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al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa.e wal-Mursaleen, wa

as-Salaam 'alaykum wa-Rahmatullaahe wa-Barakaatuhu,

Fatwa-Online is pleased to present a collection of the statements of the most Senior Scholars of Islam of our
time regarding the important issues concerning terrorism, hijacking, suicide bombings and similar evil acts.

Many inaccuracies have been published in the media about Islam and terrorism, and it is hoped that this
publication will go towards correcting these and many other inaccuracies that exist today.

This publication is intended as a reference to all those seeking clarification on the position of Islam towards
terrorism, and in this regard I encourage everyone, in particular the media, to freely copy-and-paste this
information in their publications.

Much time and effort has gone into preparing this publication for FREE distribution and hence it is anticipated
it will prove to be of immense value to the Muslims and non-Muslims alike, inshaa.-Allaah. Therefore, whoever
finds any typographical mistake(s) in the following work, then please write to me (at my email address)
indicating the mistake(s) and its place.

{Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error...}, [Soorah al-Baqarah, Aayah 286]

I thank all those who will point out these mistakes with the intention of seeking Allaah's Pleasure, and of
correcting this publication. Indeed, Allaah is Surety over what I say.

May Allaah humble us all to make this effort pure, seeking His Face alone. Certainly to Him is our return.

{Our Lord accept from us, certainly you are the All-Hearing and All-Knowing}, [Soorah al-Baqarah,
Aayah 127]

{Our Lord forgive me and my parents, and the believers on the Day when the reckoning will be
established}, [Soorah Ibraaheem, Aayah 41]

«With the assistance of Allaah the Most High, and all Praise be to Allaah by whose favour good
works are accomplished», [Ibn as-Sunnee in A'maal al-Yawm wal-Laylah; al-Haakim declared it Saheeh
1/499; al-Albaanee declared it Saheeh in Saheeh al-Jaami' 4/201]

wa Billaahit-Towfeeq...

Abu 'Abdullaah Mohammed Akhtar Chaudhry
Graduate of the Faculty of Sharee'ah (Islamic Law )
Islamic University of Madeenah
Madeenah, Saudi Arabia

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Thinking about making Hijra?

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Some of the Students from the Islamic University of Madeenah present:

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"islamagainstterrorism.chm" was first published on al-Ithnayn 8 Sha'baan 1425 / Monday 12 September 2005

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Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh asks all the Muslims to support their brethren in

Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, the muftee (one qualified to pass fatwa) of Saudi Arabia and the head
of the Council of Senior Scholars and The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fataawa has
asked (Monday 15 October 2001) all the Muslims in Saudi Arabia, both the nationals and non-nationals, to
support their refugee brethren in Afghanistan by offering assistance and donations at this time in which they
are experiencing extreme difficulties.

The Shaykh went on to say that the Islamic relief efforts currently offered to our brethren in Afghanistan are
indeed most noble acts, and in which there is much good. And it does not come as any surprise to the
leadership that much importance is given by the efforts of the Muslims to their brethren throughout the needy
Muslim world. We ask Allaah to assist them and grant them success.

The Shaykh stressed the importance of donations to our brethren in Afghanistan to aid them, and requested
from both the (Saudi) nationals and non-nationals that they dig deep into their pockets to provide help and
assistance for them in their time of need. He added that the reward for this act is extremely high considering
they (the Afghanis) are eligible for assistance.

The Shaykh finally stressed upon all Muslim leaders and callers to Islam to encourage the Muslims in this
noble act to assist their brethren in Islam, and he asked Allaah to aid anyone who carries out this act and to
reward them plentiful.

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 Bosnia and Herzegovina

The ruling regarding rape victims and their offspring

From: 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn 'Abdullaah ibn Baaz

To: The noble brother - A.K.A.J. - may Allaah facilitate for you your affairs

as-Salaamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullaahe wa Barakaatuhu, to proceed:

Your correspondence reached me consisting of:

Your question about the children of the women who were raped in Bosnia and Herzegovina and your need for
beneficial (Islamic) books.

It pleases me to send you a copy of my book «Majmoo' Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi'ah» and
«al-'Aqeedah al-Waasitiyyah» and the book «Fat.h al-Majeed Sharh Kitaab at-Tawheed» and «al-Usool
ath-Thalaathah» and «al-'Aqeedah at-Tahaawiyyah» and «at-Tahqeeq wal-Eedhaah» - it is hoped Allaah will
cause you to benefit from them (inshaa.-Allaah).

As regards the issue concerning the children, then it is obligatory upon the Muslims to take charge/custody
of them and bring them up with Islamic manners, and not leave them for the Christians and other than them,
as Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) says:

{The believers, men and women, are Awliyaa. (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one
another...}, [Soorah at-Towbah, Aayah 71]

and He (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said:

«The Muslims in their mutual love, kindness and compassion, are like the human body where when
one of its part is in agony the entire body feels the pain both in sleepness and fever», [al-Bukhaaree
and Muslim] their ruling is that of orphans (without fathers), and Allaah has legislated kindness and charity to the
orphans specifically.

I ask Allaah for you and for all the Muslims that he facilitates the affairs and guides to all that is good.

was-Salaam 'alaykum wa Rahmatullaahe wa Barakaatuhu

Majmoo' Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi'ah - Volume 8, Pages 265

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Donate money to Muslims in Chechnya or go ahead and perform first Hajj

Question put to our Noble Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen after Fajr in al-Masjid al-Haraam in
Makkah on Tuesday 27 Ramadhaan 1420/ 4 January 2000

If someone has saved up money to perform their very first Hajj, would it be better to donate this money to our
Muslim Brothers and Sisters in Chechnya or go ahead and perform the Hajj?

The Noble Shaykh (hafitha-hullaah) briefly responed by saying it is better to perform the (first) Hajj which is
obligatory upon the person.

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 Hijacking and kidnapping

Hijacking planes and kidnapping

From that which is known to everyone who has the slightest bit of common sense is that hijacking airplanes
and kidnapping children and the like are extremely great crimes, the world over. Their evil effects are far and
wide, as is the great harm and inconvenience caused to the innocent; the total effect of which none can
comprehend except Allaah.

Likewise, from that which is known is that these crimes are not specific to any particular country over and
above another country, nor any specific group over and above another group, rather it encompasses the whole

There is no doubt about the effect of these crimes; so it is obligatory upon the governments and those
responsible from amongst the scholars and other than them to afford these issues great concern, and to
exert themselves as much as possible in ending this evil.

Shaykh Ibn Baaz
Kayfa Nu'aalij Waaqi'unaa al-Aleem - Page 108-109

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Makkah Imam Urges Iraqis to Cool Their Guns

Sheikh Saleh Al-Taleb, the imam of the Grand Mosque in Makkah, yesterday (Friday 24 February 2006)
condemned the attacks on mosques in Iraq and warned against flaring up inter-Muslim violence in the

"It is not in the interest of Iraqis to rush to blame people, or take revenge," Al-Taleb said in his Friday sermon
which was televised around the world.

Iraq has seen reprisal attacks and around 200 deaths after the bombing of a major religious site in Samarra
on Wednesday raising fears of a civil war in the country.

Al-Taleb condemned the Samarra bombing and the revenge attacks that followed saying, "These are conflicts
whose fire is lit by criminals."

"How can an attack on the graves of believers be avenged with attacks on the houses of God? How can a
violation of tombs of the Prophet's descendents be met with burning the Book of God, killing Muslims and
preventing prayers?" he told hundreds of thousands worshippers gathered in the huge mosque complex.

The imam said the attacks will serve only to provoking an all-out civil war in the country and the rush for
retaliation is not to the benefit of an already weak Iraq.

He pointed out that the perpetrators of the attacks are not known and therefore counterattacks against
gravesites and mosques serve no other purpose than making innocents suffer.

Al-Taleb said that Iraqis at this critical stage should exhibit restraint to bring forward the interests of the
public. He urged the Iraqi people to stay away from anything that would weaken their country.

"Your brother Muslims around the world are urging you to put down your weapons and settle this matter
peacefully," said Al-Taleb.

Wednesday's bombing, which destroyed the famous dome of the 1,000-year-old mausoleum where two ninth
century Shiite imams were buried, prompted global condemnation and appeals for calm.

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Makkah Imam Takes US to Task on Iraq

The imam at the Grand Mosque in Makkah yesterday (Friday 9 April 2004) lambasted the United States and
its allies in Iraq for double-speak.

"Although they claim they are the advocates of reform and freedom, they are in fact the forces of destruction
and devastation," Sheikh Saud Al-Shuraim said in an apparent reference to the US-led occupation forces in

Delivering his Friday sermon to thousands of faithful who packed the large mosque complex, the imam asked
how missiles and machine guns could bring peace and freedom to the people of Palestine and Iraq. "They
promise them a comfortable life built on torn bodies...They want us to believe that destruction is reform, killing
is life, disorder is order and injustice is justice," he added.

The imam slammed the United States also for using its veto against UN Security Council resolutions
condemning Israel's occupation of Palestine, contrasting the international outcry over the killing of four
security contractors in Fallujah with the relative silence meeting Israeli actions in the occupied territories.

"How can they consider the killing of four individuals a major crime and ignore the killing of a whole nation?"
Shuraim, one of the imams at the Grand Mosque, asked.

The imam said the Islamic world was passing through a difficult phase. "The Muslim nation finds no refuge
from the injustice of the tyrant and international terrorism," he said.

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Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee speaks about the Attack on Iraq

Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee speaks about the Attack on Iraq

From a cassette recording (26/1/1424H) of an answer of the Shaykh to a question concerning the crisis (of
the Attack on Iraqi) – transcribed by Khalid adh-Dhafayree.

Question: There has been much questioning of the position of the "adherents to the way of the pious
predecessors" towards this crisis, is it permissible to supplicate against the Disbelievers in the likes of these

Response: Yes, it is permissible to make supplication against the Disbelievers in these circumstances and
others. Supplication is made for their guidance, and supplication is made for their destruction when they do
not seek guidance. So we ask Allaah that prevents the harm of the Disbelivers, especially in these
circumstances, we see oppression and transgression, which exceeds the lowest limits [of what can be
defined as] transgression and wrongdoing. So we ask Allaah that He turns their plot back upon them.

Man, as it is said, is a commodity, it is necessary that he gather something of the news. However, I hold that
the youth should not be completely engrossed and waste their time in what does not benefit them, and which
does not bring back any benefit to the Ummah. Because all they can do is just listen, then what do they do
after that? So they take a part o f this news, and then call upon Allaah, the Blessed and Almighty, that He
gives relief to the Muslims, and that He removes this affliction. And my advice in regard to this, to the
Muslims in general and to [the people of] `Iraaq specifically, is that they return to the Book of Allaah and to
the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam), for by Allaah, there is no exit for them
from these tribulations, trials, calamities and the transgression of the Disbelievers upon them, and by Allaah
nothing will stand in the face of them, except that that they adhere to the Book of Allaah, and the Sunnah of
His Messenger (`alayhi as-salaatu was salaam). And there is no exit for the Muslims from the continuous
humiliation except when they are truthful in their aqeedah, and in their manners and in all of their actions.
They are truthful with Allaah, they are truthful to Allaah, obedient to Him, obedient to His Messengers,
respectful to His teachings that are in the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of Allaah's Messenger. But as for
when they turn away, and fall short, and when they have beliefs that clash with the beliefs of the Prophets,
[and] Shirk is spread in the lands of the Muslims, and misguidance and deviation in the morals and manners
and other such tribulations, all of which obligates the anger of Allaah and obligates the domination of the
enemies of Islam upon those Muslims, those about whom the saying of the Messenger (`alayhi as-salaatu
was-salaam) holds true, "The nations are about to call each other and set upon you, just as diners set upon
food." They said: "Will it be because of our small number that day, O Messenger of Allaah?" He said:
"Rather, on that day you will be many, but you will be like ghuthaa (scum, foam), like the ghuthaa on the
river". This is the reality of the Muslims, so are they prepared to leave this ghuthaa'iyyah? For by Allaah,
[leaving this ghuthaa'iyyah] is not by battle-cries, nor by demonstrations, and by crying and nor by any of
this. Rather, it is (by way of) our being truthful with Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, and that we acquaint
ourselves with all earnest, with the methodology of the Prophets, and with the speech of Allaah and the
Sunnah of His Messenger (sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam), so we believe what it contains of beliefs upon the
way of the Messenger of Allaah and His Noble Companions, not upon the way of the Rawaafid (Shi`ah), and
nor upon the way of the Khawaarij, and nor upon the way of the Ba'thees (Socialists) and nor upon the way of
the Philosophers, and nor upon the way of any astray sect. But rather upon the way of the Messenger
(`alayhi as-salaatu was salaam), the way that is comprised in the texts of the Book and the Sunnah, and [the
way that] the Noble Companions guided themselves, by this guidance, and [the way of] whoever followed
them until this day of ours.

This is the path to rescue in the world and the hereafter, and this is the path of deliverance, this is the boat of
deliverance. And by Allaah, the time has come for the Palestinian society to return to Allaah, and the Iraaqee
society, and all of the [Muslim] societies, for them to return to Allaah, with a complete and serious return.
And it is of the utmost imperative upon the callers, those who raise the slogans that doe not benefit the
Muslims, that they are truthful to Allaah, the Blessed and Exalted and that they give sincerity of purpose to
Allaah, and His Book and His Messenger, to the leaders of the Muslims and their general folk, that they give
sincerity of purpose to them and call out to them to return to the Book of Allaah and that they satisfy the
Muslims with [the fact] that there is not deliverance or rescue from the anger of Allaah, His punishment, and
empowerment of their enemies upon them in this life, except by a serious return to the Book of Allaah, and

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the Sunnah of His Messenger (`alayhi as salaatu was salaam) and to what the Pious Predecessors (may
Allaah be peased with them) were upon.

This is the path to deliverance, by Allaah, not by the United Nations, which has been unsuccessful, and nor
by the Security Council, and nor by the Union of Arab States, and nor other than it, and nor by mere slogans
or ideologies, or calls, or slogans, or the cries of the Soofiyyah, or the Rawaafid nor other than them.

But that which will save them and will remove them from the destructive calamities, is that they return to the
Book of Allaah and to the Sunnah of His Messenger, just as he (`alayhi as salaatu was salaam) said, "When
you deal in 'eenah transactions, and are satisfied with cultivation, and hold on to the tails of oxen [and
abandon Jihaad] then Allaah will impose a humiliation upon which that He will not remove up until you return
to your deen".

I hope that you understand this Prophetic advice, it is not the advice of Rabee`, this is the advice of the
Messenger of Allaah, the Naasih, the Ameen (Sincere Advisor, Trustworthy One), who does not speak with
his desire, the one who is Ra'oof and Raheem, as his Lord described him. So if you desire deliverance in this
world and the hereafter, and rescue, and (imposing) humiliation upon the Disbelievers, and (acquiring)
strength, honour for Islam and the Muslims, then Allaamah Rabee' on Current Events in Iraaq by Allaah, the
path to strength, deliverance and honour in this world and the hereafter is by returning to Islam and holding
fast to it.

So I ask Allaah that He grants success to the Muslims, those who are guided and those who are astray and
deviated amongst them, from amongst the astray sects in whatever land from the various lands, that they
show earnest in returning to the Book of Allaah, and taking from this (Prophetic) text and its likes, that direct
them to what which will rectify them in their world and their hereafter. I ask Allaah that He grants success to
the leaders of the Muslims, their callers, and the students of knowledge in leading these poor societies to the
shores of safety, and to the banks of deliverance. And that is in abundance in the Book of Allaah and the
Sunnah of His Messenger. I ask Allaah that He actualises this soon rather than later, verily our Lord is the
one who hears the supplication, and prayers and salutations upon our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his
family and companions.

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Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree on the Position Towards Iraq

Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree on the Position Towards Iraq

From a Paltalk Session today 31/03/2003 at 8:30pm UK Time

Question: O esteemed Shaykh, what is happening now (in Iraaq) so what is the position of the Muslim
towards this trial, and is there a Jihaad, and are do those soldiers who are in the Gulf have the ruling of being
mujaahideen, and may Allaah reward you.

Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree: I dont know why this question (is asked) when, when we have just ended the
speech with what I consider to comprise the answer to it and to its likes. However, despite this, just so that it
is said, that Ubayd has neglected some of the questions.

So I say: Firstly, not all of the Iraaqi society is Muslim. Rather, amongst them is the Marxist, amongst them
is the Ba'athist Heretic, and amongst them are numerous orientations. And there are Muslims amongst

And amongst them are the Raafidah. And the positions of the Scholars towards the Raafidah is well known,
amongst them are those who declared them Disbelievers.

Secondly, we have Rulers and those who have authority, and it is obligatory to give them hearing and
obedience, and around our rulers are those who have knowledge, and experience, and speciality in the
political affairs. So we do not undermine them, and we have already mentioned previously that the general
affairs are not for just any person. Rather, they are for whom? For those in authority.

And as it is appropriate, I also say that those who call to cutting off from the products of America and Britain
and others, then those people have a resemblance to the Raafidah. Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah mentions
in Minhaaj us-Sunnah, in the first volume, and I believe it is page 38, "From the stupidity of the Raafidah is
that they do not drink from the river that was unearthed (i.e. dug out, like a well) by Yazeed". So those
Harakiyyoon and Hizbiyyoon, have resembled the Raafidah. And what an evil model (that is). And the most
repugnant for a person that his model, and way is that of the Raafidah.

Thirdly, the banner of fighting in Iraaq, who is carrying it? It is carried by Saddaam Hussain at-Takreetee, and
he is the leader of the Ba'athi Party in his land...and the Ba'athi Party, is secularist, disbelieving, heretical. Its
foundation is upon mixing and not differentiating between a Sunni Muslim, Guidance from the Scholars
Concerning Iraaq and between the Jew, Christian, Communist, and others. They are all the same, equal. And
for this reason, their slogan is, as their poet has said:

I believe in, -- (Shaykh Ubayd): I seek refuge in Allaah --
I believe in al-Ba'ath as the Lord which has no partner
And in Arabism as a religion, which has no other (religion)

This is their religion, qawmiyyah (nationalism) and shu'oobiyyah, and their religion is not Islam. So built upon
this, the one who fights under the banner of the Iraaqi government, then he is fighting under a banner of
disbelief. And we do not dispute that the people of Iraaq have the right to defend themselves. They can defend
themselves, their blood, their honour and their wealth, they can defend those who transgress upon them,
whether America or Britain or other than them.

