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Kate	Zhiming	Zeng	
Daniel	Nelson	
WRT	105	
02	May	2014	
Is	Computer	Poetry	Poetry?	Behind	the	Machine	of	Machine-Generated	Poetry	
Machine-generated	 poetry	 is	 essentially	 a	 string	 of	 text	 strung	 together	
through	a	step-by-step	process	to	resemble	poetry.	Automated	poetry	immediately	
raises	 the	 question	 of	 whether	 such	 text	 can	 be	 deemed	 poetry	 at	 all.	 Although	
automation	 can	 generate	 poems	 that	 fulfill	 the	 measurable	 stylistic	 demands	 of	 a	
poetic	form,	such	as	the	iambic	pentameter	of	a	sonnet,	it	seems	impossible	that	it	
can	 generate	 text	 that	 makes	 sense,	 let	 alone	 text	 that	 moves	 us.	 However,	 the	
poetry	produced	with	Charles	Hartman’s	programs	challenges	the	assumption	that	
there	 is	 nothing	 poetic	 about	 machine-generated	 poetry.	 The	 way	 he	 uses	 the	
machine	 underlines	 that	 the	 extent	 in	 which	 a	 machine-generated	 poem	 sounds	
poetic	depends	largely	on	how	a	person	collaborates	with	the	machine.						
“The	object	of	poetry	is	confessedly	to	act	upon	the	emotions,”	John	Stuart	
Mill	said.	Good	poetry	evokes	an	emotional	response	in	its	readers.	Since	a	machine	
cannot	think	and	feel	on	its	own	and	thus	cannot	assess	the	emotional	content	of	its	
work,	it	is	understandable	that	literary	critics	would	call	machine-generated	poetry	
mere	 imitations	 of	 the	 original.	 The	 main	 decisions	 a	 machine	 makes	 in	 creating	
poetry	are	choosing	words	and	arranging	the	word	order	based	on	a	set	of	random	
or	 arbitrary	 rules.	 Such	 random	 or	 arbitrary	 decisions	 do	 not	 guarantee	 that	 the	
resulting	text	will	have	any	emotional	impact.	A	machine	can	only	try	out	various
combinations	of	these	decisions	in	the	hopes	that	one	of	the	resulting	stanzas	has	
poetic	 potential.	 Unsurprisingly,	 such	 a	 process	 does	 not	 guarantee	 a	 high	
proportion	of	good	stanzas,	out	of	all	the	stanzas	produced.	Hartman	described	how	
he	 had	 to	 comb	 through	 “piles	 of	 computer	 paper,	 searching	 in	 vain	 for	 oracular	
truths”	even	after	he	has	done	various	fine-tuning	to	the	program	to	increase	the	
chances	of	getting	good	poetry.	In	comparison,	when	a	person	writes	poetry,	he	or	
she	 has	 access	 to	 his	 or	 her	 personal	 experiences	 and	 is	 able	 to	 ponder	 on	 their	
nuances	in	such	a	way	that	a	set	of	instructions	and	data	fails	to	encapsulate.	Since	
we	have	yet	to	program	a	machine	that	can	perfectly	imitate	the	way	we	process	
information	(and	it’s	arguable	if	that	is	even	possible)	and	thus	cannot	produce	a	
reasonable	proportion	of	poetry	that	actually	moves	us,	it	seems	conclusive	to	argue	
that	any	machine-generated	text	is	not	poetry.				
