterBox is a 
company that does an amazing job inspiring their customers and promoting their brand via 
Instagram. I sum up OtterBox's brand message as "customers can take their tech anywhere using their 
amazingly protective cases." Their imagery reflects their brand message and inspires people to take 
their tech with them on their adventures using an OtterBox case. Check out OtterBox's Instagram 
page here. 
Create a customer photo contest. (it is best to have at least a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place 
prizes). Encourage your customers to submit photos of themselves using your product or service. 
Then promote the contest via your other social media pages such as Facebook and Twitter. Not only 
does this build engagement with existing customers, but it gives you a very powerful marketing tool 
to acquire new customers. 
If you are landscaper, home builder, architect, interior design, or any other service company that does 
improvement projects, consider posting before and after photos.There is no other greater and more 
powerful way to showcase your work.
Showcase photos of your employees. Doing so gives your customers an inside view into your 
company's operations. It shows the hard work that your employees put into creating a top quality 
product, and the process behind it. Not only does this bring your customers closer to your brand, it 
gives them a greater appreciation of the quality of your work. Additionally, your employees will 
appreciate the recognition. 
Give your company a cutting edge image by using the latest and greatest applications from 
Instagram like Hyperlapse. Traditional, time lapse videos require holding your phone or camera still. 
Hyperlapse possesses amazing stabilization technology that enables people to create while moving! 
The result is a beautifully clear video with a cutting edge cinematic feel to it. Learn more here:
Connect your Facebook page, and engage your followers by sharing their pictures on your company 
FB page. Follow your followers back and make an effort to like and comment on their content. Use 
popular hashtags to expand the reach of your posts. 
Lastly, get inspiration and ideas from other popular brands that you admire. Implement those ideas 
into your company's strategy. 
Now I will turn it over to you. Are you currently using Instagram as a part of you company's 
marketing mix? If not, has this article inspired you to do so? Why or why not? 
Featured on: Marketing & Advertising Social Media
Q&A with Social Media Mega Influencer: Viveka von 
August 25, 2014 
 1,940 
 24Likers 
 12Comments 
i nShar e317 
When I joined LinkedIn six years ago, like many new users I was clueless. Not to mention,I wasn't 
even on Twitter yet! Lucky for me, I quickly came across Viveka von Rosen's profile. I started 
following her immediately, and began to implement her social media tips into my own strategy. 
Since then, I have used Viveka's pro tips on social marketing, selling, networking, LinkedIn profile 
enhancement, prospecting to enterprise, and to name a few. Using Viveka's tips, I have been able to 
substantially enhance my effectiveness as a sales and digital marketing executive. I have used 
LinkedIn, and other social channels to generate leads, establish key business relationships that have 
lead to closed deals, publish articles that have been read by over 1 million viewers, start a group of 
LinkedIn's most well respected authors, and create blogging opportunities on other websites. Without 
a doubt, Viveka has been a very influential person on my career. 
So, when I recently got the opportunity to meet Viveka in person for coffee, I was very excited! The 
conversation that ensued was absolutely amazing, and I was thrilled at the opportunity to go back and 
forth live in person with my favorite social media strategist and mentor. For a highlight of our
conversation see below. But first, here is Viveka's bio and the reasons why she is one of social 
media's most influential. 
Viveka's Bio: 
Viveka is known internationally as the "LinkedIn Expert” and speaks to business owners, 
corporations, Legal Firms and associations on the benefits of marketing with social media, 
and in particular LinkedIn. 
Author of “LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour A Day” for John Wiley & Sons, she is also a 
regular source on LinkedIn for prestigious news outlets such as Forbes, Money Magazine,,,, CNN and The Miami Herald. 
Viveka is the host of the biggest LinkedIn chat on Twitter:#LinkedInChat (Recently quoted 
by Mashable as one of the top 10 business blogs) and co-moderator of LinkedStrategies, the 
largest LinkedIn strategy group on LinkedIn. She is constantly learning, sharing and 
transferring social media skills and strategies to her tribe. 
Viveka has 30,000+ first level connections and a network of over 31 million people on 
LinkedIn, and 52,000+ followers on Twitter. Her seminars, webinars and workshops have 
taught and trained well over 100,000 people. (including me!) 
She was also recently listed: 
 Forbes 10 Most Influential Women in Social Media (2014) 
 Forbes 20 Most Influential Women in Social Media (2011, 2012, 2013) 
 Forbes 50 Most Influential People in Social Media (2011, 2012, 2013) 
 TopRank’s 25 Women Who Rock Social Media in (2011, 2012, 2013) 
 Evan Carmichael’s 2012 Top 100 Leadership Experts to Follow on Twitter (2011, 2012, 2013) 
 Big Money Web’s 200 Most Fearless Women Online 
 Listed by Mari Smith as having the niche quality of a social media superstar
You have a very interesting job. Can you tell us a bit about your business, as well as, the 
favorite aspect about what you do? 
Since I’m the kind of person who gets bored in about 30 seconds doing the same thing, I 
think one of the aspects I like most about my business is that its always changing. In any 
given day I will do a 1 on 1 consultation with an amazing author or executive, teach a few 
thousand people how to use LinkedIn on a webinar and write a blog post for the Social 
Media Examiner. And then there’s the travel – which I love. I get to meet so many amazing 
people – many of whom I already knew through Social Media. 
You've traveled all over the world to spread your knowledge of LinkedIn and social media to 
millions of professionals. Out of all the places you've traveled, what is your favorite spot and 
Do I have to pick just one? I’ve been so fortunate this year, traveling to Victoria and 
Vancouver, BC; to Puerto Vallarta and Auckland, as well as some pretty amazing places in 
the States like San Diego, Boston, New Orleans and NYC. But since you asked – this year
my favorite place was Auckland. Its beautiful, the people are amazing and its very tech 
savvy. And they have really good honey! 
-Viveka in Action in Aucklund 
Out of all the places you've been, I'm sure that not everything has always gone to plan. What is 
the most unusual thing that has ever happened to you while on the road for work? 
Well – I think the trip to Puerto Vallarta. I was there with some pretty heavy social media 
hitters – it was amazing. So even though the Conference organizers skipped out on paying 
our fees and expenses, it was totally worth it getting to hang out and drink copious amounts 
of Tequila with folks like Andrea Vahl, Lon Safko, Brian Massey and Jamie Turner (and 
their equally amazing spouses). We really formed a bond – totally worth the lost wages! 
What do you like to do when you're not traveling around the globe? What are your hobbies? 
Well – I try to get away from it all when I’m not working, so I likehiking near my house in 
Colorado. We also try and take a few camping trips away from cell service a few times a 
year! And there is the great skiing. It’s my goal to get my legs back and master those bumps 
this year! I am so blessed to live here. I also got my PADI certification last year so I have 
been diving like a crazy woman wherever and whenever I can! I’ve been fortunate to add a 
few days of diving on to some of myspeaking gigs too!
What does the future hold for social media and digital marketing? How will it affect the way 
we do business in 5-10 years? 
I don’t think we’ll recognize it. I’m not sure what will influence the future more – hardware 
or software. You see things like Oculus Rift that popped up seemingly over night and that’s 
got to have a massive effect on the direction we’ll go. But then again,when I was in 
Auckland the other Keynote Speaker was Dr. MarkSagar who introduced the first fully 
responsive, CGI AI baby. The emotions it evoked in its responses to the audience 
were amazing! So stuff like that will have an effect too. I can barely tell you what next year 
will bring – much less 5-10 years! Crazytech. AI responsiveness, fully adaptive and 
responsive systems. It’s amazing! 
What is your latest hot tip for LinkedIn effectiveness? 
To steal a phrase from Bryan Seely (who has the funniest profile on LinkedIn), be 
boldly humble. Be bold. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people. Make connection. Get 
introductions. Ask for help. Just don’t blatantly push your wares on your unsuspecting 
audience. And then when you are approached or engage with folks, be humble. Listen. Try 
and be of service. LinkedIn gives you lots of tools to help you do this – groups is a great 
place to be both bold and humble! LinkedIn is a tool. Its just another channel you can use 
to communicate with the people that can help you grow you. I think my best advice is "Just 
use it." A little bit everyday goes a long, long way. 
Final Thoughts... 
With as busy as Viveka is leading webinars, giving presentations, publishing books, traveling for 
business, and and keeping up with a global client base, I am very honored that she would take the 
time to meet with me. It's not everyday that you get to meet an online mentor with Viveka's stature 
live and in person. 
However, when meeting someone that you've only met online you find yourself wondering are they 
going to live up to the expectations I've created for them and will they be as good in person as they 
appear to be online? Well, all I can say is that Viveka delivered in a big way! I found her to be
energetic, creative, engaging, knowledgeable, and just plain fun to hangout with! You know what the 
best part is? I'm on her calendar again next month! 
Please do see the links above in Viveka's bio to follow her influential social media strategies. 
Your career will thank you later!
Global #Personal Brand Statement: CONTEST! 
July 30, 2014 
 3,362 
 67Likers 
 79Comments 
i nShar e740 
Who are you? More specifically, what is your personal brand statement? If you are at anetworking 
event and you are next in line to shake the CEO's hand, do you have impactful statement about 
yourself that he or she would remember you by? Do you have a powerful brand statement at the top 
of your resume and LinkedIn profile that catches people's attention and makes them want to continue 
If you don't have a catchy personal brand 
statement, chances are the people you meet are 
forgetting you. They are clicking off your LinkedIn 
profile, because they quickly became uninterested. 
Last but not least, your resume is being discarded. 
In today's busy world many times you only have a 
few seconds to impress the people that you would 
like to be doing business with or working for. If 
you don't have a strong statement about yourself 
they will lose interest and move on. 
A personal brand statement is a vision of how you see yourself and your unique skill set. It is a bold 
statement of the value you can bring to the table in a business relationship. The brand you put out to 
the world reflects your reputation and image as an expert within your sphere of influence. Your brand 
statement should be a consistent message that you can project across all of your social media and 
digital channels. 
Now for the contest. Here is how it works:
What do you need to do to enter? 
Submit your personal brand statement in the comment section of this article. Then click "like" and 
share this article with your network. Your brand statement should be 30 words or less. 
Our Panel from Publishers & Bloggers 
I have assembled an esteemed panel of 7 elite professionals that are thought leaders within their 
industry that will decide on the winner. Our panelists include a former United States Assistant 
Secretary of Transportation, social media guru, global construction expert, 3 time #1 hit author on 
LinkedIn, world renowned author and career coach, a dynamic change agent, and MORE! For 
details, click on their profiles, view and follow their Twitter accounts, and read their articles on 
LinkedIn. They are published authors whose works have been shared across various world renown 
media channels. Collectively, we are members of a passionate group of authors and digital content 
enthusiasts: Publishers and Bloggers. 
What do you get if you win? 
