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(IST) Citizen Platform
An interactive citizen Platform for Istanbul around
artistic and cultural production and tracking of
urban life

Relatore: Francesco ZURLO
Corelatore: Daniela TERRILE

by Deniz ORCUN

In collaboration with:
Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV)

Politecnico di Milano
Facolta di Design
Corso di Laurea Specialistica Nel Disegno
AA. 2010-2011

Thank you...

    I wrote my thesis “on the road” between
    Brussels, Milan and most of all Istanbul.
    I have met numerous people on the way
    who offered their help, interests and avail-
    ibility but among those especially I would
    like to thank my professor Francesco Zurlo
    for his help and openness and Daniela
    Terrile for her sincere support and infi-
    nite energy. I can’t thank enough my dear
    friends, Daniel Metcalfe, for his precious
    inputs and his wisdom and with Rona to let
    me in their beautiful family, my dear Deniz
    for her inspiration and for always making
    me feel at home whenever i am near her.
    And finally my two families the Mukaddes,
    Alp Orcun and Levent, Esen, Asli Ricakci
    whose presence i feel wherever i go, and
    their endless support always with me.

    I can’t thank you enough...


    1 Abstract: An Iteractive Citizen Platform For Istanbul              9
     Introduzione in Italiano                                           10

    2 Locality vs. Globalization in Istanbul?                           17
     Absence of cultural policy as a “state policy”                     18
     Mapping as a soft form of Activism in Istanbul                     21
     New roles in the cultural life of Istanbul                         28

    3 PARTICIPATIVE WAY OF WORKING                                      35
     Definition of Public Participation Models in European Politics:    40
     The Code of Good Practice

    4 MAPPING AS EMPOWERMENT OF THE CITIZENS                            47
     Smart Communities Through Network Weaving                          51

    5 Digital Mapping Tools and City Guides Comparitive Study           57
     Best Practices                                                     57

    6 The Project: (IST) by IKSV Citizen Platform                       75
     Concept Statement                                                  75
     Strategic Action                                                   85
     How does the Interface work?                                       88
     Object System                                                      96

    Conclusions                                                         98
    References                                                         100
    Bibliography                                                        101

1. An interactive citizen
       Platform for Istanbul

Istanbul is becoming increasingly colorful in terms of its
    rich social, cultural, and commercial activities and increas-
    ingly gaining attention of foreign spectators. While world
    famous pop stars fill stadiums, activities like opera, ballet
    and theatre continue throughout the year. During seasonal
    festivals, world famous orchestras, chorale ensembles,
    concerts and jazz legends can be found often playing to a
    full house. Adding to this picture, the opening of 20 new
    museums in the past ten years in Istanbul we can say that
    is celebrating a very bright moment in it’s modern history
    from the point of view of cultural production. Unfortunately
    this is only one side of the story concerning the cultural
    production in this metropolis, that has tripled it’s popula-
    tion in the last 25 years.

    The more alternative art scene is still         production of Istanbul and become a
    struggling in the absence of favorable          tool for communicating and knowledge
    policy making and politic and social            exchange within the society and with
    barriers. In addition to this the city          the policy makers.
    culture is under great transformation as        I have conducted my research together
    the new administration has put into ac-         with the Istanbul Foundation For Culture
    tion a number of invasive urban renova-         and Arts taking them as a model institu-
    tion projects.                                  tion to orchestrate this complex service
    The city is changing fast and as positive       solution.
    as this change may look at the moment           This research is structured throughout
    we have no way of knowing how it will           three main discussions; the idea of
    turn out in the near future because of          “localism” in a city like Istanbul that is in
    this disproportionate growth.                   the middle of fast globalizing tenden-
    In my thesis I will be searching for a          cies yet so attached to it’s past, the role
    service design solution that is an ap-          of institutions in an “open” world, and
    propriate model of cultural platform that       digital mapping as an act of empower-
    can host an ongoing activity of tracking        ment of the citizens.
    and documenting of artistic and cultural
Introduzione in Italiano                          ultimi 25 anni ha triplicato la sua popo-      Questa ricerca è strutturata attraverso             fonte selettiva di informazioni per ri-
                                                  lazione.                                       tre principali discussioni:                         durre la quantità di input ai quali sono

Una piattaforma interattiva                       La scena artistica più alternativa è an-       - l’idea di “localismo” in una città come           esposti quotidianamente.
                                                  cora alle prese con l’assenza di decisio-      Istanbul che seppur sia ancora così                 Il servizio, ospitata dal IKSV, la ONG
per la città di Istanbul che
                                                  ni politiche favorevoli e con ostacoli di      radicata al suo passato, si trova oggi              leader del settore in Istanbul che utiliz-
veicola (visualizza, comuni-
                                                  natura politica e sociale. Oltre a questo      nel mezzo di dinamiche e tendenze che               zando la sua rete esistente gia estesa
ca) la produzione artistica e
                                                  la cultura della città è in fase di grande     volgono ad una rapida globalizzazione;              e il know-how acquisita nel campo di
culturale della stessa e (ne)                     trasformazione, così come la nuova             -il ruolo delle istituzioni in un mondo “ap-        arte da quasi 40 anni di esperienza di
monitora la vita urbana (quo-                     amministrazione che ha messo in atto           erto” e la mappatura digitale come atto             organizzazione e promozione di mani-
tidiana) dei suoi cittadini.                      una serie di progetti di rinnovamento          di responsabilizzazione dei cittadini.              festazioni culturali e collaborazioni con
                                                  urbano invasivo.                                                                                   istituti esteri.
Istanbul sta divenendo sempre più una             La città sta cambiando velocemente!            Descrizione della proposta di                       Il database (IST), come punto di
città colorata, in materia di attività            Ma così come positivo può sembrare             progetto:                                           partenza, comunica gli eventi che pas-
sociali, culturali e commerciali, e sem-          ora questo cambiamento, in questo              (IST) City Platform by IKSV                         sano attraverso un accurato filtro della
pre più si sta guadagnando l’attenzione           momento non abbiamo modo di sapere                                                                 fondazione in carica definiti in risposte
degli spettatori stranieri.                       come andrà a finire in un prossimo fu-         La mia proposta di progetto è una                   alla interazione con I loro utenti. Questo
Mentre le pop star di fama mondiale               turo a causa di questa crescita spropor-       piattaforma che promuove la parteci-                è solo un primo livello per garantire la
riempiono gli stadi, le attività quali            zionata (del suo tessuto urbano).              pazione immersive delle persone nella               qualità del servizio.
l’opera, la danza e il teatro proseguono          Nella mia tesi ricercherò una soluzione        promozione della produzione e mani-                 Oltre alla selezione di raccomandazioni
per tutto l’arco dell’anno. Durante i             progettuale di servizio che possa es-          festazione artistica di Istanbul, usando            di IKSV, un sistema di valutazione è pre-
festival stagionali poi, orchestre di fama        sere un appropriato modello di piatta-         la mappatura come strumento primario.               visto (fornito agli utenti) per gli utenti e
mondiale, ensemble corali, concerti e             forma culturale, che possa ospitare una        Si basa sulla fondazione di una mappa               contribuirà a migliorare ed aggiustare
leggende del jazz si trovano ovunque              continua attività di monitoraggio e doc-       interattiva delle manifestazioni culturali          costantemente il processo di selezione
disseminati per la metropoli e fanno il           umentazione della produzione artistica         di Istanbul e sostenendo i membri della             IKSV.
tutto esaurito.                                   e culturale di Istanbul e diventare così       comunità nel contribuire ad un’azione               Gli utenti al primo piano sono forniti da
In aggiunta a questo quadro, vi è                 uno strumento per la comunicazione             di scambio di conoscenze attraverso la              un’interfaccia di guida alle manifestazi-
l’apertura di 20 nuovi musei negli ultimi         e lo scambio di conoscenze all’interno         mappatura e la selezione degli eventi in            oni culturali della cita, forniti di un facile
dieci anni. Possiamo dire infatti che, dal        della società e con i responsabili politici.   primo piano.                                        set di filtri personalizzati per aiutarli a
punto di vista della sua produzione cul-          Ho condotto la mia ricerca insieme alla        Istanbul, proporzionalmente alla sua                raggiungere, in modo più veloce e pre-
turale, Istanbul sta vivendo un momento           Istanbul Foundation For Culture and            enorme estensione territoriale, ospita              ciso possibile, gli eventi ai quali potreb-
molto brillante della sua storia moderna.     Arts, prendendola come modello di                  un gran numero di eventi ogni anno.                 bero essere interessati a partecipare.
Purtroppo questa è solo una parte della           istituto esempio per orchestrare as-           Considerando l’infinita varietà di sog-             Basata su questa semplice interfaccia
storia relativa alla produzione culturale         sieme questa soluzione di servizio così        getti/temi e di tipologie di eventi, gli            di “event map” é la “City Platform” dove
in questa metropoli; metropoli che negli          complessa.                                     utenti spesso hanno bisogno di una                  gli uttenti attraverso un’interfaccia di
mappatura aggiungeranno contenuti,                  e come un aiuto a creare punti di inizio      naliera, permettendo di contribuire e di
percorsi fatti e esplorazioni esperienzati.         e discussioni.. La piattaforma fonde in       aggiungere diversi livelli di informazione
Piattaforma utilizza uno strumento di               un’unico spazio i tre database principali,    per facilitare la selezione e la fruizione
mappatura aperta (libera-partecipata).                - IBB Istanbul municipality map (IBB):      dei contenuti della mappa stessa. Lo
Questo strumento permetterà di con-                 È un’applicazione (di servizio) aperta,       scambio di punti di vista e conoscenze
figurare (particolareggiare e personaliz-           per la mappatura specifica di Istan-          specifici su Istanbul attraverso la car-
zare) speciali percorsi tematici preparati          bul, costruita dal Comune di Istanbul         tografia aiutera a rendere piu visibili e
dalli utenti e la loro condivisione. Esso           in occasione del Istanbul European            tracciabili I trasformazioni nel tempo in
permetterà agli utenti o ai gruppi di               Capital of Culture 2010. Utilizzo di tale     questa citta.
utenti, individualmente o collettiva-               strumento funzionera anche come un
mente, di creare percorsi che cambiano              patto di partnership con la municipalitá
la prospettiva delle iniziative o sem-              e li coinvolgera in modo piú diretto nella
plicemente di offrire nuovi punti di vista          piattaforma.
della (e sulla) città.                                - Becoming Istanbul Visual Encyclo-
I risultati di questa attività saranno              pedia (Garanti Pub.): É un progetto di
disponibili per tutti, per vedere, consul-          ricerca sulle dinamiche della cittá di
tare, utilizzare e intervenire sugli stessi,        Istanbul oltre I mainstream idee proto-
come fossero parte di un Inventario                 tipate, che ha avuto come risultato una
(della vita della città) di Istanbul; inven-        mostra e vari libri.
tario utile per i decisori e i ricercatori            - l’inventario IKSV della cultura di
e come pratica guida di Istanbul per i              Istanbul (IKSV): Un’iniziativa di IKSV che
residenti e i turisti. Ogni mappa (IST)             rendera pubblico il contenuto del suo
è una nuova (fresca) prospettiva sulle              archivio dei quaranta anni di esperienza
esperienze quotidiane che generano la               relative alla produzione e promozione
vita della città.                                   della cultura ed arte.
Regolarmente IKSV chiedera di lasciare
u contributo nel database, a membri                 In una città come Istanbul infatti, così
della comunitá che sono personaggi                  grande e frammentata, con un com-
noti al pubblic o che si stanno specializ-          plicato sistema di trasporto, e dove la
zando su argomenti connessi a Istanbul.             programmazione è astratta e il tempo
o semplicemente conoscitori di Istanbul.            così relativo, un’interfaccia cartografica
Questi percorsi tracciati e raccontati da           di questo tipo, al livello pragmatico, tipo
questi ‘guest mapper’ verranno pubbli-              offre l’aiuto necessario per superare la
cati regolarmente per creare un ritmo               difficoltà della programmazione gior
2. Locality vs. Globalization
                      in Istanbul?