While	 it	 would	 be	 exceedingly	 difficult	 to	 program	 the	 complexity	 of	 our	
emotions	 and	 thoughts,	 this	 does	 not	 imply	 that	 machine-generated	 text	 has	 no	
poetic	quality.	Even	though	a	machine	does	not	have	a	mind	like	ours	but	a	limited	
set	of	input	and	instructions	(e.g.	word	banks	and	syntax	structures),	based	on	those	
input	alone,	it	can	create	thousands	of	word	combinations	that	we	normally	do	not	
use.	The	meaning	of	these	words	is	ambiguous	-	we	cannot	at	first	glance	discern	a	
single,	 clear	 meaning.	 Through	 this	 form	 of	 ambiguity,	 machine-generated	 poetry	
can	 act	 on	 our	 emotions	 and	 engage	 us.	 In	 Seven	 Types	 of	 Ambiguity,	 William	
Empson	 described	 ambiguity	 as	 “any	 verbal	 nuance,	 however	 slight,	 which	 gives	
room	for	alternative	reactions	to	the	same	piece	of	language.”	Ambiguity	is	seen	as	
an	 indispensable	 quality	 of	 good	 poetry	 because	 it	 leaves	 a	 poem	 open	 to	 a	 rich
variety	 of	 interpretations.	 Ambiguity	 gives	 poetry	 what	 Jane	 Hirshfield	 calls,	 the	
“mysterious	 surplus”.	 Through	 the	 juxtaposition	 of	 images	 and	 words	 that	 are	
seemingly	unrelated	by	the	standards	of	everyday	language,	a	poem	creates	an	area	
of	grayness	that	is	hard	to	grasp,	at	least	at	first	glance.		The	reader	is	invited	to	
ruminate	on	the	possible	meanings	that	can	be	constructed	based	on	not	just	the	
word	itself,	but	also	the	connection	between	each	word.	In	other	words,	the	reader	
fills	in	the	gaps	between	disjointed	words.	This	gap,	or	disjunction,	is	crucial	in	good	
poetry	 because	 it	 engages	 the	 reader	 to	 supplement	 the	 gaps	 with	 their	 own	
experiences,	thus	transforming	the	words	into	a	poem	that	resonates	personally.	It	
keeps	the	poem	fresh	as	each	reader	brings	a	different	interpretation	to	the	same	
So	how	effective	are	programmable	processes	at	creating	ambiguity?	When	
the	program	uses	a	randomness	function,	it	becomes	especially	effective	at	finding	
uncommon	 combination	 of	 words	 and	 images	 because	 it	 makes	 decisions	
unpredictably,	 uninfluenced	 by	 human	 preferences,	 will	 or	 circumstances.	 In	 the	
case	 of	 Hartman’s	 program,	 the	 program	 arranges	 parts	 of	 speech	 (e.g.	 adjective,	
noun)	 randomly	 to	 create	 a	 syntax	 template,	 before	 proceeding	 to	 fill	 up	 the	
template	with	randomly	selected	words	that	fit	the	syntax	demanded.	Without	any	
references	 to	 how	 people	 actually	 combine	 words	 beyond	 grammatical	 rules,	 the	
resulting	text	is	largely	an	incongruous	arrangement	of	words	-	syntactically	correct	
yet	 rarely	 used	 in	 everyday	 life.	 If	 we	 measure	 a	 good	 poem	 by	 its	 degree	 of	
disjunction	alone,	we	find	that	an	automated	process	with	a	randomness	function	
generates	good	poetry.
The	 question	 then	 is,	 when	 does	 the	 gap	 become	 so	 large	 that	 it	 loses	 the	
audience?	A	poem	that	is	too	straightforward	becomes	clichéd	stale	poetry.	A	poem	
that	is	too	hard	to	comprehend	cannot	resonate	with	readers.	The	trade-off	between	
creating	enough	disjunction	and	leaving	behind	enough	clues	is	a	balancing	act	that	
poets	perform.	“In	literature,”	Robert	Frost	wrote	in	a	letter	to	John	Bartlett,	“it	is	
our	business	to	give	people	the	thing	that	will	make	them	say,	“Oh	yes	I	know	what	
you	mean.”	It	is	never	to	tell	them	something	they	don’t	know,	but	something	they	
know	and	hadn’t	thought	of	saying.”	In	other	words,	a	good	poem	involves	arranging	
words	in	such	a	way	that	is,	at	once,	familiar	and	unfamiliar	to	the	reader.	Coming	
up	 with	 unusual	 word	 combination	 is	 not	 enough	 to	 create	 good	 poetry.	 Good	
poetry	also	needs	to	echo	what	has	been	said	to	resonate	with	readers.	While	it	is	
very	simple	to	design	programs	to	find	unfamiliar	combinations	of	words,	it	is	an	
extremely	 hard	 task	 to	 design	 programs	 that	 can	 find	 and	 store	 all	 the	 common	
ways	people	use	language,	especially	when	people	find	new	ways	of	using	language.	
