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Single Mom From Florida Tells
Women Over 35:
“Continue Eating Your Favorite Foods… Then
POOP OUT 28 Pounds Of Unwanted Belly Fat...
And Look More Slender Than Ever With These
African Slimming Seeds!”
Hi, I’m Sandra Miller.
And I’m about to show you how these 3 awful text messages
forced me to confront the fact that I was 52 lbs overweight…
And also destroyed what I thought would be the love of my life.
So why am I telling you this?
Well, there’s a silver lining to this story.
You see, those same text messages also led me to discover
these strange African seeds...
Which helped me shed unwanted fat from my belly, thighs,
neck and everywhere else...
WITHOUT starving or nearly killing myself at the gym.
Now, for the 몭rst time in a LONG time, I can 몭t into a size 4
And I can thank THESE mysterious seeds for that.
Of course, you’re probably wondering what these seeds
have to do with weight loss.
Well... This might sound a little crazy...
I was pooping out ALL my
unwanted fat in the morning.
But what I’ve shown you just now is no ordinary seed.
It grows natively in the savannas of Africa...
And it was only through a chance meeting with a Ghana woman
named Adah, that led me to discover it.
And when I used these seeds as instructed by her...
Yes, I was POOPING out belly fat and THAT'S how I shed 52 lbs
o몭 my body.
Now I know “pooping out fat” might sound a little TMI…
But if we 몭ip the script here...
Wouldn’t you rather have the fat pooped out than have it stuck
to your belly or anywhere else?
If you agree, that’s great because that means we’re on
the same page.
Now, I know you’re probably here because you’ve struggled with
weight loss.
You dream of the day you can slip into that sexy dress with
Or get that coveted thigh gap so many of us wish we had.
But if it feels like you’re spinning your wheels...
And you’re tired of the mountains of weight loss advice and
programs that haven’t done squat for you.
Sound familiar?
Well, that’s exactly how it was for me.
And yet, my journey led me to stumble
across a near effortless fat-loss
That helped me shed 52 lbs from my belly, thighs, arms,
neck and face!
And now, it’s doing the same for thousands of others too.
Stuck with stubborn, unexplained weight that suddenly started
magnetizing to your body as you got older...
I really enjoyed how it is a dropper type ingestion. Not really a big fan of
the 몭avor but I de몭nitely love this product. It works fast to curb my
appetite and give me energy for hours. I could feel toxins being excreted
from my body through my pores. I would sweat more, meaning I knew
that fat was leaving my body. During my 몭rst few weeks of trying out this
product, I ended up losing 18 pounds! Thank you, Isogenics.
Jason from Texas
"I dropped down a shirt size and a pants
size in a month!"
Amy from Oklahoma
“I feel more con몭dent.”
It really does curb appetite and give you energy as the fat melts away!
Over a period of 5 weeks I have lost 34 pounds. I consider that an
accomplishment where all other means to lose weight have failed!
Within 30 days I lost 10 lbs… And went from a size 13 to a size 9! I was a
LOT smaller, the weight stayed o몭, I did Not feel starved.
Amazing isn’t it?
I’m going to show you exactly how
we did it with those strange seeds I
Margaret from Pennsylvania
“I didn’t think it was possible”
we did it with those strange seeds I
showed you earlier.
In fact...
If you’re a woman over 35 like me,
you’ll be shocked to discover weight
loss has nothing to do with how
much carbs you avoid…
Now, to give you fair warning...
My story is painful and humiliating for me to tell.
Perhaps even a little “cringey” at times.
But God has given me the courage to share it with you.
Because you need to hear this.
What kind of diet or exercise you do…
Or even your genetics.
As you probably know…
After 35, most women start what’s called “perimenopause.”
But what you probably DIDN’T know, is that it also changes your
body’s tendency to magnetize fat!
Especially around your waist.
Case in point…
After 35, most women start what’s called “perimenopause.”
That’s the stage that happens right before menopause itself.
And this makes our estrogen levels go haywire.
You probably know this causes emotional ups-and-downs...
Case in point…
Yes, they’re talking about BELLY FAT.
See, scientists have known the true cause of unexplained weight
gain for women after 35.
The real issue is that nobody knew what to do about it.
...Until today, that is.
Harvard scientists say these hormonal “changes cause
many women's bodies to start collecting extra weight
around the middle.”
Now I want to show how you can get the body of your dreams
Most of all, I want you to never worry
about food, your weight or your unwanted
belly fat again!
Now, I know from where you’re sitting right now...
Because I want this to become a reality for you.
A reality where you can slip into those skinny jeans...
And be pleasantly surprised how GREAT your legs look when
you see your re몭ection in the mirror...
Or if you’re at the beach, I want you to be able to wear that sexy
swimsuit with full con몭dence.
Maybe even take that “beach photo” with your friends.
I want you to feel proud and attractive in your own skin.
This might sound too good to be true.
You’re a little skeptical.
But that’s great.
Because to me, skepticism tells me you’re smart.
That’s why I won’t tell you to believe me just yet.
You don’t need to.
All I ask is for you to keep watching with an open mind.
And I’ll tell you my crazy story
about how I accidentally
stumbled across this secret
African “slimming seed…"
I’ll also show you all the clinical proof provided by the
most prestigious scienti몭c institutions like Harvard.
Oh, and just so you know…
What I’m about to show you is so cutting-edge…
Your doctor probably never learned about it in med school.
The magazines and mainstream websites haven’t caught on
Oh and one last thing.
While this might seem a bit “out of the blue…”
And as I mentioned earlier...
The only reason I was able to discover this secret is thanks to
the kindness of an African woman named Adah.
She shared with me the slimming secret behind these
And how it lets me poop out unwanted fat, while eating my
favorite foods.
These slimming seeds ARE a tribal secret.
That’s why this page is the ONLY place you’ll learn about this.
But let me make this clear:
I want to congratulate you.
Because I know what you’ve been through.
You’ve been knocked down and lied to by the $80 Billion weight
loss industry.
And none ful몭lled their promises.
Sadly, the weight loss industry is overrun with corporate fat cats
who’d like nothing better than to pad their pockets with our
hard earned money.
They’ve pushed the lie that you have to give up your favorite
foods or that you have to count every single calorie to lose
Or that you have to exercise yourself to death with CrossFit,
P90X or Zumba.
And tricked by their lies, you’ve tried countless diets and weight
loss programs…
But despite the setbacks...
You’re still here with me.
I know how much heart it takes to keep going after you’ve been
knocked down...
And that’s why I have nothing but respect for you.
And I promise you, today’s di몭erent.
Because today’s the day
YOU’LL 몭nally win the battle
against your waistline.
And THAT’S a day worth celebrating.
But let me warn you in advance.
The information I’m about to reveal in this video IS
Because it could put this $80 Billion weight loss industry in
They’re scared.
So close the door, get into your most comfortable chair and
watch ‘till the very end.
If you do,
Okay. If you’re ready, let me introduce myself properly.
They don’t want you to see this.
And they don’t want to lose YOU as their cash cow.
That’s why they’re going to be doing everything they can to get
this page taken down.
I don’t know how much longer this information will stay online.
So don’t put this page o몭 to read later.
When you come back, it might be gone forever.
I’m Sandra Miller, a single mom to two beautiful kids, from
Jacksonville, Florida.
But my true passion lies in helping non-pro몭ts. I love helping
And that’s also why I’m here to help you
win the battle against stubborn fat today.
But before I discovered the secret to forcing your body to
POOP out fat…
And shed all the unwanted pounds from your belly...
I’d 몭rst 몭nd myself failing countless times.
I even experienced the most painful moment in my life.
Telling my story is deeply emotional for me.
But God compels me to share it with you today.
Because it’s the only way you’ll triumph over stubborn fat.
Okay. So if you’re ready, let’s begin.
And as you might have guessed, I’m no doctor or diet expert.
You know who I am. I’m you. A real person.
By day, I work at a center for children with special needs.
But just so you know…
I’d been out of the dating game for a long while…
It all started one year ago with
this dorky, heart-shaped lunch
And the worst Valentine’s day ever.
You see, after my divorce - I’d spent all of my adult life working
and raising my two children.
There was never any “me” time.
But last year, I 몭nally decided…
Okay, the kids are older now.
And I’m 45 years old.
I don’t want to be alone forever.
It’s Sandra time now.
So I wasn’t feeling too con몭dent about it.
But that’s when a chance meeting changed everything.
One thing I distinctly remember,
was that I felt self-conscious
about my weight.
You see, over those years I was way too busy raising my 2
See, I met a guy through an online dating site, who I
thought was just great.
He was younger than me...
But he was charming, funny and attractive.
A modern day gentleman.
I could tell he was into me too...
So when he asked me out, I was a 100% YES.
We started dating.
So not only did I not have enough time to date…
See, on Valentine’s last year, he took me out for a wonderful,
romantic night out…
I even let myself believe for a moment, that this might turn
but I didn’t have enough time to workout.
I was constantly stressed and eating poorly.
As a result, I could never stop the runaway freight train of
weight gain.
That’s why for the 몭rst two dates with him, I wore baggy “mom”
Honestly, I was just ashamed of the rolls of fat.
I didn’t want him to see my belly...
And I didn’t feel con몭dent in my own skin.
I really liked him.
He took the lunchbox with him, smiled and kissed me on the
cheek as he left.
Everything was great.
...Except, I’d soon learn that was far
from the truth.
You know, something REAL.
That night, we spent the night together at my cozy home.
And the next morning, I made him breakfast as he had to leave
early for work.
I even packed him lunch in this heart-shaped lunch box.
I realize it looks dorky now…
But back then, I thought it was adorable.
Yeah it’s embarrassing to show you this...
But what can I say?
After he left, the rest of my day went on as usual.
I had to do a double take to re-read what he just sent.
It felt like a brick had just hit me over the back of the head.
I thought everything was going so well!
But it was only when I 몭nished work, I was completely
I heard a familiar “ding” ring from my phone, just as I was
driving up to my garage...
And what I saw next completely stunned me.
It was a text from him.
“Hey Sandra. I think you’re an amazing person with a beautiful
heart. But that’s why we have to end this.”
“After last night… And putting a lot of thought into it this
morning… I don’t feel that spark between us.”
“I guess I just don’t feel as attracted to you as I thought I would...
It’s better this way. I wish you the best and I’ll be praying for
Shell-shocked, I got out of my car…
I knew why he was suddenly pulling
The fact that he did this immediately after we got intimate…
Along with his text that he was no longer feeling “attracted” to
me anymore…
Fumbling with the keys to open my door.
That’s when I noticed by the front-door…
That dorky heart-shaped lunch box I packed for him.
It was there, exactly as I had packed it.
Lunch un-eaten.
That was the nail in the co몭n.
I collapsed on the spot, sobbing.
It was clear that the 몭rst time he saw me without those baggy
“mom” clothes...
He didn’t 몭nd me attractive.
That’s why he pulled back.