The functions of the                                behind it’s industrialist character, will

     cities are constantly                               shift more and more towards initiatives
                                                         related to creativity, like in majority
     transformed according to
                                                         of other big cities around the world.
     their location in the world
                                                         Cultural heritage services and cultural
     and these functions add                             industries are the foundations of this
     physical, cultural, social                          new economy.
     new meanings to the cities.
     Sometimes the districts can
                                                     When it comes to talk about
     turn into different forms in
                                                     a city on the crossroads of
     order to adapt themselves
                                                     the fast globalist tendencies
     to the new functions insisted
                                                     like Istanbul, which still
     by the city.
                                                     strongly possesses values
     Globalization is not necessarily the
                                                     from its past, conflicts and
     messenger of the disappearance of
     local differences. Actually it would
                                                     confusion would surely be
     not be wrong to state more just the             an inevitable experience,
     opposite1. By underlining the place and         happening in this city.
     what’s local and different, globalization       The question is; can we take advantage
     helps to reconstruct these meanings                 of this climate to actually create
     once again in another sense . The                   dialogue between the citizens and
     global and the local; the old and the               value local culture as well as the
     new; the living and the rotten; the                 contemporary tendencies?
     changing and the stable are all two
                                                         Problems in this area include:
     dialectic inevitable, the best thing to do
     is to try to solve the ‘moment’ and the             > Istanbul has increased it’s population

     ‘place’ we are living in, the city Istanbul.        from 2 millions in 1960’s to an estimate
                                                     17 million in 2010. During this drastic
     Istanbul, in the future strategies of
                                                         expansion people and most of all the
     central and local administrations is
                                                         new citizens of Istanbul immigrated
     envisioned as a city of finance, services,
                                                         to Istanbul from less developed cities
     and as a congress and culture tourism
                                                         and villages in Turkey were left to live
     capital. It is for-seen that the monetary
                                                         with the minimum essential for survival
     capital of this city, that is leaving
and culture was not a primary concern            to promote tourism in Istanbul, the         was funded culture in Turkey was                 break the ice with it’s neighbors and
during the development of the cities             effort to engage locals is not enough.      being transformed with a series of               to look at them more closely. However
new suburbs.                                     > Trend of perceiving places as             efforts that can ultimately be defined           it hasn’t been easy to delete the deep

> Today, Istanbul is becoming rapidly            products (typical municipality approach     as “turkification”, modernization or             influence of an 80year period of cultural

and increasingly rich in terms of                in Istanbul) under the concept of           westernization. The most important               purification and sterility.

its social, cultural, and commercial         “branding” is damaging severely the             sign of this transformation was the          The effort is still vivid to think in deep
activities. This leads to new districts          natural fabric of the city. The idea that   acceptance of the Latin alphabet in              and formulating common questions
of culture, changing the present                 design is relevant to the public space      1928 which set an invisible barrier              based on available data, and to form a
landscape of Istanbul creating new               only in this process of concealing local    between the present and a very long              platform of future actions that can have
conflicts, putting gentrification in the         dynamics with marketable slogans is a       past. Secondly, the new Republic                 an influence on policy making.
agenda.                                          product of this approach.                   entered an intense process of
                                                                                                                                          To this picture we can add the state of
                                                                                             friendship with the newly formed young
> Although urban life and its actors             > Despite the liveliness of the scene and                                                    policy making in arts and culture. In the
                                                                                             states of the Balkans in the west, the
have become supremely pluralized, the            collaborations of different levels there                                                     Western countries, the state supports
                                                                                             Soviet Union in the north and the Middle
stereotypes, discriminating discourses           isn’t any strong networks of cultural                                                        arts and culture either directly or from
                                                                                             East countries.
and cliché thought patterns referred             operators.                                                                                   a distance, developing the necessary
to when speaking about Istanbul has                                                          The Second World War however                     tools of facilitation and incentives,
                                                 > Turkey is amongst the countries for
not disappeared. Those who speak                                                             changed everything and the American              and does not play a direct role in the
                                                 highest tourism income in the world,
about Istanbul both inside and outside                                                       era had begun. Turkey had chosen to          ‘artistic practice’. It stops at drawing a
                                                 but culture in this geography still needs
Turkey can’t help but use a serious of                                                       be on the side of this ne global power.          general policy frame. The situation in
                                                 to be promoted first to be grasped
stereotyped concepts, for instance,                                                          This caused a long lasting lack of trust     Turkey however is almost the opposite.
                                                 locally, to sustainably be communicated
Istanbul is still “the place where the                                                       between turkey and it’s neighbors                State funding for the arts and culture
                                                 globally and to be able to get a
East and West meets,” or “a model of                                                         leaving the country isolated from it’s           is constantly reduced but the state still
                                                 distance from stereotyped images.
cultural and religious dialogue.” Still,                                                     geography. In the same period of                 doesn’t hold back from interfering in
Tourists wander in the city thinking they                                                    early 1950’s, the first weak signs of the        practice to a certain extent. We can say
have come to an Eastern oriental city.        Absence of cultural policy as a                formation of an art market, the artists’         that the absence of policy in this field
Still those who visualize Eastern images     “state policy” 2                                finding an independent and different             works as a “policy by default”.
for popular culture generalize and                                                           form of expression and privatization of
                                                                                                                                              It is worth mentioning one specific
constantly reproduce the domes and                                                           culture took place in the country.
                                                 Before outlining the main                                                                    moment in history that marked the
minarets of Istanbul.                                                                        Then, the world changed fast, and a
                                                 characteristics of the project I would                                                       hostile divide between officers and
> The fascination with tourist-related                                                       lot, within a short period of time with          artists, the military coup in 1980. After
                                                 like to give a short history of the
“supermarket type of localism”. (Manzini,                                                    the Berlin wall coming down and the              this separation state and municipal
                                                 relationship between culture and police
2005)                                                                                        Soviet Union dissolving. After these             owned museums remained focused on
                                                 making in Turkey.
                                                                                             developments Turkey has started to               the artistic patrimony and artifacts of
> Although there are numerous attempts           In the early 1920’s when the republic
the past, while means for encouraging             finding a chance for documentation.    Mapping as a soft form of                        forms of human behavior. Locality is
artistic exploration and development                                                     Activism in Istanbul                             not exactly defined as “community”
went underground.                                                                                                                         but as an experience, or practices
                                                                                                                                          of communities, in the urban sphere.
Only after 2000 a new approach
                                                                                         Locality is an act, an event that
                                                                                                                                          Rudiger Korff5 takes this a little further
emerged. Wealthy families, industrial
                                                                                         combines spatial network with political
                                                                                                                                          by saying “ a locality must be seen as a
concerns and financial institutions
                                                                                         and social values. The joint phenomena
                                                                                                                                          response to, and attempt to cope with,
took up the role of Maecenas to the
                                                                                         of globalization and networking have
                                                                                                                                          the metropolitan environment and the
arts making their private collections
                                                                                         given rise once again to the local
                                                                                                                                          globalization process in particular. It is
the cores of newly built, prestigious
                                                                                         dimension and it’s representation.3
                                                                                                                                          not a geographic but a social category.
museums and opening art galleries,
                                                                                         Pelin Tan4 in her essay argues how
sometimes in conjunction with concert                                                                                                     In the soft forms of activism in
                                                                                         the concept of locality doesn’t refer
venues or their own publishing houses /                                                                                                   the context of projects that create
                                                                                         any more to a homogeneous cultural
bookstores most of which on Istanbul’s                                                                                                    collectivities on the micro level, as
                                                                                         geography. Nor does “local” simply refer
revitalized grand boulevard Istiklal                                                                                                      discussed by Toni Negri, Constantin
                                                                                         to a place especially within the context
Caddesi.                                                                                                                                  Petcou, Doina Petrescu and Anna
                                                                                         of an urban sphere, local becomes
                                                                                                                                          Querrien6, the “soft” implies that the
As great as this seems on the surface                            Fig.1                   an act In itself, which takes place in a
                                                                                                                                          political can exist outside of the bio-
it masked some problematic issues.                               Istanbul Map Project    context defined by the politics of space,
                                                                 by the Spanish artist                                                    political diagram the latter being “the
These new museums of Istanbul
                                                                 Anna Sala               economic transformation, media, and
                                                                                                                                          space in which the organization of
tend to operate as much in a mode
of competition as of thoughtful
cooperation. Few, if any, chose to hold
on to a specific focus, subject, matter,
or tone but instead try to outdo one
another through extravagance. They
almost always chose to spend great
sums to realize big exhibitions of artists
long gone instead of supporting new
and upcoming ones.

As a result, young artists seek
alternative ways of interacting, working
and exhibitions but such attempts are
usually fragile and dissolve due to the
volatility of the creative process without
                                                      Emotional Map Paris
organized life (social, political) in all             Christian Nold
its dimensions is controlled, captured
and exploited.” In this context art and
culture practices may play an important
role not by affirming notions of social
healing or representing social function,
but by collaborating with neighborhood
initiatives to open up spaces for new
realities. Yet another important role can
be given to mapping.

An intervention into the process of
urban transformation that is an example
of critic practice is the Istanbul Map
Project (see Fig.1) by the Spanish
artist Anna Sala, who works on critical
cartographies about the privatization
of urban space. Sala’s Map present’s
the situation of neighborhoods in
several urban parts of Istanbul. It
shows clearly the urban projects of
the Greater Municipality of Istanbul
that aim to evict residents from their
neighborhoods to transform entire
districts. The maps reveal current urban
conditions and warning of the future
problems threatening the general
population. Creating an environment,
a platform for practices from different
fields that allow artists and residents
focusing on specific issues to intervene
in the ongoing process of urban
transformation or urban privatization
is an effective way not only to expand
artistic practices, but also to act with
collective responsibility.                          screens or our GPS. With Google Earth,           Emotional Map Paris
                                                    Google Maps, Mappy and the other                 Christian Nold
Cartography and power are closely
                                                    geo-portals, the whole world is offered
related: Who controls the map controls
                                                    on our computer screens in just a few
the territory, and this is true at several
                                                    clicks, free from any constraints with
levels. The person who consults it,
                                                    regard to scale and paper. Still, the
insofar as he knows how to interpret it,
                                                    concept of urban living in general and
gains the ability to identify his position
                                                    public space in particular has been
in space. The person who creates
                                                (and still is) determined for the most
it – who is situated one step above –
                                                    part by official maps, statistics and
proposes (or imposes) his vision of the
                                                    administrative limits, without taking
territory, as he perceives it or as he
                                                    into account other visions of the city,
projects it. The person who possesses
                                                    particularly those of everyone who lives
it, finally, decides how to distribute it
                                                    there on a daily basis.
and consequently decides to grant
or deny others the power he has                     For more than three years, a group of
concerning the territory7. In fact, a map           people in Brussels has been working
is hardly a harmless tool: figurative as            on the project Towards a Subjective
well as projective, simulation of space             Collective Cartography (see Fig. 2). This
as much as a space for simulation – it              is an effort to see mapmaking – maps
is found at the very source of military             themselves, as well as the process for
strategies, mercantile capitalism,                  drafting them and the data associated
territorial divisions, and in the particular        with them – as a common good, in
case of towns, by and large it has                  terms of access to them (universal,
determined what is to be drawn and                  rather than restricted), regulation
measured, and consequently, at the end          (permissive, rather than restrictive), and
of the day, what is to be built or at least         ownership (public rather than private).
planned. Cartography, formerly reserved         This desire to defend the right of the
strictly to a minority, is now opening              community to consult, create, publish
up to a broad range of users. With our              and exchange maps, as well as to have
greater mobility, as neo-nomads in a                access to cartographic data, is both
global world, we use them and find                  poetic and political. Poetic because
them everywhere in public transport,                it responds to the inevitable share
tour guides, streets, shopping malls and,           of subjectivity in an approach to the
still more particularly, on our computer            territory and considers that multiple
cartographic visions are as many                                         collective projects.
possible metaphors of the world we live                              Another very interesting use of
in.                                                                      mapping is explored by Christian Nold8
Political, because it gives users                                    , Emotional Cartography (see Fig.3),
the power to think individually or                                       that explores the relation of body and
collectively about the territory and                                     the city through Bio Mapping projects,
perhaps to influence its future. In the                                  investigating the implications of
past, urban action could take place                                      creating technologies that can record,
without or even counter to many users                                    visualize and share with each other our
of the city, or occasionally with them, in                               intimate body-states in reaction to our
a sort of concession won over from the                                   urban experiences. And to
authorities or generously consented                                      explore the political, social and cultural
by them, but things should be very                                       implications of visualizing intimate
different today. In fact, the way people                                 biometric data and
feel about and perceive a city– and
                                                                         emotional experiences using
a map can be used to represent
this – should be the keystone of the
democratic decision making process                                   To conclude these series of reflections