If the panelists pick your personal brand statement as the best 
and most creative, you win a TREMENDOUS AMOUNT 
OF EXPOSURE for your brand statement, and profile on 
LinkedIn. Collectively, the panel has over 80,000 global 
followers on LinkedIn. The winning brand statement, as well 
as, a link to the winners LinkedIn profile and Twitter page will 
be shared on each of the panelists' personal LinkedIn page, the 
Publishers & Bloggers group page, and on this article. (I will 
go back in to the article and edit it to highlight the winner's 
brand statement and profile). A winner will be picked after 7 
days. The winner's brand statement, LinkedIn profile, and 
Twitter handle will be broadcasted out for the entire world to 
see! Within the 80,000 people in the panelists' combined networks, there are a tremendous amount of 
high quality professionals, industry leaders, media experts, CEO's, and MORE. All of whom the 
winner's brand will be exposed to. 
Dr. Oliver McGee on @LinkedIn 
Read Dr. McGee's Articles 
"Partnership Possibilities for America, Invested in (STEEP) Giving 
Forward (" 
Elizabeth Dehn on @LinkedIn 
Read Elizabeth's articles
"Engaging professional communications and digital marketing specialist, focused on 
altrocentricism and sustainability. Attracting a network of professionals and 
organizations with similar plights to connect them for further good." 
John White on @LinkedIn 
Read John's Articles 
"Innovative B2B sales and digital marketing executive with a keen ability to develop 
valuable business relationships and create viral content across #social media." 
Prakashan B.V on @LinkedIn 
Read Prakashan's articles
"Harnessing the power of LinkedIn by posting inspirational articles from own 
experiences. Techno-commercial professional involved in promoting technology 
useful for society, construction, and engineering industry related services, products, 
solutions and software." 
Genevieve Flight on @LinkedIn 
Read Genevieve's Articles 
"I energize, focus and align my clients using my holistic insight, 
intuitive and innovative Mind to help clients achieve their dreams & 
goals while shining their 'light' wherever they go." 
Paul Drury on @LinkedIn 
Read Paul's Articles
"An adventurous monkey, not afraid of swinging onto new branches 
before knowing whether they will hold his weight." 
John Graffio on LinkedIn 
Read John's articles 
"Visionary thinker who inspires the mind through 
writing, art, science and literature in order to inspire 
others in their quests." 
Now we would like to hear from #YOU! Remember to add your personal brand statement in the 
comment section, then click like, and share the article. We look forward to reading your brand 
statements! May the best and most creative brander win! 
There were some amazing personal brand statements entered in the contest. After a very difficult 
decision, the panelists voted Whitney L. White as the winner of the first ever Global #Personal Brand 
Statement: CONTEST! Great job and congratulations, Whitney. See below for the winning brand 
statement, as well as, links to both Whitney's LinkedIn profileand Twitter page.
Whitney L. White 
"Digitally-driven to deliver durable 
career advice for #millennials by a 
shatterproof bond to social media.
Passionate for helping others overcome 
barriers, reach their goals, and live to 
tweet about it!" 
Chapter 4: Sales Strategies
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
John White professional portfolio
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John White professional portfolio

  • 2. My name is John White. I am a creative and innovative digital marketing and social sales executive with a proven track record of consistently exceeding goals and producing viral content that gets shared 1000’s of times across the internet. My specializations include B2B marketing, viral content creation, email marketing, online engagement, SEO, social media marketing, and blogging. I have 16,000+ followers of my blogs on LinkedIn, and have been featured 19 times on Pulse. Three of my articles have gone to #1 on LinkedIn. My blogs have been 1,250,000 views with an average viewership of 33,000 per article. Additionally, I write blogs for Dice and Career Tool Box. I was recently featured guest on the global #LinkedinChat on Twitter, and interviewed by the Sales Foundry for a podcast on social media selling via iTunes . In addition to my blogging endeavors , I am an Enterprise Marketing and Sales Executive for Skybeam. My role is to drive new sales for our enterprise grade services by creating engaging marketing campaigns including email marketing, digital presentations, social media, blogs, and online content creation. My marketing content for is used by our enterprise direct sales team, as well as, by our indirect sales channel partners across 14 states. I am key content contributor to my company’s social media accounts including Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Additionally, also a content contributor to the company website Faster than Fiber. I am enrolled at Regis University in their executive MBA program. My emphasis is in marketing. This year completed the marketing specialization portion of the program. I have 3 general MBA courses remaining and I will graduate in spring 2015. I live with my wife and 2 daughters in historic downtown Fort Collins, CO. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, hiking, camping, playing tennis, and traveling. Thank you for your interest in my content, and I look forward to chatting with you. Best Regards, John White 970-692-3270
  • 3. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Corporate Leadership Volume 1: 7 Management Traits that will Make All Your Employees Quit Volume 2: 7 Management Traits of Great Leaders Volume 3: Inspirational Leaders vs Micro Managers Volume 4: 7 Signs it is Time to Quit your Job Chapter 2: Trending Topics in Business Volume 1: Is Going Green Profitable Volume 2: 7 Sings Your Prospective Employer Has a Toxic Culture Volume 3: Using Social Innovation to Seize Competitive Advantage Volume 4: Obesity is a Market Failure Volume 5: Benefits of Being Bilingual Volume 6: Ethical Business vs Maximizing Profits Chapter 3: Digital Marketing and Social Media Volume 1: Use these B2B Social Engagement Tips to Generate More Leads Volume 2: Maximize Your Branding Efforts Using Twitter Volume 3: How to Take Your Content to #1 on LinkedIn
  • 4. Volume 4: 11 Reason Why I am NOT Quitting Facebook Volume 5: Enhance Your Company’s Visibility Using Instagram Volume 6: Q&A with Social Media Mega Influencer: Viveka von Rosen Volume 7: Global #Personal Brand Statement: CONTEST Chapter 4: Sales Strategies Volume 1: Best Practices for Selling B2B Tech Solutions Volume 2: 6 Behaviors that will Cost you the B2B Deal Volume 3: Does Social Selling Really Work? Chapter 5: Technology and Communication Volume 1: Big Data, Can Your Company Support These Bandwidth Intensive Business Applications? Volume 2: The Future of Enterprise Broadband Volume 3: iPad Best Practices for B2B Sales Teams Chapter 6: Productivity Tips Volume 1: Turbo Charge Your Time Management with These Tips Chapter 7: In Spanish Volume 1: Los Beneficios de Ser Bilingue en los Negocios
  • 5. Chapter 1: Corporate Leadership
  • 6. 7 Management Traits That Will Make All Your Employees Quit April 28, 2014  615,173 Views  6,736 Likes  1,881 Comments i nShar e23K Have you ever had a REALLY bad boss? Well I have. This individual drove everybody out and the company had to close the regional office, because everyone quit or was fired. I quit after being there for just 6 months; and, only days after being recognized as the region's top new sales professional. I couldn't take it any longer! This job was so bad that I don't even list it on my resume or LinkedIn profile. Nothing was done to fix the situation, even after several people complained to HR, and one individual recorded a meeting in which he was verbally assaulted and threatened. Here are some traits that my former manager exemplified that led to the shutdown of the office and the mass exodus of employees. Micro Management Nobody likes to be micro managed. Be a leader not a micro manager. Be someone that your employees admire and want to work hard for. Do this by leading by example with your work ethic, integrity, and by treating people with respect. Do not constantly threaten people with their job. If this is your idea of coaching your team, then you should not be in management. As the boss you should be the teacher and find ways to help people improve. Managing by fear will make your employees resent you and the company. The first chance they get they will jump ship. My old boss locked the back door, so we had to pass by his office every time we left the office so he could keep tabs on us.
  • 7. Create Office Politics This manager pitted his people against one another. He told one person one thing that someone said and then told the other person the same thing. Office politics kill morale and as the manager you should be doing things to prevent it not perpetuate it. Don't be vindictive. Create a positive environment where people want to come to everyday. Lie and Be Unprofessional to Customers I caught this individual lying to customers on more than one occasion. Additionally, in a meeting with a CFO of a local company, he was so mean and rude that she actually threw the quote across the table at him. Then she kicked us out of her office, said she would NEVER do business with us, and told us to not come back. Yes, this was the low point of my career. It was truly an out of body experience. Air Your Dirty Laundry at the Office My former manager was always telling us about the drama that was happening at his house between him and his wife. Imagine that, his wife didn't like him either. It made everyone uncomfortable and resent him even more. Gripe About Your Employees Working Hard if You Are Not Yourself We caught him watching YouTube videos all the time in his office. Then he would take every chance he could get to tell us all how worthless we all were and that we weren't working hard enough. Abrasive Communication He used to curse during meetings at employees and use public humiliation to put people down. Again, do this and your employees will quit. Arrogance Nobody likes someone that is a know it all and can do no wrong. Don't take all the credit when things go right and then be the first to pass blame when things go wrong. Have you ever had that pit in your stomach develop on Sunday just from the thought that Monday is only a day away; and, you know you have to go back to work? Well, I am glad I don't have it anymore! That place is my rear view mirror. If your manager exemplifies some of these traits, maybe just anonymously drop a copy of this article on his or her desk.
  • 8. 7 Management Traits of Great Leaders May 01, 2014  173,751 Views  3,301 Likes  613 Comments i nShar e12K A few days ago, I published an article titled, "7 Management Traits That Will Make All Your Employees Quit." Now it is time to look at the other side of the coin. The previous column sparked a tremendous conversation surrounding leadership. Several commentators made the point that they don't think bad leaders are capable of change. I'm not so sure about that. I think people can evolve professionally and as a leader, just like they do elsewhere in life. Consider this quote from, Vince Lombardi, the legendary football coach of the Green Bay Packers, "leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile." I believe that with some effort put forth everyone can improve their leadership skills. That said, here are some managerial traits that good leaders exhibit that I think will encourage employees to stick around for the long haul. Be Supportive A good manager gives his/her employees the tools they need to be successful. A bad manager assigns tasks with little or no direction, and then becomes upset when the employee doesn't meet the expectation. Remember the Seinfeld episode where George doesn't hear his boss' instructions, but he is too afraid of what his boss might do if he asks for clarification? He spends the whole week pretending to know what to do. Two words come to mind here, lost productivity. Be approachable so your employees feel they can ask questions. Understand and Harness the Power of Praise Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective tools for a person in a leadership role. One of the biggest complaints from people that hate their jobs is they never receive any credit for a job well done. If you want your employees to like working for you and to perform their best, try giving them an atta a boy every once in a while when they do well. Nobody likes to work in a thankless environment.