But the tears wouldn’t stop.
After nearly an hour, I eventually came back to my senses.
However, I didn’t know what to do about the void inside me.
So I did the only thing I knew to
cope with emotional stress.
I opened my fridge and grabbed all the food in there..
Donuts, ice cream, crisps and even leftover sushi from the
previous night.
And I forced it all down while drowning in sadness.
Deep down, I knew I didn’t feel attractive in my own skin
I hated the stubborn fat that clung to
my body.
In my stupor, I somehow crawled inside my house…
But even after binge eating everything within arms reach…
I still felt empty inside.
It was a hollow, deeply depressing feeling.
And I knew I was making my “weight situation” worse, yet again.
Which by the way, made me feel even more guilt and shame.
Maybe you can relate?
Well, that’s how it was for me.
I was always that “big” girl in every photo.
Mind you, it wasn’t for a lack of trying.
In between raising two kids on my own…
I’d tried the fad diets.
I even spent hundreds of dollars on gym memberships and
weight loss programs I couldn’t a몭ord on my meagre salary.
I’m going to show you why it’s NOT
your fault you haven’t been able to lose
the weight.
But the result was the same every single time.
I’d lose a few pounds, plateau and then yo-yo the weight
It got to the point I decided I’d just try to live with the fact that
I might never lose the weight. Like ever.
I was feeling hopeless.
I’m guessing you know what THAT feels like.
But even if you do, please don’t beat yourself up like I did!
It’s because of something that happens to ALL women after
As we age, there’s an increase in a special kind of “fattening
hormone” that tends to expand your waist and belly with age.
I’ll also tell you all about the bizarre
African seed that helped me poop out
52 lbs of unwanted fat.
More on this in a second.
But 몭rst, let me get back to my story.
Where was I?
Oh right.
Later that night, I lay alone in my bed, staring at the ceiling.
I was still in despair, but I began thinking.
You see...
And you’ll see why THIS is the root cause of all your weight loss
And don’t worry,
What hurt me most was that I couldn’t even blame my ex-
I knew I’d let myself go over the years.
And berating myself for missing out on what could have been a
great relationship.
My eyes stung and felt raw from all the crying.
And if I wasn’t feeling good in my own skin…
How could anyone else 몭nd me attractive?
I couldn’t stand the sight of myself in the mirror any longer.
That night, lying on my bed...
I continued to stare at the ceiling, beating myself up over my
It all felt hopeless.
I’d already tried every method of weight loss.
Keto, Paleo, low carb, low fat, intermittent fasting…
And all kinds of weight loss powders and pills too.
And none of it worked.
I felt the tears well up again, and I sobbed until I was so
It was like a dam broke loose.
I told her everything.
How my ex left me because he found my body unattractive.
I cried myself to sleep.
The next day, I went to work in a daze…
Still miserable from the aftermath of getting dumped.
Then, something amazing happened.
You see, there was a new girl at my workplace who’d come in to
volunteer at the center.
Her name was Adah.
She was from a remote village from Ghana, Africa.
During lunch break, she caught me crying alone…
I was feeling hopeless from all the weight loss failures.
So when Adah caught me crying and asked me what was
How every attempt to lose weight had
And how I was miserable because nothing was working.
Adah being the wonderful person she was, consoled me.
After hugging me...
Adah said something unexpected.
She pulled out a hydro 몭ask and said:
I was a little skeptical about the tonic, but at this point I 몭gured
it couldn’t hurt.
I said yes I’ll try it…
And the very next day Adah gave
“Do you remember how I’m always carrying this 몭ask with
I replied, yes. I always wondered what that was.
“This is a special tonic that every woman in my hometown
drinks. It keeps us slender and beautiful. If you’d like I can
bring you some tomorrow.”
And the very next day Adah gave
me a 7-day supply of this
mysterious tonic.
However, Adah did say it might take a few days for the
e몭ects to show.
And if nothing else…
I was feeling a little less hungry and more energetic.
I trusted Adah.
So for the next 7 days, I consistently took the tonic as
Of course, I also made sure to eat all my favorite foods as I
That day, when I got home after work…
I took a sip of the tonic right before my meals, as instructed by
It tasted a little bit like a tea with a faint hint of herbs.
But at 몭rst, I wasn’t sure if it was having any e몭ect on my
Of course, I also made sure to eat all my favorite foods as I
normally would.
And I didn’t change my exercise habits either.
This way I’d know if it really was the tonic making any
Then, by the end of the week, I decided to step on the scales to
see if I had lost any weight.
I wasn’t expecting much…
So you can imagine how
my eyes nearly popped
out of my head when I saw
the scales showed…
That's more than a pound a day!
I had to rub my eyes to con몭rm I wasn’t dreaming.
I had dropped a whopping NINE
I had to rub my eyes to con몭rm I wasn’t dreaming.
But nope, the scales STILL showed I was 9 lbs down.
The very next day, I immediately went to Adah, brimming with
“Adah, I can’t believe it… But your tonic… It really works! It really
does work!”
Adah just smiled in response.
As if she knew this was going to happen all along.
She replied:
I nodded in agreement.
There was just one problem…
I had drank all of the tonic and needed more.
But Adah seemed apologetic.
“Yes, that’s why the women in our hometown swear by it.
I remember one woman stopped drinking it and she
almost immediately started gaining weight! Ever since,
I’ve made sure to drink it everyday.”
She told me each month, her aunt sends a limited batch of the
powder that she turns into the tonic.
And the 7-day supply was the last of it she had left.
But after thinking for a moment…
Translated literally, it meant “slimming
Adah said I might be able to look it up online and 몭nd a way to
get the ingredients directly.
She quickly grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled something
Then handed the piece of paper to me.
Reading it, it said:
“Verslankende tonikum.”
I asked her, “what’s this?”
Adah replied it was the name of the drink.
I wasn’t sure if I would succeed, but I decided to give it a try at
The primary ingredient was something called an “ogbono
And that was one of the most game-changing discoveries I
Let me tell you why.
You see…
After work, I rolled up my sleeves and spent all night
researching this tonic.
Sadly, I wasn’t able to 몭nd anyone who made it directly in
But I DID 몭nd a list of the ingredients that go into it.
If you’re a woman over 35, one of the
biggest weight challenges we have is
It’s the biological stage all women go through, right before
And THIS messes up our estrogen levels, causing
unexplained weight gain!
As our estrogen levels go haywire…
It actually makes you gather MORE fat around your belly than
And shockingly enough, perimenopause can start as early as
age 35.
Which means that’s the age where weight loss becomes an
uphill battle.
Case in point...
Researchers from the University of
Maybe you’ve experienced it 몭rst hand.
It might feel like just LOOKING at food makes you gain weight.
What’s more…
An editorial from Harvard University supported this to
say, quote:
"During perimenopause and after menopause, hormone
changes cause many women's bodies to start collecting extra
weight around the middle…"
Researchers from the University of
Michigan followed 543 women between
ages 42-52, to see how weight gain
correlated with age...
Every year these women gained more weight…
Especially around their belly!
As you can see on the graph…
Their waists continued to expand and fat mass continued to
The researchers concluded:
The“increase in weight of women at the mid-life was
associated with both a substantially increased fat mass…
[And] loss of skeletal muscle mass.”
Now, I’m sure you’ve already experienced this 몭rst hand.
If it feels like your love handles have been getting harder and
harder to get rid of over the years…
Or that your jeans are getting tighter by the year...
and that's because your belly fat IS increasing as you get
Your belly fat just naturally increases when perimenopause
makes your estrogen levels go haywire!
That’s why, if you’re a woman over 35…
Weight loss can feel like an uphill battle.
And just to be clear…
I’m not telling you this to make you feel down.
I’m telling you this for one simple reason.
But it’s not because of exercise, diet or anything like that.
But that’s also why the “ogbono seed” I told you about earlier is
a REAL gamechanger.
See these seeds right here?
This is a food the locals in Africa enjoy.
Scientists have discovered that taking ogbono seeds
regularly makes your body POOP out fat!
...Yes, it makes you poop out fat from all across your body.
You see,
The 몭bers inside these seeds make the
“unwanted fats” in your body bind itself to
chemicals in your gut, called bile acids.
And when this happens…
This mix of fat and bile acids automatically get removed
from your body…
Out through your poop and 몭ushed down the toilet!
It’s also the main ingredient of a famous soup they eat often.
But here’s the thing that shocked me…
Scientists from the University of Yaounde stated, quote:
“[Ogbono] seed 몭bre can bind to bile acids in the gut and
carry them out of the body in the faeces.”
I know that might sound a little yucky...
But wouldn’t you rather have the unwanted
fat pooped out rather than kept in your belly
or anywhere else on your body?
Not to mention…
The clinical e몭ects of pooping out this fat was astounding.
In one study, they gathered 102
overweight adults and split them into
two groups.
Group A would get the ogbono seed extract for 10-12 weeks…
And Group B would get a placebo.
Both groups were told to eat their favorite foods as they
normally would.
But the results FLOORED me.
Because by the end of the study...
The group that got the placebo basically had no change in their
Place that against your waist and imagine it
shrinking by the FULL length of your phone!
It was clear to me that ogbono seed was potent for shrinking
waistlines, 몭attening bellies… And giving you the body of your
And you know what’s even better?
This clinical study also proved that ogbono
seed works FAST.
As you can see on this graph…
But the group that took the ogbono seed lost a
staggering 28 pounds!
What’s more…
The ogbono seed group also shrunk their waist by 6.3 inches!
To put that into perspective…
The average smartphone is roughly 5.5 inches in length.
So if you’re watching this on your phone right now…
As you can see on this graph…
It shows how quickly participants lost weight and shrunk
their waist sizes...
And the graph reveals that e몭ects were seen in as little as just 7
That’s not all though.
Even though the ogbono seed WAS incredible…
It was just one part of the puzzle.
My research revealed the tonic required 2 more potent
It also works quick - which makes it perfect if you’re in a hurry to
shed the pounds.
One of them was Rhodiola, which is a special herb that
studies show can help drop a staggering 30% in visceral fat!
Visceral fat is a special kind of lipid that gathers around your
Finally, it all made sense.
Adah’s special tonic contained these 3 powerful
natural ingredients that would target the
root cause of age-related weight gain...
Visceral fat is a special kind of lipid that gathers around your
So by reducing visceral fat, it results in a 몭atter tummy
Also on the “tonic recipe” list was Astragalus.
It’s another herb that studies show can support a healthy
immune system, stabilizes erratic blood sugar and keeps
your heart functioning optimally too!
Reducing visceral fat by up to 30% and giving you a 몭atter
And also could help you shed 28 lbs and take 6.3 inches o몭 your
waist by making you poop out unwanted fat!
Best of all, it’d do this without diet or exercise…
And I KNEW it would work because I’d
already experienced the power of this
slimming tonic 몭rst hand when I lost 9 lbs in
7 days.