concerning the territory in general and                                  on mapping as an act of activism

public space in particular.                                              I would like to give an example
                                                                         where collective mapping is directly
Given these observations and
                                                                         connected to projecting and proposing
objectives, the Towards project focuses
                                                                         future scenarios about public spaces.
on creating two different tools that are
                                                                         (Fig. 4)
nevertheless complementary: an Atlas
of Brussels on one hand that includes                                The European district in Brussels

the various maps of the city (imaginary,                                 has seen over twenty years of major

anecdotal, emotional, etc.) and, on the                                  upheavals and restructuring projects. At

other, a cartographic software project                                   the same time it has witnessed a new

– Tresor – that will make it possible to                                 generation of people and buildings:

create maps, consult them, compare                                       estate speculators, satellite offices,

them, adjust the parameters that define                                  shops trying to adapt to the new

them, complete them, publish them or                                     situation.

use them as part of personal or                   Fig.4                  CityMine9, together with the artist and
                                                  Map-it European
                                                  Quarter           27
esearcher Thomas Laureyssens10 and                New roles in the cultural life of             and artistic assets of Turkey, by using          an institution that organizes five
the committees of neighborhoods,                  Istanbul11                                    arts to create an international platform         international festivals.
propose a collaborative mapping                                                                 of communication.                            The International Istanbul Jazz Festival
exercise of a public space in the district.
                                                                                                From a single “Istanbul Festival” to five        was initiated in 1994, the same year
                                              The past 20 years have marked the
They invite the community to ask
                                                                                                major international festivals                    that the International Istanbul Festival
                                                  opening of over twenty museums
themselves the following questions:
                                                                                                                                                 changed its name to the International
                                                  meeting the international standards.          The first International Istanbul
When the institutional planning                                                                                                                  Istanbul Music Festival. Thus, Istanbul
                                                  What these museums have in common             Festival, organized in 1973 on the 50th
redraws the city with the bulldozer,                                                                                                             Foundation for Culture and Arts became
                                                  is that they are all initiated and funded     Anniversary of the foundation of the
what happens with the inhabitants of                                                                                                             an institution that organizes five
                                                  by leading industrialists, finance leaders    Turkish Republic, covered a period of
the neighborhood? How do they find                                                                                                               international festivals.
                                                  of Turkey. We can take a look also at the     one and a half months and focused
again their home, and (re)inspire their
                                                  major events in the city, the biennale,       mainly on classical music. Soon after,           On the occasion of its 30th anniversary,
imagination? Is it possible to create
                                                  and fashion and design weeks, we              it included other artistic fields in its         the Istanbul Foundation for Culture
new meeting places and connections
                                                  would see the same thing. Among               program such as film screenings,                 and Arts initiated a social responsibility
between neighborhoods?
                                                  these industrialist the Eczacibasi Family     theatre productions, jazz and ballet             project and founded the Istanbul
A low-tech tool to plan, analyze and              can be considered to be the first to          performances, and art exhibitions held           Friends of Culture and Arts Tulip
reconstruct past and future projects by           invest in arts supporting the founding of     in historic venues. As public interest           membership program with the intention
creating open and flexible visualization          the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and       grew, groups of events organized in              of protecting cultural heritage and
of a process in space and time. The first     Arts (IKSV).                                      different artistic disciplines gradually         fostering the development of arts.
MAP-it European Quarter workshop was                                                            evolved into distinct festivals.                 Continuing today under the name of
held at the CityMine(d) Urban Platform                                                                                                       Tulip membership, the program gathers
                                                                                                Presented as a separate section under
                                                  Eczacibasi Family and IKSV12
event in November 2010. It resulted                                                                                                              art enthusiasts under one roof, and
                                                                                                the name “International Istanbul Film
in a good overview of the problems                                                                                                               provides its members a variety of
                                                                                                days” in 1983, the film week transformed
and opportunities of the quarter and              Istanbul Foundation for Culture                                                                privileges during İKSV-organized events
                                                                                                into the International Istanbul Film
brought up some inspiring ideas.                  and Arts (İKSV) is a non-profit, non-                                                          including the Istanbul Festivals.
                                                                                                Festival in 1989; 1987 marked the
I believe that engaging and acting                governmental organization founded             beginning of the International Istanbul      The same year, İKSV made a decision
within localities (both social and urban),        in 1973 by seventeen businessmen              Biennial, and in 1989 the International          to organize innovative, smaller events
conceiving the artistic object in terms           and art enthusiasts who gathered              Istanbul Theatre Festival was initiated.         in addition to the Istanbul Festivals.
of a critical instrument in a process-            under the leadership of Dr. Nejat F.                                                           Beginning with Filmekimi (a week of film
                                                                                                The International Istanbul Jazz Festival
based engagement in public space, and             Eczacıbaşı, with the aim of organizing                                                         screenings in October) in 2002, The
                                                                                                was initiated in 1994, the same year
creating specific representation in order         an international arts festival in Istanbul.                                                    Foundation continued to add brand
                                                                                                that the International Istanbul Festival
to find ways to disseminate action and        The Foundation’s initial goal was to                                                               new events to its portfolio. in 2003. In
                                                                                                changed its name to the International
knowledge are the only ways to create             offer the finest examples of art from                                                          2006, İKSV assumed the organization
                                                                                                Istanbul Music Festival. Thus, Istanbul
possibilities of counter-culture.                 around the world, while at the same                                                            of the bi-annual Leyla Gencer Voice
                                                                                                Foundation for Culture and Arts became
                                                  time promoting the national, cultural                                                     29
Competition, from its 4th edition onward.

The Foundation has been committed
to bringing together different cultures
and contributing to the creation of a
platform for multicultural dialogue. In
this respect, İKSV organizes a series of
international festivals in major European
cities. This journey began in 2004 with
“Şimdi Now” in Berlin and continued
with “Şimdi Stuttgart” in 2005, “Turkey
Now” in Amsterdam and Rotterdam in
2007 and 2008, Russia in 2008, and
Vienna, Austria in 2009. The “Cultural
Season of Turkey in France” activities
held between 1 July 2009 and 31 March
2010 were also organized by İKSV, in
collaboration with Cultures France.
İKSV has been organizing the Pavilion
of Turkey at the Venice Biennale since

2009 marked a turning point in İKSV’s
history as the headquarters moved from
its home on the historic İstiklal Street in
Beyoğlu to another historical building,
Deniz Palace, in Şişhane. Together
with its new building, İKSV realized a
long time plan, and launched its own
performance venue, Salon, in which it
does not only organize, but also host
cultural and artistic events.

3. Participative way
                    of working

It is undisputable that                         wikily”14 is characterized by greater

     we are living in an era of                      openness, transparency, decentralized

     participative approaches to                     decision-making, and collective action.

     collaborative working made                  (The term working wikily is based on the

     easier through the rise of                      word wiki, a Web site that allows groups

     the Internet and low cost                       of people to collectively create and edit

     technology, the spread of                       the Web site and information on it. The

     knowledge and education,                        best-known use of a wiki is Wikipedia.)

     the ethic of participation.                     What once seemed a marginal activity
                                                     became mainstream after President
                                                     Barack Obama’s election campaign
     We see and use everyday hi tech
                                                     combined grassroots organizing with
     versions of elementary community
                                                     online tools to mobilize more than 13
     dynamics realized through the likes of
                                                     million supporters and raise nearly $750
     Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, EBay
                                                     million for his 2008 election15. Indeed,
     blogging and pod casting. They are
                                                     for anyone serious about social impact,
     characterized by the common interest
                                                     it’s quickly becoming difficult to imagine
     of their users to contribute in the
                                                     working not wikily.
     creation of content and passionate
                                                     Networks, collections of people
     amateurs who are looking for a platform
                                                     connected to each other through
     to express themselves.
                                                     relations, aren’t new. We are all parts of
     On the other side of the spectrum are
                                                     networks; our families, schools, social
     the organizations, institutionalized
                                                     circles, workplaces. There is a wealth
     models. Traditional organizational
                                                     of knowledge from social science
     approach aims to create professional
                                                     research and from decades of on-the-
     clusters of special people, in specific
                                                     ground experience about what helps
     places and the innovation down
                                                     the performance of groups and larger
     the pipeline o the users. While new
                                                     human systems. But it is only now that
     organizations, utilizing new technology,
                                                     people are realizing that there is an
     that thrive on this spirit of mass
     participation move towards a new
                                                     What’s different now is that a wave
     model that is between open and
                                                     of new technologies allow people to
                                                     more easily visualize, communicate
     This approach described as “working
with, and act on existing personal and         centralized infrastructure. Perhaps the
                  STRUCTURE   TYPE                    EXAMPLES            professional networks, and to create           most vivid example of this new reality
                                                                          strong connections with new ones.              are the emergence of “smart mobs”.

                              Nonprofit               Many local direct   These tools make it possible to connect        Large groups of people linked by cell-
                                                      service providers   with any number of people (irrespective        phones, text messages, e-mails or other
                              organizations without
                              explicit network                            of geographic distance), to access a           channels who get together suddenly
                                                                          greater diversity of perspectives, to          in a public space to perform some
                                                                          accelerate the sharing of information,         collective action.
                                                                          and to drastically reduce the costs            > Connecting people and ideas is
                              Membership              Membership Clubs
                              organizations with                          of participation and coordination.That         getting faster and faster.
                              network component
                                                                          makes them well suited to facilitating
                                                                                                                         > Networks are open and transparent:
                                                                          progress on complex social and
                                                                                                                     The new social tools are making the
                                                                          environmental challenges that require
                                                                                                                         sharing of information routine and
                                                                          people and organizations to coordinate
                              Nonprofits with         Church                                                             making more resources and information
                              axplicit network                            their efforts across traditional
                                                                                                                         available for more people and allow
                              strategy and                                boundaries and sectors.
                              structure                                                                                  people to freely build together. They
                                                                          As important as these new technologies         often borrow from, link to or build on
                                                                          are, the most important change goes            one another.
                              Coalition or alliance   Save Darfur         beyond the tools themselves. The real
                                                                                                                         > Our ability to search expertise
                                                                          transformation that is taking place
                                                                                                                         is expanded: The wikies provide
                                                                          today is the fundamental shift in the
                                                                                                                         public forums for scientists, activists
                                                                          way that people think, form groups, and
                                                                                                                         academics and general public to share
                                                                          do their work, in part because of the
                                                                                                                         ideas about the best ways to effectively
                                                                          widespread accessibility of the tools
                                                                                                                         solve pressing problems.

