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(WITHOUT Starving Yourself And
Exercise More Strenuous Than
Making A Cup Of Tea!)
I stood glaring into
the fridge… The
thought of choking
down another dry,
breakfast was just
too much…
“Dear Lord!… I
I sti몭ed a sob…
Surrendered to my
craving… Reached
for the milk… and
grabbed my
daughter’s box of
Lucky Charms
Without a word, my
husband Todd
just fetched us each a bowl
and spoon…
He knew the drill…
…another defeat in a war
we were slowly
but surely losing…
He looked what I felt like…
Guilty, tired, frustrated,
depressed and
so darn hungry…
Both of us were
sick to death
of the diets,
the workouts,
the calorie counting…
We were tired of
the cravings and hunger…
And with nothing
to show for it!
Thing is, for the most part…
We eat healthy…
We exercise together…
And we’ve tried all the
Low-carb, low-fat, Paleo,
calorie counting…
I reached down, grabbed the
roll around my belly and
looked back at my cereal
It was all I could do not to
scream or sob…
Todd and I had been locked in
a hopeless battle with our
creeping belly fat for years…
We spent THOUSANDS of
dollars we couldn’t afford on
the salary of two cops and
nothing worked…
No matter how hard we tried,
no matter how much money
we wasted, no matter how
many nutritionists and
specialists we saw…
Unexplainably — we just kept
getting a tiny bit fatter every
month. Every year…
Which is why I made this page for
Because if you’ve ever felt even a
smidge of what Todd and I were
Like the cravings…
Then the binges…
The creeping unexplained weight
The creeping unexplained weight
Feeling tired a lot of the time…
Brain fog at the most awkward
Feeling hungry all the time, even
when you just ate…
And never being able to lose weight,
even when you eat right…
…which has almost nothing to do with
your diet…
…along with the simple solution I
stumbled on, is about to lift a terrible
weight from your shoulders…
A weight I had been carrying for so
long, and that nearly crushed me on
that horrible morning…
So can you blame me if I felt like
smashing something or just getting
back in bed and sobbing myself back
to sleep?
Because… it had been ANOTHER
rough night…
I was exhausted and I could tell that
Todd was too…
Plus, I could see shame in his eyes…
Because it happened again last
His “monsters” took over…
…the terrible and lingering scars of
decades on the SWAT team…
He was thrashing and sweating…
I tried to wake him from his
…which is when he came within an
inch of punching me in the face!
He barely came to his senses before
his 몭st connected…
…wrenching his arm back just in
But I could see the shame eating at
Not just because he almost hit me…
…but because it had been going on
for so long…
…and was taking a toll…
What he didn’t know… what I’d been
hiding from him… trying to protect
Is that even on most nights, when he
thought he was sleeping well…
…he would toss and turn all night in a
shallow sleep…
…reliving the terrors that haunt him…
…and I’d go to bed every night hoping
desperately to get a decent sleep…
And as you’re about to discover…
…I soon learned a shocking truth…
…that our poor sleep was devastating
to our health…
And even more shocking…
it had everything to do with our
creeping belly fat…
Not to mention I couldn’t remember
the last time we’d snuggled or even
held each other…
And our
“intimacy” just
felt like a
distant memory
So pay close
Because what I’m about to reveal will
change your life in every way that
…even if you THINK you get a good
night’s sleep every night…
Because what I discovered is brand
new research revealing that at least
67% of folks unknowingly suffer from
a speci몭c type of sleep disruption…
…and that most people aren’t even
aware that it is happening to them…
So pay close attention…
Speci몭cally, if you are 40 or older then
you are probably getting up to 70%
LESS of ONE precise form of “deep
sleep” that is critical to losing weight
and protecting your health!
And that even the lucky few who only
suffer from “slight” disruption of this
unique form of sleep are getting
pummeled with depressing, serious
and devastating long term side-
Side-effects that scared me, and
made me 몭nally understand that our
creeping weight gain had almost
nothing to do with diet and exercise!
So if you suffer from unexplained
weight gain or runaway cravings
you’re going to want to read this next
bit very carefully…
Because it is not your fault…
And I’m about
to share with
you some
simple and
slight shifts to
your daily
…along with an
…along with an
amazing and
super comforting
“superfood” tea
…that will instantly
allow you to reclaim
a speci몭c form of
a speci몭c form of
sleep that turns
your fat burning
hormones back on
while quickly
symptoms of
declining health…
You see, even a slight shortfall
in this speci몭c type of sleep
can lead to…
* Unexplained weight gain
(sadly this is so, so common)…
* Runaway hunger and
cravings… (and we had lots of
* A frustrating lack of
concentration and focus…
* Nagging feelings of being
tired all the time…
* And much more. Much
worse complications…
Which explains so very much
about what had been
happening to me and Todd
over the past couple years!…
Hi, my name is Tara…
I’ve been a cop for 27 years…
I’ve been a cop for 27 years…
My husband Todd was a cop and
SWAT team leader for 17 years…
And the hidden truth we stumbled on
will scare the bejesus out of you…
However, if you’re anything like me
then knowing the truth… getting a
little scared… is the best thing that
can happen to you…
Because that “morning after” with
…as we drown our sorrows in big
bowls of sugary cereal…
…I realized I had a choice to make for
the both of us…
And really I only
had three
I could keep pretending
everything was ok. I could
ignore the heartbreaking
distance between us, and
how exhaustion was draining
away our intimacy. I could
ignore the fear and sadness of
losing the magic in our
marriage as our health
crumbled and our bellies
I could get mad and spiteful
about how “unfair” it was that
we “did everything right” and
nothing worked for us, even
when we both dedicated our
lives to serving and protecting
The choice to FIGHT for
myself, my husband, our love,
our intimacy and our family…
The choice to discover the
TRUTH about the REAL cause
of our disintegrating health
and our growing belly fat… to
get to the bottom of why we
could do “everything right”
and still never lose weight…
…and how to reclaim a
…and how to reclaim a
lean and healthy body
even as you leave your
40s and move into
your 50s and 60s, even
if you can’t (or just
don’t want to)
And what happened next is very
special, very beautiful…
So if you have ever felt that you’re
being cheated out of losing weight…
…if you eat healthy…
…you get some exercise…
…and you never seem to get rid of
your belly the way you feel you
…then pay really close attention…
Because no matter how “good” you
are with your diet and exercise…
You will never lose weight until you
understand this next part…
And once you do, I guarantee you’ll
start noticing your belly get 몭atter
from one day to the next…
…even WITHOUT changing much
about how you eat or how much you
Isn’t that incredible?
In fact, it’s shocking and almost
unbelievable, which is what I thought
at 몭rst…
So let me tell you the story of
how I stumbled on this near-
magical method to lose
weight naturally and safely…
…while you instantly start
…while you instantly start
reversing health problems
and practically double your
energy overnight…
Just a couple weeks after deciding
that things needed to change…
…Todd’s old friend Dan dropped by…
I could listen to Dan’s stories for hours
and hours…
You see, Dan is the “go to” guy for
elite athletes, hollywood actors —
even regular folks that can afford it —
who want to get in shape fast without
extreme diets or workouts…
You should hear some of the crazy
stories Dan has about getting these
folks into shape!
Anyhow, it was so great catching up
with him because we hadn’t seen him
in ages.
So I almost forgot how blunt he can
And after about an hour of shooting
the breeze he just blurts out…
“So you guys are a LOT heavier than
last time I saw you…”
“…and you both look pretty beat
“Spill it… what’s up with you guys?…”
I wanted to curl up and hide under
the couch in the fetal position…
Todd just sat wide-eyed like a deer in
Dan 몭nally broke the awkward
“Look guys. You know this is my
thing right?…”
“Let me guess. You guys have been
eating healthy. And as I can see for
myself it’s just not working…”
“Look, it’s NOT your fault…”
“And the solution has nothing to do
with your diet and exercise. Let me
What he said next was like he had
lifted a weight off my shoulders…
He said more than 75% of the people
he works with only need to 몭x ONE
thing to trigger massive weight loss
without big changes to their diet and
And with every new transformational
story he told us, I allowed myself to
“hope” again for the 몭rst time in I
don’t know how long…
Hope that I could reclaim the “old
me”… Hope that we could rekindle the
몭re in our relationship. Hope that
Todd would get back to the
con몭dence and spark that I fell in love
with… Hope that we could both
reclaim the slim, healthy bodies we
used to take for granted…
Dan told us that
trying to lose
weight without
몭rst 몭xing this
one thing was
like trying to
empty a bathtub
with a clogged
Even if there is just a tiny drip from
the faucet — just like an extremely
restrictive diet — the tub will still
over몭ow eventually because there’s
just nowhere for the water to go…
So even if you’re eating next to
nothing, if your “drain is clogged”
then your body will end up
continuing to store fat on your belly…
What I never expected — and what
I’m sure you have guessed by now —
is that the devastating handicap
holding you back from a 몭at belly,
kidlike energy, and pristine health is
something nobody is talking about…
…it’s the lack of a speci몭c form of
deep sleep…
And that most people don’t even
know they’re getting short changed
on this speci몭c type of sleep…
In fact, even folks who are in bed and
asleep for 7 to 8 hours a night are
probably not achieving the speci몭c
and restorative sleep state that they
need in order to lose weight and
rebuild health…
The good news… actually the great,
great news… is that Dan showed us
The results have
been nothing
short of a
And that’s what I want to
how to reclaim this speci몭c type of
deep sleep…
share with you here in
just a minute…
This Is What
Happens In Your
Body When You
Are Not Getting
A Speci몭c Type
Of Deep Sleep
First, here’s what’s happening to your
body when you are shortchanged on
the precise type of restorative sleep…
(EVEN if you’re in bed for 8 hours and
think you’re sleeping well, unless
you’re getting this speci몭c type of
sleep you’re going to be affected)
First of all, any disruption in your
sleep is going to make you HUNGRY
all the time…
That’s because unhealthy sleep
messes with your hunger hormones…
First there’s Leptin — a hormone
released by fat cells as a signal to the
brain that you are full…
Recent studies in humans have
shown that shallow sleep wrecks the
release of this hormone…
Your body misreads this and thinks
you’re in a state of famine that causes
runaway hunger…
Which explains why you’re hungry all
the time even when you’re getting all
the right nutrients from a healthy
However that’s not all…
Next up is Ghrelin — basically the
opposite of leptin…
Ghrelin ramps up your appetite. And
any disruption of your sleep quality
drives it through the roof.
If you’ve ever had even short periods
of bad sleep, you’ve probably noticed
this increase in hunger for yourself…
Imagine trying to stay strong on ANY
kind of diet when you’re hormones
are telling you all day long that you’re
Now, if only that were the worst thing
your hormones were doing…
Cause there’s more…
Did you know a hormone called
Cortisol has been shown to directly
deposit fat on your belly?
And guess what, each night of low
quality sleep adds up over time and
drives up your Cortisol… Not only does
this in몭ate your belly fat…
…it interferes with learning and
…it lowers immune function and bone
…it drives up blood pressure and
…it increases the chance of heart
disease, depression, mental illness…
I could keep going but you get the
Chronically elevated Cortisol is just
plain bad…
…and no matter how “good” you are
on your diet you can’t lose weight
while high Cortisol is sabotaging you…
Now if the hormonal problems
weren’t enough…
A lack of critical “deep sleep”
sabotages something called your
“R.E.R.” and causes your body to burn
“lean tissue” for energy instead of
stored fat…
Now… RER is your Respiratory
Exchange Rate, which is basically the
exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide that happens when you
When your sleep cycles get messed
up your RER gets shifted and bad
things happen…
A recent study revealed that a wonky
RER from interrupted sleep cycles
resulted in the loss of lean muscle
tissue instead of fat when calories
were restricted…
In other words, both groups in this
study lost the same amount of
“weight” BUT the group with poor
sleep cycles DID NOT LOSE ANY FAT…
…instead they lost valuable lean
muscle while still storing more body
And get this, losing lean muscle
means you burn fewer calories and
you 몭nd it even harder to lose
It’s a vicious cycle…
So even though you’re eating right, it
can all go out the window if you don’t
have the right amount of this very
speci몭c phase of sleep…
And it’s not just about how you look…
Even though reclaiming this speci몭c
form of deep sleep will 몭atten your
…what’s more important is that your
very health is at stake…
Poor quality
sleep is now
proven to be
destructive to
your body than
Heck, at least smokers usually don’t
suffer from unexplained belly fat!