And for the 몭rst time in my life, I was 몭lled with hope.
I could 몭nally get rid of my ugly belly fat…
Feeling con몭dent and proud of my body…
And 몭nally start living life, feeling attractive in my own skin!
How would I get these obscure
All you needed to do was to take this special tonic and every
morning, you’d be “몭ushing” stubborn fat down the toilet!
After seeing all this…
I breathed a sigh of relief.
I 몭nally solved the puzzle.
But there was just one problem left…
And I had no idea how to get them into the States.
Feeling hopeless, I prayed to God for guidance…
And I’m glad to say, He answered!
Because a few days later, I had a lightbulb moment.
You see, just a few months back - I was at my high school
There, I had reconnected with my best friend Cindy from high
Adah told me that her aunt only sent her a limited batch each
And I didn’t want to keep taking up all her supply.
I needed to 몭nd a way to source these ingredients on my own.
For a few days, I was completely lost.
These ingredients were native to countries halfway across
the globe…
I found out she’d been working as
the head researcher at a company
that developed solutions out of
natural ingredients like these.
But she’d get back to me within the week.
A week passed, and no word.
I was beginning to get a little worried…
Another week, and nothing.
Just as I was about to burst out of impatience, I 몭nally got a call
I slapped my forehead and realized the answer was staring right
at me.
Cindy might be able to help me!
The moment I realized this, I 몭icked her a text message.
I told her all about my crazy journey, Adah’s tonic and the
She replied it’d take a few days for them to look through the
I could tell Cindy was excited on the other end.
She told me it was di몭cult, but they were able
to secure a small supply of the raw ingredients
like Ogbono seed, Astragalus, Rhodiola and so
And just like the studies promised…
As long as I continued to take it 3 times a day, before each
And I was continuing to poop out fat in the morning!
It was amazing seeing the scales drop every single week.
And using the instructions from Adah...
They’d developed it into a puri몭ed and more concentrated,
liquid form.
Because it was concentrated, I wouldn’t need to take as much of
Soon after, Cindy sent me the early “alpha test” dropper
And within days I had a fresh new supply of the slimming tonic.
15 lbs… 25lbs… And eventually 52 lbs!
Best of all…
I didn’t change ANYTHING about my diet or exercise habits.
I ate my favorite foods as I normally would…
Didn’t bother going to the gym…
Yet the weight continued to slide right o몭 my body!
What I loved most was all the compliments I was getting.
About how amazing my transformation looked…
And I even noticed that men would 몭irt with me out of nowhere!
That’s when my friends started asking me what my secret was.
I wanted to “pass it forward,” so I told them all about the
amazing slimming tonic…
I am pleasantly surprised that my cravings for snacks & sweets had been
greatly reduced, particularly because I have a massive sweet-tooth! My
hunger pangs are kept at bay and I only eat in smaller quantities now.
My weight loss in the last 5 days will speak for itself - 165.6, 163.4, 160,
159.6, 158.2! I have not even started a regular exercise regimen yet!
Marcia from Washington
Samantha from Petersburg
“Astounding result!”
159.6, 158.2! I have not even started a regular exercise regimen yet!
This product is amazing. I lost 16.6 pounds in 11 days… And that is
because I am even “cheating…” Eating mac and cheese and what not!
As you can see...
They started dropping the
stubborn fat from their bellies,
neck and thighs…
David from New Jersey
“I absolutely LOVE this product. Game-
Even getting that coveted “thigh gap!”
So I went back to Cindy and worked with her to 몭gure out a way
to make more of this slimming tonic...
And several months in development later…
Today, I’m excited to announce that it’s now available for you
It wasn’t long before word got out and people who I didn’t even
know were messaging me for more of this powerful slimming
The only problem was…
I was beginning to run low on my own supply.
And seeing how it was helping so many folks shed pounds
they’d never been able to get rid of before…
It made me realize, I had to share this with the world.
We’ve decided to call it the
As it’s a secret used by Adah and the women of her hometown.
I’m incredibly lucky she told me about it...
And her generosity is the only reason why I’m able to share this
with you today.
So when you take Isogenics
daily, it literally melts away belly
As you might have guessed...
Even though it might sound a little more “scienti몭c…”
Isogenics is the highly puri몭ed and concentrated form of the
slimming tonic given to me by Adah.
It’s the only tonic that you can take before your meals...
That lets you POOP OUT UNWANTED FAT the morning after.
You can’t get this potent form of slimming tonic anywhere else…
Burning up to 28 lbs based on clinical studies…
What’s the 몭rst thing you’d do
once you’ve obtained the body of
your dreams?
Slip into those skinny jeans you haven’t worn since High School?
Or maybe 몭aunt o몭 that gorgeous dress you’ve been eyeing?
And the next time you’re out with your friends...
While they complain about having to watch what they eat all the
You’ll listen in bliss because you know exactly how to stay slim
while continuing to enjoy your favorite foods!
Burning up to 28 lbs based on clinical studies…
And even slims your waistline by 6.3 inches!
Best of all, it starts working within a matter of days...
And it’ll shed o몭 those pounds of stubborn fat, no matter your
And no matter what your metabolism might be like right now!
Just Imagine It.
Anyway, my point is...
Whatever your thing might be…
That future is yours with the Isogenics Tonic.
You deserve it.
That means you need to get the tonic 몭rst.
I’ll show how you can do that in a second.
As well as why you won’t risk a penny to get your own supply.
But 몭rst…
Now, to give you fair warning...
Ever since I started sharing Isogenics with everyone I knew...
And as a result, it’s caused demand I
wasn’t expecting!
Combine this with the fact that the fat-melting ingredients inside
Isogenics comes from halfway across the globe…
It means it can take WEEKS to produce each puri몭ed,
concentrated batch of this slimming tonic.
Many folks have been getting multiple bottles for themselves
and their loved ones.
They saw how it gave better weight loss results the longer you
use it…
And so they wisely ordered multiple bottles.
Add in the other logistics, and Cindy tells me that it’ll take at
least 3 months for each re-stock.
And as you can guess…
When explosive demands meet limited supply…
It means we’re constantly running low on bottles.
And since this page is the ONLY place you can get it...
You don’t want to put this decision o몭, or you could miss out
But once you DO have your own supply of Isogenics...
You’ll notice the fat-burning e몭ects immediately.
Remember, clinical studies have shown that
the ingredients inside Isogenics start
working in as little as 7 days…
Which is extremely quick, all things considered.
But, this study also showed that the best results come when you
take it for longer.
And according to this clinical study,
participants continued to lose weight the
longer they took it.
Which means you should take
Isogenics for at least 12 weeks to get
the best results.
the best results.
And once you start taking Isogenics as part of your daily
But realistically…
If you want to continue enjoying your favorite foods…
You’ll want to take this slimming tonic forever, so new fat
doesn’t form (and instead, gets pooped out).
Which is why it makes sense to take
Isogenics day-after-day. And month-after-
I personally continue to take this tonic long after I’ve hit my goal
Because it’s completely natural and safe to continue taking
And it ensures the weight doesn’t creep back on.
And this is also why I recommend you continue to take this tonic
long after you’ve hit your goal weight too.
That way, we can be 100% sure the belly fat STAYS o몭.
You’ll quit worrying about calories, macros, food logging and so
And you’ll 몭nally achieve that slender, sexy body you’ve
always dreamed of…
All while continuing to enjoy your favorite foods, without ever
worrying about your weight again.
On that note, let me ask you…
Enough to go on a nice vacation with your loved ones!
What would a future like that be worth
to you?
$1,000? $10,000? $50,000?
I know it’s hard to put a price tag on it.
But I did it to illustrate a point.
I’ve personally saved over $300 a month on useless weight loss
powders, programs and diet food I no longer need…
And over the course of the year, that’s a whopping $3,600 in
Enough to go on a nice vacation with your loved ones!
That’s the power that Isogenics gives you once it makes you
poop out unwanted fat, e몭ortlessly.
And this is also why I knew how invaluable weight loss results
like this could be.
So when the 몭nancial team recommended we price
Isogenics at $249 per bottle, I didn’t 몭inch.
The powerful slimming tonic inside Isogenics was without a
doubt, worth it.
I had experienced it 몭rst-hand.
But this wasn’t about pro몭t. It’s
about changing lives.
It was my duty to pass it forward.
And I knew at $249, it would put Isogenics out of reach for many
So I pushed back against this price.
I explained to the 몭nancial team how this was bigger than us.
This was going to change natural health and possibly even put
an END to weight loss woes across the globe.
an END to weight loss woes across the globe.
And we’d be doing a disservice by putting it out of reach at $249
per bottle.
Luckily, they saw things my way.
That’s why today…
You’re not going to pay $249 for a bottle of Isogenics.
You won’t even pay $97.
No, you’re going to get your own supply for a low price
of $97 $59 per bottle!
And it also shows me your commitment…
Because it means you never want to run out of Isogenics...
But I didn’t stop there.
Because so many folks were ordering multiple bottles for
themselves and their loved ones…
I’ve decided to o몭er an even STEEPER discount when you decide
to order in bulk today.
Because getting multiple bottles tells me you’re truly serious
about getting that body of your dreams.
Because it means you never want to run out of Isogenics...
And to help you on that front...
When you order the 3-bottle package…
You’ll save $144 and get your supply of Isogenics for $97 $49
per bottle!
Plus, we’ll pay for your priority shipping too, so you get an extra
$12.95 in value.
And if you’re truly dead-set on getting the best results possible?
You should choose the 6-bottle package, which brings your per-
bottle price down to a low $39.
(TOTAL $234)
+ Free US Shipping
Includes A 90 Day Money Back Guarantee
(TOTAL $147)
+ Free US Shipping
Includes A 90 Day Money Back Guarantee
Again, with the 6-bottle package, I’ll also give you free priority
shipping, valued at $12.95...
Which means in total, you’re getting $360.95 in value,
completely FREE.
And since each bottle of Isogenics contains a 30-day supply of
the tonic…
$39 per bottle boils down to $1.30 a day.
That’s LESS than a dollar a day.
Take a moment to think of all the daily things you spend more
than a dollar a day on…
+ Small Shipping Fee
Includes A 90 Day Money Back Guarantee
That only brings a tiny fraction of the joy Isogenics would get
you when you start seeing the pounds drop, as that stubborn
fat gets pooped out every morning...
I’m sure you’d agree.
That’s why the smart decision here is to take advantage of the 3
or 6 bottle package.
And once you’ve got your own supply of this slimming tonic?
Wouldn’t you agree that investing less
than a dollar a day is worth the
happiness you’ll experience when you
몭nally get the body of your dreams?
You’ll 몭nally win the battle against the bulge.
Every marker of wellbeing will improve.
You’ll have more energy to do the things you love.
And you can be a better mother, daughter, or spouse to
everyone you care about.
And maybe…
And you’ll know, it’s all thanks to the
wise decision you made to try
Isogenics today.