                              Networks of networks    WiserEarth          and the networks they can help to
                                                                          create.                                        > Effectiveness in mobilizing: While in
                              Ad hoc Networks         Flash mobs                                                         institutions longevity is an advantage,
                                                                          As we are moving through this new era
                                                      Facebook                                                           networks can disassemble as fast
                                                                          of new, networked facts of life how is
                                                                                                                         as they assemble to reform in new
                                                                          the world beginning to look:
                                                                                                                         constellations to answer different
                                                                          > Efforts can be decentralized: In a           specific problems.
                                                                          networked model, new technologies
                                                                                                                         In his book, “We Think: Why mass
                                                                          allow people to self organize easily
                                                                                                                         creativity is the next big thing”, Charles
                                                                          and quickly without the burden of
ORGANIZATION-CENTRIC             NETWORK-CENTRIC                  IMPLICATIONS FOR THE WAYS         Leadbeater explains why starting from           organizing efforts. But new approaches
MODEL                            MODEL                            WE WORK AND CONNECT               now the way we organize ourselves in            are now allowing community organizers
                                                                                                    future will not just be an extension of         to view their work through a network
                                                                                                    the industrial era.16 A growing band of         lens, and to better understand
> Centralized                    > Decentralized                  > People and groups use new
                                                                  tecnologies to self organize      organizations in future will resurrect          the ties and complex connections
                                                                  without centralized planning      ancient ideas and meld them with                between individuals in order to foster
                                                                  and infrastructure.
                                                                                                    new technology. Adaptive and self-              healthier communities. Organizers
> Connecting ideas and           > The pace of conection is       > Ideas can spread and groups
people takes time.               fast                             can form more quickly than        organizing communities rely on more             are deliberately acting as “network
                                                                  ever before as the new tools      than good communications between                weavers”—a term coined by network
                                                                  allow people to connect with
                                                                  others instantaneously and        neighbors and peers to make sure                expert June Holley17 to describe the act
                                                                  virally.                          everything works. An overall order              of deliberately connecting others in an
> Coordination and               > Coordination and               > Barriers to collaborative       emerges from a mass of localized                effort to strengthen ties. Weavers link
collaboration are difficult      collaboration are easier         effort are low enough that
                                                                  people can now do “big things     decisions only if there are some simple         previously disconnected individuals and
                                                                  for love” or find partners in     norms and goals to provide a skeleton           groups, surface untapped opportunities
                                                                  narrow passions.
                                                                                                    structure. Given a platform, some               for community members to produce
> Closed and proprietary         > Open and transparent           > Sharing is routine, resources
                                                                  and knowledge are available       rules and the tools any passionate              better outcomes, and encourage
                                                                  to many, and multiple efforts     user can become content create. But             new relationships and collaborations.
                                                                  and ideas can build on one
                                                                  another.                          the questions to be asked at this               In some ways, it’s what community

> Our ability to tap expertise   > Our ability to tap expertise   > When we look for knowledge,     point are on how to keep the balance            organizers have always done—only the
and share knowledge is           and share knowledge is           leadership and expertise, we      between open and closed, networked              new approaches emphasize a lack of
constrained                      expanded                         will increasingly be able to
                                                                  access it in places that were     and controlled systems. For example             hierarchy or traditional power structures,
                                                                  once beyond our reach             can we really survive on volunteers or          focusing instead on connectivity and
> Effectiveness is equated       > Effectiveness is equated       > Groups do not need to           how do we nee determine the level of            social capital.
with longevity                   with mobilization                last; they can come together
                                                                  and disassemble as need to        involvement of institutions in different        > Accessing Diverse Perspectives:
                                                                  achieve goals; people are not     cases?
                                                                  necessarily looking for long                                                      Social media tools and the
                                                                  term membership.                  There are many different reasons why            accompanying network mind-set are
> Organizations are the          > Organizations are one way      > Organizations will continiue,   people use a network approach to                expanding our ability to access new
primary way to organize          to organize effort               but they are no longer the only
effort                                                            way to get things done; work      achieve social change. Some of which            perspectives by tapping into the ideas
                                                                  can be done without reference     are:                                            and expertise of many individuals
                                                                  to traditional institutions.
                                                                                                                                                    through crowdsourcing, rather than
                                                                                                    > Weaving Community: Building
                                                                                                                                                    relying only on an elite few.
                                                                                                    community and strengthening social
                                                                                                    capital have long been at the core              > Building and Sharing Knowledge:
                                                                                                    of neighborhood revitalization and          The network mind-set and tools are

changing the way individuals and                Definition of Public Participation
organizations develop and share                 Models in European Politics: The
knowledge and best practices.                   Code of Good Practice18
Nonprofits that use a federated or
affiliate model have long known the
                                                One of the major concerns of modern
benefits of sharing best practices
                                                democracies is the alienation of citizens
across their networks. Now people
                                                from the political processes. In this
not part of the same organizational
                                                context, as in many others, civil society
structure are learning to do the same
                                                constitutes an important element of the
through communities of practice and
                                                democratic process. It provides citizens
other collective mechanisms.
                                                with an alternative way, alongside
> Mobilizing People | Network                                                                 The Code of Good Practice underlines            accountability from both the NGOs and
                                                those of political parties and lobbies, of
approaches are useful for motivating                                                          a series of common principles to act            public authorities, with transparency at
                                                channeling different views and securing
people to act and that way mobilizing                                                         as foundation for the members to build          all stages.
                                                a variety of interests in the decision-
collective action. The new social tools                                                       upon.
                                                making process.                                                                               > Independence: NGOs must be
are easy to use, lower the cost of
                                                In an effort to regulate and spread Civil     > Participation: NGOs collect and               recognized as free and independent
coordination, and help catalyze public
                                                Participation and with the he principal       channel views of their members, user            bodies in respect to their aims,
action on a large scale because activity
                                                objective of the Code of Good Practice        groups and concerned citizens. This             decisions and activities. They have the
can be viral and doesn’t have to be
                                                for Civil Participation is to contribute to   input provides crucial value to the             right to act independently and advocate
routed through a central authority.
                                                the creation of an enabling environment       political decision-making process,              positions different from the authorities
One of the best-known examples of
                                                for NGOs in Council of Europe member          enhancing the quality, understanding            with whom they may otherwise
this is the Iranian election protests
                                                State by defining at European level a set     and longer-term applicability of the            cooperate.
in 2009 and other so-called “Twitter
                                                of general principles, guidelines, tools      policy initiative. A pre-condition for
Revolutions.”                                                                                                                             And defines a series of cross-cutting
                                                and mechanisms for civil participation        this principle is that the processes for        tools and mechanisms for civil
> Coordinating Resources and Action                                                           participation are open and accessible,
                                                in the political decision-making process.                                                     participation
| Social media tools and network                                                              based on agreed parameters for
                                            The intent is that the Code of Good
approaches are making it easier for                                                                                                           > E-participation: E-tools offer great
                                                Practice will be implemented at local,        participation.
activists to coordinate their resources                                                                                                       potential for improving democratic
                                                regional and national level. The Code         > Trust: An open and democratic society
and action.                                                                                                                                   practice and participation of an
                                                of Good Practice is based on actual           is based on honest interaction between          organized civil society. They can
                                                experiences from NGOs across Europe           actors and sectors.                             largely contribute to the transparency,
                                                sharing their good practices and valid
                                                                                              > Accountability and transparency:              accountability and responsiveness
                                                methods for engaging with public
                                                                                              Acting in the public interest requires          of institutions, as well as to the
                                                                                              openness, responsibility, clarity and           promotion of citizens’ engagement
and to increasing empowerment and                advisory bodies (permanent or ad-hoc);
the accessibility and inclusiveness of           or NGO alliances/coalitions which pool
the democratic process. In order to              resources and develop joint positions.
fully all participants of the decision           > Framework documents on cooperation
making should integrate benefit from             between NGOs and public authorities:
their potential, e-tools, including the          In many European countries framework
authorities at all levels and organized          agreements have been developed
civil society.                                   to outline undertakings, roles and
> Capacity-building for participation:           responsibilities and procedures for
It is essential to develop the capacity          cooperation. These documents lay out
and skills of local, regional and                a clear basis for the relationship and
national NGOs so that they may be                thereby facilitate ongoing dialogue and
actively involved in policy formulation,         mutual understanding between NGOs
project development and service                  and public authorities. They include
provision. Capacity-building can also            bilateral agreements with parliament
include training seminars to improve             or government, strategy documents
the understanding of the reciprocal              for cooperation and official programs
roles of NGOs and public authorities             for cooperation, adopted by public
in this engagement, as well as                   authorities.
exchange programs to facilitate the          The Role of designers: A role that a
understanding of each other’s realities.         service designer takes over in this field
> Structures for cooperation between             is to understand the phenomenon of
NGOs and public authorities: In order            social innovation at the grassroots level
to facilitate the relationship between           in various contexts, identify its relation
public authorities and NGOs, a                   to policy and to design conditions that
number of countries have developed               empowers people to use their creativity
coordinating bodies. These include:              to ideate, implement and disseminate
government bodies such as a contact              the solutions for their needs. As Manzini
person for civil society in each ministry        claims, transition towards sustainability
or a central coordination body as a              is a social learning process that
single interlocutor; joint structures            requires active involvement of social
such as multi-stakeholder committees,            constituents.19
work groups, expert councils and other