Since	it	is	difficult,	if	not	impossible,	to	reduce	the	balancing	act	to	a	set	of	machine-
executable	 procedures,	 getting	 a	 machine	 to	 generate	 text	 that	 resonates	 with	
people	would	be	like	finding	a	needle	in	the	haystack	of	infinity.		
However,	just	like	how	the	poet	does	not	require	all	the	knowledge	in	the	
world	to	create	good	poetry,	a	machine	does	not	need	to	model	all	the	ways	people	
use	words	in	order	to	generate	good	poetry.	Ferdinand	de	Saussure,	who	viewed	
language	 as	 a	 closed	 or	 self-contained	 system,	 would	 probably	 defend	 the	 notion	
that	 a	 machine	 can	 generate	 text	 that	 makes	 sense	 to	 people	 as	 long	 as	 it	 is	
programmed	 to	 obey	 syntax	 structures.	 If	 language	 is	 indeed	 a	 self-contained
system,	 any	 text	 (including	 machine-generated	 ones)	 with	 an	 identifiable	 syntax	
structure	 is	 enough	 to	 be	 comprehensible	 in	 terms	 of	 the	 way	 we	 understand	
A	case	in	point	would	be	Lewis	Carroll’s	famous	poem,	“Jabberwocky.”		
’Twas	brillig,	and	the	slithy	toves	
Did	gyre	and	gimble	in	the	wabe:	
All	mimsy	were	the	borogoves,	
And	the	mome	raths	outgrabe.	
Even	though	we	have	no	prior	knowledge	of	what	most	of	these	words	mean,	
it	 is	 not	 hard	 to	 guess	 what	 they	 mean	 because	 the	 underlying	 grammatical	
structure	 suggests	 the	 relationship	 between	 those	 words.	 “Brillig”	 is	 an	 adjective	
that	 seems	 to	 describe	 the	 weather.	 We	 can	 tell	 “toves”	 is	 a	 noun	 that	 probably	
refers	to	a	pack	of	animals	because	of	the	active	verbs	“gyre”	and	“gimble”.	Other	
kinds	of	poetry	also	work	similarly	by	obscuring	the	reference	of	the	word.	In	terms	
of	 balancing	 between	 the	 familiar	 and	 unfamiliar,	 it	 seems	 that	 good	 grammar	
already	 provides	 enough	 familiarity	 to	 any	 bizarre	 arrangement	 of	 words.	 Going	
down	this	road,	it	doesn’t	seem	far-fetched	to	claim	that	a	machine	with	the	ability	
to	generate	syntactically	sound	sentences	can	produce	poetry.		
	 Yet,	the	claim	that	“Jabberwocky”	engages	us	merely	because	of	its	syntax	is	
simplistic.	Even	though	we	do	not	use	those	words	in	daily	life,	they	bear	semblance	
to	words	we	do	use	in	such	a	way	that	we	can	build	a	context	around	them.	“Brillig”	
sounds	like	“brilliant”	and	“slithy”	sounds	like	“slithering”.	It	seems	that	these	words	
are	deliberately	chosen	to	sound	like	it	might	refer	to	an	actual	object	or	concept.	
Moreover,	the	way	the	words	are	grouped	together	also	inform	their	meanings,	such
as	 how	 “toves”,	 “gyre”	 and	 “gimble”	 create	 a	 notion	 of	 animals	 moving.	 	 Having	
correct	syntax	alone	is	not	sufficient	for	readers	to	find	familiarity	with	the	text.	The	
text	also	needs	to	suggest	a	context.	Again,	it	would	be	extremely	complicated	to	
reduce	all	the	ways	in	which	we	pick	and	arrange	words	to	express	a	context	into	a	
set	of	programmable	functions.	It	seems	that	machine-generated	text	could	never	
become	comprehensible	enough	to	resonate	with	readers.		