So it is obligatory upon us, the community of Muslims that we ask Allaah in our supplication that He delivers
the Muslims amongst the people of Iraaq. So whoever said O Allaah save the [Iraaqi Society]1 , then he has
erred. This supplication of his reaches even the Marxist and the Communist. And the Ba'ath Party is at the
front of the [supplication of the] one who supplicates for the Iraaqi society (in general). No, but supplicate to
Allaah that He delivers the Muslims amongst the people of Iraaq. And that he relieves them of their distress.
This is what I can add now.

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The Imaams of Makkah and Madeenah call for immediate halt to war in Iraq...

The imam of the Grand Mosque in Makkah yesterday (Friday 28 March, 2003) called for an immediate halt to
the war on Iraq as people across the Gulf prayed for the victory of the Iraqi people against the US-British

"This unjust war must stop immediately. If it continues, it will only fuel hatred and conflicts" between nations,
said Dr. Saleh ibn Abdullah Humaid, who is also chairman of the Shoura Council.

Delivering his Friday sermon to more than 500,000 faithful thronging the large mosque complex, Sheikh
Humaid urged the international community to stand by the Iraqi people. "Truth and justice demand that we
stand by the Iraqi people," he added.

In his televised address, Humaid said that launching the war on Baghdad was a grave mistake. "This is a lost
war and there will be no winners," the imam said.

Humaid also urged world leaders to respond to the calls for peace by taking effective steps to end the US-led
war. "Our world today is in need of justice, charters and clear agreements, which should be followed by every
country without exception.

"There must be good intentions and sincere cooperation for the welfare and happiness of all," he said.

The Haram imam urged Muslims to unite and avoid differences to confront the challenges facing them. "We
have to achieve real freedom by restricting our worship to God alone," he added.

Dr. Humaid stressed that the Islamic nation would not have been affected by foreign attacks if internal
wrangling had not weakened it. "Muslims can regain their power by strengthening their faith in God and
implementing the Shariah."

He cautioned the public about the media war launched by sections of the Western media organization and
urged them to distinguish between truth and rumor. "Enemies spread false reports to create chaos and
confusion among Muslims, create fear, destroy their morale and weaken their self-confidence," he added.
Humaid urged Muslims to learn from the present crisis and stand united.

Saudi Arabia has opposed the US-led war on Iraq and called for an immediate end to it.

The Kingdom has also rejected a military occupation of Iraq and has warned that a continuation of the war
would affect Saudi-US relations.

Security measures in the Kingdom have been beefed up, with police patrols guarding main streets,
government institutions and shopping malls.

The Haram imam also condemned the killing of innocent people in Iraq by the Anglo-American forces.
"Bodies are shattered and dismembered, many people have lost their loved ones, many are missing. There is
destruction everywhere," he said.

Sheikh Salah Al-Bedair, the imam and khateeb of the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah, prayed for "our weak
Muslim brothers in Iraq and for the destruction of the aggressors."

Bedair referred to reports of Muslim women, children and the elderly being killed and injured in Iraq and urged
Muslims all over the world to pray for their brethren in Iraq.

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Clarification from the Council of Senior Scholars regarding the incidents in Iraq

The Committee of Senior Scholars calls the children (i.e. people) of the Kingdom to support their Leadership.

Riyadh: A clarification was issued yesterday from the Council of Senior Scholars regarding the recent
incidents (in Iraq) and this is the text of it:

"Clarification from the Council of Senior Scholars"

All praise is due to Allaah, the One, the Unique, the Creator of the creation, the Lord, the Self Sufficient, the
Sender of the Messengers as a mercy to the human beings. And may prayers of blessing and peace be upon
our Prophet Muhammad, the Imaam of mercy, who was sent with the guidance, and who was commanded
with justice and clarifying the truth. He was the caller to mercy and kindness. And may these same prayers
be upon his family and his companions, all of them.

To proceed: Verily the person in our Islamic homeland - as well as the people who love peace in every place
in this world - it hurts him to see the carrying out of this war in Iraq, due to his understanding and
comprehending that the wars do not leave behind them anything other than destruction, and that there is no
victor in a matter of loss. So everyone in this world will be afflicted by its effects and will live its griefs in the
absense of judging according to intelligence and wisdom. And verily every believer upon this earth from those
who judge by their intelligence, and express their anxiety and concern about the establishment of this war, he
calls upon the Islamic Ummah, and the nations, and the countries who love peace and who adhere to the
fundamentals of justice, to make haste in working to stop it as a mercy to all of humanity, and due to respect
for the covenants, and protecting humanity from the spread of the chaos of wars which do not leave anything
other than destruction in the buidlings and structures, and death for the people. The wars make the women
become widows, and the old people mourn and the children frightened. At the same time it kindles in the soul
the tendancies of enmity and hatred between the countries of the world and their people.

And verily when we announce this clarification to all of the children of the Kingdom, it is so that we call them
to gathering around their leadership which has exherted much effort in the way of preventing Iraq and its
people from this war since its warning signs first appeared on the horizon. And they (the leaders of Saudi
Arabia) are not being pacified and nor will they ever be pacified until they find and honorable way of containing
the incident with attempts. We hope for their success in averting the horrors of war from the area. And what
has come in the statement of the Custodian of the Two Sacred Sanctuaries (i.e. King Fahd) and his brother,
the successor to the leadership (i.e. Crown Prince 'Abdullaah) - may Allaah preserve them - regarding this
matter is in no need of any explanation or clarification. Likewise the position of the Kingdom in opposition to
this war is clear and announced publicly to all.

And we remind ourselves and all of the children of the Ummah, to adhere to Fear of Allaah (i.e. obeying His
commands and avoiding His prohibitions), and staying away from division, and differing. Rather they should
stand together in one rank, acting according to the statement of Allaah, the Most High:

{And hold steadfast, all of you, by the Rope of Allaah, and do not be divided}.

And His statement:

{And do not dispute among yourselves, or you will fail and lose your strength}.

And this is a divine command that is obligatory upon everyone in all circumstances. And in the time of trials
and calamities it is even more obligatory and more binding. And from this is the spreading of rumors that are
targeting the matter of our religion and our tranquility and safety. And from this is the attempt of those who
their souls have made it fair seeming to them, from those with weak souls, to attack the unity of our country
by speech or action. It is obligatory upon the Muslim who feels protective honor in the situations of trial and
major events which relate to the Ummah in general, to fear Allaah regarding his nation, and he should not be
hasty. Rather he must use deliberation and gentleness, and he must refer the affairs to their proper people.

Allaah, far removed is He from imperfections and Most High is He, said:

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{And when there comes to them a matter of safety or fear, they broadcast it. And if they had
referred it back to the Messenger and those in authority among them, then those who could extract
the truth of it amongst them would know it}.

They would emphasize the neccessity of confirming information and the obligation of seeking shelter with
Allaah in both speech and action. May He preserve the safety of our Kingdom in its relgious matters and its
worldly matters, and may He give its rulers firmness upon the truth, and may He protect the lands of the
Muslims in general.

And it is a duty upon the rest of the people of knowledge in this Kingdom and in every place to make clear to
the people the effects of the evil trials and their wicked results. And they must encourage the people to seek
shelter and refuge with Allaah with supplications, and requesting from Him that He removes the harm, and
pressing upon Him - Magnficent is His Majesty - to do this and supplicating for this in abundance. They
should ask Him for forgiveness and expiation of sins. For indeed it is He Who said: "And when My servants
ask you concerning Me, indeed I am Near. I answer the supplication of the supplicator when he calls upon

Indeed this clarification is only to emphasize what the government of this land is upon and its scholars and its
people, of rejecting the war. And Allaah is the One Who Assists, and He is the Most Able, the One with
Power over every matter. We ask Him by the magnificence of His Qadr to extinguish this war with His Mercy,
and that He covers the inhabited lands with peace. The control of every affair is in His Hand and unto Him is
the final affair. May Allaah send Salaah upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and companions,
and may He send upon them an abundance of Salaam.

The Council of Senior Scholars
The President of the Board
'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Abdullaah ibn Muhammad Aal ash-Shaykh

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The position of the Muslims regarding the crisis in Iraq...1

Shaykh Zayd ibn Muhammad ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee was asked:

"And the second question O Shaykh, it is: What is our position, or the position of the Muslims in general with
regards to the fitnah that has occurred recently in Iraq in these days?"

The Shaykh responded:

"It is upon the Muslims to beseech Allaah the Mighty and Majestic so that He raises Islam and the Muslims,
so that He raises the Religion, and so that He raises the Magnificent Book, and so that He raises the purified
Sunnah and so that He raises the status of knowledge and the Scholars. And so that He grants relief and a
way out from every fitnah (trial, tribulation)".

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The position of the Muslims regarding the crisis in Iraq...2

Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee was asked...

"O Shaykh what is the position of the Muslim from that which occurred in Iraq? And have you any advice for
the Muslims in general and those living in the west specifically?"

The Shaykh responded:

"The reality is that this matter is saddening. And there is no power nor might except by Allaah. And the
Muslims do not have any strength in their hands, and they do not have anything in their hands (at all). So
there is nothing upon them except to supplicate for those weak ones who are being slaughtered. As for
Saddaam Hussain, then he is a Socialist Ba'thist - and refuge is with Allaah and his creed is evil. However,
he has harmed the Muslims, those who are being slaughtered for nothing they have done. So there is nothing
upon them except to supplicate for them, and there is no doubt that supplication has its role (and effect), and
Allaah, the Sublime and Exalted, is the one in whose Hands all the affairs lie."

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The position of the Muslims regarding the crisis in Iraq...3


What is obligatory upon the Muslims is to make recourse to Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, and to ask Him
to protect the Muslims and that He wards off the evil from them, and that suffices the Muslims against the evil
of their enemies and their plots. Just as it is obligatory uopn the Muslims to return backto their Lord, and that
their reflect upon their conditions and about what has led them to this humiliation.

And that every single individual returns back to check his own soul, and to check his adherence to his deen,
and that he aids Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, as it relates to himself, so that Allaah, the Mighty and
Majestic may aid him against his enemy, and this is a vital matter.

And it is not befitting that we occup the Muslims away from this mighty objective, which is checking the soul,
and aiding Allaah the Mighty and Majestic in regards to one's soul, so that the aid of Allaah, the Mighty and
Majestic, for the Ummah can be actualised.

Just as it is obligatory upon everyone to return back to the Scholars and to revolve around them, and to take
whatever they direct towards, because they are the most knowledgeable of that by which Allaah, the Mighty
and Majestic, rectifies the Ummah, and they are most precise, most understanding and their directions of
advice are better and safer.

And it is not permissible to aid the Kuffar in this matter, and as for the ruling concerning what has happened,
then this is for the Scholars, and there is detail to his saying (i.e. the questioner's), "a nullifier from the
nullifiers of Islam, or not", because applying a nullifier to a specific individual has conditions that are
necessarily required, and this matter returns back to verifying the base, origin (of the ruling), and explaining
the condition of the person, so that a judgement can be passed upon him that is appropriate and befitting to
his situation. And Allaah knows best.

Shaykh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhaylee

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Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan advises regarding Palestine...

Earlier this evening (Sunday 14 April, 2002) Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan, via his open question-answer
session on PalTalk, was asked about the position of a Muslim concerning what is happening now to our
brothers (and sisters) in Palestine, with respect to supplication, giving wealth or making jihaad with them.

So he replied: "It is obligatory upon the Muslims to make supplication for their Muslim brothers and to assist
them with wealth. To assist them with wealth and supplication, this is what is obligatory, and this is what will
benefit them."

Then the Shaykh was asked, "May Allaah be benevolent to you. And this questioner says, "What is the
ruling pertaining to demonstrations, and are they considered to be from jihaad in the path of Allaah?"

So he replied: "There is no benefit in demonstrations. Rather they are confusion. They are from confusion,
disorder. And what harm will be done to the enemy if the people demonstrate a street amongst the streets
and raise their tongues?! Rather, this is from the matters on account of which the enemy actually rejoices,
and so he says that he has harmed them and cause damage to them, so the enemy rejoices with this.

Islam is a religion of sanctity, and religion of tranquility, a religion based upon knowledge, it is not a religion of
confusion and noise. It is a religion that aims to bring about tranquility and sanctity, alongside the working of
beneficial and praisworthy deeds, such as aiding the Muslims and supplicating for them, and providing them
with wealth and weapons. This is praiseworthy, and also arguing for their case with the nations, so that the
oppression can be raised from them. And that the nations are asked, those who claim democracy for
themselves, they should be asked to give those Muslims their right, and the right of a human is what they
themselves boast about! However, in their view the human is the disbeliever, and as for the Muslim in their
view, he is not a human but a terrorist. They call the Muslims "terrorists". And the disbeliever is the one who
has rights, in their view!

So it us upon the Muslims to traverse upon the manhaj of Islam in the likes of these affairs and other than
them. Islam did not come with demonstrations and clangor, and raising of the voices, or destruction of the
state properties, or transgression. All of this is not from Islam, it does not benefit, rather this harms the
Muslims and does not harm the enemy. This harms the Muslims and does not harm their enemies. Rather
their enemies rejoice with this, and he says, "I have affected them, I have made them angry, and I have
affected them."

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Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh: "Indeed waging war against the weak Muslims in Palestine
is (Israeli) terrorism and oppression"...

Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, the muftee (one qualified to pass fatwa) of Saudi Arabia and the head
of the Council of Senior Scholars and The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fataawa
mentioned in the khutbah of 'Arafah (Thursday 21 February, 2002) that what is going on in Palestine is
(Israeli) terrorism.

Summarily therefore, the Shaykh began by advising the congregation of pilgrims to fear Allaah in secret and
openly and to soley single Him out for worship, in addition to establishing the pillars of the religion and
holding steadfast to the clear path of Allaah and adhering to the Sunnah of His (final) chosen Prophet
(Muhammad) (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) in all their actions and speech.

The Shaykh explained that Allaah's purpose in creating the Jinn and mankind was so that they would
sincerely worship Him alone, having clarified for them all affairs of the religon (of Islam) so that they can seek
guidance from it. And He has given the servant (of Allaah) a choice (free will), just as he has clarified all that
relates to the religion in terms of interacting with others and establishing justice, thus paving the righteous
way for mankind.

The Shaykh added that the religion of Islam has commanded respect for the rights and preservation of people
in terms of wealth, property and the self, and it has commanded peace(making) at (times of) war, as well as
the prohibition of killing women and children, stressing that Islam is far removed from terrorism, and that
ascribing terrorism to Islam is a major injustice.

The Shaykh continued by saying: "Indeed waging war against the weak Muslims in Palestine is (Israeli)
terrorism and oppression".

The Shaykh stressed that: "Indeed the resentment of the enemies (of Islam) is because the religion of Islam
is the seal (finality) of all the religions, and that its people are the best of people to come forth..." explaining
that: "the religion of Islam has given (each and) every person their rights and has honoured them by freeing
them from the worship of (false) gods to the worship of the (true) Lord (Allaah) of the servants (of Allaah)".

The Shaykh explained that: "the enemies of Islam offer a false culture and civilisation which (negatively)
differentiates between mankind, and nullifies (all) agreements, offering all types of weaponry to destroy

The Shaykh mentioned that: "today the Muslim Ummah was passing through a severe phase which requires
it to take a close look (at itself) so that it can become a single Ummah defending and protecting it's

The Shaykh expressed: "that which has befallen the Ummah today is as a result of sins and weakness of
eemaan (faith) in addition to the presence of partisanship (tahazzub) and (much) differing in the religion; and
the last of the Ummah will never be corrected except by that which corrected the first of the Ummah".

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Concerning Palestine, Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen advises...

We are advised by authentic sources in Qaseem, that earlier this afternoon (Friday 13 October, 2000),
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen delivered the Jumu'ah khutbah where he spoke about the situation our Muslim
brothers and sisters in Palestine are facing.

Briefly, the Shaykh advised the Muslims to donate money to ease the hardship of the Palestinians, with the
strict condition that any such donations are passed on to those whom you know will permit it to reach the
intended Muslims.

Finally, in addition to remembering the Palestinian Muslims in our prayers, we ask all our Muslim brothers
and sisters to remember the noble Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen in their prayers also, and that Allaah
(Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) grants him better health and makes easy for him his affairs, aameen.

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Concerning the Peace Treaty

[The Following questions and answers are taken from at-Tawheed magazine (vol. 23; no. 10), which were a
further clarification by the noble Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz (hafitha-hullaah) about the original set of
questions concerning the Peace Treaty with the Jews, which first occurred in al-Muslimoon magazine (21st
Rajab 1415H)]

Editor's introduction

The main purpose for presenting this particular fatwa (legal ruling) of Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz
(hafitha-hullaah) is to show precisely what was said by him concerning this issue, and the principles upon
which the fataawa was based - remembering: that if the ijtihaad of the Shaykh is correct, then he is rewarded
two-fold from Allaah, and if he has erred, then he has a single reward - as he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam)

«When a judge judges and strives and is correct, then he has two rewards. If he judges and strives
and errs, then he has a single reward», [al-Bukhaaree (13/318) and Muslim (no.1716)]

The text of the questions and answers

Question: Some people have understood from your answer to the question about the peace with the Jews -
and it was the first question in the discussion - that a peace treaty or truce with the Jews, who have seized
land and committed oppression, is unrestrictedly permissible; and that it means we may have love and
affection for the Jews. It also means that we may not include anything which will cause hatred for them, or
dissociation from them, in the educational curriculum in the Islamic lands, nor in sources of information -
claiming that peace with them means this, and that after the peace treaty they are no longer enemies whom
we believe to be our enemies, and because the world today lives in a state of harmony between nations and
of peaceful co-existence - therefore it is not allowed to spread religious hatred between the nations. So we
hope that you will clarify this matter.