  • 9. Lead By Example If you want your employees to take you seriously you must lead by example. If they question your work ethic, integrity, or skill to get the job done, then they are far less likely to do their best work themselves. As a leader you need to be blazing the path for success. If you are one of those managers that comes in late and leaves early, then you might want to rethink the example you are setting for your employees. Show Appreciation by Hosting Some Team Building Events Too many companies have cut out the Christmas party. Even if you don't do a Christmas party, you should put on some events throughout the year to show appreciation and increase morale. If there are budgetary concerns just do something simple. My company has an employee pot luck once every couple of months. Employees bring in dishes from home and then management buys the rest at a local grocery store. It is far from extravagant but the employees really enjoy it. It is a great way for the employees to get to know one another and feel a sense of community at the work place. Listen to Your Employees Make sure your employees’ voices are heard. In order to foster an environment of innovation, management must be open to their employees’ ideas. Nothing stifles progress more than shooting down your employees every idea. Pretty soon they will not even offer them. This will lead to stagnation within your company. Also, consider distributing an anonymous employee satisfaction survey. This will measure the temperature of your employees. If there are action items that need to be addressed they can be identified and action can be taken to improve the work environment. Companies that don't survey their employees are running the risk of never knowing what the problems are within the company. Thus, they have no way of fixing them. Be Generous by Offering Incentives for Longevity Studies show that companies that offer incentives for longevity have a greater retention rate. Whether it is a raise, bonus, additional time off, a better title, or a combination of the aforementioned, incentives for long tenure should be a part of your employee retention strategy. Be Authoritative Just like in my previous article when I discussed how nobody likes a micromanaging jerk, they don't like a wimpy pushover for a boss either. You can be authoritative; and, still go about it with integrity and respect. Your employees need to know that there is someone very competent at the helm. I
  • 10. guarantee you that Lombardi's players knew who the boss was, and they respected him for the hard work he put in. Well there you have it. Last time, many of you said that you learned the most from a negative experience on what not to do. Can we learn just as much from a top performing manager as we can from the worst one? I also heard from a lot of you that were like me, and; had an experience with a bad boss. Have you had an experience with a good boss that has helped you develop your own management style? If so, what attributes did they exemplify? "Perfection is not attainable. But if we chase it, we can catch excellence." Vince Lombardi
  • 11. Inspirational Leaders vs Micro Managers October 09, 2014  7,791 Views  565 Likes  82 Comments i nShar e1,820 My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to make them better. - Steve Jobs Recently, I published two articles regarding corporate management strategies, and the impact they have on a company's effectiveness. The first article titled, "7 Management Traits that Will Make All Your Employees Quit," addressed how poor management can lead to a high employee turnover rate. In this article, I told the story about how a bad manager I had in the past caused all the employees to quit and led to the shutdown of a regional office. In the second article titled, "7 Traits of Great Leaders," I discussed the flip side of the equation on how good management encourages employee retention, increases productivity, and promote innovation. The response I got from readers was tremendous. The articles inspired a very fruitful conversation surrounding the qualities between effective leaders vs failing managers.
  • 12. “People do not quit companies, they quit their managers.” I heard this comment over and over again from readers. People chimed in from all of the world regarding their personal experiences with a bad manager. It was interesting to hear the stories on bad management. Clearly, bad management is an epidemic in the corporate world. Companies need to invest in mentoring their managers; and, giving them the training they need to be a leader and not just a boss. Consider these fundamental character differences between leadership vs management.
  • 13. I also heard many stories from readers that have been inspired by having a great leader in their career. A positive experience with a leader creates tremendous loyalty to their company, and inspires people to do their best. The impact a great leader has on their employees sticks with them for their entire career. Bad managers can leave emotional scars on people for many years. However, there is also a lot that can learned from them. Bad managers teach people what not to do once they get into a management position. In late 2013, Gallup released the results of their two year long study regarding the state of the American worker. Part of the study involved polling 1 million employed U.S. workers from all over the USA. The data from the survey confirmed that the No. 1 reason people quit their job is due to bad management. Another of the findings from Gallup, is that the productivity of poorly managed employees is 50 percent less than well managed. Additionally, well managed employees are 56 percent more profitable than poorly managed. Clearly, bad managers can cause a substantial negative hit to the company bottom line. Poor management also leads to low employee morale, causes employees added stress that can sometimes lead to serious health issues, decreases productivity, and leads to high turnover. Great leadership promotes a company culture that is rich in innovation which increases the company bottom line and helps create a sustainable business model. Of the approximately 100 million people in America who hold full-time jobs, 30 million (30%) are engaged and inspired at work, so we can assume they have a great boss. At the other end of the spectrum are roughly 20 million (20%) employees who are actively disengaged. These employees, who have bosses from hell that make them miserable, roam the halls spreading discontent. Gallup CEO Jim Clifton I love this quote from Gallup's CEO! However, when I was dealing with a bad boss, I not only roamed the halls at work spreading discontent, I was spreading discontent everywhere I went. In my case the bad situation at work began negatively affecting me in all areas of my life. The Bottom Line: Great leaders inspire people and make the company money and bad leaders tear down people and the company, piece by piece. Companies need to be able to recognize the signs of bad management. Then take action to either improve the manager's skills, or find someone else that would be a better fit for the role. What has been your experience with a great leader or a bad manager? Were you inspired by the great leader? Did a bad manager teach you "what not to do?" Please continue to move this very important conversation forward by adding in your personal experiences and opinions below. Featured on: Leadership & Management
  • 14. 7 Signs it is Time to Quit your Job July 21, 2014  401,696 Views  1,873 Likes  534 Comments i nShar e5,927 A while back, I wrote an article titled, "7 Management Traits that Will Make All Your Employees Quit." The article produced an amazing conversation surrounding the traits of both effective and ineffective managers that is now 1800 comments deep. Many people were very gracious to share their personal experiences and stories from their careers. In that article, I described a brutal management style that led to all the employees in the regional office to either quit or get fired. In case you missed it here is the link: 7 Management Traits That Will Make All Your Employees Quit Today, I am going to share with you the story of the day I quit, and provide a few of the signs I experienced that told me it was time to get out of there. When I left this company, for the first time in my life I didn't give two weeks notice. Nor did I type up a thoughtful resignation letter thanking them for the opportunity like I had with other companies I left in the past. When I got to the office on the day I quit I was both nervous and anxious, because my boss was very unpredictable. He had shown violent tendencies in the office, as well as, told stories about his violent past. I think the crazy and violent stories he told us were designed to intimidate us, and it worked. I had no idea how he was going react to the news that I was quitting. I made sure to get to the office before he did so I could have all my stuff packed up and ready to go. When he got there I told him right away. He became very upset and irrational. He threw out some major verbal insults my way. However, at least I got out of there without him inflicting any physical violence on me! Yes, I know that leaving without giving a two week notice is very unprofessional. However, the company had shown me no respect, and degraded me to the point that I honestly could not stay there a second longer. The day I quit that job was one of the most liberating experiences in my life. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. As I was leaving, when I got to the lobby area I had a quick decision to make, take the elevator or the stairs. I quickly decided to take the stairs as I could hit them running. I didn't want to wait for the elevator! The feeling I got once I made it to my car and started to drive away was amazing. I truly felt a sense of freedom like I had never felt before!
  • 15. I had decided to pick up my daughter from daycare, and take her up to Horsetooth Reservoir (pictured here) to go swimming! The next few days were spent relaxing with my family and preparing to move on professionally. This is important, If you quit your job make sure to schedule some time to relax and spend time with your loved ones before starting the new job. If you need help with transitioning or finding a new job check out Mae Chapman's plan. I'm not advocating quitting your job. However, if you are experiencing some or all of the symptoms I have listed below, it might be time to weigh your options: 1) You can't sleep at night due to the stress and thought of having to go into work the next day. The stress and lack of sleep really began to negatively affect my health. 2) The stress from the job makes you irritable and cranky around your family and friends. I was no fun to be around during this time. This job was so stressful that it started tonegatively affect the relationships with my loved ones. 3) The job has zapped all the life out of you. You are tired all the time and lack the motivation you once had. This can happen when your company has no policy or no intention of ever implementing a work/life balance program for employees. 4) You don't agree with the corporate culture or the direction the company is headed. In my case, the culture was a turn and burn environment. They had a high pressure environment, and we lived in constant fear of losing our jobs. There was no value placed in sales professionals, and the place was a revolving door. 5) Your ideas are not being heard, and your work is not valued. Many companies do a very poor job of recognizing their employees for their hard work and accomplishments. They don't have any concept of the value in saying thank you. 6) The "good old boys club" at the top has made it impossible for advancement. Nobody likes to work in a situation when they know where there is no chance that they can advance within the company. If you see a pattern of upper management hiring their friends over more qualified candidates this is a sign that your company has a "good old boys club." 7) You are the victim of verbal abuse, sexual harassment, or other types of illegal behavior. At the job I quit, I was bullied and verbally abused by my old boss. HR was no help and upper management turned a blind eye to it. DO NOT put up with this! For me quitting that poisonous job was the one of the best decisions I ever made. Today, I'm in a much better place professionally at Skybeam . I am far less grouchy and stressed. Additionally, I am sleeping much better, and my family likes me a lot more these days. Why did you quit your last job?