	 Hartman	ended	up	modifying	not	just	the	program	but	also	its	output,	many	
times,	in	fact.	Hartman	admitted	that	most	of	the	machine’s	original	output	did	not	
contain	the	“flashes	[…]	of	ordinary	or	extraordinary	lucidity”	he	had	hoped	they	
contained.	Granted,	he	did	find	“endless	tempting	sentences,	perhaps	one	in	five	or	
ten”	but	most	contained	so	much	disjunction	that	they	did	not	resonate	with	him.	In	
the	excerpt	below,	Hartman	commented	on	why	he	manually	modified	the	output	to	
make	it	sound	more	poetic.		
"The	 court	 of	 color	 (radiation	 of	 the	 center)	 is	 stress	 above	 any	 building."	
Nonsense,	yes,	but	with	the	subliminal	promise	of	an	image:	open	air,	surrounding	
white	buildings,	uncanny	color.	Take	out	"stress,"	which	is	abstract	in	this	context.	
Notice	that	"color"	makes	"radiation"	unnecessary	(though	the	connection	between	
them	may	have	first	called	my	attention	to	"color").	And	"court"	(as	in	"courtyard")	
might	 contain	 the	 implications	 of	 both	 "center"	 and	 "building"	 and	 made	 those	
words	 unnecessary.	 So	 "The	 court	 of	 color	 is	 .	 .	 ."	 what?	 Air,	 really,	 or	 all	 the	 air	
considered	as	a	whole:	"atmosphere."	"Atmosphere"	might	also	be	the	courtroom	of	
colors,	 judiciously	 discriminating	 near	 from	 far	 (as	 in	 aerial	 perspective),	 bright	
from	dim.		
But	"atmosphere"	could	never	have	been	produced	by	the	program,	not	being	
in	its	dictionary.	So,	came	the	subversive	voice,	add	it	to	the	dictionary.	
The	 decision	 to	 change	 the	 output	 does	 indicate	 the	 limited	 ability	 of	
programmable	processes	to	generate	full-fledged	poetry.	Hartman	could	have	added	
improvements	to	his	program	but	instead	he	chose	to	modify	the	output	directly.
Perhaps	he	was	tired	of	finding	a	poetic	line	among	thousands	of	machine-generated	
stanzas.	Perhaps	he	ran	out	of	ideas	on	how	to	improve	his	program.	Perhaps	he	
wanted	his	voice	to	surface	through	the	text.	Whatever	the	reason	may	be,	existing	
machine-generated	poetry	in	its	unedited	form	still	has	a	long	way	to	go	before	it	
can	sound	like	the	real	thing.			
Before	we	can	conclude	that	machine-generated	text	is	never	poetry,	let	us	
consider	one	last	argument.	Instead	of	viewing	Harman’s	modification	of	machine-
generated	poetry	as	cheating,	why	can’t	we	consider	it	as	editing?	After	all,	most	
poems	are	crafted	after	series	of	refinement.	The	machine	is	then	merely	a	tool	in	
the	poem-creation	process:	it	does	not	dictate	the	final	form	of	the	poem	but	merely	
serves	as	another	method	to	generate	poetic	ideas.	Moreover,	from	the	start	of	the	
creation	of	machine-generated	text,	a	human	is	always	involved:	one	needs	a	human	
to	design	the	computer	program.	Machine-generated	text	merely	hides	the	person	
involved	 in	 its	 creation	 but	 does	 not	 eliminate	 his	 presence.	 So	 why	 should	 we	
exclude	 the	 refinement	 of	 freshly	 automated	 text	 from	 the	 definition	 of	 machine-
generated	 text?	 By	 expanding	 the	 definition	 of	 automated	 text	 to	 include	 human	
edited	automated	text,	we	can	comfortably	state	that	computer	poetry	is	poetry.		