4. Mapping as Empowerment
                   of the Citizens

Mapping Matters: From maps as                    world abandoned the discipline of
     truth to maps as critic                          geography. This discipline was no
                                                      longer considered relevant on many
                                                      campuses as the field was perceived
     The city is a complex construction of
                                                      to be either redundant in respect to the
     lived experience mediated through
                                                      technological advancements associated
     representation. The understanding of
                                                      with satellite imaging, or so complicit in
     the contemporary city as an object
                                                      the politics of modern urban planning
     of study has renewed the interest
                                                      as to be lost.
     in questions of representation in
                                                  And then, just as the discipline of
     the last few decades. Collectively,
                                                      geography seemed destined to enter
     the design disciplines have found
                                                      the dustbin of the history of academic
     themselves over the past two decades
                                                      history along with other seemingly
     engaged in a renewal of interest in
                                                      irrelevant fields, geography started
     maps and mapping, as one modality
                                                      to get interesting again. As part of a
     of representation with which urban
                                                      broader turn in the humanities and
     experience and urban identity is formed.
                                                      a reawakening of scholarship in the
     Over the last decades the disciplines
                                                      design disciplines, many fields found a
     aspiring to represent urban form
                                                      new interest in spatial studies and the
     have moved from positions of relative
                                                      representation of power structures.
     distance to one another, toward a
                                                  As geography was seemingly loosing it’s
     convergence of sensibilities with
                                                      existence as an academic discipline and
     respect to maps and mapping. The
                                                      lost as a profession, the representation
     map, the tool that once defined the
                                                      of spatial, economic, and social orders
     geographic knowledge, had by the
                                                      became relevant in a range of other
     1960’s and 70’s began to stand for the
                                                      disciplines. While many geographers
     failings of the modernist social project,
                                                      had been producing solid academic
     the brutality of urban planning, and the
                                                      achievements, a few geographers
     beginning of environmental crisis. In the
                                                      began to cure a seemingly more
     wake of these critiques associated with
                                                      remote branch of the discipline. Among
     the politics of ‘68 and the economics of
                                                      them, the cultural geographer Denis
     ‘73, maps and mapping fell into a period
                                                      Cosgrove was particularly effective
     of dis reputation, during which time
                                                      in renewing the discipline’s relevance
     universities across the English language
and role. Cosgrove’s research interests         In stark contrast to the increasingly        educated in the role of images of their          context was deemed to be irrelevant;
evolved from a focus on the meanings            scientific paradigm of modernist maps        cities as key to the new global economy          the world existed independent of the
of landscape in human and cultural              that proposed to be scientific, value-       and particularly to the economy of               observer and maps served only to
geography, especially in Western                free, and neutral arbiters of spatial        destination tourism. The combination             map the world. The cartographer was
Europe since the fifteenth century, to          conditions, Cosgrove argued that maps        of these conditions means that cities            separate from the user and optimal
a broader concern with the role of              were culturally relative constructions       started to look for ways to differentiate        maps could be produced to meet
spatial images and representations              that were political.                         themselves from their peers and are              different needs.
in the making and communicating of              By shifting geography’s attention            much more drawn to using architectural       The aims of the cartographer were
knowledge. His work included how                toward the construction of values            projects, arts installations and cultural        normative; to reduce error in the
visual images have been used in history         attendant to the simple act of making        tourism as economic income.                      representation and to increase map
to shape geographical imaginations              a map, Cosgrove was able to renew            Central to these projects is the broader         effectiveness through good design.
and in connection between geography             the relevance of the field for architects,   dissemination of images of the city              Research thus sought to improve map
as a formal discipline, imaginative             urbanists, land space architects, and        as objects of cultural value to a broad          designs by carefully controlled scientific
expressions of geographical                     planners.                                    international audience.                          experimentation that focused on issues
knowledge and experience in the
                                                Contemporary design culture has been                                                          such as how to represent location,
                                                                                             The latter part of the twentieth century
visual arts (including cartography).
                                                greatly influenced by the regaining                                                           direction and distance; how to select
                                                                                             saw also, US scholar Arthur Robinson
Within his cultural research, Cosgrove
                                                of geography. Maps and mapping                                                                information; how best to symbolize
                                                                                             and his collaborators who tried to re-
differentiated between dominant
                                                have found themselves central to the                                                          these data; how to combine these
                                                                                             cast cartography, focusing in particular
cultures and alternative cultures. The
                                                debates of the day. Maps and mapping                                                          symbols together; and what kind of
                                                                                             on systematically detailing map design
dominant culture has the most influence
                                                have come to be understood as unique                                                          map to publish. The research agenda
                                                                                             principles with the map user in mind.
in shaping a landscape. Most of what
                                                forms of representation through which                                                         of cartography was to reduce signal
                                                                                             His aim was to create a science of
you see, he claimed, is likely to be a
                                                designers derive particular disciplinary                                                      distortion in the communication of data
                                                                                             cartography that would produce what
product of the dominant culture in
                                                and professional expertise and render                                                         to users. Art and beauty had no place in
                                                                                             he named “map effectiveness” – that
a region. However, one is also likely
                                                their work both more political and more                                                       this functional cartographic universe.
                                                                                             is, maps that capture and portray
to see evidence of alternative, or
                                                relevant. The active representations of      relevant information in a way that the           Out of this context in the late 1960s and
subcultures in the landscape. Within the
                                                the city are itself both the product and     map-reader can analyze and interpret.            1970s emerged a series of attempts
category of alternative culture Cosgrove
                                                act of design. The work of mapping           Robinson suggested that an new                   to develop and position cartographic
differentiated between residual cultures
                                                has increasingly entered the public          approach to mapping grounded in                  communication models as the dominant
(historic cultures that have disappeared
                                                sphere as artists, community groups,         experimental psychology might be the             theoretical framework to academic
or are in the process of fading away),
                                                city planners, and art critics come to       best way for cartography to gain it’s            research. Communication models
emergent cultures (those that are just
                                                read there representations as a lens         intellectual respectability. Robinson            encouraged researchers to look beyond
now appearing), and excluded cultures
                                                onto the a new world. Simultaneously,        adopted a view of the mind as an                 a functional analysis of map design,
(those that are actively or passively
                                                mayors and media have come to be             information-processing device. Social            exploring filters that might hinder the
excluded by the dominant culture).