Response: The reply is: that a peace treaty with the Jews, or with other kuffaar (disbelievers), does not mean
having love for them, nor taking them as friends and allies. Rather it means only peace between the two sides
and that each of them will not harm the other, and other things such as buying and selling and exchanging
ambassadors; and other dealings which do not mean love for the kuffaar or taking them as friends and allies.

And the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) established a peace treaty with the people of Makkah; and
that did not mean that they loved them or took them as friends and allies, rather the enmity and hatred
remained between them until Allaah made easy the conquest of Makkah in the year of conquest - and the
people entered Allaah's religion in crowds.

Likewise the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) established a peace treaty with the Jews of Madeenah
when he emigrated to Madeenah - and it was not restricted by any time limit. So this did not necessitate love
of them, nor affection for them. Rather, he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) used to have dealings with them,
speaking to them, calling them to Allaah and encouraging them to enter Islam.

Furthermore, when he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) died, his armour was held in pledge by a Jew for some
food which he bought for his family. Then when the tribe of an-Nadheer acted treacherously he (sal-Allaahu
`alayhe wa sallam) banished them from Madeenah.

And when Quraydhah broke their treaty; supporting the Unbelievers of Makkah on the Day of al-Ahzaab in
fighting against the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) - then the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) fought them, killing the combatants from them and taking their women and children captive - after
Sa'd Ibn Mu'aadh - radiyallaahu 'anhu - was appointed judge in their matter and gave that judgement. The
Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) informed that his judgement had indeed agreed with the judgement of
Allaah from above the seven heavens. Likewise was the case with the Muslims from the Companions and
those who came after them, it occurred many times that peace treaties were established between them and
the kuffaar - Christians and others - but that never meant that they had affection, love or friendship with them,
as He - the Most Perfect - says:

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{Indeed, you will find the strongest amongst people in enmity to the Believers to be the Jews and
the polytheists}, [Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 82]

He - the Most Perfect -- says:

{Indeed, there is for you an excellent example in Ibraaheem, and those with him; when they said
to their people: Verily we are free from you and what you worship besides Allaah. We have
rejected you, and there has started between us and yourselves enmity and hatred forever - unless
you truly have eemaan (faith) in Allaah and worship Him alone}, [Soorah al-Mumtahinah, Aayah 4]

And He - the Most Perfect -- says:

{O you who Believe! Do not take the Jews and Christians as intimate friends and protectors, they
are but intimate friends and protectors to each other. And whosoever turns to them for this, is surely
one of them. Indeed Allaah does not guide a people who are wrong-doers}, [Soorah al-Maa.idah,
Aayah 51]

And He - the Mighty and Majestic - says:

{You will not find any people who believe in Allaah and the Last Day loving those who oppose
Allaah and His Messenger, even though they be their fathers, their sons, their brothers or their
relatives}, [Soorah al-Mujaadilah, Aayah 22]

And the aayaat with this meaning are many.

The fact that a peace treaty with the kuffaar - be they Jews or other than them - if it is called in order to attain
benefit or because of need, then this does not mean affection or love for them, nor friendship and allegiance
with them. Thus, when (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) conquered Khaybar, he established a peace treaty
with the Jews of Khaybar on the basis that they would take care of the palm trees and crops belonging to the
Muslims and half the produce would then be for them and the other half for the Muslims. So they continued
upon that in Khaybar and he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) did not lay down any time limit, rather he
(sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said:

«We will leave you upon that for as long as we wish»

...and in another narration:

«We will leave you upon it for as long as Allaah leaves you upon it»

So they continued upon this until 'Umar - radiyallaahu 'anhu - banished them.

And it is related that 'Abdullaah Ibn Rawaahah - radiyallaahu 'anhu - that when he estimated the amount due
to them for one year, they said: You have estimated unjustly. So he - radiyallaahu 'anhu - said:

"By Allaah! My hatred for you and my love for the Muslims does not lead me to treat you unjustly. So if you
wish you may take the share that I have estimated for you, and if you wish then we will take that share''

[Compare this with the saying of Hasan al-Bannaa - as occurs in at-Tareeq ilal-Jamaa'atil-Umm (p. l32) - that
he said at a party gathering: "The movement of al-Ikhwaan is not directed against any 'aqeedah (beliefs) from
the differing 'aqeedahs, nor any religion from the various religions, nor any of the differing groups and parties.
Al-Ikhwaanul-Muslimoon do not hate the foreigners (i.e. the non-Arabs) who settle in the Arabic and Islamic
lands, and they do not hold any evil towards them - even the Jews who live in the land. Rather, there is
nothing between us and them except good relations"]

So all of this shows that peace treaties and truces do not necessitate love, friendship and affection for the
enemies of Allaah - as is thought by some of those who have little knowledge of the pure Sharee'ah rulings.
Therefore, it will be clear to the questioner and others, that peace with the Jews - or other disbelievers - does
not mean that we change educational curriculae, nor any other dealings relating to loving and friendship and
allegiance - and it is Allaah who grants success.

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Question: Does an unrestricted peace treaty with the enemy mean that we concede to them Palestine - the
land of the Muslims which they have seized. And that it has now become a permanent land, by right, for the
Jews due to the agreement made by the United Nations - which represent the nations of the earth. Then the
United Nations will seek to punish any nation which tries to restore this land, or fight the Jews who are in it.

Response: The peace between the leader of the Muslims in Palestine and the Jews does not mean that the
Jews will permanently own the lands which they now possess. Rather, it only means that they would be in
possession of it for a period of time until either the truce comes to an end, or until the Muslims become
strong enough to force them out of the Muslim lands - in the case of an unrestricted peace. Likewise, it is
obligatory, when we have the ability, to fight the Jews until they enter into Islam or give the jizyah (a tax levied
on those who are permitted to live under the protection of a Muslim state) in servility.

[However, it occurs in Hadeethul-Jareedur-Raayatil-Qatariyyah (no. 4696), that Yoosuf al-Qaradaawee - one of
the leaders of the present-day modernist movement - said: ''Indeed we do not fight the Jews due to 'aqeedah,
but rather because of land!'']

The same applies to the Christians and the Magians, as Allaah - the Most Perfect - says in Soorah
at-Towbah, Aayah 29:

{Fight against those who do not believe in Allaah and the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been
forbidden by Allaah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge Islam, the religion of truth, from amongst
the People of the Book (i.e. the Jews and Christians), until they pay the jizyah with willing
submission and feel themselves subdued}

It is also established in the Saheeh of al-Bukhaaree that he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) took the jizyah
from the Magians. Therefore they have the same ruling as the Ahlul-Kitaab (the People of the Book) with
regards only to the jizyah - if they do not accept Islam. However, as for the allowance of their food and their
women, then that is particular only to Ahlul-Kitaab, as is stated in the text of the Book of Allaah - the Most
Perfect - in Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 55]. And al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer (d.771H) (rahima-hullaah) states what
we have said relating to the peace treaty in tafseer (explanation) of the saying of Allaah - the Most High - in
Soorah al-Anfaal, Aayah 61:

{But if they incline to peace, then you also incline to it, and put your trust in Allaah. Indeed He is
the all-Hearer, the all-Knower}

Question: Is it permissible to build upon the peace treaty with the Jewish enemy by allowing them what is
termed normalization of relations; and allowing them to take economic benefit from the Islamic lands and
other spheres which will give them great benefit and increase their strength and establish them further upon
the Islamic lands which they have misappropriated; and the Muslims can open their markets for them to sell
their goods, and that they must open economic foundations - such as banks and businesses in which the
Jews have a share along with the Muslims, and that they must likewise share the water sources such as the
Nile and the Euphrates - even though they do not flow through Palestine?

Response: The peace between the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the Jews does not necessitate
what the questioner mentioned with regards to the rest of the countries. Rather, each country sees what is
beneficial So if it sees that it is beneficial for the Muslims in its land to have peace with the Jews and to
exchange ambassadors and to engage in trade and other dealings which are considered lawful by the pure
Sharee'ah of Allaah, then this is alright.

However, if it sees that the benefit for it and its people lies in cutting-off from the Jews, then it should act as
the Sharee'ah requires and benefit necessitates Likewise, with regard to all the rest of the kaafir lands - their
ruling being the same as the Jews in this matter.

So what is obligatory upon everyone who is in charge of the affairs of the Muslims -whether he is a king, and
Ameer or a President of a Republic: - is that he takes care of what is beneficial to his people and allows what
will be beneficial to them, from those matters which Allaah has not forbidden in His pure Sharee'ah, and that
he prevents other than that with any kaafir state, acting upon the saying of Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic:

{Indeed, Allaah does command you to render back the trusts to those to whom they are due},

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[Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 58]

{So if they incline to peace, then you too incline to peace}, [Soorah al-Anfaal, Aayah 61]

And following also the example of the (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) in the peace treaties he made with the
people of Makkah, and the Jews in Madeenah and in Khaybar. And he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said in
an authentic hadeeth:

«Each one of you is a responsible guardian and each one of you will be asked about those he is
responsible for. So the ruler over the people is a responsible guardian and will be questioned
concerning those he is responsible for; and the man is the responsible guardian over the people of
his house and will be questioned about those he is responsible for, and the woman is the
responsible guardian in the house of her husband and will be questioned about those she is
responsible for; and the slave is a responsible guardian over the wealth of his owner and will be
questioned about his responsibility. Indeed, each of you is a responsible guardian and will be
questioned about what he is responsible for», [al-Bukhaaree (13/100) and Muslim (no.1829]]

And Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - says in His Noble Book:

{O you who Believe! Do not betray Allaah and His Messenger, nor knowingly betray those things
that have been entrusted to you}, [Soorah al-Anfaal, Aayah 27]

So all of this is with regards to when one is unable to fight the disbelievers, or unable to make them give the
jizyah, if they are from Ahlul-Kitaab. However, when one does have the power to fight jihaad against them,
then what is required is to call them to enter into Islam, or be killed, or to pay the jizyah - if they are from its
people. In this case it is not permissible to seek peace with them, nor to abandon fighting and the jizyah.
Rather, seeking peace is allowed when there is a need or necessity; when you are unable to fight them or
enforce the jizyah upon them - if they are from its people, as Allaah - the Most Perfect, the Most High - says
in the aayah that has already preceded:

{Fight against those who do not believe in Allaah and the Last day, nor forbid that which has been
forbidden by Allaah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge Islam, the religion of truth, from amongst
the People of the Book (i.e. the Jews and Christians), until they pay the jizyah with willing
submission and feel themselves subdued}, [Soorah at-Towbah, Aayah 29]

{And fight them on until there is no more fitnah and the Religion is made purely for Allaah}, [Soorah
al-Anfaal, Aayah 39]

And the action of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) with the People of Makkah on the day of
Hudaybiyyah; and on the day of the Conquest; and also with the Jews when he came to Madeenah shows
what we have said. We ask Allaah to guide the Muslims and to grant them every good; and that He puts their
affairs in a good state, granting them knowledge and understanding of the Religion. And that He places the
best of them in charge of them, correcting their leaders and helping them to fight jihaad against the enemies
of Allaah in the way that is pleasing to Him. Indeed He is the One to grant that, and the One having full power
over it. And may Allaah's praises and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his Family,
Companions and followers.

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The type of Jihaad in Palestine

Question: What is the Islamic Sharee'ah perspective of the current jihaad of the Palestinians; Is it jihaad in
the Path of Allaah, or jihaad for the sake of land and freedom? And is jihaad for the sake of land (and
freedom) considered as jihaad in the Path of Allaah?

Response: It has been confirmed to us by trustworthy and reliable witnesses that the Palestinian intifaadhah
(uprising) and those who have stood forth in this are from the most dedicated Muslims there, and that their
jihaad is (an) Islamic (one). This is because they are oppressed by the Jews, and that which is obligatory
upon them is to protect their religion and themselves and their families and children and to drive out their
enemy from their land with all they are able to of strength.

And these trustworthy and reliable (witnesses) who joined (the Palestinians) in their jihaad and assisted them
in that have informed us of their (the Palestinians') Islamic enthusiasm and their abidance to applying the
Islamic Sharee'ah amongst them. So that which is obligatory upon the Islamic countries and the rest of the
Muslims is to assist and support them so they can be free of their enemy, so as to return to their land, in
accordance with the saying of Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala):

{O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find
harshness in you, and know that Allaah is with those who are pious}, [Soorah at-Towbah, Aayah 123]

And His (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) saying:

{March forth, whether you are light (being healthy, young and wealthy) or heavy (being ill, old and
poor), strive hard with your wealth and your lives in the Path of Allaah. This is better for you, if you
but knew}, [Soorah at-Towbah, Aayah 41]

And His (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) saying:

{O You who believe! Shall I guide you to a commerce that will save you from a painful torment}

{That you believe in Allaah and His Messenger (Muhammad sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam), and
that you strive hard and fight in the Path of Allaah with your wealth and your lives, that will be
better for you, if you but know!}

{(If you do so) He will forgive you your sins, and admit you into Gardens under which rivers flow,
and pleasant dwelling in Gardens of 'Adn Eternity ['Adn (Eden) Paradise], that is indeed the great

{And also (He will give you) another (blessing) which you love, help from Allaah (against your
enemies) and a near victory. And give glad tidings (O Muhammad sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) to
the believers}, [Soorah as-Saff, Aayaat 10-13]

And the verses with this meaning are many.

And it is authenticated from the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) that he said:

«Make jihaad against the mushrikoon with your wealth, your selves and your tongues (speech»)

And because they are oppressed, then it is upon their Muslim brethren to aid them against those who
oppress them, as the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said:

«A Muslim is the brother of a(nother) Muslim; he does not oppress him and nor does he hand him
over (to the enemy»), its athenticity is agreed upon by both al-Bukhaaree and Muslim.

And his (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) saying:

«Assist your (Muslim) brother if he is the oppresser or the oppressed», it was asked:

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"O Messenger of Allaah: (we understand about) assisting him when he is oppressed, so how do we assist
him when he is the oppresser?" He (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said:

«Restrain him from oppressing (anyone), for that is asssiting your (Muslim) brother».

And the ahaadeeth regarding the obligation of jihaad in the Path of Allaah and assisting the oppressed and
deterring the oppresser are very many.

So we ask Allaah to grant our mujaahideen brethren victory in the Path of Allaah over their enemies in
Palestine and elsewhere, and to unite them upon the truth and to grant all the Muslims the ability to assist
them and to stand firm against their enemies and to forsake the enemies of Islam wherever they may be and
to descend upon the evil-doing and criminal people/nation (much) suffering, (that) which does not cease,
indeed He is the All-Hearing.

Shaykh Ibn Baaz
Majmoo' Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi'ah - Volume 4, Page 295
Majallah ad-Da'wah published 09/08/1409 A.H.

PLEASE NOTE: Terrorism is haraam in Islam, and this fatwa does not in any way or form imply it's
permissibility or acceptance. Rather, it provides a qualified Islamic legal ruling to oppose those who have
caused oppression by occupying Palestinian land.

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The Palestinian Issue

Question: What is the way to proceed regarding the Palestinian issue, which has, as the days pass,
escalated in terms of complexity and violence?

Response: Certainly, the Muslim(s) feel much pain and great sadness at the deteriorating situation in
Palestine, with matters going from bad to worse, escalating in complexity as the days pass, such that it has
reached where it has (today). This is due to the differing (occurring) between the neighbouring countries, and
their lack of united resistance against their enemy, and (likewise) their lack of adherence to the Sharee'ah
which Allaah has linked to victory (and success). (This is also in addition to) the enemy vowing to oppose
(the Palestinians) and remain upon the (Palestinians') land. And this entails great danger and adverse

The neighbouring countries need to rush to unite in their resistance (against the enemy) and adhere to the
Sharee'ah in confronting this issue, which concerns them and all of the Muslim world.

And that which is worth mentioning here, is that the Palestinian issue is an Islamic issue from the beginning
(right through) to the end. However, the enemies of Islam have strived immensely to distance it (this issue)
from the Islamic path and convey to the non-Arab Muslims that this is an Arab issue, and that it does not
concern the non-Arabs. It appears they have succeeded in this to a certain extent. This is why I feel it is not
possible to reach a solution regarding this issue unless it is deemed an Islamic issue, and the Muslims
support one another in salvation, and make jihaad against the Jews in an Islamic manner, until such time the
land (of the Palestinians) is returned to its (rightful Palestinian) owners. (In addition to) the trespassing Jews
returning to their (own) lands where they came from, thereby leaving the true Jews to remain in their lands
under the rule of Islam, and not communism and nor secularism. Thereby, truth shall prevail and falsehood
will be abandoned, and all rightful owners shall return to their lands under Islamic rule, and not under any
other (rule).

And Allaah is the Expounder of Success.

Shaykh Ibn Baaz
Majmoo' Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi'ah - Volume 1, Page 277

PLEASE NOTE: Terrorism is haraam in Islam, and this fatwa does not in any way or form imply it's
permissibility or acceptance. Rather, it provides a qualified Islamic legal ruling to oppose those who have
caused oppression by occupying Palestinian land.

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Grand Mufti Condemns Militants

The Kingdom’s Grand Mufti Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, who also chairs the Senior Commission
of ulema (religious scholars), condemned criminal acts perpetrated by militants. He also called on Saudi
citizens to report any suspicious activity to the security forces, and warned them not to hide militants.

The Grand Mufti described Al-Qaeda as enemies of Islam, the nation, and its economy, and urged all
Muslims to unite and combat all crimes. He also praised security forces for their efforts.


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Grand Mufti Tells Militants to Surrender

Saturday 10 September 2005: Saudi Arabia's grand mufti yesterday called upon Al-Qaeda militants in the
country to repent and surrender to the authorities. He also praised Saudi security forces for launching
pre-emptive strikes to foil terrorist attacks.