Given	this	redefinition	of	machine-generated	poetry,	the	program	becomes	
another	 tool	 to	 generate	 poetic	 material	 for	 the	 poet.	 Besides	 finding	 inspiration	
from	 the	 worldly	 and	 the	 otherworldly,	 poets	 have	 also	 been	 using	 arbitrary	 or	
random	decision-making	processes,	which	are	similar	to	programmable	processes,	
to	write	poetry.	One	example	would	be	how	mid-20th	century	American	poet	James
Merril	 used	 an	 Ouija	 board	 to	 dictate	 verses	 to	 him:	 the	 end	 result	 is	 an	 award-
winning	poem	“The	Changing	Light	at	Sandover”.		
Should	 we	 disdain	 the	 use	 of	 automation	 in	 the	 creation	 of	 a	 poem	 just	
because	of	its	arbitrariness?	We	are	eager	to	forget	how	randomness	plays	a	part	in	
the	creative	process.	When	we	look	at	say,	the	sonnet,	it	seems	arbitrary	that	each	
line	should	contain	five	iambs.	How	does	this	number	help	to	evoke	an	emotional	
response?	 Much	 like	 how	 poets	 have	 used	 various	 poetic	 forms	 to	 write	 poetry,	
Hartman	uses	the	randomness	function	and	the	syntax	template	to	find	new	ways	of	
combining	images.	A	machine	simply	applies	these	templates	to	a	great	amount	of	
input	at	a	speed	faster	than	what	a	human	can	do.	Could	Shakespeare	have	written	
his	 poems	 without	 the	 sonnet?	 Could	 Hartman	 have	 imagined	 his	 edited	 poems	
without	the	machine?	Even	though	there	is	no	definitive	explanation	on	how	these	
templates	 act	 on	 our	 emotions,	 they	 have	 curiously	 been	 found	 in	 poems	 that	
resonate	 with	 readers.	 So	 long	 as	 the	 poet	 uses	 the	 templates,	 or	 programmable	
processes,	in	such	a	way	that	the	final	form	of	the	poem	hits	the	sweet	spot	between	
the	familiar	and	the	unfamiliar,	computer	poetry	text	can	indeed	be	good	poetry.		
1. Carroll,	Lewis.	Alice's	Adventures	in	Wonderland.	New	York:	MacMillan,	1865.	
2. De	 Saussure,	 Ferdinand.	 Course	 in	 General	 Linguistics.	 Illinois:	 Open	 Court	
Publishing,	1983.	Print.
3. Devitt,	Michael,	and	Kim	Sterelny.	Language	and	Reality:	An	Introduction	to	
the	Philosophy	of	Language.	2nd	ed.	Cambridge:	A	Bradford	Book,	1999.	Print.	
4. Empson,	William.	Seven	Types	of	Ambiguity.	New	York:	Meridian	Books,	1960.		
5. Frost,	 Robert.	 The	 Letters	 of	 Robert	 Frost.	 Volume	 1.	 Ed.	 Sheehy,	 Donald	
Gerard;	Richardson,	Mark;	Faggen,	Robert.	Cambridge:	The	Belknap	Press	of	
Harvard	University	Press,	2014.	Print.	
6. Hartman,	 Charles	 O.	 Virtual	 Muse:	 Experiments	 in	 Computer	 Poetry.	
Connecticut:	Wesleyan	University	Press,	1996.	Print.	
7. Hirshfield,	 Jane.	 “Poetry,	 Transformation,	 and	 the	 Column	 of	 Tears.”	 The	
American	Poetry	Review.	42.6	(Nov/Dec	2013):	37.	Web.	17	Apr	2014.	
8. McHale,	Brian.	“Poetry	as	Prosthesis.”	Poetics	Today	21.1	(Spring	2000):	1-32.	
Web.	17	Apr	2014.	
9. Mill,	 John	 Stuart.	 “What	 is	 Poetry?”	 Essays	 on	 Poetry.	 South	 Carolina:	
University	of	South	Carolina	Press,	1976.	Print.	