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  • 1. (IST) Citizen Platform An interactive citizen Platform for Istanbul around artistic and cultural production and tracking of urban life Relatore: Francesco ZURLO Corelatore: Daniela TERRILE by Deniz ORCUN In collaboration with: Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV) Politecnico di Milano Facolta di Design Corso di Laurea Specialistica Nel Disegno Industriale AA. 2010-2011 1
  • 2. Thank you... I wrote my thesis “on the road” between Brussels, Milan and most of all Istanbul. I have met numerous people on the way who offered their help, interests and avail- ibility but among those especially I would like to thank my professor Francesco Zurlo for his help and openness and Daniela Terrile for her sincere support and infi- nite energy. I can’t thank enough my dear friends, Daniel Metcalfe, for his precious inputs and his wisdom and with Rona to let me in their beautiful family, my dear Deniz for her inspiration and for always making me feel at home whenever i am near her. And finally my two families the Mukaddes, Alp Orcun and Levent, Esen, Asli Ricakci whose presence i feel wherever i go, and their endless support always with me. I can’t thank you enough... 3 2
  • 3. Index: 1 Abstract: An Iteractive Citizen Platform For Istanbul 9 Introduzione in Italiano 10 2 Locality vs. Globalization in Istanbul? 17 Absence of cultural policy as a “state policy” 18 Mapping as a soft form of Activism in Istanbul 21 New roles in the cultural life of Istanbul 28 3 PARTICIPATIVE WAY OF WORKING 35 Definition of Public Participation Models in European Politics: 40 The Code of Good Practice 4 MAPPING AS EMPOWERMENT OF THE CITIZENS 47 Smart Communities Through Network Weaving 51 5 Digital Mapping Tools and City Guides Comparitive Study 57 Best Practices 57 6 The Project: (IST) by IKSV Citizen Platform 75 Concept Statement 75 Strategic Action 85 How does the Interface work? 88 Object System 96 Conclusions 98 References 100 Bibliography 101 5 4
  • 4. 1. An interactive citizen Platform for Istanbul 7 6
  • 5. Istanbul is becoming increasingly colorful in terms of its rich social, cultural, and commercial activities and increas- ingly gaining attention of foreign spectators. While world famous pop stars fill stadiums, activities like opera, ballet and theatre continue throughout the year. During seasonal festivals, world famous orchestras, chorale ensembles, concerts and jazz legends can be found often playing to a full house. Adding to this picture, the opening of 20 new museums in the past ten years in Istanbul we can say that is celebrating a very bright moment in it’s modern history from the point of view of cultural production. Unfortunately this is only one side of the story concerning the cultural production in this metropolis, that has tripled it’s popula- tion in the last 25 years. The more alternative art scene is still production of Istanbul and become a struggling in the absence of favorable tool for communicating and knowledge policy making and politic and social exchange within the society and with barriers. In addition to this the city the policy makers. culture is under great transformation as I have conducted my research together the new administration has put into ac- with the Istanbul Foundation For Culture tion a number of invasive urban renova- and Arts taking them as a model institu- tion projects. tion to orchestrate this complex service The city is changing fast and as positive solution. as this change may look at the moment This research is structured throughout we have no way of knowing how it will three main discussions; the idea of turn out in the near future because of “localism” in a city like Istanbul that is in this disproportionate growth. the middle of fast globalizing tenden- In my thesis I will be searching for a cies yet so attached to it’s past, the role service design solution that is an ap- of institutions in an “open” world, and propriate model of cultural platform that digital mapping as an act of empower- can host an ongoing activity of tracking ment of the citizens. and documenting of artistic and cultural 9 8
  • 6. Introduzione in Italiano ultimi 25 anni ha triplicato la sua popo- Questa ricerca è strutturata attraverso fonte selettiva di informazioni per ri- lazione. tre principali discussioni: durre la quantità di input ai quali sono Una piattaforma interattiva La scena artistica più alternativa è an- - l’idea di “localismo” in una città come esposti quotidianamente. cora alle prese con l’assenza di decisio- Istanbul che seppur sia ancora così Il servizio, ospitata dal IKSV, la ONG per la città di Istanbul che ni politiche favorevoli e con ostacoli di radicata al suo passato, si trova oggi leader del settore in Istanbul che utiliz- veicola (visualizza, comuni- natura politica e sociale. Oltre a questo nel mezzo di dinamiche e tendenze che zando la sua rete esistente gia estesa ca) la produzione artistica e la cultura della città è in fase di grande volgono ad una rapida globalizzazione; e il know-how acquisita nel campo di culturale della stessa e (ne) trasformazione, così come la nuova -il ruolo delle istituzioni in un mondo “ap- arte da quasi 40 anni di esperienza di monitora la vita urbana (quo- amministrazione che ha messo in atto erto” e la mappatura digitale come atto organizzazione e promozione di mani- tidiana) dei suoi cittadini. una serie di progetti di rinnovamento di responsabilizzazione dei cittadini. festazioni culturali e collaborazioni con urbano invasivo. istituti esteri. Istanbul sta divenendo sempre più una La città sta cambiando velocemente! Descrizione della proposta di Il database (IST), come punto di città colorata, in materia di attività Ma così come positivo può sembrare progetto: partenza, comunica gli eventi che pas- sociali, culturali e commerciali, e sem- ora questo cambiamento, in questo (IST) City Platform by IKSV sano attraverso un accurato filtro della pre più si sta guadagnando l’attenzione momento non abbiamo modo di sapere fondazione in carica definiti in risposte degli spettatori stranieri. come andrà a finire in un prossimo fu- La mia proposta di progetto è una alla interazione con I loro utenti. Questo Mentre le pop star di fama mondiale turo a causa di questa crescita spropor- piattaforma che promuove la parteci- è solo un primo livello per garantire la riempiono gli stadi, le attività quali zionata (del suo tessuto urbano). pazione immersive delle persone nella qualità del servizio. l’opera, la danza e il teatro proseguono Nella mia tesi ricercherò una soluzione promozione della produzione e mani- Oltre alla selezione di raccomandazioni per tutto l’arco dell’anno. Durante i progettuale di servizio che possa es- festazione artistica di Istanbul, usando di IKSV, un sistema di valutazione è pre- festival stagionali poi, orchestre di fama sere un appropriato modello di piatta- la mappatura come strumento primario. visto (fornito agli utenti) per gli utenti e mondiale, ensemble corali, concerti e forma culturale, che possa ospitare una Si basa sulla fondazione di una mappa contribuirà a migliorare ed aggiustare leggende del jazz si trovano ovunque continua attività di monitoraggio e doc- interattiva delle manifestazioni culturali costantemente il processo di selezione disseminati per la metropoli e fanno il umentazione della produzione artistica di Istanbul e sostenendo i membri della IKSV. tutto esaurito. e culturale di Istanbul e diventare così comunità nel contribuire ad un’azione Gli utenti al primo piano sono forniti da In aggiunta a questo quadro, vi è uno strumento per la comunicazione di scambio di conoscenze attraverso la un’interfaccia di guida alle manifestazi- l’apertura di 20 nuovi musei negli ultimi e lo scambio di conoscenze all’interno mappatura e la selezione degli eventi in oni culturali della cita, forniti di un facile dieci anni. Possiamo dire infatti che, dal della società e con i responsabili politici. primo piano. set di filtri personalizzati per aiutarli a punto di vista della sua produzione cul- Ho condotto la mia ricerca insieme alla Istanbul, proporzionalmente alla sua raggiungere, in modo più veloce e pre- turale, Istanbul sta vivendo un momento Istanbul Foundation For Culture and enorme estensione territoriale, ospita ciso possibile, gli eventi ai quali potreb- molto brillante della sua storia moderna. Arts, prendendola come modello di un gran numero di eventi ogni anno. bero essere interessati a partecipare. Purtroppo questa è solo una parte della istituto esempio per orchestrare as- Considerando l’infinita varietà di sog- Basata su questa semplice interfaccia storia relativa alla produzione culturale sieme questa soluzione di servizio così getti/temi e di tipologie di eventi, gli di “event map” é la “City Platform” dove in questa metropoli; metropoli che negli complessa. utenti spesso hanno bisogno di una gli uttenti attraverso un’interfaccia di 11 10
  • 7. mappatura aggiungeranno contenuti, e come un aiuto a creare punti di inizio naliera, permettendo di contribuire e di percorsi fatti e esplorazioni esperienzati. e discussioni.. La piattaforma fonde in aggiungere diversi livelli di informazione Piattaforma utilizza uno strumento di un’unico spazio i tre database principali, per facilitare la selezione e la fruizione mappatura aperta (libera-partecipata). - IBB Istanbul municipality map (IBB): dei contenuti della mappa stessa. Lo Questo strumento permetterà di con- È un’applicazione (di servizio) aperta, scambio di punti di vista e conoscenze figurare (particolareggiare e personaliz- per la mappatura specifica di Istan- specifici su Istanbul attraverso la car- zare) speciali percorsi tematici preparati bul, costruita dal Comune di Istanbul tografia aiutera a rendere piu visibili e dalli utenti e la loro condivisione. Esso in occasione del Istanbul European tracciabili I trasformazioni nel tempo in permetterà agli utenti o ai gruppi di Capital of Culture 2010. Utilizzo di tale questa citta. utenti, individualmente o collettiva- strumento funzionera anche come un mente, di creare percorsi che cambiano patto di partnership con la municipalitá la prospettiva delle iniziative o sem- e li coinvolgera in modo piú diretto nella plicemente di offrire nuovi punti di vista piattaforma. della (e sulla) città. - Becoming Istanbul Visual Encyclo- I risultati di questa attività saranno pedia (Garanti Pub.): É un progetto di disponibili per tutti, per vedere, consul- ricerca sulle dinamiche della cittá di tare, utilizzare e intervenire sugli stessi, Istanbul oltre I mainstream idee proto- come fossero parte di un Inventario tipate, che ha avuto come risultato una (della vita della città) di Istanbul; inven- mostra e vari libri. tario utile per i decisori e i ricercatori - l’inventario IKSV della cultura di e come pratica guida di Istanbul per i Istanbul (IKSV): Un’iniziativa di IKSV che residenti e i turisti. Ogni mappa (IST) rendera pubblico il contenuto del suo è una nuova (fresca) prospettiva sulle archivio dei quaranta anni di esperienza esperienze quotidiane che generano la relative alla produzione e promozione vita della città. della cultura ed arte. Regolarmente IKSV chiedera di lasciare u contributo nel database, a membri In una città come Istanbul infatti, così della comunitá che sono personaggi grande e frammentata, con un com- noti al pubblic o che si stanno specializ- plicato sistema di trasporto, e dove la zando su argomenti connessi a Istanbul. programmazione è astratta e il tempo o semplicemente conoscitori di Istanbul. così relativo, un’interfaccia cartografica Questi percorsi tracciati e raccontati da di questo tipo, al livello pragmatico, tipo questi ‘guest mapper’ verranno pubbli- offre l’aiuto necessario per superare la cati regolarmente per creare un ritmo difficoltà della programmazione gior 13 12
  • 8. 2. Locality vs. Globalization in Istanbul? 15 14
  • 9. The functions of the behind it’s industrialist character, will cities are constantly shift more and more towards initiatives related to creativity, like in majority transformed according to of other big cities around the world. their location in the world Cultural heritage services and cultural and these functions add industries are the foundations of this physical, cultural, social new economy. new meanings to the cities. Sometimes the districts can When it comes to talk about turn into different forms in a city on the crossroads of order to adapt themselves the fast globalist tendencies to the new functions insisted like Istanbul, which still by the city. strongly possesses values Globalization is not necessarily the from its past, conflicts and messenger of the disappearance of local differences. Actually it would confusion would surely be not be wrong to state more just the an inevitable experience, opposite1. By underlining the place and happening in this city. what’s local and different, globalization The question is; can we take advantage helps to reconstruct these meanings of this climate to actually create once again in another sense . The dialogue between the citizens and global and the local; the old and the value local culture as well as the new; the living and the rotten; the contemporary tendencies? changing and the stable are all two Problems in this area include: dialectic inevitable, the best thing to do is to try to solve the ‘moment’ and the > Istanbul has increased it’s population ‘place’ we are living in, the city Istanbul. from 2 millions in 1960’s to an estimate 17 million in 2010. During this drastic Istanbul, in the future strategies of expansion people and most of all the central and local administrations is new citizens of Istanbul immigrated envisioned as a city of finance, services, to Istanbul from less developed cities and as a congress and culture tourism and villages in Turkey were left to live capital. It is for-seen that the monetary with the minimum essential for survival capital of this city, that is leaving 17 16
  • 10. and culture was not a primary concern to promote tourism in Istanbul, the was funded culture in Turkey was break the ice with it’s neighbors and during the development of the cities effort to engage locals is not enough. being transformed with a series of to look at them more closely. However new suburbs. > Trend of perceiving places as efforts that can ultimately be defined it hasn’t been easy to delete the deep > Today, Istanbul is becoming rapidly products (typical municipality approach as “turkification”, modernization or influence of an 80year period of cultural and increasingly rich in terms of in Istanbul) under the concept of westernization. The most important purification and sterility. its social, cultural, and commercial “branding” is damaging severely the sign of this transformation was the The effort is still vivid to think in deep activities. This leads to new districts natural fabric of the city. The idea that acceptance of the Latin alphabet in and formulating common questions of culture, changing the present design is relevant to the public space 1928 which set an invisible barrier based on available data, and to form a landscape of Istanbul creating new only in this process of concealing local between the present and a very long platform of future actions that can have conflicts, putting gentrification in the dynamics with marketable slogans is a past. Secondly, the new Republic an influence on policy making. agenda. product of this approach. entered an intense process of To this picture we can add the state of friendship with the newly formed young > Although urban life and its actors > Despite the liveliness of the scene and policy making in arts and culture. In the states of the Balkans in the west, the have become supremely pluralized, the collaborations of different levels there Western countries, the state supports Soviet Union in the north and the Middle stereotypes, discriminating discourses isn’t any strong networks of cultural arts and culture either directly or from East countries. and cliché thought patterns referred operators. a distance, developing the necessary to when speaking about Istanbul has The Second World War however tools of facilitation and incentives, > Turkey is amongst the countries for not disappeared. Those who speak changed everything and the American and does not play a direct role in the highest tourism income in the world, about Istanbul both inside and outside era had begun. Turkey had chosen to ‘artistic practice’. It stops at drawing a but culture in this geography still needs Turkey can’t help but use a serious of be on the side of this ne global power. general policy frame. The situation in to be promoted first to be grasped stereotyped concepts, for instance, This caused a long lasting lack of trust Turkey however is almost the opposite. locally, to sustainably be communicated Istanbul is still “the place where the between turkey and it’s neighbors State funding for the arts and culture globally and to be able to get a East and West meets,” or “a model of leaving the country isolated from it’s is constantly reduced but the state still distance from stereotyped images. cultural and religious dialogue.” Still, geography. In the same period of doesn’t hold back from interfering in Tourists wander in the city thinking they early 1950’s, the first weak signs of the practice to a certain extent. We can say have come to an Eastern oriental city. Absence of cultural policy as a formation of an art market, the artists’ that the absence of policy in this field Still those who visualize Eastern images “state policy” 2 finding an independent and different works as a “policy by default”. for popular culture generalize and form of expression and privatization of It is worth mentioning one specific constantly reproduce the domes and culture took place in the country. Before outlining the main moment in history that marked the minarets of Istanbul. Then, the world changed fast, and a characteristics of the project I would hostile divide between officers and > The fascination with tourist-related lot, within a short period of time with artists, the military coup in 1980. After like to give a short history of the “supermarket type of localism”. (Manzini, the Berlin wall coming down and the this separation state and municipal relationship between culture and police 2005) Soviet Union dissolving. After these owned museums remained focused on making in Turkey. developments Turkey has started to the artistic patrimony and artifacts of > Although there are numerous attempts In the early 1920’s when the republic 19 18