  • 16. Was it because of any of the scenarios I described above? Has the grass been greener at your new job or do you regret your decision to leave? Featured on: Your Career
  • 17. Chapter 2: Trending Topics in Business
  • 18. Is Going Green Profitable? October 01, 2014  2,145 Views  468 Likes  56 Comments i nShar e94 Sustainability is a trending topic within companies of all sizes throughout the world. Many companies have come to the realization that traditional methods of doing business are not as effective as they once were. Thus, they have turned to sustainability to seek more effective ways of doing business. Sustainability in Business Defined: Sustainability in business occurs when the economic, environmental, ethical, and social facets of an organization are working together synchronously to obtain maximum efficiency and social responsibility for the long term. Executive Overview:
  • 19. There is a movement to look to the tech industry to find more innovative and efficient production methods to enhance profits and position the company for long term growth. Consider these facts and trends regarding sustainability within the global business arena: • 76 percent of executives surveyed say sustainability contributes positively to shareholder value in the long term, and 50 percent see short-term value creation (McKinsey & Company). • $1 out of every $9 under professional management in the United States now involves an element of ―socially responsible investment‖ (Geoffrey Heal, Columbia Business School). • Over 2,600 organizations registered sustainability reports with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) through 2010 . • Over 3,000 organizations voluntarily submitted data regarding greenhouse gas emissions to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in 2010 ( To accomplish sustainability companies must consider the needs of all stakeholders including their customer, employees, shareholders, and the communities in which they operate. Running a socially responsible company, improving performance, and increased profits are the upsides of sustainable business. Challenges will include incorporating sustainability into the company culture, decision making, operations, and materials. Additionally, new roles would need to be defined to ensure that sustainable business practices are being implemented, monitored, and tracked. Potential Gains from Sustainability So, why are so many companies investing in the future by deploying sustainable business practices within their company and what are some of the perceived benefits? There are many potential benefits to implementing a sustainability strategy: · Reduced Costs in Doing Business · Enhanced Operational Efficiency · Improved Worker Safety · Less Waste · Improved Community Relations · Enhanced Worker Productivity · Encourages Innovation within Company ( Consider these case studies and the associated benefits: Advanced Composite Structures: Lean Manufacturing
  • 20. “Using the Value Mapping Process, New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership analyzed and reviewed the production process and the layout of the company’s production area. ACS was able to eliminate excess movement, materials, and tooling to help create a more streamlined product flow. The company reduced costs by 65%, increased production from 20 units per shift to 45 units per shift, reduced its production facility size by 73%, and reduced scrap rates from 24% to 1.8%.” Besam North America/Assa Abloy: Energy Management “NC State University Industrial Assessment Center and the NC State Industrial Extension Service’s E3 (Economy, Energy, and Environment) initiative collaborated to provide Besam with targeted energy, waste, and productivity surveys. Besam followed several recommendations from the energy management survey, including replacement of metal halide lighting with fluorescent fixtures with occupancy sensors, installation of high efficiency lamps and electronic ballasts with occupancy sensors, reduction of compressor air pressure, and repair of compressed air leaks. Total annual savings from these efforts was 233,555 kWh/$25,776.” Bureau of Land Management: Energy Savings Performance Contract “The U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) successfully implemented an energy savings performance contract (ESPC) with Johnson Controls, Inc. (JCI) to implement energy efficiency improvements at remote BLM sites. This $3.6 million project covered small BLM facilities across six western states (Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Wyoming), which make up half of the states that the BLM covers. In addition to energy savings, BLM achieved the following emissions reductions.” ( Concerns Regarding Sustainability Sustainability practices can be costly to implement. Many times the past data needed in order to properly measure the effectiveness of the programs is not available. In order measure the effectiveness of sustainability companies will need to add additional head count. Additionally, the metrics that need to be measured can be complex and confusing on how they relate to business. There is no guarantee that consumers will respond positively towards sustainability efforts. There are many parts to sustainability and its applications can be quite complex. Here are a few questions that I recommend your organization consider: How will you know where to invest our resources first? Will the measures taken and resources used towards long term sustainability cause a decrease in effectiveness in resolving short term or immediate issues? Many companies share the concern that by investing in sustainability to fix long term problems that they will suffer losses in the short term. The ROI for sustainable programs can often times be a long-
  • 21. term gain. The concern is that long term gains will be mitigated due to lost revenues in the short term. Employees have be trained to on the sustainable practices implemented. Training employees a new skill is costly in both the resources needed to implement a new training program, and lost productivity by taking away employees from their day to day job responsibilities. ( How Does One Go About Implementing a Sustainability Program? Most companies don't have experts in sustainable business already on their staff. Thus, it is essential to consult with outside experts in sustainable business. Consult with an independent sustainability firm that will able to help develop a plan and implement sustainable solutions into your business that will be within budget and one that will help to address both immediate business needs, as well as, long term goals. I recommend bringing in 3 firms to evaluate their services, and the impact they can make. From there, you will be able to decide on a partner for your business that will best meet your specific business needs and provides the best ROI for your budget. Recommendations on a Sustainability Plan With many companies seeing declining profits, increased competition, and ever evolving market demand, I strongly recommend your company consider a sustainability strategy. With increased competition there is a need to become more innovative to continue to be competitive in the marketplace. A sustainability plan will inherently make your organization more innovative, and give you the ability to stay current with market demands as they evolve over time. Within all companies there is a need to look inward to do a comprehensive evaluation of processes and work flows in a concentrated effort to seek more cost effective ways of doing business. It is my firm belief that the potential gains with implementing sustainability far outweigh the potential losses. Does your company have a sustainability strategy? If so, how is it working out? If not, what has holding you back from doing so? Please join this conversation below. Featured on: Green Business
  • 22. 7 Signs Your Prospective Employer Has a Toxic Culture September 23, 2014  46,714 Views  351 Likes  185 Comments i nShar e1,358 A while back, I published two articles that combined produced over 1,000,000 views, and sparked a tremendous conversation surrounding corporate cultures, management styles, and effective vs failing organizations. In case you missed them: 7 Management Traits that Will Make All Your Employees Quit and 7 Signs it is Time to Quit Your Job. In these two articles, I told the story of a toxic work environment that I endured that resulted in all of the employees in my regional office to either be fired or quit in less than a year. There were some signs throughout the interview process that should have thrown up red flags and sent me packing. However, I chose to ignore them. If you ignore them too and enter into a company that has a toxic culture, here are a few rather unpleasant side effects that I experienced that you might too:  High Stress
  • 23.  Anxiety Attacks  Insomnia  Loss of Professional Motivation  Pit in Your Stomach Feeling on Sunday Nights  Damaged Personal Relationships Here are the warning signs that I ignored. Hopefully, by me putting these out there, they may be of assistance to some of you in your career advancement endeavors, and you willavoid making the mistake I did. 1) Your future boss speaks poorly about current staff in the interview. In the interview with my prospective boss, he was very negative towards his current staff in the way he talked about them. He used flattery towards me but put down his current team by saying things like, "I can't wait to get a real sales executive in here that can show these yahoos how its done." Consider this quote from Gregg Stocker, author of Avoiding the Corporate Death Spiral. Ask what the company's problems are and what their causes might be. If the answers to these questions consist of blaming others in the organization, especially those on his or her team, the person lacks trust in others." 2) Your future boss comes across as self absorbed. If your boss keeps talking about how great he/she is during the interview they might be self absorbed. Working for a self-absorbed boss ensures that your work will go largely unnoticed and he/she will use every opportunity to take credit for any of your success without giving you the credit deserved. 3) The interviewer is late. The second interviewer was a senior manager. He showed up 15 minutes late for the interview. This individual appeared disorganized, and it seemed like he had not even reviewed my resume prior to the meeting. I was struck by just how unprofessional the interviewer was. 4) The company has a history of high turnover. Make sure to do some research regarding the turnover rate for not only the company you are applying for, but the specific position. A good starting point is It will enable you to see what their current and former employees are saying anonymously. If you want to take a step further you could even do an advanced search on LinkedIn to find employees in your position and reach out to them for feedback. Most people are happy to help out and if you're headed for a train wreck they will gladly give you a heads up. To my own credit, I did do research. However, once again I ignored the warning signs. 5) They put a lot of pressure on you to take the position. In my case, my prospective employer put a lot of pressure on me to take the job. It was like they were trying to hard close a deal. I got emails and phone calls practically begging me to go to work there.
  • 24. Then they put an aggressive deadline on me that forced me to make a decision much faster than I was comfortable with. 6) You're not sure if your values align with the company's. If after going through the interview process and doing research on the company, you are questioning the company's values. Think long and hard about whether or not you will be able to be happy working at a company where your personal values may conflict the company's way of doing business. Weigh how much of a conflict it will be, and whether or not it is worth the compromise you would have to make. Trust your gut on this one. Initially, I got a bad feeling regarding this company's culture. I talked myself into thinking otherwise. 7) The offer letter contains a lower salary than what was communicated to you verbally. When I received my offer letter, it was $5,000 less than what had been offered to me over the phone. I quickly pointed out the discrepancy to their HR Coordinator and they fixed it. However, again this was a sign of things to come in regards to the way they did business, not only with their employees but their customers as well. If you read the first two articles and made it to this point in this one, you are probablywondering. "how in the world did you ignore these warning signs and end up taking this job?" Well that is a very valid question, and one that my wife asked me several times since. There is one reason and one reason only, MONEY. I was blinded by the almighty dollar. They offered me a higher salary, better commission structure, and substantial signing bonus. At the time my wife and I were remodeling and putting a major addition onto our home. We were paying for construction costs, mortgage, rent at an apartment (the project was too substantial for us to live there with a small child), and daycare. Needless to say, we were a little short on cash, and the opportunity to make more money right away was very attractive. Life lesson learned: Money is not everything. There are other things to contemplate when considering a job offer like your peace of mind and happiness. Money should never be the only reason you are taking a job! To sum this up, if your prospective employer possesses a few of these warnings signs you should think long and hard before accepting the offer. If they possess all of these interview warning signs, get out of there as fast as you can! Now I will turn it back over to you all. Job seekers, did you find this helpful? Why or why not? To the people that have worked at or are currently working at a company that has a toxic culture (And I know you're out there because I heard from 1000's of you). Featured on: Careers: The Next Level Company Culture Leadership & Management
  • 25. Using Social Innovation to Seize Competitive Advantage October 13, 2014  892 Views  89 Likes  16 Comments i nShar e268 Social innovation is an emerging global movement to find new and innovative solutions to the challenges that plague our society. Social innovation is based on people working together in new ways towards a more efficient and sustainable world. Many companies have developed new technologies that have changed the world by improving health care, education, nutrition, and housing. These companies have used social innovation to not only improve the world, but to gain a competitive advantage within their marketplace. Here are two such companies: Clif Bar is a leader in the energy bar marketplace in the United States, Canada, and the UK. They have developed a solid reputation as the go to energy bar within the outdoor sports world. Sustainability is at the core of their corporate strategy and is firmly embedded within their company culture. Clif Bar defines their mission regarding sustainability on their website: “Our food will be made with sustainable, organic ingredients; baked with clean, renewable energy; packed in environmentally friendly packaging; and delivered by transportation that doesn’t pollute.”