10. Nemerov,	 Howard.	 "Poetry	 (literature)."	 Encyclopedia	 Britannica	 Online.	
Encyclopedia	Britannica,	n.d.	Web.	17	Apr	2014.

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Is Computer Poetry Poetry Kate Zeng

  • 1. Kate Zhiming Zeng Daniel Nelson WRT 105 02 May 2014 Is Computer Poetry Poetry? Behind the Machine of Machine-Generated Poetry Machine-generated poetry is essentially a string of text strung together through a step-by-step process to resemble poetry. Automated poetry immediately raises the question of whether such text can be deemed poetry at all. Although automation can generate poems that fulfill the measurable stylistic demands of a poetic form, such as the iambic pentameter of a sonnet, it seems impossible that it can generate text that makes sense, let alone text that moves us. However, the poetry produced with Charles Hartman’s programs challenges the assumption that there is nothing poetic about machine-generated poetry. The way he uses the machine underlines that the extent in which a machine-generated poem sounds poetic depends largely on how a person collaborates with the machine. “The object of poetry is confessedly to act upon the emotions,” John Stuart Mill said. Good poetry evokes an emotional response in its readers. Since a machine cannot think and feel on its own and thus cannot assess the emotional content of its work, it is understandable that literary critics would call machine-generated poetry mere imitations of the original. The main decisions a machine makes in creating poetry are choosing words and arranging the word order based on a set of random or arbitrary rules. Such random or arbitrary decisions do not guarantee that the resulting text will have any emotional impact. A machine can only try out various
  • 2. combinations of these decisions in the hopes that one of the resulting stanzas has poetic potential. Unsurprisingly, such a process does not guarantee a high proportion of good stanzas, out of all the stanzas produced. Hartman described how he had to comb through “piles of computer paper, searching in vain for oracular truths” even after he has done various fine-tuning to the program to increase the chances of getting good poetry. In comparison, when a person writes poetry, he or she has access to his or her personal experiences and is able to ponder on their nuances in such a way that a set of instructions and data fails to encapsulate. Since we have yet to program a machine that can perfectly imitate the way we process information (and it’s arguable if that is even possible) and thus cannot produce a reasonable proportion of poetry that actually moves us, it seems conclusive to argue that any machine-generated text is not poetry. While it would be exceedingly difficult to program the complexity of our emotions and thoughts, this does not imply that machine-generated text has no poetic quality. Even though a machine does not have a mind like ours but a limited set of input and instructions (e.g. word banks and syntax structures), based on those input alone, it can create thousands of word combinations that we normally do not use. The meaning of these words is ambiguous - we cannot at first glance discern a single, clear meaning. Through this form of ambiguity, machine-generated poetry can act on our emotions and engage us. In Seven Types of Ambiguity, William Empson described ambiguity as “any verbal nuance, however slight, which gives room for alternative reactions to the same piece of language.” Ambiguity is seen as an indispensable quality of good poetry because it leaves a poem open to a rich
  • 3. variety of interpretations. Ambiguity gives poetry what Jane Hirshfield calls, the “mysterious surplus”. Through the juxtaposition of images and words that are seemingly unrelated by the standards of everyday language, a poem creates an area of grayness that is hard to grasp, at least at first glance. The reader is invited to ruminate on the possible meanings that can be constructed based on not just the word itself, but also the connection between each word. In other words, the reader fills in the gaps between disjointed words. This gap, or disjunction, is crucial in good poetry because it engages the reader to supplement the gaps with their own experiences, thus transforming the words into a poem that resonates personally. It keeps the poem fresh as each reader brings a different interpretation to the same poem. So how effective are programmable processes at creating ambiguity? When the program uses a randomness function, it becomes especially effective at finding uncommon combination of words and images because it makes decisions unpredictably, uninfluenced by human preferences, will or circumstances. In the case of Hartman’s program, the program arranges parts of speech (e.g. adjective, noun) randomly to create a syntax template, before proceeding to fill up the template with randomly selected words that fit the syntax demanded. Without any references to how people actually combine words beyond grammatical rules, the resulting text is largely an incongruous arrangement of words - syntactically correct yet rarely used in everyday life. If we measure a good poem by its degree of disjunction alone, we find that an automated process with a randomness function generates good poetry.
