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 The definitive guide to the best online destinations and
                      recruitment technology for finding
                                       talent in Australia
For the past decade and half, job boards have connected
employers and job seekers in Australia. Today, they continue to
play a critical role in the employment process. Recruitment
technology providers are also growing as the critical task of
talent attraction, acquisition and management becomes
increasingly complex.

We are confident that job boards and recruitment technology
providers will continue to evolve and play an important role in
the days ahead.

Our aim at Destination Talent is to highlight the breadth and
variety of talent solutions providers in Australia. We are pleased
to bring out the first ‘Australian Job Board Report 2009’, a
directory and guidebook on the job board and recruitment
technology landscape in Australia. We are confident that you
will find it a useful resource.

We are grateful to our sponsors: SixFigures, nt3,
ResourceWare, and JobAdder for their support in
bringing out this report.


Phillip Tusing
Destination Talent
Sydney, March, 2009

   The Australian Job Board Landscape ‐ p4                    Job posting Services ‐ p27 
   Why use job board s ? ‐ p8                                 Recruitment Technology Directory ‐ p28  
   Getting the best out of Job board ‐ p9                     Talent Talk – p31 
   What to monitor in a job board  ‐ p11                            Using  Niche Job Boards  effectively ‐  p32 
   Top ten trends in job boards ‐ p12                               The case for Resume Databases ‐ p35 
   Types of job boards in Australia  ‐ p13                          Emergence of Vertical Job Search Engines  ‐ p38 
   Recruitment technology in Australia ‐ p24                        Job posting services in Australia   ‐ p41 
   Navigating the e‐recruitment Jungle ‐  p26 

                                          Engineering & Mining ‐ p20 
 Generalist ‐ p15 
                                          Expat  ‐ p20 
 Aggregators /vertical Search ‐ p16 
                                          Arts & Entertainment ‐ p20 
 Technology ‐ p16 
                                          New Media ‐ p20 
 Transport & logistics ‐ p16 
                                          Marketing & Communications  ‐ p20 
 Executive  ‐ p17 
                                          Fashion & Retail ‐ p20  
 Mature /Senior ‐ p17 
                                          Blue Collared & Trades  ‐ p21  
 Teen/Junior ‐ p17 
                                          Hospitality ‐ p21 
 Women ‐ p17 
                                          HR & Recruitment ‐ p21 
 Teacher/University ‐ p18 
                                          Science & Environment ‐ p22 
 Graduates ‐ p18 
                                          Freelancing ‐ p22 
 Accounting & Finance ‐ p18 
                                          Referrals & Networking ‐ p22 
 Legal ‐ p18  
                                          Part‐Time Work ‐ p22 
 Agriculture ‐ p19 
                                          Call Centre & Administration ‐ p22 
 Childcare ‐ p19 
                                          Regional ‐ p22 
 Sports & Fitness ‐ p19 
                                          Classifieds /Free Job Boards ‐ p23 
 Healthcare ‐ p19 
                                          CV Database ‐ p23 
 Architecture & Design ‐ p19 


F                                                                               With off-the-shelf software and        most activities, including job
     rom humble beginnings in the
                                                                                free job board technology readily      seeking, has migrated to online
     mid-nineties, job boards have
                                                                                available, starting a job board has    platforms. And job boards have
grown to become an integral part
                                                                                never been easier. On the flip side,   been the major beneficiaries of this
of the employment process, and
                                                                                running a job board successfully       shift.
an important yardstick to gauge
                                                                                proves more difficult. For every
the state of the economy.
                                                                                new job board that opens, another      Competitive landscape
                                                                                closes. However, the trend does
Explosion of job boards                                                                                                Competition among job board
                                                                                not seem to be a deterrent, as new
Today, hundreds of Internet sites,                                                                                     operators is fierce. Accounting for
                                                                                players continue to spring up. The
where job-seekers congregate to                                                                                        roughly 80% of the market share,
                                                                                number of job boards in Australia
find new career opportunities and                                                                                      the big generalist players continue
                                                                                has never been as high as it is
employers hope to find their future                                                                                    to hold sway over the landscape.
                                                                                currently, indicating an almost
staff, exist. The International                                                                                        At the top, a triangular boxing
                                                                                “golden age” for the industry.
Association of Employment Web                                                                                          match is played out by a listed
Sites (IAEWS) pegged the number                                                                                        company and entities owned by
                                                                                Industry size
of job boards in operation at more                                                                                     large media conglomerates.
than 40,000 worldwide. Even                                                                                            Acquisitions, alliances and
                                                                                In 2007 the job board market
                                                                                accounted for 47% of the AU$3961
though the exact number of job                                                                                         marketing have formed parts of the
boards is impossible to measure,                                                                                       strategy to win a larger market
                                                                                million* spent in online classifieds
the numbers are staggering by any                                                                                      share. Partners, technology and
                                                                                advertising. Much of the growth in
measure, an indication of how job                                                                                      expertise are regularly imported
                                                                                online classifieds has come at the
boards have come to be an                                                                                              from overseas in an effort to gain a
                                                                                expense of print media. The shift
integral part of the employment                                                                                        competitive advantage. Turf war is
                                                                                of advertising dollars to online
process.                                                                                                               fought mainly on price, traffic,
                                                                                platforms now seems permanent,
                                                                                                                       brand name and service.
                                                                                with online spending rising to
                                                                                AU$439 million2 in 2008, while
We estimate that there are close to
200 job boards in Australia (we                                                                                        The likely market scenario is that
                                                                                print media spends continued to
listed 160 in our directory). If the                                                                                   90% of job boards scramble for
definition of a job board is                                                                                           20% of the revenue pie. With
expanded to include online                                                                                             many of them barely registering
                                                                                A country with a workforce of 10
destinations which list employment                                                                                     noise at the national level, the vast
                                                                                million is expected to consume $2
                                                                                billion3 worth of online advertising
opportunities, the number is likely                                                                                    majority of job boards in Australia
to increases five-fold. (See note:                                                                                     are run by small and niche players.
                                                                                in 2009. The ubiquity of the
definition of job boards)                                                                                              While the big players dominate the
                                                                                Internet in our lives means that
1. Frost & Sullivan, Australia Online Classifieds Advertising Market 2007-2011
2&3. IAB Australia's Online Advertising Expenditure Report (OAER), Quarter ended December 2008.

“ In spite of the existence of alternatives,
                                                                job board continues to offer a cost-
                                                            effective solution, and remains a highly
                                                                          preferred channel to reach
                                                                                       out to talent ”

                                                                                                                referrals6. Employers and
space, nimble and well run niche                                         process. Adopted early by white
players with a sharp focus on                                            collared workers, usage has            recruiters alike increasingly use
audience and advertisers are                                             spread to all professional groups      job boards to supplement their
thriving.                                                                and diverse demographic groups,        employment brand, drive traffic to
                                                                         including those who shunned job        own career sites and augment
                                                                         boards initially. 24%of CEOs3
It also appears that the growth of                                                                              their talent pool.
one player is not at the expense                                         secured their jobs through job
of another. Success of new                                               boards.                                Weaknesses
players increases the industry’s                                                                                For all their popularity, job boards
revenue pie, rather than eating                                          The vast majority of employers,        have limitations. Job boards’
                                                                         68.63%4 in the Asia-Pacific
into the market share of existing                                                                               jurisdiction lies with those who
players. The job board market is                                         region, use job boards to source       visit them, and are basically a tool
predicted to reach $504.5 million                                        candidates, making it the top          to reach active job seekers. In
by 20111 .                                                               ranking sourcing tool in the           other words, they are limited by
                                                                         region.                                the demographics they reach,
Diversity                                                                                                       and their influence does not
                                                                         Initially seen as a threat by          extend to passive job seekers.
The Australian job board tapestry
                                                                         professional recruiters, job boards
is rich and colourful. Every
                                                                         have become a necessary tool           Victims of their own success, job
conceivable niche – geographic,
                                                                         when sourcing candidates. As a         boards are also plagued with the
regional, professional, job type
                                                                         group, recruiters are frequent         problem of “resume overload”. By
and industry sector – is
                                                                         users of job boards. By 2008,          eliminating barriers for job
represented by one or more job
                                                                         72%5 of recruiters in Australia had    seekers, they have made the job
board. There are job boards
                                                                         used job boards to source              application process fast and easy.
regularly listing tens of thousands
                                                                         candidates.                            As a result employers are often
of jobs each day, and job boards
                                                                                                                inundated with applications, many
that list only a handful of jobs. In
                                                                         Effective channel                      of them irrelevant to the job
fact, job boards exist to cover
every conceivable target                                                 One of the main reasons for the
demographic – mature workers,                                            longevity of the industry, and the
                                                                                                                Job boards inherently are tools
mainstream workers, part-time                                            mushrooming of new job boards,
                                                                                                                built for employers and recruiters,
workers, teenagers and working                                           is the simple fact that they work.
                                                                                                                rather than serving the immediate
mums.                                                                    Essentially a traffic reseller game,
                                                                                                                needs of job seekers. Often
                                                                         job boards provides a steady
                                                                                                                ridiculed for not paying attention
                                                                         stream of job seeker traffic to
Universal usage
                                                                                                                to the end user’s experience, job
                                                                         those seeking them, at an
Job board usage is now virtually
                                                                                                                boards are less kind to the needs
                                                                         attractive price-point that most
universal. In a space of a decade,
                                                                                                                of job seekers. Anecdotal
                                                                         alternatives can’t offer.
job boards have been embraced
                                                                                                                evidence suggests that most job
by both job seekers and
                                                                                                                seekers do not get their jobs from
                                                                         Employers rated job boards as
employers alike.
88%2 of Australians use job                                                                                     job boards in spite of the high
                                                                         the second most effective source
                                                                         for hiring new staff behind direct
boards during their job search