And doctors don’t really have a clue
about this massive new health
Now, how do I know all this??…
I guess you could say I’ve become
something of a “sleep evangelist”…
Ever since that night when Dan
blessed us with a new lease on life…
…since he revealed that the
unexplained weight gain, the terrible
energy, and the nagging health issues
were never our fault…
…and he showed us a way forward. A
simple path to reclaim our youthful
enthusiasm, 몭atten our bellies, and be
truly happy again…
…A quick trip to Whole Foods and we
had everything we needed to brew
his mind-blowing “sleep tea”…
I’ve tried lots of teas and tinctures
that promised better sleep, but Dan’s
creation is in a league of its own…
It tasted amazing too!…
Once he showed us how to brew his
tea, he taught us his proprietary
“Shutdown Sequence” guaranteed to
“몭ip the switch” and guide you into a
deep, restorative sleep…
The kind of sleep that peels off belly
fat and forti몭es your health literally
A word of caution though… make sure
you follow the Shutdown Sequence
…because messing it up means less of
that priceless deep sleep you need…
Todd was skeptical, but I was so
excited I could pee myself…
For me it was like 몭nding a spring of
crystal clear water after so long in the
And I couldn’t wait to gulp down
some of that sweet, precious, deep
I don’t know if it was just in my head…
…but I swear I woke up the next
morning and already felt “lighter”…
…like my body just moved better and I
felt more vitality…
However after just 4 days of using
Dan’s tea and Shutdown Sequence…
…I knew 100% that it was not in my
Not only was the scale dropping like a
stone, without having changed my
My waistband on my police uniform
started getting too loose and I had to
tighten my belt a notch…
After a week, even Mr Skeptical
admitted this was something special.
Something powerful.
I have to admit it got me feeling
“frisky” again for the 몭rst time in
way too long…
And I guess Todd took con몭dence and
pride in the way his body was
transforming too…
…because one night I got home from
my shift and walked into a scene
straight out of a Harlequin Romance
Rose petals, expensive wine, romantic
And as he folded me into his arms I
just melted into him and let myself
surrender to the delicious desire that
had been building in both of us…
And we’ve never looked back…
And as he folded me into his arms I
just melted into him and let myself
surrender to the delicious desire that
had been building in both of us…
And we’ve never looked back…
…we religiously enjoy Dan’s tea every
evening to this day…
…and it’s literally like being born
I can’t even imagine going back to
feeling fat, lethargic, heavy, foggy
headed and tired all the time…
And the crazy part is…
Back before Dan’s sleep tea… all that
was NORMAL to us…
Which is what shocked me into
Because I looked around me…
…at my friends, my family, my
And could see it in their faces…
…their bloated features, their tired
eyes, their expanding waistlines, their
lethargic movements…
That they too were suffering what
Todd and I had been living…
And if you’re still watching there’s a
good chance you suspect that you too
will bene몭t from the near-magical
transformation that happens when
you start using Dan’s sleep tea and
his simple “shutdown sequence”…
…that allow you to reclaim the power
of your most important and
restorative sleep cycles…
Dan’s tea is something really special…
Really terri몭c…
Yet even though he’d love to share it
with you and with the thousands of
other folks who would enjoy life-
changing rewards…
…he just doesn’t have time to devote
to create the kind of high-quality tea
product that he’d be proud to get into
your hands…
His every waking hour is already
dedicated to working with his elite
clients and 몭ying around the world
training some of the most advanced
health care professionals and athletic
Which left me feeling like it was up to
me and Todd to do something to help
folks like you…
Because our
success could so
easily be your
success too…
…if you could just get your hands on
this amazing combination of
sleep-producing superfoods…
And as you can see here, I’ve lost and
kept off almost 50 lbs. And Todd
completely transformed his soft, tired
body back into the ripped athletic
physique I fell in love with.
So with Dan’s permission, we started
We loved Dan’s tea so much. Yet it
was still a bit of a chore to brew it up
from scratch every night…
I knew we could do better for you. I
wanted it to be easier. And I wanted it
to work even faster and better.
So with Dan’s help we began to scour
the globe for the most potent sources
of the incredible fat-burning, sleep-
inducing ingredients we needed.
Sleep Slim Tea
because… well
because that’s
exactly what it
It helps you fall asleep quickly, stay
asleep, and sink into the
deepest, most restorative phase of
sleep that burns away a
bit of your belly fat every single
The new done-for-you Sleep Slim Tea
formula is more delicious, more
convenient, works better than ever,
and is packed with the exact super-
spices and ingredients you need for
the kind of deep sleep that results
in top-speed fat-burning…
And the terri몭cally satisfying taste
wraps up your day with a delicious
Sourcing all the highest-quality,
organic and potent ingredients was
not easy, and de몭nitely not cheap…
So at 몭rst we could only afford a very
small batch of our new tea…
The 몭rst to try it were friends from
high-school who noticed how my butt
suddenly 몭t into those skinny jeans
that had been hiding in the back of
my closet…
Then it was Todd’s family members
who noticed the renewed spark in his
eyes and the new skip in his step…
Then the neighbors who asked how
we lost so much weight so quickly,
and who could NOT believe it wasn’t
because of some special “extreme
To be blunt, we kinda gained a “cult”
status in our little corner of the
…which was weird, but also great
because we were bringing so much
happiness to the people we were
Yet I just didn’t feel like we were
doing enough…
So after weeks of talking about it,
Todd and I decided we needed to “go
Todd quit the job he loved so much
just so he could put everything he
had into helping folks get access to
Dan’s Sleep Slim Tea…
Sleep Slim Tea
What’s Inside
Sleep Slim Tea?
Magnolia Bark Extract
Magnolia Bark is a potent sleep promoter thanks to its ability to relax
the mind and body by increasing GABA activity. GABA is an
important neurotransmitter that helps your brain shut down so you
can fall asleep easily and stay asleep throughout the night.1
Research shows that Magnolia Bark increases the amount of time
you spend in the deep, restorative sleep you need for optimal health
and fat burning.2
Magnesium is one of the most essential minerals for the quality of
your sleep, yet its bene몭ts extend to your entire body. It puts you in a
calm and relaxed state so that can fall asleep easily and STAY
ASLEEP all night long, allowing you to wake up feeling rested and
rejuvented. To top it off, one of my favorite parts about Magnesium
(and the other reason it is a top ingredient in Sleep Slim Tea) is that it
aids in fat burning by promoting a healthy in몭ammatory response.
You have probably heard that Calcium is good for your bones, but
did you know that it also plays a major role in your sleep cycle? A
study performed by the European Neurology Journal, notes that
calcium levels increase during your deepest levels of sleep. The study
concludes that when you are calcium de몭cient, you often have
disrupted sleep patterns, especially during your deepest sleep phase.
However, if you normalize your blood calcium levels, the natural
course of your sleep can be restored.7
Tumeric 4:1
This is by far one of the most magical ingredients in the Slim Sleep
Tea formula. Turmeric root has been used for thousands of years to
enhance health, boost energy and 몭ght disease. Yet only recently
have scientists realized its potent fat-melting properties. Which
means you’ll bene몭t from enhanced fat burning during your restful
phase of deep, belly-몭attening sleep. PLUS, I chose the speci몭c
Turmeric 4:1 variation because it is the maximum strength turmeric
available that provides extra potency to fuel your transformation.
Ginger Root Powder
For centuries, ginger has been used as a remedy for insomnia, an aid
to digestion, and a treatment for in몭ammation. We now know it is is
also a superhero at reducing belly fat and obtaining a 몭at tummy.
Breaking news from a massive review of the scienti몭c evidence
published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences shows
that the spice plays a key role in fat burning, carbohydrate digestion
and insulin secretion, to name a few. It has also been shown to
inhibit oxidative stress (a form of cellular aging), to have anti-
in몭ammatory properties and to lower cholesterol and blood
pressure. In short, ginger puts the “super” in superfood.8,9
Ashwagandha 2.5%
Ashwagandha is another medicinal superfood that has been used
for centuries to aid in insomnia, lower stress, boost immunity, and
promote a healthy in몭ammatory response. Now, this centuries-
old remedy for sleep is backed by science thanks to new research
from the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine. They
state that Ashwagandha has remarkable results in inducing the
deep, restful sleep you need in order to effectively burn fat during
the night.
L-Glycine helps your body make serotonin, which is a hormone and
neurotransmitter that plays a major role in deep and restful sleep.14
At the same time, L-Glycine helps regulate your body temperature as
you sleep, which allows you to fall asleep more quickly, and then
guides you into your deepest phase of fat-burning sleep.15
Cinnamon Bark Powder
This is my favorite fat-melting ingredient in Sleep Slim Tea. It gives
every cup a taste of nostalgia that reminds you of great memories of
food and drink with friends. However as good as it tastes, the real
reason it’s in the formula is for it’s astounding fat-melting properties.
Hundreds of studies reveal cinnamon is one of the most powerful
ways you can boost your body’s natural fat burning.
Cardamom is packed with powerful nutrients and is a natural source
of melatonin.35 Melatonin is your body’s main signal to fall asleep
quickly and stay asleep, allowing you to attain the speci몭c phase of
deep sleep required to naturally burn away belly fat. In fact,
cardamom powder has been used in Ayurvedic sleep tonics for
centuries. And its healthy in몭ammatory-response properties support
your weight loss goals.17,18,19
Another popular ingredient in Ayurvedic sleep tonics is Chamomile
for its calming and sleep-inducing properties. Research has now
revealed that its calming effects are attributed to an antioxidant
called apigenin, which binds to speci몭c receptors in your brain that
decrease anxiety and initiate sleep. An even more recent study
released in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology shows that it
reduces anxiety. New evidence even shows that chamomile helps
weight loss by curbing your appetite, detoxifying your body and
promoting a healthy metabolism.20,21,22
Black Pepper Extract 4:1
Black Pepper Extract 4:1
Don’t worry… your evening tea won’t taste like pepper. And the
reason we include it in the formulation is so that the restorative and
fat-melting herbs and spices can reach your cells at full strength. You
see the Black Pepper Extract blocks enzymes in your body that
would otherwise break down the fat-melting ingredients and make
them harder to absorb. Including it in our tea can boost the delivery
of the fully potent ingredients by as much as 2000%. It is especially
powerful when combined with Turmeric.27,28,29,30
We took out a big loan
at the bank. That was
We spent months taking all of our
scribbled notes we gathered from the
friends and family who were our 몭rst
We went back and forth with Dan to
Which brings us to
We went back and forth with Dan to
re몭ne everything… the formulation,
the taste, the potency, everything…
And we risked everything on making
a big order of our new, improved and
re몭ned version of Sleep Slim Tea. And
it was 100% worth the risk…
…because it 몭nally allows you to keep
eating like a regular person… 몭x your
sleep cycles… and almost miraculously
just start 몭nally burning away your
belly fat when nothing else ever
Which brings us to
And brings us to you experiencing the
incredible results of Sleep Slim Tea for
yourself too…
Here we are ready for YOU to 몭nally
get the 몭at belly and slim body you’ve
been dreaming of (and which you
DESERVE) without ever feeling like
you’re “dieting” — because you aren’t!