  • 4. The question then is, when does the gap become so large that it loses the audience? A poem that is too straightforward becomes clichéd stale poetry. A poem that is too hard to comprehend cannot resonate with readers. The trade-off between creating enough disjunction and leaving behind enough clues is a balancing act that poets perform. “In literature,” Robert Frost wrote in a letter to John Bartlett, “it is our business to give people the thing that will make them say, “Oh yes I know what you mean.” It is never to tell them something they don’t know, but something they know and hadn’t thought of saying.” In other words, a good poem involves arranging words in such a way that is, at once, familiar and unfamiliar to the reader. Coming up with unusual word combination is not enough to create good poetry. Good poetry also needs to echo what has been said to resonate with readers. While it is very simple to design programs to find unfamiliar combinations of words, it is an extremely hard task to design programs that can find and store all the common ways people use language, especially when people find new ways of using language. Since it is difficult, if not impossible, to reduce the balancing act to a set of machine- executable procedures, getting a machine to generate text that resonates with people would be like finding a needle in the haystack of infinity. However, just like how the poet does not require all the knowledge in the world to create good poetry, a machine does not need to model all the ways people use words in order to generate good poetry. Ferdinand de Saussure, who viewed language as a closed or self-contained system, would probably defend the notion that a machine can generate text that makes sense to people as long as it is programmed to obey syntax structures. If language is indeed a self-contained
  • 5. system, any text (including machine-generated ones) with an identifiable syntax structure is enough to be comprehensible in terms of the way we understand poetry. A case in point would be Lewis Carroll’s famous poem, “Jabberwocky.” ’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe. Even though we have no prior knowledge of what most of these words mean, it is not hard to guess what they mean because the underlying grammatical structure suggests the relationship between those words. “Brillig” is an adjective that seems to describe the weather. We can tell “toves” is a noun that probably refers to a pack of animals because of the active verbs “gyre” and “gimble”. Other kinds of poetry also work similarly by obscuring the reference of the word. In terms of balancing between the familiar and unfamiliar, it seems that good grammar already provides enough familiarity to any bizarre arrangement of words. Going down this road, it doesn’t seem far-fetched to claim that a machine with the ability to generate syntactically sound sentences can produce poetry. Yet, the claim that “Jabberwocky” engages us merely because of its syntax is simplistic. Even though we do not use those words in daily life, they bear semblance to words we do use in such a way that we can build a context around them. “Brillig” sounds like “brilliant” and “slithy” sounds like “slithering”. It seems that these words are deliberately chosen to sound like it might refer to an actual object or concept. Moreover, the way the words are grouped together also inform their meanings, such
  • 6. as how “toves”, “gyre” and “gimble” create a notion of animals moving. Having correct syntax alone is not sufficient for readers to find familiarity with the text. The text also needs to suggest a context. Again, it would be extremely complicated to reduce all the ways in which we pick and arrange words to express a context into a set of programmable functions. It seems that machine-generated text could never become comprehensible enough to resonate with readers. Hartman ended up modifying not just the program but also its output, many times, in fact. Hartman admitted that most of the machine’s original output did not contain the “flashes […] of ordinary or extraordinary lucidity” he had hoped they contained. Granted, he did find “endless tempting sentences, perhaps one in five or ten” but most contained so much disjunction that they did not resonate with him. In the excerpt below, Hartman commented on why he manually modified the output to make it sound more poetic. "The court of color (radiation of the center) is stress above any building." Nonsense, yes, but with the subliminal promise of an image: open air, surrounding white buildings, uncanny color. Take out "stress," which is abstract in this context. Notice that "color" makes "radiation" unnecessary (though the connection between them may have first called my attention to "color"). And "court" (as in "courtyard") might contain the implications of both "center" and "building" and made those words unnecessary. So "The court of color is . . ." what? Air, really, or all the air considered as a whole: "atmosphere." "Atmosphere" might also be the courtroom of colors, judiciously discriminating near from far (as in aerial perspective), bright from dim. But "atmosphere" could never have been produced by the program, not being in its dictionary. So, came the subversive voice, add it to the dictionary. The decision to change the output does indicate the limited ability of programmable processes to generate full-fledged poetry. Hartman could have added improvements to his program but instead he chose to modify the output directly.