  • 26. Employees’ receive incentives for behaviors that embody the company’s sustainability initiatives. The company recognizes actions such as riding your bike to work, purchasing a fuel efficient car, and making green improvements to homes. Their focus on sustainability has given them a distinct advantage within the marketplace. Clif Bar’s ingredients are over 70% organic. In this interview Kevin Cleary, President of Clif Bar, discusses how his company’s social innovation initiatives created a level of trust and authenticity that consumers in the health food market place appreciate. He credits his company’s focus on social innovation and sustainability as the key brand differentiators that has created loyalty from their customer base. (McPhersen, Susan) OtterBox is the recognized global leader in protective cases for world’s most popular smart devices from Apple, Samsung, Motorola, and more. They have been protecting devices of “clutzy tech users” from all over the world for over a decade now. OtterBox as an organization is focused on innovation and entrepreneurship that embodies sustainability. So much so, that they created, Otter Cares, an arm of their organization that pushes their social innovation initiatives forward. Otter Cares describes their mission as: “We believe one young and inspired mind can change the world! The OtterCares Foundation champions innovative education that inspires youth to become entrepreneurs and philanthropists who create lasting and impactful change in their communities.” With the growing adoption of tablets in schools, administrators now have a critical need to protect the substantial investment they make into this technology. OtterBox has become the go to choice
  • 27. with schools for protective cases for their tablets. Thus, the Otter Care division has aligned itself in their mission to support education via their social innovation initiatives like the one seen in the associated video where they provided free school supplies for 1700 students! This is a great example of a social innovation where the initiative not only supports the community, but it enhances the company’s competitive advantage within a key market segment. ( Additionally, OtterBox’s focus on innovation and intrapreneurship within its company values has enabled them to stay firmly ahead of their competition giving them a distinct competitive advantage in their marketplace. OtterBox has innovated faster than their competition which has given them a brand image as having the highest quality and most cutting edge protective equipment available in the tech marketplace. Social Innovation Best Practices: 1. Develop a social strategy and vision for the company. Determine the social initiatives that align with the company values and mission that your product or service can help solve. 2. Incorporate social innovation into the company culture so that the employees embrace the efforts. Just like in the case of Cliff Bar and OtterBox. 3. Embrace innovation and intrapreneurship so that employees can bring forth new ideas to solve social problems that can lead to new business opportunities for the company. (Googins, Brad) Has your company embraced social innovation? I'd love to hear from in the comment section! Featured on: Social Impact
  • 28. Obesity is a Market Failure July 16, 2014  10,521 Comments  214 Likes  152 Comments i nShar e752 Obesity rates have risen substantially across the world for 34 straight years, and there are now close to two billion overweight individuals in the worldwide. Since the 1980's the market has been flooded with cheaply made food that is aimed toward high profit margins and not the health of consumers. Fast food options have become far more prevalent, and seemingly everywhere you look. Organic and healthy food is typically priced higher then processed mass produced food. This is the reason the obesity rate is so much higher amongst the lower income levels. The fast food marketing machine is geared towards this demographic. Take a look at the correlations between the two maps I posted below. The first map shows the states with the highest obesity rates, and the second map shows the states with the lowest income levels. There is a tremendous amount of correlation between the two. The states with highest obesity rates typically also have the lowest income levels. States that have lower levels of obesity tend to be higher earning. Being obese can hinder a person's ability to perform their job or obtain a better paying job. Obesity Rate in the USA
  • 29. State by State Poverty Level There have been many policy attempts made by governments all over the world to curb obesity. Most of which have failed. Most recently Michelle Obama has led the fight against obesity in the USA with her attempts to improve school lunches and reduce soda sizes. While some applaud her efforts, many view them as an infringement of rights by taking away choices, and the imposing a liberal agenda on society. The problem remains that mass produced unhealthy junk food is the most profitable to produce. Until this is fixed, I don't see any improvements being made to the obesity epidemic. Obesity will continue to be a major market failure for the foreseeable future. What is your take on this issue and what can be done to reverse the trend? What role if any should policy makers have in fixing this epidemic? Please join in with your comments below. Featured on: Food & Beverages Healthcare
  • 30. Benefits of Being Bilingual in Business May 22, 2014  5,842 Views  420 Likes  71 Comments i nShar e1,434 My parents sent me to Spain as a teenager to be an exchange student. Boy am I glad they did. The experience opened my eyes to the world, and enabled me to learn a second language. By the time I finished high school, I was fluent in Spanish. Being bilingual not only makes traveling a breeze and exponentially increases who you can be friends with, it provides many benefits in the business world. Here are a few that I have seen first hand in my career. Increased Size of Target Market Want more customers? When you learn another language, the size of your target market automatically increases for which you can sell your product or service. There are an estimated 500 million Spanish speakers worldwide, making it the second most spoken language in the world. Of that 500 million, 50 million reside in the USA. So, whether your company is looking to grow internationally or expand into new domestic markets, knowing a second language increases who you can sell to. More Marketable to Employers In today's competitive job market being bilingual is a tremendous value add to employers that separates you from the other pile of resumes. The more diverse your skill set is the more hirable you become. Bilingual employees are in high demand in almost every business sector: health care, law, business, education, construction, criminal justice. (to name a few) Globalization is in full swing and worldwide markets are becoming more interdependent. Thus, the need for bilingual employees continues to rise.
  • 31. Higher Pay Studies from Rosetta Stone have shown that bilingual employees earn on average 10% more in their salary than those that are monolingual. I have found this to be true, as I have received bilingual pay differential with almost every company I have worked for. Win Instant Rapport With Clients Learning a foreign language is no easy task. For this reason, people instantly love you when they realize you have taken the time and effort to learn their native language as your second language. I have been the beneficiary of this many times in my career. On a cold call several years back, I one call closed a customer over the phone because of my Spanish speaking ability. I reached the company CFO, and the call was going nowhere fast. I detected a Spanish accent and out of no where switched the conversation to Spanish. It was the perfect 180 degree turnaround that I needed. By then end of the conversation, I convinced her to switch their company mobile voice and data services, and enter into a 2 year business agreement with my company! This sales cycle usually takes at least two meetings, a formal proposal, and weeks if not months of negotiation. Being multilingual is of course even better. For this reason, I am in the process of learning Portuguese. Brazil is a huge emerging market! Can you speak more than one language? How has it benefited you in your career? Featured on: Business Travel
  • 32. Ethical Business vs Maximizing Profits October 06, 2014  1,009 Views  67 Likes  15 Comments i nShar e287 While most companies earn their profits from ethical business practices, there are some that choose to maximize profits unethically. Having worked in customer facing positions throughout my career, I have had the difficult challenge of having to deliver “bad news” to customers on many occasions. This happens when the customer thinks they are owed something from the company, but a decision is made by higher ups that the business practice is within the moral boundaries of the company, so no action is owed to the customer. This can be a difficult situation to be put into. You must deliver these types of messages very strategically by gently explaining why your company’s actions or lack of action are justified within the company’s policies and guidelines. There was one occasion in my career that stands out where I had to put my foot down over delivering a message that I felt crossed ethical lines. I felt strongly that the message I was asked to deliver by my manager to the customer was in violation of both the company’s ethical principles, as well as, my own moral compass. The customer was right and I knew it. We owed them a substantial credit on their account. I had to make the tough decision to risk my job by siding with the customer and not my manager. I stood up to my manager and told
  • 33. him that I would not be delivering the message to the customer. I stated my moral objections as to why I was refusing to do so, and why I thought the customer was owed a credit. In order to get the credit applied, I ended up having to go over his head to the next level of management. The problem was my manager was way above his credit limit for the month and going over his credit limit would raise red a flag with management. These types of ethical dilemmas arise in companies every day. Making ethical business decisions can be clouded by personal bias and a desire to prevent short term losses. Executive Overview Many companies toe the line between doing profitable business and being ethically responsible. Sometimes the line gets crossed in effort to maximize profits. Companies that cross too far over the line can face legal repercussions that can prove costly and damaging to the brand. A recent example of this is, Recreational Data Services (RDS), a small Alaskan software company won a $51.3 million settlement over GPS giant, Trimble Navigation. Trimble was forced to pay the Alaskan company for lost earnings after being found guilty of stealing confidential information and creating a carbon copy of an RDS project. A CEO’s job is to maximize revenue streams to satisfy pushy shareholders that demand a high ROI for their investment. However, they must also weigh the cost between pushing for profits and being an ethical organization. ( Internal Tensions Created By Ethical Conflicts Tensions within companies over ethics vs profits usually arise when a company is forced to choose between remaining profitable or doing ethical business. When lost profits begin to occur companies become desperate and then they are at risk of choosing unethical business practicesto stay in business. These types of dilemmas can create internal and external tension within a company. Gone are the days where the only responsibility of the company is to turn profits. Today, they not only have to answer to shareholders, but to their stakeholders within their community of which their business hinges on. ( Can Ethical Companies be Profitable? Ethisphere an independent center of research promoting best practices in corporate ethics and compliance, recently released its 2014 list of the world’s most ethical companies. The list contains many globally recognizable mega corporations such as T-Mobile USA, Delphi, GAP, Microsoft, Schneider Electric, and more. Ethisphere defines an ethical company as the following: World’s Most Ethical Company honorees not only promote ethical business standards and practices internally, they embed the theory of “conscious capitalism” into everything they do, every employee they hire, and every partner they bring into their network to ensure they
  • 34. deliver long-term value to key stakeholders including customers, suppliers, regulators, and investors. By leading their industries in compliance, corporate governance and social responsibility, the World’s Most Ethical Companies effectively align ethical business practices with performance and shape future industry ethical business standards. Ethics also play an integral part in the way small businesses operate. With today’s online review sites and social media, there is a lot of transparency for SMB in regards to their business practices and their reputation within their community. Thus, doing ethical business is of utmost importance for the company’s bottom line. If you take a look at the most profitable and well known small businesses in your community you will notice a trend in that they generally all have good reviews on sites like, and have a positive image on social media sites. ( Characteristics of Unethical Companies From my research on this subject I found many several commonalities in companies that are unethical. Unethical companies are typically focused on short term gains. They have not developed a sustainable business strategy that allows them to think long term. Additionally, unethical companies are typically followers. They are lacking in innovation. This often leads corporate misrepresentation. It can be as simple as a salesman who overstates the benefits about his company's products, or it can be as severe as blatant false advertising. Unethical companies are plauged with poor decision making and mismanagement. Is it possible for companies to legislate ethics? Try as they might companies will never be able to get all their employees on the same page ethically. This challenge is even greater for global organizations. There are many factors that play into the moral makeup of an employee such as their cultural background, age, level of education, and their childhood upbringing. However, just as societies implement a set of laws that govern behavior, companies can legislate certain ethical standards within their culture. Most companies will have an ethics clause within the contract they use to bring on new employees. If employees violate the ethics clause within their contract they can be subjected to discipline or terminated. For example, I drive a company vehicle. Even though my own morals tell me that I can have one beer and safely drive home. After one beer, I know that I am well below the legal limit and fine to safely drive a car. However, the ethics clause in the contract I signed with my company states that it is prohibited to consume any amount of alcohol while driving a company vehicle. It is well known that anyone caught drinking alcohol and driving a company car would be terminated. (Global Ethics University) Final Thoughts: There is a trend that kept coming up in the research I did. Companies that are doing unethical business are typically focused on the short term gains. Companies that have figured out ways to be both ethical and profitable have mastered a sustainable business model. In the example I gave from my career, my manager’s ethical perception of the situation was clouded by his desire to not give out any more credits that would cause him to go further over his credit limit. He was focused on a short term loss instead of doing what is right by the customer, and ensuring a profitable long term business
  • 35. relationship. Given the many examples out there it is clear that companies can be ethical, socially responsible, sustainable, and very profitable all at the same time. Have you ever worked for an unethical company? What was the experience like? Please feel free to weigh in on this topic with your opinions below. Featured on: Leadership & Management
  • 36. Chapter 3: Digital Marketing and Social Media
  • 37. Use These B2B Social Media Engagement Tips to Generate More Leads September 21, 2014  3,533 Comments  65 Likes  22Comments i nShar e392 Are you an old school sales rep whose go to prospecting method is still cold calling? Are you just "on LinkedIn," but never post anything or engage your network? Do you think Twitter is just for teenagers? If you answered yes to any of these questions, I highly suggest you continue reading, and consider adding a few of my social selling techniques to your prospecting strategies. 1) Post regularly to gain visibility within your network and stay top of mind. It is okay to post your company's marketing materials. However, make sure to blend it with some value based information. Nobody likes to be product blasted. In order to be effectivein building relationships with people on LinkedIn you must be reciprocal. Engage with your network by commenting, liking, and sharing their content via LinkedIn. Retweet their Tweets via
  • 38. Twitter. Do NOT just put out your own content and ignore everyone else's. If you share your network's posts they will be far more likely to share yours. Every share and like from your connections broadcasts your post to their network as well. This greatly increases the distribution of your content, and increases the chances of someone seeing it that has a business need for your product or service. 2) Don't just be "on LinkedIn." Maximize its potential! Many sales people under-utilize LinkedIn in favor of old school techniques like cold calling. Are you still cold calling over the phone without knowing the name of the person within the company that you need to speak to in hopes that the gate keeper transfers you to the right person? Calling up blindly without knowing the specific name of the person is a dead give away that you are a salesman, and will guarantee that your call gets transferred to a generic mailbox that nobody ever checks. Calling over the phone is still an effective way to get appointments and generate leads. However, combining it with social selling techniques like the advanced search feature on LinkedIn will make you far more effective. Use the advanced search feature to find the name of the person within a company that you need to speak to prior to calling. By doing this you will be making warm calls instead of a complete cold call. Advanced search gives you many ways to filter your search to find the exact person you need. If you prefer to prospect in person, then either do research prior to leaving the office or use the LinkedIn mobile application from your smartphone when on the go. As they say, "cold calling is dead."