Yet even though just getting this
incredible tea into your hands would
be enough to change your life
…we’re so grateful to Dan for basically
saving our lives that we want to do
saving our lives that we want to do
much more for you…
Which is why, during this
presentation only, when you order a
supply of Sleep Slim Tea you’ll also be
getting Dan’s best selling Eat Sleep
Burn program…
In Eat Sleep Burn you’ll discover the
simple secret to triggering
PERMANENT weight loss WHILE you
double your energy and set yourself
up for a long and healthy life…
In the “Eat Sleep Burn”
system you’ll discover…
The precise Shutdown
Sequence Dan taught us that
is required to guarantee the
exact form of potent sleep that
will naturally melt away all
your excess body fat…
your excess body fat…
The 3 key Sleep Switches that
make it easy to reclaim your
energy and vitality…
How to reset your “Circadian
Rhythm” so that your body
intuitively knows the most
healthy time to drift off to
sleep and to wake you without
an alarm or any morning
How to control a powerful
“neurotransmitter” in your
brain that instantly lets you
shut out anxious thoughts and
power down your spinning
Which means as soon as
tonight you can enjoy a deep,
relaxing and restoring sleep
while your body goes to work
burning ugly belly fat…
…while deep in your cells you
immediately start laying
the foundation that will help
prevent the potential for
disease that lurks in your
And that’s just the tip of
the iceberg. I barely have
time to tell you about…
The precise Shutdown
Sequence Dan taught us that
is required to guarantee the
exact form of potent sleep that
will naturally melt away all
your excess body fat…
The 3 key Sleep Switches that
make it easy to reclaim your
energy and vitality…
energy and vitality…
How to reset your “Circadian
Rhythm” so that your body
intuitively knows the most
healthy time to drift off to
sleep and to wake you without
an alarm or any morning
How to control a powerful
“neurotransmitter” in your
brain that instantly lets you
shut out anxious thoughts and
power down your spinning
Your heart beating…
The dryness in your mouth…
That incredible desire to know this…
To be able to do this…
To never again feel “tired all the
To laugh at the idea of cravings
because they just aren’t a “thing”
To have control over your body AND
your health in a way you never have
Let me ask you, how much is it worth
to you to never have to feel “fat” again
for the rest of your life?
How much is it worth to you to have
your friends JEALOUS of the amazing
changes you’ve made to your body…
begging you for your secrets…?
How much is it worth to wake up
every morning feeling rested… and
sail through the day supercharged
with energy to spare?
How much is it worth to
NEVER feel like you have to
“deprive” yourself or “diet”
“deprive” yourself or “diet”
Imagine that for a second…
Really let yourself feel what that
would be like…
And then tell me…
What do you think would be a fair
price to completely FLATTEN your
belly and gain absolute CONTROL
over your weight in just a few short
weeks and with less effort than it
takes you to drive to the grocery
What is it worth to wake up rested,
without an alarm, every morning and
motor through your day with the
childlike energy and joy?…
If you’re being completely honest
with yourself, I bet you’d say $99 or
more would be totally fair to feel
happy and SMILE so wide it makes
your cheeks hurt every time you look
in the mirror or run a hand along your
belly because it’s so 몭at and strong
and tight…
And considering that our 몭rst small
batch of Sleep Slim Tea cost us more
than that for a months supply and we
would have been happy to pay twice
that to experience the energy,
hopefulness and shrinking belly that
came with 몭nally getting a great
night’s sleep…
…When you look at it that way it
seems pretty cheap, doesn’t it?
And yet I know that as a woman, a
mom, and a police of몭cer it’s been
ingrained in me to give, give, give to
And I understand that sometimes you
just can’t bring yourself to be “sel몭sh”
and give YOURSELF what you need…
…even though you want something so
much and KNOW it’s a once-in-a-
lifetime deal…
Which is why I’m going to do
something kind of risky here…
Not a risk to you…
But a big risk to me…
Remember, we set off on this journey
because we felt called…
We felt the desire and need to get
this into the hands of as many people
as possible…
Because we lived through the pain
and we rejoice every day that we
found the cure…
And if I have to take a hit to my wallet
to help YOU?
Well, that’s a price I’m extremely
happy to pay…
So here’s what I’m going to do…
We’ve already agreed that Sleep Slim
Tea is worth at least $99…
But, because you’ve watched this
page and given me some of your
precious time…
…and because we were able to secure
all our high-quality ingredients at a
slightly lower price by ordering in
I’m not going to ask you to invest
I’m not even going to ask you to pay
$79 (even though I know you’ll all
agree that would be a steal)…
No, for you (and for now) I’m going
to do something a little bit
For as long as this page is up (and not
a moment longer) I’m going to set
YOUR PRICE for Sleep Slim Tea at just
ONE single payment of $59…
50% OFF Today
(Just don’t share this page ok,
because Todd and Dan don’t know
I’m doing this…)
Which means if you simply ACT
RIGHT NOW and click the button
below this page you’ll get your supply
of Sleep Slim Tea at the lowest price
ever offered…
…PLUS today only you also receive the
complete “Eat Sleep Burn” system —
worth $77 on its own — as our FREE
bonus to you
That’s the good news…
The bad news is to “lock in” your
discount you have to act right now.
Well, I shouldn’t really share this but
Todd and I are in a bit of a “몭ght”
about this…
Because Todd feels like this tea
literally saved his life…
…and because Todd knows how much
Dan’s personal clients are paying for
basically the same stuff…
…Todd tells me that I’m being a
“bleeding heart” by setting the price
so low…
…and that $59 is just WAY too cheap…
And that even though the tea is
tested and proven and powerful,
nobody is going to believe you can
get “Ritz-Carlton” Results at “Howard
Johnson” prices…
So to ful몭ll my mission to help as
many struggling folks as possible I
may need to raise or even double the
So if you’re still seeing this page, it
means — for now — I’m winning the
argument and we’re still testing to
몭nd out if we can “make the numbers
work” with your incredible discount…
But please, if you come back in a few
hours or tomorrow and the price is
higher (maybe, MUCH higher)…
…Please, don’t write me begging… If
you pass up your one chance to “lock
in” your discount now, there’s simply
nothing I can do for you.
Oh, and just to take away every
excuse your brain can come up with
not to do this for yourself.
I’m going to back everything I’ve said
up with a frankly-incredible 100%
Money-Back guarantee…
Here’s how it works:
Just secure your supply of Sleep Slim Tea right now…
Enjoy the tea every night about 30 minutes before bed…
USE the material in your bonus Eat Sleep Burn
(It’s so easy to read and as close to “Done For You” as
humanly possible.)
See for yourself how incredible your sleep is and how
EASY getting a taut, 몭rm, FLAT belly and watching the
pounds FALL off — literally overnight — can actually be…
Experience what it’s like to double your energy and
wake up every morning ready to take on the world…
…instead of yearning to just hit the snooze button until
If you don’t think Sleep Slim Tea is worth at least double
what you’re paying today, just contact my customer
service at any time in
the next 60 days…
…return your container of Sleep Slim Tea, even if it’s
And you’ll get every dime back as fast
as we can.
Now, you might ask why exactly am I
being so generous?
That’s a very good question…
And I’ve got two answers for you…
The 몭rst is kind of sel몭sh…
After sinking every minute of my off-
duty time tweaking and
experimenting Dan’s recipe to make
the most incredible tasting and
effective Sleep Slim Tea formulation
…after experiencing 몭rst hand how it
changed my life, saved Todd’s life, and
renewed our marriage…
…I just want to make sure it gets out
there and helps as many people as
possible to create the body you desire
so much and reclaim the energy, joy
and health you deserve…
The second answer is maybe a little
“sappy” I guess…
It’s because I want this for you…
I want you to feel what I have felt…
I want you to experience what it’s like
to look in the mirror AND LOVE what
you see…
To get compliments from random
people on the street on how 몭t and
healthy you are…
To actually get EXCITED about
walking around with your belly
exposed because of the stares it
draws and how POWERFUL it makes
you feel…
To feel like you are bursting with more
energy and excitement than you’ve
felt since you were a kid…
And if I have to put myself out there a
bit to help you? I’ll gladly do just that…
And all you have to do is click the
button right below this video now…
Because I can guarantee this will
work for you…
Like Kristin who started with a body I
would have been envious of, and
turned it into a simply beautiful,
toned and athletic physique…
Or Trevor who already looked great at
the beach, then sculpted himself an
absolutely shredded body worthy of a
Roman marble god…
And Tanya who crafted herself a bikini
body worthy of a magazine cover in
just 8 weeks…
So YES, Dan’s simple and powerful
methods just plain work for anyone,
even if you don’t have 15 lbs or more
to lose…
OK, if you’re not convinced yet…
If there’s a still a little voice in the
back of your head that isn’t quite
Let me do one more thing to make
this the easiest choice of your life…
And to make sure you don’t let “fear
of regret” keep you from taking
advantage of this wonderful offer…
See, I want you to feel deep in your
heart and deep in your soul that
you’re getting an incredible deal that
you can be proud of…
Heck, I want you to feel like you “put
one over on me” by doing what I
know you want to do so badly and
securing your supply of Sleep Slim Tea
That’s why I’ve got
3 Very Special
Presents for you,
Presents for you,
even for just saying
“Maybe” to the tea
First I’ll give you Dan’s
legendary 28-Day
Metabolic Reset…
The tea along with the simple lifestyle
shifts in the Eat Sleep Burn program
will completely reprogram your body
to burn ugly belly fat…
However, if you’d like to 10x how fast
you lose weight, you have the option
of using this super simple — do
of using this super simple — do
anywhere — exercise program…
And because it doesn’t require ANY
gym equipment you can do it without
ever leaving your house…
You will lose belly fat just by following
the lessons in Eat Sleep Burn…
Yet if you enjoy exercising then the
“28-Day Metabolic Reset” gives you
the fastest weight loss in the least
amount of time…
Because most folks are wasting their
time spinning their wheels on a
treadmill or elliptical trainer…
…we want to make sure YOU have
access to the scienti몭cally proven
access to the scienti몭cally proven
most ef몭cient way to exercise for
weight loss…
It takes just 21 minutes a day…
It uses bodyweight exercises only…
Not only will this exercise program
burn off your belly fat, iti s also
strategically created to reset your
hormones to reduce hunger and
eliminate cravings…
You’ll be shocked at how gentle and
simple these movements are…
And you’ll able to get a 몭at, strong
belly that puts the “gym bunnies” to
shame without ever feeling like you’re
“working out” at all&…
“working out” at all&…
Your second present is
Your second present is
your “Limitless
Potential” System
What if a few extra tweaks to your
daily routine could help you tap into
just 10% more of your mind and
body’s boundless potential…
What about 20% or 50% or more…
Not only is it possible, it’s actually easy
to do if you know the simple “hacks”
Dan has assembled in the Limitless
Potential System…
And it’s all down to simple little habits
you can add to your daily routine
designed to help your body recover
from the strains of daily life, exercise,
work stress, environmental pollutants
and more…
Dan forged these strategies working
with athletes and movie stars who are
desperate for even the slightest
By engineering rapid mental and
physical recovery using these
scienti몭cally proven “hacks”…
…Dan has easily doubled or tripled the
athletic potential of his clients…
…and slashed in half the time it takes
for his movie star clients to get in
shape for the camera…
And now, for the 몭rst time, you can
enjoy the massive boost to your own
mental, physical, and professional
Maybe you’re wondering what that
might look like…
Well, Dan’s new client Julie did
nothing except apply the habits in the
Limitless Potential System and lost 4
lbs of belly fat…
…just by allowing her body to recover
so that her fat burning metabolism
could perform at 100%…
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…
I don’t even have time to get into the
amazing effects these habits will have
on your immune system, your ability
to quickly heal from an injury, and the
near-miraculous restorative effects on
your health…
Your third present is something
special. In fact, I can’t do this for
It’s easily the gift I’m most excited
about giving you!…
Because it’s 21 days of FREE access to
Dan’s award-winning online
coaching program…
Listen: No matter how easy and Done-
For-You Sleep Slim Tea is and how
magically it works…
…and no matter how thorough your
bonus Eat Sleep Burn program is,
there are always going to be
questions and particular situations
that come up that we just can’t cover
in the material…
That’s why we want to give you 21
days of PERSONAL coaching with Dan
and his staff…
First, you’ll be getting exclusive emails
from Dan where he shares his most
important new insights and
discoveries with you. Plus…
As soon as you 몭nish your enrollment
you’ll instantly be added to our secret
closed Facebook group where you
can ask any question you want,
network and bond with other folks
going on the exact same journey and
get the motivation and
ACCOUNTABILITY you need to stick to
the program and get the amazing
results I’ve promised you here today…
So let’s add this all up just so you can
see for yourself what a great deal
you’re actually getting…
With your special discount you’ll get
your supply of Sleep Slim Tea for just
We already agreed that the tea alone
is worth at least $99 all by itself… so
that’s already a pretty great deal…
But then, at no additional charge at
all, you’re also getting:
Dan’s complete Eat Sleep Burn
system featuring his near magical
“Shutdown Sequence” that Todd and I
still use every single night. This bonus
alone sells for $77 on it’s own…
Plus you also get the “Limitless
Potential” System…
…the 28-Day Metabolic Reset
AND 21 days of our ELITE Personal
And each of those should probably
sell for $77 or more all by themselves
If you were at the supermarket that
would all add up to more than…
But using your special discount you’ll
get everything for just $59…
I don’t know about you, but if I was at
the store, swiped my “membership
card” and saw my bill for over $400
worth of stuff plummet to less than
$60 I’d feel like I won the lottery…
Or like there was some mistake…
But no matter what I’d rush to claim
my discount before anyone tried to
take it away…
And all you have to do to claim your
discount and take advantage of this
amazing deal is click the button
below right now…
Then 몭ll in your payment details using
a credit card, debit card or PayPal on
the next page.