1. Frost & Sullivan, Australia Online Classifieds Advertising Market 2007-2011
2. Hudson 20:20 Series, Candidate Buying Behaviour
3. Executive Job Board Survey, Harvey Nash June 2008
4. Vedior Asia-Pacific Employment Trends 2008
5. RCSA survey round 27
6. CareerXroads, Source of Hires 2008
popular blogs have spawned
usage. The bread is buttered        years, each piece of new
                                                                         their own job boards, and large
entirely on the employers’ side.    technology finds its way into job
                                                                         online forums maintain job
                                    boards - RSS feeds, Job
                                                                         listings rivaling traditional job
                                    matching technology, VIDEO,
Maximising investments
                                                                         boards. Content rich
                                    SMS, MMS, artificial
As job boards become part of
                                                                         destinations (including online
                                    intelligence, XML feeds, HRXML
the talent acquisition furniture,
                                                                         version of print publications)
                                    etc. The need to fend off
the focus has shifted to getting
                                                                         have also jumped on the job
                                    competitors and stay ahead of
the most value out of the
                                                                         board wagon. Where a
                                    customers, together with the fast
                                                                         community thrives, it is likely
                                    -changing nature of technology
                                                                         that a job board exists too.
                                    and attempts to keep up with the
Tools and services to manage
                                    demands of job seekers, drives
job boards proliferated. Every
                                                                         Meanwhile, recruitment
                                    investment in new technologies.
piece of Applicant Tracking
                                                                         conversations have shifted to
                                    Technology continue to have a
software is shipped with job
                                                                         social media and networking
                                    major influence on the job board
board management functionality.
                                                                         sites. Employers are flirting with
Recently, specialised job posting
                                                                         Facebook, MySpace and
solutions have emerged strongly
                                                                         popular social networking sites.
                                    Alternatives to job boards
to maximize a company’s
                                                                         Job listings are appearing on
investment in job boards.           Alternative channels for
                                                                         Twitter. Employers are blogging
                                    employers to connect with future
                                                                         in the hope of opening up and
By automating the job posting       staff continue to grow. Similarly,
                                                                         humanising their organisations,
process, reducing administrative    the channels for job seekers to
                                                                         and reaching out to a wider
drudgery, eliminating subjective    find jobs and new employment
                                                                         audience. LinkedIn is embraced
monitoring (the perception that a   opportunities continue to
                                                                         as a medium to connect and
particular job board is superior    improve each day.
                                                                         build relationships with future
regardless of the results) and
                                                                         talent. Online referral sites offer
providing management tools          The growth of social media,
                                                                         employers the option to harness
equipped with clear performance     advances in technology,
                                                                         people’s networks and
metrics, specialised job posting    especially with the explosion of
                                                                         connections to access talent.
services add enormous value to      personal publishing, means that
both job boards and advertisers.    the capability to hold an intimate
                                                                         Many of the alternatives
Job posting solutions are fast      conversation with a small
                                                                         paraded are promising but
becoming an essential part of       audience is within the reach of
                                                                         remain unproven. Harnessing
the talent acquisition process.     everyone. Attempts at
                                                                         social media takes time, needs a
As job board proliferates,          presenting job opportunities to
                                                                         proper strategy and often
maximising ROI becomes a key        small pockets of communities
                                                                         requires a complete overhaul of
focus.                              are where lots of new
                                                                         existing corporate culture and
                                    experiments are happening.
                                                                         recruitment processes. What
Job boards innovate and
                                                                         works and doesn’t work is still
                                    From Internet forums and blog
stay in the game
                                                                         under scrutiny.
                                    to user groups and news sites,
Meanwhile, job boards embrace
                                                                         For all their limitations and the
                                    pockets of communities exist all
technology with gusto. Over the
                                                                         potential (and hyperbole) offered
                                    over the Internet. Many of the

       the Australian job board tapestry is rich
       and colourful. Every conceivable niche –
       geographic, regional, professional, job
       type and industry sector – is represented
       by one or more job board ”

boards will go where the job
by alternatives, job boards remain
                                                   seekers choose to be. Mobile
a proven tool and are one of the
                                                   platforms are highly likely to be
most cost-effective channels to
                                                   the new frontier for job distribution
reach job seekers in Australia.
                                                   and access. How a job board
                                                   reacts or embrace social media
The road ahead
                                                   will increasingly dictate its
Since raising their heads a
decade ago, job boards have
proven resilient. Currently serving
                                                   Still essentially a traffic business,
a workforce of 10 million, a large
                                                   for many advertisers, it is cheaper
number of job boards exist and
                                                   and easier to buy candidate traffic
are thriving, largely because they
                                                   from a job board. In a way, the
do a good job.
                                                   failure of companies to invest in
                                                   building their own candidate traffic
All immediate signs point to the
                                                   will ensure job boards maintain an
job board industry continuing to
                                                   important place in the talent
experience growth, as the
                                                   acquisition space in Australia.
fundamental shift of advertising
from print intensifies. Job seekers’
attitudes continue to be bullish,
with 86%* of Australians saying
that they will use job boards to
find their next job.
                                                    In a way, the failure of companies to
                                                    invest in building their own candidate
The road ahead presents other
challenges. Attention has shifted
                                                    traffic will ensure job boards maintain an
to social media, and it is clear that
                                                    important place in the talent acquisition
social networks will be an
important part of recruitment in
                                                    space in Australia.
the future. The proven models of
job boards as destinations will be
under scrutiny. It is likely job

* Employee Satisfaction & Motivation 2007 , SEEK


After more than a decade of service, and       6) Knowledge of job seekers
                                               Patronised by thousands of job seekers,
even with the emergence of various
                                               job boards knows a lot more about
alternatives, there are still compelling
                                               candidate behavior online than the
reasons to work with job boards. We have
                                               average employer.
highlighted 10 below.

                                               7) Reach active job seekers
1) Proven model
                                               Job boards are the best tools to reach
Everyone in the employment game –
                                               active job seekers, simply because active
employers, job seekers and recruiters –
                                               job seekers flock to them.
knows how job boards work. Job boards
are easy to use and their results have
been proven for over a decade.                 8) Ready talent pool
                                               Most job boards maintain a ready pool of
                                               talent that can be accessed anytime. The
2) Cost-effective medium
                                               available talent pools are usually larger
Measured against other advertising
                                               than any individual company can build.
alternatives, job boards continue to be
very cost-effective. Job advertising costs
starts from as low as $1, but generally fall   9) Wide reach
                                               Job boards reach every known
within the $5- $360 range.
                                               demographic – from the CEO to the
                                               receptionist, from office juniors to senior
3) Large audience
                                               management, from white-collared to blue-
Job boards have scale. Through them
                                               collared workers – job boards have the
you can reach a large and ready
                                               widest reach of any advertising medium.
audience with very little investment.

                                               10) Job boards innovate
4) Speed
                                               To their credit, job boards continue to
The turnaround time of jobs boards in
                                               embrace technology and new trends
generating candidate traffic is yet to be
                                               admirably. A decade since their
matched by anyone.
                                               emergence, they are proving to be
                                               resilient to technological change,
5) Marketing and advertising
                                               embracing rather than shunning it. Where
Job boards’ budgets for marketing and
                                               other operations have failed, they
advertising cannot be matched by
                                               have, to date, succeeded.
employers. They are much better at
playing the candidate traffic game than
any other in the employment space.


                                       will collect data on audience             draw satisfactory conclusions.
Understand a job board’s
                                       behavior, geographical location,
                                                                                 As a general rule, high traffic is
                                       age, education etc, and usually
Generally, job boards are effective
                                                                                 important. The more job seekers
                                       provide the data as part of their
in reaching out to people who are
                                                                                 the site attracts, the higher the
                                       sales initiative. However, many
currently looking for jobs - the so
                                                                                 likelihood of finding the right
                                       can’t. The ability to provide data on
called ‘active job seekers’. Job
                                                                                 candidate. But be wary of
                                       audience says a lot about a job
boards are less effective in
                                                                                 measuring traffic volume alone; it
                                       board. Having access to
reaching people who are not
                                                                                 is also important to be in front of
                                       demographics will give you a good
actively looking for a job. When
                                                                                 the right audience. As a minimum
                                       idea of which job board to partner
you advertise, it helps to
                                                                                 ask for recent website traffic data,
                                       with, and how to plan your
understand that the audiences for
                                                                                 and, if possible, that it be
                                       advertising strategy.
your jobs are actively looking for a
                                                                                 independently audited.
job. Reaching out to passive job
                                       Job board traffic
seekers require other channels
                                                                                 Maximising job ads and
                                       Traffic is king for job boards.
and tactics.
                                       Website traffic is one of the most
                                                                                 The Internet has removed virtually
                                       important, yet sometimes
Know the various types of
                                                                                 all barriers to seeking a job.
                                       contentious, factors in measuring
job boards
                                                                                 Applying for jobs is easy, quick
                                       the worth of a job board. Traffic, or
There are close to 200 job boards
                                                                                 and free. However, employers can
                                       lack thereof, distinguishes one job
in Australia and hundreds more
                                                                                 quickly be inundated with
                                       board from the other.
online destinations where jobs can
                                                                                 applicants, many not relevant to
be advertised. Every imaginable
                                       Naturally, most job boards use            the job advertised. As a result,
niche – geography, profession,
                                       their site traffic data to market their   some job boards have filtering and
regional, job types – are
                                       brand’s worth. Job listing prices         screening tools, mainly in the form
represented. It is important to
                                       are also largely determined by a          of questionnaires, to weed out
know the types of job boards, their
                                       job board’s traffic data. Job boards      unqualified applicants. While the
capabilities, market reach,
                                       use universal traffic measurements        idea and intention is right, it is not
specialisation and, more
                                       – unique visitors and page views          proving to be always effective. In
importantly, which job board is the
                                       and website hits – to measure their       fact, questionnaires may deter the
right one for you.
                                       performance. Not surprisingly,            very people companies are looking
                                       heavily trafficked job boards are         to attract.
A good first step is to understand
                                       also the most well known brands in
which job boards your target
                                                                                 Writing professional job ads is an
audiences (job seekers) are likely
                                                                                 effective method to get the most
to patronize. Generalists have a
                                       However the lack of a single and          out of job boards. A properly
wide coverage and reach, while
                                       standard to measure traffic can           constructed job ad with detailed
niche boards focus on a narrow
                                       create confusion, and allows              information about the job and
audience. A right combination of
                                       misrepresentation. In Australia,          company, besides being a
the two can be effective (see job
                                       Hitwise* and Nielsen NetRatings           marketing tool, may discourage
board types).
                                       provide website statistics for a fee.     unqualified applicants and
                                       Many of the free measurement              encourage the right applicants.
Audience demographics
                                       tools like Google Trends, Compete         Most job boards offer training
Job boards are different from each
                                       and Alexa, do not have sufficient         services and support on how to
other largely by the demographics
                                       data on job boards in Australia to        effectively use their product,
of their audience. Good job boards