And remember, your $360.95 in savings with the multi-bottle
package is only available while we have stock.
And as soon as supply runs out…
Our tech team will take down this page immediately to
prevent backorders.
And as I mentioned earlier, it can take as long as 3 months to
Your friends' jaws might drop when they see your amazing
body transformation.
But make sure to note...
You WON’T 몭nd Isogenics on Amazon, at retailers or anywhere
We’re cutting out the middleman to keep prices as low as
possible for you.
So this page is the ONLY place you can order it.
And as I mentioned earlier, it can take as long as 3 months to
get a new batch of Isogenics…
So don’t miss out.
When you’re ready, pick the 3 or 6 bottle package now for the
best bang for your buck.
(Or whichever package is right for you).
Once you’ve scrolled down, click the “add to cart” button on
the package you want.
Oh and I should mention…
That means, no matter which package
you choose, you’re covered by our 90-
day 100% satisfaction guarantee.
We will refund your purchase if you haven’t seen results after
the product consistently for 90 days / 3 months.
Most of our customers experienced best results in 10 - 12
weeks of using Isogenics.
Just email our friendly customer service team and send
back whatever you’ve got left…
And we’ll refund EVERY single penny.
Even for the bottles that are used up.
Now, once you’ve clicked the “add to cart” button below, you'll
see a checkout page where you can con몭rm your order and 몭ll
out your details.
Let us know within 90 days and I’ll give you a FULL refund.
What’s more…
It doesn’t matter if you’ve used up all the bottles.
That means you’re not “buying” anything today.
Now you can call me old fashioned...
But I often get a little antsy over ordering things online because
And once you’ve completed your order…
You can expect your package to arrive in 3-5 days.
When that happens...
Tear open the box and grab your bottles.
Now, just so you don’t get confused…
You’ll see the label will say “Proprietary Active-8 & African Mango
That’s just the fancy scienti몭c name for the ingredients that go
into this tonic, like ogbono seed and so on.
The bottle will look like this:
But I often get a little antsy over ordering things online because
of the security aspect.
That’s why my tech team assures me our checkout page
uses the latest secure 256-bit encryption technology.
The same kind used by Amazon and Apple.
So you can order with peace of mind knowing your details are
Okay, so once your supply arrives…
Okay, so once your supply arrives…
I want you to start taking 3 servings from the dropper daily,
preferably before your meals.
Remember, you’ve got to take it every day.
Doing this ensures you’ll start pooping out unwanted fat each
And you’ll start seeing the pounds slide right o몭!
You should see the e몭ects within just a few days...
But as I showed you in the clinical study earlier…
The biggest and BEST results come the longer you take it.
That’s why I recommend you keep
taking Isogenics daily for at least 60
And continue for 90 days if you want to ensure unwanted fat
gets turned into poop and 몭ushed down the toilet.
And unless you LOVE the results you experience with this
slimming tonic...
So the decision you’re making right now is whether you want to
take the 3-bottle or 6-bottle package for the best “bang for your
Regardless of which package you choose, you’re still covered by
your 90-day money-back guarantee.
So if you’re ready, scroll down and
click the “add to cart” button below!
Now, this is about to end.
And you’re at a crossroads.
I’ve shown you all the science.
Contact us within 90 days of your order to get a FULL refund.
Remember you can use up the bottles and still get every penny
I’ve shown you why after age 35, our hormones get messed up…
And THAT’S what’s making it impossible to lose weight.
Sadly our bodies are rigged to magnetize fat around our
Of course, you could choose to ignore everything you’ve seen
And I’d harbor no hard feelings even if you did that.
But consider this.
If you do nothing today, what will change?
So it can feel like an impossible task to keep the stubborn fat
And you’ve seen the studies that prove the pure
concentrate of the slimming tonic inside Isogenics 몭at out
You go back to your usual routine.
Maybe you try a new diet.
But you know it’s just a matter of time before that dreaded
“plateau” hits…
You realize this new diet or weight loss program is too hard to
stick to forever…
Then you fall back to your old ways and the weight magnetizes
back to your body.
It’s happened before and it’ll happen again.
And in the past, it wasn’t your fault.
You didn’t know that your body is biologically rigged to attract
belly fat after age 35.
But not anymore.
Now you KNOW what the core issue is.
And you know that the quickest and
easiest way to get rid of that fat is by
pooping it out with the slimming tonic.
So now that you KNOW the solution…
It’s YOUR responsibility to act.
If you don’t act today…
The next time you go to weigh in at your bathroom scales…
You’ll get that sinking feeling as you realize it’s another failed
weight loss attempt…
And you’ll think back to the opportunity you missed today.
That’s 90 days of waiting...
Instead of experiencing the joy of shedding the pounds today.
At that point, wouldn’t you think back to this moment and
regret not taking action?
If the answer is even a “maybe…”
You’d be wise to take the smarter, second path.
And say YES right now.
And even if you decide to come back to this page to order
We might have run out of stock by then...
Because others have already taken the leap and ordered their
That means you’ll be waiting another 3 months.
You’ll get your own supply of Isogenics today with our 90-day
money back guarantee.
Which means you truly have NOTHING to lose but
And I’ve done everything I can to make the 몭rst step easy for
But I can’t take it for you.
So now’s YOUR turn to start shedding
those pounds and achieve the
slender, sexy body of your dreams.
Now it’s YOUR turn to feel completely con몭dent and happy
about the way you look.
Now it’s YOUR turn to look in the mirror and see that coveted
“thigh gap” staring back at you!
All of this can be yours when you take the 몭rst step.
Hover your mouse over the order button. Click it. And 몭ll in the
information requested on the next page.
I’ve shown you exactly how I personally took that 몭rst step…
And now I want to show you the way.
And after you’ve ordered…
You won’t be alone.
Move your mouse or scroll down with your phone…
And click the “add to cart” button.
Now’s your 몭nal chance to take Isogenics for a 90-day trial run.
And you’re doing it for as low as $1.30 a day.
That’s LESS than a dollar a day.
And when you order the 3 or 6 bottle package, we’ll cover your
shipping costs AND you’ll get up to $360.95 in value. Completely
If you’re on mobile, you might need to scroll down to see the
“add to cart” button.
When you see that orange button, click it. Then 몭ll out your
details on the next page.
And you’ll be on your way to getting the body of your
You won’t be alone.
Because I’ll stay in touch with you every single day via
I’ll be making sure you get all the information, motivation and
support you need to succeed.
But that can only happen after you take the 몭rst step.
I can’t wait to hear your success story with Isogenics!
I’ll see you on the other side.
I’m Sandra Miller and thanks for reading.
God bless.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, this is a one time purchase! We won’t bill you again. So
order with peace of mind!
Will I keep getting billed over and over again? 
What is perimenopause again? And what’s it got
to do with my weight?
How does the Isogenics Tonic help me lose
weight? And what kind of results can I expect?
How do I use Isogenics? And how long should I
take it for?
Can I get Isogenics on Amazon? Or at my local
Scienti몭c References:
Can I get Isogenics on Amazon? Or at my local
How does the guarantee work again? 
Okay, I’m ready to order Isogenics! What now? 
1. Ngondi J. L., Etoundi B. C., Nyangono C. B., Mbofung C. M. F., Oben J. E. IGOB131, a novel seed extract of the West
African plant Irvingia gabonensis, signi몭cantly reduces body weight and improves metabolic parameters in
overweight humans in a randomized double-blind placebo controlled investigation. Lipids in Health and Disease.
2009;8(1):p. 7. doi: 10.1186/1476-511X-8-7.
2. Ngondi J.L., Oben J.E., Minka S.R., The e몭ect of Irvingia gabonensis seeds on body weight and blood lipids of obese
subjects in Cameroon. Lipids Health Dis. 2005;4:12. doi: 10.1186/1476-511X-4-12.8
3. Sowers M., Zheng H., Tomey K., et al. Changes in body composition in women over six years at midlife: ovarian and
chronological aging. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism . 2007;92(3):895–901. doi:
4. O’Sullivan A.J., Martin A., Brown M. A., E몭cient Fat Storage in Premenopausal Women and in Early Pregnancy: A
Role for Estrogen, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 86, Issue 10, 1 October 2001, Pages
5. Verpeut J.L., Walters A.L., Bello N.T. Citrus aurantium and Rhodiola rosea in combination reduce visceral white
adipose tissue and increase hypothalamic norepinephrine in a rat model of diet-induced obesity. Nutr. Res.
2013;33:503–512. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2013.04.001.
6. O’Sullivan, A.J. Does oestrogen allow women to store fat more e몭ciently? A biological advantage for fertility and
gestation. Obes. Rev. 2009, 10, 168–177.
7. Mayo Clinic. (n. d.). Perimenopause.
8. Harvard Health Publishing. (n.d.). Winning the weight battle after menopause.
9. Chang X., Yan H., Bian H., Xia M., Zhang L., Gao J., Gao X. Serum retinol binding protein 4 is associated with visceral
fat in human with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease without known diabetes: A cross-sectional study. Lipids Health
Dis. 2015;14:28. doi: 10.1186/s12944-015-0033-2.
10. Foster M.T., Pagliassotti M.J. Metabolic alterations following visceral fat removal and expansion: Beyond anatomic
location. Adipocyte. 2012;1:192–199. doi: 10.4161/adip.21756.
11. Healthline. (n.d.). Visceral Fat.
12. Wu, Y., Ou-yang, Jp., Wu, K. et al. Hypoglycemic e몭ect of Astragalus polysaccharide and its e몭ect on PTP1B. Acta
Pharmacol Sin 26, 345–352 (2005).
13. Ke, B., Ke, X., Wan, X., Yang, Y., Huang, Y., Qin, J., et al. Astragalus polysaccharides attenuates tnf-alpha-induced
insulin resistance via suppression of mir-721 and activation of ppar-gamma and pi3k/akt in 3t3-l1 adipocytes. Am J
Transl Res. 2017;9(5):2195–2206
14. Healthline. (n.d.). Visceral Fat.
15. Colitti, M. (2014) Rhodiola rosea: From the Adaptogenic Role to the Anti-Adipogenic E몭ect?. Endocrinol Metab Synd
3: e123. doi: 10.4172/2161-1017.1000e123
Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition,
consult your physician before using our products.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware
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Isogenics Tonics Benefits: Single Mom From Florida Tells Women Over 35:

  • 1. Single Mom From Florida Tells Women Over 35: “Continue Eating Your Favorite Foods… Then POOP OUT 28 Pounds Of Unwanted Belly Fat... And Look More Slender Than Ever With These African Slimming Seeds!” Hi, I’m Sandra Miller. And I’m about to show you how these 3 awful text messages forced me to confront the fact that I was 52 lbs overweight… And also destroyed what I thought would be the love of my life. So why am I telling you this? Well, there’s a silver lining to this story. You see, those same text messages also led me to discover these strange African seeds...