In a statement following Tuesday's anti-terror operation in Dammam, which led to the killing of five
most-wanted terrorists, Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh urged citizens, including imams, to extend full
cooperation to security forces in the fight against terrorism.

"Parents must inform police if their children persist to follow the deviant ideology even after they were given
advice by themselves as wells as Islamic scholars," he said, adding that such steps are imperative to protect
the country from terrorist operations.

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Grand Mufti and Others Denounce London Bombings

Saturday 9 July 2005: The Kingdom's grand mufti yesterday strongly denounced the deadly blasts that
rocked London, saying Islam strictly prohibits the killing of innocent people. He also censured the terrorists
for tarnishing the image of Islam by attaching their heinous crimes to the religion.

The explosions that ripped through central London's transport system on Thursday, "targeting peaceful
people, are not condoned by Islam, and are indeed prohibited by our religion," Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal
ash-Shaykh said in a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency.

"Attributing to Islam acts of individual or collective killings, bombings, destruction of properties and the
terrorizing of peaceful people is unfair, because they are alien to the divine religion," said the mufti, who also
heads the Council of Senior Islamic Scholars, Saudi Arabia's highest religious authority.

"Islam is a religion of reforms and righteousness. It envisages the progress of humanity and takes it from
darkness to light. It also calls for respecting agreements and prohibits their violation," the mufti said referring
to accords binding governments. "Causing corruption on earth is one of the biggest crimes in Islam," he

Sheikh 'Abdul 'Azeez said respectable Muslim scholars all over the world have stated that such outrages bear
no relation to Islam.

Sheikh 'Abdul Mohsen Al-Obaikan, a senior Saudi scholar and a Shoura member, said there was no
justification, whatsoever, for the killing of innocent people. Speaking to MBC television, he urged all members
of the Muslim community in Britain to cooperate with British authorities in tracking down the criminals behind
the attacks.

Shaikh 'Abdul 'Azeez Bin Abdullah Al-AsShaikh, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Chairman of the Committee
of Senior Ulema [religious scholars] and Chairman of the Department of Scientific Research and Ifta
[guidance], today condemned the terrorist bombings in London and issued the following statement:

"Killing and terrorizing innocent people and the destruction of property are not condoned by Islam. Attributing
all these horrific incidents to Islam is unjust. Muslims should tell the truth and unveil falseness, and inform all
people that Islam is a religion of righteousness, betterment and progress. Islam is the final revelation that
Allah chose for humankind to guide it from darkness to light. Allah said: "This day, I have perfected your
religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion."

Our religion urges us to fulfill our obligations and prohibits us from abandoning such obligations. Allah said:

{O you who believe! Fulfill your obligations.}

The unjust killing of a human being in Islam is forbidden. Allah said:

{And kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden except for a just cause.}

Corruption on earth is considered a major sin in Islam. Allah said:

{And of mankind there is he whose speech may please you in this worldly life, and he calls Allah to
witness as to that which is in his heart, yet he is the most quarrelsome of the opponents. And when
he turns away from you, his effort in the land is to make mischief therein and to destroy the crops
and the cattle, and Allah likes not mischief. And when it is said to him 'Fear Allah,' he is led by
arrogance to more crime. So enough for him is Hell, and worst indeed is that place to rest.}

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Grand Mufti denounces the killing of Egypt's envoy to Iraq

Friday 8 July 2005: Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Chairman of the
Committee of Senior Ulema [religious scholars] and Chairman of the Department of Scientific Research and
Ifta [guidance], today issued the following statement in response to the killing of the Egyptian envoy to Iraq:

Praise be to Allah, and prayer and peace upon his last Prophet. We ask Allah to preserve our religion and
bless us by adhering with it to the apparent and hidden truth and keep us sane and protect us from the evils
of ourselves.

We heard with great pain what happened to the Egyptian envoy to Iraq, and since this incident was falsely
put in a religious context we would like to present the truth, and hope that Allah will guide by it the hearts of
those who deviated from the righteous path.

Killing of the souls that Allah prohibited is a greater crime and one of the greatest sins, as Allah says:

{And kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause,}

...and Allah also says:

{Because of that we ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone killed a person not in
retaliation of murder or to spread mischief in the land, it would be as if he killed all mankind.}

What happened to the Egyptian envoy, as he was kidnapped and killed, is considered spread of mischief in
the land which Allah prohibited.

Allah says:

{And of mankind there is he whose speech may please you, in this worldly life, and he calls Allah
to witness as to that which is in his heart, yet he is the most quarrelsome of the opponents. And
when he turns away from you, his effort in the land is to make mischief therein and to destroy the
crops and the cattle, and Allah likes not mischief. And when it is said to him "Fear Allah," he is led
by arrogance to more crime. So enough for him is Hell, and worst indeed is that place to rest.}

It is, therefore, clear that this action is prohibited and is among the great sins, and even worse is to relate it
to religion. That is a major crime and deceit using the name of Allah, as Allah says:

{Verily, those who invent lies against Allah will never prosper.}

This statement is to present the truth and advise the nation. We ask Allah to preserve our religion and peace,
to keep us sane and guide us to understand our religion and adhere to the deeds of our Prophet and to save
us from the apparent and hidden temptations of sedition. Aameen.

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Saudis Stand United Against Terrorism

Monday 7 February 2005: A nationwide anti-terror campaign was launched on Saturday as officials,
intellectuals, students and the general public vowed to stand by the government in its efforts to stamp out
terrorism. The campaign, coinciding with the Counterterrorism International Conference in Riyadh, aims at
increasing public awareness of terrorism and deviancy.

All governorates, ministries and government departments are taking part in the campaign, which aims to
isolate the remaining elements who support the terror network.

Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, the Kingdom's grand mufti, said Islam, which calls for the protection
of a man's life, family, wealth, honor and intellect, totally rejects terrorism. "If a person kills a believer, his
punishment is hell," the mufti said, quoting a Qur'anic verse. He also pointed out that the protection of
non-Muslims living in a Muslim country was the responsibility of the country's government.

Al-Asheikh said terrorists who cause corruption on Earth by carrying out killings and destruction deserve
tough punishment as the Holy Qur'an directs.

In a similar statement, Saleh Al-Asheikh, minister of Islamic affairs and endowments, called upon religious
scholars, intellectuals, academics and writers to stand with the government in its fight against terrorism and

The Islamic Ministry has planned a variety of programs in support of the anti-terror campaign. "We have set
up a team to carry out a number of programs, including lectures and seminars, to educate the public on the
danger posed by deviant groups," the minister said.

Friday sermons delivered by prayer leaders (imaams) in many of the Kingdom's mosques focused on the
need to confront terrorism.

"Fighting terrorism is a joint responsibility," Dr. Saleh Bin-Humaid, one of the imams of the Grand Mosque,
said in his sermon. Bin-Humaid, who is also chairman of the Shoura Council, said terrorist actions committed
by Al-Qaeda cells in the Kingdom benefited only the enemies of Islam. He reminded scholars, teachers,
writers and imams of their responsibility to guide youth and protect them from deviant thought.

Sheikh Abdul Bari Al-Thubaity, the imam of the Prophet's Mosque in Madeenah, said Islam had nothing to do
with terrorism and condemned those who fish in troubled waters and work to tarnish the image of Islam and

"Islam is a religion of mercy and benevolence. It is a religion of construction, not destruction," the Saudi
Press Agency quoted him as saying.

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250 Talked Out of Terrorism

Monday 7 February 2005: Saleh Al-Asheikh speaks to the media at the Counterterrorism International
Conference in Riyadh.

Saudi Arabia has been successful in changing the idological thinking of more than 250 Al-Qaeda
sympathizers, the Kingdom's Islamic Affairs Minister Saleh Al-Asheikh said yesterday.

"We have reached out to them and have succeeded in convincing more than 250 to change their ways," he
said, speaking of his ministry's counterterrorism program conducted over the Internet. The program includes
direct counseling as well as a hotline for families who are worried that their sons may be drawn toward the
Al-Qaeda terror network.

"We conducted a dialogue with 800 of them and more than a quarter were convinced. We are continuing our
efforts with the rest," he told delegates attending an international counterterrorism conference. "The Internet is
a fertile field. We have used many Islamic and cultural sites to increase awareness of the dangers of

Since a triple suicide bombing in Riyadh in May 2003, the Kingdom has cracked down on Al-Qaeda militants
and the religious scholars who have publicly supported them. It has also waged a media campaign to turn
Saudis against violence and to persuade parents to be more aware of signs that their sons are being drawn to
militants, either in Saudi Arabia or in Iraq.

Militants have also made extensive use of the Internet and there are at least two Al-Qaeda-affiliated web
magazines which have prompted alarm among some security experts who say militants are turning the web
into a virtual classroom.

Saudi Arabia is currently hosting an antiterrorism conference including security and intelligence experts from
more than 50 countries who have been asked to set out strategies for combating terrorism. Crown Prince
Abdullah, who opened the conference on Saturday, has called for the establishment of an antiterrorism

The crown prince's proposal has been warmly welcomed by most delegates at the conference. However, US
Homeland Security adviser Frances Townsend told reporters that "the center would not end the need for
bilateral exchange of information." But anything done to increase intelligence sharing in the fight against
terrorism is a "net gain," she added.

Al-Asheikh said his ministry operates a hotline for anyone who wants guidance. "If there is a father who does
not know how to solve a problem with his son, there is a direct line to the ministry."

The minister said his ministry had instructed preachers 25 times over the past three years to devote entire
sermons to condemning terrorism. Over the past year, religious scholars from the ministry have held several
weeks of contacts with "terrorists" in order to show them their errors, he said. "Most have wanted to continue
(the contact) because we do not approach this in a condescending way," he said, describing the contact as
"one-to-one." It was not clear if he was referring to face-to-face meetings or only exchanges over the Internet.

Al-Asheikh, who was one of the main speakers on the second day of the conference, also emphasized the
need to solve Middle Eastern problems as a way to reduce the appeal of terrorism.

"People cannot ignore what is going on in Iraq and Palestine as these issues arouse the feelings and
emotions of Muslims around the world," he pointed out.

He said that convincing extremists not to cross the line into terrorism is not an easy task. "There are two
ways of dealing with them; one is by opening a dialogue and trying to reason with them and the other is by
using force," he added.

Al-Asheikh said the true Islam, which Saudi Arabia promotes, is a great distance from what the extremists
believe in. "Islam is a religion of peace and prosperity; it teaches us ethics and morality," he said, adding that

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a Muslim must be loyal to his country and his country must be able to trust him.

The minister noted that when Osama Bin Laden was in Saudi Arabia prior to 1998, he cooperated with the
Saudi government as well as with the Americans. "When Osama announced his war against Saudi Arabia
and the humanity at large, the government decided to withdraw his Saudi nationality," Al-Asheikh said,
describing Bin Laden as the head of terrorism.

Saudi scholars have issued statements and edicts defining and condemning terrorism. "The Prophet said that
those who injure non-Muslims in a Muslim land will not have a chance of coming close to Heaven,"
Al-Asheikh said.

He said his ministry planned to continue its dialogue with extremists. "We do not intend to discuss their
beliefs with them since we find them completely wrong. On the other hand, we try to dissuade them from
involving themselves in terrorist attacks."

Al-Asheikh denied allegations that the Kingdom's religious establishment was against reform. "That is not
true. The religious establishment agrees with many of the reforms," he said, adding that reform must be
implemented gradually. "We will not accept any pressure from outside," he said.

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Makkah Imam Urges Muslims to Shun Terror

Wednesday 8 December 2004: As millions of faithful marked 'Eed al-Adhaa yesterday, Muslims were warned
against heeding militant calls to wage terrorist attacks in the name of Islam.

The warning came, amid a surge in militant attacks in Muslim countries and beyond, from Sheikh
Abdulrahman Al-Sudais, imam of the Grand Mosque in Makkah, while addressing Haj pilgrims in a customary
'Eed sermon. The imam also advised Islamic scholars to preach moderation to confront this "rotten"

"Islam is the religion of moderation. There is no room for extremism in Islam," he said.

He called on Muslims to "protect non-Muslims in the Kingdom and not to attack them in the country or
anywhere. Islam is a religion of peace that abhors attack on innocents." Militants were using misguided
interpretations of Islam to justify violence, he added.

"Because Muslims have strayed from moderation, we are now suffering from this dangerous phenomenon of
branding people infidels and inciting Muslims to rise against their leaders to cause instability," Al-Sudais

"The reason for this is a delinquent and void interpretation of Islam based on does not mean
killing Muslims or non-Muslims who live among us, it does not mean shedding blood, terrorizing or sending
body parts flying."

Al-Sudais warned that extremism would ruin the Muslim nation, adding: "This phenomenon has expanded so
much that scholars must confront it with concrete proof from Islam to protect our youth from its stench and

He added: "One of the main issues that needs to be tackled in principle is reform". He criticized dissident
Saad Al-Faqeeh who is calling to rebel against the government in order to create disunity among the people.
He described him as a reckless adventurer who is obsessed with publicity.

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Grand Mufti condemns attack on U.S. consulate

Wednesday 8 December 2004: The Kingdom's Grand Mufti, Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh,
condemned and denounced the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Jeddah on Monday 6th December

In a statement published in the Jeddah-based Al-Madinah newspapers today, Al Al-Sheikh said that attacking
the U.S. consulate, throwing explosives, killing and wounding innocent people, and undermining stability and
security utterly contradict the teachings of Islam.

He said that all citizens and residents in the Kingdom are entitled to peace and security under the law, and
no religious scholar could condone such criminal, terrorist attacks on innocent people.

Source: SPA

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Makkah Imam says "Nip Terror Groups in the Bud"

Saturday 24 July 2004: The imam of the Grand Mosque in Makkah Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais said
here yesterday that terrorism and extremism must be stopped and the organizations that promote terror
should be dismantled.

Delivering his Friday sermon, the imam said militant groups had unleashed a war on religious values, and this
must be stopped.

He said such terror groups should be nipped in the bud. "This should be one of our major priorities in order to
preserve the nation against trials and strife," he told thousands of worshippers.

"Some of our sons were brainwashed and became tools in the hands of deviants to commit violence and
practice terrorism. They took the path of extremism, destruction and explosion. They tried very hard to
damage the fabric of the society and sought violent means to change the social system," he said.

Al-Sudais expressed the fear that such groups would ratchet up their attacks not only physically but also on
ideologies. The next stage would witness a war on religious values using their extremist thoughts, he said

"We have to overcome these negatives and to rebuild," Al-Sudais said. He called on the nation to be honest,
to abide by the precepts of their religion and to make sure of the safety of their country. "We should be
vigilant and counter such extremist thoughts, he said.

"Thank God that the symbols of terrorism are falling down like tree leaves during fall time. We remind those
that still sympathize, or harbor these people that they are committing a crime against their religion, their
nation and their country," said Al-Sudais.

"A Muslim returning to the right path, even if it is a small step toward it, will face God's mercy on the Day of
Judgment, but not those whose hands are covered with blood.

"The rulers of this country offered that chance to these people with a one-month amnesty, so that these
people return to the right path. Those that gave themselves up have found peace and forgiveness," he added.

"Those still sticking to the wrong path will only harm themselves, their family and their society," he said.

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Public Urged to Inform on Terrorists - Grand Mufti

Saudi Arabia's highest religious authority yesterday (Friday 4 June, 2004) issued a fatwa, or religious edict,
calling on citizens and expatriates to inform on suspected extremists engaged in terrorist activities.

The committee that issues religious rulings, headed by Grand Mufti Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh,
"urges citizens and (foreign) residents to inform on anyone planning or preparing to carry out an act of
sabotage," the Saudi Press Agency reported.

The aim is to "protect the people and the country from the destructive effects of such actions and to shield
the planners themselves from the consequences of their actions," the fatwa said.

The committee condemned the recent attacks in the Kingdom and urged extremists to "fear God Almighty
and come to their senses."

It said it issued the edict in response to inquiries about "the appalling events of the past few weeks," which
have seen an escalation in the terror campaign blamed on Al-Qaeda sympathizers.

Some 85 people have been killed and hundreds injured in a wave of violence which began in May 2003.

In one of the bloodiest episodes, 22 people were killed when gunmen went on a shooting rampage and seized
hostages in Alkhobar last weekend.

Yesterday's edict reinforces repeated calls by Saudi officials on the population to inform on terror suspects,
coupled with warnings that those who turn a blind eye to terrorist activities will be seen as accomplices of the

Authorities have promised large financial rewards for those who help catch most-wanted militants or thwart

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Haram Imams Denounce Terrorist Attacks

The imams of the two holy mosques in Makkah and Madeenah yesterday (Saturday 8 May, 2004) denounced
recent terrorist attacks in the Kingdom and said the terrorists were playing in the hands of Islam's enemies.

"Our hearts tremble... from these criminal acts in Riyadh, from what followed in Yanbu... because they
claimed sacred lives," said Dr. Osama Khayyat, an imam at al-Masjid al-Haraam in Makkah.

Delivering his sermon to the thousands of faithful who thronged the mosque for the Friday prayer, the imam
reiterated that Islam prohibits the killing of innocent people.

The imam was referring to the killing of five Western engineers and a National Guard officer in the latest
terrorist attack in the industrial city of Yanbu and the suicide bombing of a security forces building in Riyadh,
which killed six people, including four security men and a young girl, and wounded 145 others.

The imam accused the perpetrators of the attacks, suspected sympathizers of the Al-Qaeda terror network,
of being stooges of Muslims' enemies. "In truth, who benefits from these actions? The Muslims or their
enemies?" asked Khayyat.

"How can a reasonable person become a willing tool in the hands of his enemies and the enemies of his
country and the (Islamic) nation?" he asked, urging worshipers to denounce violence and stand united against
this "grave danger."