“        measure, measure, measure is
                                                the mantra to get the best ROI
                                                from job boards. As the saying
                                                 goes, ‘You can’t improve what
                                                            you don’t measure

including writing effective job                                                vary according to companies.
                                       fair idea of requirements. If a
advertisements. Taking advantage       company has a relatively good           Some common examples are:
of these resources will go a long      idea of future advertisement
                                                                               Overall candidate traffic (No. of
way towards improving the quality      volume, they are in a position of
                                                                               applicants coming from a particular
of job applicants.                     strength to negotiate with job
                                                                               job board)
                                       boards. The current economic
                                       downturn presents a good
                                                                               Applicants per job (No. of
Maximising job postings                opportunity to seek flexibility in
                                                                               applicants/Job ID)
Job boards are able to provide         pricing.
important insights into job seekers’                                           Cost per applicant (No. of
                                       Promote your employment
behaviour. For instance, evidence                                              applicants/$ cost per ad)
suggests there are particular time
                                       Job boards are one of the most
and days suitable to elicit the most                                           Source of hire (No. of hires
                                       heavily trafficked websites on the
number of job applications. Ask                                                sourced from a particular job
                                       Internet, and are a good platform
your job board to provide data on                                              board)
                                       to sell an employment brand to a
candidate behavior and plan your
                                                                               Cost per hire (advertising budget
                                       large audience of job seekers.
job postings accordingly.
                                                                               per/no of placements)
                                       Besides posting jobs, many
Third party job posting solutions      companies are using job boards to
                                                                               Many other variants can be use
(JPS) providers also have good         promote their employment brand,
                                                                               measured the effectiveness of job
knowledge and data on candidate        stand out from the crowd, and
                                                                               boards. Job boards themselves
movement and behavior, and are         drive job seekers traffic to their
                                                                               are usually able to assist
useful solutions to help maximize      career websites.
                                                                               companies in developing useful
return on investments (refer JPS)  
                                                                               metrics to measure progress and
                                       Many options exist. Banners ads,
Job board pricing                                                              ROI.
                                       can be placed strategically to elicit
Pricing is one of the most             more visits to your jobs. Priority
                                                                               Make use of resume
important factors in comparing and     listing, where a job is placed on
choosing a job board. Job board        top of search results, is an
                                                                               Most job boards collect resumes
prices are normally a reflection of    increasingly popular option. Job
                                                                               voluntarily submitted by job
brand name, site traffic, years in     board regularly sent out
                                                                               seekers, and maintain large
business, longevity and a              subscription-based career
                                                                               databases of candidates, which
corporate strategy. Generally, the     newsletters and job alerts, which
                                                                               can be a good secondary source
big job boards charge higher fees      present ample options to highlight
                                                                               of candidates, especially those
than their smaller niche               your company. Updating and
                                                                               who are passively seeking
counterparts, mainly on the            sprucing your company’s ‘profile
assertion of better brand              page’, one of the most visited
recognition and larger volume of       locations on job boards, is also a
                                                                               Many job boards offer free access
traffic. Job boards’ pricing vary      must.
                                                                               to their resume database, while
widely, from free to a high of $350,
                                                                               some charge a separate fee. If a
                                       Measure job board
with the majority priced under
                                                                               fee is required, job boards usually
                                                                               offer trial runs. Regular users of
                                       Measure, measure, measure is the
                                                                               job boards can bundle database
It is fairly common for regular        mantra to get the best ROI from
                                                                               access and job posting contracts
advertisers to try to negotiate the    job boards. As the saying goes,
                                                                               into one cost-effective advertising
price down. Job boards are willing     ‘You can’t improve what you don’t
                                                                               package. Many companies mine
to offer below market rates in         measure’.
                                                                               these databases without posting
exchange for a long-term
                                                                               actual jobs.
relationship or a bulk order. The      Metrics to measure the
key to managing price is to have a     performance of job boards can


Marketing activities                      Site usability and UX (user             Transparency and
Brand matters. It is no coincidence       experience)                             management
that some of the most successful          A 2008 Forrester study* found that      There are lots of new job boards.
job boards are also the most              most job boards fail to provide a       Ask for details of the company,
recongised brands in Australia.           positive end user experience.           management team and corporate
Essentially a reseller business, job      Poor readability, excessive             strategy. Anyone soliciting
boards invest in marketing and            advertising, too many steps in the      advertising dollars and not
advertising to attract candidates,        job application process and             revealing their contact details on
which they resell at a higher price       cramped content are some of the         their website is to be treated with
to employers and recruiters.              complaints registered.                  suspicion.
Ironically, to attract traffic, job       A simple scan of the job board          Partnership and alliance
boards are regular users of               landscape will reveal that all job      Predominantly a traffic game, a
traditional mass media.                   boards are not created equal. It’s      job board’s worth is
Advertising on magazines,                 easy to pick up job boards who          complemented by its partnership
billboards, radio and TV are              have invested resources on giving       and alliances. Look for a job
common. Many of the niche job             their users a superior experience,      board’s network of friends and
board targets industry periodicals        which is a sign that their priorities   partners – it says a lot about their
and sponsor forums and corporate          are on the right track, and that        quality and reputation.
functions.                                they’re probably worth partnering
A simple yet effective method is to
ask your colleagues,                      Technological investments               The employment market is fickle
acquaintances or staff if they            Competition among job boards,           and cyclical. Flexibility on price,
heard of a job board. If they have,       the need to stay ahead of               length of contract and business
then this is a good indication that       customers, the changing nature of       dealings are important
the job board is doing a good job         technology and keeping up with          considerations when choosing a
at marketing.                             the demands of job seekers,             job board partner.
                                          drives investment in new
                                          technologies. Job boards who fail
Internet Presence                         to keep up with new technology          Social media strategy
Lately, search engines have               are at a disadvantage. Technology       Lately, conversations on talent
become job boards’ major source           savvy job seekers are increasingly      acquisition have shifted to the bold
of traffic. Australians are heavy         dictating how they want to interact     new world of social media and
users of Google, with millions of         with job boards, and the ability to     networking, with some pundits
searches on ‘jobs’ conducted              deliver jobs though job seekers’        even suggesting job boards will
monthly. As a result Search               preferred channel is a big              have less relevance in the future.
Engine Optimisation (SEO)                 advantage. It is widely believed        To their credit, many job boards
initiatives are critical for job boards   that the future of job access and       have embraced social media or
to gain traffic. A simple Google          distribution will be on mobile          either explored the possibility of
search and link analysis will             platforms.                              working with social networking
provide an idea of a job board’s
                                                                                  sites. How social media and
web presence and standing.
                                                                                  networking will affect talent
                                          Accreditations, awards and              acquisition is too early to tell.
                                          endorsement                             Trace and monitor how jobs
Volume of jobs                            Some of the most popular job            boards are participating in the
A quick snapshot of a job board’s         boards have won awards while            conversations.
standing can be measured by the           some are endorsed by
volume of jobs listed. There are          professional associations, both of      Support and service
many interpretations of how jobs          which are an illustration of a job      There is a reason why some of the
are counted; nevertheless the             board’s standing in the industry.       most successful job boards are
number of jobs listed gives you at        Accreditations are not essential to     that way – they invest in customer
the very least an indication of its       be a good job board, but it can be      service and support.  
popularity among advertisers.             a useful tool to compare job
Ten trends we believe will                                                     participating in the job board
                                       4) MAXIMISING ROI
dominate the Australian Job Board      Focus will sharply shift to             business. Anyone with access to a
Landscape in 2009:                     maximizing ROI from job board           membership base will consider
                                       investments. Companies who              starting a job board. Commercial
                                       assist advertisers to manage and        gain will not be the sole motive.
Predominantly a traffic game,          get maximum benefits will flourish.
alliances and traffic sharing pacts    Job posting and distribution            8) YEAR OF THE MOBILE
will litter the landscape. A job       services will thrive in 2009.           Recruitment conversations will shift
board’s worth will be increasingly                                             to mobile platforms. From the
measured by its network and the                                                humble SMS to sophisticated
                                       5) AGGREGATORS WILL STAY
partnerships it keeps. Meanwhile, a    Vertical job search providers and       smart phones, mobile delivery of
robust, cohesive Google strategy       job boards will realise that they are   jobs will become a big growth area,
will become paramount. SEO will        not direct competitors. In 2009, job    driven by job seekers’ demands to
form the largest chunk of a job        boards and aggregators will learn       access jobs in the medium and
board's marketing budget.              to live side by side, as job seekers    time of their choice. Job boards will
                                       and employers learn how to find         be forced to embrace mobile
                                       out the value proposition of each       platforms.
Much of the growth in online           site.
classifieds will come at the                                                   9) ASSOCIATIONS WILL RISE
expense of print. Already, online                                              The vast majority of the 4,200
                                       6) AUDIENCES WILL GET
advertisement is a $9 billion                                                  industry and professional
industry, with no signs of slowing     The Internet is a perfect medium in     associations in Australia will cash
down. Print players will migrate       which to localise and build             in on their direct relationship with
online too.                            relationship with small audiences.      their members. We will see a flurry
                                       Job boards will cater for smaller       of job board activity from
                                       and smaller niches, providing more      professional associations.
Employers will be more open to         intimate service and better results     Alliances with commercial job
exploring alternatives. Online         for both advertisers and job            boards will be common.
referrals providers will gain          seekers. Bloggers are leading the
increasing audience with               way. There is a strong case for the     10) ECONOMY HAS LAST WORD
employers. Conversation will also      argument that niche players with        The economic downturn will shape
shift to social networks. A Twitter    small audiences will thrive.            the industry, separating the wheat
strategy will be a given. LinkedIn’s                                           from the chaff. With fewer jobs and
progress will sow further unease                                               more job seekers, players will have
                                       7) NEW ENTRANTS
among job boards. Prepare to see       A crowded market and high failure       to deal with price pressures from
a lot of collaboration between job     rate will not deter new entrants.       advertisers. Advertisers will be
boards and social networking sites.    Technology is no longer a barrier       more discerning about their current
                                       to building job boards, and we will     partners. ROI will be the key
                                       see a wide variety of stakeholders      talking point.