  • 7. Perhaps he was tired of finding a poetic line among thousands of machine-generated stanzas. Perhaps he ran out of ideas on how to improve his program. Perhaps he wanted his voice to surface through the text. Whatever the reason may be, existing machine-generated poetry in its unedited form still has a long way to go before it can sound like the real thing. Before we can conclude that machine-generated text is never poetry, let us consider one last argument. Instead of viewing Harman’s modification of machine- generated poetry as cheating, why can’t we consider it as editing? After all, most poems are crafted after series of refinement. The machine is then merely a tool in the poem-creation process: it does not dictate the final form of the poem but merely serves as another method to generate poetic ideas. Moreover, from the start of the creation of machine-generated text, a human is always involved: one needs a human to design the computer program. Machine-generated text merely hides the person involved in its creation but does not eliminate his presence. So why should we exclude the refinement of freshly automated text from the definition of machine- generated text? By expanding the definition of automated text to include human edited automated text, we can comfortably state that computer poetry is poetry. Given this redefinition of machine-generated poetry, the program becomes another tool to generate poetic material for the poet. Besides finding inspiration from the worldly and the otherworldly, poets have also been using arbitrary or random decision-making processes, which are similar to programmable processes, to write poetry. One example would be how mid-20th century American poet James
  • 8. Merril used an Ouija board to dictate verses to him: the end result is an award- winning poem “The Changing Light at Sandover”. Should we disdain the use of automation in the creation of a poem just because of its arbitrariness? We are eager to forget how randomness plays a part in the creative process. When we look at say, the sonnet, it seems arbitrary that each line should contain five iambs. How does this number help to evoke an emotional response? Much like how poets have used various poetic forms to write poetry, Hartman uses the randomness function and the syntax template to find new ways of combining images. A machine simply applies these templates to a great amount of input at a speed faster than what a human can do. Could Shakespeare have written his poems without the sonnet? Could Hartman have imagined his edited poems without the machine? Even though there is no definitive explanation on how these templates act on our emotions, they have curiously been found in poems that resonate with readers. So long as the poet uses the templates, or programmable processes, in such a way that the final form of the poem hits the sweet spot between the familiar and the unfamiliar, computer poetry text can indeed be good poetry. Bibliography 1. Carroll, Lewis. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. New York: MacMillan, 1865. Print. 2. De Saussure, Ferdinand. Course in General Linguistics. Illinois: Open Court Publishing, 1983. Print.
  • 9. 3. Devitt, Michael, and Kim Sterelny. Language and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language. 2nd ed. Cambridge: A Bradford Book, 1999. Print. 4. Empson, William. Seven Types of Ambiguity. New York: Meridian Books, 1960. 5. Frost, Robert. The Letters of Robert Frost. Volume 1. Ed. Sheehy, Donald Gerard; Richardson, Mark; Faggen, Robert. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014. Print. 6. Hartman, Charles O. Virtual Muse: Experiments in Computer Poetry. Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 1996. Print. 7. Hirshfield, Jane. “Poetry, Transformation, and the Column of Tears.” The American Poetry Review. 42.6 (Nov/Dec 2013): 37. Web. 17 Apr 2014. 8. McHale, Brian. “Poetry as Prosthesis.” Poetics Today 21.1 (Spring 2000): 1-32. Web. 17 Apr 2014. 9. Mill, John Stuart. “What is Poetry?” Essays on Poetry. South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press, 1976. Print. 10. Nemerov, Howard. "Poetry (literature)." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 17 Apr 2014.