  • 39. 3) Never miss an opportunity to connect with a potential customer on social media. Connect on LinkedIn with every single prospect you speak to and follow them on Twitter. If they have a blog it is a good idea to follow them there as well. Connect with them even if they told you they are not interested. By getting as many potential customers and key contacts within companies
  • 40. into your network increases the likelihood that you will close them down the road. The old school technique would be to put the person in a tickler file on Outlook, and follow up in 6 months to a year. By then, that person has practically forgotten who you are. Adding them into your LinkedIn network enables you to engage with them, build their trust, and stay top of mind. This will increase the chances of them not only remembering you, but buying from you in the future. Oh and lastly, don't be the person that sends a generic connection request. Type out a custom request and give them a value pitch on why they should connect with you. This substantially increases the likelihood of them accepting your invitation to connect. 4) Shoot past the gate keeper with a direct message to your prospect's inbox. Most company's have a highly trained gate keeper whose job it is to make sure your call never gets through. Email marketing is an effective way to avoid the gate keeper and send a message directly to your client. Develop a value based monthly newsletter to send out to both perspective and existing clients. If you don't have their email address consider using LinkedIn's Inmail. 5) Make sure your LinkedIn profile reflects your brand image. Just like you make sure to be dressed for success when you leave home for the office, make sure your profile is up to date and looking good. Invest a substantial amount ofeffort into your profile so that your are projecting a professional image that you would want the entire world to see. Make sure the content on your profile shows that you are an expert in your field. Do so, by posting links, blog posts, videos, articles, awards, or anything else that will build your credibility. Many of my past clients have looked me up on LinkedIn and viewed my profile prior to buying from me the first time. A bad or incomplete LinkedIn profile projects an image that you are not serious about your career, and puts doubt into the mind of a potential customer regarding your effectiveness. 6) Build credibility by getting recommendations on LinkedIn from past clients. The best way to Increase credibility with future clients is by getting your past and current clients to give you a recommendation. Don't confuse this with endorsing skills. I am referring to a written reference by a client that you can display on your profile. The more well known the client is within your business community and target market the more weight it carries. Getting recommendations from clients will help you build your professional brand as an expert, and reassures new clients that you will be able to deliver a top notch customer experience. I have 35 recommendations from clients, co-workers, and colleagues on my profile. I have leveraged these recommendations MANY times to gain an edge. Being able to say the following to a potential new client is worth its weight in gold:
  • 41. Don't just take my word for it. Take a look at my recommendations page on LinkedIn to see the impact I have on my client's business and the exceptional level of customer service I provide. 7) Use social networks to build new relationships and enhance existing ones. Social selling is about building and maintaining business relationships. Customerstend to buy from the people that they like and trust. One of the best ways to gain trust from a potential client it to use your existing network to gain referrals. When identifying a potential client check to see if they are connected with anyone in your network. If they are, leverage your existing connection to gain an introduction. Don't forget about your existing network. As sales professionals we are constantly being told to go after new clients. Well that new client could already be in your network. 8) Use your blog to increase your sphere of influence. Blog about what you want to be known for. Demonstrate your expertise via your blog posts. 9) Utilize SlideShare. Broadcast your company's marketing materials across social media. Slide share convertsyour content into a easily shareable link that can be distributed using virtually any digital media platform. Now with the new application on Android, I have all of my presentations with wherever I go via my Samsung Note II. Consider following other professionals on Slideshare that are in your industry or an industry you want to learn more about. There are some people out there that are putting out some amazing presentations. By following their work you will sharpen your own digital marketing skills. Have you used any of these techniques? How have the results been? Are there other social selling tips you would add to my list that have worked for you? Comment below... Featured on: Sales Strategies
  • 42. Maximize your Branding Efforts Using Twitter September 03, 2014  5,364 Views  157 Likes  21 Comments i nShar e485 Did you know? Twitter is now up to 271 million monthly active users, and there are 500 million tweets coming out daily! Twitter has a global presence with users spread out to all corners of the globe. Twitter's mission statement: To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers. Twitter is a unique social platform, that when used effectively, can be a tremendous asset in growing your personal brand. Are you using this incredible tool to grow your personal influence? Do you have a personal branding strategy on Twitter in place or are you just "on" Twitter? If you are just "on" Twitter then you are missing out on a huge opportunity to brand yourself among your colleagues, clients, and industry leaders. The first step to branding on Twitter is to implement a personal branding strategy. When developing your strategy here are a few things to consider:  Your target audience and the type of followers do you hope to attract  The message you are attempting to send to your followers about your professional brand  Clearly define your goals in terms of what you are trying to accomplish
  • 43. Make sure that your profile is complete and ready to attract followers from your target market. In order to do so, you will want to put a powerful personal branding statement as your header. Need inspiration on developing a personal brand statement? Check out the many wonderful brand statements submitted from professionals all over the world for the recent Publishers & Bloggers: Global #Personal Brand Statement: CONTEST. The effectiveness of your brand statement will be a big determining factor in your ability to attract new followers. Secure your Twitter handle and make sure that it is effective in conveying your brand message. My Twitter handle is @juanblanco76. What's that, you don't think my Twitter handle reflects a brand message? Sure it does! I am fluent in Spanish and an expert in the Latino marketplace. Every time someone interacts with me on Twitter they are reminded of the fact that I am bilingual. Whether your account is for your business or a personal account, having a strategic Twitter handle that reflects your brand is critical. Become known as an industry expert by sharing value based content. Twitter is a great place to share your blog posts, company marketing materials, YouTube videos, or any other digital content that will enhance your image as a thought leader among your network. Utilizing Twitter for content sharing will greatly enhance the viewership, and get your message out to a wider audience. Make sure to use strategic hashtags to help your Tweets reach an even broader audience outside of your followers. Once your content starts getting favorited and re-Tweeted you will see the ripple effect take hold and the views on your content will skyrocket. The more you Tweet about the topics you want to be known for, the more impact you will have on your followers. Don't be shy! Tweet away! Follow both your current clients and perspective clients. One of the bi-laws of Twitter effectiveness is to SHARE other's content! Don't make it a one sided relationship. Make sure to interact your followers on their Tweets, and re-Tweet when appropriate. Engaging your target market via Twitter will help you stay top of mind with clients. Integrate Twitter into your other branding efforts. Make sure to link your Twitter account with your LinkedIn account. Add your Twitter handle to your email signature. Attach it to your website and to your blogs. Using Twitter sends a message to your clients that you are up to speed on technology and current trends. Share some personal Tweets as well. Twitter is an opportunity for you to get to know your network better, and for them to get to know you. It is a proven fact that people do business with people they like. Many times a personal Tweet about something non-business related will catch someone's attention if it is about something that they too are passionate about. Well done non-business related Tweets can be a valuable tool to build rapport with clients. Now it is time for your reaction to this article. Did you find this article helpful? Why or why not. Does anyone out there have any personal branding tips via Twitter that they have used that you would like add? Please comment below. Featured on: Careers: The Next Level Social Media
  • 44. How to Take Your Content to #1 on LinkedIn May 05, 2014  4,279 Views  105 Likes  82 Comments i nShar e1,047 Within 30 days of receiving publishing credentials on LinkedIn, I had amassed 645,000 views on my first 8 articles. During this time, I increased my profile views from 135 the month before to just over 6000 in April. That is an increase of 3921%! My number of followers jumped from 1650 to 7000. My posts were shared worldwide over 37,000 times. I received over 10,000 likes and thousands of comments on my posts. I used the additional exposure on LinkedIn to land a valuable public speaking engagement, increase leads for my company, close business deals, gain priceless validation on my work from CEO's at large companies, and increase my global network by thousands of professionals both inside and outside of my industry. To date, 3 of my articles have gone viral worldwide. In case you missed them, here they are: 1) 7 Management Traits that Will Make All Your Employees Quit. 2) 7 Management Traits that Will Help Retain Talented Employees. 3) Valuable Business Strategies Every Company Could Learn From OtterBox. What did I do to take two of my articles to #1, and get such a huge month over month increase in all my LinkedIn KPI's? Here are 10 tips to help you do the same: 1) If you have not done so already, apply for your own publishing privileges on LinkedIn. The process requires you to upload two pieces of your original writing material. LinkedIn also review your profile. The process took about two months for me. A wise man recently told me, "that if you are not promoting yourself, good luck, as nobody else is going to do it for you." 2) Join the maximum number of groups allowed on LinkedIn (50). Put out your posts on as many groups as
  • 45. possible that are a good fit for your material. However, don't let it be a one sided relationship. Make to sure to comment, like, and share other's content in your groups. This will only helps your exposure within the group. Other members are more willing to share your content if you engage with them on their own content. 3) Use Twitter to broadcast your posts. There is a huge business audience on Twitter. Every time they favorite or retweet you your material goes out to thousands more people. Use hashtags in your posts in front of key words. Much like Google's algorithms that use keywords to rank your website on search lists, Twitter uses the hashtag along with key words to increase the distribution of a tweet out to a broader audience, which will exponentially increase the number of views on your content. Hashtags are not just to look cool with the younger generation! Unlike Facebook and LinkedIn, popular posts don't get re-circulated automatically on Twitter. Studies show that the average shelf life for a Twitter post is fifteen minutes. What's that? You don't have time to update Twitter multiple times per day? Me either! That's why I use Hoosuite to schedule my Tweets, and; automatically send them out at the scheduled times throughout the day. Of course, other social sites are very effective to grow the viewership on your LinkedIn content. However, I found that with Twitter, I got a substantially higher response rate to my posts. 4) Use a catchy picture attached to your content. This one is huge! The picture draws people in and is many times the reason they click on your post. All three of my articles that went viral had catchy pictures, with Lumbergh from the Movie Office Space and Vince Lombardi the legendary Green Bay Packers coach on the "7 Manager Traits" articles, and then a picture of OtterBox's very unique and cool lobby. I mean, who doesn't like a picture of an office that has a huge metal slide with swimming Otters along side and an employee espresso bar? 5) Network with others that are in your industry and that are putting out their own content. I have met several other bloggers that are putting out great material, have a large network of followers, and are looking to engage in mutually beneficial relationships with other bloggers. Once you have seen the value in each other’s work, begin sharing their content across your network, and have them do same with your content to their network.