A wide variety of job boards exist                                             themselves on the side of the
                                        about 20 generalist sites, with a
across Australia. From the                                                     candidates and offer convenience
                                        couple of big players dominating the
pioneering generalist jobs boards of                                           and a wide range of jobs not
the first Internet boom to the latest                                          available on traditional job boards.
                                        Niche (specialty) job boards
players harnessing the power of                                                Aggregators offer employers
                                        Niche or specialty job boards have
social media, the options available                                            another channel to net candidates
                                        a narrower focus, concentrating on
to employers has increased                                                     at a very attractive price-point,
                                        a particular audience and
significantly. We try to make sense                                            including using Google style pay-
                                        advertisers. Every conceivable
of the job board landscape under                                               per-click services.
                                        niche – geographic, regional,
the following categories:
                                                                               Classifieds and free job
                                        professional, job-type and industry
Generalist job boards                   sector – is represented by a job       boards
Generalist job boards target all job    board. By offering domain              Free classifieds sites are a
seekers by covering a broad range       expertise and providing an intimate    quintessential product of the
of industries, locations and job        relationship with a selective          Internet. There are hundreds of free
types.                                  audience, a clear value                classifieds sites with some boasting
                                        demarcation exists between niche       large job listings that even many
Traffic volume is a key focus of        players and generalist. Niche job      commercial job boards are not able
generalists. Marketing and              board forms the bulk of the job        to match. Classifieds are often used
advertising efforts, often using mass   board industry in Australia by         for hourly help and short-term
media, are invested in to engage as     volume.                                assignments. Free job boards trying
many job seekers as possible. At                                               to cash in on sponsored
any given time, thousands of jobs       Aggregators (Vertical Search)          advertisements (such as Google
are listed on generalist sites,         Aggregators, unlike traditional job    AdSense) are also rife.
generating large traffic. Some of the   boards, do not own the jobs listed
popular job boards register millions                                           Association job boards
                                        on their website. Like search
of visitors per month, and are well                                            By virtue of having a large
                                        engines, they merely act as a
known brands.                                                                  membership, professional
                                        platform to redirect job seekers’
                                                                               associations maintain their own job
                                        traffic. Some job boards depend on
A product of the early Internet                                                boards. 4,200 industry and
                                        them to increase their own traffic,
years, generalist job boards are                                               professional associations exists in
                                        while some see them as a threat.
proving to be versatile in the midst                                           Australia, and each of them
of competition and changes in the       Free from the burden of having to      communicates regularly with a
marketplace. In Australia there are     win clients, aggregators position      focused talent pool. Driven more by

a sense of service to their                                                                            Many blogs have spawned job
                                                   Internet communities and
members than commercial                                                                                boards of their own, often targeted
interests, the vast majority of                                                                        at a small but highly loyal and
                                                   Where an online community
associations are yet to discover                                                                       relevant readership. Micro-
                                                   thrives, a job board is likely to
their unique position and potential.                                                                   blogging is also opening a wide
                                                   exist. Not designed specifically to
Many of the larger, mainly white                                                                       range of possibilities in reaching
                                                   be job boards and largely bereft of
collared associations run                                                                              out to job seekers. Where there is
                                                   commercial interests, internet
impressive job boards, and many                                                                        quality content, traffic and job
                                                   communities and forums listing job
associations are also collaborating                                                                    listings tend to follow.
                                                   opportunities are widespread.
with the mainstream job boards.                    Many of the largest and most
                                                                                                       Referrals and networking
                                                   popular forums have spawned job
Resume database and CV                                                                                 sites
                                                   boards of their own, some
services                                                                                               Networking and online referral
                                                   boasting larger listings than
Resume database providers offer                                                                        sites are increasingly becoming
                                                   traditional job boards.
employers and recruiters access to                                                                     popular outlets for advertising jobs.
a ready talent pool at an attractive                                                                   Large networking sites are fast
                                                   Content sites and the
price-point. “We have a talent pool                                                                    becoming self-updating resume
that no one else has,” is the main                                                                     databases and are also starting to
                                                   Content rich destinations
selling point of resume database                                                                       generate job listings. Referral
                                                   (including online version of print
providers. Various business                                                                            sites use the Internet to facilitate
                                                   publications) have also jumped on
models exist; typically free job                                                                       direct exchanges between
                                                   the job board wagon. Some of the
postings are offered while                                                                             employers and anyone who can
                                                   large independent news portals
database access is charged on a                                                                        help find talent. Employers reward
                                                   run large job listings that easily
monthly basis, pay per use, or only                                                                    people for their connections and
                                                   qualify as a job board.
upon successfully finding a                                                                            networks of friends and
candidate.                                                                                             acquaintances.

 Job board definition 
 Our definition of a ‘job board’ is primarily an online destination, operated by a legal entity, where job opportunities are listed, with the aim 
 to connect jobseekers to those who seek them.  Recruitment firms are not included, unless the job site has different branding and is proven 
 to be independent. Also excluded are job sites (with a different domain name to parent company) owned and operated by another job 
 board and advertising the same jobs. 


      Australian Job Search                  Sydney NSW 2000                       Melbourne VIC 3000 
      GPO Box 9880                           Phone: (02) 9268 8600                 Phone: 1300 726 279 
      Canberra  ACT 2601                                                                                                 
                                             Job X                                 My Job space 
                                      7.                                    12. 
      Apply Now                              Suite 23 Norberry Terrace             Suite 731, 1 Queens Road 
      205 Moggill Road,                      177‐199 Pacific Highway               Melbourne VIC 3004 
      Taringa,  Queensland 4068              North Sydney NSW 2060                 Phone: 1800 129 950 
      Phone: 1300 366 573                    Phone: 02 9955 7170                                         
                                                                                   Positions Vacant  
      Byron Employment                                                             Phone : 02 8206 9561  
      PO Box 5335                            Jobaroo                      
      West Chatswood  NSW 1515               Level 21, 201 Miller St                
                                                                                   Reverse Jobs 
      Phone: (02) 8448 2070                  Sydney, NSW 2060               14. 
                                                                                   11 Eliza St                       (02) 8003 4448 
                                                                                   Adelaide SA 5000                    
                                                                                   Phone: (08) 8410 7441  
      Career One                                                          
      PO Box 4245,                           Jobs Jobs Jobs               
      Sydney NSW 2001                        Level 1, 34 ‐ 36 Punt Road             
                                                                                   Search for Jobs 
      Phone: 1800 555 010                    Windsor Vic 3181               15. 
                                                                                   PO BOX 1578                   Phone: 1300 726 279 
                                                                                   Milton QLD 4064 
      Glassfish                                                                    Phone: 1300 276 280 
      PO Box 981                             Livesalary                   
      Glen Waverley Vic 3150                 Level 1, suite 101           
      Phone: 123 456 789                     5 Elizabeth St, Sydney 2000            
      sales @               Phone: 02 9232 0172            16. 
                                                                                   Level 6,  541 St Kilda Road           
                                                                                   Melbourne, VIC 3004  
      Job Serve                              MyCareer                              Phone: 1300 658 700 
6.                                    11. 
      Level 1, 263 Clarence Street           601 Little Lonsdale Street   .au 