In Madeenah, his words were echoed by Sheikh Hussein Al-Asheikh, one of the imams of al-Masjid
an-Nabawee, who also said the main purpose of the Sharee'ah was to assure the happiness of the whole of

"Islamic teachings aim to achieve lofty and noble goals...every activity of a Muslim should conform to the
objectives set by his religion."

"The criminal actions that took place in the Kingdom are despicable. They violate the orders of God and the
teachings of His Prophet...They will only serve the interests of our enemies," he added.

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Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
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Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
Islam Against Terrorism   V133
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Islam Against Terrorism V133

  • 1. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Preface al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa.e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd: as-Salaam 'alaykum wa-Rahmatullaahe wa-Barakaatuhu, Fatwa-Online is pleased to present a collection of the statements of the most Senior Scholars of Islam of our time regarding the important issues concerning terrorism, hijacking, suicide bombings and similar evil acts. Many inaccuracies have been published in the media about Islam and terrorism, and it is hoped that this publication will go towards correcting these and many other inaccuracies that exist today. This publication is intended as a reference to all those seeking clarification on the position of Islam towards terrorism, and in this regard I encourage everyone, in particular the media, to freely copy-and-paste this information in their publications. Much time and effort has gone into preparing this publication for FREE distribution and hence it is anticipated it will prove to be of immense value to the Muslims and non-Muslims alike, inshaa.-Allaah. Therefore, whoever finds any typographical mistake(s) in the following work, then please write to me (at my email address) indicating the mistake(s) and its place. {Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error...}, [Soorah al-Baqarah, Aayah 286] I thank all those who will point out these mistakes with the intention of seeking Allaah's Pleasure, and of correcting this publication. Indeed, Allaah is Surety over what I say. May Allaah humble us all to make this effort pure, seeking His Face alone. Certainly to Him is our return. {Our Lord accept from us, certainly you are the All-Hearing and All-Knowing}, [Soorah al-Baqarah, Aayah 127] {Our Lord forgive me and my parents, and the believers on the Day when the reckoning will be established}, [Soorah Ibraaheem, Aayah 41] «With the assistance of Allaah the Most High, and all Praise be to Allaah by whose favour good works are accomplished», [Ibn as-Sunnee in A'maal al-Yawm wal-Laylah; al-Haakim declared it Saheeh 1/499; al-Albaanee declared it Saheeh in Saheeh al-Jaami' 4/201] wa Billaahit-Towfeeq... Abu 'Abdullaah Mohammed Akhtar Chaudhry Graduate of the Faculty of Sharee'ah (Islamic Law ) Islamic University of Madeenah Madeenah, Saudi Arabia Visit us at: Mirror site: Email us at: Visit our other sites: Thinking about making Hijra? Thinking about getting married? Some of the Students from the Islamic University of Madeenah present: Page 1
  • 2. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, "islamagainstterrorism.chm" was first published on al-Ithnayn 8 Sha'baan 1425 / Monday 12 September 2005 .......... (i) HTML HELP (file extension .CHM) is the default online help format for Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Older Windows versions (Windows 95 and Windows NT) require the Microsoft HTMP HELP viewer. In most cases, this viewer is already installed, because recent Microsoft products (MS Office) include it. Page 2
  • 3. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Afghanistan Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh asks all the Muslims to support their brethren in Afghanistan... Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, the muftee (one qualified to pass fatwa) of Saudi Arabia and the head of the Council of Senior Scholars and The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fataawa has asked (Monday 15 October 2001) all the Muslims in Saudi Arabia, both the nationals and non-nationals, to support their refugee brethren in Afghanistan by offering assistance and donations at this time in which they are experiencing extreme difficulties. The Shaykh went on to say that the Islamic relief efforts currently offered to our brethren in Afghanistan are indeed most noble acts, and in which there is much good. And it does not come as any surprise to the leadership that much importance is given by the efforts of the Muslims to their brethren throughout the needy Muslim world. We ask Allaah to assist them and grant them success. The Shaykh stressed the importance of donations to our brethren in Afghanistan to aid them, and requested from both the (Saudi) nationals and non-nationals that they dig deep into their pockets to provide help and assistance for them in their time of need. He added that the reward for this act is extremely high considering they (the Afghanis) are eligible for assistance. The Shaykh finally stressed upon all Muslim leaders and callers to Islam to encourage the Muslims in this noble act to assist their brethren in Islam, and he asked Allaah to aid anyone who carries out this act and to reward them plentiful. Page 3
  • 4. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Bosnia and Herzegovina The ruling regarding rape victims and their offspring From: 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn 'Abdullaah ibn Baaz To: The noble brother - A.K.A.J. - may Allaah facilitate for you your affairs as-Salaamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullaahe wa Barakaatuhu, to proceed: Your correspondence reached me consisting of: Your question about the children of the women who were raped in Bosnia and Herzegovina and your need for beneficial (Islamic) books. It pleases me to send you a copy of my book «Majmoo' Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi'ah» and «al-'Aqeedah al-Waasitiyyah» and the book «Fat.h al-Majeed Sharh Kitaab at-Tawheed» and «al-Usool ath-Thalaathah» and «al-'Aqeedah at-Tahaawiyyah» and «at-Tahqeeq wal-Eedhaah» - it is hoped Allaah will cause you to benefit from them (inshaa.-Allaah). As regards the issue concerning the children, then it is obligatory upon the Muslims to take charge/custody of them and bring them up with Islamic manners, and not leave them for the Christians and other than them, as Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) says: {The believers, men and women, are Awliyaa. (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another...}, [Soorah at-Towbah, Aayah 71] and He (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said: «The Muslims in their mutual love, kindness and compassion, are like the human body where when one of its part is in agony the entire body feels the pain both in sleepness and fever», [al-Bukhaaree and Muslim] their ruling is that of orphans (without fathers), and Allaah has legislated kindness and charity to the orphans specifically. I ask Allaah for you and for all the Muslims that he facilitates the affairs and guides to all that is good. was-Salaam 'alaykum wa Rahmatullaahe wa Barakaatuhu Majmoo' Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi'ah - Volume 8, Pages 265 Page 4
  • 5. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Chechnya Donate money to Muslims in Chechnya or go ahead and perform first Hajj Question put to our Noble Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen after Fajr in al-Masjid al-Haraam in Makkah on Tuesday 27 Ramadhaan 1420/ 4 January 2000 If someone has saved up money to perform their very first Hajj, would it be better to donate this money to our Muslim Brothers and Sisters in Chechnya or go ahead and perform the Hajj? The Noble Shaykh (hafitha-hullaah) briefly responed by saying it is better to perform the (first) Hajj which is obligatory upon the person. Page 5
  • 6. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Hijacking and kidnapping Hijacking planes and kidnapping From that which is known to everyone who has the slightest bit of common sense is that hijacking airplanes and kidnapping children and the like are extremely great crimes, the world over. Their evil effects are far and wide, as is the great harm and inconvenience caused to the innocent; the total effect of which none can comprehend except Allaah. Likewise, from that which is known is that these crimes are not specific to any particular country over and above another country, nor any specific group over and above another group, rather it encompasses the whole world. There is no doubt about the effect of these crimes; so it is obligatory upon the governments and those responsible from amongst the scholars and other than them to afford these issues great concern, and to exert themselves as much as possible in ending this evil. Shaykh Ibn Baaz Kayfa Nu'aalij Waaqi'unaa al-Aleem - Page 108-109 Page 6
  • 7. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Iraq Makkah Imam Urges Iraqis to Cool Their Guns Sheikh Saleh Al-Taleb, the imam of the Grand Mosque in Makkah, yesterday (Friday 24 February 2006) condemned the attacks on mosques in Iraq and warned against flaring up inter-Muslim violence in the country. "It is not in the interest of Iraqis to rush to blame people, or take revenge," Al-Taleb said in his Friday sermon which was televised around the world. Iraq has seen reprisal attacks and around 200 deaths after the bombing of a major religious site in Samarra on Wednesday raising fears of a civil war in the country. Al-Taleb condemned the Samarra bombing and the revenge attacks that followed saying, "These are conflicts whose fire is lit by criminals." "How can an attack on the graves of believers be avenged with attacks on the houses of God? How can a violation of tombs of the Prophet's descendents be met with burning the Book of God, killing Muslims and preventing prayers?" he told hundreds of thousands worshippers gathered in the huge mosque complex. The imam said the attacks will serve only to provoking an all-out civil war in the country and the rush for retaliation is not to the benefit of an already weak Iraq. He pointed out that the perpetrators of the attacks are not known and therefore counterattacks against gravesites and mosques serve no other purpose than making innocents suffer. Al-Taleb said that Iraqis at this critical stage should exhibit restraint to bring forward the interests of the public. He urged the Iraqi people to stay away from anything that would weaken their country. "Your brother Muslims around the world are urging you to put down your weapons and settle this matter peacefully," said Al-Taleb. Wednesday's bombing, which destroyed the famous dome of the 1,000-year-old mausoleum where two ninth century Shiite imams were buried, prompted global condemnation and appeals for calm. Page 7
  • 8. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Iraq Makkah Imam Takes US to Task on Iraq The imam at the Grand Mosque in Makkah yesterday (Friday 9 April 2004) lambasted the United States and its allies in Iraq for double-speak. "Although they claim they are the advocates of reform and freedom, they are in fact the forces of destruction and devastation," Sheikh Saud Al-Shuraim said in an apparent reference to the US-led occupation forces in Iraq. Delivering his Friday sermon to thousands of faithful who packed the large mosque complex, the imam asked how missiles and machine guns could bring peace and freedom to the people of Palestine and Iraq. "They promise them a comfortable life built on torn bodies...They want us to believe that destruction is reform, killing is life, disorder is order and injustice is justice," he added. The imam slammed the United States also for using its veto against UN Security Council resolutions condemning Israel's occupation of Palestine, contrasting the international outcry over the killing of four security contractors in Fallujah with the relative silence meeting Israeli actions in the occupied territories. "How can they consider the killing of four individuals a major crime and ignore the killing of a whole nation?" Shuraim, one of the imams at the Grand Mosque, asked. The imam said the Islamic world was passing through a difficult phase. "The Muslim nation finds no refuge from the injustice of the tyrant and international terrorism," he said. Page 8
  • 9. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Iraq Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee speaks about the Attack on Iraq Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee speaks about the Attack on Iraq From a cassette recording (26/1/1424H) of an answer of the Shaykh to a question concerning the crisis (of the Attack on Iraqi) – transcribed by Khalid adh-Dhafayree. Question: There has been much questioning of the position of the "adherents to the way of the pious predecessors" towards this crisis, is it permissible to supplicate against the Disbelievers in the likes of these circumstances? Response: Yes, it is permissible to make supplication against the Disbelievers in these circumstances and others. Supplication is made for their guidance, and supplication is made for their destruction when they do not seek guidance. So we ask Allaah that prevents the harm of the Disbelivers, especially in these circumstances, we see oppression and transgression, which exceeds the lowest limits [of what can be defined as] transgression and wrongdoing. So we ask Allaah that He turns their plot back upon them. Man, as it is said, is a commodity, it is necessary that he gather something of the news. However, I hold that the youth should not be completely engrossed and waste their time in what does not benefit them, and which does not bring back any benefit to the Ummah. Because all they can do is just listen, then what do they do after that? So they take a part o f this news, and then call upon Allaah, the Blessed and Almighty, that He gives relief to the Muslims, and that He removes this affliction. And my advice in regard to this, to the Muslims in general and to [the people of] `Iraaq specifically, is that they return to the Book of Allaah and to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam), for by Allaah, there is no exit for them from these tribulations, trials, calamities and the transgression of the Disbelievers upon them, and by Allaah nothing will stand in the face of them, except that that they adhere to the Book of Allaah, and the Sunnah of His Messenger (`alayhi as-salaatu was salaam). And there is no exit for the Muslims from the continuous humiliation except when they are truthful in their aqeedah, and in their manners and in all of their actions. They are truthful with Allaah, they are truthful to Allaah, obedient to Him, obedient to His Messengers, respectful to His teachings that are in the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of Allaah's Messenger. But as for when they turn away, and fall short, and when they have beliefs that clash with the beliefs of the Prophets, [and] Shirk is spread in the lands of the Muslims, and misguidance and deviation in the morals and manners and other such tribulations, all of which obligates the anger of Allaah and obligates the domination of the enemies of Islam upon those Muslims, those about whom the saying of the Messenger (`alayhi as-salaatu was-salaam) holds true, "The nations are about to call each other and set upon you, just as diners set upon food." They said: "Will it be because of our small number that day, O Messenger of Allaah?" He said: "Rather, on that day you will be many, but you will be like ghuthaa (scum, foam), like the ghuthaa on the river". This is the reality of the Muslims, so are they prepared to leave this ghuthaa'iyyah? For by Allaah, [leaving this ghuthaa'iyyah] is not by battle-cries, nor by demonstrations, and by crying and nor by any of this. Rather, it is (by way of) our being truthful with Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, and that we acquaint ourselves with all earnest, with the methodology of the Prophets, and with the speech of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam), so we believe what it contains of beliefs upon the way of the Messenger of Allaah and His Noble Companions, not upon the way of the Rawaafid (Shi`ah), and nor upon the way of the Khawaarij, and nor upon the way of the Ba'thees (Socialists) and nor upon the way of the Philosophers, and nor upon the way of any astray sect. But rather upon the way of the Messenger (`alayhi as-salaatu was salaam), the way that is comprised in the texts of the Book and the Sunnah, and [the way that] the Noble Companions guided themselves, by this guidance, and [the way of] whoever followed them until this day of ours. This is the path to rescue in the world and the hereafter, and this is the path of deliverance, this is the boat of deliverance. And by Allaah, the time has come for the Palestinian society to return to Allaah, and the Iraaqee society, and all of the [Muslim] societies, for them to return to Allaah, with a complete and serious return. And it is of the utmost imperative upon the callers, those who raise the slogans that doe not benefit the Muslims, that they are truthful to Allaah, the Blessed and Exalted and that they give sincerity of purpose to Allaah, and His Book and His Messenger, to the leaders of the Muslims and their general folk, that they give sincerity of purpose to them and call out to them to return to the Book of Allaah and that they satisfy the Muslims with [the fact] that there is not deliverance or rescue from the anger of Allaah, His punishment, and empowerment of their enemies upon them in this life, except by a serious return to the Book of Allaah, and Page 9
  • 10. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, the Sunnah of His Messenger (`alayhi as salaatu was salaam) and to what the Pious Predecessors (may Allaah be peased with them) were upon. This is the path to deliverance, by Allaah, not by the United Nations, which has been unsuccessful, and nor by the Security Council, and nor by the Union of Arab States, and nor other than it, and nor by mere slogans or ideologies, or calls, or slogans, or the cries of the Soofiyyah, or the Rawaafid nor other than them. But that which will save them and will remove them from the destructive calamities, is that they return to the Book of Allaah and to the Sunnah of His Messenger, just as he (`alayhi as salaatu was salaam) said, "When you deal in 'eenah transactions, and are satisfied with cultivation, and hold on to the tails of oxen [and abandon Jihaad] then Allaah will impose a humiliation upon which that He will not remove up until you return to your deen". I hope that you understand this Prophetic advice, it is not the advice of Rabee`, this is the advice of the Messenger of Allaah, the Naasih, the Ameen (Sincere Advisor, Trustworthy One), who does not speak with his desire, the one who is Ra'oof and Raheem, as his Lord described him. So if you desire deliverance in this world and the hereafter, and rescue, and (imposing) humiliation upon the Disbelievers, and (acquiring) strength, honour for Islam and the Muslims, then Allaamah Rabee' on Current Events in Iraaq by Allaah, the path to strength, deliverance and honour in this world and the hereafter is by returning to Islam and holding fast to it. So I ask Allaah that He grants success to the Muslims, those who are guided and those who are astray and deviated amongst them, from amongst the astray sects in whatever land from the various lands, that they show earnest in returning to the Book of Allaah, and taking from this (Prophetic) text and its likes, that direct them to what which will rectify them in their world and their hereafter. I ask Allaah that He grants success to the leaders of the Muslims, their callers, and the students of knowledge in leading these poor societies to the shores of safety, and to the banks of deliverance. And that is in abundance in the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger. I ask Allaah that He actualises this soon rather than later, verily our Lord is the one who hears the supplication, and prayers and salutations upon our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and companions. Page 10
  • 11. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Iraq Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree on the Position Towards Iraq Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree on the Position Towards Iraq From a Paltalk Session today 31/03/2003 at 8:30pm UK Time Question: O esteemed Shaykh, what is happening now (in Iraaq) so what is the position of the Muslim towards this trial, and is there a Jihaad, and are do those soldiers who are in the Gulf have the ruling of being mujaahideen, and may Allaah reward you. Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree: I dont know why this question (is asked) when, when we have just ended the speech with what I consider to comprise the answer to it and to its likes. However, despite this, just so that it is said, that Ubayd has neglected some of the questions. So I say: Firstly, not all of the Iraaqi society is Muslim. Rather, amongst them is the Marxist, amongst them is the Ba'athist Heretic, and amongst them are numerous orientations. And there are Muslims amongst them... And amongst them are the Raafidah. And the positions of the Scholars towards the Raafidah is well known, amongst them are those who declared them Disbelievers. Secondly, we have Rulers and those who have authority, and it is obligatory to give them hearing and obedience, and around our rulers are those who have knowledge, and experience, and speciality in the political affairs. So we do not undermine them, and we have already mentioned previously that the general affairs are not for just any person. Rather, they are for whom? For those in authority. And as it is appropriate, I also say that those who call to cutting off from the products of America and Britain and others, then those people have a resemblance to the Raafidah. Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah mentions in Minhaaj us-Sunnah, in the first volume, and I believe it is page 38, "From the stupidity of the Raafidah is that they do not drink from the river that was unearthed (i.e. dug out, like a well) by Yazeed". So those Harakiyyoon and Hizbiyyoon, have resembled the Raafidah. And what an evil model (that is). And the most repugnant for a person that his model, and way is that of the Raafidah. Thirdly, the banner of fighting in Iraaq, who is carrying it? It is carried by Saddaam Hussain at-Takreetee, and he is the leader of the Ba'athi Party in his land...and the Ba'athi Party, is secularist, disbelieving, heretical. Its foundation is upon mixing and not differentiating between a Sunni Muslim, Guidance from the Scholars Concerning Iraaq and between the Jew, Christian, Communist, and others. They are all the same, equal. And for this reason, their slogan is, as their poet has said: I believe in, -- (Shaykh Ubayd): I seek refuge in Allaah -- I believe in al-Ba'ath as the Lord which has no partner And in Arabism as a religion, which has no other (religion) This is their religion, qawmiyyah (nationalism) and shu'oobiyyah, and their religion is not Islam. So built upon this, the one who fights under the banner of the Iraaqi government, then he is fighting under a banner of disbelief. And we do not dispute that the people of Iraaq have the right to defend themselves. They can defend themselves, their blood, their honour and their wealth, they can defend those who transgress upon them, whether America or Britain or other than them. So it is obligatory upon us, the community of Muslims that we ask Allaah in our supplication that He delivers the Muslims amongst the people of Iraaq. So whoever said O Allaah save the [Iraaqi Society]1 , then he has erred. This supplication of his reaches even the Marxist and the Communist. And the Ba'ath Party is at the front of the [supplication of the] one who supplicates for the Iraaqi society (in general). No, but supplicate to Allaah that He delivers the Muslims amongst the people of Iraaq. And that he relieves them of their distress. This is what I can add now. Page 11