  • 11. the past, while means for encouraging finding a chance for documentation. Mapping as a soft form of forms of human behavior. Locality is artistic exploration and development Activism in Istanbul not exactly defined as “community” went underground. but as an experience, or practices of communities, in the urban sphere. Only after 2000 a new approach Locality is an act, an event that Rudiger Korff5 takes this a little further emerged. Wealthy families, industrial combines spatial network with political by saying “ a locality must be seen as a concerns and financial institutions and social values. The joint phenomena response to, and attempt to cope with, took up the role of Maecenas to the of globalization and networking have the metropolitan environment and the arts making their private collections given rise once again to the local globalization process in particular. It is the cores of newly built, prestigious dimension and it’s representation.3 not a geographic but a social category. museums and opening art galleries, Pelin Tan4 in her essay argues how sometimes in conjunction with concert In the soft forms of activism in the concept of locality doesn’t refer venues or their own publishing houses / the context of projects that create any more to a homogeneous cultural bookstores most of which on Istanbul’s collectivities on the micro level, as geography. Nor does “local” simply refer revitalized grand boulevard Istiklal discussed by Toni Negri, Constantin to a place especially within the context Caddesi. Petcou, Doina Petrescu and Anna of an urban sphere, local becomes Querrien6, the “soft” implies that the As great as this seems on the surface Fig.1 an act In itself, which takes place in a political can exist outside of the bio- it masked some problematic issues. Istanbul Map Project context defined by the politics of space, by the Spanish artist political diagram the latter being “the These new museums of Istanbul Anna Sala economic transformation, media, and space in which the organization of tend to operate as much in a mode of competition as of thoughtful cooperation. Few, if any, chose to hold on to a specific focus, subject, matter, or tone but instead try to outdo one another through extravagance. They almost always chose to spend great sums to realize big exhibitions of artists long gone instead of supporting new and upcoming ones. As a result, young artists seek alternative ways of interacting, working and exhibitions but such attempts are usually fragile and dissolve due to the volatility of the creative process without 21 20
  • 12. Fig.2 Emotional Map Paris organized life (social, political) in all Christian Nold its dimensions is controlled, captured and exploited.” In this context art and culture practices may play an important role not by affirming notions of social healing or representing social function, but by collaborating with neighborhood initiatives to open up spaces for new realities. Yet another important role can be given to mapping. An intervention into the process of urban transformation that is an example of critic practice is the Istanbul Map Project (see Fig.1) by the Spanish artist Anna Sala, who works on critical cartographies about the privatization of urban space. Sala’s Map present’s the situation of neighborhoods in several urban parts of Istanbul. It shows clearly the urban projects of the Greater Municipality of Istanbul that aim to evict residents from their neighborhoods to transform entire districts. The maps reveal current urban conditions and warning of the future problems threatening the general population. Creating an environment, a platform for practices from different fields that allow artists and residents focusing on specific issues to intervene in the ongoing process of urban transformation or urban privatization is an effective way not only to expand artistic practices, but also to act with 23 22
  • 13. Fig.3 collective responsibility. screens or our GPS. With Google Earth, Emotional Map Paris Google Maps, Mappy and the other Christian Nold Cartography and power are closely geo-portals, the whole world is offered related: Who controls the map controls on our computer screens in just a few the territory, and this is true at several clicks, free from any constraints with levels. The person who consults it, regard to scale and paper. Still, the insofar as he knows how to interpret it, concept of urban living in general and gains the ability to identify his position public space in particular has been in space. The person who creates (and still is) determined for the most it – who is situated one step above – part by official maps, statistics and proposes (or imposes) his vision of the administrative limits, without taking territory, as he perceives it or as he into account other visions of the city, projects it. The person who possesses particularly those of everyone who lives it, finally, decides how to distribute it there on a daily basis. and consequently decides to grant or deny others the power he has For more than three years, a group of concerning the territory7. In fact, a map people in Brussels has been working is hardly a harmless tool: figurative as on the project Towards a Subjective well as projective, simulation of space Collective Cartography (see Fig. 2). This as much as a space for simulation – it is an effort to see mapmaking – maps is found at the very source of military themselves, as well as the process for strategies, mercantile capitalism, drafting them and the data associated territorial divisions, and in the particular with them – as a common good, in case of towns, by and large it has terms of access to them (universal, determined what is to be drawn and rather than restricted), regulation measured, and consequently, at the end (permissive, rather than restrictive), and of the day, what is to be built or at least ownership (public rather than private). planned. Cartography, formerly reserved This desire to defend the right of the strictly to a minority, is now opening community to consult, create, publish up to a broad range of users. With our and exchange maps, as well as to have greater mobility, as neo-nomads in a access to cartographic data, is both global world, we use them and find poetic and political. Poetic because them everywhere in public transport, it responds to the inevitable share tour guides, streets, shopping malls and, of subjectivity in an approach to the still more particularly, on our computer territory and considers that multiple 25 24
  • 14. cartographic visions are as many collective projects. possible metaphors of the world we live Another very interesting use of in. mapping is explored by Christian Nold8 Political, because it gives users , Emotional Cartography (see Fig.3), the power to think individually or that explores the relation of body and collectively about the territory and the city through Bio Mapping projects, perhaps to influence its future. In the investigating the implications of past, urban action could take place creating technologies that can record, without or even counter to many users visualize and share with each other our of the city, or occasionally with them, in intimate body-states in reaction to our a sort of concession won over from the urban experiences. And to authorities or generously consented explore the political, social and cultural by them, but things should be very implications of visualizing intimate different today. In fact, the way people biometric data and feel about and perceive a city– and emotional experiences using a map can be used to represent technology. this – should be the keystone of the democratic decision making process To conclude these series of reflections concerning the territory in general and on mapping as an act of activism public space in particular. I would like to give an example where collective mapping is directly Given these observations and connected to projecting and proposing objectives, the Towards project focuses future scenarios about public spaces. on creating two different tools that are (Fig. 4) nevertheless complementary: an Atlas of Brussels on one hand that includes The European district in Brussels the various maps of the city (imaginary, has seen over twenty years of major anecdotal, emotional, etc.) and, on the upheavals and restructuring projects. At other, a cartographic software project the same time it has witnessed a new – Tresor – that will make it possible to generation of people and buildings: create maps, consult them, compare estate speculators, satellite offices, them, adjust the parameters that define shops trying to adapt to the new them, complete them, publish them or situation. use them as part of personal or Fig.4 CityMine9, together with the artist and Map-it European Quarter 27 26
  • 15. esearcher Thomas Laureyssens10 and New roles in the cultural life of and artistic assets of Turkey, by using an institution that organizes five the committees of neighborhoods, Istanbul11 arts to create an international platform international festivals. propose a collaborative mapping of communication. The International Istanbul Jazz Festival exercise of a public space in the district. From a single “Istanbul Festival” to five was initiated in 1994, the same year The past 20 years have marked the They invite the community to ask major international festivals that the International Istanbul Festival opening of over twenty museums themselves the following questions: changed its name to the International meeting the international standards. The first International Istanbul When the institutional planning Istanbul Music Festival. Thus, Istanbul What these museums have in common Festival, organized in 1973 on the 50th redraws the city with the bulldozer, Foundation for Culture and Arts became is that they are all initiated and funded Anniversary of the foundation of the what happens with the inhabitants of an institution that organizes five by leading industrialists, finance leaders Turkish Republic, covered a period of the neighborhood? How do they find international festivals. of Turkey. We can take a look also at the one and a half months and focused again their home, and (re)inspire their major events in the city, the biennale, mainly on classical music. Soon after, On the occasion of its 30th anniversary, imagination? Is it possible to create and fashion and design weeks, we it included other artistic fields in its the Istanbul Foundation for Culture new meeting places and connections would see the same thing. Among program such as film screenings, and Arts initiated a social responsibility between neighborhoods? these industrialist the Eczacibasi Family theatre productions, jazz and ballet project and founded the Istanbul A low-tech tool to plan, analyze and can be considered to be the first to performances, and art exhibitions held Friends of Culture and Arts Tulip reconstruct past and future projects by invest in arts supporting the founding of in historic venues. As public interest membership program with the intention creating open and flexible visualization the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and grew, groups of events organized in of protecting cultural heritage and of a process in space and time. The first Arts (IKSV). different artistic disciplines gradually fostering the development of arts. MAP-it European Quarter workshop was evolved into distinct festivals. Continuing today under the name of held at the CityMine(d) Urban Platform Tulip membership, the program gathers Presented as a separate section under Eczacibasi Family and IKSV12 event in November 2010. It resulted art enthusiasts under one roof, and the name “International Istanbul Film in a good overview of the problems provides its members a variety of days” in 1983, the film week transformed and opportunities of the quarter and Istanbul Foundation for Culture privileges during İKSV-organized events into the International Istanbul Film brought up some inspiring ideas. and Arts (İKSV) is a non-profit, non- including the Istanbul Festivals. Festival in 1989; 1987 marked the I believe that engaging and acting governmental organization founded beginning of the International Istanbul The same year, İKSV made a decision within localities (both social and urban), in 1973 by seventeen businessmen Biennial, and in 1989 the International to organize innovative, smaller events conceiving the artistic object in terms and art enthusiasts who gathered Istanbul Theatre Festival was initiated. in addition to the Istanbul Festivals. of a critical instrument in a process- under the leadership of Dr. Nejat F. Beginning with Filmekimi (a week of film The International Istanbul Jazz Festival based engagement in public space, and Eczacıbaşı, with the aim of organizing screenings in October) in 2002, The was initiated in 1994, the same year creating specific representation in order an international arts festival in Istanbul. Foundation continued to add brand that the International Istanbul Festival to find ways to disseminate action and The Foundation’s initial goal was to new events to its portfolio. in 2003. In changed its name to the International knowledge are the only ways to create offer the finest examples of art from 2006, İKSV assumed the organization Istanbul Music Festival. Thus, Istanbul possibilities of counter-culture. around the world, while at the same of the bi-annual Leyla Gencer Voice Foundation for Culture and Arts became time promoting the national, cultural 29 28
  • 16. Competition, from its 4th edition onward. The Foundation has been committed to bringing together different cultures and contributing to the creation of a platform for multicultural dialogue. In this respect, İKSV organizes a series of international festivals in major European cities. This journey began in 2004 with “Şimdi Now” in Berlin and continued with “Şimdi Stuttgart” in 2005, “Turkey Now” in Amsterdam and Rotterdam in 2007 and 2008, Russia in 2008, and Vienna, Austria in 2009. The “Cultural Season of Turkey in France” activities held between 1 July 2009 and 31 March 2010 were also organized by İKSV, in collaboration with Cultures France. İKSV has been organizing the Pavilion of Turkey at the Venice Biennale since 2007. 2009 marked a turning point in İKSV’s history as the headquarters moved from its home on the historic İstiklal Street in Beyoğlu to another historical building, Deniz Palace, in Şişhane. Together with its new building, İKSV realized a long time plan, and launched its own performance venue, Salon, in which it does not only organize, but also host cultural and artistic events. 31 30
  • 17. 3. Participative way of working 33 32
  • 18. It is undisputable that wikily”14 is characterized by greater we are living in an era of openness, transparency, decentralized participative approaches to decision-making, and collective action. collaborative working made (The term working wikily is based on the easier through the rise of word wiki, a Web site that allows groups the Internet and low cost of people to collectively create and edit technology, the spread of the Web site and information on it. The knowledge and education, best-known use of a wiki is Wikipedia.) the ethic of participation. What once seemed a marginal activity became mainstream after President Barack Obama’s election campaign We see and use everyday hi tech combined grassroots organizing with versions of elementary community online tools to mobilize more than 13 dynamics realized through the likes of million supporters and raise nearly $750 Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, EBay million for his 2008 election15. Indeed, blogging and pod casting. They are for anyone serious about social impact, characterized by the common interest it’s quickly becoming difficult to imagine of their users to contribute in the working not wikily. creation of content and passionate Networks, collections of people amateurs who are looking for a platform connected to each other through to express themselves. relations, aren’t new. We are all parts of On the other side of the spectrum are networks; our families, schools, social the organizations, institutionalized circles, workplaces. There is a wealth models. Traditional organizational of knowledge from social science approach aims to create professional research and from decades of on-the- clusters of special people, in specific ground experience about what helps places and the innovation down the performance of groups and larger the pipeline o the users. While new human systems. But it is only now that organizations, utilizing new technology, people are realizing that there is an that thrive on this spirit of mass alternative. participation move towards a new What’s different now is that a wave model that is between open and of new technologies allow people to closed13. more easily visualize, communicate This approach described as “working 35 34
  • 19. with, and act on existing personal and centralized infrastructure. Perhaps the STRUCTURE TYPE EXAMPLES professional networks, and to create most vivid example of this new reality strong connections with new ones. are the emergence of “smart mobs”. CENTRALIZED > Nonprofit Many local direct These tools make it possible to connect Large groups of people linked by cell- service providers with any number of people (irrespective phones, text messages, e-mails or other organizations without explicit network of geographic distance), to access a channels who get together suddenly structure greater diversity of perspectives, to in a public space to perform some accelerate the sharing of information, collective action. and to drastically reduce the costs > Connecting people and ideas is Membership Membership Clubs organizations with of participation and coordination.That getting faster and faster. network component makes them well suited to facilitating > Networks are open and transparent: progress on complex social and The new social tools are making the environmental challenges that require sharing of information routine and people and organizations to coordinate Nonprofits with Church making more resources and information axplicit network their efforts across traditional available for more people and allow strategy and boundaries and sectors. structure people to freely build together. They As important as these new technologies often borrow from, link to or build on are, the most important change goes one another. Coalition or alliance Save Darfur beyond the tools themselves. The real > Our ability to search expertise transformation that is taking place is expanded: The wikies provide today is the fundamental shift in the public forums for scientists, activists way that people think, form groups, and academics and general public to share do their work, in part because of the ideas about the best ways to effectively widespread accessibility of the tools solve pressing problems. < DECENTRALIZED Networks of networks WiserEarth and the networks they can help to create. > Effectiveness in mobilizing: While in Ad hoc Networks Flash mobs institutions longevity is an advantage, As we are moving through this new era Facebook networks can disassemble as fast of new, networked facts of life how is as they assemble to reform in new the world beginning to look: constellations to answer different > Efforts can be decentralized: In a specific problems. networked model, new technologies In his book, “We Think: Why mass allow people to self organize easily creativity is the next big thing”, Charles and quickly without the burden of 37 36