Job R                                      Workcircle 
 17.                                        34. 
        jobs @                
                                                                                is Asia Pacific's first vertical search                                                                  engine for jobs. Built on award winning 
                                                                                         technology that allows job seekers to instantly 
        Tip Top Jobs                                                                
 18.                                                                                     search millions of jobs from thousands of web 
        38 & 39 Citigroup Centre                                                         sites with a single search.  For employers, 
        2 Park Street                              Digital Industry Jobs                 agencies and job sites we drive large volumes 
                                                                                         of highly targeted job seeker traffic directly to 
        Sydney NSW 2000                            Phone: 03 9018 5722 
                                                                                         their job listings. 
        Phone: 44 870‐870 1193            
                                                                                also operates adnet, a performance                           
                                                                                         based advertising system which provides 
                                                                                         recruiters with a measurable, cost‐effective 
                                                   Suite 314, Level 3 
AGGREGATOR/VERTICAL                                                                      platform to deliver targeted advertising to 
                                                   343 Little Collins Street, 
                                                                                         passive and active job seekers.  
        All Jobs                                   Melbourne 3000 
                                                                                         ESTABLISHED:  2007                           Phone: (03) 8622 4700 
                                                                                         CEO / MD : Maneck Mohan   
                                                                                         CATEGORY: Aggregator (Vertical search)  
                                                                                         INDUSTRY FOCUS:  All industry                        Job Speed 
                                                                                         JOB TYPES: Full‐time, Part‐time, Contract & 
                                                   IT niche job board                    Casual jobs.  
        Govt Jobs                         
 21.                                                                                     NUMBER OF JOBS: 224,663                                  BULK JOB UPLOAD:  Yes 
                                                                                         JOB DURATION:  Job listed for 30 days  
                                                                                         CV DATABASE: 250,000 
        J Seeker                                   Jobwire 
 22.                                        38. 
                                                                                         JOB ADVERTISING COST:  Advertisers can set                
                                                                                         their own daily or monthly budget. Sponsored 
                                                   Phone: (03) 5426 4786 
                                                                                         Jobs ‐ maximum visibility for job listings. 
        Job Sites                         
                                                                                         Sponsored jobs are highlighted and placed in                                                              premium positions above the search results.  
                                                   GIS Career 
 24.                                               Suite 604, Level 6, 46 Market St      adnet ‐ highly targeted, measurable advertising                                                               delivered based on keywords, and geographies. 
                                                   Sydney NSW 2000 
                                                   Phone: (02) 9299 9199 
                                                                                         Advertising solutions are performance based. 
        Jobs in Oz 
                                                                                         Advertisers only pay for results (CPC ‐cost‐per‐                              click. CPA ‐cost‐per‐action (i.e. per resume or  
                                                                                         per application)  
                                                   Whirlpool Forum                        
 26.                                                                                     OFFICE/CONTACT:  
                                                   A forum for IT professionals                                                              2706, The Centrium 60 Wyndham Street, 
                                                                                         Phone: +852 2525 0555 
                                                   Web Directions  
                                                                                         Fax : +852 2525 0060  
                                                   Job board for web industry    
                                                  WEBSITE URL:  
                                                                                              Dot Net Careers 
                                                                                       48.                        Dynamics Careers 
        Plus Jobs 
                                                                                              (Gurus, Dynamic Careers, Oracle 
                                                   Oracle Careers 
                                            44.                                               Careers, SAP Careers, SAGE jobs, 
                                                               Dot Net Careers, Software  
                                                                                              Developers are owned by Now 
                                                   SAP careers                                Hiring 123 Erskine Street     
                                                                  Middle Park, VIC 3206 
        Simply Hired 
                                                                                              (02) 9029 5029 )  
                                                   Software Developers 
        Salty Fish 
                                                   Sage Jobs 

Job Board Report
Job Board Report
Job Board Report
Job Board Report
Job Board Report
Job Board Report
Job Board Report
Job Board Report
Job Board Report
Job Board Report
Job Board Report
Job Board Report
Job Board Report
Job Board Report
Job Board Report
Job Board Report
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Job Board Report
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Job Board Report
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Job Board Report