  • 2. Which helped me shed unwanted fat from my belly, thighs, neck and everywhere else... WITHOUT starving or nearly killing myself at the gym. Now, for the 몭rst time in a LONG time, I can 몭t into a size 4 dress… And I can thank THESE mysterious seeds for that. Of course, you’re probably wondering what these seeds have to do with weight loss. Well... This might sound a little crazy...
  • 3. I was pooping out ALL my unwanted fat in the morning. But what I’ve shown you just now is no ordinary seed. It grows natively in the savannas of Africa... And it was only through a chance meeting with a Ghana woman named Adah, that led me to discover it. And when I used these seeds as instructed by her...
  • 4. Yes, I was POOPING out belly fat and THAT'S how I shed 52 lbs o몭 my body. Now I know “pooping out fat” might sound a little TMI… But if we 몭ip the script here... Wouldn’t you rather have the fat pooped out than have it stuck to your belly or anywhere else? If you agree, that’s great because that means we’re on the same page. Now, I know you’re probably here because you’ve struggled with weight loss. You dream of the day you can slip into that sexy dress with con몭dence. Or get that coveted thigh gap so many of us wish we had. But if it feels like you’re spinning your wheels...
  • 5. And you’re tired of the mountains of weight loss advice and programs that haven’t done squat for you. Sound familiar? Well, that’s exactly how it was for me. And yet, my journey led me to stumble across a near effortless fat-loss method… That helped me shed 52 lbs from my belly, thighs, arms, neck and face! And now, it’s doing the same for thousands of others too. YOU’RE PROBABLY WHERE I WAS, JUST A YEAR AGO. Stuck with stubborn, unexplained weight that suddenly started magnetizing to your body as you got older...
  • 6. HERE’S AN EXAMPLE OF A FEW FOLKS WHO WROTE IN: I really enjoyed how it is a dropper type ingestion. Not really a big fan of the 몭avor but I de몭nitely love this product. It works fast to curb my appetite and give me energy for hours. I could feel toxins being excreted from my body through my pores. I would sweat more, meaning I knew that fat was leaving my body. During my 몭rst few weeks of trying out this product, I ended up losing 18 pounds! Thank you, Isogenics. Jason Jason from Texas "I dropped down a shirt size and a pants size in a month!" Amy from Oklahoma “I feel more con몭dent.”
  • 7. It really does curb appetite and give you energy as the fat melts away! Over a period of 5 weeks I have lost 34 pounds. I consider that an accomplishment where all other means to lose weight have failed! Amy Within 30 days I lost 10 lbs… And went from a size 13 to a size 9! I was a LOT smaller, the weight stayed o몭, I did Not feel starved. Margaret Amazing isn’t it? I’m going to show you exactly how we did it with those strange seeds I Margaret from Pennsylvania “I didn’t think it was possible” WELL, IF YOU STAY WITH ME,
  • 8. we did it with those strange seeds I showed you earlier. In fact... If you’re a woman over 35 like me, you’ll be shocked to discover weight loss has nothing to do with how much carbs you avoid… Now, to give you fair warning... My story is painful and humiliating for me to tell. Perhaps even a little “cringey” at times. But God has given me the courage to share it with you. Because you need to hear this. What kind of diet or exercise you do… Or even your genetics. As you probably know… After 35, most women start what’s called “perimenopause.”
  • 9. But what you probably DIDN’T know, is that it also changes your body’s tendency to magnetize fat! Especially around your waist. Case in point… After 35, most women start what’s called “perimenopause.” That’s the stage that happens right before menopause itself. And this makes our estrogen levels go haywire. You probably know this causes emotional ups-and-downs...
  • 10. Case in point… Yes, they’re talking about BELLY FAT. See, scientists have known the true cause of unexplained weight gain for women after 35. The real issue is that nobody knew what to do about it. ...Until today, that is. THOSE MYSTERIOUS AFRICAN SEEDS Harvard scientists say these hormonal “changes cause many women's bodies to start collecting extra weight around the middle.”
  • 11. THOSE MYSTERIOUS AFRICAN SEEDS I SHOWED YOU EARLIER HOLD THE ANSWER. Now I want to show how you can get the body of your dreams too. Most of all, I want you to never worry about food, your weight or your unwanted belly fat again! Now, I know from where you’re sitting right now... Because I want this to become a reality for you. A reality where you can slip into those skinny jeans... And be pleasantly surprised how GREAT your legs look when you see your re몭ection in the mirror... Or if you’re at the beach, I want you to be able to wear that sexy swimsuit with full con몭dence. Maybe even take that “beach photo” with your friends. I want you to feel proud and attractive in your own skin.
  • 12. This might sound too good to be true. You’re a little skeptical. But that’s great. Because to me, skepticism tells me you’re smart. That’s why I won’t tell you to believe me just yet. You don’t need to. All I ask is for you to keep watching with an open mind. And I’ll tell you my crazy story about how I accidentally stumbled across this secret African “slimming seed…" I’ll also show you all the clinical proof provided by the most prestigious scienti몭c institutions like Harvard. Oh, and just so you know… What I’m about to show you is so cutting-edge…
  • 13. Your doctor probably never learned about it in med school. The magazines and mainstream websites haven’t caught on either. Oh and one last thing. While this might seem a bit “out of the blue…” And as I mentioned earlier... The only reason I was able to discover this secret is thanks to the kindness of an African woman named Adah. She shared with me the slimming secret behind these seeds… And how it lets me poop out unwanted fat, while eating my favorite foods. These slimming seeds ARE a tribal secret. That’s why this page is the ONLY place you’ll learn about this. But let me make this clear: I want to congratulate you.
  • 14. Because I know what you’ve been through. You’ve been knocked down and lied to by the $80 Billion weight loss industry. And none ful몭lled their promises. Sadly, the weight loss industry is overrun with corporate fat cats who’d like nothing better than to pad their pockets with our hard earned money. They’ve pushed the lie that you have to give up your favorite foods or that you have to count every single calorie to lose weight. Or that you have to exercise yourself to death with CrossFit, P90X or Zumba. And tricked by their lies, you’ve tried countless diets and weight loss programs…
  • 15. But despite the setbacks... You’re still here with me. I know how much heart it takes to keep going after you’ve been knocked down... And that’s why I have nothing but respect for you. And I promise you, today’s di몭erent. Because today’s the day YOU’LL 몭nally win the battle against your waistline. And THAT’S a day worth celebrating. But let me warn you in advance. The information I’m about to reveal in this video IS controversial. Because it could put this $80 Billion weight loss industry in jeopardy. They’re scared.
  • 16. So close the door, get into your most comfortable chair and watch ‘till the very end. If you do, I PROMISE THAT YOU’LL START SHEDDING ALL THE UNWANTED FAT NEARLY EFFORTLESSLY. Okay. If you’re ready, let me introduce myself properly. They don’t want you to see this. And they don’t want to lose YOU as their cash cow. That’s why they’re going to be doing everything they can to get this page taken down. I don’t know how much longer this information will stay online. So don’t put this page o몭 to read later. When you come back, it might be gone forever. I’m Sandra Miller, a single mom to two beautiful kids, from Jacksonville, Florida.
  • 17. But my true passion lies in helping non-pro몭ts. I love helping others. And that’s also why I’m here to help you win the battle against stubborn fat today. But before I discovered the secret to forcing your body to POOP out fat… And shed all the unwanted pounds from your belly... I’d 몭rst 몭nd myself failing countless times. I even experienced the most painful moment in my life. Telling my story is deeply emotional for me. But God compels me to share it with you today. Because it’s the only way you’ll triumph over stubborn fat. Okay. So if you’re ready, let’s begin. And as you might have guessed, I’m no doctor or diet expert. You know who I am. I’m you. A real person. By day, I work at a center for children with special needs.
  • 18. But just so you know… I’d been out of the dating game for a long while… It all started one year ago with this dorky, heart-shaped lunch box… And the worst Valentine’s day ever. You see, after my divorce - I’d spent all of my adult life working and raising my two children. There was never any “me” time. But last year, I 몭nally decided… Okay, the kids are older now. And I’m 45 years old. I don’t want to be alone forever. It’s Sandra time now.
  • 19. So I wasn’t feeling too con몭dent about it. But that’s when a chance meeting changed everything. One thing I distinctly remember, was that I felt self-conscious about my weight. You see, over those years I was way too busy raising my 2 children… See, I met a guy through an online dating site, who I thought was just great. He was younger than me... But he was charming, funny and attractive. A modern day gentleman. I could tell he was into me too... So when he asked me out, I was a 100% YES. We started dating.
  • 20. So not only did I not have enough time to date… See, on Valentine’s last year, he took me out for a wonderful, romantic night out… I even let myself believe for a moment, that this might turn into… but I didn’t have enough time to workout. I was constantly stressed and eating poorly. As a result, I could never stop the runaway freight train of weight gain. That’s why for the 몭rst two dates with him, I wore baggy “mom” clothes. Honestly, I was just ashamed of the rolls of fat. I didn’t want him to see my belly... And I didn’t feel con몭dent in my own skin. ON OUR THIRD DATE, THAT’S WHEN “IT” HAPPENED.
  • 21. I really liked him. He took the lunchbox with him, smiled and kissed me on the cheek as he left. Everything was great. ...Except, I’d soon learn that was far from the truth. You know, something REAL. That night, we spent the night together at my cozy home. And the next morning, I made him breakfast as he had to leave early for work. I even packed him lunch in this heart-shaped lunch box. I realize it looks dorky now… But back then, I thought it was adorable. Yeah it’s embarrassing to show you this... But what can I say? After he left, the rest of my day went on as usual.
  • 22. I had to do a double take to re-read what he just sent. It felt like a brick had just hit me over the back of the head. I thought everything was going so well! But it was only when I 몭nished work, I was completely blindsided. I heard a familiar “ding” ring from my phone, just as I was driving up to my garage... And what I saw next completely stunned me. It was a text from him. “Hey Sandra. I think you’re an amazing person with a beautiful heart. But that’s why we have to end this.” “After last night… And putting a lot of thought into it this morning… I don’t feel that spark between us.” “I guess I just don’t feel as attracted to you as I thought I would... It’s better this way. I wish you the best and I’ll be praying for you.” Shell-shocked, I got out of my car…
  • 23. I knew why he was suddenly pulling back. The fact that he did this immediately after we got intimate… Along with his text that he was no longer feeling “attracted” to me anymore… Fumbling with the keys to open my door. That’s when I noticed by the front-door… That dorky heart-shaped lunch box I packed for him. It was there, exactly as I had packed it. Lunch un-eaten. That was the nail in the co몭n. I collapsed on the spot, sobbing. It was clear that the 몭rst time he saw me without those baggy “mom” clothes... He didn’t 몭nd me attractive. That’s why he pulled back.