  • 12. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Page 12
  • 13. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Iraq The Imaams of Makkah and Madeenah call for immediate halt to war in Iraq... The imam of the Grand Mosque in Makkah yesterday (Friday 28 March, 2003) called for an immediate halt to the war on Iraq as people across the Gulf prayed for the victory of the Iraqi people against the US-British aggressors. "This unjust war must stop immediately. If it continues, it will only fuel hatred and conflicts" between nations, said Dr. Saleh ibn Abdullah Humaid, who is also chairman of the Shoura Council. Delivering his Friday sermon to more than 500,000 faithful thronging the large mosque complex, Sheikh Humaid urged the international community to stand by the Iraqi people. "Truth and justice demand that we stand by the Iraqi people," he added. In his televised address, Humaid said that launching the war on Baghdad was a grave mistake. "This is a lost war and there will be no winners," the imam said. Humaid also urged world leaders to respond to the calls for peace by taking effective steps to end the US-led war. "Our world today is in need of justice, charters and clear agreements, which should be followed by every country without exception. "There must be good intentions and sincere cooperation for the welfare and happiness of all," he said. The Haram imam urged Muslims to unite and avoid differences to confront the challenges facing them. "We have to achieve real freedom by restricting our worship to God alone," he added. Dr. Humaid stressed that the Islamic nation would not have been affected by foreign attacks if internal wrangling had not weakened it. "Muslims can regain their power by strengthening their faith in God and implementing the Shariah." He cautioned the public about the media war launched by sections of the Western media organization and urged them to distinguish between truth and rumor. "Enemies spread false reports to create chaos and confusion among Muslims, create fear, destroy their morale and weaken their self-confidence," he added. Humaid urged Muslims to learn from the present crisis and stand united. Saudi Arabia has opposed the US-led war on Iraq and called for an immediate end to it. The Kingdom has also rejected a military occupation of Iraq and has warned that a continuation of the war would affect Saudi-US relations. Security measures in the Kingdom have been beefed up, with police patrols guarding main streets, government institutions and shopping malls. The Haram imam also condemned the killing of innocent people in Iraq by the Anglo-American forces. "Bodies are shattered and dismembered, many people have lost their loved ones, many are missing. There is destruction everywhere," he said. Sheikh Salah Al-Bedair, the imam and khateeb of the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah, prayed for "our weak Muslim brothers in Iraq and for the destruction of the aggressors." Bedair referred to reports of Muslim women, children and the elderly being killed and injured in Iraq and urged Muslims all over the world to pray for their brethren in Iraq. Page 13
  • 14. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Iraq Clarification from the Council of Senior Scholars regarding the incidents in Iraq The Committee of Senior Scholars calls the children (i.e. people) of the Kingdom to support their Leadership. Riyadh: A clarification was issued yesterday from the Council of Senior Scholars regarding the recent incidents (in Iraq) and this is the text of it: "Clarification from the Council of Senior Scholars" All praise is due to Allaah, the One, the Unique, the Creator of the creation, the Lord, the Self Sufficient, the Sender of the Messengers as a mercy to the human beings. And may prayers of blessing and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, the Imaam of mercy, who was sent with the guidance, and who was commanded with justice and clarifying the truth. He was the caller to mercy and kindness. And may these same prayers be upon his family and his companions, all of them. To proceed: Verily the person in our Islamic homeland - as well as the people who love peace in every place in this world - it hurts him to see the carrying out of this war in Iraq, due to his understanding and comprehending that the wars do not leave behind them anything other than destruction, and that there is no victor in a matter of loss. So everyone in this world will be afflicted by its effects and will live its griefs in the absense of judging according to intelligence and wisdom. And verily every believer upon this earth from those who judge by their intelligence, and express their anxiety and concern about the establishment of this war, he calls upon the Islamic Ummah, and the nations, and the countries who love peace and who adhere to the fundamentals of justice, to make haste in working to stop it as a mercy to all of humanity, and due to respect for the covenants, and protecting humanity from the spread of the chaos of wars which do not leave anything other than destruction in the buidlings and structures, and death for the people. The wars make the women become widows, and the old people mourn and the children frightened. At the same time it kindles in the soul the tendancies of enmity and hatred between the countries of the world and their people. And verily when we announce this clarification to all of the children of the Kingdom, it is so that we call them to gathering around their leadership which has exherted much effort in the way of preventing Iraq and its people from this war since its warning signs first appeared on the horizon. And they (the leaders of Saudi Arabia) are not being pacified and nor will they ever be pacified until they find and honorable way of containing the incident with attempts. We hope for their success in averting the horrors of war from the area. And what has come in the statement of the Custodian of the Two Sacred Sanctuaries (i.e. King Fahd) and his brother, the successor to the leadership (i.e. Crown Prince 'Abdullaah) - may Allaah preserve them - regarding this matter is in no need of any explanation or clarification. Likewise the position of the Kingdom in opposition to this war is clear and announced publicly to all. And we remind ourselves and all of the children of the Ummah, to adhere to Fear of Allaah (i.e. obeying His commands and avoiding His prohibitions), and staying away from division, and differing. Rather they should stand together in one rank, acting according to the statement of Allaah, the Most High: {And hold steadfast, all of you, by the Rope of Allaah, and do not be divided}. And His statement: {And do not dispute among yourselves, or you will fail and lose your strength}. And this is a divine command that is obligatory upon everyone in all circumstances. And in the time of trials and calamities it is even more obligatory and more binding. And from this is the spreading of rumors that are targeting the matter of our religion and our tranquility and safety. And from this is the attempt of those who their souls have made it fair seeming to them, from those with weak souls, to attack the unity of our country by speech or action. It is obligatory upon the Muslim who feels protective honor in the situations of trial and major events which relate to the Ummah in general, to fear Allaah regarding his nation, and he should not be hasty. Rather he must use deliberation and gentleness, and he must refer the affairs to their proper people. Allaah, far removed is He from imperfections and Most High is He, said: Page 14
  • 15. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, {And when there comes to them a matter of safety or fear, they broadcast it. And if they had referred it back to the Messenger and those in authority among them, then those who could extract the truth of it amongst them would know it}. They would emphasize the neccessity of confirming information and the obligation of seeking shelter with Allaah in both speech and action. May He preserve the safety of our Kingdom in its relgious matters and its worldly matters, and may He give its rulers firmness upon the truth, and may He protect the lands of the Muslims in general. And it is a duty upon the rest of the people of knowledge in this Kingdom and in every place to make clear to the people the effects of the evil trials and their wicked results. And they must encourage the people to seek shelter and refuge with Allaah with supplications, and requesting from Him that He removes the harm, and pressing upon Him - Magnficent is His Majesty - to do this and supplicating for this in abundance. They should ask Him for forgiveness and expiation of sins. For indeed it is He Who said: "And when My servants ask you concerning Me, indeed I am Near. I answer the supplication of the supplicator when he calls upon Me. Indeed this clarification is only to emphasize what the government of this land is upon and its scholars and its people, of rejecting the war. And Allaah is the One Who Assists, and He is the Most Able, the One with Power over every matter. We ask Him by the magnificence of His Qadr to extinguish this war with His Mercy, and that He covers the inhabited lands with peace. The control of every affair is in His Hand and unto Him is the final affair. May Allaah send Salaah upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and companions, and may He send upon them an abundance of Salaam. The Council of Senior Scholars The President of the Board 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Abdullaah ibn Muhammad Aal ash-Shaykh Page 15
  • 16. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Iraq The position of the Muslims regarding the crisis in Iraq...1 Shaykh Zayd ibn Muhammad ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee was asked: "And the second question O Shaykh, it is: What is our position, or the position of the Muslims in general with regards to the fitnah that has occurred recently in Iraq in these days?" The Shaykh responded: "It is upon the Muslims to beseech Allaah the Mighty and Majestic so that He raises Islam and the Muslims, so that He raises the Religion, and so that He raises the Magnificent Book, and so that He raises the purified Sunnah and so that He raises the status of knowledge and the Scholars. And so that He grants relief and a way out from every fitnah (trial, tribulation)". Page 16
  • 17. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Iraq The position of the Muslims regarding the crisis in Iraq...2 Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee was asked... "O Shaykh what is the position of the Muslim from that which occurred in Iraq? And have you any advice for the Muslims in general and those living in the west specifically?" The Shaykh responded: "The reality is that this matter is saddening. And there is no power nor might except by Allaah. And the Muslims do not have any strength in their hands, and they do not have anything in their hands (at all). So there is nothing upon them except to supplicate for those weak ones who are being slaughtered. As for Saddaam Hussain, then he is a Socialist Ba'thist - and refuge is with Allaah and his creed is evil. However, he has harmed the Muslims, those who are being slaughtered for nothing they have done. So there is nothing upon them except to supplicate for them, and there is no doubt that supplication has its role (and effect), and Allaah, the Sublime and Exalted, is the one in whose Hands all the affairs lie." Page 17
  • 18. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Iraq The position of the Muslims regarding the crisis in Iraq...3 Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. What is obligatory upon the Muslims is to make recourse to Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, and to ask Him to protect the Muslims and that He wards off the evil from them, and that suffices the Muslims against the evil of their enemies and their plots. Just as it is obligatory uopn the Muslims to return backto their Lord, and that their reflect upon their conditions and about what has led them to this humiliation. And that every single individual returns back to check his own soul, and to check his adherence to his deen, and that he aids Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, as it relates to himself, so that Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic may aid him against his enemy, and this is a vital matter. And it is not befitting that we occup the Muslims away from this mighty objective, which is checking the soul, and aiding Allaah the Mighty and Majestic in regards to one's soul, so that the aid of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, for the Ummah can be actualised. Just as it is obligatory upon everyone to return back to the Scholars and to revolve around them, and to take whatever they direct towards, because they are the most knowledgeable of that by which Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, rectifies the Ummah, and they are most precise, most understanding and their directions of advice are better and safer. And it is not permissible to aid the Kuffar in this matter, and as for the ruling concerning what has happened, then this is for the Scholars, and there is detail to his saying (i.e. the questioner's), "a nullifier from the nullifiers of Islam, or not", because applying a nullifier to a specific individual has conditions that are necessarily required, and this matter returns back to verifying the base, origin (of the ruling), and explaining the condition of the person, so that a judgement can be passed upon him that is appropriate and befitting to his situation. And Allaah knows best. Shaykh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhaylee Page 18
  • 19. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Palestine Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan advises regarding Palestine... Earlier this evening (Sunday 14 April, 2002) Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan, via his open question-answer session on PalTalk, was asked about the position of a Muslim concerning what is happening now to our brothers (and sisters) in Palestine, with respect to supplication, giving wealth or making jihaad with them. So he replied: "It is obligatory upon the Muslims to make supplication for their Muslim brothers and to assist them with wealth. To assist them with wealth and supplication, this is what is obligatory, and this is what will benefit them." Then the Shaykh was asked, "May Allaah be benevolent to you. And this questioner says, "What is the ruling pertaining to demonstrations, and are they considered to be from jihaad in the path of Allaah?" So he replied: "There is no benefit in demonstrations. Rather they are confusion. They are from confusion, disorder. And what harm will be done to the enemy if the people demonstrate a street amongst the streets and raise their tongues?! Rather, this is from the matters on account of which the enemy actually rejoices, and so he says that he has harmed them and cause damage to them, so the enemy rejoices with this. Islam is a religion of sanctity, and religion of tranquility, a religion based upon knowledge, it is not a religion of confusion and noise. It is a religion that aims to bring about tranquility and sanctity, alongside the working of beneficial and praisworthy deeds, such as aiding the Muslims and supplicating for them, and providing them with wealth and weapons. This is praiseworthy, and also arguing for their case with the nations, so that the oppression can be raised from them. And that the nations are asked, those who claim democracy for themselves, they should be asked to give those Muslims their right, and the right of a human is what they themselves boast about! However, in their view the human is the disbeliever, and as for the Muslim in their view, he is not a human but a terrorist. They call the Muslims "terrorists". And the disbeliever is the one who has rights, in their view! So it us upon the Muslims to traverse upon the manhaj of Islam in the likes of these affairs and other than them. Islam did not come with demonstrations and clangor, and raising of the voices, or destruction of the state properties, or transgression. All of this is not from Islam, it does not benefit, rather this harms the Muslims and does not harm the enemy. This harms the Muslims and does not harm their enemies. Rather their enemies rejoice with this, and he says, "I have affected them, I have made them angry, and I have affected them." Page 19
  • 20. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Palestine Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh: "Indeed waging war against the weak Muslims in Palestine is (Israeli) terrorism and oppression"... Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, the muftee (one qualified to pass fatwa) of Saudi Arabia and the head of the Council of Senior Scholars and The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fataawa mentioned in the khutbah of 'Arafah (Thursday 21 February, 2002) that what is going on in Palestine is (Israeli) terrorism. Summarily therefore, the Shaykh began by advising the congregation of pilgrims to fear Allaah in secret and openly and to soley single Him out for worship, in addition to establishing the pillars of the religion and holding steadfast to the clear path of Allaah and adhering to the Sunnah of His (final) chosen Prophet (Muhammad) (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) in all their actions and speech. The Shaykh explained that Allaah's purpose in creating the Jinn and mankind was so that they would sincerely worship Him alone, having clarified for them all affairs of the religon (of Islam) so that they can seek guidance from it. And He has given the servant (of Allaah) a choice (free will), just as he has clarified all that relates to the religion in terms of interacting with others and establishing justice, thus paving the righteous way for mankind. The Shaykh added that the religion of Islam has commanded respect for the rights and preservation of people in terms of wealth, property and the self, and it has commanded peace(making) at (times of) war, as well as the prohibition of killing women and children, stressing that Islam is far removed from terrorism, and that ascribing terrorism to Islam is a major injustice. The Shaykh continued by saying: "Indeed waging war against the weak Muslims in Palestine is (Israeli) terrorism and oppression". The Shaykh stressed that: "Indeed the resentment of the enemies (of Islam) is because the religion of Islam is the seal (finality) of all the religions, and that its people are the best of people to come forth..." explaining that: "the religion of Islam has given (each and) every person their rights and has honoured them by freeing them from the worship of (false) gods to the worship of the (true) Lord (Allaah) of the servants (of Allaah)". The Shaykh explained that: "the enemies of Islam offer a false culture and civilisation which (negatively) differentiates between mankind, and nullifies (all) agreements, offering all types of weaponry to destroy mankind". The Shaykh mentioned that: "today the Muslim Ummah was passing through a severe phase which requires it to take a close look (at itself) so that it can become a single Ummah defending and protecting it's 'aqeedah". The Shaykh expressed: "that which has befallen the Ummah today is as a result of sins and weakness of eemaan (faith) in addition to the presence of partisanship (tahazzub) and (much) differing in the religion; and the last of the Ummah will never be corrected except by that which corrected the first of the Ummah". Page 20
  • 21. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Palestine Concerning Palestine, Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen advises... We are advised by authentic sources in Qaseem, that earlier this afternoon (Friday 13 October, 2000), Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen delivered the Jumu'ah khutbah where he spoke about the situation our Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine are facing. Briefly, the Shaykh advised the Muslims to donate money to ease the hardship of the Palestinians, with the strict condition that any such donations are passed on to those whom you know will permit it to reach the intended Muslims. Finally, in addition to remembering the Palestinian Muslims in our prayers, we ask all our Muslim brothers and sisters to remember the noble Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen in their prayers also, and that Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) grants him better health and makes easy for him his affairs, aameen. Page 21