  • 1. JOB BOARD REPORT 2009 The definitive guide to the best online destinations and recruitment technology for finding talent in Australia
  • 2. INTRODUCTION For the past decade and half, job boards have connected employers and job seekers in Australia. Today, they continue to play a critical role in the employment process. Recruitment technology providers are also growing as the critical task of talent attraction, acquisition and management becomes increasingly complex. We are confident that job boards and recruitment technology providers will continue to evolve and play an important role in the days ahead. Our aim at Destination Talent is to highlight the breadth and variety of talent solutions providers in Australia. We are pleased to bring out the first ‘Australian Job Board Report 2009’, a directory and guidebook on the job board and recruitment technology landscape in Australia. We are confident that you will find it a useful resource. We are grateful to our sponsors: SixFigures, nt3, ResourceWare, and JobAdder for their support in bringing out this report. Regards Phillip Tusing Destination Talent Sydney, March, 2009 2
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS The Australian Job Board Landscape ‐ p4  Job posting Services ‐ p27  Why use job board s ? ‐ p8  Recruitment Technology Directory ‐ p28   Getting the best out of Job board ‐ p9  Talent Talk – p31  What to monitor in a job board  ‐ p11  Using  Niche Job Boards  effectively ‐  p32  Top ten trends in job boards ‐ p12  The case for Resume Databases ‐ p35  Types of job boards in Australia  ‐ p13  Emergence of Vertical Job Search Engines  ‐ p38  Recruitment technology in Australia ‐ p24  Job posting services in Australia   ‐ p41  Navigating the e‐recruitment Jungle ‐  p26  JOB BOARD DIRECTOR Y  Engineering & Mining ‐ p20  Generalist ‐ p15  Expat  ‐ p20  Aggregators /vertical Search ‐ p16  Arts & Entertainment ‐ p20  Technology ‐ p16  New Media ‐ p20  Transport & logistics ‐ p16  Marketing & Communications  ‐ p20  Executive  ‐ p17  Fashion & Retail ‐ p20   Mature /Senior ‐ p17  Blue Collared & Trades  ‐ p21   Teen/Junior ‐ p17  Hospitality ‐ p21  Women ‐ p17  HR & Recruitment ‐ p21  Teacher/University ‐ p18  Science & Environment ‐ p22  Graduates ‐ p18  Freelancing ‐ p22  Accounting & Finance ‐ p18  Referrals & Networking ‐ p22  Legal ‐ p18   Part‐Time Work ‐ p22  Agriculture ‐ p19  Call Centre & Administration ‐ p22  Childcare ‐ p19  Regional ‐ p22  Sports & Fitness ‐ p19  Classifieds /Free Job Boards ‐ p23  Healthcare ‐ p19  CV Database ‐ p23  Architecture & Design ‐ p19      3
  • 4. AUSTRALIAN JOB BOARD LANDSCAPE F With off-the-shelf software and most activities, including job rom humble beginnings in the free job board technology readily seeking, has migrated to online mid-nineties, job boards have available, starting a job board has platforms. And job boards have grown to become an integral part never been easier. On the flip side, been the major beneficiaries of this of the employment process, and running a job board successfully shift. an important yardstick to gauge proves more difficult. For every the state of the economy. new job board that opens, another Competitive landscape closes. However, the trend does Explosion of job boards Competition among job board not seem to be a deterrent, as new Today, hundreds of Internet sites, operators is fierce. Accounting for players continue to spring up. The where job-seekers congregate to roughly 80% of the market share, number of job boards in Australia find new career opportunities and the big generalist players continue has never been as high as it is employers hope to find their future to hold sway over the landscape. currently, indicating an almost staff, exist. The International At the top, a triangular boxing “golden age” for the industry. Association of Employment Web match is played out by a listed Sites (IAEWS) pegged the number company and entities owned by Industry size of job boards in operation at more large media conglomerates. than 40,000 worldwide. Even Acquisitions, alliances and In 2007 the job board market accounted for 47% of the AU$3961 though the exact number of job marketing have formed parts of the boards is impossible to measure, strategy to win a larger market million* spent in online classifieds the numbers are staggering by any share. Partners, technology and advertising. Much of the growth in measure, an indication of how job expertise are regularly imported online classifieds has come at the boards have come to be an from overseas in an effort to gain a expense of print media. The shift integral part of the employment competitive advantage. Turf war is of advertising dollars to online process. fought mainly on price, traffic, platforms now seems permanent, brand name and service. with online spending rising to AU$439 million2 in 2008, while We estimate that there are close to 200 job boards in Australia (we The likely market scenario is that print media spends continued to listed 160 in our directory). If the 90% of job boards scramble for decline. definition of a job board is 20% of the revenue pie. With expanded to include online many of them barely registering A country with a workforce of 10 destinations which list employment noise at the national level, the vast million is expected to consume $2 billion3 worth of online advertising opportunities, the number is likely majority of job boards in Australia to increases five-fold. (See note: are run by small and niche players. in 2009. The ubiquity of the definition of job boards) While the big players dominate the Internet in our lives means that 1. Frost & Sullivan, Australia Online Classifieds Advertising Market 2007-2011 2&3. IAB Australia's Online Advertising Expenditure Report (OAER), Quarter ended December 2008. 4
  • 5. “ In spite of the existence of alternatives, job board continues to offer a cost- effective solution, and remains a highly preferred channel to reach out to talent ” referrals6. Employers and space, nimble and well run niche process. Adopted early by white players with a sharp focus on collared workers, usage has recruiters alike increasingly use audience and advertisers are spread to all professional groups job boards to supplement their thriving. and diverse demographic groups, employment brand, drive traffic to including those who shunned job own career sites and augment boards initially. 24%of CEOs3 It also appears that the growth of their talent pool. one player is not at the expense secured their jobs through job of another. Success of new boards. Weaknesses players increases the industry’s For all their popularity, job boards revenue pie, rather than eating The vast majority of employers, have limitations. Job boards’ 68.63%4 in the Asia-Pacific into the market share of existing jurisdiction lies with those who players. The job board market is region, use job boards to source visit them, and are basically a tool predicted to reach $504.5 million candidates, making it the top to reach active job seekers. In by 20111 . ranking sourcing tool in the other words, they are limited by region. the demographics they reach, Diversity and their influence does not Initially seen as a threat by extend to passive job seekers. The Australian job board tapestry professional recruiters, job boards is rich and colourful. Every have become a necessary tool Victims of their own success, job conceivable niche – geographic, when sourcing candidates. As a boards are also plagued with the regional, professional, job type group, recruiters are frequent problem of “resume overload”. By and industry sector – is users of job boards. By 2008, eliminating barriers for job represented by one or more job 72%5 of recruiters in Australia had seekers, they have made the job board. There are job boards used job boards to source application process fast and easy. regularly listing tens of thousands candidates. As a result employers are often of jobs each day, and job boards inundated with applications, many that list only a handful of jobs. In Effective channel of them irrelevant to the job fact, job boards exist to cover advertised. every conceivable target One of the main reasons for the demographic – mature workers, longevity of the industry, and the Job boards inherently are tools mainstream workers, part-time mushrooming of new job boards, built for employers and recruiters, workers, teenagers and working is the simple fact that they work. rather than serving the immediate mums. Essentially a traffic reseller game, needs of job seekers. Often job boards provides a steady ridiculed for not paying attention stream of job seeker traffic to Universal usage to the end user’s experience, job those seeking them, at an Job board usage is now virtually boards are less kind to the needs attractive price-point that most universal. In a space of a decade, of job seekers. Anecdotal alternatives can’t offer. job boards have been embraced evidence suggests that most job by both job seekers and seekers do not get their jobs from Employers rated job boards as employers alike. 88%2 of Australians use job job boards in spite of the high the second most effective source for hiring new staff behind direct boards during their job search 1. Frost & Sullivan, Australia Online Classifieds Advertising Market 2007-2011 2. Hudson 20:20 Series, Candidate Buying Behaviour 3. Executive Job Board Survey, Harvey Nash June 2008 4. Vedior Asia-Pacific Employment Trends 2008 5. RCSA survey round 27 6. CareerXroads, Source of Hires 2008 5
  • 6. popular blogs have spawned usage. The bread is buttered years, each piece of new their own job boards, and large entirely on the employers’ side. technology finds its way into job online forums maintain job boards - RSS feeds, Job listings rivaling traditional job matching technology, VIDEO, Maximising investments boards. Content rich SMS, MMS, artificial As job boards become part of destinations (including online intelligence, XML feeds, HRXML the talent acquisition furniture, version of print publications) etc. The need to fend off the focus has shifted to getting have also jumped on the job competitors and stay ahead of the most value out of the board wagon. Where a customers, together with the fast investments. community thrives, it is likely -changing nature of technology that a job board exists too. and attempts to keep up with the Tools and services to manage demands of job seekers, drives job boards proliferated. Every Meanwhile, recruitment investment in new technologies. piece of Applicant Tracking conversations have shifted to Technology continue to have a software is shipped with job social media and networking major influence on the job board board management functionality. sites. Employers are flirting with landscape. Recently, specialised job posting Facebook, MySpace and solutions have emerged strongly popular social networking sites. Alternatives to job boards to maximize a company’s Job listings are appearing on investment in job boards. Alternative channels for Twitter. Employers are blogging employers to connect with future in the hope of opening up and By automating the job posting staff continue to grow. Similarly, humanising their organisations, process, reducing administrative the channels for job seekers to and reaching out to a wider drudgery, eliminating subjective find jobs and new employment audience. LinkedIn is embraced monitoring (the perception that a opportunities continue to as a medium to connect and particular job board is superior improve each day. build relationships with future regardless of the results) and talent. Online referral sites offer providing management tools The growth of social media, employers the option to harness equipped with clear performance advances in technology, people’s networks and metrics, specialised job posting especially with the explosion of connections to access talent. services add enormous value to personal publishing, means that both job boards and advertisers. the capability to hold an intimate Many of the alternatives Job posting solutions are fast conversation with a small paraded are promising but becoming an essential part of audience is within the reach of remain unproven. Harnessing the talent acquisition process. everyone. Attempts at social media takes time, needs a As job board proliferates, presenting job opportunities to proper strategy and often maximising ROI becomes a key small pockets of communities requires a complete overhaul of focus. are where lots of new existing corporate culture and experiments are happening. recruitment processes. What Job boards innovate and works and doesn’t work is still From Internet forums and blog stay in the game under scrutiny. to user groups and news sites, Meanwhile, job boards embrace For all their limitations and the pockets of communities exist all technology with gusto. Over the potential (and hyperbole) offered over the Internet. Many of the the Australian job board tapestry is rich “ and colourful. Every conceivable niche – geographic, regional, professional, job type and industry sector – is represented by one or more job board ” 6