  • 24. But the tears wouldn’t stop. After nearly an hour, I eventually came back to my senses. However, I didn’t know what to do about the void inside me. So I did the only thing I knew to cope with emotional stress. I opened my fridge and grabbed all the food in there.. Donuts, ice cream, crisps and even leftover sushi from the previous night. And I forced it all down while drowning in sadness. Deep down, I knew I didn’t feel attractive in my own skin either. I hated the stubborn fat that clung to my body. In my stupor, I somehow crawled inside my house… But even after binge eating everything within arms reach…
  • 25. I still felt empty inside. It was a hollow, deeply depressing feeling. And I knew I was making my “weight situation” worse, yet again. Which by the way, made me feel even more guilt and shame. Maybe you can relate? Well, that’s how it was for me. YOU SEE, ALL MY LIFE I’VE BEEN THE “CHUBBY” GIRL.. I was always that “big” girl in every photo. Mind you, it wasn’t for a lack of trying. In between raising two kids on my own… I’d tried the fad diets. I even spent hundreds of dollars on gym memberships and weight loss programs I couldn’t a몭ord on my meagre salary.
  • 26. I’m going to show you why it’s NOT your fault you haven’t been able to lose the weight. But the result was the same every single time. I’d lose a few pounds, plateau and then yo-yo the weight back. It got to the point I decided I’d just try to live with the fact that maybe… I might never lose the weight. Like ever. I was feeling hopeless. I’m guessing you know what THAT feels like. But even if you do, please don’t beat yourself up like I did! It’s because of something that happens to ALL women after 35. As we age, there’s an increase in a special kind of “fattening hormone” that tends to expand your waist and belly with age.
  • 27. I’ll also tell you all about the bizarre African seed that helped me poop out 52 lbs of unwanted fat. More on this in a second. But 몭rst, let me get back to my story. Where was I? Oh right. Later that night, I lay alone in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I was still in despair, but I began thinking. You see... And you’ll see why THIS is the root cause of all your weight loss woes! And don’t worry, What hurt me most was that I couldn’t even blame my ex- boyfriend. I knew I’d let myself go over the years.
  • 28. And berating myself for missing out on what could have been a great relationship. My eyes stung and felt raw from all the crying. And if I wasn’t feeling good in my own skin… How could anyone else 몭nd me attractive? I couldn’t stand the sight of myself in the mirror any longer. That night, lying on my bed... I continued to stare at the ceiling, beating myself up over my weight... It all felt hopeless. I’d already tried every method of weight loss. Keto, Paleo, low carb, low fat, intermittent fasting… And all kinds of weight loss powders and pills too. And none of it worked. I felt the tears well up again, and I sobbed until I was so exhausted…
  • 29. It was like a dam broke loose. I told her everything. How my ex left me because he found my body unattractive. I cried myself to sleep. The next day, I went to work in a daze… Still miserable from the aftermath of getting dumped. Then, something amazing happened. You see, there was a new girl at my workplace who’d come in to volunteer at the center. Her name was Adah. She was from a remote village from Ghana, Africa. During lunch break, she caught me crying alone… I was feeling hopeless from all the weight loss failures. So when Adah caught me crying and asked me what was wrong…
  • 30. How every attempt to lose weight had failed. And how I was miserable because nothing was working. Adah being the wonderful person she was, consoled me. After hugging me... Adah said something unexpected. She pulled out a hydro 몭ask and said: I was a little skeptical about the tonic, but at this point I 몭gured it couldn’t hurt. I said yes I’ll try it… And the very next day Adah gave “Do you remember how I’m always carrying this 몭ask with me?” I replied, yes. I always wondered what that was. “This is a special tonic that every woman in my hometown drinks. It keeps us slender and beautiful. If you’d like I can bring you some tomorrow.”
  • 31. And the very next day Adah gave me a 7-day supply of this mysterious tonic. However, Adah did say it might take a few days for the e몭ects to show. And if nothing else… I was feeling a little less hungry and more energetic. I trusted Adah. So for the next 7 days, I consistently took the tonic as instructed. Of course, I also made sure to eat all my favorite foods as I That day, when I got home after work… I took a sip of the tonic right before my meals, as instructed by Adah. It tasted a little bit like a tea with a faint hint of herbs. But at 몭rst, I wasn’t sure if it was having any e몭ect on my weight.
  • 32. Of course, I also made sure to eat all my favorite foods as I normally would. And I didn’t change my exercise habits either. This way I’d know if it really was the tonic making any di몭erence. Then, by the end of the week, I decided to step on the scales to see if I had lost any weight. I wasn’t expecting much… So you can imagine how my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw the scales showed… That's more than a pound a day! I had to rub my eyes to con몭rm I wasn’t dreaming. I had dropped a whopping NINE pounds!
  • 33. I had to rub my eyes to con몭rm I wasn’t dreaming. But nope, the scales STILL showed I was 9 lbs down. The very next day, I immediately went to Adah, brimming with excitement. “Adah, I can’t believe it… But your tonic… It really works! It really does work!” Adah just smiled in response. As if she knew this was going to happen all along. She replied: I nodded in agreement. There was just one problem… I had drank all of the tonic and needed more. But Adah seemed apologetic. “Yes, that’s why the women in our hometown swear by it. I remember one woman stopped drinking it and she almost immediately started gaining weight! Ever since, I’ve made sure to drink it everyday.”
  • 34. She told me each month, her aunt sends a limited batch of the powder that she turns into the tonic. And the 7-day supply was the last of it she had left. But after thinking for a moment… Translated literally, it meant “slimming tonic.” Adah said I might be able to look it up online and 몭nd a way to get the ingredients directly. She quickly grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled something down. Then handed the piece of paper to me. Reading it, it said: “Verslankende tonikum.” I asked her, “what’s this?” Adah replied it was the name of the drink. I wasn’t sure if I would succeed, but I decided to give it a try at least.
  • 35. The primary ingredient was something called an “ogbono seed.” And that was one of the most game-changing discoveries I made… Let me tell you why. You see… least. After work, I rolled up my sleeves and spent all night researching this tonic. Sadly, I wasn’t able to 몭nd anyone who made it directly in America… But I DID 몭nd a list of the ingredients that go into it. If you’re a woman over 35, one of the biggest weight challenges we have is perimenopause. It’s the biological stage all women go through, right before menopause... And THIS messes up our estrogen levels, causing unexplained weight gain!
  • 36. As our estrogen levels go haywire… It actually makes you gather MORE fat around your belly than before! And shockingly enough, perimenopause can start as early as age 35. Which means that’s the age where weight loss becomes an uphill battle. Case in point... Researchers from the University of Maybe you’ve experienced it 몭rst hand. It might feel like just LOOKING at food makes you gain weight. What’s more… An editorial from Harvard University supported this to say, quote: "During perimenopause and after menopause, hormone changes cause many women's bodies to start collecting extra weight around the middle…"
  • 37. Researchers from the University of Michigan followed 543 women between ages 42-52, to see how weight gain correlated with age... Every year these women gained more weight… Especially around their belly! As you can see on the graph… Their waists continued to expand and fat mass continued to increase. The researchers concluded: The“increase in weight of women at the mid-life was associated with both a substantially increased fat mass… [And] loss of skeletal muscle mass.” Now, I’m sure you’ve already experienced this 몭rst hand. If it feels like your love handles have been getting harder and harder to get rid of over the years… Or that your jeans are getting tighter by the year... and that's because your belly fat IS increasing as you get older.
  • 38. Your belly fat just naturally increases when perimenopause makes your estrogen levels go haywire! That’s why, if you’re a woman over 35… Weight loss can feel like an uphill battle. And just to be clear… I’m not telling you this to make you feel down. I’m telling you this for one simple reason. I WANT TO SHOW YOU IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT THAT PAST DIETS OR EXERCISE HASN’T WORKED FOR YOU. older. But it’s not because of exercise, diet or anything like that. But that’s also why the “ogbono seed” I told you about earlier is a REAL gamechanger. See these seeds right here? This is a food the locals in Africa enjoy.
  • 39. Scientists have discovered that taking ogbono seeds regularly makes your body POOP out fat! ...Yes, it makes you poop out fat from all across your body. You see, The 몭bers inside these seeds make the “unwanted fats” in your body bind itself to chemicals in your gut, called bile acids. And when this happens… This mix of fat and bile acids automatically get removed from your body… Out through your poop and 몭ushed down the toilet! It’s also the main ingredient of a famous soup they eat often. But here’s the thing that shocked me… Scientists from the University of Yaounde stated, quote: “[Ogbono] seed 몭bre can bind to bile acids in the gut and carry them out of the body in the faeces.”
  • 40. I know that might sound a little yucky... But wouldn’t you rather have the unwanted fat pooped out rather than kept in your belly or anywhere else on your body? Not to mention… The clinical e몭ects of pooping out this fat was astounding. In one study, they gathered 102 overweight adults and split them into two groups. Group A would get the ogbono seed extract for 10-12 weeks… And Group B would get a placebo. Both groups were told to eat their favorite foods as they normally would. But the results FLOORED me. Because by the end of the study... The group that got the placebo basically had no change in their weight…
  • 41. Place that against your waist and imagine it shrinking by the FULL length of your phone! It was clear to me that ogbono seed was potent for shrinking waistlines, 몭attening bellies… And giving you the body of your dreams! And you know what’s even better? This clinical study also proved that ogbono seed works FAST. As you can see on this graph… But the group that took the ogbono seed lost a staggering 28 pounds! What’s more… The ogbono seed group also shrunk their waist by 6.3 inches! To put that into perspective… The average smartphone is roughly 5.5 inches in length. So if you’re watching this on your phone right now…
  • 42. As you can see on this graph… It shows how quickly participants lost weight and shrunk their waist sizes... And the graph reveals that e몭ects were seen in as little as just 7 days! That’s not all though. Even though the ogbono seed WAS incredible… It was just one part of the puzzle. My research revealed the tonic required 2 more potent ingredients. SO NOT ONLY WAS OGBONO SEED POWERFUL FOR MELTING AWAY (AND POOPING OUT) UNWANTED FAT… It also works quick - which makes it perfect if you’re in a hurry to shed the pounds. One of them was Rhodiola, which is a special herb that studies show can help drop a staggering 30% in visceral fat! Visceral fat is a special kind of lipid that gathers around your
  • 43. Finally, it all made sense. Adah’s special tonic contained these 3 powerful natural ingredients that would target the root cause of age-related weight gain... Visceral fat is a special kind of lipid that gathers around your stomach… So by reducing visceral fat, it results in a 몭atter tummy too! Also on the “tonic recipe” list was Astragalus. It’s another herb that studies show can support a healthy immune system, stabilizes erratic blood sugar and keeps your heart functioning optimally too! Reducing visceral fat by up to 30% and giving you a 몭atter tummy... And also could help you shed 28 lbs and take 6.3 inches o몭 your waist by making you poop out unwanted fat! Best of all, it’d do this without diet or exercise…
  • 44. And I KNEW it would work because I’d already experienced the power of this slimming tonic 몭rst hand when I lost 9 lbs in 7 days. And for the 몭rst time in my life, I was 몭lled with hope. I could 몭nally get rid of my ugly belly fat… Feeling con몭dent and proud of my body… And 몭nally start living life, feeling attractive in my own skin! How would I get these obscure ingredients? All you needed to do was to take this special tonic and every morning, you’d be “몭ushing” stubborn fat down the toilet! After seeing all this… I breathed a sigh of relief. I 몭nally solved the puzzle. But there was just one problem left…
  • 45. And I had no idea how to get them into the States. Feeling hopeless, I prayed to God for guidance… And I’m glad to say, He answered! Because a few days later, I had a lightbulb moment. You see, just a few months back - I was at my high school reunion. There, I had reconnected with my best friend Cindy from high school. Adah told me that her aunt only sent her a limited batch each month… And I didn’t want to keep taking up all her supply. I needed to 몭nd a way to source these ingredients on my own. For a few days, I was completely lost. These ingredients were native to countries halfway across the globe… AT THE REUNION,
  • 46. I found out she’d been working as the head researcher at a company that developed solutions out of natural ingredients like these. But she’d get back to me within the week. A week passed, and no word. I was beginning to get a little worried… Another week, and nothing. Just as I was about to burst out of impatience, I 몭nally got a call back. I slapped my forehead and realized the answer was staring right at me. Cindy might be able to help me! The moment I realized this, I 몭icked her a text message. I told her all about my crazy journey, Adah’s tonic and the research. She replied it’d take a few days for them to look through the ingredients…
  • 47. I could tell Cindy was excited on the other end. She told me it was di몭cult, but they were able to secure a small supply of the raw ingredients like Ogbono seed, Astragalus, Rhodiola and so on. And just like the studies promised… As long as I continued to take it 3 times a day, before each meal... And I was continuing to poop out fat in the morning! It was amazing seeing the scales drop every single week. And using the instructions from Adah... They’d developed it into a puri몭ed and more concentrated, liquid form. Because it was concentrated, I wouldn’t need to take as much of it. Soon after, Cindy sent me the early “alpha test” dropper bottles… And within days I had a fresh new supply of the slimming tonic.