Hurry! Get Up To
50% Off Today!
$29 per
Regular Price: $894
You Save: $720
Today's Total: $174
Free Shipping
60 Days Guarantee
$39 per
Regular Price: $447
You Save: $330
Today's Total: $117
Free Shipping
60 Days Guarantee
$59.95 per
Regular Price: $149
Regular Price: $149
You Save: $89
Today's Total: $59.95
Small Shipping fee
60 Days Guarantee
We’ll get your supply of Sleep Slim
Tea out to you asap…
And you’ll immediately have
COMPLETE ACCESS to the entire Eat
Sleep Burn bonus program in just 2
short minutes from right now…
Just click the button below this video
right now…
Pay your severely discounted price…!!
Go through the program.
Learn the secrets of transforming your
body in shockingly little time, literally
WHILE you sleep…
Experience what it’s like to be in
control of your body and in CONTROL
of your life…
If you’re anything like the thousands
of other folks who have experienced
the tea and used this bonus program,
you’re going to be amazed by the
change in your life (and the change in
you) once you learn this…
How everyone you meet just looks at
you differently… amazed at the power
and grace of your body…
…maybe even jealous of your energy
and the youthful look in your eyes…
If you’re like most of our customers
you’re going to have a hard time
wiping that goofy smile off your face…
Or keeping your mouth shut when
your friends and family ask to know
your secret that created such a
change in you, literally overnight…
OK, it’s time to
take action…
You might not know it (at least not
consciously) but you’re at an
important crossroads in your life right
And you really have just two very
different options…
Leading to two very different lives…
One a lifetime of energy and hope
and passion for life, where you LOVE
your body and are amazed every time
you look in the mirror…
The other…
Well, the other is just a continuation
of the life you have now…
So listen closely as I tell you what your
two options are so you can make the
right choice for you…
Option 1 is to leave this page
WITHOUT securing your supply of
Sleep Slim Tea…
I think you already know what will
happen if you do this because you’ve
felt it so many times before…
That feeling of hopelessness…
Of being trapped in your body…
Of feeling yourself getting heavier
and more exhausted and more FED
UP with your struggle with your
weight and with your body every
single day…
Wondering why it’s SO HARD for you
to get in shape and STAY in shape…
Or feeling GUILTY because you aren’t
spending HOURS and HOURS at the
gym every week pedaling as fast as
you can but not getting anywhere at
Or WORSE… maybe you are spending
hours working out and making sure
you eat right… and STILL you have
nothing to show for it…
I know you don’t want that…
I know you are SICK of seeing your
ugly belly fat staring at you every time
you look in the mirror…
Or pretending it doesn’t bother you
and that you’re “OK” with the body
you have right now…
Of YEARNING to know what it’s like to
have power and control and ENERGY
like you did when you were a kid…
Which is why I want you to take a
second here and seriously consider
In a lot of ways it’s the easier road
because all it takes on your part is
deciding you love yourself enough to
say “Yes” right now…
Simply click the button below above,
enter your payment information right
now before life gets in the way and
claim your spot in the “Eat Sleep
Burn” program…
Get every single thing I’ve talked
about on this page (and quite a few
surprises I haven’t even mentioned
but I can’t wait for you to see)…
Learn the simple, tested method that
SAVED me and my faithful husband
Todd from a life battling weight gain,
fatigue, Type 2 Diabetes or even an
Learn the SECRET to a 몭at belly and a
몭t, healthy body that has been kept
from you for so long…
With your 60-Day guarantee you’re
risking absolutely nothing (in fact all
the risk is completely on me where it
belongs… I 몭rmly believe If I don’t get
you EVERY result I’ve promised on
this page I simply don’t deserve a
dime of your hard-earned money)…
And with your special discount you’re
getting HALF OFF the already
ridiculously-low one-time price of
Before we go, just imagine for a
Imagine yourself rolling out of bed
feeling light and strong for the 몭rst
time in your life…
Imagine seeing a bright, beautiful
smile on your face when you look in
the mirror and realize how powerful
and beautiful your body has become…
Imagine picking out clothes that
SHOW OFF your body instead of
hiding your belly like something to be
ashamed of…
And then just click the button below…
Let me take the weight… let me show
you the truth… let me help you 몭nally
have the body and the life you want
so much…
I personally promise you’ll be very
happy you did.
Again, I’m Tara and I’m incredibly
excited for you to experience what
happens when you experience the
power of Sleep Slim Tea and apply
“Eat Sleep Burn” in your life …
I can’t wait to hear about your
Thank you for your time. Simply click
the button below, now.
Hurry! Get Up To 50% Off
Want a Closer
Regularly $99
JUST 59!
(Immediate Action Discount)
Look at Our Tea
Have a Look at Our Tea
Labels Below
Here’s how it works:
Just secure your supply of Sleep Slim Tea right now…
Enjoy the tea every night about 30 minutes before bed…
USE the material in your bonus Eat Sleep Burn
(It’s so easy to read and as close to “Done For You” as
humanly possible.)
See for yourself how incredible your sleep is and how
EASY getting a taut, 몭rm, FLAT belly and watching the
pounds FALL off — literally overnight — can actually be…
Experience what it’s like to double your energy and
wake up every morning ready to take on the world…
…instead of yearning to just hit the snooze button until
If you don’t think Sleep Slim Tea is worth at least double
what you’re paying today, just contact my customer
service at any time in
the next 60 days…
…return your container of Sleep Slim Tea, even if it’s
Click Here to Gain Instant Access
Q. How much should I order?
This depends on you. Most folks love it
so much that it becomes a long-term
ritual for them that helps ensure an
amazing sleep and maintains their
healthy fat-burning metabolism. In
which case the 6 container version is
certainly the best and cheapest
option for you today. If you plan on
using it only while you are actively
losing weight. If you have 15 lbs or less
to lose, you could get away with one
container. If you have more than that
to lose then we suggest the 3 or 6
container options.
Q. What support do you offer Sleep
Slim Tea customers?
Your success is our highest priority.
We have customer care specialists
covering time zones across the globe
to make sure you receive a super fast
answer to any questions or concerns
you may have. Just drop us a line
anytime at and
we will take amazing care of you.
Q. Why is Sleep Slim Tea such a
powerful accelerator of fat burning?
Current research has established a
proven connection between a very
speci몭c type of deep sleep and the
ability to lose weight. We sought out
ONLY the most potent sources of
each of the sleep-inducing, fat-
each of the sleep-inducing, fat-
melting natural herbs and spices in
Sleep Slim Tea. And they are blended
in the precise portions to enhance
your sleep, boost your metabolism,
and taste absolutely amazing so you’ll
look forward to it every evening
before bed.
Q. Is Sleep Slim Tea a
NO. It is not a drug of any kind. When
you sip on a cup of Sleep Slim Tea
you’re getting nothing but natural,
organic spices, minerals and herbs
that have been used for thousands of
years to enhance sleep, improve
health, boost longevity and support
your fat-melting metabolism.
Q. Are there any side effects?
Apart from giving you an incredible
night’s sleep and melting away
unwanted belly fat, there are no
common side effects to any of the
ingredients in Sleep Slim Tea. All our
ingredients are the highest quality
certi몭ed USDA organic, dairy free, soy
free, gluten free, non-GMA and vegan.
However, it's always recommended to
consult a medical professional before
beginning any supplement, diet or
exercise plan.
Q. How long does a container last
If you have one cup a day it lasts a
little more than a month. However
most folks enjoy winding down with a
most folks enjoy winding down with a
mug after dinner and then another
about 30 minutes before bed, in
which case you’ll need to increase
your supply.
Q. Are these supplements vegan
Q. Is this safe for older people?
It is absolutely safe. And actually
many of the ingredients are proven to
reduce the symptoms of aging,
decrease in몭ammation and help
protect against many of the chronic
diseases folks face as they reach their
40s, 50s, 60s and beyond. It’s also well
documented that older adults
experience sleep problems which
experience sleep problems which
means Sleep Slim Tea can be
particularly helpful as you age.
However, it's always recommended to
consult a medical professional before
beginning any supplement, diet or
exercise plan.
Q. What if I don’t like the taste?
If you are unsatis몭ed in any way, just
let us know and we will issue you a
prompt and courteous refund. You are
always protected by our ironclad 60-
Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Q. Can I drink it more than once a
Absolutely! It’s so delicious that I get
this question a lot. And in fact,
enjoying a mug after dinner and
enjoying a mug after dinner and
another about 30 minutes before bed
can enhance your sleep and your fat
burning metabolism even more.
Q. How long will shipping take?
North American customers can
expect their orders within 5 to 7
business days. International orders
typically take 8 — 15 business days
(plus customs clearance time).
Q. What if this product doesn't
If you are unsatis몭ed with your
results, just let us know and we will
issue you a prompt and courteous
refund even on empty containers that
were taken as directed. You are
always protected by our ironclad 60-
always protected by our ironclad 60-
Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Q. Who would bene몭t from Sleep
Slim Tea?
Anyone who suffers from unexplained
weight gain or dif몭culty losing
weight. Anyone who struggles to fall
asleep and stay asleep.
Hurry! Get Up To 50% Off
Regularly $99
Have Any Questions? We're Happy to Assist!
For product support, please contact us HERE
For order support, please contact ClickBank HERE
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site.
CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click
Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444
S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709,
USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as
retailer does not constitute an endorsement,
JUST 59!
(Immediate Action Discount)
retailer does not constitute an endorsement,
approval or review of these products or any claim,
statement or opinion used in promotion of these
This product has not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure or prevent any disease. Results in description
and testimonials may not be typical results and
individual results may vary. This product is
intended to be used in conjunction with a healthy
diet and regular exercise. Consult your physician
before starting any diet, exercise program, and
taking any diet pill to avoid any health issues.