  • 46. 6) Distribute your content at work. This one can be a little tricky. However, when the post is work related, it is absolutely appropriate to distribute it there. If your material can be a value add to a specific team or project, not only will they help with distribution by sharing it, you will gain exposure to other areas of the company. Word of mouth can be a very powerful marketing tool. I know that I picked up a significant lift in the viewership of my posts from my co-workers sharing it across their networks. When your coworkers endorse your work it adds substantial credibility. 7) If there are people in your LinkedIn network that you think would benefit from a piece of your content, send it to them directly. When sharing your content there is an option to share with your network, groups, and individuals. Make sure to do all three. In regards to sending it to individuals, include a brief professional message stating what the content is that your are sharing with them, and what value they should expect to gain from reading it. This is a great way to stay top of mind with your network, and expand relationships with those that you would like to be doing business with that you are not currently. Occasionally, sending valuable content will help you stay in front of them of, and increase your credibility with your prospective customers. 8) Interact with your audience. When you are lucky enough to get a comment on your post, do your best to engage with them by responding to as many of them as you can. I have learned a tremendous amount from interacting with the readers in the comment section. In one of my articles a reader aptly pointed out a typo in the article. I took advantage of the little edit button that comes along free with my account and went back in and changed it. So what, the first 5,000 viewers saw the typo. The next 495,000 never knew it was there! Boom, take that print media! In all seriousness, interacting with your audience shows them that you appreciate the time it took them out of their busy day to read your post. Doing so builds a relationship with your audience which increases the chances that they will continue to read your subsequent posts, as well as, share your content with their own network. 9) Put out quality content that your target audience will relate to and take value from. This may seem obvious. However, putting out content that will resonate with an audience is easier said than done. Once you begin blogging, you will become more of an expert in your own fields of interest from the research you put in while writing each article, and the quality of your content will improve over time. #10) Follow up with the people that view your profile. Profile views are like a warm lead. If the person that views your profile can add value to your network, add them as a connection. Do not send them a generic stock message. Make sure your message is customized, "Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to view my profile. I would be honored to be a part of your LinkedIn network. Please consider adding me so that we can collaborate professionally at some point in the
  • 47. future." This is a great way to grow your network and follow up on potentially valuable leads. The other choice is to not contact the people that view your profile, and ignore the opportunity knocking. 11) Send a professional message out to your top 100 power networkers using the mostviewed connections feature. This list can be found under the who's viewed your profile tab. Once you are there click on the "how you rank for profile views tab," in the upper right. Then click on "your connections" tab on the left underneath your profile picture. Make sure that that the message you send is reciprocal in nature by offering to help them by sharing their content, website, following them on Twitter, etc Why send a message out to your top 100? A) They are your most influential connections. When they share something people take notice. B) They typically will have massive networks. A share from someone in your top 100 can go a long way in terms of expanding the reach of the number of eyes on your content. 12) If you have a global network that includes people in different time zones, make sure to repost your content late at night. This way people that are in a different area of the world that is active on LinkedIn while you may be sleeping has a chance to see it. Don't want to stay up late at night? Refer to #3 and use Hootsuite to schedule your posts. Now I'd be curious to hear from you. What methods have you used to grow your own network on LinkedIn? Please add to the conversation below!
  • 48. 11 Reasons NOT to Quit Facebook August 28, 2014  36,491 Views  267 Likes  227 Comments i nShar e1,302 Recently, there has been a lot of discussion and articles written on LinkedIn about reasons to quit Facebook. Some of these articles have received millions of views and sparked conversations running thousand of comments deep into the thread. It seems to be kind of hip and rebellious to quit Facebook. Some of the authors like to demonize Mark Zuckerberg. In their posts they put up horrible looking pictures of Zuck that are clearly just catching him at his worst possible look. The list of complaints range from those that cannot tolerate Facebook’s privacy policies. To those that are mad because they were forced to download a separate app on their smartphones for FB Messenger. For me, Facebook is a vital tool both personally and professionally. While I admit, I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook, and I have come close to canceling my account on a couple of occasions. Especially, when I made the mistake of accepting a random friend request from someone in high school that went horribly wrong.However, even in spite of having a run in with a stalker, I have remained loyal to Facebook. There are several reason why I like Facebook, and will continue to use it going forward. 1) Great tool for those that don't get out much. If you are really busy like me Facebook can be my only view to the outside world at times. 2) Customizable news feed allows me to stay in touch with what is important to me. My news feed enables me to get updates on breaking news stories, local events, things that are trending, and content from sources I want to see. Yes, I get there are paid adds, etc. Thats's why they invented scrolling. 3) Facebook is fantastic for sharing pictures and other digital content. I love being able to share pictures easily with my network. Yes, most of the pictures I share are of my two cute daughters ages 1 and 5. It is also great for sharing links with beautiful looking previews.
  • 49. 4) Stay in touch with friends overseas. I remember in the 90's it took a month or more for my letters to reach my friends in Spain, and forget calling them because that used to cost of fortune!. Now, I can view their pictures, comment on their status, and chat with them in real time and its FREE. There really isn't much of a better altnernative to Facebook for international messaging. There was WhatsApp. However, we all that Facebook paid a huge sum to acquire them not too long ago. 5) Adding another app is not that big of a deal to me. So, what you had to download another app to do the messenger. Maybe, it was a way to make the platform more stable by offloading the substantial added traffic that their instant messenger creates? 6) Personal group of trusted friends and family can be leveraged for insight. Except for the occasional random from high school turned stalker, I don't accept friend requests from people outside of my close circle of friends, colleagues, and family. 7) If you are in business you would be crazy to quit Facebook. Facebook has 800 million active users! The target market for your company lies somewhere within those 800,000,000. ( 8) I have found memories of the past in high school, college, road trips, concerts, games, hikes, and camping trips. Besides, Throwback Thursday is fun.
  • 50. 9) Easy party invitations. Facebook makes putting out party invitations a breeze. 10) Music! I can easily track the happenings of all my favorite bands in one place. I have a lot of friends who are professional musicians in various areas of the world. Facebook sure does make it easier to hear their stuff when I am 1000's of miles away. 11) Funny videos. Ok, there are some really lame ones too. However, when I am having a bad day or need a laugh, I know I can rely on a someone posting a funny video on Facebook to lighten my mood. At the end of the day, for me, the good far outweighs the bad with Facebook. How has your experience been? Are you ready to quit because they "forced you to download an app you didn't want gosh darn it!" Or do you see the value in the platform like I do? Weigh in here... Featured on: Social Media
  • 51. Enhance Your Company's Visibility Using Instagram September 15, 2014  1,616 Views  77 Likes  16 Comments i nShar e376 We live in a very visual world. Gadgets that are visually stimulating are dominating the tech marketplace, from high definition flat screen monitors and TVs, iPads, larger screen smartphones, and now even smartwatches. Our interpretation of the world we live in and the way we take information is largely visual. Is your company doing all it can to use pictures and video to engage your customers and enhance your company's brand image? If not, consider using these tips to increase your company's visibility using Instagram.
  • 52. Post inspirational pictures that reflect your company's branding stra tegy. What is it that you want to be known for? Post pictures and videos that will inspire your customers and promote your company's competitive advantages and brand image. OtterBox is a company that does an amazing job inspiring their customers and promoting their brand via Instagram. I sum up OtterBox's brand message as "customers can take their tech anywhere using their amazingly protective cases." Their imagery reflects their brand message and inspires people to take their tech with them on their adventures using an OtterBox case. Check out OtterBox's Instagram page here. Create a customer photo contest. (it is best to have at least a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes). Encourage your customers to submit photos of themselves using your product or service. Then promote the contest via your other social media pages such as Facebook and Twitter. Not only does this build engagement with existing customers, but it gives you a very powerful marketing tool to acquire new customers. If you are landscaper, home builder, architect, interior design, or any other service company that does improvement projects, consider posting before and after photos.There is no other greater and more powerful way to showcase your work.