  • 48. 15 lbs… 25lbs… And eventually 52 lbs! Best of all… I didn’t change ANYTHING about my diet or exercise habits. I ate my favorite foods as I normally would… Didn’t bother going to the gym… AND IT WASN’T LONG BEFORE MY FRIENDS WANTED TO TRY IT FOR THEMSELVES! Yet the weight continued to slide right o몭 my body! What I loved most was all the compliments I was getting. About how amazing my transformation looked… And I even noticed that men would 몭irt with me out of nowhere! That’s when my friends started asking me what my secret was. I wanted to “pass it forward,” so I told them all about the amazing slimming tonic…
  • 49. THEMSELVES! I am pleasantly surprised that my cravings for snacks & sweets had been greatly reduced, particularly because I have a massive sweet-tooth! My hunger pangs are kept at bay and I only eat in smaller quantities now. Marcia My weight loss in the last 5 days will speak for itself - 165.6, 163.4, 160, 159.6, 158.2! I have not even started a regular exercise regimen yet! Marcia from Washington "Life-changing!" Samantha from Petersburg “Astounding result!”
  • 50. 159.6, 158.2! I have not even started a regular exercise regimen yet! Samantha This product is amazing. I lost 16.6 pounds in 11 days… And that is because I am even “cheating…” Eating mac and cheese and what not! David As you can see... They started dropping the stubborn fat from their bellies, neck and thighs… David from New Jersey “I absolutely LOVE this product. Game- changer” Even getting that coveted “thigh gap!”
  • 51. So I went back to Cindy and worked with her to 몭gure out a way to make more of this slimming tonic... And several months in development later… Today, I’m excited to announce that it’s now available for you too! ISOGENICS TONIC It wasn’t long before word got out and people who I didn’t even know were messaging me for more of this powerful slimming tonic. The only problem was… I was beginning to run low on my own supply. And seeing how it was helping so many folks shed pounds they’d never been able to get rid of before… It made me realize, I had to share this with the world. We’ve decided to call it the
  • 52. As it’s a secret used by Adah and the women of her hometown. I’m incredibly lucky she told me about it... And her generosity is the only reason why I’m able to share this with you today. So when you take Isogenics daily, it literally melts away belly fat… As you might have guessed... Even though it might sound a little more “scienti몭c…” Isogenics is the highly puri몭ed and concentrated form of the slimming tonic given to me by Adah. It’s the only tonic that you can take before your meals... That lets you POOP OUT UNWANTED FAT the morning after. You can’t get this potent form of slimming tonic anywhere else… Burning up to 28 lbs based on clinical studies…
  • 53. What’s the 몭rst thing you’d do once you’ve obtained the body of your dreams? Slip into those skinny jeans you haven’t worn since High School? Or maybe 몭aunt o몭 that gorgeous dress you’ve been eyeing? And the next time you’re out with your friends... While they complain about having to watch what they eat all the time… You’ll listen in bliss because you know exactly how to stay slim while continuing to enjoy your favorite foods! Burning up to 28 lbs based on clinical studies… And even slims your waistline by 6.3 inches! Best of all, it starts working within a matter of days... And it’ll shed o몭 those pounds of stubborn fat, no matter your age… And no matter what your metabolism might be like right now! Just Imagine It.
  • 54. Anyway, my point is... Whatever your thing might be… That future is yours with the Isogenics Tonic. You deserve it. NOW OF COURSE, TO TURN THAT INTO REALITY… That means you need to get the tonic 몭rst. I’ll show how you can do that in a second. As well as why you won’t risk a penny to get your own supply. But 몭rst… Now, to give you fair warning... Ever since I started sharing Isogenics with everyone I knew...
  • 55. And as a result, it’s caused demand I wasn’t expecting! Combine this with the fact that the fat-melting ingredients inside Isogenics comes from halfway across the globe… It means it can take WEEKS to produce each puri몭ed, concentrated batch of this slimming tonic. Many folks have been getting multiple bottles for themselves and their loved ones. They saw how it gave better weight loss results the longer you use it… And so they wisely ordered multiple bottles. Add in the other logistics, and Cindy tells me that it’ll take at least 3 months for each re-stock. And as you can guess… When explosive demands meet limited supply… It means we’re constantly running low on bottles. And since this page is the ONLY place you can get it...
  • 56. You don’t want to put this decision o몭, or you could miss out completely. But once you DO have your own supply of Isogenics... You’ll notice the fat-burning e몭ects immediately. Remember, clinical studies have shown that the ingredients inside Isogenics start working in as little as 7 days… Which is extremely quick, all things considered. But, this study also showed that the best results come when you take it for longer. And according to this clinical study, participants continued to lose weight the longer they took it. Which means you should take Isogenics for at least 12 weeks to get the best results.
  • 57. the best results. And once you start taking Isogenics as part of your daily routine? But realistically… If you want to continue enjoying your favorite foods… You’ll want to take this slimming tonic forever, so new fat doesn’t form (and instead, gets pooped out). Which is why it makes sense to take Isogenics day-after-day. And month-after- month. I personally continue to take this tonic long after I’ve hit my goal weight. Because it’s completely natural and safe to continue taking forever… And it ensures the weight doesn’t creep back on. And this is also why I recommend you continue to take this tonic long after you’ve hit your goal weight too. That way, we can be 100% sure the belly fat STAYS o몭.
  • 58. You’ll quit worrying about calories, macros, food logging and so on... And you’ll 몭nally achieve that slender, sexy body you’ve always dreamed of… All while continuing to enjoy your favorite foods, without ever worrying about your weight again. On that note, let me ask you… Enough to go on a nice vacation with your loved ones! What would a future like that be worth to you? $1,000? $10,000? $50,000? I know it’s hard to put a price tag on it. But I did it to illustrate a point. I’ve personally saved over $300 a month on useless weight loss powders, programs and diet food I no longer need… And over the course of the year, that’s a whopping $3,600 in savings…
  • 59. Enough to go on a nice vacation with your loved ones! That’s the power that Isogenics gives you once it makes you poop out unwanted fat, e몭ortlessly. And this is also why I knew how invaluable weight loss results like this could be. So when the 몭nancial team recommended we price Isogenics at $249 per bottle, I didn’t 몭inch. The powerful slimming tonic inside Isogenics was without a doubt, worth it. I had experienced it 몭rst-hand. But this wasn’t about pro몭t. It’s about changing lives. It was my duty to pass it forward. And I knew at $249, it would put Isogenics out of reach for many folks. So I pushed back against this price. I explained to the 몭nancial team how this was bigger than us. This was going to change natural health and possibly even put an END to weight loss woes across the globe.
  • 60. an END to weight loss woes across the globe. And we’d be doing a disservice by putting it out of reach at $249 per bottle. Luckily, they saw things my way. That’s why today… You’re not going to pay $249 for a bottle of Isogenics. You won’t even pay $97. No, you’re going to get your own supply for a low price of $97 $59 per bottle! And it also shows me your commitment… Because it means you never want to run out of Isogenics... But I didn’t stop there. Because so many folks were ordering multiple bottles for themselves and their loved ones… I’ve decided to o몭er an even STEEPER discount when you decide to order in bulk today. Because getting multiple bottles tells me you’re truly serious about getting that body of your dreams.
  • 61. Because it means you never want to run out of Isogenics... And to help you on that front... When you order the 3-bottle package… You’ll save $144 and get your supply of Isogenics for $97 $49 per bottle! Plus, we’ll pay for your priority shipping too, so you get an extra $12.95 in value. And if you’re truly dead-set on getting the best results possible? You should choose the 6-bottle package, which brings your per- bottle price down to a low $39. BEST VALUE 6 MONTH SUPPLY
  • 62. YOUR PRICE: $39/each ADD TO CART (TOTAL $234) + Free US Shipping Includes A 90 Day Money Back Guarantee MOST POPULAR 3 MONTH SUPPLY
  • 63. SAMPLE PACKAGE 1 MONTH SUPPLY YOUR PRICE: $49/each ADD TO CART (TOTAL $147) + Free US Shipping Includes A 90 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • 64. Again, with the 6-bottle package, I’ll also give you free priority shipping, valued at $12.95... Which means in total, you’re getting $360.95 in value, completely FREE. And since each bottle of Isogenics contains a 30-day supply of the tonic… $39 per bottle boils down to $1.30 a day. That’s LESS than a dollar a day. Take a moment to think of all the daily things you spend more than a dollar a day on… YOUR PRICE: $59/each ADD TO CART + Small Shipping Fee Includes A 90 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • 65. That only brings a tiny fraction of the joy Isogenics would get you when you start seeing the pounds drop, as that stubborn fat gets pooped out every morning... I’m sure you’d agree. That’s why the smart decision here is to take advantage of the 3 or 6 bottle package. And once you’ve got your own supply of this slimming tonic? Wouldn’t you agree that investing less than a dollar a day is worth the happiness you’ll experience when you 몭nally get the body of your dreams? You’ll 몭nally win the battle against the bulge. Every marker of wellbeing will improve. You’ll have more energy to do the things you love. And you can be a better mother, daughter, or spouse to everyone you care about. And maybe…
  • 66. And you’ll know, it’s all thanks to the wise decision you made to try Isogenics today. And remember, your $360.95 in savings with the multi-bottle package is only available while we have stock. And as soon as supply runs out… Our tech team will take down this page immediately to prevent backorders. And as I mentioned earlier, it can take as long as 3 months to Your friends' jaws might drop when they see your amazing body transformation. But make sure to note... You WON’T 몭nd Isogenics on Amazon, at retailers or anywhere else. We’re cutting out the middleman to keep prices as low as possible for you. So this page is the ONLY place you can order it.