  • 7. boards will go where the job by alternatives, job boards remain seekers choose to be. Mobile a proven tool and are one of the platforms are highly likely to be most cost-effective channels to the new frontier for job distribution reach job seekers in Australia. and access. How a job board reacts or embrace social media The road ahead will increasingly dictate its Since raising their heads a relevance. decade ago, job boards have proven resilient. Currently serving Still essentially a traffic business, a workforce of 10 million, a large for many advertisers, it is cheaper number of job boards exist and and easier to buy candidate traffic are thriving, largely because they from a job board. In a way, the do a good job. failure of companies to invest in building their own candidate traffic All immediate signs point to the will ensure job boards maintain an job board industry continuing to important place in the talent experience growth, as the acquisition space in Australia. fundamental shift of advertising from print intensifies. Job seekers’ attitudes continue to be bullish, with 86%* of Australians saying that they will use job boards to find their next job. In a way, the failure of companies to invest in building their own candidate The road ahead presents other challenges. Attention has shifted traffic will ensure job boards maintain an to social media, and it is clear that important place in the talent acquisition social networks will be an important part of recruitment in space in Australia. the future. The proven models of job boards as destinations will be under scrutiny. It is likely job * Employee Satisfaction & Motivation 2007 , SEEK 7
  • 8. WHY JOB BOARDS? After more than a decade of service, and 6) Knowledge of job seekers Patronised by thousands of job seekers, even with the emergence of various job boards knows a lot more about alternatives, there are still compelling candidate behavior online than the reasons to work with job boards. We have average employer. highlighted 10 below. 7) Reach active job seekers 1) Proven model Job boards are the best tools to reach Everyone in the employment game – active job seekers, simply because active employers, job seekers and recruiters – job seekers flock to them. knows how job boards work. Job boards are easy to use and their results have been proven for over a decade. 8) Ready talent pool Most job boards maintain a ready pool of talent that can be accessed anytime. The 2) Cost-effective medium available talent pools are usually larger Measured against other advertising than any individual company can build. alternatives, job boards continue to be very cost-effective. Job advertising costs starts from as low as $1, but generally fall 9) Wide reach Job boards reach every known within the $5- $360 range. demographic – from the CEO to the receptionist, from office juniors to senior 3) Large audience management, from white-collared to blue- Job boards have scale. Through them collared workers – job boards have the you can reach a large and ready widest reach of any advertising medium. audience with very little investment. 10) Job boards innovate 4) Speed To their credit, job boards continue to The turnaround time of jobs boards in embrace technology and new trends generating candidate traffic is yet to be admirably. A decade since their matched by anyone. emergence, they are proving to be resilient to technological change, 5) Marketing and advertising embracing rather than shunning it. Where Job boards’ budgets for marketing and other operations have failed, they advertising cannot be matched by have, to date, succeeded. employers. They are much better at playing the candidate traffic game than any other in the employment space. 8
  • 9. GETTING THE BEST OUT OF JOB BOARDS will collect data on audience draw satisfactory conclusions. Understand a job board’s behavior, geographical location, audience As a general rule, high traffic is age, education etc, and usually Generally, job boards are effective important. The more job seekers provide the data as part of their in reaching out to people who are the site attracts, the higher the sales initiative. However, many currently looking for jobs - the so likelihood of finding the right can’t. The ability to provide data on called ‘active job seekers’. Job candidate. But be wary of audience says a lot about a job boards are less effective in measuring traffic volume alone; it board. Having access to reaching people who are not is also important to be in front of demographics will give you a good actively looking for a job. When the right audience. As a minimum idea of which job board to partner you advertise, it helps to ask for recent website traffic data, with, and how to plan your understand that the audiences for and, if possible, that it be advertising strategy. your jobs are actively looking for a independently audited. job. Reaching out to passive job Job board traffic seekers require other channels Maximising job ads and Traffic is king for job boards. and tactics. postings Website traffic is one of the most The Internet has removed virtually important, yet sometimes Know the various types of all barriers to seeking a job. contentious, factors in measuring job boards Applying for jobs is easy, quick the worth of a job board. Traffic, or There are close to 200 job boards and free. However, employers can lack thereof, distinguishes one job in Australia and hundreds more quickly be inundated with board from the other. online destinations where jobs can applicants, many not relevant to be advertised. Every imaginable Naturally, most job boards use the job advertised. As a result, niche – geography, profession, their site traffic data to market their some job boards have filtering and regional, job types – are brand’s worth. Job listing prices screening tools, mainly in the form represented. It is important to are also largely determined by a of questionnaires, to weed out know the types of job boards, their job board’s traffic data. Job boards unqualified applicants. While the capabilities, market reach, use universal traffic measurements idea and intention is right, it is not specialisation and, more – unique visitors and page views proving to be always effective. In importantly, which job board is the and website hits – to measure their fact, questionnaires may deter the right one for you. performance. Not surprisingly, very people companies are looking heavily trafficked job boards are to attract. A good first step is to understand also the most well known brands in which job boards your target Writing professional job ads is an Australia. audiences (job seekers) are likely effective method to get the most to patronize. Generalists have a However the lack of a single and out of job boards. A properly wide coverage and reach, while standard to measure traffic can constructed job ad with detailed niche boards focus on a narrow create confusion, and allows information about the job and audience. A right combination of misrepresentation. In Australia, company, besides being a the two can be effective (see job Hitwise* and Nielsen NetRatings marketing tool, may discourage board types). provide website statistics for a fee. unqualified applicants and Many of the free measurement encourage the right applicants. Audience demographics tools like Google Trends, Compete Most job boards offer training Job boards are different from each and Alexa, do not have sufficient services and support on how to other largely by the demographics data on job boards in Australia to effectively use their product, of their audience. Good job boards 9
  • 10. measure, measure, measure is the mantra to get the best ROI from job boards. As the saying goes, ‘You can’t improve what you don’t measure ” including writing effective job vary according to companies. fair idea of requirements. If a advertisements. Taking advantage company has a relatively good Some common examples are: of these resources will go a long idea of future advertisement Overall candidate traffic (No. of way towards improving the quality volume, they are in a position of applicants coming from a particular of job applicants. strength to negotiate with job job board) boards. The current economic downturn presents a good Applicants per job (No. of Maximising job postings opportunity to seek flexibility in applicants/Job ID) Job boards are able to provide pricing. important insights into job seekers’ Cost per applicant (No. of Promote your employment behaviour. For instance, evidence applicants/$ cost per ad) brand suggests there are particular time Job boards are one of the most and days suitable to elicit the most Source of hire (No. of hires heavily trafficked websites on the number of job applications. Ask sourced from a particular job Internet, and are a good platform your job board to provide data on board) to sell an employment brand to a candidate behavior and plan your Cost per hire (advertising budget large audience of job seekers. job postings accordingly. per/no of placements) Besides posting jobs, many Third party job posting solutions companies are using job boards to Many other variants can be use (JPS) providers also have good promote their employment brand, measured the effectiveness of job knowledge and data on candidate stand out from the crowd, and boards. Job boards themselves movement and behavior, and are drive job seekers traffic to their are usually able to assist useful solutions to help maximize career websites. companies in developing useful return on investments (refer JPS)   metrics to measure progress and Many options exist. Banners ads, Job board pricing ROI. can be placed strategically to elicit Pricing is one of the most more visits to your jobs. Priority Make use of resume important factors in comparing and listing, where a job is placed on databases choosing a job board. Job board top of search results, is an Most job boards collect resumes prices are normally a reflection of increasingly popular option. Job voluntarily submitted by job brand name, site traffic, years in board regularly sent out seekers, and maintain large business, longevity and a subscription-based career databases of candidates, which corporate strategy. Generally, the newsletters and job alerts, which can be a good secondary source big job boards charge higher fees present ample options to highlight of candidates, especially those than their smaller niche your company. Updating and who are passively seeking counterparts, mainly on the sprucing your company’s ‘profile employment. assertion of better brand page’, one of the most visited recognition and larger volume of locations on job boards, is also a Many job boards offer free access traffic. Job boards’ pricing vary must. to their resume database, while widely, from free to a high of $350, some charge a separate fee. If a Measure job board with the majority priced under fee is required, job boards usually performance $100. offer trial runs. Regular users of Measure, measure, measure is the job boards can bundle database It is fairly common for regular mantra to get the best ROI from access and job posting contracts advertisers to try to negotiate the job boards. As the saying goes, into one cost-effective advertising price down. Job boards are willing ‘You can’t improve what you don’t package. Many companies mine to offer below market rates in measure’. these databases without posting exchange for a long-term actual jobs. relationship or a bulk order. The Metrics to measure the key to managing price is to have a performance of job boards can 10
  • 11. WHAT TO MONITOR IN A JOB BOARD Marketing activities Site usability and UX (user Transparency and Brand matters. It is no coincidence experience) management that some of the most successful A 2008 Forrester study* found that There are lots of new job boards. job boards are also the most most job boards fail to provide a Ask for details of the company, recongised brands in Australia. positive end user experience. management team and corporate Essentially a reseller business, job Poor readability, excessive strategy. Anyone soliciting boards invest in marketing and advertising, too many steps in the advertising dollars and not advertising to attract candidates, job application process and revealing their contact details on which they resell at a higher price cramped content are some of the their website is to be treated with to employers and recruiters. complaints registered. suspicion. Ironically, to attract traffic, job A simple scan of the job board Partnership and alliance boards are regular users of landscape will reveal that all job Predominantly a traffic game, a traditional mass media. boards are not created equal. It’s job board’s worth is Advertising on magazines, easy to pick up job boards who complemented by its partnership billboards, radio and TV are have invested resources on giving and alliances. Look for a job common. Many of the niche job their users a superior experience, board’s network of friends and board targets industry periodicals which is a sign that their priorities partners – it says a lot about their and sponsor forums and corporate are on the right track, and that quality and reputation. functions. they’re probably worth partnering with. A simple yet effective method is to Flexibility ask your colleagues, Technological investments The employment market is fickle acquaintances or staff if they Competition among job boards, and cyclical. Flexibility on price, heard of a job board. If they have, the need to stay ahead of length of contract and business then this is a good indication that customers, the changing nature of dealings are important the job board is doing a good job technology and keeping up with considerations when choosing a at marketing. the demands of job seekers, job board partner. drives investment in new technologies. Job boards who fail Internet Presence to keep up with new technology Social media strategy Lately, search engines have are at a disadvantage. Technology Lately, conversations on talent become job boards’ major source savvy job seekers are increasingly acquisition have shifted to the bold of traffic. Australians are heavy dictating how they want to interact new world of social media and users of Google, with millions of with job boards, and the ability to networking, with some pundits searches on ‘jobs’ conducted deliver jobs though job seekers’ even suggesting job boards will monthly. As a result Search preferred channel is a big have less relevance in the future. Engine Optimisation (SEO) advantage. It is widely believed To their credit, many job boards initiatives are critical for job boards that the future of job access and have embraced social media or to gain traffic. A simple Google distribution will be on mobile either explored the possibility of search and link analysis will platforms. working with social networking provide an idea of a job board’s sites. How social media and web presence and standing. networking will affect talent Accreditations, awards and acquisition is too early to tell. endorsement Trace and monitor how jobs Volume of jobs Some of the most popular job boards are participating in the A quick snapshot of a job board’s boards have won awards while conversations. standing can be measured by the some are endorsed by volume of jobs listed. There are professional associations, both of Support and service many interpretations of how jobs which are an illustration of a job There is a reason why some of the are counted; nevertheless the board’s standing in the industry. most successful job boards are number of jobs listed gives you at Accreditations are not essential to that way – they invest in customer the very least an indication of its be a good job board, but it can be service and support.   popularity among advertisers.   a useful tool to compare job boards. 11