Refunds & Return Policy Privacy Policy Terms &
Conditions Contact Us
2022 © PureLife Organics
Click Here To Gain Instant Access

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  • 2. NATURALLY AND SAFELY WHILE YOU SLEEP (WITHOUT Starving Yourself And WITHOUT Doing Any Exercise More Strenuous Than Making A Cup Of Tea!) I stood glaring into the fridge… The thought of choking UNWANTED BELLY FAT Y
  • 3. down another dry, tasteless breakfast was just too much… “Dear Lord!… I Quit…” I sti몭ed a sob… Surrendered to my craving… Reached for the milk… and grabbed my daughter’s box of Lucky Charms
  • 4. Without a word, my husband Todd just fetched us each a bowl and spoon… He knew the drill… …another defeat in a war we were slowly but surely losing… He looked what I felt like…
  • 5. Guilty, tired, frustrated, depressed and so darn hungry…
  • 6. Both of us were sick to death of the diets, the workouts, the calorie counting… We were tired of the cravings and hunger… And with nothing to show for it!
  • 7. Thing is, for the most part…
  • 8. We eat healthy… We exercise together… And we’ve tried all the diets… Low-carb, low-fat, Paleo, calorie counting… I reached down, grabbed the roll around my belly and looked back at my cereal bowl… It was all I could do not to scream or sob…
  • 9. Todd and I had been locked in a hopeless battle with our creeping belly fat for years… We spent THOUSANDS of dollars we couldn’t afford on the salary of two cops and nothing worked… No matter how hard we tried, no matter how much money we wasted, no matter how many nutritionists and specialists we saw…
  • 10. Unexplainably — we just kept getting a tiny bit fatter every month. Every year…
  • 11. Which is why I made this page for you… Because if you’ve ever felt even a smidge of what Todd and I were suffering… Like the cravings… Then the binges… The creeping unexplained weight
  • 12. The creeping unexplained weight gain… Feeling tired a lot of the time… Brain fog at the most awkward moments… Feeling hungry all the time, even when you just ate… And never being able to lose weight, even when you eat right… THEN THE SHOCKING REASON FOR IT…
  • 13. …which has almost nothing to do with your diet… …along with the simple solution I stumbled on, is about to lift a terrible weight from your shoulders… A weight I had been carrying for so long, and that nearly crushed me on that horrible morning… So can you blame me if I felt like smashing something or just getting back in bed and sobbing myself back to sleep?
  • 14. Because… it had been ANOTHER rough night… I was exhausted and I could tell that Todd was too… Plus, I could see shame in his eyes… Because it happened again last night…
  • 15. His “monsters” took over… …the terrible and lingering scars of decades on the SWAT team… He was thrashing and sweating… I tried to wake him from his suffering… …which is when he came within an inch of punching me in the face! He barely came to his senses before his 몭st connected… …wrenching his arm back just in
  • 16. time… But I could see the shame eating at him… Not just because he almost hit me… …but because it had been going on for so long… …and was taking a toll… What he didn’t know… what I’d been hiding from him… trying to protect him… Is that even on most nights, when he thought he was sleeping well… …he would toss and turn all night in a shallow sleep…
  • 17. …reliving the terrors that haunt him… …and I’d go to bed every night hoping desperately to get a decent sleep…
  • 18. And as you’re about to discover… …I soon learned a shocking truth… …that our poor sleep was devastating to our health… And even more shocking… it had everything to do with our creeping belly fat… Not to mention I couldn’t remember the last time we’d snuggled or even held each other… And our
  • 19. “intimacy” just felt like a distant memory So pay close
  • 20. attention… Because what I’m about to reveal will change your life in every way that counts… …even if you THINK you get a good night’s sleep every night… Because what I discovered is brand new research revealing that at least 67% of folks unknowingly suffer from a speci몭c type of sleep disruption… …and that most people aren’t even aware that it is happening to them…
  • 21. So pay close attention… Speci몭cally, if you are 40 or older then you are probably getting up to 70% LESS of ONE precise form of “deep sleep” that is critical to losing weight and protecting your health!
  • 22. And that even the lucky few who only suffer from “slight” disruption of this unique form of sleep are getting pummeled with depressing, serious and devastating long term side- effects… Side-effects that scared me, and made me 몭nally understand that our creeping weight gain had almost nothing to do with diet and exercise! So if you suffer from unexplained weight gain or runaway cravings you’re going to want to read this next bit very carefully… Because it is not your fault…
  • 23. And I’m about to share with you some simple and slight shifts to your daily routine… …along with an
  • 24. …along with an amazing and super comforting “superfood” tea recipe… …that will instantly allow you to reclaim a speci몭c form of
  • 25. a speci몭c form of sleep that turns your fat burning hormones back on while quickly reversing symptoms of declining health…
  • 26. You see, even a slight shortfall in this speci몭c type of sleep can lead to… * Unexplained weight gain (sadly this is so, so common)… * Runaway hunger and cravings… (and we had lots of those!) * A frustrating lack of concentration and focus… * Nagging feelings of being tired all the time…
  • 27. * And much more. Much worse complications… Which explains so very much about what had been happening to me and Todd over the past couple years!… Hi, my name is Tara… I’ve been a cop for 27 years…
  • 28. I’ve been a cop for 27 years… My husband Todd was a cop and SWAT team leader for 17 years… And the hidden truth we stumbled on will scare the bejesus out of you… However, if you’re anything like me then knowing the truth… getting a little scared… is the best thing that can happen to you… Because that “morning after” with Todd… …as we drown our sorrows in big bowls of sugary cereal… …I realized I had a choice to make for the both of us…
  • 29.
  • 30. And really I only had three options… I could keep pretending everything was ok. I could ignore the heartbreaking distance between us, and how exhaustion was draining away our intimacy. I could
  • 31. ignore the fear and sadness of losing the magic in our marriage as our health crumbled and our bellies expanded… I could get mad and spiteful about how “unfair” it was that we “did everything right” and nothing worked for us, even when we both dedicated our lives to serving and protecting others… OR I COULD MAKE THE CHOICE I DID… The choice to FIGHT for myself, my husband, our love,
  • 32. our intimacy and our family… The choice to discover the TRUTH about the REAL cause of our disintegrating health and our growing belly fat… to get to the bottom of why we could do “everything right” and still never lose weight… …and how to reclaim a
  • 33. …and how to reclaim a lean and healthy body even as you leave your 40s and move into your 50s and 60s, even if you can’t (or just don’t want to) exercise… And what happened next is very special, very beautiful… So if you have ever felt that you’re
  • 34. being cheated out of losing weight… …if you eat healthy… …you get some exercise… …and you never seem to get rid of your belly the way you feel you should… …then pay really close attention… Because no matter how “good” you are with your diet and exercise… You will never lose weight until you understand this next part… And once you do, I guarantee you’ll start noticing your belly get 몭atter from one day to the next…
  • 35. …even WITHOUT changing much about how you eat or how much you exercise! Isn’t that incredible? In fact, it’s shocking and almost unbelievable, which is what I thought at 몭rst… So let me tell you the story of how I stumbled on this near- magical method to lose weight naturally and safely… …while you instantly start
  • 36. …while you instantly start reversing health problems and practically double your energy overnight…
  • 37. Just a couple weeks after deciding that things needed to change… …Todd’s old friend Dan dropped by… I could listen to Dan’s stories for hours and hours… You see, Dan is the “go to” guy for elite athletes, hollywood actors — even regular folks that can afford it — who want to get in shape fast without extreme diets or workouts… You should hear some of the crazy stories Dan has about getting these folks into shape! Anyhow, it was so great catching up with him because we hadn’t seen him
  • 38. in ages. So I almost forgot how blunt he can be… And after about an hour of shooting the breeze he just blurts out… “So you guys are a LOT heavier than last time I saw you…” “…and you both look pretty beat down…” “Spill it… what’s up with you guys?…” I wanted to curl up and hide under the couch in the fetal position… Todd just sat wide-eyed like a deer in headlights…
  • 39. Dan 몭nally broke the awkward silence… “Look guys. You know this is my thing right?…” “Let me guess. You guys have been eating healthy. And as I can see for myself it’s just not working…” “Look, it’s NOT your fault…” “And the solution has nothing to do with your diet and exercise. Let me explain…” What he said next was like he had lifted a weight off my shoulders… He said more than 75% of the people
  • 40. he works with only need to 몭x ONE thing to trigger massive weight loss without big changes to their diet and exercise…
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43. And with every new transformational story he told us, I allowed myself to “hope” again for the 몭rst time in I don’t know how long… Hope that I could reclaim the “old me”… Hope that we could rekindle the 몭re in our relationship. Hope that Todd would get back to the con몭dence and spark that I fell in love with… Hope that we could both reclaim the slim, healthy bodies we used to take for granted…
  • 44. Dan told us that trying to lose weight without 몭rst 몭xing this one thing was like trying to empty a bathtub with a clogged drain…
  • 45. Even if there is just a tiny drip from the faucet — just like an extremely restrictive diet — the tub will still over몭ow eventually because there’s just nowhere for the water to go… So even if you’re eating next to nothing, if your “drain is clogged” then your body will end up continuing to store fat on your belly… What I never expected — and what I’m sure you have guessed by now — is that the devastating handicap holding you back from a 몭at belly, kidlike energy, and pristine health is something nobody is talking about…
  • 46. …it’s the lack of a speci몭c form of deep sleep… And that most people don’t even know they’re getting short changed on this speci몭c type of sleep… In fact, even folks who are in bed and asleep for 7 to 8 hours a night are probably not achieving the speci몭c and restorative sleep state that they need in order to lose weight and rebuild health… The good news… actually the great, great news… is that Dan showed us
  • 47. The results have been nothing short of a miracle… And that’s what I want to how to reclaim this speci몭c type of deep sleep…
  • 48. share with you here in just a minute… This Is What Happens In Your Body When You Are Not Getting A Speci몭c Type Of Deep Sleep First, here’s what’s happening to your body when you are shortchanged on the precise type of restorative sleep…
  • 49. (EVEN if you’re in bed for 8 hours and think you’re sleeping well, unless you’re getting this speci몭c type of sleep you’re going to be affected) First of all, any disruption in your sleep is going to make you HUNGRY all the time… That’s because unhealthy sleep messes with your hunger hormones… First there’s Leptin — a hormone released by fat cells as a signal to the brain that you are full…
  • 50. Recent studies in humans have shown that shallow sleep wrecks the release of this hormone… Your body misreads this and thinks you’re in a state of famine that causes runaway hunger…
  • 51. Which explains why you’re hungry all the time even when you’re getting all the right nutrients from a healthy diet… However that’s not all… Next up is Ghrelin — basically the opposite of leptin… Ghrelin ramps up your appetite. And any disruption of your sleep quality drives it through the roof. If you’ve ever had even short periods of bad sleep, you’ve probably noticed this increase in hunger for yourself…
  • 52. Imagine trying to stay strong on ANY kind of diet when you’re hormones are telling you all day long that you’re starving… Now, if only that were the worst thing your hormones were doing… Cause there’s more… Did you know a hormone called Cortisol has been shown to directly deposit fat on your belly?