  • 67. And as I mentioned earlier, it can take as long as 3 months to get a new batch of Isogenics… So don’t miss out. When you’re ready, pick the 3 or 6 bottle package now for the best bang for your buck. (Or whichever package is right for you). Once you’ve scrolled down, click the “add to cart” button on the package you want. Oh and I should mention… That means, no matter which package you choose, you’re covered by our 90- day 100% satisfaction guarantee. We will refund your purchase if you haven’t seen results after using the product consistently for 90 days / 3 months. Most of our customers experienced best results in 10 - 12 weeks of using Isogenics.
  • 68. Just email our friendly customer service team and send back whatever you’ve got left… And we’ll refund EVERY single penny. Even for the bottles that are used up. Now, once you’ve clicked the “add to cart” button below, you'll see a checkout page where you can con몭rm your order and 몭ll out your details. Let us know within 90 days and I’ll give you a FULL refund. What’s more… It doesn’t matter if you’ve used up all the bottles. That means you’re not “buying” anything today. THE ONLY DECISION YOU’RE MAKING TODAY IS TO TAKE ISOGENICS FOR A TRIAL RUN FOR THE NEXT 90 DAYS. Now you can call me old fashioned... But I often get a little antsy over ordering things online because
  • 69. And once you’ve completed your order… You can expect your package to arrive in 3-5 days. When that happens... Tear open the box and grab your bottles. Now, just so you don’t get confused… You’ll see the label will say “Proprietary Active-8 & African Mango complex.” That’s just the fancy scienti몭c name for the ingredients that go into this tonic, like ogbono seed and so on. The bottle will look like this: But I often get a little antsy over ordering things online because of the security aspect. That’s why my tech team assures me our checkout page uses the latest secure 256-bit encryption technology. The same kind used by Amazon and Apple. So you can order with peace of mind knowing your details are safe!
  • 70. Okay, so once your supply arrives…
  • 71. Okay, so once your supply arrives… I want you to start taking 3 servings from the dropper daily, preferably before your meals. Remember, you’ve got to take it every day. Doing this ensures you’ll start pooping out unwanted fat each morning… And you’ll start seeing the pounds slide right o몭! You should see the e몭ects within just a few days... But as I showed you in the clinical study earlier… The biggest and BEST results come the longer you take it. That’s why I recommend you keep taking Isogenics daily for at least 60 days. And continue for 90 days if you want to ensure unwanted fat gets turned into poop and 몭ushed down the toilet. And unless you LOVE the results you experience with this slimming tonic...
  • 72. So the decision you’re making right now is whether you want to take the 3-bottle or 6-bottle package for the best “bang for your buck.” Regardless of which package you choose, you’re still covered by your 90-day money-back guarantee. So if you’re ready, scroll down and click the “add to cart” button below! Now, this is about to end. And you’re at a crossroads. I’ve shown you all the science. Contact us within 90 days of your order to get a FULL refund. Remember you can use up the bottles and still get every penny back. I’ve shown you why after age 35, our hormones get messed up… And THAT’S what’s making it impossible to lose weight. Sadly our bodies are rigged to magnetize fat around our bellies…
  • 73. Of course, you could choose to ignore everything you’ve seen today. And I’d harbor no hard feelings even if you did that. But consider this. If you do nothing today, what will change? So it can feel like an impossible task to keep the stubborn fat o몭. And you’ve seen the studies that prove the pure concentrate of the slimming tonic inside Isogenics 몭at out works. You go back to your usual routine. Maybe you try a new diet. But you know it’s just a matter of time before that dreaded “plateau” hits… You realize this new diet or weight loss program is too hard to stick to forever… Then you fall back to your old ways and the weight magnetizes back to your body.
  • 74. It’s happened before and it’ll happen again. And in the past, it wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know that your body is biologically rigged to attract belly fat after age 35. But not anymore. Now you KNOW what the core issue is. And you know that the quickest and easiest way to get rid of that fat is by pooping it out with the slimming tonic. So now that you KNOW the solution… It’s YOUR responsibility to act. If you don’t act today… The next time you go to weigh in at your bathroom scales… You’ll get that sinking feeling as you realize it’s another failed weight loss attempt… And you’ll think back to the opportunity you missed today.
  • 75. That’s 90 days of waiting... Instead of experiencing the joy of shedding the pounds today. At that point, wouldn’t you think back to this moment and regret not taking action? If the answer is even a “maybe…” You’d be wise to take the smarter, second path. And say YES right now. And even if you decide to come back to this page to order Isogenics... We might have run out of stock by then... Because others have already taken the leap and ordered their supply. That means you’ll be waiting another 3 months. You’ll get your own supply of Isogenics today with our 90-day money back guarantee. Which means you truly have NOTHING to lose but EVERYTHING to gain.
  • 76. And I’ve done everything I can to make the 몭rst step easy for you. But I can’t take it for you. So now’s YOUR turn to start shedding those pounds and achieve the slender, sexy body of your dreams. Now it’s YOUR turn to feel completely con몭dent and happy about the way you look. Now it’s YOUR turn to look in the mirror and see that coveted “thigh gap” staring back at you! All of this can be yours when you take the 몭rst step. Hover your mouse over the order button. Click it. And 몭ll in the information requested on the next page. I’ve shown you exactly how I personally took that 몭rst step… And now I want to show you the way. And after you’ve ordered… You won’t be alone.
  • 77. Move your mouse or scroll down with your phone… And click the “add to cart” button. Now’s your 몭nal chance to take Isogenics for a 90-day trial run. And you’re doing it for as low as $1.30 a day. That’s LESS than a dollar a day. And when you order the 3 or 6 bottle package, we’ll cover your shipping costs AND you’ll get up to $360.95 in value. Completely FREE. If you’re on mobile, you might need to scroll down to see the “add to cart” button. When you see that orange button, click it. Then 몭ll out your details on the next page. And you’ll be on your way to getting the body of your dreams. You won’t be alone. Because I’ll stay in touch with you every single day via email. I’ll be making sure you get all the information, motivation and support you need to succeed. But that can only happen after you take the 몭rst step.
  • 78. dreams. I can’t wait to hear your success story with Isogenics! I’ll see you on the other side. I’m Sandra Miller and thanks for reading. God bless. Frequently Asked Questions No, this is a one time purchase! We won’t bill you again. So order with peace of mind! Will I keep getting billed over and over again?  What is perimenopause again? And what’s it got to do with my weight?  How does the Isogenics Tonic help me lose weight? And what kind of results can I expect?  How do I use Isogenics? And how long should I take it for?  Can I get Isogenics on Amazon? Or at my local
  • 79. Scienti몭c References: Can I get Isogenics on Amazon? Or at my local store?  How does the guarantee work again?  Okay, I’m ready to order Isogenics! What now? 
  • 80. 1. Ngondi J. L., Etoundi B. C., Nyangono C. B., Mbofung C. M. F., Oben J. E. IGOB131, a novel seed extract of the West African plant Irvingia gabonensis, signi몭cantly reduces body weight and improves metabolic parameters in overweight humans in a randomized double-blind placebo controlled investigation. Lipids in Health and Disease. 2009;8(1):p. 7. doi: 10.1186/1476-511X-8-7. 2. Ngondi J.L., Oben J.E., Minka S.R., The e몭ect of Irvingia gabonensis seeds on body weight and blood lipids of obese subjects in Cameroon. Lipids Health Dis. 2005;4:12. doi: 10.1186/1476-511X-4-12.8 3. Sowers M., Zheng H., Tomey K., et al. Changes in body composition in women over six years at midlife: ovarian and chronological aging. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism . 2007;92(3):895–901. doi: 10.1210/jc.2006-1393. 4. O’Sullivan A.J., Martin A., Brown M. A., E몭cient Fat Storage in Premenopausal Women and in Early Pregnancy: A Role for Estrogen, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 86, Issue 10, 1 October 2001, Pages 4951–4956, 5. Verpeut J.L., Walters A.L., Bello N.T. Citrus aurantium and Rhodiola rosea in combination reduce visceral white adipose tissue and increase hypothalamic norepinephrine in a rat model of diet-induced obesity. Nutr. Res. 2013;33:503–512. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2013.04.001. 6. O’Sullivan, A.J. Does oestrogen allow women to store fat more e몭ciently? A biological advantage for fertility and gestation. Obes. Rev. 2009, 10, 168–177. 7. Mayo Clinic. (n. d.). Perimenopause. causes/syc-20354666 8. Harvard Health Publishing. (n.d.). Winning the weight battle after menopause. 9. Chang X., Yan H., Bian H., Xia M., Zhang L., Gao J., Gao X. Serum retinol binding protein 4 is associated with visceral fat in human with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease without known diabetes: A cross-sectional study. Lipids Health Dis. 2015;14:28. doi: 10.1186/s12944-015-0033-2. 10. Foster M.T., Pagliassotti M.J. Metabolic alterations following visceral fat removal and expansion: Beyond anatomic location. Adipocyte. 2012;1:192–199. doi: 10.4161/adip.21756. 11. Healthline. (n.d.). Visceral Fat. 12. Wu, Y., Ou-yang, Jp., Wu, K. et al. Hypoglycemic e몭ect of Astragalus polysaccharide and its e몭ect on PTP1B. Acta Pharmacol Sin 26, 345–352 (2005). 13. Ke, B., Ke, X., Wan, X., Yang, Y., Huang, Y., Qin, J., et al. Astragalus polysaccharides attenuates tnf-alpha-induced insulin resistance via suppression of mir-721 and activation of ppar-gamma and pi3k/akt in 3t3-l1 adipocytes. Am J Transl Res. 2017;9(5):2195–2206 14. Healthline. (n.d.). Visceral Fat. 15. Colitti, M. (2014) Rhodiola rosea: From the Adaptogenic Role to the Anti-Adipogenic E몭ect?. Endocrinol Metab Synd 3: e123. doi: 10.4172/2161-1017.1000e123
  • 81. COPYRIGHT © 2021 – 2021 FORTIWHOLE®. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products. ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. Privacy Terms & Disclaimer Shipping & Returns Customer Support