  • 22. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Palestine Concerning the Peace Treaty [The Following questions and answers are taken from at-Tawheed magazine (vol. 23; no. 10), which were a further clarification by the noble Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz (hafitha-hullaah) about the original set of questions concerning the Peace Treaty with the Jews, which first occurred in al-Muslimoon magazine (21st Rajab 1415H)] Editor's introduction The main purpose for presenting this particular fatwa (legal ruling) of Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz (hafitha-hullaah) is to show precisely what was said by him concerning this issue, and the principles upon which the fataawa was based - remembering: that if the ijtihaad of the Shaykh is correct, then he is rewarded two-fold from Allaah, and if he has erred, then he has a single reward - as he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said: «When a judge judges and strives and is correct, then he has two rewards. If he judges and strives and errs, then he has a single reward», [al-Bukhaaree (13/318) and Muslim (no.1716)] The text of the questions and answers Question: Some people have understood from your answer to the question about the peace with the Jews - and it was the first question in the discussion - that a peace treaty or truce with the Jews, who have seized land and committed oppression, is unrestrictedly permissible; and that it means we may have love and affection for the Jews. It also means that we may not include anything which will cause hatred for them, or dissociation from them, in the educational curriculum in the Islamic lands, nor in sources of information - claiming that peace with them means this, and that after the peace treaty they are no longer enemies whom we believe to be our enemies, and because the world today lives in a state of harmony between nations and of peaceful co-existence - therefore it is not allowed to spread religious hatred between the nations. So we hope that you will clarify this matter. Response: The reply is: that a peace treaty with the Jews, or with other kuffaar (disbelievers), does not mean having love for them, nor taking them as friends and allies. Rather it means only peace between the two sides and that each of them will not harm the other, and other things such as buying and selling and exchanging ambassadors; and other dealings which do not mean love for the kuffaar or taking them as friends and allies. And the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) established a peace treaty with the people of Makkah; and that did not mean that they loved them or took them as friends and allies, rather the enmity and hatred remained between them until Allaah made easy the conquest of Makkah in the year of conquest - and the people entered Allaah's religion in crowds. Likewise the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) established a peace treaty with the Jews of Madeenah when he emigrated to Madeenah - and it was not restricted by any time limit. So this did not necessitate love of them, nor affection for them. Rather, he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) used to have dealings with them, speaking to them, calling them to Allaah and encouraging them to enter Islam. Furthermore, when he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) died, his armour was held in pledge by a Jew for some food which he bought for his family. Then when the tribe of an-Nadheer acted treacherously he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) banished them from Madeenah. And when Quraydhah broke their treaty; supporting the Unbelievers of Makkah on the Day of al-Ahzaab in fighting against the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) - then the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) fought them, killing the combatants from them and taking their women and children captive - after Sa'd Ibn Mu'aadh - radiyallaahu 'anhu - was appointed judge in their matter and gave that judgement. The Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) informed that his judgement had indeed agreed with the judgement of Allaah from above the seven heavens. Likewise was the case with the Muslims from the Companions and those who came after them, it occurred many times that peace treaties were established between them and the kuffaar - Christians and others - but that never meant that they had affection, love or friendship with them, as He - the Most Perfect - says: Page 22
  • 23. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, {Indeed, you will find the strongest amongst people in enmity to the Believers to be the Jews and the polytheists}, [Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 82] He - the Most Perfect -- says: {Indeed, there is for you an excellent example in Ibraaheem, and those with him; when they said to their people: Verily we are free from you and what you worship besides Allaah. We have rejected you, and there has started between us and yourselves enmity and hatred forever - unless you truly have eemaan (faith) in Allaah and worship Him alone}, [Soorah al-Mumtahinah, Aayah 4] And He - the Most Perfect -- says: {O you who Believe! Do not take the Jews and Christians as intimate friends and protectors, they are but intimate friends and protectors to each other. And whosoever turns to them for this, is surely one of them. Indeed Allaah does not guide a people who are wrong-doers}, [Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 51] And He - the Mighty and Majestic - says: {You will not find any people who believe in Allaah and the Last Day loving those who oppose Allaah and His Messenger, even though they be their fathers, their sons, their brothers or their relatives}, [Soorah al-Mujaadilah, Aayah 22] And the aayaat with this meaning are many. The fact that a peace treaty with the kuffaar - be they Jews or other than them - if it is called in order to attain benefit or because of need, then this does not mean affection or love for them, nor friendship and allegiance with them. Thus, when (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) conquered Khaybar, he established a peace treaty with the Jews of Khaybar on the basis that they would take care of the palm trees and crops belonging to the Muslims and half the produce would then be for them and the other half for the Muslims. So they continued upon that in Khaybar and he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) did not lay down any time limit, rather he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said: «We will leave you upon that for as long as we wish» ...and in another narration: «We will leave you upon it for as long as Allaah leaves you upon it» So they continued upon this until 'Umar - radiyallaahu 'anhu - banished them. And it is related that 'Abdullaah Ibn Rawaahah - radiyallaahu 'anhu - that when he estimated the amount due to them for one year, they said: You have estimated unjustly. So he - radiyallaahu 'anhu - said: "By Allaah! My hatred for you and my love for the Muslims does not lead me to treat you unjustly. So if you wish you may take the share that I have estimated for you, and if you wish then we will take that share'' [Compare this with the saying of Hasan al-Bannaa - as occurs in at-Tareeq ilal-Jamaa'atil-Umm (p. l32) - that he said at a party gathering: "The movement of al-Ikhwaan is not directed against any 'aqeedah (beliefs) from the differing 'aqeedahs, nor any religion from the various religions, nor any of the differing groups and parties. Al-Ikhwaanul-Muslimoon do not hate the foreigners (i.e. the non-Arabs) who settle in the Arabic and Islamic lands, and they do not hold any evil towards them - even the Jews who live in the land. Rather, there is nothing between us and them except good relations"] So all of this shows that peace treaties and truces do not necessitate love, friendship and affection for the enemies of Allaah - as is thought by some of those who have little knowledge of the pure Sharee'ah rulings. Therefore, it will be clear to the questioner and others, that peace with the Jews - or other disbelievers - does not mean that we change educational curriculae, nor any other dealings relating to loving and friendship and allegiance - and it is Allaah who grants success. Page 23
  • 24. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Question: Does an unrestricted peace treaty with the enemy mean that we concede to them Palestine - the land of the Muslims which they have seized. And that it has now become a permanent land, by right, for the Jews due to the agreement made by the United Nations - which represent the nations of the earth. Then the United Nations will seek to punish any nation which tries to restore this land, or fight the Jews who are in it. Response: The peace between the leader of the Muslims in Palestine and the Jews does not mean that the Jews will permanently own the lands which they now possess. Rather, it only means that they would be in possession of it for a period of time until either the truce comes to an end, or until the Muslims become strong enough to force them out of the Muslim lands - in the case of an unrestricted peace. Likewise, it is obligatory, when we have the ability, to fight the Jews until they enter into Islam or give the jizyah (a tax levied on those who are permitted to live under the protection of a Muslim state) in servility. [However, it occurs in Hadeethul-Jareedur-Raayatil-Qatariyyah (no. 4696), that Yoosuf al-Qaradaawee - one of the leaders of the present-day modernist movement - said: ''Indeed we do not fight the Jews due to 'aqeedah, but rather because of land!''] The same applies to the Christians and the Magians, as Allaah - the Most Perfect - says in Soorah at-Towbah, Aayah 29: {Fight against those who do not believe in Allaah and the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allaah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge Islam, the religion of truth, from amongst the People of the Book (i.e. the Jews and Christians), until they pay the jizyah with willing submission and feel themselves subdued} It is also established in the Saheeh of al-Bukhaaree that he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) took the jizyah from the Magians. Therefore they have the same ruling as the Ahlul-Kitaab (the People of the Book) with regards only to the jizyah - if they do not accept Islam. However, as for the allowance of their food and their women, then that is particular only to Ahlul-Kitaab, as is stated in the text of the Book of Allaah - the Most Perfect - in Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 55]. And al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer (d.771H) (rahima-hullaah) states what we have said relating to the peace treaty in tafseer (explanation) of the saying of Allaah - the Most High - in Soorah al-Anfaal, Aayah 61: {But if they incline to peace, then you also incline to it, and put your trust in Allaah. Indeed He is the all-Hearer, the all-Knower} Question: Is it permissible to build upon the peace treaty with the Jewish enemy by allowing them what is termed normalization of relations; and allowing them to take economic benefit from the Islamic lands and other spheres which will give them great benefit and increase their strength and establish them further upon the Islamic lands which they have misappropriated; and the Muslims can open their markets for them to sell their goods, and that they must open economic foundations - such as banks and businesses in which the Jews have a share along with the Muslims, and that they must likewise share the water sources such as the Nile and the Euphrates - even though they do not flow through Palestine? Response: The peace between the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the Jews does not necessitate what the questioner mentioned with regards to the rest of the countries. Rather, each country sees what is beneficial So if it sees that it is beneficial for the Muslims in its land to have peace with the Jews and to exchange ambassadors and to engage in trade and other dealings which are considered lawful by the pure Sharee'ah of Allaah, then this is alright. However, if it sees that the benefit for it and its people lies in cutting-off from the Jews, then it should act as the Sharee'ah requires and benefit necessitates Likewise, with regard to all the rest of the kaafir lands - their ruling being the same as the Jews in this matter. So what is obligatory upon everyone who is in charge of the affairs of the Muslims -whether he is a king, and Ameer or a President of a Republic: - is that he takes care of what is beneficial to his people and allows what will be beneficial to them, from those matters which Allaah has not forbidden in His pure Sharee'ah, and that he prevents other than that with any kaafir state, acting upon the saying of Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic: {Indeed, Allaah does command you to render back the trusts to those to whom they are due}, Page 24
  • 25. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, [Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 58] {So if they incline to peace, then you too incline to peace}, [Soorah al-Anfaal, Aayah 61] And following also the example of the (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) in the peace treaties he made with the people of Makkah, and the Jews in Madeenah and in Khaybar. And he (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said in an authentic hadeeth: «Each one of you is a responsible guardian and each one of you will be asked about those he is responsible for. So the ruler over the people is a responsible guardian and will be questioned concerning those he is responsible for; and the man is the responsible guardian over the people of his house and will be questioned about those he is responsible for, and the woman is the responsible guardian in the house of her husband and will be questioned about those she is responsible for; and the slave is a responsible guardian over the wealth of his owner and will be questioned about his responsibility. Indeed, each of you is a responsible guardian and will be questioned about what he is responsible for», [al-Bukhaaree (13/100) and Muslim (no.1829]] And Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - says in His Noble Book: {O you who Believe! Do not betray Allaah and His Messenger, nor knowingly betray those things that have been entrusted to you}, [Soorah al-Anfaal, Aayah 27] So all of this is with regards to when one is unable to fight the disbelievers, or unable to make them give the jizyah, if they are from Ahlul-Kitaab. However, when one does have the power to fight jihaad against them, then what is required is to call them to enter into Islam, or be killed, or to pay the jizyah - if they are from its people. In this case it is not permissible to seek peace with them, nor to abandon fighting and the jizyah. Rather, seeking peace is allowed when there is a need or necessity; when you are unable to fight them or enforce the jizyah upon them - if they are from its people, as Allaah - the Most Perfect, the Most High - says in the aayah that has already preceded: {Fight against those who do not believe in Allaah and the Last day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allaah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge Islam, the religion of truth, from amongst the People of the Book (i.e. the Jews and Christians), until they pay the jizyah with willing submission and feel themselves subdued}, [Soorah at-Towbah, Aayah 29] {And fight them on until there is no more fitnah and the Religion is made purely for Allaah}, [Soorah al-Anfaal, Aayah 39] And the action of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) with the People of Makkah on the day of Hudaybiyyah; and on the day of the Conquest; and also with the Jews when he came to Madeenah shows what we have said. We ask Allaah to guide the Muslims and to grant them every good; and that He puts their affairs in a good state, granting them knowledge and understanding of the Religion. And that He places the best of them in charge of them, correcting their leaders and helping them to fight jihaad against the enemies of Allaah in the way that is pleasing to Him. Indeed He is the One to grant that, and the One having full power over it. And may Allaah's praises and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his Family, Companions and followers. Page 25
  • 26. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Palestine The type of Jihaad in Palestine Question: What is the Islamic Sharee'ah perspective of the current jihaad of the Palestinians; Is it jihaad in the Path of Allaah, or jihaad for the sake of land and freedom? And is jihaad for the sake of land (and freedom) considered as jihaad in the Path of Allaah? Response: It has been confirmed to us by trustworthy and reliable witnesses that the Palestinian intifaadhah (uprising) and those who have stood forth in this are from the most dedicated Muslims there, and that their jihaad is (an) Islamic (one). This is because they are oppressed by the Jews, and that which is obligatory upon them is to protect their religion and themselves and their families and children and to drive out their enemy from their land with all they are able to of strength. And these trustworthy and reliable (witnesses) who joined (the Palestinians) in their jihaad and assisted them in that have informed us of their (the Palestinians') Islamic enthusiasm and their abidance to applying the Islamic Sharee'ah amongst them. So that which is obligatory upon the Islamic countries and the rest of the Muslims is to assist and support them so they can be free of their enemy, so as to return to their land, in accordance with the saying of Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala): {O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allaah is with those who are pious}, [Soorah at-Towbah, Aayah 123] And His (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) saying: {March forth, whether you are light (being healthy, young and wealthy) or heavy (being ill, old and poor), strive hard with your wealth and your lives in the Path of Allaah. This is better for you, if you but knew}, [Soorah at-Towbah, Aayah 41] And His (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) saying: {O You who believe! Shall I guide you to a commerce that will save you from a painful torment} {That you believe in Allaah and His Messenger (Muhammad sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam), and that you strive hard and fight in the Path of Allaah with your wealth and your lives, that will be better for you, if you but know!} {(If you do so) He will forgive you your sins, and admit you into Gardens under which rivers flow, and pleasant dwelling in Gardens of 'Adn Eternity ['Adn (Eden) Paradise], that is indeed the great success} {And also (He will give you) another (blessing) which you love, help from Allaah (against your enemies) and a near victory. And give glad tidings (O Muhammad sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) to the believers}, [Soorah as-Saff, Aayaat 10-13] And the verses with this meaning are many. And it is authenticated from the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) that he said: «Make jihaad against the mushrikoon with your wealth, your selves and your tongues (speech») And because they are oppressed, then it is upon their Muslim brethren to aid them against those who oppress them, as the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said: «A Muslim is the brother of a(nother) Muslim; he does not oppress him and nor does he hand him over (to the enemy»), its athenticity is agreed upon by both al-Bukhaaree and Muslim. And his (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) saying: «Assist your (Muslim) brother if he is the oppresser or the oppressed», it was asked: Page 26
  • 27. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, "O Messenger of Allaah: (we understand about) assisting him when he is oppressed, so how do we assist him when he is the oppresser?" He (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said: «Restrain him from oppressing (anyone), for that is asssiting your (Muslim) brother». And the ahaadeeth regarding the obligation of jihaad in the Path of Allaah and assisting the oppressed and deterring the oppresser are very many. So we ask Allaah to grant our mujaahideen brethren victory in the Path of Allaah over their enemies in Palestine and elsewhere, and to unite them upon the truth and to grant all the Muslims the ability to assist them and to stand firm against their enemies and to forsake the enemies of Islam wherever they may be and to descend upon the evil-doing and criminal people/nation (much) suffering, (that) which does not cease, indeed He is the All-Hearing. Shaykh Ibn Baaz Majmoo' Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi'ah - Volume 4, Page 295 Majallah ad-Da'wah published 09/08/1409 A.H. PLEASE NOTE: Terrorism is haraam in Islam, and this fatwa does not in any way or form imply it's permissibility or acceptance. Rather, it provides a qualified Islamic legal ruling to oppose those who have caused oppression by occupying Palestinian land. Page 27
  • 28. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Palestine The Palestinian Issue Question: What is the way to proceed regarding the Palestinian issue, which has, as the days pass, escalated in terms of complexity and violence? Response: Certainly, the Muslim(s) feel much pain and great sadness at the deteriorating situation in Palestine, with matters going from bad to worse, escalating in complexity as the days pass, such that it has reached where it has (today). This is due to the differing (occurring) between the neighbouring countries, and their lack of united resistance against their enemy, and (likewise) their lack of adherence to the Sharee'ah which Allaah has linked to victory (and success). (This is also in addition to) the enemy vowing to oppose (the Palestinians) and remain upon the (Palestinians') land. And this entails great danger and adverse consequences. The neighbouring countries need to rush to unite in their resistance (against the enemy) and adhere to the Sharee'ah in confronting this issue, which concerns them and all of the Muslim world. And that which is worth mentioning here, is that the Palestinian issue is an Islamic issue from the beginning (right through) to the end. However, the enemies of Islam have strived immensely to distance it (this issue) from the Islamic path and convey to the non-Arab Muslims that this is an Arab issue, and that it does not concern the non-Arabs. It appears they have succeeded in this to a certain extent. This is why I feel it is not possible to reach a solution regarding this issue unless it is deemed an Islamic issue, and the Muslims support one another in salvation, and make jihaad against the Jews in an Islamic manner, until such time the land (of the Palestinians) is returned to its (rightful Palestinian) owners. (In addition to) the trespassing Jews returning to their (own) lands where they came from, thereby leaving the true Jews to remain in their lands under the rule of Islam, and not communism and nor secularism. Thereby, truth shall prevail and falsehood will be abandoned, and all rightful owners shall return to their lands under Islamic rule, and not under any other (rule). And Allaah is the Expounder of Success. Shaykh Ibn Baaz Majmoo' Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi'ah - Volume 1, Page 277 PLEASE NOTE: Terrorism is haraam in Islam, and this fatwa does not in any way or form imply it's permissibility or acceptance. Rather, it provides a qualified Islamic legal ruling to oppose those who have caused oppression by occupying Palestinian land. Page 28
  • 29. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Terrorism and Suicide bombings Grand Mufti Condemns Militants The Kingdom’s Grand Mufti Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, who also chairs the Senior Commission of ulema (religious scholars), condemned criminal acts perpetrated by militants. He also called on Saudi citizens to report any suspicious activity to the security forces, and warned them not to hide militants. The Grand Mufti described Al-Qaeda as enemies of Islam, the nation, and its economy, and urged all Muslims to unite and combat all crimes. He also praised security forces for their efforts. Source: Page 29