  • 53. And guess what, each night of low quality sleep adds up over time and drives up your Cortisol… Not only does this in몭ate your belly fat… …it interferes with learning and memory…
  • 54. …it lowers immune function and bone density… …it drives up blood pressure and cholesterol… …it increases the chance of heart disease, depression, mental illness… I could keep going but you get the picture… Chronically elevated Cortisol is just plain bad… …and no matter how “good” you are on your diet you can’t lose weight while high Cortisol is sabotaging you…
  • 55. Now if the hormonal problems weren’t enough… A lack of critical “deep sleep” sabotages something called your “R.E.R.” and causes your body to burn “lean tissue” for energy instead of stored fat… Now… RER is your Respiratory Exchange Rate, which is basically the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide that happens when you breathe… When your sleep cycles get messed up your RER gets shifted and bad things happen…
  • 56. A recent study revealed that a wonky RER from interrupted sleep cycles resulted in the loss of lean muscle tissue instead of fat when calories were restricted… In other words, both groups in this study lost the same amount of “weight” BUT the group with poor sleep cycles DID NOT LOSE ANY FAT… …instead they lost valuable lean muscle while still storing more body fat… And get this, losing lean muscle means you burn fewer calories and you 몭nd it even harder to lose weight…
  • 57. It’s a vicious cycle… So even though you’re eating right, it can all go out the window if you don’t have the right amount of this very speci몭c phase of sleep…
  • 58. And it’s not just about how you look… Even though reclaiming this speci몭c form of deep sleep will 몭atten your belly… …what’s more important is that your very health is at stake… Poor quality
  • 59. sleep is now proven to be more destructive to your body than smoking… Heck, at least smokers usually don’t suffer from unexplained belly fat! And doctors don’t really have a clue about this massive new health hazard…
  • 60. Now, how do I know all this??… I guess you could say I’ve become something of a “sleep evangelist”… Ever since that night when Dan blessed us with a new lease on life…
  • 61. …since he revealed that the unexplained weight gain, the terrible energy, and the nagging health issues were never our fault… …and he showed us a way forward. A simple path to reclaim our youthful enthusiasm, 몭atten our bellies, and be truly happy again… …A quick trip to Whole Foods and we
  • 62. had everything we needed to brew his mind-blowing “sleep tea”… I’ve tried lots of teas and tinctures that promised better sleep, but Dan’s creation is in a league of its own… It tasted amazing too!… Once he showed us how to brew his tea, he taught us his proprietary “Shutdown Sequence” guaranteed to “몭ip the switch” and guide you into a deep, restorative sleep… The kind of sleep that peels off belly fat and forti몭es your health literally overnight… A word of caution though… make sure
  • 63. you follow the Shutdown Sequence precisely… …because messing it up means less of that priceless deep sleep you need… Todd was skeptical, but I was so excited I could pee myself… For me it was like 몭nding a spring of crystal clear water after so long in the desert… And I couldn’t wait to gulp down some of that sweet, precious, deep sleep… I don’t know if it was just in my head… …but I swear I woke up the next morning and already felt “lighter”…
  • 64. …like my body just moved better and I felt more vitality… However after just 4 days of using Dan’s tea and Shutdown Sequence…
  • 65. …I knew 100% that it was not in my head… Not only was the scale dropping like a stone, without having changed my diet… My waistband on my police uniform started getting too loose and I had to tighten my belt a notch… After a week, even Mr Skeptical admitted this was something special. Something powerful.
  • 66. I have to admit it got me feeling “frisky” again for the 몭rst time in way too long… And I guess Todd took con몭dence and pride in the way his body was transforming too… …because one night I got home from my shift and walked into a scene straight out of a Harlequin Romance novel… Rose petals, expensive wine, romantic
  • 67. music… And as he folded me into his arms I just melted into him and let myself surrender to the delicious desire that had been building in both of us… And we’ve never looked back…
  • 68. And as he folded me into his arms I just melted into him and let myself surrender to the delicious desire that had been building in both of us… And we’ve never looked back… …we religiously enjoy Dan’s tea every evening to this day… …and it’s literally like being born again! I can’t even imagine going back to feeling fat, lethargic, heavy, foggy headed and tired all the time…
  • 69. And the crazy part is… Back before Dan’s sleep tea… all that was NORMAL to us… Which is what shocked me into action… Because I looked around me… …at my friends, my family, my coworkers… And could see it in their faces…
  • 70. …their bloated features, their tired eyes, their expanding waistlines, their lethargic movements… That they too were suffering what Todd and I had been living… And if you’re still watching there’s a good chance you suspect that you too will bene몭t from the near-magical transformation that happens when you start using Dan’s sleep tea and his simple “shutdown sequence”… …that allow you to reclaim the power of your most important and restorative sleep cycles…
  • 71. Dan’s tea is something really special… Really terri몭c… Yet even though he’d love to share it with you and with the thousands of other folks who would enjoy life- changing rewards… …he just doesn’t have time to devote to create the kind of high-quality tea product that he’d be proud to get into your hands… His every waking hour is already dedicated to working with his elite clients and 몭ying around the world training some of the most advanced health care professionals and athletic coaches…
  • 72. Which left me feeling like it was up to me and Todd to do something to help folks like you… Because our success could so easily be your success too… …if you could just get your hands on this amazing combination of sleep-producing superfoods…
  • 73. And as you can see here, I’ve lost and kept off almost 50 lbs. And Todd completely transformed his soft, tired body back into the ripped athletic physique I fell in love with.
  • 74. So with Dan’s permission, we started small… We loved Dan’s tea so much. Yet it was still a bit of a chore to brew it up from scratch every night… I knew we could do better for you. I wanted it to be easier. And I wanted it to work even faster and better. So with Dan’s help we began to scour the globe for the most potent sources of the incredible fat-burning, sleep- inducing ingredients we needed.
  • 76. because that’s exactly what it does… It helps you fall asleep quickly, stay asleep, and sink into the deepest, most restorative phase of sleep that burns away a bit of your belly fat every single night…
  • 77. The new done-for-you Sleep Slim Tea formula is more delicious, more convenient, works better than ever, and is packed with the exact super- spices and ingredients you need for the kind of deep sleep that results in top-speed fat-burning… And the terri몭cally satisfying taste wraps up your day with a delicious treat… Sourcing all the highest-quality, organic and potent ingredients was
  • 78. not easy, and de몭nitely not cheap… So at 몭rst we could only afford a very small batch of our new tea… The 몭rst to try it were friends from high-school who noticed how my butt suddenly 몭t into those skinny jeans that had been hiding in the back of my closet… Then it was Todd’s family members who noticed the renewed spark in his eyes and the new skip in his step… Then the neighbors who asked how we lost so much weight so quickly, and who could NOT believe it wasn’t because of some special “extreme diet”…
  • 79. To be blunt, we kinda gained a “cult” status in our little corner of the world… …which was weird, but also great because we were bringing so much happiness to the people we were helping! Yet I just didn’t feel like we were doing enough… So after weeks of talking about it, Todd and I decided we needed to “go big”… Todd quit the job he loved so much just so he could put everything he had into helping folks get access to
  • 80. Dan’s Sleep Slim Tea… Sleep Slim Tea is…
  • 82. Magnolia Bark Extract Magnolia Bark is a potent sleep promoter thanks to its ability to relax the mind and body by increasing GABA activity. GABA is an important neurotransmitter that helps your brain shut down so you can fall asleep easily and stay asleep throughout the night.1 Research shows that Magnolia Bark increases the amount of time you spend in the deep, restorative sleep you need for optimal health and fat burning.2 Magnesium Magnesium is one of the most essential minerals for the quality of your sleep, yet its bene몭ts extend to your entire body. It puts you in a calm and relaxed state so that can fall asleep easily and STAY ASLEEP all night long, allowing you to wake up feeling rested and rejuvented. To top it off, one of my favorite parts about Magnesium (and the other reason it is a top ingredient in Sleep Slim Tea) is that it aids in fat burning by promoting a healthy in몭ammatory response. 3,4 5,6
  • 83. Calcium You have probably heard that Calcium is good for your bones, but did you know that it also plays a major role in your sleep cycle? A study performed by the European Neurology Journal, notes that calcium levels increase during your deepest levels of sleep. The study concludes that when you are calcium de몭cient, you often have disrupted sleep patterns, especially during your deepest sleep phase. However, if you normalize your blood calcium levels, the natural course of your sleep can be restored.7 Tumeric 4:1 This is by far one of the most magical ingredients in the Slim Sleep Tea formula. Turmeric root has been used for thousands of years to enhance health, boost energy and 몭ght disease. Yet only recently have scientists realized its potent fat-melting properties. Which means you’ll bene몭t from enhanced fat burning during your restful phase of deep, belly-몭attening sleep. PLUS, I chose the speci몭c Turmeric 4:1 variation because it is the maximum strength turmeric available that provides extra potency to fuel your transformation.
  • 84. Ginger Root Powder For centuries, ginger has been used as a remedy for insomnia, an aid to digestion, and a treatment for in몭ammation. We now know it is is also a superhero at reducing belly fat and obtaining a 몭at tummy. Breaking news from a massive review of the scienti몭c evidence published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences shows that the spice plays a key role in fat burning, carbohydrate digestion and insulin secretion, to name a few. It has also been shown to inhibit oxidative stress (a form of cellular aging), to have anti- in몭ammatory properties and to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. In short, ginger puts the “super” in superfood.8,9 Ashwagandha 2.5% Ashwagandha is another medicinal superfood that has been used for centuries to aid in insomnia, lower stress, boost immunity, and promote a healthy in몭ammatory response. Now, this centuries- old remedy for sleep is backed by science thanks to new research from the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine. They state that Ashwagandha has remarkable results in inducing the deep, restful sleep you need in order to effectively burn fat during the night. 10,11,12 13
  • 85. L-Glycine L-Glycine helps your body make serotonin, which is a hormone and neurotransmitter that plays a major role in deep and restful sleep.14 At the same time, L-Glycine helps regulate your body temperature as you sleep, which allows you to fall asleep more quickly, and then guides you into your deepest phase of fat-burning sleep.15 Cinnamon Bark Powder This is my favorite fat-melting ingredient in Sleep Slim Tea. It gives every cup a taste of nostalgia that reminds you of great memories of food and drink with friends. However as good as it tastes, the real reason it’s in the formula is for it’s astounding fat-melting properties. Hundreds of studies reveal cinnamon is one of the most powerful ways you can boost your body’s natural fat burning. Cardamom
  • 86. Cardamom Cardamom is packed with powerful nutrients and is a natural source of melatonin.35 Melatonin is your body’s main signal to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep, allowing you to attain the speci몭c phase of deep sleep required to naturally burn away belly fat. In fact, cardamom powder has been used in Ayurvedic sleep tonics for centuries. And its healthy in몭ammatory-response properties support your weight loss goals.17,18,19 Chamomile Another popular ingredient in Ayurvedic sleep tonics is Chamomile for its calming and sleep-inducing properties. Research has now revealed that its calming effects are attributed to an antioxidant called apigenin, which binds to speci몭c receptors in your brain that decrease anxiety and initiate sleep. An even more recent study released in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology shows that it reduces anxiety. New evidence even shows that chamomile helps weight loss by curbing your appetite, detoxifying your body and promoting a healthy metabolism.20,21,22 Black Pepper Extract 4:1
  • 87. Black Pepper Extract 4:1 Don’t worry… your evening tea won’t taste like pepper. And the reason we include it in the formulation is so that the restorative and fat-melting herbs and spices can reach your cells at full strength. You see the Black Pepper Extract blocks enzymes in your body that would otherwise break down the fat-melting ingredients and make them harder to absorb. Including it in our tea can boost the delivery of the fully potent ingredients by as much as 2000%. It is especially powerful when combined with Turmeric.27,28,29,30 We took out a big loan at the bank. That was scary… We spent months taking all of our scribbled notes we gathered from the friends and family who were our 몭rst testers… We went back and forth with Dan to
  • 88. Which brings us to We went back and forth with Dan to re몭ne everything… the formulation, the taste, the potency, everything… And we risked everything on making a big order of our new, improved and re몭ned version of Sleep Slim Tea. And it was 100% worth the risk… …because it 몭nally allows you to keep eating like a regular person… 몭x your sleep cycles… and almost miraculously just start 몭nally burning away your belly fat when nothing else ever worked…
  • 89. Which brings us to now… And brings us to you experiencing the incredible results of Sleep Slim Tea for yourself too… Here we are ready for YOU to 몭nally get the 몭at belly and slim body you’ve been dreaming of (and which you DESERVE) without ever feeling like you’re “dieting” — because you aren’t! Yet even though just getting this incredible tea into your hands would be enough to change your life forever… …we’re so grateful to Dan for basically saving our lives that we want to do
  • 90. saving our lives that we want to do much more for you… Which is why, during this presentation only, when you order a supply of Sleep Slim Tea you’ll also be getting Dan’s best selling Eat Sleep Burn program… In Eat Sleep Burn you’ll discover the simple secret to triggering PERMANENT weight loss WHILE you double your energy and set yourself up for a long and healthy life…
  • 91. In the “Eat Sleep Burn” system you’ll discover… The precise Shutdown Sequence Dan taught us that is required to guarantee the exact form of potent sleep that will naturally melt away all your excess body fat…
  • 92. your excess body fat… The 3 key Sleep Switches that make it easy to reclaim your energy and vitality… How to reset your “Circadian Rhythm” so that your body intuitively knows the most healthy time to drift off to sleep and to wake you without an alarm or any morning grogginess… How to control a powerful “neurotransmitter” in your brain that instantly lets you shut out anxious thoughts and power down your spinning brain…
  • 93. Which means as soon as tonight you can enjoy a deep, relaxing and restoring sleep while your body goes to work burning ugly belly fat… …while deep in your cells you immediately start laying the foundation that will help prevent the potential for disease that lurks in your
  • 94. body… And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I barely have time to tell you about… The precise Shutdown Sequence Dan taught us that is required to guarantee the exact form of potent sleep that will naturally melt away all your excess body fat… The 3 key Sleep Switches that make it easy to reclaim your energy and vitality…
  • 95. energy and vitality… How to reset your “Circadian Rhythm” so that your body intuitively knows the most healthy time to drift off to sleep and to wake you without an alarm or any morning grogginess… How to control a powerful “neurotransmitter” in your brain that instantly lets you shut out anxious thoughts and power down your spinning brain…
  • 96. Your heart beating… The dryness in your mouth… That incredible desire to know this… To be able to do this… To never again feel “tired all the time”? To laugh at the idea of cravings because they just aren’t a “thing” anymore? To have control over your body AND your health in a way you never have before…?