  • 20. ORGANIZATION-CENTRIC NETWORK-CENTRIC IMPLICATIONS FOR THE WAYS Leadbeater explains why starting from organizing efforts. But new approaches MODEL MODEL WE WORK AND CONNECT now the way we organize ourselves in are now allowing community organizers future will not just be an extension of to view their work through a network the industrial era.16 A growing band of lens, and to better understand > Centralized > Decentralized > People and groups use new tecnologies to self organize organizations in future will resurrect the ties and complex connections without centralized planning ancient ideas and meld them with between individuals in order to foster and infrastructure. new technology. Adaptive and self- healthier communities. Organizers > Connecting ideas and > The pace of conection is > Ideas can spread and groups people takes time. fast can form more quickly than organizing communities rely on more are deliberately acting as “network ever before as the new tools than good communications between weavers”—a term coined by network allow people to connect with others instantaneously and neighbors and peers to make sure expert June Holley17 to describe the act virally. everything works. An overall order of deliberately connecting others in an > Coordination and > Coordination and > Barriers to collaborative emerges from a mass of localized effort to strengthen ties. Weavers link collaboration are difficult collaboration are easier effort are low enough that people can now do “big things decisions only if there are some simple previously disconnected individuals and for love” or find partners in norms and goals to provide a skeleton groups, surface untapped opportunities narrow passions. structure. Given a platform, some for community members to produce > Closed and proprietary > Open and transparent > Sharing is routine, resources and knowledge are available rules and the tools any passionate better outcomes, and encourage to many, and multiple efforts user can become content create. But new relationships and collaborations. and ideas can build on one another. the questions to be asked at this In some ways, it’s what community > Our ability to tap expertise > Our ability to tap expertise > When we look for knowledge, point are on how to keep the balance organizers have always done—only the and share knowledge is and share knowledge is leadership and expertise, we between open and closed, networked new approaches emphasize a lack of constrained expanded will increasingly be able to access it in places that were and controlled systems. For example hierarchy or traditional power structures, once beyond our reach can we really survive on volunteers or focusing instead on connectivity and > Effectiveness is equated > Effectiveness is equated > Groups do not need to how do we nee determine the level of social capital. with longevity with mobilization last; they can come together and disassemble as need to involvement of institutions in different > Accessing Diverse Perspectives: achieve goals; people are not cases? necessarily looking for long Social media tools and the term membership. There are many different reasons why accompanying network mind-set are > Organizations are the > Organizations are one way > Organizations will continiue, people use a network approach to expanding our ability to access new primary way to organize to organize effort but they are no longer the only effort way to get things done; work achieve social change. Some of which perspectives by tapping into the ideas can be done without reference are: and expertise of many individuals to traditional institutions. through crowdsourcing, rather than > Weaving Community: Building relying only on an elite few. community and strengthening social capital have long been at the core > Building and Sharing Knowledge: of neighborhood revitalization and The network mind-set and tools are 39 38
  • 21. changing the way individuals and Definition of Public Participation organizations develop and share Models in European Politics: The knowledge and best practices. Code of Good Practice18 Nonprofits that use a federated or affiliate model have long known the One of the major concerns of modern benefits of sharing best practices democracies is the alienation of citizens across their networks. Now people from the political processes. In this not part of the same organizational context, as in many others, civil society structure are learning to do the same constitutes an important element of the through communities of practice and democratic process. It provides citizens other collective mechanisms. with an alternative way, alongside > Mobilizing People | Network The Code of Good Practice underlines accountability from both the NGOs and those of political parties and lobbies, of approaches are useful for motivating a series of common principles to act public authorities, with transparency at channeling different views and securing people to act and that way mobilizing as foundation for the members to build all stages. a variety of interests in the decision- collective action. The new social tools upon. making process. > Independence: NGOs must be are easy to use, lower the cost of In an effort to regulate and spread Civil > Participation: NGOs collect and recognized as free and independent coordination, and help catalyze public Participation and with the he principal channel views of their members, user bodies in respect to their aims, action on a large scale because activity objective of the Code of Good Practice groups and concerned citizens. This decisions and activities. They have the can be viral and doesn’t have to be for Civil Participation is to contribute to input provides crucial value to the right to act independently and advocate routed through a central authority. the creation of an enabling environment political decision-making process, positions different from the authorities One of the best-known examples of for NGOs in Council of Europe member enhancing the quality, understanding with whom they may otherwise this is the Iranian election protests State by defining at European level a set and longer-term applicability of the cooperate. in 2009 and other so-called “Twitter of general principles, guidelines, tools policy initiative. A pre-condition for Revolutions.” And defines a series of cross-cutting and mechanisms for civil participation this principle is that the processes for tools and mechanisms for civil > Coordinating Resources and Action participation are open and accessible, in the political decision-making process. participation | Social media tools and network based on agreed parameters for The intent is that the Code of Good approaches are making it easier for > E-participation: E-tools offer great Practice will be implemented at local, participation. activists to coordinate their resources potential for improving democratic regional and national level. The Code > Trust: An open and democratic society and action. practice and participation of an of Good Practice is based on actual is based on honest interaction between organized civil society. They can experiences from NGOs across Europe actors and sectors. largely contribute to the transparency, sharing their good practices and valid > Accountability and transparency: accountability and responsiveness methods for engaging with public Acting in the public interest requires of institutions, as well as to the authorities. openness, responsibility, clarity and promotion of citizens’ engagement 41 40
  • 22. and to increasing empowerment and advisory bodies (permanent or ad-hoc); the accessibility and inclusiveness of or NGO alliances/coalitions which pool the democratic process. In order to resources and develop joint positions. fully all participants of the decision > Framework documents on cooperation making should integrate benefit from between NGOs and public authorities: their potential, e-tools, including the In many European countries framework authorities at all levels and organized agreements have been developed civil society. to outline undertakings, roles and > Capacity-building for participation: responsibilities and procedures for It is essential to develop the capacity cooperation. These documents lay out and skills of local, regional and a clear basis for the relationship and national NGOs so that they may be thereby facilitate ongoing dialogue and actively involved in policy formulation, mutual understanding between NGOs project development and service and public authorities. They include provision. Capacity-building can also bilateral agreements with parliament include training seminars to improve or government, strategy documents the understanding of the reciprocal for cooperation and official programs roles of NGOs and public authorities for cooperation, adopted by public in this engagement, as well as authorities. exchange programs to facilitate the The Role of designers: A role that a understanding of each other’s realities. service designer takes over in this field > Structures for cooperation between is to understand the phenomenon of NGOs and public authorities: In order social innovation at the grassroots level to facilitate the relationship between in various contexts, identify its relation public authorities and NGOs, a to policy and to design conditions that number of countries have developed empowers people to use their creativity coordinating bodies. These include: to ideate, implement and disseminate government bodies such as a contact the solutions for their needs. As Manzini person for civil society in each ministry claims, transition towards sustainability or a central coordination body as a is a social learning process that single interlocutor; joint structures requires active involvement of social such as multi-stakeholder committees, constituents.19 work groups, expert councils and other 43 42
  • 23. 4. Mapping as Empowerment of the Citizens 45 44
  • 24. Mapping Matters: From maps as world abandoned the discipline of truth to maps as critic geography. This discipline was no longer considered relevant on many campuses as the field was perceived The city is a complex construction of to be either redundant in respect to the lived experience mediated through technological advancements associated representation. The understanding of with satellite imaging, or so complicit in the contemporary city as an object the politics of modern urban planning of study has renewed the interest as to be lost. in questions of representation in And then, just as the discipline of the last few decades. Collectively, geography seemed destined to enter the design disciplines have found the dustbin of the history of academic themselves over the past two decades history along with other seemingly engaged in a renewal of interest in irrelevant fields, geography started maps and mapping, as one modality to get interesting again. As part of a of representation with which urban broader turn in the humanities and experience and urban identity is formed. a reawakening of scholarship in the Over the last decades the disciplines design disciplines, many fields found a aspiring to represent urban form new interest in spatial studies and the have moved from positions of relative representation of power structures. distance to one another, toward a As geography was seemingly loosing it’s convergence of sensibilities with existence as an academic discipline and respect to maps and mapping. The lost as a profession, the representation map, the tool that once defined the of spatial, economic, and social orders geographic knowledge, had by the became relevant in a range of other 1960’s and 70’s began to stand for the disciplines. While many geographers failings of the modernist social project, had been producing solid academic the brutality of urban planning, and the achievements, a few geographers beginning of environmental crisis. In the began to cure a seemingly more wake of these critiques associated with remote branch of the discipline. Among the politics of ‘68 and the economics of them, the cultural geographer Denis ‘73, maps and mapping fell into a period Cosgrove was particularly effective of dis reputation, during which time in renewing the discipline’s relevance universities across the English language 47 46
  • 25. and role. Cosgrove’s research interests In stark contrast to the increasingly educated in the role of images of their context was deemed to be irrelevant; evolved from a focus on the meanings scientific paradigm of modernist maps cities as key to the new global economy the world existed independent of the of landscape in human and cultural that proposed to be scientific, value- and particularly to the economy of observer and maps served only to geography, especially in Western free, and neutral arbiters of spatial destination tourism. The combination map the world. The cartographer was Europe since the fifteenth century, to conditions, Cosgrove argued that maps of these conditions means that cities separate from the user and optimal a broader concern with the role of were culturally relative constructions started to look for ways to differentiate maps could be produced to meet spatial images and representations that were political. themselves from their peers and are different needs. in the making and communicating of By shifting geography’s attention much more drawn to using architectural The aims of the cartographer were knowledge. His work included how toward the construction of values projects, arts installations and cultural normative; to reduce error in the visual images have been used in history attendant to the simple act of making tourism as economic income. representation and to increase map to shape geographical imaginations a map, Cosgrove was able to renew Central to these projects is the broader effectiveness through good design. and in connection between geography the relevance of the field for architects, dissemination of images of the city Research thus sought to improve map as a formal discipline, imaginative urbanists, land space architects, and as objects of cultural value to a broad designs by carefully controlled scientific expressions of geographical planners. international audience. experimentation that focused on issues knowledge and experience in the Contemporary design culture has been such as how to represent location, The latter part of the twentieth century visual arts (including cartography). greatly influenced by the regaining direction and distance; how to select saw also, US scholar Arthur Robinson Within his cultural research, Cosgrove of geography. Maps and mapping information; how best to symbolize and his collaborators who tried to re- differentiated between dominant have found themselves central to the these data; how to combine these cast cartography, focusing in particular cultures and alternative cultures. The debates of the day. Maps and mapping symbols together; and what kind of on systematically detailing map design dominant culture has the most influence have come to be understood as unique map to publish. The research agenda principles with the map user in mind. in shaping a landscape. Most of what forms of representation through which of cartography was to reduce signal His aim was to create a science of you see, he claimed, is likely to be a designers derive particular disciplinary distortion in the communication of data cartography that would produce what product of the dominant culture in and professional expertise and render to users. Art and beauty had no place in he named “map effectiveness” – that a region. However, one is also likely their work both more political and more this functional cartographic universe. is, maps that capture and portray to see evidence of alternative, or relevant. The active representations of relevant information in a way that the Out of this context in the late 1960s and subcultures in the landscape. Within the the city are itself both the product and map-reader can analyze and interpret. 1970s emerged a series of attempts category of alternative culture Cosgrove act of design. The work of mapping Robinson suggested that an new to develop and position cartographic differentiated between residual cultures has increasingly entered the public approach to mapping grounded in communication models as the dominant (historic cultures that have disappeared sphere as artists, community groups, experimental psychology might be the theoretical framework to academic or are in the process of fading away), city planners, and art critics come to best way for cartography to gain it’s research. Communication models emergent cultures (those that are just read there representations as a lens intellectual respectability. Robinson encouraged researchers to look beyond now appearing), and excluded cultures onto the a new world. Simultaneously, adopted a view of the mind as an a functional analysis of map design, (those that are actively or passively mayors and media have come to be information-processing device. Social exploring filters that might hinder the excluded by the dominant culture). 49 48