  • 30. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Terrorism and Suicide bombings Grand Mufti Tells Militants to Surrender Saturday 10 September 2005: Saudi Arabia's grand mufti yesterday called upon Al-Qaeda militants in the country to repent and surrender to the authorities. He also praised Saudi security forces for launching pre-emptive strikes to foil terrorist attacks. In a statement following Tuesday's anti-terror operation in Dammam, which led to the killing of five most-wanted terrorists, Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh urged citizens, including imams, to extend full cooperation to security forces in the fight against terrorism. "Parents must inform police if their children persist to follow the deviant ideology even after they were given advice by themselves as wells as Islamic scholars," he said, adding that such steps are imperative to protect the country from terrorist operations. Page 30
  • 31. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Terrorism and Suicide bombings Grand Mufti and Others Denounce London Bombings Saturday 9 July 2005: The Kingdom's grand mufti yesterday strongly denounced the deadly blasts that rocked London, saying Islam strictly prohibits the killing of innocent people. He also censured the terrorists for tarnishing the image of Islam by attaching their heinous crimes to the religion. The explosions that ripped through central London's transport system on Thursday, "targeting peaceful people, are not condoned by Islam, and are indeed prohibited by our religion," Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh said in a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency. "Attributing to Islam acts of individual or collective killings, bombings, destruction of properties and the terrorizing of peaceful people is unfair, because they are alien to the divine religion," said the mufti, who also heads the Council of Senior Islamic Scholars, Saudi Arabia's highest religious authority. "Islam is a religion of reforms and righteousness. It envisages the progress of humanity and takes it from darkness to light. It also calls for respecting agreements and prohibits their violation," the mufti said referring to accords binding governments. "Causing corruption on earth is one of the biggest crimes in Islam," he explained. Sheikh 'Abdul 'Azeez said respectable Muslim scholars all over the world have stated that such outrages bear no relation to Islam. Sheikh 'Abdul Mohsen Al-Obaikan, a senior Saudi scholar and a Shoura member, said there was no justification, whatsoever, for the killing of innocent people. Speaking to MBC television, he urged all members of the Muslim community in Britain to cooperate with British authorities in tracking down the criminals behind the attacks. Shaikh 'Abdul 'Azeez Bin Abdullah Al-AsShaikh, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Chairman of the Committee of Senior Ulema [religious scholars] and Chairman of the Department of Scientific Research and Ifta [guidance], today condemned the terrorist bombings in London and issued the following statement: "Killing and terrorizing innocent people and the destruction of property are not condoned by Islam. Attributing all these horrific incidents to Islam is unjust. Muslims should tell the truth and unveil falseness, and inform all people that Islam is a religion of righteousness, betterment and progress. Islam is the final revelation that Allah chose for humankind to guide it from darkness to light. Allah said: "This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion." Our religion urges us to fulfill our obligations and prohibits us from abandoning such obligations. Allah said: {O you who believe! Fulfill your obligations.} The unjust killing of a human being in Islam is forbidden. Allah said: {And kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden except for a just cause.} Corruption on earth is considered a major sin in Islam. Allah said: {And of mankind there is he whose speech may please you in this worldly life, and he calls Allah to witness as to that which is in his heart, yet he is the most quarrelsome of the opponents. And when he turns away from you, his effort in the land is to make mischief therein and to destroy the crops and the cattle, and Allah likes not mischief. And when it is said to him 'Fear Allah,' he is led by arrogance to more crime. So enough for him is Hell, and worst indeed is that place to rest.} Page 31
  • 32. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Page 32
  • 33. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Terrorism and Suicide bombings Grand Mufti denounces the killing of Egypt's envoy to Iraq Friday 8 July 2005: Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Chairman of the Committee of Senior Ulema [religious scholars] and Chairman of the Department of Scientific Research and Ifta [guidance], today issued the following statement in response to the killing of the Egyptian envoy to Iraq: Praise be to Allah, and prayer and peace upon his last Prophet. We ask Allah to preserve our religion and bless us by adhering with it to the apparent and hidden truth and keep us sane and protect us from the evils of ourselves. We heard with great pain what happened to the Egyptian envoy to Iraq, and since this incident was falsely put in a religious context we would like to present the truth, and hope that Allah will guide by it the hearts of those who deviated from the righteous path. Killing of the souls that Allah prohibited is a greater crime and one of the greatest sins, as Allah says: {And kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause,} ...and Allah also says: {Because of that we ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder or to spread mischief in the land, it would be as if he killed all mankind.} What happened to the Egyptian envoy, as he was kidnapped and killed, is considered spread of mischief in the land which Allah prohibited. Allah says: {And of mankind there is he whose speech may please you, in this worldly life, and he calls Allah to witness as to that which is in his heart, yet he is the most quarrelsome of the opponents. And when he turns away from you, his effort in the land is to make mischief therein and to destroy the crops and the cattle, and Allah likes not mischief. And when it is said to him "Fear Allah," he is led by arrogance to more crime. So enough for him is Hell, and worst indeed is that place to rest.} It is, therefore, clear that this action is prohibited and is among the great sins, and even worse is to relate it to religion. That is a major crime and deceit using the name of Allah, as Allah says: {Verily, those who invent lies against Allah will never prosper.} This statement is to present the truth and advise the nation. We ask Allah to preserve our religion and peace, to keep us sane and guide us to understand our religion and adhere to the deeds of our Prophet and to save us from the apparent and hidden temptations of sedition. Aameen. Page 33
  • 34. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Terrorism and Suicide bombings Saudis Stand United Against Terrorism Monday 7 February 2005: A nationwide anti-terror campaign was launched on Saturday as officials, intellectuals, students and the general public vowed to stand by the government in its efforts to stamp out terrorism. The campaign, coinciding with the Counterterrorism International Conference in Riyadh, aims at increasing public awareness of terrorism and deviancy. All governorates, ministries and government departments are taking part in the campaign, which aims to isolate the remaining elements who support the terror network. Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, the Kingdom's grand mufti, said Islam, which calls for the protection of a man's life, family, wealth, honor and intellect, totally rejects terrorism. "If a person kills a believer, his punishment is hell," the mufti said, quoting a Qur'anic verse. He also pointed out that the protection of non-Muslims living in a Muslim country was the responsibility of the country's government. Al-Asheikh said terrorists who cause corruption on Earth by carrying out killings and destruction deserve tough punishment as the Holy Qur'an directs. In a similar statement, Saleh Al-Asheikh, minister of Islamic affairs and endowments, called upon religious scholars, intellectuals, academics and writers to stand with the government in its fight against terrorism and extremism. The Islamic Ministry has planned a variety of programs in support of the anti-terror campaign. "We have set up a team to carry out a number of programs, including lectures and seminars, to educate the public on the danger posed by deviant groups," the minister said. Friday sermons delivered by prayer leaders (imaams) in many of the Kingdom's mosques focused on the need to confront terrorism. "Fighting terrorism is a joint responsibility," Dr. Saleh Bin-Humaid, one of the imams of the Grand Mosque, said in his sermon. Bin-Humaid, who is also chairman of the Shoura Council, said terrorist actions committed by Al-Qaeda cells in the Kingdom benefited only the enemies of Islam. He reminded scholars, teachers, writers and imams of their responsibility to guide youth and protect them from deviant thought. Sheikh Abdul Bari Al-Thubaity, the imam of the Prophet's Mosque in Madeenah, said Islam had nothing to do with terrorism and condemned those who fish in troubled waters and work to tarnish the image of Islam and Muslims. "Islam is a religion of mercy and benevolence. It is a religion of construction, not destruction," the Saudi Press Agency quoted him as saying. Page 34
  • 35. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Terrorism and Suicide bombings 250 Talked Out of Terrorism Monday 7 February 2005: Saleh Al-Asheikh speaks to the media at the Counterterrorism International Conference in Riyadh. Saudi Arabia has been successful in changing the idological thinking of more than 250 Al-Qaeda sympathizers, the Kingdom's Islamic Affairs Minister Saleh Al-Asheikh said yesterday. "We have reached out to them and have succeeded in convincing more than 250 to change their ways," he said, speaking of his ministry's counterterrorism program conducted over the Internet. The program includes direct counseling as well as a hotline for families who are worried that their sons may be drawn toward the Al-Qaeda terror network. "We conducted a dialogue with 800 of them and more than a quarter were convinced. We are continuing our efforts with the rest," he told delegates attending an international counterterrorism conference. "The Internet is a fertile field. We have used many Islamic and cultural sites to increase awareness of the dangers of terrorism." Since a triple suicide bombing in Riyadh in May 2003, the Kingdom has cracked down on Al-Qaeda militants and the religious scholars who have publicly supported them. It has also waged a media campaign to turn Saudis against violence and to persuade parents to be more aware of signs that their sons are being drawn to militants, either in Saudi Arabia or in Iraq. Militants have also made extensive use of the Internet and there are at least two Al-Qaeda-affiliated web magazines which have prompted alarm among some security experts who say militants are turning the web into a virtual classroom. Saudi Arabia is currently hosting an antiterrorism conference including security and intelligence experts from more than 50 countries who have been asked to set out strategies for combating terrorism. Crown Prince Abdullah, who opened the conference on Saturday, has called for the establishment of an antiterrorism center. The crown prince's proposal has been warmly welcomed by most delegates at the conference. However, US Homeland Security adviser Frances Townsend told reporters that "the center would not end the need for bilateral exchange of information." But anything done to increase intelligence sharing in the fight against terrorism is a "net gain," she added. Al-Asheikh said his ministry operates a hotline for anyone who wants guidance. "If there is a father who does not know how to solve a problem with his son, there is a direct line to the ministry." The minister said his ministry had instructed preachers 25 times over the past three years to devote entire sermons to condemning terrorism. Over the past year, religious scholars from the ministry have held several weeks of contacts with "terrorists" in order to show them their errors, he said. "Most have wanted to continue (the contact) because we do not approach this in a condescending way," he said, describing the contact as "one-to-one." It was not clear if he was referring to face-to-face meetings or only exchanges over the Internet. Al-Asheikh, who was one of the main speakers on the second day of the conference, also emphasized the need to solve Middle Eastern problems as a way to reduce the appeal of terrorism. "People cannot ignore what is going on in Iraq and Palestine as these issues arouse the feelings and emotions of Muslims around the world," he pointed out. He said that convincing extremists not to cross the line into terrorism is not an easy task. "There are two ways of dealing with them; one is by opening a dialogue and trying to reason with them and the other is by using force," he added. Al-Asheikh said the true Islam, which Saudi Arabia promotes, is a great distance from what the extremists believe in. "Islam is a religion of peace and prosperity; it teaches us ethics and morality," he said, adding that Page 35
  • 36. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, a Muslim must be loyal to his country and his country must be able to trust him. The minister noted that when Osama Bin Laden was in Saudi Arabia prior to 1998, he cooperated with the Saudi government as well as with the Americans. "When Osama announced his war against Saudi Arabia and the humanity at large, the government decided to withdraw his Saudi nationality," Al-Asheikh said, describing Bin Laden as the head of terrorism. Saudi scholars have issued statements and edicts defining and condemning terrorism. "The Prophet said that those who injure non-Muslims in a Muslim land will not have a chance of coming close to Heaven," Al-Asheikh said. He said his ministry planned to continue its dialogue with extremists. "We do not intend to discuss their beliefs with them since we find them completely wrong. On the other hand, we try to dissuade them from involving themselves in terrorist attacks." Al-Asheikh denied allegations that the Kingdom's religious establishment was against reform. "That is not true. The religious establishment agrees with many of the reforms," he said, adding that reform must be implemented gradually. "We will not accept any pressure from outside," he said. Page 36
  • 37. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Terrorism and Suicide bombings Makkah Imam Urges Muslims to Shun Terror Wednesday 8 December 2004: As millions of faithful marked 'Eed al-Adhaa yesterday, Muslims were warned against heeding militant calls to wage terrorist attacks in the name of Islam. The warning came, amid a surge in militant attacks in Muslim countries and beyond, from Sheikh Abdulrahman Al-Sudais, imam of the Grand Mosque in Makkah, while addressing Haj pilgrims in a customary 'Eed sermon. The imam also advised Islamic scholars to preach moderation to confront this "rotten" phenomenon. "Islam is the religion of moderation. There is no room for extremism in Islam," he said. He called on Muslims to "protect non-Muslims in the Kingdom and not to attack them in the country or anywhere. Islam is a religion of peace that abhors attack on innocents." Militants were using misguided interpretations of Islam to justify violence, he added. "Because Muslims have strayed from moderation, we are now suffering from this dangerous phenomenon of branding people infidels and inciting Muslims to rise against their leaders to cause instability," Al-Sudais said. "The reason for this is a delinquent and void interpretation of Islam based on does not mean killing Muslims or non-Muslims who live among us, it does not mean shedding blood, terrorizing or sending body parts flying." Al-Sudais warned that extremism would ruin the Muslim nation, adding: "This phenomenon has expanded so much that scholars must confront it with concrete proof from Islam to protect our youth from its stench and rottenness." He added: "One of the main issues that needs to be tackled in principle is reform". He criticized dissident Saad Al-Faqeeh who is calling to rebel against the government in order to create disunity among the people. He described him as a reckless adventurer who is obsessed with publicity. Page 37
  • 38. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Terrorism and Suicide bombings Grand Mufti condemns attack on U.S. consulate Wednesday 8 December 2004: The Kingdom's Grand Mufti, Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, condemned and denounced the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Jeddah on Monday 6th December 2004. In a statement published in the Jeddah-based Al-Madinah newspapers today, Al Al-Sheikh said that attacking the U.S. consulate, throwing explosives, killing and wounding innocent people, and undermining stability and security utterly contradict the teachings of Islam. He said that all citizens and residents in the Kingdom are entitled to peace and security under the law, and no religious scholar could condone such criminal, terrorist attacks on innocent people. Source: SPA Page 38
  • 39. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Terrorism and Suicide bombings Makkah Imam says "Nip Terror Groups in the Bud" Saturday 24 July 2004: The imam of the Grand Mosque in Makkah Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais said here yesterday that terrorism and extremism must be stopped and the organizations that promote terror should be dismantled. Delivering his Friday sermon, the imam said militant groups had unleashed a war on religious values, and this must be stopped. He said such terror groups should be nipped in the bud. "This should be one of our major priorities in order to preserve the nation against trials and strife," he told thousands of worshippers. "Some of our sons were brainwashed and became tools in the hands of deviants to commit violence and practice terrorism. They took the path of extremism, destruction and explosion. They tried very hard to damage the fabric of the society and sought violent means to change the social system," he said. Al-Sudais expressed the fear that such groups would ratchet up their attacks not only physically but also on ideologies. The next stage would witness a war on religious values using their extremist thoughts, he said "We have to overcome these negatives and to rebuild," Al-Sudais said. He called on the nation to be honest, to abide by the precepts of their religion and to make sure of the safety of their country. "We should be vigilant and counter such extremist thoughts, he said. "Thank God that the symbols of terrorism are falling down like tree leaves during fall time. We remind those that still sympathize, or harbor these people that they are committing a crime against their religion, their nation and their country," said Al-Sudais. "A Muslim returning to the right path, even if it is a small step toward it, will face God's mercy on the Day of Judgment, but not those whose hands are covered with blood. "The rulers of this country offered that chance to these people with a one-month amnesty, so that these people return to the right path. Those that gave themselves up have found peace and forgiveness," he added. "Those still sticking to the wrong path will only harm themselves, their family and their society," he said. Page 39
  • 40. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Terrorism and Suicide bombings Public Urged to Inform on Terrorists - Grand Mufti Saudi Arabia's highest religious authority yesterday (Friday 4 June, 2004) issued a fatwa, or religious edict, calling on citizens and expatriates to inform on suspected extremists engaged in terrorist activities. The committee that issues religious rulings, headed by Grand Mufti Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, "urges citizens and (foreign) residents to inform on anyone planning or preparing to carry out an act of sabotage," the Saudi Press Agency reported. The aim is to "protect the people and the country from the destructive effects of such actions and to shield the planners themselves from the consequences of their actions," the fatwa said. The committee condemned the recent attacks in the Kingdom and urged extremists to "fear God Almighty and come to their senses." It said it issued the edict in response to inquiries about "the appalling events of the past few weeks," which have seen an escalation in the terror campaign blamed on Al-Qaeda sympathizers. Some 85 people have been killed and hundreds injured in a wave of violence which began in May 2003. In one of the bloodiest episodes, 22 people were killed when gunmen went on a shooting rampage and seized hostages in Alkhobar last weekend. Yesterday's edict reinforces repeated calls by Saudi officials on the population to inform on terror suspects, coupled with warnings that those who turn a blind eye to terrorist activities will be seen as accomplices of the extremists. Authorities have promised large financial rewards for those who help catch most-wanted militants or thwart attacks. Page 40
  • 41. ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, Terrorism and Suicide bombings Haram Imams Denounce Terrorist Attacks The imams of the two holy mosques in Makkah and Madeenah yesterday (Saturday 8 May, 2004) denounced recent terrorist attacks in the Kingdom and said the terrorists were playing in the hands of Islam's enemies. "Our hearts tremble... from these criminal acts in Riyadh, from what followed in Yanbu... because they claimed sacred lives," said Dr. Osama Khayyat, an imam at al-Masjid al-Haraam in Makkah. Delivering his sermon to the thousands of faithful who thronged the mosque for the Friday prayer, the imam reiterated that Islam prohibits the killing of innocent people. The imam was referring to the killing of five Western engineers and a National Guard officer in the latest terrorist attack in the industrial city of Yanbu and the suicide bombing of a security forces building in Riyadh, which killed six people, including four security men and a young girl, and wounded 145 others. The imam accused the perpetrators of the attacks, suspected sympathizers of the Al-Qaeda terror network, of being stooges of Muslims' enemies. "In truth, who benefits from these actions? The Muslims or their enemies?" asked Khayyat. "How can a reasonable person become a willing tool in the hands of his enemies and the enemies of his country and the (Islamic) nation?" he asked, urging worshipers to denounce violence and stand united against this "grave danger." In Madeenah, his words were echoed by Sheikh Hussein Al-Asheikh, one of the imams of al-Masjid an-Nabawee, who also said the main purpose of the Sharee'ah was to assure the happiness of the whole of mankind. "Islamic teachings aim to achieve lofty and noble goals...every activity of a Muslim should conform to the objectives set by his religion." "The criminal actions that took place in the Kingdom are despicable. They violate the orders of God and the teachings of His Prophet...They will only serve the interests of our enemies," he added. Page 41