  • 97. Let me ask you, how much is it worth to you to never have to feel “fat” again for the rest of your life? How much is it worth to you to have your friends JEALOUS of the amazing changes you’ve made to your body… begging you for your secrets…? How much is it worth to wake up every morning feeling rested… and sail through the day supercharged with energy to spare? How much is it worth to NEVER feel like you have to “deprive” yourself or “diet”
  • 98. “deprive” yourself or “diet” again? Imagine that for a second… Really let yourself feel what that would be like… And then tell me… What do you think would be a fair price to completely FLATTEN your belly and gain absolute CONTROL over your weight in just a few short weeks and with less effort than it takes you to drive to the grocery store? What is it worth to wake up rested, without an alarm, every morning and motor through your day with the
  • 99. childlike energy and joy?… If you’re being completely honest with yourself, I bet you’d say $99 or more would be totally fair to feel happy and SMILE so wide it makes your cheeks hurt every time you look in the mirror or run a hand along your belly because it’s so 몭at and strong and tight… And considering that our 몭rst small batch of Sleep Slim Tea cost us more than that for a months supply and we would have been happy to pay twice that to experience the energy, hopefulness and shrinking belly that came with 몭nally getting a great night’s sleep…
  • 100. …When you look at it that way it seems pretty cheap, doesn’t it? And yet I know that as a woman, a mom, and a police of몭cer it’s been ingrained in me to give, give, give to others… And I understand that sometimes you just can’t bring yourself to be “sel몭sh” and give YOURSELF what you need… …even though you want something so much and KNOW it’s a once-in-a- lifetime deal… Which is why I’m going to do something kind of risky here… Not a risk to you…
  • 101. But a big risk to me… Remember, we set off on this journey because we felt called… We felt the desire and need to get this into the hands of as many people as possible… Because we lived through the pain and we rejoice every day that we found the cure… And if I have to take a hit to my wallet to help YOU? Well, that’s a price I’m extremely happy to pay… So here’s what I’m going to do…
  • 102. We’ve already agreed that Sleep Slim Tea is worth at least $99… But, because you’ve watched this page and given me some of your precious time… …and because we were able to secure all our high-quality ingredients at a slightly lower price by ordering in quantity… I’m not going to ask you to invest $99… I’m not even going to ask you to pay $79 (even though I know you’ll all agree that would be a steal)… No, for you (and for now) I’m going
  • 103. to do something a little bit “CRAZY”… For as long as this page is up (and not a moment longer) I’m going to set YOUR PRICE for Sleep Slim Tea at just ONE single payment of $59… HURRY! GET UP TO 50% OFF Today
  • 104. (Just don’t share this page ok, because Todd and Dan don’t know I’m doing this…) Which means if you simply ACT RIGHT NOW and click the button below this page you’ll get your supply of Sleep Slim Tea at the lowest price ever offered… …PLUS today only you also receive the complete “Eat Sleep Burn” system — worth $77 on its own — as our FREE bonus to you
  • 105. That’s the good news… The bad news is to “lock in” your discount you have to act right now.
  • 106. Why? Well, I shouldn’t really share this but Todd and I are in a bit of a “몭ght” about this… Because Todd feels like this tea literally saved his life… …and because Todd knows how much Dan’s personal clients are paying for basically the same stuff… …Todd tells me that I’m being a “bleeding heart” by setting the price so low… …and that $59 is just WAY too cheap… And that even though the tea is
  • 107. tested and proven and powerful, nobody is going to believe you can get “Ritz-Carlton” Results at “Howard Johnson” prices… So to ful몭ll my mission to help as many struggling folks as possible I may need to raise or even double the price… So if you’re still seeing this page, it means — for now — I’m winning the argument and we’re still testing to 몭nd out if we can “make the numbers work” with your incredible discount… But please, if you come back in a few hours or tomorrow and the price is higher (maybe, MUCH higher)…
  • 108. …Please, don’t write me begging… If you pass up your one chance to “lock in” your discount now, there’s simply nothing I can do for you. Oh, and just to take away every excuse your brain can come up with not to do this for yourself. I’m going to back everything I’ve said up with a frankly-incredible 100% Money-Back guarantee…
  • 109. Here’s how it works: Just secure your supply of Sleep Slim Tea right now… Enjoy the tea every night about 30 minutes before bed… USE the material in your bonus Eat Sleep Burn program… (It’s so easy to read and as close to “Done For You” as humanly possible.) See for yourself how incredible your sleep is and how EASY getting a taut, 몭rm, FLAT belly and watching the pounds FALL off — literally overnight — can actually be… Experience what it’s like to double your energy and wake up every morning ready to take on the world… …instead of yearning to just hit the snooze button until noon! If you don’t think Sleep Slim Tea is worth at least double what you’re paying today, just contact my customer service at any time in the next 60 days… …return your container of Sleep Slim Tea, even if it’s EMPTY…
  • 110. And you’ll get every dime back as fast as we can. Now, you might ask why exactly am I being so generous? That’s a very good question… And I’ve got two answers for you… The 몭rst is kind of sel몭sh… After sinking every minute of my off- duty time tweaking and experimenting Dan’s recipe to make
  • 111. the most incredible tasting and effective Sleep Slim Tea formulation possible… …after experiencing 몭rst hand how it changed my life, saved Todd’s life, and renewed our marriage… …I just want to make sure it gets out there and helps as many people as possible to create the body you desire so much and reclaim the energy, joy and health you deserve… The second answer is maybe a little “sappy” I guess… It’s because I want this for you… I want you to feel what I have felt…
  • 112. I want you to experience what it’s like to look in the mirror AND LOVE what you see… To get compliments from random people on the street on how 몭t and healthy you are… To actually get EXCITED about walking around with your belly exposed because of the stares it draws and how POWERFUL it makes you feel… To feel like you are bursting with more energy and excitement than you’ve felt since you were a kid… And if I have to put myself out there a bit to help you? I’ll gladly do just that…
  • 113. And all you have to do is click the button right below this video now… Because I can guarantee this will work for you…
  • 114.
  • 115.
  • 116. Like Kristin who started with a body I would have been envious of, and turned it into a simply beautiful, toned and athletic physique… Or Trevor who already looked great at the beach, then sculpted himself an absolutely shredded body worthy of a Roman marble god… And Tanya who crafted herself a bikini
  • 117. body worthy of a magazine cover in just 8 weeks… So YES, Dan’s simple and powerful methods just plain work for anyone, even if you don’t have 15 lbs or more to lose… OK, if you’re not convinced yet… If there’s a still a little voice in the back of your head that isn’t quite sure… Let me do one more thing to make this the easiest choice of your life… And to make sure you don’t let “fear of regret” keep you from taking advantage of this wonderful offer…
  • 118. See, I want you to feel deep in your heart and deep in your soul that you’re getting an incredible deal that you can be proud of… Heck, I want you to feel like you “put one over on me” by doing what I know you want to do so badly and securing your supply of Sleep Slim Tea today… That’s why I’ve got 3 Very Special Presents for you,
  • 119. Presents for you, even for just saying “Maybe” to the tea today…
  • 120. First I’ll give you Dan’s legendary 28-Day Metabolic Reset… The tea along with the simple lifestyle shifts in the Eat Sleep Burn program will completely reprogram your body to burn ugly belly fat… However, if you’d like to 10x how fast you lose weight, you have the option of using this super simple — do
  • 121. of using this super simple — do anywhere — exercise program… And because it doesn’t require ANY gym equipment you can do it without ever leaving your house… You will lose belly fat just by following the lessons in Eat Sleep Burn… Yet if you enjoy exercising then the “28-Day Metabolic Reset” gives you the fastest weight loss in the least amount of time… Because most folks are wasting their time spinning their wheels on a treadmill or elliptical trainer… …we want to make sure YOU have access to the scienti몭cally proven
  • 122. access to the scienti몭cally proven most ef몭cient way to exercise for weight loss… It takes just 21 minutes a day… It uses bodyweight exercises only… Not only will this exercise program burn off your belly fat, iti s also strategically created to reset your hormones to reduce hunger and eliminate cravings… You’ll be shocked at how gentle and simple these movements are… And you’ll able to get a 몭at, strong belly that puts the “gym bunnies” to shame without ever feeling like you’re “working out” at all&…
  • 123. “working out” at all&… Your second present is
  • 124. Your second present is your “Limitless Potential” System What if a few extra tweaks to your daily routine could help you tap into just 10% more of your mind and body’s boundless potential… What about 20% or 50% or more… Not only is it possible, it’s actually easy to do if you know the simple “hacks” Dan has assembled in the Limitless Potential System… And it’s all down to simple little habits
  • 125. you can add to your daily routine designed to help your body recover from the strains of daily life, exercise, work stress, environmental pollutants and more… Dan forged these strategies working with athletes and movie stars who are desperate for even the slightest edge… By engineering rapid mental and physical recovery using these scienti몭cally proven “hacks”… …Dan has easily doubled or tripled the athletic potential of his clients… …and slashed in half the time it takes for his movie star clients to get in
  • 126. shape for the camera… And now, for the 몭rst time, you can enjoy the massive boost to your own mental, physical, and professional performance… Maybe you’re wondering what that might look like… Well, Dan’s new client Julie did nothing except apply the habits in the Limitless Potential System and lost 4 lbs of belly fat… …just by allowing her body to recover so that her fat burning metabolism could perform at 100%… And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…
  • 127. I don’t even have time to get into the amazing effects these habits will have on your immune system, your ability to quickly heal from an injury, and the near-miraculous restorative effects on your health… Your third present is something special. In fact, I can’t do this for everyone…
  • 128. It’s easily the gift I’m most excited about giving you!… Because it’s 21 days of FREE access to Dan’s award-winning online coaching program… Listen: No matter how easy and Done- For-You Sleep Slim Tea is and how magically it works… …and no matter how thorough your bonus Eat Sleep Burn program is,
  • 129. there are always going to be questions and particular situations that come up that we just can’t cover in the material… That’s why we want to give you 21 days of PERSONAL coaching with Dan and his staff… First, you’ll be getting exclusive emails from Dan where he shares his most important new insights and discoveries with you. Plus… As soon as you 몭nish your enrollment you’ll instantly be added to our secret closed Facebook group where you can ask any question you want, network and bond with other folks going on the exact same journey and
  • 130. get the motivation and ACCOUNTABILITY you need to stick to the program and get the amazing results I’ve promised you here today… So let’s add this all up just so you can see for yourself what a great deal you’re actually getting… With your special discount you’ll get your supply of Sleep Slim Tea for just $59… We already agreed that the tea alone is worth at least $99 all by itself… so that’s already a pretty great deal… But then, at no additional charge at all, you’re also getting:
  • 131. Dan’s complete Eat Sleep Burn system featuring his near magical “Shutdown Sequence” that Todd and I still use every single night. This bonus alone sells for $77 on it’s own… Plus you also get the “Limitless Potential” System… …the 28-Day Metabolic Reset program… AND 21 days of our ELITE Personal Coaching… And each of those should probably sell for $77 or more all by themselves too… If you were at the supermarket that
  • 132. would all add up to more than… $400! But using your special discount you’ll get everything for just $59… I don’t know about you, but if I was at the store, swiped my “membership card” and saw my bill for over $400 worth of stuff plummet to less than $60 I’d feel like I won the lottery… Or like there was some mistake… But no matter what I’d rush to claim my discount before anyone tried to take it away… And all you have to do to claim your discount and take advantage of this
  • 133. 6 BOTTLES 180 DAY SUPPLY 3 BOTTLES 90 DAY SUPPLY amazing deal is click the button below right now… Then 몭ll in your payment details using a credit card, debit card or PayPal on the next page. Hurry! Get Up To 50% Off Today!