  • 12. 10trends Ten trends we believe will participating in the job board 4) MAXIMISING ROI dominate the Australian Job Board Focus will sharply shift to business. Anyone with access to a Landscape in 2009: maximizing ROI from job board membership base will consider investments. Companies who starting a job board. Commercial assist advertisers to manage and gain will not be the sole motive. 1) PARTNERSHIP & TRAFFIC Predominantly a traffic game, get maximum benefits will flourish. alliances and traffic sharing pacts Job posting and distribution 8) YEAR OF THE MOBILE will litter the landscape. A job services will thrive in 2009. Recruitment conversations will shift board’s worth will be increasingly to mobile platforms. From the measured by its network and the humble SMS to sophisticated 5) AGGREGATORS WILL STAY partnerships it keeps. Meanwhile, a Vertical job search providers and smart phones, mobile delivery of robust, cohesive Google strategy job boards will realise that they are jobs will become a big growth area, will become paramount. SEO will not direct competitors. In 2009, job driven by job seekers’ demands to form the largest chunk of a job boards and aggregators will learn access jobs in the medium and board's marketing budget. to live side by side, as job seekers time of their choice. Job boards will and employers learn how to find be forced to embrace mobile out the value proposition of each platforms. 2) PRINT DEMISE CONTINUES Much of the growth in online site. classifieds will come at the 9) ASSOCIATIONS WILL RISE expense of print. Already, online The vast majority of the 4,200 6) AUDIENCES WILL GET advertisement is a $9 billion industry and professional SMALLER industry, with no signs of slowing The Internet is a perfect medium in associations in Australia will cash down. Print players will migrate which to localise and build in on their direct relationship with online too. relationship with small audiences. their members. We will see a flurry Job boards will cater for smaller of job board activity from and smaller niches, providing more professional associations. 3) HUNT FOR ALTERNATIVES Employers will be more open to intimate service and better results Alliances with commercial job exploring alternatives. Online for both advertisers and job boards will be common. referrals providers will gain seekers. Bloggers are leading the increasing audience with way. There is a strong case for the 10) ECONOMY HAS LAST WORD employers. Conversation will also argument that niche players with The economic downturn will shape shift to social networks. A Twitter small audiences will thrive. the industry, separating the wheat strategy will be a given. LinkedIn’s from the chaff. With fewer jobs and progress will sow further unease more job seekers, players will have 7) NEW ENTRANTS among job boards. Prepare to see A crowded market and high failure to deal with price pressures from a lot of collaboration between job rate will not deter new entrants. advertisers. Advertisers will be boards and social networking sites. Technology is no longer a barrier more discerning about their current to building job boards, and we will partners. ROI will be the key see a wide variety of stakeholders talking point.
  • 13. TYPES OF JOB BOARDS A wide variety of job boards exist themselves on the side of the about 20 generalist sites, with a across Australia. From the candidates and offer convenience couple of big players dominating the pioneering generalist jobs boards of and a wide range of jobs not landscape. the first Internet boom to the latest available on traditional job boards. Niche (specialty) job boards players harnessing the power of Aggregators offer employers Niche or specialty job boards have social media, the options available another channel to net candidates a narrower focus, concentrating on to employers has increased at a very attractive price-point, a particular audience and significantly. We try to make sense including using Google style pay- advertisers. Every conceivable of the job board landscape under per-click services. niche – geographic, regional, the following categories: Classifieds and free job professional, job-type and industry Generalist job boards sector – is represented by a job boards Generalist job boards target all job board. By offering domain Free classifieds sites are a seekers by covering a broad range expertise and providing an intimate quintessential product of the of industries, locations and job relationship with a selective Internet. There are hundreds of free types. audience, a clear value classifieds sites with some boasting demarcation exists between niche large job listings that even many Traffic volume is a key focus of players and generalist. Niche job commercial job boards are not able generalists. Marketing and board forms the bulk of the job to match. Classifieds are often used advertising efforts, often using mass board industry in Australia by for hourly help and short-term media, are invested in to engage as volume. assignments. Free job boards trying many job seekers as possible. At to cash in on sponsored any given time, thousands of jobs Aggregators (Vertical Search) advertisements (such as Google are listed on generalist sites, Aggregators, unlike traditional job AdSense) are also rife. generating large traffic. Some of the boards, do not own the jobs listed popular job boards register millions Association job boards on their website. Like search of visitors per month, and are well By virtue of having a large engines, they merely act as a known brands. membership, professional platform to redirect job seekers’ associations maintain their own job traffic. Some job boards depend on A product of the early Internet boards. 4,200 industry and them to increase their own traffic, years, generalist job boards are professional associations exists in while some see them as a threat. proving to be versatile in the midst Australia, and each of them of competition and changes in the Free from the burden of having to communicates regularly with a marketplace. In Australia there are win clients, aggregators position focused talent pool. Driven more by 13
  • 14. a sense of service to their Many blogs have spawned job Internet communities and members than commercial boards of their own, often targeted forums interests, the vast majority of at a small but highly loyal and Where an online community associations are yet to discover relevant readership. Micro- thrives, a job board is likely to their unique position and potential. blogging is also opening a wide exist. Not designed specifically to Many of the larger, mainly white range of possibilities in reaching be job boards and largely bereft of collared associations run out to job seekers. Where there is commercial interests, internet impressive job boards, and many quality content, traffic and job communities and forums listing job associations are also collaborating listings tend to follow. opportunities are widespread. with the mainstream job boards. Many of the largest and most Referrals and networking popular forums have spawned job Resume database and CV sites boards of their own, some services Networking and online referral boasting larger listings than Resume database providers offer sites are increasingly becoming traditional job boards. employers and recruiters access to popular outlets for advertising jobs. a ready talent pool at an attractive Large networking sites are fast Content sites and the price-point. “We have a talent pool becoming self-updating resume blogosphere that no one else has,” is the main databases and are also starting to Content rich destinations selling point of resume database generate job listings. Referral (including online version of print providers. Various business sites use the Internet to facilitate publications) have also jumped on models exist; typically free job direct exchanges between the job board wagon. Some of the postings are offered while employers and anyone who can large independent news portals database access is charged on a help find talent. Employers reward run large job listings that easily monthly basis, pay per use, or only people for their connections and qualify as a job board. upon successfully finding a networks of friends and candidate. acquaintances. Job board definition  Our definition of a ‘job board’ is primarily an online destination, operated by a legal entity, where job opportunities are listed, with the aim  to connect jobseekers to those who seek them.  Recruitment firms are not included, unless the job site has different branding and is proven  to be independent. Also excluded are job sites (with a different domain name to parent company) owned and operated by another job  board and advertising the same jobs.  14
  • 15. JOB BOARDS IN AUSTRALIA GENERALIST  Australian Job Search  Sydney NSW 2000  Melbourne VIC 3000  1.  GPO Box 9880  Phone: (02) 9268 8600  Phone: 1300 726 279  Canberra  ACT 2601      Job X  My Job space    7.  12.  Apply Now  Suite 23 Norberry Terrace  Suite 731, 1 Queens Road  2.  205 Moggill Road,   177‐199 Pacific Highway  Melbourne VIC 3004  Taringa,  Queensland 4068  North Sydney NSW 2060  Phone: 1800 129 950  Phone: 1300 366 573  Phone: 02 9955 7170    Positions Vacant   13.  Byron Employment  Phone : 02 8206 9561     3.  PO Box 5335   Jobaroo  8.  West Chatswood  NSW 1515  Level 21, 201 Miller St    Reverse Jobs  Phone: (02) 8448 2070  Sydney, NSW 2060  14.  11 Eliza St  (02) 8003 4448  Adelaide SA 5000  Phone: (08) 8410 7441  Career One  4.  PO Box 4245,  Jobs Jobs Jobs  9.  Sydney NSW 2001  Level 1, 34 ‐ 36 Punt Road     Search for Jobs  Phone: 1800 555 010  Windsor Vic 3181  15.  PO BOX 1578  Phone: 1300 726 279  Milton QLD 4064  Glassfish     Phone: 1300 276 280  5.  PO Box 981  Livesalary  10.  Glen Waverley Vic 3150   Level 1, suite 101  Phone: 123 456 789  5 Elizabeth St, Sydney 2000    SEEK   sales @  Phone: 02 9232 0172  16.  Level 6,  541 St Kilda Road   Melbourne, VIC 3004       Job Serve  MyCareer  Phone: 1300 658 700  6.  11.  Level 1, 263 Clarence Street  601 Little Lonsdale Street .au  15
  • 16. Job R  Workcircle  17.  34.  jobs @ is Asia Pacific's first vertical search    engine for jobs. Built on award winning      technology that allows job seekers to instantly  TECHNOLOGY  Tip Top Jobs    18.  search millions of jobs from thousands of web  38 & 39 Citigroup Centre    sites with a single search.  For employers,  2 Park Street  Digital Industry Jobs  agencies and job sites we drive large volumes  35.  of highly targeted job seeker traffic directly to  Sydney NSW 2000  Phone: 03 9018 5722  their job listings.  Phone: 44 870‐870 1193 also operates adnet, a performance     based advertising system which provides  IT2    36.  recruiters with a measurable, cost‐effective  Suite 314, Level 3    AGGREGATOR/VERTICAL  platform to deliver targeted advertising to  343 Little Collins Street,    passive and active job seekers.   All Jobs  Melbourne 3000  19.  ESTABLISHED:  2007  Phone: (03) 8622 4700  CEO / MD : Maneck Mohan   CATEGORY: Aggregator (Vertical search)   Careerjet     20.  INDUSTRY FOCUS:  All industry  Job Speed  37.  JOB TYPES: Full‐time, Part‐time, Contract &    IT niche job board   Casual jobs.   Govt Jobs  21.  NUMBER OF JOBS: 224,663  BULK JOB UPLOAD:  Yes      JOB DURATION:  Job listed for 30 days   CV DATABASE: 250,000  J Seeker  Jobwire  22.  38.  JOB ADVERTISING COST:  Advertisers can set  their own daily or monthly budget. Sponsored    Phone: (03) 5426 4786  Jobs ‐ maximum visibility for job listings.  Job Sites  23.  Sponsored jobs are highlighted and placed in  premium positions above the search results.     GIS Career  39.    Jobjett  24.  Suite 604, Level 6, 46 Market St  adnet ‐ highly targeted, measurable advertising   delivered based on keywords, and geographies.  Sydney NSW 2000    Phone: (02) 9299 9199  Advertising solutions are performance based.  Jobs in Oz  25.  Advertisers only pay for results (CPC ‐cost‐per‐    click. CPA ‐cost‐per‐action (i.e. per resume or   per application)     Whirlpool Forum    40.  Jobsense  26.  OFFICE/CONTACT:   A forum for IT professionals   2706, The Centrium 60 Wyndham Street,    Central   Phone: +852 2525 0555  Jobsniffa  27.  Web Directions   41.  Fax : +852 2525 0060   Job board for web industry   WEBSITE URL:   Jobland   28.  Gurus  42.     MySpider  29.    Dot Net Careers  48.   Dynamics Careers  43.    Plus Jobs  30.  (Gurus, Dynamic Careers, Oracle  Oracle Careers  44.  Careers, SAP Careers, SAGE jobs,   Dot Net Careers, Software   31.  Developers are owned by Now  SAP careers  Hiring 123 Erskine Street    45.   Middle Park, VIC 3206  Simply Hired  32.  (02) 9029 5029 )    Software Developers  46.  Salty Fish  33.    Sage Jobs  47.    16