  • 53. Showcase photos of your employees. Doing so gives your customers an inside view into your company's operations. It shows the hard work that your employees put into creating a top quality product, and the process behind it. Not only does this bring your customers closer to your brand, it gives them a greater appreciation of the quality of your work. Additionally, your employees will appreciate the recognition. Give your company a cutting edge image by using the latest and greatest applications from Instagram like Hyperlapse. Traditional, time lapse videos require holding your phone or camera still. Hyperlapse possesses amazing stabilization technology that enables people to create while moving! The result is a beautifully clear video with a cutting edge cinematic feel to it. Learn more here:
  • 54. Connect your Facebook page, and engage your followers by sharing their pictures on your company FB page. Follow your followers back and make an effort to like and comment on their content. Use popular hashtags to expand the reach of your posts. Lastly, get inspiration and ideas from other popular brands that you admire. Implement those ideas into your company's strategy. Now I will turn it over to you. Are you currently using Instagram as a part of you company's marketing mix? If not, has this article inspired you to do so? Why or why not? Featured on: Marketing & Advertising Social Media
  • 55. Q&A with Social Media Mega Influencer: Viveka von Rosen August 25, 2014  1,940  24Likers  12Comments i nShar e317 When I joined LinkedIn six years ago, like many new users I was clueless. Not to mention,I wasn't even on Twitter yet! Lucky for me, I quickly came across Viveka von Rosen's profile. I started following her immediately, and began to implement her social media tips into my own strategy. Since then, I have used Viveka's pro tips on social marketing, selling, networking, LinkedIn profile enhancement, prospecting to enterprise, and to name a few. Using Viveka's tips, I have been able to substantially enhance my effectiveness as a sales and digital marketing executive. I have used LinkedIn, and other social channels to generate leads, establish key business relationships that have lead to closed deals, publish articles that have been read by over 1 million viewers, start a group of LinkedIn's most well respected authors, and create blogging opportunities on other websites. Without a doubt, Viveka has been a very influential person on my career. So, when I recently got the opportunity to meet Viveka in person for coffee, I was very excited! The conversation that ensued was absolutely amazing, and I was thrilled at the opportunity to go back and forth live in person with my favorite social media strategist and mentor. For a highlight of our
  • 56. conversation see below. But first, here is Viveka's bio and the reasons why she is one of social media's most influential. Viveka's Bio: Viveka is known internationally as the "LinkedIn Expert” and speaks to business owners, corporations, Legal Firms and associations on the benefits of marketing with social media, and in particular LinkedIn. Author of “LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour A Day” for John Wiley & Sons, she is also a regular source on LinkedIn for prestigious news outlets such as Forbes, Money Magazine,,,, CNN and The Miami Herald. Viveka is the host of the biggest LinkedIn chat on Twitter:#LinkedInChat (Recently quoted by Mashable as one of the top 10 business blogs) and co-moderator of LinkedStrategies, the largest LinkedIn strategy group on LinkedIn. She is constantly learning, sharing and transferring social media skills and strategies to her tribe. Viveka has 30,000+ first level connections and a network of over 31 million people on LinkedIn, and 52,000+ followers on Twitter. Her seminars, webinars and workshops have taught and trained well over 100,000 people. (including me!) She was also recently listed:  Forbes 10 Most Influential Women in Social Media (2014)  Forbes 20 Most Influential Women in Social Media (2011, 2012, 2013)  Forbes 50 Most Influential People in Social Media (2011, 2012, 2013)  TopRank’s 25 Women Who Rock Social Media in (2011, 2012, 2013)  Evan Carmichael’s 2012 Top 100 Leadership Experts to Follow on Twitter (2011, 2012, 2013)  Big Money Web’s 200 Most Fearless Women Online  Listed by Mari Smith as having the niche quality of a social media superstar
  • 57. Q&A You have a very interesting job. Can you tell us a bit about your business, as well as, the favorite aspect about what you do? Since I’m the kind of person who gets bored in about 30 seconds doing the same thing, I think one of the aspects I like most about my business is that its always changing. In any given day I will do a 1 on 1 consultation with an amazing author or executive, teach a few thousand people how to use LinkedIn on a webinar and write a blog post for the Social Media Examiner. And then there’s the travel – which I love. I get to meet so many amazing people – many of whom I already knew through Social Media. You've traveled all over the world to spread your knowledge of LinkedIn and social media to millions of professionals. Out of all the places you've traveled, what is your favorite spot and why? Do I have to pick just one? I’ve been so fortunate this year, traveling to Victoria and Vancouver, BC; to Puerto Vallarta and Auckland, as well as some pretty amazing places in the States like San Diego, Boston, New Orleans and NYC. But since you asked – this year
  • 58. my favorite place was Auckland. Its beautiful, the people are amazing and its very tech savvy. And they have really good honey! -Viveka in Action in Aucklund Out of all the places you've been, I'm sure that not everything has always gone to plan. What is the most unusual thing that has ever happened to you while on the road for work? Well – I think the trip to Puerto Vallarta. I was there with some pretty heavy social media hitters – it was amazing. So even though the Conference organizers skipped out on paying our fees and expenses, it was totally worth it getting to hang out and drink copious amounts of Tequila with folks like Andrea Vahl, Lon Safko, Brian Massey and Jamie Turner (and their equally amazing spouses). We really formed a bond – totally worth the lost wages! What do you like to do when you're not traveling around the globe? What are your hobbies? Well – I try to get away from it all when I’m not working, so I likehiking near my house in Colorado. We also try and take a few camping trips away from cell service a few times a year! And there is the great skiing. It’s my goal to get my legs back and master those bumps this year! I am so blessed to live here. I also got my PADI certification last year so I have been diving like a crazy woman wherever and whenever I can! I’ve been fortunate to add a few days of diving on to some of myspeaking gigs too!
  • 59. What does the future hold for social media and digital marketing? How will it affect the way we do business in 5-10 years? I don’t think we’ll recognize it. I’m not sure what will influence the future more – hardware or software. You see things like Oculus Rift that popped up seemingly over night and that’s got to have a massive effect on the direction we’ll go. But then again,when I was in Auckland the other Keynote Speaker was Dr. MarkSagar who introduced the first fully responsive, CGI AI baby. The emotions it evoked in its responses to the audience were amazing! So stuff like that will have an effect too. I can barely tell you what next year will bring – much less 5-10 years! Crazytech. AI responsiveness, fully adaptive and responsive systems. It’s amazing! What is your latest hot tip for LinkedIn effectiveness? To steal a phrase from Bryan Seely (who has the funniest profile on LinkedIn), be boldly humble. Be bold. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people. Make connection. Get introductions. Ask for help. Just don’t blatantly push your wares on your unsuspecting audience. And then when you are approached or engage with folks, be humble. Listen. Try and be of service. LinkedIn gives you lots of tools to help you do this – groups is a great place to be both bold and humble! LinkedIn is a tool. Its just another channel you can use to communicate with the people that can help you grow you. I think my best advice is "Just use it." A little bit everyday goes a long, long way. Final Thoughts... With as busy as Viveka is leading webinars, giving presentations, publishing books, traveling for business, and and keeping up with a global client base, I am very honored that she would take the time to meet with me. It's not everyday that you get to meet an online mentor with Viveka's stature live and in person. However, when meeting someone that you've only met online you find yourself wondering are they going to live up to the expectations I've created for them and will they be as good in person as they appear to be online? Well, all I can say is that Viveka delivered in a big way! I found her to be
  • 60. energetic, creative, engaging, knowledgeable, and just plain fun to hangout with! You know what the best part is? I'm on her calendar again next month! Please do see the links above in Viveka's bio to follow her influential social media strategies. Your career will thank you later!
  • 61. Global #Personal Brand Statement: CONTEST! July 30, 2014  3,362  67Likers  79Comments i nShar e740 Who are you? More specifically, what is your personal brand statement? If you are at anetworking event and you are next in line to shake the CEO's hand, do you have impactful statement about yourself that he or she would remember you by? Do you have a powerful brand statement at the top of your resume and LinkedIn profile that catches people's attention and makes them want to continue reading? If you don't have a catchy personal brand statement, chances are the people you meet are forgetting you. They are clicking off your LinkedIn profile, because they quickly became uninterested. Last but not least, your resume is being discarded. In today's busy world many times you only have a few seconds to impress the people that you would like to be doing business with or working for. If you don't have a strong statement about yourself they will lose interest and move on. A personal brand statement is a vision of how you see yourself and your unique skill set. It is a bold statement of the value you can bring to the table in a business relationship. The brand you put out to the world reflects your reputation and image as an expert within your sphere of influence. Your brand statement should be a consistent message that you can project across all of your social media and digital channels. Now for the contest. Here is how it works:
  • 62. What do you need to do to enter? Submit your personal brand statement in the comment section of this article. Then click "like" and share this article with your network. Your brand statement should be 30 words or less. Our Panel from Publishers & Bloggers I have assembled an esteemed panel of 7 elite professionals that are thought leaders within their industry that will decide on the winner. Our panelists include a former United States Assistant Secretary of Transportation, social media guru, global construction expert, 3 time #1 hit author on LinkedIn, world renowned author and career coach, a dynamic change agent, and MORE! For details, click on their profiles, view and follow their Twitter accounts, and read their articles on LinkedIn. They are published authors whose works have been shared across various world renown media channels. Collectively, we are members of a passionate group of authors and digital content enthusiasts: Publishers and Bloggers. What do you get if you win? If the panelists pick your personal brand statement as the best and most creative, you win a TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF EXPOSURE for your brand statement, and profile on LinkedIn. Collectively, the panel has over 80,000 global followers on LinkedIn. The winning brand statement, as well as, a link to the winners LinkedIn profile and Twitter page will be shared on each of the panelists' personal LinkedIn page, the Publishers & Bloggers group page, and on this article. (I will go back in to the article and edit it to highlight the winner's brand statement and profile). A winner will be picked after 7 days. The winner's brand statement, LinkedIn profile, and Twitter handle will be broadcasted out for the entire world to see! Within the 80,000 people in the panelists' combined networks, there are a tremendous amount of high quality professionals, industry leaders, media experts, CEO's, and MORE. All of whom the winner's brand will be exposed to. TO INSPIRE YOU, I HAVE INCLUDED THE BRAND STATEMENT FOR EACH PANELIST, AS WELL AS, A LINK TO THEIR PROFILES ON LINKEDIN, TWITTER, AND PUBLISHER PAGES.
  • 63. Dr. Oliver McGee on @LinkedIn @olivermcgee Read Dr. McGee's Articles "Partnership Possibilities for America, Invested in (STEEP) Giving Forward (" Elizabeth Dehn on @LinkedIn @elizabethdehn Read Elizabeth's articles
  • 64. "Engaging professional communications and digital marketing specialist, focused on altrocentricism and sustainability. Attracting a network of professionals and organizations with similar plights to connect them for further good." John White on @LinkedIn @juanblanco76 Read John's Articles "Innovative B2B sales and digital marketing executive with a keen ability to develop valuable business relationships and create viral content across #social media." Prakashan B.V on @LinkedIn @BVPRGJ Read Prakashan's articles
  • 65. "Harnessing the power of LinkedIn by posting inspirational articles from own experiences. Techno-commercial professional involved in promoting technology useful for society, construction, and engineering industry related services, products, solutions and software." Genevieve Flight on @LinkedIn @GenevieveFlight Read Genevieve's Articles "I energize, focus and align my clients using my holistic insight, intuitive and innovative Mind to help clients achieve their dreams & goals while shining their 'light' wherever they go." Paul Drury on @LinkedIn @thePaulDrury Read Paul's Articles
  • 66. "An adventurous monkey, not afraid of swinging onto new branches before knowing whether they will hold his weight." John Graffio on LinkedIn @JohnGraffio Read John's articles "Visionary thinker who inspires the mind through writing, art, science and literature in order to inspire others in their quests." Now we would like to hear from #YOU! Remember to add your personal brand statement in the comment section, then click like, and share the article. We look forward to reading your brand statements! May the best and most creative brander win! ***************************************UPDATE 8/6/2014************************************************** There were some amazing personal brand statements entered in the contest. After a very difficult decision, the panelists voted Whitney L. White as the winner of the first ever Global #Personal Brand Statement: CONTEST! Great job and congratulations, Whitney. See below for the winning brand statement, as well as, links to both Whitney's LinkedIn profileand Twitter page.
  • 67. Whitney L. White "Digitally-driven to deliver durable career advice for #millennials by a shatterproof bond to social media.
  • 68. Passionate for helping others overcome barriers, reach their goals, and live to tweet about it!" @TheWriteGirl_
  • 69. Chapter 4: Sales Strategies