  • 134. $29 per bottle Regular Price: $894 You Save: $720 Today's Total: $174 Free Shipping 60 Days Guarantee $39 per bottle Regular Price: $447 You Save: $330 Today's Total: $117 Free Shipping 60 Days Guarantee 1 BOTTLE 30 DAY SUPPLY $59.95 per bottle Regular Price: $149
  • 135. Regular Price: $149 You Save: $89 Today's Total: $59.95 Small Shipping fee 60 Days Guarantee We’ll get your supply of Sleep Slim Tea out to you asap… And you’ll immediately have COMPLETE ACCESS to the entire Eat Sleep Burn bonus program in just 2 short minutes from right now… Just click the button below this video right now… Pay your severely discounted price…!! Go through the program.
  • 136. Learn the secrets of transforming your body in shockingly little time, literally WHILE you sleep… Experience what it’s like to be in control of your body and in CONTROL of your life… If you’re anything like the thousands of other folks who have experienced the tea and used this bonus program, you’re going to be amazed by the change in your life (and the change in you) once you learn this… How everyone you meet just looks at you differently… amazed at the power and grace of your body… …maybe even jealous of your energy
  • 137. and the youthful look in your eyes… If you’re like most of our customers you’re going to have a hard time wiping that goofy smile off your face… Or keeping your mouth shut when your friends and family ask to know your secret that created such a change in you, literally overnight… OK, it’s time to take action…
  • 138. You might not know it (at least not consciously) but you’re at an important crossroads in your life right now… And you really have just two very different options… Leading to two very different lives… One a lifetime of energy and hope and passion for life, where you LOVE your body and are amazed every time you look in the mirror… The other… Well, the other is just a continuation
  • 139. of the life you have now… So listen closely as I tell you what your two options are so you can make the right choice for you… Option 1 is to leave this page WITHOUT securing your supply of Sleep Slim Tea… I think you already know what will
  • 140. happen if you do this because you’ve felt it so many times before… That feeling of hopelessness… Of being trapped in your body… Of feeling yourself getting heavier and more exhausted and more FED UP with your struggle with your weight and with your body every single day… Wondering why it’s SO HARD for you to get in shape and STAY in shape… Or feeling GUILTY because you aren’t
  • 141. spending HOURS and HOURS at the gym every week pedaling as fast as you can but not getting anywhere at all… Or WORSE… maybe you are spending hours working out and making sure you eat right… and STILL you have nothing to show for it… I know you don’t want that… I know you are SICK of seeing your ugly belly fat staring at you every time you look in the mirror… Or pretending it doesn’t bother you and that you’re “OK” with the body you have right now…
  • 142. Of YEARNING to know what it’s like to have power and control and ENERGY like you did when you were a kid… Which is why I want you to take a second here and seriously consider taking ROAD NUMBER 2…
  • 143. In a lot of ways it’s the easier road because all it takes on your part is deciding you love yourself enough to say “Yes” right now… Simply click the button below above, enter your payment information right now before life gets in the way and claim your spot in the “Eat Sleep Burn” program… Get every single thing I’ve talked about on this page (and quite a few surprises I haven’t even mentioned but I can’t wait for you to see)… Learn the simple, tested method that SAVED me and my faithful husband
  • 144. Todd from a life battling weight gain, fatigue, Type 2 Diabetes or even an EARLY GRAVE… Learn the SECRET to a 몭at belly and a 몭t, healthy body that has been kept from you for so long… Remember… With your 60-Day guarantee you’re risking absolutely nothing (in fact all the risk is completely on me where it belongs… I 몭rmly believe If I don’t get you EVERY result I’ve promised on this page I simply don’t deserve a dime of your hard-earned money)… And with your special discount you’re getting HALF OFF the already
  • 145. ridiculously-low one-time price of enrollment… Before we go, just imagine for a moment… Imagine yourself rolling out of bed feeling light and strong for the 몭rst time in your life… Imagine seeing a bright, beautiful smile on your face when you look in the mirror and realize how powerful and beautiful your body has become… Imagine picking out clothes that SHOW OFF your body instead of hiding your belly like something to be ashamed of…
  • 146. And then just click the button below… Let me take the weight… let me show you the truth… let me help you 몭nally have the body and the life you want so much… I personally promise you’ll be very happy you did.
  • 147. Again, I’m Tara and I’m incredibly excited for you to experience what happens when you experience the power of Sleep Slim Tea and apply “Eat Sleep Burn” in your life … I can’t wait to hear about your success. Thank you for your time. Simply click the button below, now.
  • 148. Hurry! Get Up To 50% Off Today! Want a Closer Regularly $99 JUST 59! (Immediate Action Discount)
  • 149. Look at Our Tea Have a Look at Our Tea Labels Below
  • 150.
  • 151. Here’s how it works: Just secure your supply of Sleep Slim Tea right now… Enjoy the tea every night about 30 minutes before bed…
  • 152. FAQS USE the material in your bonus Eat Sleep Burn program… (It’s so easy to read and as close to “Done For You” as humanly possible.) See for yourself how incredible your sleep is and how EASY getting a taut, 몭rm, FLAT belly and watching the pounds FALL off — literally overnight — can actually be… Experience what it’s like to double your energy and wake up every morning ready to take on the world… …instead of yearning to just hit the snooze button until noon! If you don’t think Sleep Slim Tea is worth at least double what you’re paying today, just contact my customer service at any time in the next 60 days… …return your container of Sleep Slim Tea, even if it’s EMPTY… Click Here to Gain Instant Access
  • 153. FAQS Q. How much should I order? This depends on you. Most folks love it so much that it becomes a long-term ritual for them that helps ensure an amazing sleep and maintains their healthy fat-burning metabolism. In which case the 6 container version is certainly the best and cheapest option for you today. If you plan on using it only while you are actively losing weight. If you have 15 lbs or less to lose, you could get away with one container. If you have more than that to lose then we suggest the 3 or 6 container options.
  • 154. Q. What support do you offer Sleep Slim Tea customers? Your success is our highest priority. We have customer care specialists covering time zones across the globe to make sure you receive a super fast answer to any questions or concerns you may have. Just drop us a line anytime at and we will take amazing care of you. Q. Why is Sleep Slim Tea such a powerful accelerator of fat burning? Current research has established a proven connection between a very speci몭c type of deep sleep and the ability to lose weight. We sought out ONLY the most potent sources of each of the sleep-inducing, fat-
  • 155. each of the sleep-inducing, fat- melting natural herbs and spices in Sleep Slim Tea. And they are blended in the precise portions to enhance your sleep, boost your metabolism, and taste absolutely amazing so you’ll look forward to it every evening before bed. Q. Is Sleep Slim Tea a pharmaceutical? NO. It is not a drug of any kind. When you sip on a cup of Sleep Slim Tea you’re getting nothing but natural, organic spices, minerals and herbs that have been used for thousands of years to enhance sleep, improve health, boost longevity and support your fat-melting metabolism.
  • 156. Q. Are there any side effects? Apart from giving you an incredible night’s sleep and melting away unwanted belly fat, there are no common side effects to any of the ingredients in Sleep Slim Tea. All our ingredients are the highest quality certi몭ed USDA organic, dairy free, soy free, gluten free, non-GMA and vegan. However, it's always recommended to consult a medical professional before beginning any supplement, diet or exercise plan. Q. How long does a container last me? If you have one cup a day it lasts a little more than a month. However most folks enjoy winding down with a
  • 157. most folks enjoy winding down with a mug after dinner and then another about 30 minutes before bed, in which case you’ll need to increase your supply. Q. Are these supplements vegan friendly? Yes. Q. Is this safe for older people? It is absolutely safe. And actually many of the ingredients are proven to reduce the symptoms of aging, decrease in몭ammation and help protect against many of the chronic diseases folks face as they reach their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond. It’s also well documented that older adults experience sleep problems which
  • 158. experience sleep problems which means Sleep Slim Tea can be particularly helpful as you age. However, it's always recommended to consult a medical professional before beginning any supplement, diet or exercise plan. Q. What if I don’t like the taste? If you are unsatis몭ed in any way, just let us know and we will issue you a prompt and courteous refund. You are always protected by our ironclad 60- Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. Q. Can I drink it more than once a day? Absolutely! It’s so delicious that I get this question a lot. And in fact, enjoying a mug after dinner and
  • 159. enjoying a mug after dinner and another about 30 minutes before bed can enhance your sleep and your fat burning metabolism even more. Q. How long will shipping take? North American customers can expect their orders within 5 to 7 business days. International orders typically take 8 — 15 business days (plus customs clearance time). Q. What if this product doesn't work? If you are unsatis몭ed with your results, just let us know and we will issue you a prompt and courteous refund even on empty containers that were taken as directed. You are always protected by our ironclad 60-
  • 160. always protected by our ironclad 60- Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. Q. Who would bene몭t from Sleep Slim Tea? Anyone who suffers from unexplained weight gain or dif몭culty losing weight. Anyone who struggles to fall asleep and stay asleep. Hurry! Get Up To 50% Off Today! Regularly $99
  • 161. Have Any Questions? We're Happy to Assist! For product support, please contact us HERE For order support, please contact ClickBank HERE ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, JUST 59! (Immediate Action Discount)
  • 162. retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results in description and testimonials may not be typical results and individual results may vary. This product is intended to be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Consult your physician before starting any diet, exercise program, and taking any diet pill to avoid any health issues. Refunds & Return Policy Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Contact Us 2022 © PureLife Organics Click Here To Gain Instant Access